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—| fire ie — [Ploms asethe baste Units of Mater < dbiy Sheucture. of elements: fs change eet fe nt of the tothe Concentou. lca the en electron on axound the nucleus just as planet. x2 Jalve. [aausba bs it Could net exploin—the unigue— FE - eal ee ate estes es ¢ rae = Ine. f= * @ as _ = > ey TS] OOS ZnS — - = = ~— SCTE eee hy Abbut 4.4 -pesticle SS rn ZBOCoa-parh cles aa "Yefiacted back Mg \bsemiahbns = ~_Olmoay of the A-pawhicles_passeal though the geld foil _crithout any del tection: out Orl44eo the —par ——— lea a tH a About one d-part lei over R000 S=perhicles deflected by moexe than So’. @) The numbee of x= paxhicle Scattereal peru ihe (0) at Scatrens & inversel: int Ty , N(o) int -O44— Gh The fore blur t- par h'eles 4. nucleus given f= 1 Caed(ze) | 41 Eo ae where wis the distance: Dw the A=parhicles gd the snuclous- IComelusionge= Pijom has a lot of empty pare & pacictically the entre ama £ the tom i Pisccch to'sm ¢ ai ) Sve ts ofthe onder from io 'Sm to 16"*m QS cate Saing of a- parhicles C fos Hels charged. ts dut to the Coulomb's law for clertzostah's fore of — nepulatan Plo the pesibve chasge of mucous 4 > Bi Distmce bio electron | nuclow ie Few 10 to 108 imes the Sire of tho #-nucleus itself + i is the clistamse of the velocity vectar of as sports am the teste! tne af the mila’ t SB] cc Asccaplinos af Riker fonds Blom Modket $- | Atom Consists of Small Contr) Core. Called Prttomic Nucleus in which whole mas & posih chai qe—ts_assumed| to be Concon tented + _ The Size of nucleus lex than the ela : we of tes! = 1 e The nucleus is Surreuncecl_by electons 4 ast ¢ cle ctaicol ly sou tse) + ——* [iste of closest Appacache Ata Cortain cistance to from the “nucleu Whole of the K-t-. of Se particles Conerts into elerhostuhe potenhral energy mal &~ Parhicles Cannel go firth close to nucle 3 ——___|this clistemee C%) "5 called! cl Aistemco of closest cppryoach* tht given a el ~Q@zZ0* t1€o kK — Yo = 2zer t 1 47" Chmaa) | where m= mass of a= parsthcle: re Ve Bnihtal veloctty a a= parhtle- Angle of ering (8) Angle by vohich ~ , a ee Path around the nucleus i's a \ecl_angle of _S, atleming : Pexpon Itcular_olishemce ot the velocity vector of A= parhicle. Bom the conten! line of the ~nuclew af the atom i's called “Tmpack parameter co al b= 7 4 Eo Nee © e2here , bb = i met 8 = Angle of Scattening E+ = > Ktnehe energy fa: particle = "ary Tn Case of Head ~on = colliston, the. impact wminimumn 4 the d-parh le_sebound pai wmeter back (=n) +e: Acflechen (=o) She atom as cn alechicaly ne vionl_sphere Jng_af a ver small ; massive emoal_ posi levy uclou at the Contre sureesmcled hy Ye We Fable osbits- The elechostahe fooce af allaacton fo Blas the _ revolving elects 4 co i | force Fe keep a ____||Yhem tn their orbily. Same icy | a fe = $c mvs chal a 4g 3* | Le 4T€0 yn: | the We- Ck) ‘ electrostebte Paes (U) oF the oe” in Heber ~alom_are ~ le Zoe tS ad brer | Thus.the toto) secherni ca mengy of de cloctem Mn _a H=aibem } z be Keg =e s —___ fires The total energy F the election i, saeghive this implies the fact thai the: electren_'s bound to_the -nucleas+ . _) =p)Deataaaes of. s i” C ould nol explain lability of ato m0 m_cleary- | Unable to explatn line spectevems caithout the emisston of salient enengy comtucsy fo jhe _preclichtns of ele tromagneh'c theory - a 5 . - evolves ammund the smucleus. aly in these arhil. IG which the emgulae snomentum i —seme iolegan\ soul hple of. Flan phere he Yhe planck's consinat (6-6 x 16" Ss) WHEE N= 2%, 3—- tee = ny af Ts iS also callec| principal quantum Murabere - 1+ \ r A mniaht make a tansibie, from ame onk of ds Ispeci fea! Mon. ucliating exbis to anathes of owoex energy hen 1+ cloes So, a photon is emi i enexg wa) to the omens Aifforence between the kdl “and Raa! _steles + The Frequency of the lemibled Chote is given Ye: =E-E |[schose Er2 €e aro the energie of the so wnitial & Baal states anel ft > EF Clerhen atoms ex: ions con be callec he! uu a eq Singly—tonisesl_holium Che") 2. doubly iomisedl_ Lithium CUiet) - juacl \ ee ete let_e,m + y he sespechvely the charge, mass & velocity of the lection amd x be the f ‘ho oxbit-_ The posi hue charge on the mircleus 1's 2e where z's Hp atom Number Cin case of _ Hegtom Z=1). A the *centn'pe ta) Lorre +2¢_have aw edve ae 4 itee myt = Ze* TH ET @ from the Seconel postulate , the mg ula L . smomentim of the elect ts” ao = @ nh i where N=1,%3---— Is PH NtpPal (Morar Me- Basa or 48 (eS gathe | @) \ 7m ze | This is the \ Mt @ Pex mitted odbituls fcc cling to thi eqn. Yarns ss Sine n2t23-.. ib. Pollewsthat the aadit af the Permitted epbils mesease in the bodes Musseig, ow the fret gobs} Yon, wh 2 net equally spared ___ = ue ot it (m=t) of H-alem ¢z=l) will be [= Fe | LE met] This te called “Bohs sadiu Kile value fs 53 4 Since, wart jhe seadius f the second oabit of Li-alom will be ¢4x0153)A omc Yhot of dhe thivel exit (9x 9-534, Vel city of clecruns In posmitted osxhile x ye 22 ' rhe, ~ | where, oyincl pal quccn}um Mes = 19----~ Hx re , Lt The velocity of o7 in the Rest onhi} (n=i) of H=alom (2-1) I's Ree ep ees {the 133) rig Jhe No. of evolutions completed poo cond by the @ ma stntonany eure ET FIG Qe kzer | en kK nhy, The energy | of cn electean in an otbit 7g [she Sime af Kinehic £ prlonbial emerge [——k-E = 1 mut = Ze cB ES — [he = tat ang J [Pez —aghc] whee R= Rylbeoy, ne Comghoutr Aloo | \Pe- = ~2( Renehe em 29.) The tolal_ en gy of the electron Ee KEtPE = zer Zee) B Neo ante Ge —zert __ Rhe L an toe aa Sub Hiking fir a fem enn @ _we get: ‘Nes =mzet (1 whore. L sec VU) nena. ae i ='3+6 @y na Sea = tate of the atom is_calléd the qiaund tote + The _encagy of this. Skile is -13-6 &. “I Theaefore , Ye wmiinivns eneays, \ to Yhe & feo sthe He =B16 eve it is callea| tuntsahin tneags &the H—-atom: The ators moay acquire ears enskgy te talie glec’ ‘ ue wr ff the atom is said to be ine mi stale V of the ernitle. Pcconstig to Bona ¥inel poshlate the ee, Wave »), mo y= Ext) 2 roztot (1 h stew Laz) The enatapomnding-oimuclenggh dof the-esiteel sackfahton iven bs, 1 v ates (1 Ind Ae serch Lm 7] TVET u xe fil Pa me | where _M A = wave number Cmne-of waves pen unit &£ oe lengh) weet | Ri Rdbers constant ame i R=). 053x \o on! HHiydangen Spec ung ine pe H on tea k{L : ) : where, n= 3, a PS wT] ~ where Rats Cons tent Collect Ryclivedg Comshed So V4 = lS22 1o® ont = 686.39 ue m= 3 Leymann Senie in_the culraveilet Regicn < Pascht Bactetr& P Rind in the Srfocineel fen em: The weave lendhs of line © Sonics faa ‘ a ae oe hee =.2,3,4 === 7 (fo where = 377 S=-> a a pane a where AF E HG Boruc kt Soni tia infin giat:- he Neu Emery © ey) ok Seo lms} T T Lb = p5b i decree a. ; aT Sens ~ Ses 03 — ee eras ~ soumel Sede Bel —— m=) Lyre . } SENG, TIRE 0 is the quicetlunn “a6 oi the ‘nighes b enesay love pow. Wweol in trancihtens then Stel soumbea of Spectre) line emitect | 2 aryns Oh OV, fo me ae || Sse "@ Angulo wacrenlum of e valuing tn aa) _exbil saust be on ‘sieges! on ‘ of Meg esl ich by Bohan his cond Pople — Phiitodions ef Badass mace? practice ete nee Spectel line —_ atom - Dees not explain nbour Shape oF exh!) for more visit @Edustudy point

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