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ions, Think about what words, nat type of words, might go e gas. Sue Lee is an acrobat. She work circus that travels, around the world, so she stays, Her daily (a) Most days, she gets up at 7g @) sheis in, she walks or tak evening's (3) Normally, Sue does ei twoaday, soit’ (6) sure she has a healt fruit, vegetables ar 6) [ch question, choose the correct answer C routine =D € early way B custom ‘A ready B better A play B audience € presentation Aheavy Bhard — € huge A food B dish c diet 6 Amake B get € hold D go Boker) + You have time before you listen to read the questions. Read the first ine, the question and the options carefully. * Underline the key words in the question. You may not hear the exact words in the recording: try o think of other ‘words that have a similar meaning 0 you can listen for those foo. © er each question, choose the corec answer. 2. Youwill heara mother and her son talking about his ‘ld school books. What do they decide to do with his books? ‘A put them away in his bedroom B_ givethem to someone else throw them away 2. Youwill hear a boy telling his friend about helping athome. How does he feel about? A excitedby the idea B annoyed that his brother doesn't help € confident thatit won't take long 3. Youwill hear two college students talking about a trip. The man sayshe will miss the trip because ‘A he's going away with his parents. B he hasn't got the ight equipment. © hehas made a mistake with the date. 4 You will hear two friends talking about a TV series. What does the man like about the series? A. itshows realistic family situations. B_Ithas good actors. € Ithad a surprising ending. 5 Youwill hear a woman talking toa friend abouta house. What is the problem with the woman's new house? A It’s too far from her work. B Thereare too few bedrooms. © There’s no space for her car. 6 Youwill hear two friends talking about a shopping centre. They agree that A ithasa good variety of shops. B ithas improved the town. € it's ina convenient location. iy ile and home

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