Kindly Accomplish The Form Below and Send It Back To Your Child's Adviser. Thank You

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Kindly accomplish the form below and send it back to your child’s adviser.

Thank you.


We have read and fully understood the contents of the General Reminders on School Policies
for SY2023-2024. We agree to abide by all the policies contained herein.

Francesca Isabelle C. Felisilda

______________________________ Senior Nursery - Malusog
Child’s name Level and section

Rydell D. Felisilda
______________________________ 07/28/23
Parents’ name and signature Date


The school requests the consent of parents for teachers to be able to take photos of their children
and their work and output, both academic and non-academic, as they conduct and participate in
school activities for documentation purposes. These images and videos may likewise be published in
the school’s official and/or departmental website/s and social media, school paper and newsletters,
for education and promotional purposes.

We signify our consent to CJPS regarding the aforementioned. We will notify the school if we
decide to withdraw this consent.

Francesca Isabelle C. Felisilda

______________________________ Senior Nursery - Malusog
Child’s name Level and section

Rydell D. Felisilda
______________________________ 07/28/23
Parents’ name and signature Date

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