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Lesson 2: Hobbies

/ɒ/ & /ɔː/
Present Simple
Lesson 2: Hobbies

/ɒ/ & /ɔː/
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Dog (n): chú chó, Dog

chú cún

Lesson 2: Hobbies
Cute (adj): dễ thương, /dɒg/
đáng yêu /kjuːt/
It’s a cute dog
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Hot (adj): nóng
It’s hot
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Box (n): cái hộp
Empty(adj): trống rỗng /ˈemp.ti/
The box is empty
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Job (n): công việc Job

Need (v): cần, cần có /ni:d/ /dʒɒb/
He needs a job
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Cost (v): giá, trị giá

A lot: nhiều /ə lɒt/ /kɒst/
It costs a lot
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Clock (n): đồng hồ Clock

Look at (v): nhìn vào /lʊk æt/ /klɒk/
Look at the clock
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Hobby (n): sở thích Hobby
Have (v): có, sở hữu /həv/ /'hɒbi/
Many: nhiều /ˈmen.i/ I have many hobbies
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Coffee (n): cà phê Coffee
Some: một vài/ít /səm/ /'kɒfi/
Like (v): thích /ˈlaɪk/ Would you like some coffee?
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Sorry: xin lỗi, lấy làm tiếc

Late (adj): muộn /leit/ /'sɒri/
Sorry I’m late
Doctor Lesson 2: Hobbies

Doctor (n): bác sỹ /ˈdɒktə(r)/

He is a doctor
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Ball (n): quả bóng ball


Lesson 2: Hobbies

Play (v): chơi /plei/ Ball

With: với, cùng với /wɪð/ /bɔːl/
He is playing with the ball
Saw Lesson 2: Hobbies

See (v): (nhìn) thấy /si:/ /sɔː/

Saw: đã nhìn thấy /sɔː/
Night (n): tối, đêm /nait/ I saw him last night
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Talk (v): nói chuyện Talk

Class (n): lớp học /klaes/ /tɔːk/
No talking in the class
Short Lesson 2: Hobbies

Short (adj): lùn /ʃɔːrt/

She is short
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Door (n): cửa

Open (adj): mở /ˈəʊ.pən/ /dɔːr/
The door is open
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Four: bốn, tư /ˈfɔː(r)/
She is four
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Daughter (n): con gái Daughter

Have (v): có /haev/ /ˈdɔːtər/
She has a daughter
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Sport (n): thể thao Sport

Love (v): yêu, yêu thích /ˈlʌv/ /ˈspɔːt/
I love sport
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Small (adj): nhỏ, nhỏ bé

So: quá /ˈsəʊ/ /’smɔːl/
She’s so small
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Autumn (n): mùa thu Autumn

Come (v): đến, tới /kʌm/ /ˈɔːtəm/
Autumn is coming
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Present (adj): hiện tại
Simple (adj): đơn, đơn giản
Tense (n): Thì

Present simple tense
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ
I am


We are




Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ
(+) S + is/am/are + Adj/N + ...

Eg: I am a waitress
He is really tired
Waitress (n): bồi bàn nữ /ˈweɪ.trɪs/ The bag is so ugly
Really (adv): thật sự, rất /ˈrɪə.li/ They are policemen
Tired (adj): mệt /ˈtaɪəd/ We are very thirsty
Bag (n): túi, túi xách /bæɡ/ She is my old boss
Ugly (adj): xấu, xấu xí /ˈʌ.ɡli/
Policemen (n): cảnh sát /pə.ˈliː.smən/
Thirsty (adj): khát nước /ˈθɜː.sti/
Boss (n): sếp /bɒs/
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ

(-) S + is/am/are + not + Adj/N + ...

Eg: I am a waitress
→ I am not a waitress
He is really tired
→ He isn’t really tired
The bag is so ugly
→ The bag isn’t so ugly
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ

(-) S + is/am/are + not + Adj/N + ...

Eg: They are policemen

→ They aren’t policemen
We are very thirsty
→ We aren’t very thirsty
She is my old boss
→ She isn’t my old boss
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ

(?) Is/Am/Are + S + Adj/N

+ ...?

Eg: I am wrong
Wrong (adj): sai /rɒŋ/ → Am I wrong?
Footballer (n): cầu thủ bóng đá No, you are not/ Yes, you are
He is a footballer
→ Is he a footballer?
No, he isn’t/ Yes, he is
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ

(?) Is/Am/Are + S + Adj/N

Eg: They are bankers
+ ...?
→ Are they banker?
No, they aren’t/ Yes, they are

We are late for the class

→ Are we late for the class?
No, we aren’t/ Yes, we are

Banker (adj): giám đốc ngân

hàng /ˈbæŋkə/
Late (adj): muộn, trễ /leɪt/
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ

(+) I/you/we/they + V (nguyên thể)

Ex: I love music

You learn very well
We hate coffee
Music (n): âm nhạc /ˈmjuː.zɪk/
Learn (v): học /lɜːn/
They run fast
Well (adv): giỏi, tốt /wel/
Hate (v): ghét /heɪt/
Run (v): chạy /rʌn/
Fast (adv): nhanh / fɑːst/
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ

(-) I/you/we/they + do not/don’t

+ V(nt) + …

Ex: I love music →

You learn very well →
We hate coffee →
They run fast →
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ

(?) Do + I/you/we/they + V(nt) + ….?

Ex: I love music →

You learn very well →
We hate coffee →
They run fast →
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ

(+) She/he/it + V(s/es)

Ex: She plays the piano

He loves cakes
This table has 3 legs
Piano (n): piano / pɪ.ˈæ.nəʊ/
Cake (n): bánh /keɪk/
Table (n): bàn /ˈteɪb.l/
Leg (n): chân /leɡ/
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ

(-) She/he/it + does not/ doesn’t + V(nt)

Ex: She plays the piano →

He loves cakes →
This table has 3 legs →
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Động từ

(?) Does + She/he/it + V(nt)?

Ex: She plays the piano →

He loves cakes →
This table has 3 legs →
Lesson 2: Hobbies

How to use
Present simple tense?
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Go (v): đi /ɡəʊ/
School (n): trường học /skuːl/
Every : mỗi /ˈev.ri/
Day (n): ngày /deɪ/

Hành động
thường xuyên xảy
lặp đi lặp lại

He goes to school at 7 every day

Lesson 2: Hobbies
Often (adv): thường /ˈɒf.n̩ /
Go shopping (v): đi mua sắm /ɡəʊ
Weekend (adv) : cuối tuần /wiːk.ˈend/

They often go shopping at weekend

Lesson 2: Hobbies
My : của tôi /maɪ̩ /
Mother (n): mẹ, má /ˈmʌð.ə/
Usually (adv) : thường xuyên /ˈjuː.ʒə.li/
Make (v): làm /ˈmeɪk/
Sandwitch (n): bánh sandwich /ˈsæn.wɪdʒ/
Breakfast (n): bữa sáng /ˈbrek.fəst/

My mother usually makes sandwiches for

Lesson 2: Hobbies

Come (v): đến, tới /kʌm//

Back (adv) : lại, trở lại /ˈbæk̩ /
Home (n): nhà /həʊm/
Once (adv) : một lần /wʌns/
Month (n): tháng /mʌnθ/

Lan comes back home once a month

Lesson 2: Hobbies

Lesson 2: Hobbies

Walk (v): đi bộ /wɔːk̩ /

Drink (v): uống sữa /drɪŋk/
Milk (n): sữa /mɪlk̩ / 1, Tôi đi bộ đến trường (walk: đi bộ)
Cinema (n): rạp chiếu phim /ˈsɪ.nə.mə/ → I walk to school.
Go to work (v): đi làm /ɡəʊ tə ˈwɜːk/

2, Cô ấy không uống sữa mỗi sáng

→ She doesn’t drink milk in the morning.

3, Lan và Hoa đi xem phim mỗi cuối tuần.

→ Lan and Hoa go to the cinema at weekend.

4, Họ có đến đi làm vào thứ 7 không?

→ Do they go to work on Saturday?
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Train (n): tàu, con tàu /treɪn/
Leave (v) : rời đi /liːv̩ /

The train leaves at 7

Lịch trình,
thời gian biểu
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Lesson (n): bài học /ˈles.n̩ /

Start (v) : bắt đầu /stɑːt̩ /

The lesson starts at 7 p.m

Lesson 2: Hobbies

Lesson 2: Hobbies

Tonight (adv): tối nay /tə.ˈnaɪt̩ /

Maths (n): toán, toán học /mæθs/
Tomorrow (adv): ngày mai /ə.ˈmɒ.rəʊ̩ / 1, Bộ phim “Friends” bắt đầu lúc 8h tối nay.
Morning (n): buổi sáng /ˈmɔːn.ɪŋ/ → “Friends” starts at 8 tonight.

2, Chúng ta có tiết học toán mỗi thứ sáu.

→ We have Maths every Friday.

3, Chúng ta có tiết học tiếng Anh ngày mai.

→ We have English class tomorrow.

4, Xe buýt rời đi lúc 9h hàng sáng.

→ The bus leaves at 9 every morning.
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Sun (n): mặt trời /sʌn̩ /

Rise (v) : mọc /raɪz̩ /
East (n): Đông, phía Đông /iːst/

Sự thật hiển nhiên,

chân lý luôn đúng

The Sun rises in the East

Lesson 2: Hobbies

Water (n): nước /ˈwɔː.tə̩ /

Heavy (adj): nặng /ˈ̩ /
Ice (n): băng, đá băng /aɪs/

Water is heavier than ice

Lesson 2: Hobbies

Lesson 2: Hobbies
Tree (n): cây, cây xanh /triː̩/
Need (v): cần /ni:d/
Capital (n): thủ đô /ˈkæ.pɪ.təl̩ /
Gold (n): vàng /ɡəʊld/
Expensive (adj): đắt đỏ /ɪk.ˈspen.sɪv/

1, Cây cần nước

→ Trees need water.

2, Hà Nội là thủ đô của Việt Nam

→ Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam.

3,Vàng rất đắt đỏ.

→ Gold is very expensive.
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Chỉ cảm xúc, suy

nghĩ tại thời điểm

She likes him

Lesson 2: Hobbies

Lan hates dogs

Lesson 2: Hobbies

Lesson 2: Hobbies

1, Họ yêu âm nhạc
→ They love music.

2, Cô ấy ghét sandwich
→ She hates sandwiches.

3, Đứa trẻ không thích sữa

→ The child doesn’t like milk.
Lesson 2: Hobbies

What are your hobbies?
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Reading (n): việc đọc sách /ˈriːd.ɪŋ̩ / /ˈriːdɪŋ/
I love reading
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Listen (v): nghe /ˈlɪs.n̩̩ /

Listen to music
Music (n): âm nhạc /ˈmjuː.zɪk/ /ˈlɪsn̩ tə ˈmjuːzɪk /
She listens to music every night
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Cook (v): nấu, nấu nướng /ˈkʊk̩̩ / /ˈkʊkɪŋ/
Cooking (n): việc nấu nướng
/ˈkʊkɪŋ/ My sister loves cooking
Sister (n): chị / em gái /ˈsɪ.stə/
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Watch TV
Watch (v): xem /wɒtʃ̩̩ / /wɒtʃ ˌtiːˈviː/
Spend (v): dành /spend/ He spends all day watching TV
All : tất cả /ɔːl/
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Mad (adj): điên, điên Go shopping
cuồng /mæd̩̩ / /ɡəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/
About: về (việc gì) /ə.ˈbaʊt/ My mother is mad about shopping
Shopping (n): việc mua
sắm /ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ/
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Take photos
Photo (n): ảnh, bức ảnh /ˈfəʊ.təʊ̩̩ / /teɪk ˈfəʊtəʊz/
Take photos (v): chụp ảnh /teɪk
She takes photos of everything
Everything: mọi thứ /ˈev.rɪ.θɪŋ/
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Play football
Football (n): bóng đá /ˈfʊt.bɔːl̩̩ / /pleɪ ˈfʊtbɔːl/
Friend (n): bạn /ˈfrend/ Does he play football with his
After: sau, sau khi /ˈɑːf.tə/
friends after school?
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Surf the net
Surf (v): lướt /sɜːf̩̩ / /sɜːrf ðə net/
The net (n): mạng Internet I surf the net every night
/ðə net/
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Hang out
Hang out (v): tụ tập /hæŋ ˈaʊt/
At weekend: vào cuối tuần /hæŋ aʊt/
/ət wiːk.ˈend/ I hang out with my friends
at weekend
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Play cards
Card (n): thẻ, bài /kɑːd/ /pleɪ kɑːrdz/
Play cards (v): chơi bài We often play cards after dinner
/ˈpleɪ kɑːdz/
Dinner (n): bữa tối /ˈdɪ.nə/
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Benefit (n): lợi ích /ˈbe.nɪ.fɪt/

How to talk about
Hobbies’ benefits?
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Make me relaxed
Make (v): làm, khiến /ˈmeɪk/
/ˈmeɪk miː rɪ.ˈlækst/
Relaxed (adj): thư giãn /rɪ.ˈlækst/
Listening to music makes me relaxed
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Make me strong
Strong (adj): mạnh, khỏe
/ˈmeɪk miː strɒŋ/
mạnh /strɒŋ/
Sports (n): thể thao /spɔːts/ I like playing sports. It makes me strong
Help me keep fit and Lesson 2: Hobbies

Help (v): giúp, giúp đỡ /help/ stay healthy

Keep fit (v): giữ dáng /kiːp fɪt/ /help miː kiːp fɪt ænd steɪ ˈhel.θi /
Healthy (adj): khỏe mạnh /ˈhel.θi/
Jogging helps me keep fit and
Stay healthy (v): giữ cơ thể khỏe mạnh
/steɪ ˈhel.θi/ stay healthy
Jogging (n): việc chạy bộ /ˈdʒɒ.ɡɪŋ/
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Broaden my mind
Broaden (v): mở mang, mở rộng /ˈbrɔːd.n̩ maɪ maɪnd/
/ˈbrɔːd.n̩ /
Mind (n): đầu óc /maɪnd/
Reading broadens my mind
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Kill the time
Kill (v): giết /kil/ /kɪl ðə ˈtaɪm/
Time (n): Thời gian /taɪm/ I often surf the net to kill the time
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Make me happy
Make (v): khiến, làm /meik/ /ˈmeɪk miː ˈhæp.i/
Happy (adj): hạnh phúc /ˈhæp.i/
Food (n): đồ ăn /fuːd/
Cooking food for my family makes
Family (n): gia đình /ˈfæ.mə.li/ me happy
Lesson 2: Hobbies
Relieve stress
Relieve (v): giảm, giải tỏa /rɪ.ˈliːv/
/rɪ.ˈliːv stres/
Stress (n): căng thẳng /stres/
By : bẳng cách /baɪ/ I usually relieve stress by eating a lot
Eat (v): ăn /iːt/ of good food
A lot of: nhiều /ə lɒt ɒv/
Lesson 2: Hobbies


Lesson 2: Hobbies


What is your I love reading

Lesson 2: Hobbies

Why do you like Because It helps

reading? broaden my mind
Lesson 2: Hobbies

How often do
you read?
I often read every night
Lesson 2: Hobbies

What kinds of book do

you read? I love picture books and
Lesson 2: Hobbies

Well, I like music. I listen to music anytime and

anywhere: on the bus, on the train, when I’m taking a
shower or even when I’m working. I’m really into V-pop
and American music. I’m a big fan of Taylor Swift. It’s
great that I can learn English from her songs.

Anytime: bất cứ khi nào /ˈər /

Anywhere: bất cứ ở đâu /’ˌtaɪm/
Bus (n): xe buýt /bʌs/
Take a shower (v): tắm /teɪk ə ˈʃaʊə/
Work (v): làm việc /ˈwɜːk /
Be into something: thích …. / ɪn.tə/
Fan (n): người hâm mộ /fæn/
Lesson 2: Hobbies


Besides, I’m also quite fond of reading. I love fictions and

biographies. I usually spend 1 hour reading every day.
I think reading is a very good hobby because it helps
broaden my mind and makes me relaxed as well.

Besides: ngoài ra /bɪ.ˈsaɪdz/

Also: cũng /bɪ.ˈsaɪdz/
Quite (adv): khá /kwaɪt/
Be fond of (v): thích /fɒnd ɒv/
Fiction (n): tiểu thuyết /ˈfɪk.ʃn̩ /
Biography (n): tự truyện /baɪ.ˈɒ.ɡrə.fi/
Because : bởi vì /bɪˈkɒz/
Lesson 2: Hobbies


I also love sports, especially badminton and jogging.

I often go jogging every morning after getting up. I
only play badminton at the weekend with my close
friend cause’ he’s quite busy during weekdays.

Especially (adv): đặc biệt là /ɪ.ˈspe.ʃə.li/

Badminton (n): bóng bàn /ˈbæd.mɪn.tən/
Jogging (n): sự chạy bộ /ˈdʒɒ.ɡɪŋ/ Busy (adj): bận rộn /ˈbɪ.zi/
Morning (n): buổi sáng /ˈmɔːn.ɪŋ/ During: trong suốt /ˈdjʊər.ɪŋ/
Get up (v): thức dạy /ˈɡet ʌp̩ / Weekdays: ngày trong tuần /ˈwiːk.deɪz/
Close friend (n): bạn thân /kləʊz frend/
Cause’ : bởi vi /ˈkɒz/
Lesson 2: Hobbies


I think everyone should play at least one

sport because it’s really good for our health,
helps us keep fit and release stress as well.

Think (v): nghĩ /ˈθɪŋk/

Everyone: mỗi người /ˈev.rɪ.wʌn/
At least: ít nhất /ət liːst/
Really (v): thật sự /ˈrɪə.li/
Our: của chúng ta/tôi /ˈaʊə/
Health (n): sức khỏe /helθ/
As well: cũng /əz wel̩ /

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