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Information on Student and Previous Schools Attended

Applying to Grade School Year Application Date
Name of Student - First Middle Surname
Name Student is Called by Gender M F
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Country of Birth Nationality
Other Nationalities Held Language Spoken at Home
Physical Home Address of Student
Date of Student’s Arrival in Uganda Expected Date of Student Starting School
English Language Proficiency - Spoken Fluent Good Basic None
English Language Proficiency - Written Fluent Good Basic None
Does the Student have Special Educational or Physical Needs - if yes, Please Describe

1. Name of Previous School Attended

E-Mail Address
Physical Address of School Telephone
From Grade/ Year To Grade/ Year
2. Name of Previous School Attended
E-Mail Address
Physical Address of School Telephone
From Grade/ Year To Grade/ Year
Does Your Employer pay Tuition Fees - Yes No
Does your Employer Reimburse a Percentage of the Tuition Fees, if Yes state Percentage
Do you have other children enrolled at the ISU, if Yes state Names and Grades

Do you have other children you may consider enrolling at ISU in the future? If yes, please provide date of birth:

Information on Father or Legal Guardian

Name of Father or Legal Guardian Nationality
Home Telephone Mobile Telephone
Preferred E-Mail Address for Correspondence
Physical Home Address in Uganda
Job Position Name of Organisation
Physical Office Address in Uganda
Office Telephone
Information on Mother or Legal Guardian
Name of Mother or Legal Guardian Nationality
Home Telephone Mobile Telephone
Physical Home Address in Uganda
Job Position Name of Organisation
Physical Office Address in Uganda
Office Telephone
Preferred E-Mail Address for Correspondence

If Student Does Not Live With Parent or Legal Guardian

Name of Adult _____________________________ Relationship to Student ___________________________________

Mobile Telephone __________________________ E-Mail Address __________________________________________

School Regulations

1. Each student admitted to ISU must have a parent or guardian (as designated in writing in English by the parents or
legal guardian) residing in Kampala taking full responsibility for the student’s welfare. If parents are absent from home
overnight or longer, a temporary adult guardian will stay with the student and take responsibility for the student’s
day to day welfare. Please submit all notices of temporary guardianship as well as updates on your address and
telephone numbers to the school registrar.

2. ISU reserves the right to refuse admission to any student who was dismissed from another school for academic,
disciplinary, or other reasons. Failure to reveal such a record at the time of enrollment may result in expulsion.
Students expelled from ISU are not entitled to a refund of tuition fees.

3. Acceptance to The International School of Uganda is based on a complete review of the student’s records.
Assessments may be required during a student’s enrollment to ISU, and I understand that my signature below permits
the school to conduct appropriate admission tests of which I will be informed in advance.

Document Check List: The following documents are required (in English) for each student’s personal file:
• Application Form
• Copies of School Reports (for the last 2 years)
• Confidential School Report (completed by current school) or Early Childhood Information Form
• Signed Enrolment Contract
• Photocopy of Birth Certificate (or copy of the biographical details page from passport)
• Medical Form (completed with help of a doctor)
• Emergency Form
• Signed ISU Child Protection Policy

• The International School of Uganda includes photographs of its students, staff, facilities and school events on its
website and other promotional materials. Please indicate whether the school has your permission to use photographs
with your child in them for school promotional purposes: Yes _____________ No ____________
• All parents/legal guardians of ISU enrolled students and full time teachers are automatically members of the ISU
Association with the right and responsibility to participate in the business of the Association.
• I have read, understood and agree to abide by the ISU Child Protection Policy.

I hereby submit my true and complete application for admission of the student to The International School of Uganda
in accordance with the terms, rules and regulations of the school.

Name Signature Date

ISU MISSION: ISU is a leader in providing world-class, holistic education in a multi-cultural setting, inspiring and equipping
students to be lifelong learners, to reach their full potential and be responsible global citizens active in shaping the future.
ISU • Tel.: (+256) 041-4200374/8/9 • Fax: (+256) 041-4200303 • •
Plot 272 Lubowa Estate • Tel.: (+256) 041-4200374/8/9 • Fax: (+256) 041-4200303 • •

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