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Perez, Emmalyn G.


Reaction Paper: Global Citizenship Program

Our country has faced a multitude of challenges since the time it was conquered, which
has stripped us of the right to sovereignty. However, these incidents that pinned our ancestors
in multiple sufferings and rights deprivation have ignited their courage to fight against our rights
towards the conqueror. And, as a result, it is the freedom our generation has been experiencing
to this day. However, in the realm of the political perspective of the people in society, we often
face different perspectives, opinions, and understandings of the government that serves them.
Some have a standard of character for what a leader should have, believing that our country
and the people deserve a competent leader. However, some believe that what we need is an
iron-fisted leader.

Based on the discussion on the “Globalization Citizenship Program” regarding the recent
government system led by the administration of Ferdinand Marcos Jr., there is no doubt that
despite all of his Filipino supporters, there are some aspects of his administration that leave the
public in question. For instance, the Maharlika Investment Funds bill, the Jeepney/PUV
modernization project, China's land reclamation beside Manila Bay, more infrastructure
projects, charter change, and his mode of transportation. And I would agree with the sentiments
of the majority that the progressive society that Marcos Jr. had promised the people during the
election was only benefiting the capitalists. For instance, I was downhearted by the
implementation of the Jeepney Modernization Project, by which the majority was affected by the
impact of this project, both the drivers and the commuters, or 60% of the population.

Truly, as prior to the discussion, it was also mentioned that the common slogan of
electoral candidates contained contents that would surely victimize the public into thinking that
there would be tangible change and betterment in our government by using slogans such as
”BAGONG PILIPINAS,” in which it has always been a common tactic of candidates that aim to
win the hearts of the people. In my opinion, it is disappointing and dispirited that these schemes
of these candidates continuously victimize the people by putting on a facade that would create
an impression about them and later on leaving the burden on the people to suffer from a poorly
led administration.

Ultimately, I believe in people's courage and ability to promote and drive change.
However, we will always be the victims of politicians who wield authority to benefit themselves.
With all of this, I am convinced that people will only feel true freedom if we begin to develop
competence among ourselves. Overall, change will begin in our country if we learn to recognize
the manner of leadership that we deserve.

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