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Coronavirus Disease

In these recently year, a pandemic disease have spread from every

country which affect a lot of people around the world. This disease begin in the
year 2019 in the country of Wuhan, China where people ate exotic and
poisonous food which they bought from their markets. According to the World
Health Organization (WHO), the virus was came from the flesh and organs of
the bat which make people encounter this severe disease. In conformity of the
organization, the virus is called as the Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (Covid19).
Covid19 is an infectious disease which causes the respiratory illness (like the
flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty

The disease spread rapidly somehow the local governments of the

Philippines manage to implement the enhance community quarantine. This
disease brought different predicament, not only illness but also deteriorate the
occupation and businesses of mankind. Especially, for those vendors,
manufacturers, employee and laborers that are hardworking to seek for their
necessity. Even the education of students have been interrupt and perhaps to
declare online classes. Somehow, also affect those students who had lack on
financial which increases there problems to find internet and search through
sites for their activities. This Crisis suspend a once in a life time experience
completion of graduate students in tertiary level.

However, implementing the ECQ decreases the case of infected people

in every country. And the best way to prevent and slow down the transmission
of this virus is to adopt the proper etiquettes in our body. Protect ourselves
and others from infection by washing our hands or using alcohol based rub
frequently and not touching your face. Follow the implemented rules of the
government to keep as safe and well healthy. Always stay at home to easily
end this crisis around the world.

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