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Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) -

CHAPTER 1 Systems that process data generated by day-to-
Information Technology (IT) - The combination of day business operations, such as customer
hardware and software products and services orders, accounts receivable, and warranty
used by companies to manage, access, claims.
communicate, and share information.
Business Support Systems- Systems that
Systems Analysis and Design - A step-by-step provide job-related information support to users
process for developing high-quality information at all levels of a company, often working
systems. alongside transaction processing systems.

Systems Analyst - A professional responsible for Knowledge Management Systems- Systems

planning, developing, and maintaining that use a large database called a knowledge
information systems, as well as managing IT base to allow users to find information by
projects and conducting various related tasks. entering keywords, aided by inference rules to
identify data patterns and relationships.
Information System -A set of related components
that produce specific results, consisting of User Productivity Systems - Technology aimed
hardware, software, data, processes, and at improving productivity, such as groupware
people. and systems integration.

Hardware - The physical layer of an information Structured Analysis - A traditional method for
system, including devices like computers, developing systems, organized into phases and
servers, and networking equipment. using process models to describe systems
Software -Programs and applications that run on
hardware, categorized into system software and Object-Oriented Analysis - A more recent
application software. method for developing systems, where objects
represent people, things, or events, and built-in
Data- Information stored in databases or other processes (methods) act on them.
formats, essential for business operations and
decision-making. Agile Methods -A modern software development
approach involving iterative development,
Processes -Tasks and functions performed by continuous feedback, and flexible adaptation to
users, managers, and IT staff to achieve specific changing requirements.
results within an organization.
Prototyping - Creating early working versions of
People -Stakeholders involved in or affected by an information system to speed up the
the information system, including users, development process and gather feedback.
managers, and other personnel.
Computer-Aided Systems Engineering (CASE)
Business Profiles - Overview of a company's Tools - Tools that provide an overall framework
mission, functions, organization, products, for systems development and support various
services, customers, suppliers, competitors, design methodologies, such as structured
constraints, and future direction. analysis and object-oriented analysis.

Business Processes - Specific set of Joint Application Development (JAD) - A method

transactions, events, and results that can be focusing on team-based fact-finding to gather
described and documented within an requirements for systems development.
Rapid Application Development (RAD) - A
Enterprise Computing - Information systems that compressed version of the entire development
support company-wide operations and data process, emphasizing speed and
management requirements, often facilitated by responsiveness to change.
enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - The - Education - Degrees in computer science,
traditional approach to systems development, information technology, or related fields are
typically including steps such as systems common, along with ongoing professional
planning, analysis, design, implementation, and development.
- Certification - Obtaining industry-recognized
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - certifications demonstrates proficiency and
Technology using high-frequency radio waves to competence in specific technologies or
track physical objects, often used in business methodologies.
support systems for inventory management.
Systems Support and Security - Ensures the
Feasibility Study- An investigation phase in protection, maintenance, and security of
systems planning to determine the viability of a information systems to safeguard against threats
proposed system, considering factors such as and ensure operational continuity.
technical, economic, and organizational
feasibility. User Support - Provides technical assistance,
training, and guidance to users to enhance their
Agile Manifesto - A set of guiding principles for productivity and proficiency with information
agile software development, emphasizing systems.
customer collaboration, flexibility, and
responsiveness to change. Database Administration - Involves the design,
management, security, backup, and access
Scrum - A specific agile development framework control of databases to ensure data integrity and
focused on iterative and incremental availability.
Network Administration - Manages hardware
Extreme Programming (XP) - An agile software and software components of computer networks,
development methodology emphasizing including maintenance, support, and security
customer satisfaction, continuous feedback, and measures.
rapid adaptation to changing requirements.
Web Support - Design and construction of web
Quality Assurance - The process of reviewing pages, monitoring web traffic, managing
and testing applications and systems changes to hardware and software components, and
verify specifications and software quality integrating web-based applications with the
standards, ensuring a well-designed, secure, company's information systems.
and reliable system.
Continuation of the Information Technology Quality Assurance - Team responsible for
Department and Systems Analyst section: reviewing and testing applications and system
changes to ensure adherence to specifications
Application Development - Systems are and software quality standards.
developed collaboratively by teams comprising
users, managers, and IT staff members.
Systems Analyst Role - Involves building
models, diagrams, and decision tables to
Knowledge, Skills, and Education
- Technical Knowledge - Understanding of analyze and design information systems.
programming languages, development tools, - Effective analysts possess strong listening
and methodologies. skills and actively involve users throughout the
- Communication Skills - Strong oral and written development process.
communication abilities to convey technical
concepts effectively. Career Opportunities - Increasing demand for
- Business Skills - Familiarity with business systems analysts due to the adoption of new
operations and processes to align technical information technologies and growth in e-
solutions with organizational objectives. commerce.
- Critical Thinking Skills - Ability to analyze - Factors such as job titles, organizational
problems, evaluate solutions, and make structure, company size, salary, location, growth
informed decisions.
prospects, and corporate culture influence Internal Factors - Factors within an organization
career opportunities in the field. that influence systems projects, such as
strategic plans, user requests, management
directives, existing systems, and IT department
CHAPTER 2 capabilities.

Business Case and Strategic Planning External Factors -Factors outside an

Business Case - A comprehensive justification organization that impact systems projects,
for a proposed project, outlining its objectives, including technological advancements, supplier
scope, costs, benefits, risks, and alternatives. capabilities, customer needs, competitive
pressures, economic conditions, and
Strategic Planning Process- The systematic government regulations.
process of defining an organization's direction
and making decisions on allocating resources to Feasibility Evaluation
pursue its objectives. It involves setting goals, Operational Feasibility - The assessment of
identifying strategies, and aligning resources whether a proposed system will meet user
with long-term objectives. needs and expectations, including factors like
user support, system acceptance, and impact on
Mission Statemen- A statement that defines an business operations.
organization's purpose, goals, and values. It
provides a framework for decision-making and Technical Feasibility - The evaluation of whether
guides the organization's actions. a proposed system can be developed,
implemented, and maintained with available
SWOT Analysis - A strategic planning tool used technology and resources, considering
to identify an organization's strengths, hardware, software, network requirements, and
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It helps technical expertise.
assess internal capabilities and external factors
affecting the organization's performance. Economic Feasibility - The analysis of the costs
and benefits associated with a proposed system,
Systems Development Framework including tangible and intangible costs, potential
SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle savings, return on investment (ROI), and
- A structured approach to developing payback period.
information systems, consisting of phases such
as planning, analysis, design, implementation, Schedule Feasibility -The assessment of
and maintenance. whether a proposed system can be developed
Planning Tools - Tools used by analysts to assist and implemented within a reasonable time
in project planning, such as text-based methods frame, considering stakeholder expectations,
(e.g., Microsoft Word), spreadsheet methods project milestones, and potential risks.
(e.g., Microsoft Excel), or Computer-Aided
Software Engineering (CASE) tools. Setting Priorities and Preliminary
IT Department's Role - The evolving role of the Investigation
IT department in organizations, including Priority Setting - The process of determining the
functions like project screening, evaluation, and order of importance or urgency for systems
team-oriented systems development. projects based on criteria such as cost
reduction, revenue generation, information
Reasons for Systems Projects and improvement, customer service, organizational
Evaluation needs, time constraints, and resource
Systems Requests - Formal requests made by availability.
users or stakeholders for new information Discretionary Projects - Projects where
systems or enhancements to existing systems. management has the choice to implement them
based on organizational priorities and available
Nondiscretionary Projects - Projects that must
be implemented due to legal, regulatory, or Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - A
contractual requirements. hierarchical decomposition of project tasks into
Preliminary Investigation -The initial phase of the smaller, more manageable components.
SDLC where analysts gather information, assess
feasibility, define project scope, and identify Gantt Chart - A bar chart that represents project
constraints for proposed systems projects. tasks and their durations, used for scheduling
and tracking progress.
CHAPTER 3 - developed by mechanical engineer and
management consultant Henry L. Gantt almost
Project Management - The application of 100 years ago
knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to - Shows planned and actual progress on a
project activities to meet project requirements. project
- Time usually displayed on horizontal axis
Project Triangle - A model representing the - Tasks shown on vertical axis
constraints of project management, typically
depicted as a triangle with corners representing
scope, time, and cost. PERT/CPM Chart - A graphical representation of
project tasks, dependencies, and critical paths,
Scope - The defined features and functions of a used for project scheduling and management.
project, including what is within and outside the - Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)
boundaries of the project. - Developed by the U.S. Navy to manage
complex projects
Cost - The financial resources required to - PERT is more useful for scheduling,
complete a project, including labor, materials, monitoring, and controlling the actual work.
and other expenses.
Critical Path Method -The sequence of project
Time -The duration required to complete a tasks that determines the minimum duration
project, including start and end dates for each required to complete the project.
task and the overall project timeline. - similar to PERT, developed by private industry
- most analysts call both a PERT chart
Project Manager -The individual responsible for
planning, executing, and closing a project, Task Patterns - Common sequences of project
including managing resources, schedules, and tasks, including dependent tasks, multiple
budgets. successor tasks, and multiple predecessor
Project Planning - The process of defining
project goals, tasks, schedules, and resources Risk Management - The process of identifying,
required for successful project completion. assessing, and mitigating risks that could impact
project success.
Project Scheduling -Creating a timeline that
outlines when project tasks will be performed, Qualitative Risk Analysis - Assessing the
including dependencies and critical paths. likelihood and impact of project risks using
subjective measures.
Project Monitoring -Supervising project progress
to ensure tasks are completed on time and Quantitative Risk Analysis - Assessing the
within budget, and addressing issues as they impact of project risks using numerical data and
arise. calculations.

Project Reporting - Providing regular updates on Project Management Software - Tools and
project progress to stakeholders, including applications used to assist in project planning,
management, users, and the project team. scheduling, monitoring, and reporting.
3. Analyze the risks
Business Issues - Challenges related to project 2 Steps to analyze the risks
alignment with business goals, requirements, Qualitative risk – analysis evaluates each risk by
and problem-solving capabilities. estimating the probability that will occur and the
degree of impact.
Budget Issues - Challenges related to inaccurate Quantitative Risk - Analysis is to understand the
budget estimates, poor monitoring, and actual impact in terms of dollars, time, project
unforeseen expenses during project execution. scope, or quality.
4. Risk Management Software
Schedule Issues - Challenges related to delays, Assigns specific dates as constraints
milestones, and task dependencies affecting Aligns task dependencies
project timelines. Notes external factors that might affect a task
Tracks progress
FACTORS AFFECTING DURATION Displays tasks that are behind schedule
- Project Size -Must identify all project tasks, Links risks with specific tasks and projects
from initial fact-finding to system implementation Specifies probability and impact
How much time will be needed to perform each Assigns ownership
task? Tracks progress to manage projects more
- Allow time for meetings, project reviews, efficiently.
training, and any other factors that could affect
the productivity of the development team MANAGING FOR SUCCESS
1. Business Issues - Every system is to provide
Human Resource Issues - Challenges related to a solution to a business problem or
staffing, turnover, training, and motivation of opportunity
project team members.
If a system does not do this, it is a failure
2. Budget Issues
Experience with Similar Projects - Develop time
and cost estimates based on the resources used - Unrealistic estimates that are too optimistic or
for similar, previously developed information based on incomplete information
systems - Failure to develop an accurate forecast that
- Use experience from projects that were considers all costs over the life of the project
developed in a different environment - Poor monitoring of progress and slow response
to early warning signs of problems
Constraint- Constraints are conditions, - Schedule delays due to factors that were not
restrictions, or requirement that the system must foreseen
satisfy - Human resource issues, including turnover,
- Define system requirements that can be inadequate training, and motivation.
achieved realistically within the required 3. Schedule Issues - Problems with timetables
and project milestones can indicate a failure to
recognize task dependencies, confusion
between effort and progress, poor monitoring
Steps in Risk Management
and control methods, personality conflicts
1. Develop a Risk Management Plan
among team members, or turnover of project
- Review of the project’s scope, stakeholders,
budget, schedule, and any other internal or
- The failure of an IT project also can be caused
external factors that might affect the project
by poor project management techniques
- Define project roles and responsibilities, risk
management methods and procedures,
categories of risks, and contingency plans
2. Identify the risks – list each risk and assesses
the likelihood that it could affect the project.

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