Ak5b1-Graduation Party Program

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AK5B1-Graduation Party

1st part: Students’ class activities presentation
2nd part: A short game and Teacher Manny’s speech to every student.
1st : By: TOBIAS - (Presentation about Vietnam)
2nd: By: GROUP 1-Jana, Ella, Lio - (Travel and experiences in Vietnam)
3rd: By: HELEN - (Self introduction)
4th: By: Group 2- Nigel and Daniel- (A talk show about world travel plans)

4th part: Awarding of certificates (ALASKA)




Group 1-Travel and experiences in Vietnam(second presentation)
Introduce yourselves:

First Jana: (say something about yourself) Good evening, My name is_________________________________
Second Ella: (say something about yourself) Good evening, My name is________________________________
Third Lio: (say something about yourself) Good evening, My name is ___________________________________

Jana/Ella/Lio: tonight, we will share our travel experiences.

Jana: So, Hi girls how are you feeling tonight?
Ella: Well, I’m so glad to be here with you girls. How about you Lio?
Lio: Yeah, exactly I’m overjoyed. Can’t wait to start sharing our travel experiences.
Jana: So, let’s get started then, shall we?
Ella/Lio: We shall.
Jana: So, Ella where did you go last summer vacation?
Ella: Well, I went to_____________________(name of place and how did you get there?) .
Lio: Oh! Interesting. Can you tell us about your trip in ______ (name of place)?
Ella: Sure. I traveled to _______ last summer vacation . It was great!
Jana: What did you do there?
Ella: I visited ________________ and ______________.
Lio: That’s wonderful! What else did you do there?
Ella: _______________________________(activities you did).
Jana: That’s nice. Have you gone scuba diving before?
Ella: No, I have never gone scuba diving, but I would like to.
Lio: Thank you for sharing, Ella.
Ella: My pleasure. How about you Lio, would you mind telling us about your experiences?
Lio: Sure, last summer holiday I ___________________________.
Jana: What outdoor activities did you do?
Lio: I _____________________(name of experiences)
Ella: That’s amazing. How about you Jana?
Lio: Yeah, I heard you traveled to__________(name of place).
Jana: Oh yeah! That was a wonderful trip in __________(name of place).
Ella: Did you go there with your family?
Jana: _________________ I traveled with my _________________and _____________.
Lio: Wow! Have you gone rafting?
Jana: _____________________.
Ella: It was a great summer trip indeed!
Lio: Exactly! And we all surely had a great time with our families and friends last summer vacation.
Jana/Lio/Ella: That’s all about our travel experiences, thank you for watching and listening.
Group 2-World travel plans (last presentation)

Host: Nigel
Guest: Daniel

Nigel: Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Nigel’s talk show

Let me introduce myself first (say something about yourself) ___________________________________________

Tonight, I have a special guest, a friend of mine. Let’s welcome Mr. Daniel.

Daniel: Hello guys, good evening. (Introduce yourself) ____________________________________________________.

Good evening my friend, Nigel.
Nigel: Good evening my friend. How are you tonight?
Daniel: I’m ____________. Thank you for having me here.
Nigel: My pleasure my friend. So, are you ready for my questions?
Daniel: Yes, I am. Let’s get started.
Nigel: Alright! So, have you traveled to other countries lately?
Daniel : No, I haven’t.
Nigel: But, do you have any plans to travel soon?
Daniel: Yes, I love to.
Nigel: Where do you wanna go?
Daniel: I would want to visit__________________. (show a poster or drawing (name of the country, flag, map and famous for)
Nigel: Wow! That’s a beautiful country. Why do you want to go there?
Daniel: _______________ is ________________ and _______________(show a poster or drawing and describe the country)
Nigel: Interesting! What’s the weather like in this country?
Daniel: It’s ____________
Nigel: That sounds good.
Daniel: How about you my friend? Which country do you want to visit one day?
Nigel: I really wanna go to ___________.( (show a poster or drawing (name of the country, flag ,map and famous for)with my
Daniel: Nice! What’s interesting about this country?
Nigel: Well_________ is known for ___________ and has _________(say something famous for about that country)
Daniel: What else would you want to try?
Nigel: I would want to try their________ and _________.
Daniel: Wow! That’s interesting indeed.
Nigel: Oh! We should go there together. That would be fun.
Daniel: That’s a good idea. We’ll see.
Nigel: I can’t wait for that with (happy expression)
Nigel: Well, That’s all for tonight’s show. Thank you so much my dear friend and to everyone watching here.
Daniel: My pleasure. Have a wonderful night everyone. (Wave good bye)

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