Youth Elections Leaflet March 2022

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Young people and students

can’t trust either the Tories Part of the TUSC

or Starmer’s Labour
Trade Unionist and

Socialist Coalition



•Restore youth services, reopen •Combat climate change, including
libraries, reverse social care cuts with a free-to-use, expanded,
and re-employ sacked council renationalised public transport
workers system.
•For a decent future for young •Scrap youth rates and end low
people. For free education and pay. Wage rises for all that at least
training, and decent, well-paid jobs keep pace with inflation. A £15 an
for all hour minimum wage now
•Fully fund the NHS - stop •Take the wealth off the 1%. We
privatisation and give staff a 15% need socialist change!
pay rise
Young people and students have Under Starmer, Labour has abandoned And they could launch mass campaigns
been among the hardest hit by Tory Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-austerity policies. to win back the funding stolen from our
austerity. We’re the hardest hit by low communities by the Tory government.
pay, precarious work, and the housing But we still need a fight - to get student
crisis. Many of us leave university or fees scrapped, for the cancellation That’s why socialist candidates are
college in debt, only to discover there of student debt, for a £15 an hour standing in this May’s local elections, to
are no decent jobs waiting for us minimum wage for all, for mass council stand up and fight against all the pro-
anyway! house building and the nationalisation austerity politicians and the system of
of key industries, linked to a struggle capitalism that they represent!
Boris Johnson and the Tories stand by for socialist change.
and do virtually nothing about inflation, CAPITALISM TO BLAME
which is now estimated to be around YOUNG PEOPLE NEED A NEW Capitalism cannot provide a future for
8%. From travel costs to rent to petrol, POLITICAL VOICE the majority. It is a system built on the
young people cannot afford to live – SUPPORT SOCIALIST CANDIDATES IN creation of profit for a tiny handful at
independently. THIS MAY’S LOCAL ELECTIONS! the top of the system, ahead of the
These policies are popular, what is needs and wants of young and working
This is in addition to the problems of lacking is the political will to stand up class people. All it offers us is debt,
racism, sexism and LGBTphobia we and fight! low pay, environmental breakdown and
see all around us every day, as well as an endless cycle of wars and bloody
environmental destruction. Billions of pounds worth of cuts have conflicts.
been carried out by councils over the
The rich, on the other hand ,are raking last decade, many of them Labour But a fightback is on. Young people
in billions, firing workers and rehiring controlled! This has meant the axing have been fighting for change through
them on lower wages to boost their of hundreds of thousands of well-paid Black Lives Matter, the climate strikes
already obscene profits. BP’s chief jobs locally, and the ransacking youth and the A-Level protests.
executive boasted that his company services, careers services, community
was a “cash machine” for him and his centres, libraries and vicious cuts to our And a wave of strike action by workers
mates. education. is spreading around the country.
Collective struggle by the working class,
Meanwhile, MPs have voted themselves But councils have the immediate which has the potential to shut down
a pay rise of £2,200 a year! It’s one powers to freeze spiralling rents, to workplaces and even the whole of
rule for them and another rule for us. introduce free public transport for society, is the most powerful tool in the
While the police shut down protests young people, and to restore axed fight for our collective futures.
like Black Lives Matter, Johnson and his youth clubs and services. They could
mates broke lockdown rules during the launch mass programmes of council But what we need now are councillors
partygate scandal. house building and create thousands who will stand with young people
of well-paid and secure jobs for young and workers in struggle against the
Neither Starmer’s Labour Party nor any people, by using their massive reserves capitalist system and for a socialist
of the other establishment parties stand and borrowing powers. change!
up for young and working-class people.

We ne e d s o c ia li s t c o u n c il lo r s
to give yo u n g p e o p le a v o ic e !
Socialists are organising and
Young fighting for change!

Socialists Join the Socialist Party!

Capitalism is failing to provide any future for young or working-class people.
We need a socialist transformation of society. Instead of
Contact us Socialist Party handouts to the bosses, we call for the major firms and
Text JOIN with your name
@socialist_party banks that dominate the economy to be brought into
& postcode to 07530 429441 socialistpartycwi democratic public ownership.
Production and services could then be planned by workers to meet the needs of all.
That’s why we fight for socialist change - where the
Printed by E-ten Digital Offset Unit 4, Sovereign Business Centre, economy is planned sustainably and run democratically.
Stockingswater Lane, Enfield EN3 7JX
and promoted by Socialist Party, PO Box 1398, Enfield, EN1 9GT If you want to get involved, then join the socialists!

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