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Digital ischemic compression technique aims at evoking temporary ischaemic

reaction within the muscular tissue by application of a direct pressure. Fingertips are
used to apply perpendicular pressure to the skin towards the centre of a muscle for
few seconds. The goal of this technique is to deactivate the sympathetic trigger
points. The direct pressure over the localised painful area stimulates the tension
monitoring receptors within muscle and leads to reduction of muscle tension. The
ischaemia also produces pain and facilitates the release of pain modulating
substance. This may give a temporary analgesia. Primarily used for the management
of trigger points, this technique can also be used to reduce muscle tone and to
facilitate proprioception.

Digital ischemic compression is the application of constant digital tension to

trigger points with tolerable force. This would lead to a gradual fall in blood supply
and alleviate tension in muscle. Ischemic pressure on trigger points stops blood flow
to affected area, producing local ischemia. After ischemic pressure is released after
8–20 s, an increase in oxygen supply and nutrients to the local area is seen due to
increased blood circulation. This also flushes muscle inflammatory exudates and
pain metabolites, desensitizes the nerve endings, break down the scar tissue, and
reduces tone of muscles. Relief of muscle spasm and pain from direct digital
pressure lead to reactive hyperaemia and mechanism of spinal reflex.
The aim of ischemic compression is to apply pressure on trigger points which
stops the blood to flow into the affected area depriving it of oxygen. This washes
away waste products, supplies needed oxygen, and helps healing of involved tissue.
Rapidly after release, blanching of skin is followed by increase in circulation, oxygen,
and nutrients at the site of pressure. After release of pressure, these helped in
flushing out of muscle inflammatory exudates, pain metabolites, impart the scar
tissue, decrease of muscle tone, and desensitization of nerve endings. A
counterirritant effect or a spinal reflex mechanism occurs from reflex relaxation of
affected muscle and helps in decreasing the pain. Local pressure may equalize the
length of sarcomere in the involved trigger point that reduces the energy
consumption and will cease the release of noxious substances and therefore
decreasing the pain. Ischemic compression lesser the sensitivity of painful nodules in
the muscle which is helpful in decreasing the pain.
PROCEDURE - The patient was taken in a sitting position. The affected side and
trigger point in upper trapezius was marked with skin marker. Using a pincer clasp,
pressure was applied on the active trigger point. Compression was continued until
release of tissue limit perceived by patient. This was continued intermittent, then
continuously for 30 s according to the patient desirability. This technique was given
for 3–5 times.
 Akhoury Gourang Sinha Principles and Practice of Therapeutic Massage
 Gohil, Divya; Vaishy, Shilpa; Baxi, Gaurang; Samson, Akhil; Palekar, Tushar.
Effectiveness of Strain-Counter Pstrain Technique Versus Digital Ischemic
Compression on Myofascial Trigger Points

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