Present Progressive 2

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Present Progressive – Complex Test 2

- Anzeige -

-33% -43% -35% -50%

Marcas Exclusivas

Form short forms/contracted forms.

1 she is whispering →

2 it is whispering →
3 you are whispering →

Fill in the verbs in brackets into the gaps.

1 He at the supermarket in the holidays. (to work)

2 Look! The boys a tent. (to put up)

3 Jeff a party next Friday. (to celebrate)

Ask for the underlined parts.

They are carrying the bags to the car.


Sheila is buying a present at the clothes shop.


Anne is walking her dog.

Which answers are correct?

Which verb forms are correct?

he is phoneing
he is phoning
1 he is refering
he is referring
he is tidieing
he is tidying

Which actions are typical for the Present Progressive?

action started in the past and continues up to the present
something happens repeatedly
2 something is happening at the same time of speaking
temporary actions
things in general
you have already decided and arranged to do sth.

Which of the following words are used with the Present Progressive?
at this moment
right now

Fill in the correct verb forms.

1 The farmers the cows.

2 Look! The rice .

3 They with their friends.


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