10 English L&L SQP Solutions 23-24

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1. (A) (c) Awe-inspiring and challenging whether to set up camps or proceed
further. At higher altitudes, weather
Explanation: The author points out that
mountains have long been revered by conditions can change rapidly,
people and viewed as a challenge that making it crucial for climbers to be
the brave seek to overcome. The author decisive to ensure their safety and
emphasises the fantastic feeling of progress.
reaching the summit when describing (F) Mountaineering includes difficulties
mountain climbing as an experience that like having to walk on icy sheets that
is difficult to express. Hence, (c) is the cannot be accomplished without proper
right answer. preparation of equipment.
(B) (b) The more you laugh, the lesser your (G) The tone of the writer in the given lines is
illness. insightful and informative. In these lines,
Explanation: In both cases, the first part The author offers an insightful viewpoint
of the statement represents a positive on the idea that mountaineers lack
quality or condition that increases fear. The author presents the insights of
(incredible mountains or laughing more), experts, emphasizing that mountaineers
and the second part of the statement are not actually fearless, contrary to
represents a positive outcome that popular belief.
corresponds to the increase in the first
part (greater thrill or lesser illness). (H) The passage is an example of an
Hence, (b) is the right answer. expository text. It presents information,
explains concepts, and provides insights
(C) (b) Only (III)
into mountain climbing.
Explanation: The passage conveys the
Example: "In higher altitudes, snow is a
message that mountain climbing is not
regular feature and being decisive about
an effortless and risk-free adventure
sport. Instead, it emphasises how crucial setting up camps or proceeding further
it is for mountaineers to receive the right is crucial."
training and preparation. Hence, (b) is
the right answer. 2. (A) The new generation of travellers is
described as having relatively higher
(D) the passage emphasises the thrill and disposable income but limited time due
beauty of mountain climbing while to their fast-paced lifestyles and various
acknowledging the challenges and risks
commitments. They are attracted
to destinations that offer something
Explanation: The author encourages different and off the beaten path.
readers to embrace the challenges
(B) opinion, subjective judgement
and pleasures of mountaineering while
instilling awe and respect for nature's (C) captivates
forces . (D) (a) Only (II)
(E) (1) If we have access to communication Explanation: A study conducted in 2020
devices like radios or satellite by Dr. Sherap Bhutia, revealed that the
phones, I would use them to check in
foreign tourist arrival in the North-East
with base camp or other teams on
increased from 37,380 persons in 2005
the mountain.
to 118,552 in 2014. The overall growth
(2) The writer highlights that the unpre- rate of tourism in the North-East was as
dictable weather in the mountains high as 26.44% during 2005-06. Hence,
is a crucial factor when deciding (a) is the right answer.

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(E) (1) I would inquire about and attend Explanation: Mosaic means a surface
local festivals like Bihu, which is the decoration made by inlaying small
most celebrated festival in Assam. pieces of variously colored material to
Festivals often showcase the rich form pictures or patterns. Hence, (a) is
cultural traditions of the region. the right answer.
(2) The metaphor "melting pot" used in
(G) One benefit is the ability to afford high-
the passage exemplifies how diverse
cultural aspects are successfully quality services and experiences, such
merged in the North-East. This as luxury travel. However, a drawback
imagery suggests a blending of is the potential lack of time for personal
customs, showing how diverse relationships or amazing experiences
cultures coexist and influence one due to a busy lifestyle.
another to create a distinct regional
(H) One possible inference is that the North-
East region's appeal to foreign tourists
(F) (a) increased significantly in 2014, showing
an improving reputation for its distinctive
attractions, cultures, and experiences.

3. (A) (a) purchase / need should be "Neither of the applicants is
eligible for the scholarship."
Explanation: In this sentence, the word
"endorses" is used in its present tense (G) Option No. Error Correction
form to indicate that the committee
approves of the proposed changes to the (b) than any than that of
employee benefits program. other any other
(H) (c) had left
(B) Error Correction Explanation: The use of "had left" in this
balancing balance context indicates a past action that was
completed before another past action.
(C) Tariq asked Sunil if/whether he had Hence, (c) is the right answer.
enjoyed travelling by sea.
(I) it is anyone who shows kindness and
(D) (a) keep asking till one does. compassion to others
(E) a few (J) (c) will
Explanation: "a few" is used to indicate a Explanation: The sentence is describing
small quantity of something. It suggests a future outcome based on a statistical
that there are some books on the shelf, probability related to smoking. The
not a lot, but a noticeable number. correct choice is "will," as it indicates the
expected result. Hence, (c) is the right
(F) Error Correction answer.
are is (K) (a) unfold
Explanation: The word "neither" is used (L) Error Correction
with singular verbs. In this case, since
"applicants" is plural, the correct form demands demanded


4. 42, Lawrence Flats,

Municipal Corporation
Indira Vihar, Lawrence Road
New Delhi - 110006 New Delhi - 110009
24 July, 20XX Subject: Urgent need for recycling programs

The Chief Municipal Officer in residential areas

2 English Language and Literature Class X

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Respected Sir/Madam I sincerely hope that my request to
I hope this letter finds you in good emphasise cyber safety education in
health. I am writing to you to urge the schools and colleges receives the attention
implementation of recycling programs in our it deserves.
residential areas. Thanking you
Recycling is like giving a second life to Yours sincerely
things we use. When we recycle, we help Riya Chakrobarty
reduce pollution, save energy, and keep our
(Literary Captain)
surroundings clean. Implementing recycling
programs in our neighbourhoods can make 5. Favour
a big difference. We can place special bins
Gurmeet's decision regarding her admission
for recycling next to our regular trash to the public-funded engineering college
bins. These bins can be different colours hinges on a well-balanced evaluation
for different types of materials like paper, of available options. The presence of a
plastic, glass, and metal. Additionally, we strong curriculum, quality faculty, and
can organise frequent cleanups when vibrant activity clubs promises an enriching
neighbours get together to pick up trash and academic journey. Although the absence of a
recyclables from our streets and parks. hostel facility presents a challenge, she could
By working together, we can make our opt for suburban accommodation or a daily
neighbourhood cleaner and help our commute from her village. Exciting prospects
environment. I request that you kindly like practise-based research, professional
consider this idea and help us start recycling partnerships, and an international student
programs in our neighbourhood areas. exchange programme hold the potential to
Thanking you elevate her professional and interpersonal
skills. Gurmeet's hard work, responsible
Yours faithfully behaviour, and prudent decision-making
Samidha Singh can enable her to thrive within the college's
OR conventional culture. Embracing the
Delhi Public School strengths and opportunities of this institution
Vasant Kunj not only benefits her personal growth but
also contributes to mending the negative
New Delhi - 110009
perceptions surrounding public-funded
24th July, 20XX colleges and students’ outlook towards
The Editor technical subjects.
The Times of India Against
New Delhi - 110005 Considering Gurmeet Kaur's SWOT analysis,
Subject: Urgent need for cyber safety there are some concerns that suggest she
education in schools and colleges might want to reconsider joining the public-
Respected Sir/Madam funded engineering college. The prevalent
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I students’ behavioural issues may give rise
am writing to you to express my concerns to concerns about a safe environment
about the rising wave of cyber crimes and for a novice like Gurmeet. The absence of
online scams plaguing our society. It has hostel facilities could pose challenges for
become evident that online safety education someone coming from a nearby village.
has become important to protect the The slow repair and maintenance work,
younger generation from these emerging along with underutilised IT services, might
threats. hinder her learning process. The college's
To address this issue, schools and colleges failure to effectively promote its strengths
should introduce a dedicated subject on to out-of-state students could limit her
cyber safety. This would educate students opportunities. Moreover, the threats faced
about the risks of sharing personal by the college, including declining student
information and the consequences of interest in technical subjects, and low
cyberbullying. The schools should also employee morale due to budget cuts,
provide parent education seminars on could affect her overall learning experience.
Internet safety so that parents can help their So, it is recommended that Gurmeet not
kids make wise online decisions. apply for admission to the said college.

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OR Against
Favour Gardening shouldn't be put above sports,
In today's world, gardening should be seen music, and dance in schools. It needs careful
as even more important than sports, music, planning and teacher guidance. Since plants
and dance in schools. While those activities develop slowly and need a lot of care over
aid in our own development, we currently
time, students could become disinterested.
need to concentrate on a significant global
It's possible for issues like weather, animals,
issue: nature and the way it works. We
often waste food, and many kids think or bugs to undermine their efforts and make
vegetables come from supermarkets, not them feel unsuccessful. Sports, music, and
farms. However, if schools have gardens, dance are enjoyable and provide benefits
kids may learn through hands-on activities more quickly than gardening does. They
like sowing seeds, watering plants, and also impart lessons in cooperation, self-
harvesting crops. Plant growth requires assurance, and collaboration. If there's a
patience and an appreciation for the problem with these activities, students can
natural world. This teaches children to value
usually fix it. These activities help students
hardship and take responsibility for the
relax and express themselves. So, keeping
environment. Gardening isn't just for fun; it
creates smart and caring future citizens who sports, music, and dance important in school
understand how to take care of our planet. is necessary.


6. (A) The line "Alas! the living are few, but Omega." The use of urgent language
the dead are many." suggests that and demanding immediate action from
there are more people who have died Omega conveys his impatience and
than those who are currently alive. This authoritative tone. One can infer that
highlights the inevitability of life and the THINK - TANK considers himself to be
commonness of death. the only one giving the orders and thinks
(B) False highly of himself.
Explanation: The imagery of flickering (C) (c) The crew members engage in
lights can be seen as a metaphor for comical actions and dialogue.
the unpredictable and fleeting nature Explanation: The crew members'
of human life. Hence, option (3) can be exaggerated reactions, such as opening
applied to the question.
their eyes wide and shaking their heads
(C) The villagers' response, "Alas! the living after taking the vitamins are example
are few, but the dead are many," implies of humorous situations. Hence, (c) is the
that death is an inescapable aspect of right answer.
life and that everyone, regardless of
personal circumstances, must deal with (D) As Omega responds with "Aha!", the
it. actor should portray his enthusiasm
and confidence in having discovered
(D) The phrase that would correctly
substitute 'reigned' can be 'prevailed'. something significant. The voice should
sound triumphant and eager.
(A) (d) accomplish a specific task 7. (A) change
Explanation: The movement of the
Explanation: The crew members of
the Martian space probe were asked to trees from their place of confinement
take vitamins to accomplish a specific to the forest represents a change or
task, which was to decipher a code transformation
hidden within the images and text of the (B) A line from the extract that justifies the
nursery rhymes books. Hence, (d) is the statement as false is, 'The trees inside
right answer. are moving out into the forest'. The use
(B) THINK-TANK's tone is impatient and of enjambment in this extract suggests
authoritative when he says, "What does a sense of continuity, fluidity, and a
it say? Tell me this instant. Transcribe, smooth transition between the lines.

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(C) (c) Anticipation catastrophic outcomes. "Destruction"
Explanation: The lines describing the indicates causing damage that cannot
trees moving out into the forest and the be altered. These words make the
forest becoming full of trees by morning imagery of the poem more powerful
convey a sense of excitement and by demonstrating how both fire and
eager expectation. Hence, (c) is the right ice could lead to irreversible outcomes.
answer. These words contribute to a tone of
seriousness and contemplation in the
(D) The poet has used rich imagery to poem.
describe the movement of trees from
(C) The description of the dead cow prompts
inside to outside the forest. This imagery
Valli to confront the impermanence
paints a visual picture of the forest
of life and the harshness of the world
coming to life as the trees appear. From
around her. The sight of the dead cow
the line "will be full of trees by morning,"
evokes a sense of horror and sorrow
we can observe that there is a rapid and
within her and highlights the growth of
significant transformation happening in
emotional maturity in her.
the forest.
(D) The story 'The Sermon at Benares'
OR shows how holding onto things too
(A) The lines from the poem use visual tightly, like Kisa Gotami's attachment to
imagery, mentioning the hair of yellow her son, brought immense pain to her life
colour and describing the act of dying when he died. When she learned to let
the hair of different colour. go and accepted life's inevitability, she
(B) (c) trying to fit in societal standards found peace. This teaches us that freeing
ourselves from strong attachments can
Explanation: Anne wants to change bring a sense of freedom and relief from
her hair colour so that men would love suffering.
her for who she is from inside and not
for her hair colour. This highlights her (E) In the poem, the poet's mood is uplifted
characteristics of going against the set by a seemingly small event. The falling
beauty standards by the society. snow saved a part of his day that he had
been regretting. This demonstrates that
(C) The poem discusses issues such as nature, even in its simplest forms, has
self-identity, societal expectations, and the power to transform sadness.
the complexity of relationships that
would not have been openly addressed 9. (A) This story shows us the significance of
in traditional poetry. It departs from balance and discipline in caring for our
traditional topics found in older forms of pets. For example, Mrs. Pumphrey's
poetry and connects with the issues of excessive pampering led to Tricki
the modern world. becoming overweight and unhealthy.
(D) In "young men in despair," the word However, he made a remarkable
"despair" carries a significant emotional recovery after being placed on a strict
burden, conjuring feelings of helplessness diet with exercise. It serves as a reminder
and agony. This word choice emphasizes that loving our dogs requires both
the intense emotional conflict that the responsible care and the ability to make
young men are experiencing and adds difficult decisions for their welfare.
to the poem's dark and melancholy tone. (B) The writer chose to depict Ausable as
short and fat to create a misleading
8. (A) Everyone can relate to the seagull's appearance for a secret agent. This
plight. We all have fears, and the way decision adds an element of surprise to
the story is told lets us understand the story since spies are often portrayed
what he's going through. We experience as agile and crafty. From the way
the same joy and relief as the seagull Ausable handled the situation in "The
when he succeeds in learning how to Midnight Visitor," one can infer that
fly. We celebrate his success as though he is extremely resourceful and quick-
it were our own because of the way the thinking.
narrative is told. (C) When Horace encounters the owner's
(B) The words "perish" and "destruction" wife unexpectedly in the house, the
intensify the imagery of fire and ice. narrative takes an unforeseen turn. This
"Perish" emphasises the seriousness twist introduces an element of surprise
of the situation by implying final, that draws readers deeper into the story

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as they wonder how Horace will handle 11. Right from the beginning, humour is
the situation. Horace Danby's attempt introduced through the character names
to rob a house and the unexpected and titles. Think-Tank, the Martians' leader,
encounter with a mysterious woman has exaggerated salutations like "O Great
pretending to be the homeowner's wife
and Mighty Think-Tank," which add a touch
creates a sense of mystery in the story.
of humour. Think Tank's self-praise is an
10. Psychological Dynamics of Animals in exaggerated depiction of vanity. This is
“Mijbil the Otter” and “A Tiger in the Zoo” based on the stereotype of an overly self-
In the story “Mijbil the Otter”, the reader obsessed character. Another comical aspect
comes across Mijbil as a playful and curious is the use of vitamins to boost Martians'
otter. Just like humans, it experiences intelligence. The characters' exaggerated
emotions like curiosity. As Mij adapts to his reactions after they eat the vitamins and
surroundings, we see his curiosity in action; their continuous attempts to decipher the
he enjoys playing with water and even codes are examples of humour in the story.
learns to open a faucet. When Maxwell Moreover, the Martians' misconceptions of
has to take Mijbil on a flight, we witness Earthlings and their misreading of books
Mij's struggle to adapt to the confined as sandwiches also result in humorous
environment. His attempt to escape from scenarios. Lastly, the use of nursery rhymes
the box shows his desire for freedom and as secret codes reflects the absurdity of the
movement. The tiger's behavior, as depicted
in the poem, reflects his psychological state.
He should be moving freely in the jungle. But
New Jersey
his confinement behind the bars of the cage
has caused him loneliness and frustration. Wednesday,
This reflects the impact of captivity on wild 12 July '78
animals. 9 p.m.
OR Dear Diary,
The message from “The Sermon at Benaras” It's D-day, finally! Today, I know how it feels
that I would include in my advice to the boy to be nervous and excited at the same time.
who lost his ball in “The Ball Poem” would be Meeting Horace Danby was unexpected, but
that whining or lamenting over the loss of an fate seems to have brought us together for a
irreplaceable thing will only bring gloom and purpose. At that moment, my mind was filled
despair into the life of an already grieving with thoughts and emotions. Will Horace
person. Acceptance of the loss is the only fall for my plan? Will he open the safe and
thing that can diminish the feeling of sorrow hand over the jewels without suspicion?
from heart and bring contentment. What if something goes wrong? But I have
However, for the boy who lost his prized prepared for this carefully, leaving no room
possession as a ball, it would be so difficult for mistakes. I must stay focused on the goal.
to understand these lessons because of Tonight, I will play my part convincingly.
his young age. The boy is quite young and Tomorrow, when he realises the truth, he will
immature. He can’t understand these mature undoubtedly be shocked and angry. But for
meanings of life. He is a child who lost his now, I cannot lose my concentration on my
lovely ball and no other ball can bring back goal. I am hoping for the best.
his memories attached to the lost ball. ABC

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1. (A) (c) Mindfulness 2. (A) intellectual growth
Explanation: In the context of developing (B) fact, objective detail.
grit, mindfulness can be highly effective. Explanation: The statement about Ladakh's
Hence, (c) is the right answer. water scarcity is a fact because it can be
verified, and it's an objective detail because
(B) The author portrays Thomas Edison's
it's presented without personal opinions or
approach to inventing the light bulb as a
model of grit and optimism, emphasizing
(C) The overall tone of the passage is
his determination to persevere despite
informative. It provides accurate information
numerous failures. This adds to the tone of
on the problem of water scarcity in Ladakh,
inspiration and motivation, emphasising the the function of glaciers, and the creation of
value of perseverance and having a positive man-made ice reservoirs.
outlook in the face of difficulties.
(D) Ladakh uses constructed ice reservoirs and
(C) betterment water management systems as part of its
technological repertoire.
(D) (a) Grit cannot be learned to help become
more successful. (E) The use of modern ice reservoirs in Ladakh
shows that their ways of managing water
Explanation: The passage emphasizes that are changing. They now employ new
grit can indeed be learned to help become methods for storing water, indicating that
more successful. Hence, (a) is the right they are attempting to improve how they
answer. manage water scarcity.
(E) agonising
(F) (c)
(F) The broader message implied by the author
is that success is not only dependent on
avoiding failures or difficulties. Instead,
it places emphasis on the idea that
overcoming challenges requires the ability
to persevere and keep working hard.
(G) (b) 
Failure is an inevitable part of life's (G) According to the passage, a drawback
challenges. of Ladakh's reliance on melted ice from
glaciers for irrigation is that the meltwater
Explanation: The passage emphasizes that
comes quite late in the year due to the
failure is a natural and educational aspect
higher altitude of the glaciers. This leads to
of life. It presents failure as an opportunity a regular problem of severe water scarcity
for learning and development rather than during the months when planting crops
something to be avoided at all costs or to begins.
be embarrassed of. Hence, (b) is the right (H) (c) U
 tilizing artificial glaciers and traditional
answer. water management practices
(H) The given passage provided displays an Explanation: The main takeaway from the
example of persuasive text. The author is passage is that Ladakh's solution to water
trying to persuade the reader to embrace scarcity involves utilizing both artificial
the concept of grit, perseverance, and glaciers and traditional water management
personal growth despite failures. practices. Hence, (c) is the right answer.

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3. (A) enhanced (G) Option No. Error Correction
(B) Error Correction (c) reigns reign
were was (H) (a) any
(C) Kiara asked Rohan how he had enjoyed his
(I) that he was surprised to see Shruti in Delhi.
(D) (c) ordered her to keep that room clean (J) (c) will have taken

(E) the (K) (c) has won

(F) Error Correction (L) Error Correction

setted set went gone


4. Kamla Lotia College 12th August, 2023

Lawrence Road The Manager
Kanpur Sports Equipment Co.
20 March, 20XX Hudson Lane
The Editor New Delhi
The Hindustan Times Subject : Request for Refund of Defective Sports
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Subject : Modernise Education for More Jobs
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to
Respected Sir/Madam
address a matter regarding the order number
Through the columns of your prestigious 56 of sports goods that was placed with Sports
newspaper, I want to highlight that the Equipment Co. on 2nd August, 2023.
education system in India needs to be revised. I regret to inform you that upon receiving our
It's high time we address this issue and take order, we discovered that several items are in
steps towards a more practical and job-oriented a defective condition. This is disheartening
education system. because we have always valued your products
Our present education system is merely a for their excellent quality and durability.
continuation of the western system introduced In light of these circumstances, I kindly request
during the colonial era. It is highly in favour of that you initiate a process for issuing a refund
academics. It also places too much emphasis on for the defective items. We anticipate your
theoretical knowledge, leaving us unprepared for prompt response and resolution to this issue.
the job market. To bridge this gap, I suggest that
Thanking you
vocational and technical education and training
Yours faithfully
should be made an essential part of high school
education. This would empower students with XYZ
the hands-on skills that employers seek.
5. Rising Prices - Out of Reach
I hope the government and the educationists
Life of a poor man is never easy, but the past few
will rise to the occasion and give a new definition
years have been even more difficult. The prices
and direction to our outdated education system,
of staple food items have been rising steeply.
ensuring jobs for the students.
The table shows a comparative study of prices
Thanking You over three years. The rising prices mean that
Yours sincerely most of the food is beyond the common man’s
Mohan/Mohini reach. Since the table shows wholesale prices,
OR their market rate must be more than double.
When basic necessities cost so much, how is
Physical Education Club
the common man supposed to feed his family?
Queen Mary’s School When parents cannot feed their children, they
New Delhi – 110009 are malnourished and their growth is adversely

8 English Language and Literature Class X

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affected. In a country where rice, dal and skills, and values. To transform the nation into
chapati are staple foods, the skyrocketing prices a developed country, steps should be taken to
mean that the poor cannot afford even one address the existing gaps. In order to provide
square meal. There needs to be a system where the workforce with relevant practical skills that
the prices are regulated and those who sell meet industrial demands, it is crucial to raise the
them at inflated prices should be dealt with enrolment rate in vocational training. Secondly,
severity. bridging the education disparity between the
OR rich and the poor by ensuring equal access to
quality education is vital. Thirdly, more GDP
Unlocking India's Potential: Transforming
spending on education can promote innovation
Education for Economic Growth
and better learning results. Last but not least,
The findings from the World Economic increasing the number of women in the labour
Forum's survey highlight important factors force can unlock unrealized potential and
influencing India's economic growth. The support economic expansion. India can pave the
primary takeaway is that for India to succeed route for economic development and become
internationally, higher education must be a powerful and rich country by strengthening
approached holistically, covering knowledge, these areas.

6. (A) False (B) (d) robustness
Explanation: The postmaster understood Explanation: "Delicacies" refers to fine, or
that Lencho was in a difficult situation and exquisite foods that are usually associated
with luxury. On the other hand, "robustness"
needed urgent help. Despite not being able
refers to something strong, and sturdy.
to gather one hundred pesos, he still made
Hence, (d) is correct.
an effort to send the farmer more than half
of it. This act shows some level of empathy (C) (b) Materialism and Discontentment
and concern towards Lencho’s situation. Explanation: The extract emphasises
Hence, (3) is true and can be inferred. Matilda's disappointment with her
present situation and longing for material
(B) The Postmaster served as God's messenger.
possessions, but it does not delve into her
He personified humanity in every way. He introspection or potential for personal
initially laughed when he saw the letter growth.
addressed to God, but after reading it, he
was astounded by Lencho's profound faith (D) The author's use of language in these lines
effectively conveys Matilda's deep sense
in God. He made the decision to assist him
of suffering, dissatisfaction, and longing for
on God's behalf.
a life of luxury and abundance. Through
(C) One can infer that Lencho had full faith vivid and emotive descriptions, the author
in God and was confident that his desire creates a contrast between Matilda's
would be fulfilled. He believed that God is all current circumstances of poverty and the
merciful and hears the call of those who are lavish life she yearns for.
of a clear conscience. Hence, he requested
him to send a hundred pesos immediately 7. (A) (c) Healing
to help him to sow his fields. Explanation: In this poem by Robert Frost,
(D) The word 'gather' in this context means to the hemlock tree is most likely used as a
symbol of "healing." The act of the crow
bring together or collect. The substitution
shaking down the dust of snow from the
‘raise’ conveys the same meaning as
hemlock tree brings about a change of
'gather' in this context. It was impossible for
mood and saves a part of the speaker's day
him to raise the hundred pesos.
that he had regretted earlier. Hence, (c) is
OR correct.
(A) It is fair to say that Matilda's tone is sarcastic (B) positive
or mocking in the given line because she Explanation: The crow and hemlock tree
actually longs for elegant dinners and have a positive connotation in the poem.
exquisite food served in marvelous dishes, Even though crows and hemlock trees
not a simple pot pie. Her words convey her are generally seen as negative, the poet
dissatisfaction and yearning for a more connects them to a positive incident in his
luxurious lifestyle. life.

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(C) In these lines, Robert Frost uses simple and desperate actions and people's reactions
vivid language to describe a crow shaking highlight the desperation and helplessness
down the dust of snow from a hemlock she felt in the face of her son's death.
tree. The crow's action is metaphorical, (C) The poem challenges rules and expectations
suggesting that even a seemingly small people have for us. It shows Amanda getting
event can have a profound impact on one's told what to do, like sit up straight or do
emotions and outlook. homework. But she daydreams of being a
(D) The phrase "Dust of snow" in the poem free mermaid or an orphan. This tells us that
contributes to a positive and uplifting mood. our imagination is a powerful way to break
It implies something light and delicate. free from what others want and it's okay to
Snow is traditionally associated with purity dream beyond what society expects.
and cleanliness. In these lines, the snow (D) The poet uses language and imagery to
contrasts with the darkness of the crow, create a sense of tranquility and mystery
introducing a contrasting element that in the poem. Words like "silent," "little,"
reflects the change of mood. and "looking" create a calm and peaceful
OR atmosphere. The comparison of fog to a cat
(A) (a) Foreboding moving on "little cat feet" adds to the gentle
mood. The fog's silent presence contributes
Explanation: The line introduces the
to the sense of mystery.
possibility of the world ending in ice, creating
a sense of foreboding as it suggests a (E) Maxwell and Mijbil had a special bond.
potentially chilling and destructive outcome. The otter was won over to him by his
compassionate behavior. Firstly, he showed
(B) Fire and Ice presents a pessimistic outlook by
patience and understanding as he allowed
suggesting two possible ways for the world
Mijbil time to get accustomed to his new
to end. It implies that desire, represented by
surroundings. He also gave the otter the
fire, can lead to destruction, emphasizing the
freedom to do its favorite activity, which
destructive nature of human passions and
was to play and roll around in the water in
the potential for catastrophic consequences.
the bathtub like a mischievous child. Mijbil
The poet also thinks that “icy hatred” is just
was permitted to play for the majority of
as capable of ruining humans, slowly and
the time without being concerned about the
state of the room.
(C) The line is significant as it adds a personal
touch to the poem. It shows that the poet 9. (A) The way the author has written the story
has experienced desire firsthand, making is really funny, and it matches perfectly
his preference for fire more meaningful. This with the unusual and creative tale. There
contributes to the poem's contemplative are many moments that make us laugh,
mood, making the readers more curious. like when Think-Tank talks to his mirror
(D) The repetition of "Some say" emphasises and when the Martians mistake books
different beliefs about how the world will for sandwiches and try to eat them. The
humour keeps us engaged and makes the
end, showing that people have diverse
story even more fun to read. The irony of
opinions. It adds structure and highlights the
a book of nursery rhymes, "Mother Goose,"
poem's theme of uncertainty and multiple
being the key to saving the Earth from a
Martian invasion is a humorous twist.
8. (A) The traditional practices in Goa, like the (B) Education plays a powerful role in changing
art of breadmaking and the close bond Hari's life. Hari is portrayed as a young thief
between the bakers and the community, who becomes friends with Anil so that he
are vital in preserving their cultural heritage. can steal from him. But when Anil teaches
These practices serve as a way to the Goan him to read and write, Hari sees new
people to stay connected to their roots, possibilities. Learning transforms him from
honour their history, and pass down their a thief to a person with potential. Education
traditions to future generations. gives him a chance to become a better,
(B) The sudden death of Kisa Gotami's only respected individual, showing that learning
son brought immense sadness to her. can change lives for the better.
Overwhelmed by grief, she went to (C) The concept of being invisible in the story is
her neighbours, hoping for a cure. Their a fictional or imaginative element instead of
response was, "She has lost her senses. The a plausible phenomenon in reality. The story
boy is dead," showed her deep sorrow. Her explores how a scientist makes himself

10 English Language and Literature Class X

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invisible by swallowing rare drugs which is Subject: Letter of Recommendation
beyond the realm of scientific possibility. Respected Sir,
Griffin becoming completely invisible is
This is to state that Monsieur Ausable has been
meant to engage the readers and create an
element of adventure and curiosity in the a committed employee with us for the past two
story. years. During his time with our organisation,
he has consistently demonstrated exceptional
10. Natalya: Papa please…… What are you doing? qualities that make him an invaluable asset to
He is here to ask for my hand in our secret services.
marriage. Agree with him on all that One notable instance of Ausable's genius
he says. occurred in a recent event when he showcased
Chubukov: Dear Lord! How can I forget this his remarkable wit and quick thinking, which are
truth. I must apologise before he vital traits for success in our line of work. When
changes his mind. But wait………..he faced with a dangerous intruder named Max,
called your mother a ‘hump-back’! Ausable brilliantly manipulated the situation
Natalya: Papa, you must have misheard. He to his advantage. He artfully fabricated a story
is not that bad. Come on, say sorry about a previous balcony incident, exploiting
to him and shake hands. Max's fears and impulsivity. As a result, Max
Chubukov: You’re right. I can’t take any risks. made a fatal mistake that led to his death.
You need to get married at the Based on his outstanding performance, I highly
earliest, my love. recommend Ausable for promotion to a higher
OR rank within our secret services.
In the poem "Fog" by Carl Sandburg, the quote Yours sincerely,
by Charlie Chaplin, "Nothing is permanent ABC
in this wicked world, not even our troubles,"
connects with the theme of transience and
Richard's journey exemplifies the truth behind
impermanence. Just like the fog that comes
and goes swiftly, troubles and challenges in Nelson Mandela's quote. He faced many
life are temporary. The fog's gentle presence in challenges and setbacks throughout his life,
the poem reminds us that everything changes, but he always found the strength to rise above
and so do our problems. No matter how difficult them and continue his pursuit of knowledge.
things seem, they won't last forever. We can When he participated in the county science
find comfort in knowing that, like the fog, our fair and didn't win, he could have easily been
problems will eventually vanish and make space demotivated. However, he used that experience
for better days to come. as a lesson and realized he needed to do real
experiments to succeed. He didn't let failure
11. 22, Rue Nationale define him, but rather used it as motivation
Paris to improve and try again. Another example is
26 March’ 78 when he embarked on a research project to
The General Director discover the purpose of the gold spots on a
monarch pupa. It required building a device and
Department for Internal Security
conducting experiments, but he didn't give up.
11-A, Rue de Dunkerque
These instances demonstrate his ability to rise
every time he faces a setback.

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1. (A) (b) Concerned 2. (A) both entities have established themselves
Explanation: The author shows concern as trendsetters and leaders in their
about how climate change would affect respective fields.
global political conflict. The passage (B) fact, objective detail
describes how conflicts and tensions are
(C) The passage mentions that Chinese
being caused around the world, particularly
smartphone brands are struggling due to
in the Middle East and Africa, by climate
a combination of longer consumer holding
change induced problems like drought, food
periods and Apple lowering pricing on
and water shortages, and extreme weather
some key SKUs, limiting their ability to
events. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
increase ASPs.
(B) The author's tone can be described as
(D) The term refers to a variety of products
"worried" or "concerned." The author
within the smartphone market that are
creates anxiety about the worsening
placed at different levels of pricing and
effects by referring to climate change
effects as "stress multipliers" that intensify
(E) Xiaomi
already-existing problems including
poverty, environmental degradation, (F) (a)
political instability, and social tensions.
(C) conflicts over resources
(D) (a) catastrophic and disastrous
(E) concerned
Explanation: The author feels apprehensive Explanation: Steady means developing
about the consequences of climate change, growing or happening gradually and at a
as indicated by the mentioning of conflicts, regular rate. Hence, (a) is the right answer.
security risks etc. (G) Apple's dominance indicates that the
(F) (c) Climate change contributes to global company's brand recognition and customer
conflicts and security risks. loyalty are strong. However, this level of
Explanation: The passage shows that dominance might result in higher prices for
the effects of climate change act as Apple products, as the company has more
stress multipliers, increasing poverty, control over pricing due to its significant
environmental degradation, political market share.
instability etc. Hence, (c) is the right answer. (H) (d) Apple dominates the global handset
(G) The phrase ethnic tensions is used to market
describe the disputes that can emerge due Explanation: The main takeaway from the
to differences in ethnicity, culture, or race. passage is that Apple holds a dominant
position in the global handset market by
(H) Just as sparks trigger rapid fires, climate-
capturing a significant share of industry
related factors like drought and resource
profits and overall handset revenue. Hence,
scarcity can escalate tensions, resulting in
(d) is the right answer.
violent conflicts and global instability.

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3. (A) developed (G) Option No. Error Correction
(B) Error Correction (b) Contribute contributed
have has (H) (d) might
(C) Megha asked Mansi how she had liked the (I) asked when she had arrived.
(J) (d) will be performing
(D) (c) ordered him to keep the things at the
place. Explanation: The continuous tense "will be
performing" is used to indicate an action
(E) a
that will be in progress at a specific point in
Explanation: In this sentence, we use "a"
the future. Hence, (d) is the right answer.
before "pencil" because the speaker is not
referring to a specific pencil but any pencil (K) (b) has been
available in the drawer.
(L) Error Correction
(F) Error Correction
in an in the
a beach the beach

4. House number 52 OR
Model Town Queen Mary's School
New Delhi-09 Ashok Vihar
17th April, 20XX Delhi - 1100XX
The Editor 17th August, 20XX
The Times of India The Proprietor
New Delhi
Rhytym Music House
Subject: Empowering our community with first
aid knowledge
New Delhi - 1100XX
Respected Sir/Madam
Subject: Purchase Order for Music Instruments
Through the column of your esteemed daily,
I would like to draw the kind attention of Dear Sir/Madam
the concerned authorities and the common I hope this letter finds you in good health. It is
masses towards the importance of learning with great pleasure that I write to you today to
first aid. place an order for some much-needed music
While at the park, I witnessed an elderly man instruments for our school. After carefully
collapse unexpectedly. Many people were reviewing your catalog and consulting with
standing around but did not know what to our music instructors, we have decided to
do. Amidst the confusion and helplessness, a order the following instruments:
passerby with medical knowledge stepped
forward, and the elder man was carried to the List of Items No. of pieces
hospital via cab. Saxophones 7
This incident made me realise the impact Drum sets 16
that basic first aid knowledge can have on
saving lives and offering immediate support Piano 4
in times of crisis. The students should be Tanpura 3
made aware of the primary steps of first Guitar 5
aid at school in the school curriculum. I urge
educational institutions, community centers, Please ensure proper packing of the
and workplaces to offer accessible first aid instruments is taken care of, and the
training, enabling us all to respond effectively responsibility for any damage caused
to emergencies. during transportation shall rest with you.
Thanking you We would appreciate information regarding
the estimated delivery timeline so that we
Yours faithfully can adequately prepare for their arrival. The
Anita payment will be made through a cheque to

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your agent. We are eagerly waiting for our zones need to take precautionary measures
order. and hope for some welcome showers soon.
Thanking you OR
Yours faithfully Children Under Threat
Riya/Ramesh The increasing burnout among children
Head of Dept (Music) prompted researchers to study its reasons.
The study involved following the routine of
5. Weather Woes
school-going children. The results indicate
The satellite image clearly shows that New that students are under pressure both at
Delhi (in the north) and Nagpur, which is at school and at home. Teachers want timely
47° C, in central India are reeling under the submissions and parents expect high grades.
effects of a heat wave. People in Ahmedabad This puts an undue burden on children and
are also experiencing hot weather with the makes them stay up late. They often do not
mercury soaring to 44° C. The commercial sleep for eight hours, which affects their
capital, Mumbai is relatively cooler at 35° C health. They feel lethargic during the day
Chennai in the south and Kolkata in the east and are inattentive in class, which makes it
are also experiencing high temperatures difficult to comprehend concepts. Modern
and are equally hot at 38° C. Port Blair gadgets are another distraction; children
has the lowest temperature at 32° C. With spend hours on social media and phone
the sun shining brightly, people in Nagpur, calls. Without realising, they lose out on
Ahmedabad and New Delhi have no respite time that could have been used for studying.
and it seems that the hot weather will Therefore adding to the stress. Parents must
continue for a few days. Port Blair is likely ensure that children get complete rest. They
to receive some showers accompanied by must work with schools to help relieve the
lightning. People residing in the heat wave pressure on children to lead a happy life.

6. (A) Dr. Urquhart's doubt challenged the OR
understanding of the spots and encouraged (A) (d) Because he thinks he's not good-looking
Richard to investigate their purpose further. Explanation: Lomov's perception of his
This scepticism ignited Richard's curiosity, looks isn't mentioned in the text as a
leading him to conduct experiments to find
motivation for marriage. Instead, he focuses
the function of these spots.
on his age, his palpitations, and his desire
(B) False for a quiet and regular life. Hence, (d) is the
Explanation: By using the word "assumed," right answer.
Richard implies that the belief that the (B) Lomov's tone carries a sense of obligation
spots were just ornamental was without as he feels societal pressure due to his age
strong evidence to support it. Hence, option and desire for a stable life. Simultaneously,
(b) can be applied to the question. frustration is showcased as he's
(C) The word that would correctly substitute overwhelmed by his own emotions and
‘ornamental’ in the given sentence is struggles.
(C) (b) Internal monologue
(D) Curiosity played a pivotal role in Richard's Explanation: In the given extract, Lomov
life. His fascination with collecting is expressing his thoughts and feelings to
butterflies showcased his inquisitiveness. himself. The extract provides insight into his
Richard's journey took a significant turn
innermost anxieties about marriage.
when Dr. Urquhart doubted the gold spots
on monarch pupae. This scepticism led (D) If an actor were to enact this extract,
him to conduct experiments and gather he would need to focus on conveying
evidence to uncover the true purpose of Lomov's internal turmoil. As he talks about
these spots. It was his curious nature that his reasons for wanting to marry, his
led him to challenge people's beliefs about voice modulation should reflect a mix of
the spots. frustration and anxiety.

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7. (A) familiarity (B) Nash uses inventive and creative language,
often opting for words that have a
(B) The stanza calls attention to the choices
whimsical or comical sound. For example,
people make and the effects of those
words like "realio, trulio," "Weeck!," and
choices by portraying the possible
"gyrate" add a sense of fun and playfulness
scenarios of the end of the world through
to the poem. These choices make the poem
fire and ice. After reading the poem, readers
engaging and enjoyable to read.
might reflect on their actions and emotions.
(C) The people of Coorg are known for their
(C) (d) Resigned
courage and bravery. The Coorg regiment
Explanation: The speaker's tone suggests is the most decorated regiment of the
that destruction can come from both Indian Army and has given many brave
powerful emotions (fire) and emotional soldiers and generals to India, including
detachment (ice). This feeling of resignation the first Chief General Cariappa. Coorgis
implies that the speaker views devastation are the only people allowed to carry a
as a natural outcome, regardless of how it weapon without a license in honour of their
happens. Hence, (d) is the right answer. valour.
(D) The use of "but" creates anticipation among (D) Valli was filled with glee as her bus journey
the readers by directing that the upcoming began. She met different people and also
lines will offer an alternative perspective. enjoyed the sights. She was overjoyed to
The poet emphasises that the world can see a cow running around. Her joy turned
end not only because of fire, but icy hatred to sadness when she saw the same
can also play a pivotal role. cow lying dead. This was a harsh lesson
OR about the unpredictability of life. She was
(A) The lines discuss a relatable theme — the haunted by the sight and found it difficult
experience of loss and learning to cope to understand how life can change to death
with it. This engagement with real-life within a short period of time.
emotions challenges the notion that poetry (E) The line evokes a sense of peace,
should solely focus on abstract concepts. contentment, and free from expectations. It
(B) In context of the poem, ‘the epistemology of suggests that Amanda, in her imagination,
loss’ refers to the process of understanding finds peace roaming freely on the streets.
and coming to terms with the concept of The use of "golden" and "sweet" creates
loss on a deeper level. In the poem, the a positive atmosphere, conveying her
boy is not only learning how to cope with desperation for escaping her present
the emotional impact of losing his ball but situation.
also gaining a deeper understanding of the 9. (A) Ebright’s mother helped him by
inevitability of life. encouraging his interest in learning. She
(C) The lines "And no one buys a ball back. took him on trips, bought him telescopes,
Money is external." create a visual image of microscopes, cameras, mounting materials
the lost ball and the idea that no amount and other equipment, and helped him in
of money can bring it back. This imagery many other ways. She always supported
emphasises the irreversibility of the loss. him in his scientific endeavours.
(D) (b) Grief (B) In the story misunderstanding changes
Explanation: The mention of the boy’s how things happen. At first, the Martions
“desperate eyes” depicts the depth of the see books in a library, but they don't
emotions the boy is feeling and the process know what they're for. They consider the
of coming to terms with the reality of books to be sandwiches. This starts the
losing something precious. Hence, (b) is the misunderstanding. then, they try to listen
right answer. to the books. the funniest part is when they
read a rhyme about 'Humpty Dumpty'
8. (A) The bamboo staff and distinctive dress are and Think-Tank sees himself in the rhyme's
iconic symbols that immediately evoke picture. He worries that Earth people know
the image of a traditional Goan baker. about him and want to capture him. This
These visual cues are deeply rooted in changes his plan from invading Earth to
the collective memory of the community, running away.
representing a long standing cultural
(C) Bholi was frightened at the thought of
tradition. They are a source of pride for the
being taken to school because she had no
community, symbolising their heritage.
idea what a school was like. The unfamiliar

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environment, new people, and the concept wrong. Especially the women, who tolerate
of a school were all overwhelming for her. harsh words from their husbands and
She had earlier seen a cow being taken out even get beaten sometimes, should learn
of the house to be sold and this thought from the movement of these trees. Just as
made her scared. these trees are about to set themselves
free, women should also raise their voices
10. Natalya : Why did you turn him away
against wrongs and take steps towards
Chubokov : You both were arguing! The
Thank you!
pettifogger had the nerve to
claim the Oxen Meadows. 11. Griffin was an eccentric scientist who took
Natalya : But you know how much I some rare drugs and became invisible.
want to marry him! To take revenge from his landlord, who
disliked him, he set fire to the landlord's
Chubokov : The land, ah the land! house. In order to be invisible, he had to
Natalya : I know, father, but the land remove his clothes to escape. As it was
hardly costs anything. Oxen the middle of winter, Griffin decided to
Meadows is ours, but I want enter the big London store for warmth.
Lomov father, please bring Once the store was closed, he was free
him back! to do as he pleased. He broke open boxes
Chubokov : What? You both can hardly and wrappers, and stole some clothes to
stand each other. wear. He then went into the kitchen, ate
cold meat, and drank coffee. Finally, he laid
Natalya : I know, but I love him so much. on a pile of quilts to sleep. The following
Chubokov : After all that he had done morning, he did not get up before the shop
to us? He called us hump- assistants reached. They found Griffin
backed and charged our sleeping on the quilts. He woke up and tried
people for embezzlement! Ah, to run away from the shop as servants ran
that turnip-ghost! after him. Griffin took off his clothes and
Natalya : I don’t know, just bring him became invisible once again. He did all
back here, of this only in a fervent attempt to save
himself, although he ended up as a lawless
Chubokov : Oh, you are a lovesick cat,
eccentric by the end of the story.
Natalya : Please bring him back, please
do! "A Triumph of Surgery" centres on striking
a balance between genuine care and
OR misguided indulgence. The story sheds
Hello everyone, light on human nature's tendency to
demonstrate love through excessive
I'm excited to talk to you about a wonderful
pampering, which can lead to unintended
poem called "The Trees" by Adrienne
consequences. Mrs. Pumphrey's misguided
Rich. This poem tells us about a special
love for Tricki is a symbol of the tendency in
idea: transformation and liberation. Now,
society to associate affection with material
you might be wondering what those big
possessions. However, the story ultimately
words mean, right? Well, think about the
teaches the value of responsible care.
trees in the poem. They work tirelessly
Through Dr. Herriot's intervention and Tricki's
at night to free themselves from their
transformation, the story emphasises the
confines. This is a big change for them.
importance of balanced love and timely
Through the movement of the tree into
decisions in nurturing relationships. The
the forest, Adrienne wants us to know that
theme reminds us that love is best shown
sometimes it is crucial for us to let go of
when it combines discipline and care.
our fear and take a stand against what's

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1. (A) (c) Critical 2. (A) display interesting
Explanation: The author emphasises the (B) fact, objective detail.
importance of self-control, self-discipline, (C) Adapted films can leverage the popularity
and establishing boundaries in our lives. of well-known books, which already have
Hence, (c) is the right answer. an established audience. Furthermore, Films
(B) The tone of the writer in these lines is adapted from books also tend to have a
richer, more fully-developed story to draw
reflective and regretful. The writer conveys
a sense of looking back on his past actions
and realising he had pushed himself even (D) Books generally explore the inner conflicts
when his body didn't allow him. and emotional experiences of their charac-
ters. A deeper bond between the characters
(C) it vividly illustrates the dangers of crossing and the audience can be established by pre-
boundaries and the consequences that senting these feelings to the screen.
follow it. (E) One inference that can be drawn from this
(D) (b) safety and harmful information is that TV dramas based on
literary sources have a higher appeal and
(E) make changes and get one's life in order
draw a larger audience compared to those
Explanation: The author's words convey based on original scripts.
a sense of urgency as he discusses the
(F) (a)
necessity of making changes and getting
one's life in order.
(F) The author mentions the concept of "comfort
zone" to emphasise the need for individuals
to find a balance between pushing their
limits and maintaining a healthy level of
(G) (c) The author emphasises the need to take
deliberate action to improve one's life. (G) One benefit of movies based on books, as
Explanation: The author is encouraging inferred from the passage, is that they tend
readers to take immediate action towards to have a richer and more fully-developed
story. One drawback could be the challenge
improving their life rather than passively
of meeting the expectations of dedicated
accepting difficulties. Hence, (c) is the right book lovers.
(H) (c) Positive impacts on the original book's
(H) The following passage displays an example sales.
of expository text. In this passage, the Explanation: It means that the success of
author is explaining that one should make an adapted movie or TV show has a positive
appropriate choices, maintain discipline and impact on the sales of the original book.
set boundaries. Hence, (c) is the right answer.

3. (A) went (C) Mansi asked Pari if/whether she had bought
something for her.
(B) Error Correction (D) (c) her results were coming
since over (E) might

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Explanation: "May" suggests a slightly the tickets happened before the concert
higher chance or a more formal permission, began. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
while "might" denotes a slightly less chance. (I) forbade the boys from plucking
(F) Error Correction (J) (b) should
have has (K) (a) have been
Explanation: The sentence is in the present
(G) Option No. Error Correction perfect continuous tense, which means that
the action started in the past and is still
(d) among between going on. Hence, (a) is the right answer.
(H) (c) had left
(L) Error Correction
Explanation: The usage of past perfect
is going goes
tense indicates that the action of leaving

4. 12, Vasant Kunj 1424, Ramanujam Street
New Delhi-1100XX Chennai

20th March, 20XX Subject: Complaint against poor service

The Editor Respected Sir/Madam

The Times of India This is with reference to the packing and
New Delhi-1100XX transport services provided by your company.
I had booked the package to transfer my
Subject: Urgent need to address gender household goods and car to Mumbai, but I am
disparities and female foeticide dissatisfied with the service provided by your
Respected Sir/Madam
I had listed out the delicate objects that needed
Through the columns of your prestigious
to be handled with care, but all my fine crockery
newspaper, I want to highlight the role of the
government and people in curbing female and decorative items were so horribly packed
foeticide. At the core of it is the notion that that most of them were received broken. The
girls are ‘paraya dhan’, which means that the contract clearly stated that your workers would
financial expenditure incurred on a girl child, unpack and set up the house. However, all the
including her education, health, clothing, and packets were simply dumped in the flat.
food will not bring any returns. In fact, these I am very disheartened by the services and
would need to be topped up with a substantial would like to be compensated for the damage.
one-time dowry. I look forward to a timely response and a
In this context, government intervention at the resolution to this matter.
central and state levels would be helpful. Annual
tax benefits could be given to the parents of a Thanking you
girl child, and we should abolish dowry once and Yours truly
for all. Families and society as a whole should
be educated about the essential role girls play
in our society's progress.
5. Gadgets - Friends for Life
I hope this letter urges the readers to take the
With more and more choices and the desire to
necessary steps for the betterment of the life of
lead comfortable lives, people spend heavily
a girl child.
on electronic gadgets. A survey conducted
Thanking you, in Ghaziabad offers valuable insights into
Yours faithfully the preferences and choices of middle-class
Vaibhavi/Vaibhav consumers. When it comes to market share
and acquiring new customers, Sony stands
out as the top brand. LG, on the other hand,
1657, Borivali
has established itself as a brand synonymous
Mumbai with quality and affordability. Although
26th April, 20XX Samsung continues to have a strong presence
The Manager in the electronics business, its market share is
Decent Packers marginally lower than that of LG and Sony.

18 English Language and Literature Class X

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This may be a result of the fierce competition private schools and Kendriya Vidyalayas to
in the electronics industry as well as the strong understand the preferred language of classes
presence of LG and Sony. Whirlpool, although X-XII. The survey also highlighted the need
having the least market share in this context, to pay more attention to developing English-
showcases a positive trend. This suggests that speaking skills in government schools, as most
consumers are making well-informed selections students preferred Hindi to English. Though the
about their purchases and are growing more choice of language is personal but, the world
aware of various brands. All things considered, demands a better grasp of English. Students
the research emphasises how important of Kendriya Vidyalayas showed an inclination
consumer knowledge, product quality, cost, and towards English but here the gap between the
brand reputation are in shaping middle-class two languages was remarkably less. Private
consumers' preferences. school students preferred English to Hindi.
OR Efforts must be made to ensure that students of
Government schools also have the same access
Language Not a Barrier to quality education as private schools and
Language not only enhances personality Kendriya Vidyalayas. Efforts must be made to
but also makes us confident. The BDO of ensure that all schools give equal importance to
Kanpur conducted a survey in the government, both languages to build confidence in students.

6. (A) Lencho's tone is one of anticipation because (B) The phrase that would correctly substitute
he is eagerly anticipating the rain, which 'inconvenience', in the given sentence is
is essential for his crops. As the corn in the troublesome.
fields were ripened and to ensure a good (C) The woman's threat to call the police makes
harvest a downpour was needed. He was Horace reevaluate his plan to escape.
hoping for a good harvest and a good He opts for cooperation and attempts to
downpour. convince her to let him go by promising to
(B) (d) I kept my friend's secret intimately as I never commit such acts again.
fear betraying her again. (D) (d) It signifies a possible twist in the story's
Explanation: In the given context, "intimately" plot.
is used to convey a deep and detailed Explanation: The woman's statement, "I
understanding of something. Keeping a secret came back just in time," gives a hint that
intimately doesn't fit the context. Hence, (d) is there might be an unexpected turn of events
the right answer. in the story that could impact the narrative.
Hence, (d) is the right answer.
(C) The actor should emphasise the tone of
anticipation when delivering Lencho's line, 7. (A) The phrase "yellow hair" creates a vivid
"Now we're really going to get some water, image, emphasising the role of physical
woman." The voice should carry a sense of attributes in love. Moreover, the use of the
excitement, hope, and eagerness. word "dear" adds an intimate and personal
tone to the religious man's statement.
(D) (b) The flowers indicate a bountiful harvest (B) melancholic
every year.
(C) (c) A man’s love and God’s love
Explanation: The flowers are not just
Explanation: The poet here is talking about
symbols of beauty, rather, they are love. He had heard a religious man saying
interpreted as an indicator of a successful that only God loves you for yourself alone.
harvest year after year. Hence,(b) is the right As the poet talks about God’s love, he is
answer. intending to tell the difference between love
OR of a human and that of God. Hence, (c) is the
right answer.
(A) The woman's casual handling of the
situation and her confidence when (D) The religious man's assertion that "only
God... Could love you for yourself alone and
confronting Horace imply that she is not
not your yellow hair" implies that he views
easily fooled. Instead, she possesses a keen
genuine love as a deeply pure emotion that
understanding of human behaviour and can goes beyond superficial characteristics like
think on her feet when facing danger. hair colour.

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OR effort to let humanity and freedom reign
(A) The poem uses satire to poke fun at the way their beautiful land forever.
people might identify and react to different (E) The young seagull's journey from fear to
animals in the wild. This satirical approach flight serves as a powerful metaphor for
challenges the notion that poetry must the process of personal growth. At the
always convey serious themes. beginning of the story, the young seagull
is paralyzed by fear and self-doubt. His
(B) The tone of the poet is in the given poem
flight illustrates the rewards of pushing
is exaggeration. The poem employs exag-
boundaries and overcoming obstacles.
geration in a humourous way for describing
the behaviours and characteristics of the 9. (A) 
The description of Tricki as a bloated
animals. This exaggeration adds a comical sausage with a leg at each corner is a
twist, which contributes to the amusement. comical exaggeration that immediately
(C) (b) Whimsical paints a vivid and amusing picture of the
Explanation: The poet's intention is not dog's obese state. Moreover, the portrayal
to provide accurate information about the of Mrs. Pumphrey's excessive pampering
animals but rather to entertain through of Tricki, including sending eggs, wine,
imaginative scenarios. Hence, (b) is the right and brandy to the hospital, is humorously
answer. absurd.
(B) Anil's patience in teaching Hari various skills,
(D) In the given lines, the auditory imagery
such as reading, writing, and cooking, is
is used to describe the sound of the lion's
crucial in building a foundation of trust. Also,
roar: "If he roars at you as you’re dyin’." The
by treating Hari as an equal and genuinely
reader can imagine the sound of the lion's
caring for his well-being, Anil creates an
environment in which Hari feels safe to open
up and reflect on his actions.
8. (A) Rajvir's active participation in discussions
and his inquisitive questions about tea (C) The two boys in London were surprised and
cultivation show his eagerness to learn fascinated when they saw fresh muddy
about tea. Also, his mention of the fact that footprints of an invisible human being on the
tea was first drunk in China as far back as steps of a house, As a result, they started
2700 B.C. demonstrates his understanding following the imprints out of curiousity. It
of the historical timeline of tea's origin. was Griffin who took them by surprise!
(B) The lines like "Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!"
10. Leslie Norris's "A Tiger in the Zoo" effectively
paint a picture of Amanda's present
conveys the feeling of captivity through the
situation, where she is surrounded by rules,
depiction of the tiger. The tiger's movement
expectations, and responsibilities. On the
within its cage symbolises a life without
other hand, the imagery of an emerald sea
freedom. The images of the tiger "lurking in
and a solitary mermaid evokes a tranquil
shadow" and "sliding through long grass" evoke
scene. The image of the orphan roaming
a sense of the tiger's natural hunting behaviour.
the streets suggests a sense of freedom and
The use of these phrases create a contrast
between its natural environment and the
(C) In the poem "Fire and Ice" by Robert bars. The tiger's behaviour of ignoring visitors
Frost, by favouring fire as the means of and staring at the brilliant stars highlights
destruction, Frost warns the individuals its disconnection from the outer world. This
against letting unbridled desires consume imagery implies a longing for the open sky and
or overpower them. He warns against a desire to escape.
becoming emotionally distant, cold-hearted,
or filled with hatred, as these attitudes can
lead to destruction. (A) Valli was insightful and meticulous while
making the plan for the bus ride. Two
(D) Mandela thanks all the international
characteristics that made Valli to plan her
leaders and guests and calls it an occasion
bus ride was her courage and her ability to
of joy and victory. He promises that the
plan. These are the traits that need to be
country shall not experience oppression of
consciously developed so that a person can
one by another again and that they will
undertake what he/she wants to do.
do everything in their power to help their
brothers who are facing oppression. He (B) Even Anne is relentless with her pursuits
further promised that they would do every and continues ahead with humour. She is

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neither disappointed nor rebellious with reality can sometimes be wilder and more
Mr. Keesing’s behaviour. Rather she tries to creative than fiction.
avert the situation with her humour and
dauntingly faces the punishment that Mr.
Keesing gives to her. Thus, both Valli and OR
Anne are courageous and fearless in the Honesty is an important trait to possess. The
face of adversities and problems. story, “The Necklace” exemplifies the idea. I
think Matilda could have led a peaceful and
11. 16th December 20XX,
uncomplicated life had she controlled her social
Monday, 5 p.m.
ambition, which prompted her to borrow the
Dear Diary, necklace that she could ill-afford.
I'm in shock at how things have turned out Matilda’s happiness was dependent on objects
today. Ausable showed a startling aspect she could not afford. She distressed herself with
of himself. The so-called secret agent, Max, unfulfilled desires and wanted to be accepted
appeared with a pistol, demanding missile- among the higher class.
related information. Just when things seemed
dire, Ausable diverted Max's attention with a After losing the necklace, she is once again
complex story about a non-existent balcony. unhappy, suggesting that material possessions
The tension in the room was palpable. And then, cannot guarantee long-lasting happiness, and
a knock interrupted Max's threats. Ausable's that greed can lead to ruin. Matilda’s inability
quick thinking and sheer audacity led to Max's to separate price from value led to her ruin, as
death as he jumped off the window, thinking she could not assess that the necklace was an
there's a balcony underneath. All the while, I artificial one.
was left completely bewildered. Had Matilda not been greedy and ambitious,
Ausable's genius lies not in his appearance but she could have worked hard for making her
in his cunning wit. My perception of him has own standard of living better which she always
shifted forever. I've learned this evening that desired for.

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1. (A) (b) Dominant come up in India which will help students
both in grooming their creative skills as
Explanation: The passage mentions that
well as in their placements.
Hindi is the principal official language of
India and that it is the native language (B) fact, objective detail
of more than a third of the country's (C) The passage mentions that the
population. Hence, (b) is the right answer. animation industry had a “humble start
(B) The passage mentions that English in the year 1974 with the educational
serves as a common language among animation film 'Ek Anek Aur Ekta’.” It
most educated Indians and is used is now becoming a well-established
for various official and administrative career option today because the
purposes. This suggests that English is Indian audience has started showing
considered important for communication keen interest in animated movies and
and professional interactions within the commercials due to which several
educated segments of Indian society. production houses are producing a
(C) old literary traditions. greater number of animated movies
(D) (c) India's linguistic diversity is a valuable providing career opportunities to many.
aspect of its culture. (D) The passage emphasises that individuals
Explanation: The passage emphasises with excellent artistic abilities and
the richness of India's linguistic diversity incredible imagination are essential for
as a positive feature of the country's the growth of the animation industry.
cultural heritage. Hence, (c) is the right This suggests that creativity is at the
answer. core of an animator's work.
(E) an admiration for the multitude of (E) One inference that can be drawn from
languages spoken across the country. the statement "the Indian audience
Explanation: The author's "appreciative" is showing keen interest in animated
tone indicates that he views the linguistic movies and commercials" is that there is
diversity in India as valuable and worthy a growing demand for animated content
of admiration. in India.
(F) The phrase implies that despite the (F) (a)
fact that India is a country with many
diverse languages and cultures, there is
a commonality among many linguistic
populations that may be reflected in
their respective languages and cultures.
(G) expository text Explanation: Plethora means a very
Explanation: In this passage, the large amount of something, usually
author provides factual information more than is needed or can be used.
about India's linguistic diversity and the Hence, (a) is the right answer.
significance of certain languages in an (G) The ability of the animation business
Indian society. to provide visually appealing and
(H) (a) make up and constitute compelling stuff for a variety of mediums
is one advantage. The demanding and
2. (A) creative time-consuming nature of the work
Explanation: As mentioned in paragraph in the animation industry might be its
5, A number of animation institutes have drawback.

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(H) (c) To manipulate still images using primarily involves manipulating still
technology images using technology to create the
Explanation: In the context of the illusion of motion. Hence, (c) is the right
animation industry, an animator's role answer.

3. (A) processed Explanation: The past continuous tense
is used to indicate an ongoing action
(B) Error Correction in the past. In this sentence, the action
of writing the letter was already in
to too
progress when he arrived, so the correct
(C) The announcement said that the flight option is was writing. Hence, (b) is the
would be delayed by a few hours due to right answer.
heavy rain.
(I) she was truly satisfied
(D) (a) Santa Claus could afford to give
away (J) (c) will have made
(E) the Explanation: The sentence refers to an
action that will be completed by the
Explanation: The use of "the" implies
end of the day in the future. Hence, (c) is
that there is a specific seminar in mind,
the right answer.
which is the one related to the new
policy. (K) (d) had started
Explanation: The sentence is in the past
(F) Error Correction perfect tense, indicating an action that
melt melts happened before another action in the
past. Hence, (d) is the right answer.
(G) Option No. Error Correction
(L) Error Correction
(d) teacher's teachers'
opened open
(H) (b) was writing

4. Pragya Public School the refreshments given to the students
seemed stale and unhealthy. Moreover,
the accommodation arrangements were
Punjab far from satisfactory and had no proper
ventilation. The supervisors were not willing
13th September, 20XX to serve. Many of them used abusive
The Managing Director language with us.
Mount Travels and Tourism Your high profile leaflet duped us. In
practice, it has no existence. I request that
Punjab you lodge my complaint and look into the
Subject: Complaint regarding substandard discrepancies of your agency.
services Thanking you

Respected Sir/Madam Yours sincerely

I am writing this letter to convey to you that Sujal / Sujata Ahuja

I would like to file a complaint against your OR
travel agency. Your agents had arranged a Queen Mary's School
trip to Nainital for Pragya Public School. You
Model Town
promised that you would provide us with the
best package, but unfortunately, it did not New Delhi-1100XX
meet our expectations. 4th August, 20XX
The seats of the bus were uncomfortable. The Editor
We booked a bus for 40 students but you
The Times of India
provided us with a minibus with 30 seats.
Many students had to travel standing. Even New Delhi-1100XX

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Subject: Urgent need for traffic lights and is spent on cell phones, and 20% of it is
zebra crossing spent with friends. Government school kids,
Respected Sir/Madam however, display a slightly different pattern.
40% of them become immersed in television.
I am writing to draw the attention of the However, net surfing constitutes a mere
concerned authorities to a pressing issue 10% of their leisure, while cell phone usage
that poses a significant risk to the safety stands at 12%. Notably, a considerable
of students in our locality. The road in front 25% of government school students value
of our school witnesses heavy traffic flow, socializing with friends during their leisure
particularly during school dismissal hours. time. These differences shed important light
This puts our fellow students' lives in danger. on the different leisure choices between the
As a concerned student, I earnestly request two educational systems.
the installation of traffic lights and a zebra OR
crossing in front of our school premises.
A Detailed Analysis of the Number
This action would not only make it safer for
of Personnel Employed by Sahara
students to cross the street, but it would also
improve traffiic management.
The study lets us compare how employee
I request the authorities to act quickly and
numbers at Sahara Automobiles changed in
give the safety of students top priority by
production, sales, corporate, and accounting
making these essential changes. departments. In 2015, the production
Thanking you department began with 1500 employees.
Yours sincerely Its employees rose and fell independently,
irrespective of production figures. The Sales
Rohan/Riya and Accounts departments had the fewest
employees, at 250 and 450, respectively.
5. A Comparative Analysis of Public and Comparatively, corporate peaked in 2015
Government School Student Activities at 500 employees. In 2019, there were
A recent survey examining the leisure 5050 workers in production, 750 in sales,
activities of students aged 13 to 19 has and 1300 in accounts, which was the most.
shown surprising insights. Among public Corporate had the fewest workers in 2017,
school students, television appears to be with 300. So, most parts of the company
the primary pastime, with 30% dedicating need more workers when they make more
their leisure hours to it. In the meantime, a stuff, except for corporate. The corporate
significant percentage of the 50% engages department is different and doesn't need
in Internet browsing, demonstrating their more workers when they make more stuff in
digital involvement. 15% of their spare time other parts of the company.

6. (A) One can infer that Hari had gained a (D) (d) Unpleasant
deep understanding of Anil through Explanation: The use of words like
their interactions. It also suggests a "chilly," "drizzle," and "discomfort"
sense of guilt or conflict within Hari indicates an atmosphere that is not
after he stole from Anil. This shows the soothing. Hence, (d) is the right answer.
intricacy of their relationship as well as
Hari's internal conflict as he struggles to OR
come to terms with his deeds. (A) Natalya believes that Squeezer is a
(B) As it starts drizzling, Hari's mind races hundred times better Lomov's pet. The
with questions. He is filled with guilt word choice in Natalya's statement, such
and shame as he reflects on his act of as "silly Guess" and "half-dead already,"
stealing from someone, who had put his reflects her lack of respect or seriousness
utmost trust in him. He also thinks about towards Lomov's attachment to his dog.
the potential repercussions for himself Hence, it is correct to say that Natalya's
as well as for Anil, whose confidence he tone while saying all this mocking and
has betrayed. He ponders whether this is dismissive.
the path he truly wants to tread. (B) (b) Humour refers to the use of comedic
(C) The phrase that would correctly elements, techniques, and devices to
substitute 'discomfort', in the given entertain, amuse, and provoke
sentence is unease. laughter in readers.

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Explanation: Natalya's remark about and the potential consequences of its
Lomov's dog being "half-dead" is a actions. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
playful exaggeration that is intended (C) The stanza's whimsical descriptions,
to provoke a humorous response. such as a bear hugging "very, very hard",
Additionally, Lomov's emotional reaction stimulate the reader's imagination.
during their absurd discussion when These creative images paint a vivid
he says, 'Shut up! My heart’s bursting!' mental picture that captures the reader's
creates a humorous effect. Hence, (b) is interest and curiosity.
the right answer.
(D) The given lines employ visual imagery
(C) When playing Lomov, the actor should that appeals to the sense of sight and
use his voice to project strong feelings. evoke strong mental images. The lines
When he cries out, "Shut up! My heart "If when you’re walking round your yard"
is bursting!" his tone should be wavering and "You meet a creature there" paint
to emphasise his emotional breakdown a visual picture of someone walking in
and portray his disturbed mood. a yard and coming face to face with a
(D) (d) Lomov is deeply saddened. bear.
Explanation: Lomov's emotional
outburst, "[weeps] Shut up! My
8. (A) Just as storms can arise suddenly and
without warning, life often presents us
heart's bursting!" indicates that he
with unexpected challenges that disrupt
is experiencing intense sadness and
our plans. The pilot's decision to face the
emotional distress. Hence, (d) is the right
storm demonstrates his courage and
determination to confront challenges.
7. (A) calmness This reflects the importance of gathering
strength and facing difficulties in life
(B) The mention of commands like "Don’t with courage.
bite your nails" creates a sense of
urgency and a clear command. It depicts (B) Despite facing adversity, Lencho
Amanda's mother's concern for her maintains his trust in God that he will
behaviour. Moreover, the description of help him. This suggests that faith can be
the "languid, emerald sea" represents a powerful force in people's lives. On the
a world of tranquility, imagination, and other hand, the postmaster's decision
freedom that contrasts with Amanda's to gather funds from his colleagues to
reality. help Lencho demonstrates a sense of
compassion and empathy. It portrays
(C) (b) Frustration the positive aspects of human nature,
Explanation: The repeated phrases such as the willingness to help others.
and commands suggest that Amanda's (C) The poem focuses on a common
mother is frustrated by Amanda's occurrence—the shaking down of snow
behaviour. Hence, (b) is the right answer. by a crow. This simple action is not
(D) The imagery of the languid, emerald sea a grand event but a small, common
and Amanda being the sole inhabitant incident that might otherwise go
as a mermaid, reflects Amanda's unnoticed. By highlighting how such
desire to escape her current reality. an ordinary moment brings about a
This imaginative scenario suggests transformation in the poet's mood, the
that Amanda longs for a peaceful and poem suggests that inspiration can
liberated existence that is vastly different come from the most unexpected sources.
from her reality. (D) The ball represents the innocence
OR and carefree nature of childhood. As
(A) The language chosen in this poem it bounces down the street and into
challenges conventional notions of the water, it symbolises the transition
what poetry should be by addressing a from childhood to the complex world
potentially serious subject in a fun and of adulthood. The loss of innocence and
hilarious manner. Poetry has historically the recognition of life's uncertainties are
been linked to lofty language, deep conveyed through this metaphor.
ideas, and a certain amount of formality. (E) Anne personifies her diary by addressing
(B) (b) emphasises the bear's strength it as "Dear Kitty". This provides her the
impression that she has a reliable friend
Explanation: The readers gains a to whom she can confide her deepest
clear mental picture of the bear which thoughts, concerns, and dreams. Despite
highlights both its physical strength having friends and family around, she

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often experiences a sense of disconnect. OR
Writing to Kitty allows her to release Ladies and gentlemen,
her inner feelings and foster a sense of
friendship. I'm here today to discuss a profound lesson
with you that goes to the very core of our
9. (A) Mrs. Pumphrey believes that by providing human experience.
Tricki with treats and pampering him, The story of Kisa Gotami serves as a reminder
she is taking good care of him. However, that nothing in life is truly permanent. When
her actions, like overfeeding, actually her only son passed away, she had to
result in Tricki becoming obese and confront the awful reality of death. As she
lethargic. The irony in this situation is went from house to house, she discovered
that despite her best intentions, she that every family had experienced loss, and
actually undermines Tricki's health in the in doing so, she confronted the universality of
process of over pampering him. death. This realisation made her understand
(B) Matilda's strong desire for a more that suffering is an integral part of life. This
glamorous life creates a sense of story carries a profound message for each
restlessness within her. Her obsession of us. In a world that often seeks to avoid
with wealth and social status prompts discomfort and clings to what is fleeting,
her to borrow a necklace from her we are reminded that true peace comes not
friend. However, she loses the necklace, from denial but from acceptance.
and this propels her and M. Loisel into Thank you
a life of financial struggle and debt. Her
downfall teaches her the harsh realities 11. Dr. Urquhart's expertise in the field of
of pursuing unattainable desires. butterfly migration and his willingness
(C) Richard's mother actively supported to guide a young enthusiast like Richard
Ebright's interests and hobbies from provided a solid foundation for mentorship.
a young age. She provided him with He not only responded to Richard's mother's
telescopes, microscopes, and other letter but also offered a wealth of ideas and
equipment that fueled his curiosity. She suggestions for experiments, demonstrating
also wrote to Dr. Urquhart for ideas, and his commitment to guiding Richard's
back came a stack of suggestions for scientific pursuits. When Richard did not win
experiments. Those kept Ebright busy any prize in the science fair in seventh grade,
all through high school and led to prize he wrote to Dr. Urquhart to guide him. The
projects at county and international scientist gave him many suggestions for
science fairs. new experiments. Richard performed these
experiments throughout high school and
10. Parallel Narratives of Freedom and won many prizes. Later, he worked on why
Confinement bright spots are found on a monarch pupa,
motivated by Dr. Urquhart. It led to the
This presentation explores the parallel discovery of a new hormone. In this way, Dr.
narratives of freedom and confinement Urquhart proved to be his true mentor.
in the story "Mijbil the Otter" and “A Tiger
in the Zoo”. Mijbil's adaptation to his OR
surroundings is portrayed through his The climax is like the most exciting part of
playful interactions with water and spending the story, where everything is at its most
hours shuffling a rubber ball around the intense. In this story, it's the moment when
room. His change highlights the otter's Max is trying to get away with an important
capacity for environmental adaptation. report. He's holding a gun and wants to
The confined tiger's natural instincts and escape through the window. He warns
behaviours, on the other hand, highlight Ausable that he'll shoot if the police outside
its need for freedom. As Maxwell plans the door don't go away. He jumped out of
to take Mijbil to England, they encounter the window, but suddenly he screams. Then
challenges posed by air travel regulations. the door opens, and a waiter arrives with a
The restrictions imposed on Mijbil symbolise tray, a bottle, and two glasses. It's revealed
the limitations on his freedom due to human by Ausable that the police weren't actually
constraints. Moreover, the mention of visitors there, and there's no balcony outside. This is
and patrolling cars emphasises the tiger's a really tense moment where we don't know
captivity and reveals the impact of human what will happen, but it quickly changes as
control on the innocent animal. the truth comes out. It's the most exciting
Thank you and uncertain part of the story.

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