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3. Cac TCr Thay Doi NghTa Ho~c TCr Lo9i Theo Tr<;mg Am .................................................... 131 3. Cac TCr Thay Doi NghTa Ho~c TCr Lo9i Theo Tr<;mg Am .................................................... 131
B. BAI T~P ........................................................................................................................ 132 B. BAI T~P ........................................................................................................................ 132

c. flAP A.N v A HU'ONG DAN GIAI ·········•······························•···•·•················· ................•...•. 136 c. flAP A.N v A HU'ONG DAN GIAI ·········•······························•···•·•················· ................•...•. 136

A.LYTHUYET ................................................................................................................... 145 A.LYTHUYET ................................................................................................................... 145

ChuCac Lo9i Phrasal
1. School Verb ........................................................................................................ 1468
......................................................................................................................... 1. Cac Lo9i Phrasal Verb ........................................................................................................ 146
Chu So
M¢t 2. Phrasal
Leisure Verb Thong
Activities Dl)ng ..................................................................................... 146
...................................................................................................... 12 2. M¢t So Phrasal Verb Thong Dl)ng ..................................................................................... 146
Chu T~P
B. BAI De 3......................................................................................................................... 160
work ..........................................................................................................................16 B. BAI T~P ........................................................................................................................ 160
c. aA.P AN4.v A
Chu De HU'6'NG DAN
Appearance AndGIAI ......................................................•.................•...........•.
Personality 165
................................................................................... 20 c. aA.P AN v A HU'6'NG DAN GIAI ......................................................•.................•...........•. 165

Chu De 5. Country And City Life ...............................................................................................24

A.LYTHUYET ...................................................................................................................
Chu De 6. Places 174
And Wonders ................................................................................................29 A.LYTHUYET ................................................................................................................... 174
I.Chu De 7.
IDIOM Environment .............................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................... 33
174 I. IDIOM ................................................................................................................................... 174
II. De 8. Health ........................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................... 181 II. COLLOCATION ................................................................................................................... 181
B. Chu De 9.........................................................................................................................
Community Service .................................................................................................. 41
187 B. BAI T~P ........................................................................................................................ 187
c. Chu AN1v AMusic
And ArtsGtAI
DAN .......................................................................................................
.•.........................................•..........•••..........•.................. 197 45 c. aA.P AN v A HU'ONG DAN GtAI .•.........................................•..........•••..........•.................. 197
Chu De 11. Food And Drink .......................................................................................................49
Chu De 12. Traffic And Transport ............................................................................................ 53
Chu De 13. Customs And Traditions ........................................................................................ 58
Chu De 14. Holiday And Festival .............................................................................................. 62
Chu De 15. Media And Social Network .................................................................................... 66
Chu De 16. Space And Other Planets .......................................................................................70
Chu De 17. Science And Technology .......................................................................................74
Chu De 18. Changing Roles In Society .....................................................................................79
B. . ........•.......................•.•.................................................... 83

A. ............................................................................................................................ 106
1. Thanh L~p TLJ' V6'i Cac H~u To Trong Tieng An h.............................................................. 1 07
2. Thanh L~p TLJ' Voi cac Tien To Trong Tieng Anh ............................................................. 108
3. Vi Trf Cua Cac Lo~i TLJ' ....................................................................................................... 11 o
B. 111
...................................................................................... 11

1. Cac TLJ' C6 Ph at Am Ho~c Cach Viet (Gan) Giang Nhau .................................................. 122
TLJ'C6 Nhau Nhau ..................................................... 1
Ia buoc v6'i sT tlr,

vao ngoi ma uac?

Lam the nao khong nuoi khi ra kh6i phong thi?
5 yeu to quan trQng quyet djnh t6'i hQc sinh rut nay chfnh Ia:
1. Kien thuc
2. Chien thu~t hQc tang diem
3. Toe d9 lam de, phan x~ de
4. Tam ly phong thi vfrng vang
5. Sl! cham chi, kien trl
f>oi v6'i mon Tieng Anh, tl.r Vl!ng gifr vai tro vo cung thiet yeu. Trau doi von tl.r Vl!ng phong phu
cling chlnh Ia chuan bi hanh trang, von lieng cho ban than khi buoc vao ky thi quan trQng. Ben
c~nh d6, on sai each, IU'b'i bieng, chenh mang se khien ll!C hQC cua b~n mai d~m chan t~i cho.
Giai phap cU'u canh thf sinh din ngay bay gib' chfnh Ia bq sach on thi vao 10 bao gom 2 cuon: Giai
c(ru mat goc tl.r Vl!ng va Ngfr phap Tieng Anh THCS. BQ sach se giup b~n:
• T~p trung on dung, du phan kien thuc t~p trung nhat, tranh on lan man, khong c6 ml)c
dfch cl) the
• Cung cap bQ tlr Vl!ng theo chu de cung voi bai t~p luy~n theo sat n(>i dung, giup nang cao
hi~u suat ghi nh6' bai.

• Tong h<;tp va cung cap cac idiom, collocation, phrasal verb can thiet, c6 kha nang cao se
xuat hi~n trong de thi
• Tang CU'b'ng phan X~ de, thu n~p nhieu phU'ang phap giai tat, nham nhanh, doan y giup
nhan 3 toe dQ lam bai
• B6 tui nhieu m~o, tips tranh bay hay Ia kinh nghi~m c6 1-0-2 tl.r cac anh, chi thu khoa, a
khoa di tru6'c
• Va d~c bi~t khong the thieu nhfrng loi khuyen hfru fch de vao phong thi c6 tam ly thoai
mai nhat
Cuon sach "Giai cU'u mat goc tl.r Vl!ng" nam trong bQ sach d~c bi~t giup b~n VU'<}t qua chuang
ng~i ca ve tlr Vl!ng va ngfr phap, giup si tlr RUT NGAN thai gian on thi cua mlnh va van dem l~i
hi~u qua cao.
Trong qua trlnh bien so~n cuon sach chac chan khong tranh kh6i thieu s6t, mong b~n thong cam
Va chia dong g6p nhfrng thac mac de CUOn sach dU'<}C hoan thi~n hem trong nhfrng lan tai ban

Chuc cac b~n thanh cong!

STT Tirva;ng Tirlo~i Phien am Nghia STT Tirva;ng Tirlo~i Phien am Nghia
1 Absent adj l'rebsant/ vang m~t 1 Absent adj l'rebsant/ vang m~t
2 Activity n lrek'tivatil ho~t cl(>ng 2 Activity n lrek'tivatil ho~t cl(>ng
3 Art n la:t/ ngh~ thu~t 3 Art n la:t/ ngh~ thu~t

4 Attend v tham 4 Attend v tham

5 Assignment n Ia ·sammant/ bai t~p, vi~c dl!qc giao 5 Assignment n Ia ·sammant/ bai t~p, vi~c dl!qc giao

6 Board n bang 6 Board n bang

7 Boarding school n /' b;:,:rdif) sku:l/ trli<1ng n9i tru 7 Boarding school n /' b;:,:rdif) sku:l/ trli<1ng n9i tru
8 Break n lbre1kl nghi giai lao 8 Break n lbre1kl nghi giai lao
(break time) (break time)

9 Cafeteria n I. krefa 'tiarial cang tin 9 Cafeteria n I. krefa 'tiarial cang tin

10 Calculator n /' krelkjuleita(r)l may tfnh cam tay 10 Calculator n /' krelkjuleita(r)l may tfnh cam tay

11 Compulsory adj lkam ·pAisaril bat bu9c 11 Compulsory adj lkam ·pAisaril bat bu9c
12 Concentrate v I· kunsntre1t/ 12 Concentrate v I· kunsntre1t/
13 Curriculum n lka ·nkjalaml chl!ong trlnh giang d~y 13 Curriculum n lka ·nkjalaml chl!ong trlnh giang d~y
14 Dictionary n mkftm( 14 Dictionary n mkftm(
15 Discuss v thao lu~n, ban 15 Discuss v thao lu~n, ban
16 Enroll v lm'raull 16 Enroll v lm'raull
17 Eraser n h'rei.zarl cvctay 17 Eraser n h'rei.zarl cvctay
Rubber n /'rAb.arl Rubber n /'rAb.arl

18 Excellent adj 'pksal.a' xuat sac 18 Excellent adj 'pksal.a' xuat sac
. I
111\.iUIClll adj
. I
111\.iUIClll adj

20 Expel v hk'spel/ hQc,b~9cthoihQc 20 Expel v hk'spel/ hQc,b~9cthoihQc

Drop out (of school) phr.v ldrup.aut/ b6 hQC Drop out (of school) phr.v ldrup.aut/ b6 hQC
Geography n mon Dja Ly Geography n mon Dja Ly
Grade n lgre1dl khoi, lop (trlnh Grade n lgre1dl khoi, lop (trlnh

23 Grammar n /' grrema(r)l ngO' phap 23 Grammar n /' grrema(r)l ngO' phap
24 ll~llfA v /' grred3uat/ tot nghi~p 24 ll~llfA v /' grred3uat/ tot nghi~p
25 Headmaster n I. hed ·ma:sta(r)l hi~u trl!ong 25 Headmaster n I. hed ·ma:sta(r)l hi~u trl!ong
n l'h1stril man Ljch
..... n /I' svmu
. v /Im'pru:vl
wisdom uniform
wisdom uniform

1. He doesn't like taking part in classroom _ _ .
n hm' pru:v.mantl sv thi~n. cao
1. He doesn't like taking part in classroom _ _ .
2. The cravat is a part of the school _ _ . 2. The cravat is a part of the school _ _ .
3. Joana sent her son to a _ _ in New n York. 1•11\HIW:~yu;
nha 3. Joana sent her son to a _ _ in New York.
4. I feel that I have benefited greatlyadj
from her _ _. uyen am hieu 4. I feel that I have benefited greatly from her _ _.
5. An
31 has been _ _ from school forn three days /'
Lecture now.
lektfa(r)l bai giang 5. An has been _ _ from school for three days now.

Maths n lmre8sl man Toan

1. Which school do your children attend? 1. Which school do your children attend?
33 . adj /'nes.a.ser.i/ can thiet
check in revise look on absent check in revise look on absent
34 /, .L .2 .I
PE \P~·.v-·--· n
2. Hung was expelled from school for bad behavior. 2. Hung was expelled from school for bad behavior.
• ·• I),
admnted supported suspended eliminated admnted supported suspended eliminated
35 Pencil case n I· pens I ke1sl h9p dvng but

·- n 1·pens I Ja:pna(r)l
1 . Maths and Literature are compulsory for all students.
gQt but chi
1 . Maths and Literature are compulsory for all students.
optional Practice importantv I· prrektisl
effective thvc hanh
relevant optional important effective relevant
2. Practical work makes students independent I· prrektikl/
and increases their confidence.thvc te 2. Practical work makes students independent and increases their confidence.
38 truant theoretical
id lpleisimple
'tru:ant/ smooth
tron h<;>c early theoretical simple smooth

39 Private school n I, praiVat ·sku: II truong tU'

1. The first lesson
Stateon .!!.the .u_ _ for Monday
n morning
/' ste1tis,sku:l/
History. trU'O'ng cong 1. The first lesson on the _ _ for Monday morning is History.
headmaster textbook .I!L timetable pencil case headmaster textbook timetable pencil case
l,luanry v l'kwuhfaii du tU' each, kha nang,
2. Our teacher encouraged us to take part in _ _ activities in order to develop
ki~nskills. 2. Our teacher encouraged us to take part in _ _ activities in order to develop soft skills.
theoretical extracurricular dedicated extractive theoretical extracurricular dedicated extractive
41 Revise v ln'vaizl on 19i, on t~p
3. People who have _ _ from university stand a better chance of getting a good job. 3. People who have _ _ from university stand a better chance of getting a good job.
Revision ln'v13.anl n sv xem l9i, on t~p
developed received
graduated obtained developed received graduated obtained
v I· sret.IS. fail lam hai long
4. Ellen _ _ in a three-year teacher-training course in London. 4. Ellen _ _ in a three-year teacher-training course in London.
n I, sret. IS' f~k.fanl sv hai long
retook practiced followed enrolled retook practiced followed enrolled
adj I, sret.1s ·f~k. tar. i/ thoa man, hai tong
5. The _ _ rate is higher in underdeveloped countries than in developed countries. 5. The _ _ rate is higher in underdeveloped countries than in developed countries.
illiteracy Science professorn course man Khoa hQC
research illiteracy professor course research
A .L .1.
n h<;>c bong

n /' sekandri sku:l/ trU'O'ng trung h<;>c co so

1. an/ English/ is/ important/ curriculum/ school/ part/ of/ the. 1. an/ English/ is/ important/ curriculum/ school/ part/ of/ the.
Semester n lsi'mesta(r)l hQC ky
T ~·- n /'tekstbukl sach gh3o khoa
2. II am/ attend/ the/ child/ first/ in/ family/ my/ to/ college. 2. II am/ attend/ the/ child/ first/ in/ family/ my/ to/ college.
n thai kh6a bieu
3. There/ were/ students/ very/ few/n his/ at/ lecture/ that/ morning.
/'ju:mfJ:ml 3. There/ were/ students/ very/ few/ his/ at/ lecture/ that/ morning.

n I'WIZ.daml sv khan ngoan, thong thai

Our/ you/ to/ overseas.

hold/ school/
STT Tir Vl}11g Tir lo~i Phien am Nghia STT Tir Vl}11g Tir lo~i Phien am Nghia

1 Active adj /'cek.tiV/ chu d(>ng, nang ct(>ng 1 Active adj /'cek.tiV/ chu d(>ng, nang ct(>ng

2 Adventure n /ad'ventfar; cu(>c phieu luu 2 Adventure n /ad'ventfar; cu(>c phieu luu
B.3 Can you help
me with this, adj /a'diktiv/ (co tfnh) gay nghi~n 3 Addictive adj /a'diktiv/ (co tfnh) gay nghi~n

C.4 Can you say that again, please? n

Aerobics I ea ·raub1ks/ the dl)c nhip di~u 4 Aerobics n I ea ·raub1ks/ the dl)c nhip di~u
D.5Why don't you use the calculator?
Agile adj I· ced3. ail/ nhanh nh~n, lanh IQ'i 5 Agile adj I· ced3. ail/ nhanh nh~n, lanh IQ'i
How about aAgility
textbook? n /a'd3dati/ Sl! nhanh nh~n, lanh IQ'i Agility n /a'd3dati/ Sl! nhanh nh~n, lanh IQ'i
6 Hi Alex. Why do you look so sad?
Amuse v /a'mju:z/ lam vui, thfch thu 6 Amuse v /a'mju:z/ lam vui, thfch thu
Alex: Oh. I am Amusement
struggling with my maths
n homework. (1)
/a'mju:zmant/ sl! giai trf Amusement n /a'mju:zmant/ sl! giai trf
Katie: Yes, sure. (2) _ _
7 Badminton n /'bcedmmtan/ mon cau long 7 Badminton n /'bcedmmtan/ mon cau long
No. My teacher doesn't permit calculators.
8 Baseball n /'beis.b~:l/ bong chay 8 Baseball n /'beis.b~:l/ bong chay
Katie: Alright. Let me guide you through these exercises.
9That's so Basketball
kind of you. n I· ba: sk1tb~: 1/ bong ro 9 Basketball n I· ba: sk1tb~: 1/ bong ro
10(3) _ _Barbecue
Please apply what you
n learned on/'ba:bikju:/
the maths exam tomorrow.
ti~c nuong ngoai troi 10 Barbecue n /'ba:bikju:/ ti~c nuong ngoai troi
11Absolutely. Thanks,
Camp Katie. v /kcemp/ cam tr~i 11 Camp v /kcemp/ cam tr~i
Camping n /' kcempiiJ/ ho~t d(>ng cam tr~i Camping n /' kcempiiJ/ ho~t d(>ng cam tr~i

12 Chess n /tfes/ covua 12 Chess n /tfes/ covua

13 Climb v /klaim/ leo, treo 13 Climb v /klaim/ leo, treo

Climbing n /' klaimii)/ leo nui Climbing n /' klaimii)/ leo nui

14 Collect v /ka'lekt! suu tam 14 Collect v /ka'lekt! suu tam

Collector n /ka 'lekta(r)/ ngli'Oi SU'U tam Collector n /ka 'lekta(r)/ ngli'Oi SU'U tam

15 Comfortable adj I· kAmftabal/ thoai mai 15 Comfortable adj I· kAmftabal/ thoai mai

16 Craft n /kra:ft/ do thu cong 16 Craft n /kra:ft/ do thu cong

v lam do thu cong v lam do thu cong

17 Cycle v /'saikl/ di xe d~p 17 Cycle v /'saikl/ di xe d~p

Cyclist n /'saiklist/ nguoi di xe d~p Cyclist n /'saiklist/ nguoi di xe d~p

18 Discover v /d1' kham pha 18 Discover v /d1' kham pha

19 Enjoy v !In'd3~1/ thfch, hao ht!ng, t~n huang 19 Enjoy v !In'd3~1/ thfch, hao ht!ng, t~n huang

20 Entertain v I. enta 'tem/ giai trf 20 Entertain v I. enta 'tem/ giai trf

21 Event n /J'vent/ Sl! ki~n 21 Event n /J'vent/ Sl! ki~n

22 Exciting adj !Ik ·saitJI)/ phan khfch, thu vi 22 Exciting adj !Ik ·saitJI)/ phan khfch, thu vi

23 Fishing n /fiJI I)/ cau ca 23 Fishing n /fiJI I)/ cau ca

47 -
I" Swim
....a• . u
nv /'futb~:l/
/SWim/ boi 47 Swim v /SWim/ boi

48 Sunbathe nv /,fri:
/'sAnbeio/ thai tam nang 48 Sunbathe v /'sAnbeio/ tam nang
Sunbath nn /'/'SAn.bu:8/ tam Sunbath n /' SAn.bu:8/ tam
49 """Unwind
'l;;l'QI'Yigll vv /'ga:dn/
/,An'wamd/ xalam vuon
thu gian 49 Unwind v /,An'wamd/ xa thu gian

50 Volleyball n /,In'd~:r/
/'vnl.i.b;):l/ trongchuyen
nha 50 Volleyball n /'vnl.i.b;):l/ chuyen
Outdoor /'aut, d~:r/ ngoai troi

v /dJog/ ch~y b()

Judo n /'d3u:dau/ vo judo (Nhu d~o)

agility agility
30 v /<l)Amp/ nhay
1. a. an activity thatn is done for enjoyment cu nhay 1. a. an activity that is done for enjoyment
2. Pastime /' pa:s.taim/
n regular speed,
b. to run at a slow, especially as a form of th~u khien
tro~xc:r~.;r~c: 2. b. to run at a slow, regular speed, especially as a form of ~xc:r~.;r~c:
.... u
lr'BOJ'=IIIUUIBU n two people
c. a sport in which /' ple1graund/ sanhands
fight using their arms, legs, chai and feet, 3. c. a sport in which two people fight using their arms, legs, hands and feet,
33 and try to throw veach other to the
Paint ground
/peint/ ve and try to throw each other to the ground

4. .- ...d. -to entertain someone,

n especially by humorous
/' pem.tiiJ/ bilespeech
ve, bile or action
tranh/ Sl,l' or
ve by 4. d. to entertain someone, especially by humorous speech or action or by
making them laugh or smile making them laugh or smile
34 n /plaan/ keho~ch
5. e. the ability to move
v your body quickly and easily h~n keho~ch 5. e. the ability to move your body quickly and easily

35 Relax v /n'laaks/ thu gian

36 ....
camping v
.t:,_ .It
/n'freJ/ lam cho khoan khoai camping
1. The shopn in
.. 11town
.a sells
..... :. everything you need f o r _ , and has tents for hire at £1 0 a week. 1. The shop in town sells everything you need f o r _ , and has tents for hire at £1 0 a week.
37 in.UII~I
n I' til)/
'~11\.CURBB!:f trU'Q't patin (giay trU'Qt c6
2. After work she _ _ with a cup of tea and the newspaper. banh xe 6 4 g6c) 2. After work she _ _ with a cup of tea and the newspaper.
3. We gathered around -•• the table in our garden and had a _ _ yesterday. 3. We gathered around the table in our garden and had a _ _ yesterday.
38 - II

4. I love to do all kinds of _ _ and sewing.

I', blei.dii)/ trU'Qt patin (giay trU'Qt c6
banh xe dQc 6 duoi) 4. I love to do all kinds of _ _ and sewing.
5. On the final day of the trip, we did some _ _ in Paris. 5. On the final day of the trip, we did some _ _ in Paris.
39 Routine n /ru: 'ti:n/ th6i quen

40 v /raid/ lai, cuoi

1. What was the final score of the _ _ game? I missed it last night. 1. What was the final score of the _ _ game? I missed it last night.
41 <b)C:UI~UJ"' v I' saat.1s. fa I/ lam hai long
basketball skydiving sunbath routine basketball skydiving sunbath routine
if"" ..... ..JI .If!
adj /' saet.Is.faid/ hai long
2. Mike usually starts his day with a healthy activity like _ _ . 2. Mike usually starts his day with a healthy activity like _ _ .
.... ~· .t:. .... n I, saat.IS · sv hai long
exciting amuse sedentary cycling exciting amuse sedentary cycling
liE"' . .JI .... /'sedntri/ ft v~n d()ng
3. She always wears a1helmet when adjshe goes _ _. 3. She always wears a helmet when she goes _ _ .
...... ll. ....
fishing . .., swimming
v rollerblading
/' SaitSi:/ jogging
tham quan, du lam fishing swimming rollerblading jogging
4. I do _ _.....and
.., weight training atnthe gym.
''i::ll /'sait,si:.IIJ/ ho~t d()ng tham quan 4. I do _ _ and weight training at the gym.

44free time Skateboard chess v painting

/' skeit.b~:d/ aerobics
trU'Qt van free time chess painting aerobics
5. He is a passionate _ _ of rare stamps. 5. He is a passionate _ _ of rare stamps.
/' skeit, b~:.diiJ/
"""' .._I.
UIDII'=II n m6n trU'Q't van
ride collector cyclist craft ride collector cyclist craft
-•-..;,-•uu.ii'Y n I' skaidaiVIIJ/
.JI! . • !.
nhay du
n thao
go I were young.
times were
STT TU' Vlfllg TU' am Nghia STT TU' Vlfllg TU' am Nghia
2. favourite were to and climbing trees.
My Achieve were v /a'tjl:v/
roller-skate d~t dlJ'Q'C
climbing Achieve v /a'tjl:v/ d~t dlJ'Q'C

3. When I Actor n /' rekta(r)/

with my friends. Actor n /' rekta(r)/
3 Apply v go
/a'plai/ with
ung tuyen 3 Apply v /a'plai/ ung tuyen
4. I would rather go to aform
Application live footballn than watching'f~:rm/
/,' it on TV. don ung tuyen, don xin vi~c Application form n /,' 'f~:rm/ don ung tuyen, don xin vi~c
would rather live watching on
4 Artist n /'a:tist/ 4 Artist n /'a:tist/
5. Children often ~ in the playgrounds and streets in the quarter after school.
Astronaut n I· rest ran~ :t/ phi hfmh Astronaut n I· rest ran~ :t/ phi hfmh
plays and the after
6 Blue-collar adj I. blu: ' chi lao d(>ng chan tay, 6 Blue-collar adj I. blu: ' chi lao d(>ng chan tay,
nhan nhan
1. The children themselves for hours with their paintings.
n /' biZ.niS tnp/ chuyen di cong tac n /' biZ.niS tnp/ chuyen di cong tac
desired Business trip replaced collected entertained Business trip
Business travel n
2. When I get home from school I like to /'biZ.niS
with the music. Business travel n /'biZ.niS

unwind Career waste n /ka'nr/
breath nghe nghi~p,
spend sv 8 Career n /ka'nr/ nghe nghi~p, sv

9 Colleague n /' dong nghi~p 9 Colleague n /' dong nghi~p
. .
1. She's
-·to play ., .., footballadjwith her mates
10 gone ("'L at the leisure centre. ("'L
. I· tfrebnd3IIJ/ thlithach 10 -·
. ., .., adj I· tfrebnd3IIJ/ thlithach
active addictive sedentary outdoor
11 Creative adj /kri ·e1tiv I sang t~o 11 Creative adj /kri ·e1tiv I sang t~o
2. After working in the garden, I a cold glass of lemonade.
n /Jeff dau bep n /Jeff dau bep
love hate refresh relax
13 Dentist n /'dentist/ nha sT 13 Dentist n /'dentist/ nha sT

14 Detective n /di'tektiv/ tham tti 14 Detective n /di'tektiv/ tham tti

1 n /' dukta(r)/ bac sT 1 n /' dukta(r)/ bac sT

16 Editor n /'ed.I.tar/ 16 Editor n /'ed.I.tar/

.I .I
1 -~
l!;;lllt'IUJ thue, muon 1 -~
l!;;lllt'IUJ thue, muon
Employer n /Im' chu, nguoi s(r d1,mg lao d¢ng Employer n /Im' chu, nguoi s(r d1,mg lao d¢ng
Employee n /Im'pbi.i:/ nguoi lao d¢ng, lam thue Employee n /Im'pbi.i:/ nguoi lao d¢ng, lam thue
Employment n /Im ·pb1.mant1 vi~c lam, slf thue Employment n /Im ·pb1.mant1 vi~c lam, slf thue
Unemployment n /,An.Im' Slf that nghi~p Unemployment n /,An.Im' Slf that nghi~p

18 Exhausted adj 7"l' ~hrl. ki~t SlrC 18 Exhausted adj 7"l' ~hrl. ki~t SlrC
k'In h IIYIIIt;:lll,
'~ ..... ::.. k'In h IIYIIIt;:lll,
'~ ..... ::..
19 Experience n IIYIIIylll 19 Experience n IIYIIIylll

Experienced adj giau kinh nghi~m Experienced adj giau kinh nghi~m

20 Farmer n /'fa:ma(r)/ nong dan 20 Farmer n /'fa:ma(r)/ nong dan

21 Firefighter n /'faiafaita(r)/ lfnh ClrU 21 Firefighter n /'faiafaita(r)/ lfnh ClrU

22 Florist n /'flunst/ ngtrb'i ban hoa 22 Florist n /'flunst/ ngtrb'i ban hoa
49 White-collar v
adj /,wait 'kula®/ chi gi6'i van phong, cong s6 49 White-collar adj /,wait 'kula®/ chi gi6'i van phong, cong s6

.Writer nn /'raita®/ nha thu
van, tcic gia 50 Writer n /'raita®/ nha van, tcic gia
n /In'h:nl
v /In't3:nl thl,fc

HI U.ll:::a Ui:lllliiiJ' n /'m.h:n.fipl ky thl,fc
1. She applied for six jobs and got three _ _ . 1. She applied for six jobs and got three _ _ .
Interview nl v /' Intavj u :/ ph6ng van
flexible interviews full-time workplaces flexible interviews full-time workplaces
J 0 b uei:!>ll.vllfJti.HUII
-• -· ..... I· d3'ob
n _ in this disknpJnl mo ta cong vi~c
2. There are now over four million _ country. 2. There are now over four million _ _ in this country.
28 Job swap
unemployed n
permanent 'swa:pl
/'d3nb punctual nhay vi~c
experienced unemployed permanent punctual experienced
3. She
29 works asI ~hnur
a(n) _ _ who gives nl v advice to /'lei.
barI (nguoi) lao d<?ng 3. She works as a(n) _ _ who gives advice to patients.
writer soldier actor doctor writer soldier actor doctor
30 leader n /' li:.darl lanh d9o
4. He listed his _ _ on the form as "teacher". 4. He listed his _ _ on the form as "teacher".
I .JI .L!
·r n I' li:daJipl sv lanh d9o
writer pension occupation income writer pension occupation income
31 librarian n II aI· brearianl thu thu
5. The average annual _ _ for those jobs was $90,721. 5. The average annual _ _ for those jobs was $90,721.
I:~ .................,~~
leadership ';;;;J
permanent /'laifga:dls
promotion nhan vien baa v~, cuu hQ
salary leadership permanent promotion salary
33 Musician n lmju'ziJnl nh9c sT

34 person might
1. This Nursefly to the moon.
n ln3:sl a_tr_n
yta __ t 1. This person might fly to the moon. a_tr_n __ t
,... discovers
2. This
35 person . ... information
n about crimes.
I, nk.ja ·pei.fanl d_t_c __v_
cong vi~c
f ___ er
2. This person discovers information about crimes. d_t_c __v_
f ___ er
3. This person grows food such as corn. 3. This person grows food such as corn.
36 n l'paiiat/ phicong
4. This person works in a school and provides lessons. __ ac __ r 4. This person works in a school and provides lessons. __ ac __ r
.u: ... _ ..
37 Ulllll.vii:::B n lpa'li:s 'nf1sa(r)l canh sat
l ____ ri_n l ____ ri_n
5. This person works in a library. 5. This person works in a library.
38 Promotion n lpra ·maufnl sv thang tien, thang chuc

1. 39 IRII'Il~'hl~l
My/ very/ tired,/ job/ me/ feel/ adj /' PAIJkt.fuall
either/ makes/ physically/ or/ mentally. dung gio 1. My/ very/ tired,/ job/ me/ feel/ either/ makes/ physically/ or/ mentally.
40 n I' seiia(r)l thuy thu
2. 41
I'm/ a/ looking/ high/ for/ a/ job/
n with/ salary.l'srelari/
1/ to/ make/ a lot of/ want/ money.
luang 2. I'm/ a/ looking/ high/ for/ a/ job/ with/ salary. 1/ to/ make/ a lot of/ want/ money.

n 1we1d3l luang (thea gio)

3. 1/ be/ a/ good at/ scientist/ want
Bonus n to/ because/ I'm/ Science.
/'bau.nasl thu6'ng 3. 1/ be/ a/ good at/ scientist/ want to/ because/ I'm/ Science.

Pension n /'pen.Janl luang huu

4. My/ had been/ to/ ambition/ become/ in/ one/ biggest/ of/ a chef/ the/ hotels. 4. My/ had been/ to/ ambition/ become/ in/ one/ biggest/ of/ a chef/ the/ hotels.
Scientist n I· saiantist/ nha khoa hQc
lf'>. .• D.•.II:.
43 n /' sauld3a(r)l lfnh
5. This/ so/ job/ is/ boring. 1/ II could/ do/ wish/ more/ something/ creative. 5. This/ so/ job/ is/ boring. 1/ II could/ do/ wish/ more/ something/ creative.
n IJift! ca lam vi~c

Taxi driver n /'treksi 'draiVa(r)l tai xe, lai xe taxi


Teacher n l'ti:tfa®l giao vien

- .
1. She felt sheh had little chance ofn_ _ in her job. ·leita®l
ltrrenz dich gia, bien dich vien
1. She felt she had little chance of _ _ in her job.
2. The school has flourished under the _ _ of Mrs. Lucid. I 2. The school has flourished under the _ _ of Mrs. Lucid.
II;;'IIIIJ'UICIIBJ adj /' t9m thai
3. How can we _ _ a.... balance between work and family life?
4. He served his _ _ at Garfield International company in 6 months.
3. How can we _ _ a balance between work and family life?
4. He served his _ _ at Garfield International company in 6 months.
5. in too little

TLrVI/flQ Tll'lo~i Phienam Nghia TLrVI/flQ Tll'lo~i Phienam Nghia

1. when you go somewhere for work
1 Active adj /'rektiV/ hang hai, nang d¢ng 1 Active adj /'rektiV/ hang hai, nang d¢ng

2 Appearance n /a· p1arans/ ngo~i hlnh, be ngoai 2 Appearance n /a· p1arans/ ngo~i hlnh, be ngoai

3 Bald adj /b~:ld/ hoi (dau) 3 Bald adj /b~:ld/ hoi (dau)
work in offices, doingnwork that needs
3.4 People who Beauty mental rather than physical
/'bju:.ti/ ved~p 4 Beauty n /'bju:.ti/ ved~p
Beautiful adj /' bju:.ti.fal/ xinh d~p Beautiful adj /' bju:.ti.fal/ xinh d~p
4. Who works in a shop that sells cut flowers and plants for inside the house?
-• adj /blund/ (t6c) vang hoe
.... -• adj /blund/ (t6c) vang hoe

Careful adj /'keafl/ can th~n Careful adj /'keafl/ can th~n
5. Who changes the words of one language into the words in another language that have the
same meaning?Caring adj /'keanr)/ chu dao, biet quan tam Caring adj /'keanr)/ chu dao, biet quan tam

7 Character I· kreraktarI tfnh each 7 Character I· kreraktarI tfnh each

Characteristic n I. krerakta ·nstik/ net rieng bi~t, d~c thu Characteristic n I. krerakta ·nstik/ net rieng bi~t, d~c thu

8 Chubby /'tfAbi/ mOm mTm,m~p 8 Chubby /'tfAbi/ mOm mTm,m~p

9 Clever adj /' kleva(r)/ lanh lqi, thong minh 9 Clever adj /' kleva(r)/ lanh lqi, thong minh

10 Confidence n /' Sl! ti,J' tin 10 Confidence n /' Sl! ti,J' tin
Confident adj I· knnfidant/ ti,J' tin Confident adj I· knnfidant/ ti,J' tin

11 Conceit n /kan'si:t/ ti,J' cao, ti,J' pht,J 11 Conceit n /kan'si:t/ ti,J' cao, ti,J' pht,J

Creative adj /kri ·e1tiVI sang t~o Creative adj /kri ·e1tiVI sang t~o
Creativity n /,kri:ei'bvati/ tfnh sang t~o, 6c sang t~o Creativity n /,kri:ei'bvati/ tfnh sang t~o, 6c sang t~o

Curly adj /'k3:.1i/ xoan Curly adj /'k3:.1i/ xoan

14 Devote v cong hien, t~n tam 14 Devote v cong hien, t~n tam
Devotion n /di'vaufn/ SI,J' cong hien, t~n tam Devotion n /di'vaufn/ SI,J' cong hien, t~n tam
.... .., ..-,
. n /' pham gia, dung dan
.... .., ..-,
. n /' pham gia, dung dan
...... •- I _I ...... •- I _I
16 -·- - - ·-
I adj ngoai) roi tung, loi thoi 16 -·- - - ·-
I adj ngoai) roi tung, loi thoi
Messy adj /'mes.i/ bCra b¢n, roi tung Messy adj /'mes.i/ bCra b¢n, roi tung
17 Distinguish v /d1' StH)gWif/ phan bi~t 17 Distinguish v /d1' StH)gWif/ phan bi~t
Distinguished adj /di' Sbl)gWijl/ d~c bi~t, khac bi~t, Distinguished adj /di' Sbl)gWijl/ d~c bi~t, khac bi~t,
xuat sac xuat sac

Easy-going adj /,i:zi 'gaml)/ thoai mai, de chju Easy-going adj /,i:zi 'gaml)/ thoai mai, de chju
9 Ego n /'i:.gao/ cai toi, ban nga 9 Ego n /'i:.gao/ cai toi, ban nga

Feature n /'fi:tfar/ d~c diem Feature n /'fi:tfar/ d~c diem

21 Friendly adj /'frendli/ than thi~n 21 Friendly adj /'frendli/ than thi~n
22 Funny adj /'fAni/ ng¢ nghTnh, khoi hai 22 Funny adj /'fAni/ ng¢ nghTnh, khoi hai
47 Stubborn /'d3ent!/
/'stAban/ blfong thi~p
ljchbinh 47 Stubborn /'stAban/ blfong binh

'YI..:;tu..:;a VY~ Uj~lll:::ll
(mau) ram nang (mau) ram nang
if" _!.>L
\YI..:;t ..... ,.,,..., ... :¥ n Sl/ nang
ram ram nang
.!1 -~~-·-
1 •-•- ww-~11\.UIY /,ha:d 'W3:kii)/ cham

I !1 .• : .• a:. ....
n~~::myut n chieu
..................... .
adj /'un.Ist/ trung thi/C
I! I
n /'un.a.sti/ Sl/ trung thi/C

. . ......

n I, huspi'tcelati/

long men khach


1. The most striking feature
. . adj
. ' ~.
/hu' spitabl/
of his _ _ was his long hair.
hieu khach
1. The most striking feature of his _ _ was his long hair.
2. She has _ _ dark adj eyes.
brown hair and blue /'hAmbl/ khiem nhuang 2. She has _ _ dark brown hair and blue eyes.
30local people Humor
3. The showed him great _n_ . /' hju:.mar/ Sl/ hai huac 3. The local people showed him great _ _ .
4. Phuc always has adjis very _/'_
a lot of new ideas. He
. hai huac 4. Phuc always has a lot of new ideas. He is very _ _ .
5. He's .
31 very _ _ about his success.
. n /Im'prefn/ an tuqng 5. He's very _ _ about his success.

32 I .. II .... .&
n /'m.tal.ekt/ trf tu~, tri thll'c
a .....and _ _ person. She always laughs and makes jokes.
1. Kate is a cheerful HI
adj I ,m.tal ·
trf tht1c, hieu biet 1. Kate is a cheerful and _ _ person. She always laughs and makes jokes.
outgoing old stubborn unfriendly outgoing old stubborn unfriendly
33 Introvert adj /'m.tra.V3:t/ huang n(>i
2. She always gets a _ _ in the summer because she swims outside every day. 2. She always gets a _ _ in the summer because she swims outside every day.
Extrovert adj /' ek.stra.V3:t/ huang ngoc;1i
tan thin skin shy tan thin skin shy
34 Kind adj /kamd/ tot bl)ng
3. A guy with a good sense of _ _ might impress the girls. 3. A guy with a good sense of _ _ might impress the girls.
character good look adj /'
humor lA VII)/ giau t1nh yeu thU'ong
middle-aged character good look humor middle-aged
36maintains her
4. She _ _ figure by doing
Muscle n regular exercises.
/'mAS.I/ co bap 4. She maintains her _ _ figure by doing regular exercises.
37 - ...
Uv~~::u vvcayu n
slim adj I,lazy
auva ·we1t! handsome
thCra din overweight slim lazy handsome

38 • --
5. My brother's really _._ . He's usually buying things for me.
... adj I, aut' gam I)/ de gan, thoai mai
5. My brother's really _ _ . He's usually buying things for me.
39 -
-.u n I,
p3: sa' nrelati/
tfnh each
generous talented quiet serious

40 /ru:d/ tho lo adj

trustworthy extroverted self-assured
personality honesty trustworthy personality extroverted self-assured honesty
~~~----~----~~------~--~~.~~------~------------- ~~~----~----~~------~--~~.~~------~-------------
adj /rAf/
Josh: How would you describe yourself? Josh: How would you describe yourself?
Selfish adj /'selfif/ fch ky
Kim: I would say I am (1) _ _ . I mean I really like to hang out with my friend on the weekends Kim: I would say I am (1) _ _ . I mean I really like to hang out with my friend on the weekends
whenever I have spare time. adj /fail xau ho whenever I have spare time.
Josh: Which (2) """'- _.11.11 _ do I you
.... think we adj
most want/'fauldar
to pass on
~. to our children?(t6c) ngang vai
lel)k9/ Josh: Which (2) _ _ do you think we most want to pass on to our children?
Kim: I think it would
tf'h .• u:
be (3) _ , because this is essential in every situation. Kim: I think it would be (3) _ , because this is essential in every situation.
~II::U -~~~YI~U
adj I, self a 'ford/ tv tin
Josh: Just givetf'hme .• l.t:
some examples.
If'•. Josh: Just give me some examples.
.;:n:::n --·· ··--·· .. adj I, self' kun. fi.dant/
Kim: First, honesty is the foundation of a good friendship. If you are dishonest, you cannot be (4) Kim: First, honesty is the foundation of a good friendship. If you are dishonest, you cannot be (4)
,.. .!1
--·Also children should be self-confident adj _ _,which could helpmanh
and (5)/' slen.dar/ them khanh
a lot in their --·Also children should be self-confident and (5) _ _,which could help them a lot in their
lives. Slim adj /shm/ manh khanh, thon lives.
.... adj /'b:kativ/ ngon
STT Tiivl}11g TU'Io~i Phien am Nghia STT Tiivl}11g TU'Io~i Phien am Nghia

1What is Abundant
too adj your/a· bAnd ant/
actions? thCra thai, nhieu 1 Abundant adj /a· bAnd ant/ thCra thai, nhieu
Abundance /a' sl)' phong phu, thCra thai Abundance /a' sl)' phong phu, thCra thai

2 Access v/ n /'cekses/ (sl)') truy c~p, tiep c~n 2 Access v/ n /'cekses/ (sl)') truy c~p, tiep c~n

3 Accommodate v /a'knm.a.deit/ cung cap cho a 3 Accommodate v /a'knm.a.deit/ cung cap cho a
4. A typical or noticeable of someone or something?
Accommodation n /a. ka: .ma ·dei.Jan/ noi a, cho a Accommodation n /a. ka: .ma ·dei.Jan/ noi a, cho a
4 Address v /a'dres/ giai quyet 4 Address v /a'dres/ giai quyet
5. What word describe a person that fat in a pleasant and attractive way?
5 Backward adj /'bcekwad/ (lui) ve phfa sau, 5 Backward adj /'bcekwad/ (lui) ve phfa sau,
ch~m ph<H trien, l9c h~u ch~m ph<H trien, l9c h~u

6 Centralise v /' sen.tra.laiz/ t~p trung 6 Centralise v /' sen.tra.laiz/ t~p trung
1. The film is delightfully tw!!TI2£m.!!j! in the best traditions of romantic comedy.
Centralisation n 'zei.Jan/ t~p trung h6a Centralisation n 'zei.Jan/ t~p trung h6a
boring funny popular ordinary
2.7Vicky is aComparison n messy./kam ·pcensn/
really good cook but she's Sl)' SO sanh 7 Comparison n /kam ·pcensn/ Sl)' SO sanh
disheveled Compare muscle v /kam selfish
·pea(r)/ so sanh, doi chieu
creative Compare v /kam ·pea(r)/ so sanh, doi chieu
Comparative adj /kam ·pcerahvI tlfong doi Comparative adj /kam ·pcerahvI tlfong doi

1.8You have to
be='-""'-"-'= with whatnyou say to/kan
her.·d3estran/ sl! qua tai
She's very easily offended. 8 Congestion n /kan ·d3estran/ sl! qua tai

Cosmopolitan careless I. knzmakind
·pnhtan/ loving
(thu9c) quoc te, 9 Cosmopolitan I. knzma ·pnhtan/ (thu9c) quoc te,
2. My father was kind and to everyone. toim the gioi toim the gioi

10rude Cost-effective caring adj I. knst.Iconfident

·fek. hvI funny
hi~u qua, xung dang voi 10 Cost-effective adj I. knst.I ·fek. hvI hi~u qua, xung dang voi
chi phf chi phf

11 Cost of living n I. knst av ·hVIIJ/ 11 Cost of living n I. knst av ·hVIIJ/

12 Cottage n /'knhd3/ nha tranh 12 Cottage n /'knhd3/ nha tranh

13 Countryside n /' kAntrisa1d/ vung nang than 13 Countryside n /' kAntrisa1d/ vung nang than
-' -'
14 Crowded 1\.IOUU dong due 14 Crowded 1\.IOUU dong due

15 Counter-urbanisation adj I. kaunta(r)- do thj h6a ngU'Q'C, phan do 15 Counter-urbanisation adj I. kaunta(r)- do thj h6a ngU'Q'C, phan do' thj h6a' thj h6a

16 Dense adj day d~c 16 Dense adj day d~c

Densely adv dong due, m~t d9 cao Densely adv dong due, m~t d9 cao
Density n /'den .s1.til sl)' dong due, day d~c Density n /'den .s1.til sl)' dong due, day d~c

17 Diverse /dai'V3:S/ phong phu 17 Diverse /dai'V3:S/ phong phu

18 Downtown n I. daun ·taun/ khu vl)'c thanh pho 18 Downtown n I. daun ·taun/ khu vl)'c thanh pho

19 Dweller n /' dwela(r)/ elf dan 19 Dweller n /' dwela(r)/ elf dan

20 Expand v hk'spcend/ trai ra, ma r¢ng 20 Expand v hk'spcend/ trai ra, ma r¢ng
-- .
.... .!..I . .&! .I
/J1, den. dai thu()c
da1 cu
.! .... .!..I . .&! .I
1, den. thu()c da1 cu
.. ..
'··· Sl! r¢ng .. ..
Rural adj
(thu()c) nang than
Slf bung no
42 Rural adj /'ruaral/
(thu()c) nang than

43 Sector n /' sekta(r)/ khu VI/C 43 Sector n /' sekta(r)/ khu VI/C
/fref/ lanh, tU'Oi mat
44 Skyscraper n I· skaiskreipa(r)/ nha chQc troi 44 Skyscraper n I· skaiskreipa(r)/ nha chQc troi
n /flaet/ can h¢
45 Slum n /SIAm/ nha ochu()t 45 Slum n /SIAm/ nha ochu()t
adj /lhektik/ hoi ha, soi noi, nh¢n nhip
46 Social welfare n /,sau.Jal 'wel.fear/ phuc IQ'i xa h9i 46 Social welfare n /,sau.Jal 'wel.fear/ phuc IQ'i xa h9i
v nh~p cU'

••••••••='·~;u,,.._ Imigreit/

47 Suburb n /'SAb3:b/ ngo~io,ngo~ithanh 47 Suburb n /'SAb3:b/ ngo~io,ngo~ithanh

n /'Imigrant/ dan nh~p cU'
Suburban adj /sa'b3:ban/ 6 ngo~i 6 Suburban adj /sa'b3:ban/ 6 ngo~i 6
26 lnrh n /lmdastri/ nganh cong nghi~p
48 Urbanisation n /,3:banai'zeifn/ Sl/ do thi h6a 48 Urbanisation n /,3:banai'zeifn/ Sl/ do thi h6a
adj /In dAstrial/ I thu¢c ve cong nghi~p
Urbanise v /,3:banai'z/ do thi h6a Urbanise v /,3:banai'z/ do thi h6a
adj /In dAstrias/ I can cu, siE~ng nang
Urban adj /,3:ban/ thu()c thanh thi, do thi Urban adj /,3:ban/ thu()c thanh thi, do thi
adj /m dAstrialai zeifn/
I I Slf cong nghi~p h6a
49 Wealth n /wel9/ Sl/ giau CO, CUa cai 49 Wealth n /wel9/ Sl/ giau CO, CUa cai
27 Inhabit v /Inlhaebit/ 6, song 6
50 Well-established nadj /weihaebitant/
/In 1' streb.b]'t/ I
duqc hlnh thanhdan
ngU'oi 6, ngU'oi tCr lau, 50 Well-established adj /wei 1' streb.b]'t/ duqc hlnh thanh tCr lau,
c6 tieng tam c6 tieng tam
28 IU!I A
IYDell.l UtJIUIBi)
n /maltrnpahs/ aothi
1!!." A

fi11'111Wii.B .-
. l!.a
adj I metra pnhtan/
I I thu¢c thu do, trung tam

29 v /maiigreit/ di cU' (t9m thai)

.~~~--~-~-~.~~-~~-~~~--~-~--~~--~--~-~-~---~--~~~~-~--~- ~-~-----~~---~ -----~~-~----------~-----~------------~---------~----~-~~----- -------~- .~~~--~-~-~.~~-~~-~~~--~-~--~~--~--~-~-~---~--~~~~-~--~- ~-~-----~~---~ -----~~-~----------~-----~------------~---------~----~-~~----- -------~-

1 dweller modernisation
n accommodate
/' ma1grant/ immigrant ngU'oi di tru
wealth 1 dweller modernisation accommodate immigrant wealth
~·~~-~~---~~~---~---~~~~-~~--~~-~-~~--~~~~~~--~--- ---- --~--~----~--~-~-----~~-------------~----~----~-----~--"·-·----,~~-"~'-"' ~·~~-~~---~~~---~---~~~~-~~--~~-~-~~--~~~~~~--~--- ---- --~--~----~--~-~-----~~-------------~----~----~-----~--"·-·----,~~-"~'-"'

v I em1g re1t/ di cU' (I au dai) I

1. a. to provide somebody with a room or place to sleep, live or sit 1. a. to provide somebody with a room or place to sleep, live or sit
30 Modern adj /'mndn/ hi~n d9i, c~n d9i
2. b. a large amount
Modernisation n of money or valuable
I mndanai possessions Sl!
zeifn/ thathi~n
d9i h6ahas
2. b. a large amount of money or valuable possessions that someone has
3. c. a person who II mndanaiz/
v has come to a different country inhi~n d9i to
order h6alive there 3. c. a person who has come to a different country in order to live there
31 permanently adj /rna nntanas/ buon te permanently
Monotonous I

32 d. the act of making
something more modern
/lmalbai/ gan, gan ben 4. d. the act of making something more modern
33 e. a person whon lives in a city, town, etc.
II ne1ba(r)/ hang x6m 5. e. a person who lives in a city, town, etc.
. ... . ...

34 n I lnpa ltju:nati/ coh¢i

35 n I auva kraudii)/ I I
sl! qua tai sector
1. New York is a very culturally _ _ city. 1. New York is a very culturally _ _ city.
36 n I au. va pnp.ja lei .fan/ sl! dong dan, dan

2. I work_, but I live in the suburbs. qua cao 2. I work_, but I live in the suburbs.
3. We can take the people out of the_, but we cannot take the slums out of the people. 3. We can take the people out of the_, but we cannot take the slums out of the people.
adj /'pi:sfl/ yen blnh, thanh blnh
4. The city needs to attract more _ _ . 4. The city needs to attract more _ _ .
/lpnlasi/ chlnh sach
5. The buildings are in an industrialn_ _ in the southern part of the-----
city. 5. The buildings are in an industrial _ _ in the southern part of the city.
------~~-r·----~---~----~-~-~~~------1------·---~--;--~-----------~--~--~--+ --------~---~--------4

d:::!~tinn n I pnpju leifn/
I I dan so

40Population Remote
1. adverse effect/nlmaut/
_ _ may have an adj on every aspect of life. xa xoi, heo ianh 1. Population _ _ may have an adverse effect on every aspect of life.
41 education ""' -•-B ·-"- explosion
n grow sanitation
ngU'oi dan education explosion grow sanitation
2. 4. To give
live in cities
to orhave
deal better
with a matter or problem. services.
a_dr __ s 4. To give attention to or deal with a matter or problem. a_dr __ s
5. A situation when a place contains too many people or things. administer
o_v __ cr __ d_ng 5. A situation when a place contains too many people or things. o_v __ cr __ d_ng
out in inner cities
4. It was that 35 of to in the were
metropolitan fresh inhabit
5. This area the pace of city life.
poor giant hectic huge

Why do people move from rural areas to urban areas?

Mai: The main reason for (1) _ _ is the desire of getting better job and salary.
Can you explain more about this?
Mai: Well, jobs in rural areas usually require a lot of physical effort, with lesser salary as compared
to the (2) jobs which are less tiring.
Mark: What problems can this cause?
Sam: The main problem caused by this is the increasing (3) _ _ of city. With more and more
people shifting towards cities, often the city is not able to provide them (4) _ _ or job.
Mark: Do you think people should move to the city regardless these problems?
Sam: Although cities provide great (5) for people moving in there, in my opinion it is better
to move in when they already have available options for themselves.

1. What services provided by the government or private organisations to help poor, ill, or old

2. A set of rooms for living in that are part of a larger building and are usually all on one floor?

3. A very tall modern building, usually in a city?

4. A small house, usually in the countryside?

5. A situation in which a place is too blocked or crowded, causing difficulties?

1. This word boring. m n to _us

2. Something clean, cool and pleasant. f es
3. All living in a particular country, area, or p_p I t n
25 Leaning tower n /' li:niiJ ltaua(r)l thap nghieng 25 Leaning tower n /' li:niiJ ltaua(r)l thap nghieng

26 Magnificence n lmreg mf1snsl I slf trang 1~. long lay 26 Magnificence n lmreg mf1snsl I slf trang 1~. long lay
27 Man-made adj I mren me1dl
I I nhant~o 27 Man-made adj I mren me1dl
I I nhant~o
Attract v thu hut
I"U,tll Q\#t!.DUII
,. n
n /'ma:bll
da cam th~ch
thu hut ljch
28 Marble n /'ma:bll da cam th~ch

29 Mysterious adj lmi stiariasl I ky bf, bf an 29 Mysterious adj lmi stiariasl

I ky bf, bf an
A _I!
Ia staun.du]/
National -
I kinh ng9c
30 A
park n vuon quoc gia 30 National park n vuon quoc gia
rt.;:nue ~~~~~ UDB'!:f
I . •-
adj /a ston.I.fHJ/

31 Natural wonder n /' wAn.darl

kl quan thien nhien 31 Natural wonder n /' wAn.darl


kl quan thien nhien

Ancient adj /'emfant/ xU'a, co
32 Overseas
Architecture n
adj I auva si:zl
/' a:kitektfa(r)/
I I a nuac ngoai
kien true
32 Overseas adj I auva si:zl
I I anuac ngoai
33 Picturesque AI._._ ._,_ adj I p1k. tfar eskl
I I ~~n~depnhutranhv~ 33 Picturesque adj I p1k. tfar eskl ~~n~depnhutranhv~
(canh d~p) ngo9n mvc,

""" IB'!:f adj I· bree. te1. knJ/

Scenic adj /'si:.nikl (c~nh) aep
ng¢pth6 Scenic adj /'si:.nikl (c~nh) aep
Stunning adj /' StAn.If)l (canh) dep kinh ng~c Stunning adj /' StAn.If)l (canh) dep kinh ng~c
li'!o . • I!.
lb!JIU\#BDUU\1:6 n /lbrau.far/ sach gi6'i thi~u (ve tour,
Superb adj lsu:lps-:bl diem(canh) dep tuy~t
den, khach voi
s9n, ... ) Superb adj lsu:lps-:bl (canh) dep tuy~t voi

34 Preserve
Cave n v lpnlzs-:vl
/keiv/ hangbao ton
d¢ng 34 Preserve v lpnlzs-:vl bao ton

8 35 Pyramid n n llpnamidl
/tfa:rm/ st!c cuon hut, thu hut 35 Pyramid n llpnamidl

36 r. mil)/ h~ng 36 xep h~ng

... ~~. .!.
\.Praau uRank
uun u'Y adj v /' tfa:lrref)kl loi cuon,
xepcuon hut Rank v lrref)kl
9 ("II. .II.
n n /'tfeimba(r)/ bang xep h~ng
buong,phong n bang xep h~ng

10 37 Spiral
C:itari~l n n /'spairal!
/' Sit.a.del! hlnh xoan
th~mh luy oc 37 Spiral n /'spairal! hlnh xoan oc

11 -
.. n
/kan ·strAkfn/
c6 hlnh xoan oc
Sl/ xay dl)'ng
adj c6 hlnh xoan oc

38 r- Statue
... n I· stretfu :/ tugng 38 Statue n I· stretfu :/ tugng
n I. vei.fanl I sl! bao ton

I -••Stone v
n lstaunl
I· dedikeit/
dfmh cho (de tU'6ng nh6')
39 Stone n lstaunl era

40 Statue of Liberty n /' stretfU: av Tugng Nfr than Tlf do 40 Statue of Liberty n /' stretfU: av Tugng Nfr than Tlf do
14 Destination n I. des. ti ·nei.fanl diem den
41 Surpass v lsalpa:sl VUQ't tr(>i 41 Surpass v lsalpa:sl VUQ't tr(>i
15 Desert n /' sa m9c
42 Temple n /'tem.pall den 42 Temple n /'tem.pall den
1 Diverse adj ldai'V3:SI da d~ng
43 ..... Throne
.... n 19raunl ngaivang 43 Throne n 19raunl ngaivang
17 IIJ,JUQ.:lii!..J n /'dmastil trieu d~i
44 Times Square n I ta1mz skwea(r)l
I I Quang truong Thai d~i 44 Times Square n I ta1mz skwea(r)l
I I Quang truong Thai d~i
18 Exotic adj /Iglzot.Ikl ngo~i lai, m6'i I~ (do tt1
45 Tomb n ltu:ml nlf()'cngoi
ngoaim¢, lang
dU'a m9
vao) 45 Tomb n ltu:ml ngoi m¢, lang m9

1 46 - .Tower
v n /'taua(r)l
/Ik'spb:(r)l toapha
kham thap 46 Tower n /'taua(r)l toa thap

47 Valley
Fantastic adj n /fa=n .'tees. tiki
/'VCEI.i/ tuy~t voi 47 Valley n . /'VCEI.i/

48 Waterfall
Giant adj n /'w~:.ta.f~:ll
l'd3a1ant/ khonglo 48 Waterfall n /'w~:.ta.f~:ll

49 Well-known
Great Wall n adj /'wellnounl
loa greit w~:l/ V9n Ly Trl!O'ng
noi tieng
Thanh 49 Well-known adj /'wellnounl noi tieng

.. _.,
rli\1:61Rt!.Q'!:f!C n n I' her.x.t1d3l
/'wAn.darl di ky quan 50 Wonder n /'wAn.darl ky quan
I -• n /' 1d.skem. phong canh
5. We/ efforts/ that/ to/ join/ protect/ the/ beauty/ should/ of/ citadel. 5. We/ efforts/ that/ to/ join/ protect/ the/ beauty/ should/ of/ citadel.

1. The
ancient old
2. Natural are on earth that are not made '"''""'-''"'''-.;;., but by nature.
man-made wonders underwater waves
3. They have SU<~CeieCIE~CI in CO£~IE1rll"' rt::>r"r'U"'I"\I'I'II"\1"\ of Ha as world natural site.
sculpture rock town heritage
4. The church was on 1 March 1805 to Saint Jude.
preserved attracted dedicated explored
5. From the top of the tower, the outlook over the city was _ _ .
pyramid breathtaking rank surpass

1. This church is a perfect example of medieval _ _ .
2. This book is a(n) _ _ house of information on Arctic birds.
3. The museum was made of _ _ .
4. The cathedral dominates the for miles around.
5. There are two in the British parliament- the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

1. The scenery outside Phong Nha Cave is~~~=·

awful important creative
2. I have never seen such an waterfall before.
astonishing interesting amusing boring

1. The most popular exhibit in the museum was a animatronic dinosaur.

tiny medium titanic average
2. The temple ruined in the war will reconstructed soon.
old ageless new vintage

1. We/ valley/looked/ on/ the/ down/ wide/ below.

2. The/ forest/ was/ for/ cut/ to/ make/ down/ way/ housing.

3. In/ the/ beaches/ summer, I very/ the/ get/ crowded.

next year.
Erosion n /I'rau3n/ SlfXOi mon : Erosion n /I'rau3n/ SlfXOi mon :
~··· ~···

18 Exploit v /Ik'spbit/ khai thac 18 Exploit v /Ik'spbit/ khai thac

Exploitation Tiln I, ekspl::n'te:rfn/ slf khai thac Exploitation n I, ekspl::n'te:rfn/ slf khai thac

191 Extinction nn /Ik ·stii) kfn/ Slf tuy~t

axit 19 Extinction n /Ik ·stii) kfn/ Slf tuy~t chung
.........<!>:- I. -+ .. !.
6 du6'i
20 ~~.
Fertility -. n /fa 'tdati! Slf phi mQc
nhieu, mau m6'
20 Fertility n /fa 'tdati! Slf phi nhieu, mau m6'

21 Fossil fuel nv /'fnsl fju:al/

/been/ nhien li~u h6a th~ch 21 Fossil fuel n /'fnsl fju:al/ nhien li~u h6a th~ch

22 Habitat nv /fa'b1d/
I· hrebitcet/ m6i trLtong song, noi song 22 Habitat n I· hrebitcet/ m6i trLtong song, noi song
.I ..II .B•. B
adj I, ba1audi 'gre1dabl! c6 the bi vi khuan phan huy
.I!. ... . v
I, baiaudai'V3:sati/
lam h~i, gay h~i
sl)' da d9ng sinh hQc
23 Harm v /ha:m/ lam h~i, gay h~i

l l
Bio-fertilizer / 'f3:.ti.Ia~.zar I phan b6n sinh hQc
24 Improve v /Im'pru:v/ cai tien 24 Improve v /Im'pru:v/ cai tien
D ..... , _____
-•• adj /' baundlas/ bao Ia, Slf
Improvement n /Im'pru:v.mant/ Slf cai tien, thi~n Improvement n /Im'pru:v.mant/ Slf cai tien, Slf cai thi~n
I -• adj /di'keid/ bj sau, bj thieu
mi,JC rong
-~·-·- -~·-·-

25 Minimise
.. - ".1
v /' mm.I.maiZ/ giam 25 Minimise v /' mm.I.maiZ/ giam thieu
7 D'!;;:uu .... vn I, di:, fnn ·steifn/
/n'dju:s/ Sl)' pha rung v /n'dju:s/
Reduce Reduce
... 11'. ,. I, Sl)' trongthien
l9i rung
26 n.eBUI
Natural resources nn /, ·n'z;,:.SIZ/
ri :fnn steifn/ tai nguyen nhien 26 Natural resources n /, n'z;,:.SIZ/ tai nguyen thien nhien
.A c!
n Ia, fnn ·steifn/ SI,J' trong rung
27 Ozone n /'auzaun/ khfozon 27 Ozone n /'auzaun/ khfozon
Forestation n I fnn' steifn/I Sl)' trong cay gay rung
28 Plastic adj /' plrestik/ nhl!a 28 Plastic adj /' plrestik/ nhl!a
8 Dissolve v /di'znlv/ phan huy, hoa tan
.... ...
san bat trai phep
vlrt b6
29 Poach v /pautf/ san bat trai phep

30 r•Pollute . LH v /pa'lu:t/ lam 6 nhiem 30 Pollute v /pa'lu:t/ lam 6 nhiem

·r adj /d1'! dung m9t lan
Polluted adj /pa'lu:.tid/ bi 6 nhiem Polluted adj /pa'lu:.tid/ bi 6 nhiem
10 Deterioration n Id1, tiaria' reifn/ sv lam hong, sv hu h9i

.8 ,.

/, deg.ra'
Sl/0 nhiem
sl)' suy thoai hu h9i
thuc day ph at trien 31



Sl/0 nhiem

thuc day ph at trien

11 nrnmnnht n /draut/ h9n han, sv kho c~m
.·.~-·~·- .·.~-·~·-


I!"'. .. <iii?
.! .
/pn'vent/ ngan ngua, de phong
thu(>c sinh thai
Prevent v /pn'vent/ ngan ngua, de phong
I!"'. .I.
n /pn'ven.Jan/ Slf ngan ngua Prevention n /pn'ven.Jan/ Slf ngan ngua
n /I'kalad3i/ sinh thai
·-~·-·-·--- ·-~·-·-·---

iii~ .I

baov~ baov~
33 Protect
.! ... vn h/pra'tekt/
·kalad31St/ nha sinh thai hQc 33 Protect v /pra'tekt/

34 -
-- -~ -· IU
n I, pjua.n.f1'
I' i: kausistam/ s~ch,
sl! lamh~ sinhslf tinh che
34 Purification n I, pjua.n.f1' sl! lam s~ch, slf tinh che

1 Release
Emission v
n /n'li:s/
/I'mifn/ svthai
bocra, t6at6a
len, ra ra 35 Release v /n'li:s/ thai ra, t6a ra

14 Renewable _II
adj /n' nju:abl/
/m'demd3ad/ CO dQa
bi de the tai t~Ochung,
tuy~t dLtQ'C c6 36 Renewable adj /n' nju:abl/ CO the tai t~O dLtQ'C
-- Jl
- nguy ca
Non-renewable adj /nunn'nju:abl/ kh6ng thetuy~t
tai t~w
dLtqc Non-renewable adj /nunn'nju:abl/ kh6ng the tai t~w dLtqc
1 .-.
lk:.Uit:I'YJ n
n /n'nju:.a.balz/
/' en.a.d3i/ nang ILtQ'ng c6 the tai t~o
nangiU'Q'ng Renewables n /n'nju:.a.balz/ nang ILtQ'ng c6 the tai t~o
--~ --~

Replace n
v /pauar/
/n'pleiS/ thay the Replace v /n'pleiS/ thay the

38 -·
"'"- ...
v /In, va1ran' mentalist/
/n' plen.If/ chuyen gial(:li,
lam day moi bo trub'ng
sung 38 Replenish v /n' plen.If/ lam day l(:li, bo sung
L.UWIH Refill nv /In, va1ran ·ment/
/' ri:.fii/ moi
lam trU'b'ng
day lf:li Refill v /' ri:.fii/ lam day lf:li
IF, ...
xu xu ly

39 bi I W II UUU 1'1;;0 U.Qll adj /In, va1ran ·mentl/ thUQCtaimoi trU'Ctng

ly 39 tai
Reprocess v /ri: 'prauses/ Reprocess v /ri: 'prauses/
Recycle vv I,/I'raud/
ri: ·Saiki/ x6i
tai mon
che Recycle v I, ri: ·Saiki/ tai che
Phong: Yes. We can turn off appliances
v when not using
/,ri: them, (4) _ _ biodegradable
ttli and non- Phong: Yes. We can turn off appliances when not using them, (4) _ _ biodegradable and non-
biodegradable waste, or (5) _ _ the water and electricity we use. biodegradable waste, or (5) _ _ the water and electricity we use.
An: That's great! An: That's great!

1 . Residents have called for a clean-up campaign to keep their streets free from - - · 1 . Residents have called for a clean-up campaign to keep their streets free from - - ·
n /'rAbif/ thai
2. Green peace works to _ _ awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today. 2. Green peace works to _ _ awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.
n /'gu:bid3/ rae thai, phe li~u
3. Most of the used fuel can be _ _ . 3. Most of the used fuel can be _ _ .
Litter n /' htar/ rae VI,Jn
4. By increasing the use of _ _, we can reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. 4. By increasing the use of _ _, we can reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
n /trcef/ rae thai
5. There's a new scheme in our town for recycling _ _ bottles. 5. There's a new scheme in our town for recycling _ _ bottles.
Solution n giai phap, each giai quyet

Sort v /S::>:t/ phan lo9i

1. Renewable resources are natural resources that will continue to replenish themselves. 1. Renewable resources are natural resources that will continue to replenish themselves.
refill recycle n /'release
spi:ji:z/ reuseloai refill recycle release reuse
46 law bans the import of ivory into
2. The v the country. /'tcekl/ quye't, khac ph~:~c 2. The law bans the import of ivory into the country.
47 Waste allow n/ v forbid
/WeiSt/ pollute
( sl!) lang phf support allow forbid pollute

48 adj /,wei 'graundid/ c6 CCI so, c6 minh ch(rng

1 . Plants, like animals, often have restricted habitats. 1 . Plants, like animals, often have restricted habitats.
49 n /'waiid.laif/ OQng, thl/C V~t hoang da
improved boundless wasted disposable improved boundless wasted disposable
50 v /rcep/ g6i, bQC
2. States shall take all possible steps to prevent pollution of the seas. 2. States shall take all possible steps to prevent pollution of the seas.
emission improvement prevention purification emission improvement prevention purification

1.1.Animals and
Pollution canplants
have that grow independently
disastrous effects on theofbalanced
people, usually
_ _ .in natural conditions. What is it? 1. Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. What is it?
world emission ecosystem livinghood
2.2.What kind_
You can of_
rain thathousehold
your contains waste
large amounts
by buyingofproducts
harmful with
chemicals that can cause harm to
less packaging. 2. What kind of rain that contains large amounts of harmful chemicals that can cause harm to
the environment? the environment?
recycle deal destroy reduce
3. After the factory toxic waste into the river, all the fish died.
3. Areplaced
way to solve a problem released
or deal with a difficult situation?
required refilled
3. A way to solve a problem or deal with a difficult situation?

4. People who drop can be fined in some cities.

4. What is
letter the act of catching or killing animals illegally
to get valuable parts of
litter them?
4. What is the act of catching or killing animals illegally to get valuable parts of them?

5. I want to the environment. I want to keep it clean.

5. What word shares the same
protect meaning with "power"?
throw wrap poach
5. What word shares the same meaning with "power"?

u~nnnd"!!· Did you know that April 22 is International Mother Earth Day?
we should think about the (1) every day, not just one day year.
I try to do some small things that help the environment. Like, lately, I've
(2) products, such as paper cups and paper
lot ways can do to the environment.
Healthcare n /' hel9.kea(r)/ cham s6c sue kh6e, y te Healthcare n /' hel9.kea(r)/ cham s6c sue kh6e, y te
Healthy adj /lhel.9i/ kh6e m~nh, lanh m~nh Healthy adj /lhel.9i/ kh6e m~nh, lanh m~nh

Unhealthy adj /An hel.9i/ khong lanh m~nh Unhealthy adj /An hel.9i/ khong lanh m~nh
1 1

25 Hurt dau,
(b~nh) v
lam dautfnh /h3:t/
/a'kju:t/ 25 Hurt v /h3:t/ dau, lam dau
Jl •• :.
noi dau, con dau
n /pem/ Pain n /pem/ noi dau, con dau
Q"UJIYI""'"= n lcri
A ..II •• : v /pem/ dau don v /pem/ dau don
6 v 6 /ad'vaiZ/ khuyen
Painful adj 1 /'pein.fal/ (cam giac) dau don Painful adj 1 /'pein.fal/ (cam giac) dau don
n /'relad3i!
H•men~J djU'ng ~·---4~-~~----------~-----t·----------~----~--------------~~
\ 26 Hygiene I n 1 /lhai.d3i:n/ 1 v~ sinh ! \ 26 Hygiene I n 1 /lhai.d3i:n/ 1 v~ sinh !
I"\ I I ··- -• I' rembjalans/
-j -j
n xe cU'u thuang
I 27
I adj
I /In' fekfas/
I, renti ba1 ·utik/
---r - de lily nhiem
thuoc khang sinh
I 27 Infectious I adj I /In' fekfas/ ---r - de lily nhiem

j 28 Injure
l v
j /'md3a(r)/
/' ren.ti.daut/
bi thuong, lam ai bi thuong
thuoc giai d9c
I j 28 Injure l v j /'md3a(r)/ bi thuong, lam ai bi thuong I

! A

, .........

n /a'p~nnt.mant/ CUQC h~n

Kidney /'kid nil th~n Kidney /'kid nil th~n
1 v /a'V'Jid/ tranh
/Inn d3evati/

tuoi thQ
nh~n thU'c
----r 31 longevity n /Inn d3evati/
I tuoi thQ ----r
life expectancy n /'la1f I life expectancy n /'la1f I
..1 i i
""' .., n/ v /' bren.d1d3/ bang cU'u thuang
Measles n /'mi:zlz/ b~nh s6i Measles n /'mi:zlz/ b~nh s6i
""' .!.
·;;; 11 /'dresnJ/ J J
33 Medical form n /'medika f~:m/ dan/ giay kham sue kh6e 33 Medical form n /'medika f~:m/ dan/ giay kham sue kh6e
10 n /biAd/ mau
!,: !,:

Medical record n /'medika rek~:d/ ho SO' b~nhan 1 Medical record n /'medika rek~:d/ ho SO' b~nh an 1
v /bli:d/ chay mau l l
I 34 Medicine
pressure nn /'med.~.san/
/' biAd prefa(r)/ thu6c tri b~nh
huyet ap I 34 Medicine n /'med.~.san/ thu6c tri b~nh
I 35
11 Nutritious
Case adjn /nu:/keiS/ bo duong,
trucrng c6 dinh
hQ'p, ca duong
benh I 35 Nutritious adj /nu: bo duong, c6 dinh duong
Nutrition n /nu: slf dinh duong Nutrition n /nu: slf dinh duong
12 n /sell tebao
I Nutrient n /'nu:.tri.ant/ chat dinh duong I Nutrient n /'nu:.tri.ant/ chat dinh duong
13 - .D, '"' n /'tfek,Ap/ kham tong the

'"""""'""' ... 11"'

Malnutrition n I
I slf thieu dinh duong Malnutrition n I
I slf thieu dinh duong
L_ L_
14 Chronic adj /'krumk/ keo dai kinh nien
36 Obesity n j /au b~nh beo ph1 36 Obesity n j /au b~nh beo ph1
1 Conscious
Obese adj
adj /' kun.fas/
/oulbi:s/ tinhphi
beo tao Obese adj /oulbi:s/ beo phi
-· - .
1 1

16 Overweight
B n

. I.I da1ag
I auvar·nausis/
we1t/ I s11 chan
beo, thLJ'a doan
can Overweight adj

. I auvar we1t/
I I beo, thLJ'a can
1 1

17 Diet
__.___ J_~--~-~-~n_P__a_re_It_/~~--t----m-o_,ph au _th~u-~_t_ _
n/v /'daiat/ (s11) an kieng
r---3~7--+----~0-pe~r~a_te~--~r---~v__.___ J_~--~-~-~n_P__a_re_It_/~~--t----m-o_,ph au _th~u-~_t_ _
Pandemic nn I h'
/peen dem1k/
lj.,lll"=l~"=·•""'7 d~iSl/
cap CliU, khan cap
dich I 38 Pandemic n I /peen dem1k/ d~i dich I

~----~~-~-···-----~~--~ ~----~~-~-···-----~~--~
I 39
19 Fit
Prescribe adj
v /pnl /fit/
skra1b/ can doi,
ke kh6e
don mlilnh I 39 Prescribe v /pnl skra1b/ ke don
40 Fitness
Rash nn /'fit.nas/
/reef/ Sl/ canphat
doi, ban
khoa mlilnh 40 Rash n /reef/ phat ban
First aid
Recover vn \ I. f3:St
/nl ·e1d/
kAva(r)/ \ sa phl)c
blnh cU'u Recover \ v /nl kAva(r)/ \ blnh phl)c
1 1 1 1

Fever n /'fi:va(r)/
/'sedntri/ I th!,H'IQ~g.
canft v(in cJQng I -S~e-de-n--t~ary~-~--+,l~~ad-j~·r /'sedntri/ I th!,H'IQ~g. ft v(in cJQng I
n /d3Im/ phong the d~:~c
Energetic , adj I /,en.a'd3et.Ik/ 1 -- nang cJQng-.__-_l!l Energetic , adj I /,en.a'd3et.Ik/ 1 -- nang cJQng-.__-_l!l
43 Habit
Sore I n
adj I /'hreb.It/
/so:(r)/ 1 th6i nhlt'c
dau_ quen j 43 Sore I adj I /so:(r)/ 1 dau_ nhlt'c j

~----.J.__~--------·----~ ---~l----~--~-----L---~-----~-------------
nn ' /hel8/ 1 cho dau
sue l n '
~----.J.__~--------·----~ ---~l----~--~-----L---~-----~-------------
1 cho dau
5. Dai's rash is caused by a(n) _ _ to peanuts. 5. Dai's rash is caused by a(n) _ _ to peanuts.
allergy notice chronic sore allergy notice chronic sore

1. You should try to avoiding foods which contain a lot of fat. 1. You should try to avoiding foods which contain a lot of fat.
should to avoiding which a lot of should to avoiding which a lot of
2. The man whose sports car is parked in front of the hospital is a famous surgery. 2. The man whose sports car is parked in front of the hospital is a famous surgery.
S!/ truyen mau
whose parked front of surgery whose parked front of surgery
3. It's so hard to stop smoking when it's been g_ lifelong habitation. thuong 3. It's so hard to stop smoking when it's been g_ lifelong habitation.
so to stop a aut/
/'W3'-:k habitation
t~p the dvc so to stop a habitation
4. Bob claimed that working too hard was injure his health. 4. Bob claimed that working too hard was injure his health.
that too injure health that too injure health
5. Kayla attributed her longitude to exercise and a healthy diet. 5. Kayla attributed her longitude to exercise and a healthy diet.
attributed longtitude and diet attributed longtitude and diet

1. A painful area on the surface of a body, especially an infected area s _r _ 1. A painful area on the surface of a body, especially an infected area s _r _
2. An infectious disease that produces small, red spots all over the body m e __ I _ s 2. An infectious disease that produces small, red spots all over the body m e __ I _ s
3. Continuing for a long time (especially of a disease or something bad) c h __ n _ c 3. Continuing for a long time (especially of a disease or something bad) c h __ n _ c
4. To become completely well again after an illness or injury r _c _v _r 4. To become completely well again after an illness or injury r _c _v _r
5. A place with equipment for exercising the body and increasing strength g __ 5. A place with equipment for exercising the body and increasing strength g __

1.nose a. expectency 1.nose a. expectency

2.1ife 2.1ife

took Jack a long time to _ _ from his heart operation. 3. blood
2.4.He had a deep
work in his arm and had lost a lot of blood. 4. work
3. I've been painkillers.
5. medical e. bleed 5. medical e. bleed
4. Within a week, An got a headache and then a
5. The first to be discovered was penicillin.

1. I think there are several feasible methods that could be adopted to lead a life.
healthy negative toxic
2. This claims to eliminate toxins from the body.
ambulance diet sprain measles
3. We should run a health campaign to a healthy lii"oc>i"\l,,a

demand awareness ability

4. The IY\a.rhr>·ino is available in form.
hygiene obese tablet
---- ~-- -~-~--~-- -»--~------~ -- -- ~-~~-~-~ ----- -"-~--- -- - ---- ---- ~-- -~-~--~-- -»--~------~ -- -- ~-~~-~-~ ----- -"-~--- -- - ----
Donor n I I· deuna( r)/ ngw)'i quyen g6p Donor n I I· deuna( r)/ ngw)'i quyen g6p
~:~ ~:~

19 Dumb adj /dAm/ cam, khong n6i dU'Q'C 19 Dumb adj /dAm/ cam, khong n6i dU'Q'C
~-sTr ~~~~

20 Elder n /'elde(r)/ nglfb'i cao tuoi 20 Elder n /'elde(r)/ nglfb'i cao tuoi
v himh
21 Encourage v /m'kAr1d3/ khuyen khfch, dc)ng vien 21 Encourage v /m'kAr1d3/ khuyen khfch, dc)ng vien
n leiml mvc dfch
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

22 Establish v /I' strebhJ/ th~mh l~p, thiet l~p 22 Establish v /I' strebhJ/ th~mh l~p, thiet l~p
v nham, huang toi (mvc tieu) ~ ~

23 Favor n /'feLver/ an hu~, Sl)' giup do 23 Favor n /'feLver/ an hu~, Sl)' giup do
3 v la'sist! : giup do, ho trq :
24 Fundraising n I· f AndreiZIIJ/ gay quy 24 Fundraising n I· f AndreiZIIJ/ gay quy
Assistance ! n la'sistansl sl! giup do !

25 Generosity
Assistant nn I, d3en.e' rns.e.ti/
la'sis.tant/ sl)' giup
ngLroi hao ph6ng
do, trQ' ly 25 Generosity n I, d3en.e' rns.e.ti/ sl)' hao ph6ng
.... .....
i I i I
Generous adj
nl v /'lsa·p~:rtl (sl!) ph6ng
haogiup do Generous adj /' hao ph6ng

4 ... Help il!!.a.
nv /help/
l'bemfit! giup
quyen lqi, do
lqi fch 26 Help v /help/ giup do
Helpful adj
v /help.fel/ hfru
giup fchfch
cho Helpful adj /help.fel/ hfru fch

5 -·
Homeless .II . .o.
n /'heumles/
/' blcel)kit/ vochan
gia cU' 27 Homeless adj /'heumles/ vo gia cU'

6 Hopeless
Blind adj
adj /heu.ples/
lblamdl vo VQng
mu, khong nhln dU'Q'C 28 Hopeless adj /heu.ples/ vo VQng
~~~~~:~ ~~~~~:~

7 . .!
..,il nn /I· hteresi/
lkcem'peml tr~ngdich
tlnhchien mu chfr 29 Illiteracy n /I· hteresi/ tlnh tr~ng mu chfr

30 Impact
Care nlnv /'Imprekt/
lkearl anh
(sl!) cham huang
s6c, cham nom 30 Impact n /'Imprekt/ anh huang

....... -•-
._,narny nn I,/'tfcer.I.ti/
md1 ·VId3uel/ cah<)i
nhan, ca the
tCr thi~n 31 Individual n I, md1 ·VId3uel/ ca nhan, ca the
~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

32 "'"'"· -•-
\.#f&OI U.OUI~ adj
adj I,I kamd
·hu:bd/ tCr thi~n
tot bl)ng, c6 long tot 32 Kind-hearted adj I, kamd ·hu:bd/ tot bl)ng, c6 long tot

33 -
\.#OfI BDUB Go
adj /'I'I<Amfatl
laif, Sei.VII)/ an ui
cll'u n~n, cll'u sinh 33 Life-saving adj /' laif, Sei.VII)/ cll'u n~n, cll'u sinh
n Sl/c6
thoai mai
- Meaningful
"' I!.QI!l,JB~
'--···· -·
. adj
I' kAm.fa.ta.ball
y nghTa
thoai mai
34 Meaningful adj /mi:.nii).fel/ c6 y nghTa
Miserable adj /'mizrabl/ khan cung, cung cl)'c Miserable adj /'mizrabl/ khan cung, cung cl)'c
I, me uti· veifn/
~ ~~ ~~~~~~~

c()ng dong
dc)ngll)'c 36 Motivation n I, me uti· veifn/
~ ~~ ~~~~~~~

r •-• ...
1 adj lkan ·Sidarat/ an can, chu dao ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~

37 Non-profit adj I, nun' prnf.It/ phi lqi nhu~n 37 Non-profit adj I, nun' prnf.It/ phi lqi nhu~n
Cor ·-· -••
ll_,llbll~l QIUD~ adj lkan ·Sidarabll dang ke
Non-governmental adj I ' nnn.gAv.en'! . phi chfnh phu Non-governmental adj I ' nnn.gAv.en'! .
phi chfnh phu
13 Coordination ~~~~

n lkau. ~:. d1 ·nei.fanl sl! phoi hqp, ket hqp ~ ~~~ ~~~~
~ ~~~

Nursing home n /' n3:SIIJ heum/ vi~n duong lao Nursing home n /' n3:SIIJ heum/ vi~n duong lao
i i
4 Contribute v lkan 'tnb.ju:t/ dong g6p, g6p ph an
39 Organisation
n I, ~:r.gen.e 'zei.Jen/ to chll'c 39 Organisation n I, ~:r.gen.e 'zei.Jen/ to chll'c
r ·r n /kau ,' ei.fanl sl! hqp tac ~ ~~ ~ ~~

40 Orphanage n /~:fenid3/ tr~i mo coi 40 Orphanage n /~:fenid3/ tr~i mo coi

16 adj ldefl diec, khong nghe
41 Priority n /prai'nreti/ slf U'u tien 41 Priority n /prai'nreti/ slf U'u tien
.IL..R ..I
1 r•
adj ldi'
42 Provide v /pra'vaid/ cung cap 42 Provide v /pra'vaid/ cung cap
Sl/ Om yeu, tim t~t
., n I. d1s. a· b1LI. til
~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~

... ..ll
adj ~ ~ ~
/'hcen.di.krept/ ~~ ~
nang len, lam tang, nu6i
tan t~t, khuyet ~ ~
~ ~ ~
~~ ~
nang len, lam tang, nu6i
~ ~

44 Rescue nv /'reskju:/
/In'vrei.Idl cll'utan
nglfb'i t~t, giai
thocH, thoat
khuyet 44 Rescue v /'reskju:/ cll'u thocH, giai thoat
~ ~ ~ ~

18 Satisfaction
nnn~tll:ll vn I, sret.1s ·frek.Jen/
ldau'neitl Sl)' thea man,
quyen g6phai long 45 Satisfaction n I, sret.1s ·frek.Jen/ Sl)' thea man, hai long
Donation nadj I, sret.1s 'frek.ter.i/
/dau'neifn/ thea man, hai
Sl/ quyen g6plong Satisfactory adj I, sret.1s 'frek.ter.i/ thea man, hai long
~ ~~ ~ ~~

2. From 1950 to 1954, about 400 tov 500 children were adopted from this orphanage by domestic
Shelter 2. From 1950 to 1954, about 400 to 500 children were adopted from this orphanage by domestic
families. n families.
shelter office donor care shelter office donor care
1 . A scientist goes by herself to a remote area for a year's experimental work. 1 . A scientist goes by herself to a remote area for a year's experimental work.
sociable comfortable nearby distant sociable comfortable nearby distant
n/ v I vulan ltia(r)/ tlnh nguy~n vien, tlnh nguy~n
2. I tried to comfort him, but it was no use. 2. I tried to comfort him, but it was no use.

adj I vulantri/
I tlnh nguy~n, tl! nguy~n
upset happy rescue help upset happy rescue help
adv /'vulantrali/ m()t each tinh nguy~n

50 adj
1. The quality or condition of being generous
/'WILII)/ c6 thi~n y, vui long,
g_n san
_ r long
___t y 1. The quality or condition of being generous g _ n _ r ___t y
adv /'wii.IIJ.Ii/ san long
en ___ r_ge en ___ r_ge
2. To make someone more likely to do something 2. To make someone more likely to do something
3. Very unhappy m_s ___ bl_ 3. Very unhappy m_s ___ bl_
4. Unable to see _I_ n d 4. Unable to see _I_ n d
5. Without hope h_p_l_ss 5. Without hope h_p_l_ss

1.1. nursing a. unable to hear, either completely or partly

a. hearted 1. nursing a. hearted
. ...

2.2.non b. help, especially money or resources

b. raisingthat are given to people, countries, 2.non b. raising
etc. when they have experienced a difficult situation
3. kind c. saving 3. kind c. saving
3. c. incapable of functioning as a consequence of injury or illness
4.1ife d. home 4.1ife d. home
4. d. something that is considered more important than other matters
5. fund e. profit • ··~······ 5. fund e. profit
5. e. to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful, or unpleasant

1. The event was by several local businesses.

sheltered suffered sponsored aimed
2. You will get to know a lot through work on the childcare project.
raise energetic volunteer blind
3. Raising money for is for a good cause.
priority sponsor donor charity
4. We've applied to a charitable for a grant for the project.
elder organisation satisfaction aim
5. Rates of poverty, and unemployment remain high.
illiteracy volunteer generosity

1. We are looking for people who would be ~~~to assist in the volunteer work.
promote willing support
25 Folk music n /fauk 'mju:z1kl nh~c dan gian 25 Folk music n /fauk 'mju:z1kl nh~c dan gian
Traditional music ltra ·'mju:zikl Traditional music ltra ·'mju:zikl

26 Genre n l'3a:n.ral the lo~i 26 Genre n l'3a:n.ral the lo~i

A c!

27 Hum v ku:stikl
/hAm/ thUQC hQC
ngan nga 27 Hum v /hAm/ ngan nga
A .... .... :

28 Illustrate nv li:/'sdastreit/
·eetikl tfnh my,hQa
minh 28 Illustrate v /' dastreit/ minh hQa
Anthem nn I, II a' stre1Jnl
/'ceneaml Sl!
ca hQa Illustration n I, II a' stre1Jnl Sl! minh hQa

"' Illustrative
Ml!.l BIU~IJII'I:>I '1:> nadj I' dastratJvI I
/'cetmasfiar c6 khf,
khong tfnhmoi
minh hQa
trU'O'ng Illustrative adj I' dastratJvI c6 tfnh minh hQa

29 Infamous nadj /'mfamasl

l'breladl tai tieng,
khuc ballad, baikhet
tieng 29 Infamous adj /'mfamasl tai tieng, khet tieng

30 ___ ...... --··-· 30

!I'll .HI.
nadj /,mspa'reifanll
l'best'selarl truyenban
san pham cam ch~yhung
nhat Inspirational adj /,mspa'reifanll truyen cam hung

7 -·
n I, mspa' reifnl
nguon cam hung
tieu sti, ly lich
Inspiration n I, mspa' reifnl nguon cam hung

31 Jazz n ld3cez1 nh~cjazz 31 Jazz n ld3cez1 nh~cjazz

8 t,;atcny adj b~h tai, de nh6', de thUQC
""" . .a. .IL
/' kretfil
32 c.... Key IL _ ....
n /ki:/ khoa, di~u, am di~u 32 Key n /ki:/ khoa, di~u, am di~u
•'I:>II!;;B.IB n.y n lsa'lebrati/ ngllO'i noi tieng
33 lyric n l'hnkl loi bai hat 33 lyric n l'hnkl loi bai hat
10 n /' kwa1a(r)l dQi hqp x116'ng, d¢i hqp ca
34 Mainstream n /' memstri:m/ xu hlf6'ng, xu the chu d~o 34 Mainstream n /' memstri:m/ xu hlf6'ng, xu the chu d~o
11 Chorus n /' ka:rasl di~p khuc


. ·music
n /' ma:stapi:sl
l'klaes1kl 'mju:zikl
ki~t tac
nh~c co dien
35 Masterpiece n /' ma:stapi:sl ki~t tac

36 (" ...
n l'meladi/
lka ·lrebareit/
giai di~u
c¢ng tac
36 Melody n l'meladi/ giai di~u

37 ,.. Orchestra
- .. v
n /' ~:k1stra/
dim nh~c giao hlfang
bien so~n, sang tac
37 Orchestra n /' ~:k1stra/ dim nh~c giao hlfang

38 ,.. Opera
T n n /'uparalI
lkam'pauzar nh~c nh~c
nha so~n kjch 38 Opera n /'uparal nh~c kjch
:----------- :-----------

39 Musician
Poet n n l'pamt/
lmju'zifnl nh~c
sT 39 Poet n l'pamt/ nhatho
... Poetic
., n adj I' sul)raita(r)l
/pau'etJkl thu(>c
ngwl'i nh~c
viettho ca Poetic adj /pau'etJkl thu(>c tho ca

15 -
I Poetry
iC!IIJ adj n lkan /'pauatri/
'tempraril duong d~i,thoca
duong thai Poetry n /'pauatri/ thoca

16 - Poem
IVOUima J mUSIC . n
n l'pamml
/'kAntri 'mju:z1kl
bai tho
nh~c dong que
Poem n l'pamml bai tho

40 Popular (pop) music n I ,' mju:.z1kl nh~c pop, am nh~c 40 Popular (pop) music n I ,' mju:.z1kl nh~c pop, am nh~c
17 Duo n l'd3u:.aul song ca, b¢ doi
d~ichung d~ichung
Duet n ld3u'et/ song ca, b¢ doi
41 Rehearse v ln'h3:sl dien t~p 41 Rehearse v ln'h3:sl dien t~p
Solo n /'sau.laul don ca, d¢c tau
Rehearsal n Ira' h3:.sall buoi dien t~p Rehearsal n Ira' h3:.sall buoi dien t~p
18 Concert n l'kun.sat/ buoi hoa nh~c
42 .... Remix v /'ri:miksl phoi l~i 42 Remix v /'ri:miksl phoi l~i
19 l;Onvey v lkan'veii truyen tai
n ban phoi l~i, sl! phoi l~i n ban phoi l~i, sl! phoi l~i
Dance music n /'du:ns ,mju:.zikl nh~c khieu vO
43 Rhyme v 1ra1ml gieo van 43 Rhyme v 1ra1ml gieo van
21 n n /'de1bju: 'relbaml album ravanmat n van
EDM {~: ........... .,.,,ui~L;
Rhythm n n /'noaml
l,i:.di:'eml nh~cnhjp
tti Rhythm n /'noaml nhjp di~u

44 Sample n /'sa:mpll mau 44 Sample n /'sa:mpll mau

Emotion n /I'mau.Janl Sl/ XUC dQng, cam dQng
45 Sculpture n /'skAiptfarl dieu khac, tac pham dieu 45 Sculpture n /'skAiptfarl dieu khac, tac pham dieu
- -.. ... /Ik'sphsit/ ro khac
dlrt khoat khac
tempo tracks EDM tempo tracks EDM
Minh: Do you like to listen to music? Minh: Do you like to listen to music?
Due: Of course. So far I haven't met anyone who dislikes music. Due: Of course. So far I haven't met anyone who dislikes music.
Minh: What kinds of music do you like? Minh: What kinds of music do you like?
Due: I'm not completely into any type of music. If I'm happy, I will play (1) _ _ or songs with Due: I'm not completely into any type of music. If I'm happy, I will play (1) _ _ or songs with
fast (2) _ _ . And if I'm sad, I will just listen on repeat to jazz. fast (2) _ _ . And if I'm sad, I will just listen on repeat to jazz.
Minh: What about the kind of music that you don't like? Minh: What about the kind of music that you don't like?
Due: I can hardly listen to traditional music, some countries' (3) _ _ songs and several (4) Due: I can hardly listen to traditional music, some countries' (3) _ _ songs and several (4)
. The
_concert features
belonging to thedancers
(5) _ _of
. all nationalities. _ _ belonging to the classical (5) _ _.
musicians sketchs poem key
2. The song is so that makes you bounce round the living room or tap your feet.
1. His knowledge of contemporary art was limited. 1. His knowledge of contemporary art was limited.
boring catchy rhyme gloomy
old modern future infamous old modern future infamous
3. The national of the teams are played at the beginning of international football matches.
2. Lam says her intention is to create a beautiful work of art. 2. Lam says her intention is to create a beautiful work of art.
anthems samples hum ballad
aesthetic romantic careful risk-taking aesthetic romantic careful risk-taking
4. Christopher can draw a rough of his apartment on a napkin.
key remix sketch tempo
1 . The famous hip-hop duo announced a reunion tour. 1 . The famous hip-hop duo announced a reunion tour.
5. I've got no sense o f _ , so I'm a terrible dancer.
remix poem solo choir remix poem solo choir
theme rhythm track sample
2. His first album was a smash hit. 2. His first album was a smash hit.
success poetry failure key success poetry failure key
1. She plays the flute in the school
2. The _ _ of freedom recurs throughout her work.
3. The famous jazz musician Duke Ellington was a(n) __,arranger, and pianist.
4. 'The Godfather' was a(n) _ _,a work of art.
5. They didn't have time for a(n) _ _ before the performance.

1. writes/ forI the/ he/ lyrics/ songs/ most his/ of.

2. on/ always/ his/ melody/ strong/ songs.

3. chorus/ in/ Tom/ and/ the/ sang/ everybody/ joined/ the.

4. poetry/ religious/ conveys/ a/ of/ devotion/ her.

5. more/ out/ brushed/ to/ the/ bring/ vivid.

Food security n /,fu:d SI'kjur.a.1j/ an ninh Iuong thl!c Food security n /,fu:d SI'kjur.a.1j/ an ninh Iuong thl!c
-;-~----- -;-~-----

22 Fragrant adj /' f rei. grant/ thorn phlJ'c 22 Fragrant adj /' f rei. grant/ thorn phlJ'c
i i
23 Fresh adj Jfref/ tU'Oi 23 Fresh adj Jfref/ tU'Oi
24 Green tea
AI -L .I
.II. 1..
/,gri:n 'ti:/
che, tra xanh 24 Green tea n /,gri:n 'ti:/ che, tra xanh

..Ham,. n
n i+-'lllli1'
/hrem/ svthem Sl/ ngon
thit giam bong 25 Ham n /hrem/ thit giam bong

26 Heavy meal n /'/'bita(r)/

hevi mi:l/ bfra an chfnh 26 Heavy meal n /' hevi mi:l/ bfra an chfnh
Light meal adj
n /blrend/
/'lait mi:l/ bfra nh~
nh9tannheo Light meal n /'lait mi:l/ bfra an nh~

I adj
n /'teist.las/
/'hAI)gar/ vovj
con d6i 27 Hunger n /'hAI)gar/ con d6i
28 Boil
Ingredient vn /b~II/
/m ·gri:diant/ lu¢c, soi
nguyen li~u 28 Ingredient n /m ·gri:diant/ nguyen li~u
29 Jam nn /bred/
/d3rem/ banh
mlrtml 29 Jam n /d3rem/ mlrt
30 "'· ··=
Juice nn /'brnkali/ sup Ia xanh,
nu6'c epbong cai xanh
hoa qua 30 Juice n nu6'c ep hoa qua
/d3U:S/ /d3U:S/
r .B!A:U
n /' knliflaua(r)/ sup Ia trang
31 Junk food n /'d3AI]k fu:d/ do an v~t 31 Junk food n /'d3AI]k fu:d/ do an v~t
bO'a nua buoi (sang trua)
8 QIBUBI'VII n /brAntf/
32 Leftover n /' leftauvar/ do thCra 32 Leftover n /' leftauvar/ do thCra
Dessert n /di'zs--:t/ m6n trang mi~ng -·· -··

33 n bfra an 33 n bfra an
course n /mi:l/
/' mem · k~:rs/ m6n chfnh Meal /mi:l/

34 Noodle
Starter nn /'nu:.dal/
/' sta:. tarI ml, ml
m6n sQ'ivj
khai 34 Noodle n /'nu:.dal/ ml, ml sQ'i

9 r Oatmeal .JI
nn /'autmi:l/
/krend fu:d/ do m~ch
yen h¢p 35 Oatmeal n /'autmi:l/ yen m~ch

10 Omelet
Chewy n
adj /'nmlat/
/'tfu:i/ trLJ'ng
daitrang 36 Omelet n /'nmlat/ trLJ'ng trang
... ...

11 rPepperJ .B.
nn /'
/'kukari/ h~t
an 37 Pepper n /' h~t tieu
.... ....

138 Recipe
r.aai~in~ nn /'res. a. pi/
/kWI'Zi:n/ congthlrc
am thvc 38 Recipe n /'res. a. pi/ congthlrc

39 -Roast
l -••- iJ adj
v/ n I' kAI.a.ner.i/
/raust/ i
quan den nu6'ng
quay, am thi/C

39 Roast v/ n /raust/ i (sl!) quay, nu6'ng


- ..Salt
'J! nn /'
/snit/ i m6n ngon

40 Salt n /snit/ i muoi


14 Salty adj J' S::>:lti/ ngonm~n

mi~ng Salty adj J' S::>:lti/ m~n
..... 0! !
adj /di'hfas/
l!ldil. .... 11..... -•- adj /' maue w~:taruJ/ trong xuc
ngon mi~ng
41 Sausage BUI~
ev"""'"'"""" vv_.,..,.. n /'snsid3/ xfch 41 Sausage n /'snsid3/ xuc xfch
adj /'tei.sti/ ngon
42 Slice n /slaiS/ mieng, lat mong 42 Slice n /slaiS/ mieng, lat mong
15 Diet nv /' che d¢ an mieng
cat thanh kieng v cat thanh mieng

_._ adj
thu¢c che d¢ an kieng
sup, canh 43 Soup n /su:p/ sup, canh
16 n /' i:tari/ quan an
44 Sour adj /'saua(r)/ chua 44 Sour adj /'saua(r)/ chua
Eel n /i:l/ conluan
45 Spicy adj /' cay 45 Spicy adj /' cay
.... ....

18 Famine n /'fremm/ n9n d6i

46 Stall n /sb:l s~p hang 46 Stall n /sb:l s~p hang
1 n /'fiZi/ (nw1c) c6 ga
47 Stink v /Stii]k/ boc mui 47 Stink v /Stii]k/ boc mui
Stinking nadj /'fleiVa(r)/
/' Stii].kii]/ vi
hoi thoi Stinking adj /' Stii].kii]/ hoi thoi
c~---~ c~---~

n /teist/ muivj
48 Rice n /rais/ g~o, com 48 Rice n /rais/ g~o, com
i ----- i -----

n sinh an toan
-~- ~ --
Louis: I would love to have some salad! n Louis: I would love to have some salad!
Ben: I have also prepared sausage. (3) _
n _ Ben: I have also prepared sausage. (3) _ _
Louis: Yes, I love sausage and pasta. Louis: Yes, I love sausage and pasta.
Ben: Great! Ben: Great!

1. I when I'm sad.

1. The/ delicious/ waiter/ round/ came/ with/ a/ tray/ of/ cream/ cakes. 1. The/ delicious/ waiter/ round/ came/ with/ a/ tray/ of/ cream/ cakes.
2. The four basic tastes are sweet, salty,
2. 1/ eating/ developed/ a/ of/ sandwiches/ habit/ for/ breakfast. 2. 1/ eating/ developed/ a/ of/ sandwiches/ habit/ for/ breakfast.
smelly sour stink hot
3. She runs a fruit and stall in the market.
3. good/ keeps/ diet/ A/ you/ healthy. 3. good/ keeps/ diet/ A/ you/ healthy.
vegetable hunger famine slice
4. You need to mix all the dry _ _ together before you add the milk.
4. Your/ a/ meal/ must/ in/ advance/ be/ and/ include/ main/ booked/ course. 4. Your/ a/ meal/ must/ in/ advance/ be/ and/ include/ main/ booked/ course.
spicy leftovers ingredients fizzy
5. To make a(n) _ _ you have to first beat the eggs.
5. The/ is/ home-cooked/ food/ fresh/ using/ ingredients. 5. The/ is/ home-cooked/ food/ fresh/ using/ ingredients.
omelet roast recipe eel

1. Sugar has a sweet and lemons have a sour taste.

1. What word has the same meaning as "delicious"? 1. What word has the same meaning as "delicious"?
smell flavor slice chewy
2. I find chicken a little
2. What meal do you eat as a combination of breakfast and lunch? 2. What meal do you eat as a combination of breakfast and lunch?
harsh tasteless salty tasteless

3. What kind of sweet food is eaten at the end of a meal? 3. What kind of sweet food is eaten at the end of a meal?
1. He said that it smelled '~'~~'~'"~~~~"~ 11'\t and it tasted pure and sweet.
jam is another word for "restaurant"?
4. What stinking pepper 4. What is another word for "restaurant"?
2. They did not get a ==-::....~<-=-==today.
5. What dinner
is a lack of food during a long period of time in a region? light meal 5. What is a lack of food during a long period of time in a region?

A: Would you like some mango juice or water to go with your dinner?
What would you prefer with your meal, wine or milkshake?
C: How about some salad to go with your pasta?
D: Can I offer you some sausage on the side?
Are you ready for some rice?
Can I interest you in some salad to go with your chicken?

louis: Oh your dinner looks delicious!

Thanks, Louis. (1)
Mango juice would a good choice for me.
Excellent choice. If you pass me your I can dish you up some
the smells
18 Fly v /flail lai may bay, di tren may bay 18 Fly v /flail lai may bay, di tren may bay
Flight n /flait/ chuyen bay Flight n /flait/ chuyen bay

19STT Flyover /'flai CaU VU'Qt 19 Flyover /'flai CaU VU'Qt

20 Harbour
A ... Ill!. n /lha:ba(r)/

'~k ~1 n~1 taiben

hai cang, nli!ntau 20 Harbour /lha:ba(r)/

hai cang, ben tau

- DtUIII!::I
-• n /p~:rt/ rao chU'ong /p~:rt/


21 3 Helicopter 'JI
n I 'baisikl/
'hehk ·'1tri•
-·~· ·~r - may bay xe
tri/C thang 21 Helicopter 'hehk ·'1tri•
-·~· ·~r- may bay tri/C thang

n v /Saiki/ mu bao hiemxe mu bao hiem

--· .
22 Helmet /'hel.mat/ 22 Helmet n /'hel.mat/
1ncyc1e n /'trai.SLkal/ xe dti!P ba banh
23 LH,
-... --- .I

reii/ dU'O'ng sat cao toe
23 LH,
-... --- .I
reii/ dU'O'ng sat cao toe
4 I I! _L
Boat /baut/ I I! _L
24 1 ••~••vvwy dU'O'ng cao toe 24 1 ••~••vvwy dU'O'ng cao toe
n /Jip/ tau thuy
Freeway n /lfri:.wei/ Freeway n /lfri:.wei/
... a
.B .

n adj /blukt/ cd'ng

5 Expressway
- ...
Uvea \.91 uwueu adj
/Ik spres. wei/

I. au. va ·krau.d1d/ ch~t nfch, dong ngh~t

Expressway n /Ik spres. wei/

25 Infrastructure I m. fra strAk. tfarI

I I ca sa hS~ tang 25 Infrastructure I m. fra strAk. tfarI
I I ca sa hS~ tang
Overload v I, au. va ·laud/ 1<3m cho qua tai
26 Illegal /I'Ii:gl/ bat hqp phap 26 Illegal /I'Ii:gl/ bat hqp phap
6 n /bre1k/ caiphanh
ch~t nfch, tac nghen ch~t nfch, tac nghen
7 -
Traffic jam
AI. I.
I d3cem pcekt/

/' bre8alaiza(r)/
/'trcef.Ik d3cem/ I

Cl,.l kiem tra nong
tac dU'ong
27 Jam-packed
Traffic jam
I d3cem pcekt/

/'trcef.Ik d3cem/ I

tac dU'ong
8 -
Lane -•
!&91UQUOC:HI v
lan dU'O'ng
m& r<)ng, noi r(>ng
28 Lane
lan dU'O'ng

License n
n I· ba1. pees/
giay phep
dU'CJ'ng vanh dai
29 License n giay phep
Driving license
-- .,.

/' drai. VII) lai.sans/

bang lai, giay phep lai xe Driving license
IllS I
n /' drai. VII) lai.sans/ I

bang lai, giay phep lai xe

30 A

road nn II
I' rii] , raud/ xe may 30 A

IVIUI.UI "'J'-'I'C n II xe may

3110 Park car

Cable vn I· /pu:k/
ke1bl ku: (r)/ d~u,cap
do treo
(xe) 31 Park v /pu:k/ d~u, do (xe)
ParkingCar space nn I· pu: kii)I ku:/
spe1s/ cho
xe do
o to Parking space n I· pu: kii) spe1s/ cho do xe
... f k t
.--c:un.u•~ 1c e
n /' pu: kii) hkit/ phieu phS~t do xe sai cho ... f k t
.--c:un.u•~ 1c e
n /' pu: kii) hkit/ phieu phS~t do xe sai cho
11 Canoe n /ka'nu:/ xuong, ghe
·pe1vman+ he (cho ngLroi di b9)
·pe1vman+ he (cho ngLroi di b9)
12 Commuter n /ka'mjut/ ngU'oi di lti!i
... _. A_!
/pa destrian/
... _. A_!
/pa destrian/
• ,.. ... ,...,. .... a••
n/ v /ka'mju:.tar/
(slf) dingLrO'i di b9
lti!i hang ngay (gifra • ,.. ... ,...,. .... a•• I ngLrO'i di b9

34 hai
may baydja diem) 34 may bay
... ...
..ll ..A
n I· krusraudz/
ll Cl::ll;:)jJJ ngatU'
cong c<)ng T
ll Cl::ll;:)jJJ cong c<)ng
.. ,.............
...... n cam, nga

36 Prohibit /'ti: d3AIJkJn/ 36 Prohibit cam, ngan tr6'

Dead end
Prohibition nn /,
I prau.1'
'end/ Sl/ cam dU'ong c1,.1t trO
doan, ngan Prohibition n I prau.1'
I Sl/ cam doan, ngan trO
14 Drive
Prohibitive v /draiV/
/pra'hibihv/ lai xe
cam Prohibitive /pra'hibihv/ cam

3715 Road
Emit nv /i'mit/
/raud/ xadU'ong
ra, thai ra 37 Road n /raud/ dU'ong
Emission nn /i'
/' raudsaid/ khf thai
re duong Roadside n /' raudsaid/ re duong

381 ---··-·::a;;Roof tU'• •

t!lldt u31 1 • f1Jnt/ nangiU'Q'ng
n6c xe, mai nha 38 Roof /ru:f/ n6c xe, mai nha

Safe n Ifam/
/seif/ phf
an phli!t
toan Safe /seif/ an toan
Safely adv /'seifh/ an toan Safely adv /'seifh/ an toan
---· ---·
4. They live on a busy _ _ . There must be a lot of noise from traffic. 4. They live on a busy _ _ . There must be a lot of noise from traffic.
roof taxi tunnel road roof taxi tunnel road
5. He hates travelling by _ _ . 5. He hates travelling by _ _ .
park plane signpost lane park plane signpost lane

roof roof
di~n ngam
1. You must wear your _ _ when driving. 1. You must wear your _ _ when driving.
xe taxi
2. Movement is extremely difficult even with _ _ . 2. Movement is extremely difficult even with _ _ .
3. The company will arrange _ _ from the airport. auong 3. The company will arrange _ _ from the airport.
4. We stopped at a _ _ cafe for lunch. 4. We stopped at a _ _ cafe for lunch.
5. You can put the luggage on the _ _ of the car. 5. You can put the luggage on the _ _ of the car.

den giao thong

lu~t giao thong
1 . The pedestrian walked past ~ crossroad and suddenly 9Q1 hit with a car. 1 . The pedestrian walked past ~ crossroad and suddenly 9Q1 hit with a car.
v~n chuyen
past the got with past the got with
xe tai
2. The road was completely block by an overturned truck. 2. The road was completely block by an overturned truck.
was block an ti~n giao thong
phuongtruck was block an truck
3. A barrier has been Q.Y! up to prevent people of hitting that huge pothole. 3. A barrier has been Q.Y! up to prevent people of hitting that huge pothole.
put to of hitting put to of hitting
4. It was his lucky day when he had both a flat tire and a broken handbrake. 4. It was his lucky day when he had both a flat tire and a broken handbrake.
lucky when both broken lucky when both broken
_ __in the map to find the nearest subway station. 5. We looked in the map to find the nearest subway station.
in map the subway in map the subway

2. _ _ __ b. to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between your place of work and
1. What is an officialyour
home that shows that you are qualified to drive? 1. What is an official document that shows that you are qualified to drive?
3. _ _ __ c. a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or that can only move
2. What is a main road
veryfor travelling long distances, especially one connecting and going through
slowly 2. What is a main road for travelling long distances, especially one connecting and going through
cities and towns? cities and towns?
4. _ _ __
5. _ _ __
3. Which word has the same meaning as "crash"? 3. Which word has the same meaning as "crash"?

4. What word
1. has the same
are signs at meaning "ring
the side of road/1?
road to give instructions or information to drivers. 4. What word has the same meaning as "ring road/1?

Traffic lights Road signs Police Underground

5. Hurry
2. What up,
notice put on
or we'll your
miss thevehicle when you have parked illegally that tells you that you must pay 5. What notice put on your vehicle when you have parked illegally that tells you that you must pay
a fine? a fine?
brake bridge train fine
3. I've told you many a time not to ride your on the
helicopter helmet commute
~ ~ ~~

. ~ ~ ~~

STT Tuvvng TU'Io STT Tuvvng TU'Io
[-- way/ - ~ ~-
T-junction. [-- - ~ ~-

1 Altar n 1 Altar n

3. 2 Ancestor
can/ drive/ n in/ 2 Ancestor n

3 Ancient adj 3 Ancient adj

--- ---
4. the/ the/ off/ railway/ hitchhiker/ station/ near/ dropped/ They.
~ ~

4 Anniversary n /,cem'v3:sari/ le ki ni~m, ngay le 4 Anniversary n /,cem'v3:sari/ le ki ni~m, ngay le

Ceremony n /'seramani/ nghi thfrc, nghi le Ceremony n /'seramani/ nghi thfrc, nghi le
5. reached/ couldn't/ They/ a/ end/ find/ out/ way/ and/ a/ dead.
I Celebration n lean mung I Celebration n lean mung
, ,

5 Artisan n ngh~ nhan 5 Artisan n ngh~ nhan

Artist n ngh~ si Artist n ngh~ si
--- ---

6 Basic adj co ban 6 Basic adj co ban

7 Belongings n 7 Belongings n
Belong to thu(>c ve Belong to thu(>c ve
8 nha rong 8 nha rong
9 Community 9 Community

10 Concept 10 Concept

11 Costume trang phvc 11 Costume trang phvc

12 Culture shock soc van h6a 12 Culture shock soc van h6a
13 Curious 13 Curious

14 Custom 14 Custom

15 Derive from 15 Derive from

Stem from Stem from

16 Diversity n /dai'V3:sati/ Slf da d~ng 16 Diversity n /dai'V3:sati/ Slf da d~ng

Diverse adj /dai'V3:S/ da d~ng Diverse adj /dai'V3:S/ da d~ng

Diversify v /dai'V3:Sifai/ da d~ng h6a Diversify v /dai'V3:Sifai/ da d~ng h6a

Diversification /da1, V3:Sifi' keifn/ Diversification /da1, V3:Sifi' keifn/

v~n m~nh, djnh m~nh v~n m~nh, djnh m~nh

/'h:.tfu:n/ v~n may, Slf giau c6, gia tai /'h:.tfu:n/ v~n may, Slf giau c6, gia tai
/fauk/ thu(>c dan t(>c, dan gian /fauk/ thu(>c dan t(>c, dan gian
Folktale n /'fauk,teii/ truy~n dan gian Folktale n /'fauk,teii/ truy~n dan gian
Folklore n /'faukb:(r)/ van h<;>c, truyen thong dan gian Folklore n /'faukb:(r)/ van h<;>c, truyen thong dan gian
44 Religion n lnlbd3~:ml ton giao 44 Religion n lnlbd3~:ml ton giao
Religious adj lnlbd3as thu()c ton giao Religious adj lnlbd3as thu()c ton giao
Religionist n In hd3anist/ I ngub'i cuong tfn Religionist n In hd3anist/
I ngub'i cuong tfn
Religiously adv lnlhd3asli/ m()t each sung d~o Religiously adv lnlhd3asli/ m()t each sung d~o

45 Ritual n /'ntfuall nghi thuc 45 Ritual n /'ntfuall nghi thuc

46 Special adj /' d~c bi~t 46 Special adj /' d~c bi~t

47 Subculture n I SAbkAitfarI
I van h6a nh6m, vung mien 47 Subculture n I SAbkAitfarI
I van h6a nh6m, vung mien

48 Tradition n I aI ltra dif.anl

I truyen thong
nh~n di~n, nh~n d9ng
48 Tradition n ltra dif.anl
I truyen thong

49 Unique n adj lju:lni:kl

I aI dent1fi
I keifnl I sv nh~nd()c dao,
d9ng; svduy nhat
dong nhat 49 Unique adj lju:lni:kl d()c dao, duy nhat

50 Value adj n IaI dent1 kll

I nhau
gionggia trl 50 Value n /'vcel.ju:l gia trl
n I ail dentatil tfnh dong nhat; danh tfnh

29 v lmlher.It/ thua ke
n /In hentansl
I svthua ke

30 adj lm ltren.d3a.bal!
adj /'tren.d3a.ball
1. a. the act of giving something to someone and them giving you something 1. a. the act of giving something to someone and them giving you something
31 else adj I mta kAitfaral/
I I else

322. b. a feeling of
v confusion felt by someone visiting a country or place that they 2. b. a feeling of confusion felt by someone visiting a country or place that they
do not know do not know

333. c. interested in learning about people or things around you 3. c. interested in learning about people or things around you

34 d. somethingn strange orllmistri/

not known that hassvnot yet sv
bf an, been explained
huyen bf d. something strange or not known that has not yet been explained
understood 1
n lmi 8nlad3il than tho9i
5. e. the beliefn in and worship of a god or gods, or any
llled3.andl suchtho9i
huyen system of belief 5. e. the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief
and worship and worship

35 Norm n ln~:rml

n /' stren.dadl preserve pray preserve pray

1. Culture is dying due to the lack of efforts to _ _ and retain. truyen mi~ng 1. Culture is dying due to the lack of efforts to _ _ and retain.
2. _ _ in Vietnam contributes to the country's rich cultural diversity. 2. _ _ in Vietnam contributes to the country's rich cultural diversity.
3. Vietnamese people usually go to pagoda to _ _ for safety, health, good luck, and prosperity. 3. Vietnamese people usually go to pagoda to _ _ for safety, health, good luck, and prosperity.
4. Our government spent a great proportion of public expenditure to preserve historical _ _ . 4. Our government spent a great proportion of public expenditure to preserve historical _ _ .
5. Many people prefer to have a religious wedding _ _ . 5. Many people prefer to have a religious wedding _ _ .
1 . Oral _ _ is the first and still most widespread mode of human communication. 1 . Oral _ _ is the first and still most widespread mode of human communication.
custom traditionlpreii ritual habit
custom tradition ritual habit
2. She _ _ a fortune from her grandmother.
/'W3:.fipl (sv) tho cung 2. She _ _ a fortune from her grandmother.
integrated reflected inherited
exchanged integrated reflected inherited exchanged
lri flekt/ phan anh
One child per fast the in countries.
norm occasion value
were to
STT Tifvvng Tit lo~i Phien am Nghia STT Tifvvng Tit lo~i Phien am Nghia
1 Afford v la'b:rdl c6 kha nang chi tra, mua dU'qc 1 Afford v la'b:rdl c6 kha nang chi tra, mua dU'qc
5. of this time of the
Affordable adj la'fJ:r.da.bal/ CO the chi tra dl!Q'C Affordable adj la'fJ:r.da.bal/ CO the chi tra dl!Q'C
2 Atmosphere n /' bau khong khf, khl troi 2 Atmosphere n /' bau khong khf, khl troi
:- :-
1. According Annuallyit is here that
to 'fnU!t'IA'llt'A advSir Ewen Cameron
/' renjualilof Lochiel shot the last
nam wolf 3 Annually adv /' renjualil hang nam
in Great
4 Britain in 1680.
Apricot blossom n I· e1pnkut 'blusaml hoa mai 4 Apricot blossom n I· e1pnkut 'blusaml hoa mai
fact Peach blossom subculturen lpi:tfhonor
'blusaml mythology
hoa dao Peach blossom n lpi:tf 'blusaml hoa dao
2. The format and colors ='-"-"--""'--"-"-== Chinese scrolls.
5 Attention n la'tenfanl slf chu y 5 Attention n la'tenfanl slf chu y
stem from belong to concept
6 Boat race n lbaut re1sl dua thuyen 6 Boat race n lbaut re1sl dua thuyen

7 Buddha n /'budal Ph~t 7 Buddha n /'budal Ph~t

1. The ~gm_~ heritage of the country was neglected in times of war.
real8 Buffalo fighting
intangible n I· bAfalau ·faitii)I
duplicate chQi trau
equal 8 Buffalo fighting n I· bAfalau ·faitii)I chQi trau
Cock fighting n lkuk 'faitii)I
2. It is a fundamental ~~~tn.@J!It about history, culture and security. chQiga Cock fighting n lkuk 'faitii)I chQiga
9 Calendar offspring n fight
I· krehnda(r)l harmony
ljch 9 Calendar n I· krehnda(r)l ljch

10 Carnival n l'ka:mvall ngay h(>i 10 Carnival n l'ka:mvall ngay h(>i

1. The act of giving or leaving something
Festival n to somebody who is younger than you, what
/'festival/ le hoi is it called? Festival n /'festival/ le hoi

11 Charm n ltfa:rml sue cuon hut, thu hut 11 Charm n ltfa:rml sue cuon hut, thu hut
2. What structure or building that is built to honour a special person or event?
Charming adj /'tfa:r.mii)I lei cuon, cuon hut Charming adj /'tfa:r.mii)I lei cuon, cuon hut

12 Chant v ltfa:nt! hat len, reo ho 12 Chant v ltfa:nt! hat len, reo ho
3. What type of table that is used in religious ceremonies?
13 Check in phr.v ltfek ml thu t~:JC vao Clra (nh~n phong, ... ) 13 Check in phr.v ltfek ml thu t~:JC vao Clra (nh~n phong, ... )
out that people
phr.vof a particular aut/ or group thu
ltfekregion t~:JC ra Ve (thanh toan, ...) Check out phr.v ltfek aut/ thu t~:JC ra Ve (thanh toan, ...)
4. What is a traditional repeat among themselves?
14 Chimney n /'tfim.nil ong kh6i 14 Chimney n /'tfim.nil ong kh6i
5. What
15 is a fixed Colorful
set of actions and words,
adj especially
part of a religious
sac mau, ri!C r5' 15 Colorful adj /'kALa .fall da sac mau, ri!C r5'

1 Commemorate v lka ·memare1t/ ky niem, tu6ng nh6' 1 Commemorate v lka ·memare1t/ ky niem, tu6ng nh6'
Commemoration n lka. mem.a ·rei.fanl le ky niem, sl! tu6ng nh6' Commemoration n lka. mem.a ·rei.fanl le ky niem, sl! tu6ng nh6'
-~~ ~ -~~ ~

1 : Companion n lkam'prenjanl b~n dong hanh 1 : Companion n lkam'prenjanl b~n dong hanh

1 Cow race n lkau re1sl dua bo 1 Cow race n lkau re1sl dua bo
Elephant race n I· ehfant re1sl dua voi Elephant race n I· ehfant re1sl dua voi

19 Crowd n lkraudl dam dong 19 Crowd n lkraudl dam dong

-~-- ~ ~~~-~-~- -~-- ~ ~~~-~-~-

20 Cuisine n lkwi'zi:nl am thi!C 20 Cuisine n lkwi'zi:nl am thi!C

~- ~~ ~- ~~

21 Decorate v I· dekareit/ trang hoang 21 Decorate v I· dekareit/ trang hoang

- -

22 Dragon boat n I· drregan baut/ thuyen rong 22 Dragon boat n I· drregan baut/ thuyen rong
c~~ ~ ~~ - c~~ ~ ~~ -
Superstition n I
I I Sl/ It~ :fl Superstition n I
I I Sl/ It~ :fl
46 Taboo adj/ n /talbu:/ (dieu) cam kY., kieng kY. 46 Taboo adj/ n /talbu:/ (dieu) cam kY., kieng kY.

47 Thanksgiving n /'8~1)kSgiVIr)/ let~ on 47 Thanksgiving n /'8~1)kSgiVIr)/ let~ on

48 Villa n /lvda/ bi~t thl/ 48 Villa n /lvda/ bi~t thl/

Resort n /n~z~:rt/ khu nghi dU'ong Resort n /n~z~:rt/ khu nghi dU'ong

49 Visit v /'VIZ.It/ tham quan, den choi 49 Visit v /'VIZ.It/ tham quan, den choi
Visitor n /'VIZ.I.tar/ du khach Visitor n /'VIZ.I.tar/ du khach
Holidaymaker n /lhnl.a.dilmei.kar/
/'fi:tfar/ khach du lich Holidaymaker n /lhnl.a.dilmei.kar/ khach du lich

50 Wreath n /'faiaW3:k/
/ri:8/ vong hoa 50 Wreath n /ri:8/ vong hoa

celebrate Thanksgiving chanting reindeer taboo celebrate Thanksgiving chanting reindeer taboo
----~----~----~--· ----~----~----~--·

1. Santa Claus travels in a sleigh pulled by _ _ and drop his gifts down chimneys for children. 1. Santa Claus travels in a sleigh pulled by _ _ and drop his gifts down chimneys for children.
2. Sweeping during Tet is a _ _ since it symbolizes sweeping the luck away. 2. Sweeping during Tet is a _ _ since it symbolizes sweeping the luck away.
3. They have mashed potatoes, pickles, a roasted turkey and sausage stuffing for _ _ . 3. They have mashed potatoes, pickles, a roasted turkey and sausage stuffing for _ _ .
4. The crowd were _ _ the winner of the boat race. 4. The crowd were _ _ the winner of the boat race.
5. How people _ _ new year varies in different cultures. 5. How people _ _ new year varies in different cultures.

1. We thought we'd went to France for our summer holiday. 1. We thought we'd went to France for our summer holiday.
thought went for holiday thought went for holiday
2. Some people are superstition about spilling salt on the table. (canh) dfJ!p nhlf tranh ve 2. Some people are superstition about spilling salt on the table.
Some superstition /'
spilling (canh)
the dfJ!p Some superstition spilling the
adjawesome scenic. You should spend
3. This area has some of the most (canh)
yourdfJ!p kinh ng~c
vacation there. 3. This area has some of the most awesome scenic. You should spend your vacation there.
has the adj scenic should has the scenic should
4. This year we has the brilliant food
n festival Street Feast on board. 4. This year we has the brilliant food festival Street Feast on board.
has brilliant Street Feast on has brilliant Street Feast on
5. Cock fighting, _g long-standing form of popular entertainment, are organized during traditional 5. Cock fighting, _g long-standing form of popular entertainment, are organized during traditional
n /'riban/
festivals throughout Vietnam. festivals throughout Vietnam.
a of n /'si:nari/
are throughout a of are throughout
1. The view from our room i s - - · mua 1. The view from our room i s - - ·
indegenous stunning
adj tourists
/'si:zanl/ peace indegenous stunning tourists peace
2. The time of each year when a lot of people go travelling: 2. The time of each year when a lot of people go travelling:
n /' spektakl/
High season Low season Rush hour Shoulder season High season Low season Rush hour Shoulder season
me to save

inclusive tour tour

STT Tlr Vl;lllg TU' lo~i Phiim am Nghia STT Tlr Vl;lllg TU' lo~i Phiim am Nghia
4. The purpose Cow u~r·u·H,

calendar. Access n/ v /' (Sl!) tiep c~n, sti d~:~ng, truy c~p 1 Access n/ v /' (Sl!) tiep c~n, sti d~:~ng, truy c~p
Accessible adj /ak' c6 the tiep c~n, sti d~:~ng
Ribbon Accessible adj /ak' c6 the tiep c~n, sti d~:~ng
5. The
2 Advertise v I· cedvataiz/ bodyquang
from cao
the sun. 2 Advertise v I· cedvataiz/ quang cao
Buddha Advertising carnivaln drum
I· cedvataiZII)/ vi~cholidaymaker
quang cao Advertising n I· cedvataiZII)/ vi~c quang cao
Advertisement n /ad 'v3:tismant/ bai quang cao Advertisement n /ad 'v3:tismant/ bai quang cao

3 festival==~==
1. The Anonymity in April in
n O'Higgins Park.'1m.a.ti/
I, cen.on Sl)' an danh 3 Anonymity n I, cen.on '1m.a.ti/ Sl)' an danh
fails occurs arrives visits
App n /rep/ U'ng d~:~ng App n /rep/ U'ng d~:~ng
2. The ceremony ~!DJJ:Mmllru~~ the 20th anniversary of the founding of the school.
(Application) I, cep.h' (Application) I, cep.h'
decorated disregarded ignored celebrated
5 Audience n /'J:dians/ khan gia (trong h9i tnrong) 5 Audience n /'J:dians/ khan gia (trong h9i tnrong)
Viewer n /'vju:ar/ khan gia (xem truyen hlnh) Viewer n /'vju:ar/ khan gia (xem truyen hlnh)
1. We~=~~ our luggage and went through to the departure lounge.
Spectator n /spek'teitar/ khan gia (ngoai troi) Spectator n /spek'teitar/ khan gia (ngoai troi)
left out missed out ticked out checked out
6 year she
2. This Bandwagon n on time/'to
arrived in Spain just bcend,
phong trao, trao IU'u
the 'f!:llc~l"'ir'!l!:lltiinn carnival scene. 6 Bandwagon n /' bcend, phong trao, trao IU'u

boring Brief excitingadj /bri:f/
charming ngan
funnyg9n 7 Brief adj /bri:f/ ngan g9n

8 Broadcast v/ n /'brJ:dku:st/ (sl!) phat song 8 Broadcast v/ n /'brJ:dku:st/ (sl!) phat song
lbJIUW~~ v /brauz/ IU'6t, duy~t (web) -
lbJIUW~~ v /brauz/ IU'6t, duy~t (web)
What do you /' brau.zarI
n are on holiday?
like to do when you trlnh duy~t Browser n /' brau.zarI trlnh duy~t

I like travelling. It changes yournmind and refreshes

Catalogue you and makesdanh
I· kcetalog/ you forget the busy
m~:~c, m~:~c l~:~c work Catalogue n I· kcetalog/ danh m~:~c, m~:~c l~:~c
(1) _ _ .
v I' kcetalog/ chia thanh m~:~c v I' kcetalog/ chia thanh m~:~c
Alan: Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?
11 Celebrity n Isa' lebrati/ ngU'O'i noi tieng 11 Celebrity n Isa' lebrati/ ngU'O'i noi tieng
I prefer travelling in a group as it's always safe and fun.
Alan: In which Comment
(2) n to travel?/'kom.ent/
do you prefer blnh lu~n 12 Comment n /'kom.ent/ blnh lu~n
Commentator n I' komanteita(r)/
I prefer travelling in winter because the weather and (3)
remains cool lu~n vh~n
and soothing. Commentator n I' komanteita(r)/ blnh lu~n vh~n

13 What places
Alan: Commercial adj(4)
would you like to in/ka'm3:jl/
the future? c6 tfnh thU'O'ng m~i 13 Commercial adj /ka'm3:jl/ c6 tfnh thU'O'ng m~i

14I would Communicate

like to visit New York and
v also Switzerland. These are my most favourite
/ka'mju:mkeit/ giao tiep because of 14 Communicate v /ka'mju:mkeit/ giao tiep
their (5) beauty and also the people who are very generous and sweet.
Communication n /ka, mju:.m' sl)' giao tiep Communication n /ka, mju:.m' sl)' giao tiep

Connect v /ka'nekt/ ket n6i Connect v /ka'nekt/ ket n6i

16 Content n /kan'tent/ n9idung 16 Content n /kan'tent/ n9idung

17 n /'sa1ba W3:ld/ the gioi ao, the gi6'i m~ng 17 n /'sa1ba W3:ld/ the gioi ao, the gi6'i m~ng
Cyberspace n I' saibaspeiS/ khong gian m~ng Cyberspace n I' saibaspeiS/ khong gian m~ng

Cyberattack n I' saibaratcek/ tan cong m~ng Cyberattack n I' saibaratcek/ tan cong m~ng
Cyberbully n /' saibabuli/ ke quay roi tren m~ng Cyberbully n /' saibabuli/ ke quay roi tren m~ng
Cybercrime n I' saibakraim/ t9i ph~m m~ng Cybercrime n I' saibakraim/ t9i ph~m m~ng
Cyberbullying n I' saibabulhl)/ b~o ll)'c m~ng Cyberbullying n I' saibabulhl)/ b~o ll)'c m~ng

1 ...r ·at~cu a& .c.• (plural)

n I,'rekfn/ ...r ·at~cu a& .c.• (plural)

Privacy n n /'pnvasi/ quyen rieng tU' Privacy n /'pnvasi/ quyen rieng tU'
Reporter n /n' po:.tar/ ph6ng vien Reporter n /n' po:.tar/ ph6ng vien
Recording n /n' ko:dn)/ ban ghi am Recording n /n' ko:dn)/ ban ghi am
Social media n /'saujl 'mi:dia/ m~ng xa h9i Social media n /'saujl 'mi:dia/ m~ng xa h9i

Social networking n v /'edit/

/' sau.Jal 'net. W3:kii)/ Social networking n /' sau.Jal 'net. W3:kii)/

Stream v v /I'm3:d3/
/strim/ ph atnoitn,rc hi~n ra
len,tuyen Stream v /strim/ ph at tn,rc tuyen
n /I' m3: d3~:msl Sl)' noi len, Sl)' XUat hi~n
44 Surf v /S3:f/ IU'6t (m~ng) 44 Surf v /S3:f/ IU'6t (m~ng)
adj eye-catching bat mat
45 Trend n /trend/ xu hU'6'ng 45 Trend n /trend/ xu hU'6'ng
adj I, fe1s te ·fe1s/ trvc tiep
46 Universal adj I ju:m'v3:sl/ pho bien r(>ng khap 46 Universal adj I ju:m'v3:sl/ pho bien r(>ng khap
adj I, ha:t te 'ha:t/ th~mh th~t, chan tlnh

••• ...
,.._ .....
..1 ....
I ,AP ta ·de1t/
c~p nh~t, m6i nhat
••• ...
..1 ....
,.._ adj I ,AP ta ·de1t/ c~p nh~t, m6i nhat

48 Viral adj /'vairal/ lan r(>ng, thjnh hanh 48 Viral adj /'vairal/ lan r(>ng, thjnh hanh
26 Illustrate v /' destreit/ minh hQa
49 Virtual adj /'V3:tfual/ ao 49 Virtual adj /'V3:tfual/ ao
n I, de' streifnl sl)' minh hQa
50 Website nadj /'web.sait/
I' IlestretiVI c6trang
tfnh web
minh hQa 50 Website n /'web.sait/ trang web

n l'mfluense(r)/ ngU'oi c6 tam anh hU'6'ng

28 Interact v I, mter' rekt/ tU'ang tac

anonymity cybercrime n privacy

I· d33: nehzem/ influencer documentary
nghe bao anonymity cybercrime privacy influencer documentary
~~~~- ~~~~-

n /' d33:nehst/ nha bao

1. a. someone whon affects or changes
/'d33:nl/the way that
hangpeople behave
ngay, t~p chf ve m¢t 1. a. someone who affects or changes the way that other people behave

2. chuyen de secret
b. someone's right to keep their personal matters and relationships 2. b. someone's right to keep their personal matters and relationships secret
30 Leaflet n activity that/'li:.flet/
c. crime or illegal is done using the internet to rai c. crime or illegal activity that is done using the internet

4. 31 Massive to most other peopleto 16'n, do s¢

d. the state of remaining unknown 4. d. the state of remaining unknown to most other people
dong, so nhieu, d~i chung
5. e. a film or television or radio programme that so
Mass n lmres/
gives facts and information 5. e. a film or television or radio programme that gives facts and information
32 about
(plural) a subject n /'mi:.di.e/ phU'ang ti~n (truyen thong) about a subject
Medium (singular) n /'mi:.di.em/ phU'ang ti~n

n /,mAiti'mi:die/ da phU'O'ng ti~n

browsing bandwagon tabloids editing access browsing bandwagon tabloids editing access
adj I, mAI.ti 'fM)k.Jen.el/
1. When Tik Tok becomes popular, everyone jumps on the _ _ .
da nang
1. When Tik Tok becomes popular, everyone jumps on the _ _ .
2. Whenever I have spare time, I enjoy websites to catch upquy
n _ _ the /'netiket/ on theU'ng m~ng
xli trennews.
up-to-date 2. Whenever I have spare time, I enjoy _ _ the websites to catch up on the up-to-date news.
3. Learners around the world now can
n have _ _ to online
/'net. W3: kl classes on the Internet.
m~ng 3. Learners around the world now can have _ _ to online classes on the Internet.
4. The _ _ often attract readers with sensational headlines. 4. The _ _ often attract readers with sensational headlines.
36 Overuse v l,'ju:z/ l~m dt,mg
5. He spent hours _ _ the article before he could publish it. 5. He spent hours _ _ the article before he could publish it.
n /' plcet.f~:rm/ nen tang
n /'seuj1 'plretb:m/ nen tang xa h¢i
1. Many trends have also been created from social _ _. 1. Many trends have also been created from social _ _.
n 1,
platforms issues mass habit platforms issues mass habit
Jane has Web
Make sure the information is l"'f"'l-nnlot.oh'
I STT I T'U' VI:J1lg 11 o~u 1enam g 1a I STT I T'U' VI:J1lg 11 o~u 1enam g 1a
I I !
I J I I !
I 1
I 4. Our Alien
purpose is to our n
members I to /' edian/network of
I ngw1i ngoaiindustry
hanh ti_nh _j
I 1
Alien n
I /' edian/
I ngw1i ngoai hanh ti_nh _j
2 stream Asteroid n
interact I' restar:nd/
connect tieu hanh tinh I 2 Asteroid n I' restar:nd/ tieu hanh tinh I
I I __, I
I I I __,

I 35. She bought

Astronaut of Maria nCallas c-inrun,nVerdi.
/'restran~:t/ phi hanh gia l I 3 Astronaut n /'restran~:t/ phi hanh gia l
trend Astronomy massn
I network I recording
I I I I i
/a strunam1/

th1en van
hQc I I
Astronomy n /a strunam1/
•A v
th1en van hQc I
4 Attach v /a'tre\f/ bu¢c, gili, Ofnh kem -- ·j 4 Attach v /a'tre\f/ bu¢c, gili, Ofnh kem -- ·j
1. Whose job is to discover information about news events and then describe them?
5 Comet /'kumit/ sao choi 5 Comet /'kumit/ sao choi

6 Constellation I, kunsta ·leifn/ chbm sao

2. What is an activity that more and more people are becoming involved in?
6 Constellation I, kunsta ·leifn/ chbm sao
~ ~
7 Cycle n /'saikl/ chu ky 7 Cycle n /'saikl/ chu ky
8 What wordDanger
used to describe something
n that quickly becomes very popular?
/'dem.d3ar/ nguy hiem 8 Danger n /'dem.d3ar/ nguy hiem

Earth n /3:8/ tn3i dat Earth n /3:8/ tn3i dat

4. Who is in charge of a film or play and tells the actors how to play their parts?
10 Elliptic adj /i' c6 hlnh elip ---·-1 10 Elliptic adj /i' c6 hlnh elip ---·-1
11 Experiment
5. A computer Tv
program that is /designed
n /Ik'
for particular purpose? thf nghi~m, thu nghi~m
a spenmant/ 11 Experiment Tv/n /Ik' spenmant/ thf nghi~m, thu nghi~m
12 Experience n /Ik ·sp1arians/ trai nghi~m, kinh nghi~m ~ 12 Experience n /Ik ·sp1arians/ trai nghi~m, kinh nghi~m ~

13 Float v /flaut! tro;, noi I 13 Float v /flaut! tro;, noi I

1. The CEOFull
14 refused
moonour request n II
for a ~~m.:~~ interview.
/,ful 'mu:n/ trang tron
I 14 Full moon n II /,ful 'mu:n/ trang tron
indirect popular ~-1 regular direct ~-1
i 15 Flying saucer /'flaiii) 's~:sa/ dTa bay i 15 Flying saucer /'flaiii) 's~:sa/ dTa bay
r-- 16 Galaxy
2. The increase in cyberbullying has been a
/' thien ha, ngan ha
r-- 16 Galaxy
I /' thien ha, ngan ha
irregular local complete
Hemisphere n I' hemiSfia(r)/ ban diu Hemisphere n I' hemiSfia(r)/ ban diu

1. She'sInternational Space Britishn singer /,mta'nreJnal

the most exciting the pop scenetr~m
to emerge on spe1s for avO
decade. International Space n /,mta'nreJnal spe1s tr~m vO
Station (ISS) 'ste:Ifn/ Station (ISS) 'ste:Ifn/
develop rise fall arrive
2.9 Within daysJupiter
the film clip went n /' d3u:pita(r)/ sao M(>c 9 Jupiter n /' d3u:pita(r)/ sao M(>c
well-mannered n
unpopular /ma:z/
massive saoaccessible
H6a Mars n /ma:z/ sao H6a
Mercury n /' m3:kjari/ sao Thuy Mercury n /' m3:kjari/ sao Thuy
Neptune n /' neptj u: n/ sao Hai Neptune n /' neptj u: n/ sao Hai
Pluto n /'plu:tau/ sao Dh~m Pluto n /'plu:tau/ sao Dh~m

Saturn n /'sceh:n/ sao Tho Saturn n /'sceh:n/ sao Tho

Uranus n /' juaranas/ sao Thien Uranus n /' juaranas/ sao Thien
Venus n /'vi:nas/ sao Kim Venus n /'vi:nas/ sao Kim

h~ canh h~ canh

(sl.f) ph6ng (sl.f) ph6ng

47 Unidentified flying nv /li:p/
/,Anai'dentifaid nhay
v~t the bay quaxac dinh
khong 47 Unidentified flying n /,Anai'dentifaid v~t the bay khong xac dinh
L .J I..L L .J I..L
object (UFO) n llL .JIK b11ac object (UFO) llL .JIK


48 Universe ,I!,
nn /'jU:niV3:S/
/'lu:na(r) vO tr~:.~ 48 Universe n /'jU:niV3:S/ vO tr~:.~

49 Solar
.. ,

n /'VIZabl/ c6 the nh~t

nhln thay OU'Q'C 49 Visible /'VIZabl/ c6 the nhln thay OU'Q'C

50 IAI. • I o.l
n /'
/'weitlas/ ngl1oi tin, truyen
khong trc,mg luqng tin 50 IAI. • I o.l
VVCI~III.IC~~ /'weitlas/ khong trc,mg luqng
:, _________ , ,,,

Meteorite n /'mi:tiarait/ thiem th9ch

i .:&
UWSB._.I U~l QYI\1.)' n /'maikrau 'grrevati/ tlnh tr<;:~ng khong tn;:mg h,rc
Mission n /'mifn/ nhi~m VI,.!
Mars Mars
1. Then we come n how _ _ /'nresa/
to a description of see into space. Co quan Hang khong va 1. Then we come to a description of how _ _ see into space.
2. Earth finishes its elliptical orbit around the sun in a _ _ of 365 days. Vu trv My 2. Earth finishes its elliptical orbit around the sun in a _ _ of 365 days.
3. 29 /'npareit/ v~n
..... ,A

Elon Musk has v humans on

an ambition to land
ur.u~~g~~.~ _ _. hanh 3. Elon Musk has an ambition to land humans on _ _ .
4. 30
Air is composed mainly of nitrogen
Orbit n and _ _/';,:bit/
. quy d<;:~o 4. Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and _ _ .
5. The moon is Earth's _ _ . v di theo quy d<;:~o 5. The moon is Earth's _ _ .

31 Outer space n /'aut a spe1s/ ngoai vu trv

32 nvvnl!:lllrll
-"JI::ll-· n I' nks1d3fm/ khf oxi
1. An alien is also a creatures from a planet other than Earth. 1. An alien is also a creatures from a planet other than Earth.
An also n /'plremt/
creatures hanh tinh
than An also creatures than
2. 34 Poisonous
A lunar eclipse Moon movesI' into
occur when the adj PJIZanas/
the Earth's shadow. d¢c, c6 d¢c 2. A lunar eclipse occur when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow.
35 the n into
/rH)/ shadow
vanh dai, quang (sang) occur the into shadow
l--36' -·- .
3. In the past, farmers harvest crops and sailors navigated across the ocean using constellations.
run/nnsles/ kh6ng can xa nl1ac adj
3. In the past, farmers harvest crops and sailors navigated across the ocean using constellations.
harvest the and constellations harvest and the constellations
37 Rocket n /' rnkitl ten IU'a
4. A few weeks ago there were an extremely big full moon, closer to the earth than ever before.
•"" 4. A few weeks ago there were an extremely big full moon, closer to the earth than ever before.
38 v~ tinh
~'.A .BI.A

A few ago n /' sretalait/

were ever A few ago were ever
5. 39
ScientistsSolar., /'saula
n possibility
have speculated of the 'sistam/
of parallel universes. h~ m~t troi 5. Scientists have speculated of the possibility of parallel universes.

40 of n possibility
/speis 'bAgi/ parallel xe vu tr1,.1 Scientists of possibility parallel

.... was the first person

. !QBI!.
n I· spe1skra:ft/ tau vu trv
1. Neil Armstrong .. n to set foot
/' SpeiSSU:t/ .!.&
on the _ _ of the
b¢ moon.
quan ao du hanh vu trl) 1. Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the _ _ of the moon.
41 tourism orbit n cycle
/spe1s 'tuanzam/ nganhsurface
du ljch vu tr1,.1 trace orbit cycle surface
2. The countdown
-- ,
.u: .the rocket _ _ will begin at 9.00 a.m.
n /'speislam/ hang hang khong vu tr~:~ 2. The countdown to the rocket _ _ will begin at 9.00 a.m.
hemisphere,.., .DO,
launch attach float hemisphere launch attach float
n /' speiSWJ:k/ di b¢ ngoai khong gian
3. A _ _ is a vehicle or machine designed to fly in outer space. 3. A _ _ is a vehicle or machine designed to fly in outer space.
Surface n /'S3:fiS/ bem~t
spacecraft space buggy spacesuit spacewalk spacecraft space buggy spacesuit spacewalk
4. Scientists believe experiments done n in _ _ /'tehskaup/ kfnh vien vQng
can find cures for disease.
'If" 4. Scientists believe experiments done in _ _ can find cures for disease.
universe planet n leap
/treis/ microgravity
dau vet universe planet leap microgravity
5. Astronauts wash their hair with va "_ _ " shampoo. lan theo 5. Astronauts wash their hair with a "_ _ " shampoo.
elliptic Trek poisonous
n/ v rinseless
/trek/ weightless
hanh trlnh, du hanh elliptic poisonous rinseless weightless
; .,_,,,,',,,
1. when/ Of/ hit.

STT Til' Vlfllg Tir lo~i Phien am Nghia STT Til' Vlfllg Tir lo~i Phien am Nghia
the/ Pluto/ outermost.
1 Activate v I· cek. ti. ve1t/ klch ho~t 1 Activate v I· cek. ti. ve1t/ klch ho~t
Deactivate v I, di ·cek.ti. ve1t/ vo hi~u h6a Deactivate v I, di ·cek.ti. ve1t/ vo hi~u h6a
into/ halves/ two/ divided/
2 Advance v lad'vcensl tien b(), phat trien 2 Advance v lad'vcensl tien b(), phat trien
Advanced adj lad'va:nst/ tien tien, cao cap Advanced adj lad'va:nst/ tien tien, cao cap
4. cultures/ are/ I ad' va: nsmantl
Comets/ to/ many/nbe/ sign/ known/ s11 tien
a/ in/ of/ bad/ luck/ b(), ph at trien
often. Advancement n I ad' va: nsmantl s11 tien b(), ph at trien

3 Artificial adj I, a:.ti'f:If.all nhant~o 3 Artificial adj I, a:.ti'f:If.all nhant~o

5. people/ images/intelligence
Artificial access/ stunning/
n of/ to/ their/
I, a:.of/ hundreds/ ring/ stock/
b' fiJ,al. NASA/
trl tu~ nhan gives.
t~o Artificial intelligence n I, a:. b' fiJ,al. trl tu~ nhan t~o
(AI) In 'tel.1.d3antsl (AI) In 'tel.1.d3antsl

4 Automatic adj I, o:ta' mcetJkl tl! d()ng 4 Automatic adj I, o:ta' mcetJkl tl! d()ng
1. How can a !!!!.J1.-'~~4~~~~=~r:a~ll"
Automate fly fastervthan sound and not create a supersonictl!boom?
l'o:tame1t/ d()ng h6a Automate v l'o:tame1t/ tl! d()ng h6a
satellite Automated NASA adj comet UFO
/'o:.ta.mei.tidltl! d()ng Automated adj /'o:.ta.mei.tidl tl! d()ng
2. Scientists are hoping an
Automation ~~'ll',i!:illl"nat'!l will
n clue them in about
I, o:ta' early life on earth.Sl/tl! d()ng
meifnl Automation n I, o:ta' meifnl Sl/tl! d()ng
trek Automatically planet adv rocket
I, o:ta' mcetiklil m()tring
each tl! d()ng Automatically adv I, o:ta' mcetiklil m()t each tl! d()ng

5 Available adj la'vei.Ia.ball c6 san, san sang 5 Available adj la'vei.Ia.ball c6 san, san sang
1. The comet should be to the naked eye.
6 Benefit n l'bemfit/ IQ'i lch 6 Benefit n l'bemfit/ IQ'i lch
evident clean hidden seeable
v hU'ang IQ'i v hU'ang IQ'i
2. carbon monoxide gas has been discovered in the atmosphere of the planet Pluto.
7 Biotechnology n I, ba1autek' nnlad3il cong ngh~ sinh hQc 7 Biotechnology n I, ba1autek' nnlad3il cong ngh~ sinh hQc
harmful toxic harmless fatal
8 Breakthrough n I· bre1k8ru :I bLr6'c d9t pha 8 Breakthrough n I· bre1k8ru :I bLr6'c d9t pha

9 Capability n I, ke1pa' biiati/ kha nang, nang II!C 9 Capability n I, ke1pa' biiati/ kha nang, nang II!C
Ability n la'bdatil kha nang Ability n la'bdatil kha nang

10 Computer age n lkam'pju:.tar 'e1d3l thoi d~i may tfnh 10 Computer age n lkam'pju:.tar 'e1d3l thoi d~i may tfnh

11 Create v lkri'eit/ t~o ra 11 Create v lkri'eit/ t~o ra

Creation n lkri' ei.fanl Sl/ sang t~o Creation n lkri' ei.fanl Sl/ sang t~o
Creativity n I, kri:ei'tivatil tfnh sang t~o Creativity n I, kri:ei'tivatil tfnh sang t~o
Creative adj lkri ·e1. tivI c6 tfnh sang t~o Creative adj lkri ·e1. tivI c6 tfnh sang t~o

Cure v lkjual chua kh6i Cure v lkjual chua kh6i

Detect v ld1'tekt/ phat hi~n Detect v ld1'tekt/ phat hi~n

14 Develop v ld1'vel.apl ph at trien 14 Develop v ld1'vel.apl ph at trien

Development n Id1 ·velapmant/ sl! ph at trien Development n Id1 ·velapmant/ sl! ph at trien
·-··-·!-·-~-··-- !- ·-··-·!-·-~-··-- !-

15 Device n ldi'V8ISI thiet bi 15 Device n ldi'V8ISI thiet bi

~-- ~--

16 Digital adj l'did31tll ky thu~t so 16 Digital adj l'did31tll ky thu~t so

Digital age n /' d1d3.I.tal ,e1d3l ky nguyen ky thu~t so Digital age n /' d1d3.I.tal ,e1d3l ky nguyen ky thu~t so
'---·-·--··-···--- '-····-- -·-
'---·-·--··-···--- '-····-- -·-
r! Robot
v n /'rau'bnt/ nguoi may Robot n /'rau'bnt/ nguoi may
-n!F""""'"- v adj I rau' bntik/
/Ik'spb:{r)l lien quan den nguoi may Robotic adj I rau' bntik/ lien quan den nguoi may

40 PA!£! .! ...
Role n /raul/ vai tro 40 Role n /raul/ vai tro
&BU\UI~IU. /I'fifnt/

941 .-u
Ul 11\U n /I,Iek uur
/'sai.ans/ khoa hQc 41 Science n /'sai.ans/ khoa hQc
Enormous n /' sa1an. tist/
nha khoa hQc
tolon Scientist n /' sa1an. tist/ nha khoa hQc

.... Scientific
.... adj I, sa1an 'tJfik/ thu9c khoa hQc Scientific adj I, sa1an 'tJfik/ thu9c khoa hQc
.. .! .
IU, n h' kw1pmantl thiet bi
42 Software n /'snftwea(r)/ phan mem 42 Software n /'snftwea(r)/ phan mem
Field n lft:ldl linh Vl)'C
43 - .- Solve
v /snlv/
/' gaed3.1t/
giai quyet
do dung, thiet bi ti~n fch
43 Solve v /snlv/ giai quyet

44 Switch v /SWitf/ chuyen

(may m6c, aoi, ngh~)
conghoan aoi 44 Switch v /SWitf/ chuyen aoi, hoan aoi

24 Human n n /'hju:manl concong

ngt.rbitac n cong tac

45 on.
B Support
n.n uBQd BUIU
nn/ v /'hju:man~ndl
/sa'p::d/ (SI!)ngubi
giong ung hQ 45 Support n/ v /sa'p::d/ (SI!) ung hQ

46 . System
••••F•-u- v n /'SIS.tam/

h~ cai
nang cao, thi~n
thong 46 System n /'SIS.tam/

h~ thong
.• ••r•-w-••·-•lt
Systematic n adj I, SIS. ta' mret.1k/
/Jm'pru:v.mant/ c6 C80,
Sl)' nang h~ thong
tfnh cai thi~n Systematic adj I, SIS. ta' mret.1k/ c6 tfnh h~ thong

47 Technique
Incredible adj n /tek'ni:k/
lm · thu thu~t,
dang kT thu~t
kinh ng~c 47 Technique n /tek'ni:k/ thu thu~t, kT thu~t
27 D ..JI!.
Technical IH ... YIM'B ... adjadj I, mdi'/'
spensabll khong ky thu~t
ve thieu
thu9cthe Technical adj /' thu9c ve ky thu~t
Technology n /tek'nnl.a.d3il cong ngh~ Technology n /tek'nnl.a.d3il cong ngh~
28 Invent v /Jn'vent/ phat minh
Technological adj I,' lnd3.I.kal/ thu9c ve cong ngh~ Technological adj I,' lnd3.I.kal/ thu9c ve cong ngh~
Invention n lm 'ven.fanl ph at minh, st.r phat minh
48 111.11 ... - Transfer n/ v /trrens'f3:r I (SI!) chuyen doi, doi cho 48 Transfer n/ v /trrens'f3:r I (SI!) chuyen doi, doi cho
29 ···---
_ _ .... _
..........Transform adj
I, maen ·me1dl
(sl!) chuyen doi, bien doi Transform n/v /trrens'f::>:m/ (sl!) chuyen doi, bien doi
30 Mechanise v /'mekanaizl co khf h6a, co gioi h6a
49 Upgrade v I ,AP 'gre1d/ nang cap 49 Upgrade v I ,AP 'gre1d/ nang cap
Mechanism n /'mekamzaml co che, cau t~o
50 Wireless
Machine n adj /'waialas/
lmaji:nl maym6cday
khong 50 Wireless adj /'waialas/ khong day

31 .. .. -• II adj /'mud.anl hi~n d~i

Modernise v l'mudanaizl hi~n d~i hoa
Modernisation n I, mud.' zei.fanl st.r hi~n d~i h6a
program advancement activate invention program advancement activate invention
32 Network n l'netw3:kl m~ng lt.roi

1. n
Patent a. to make something startI' working
pe1. tantlor happening bang sang che 1. a. to make something start working or happening
v dU'Q'C cap bang sang
b. an improvement relating to a particular activity or area of knowledge b. an improvement relating to a particular activity or area of knowledge
343. Precise adj lpri'saisl chfnh xac
c. an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or 3. c. an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or
35 ....
f"IU!:::JIQRIRprovide an answer
n to a problem
l'praugraeml chuang trlnh provide an answer to a problem

4. nuut;1lliw d. a series ofninstructions that can be put into a computer

l'kwulati/ in order to make
chat lt.rQ'ng 4. d. a series of instructions that can be put into a computer in order to make


it perform an operation it perform an operation

vi n ln'pea(r)l (Sl)') Slra chfra
5. 1 ..... !
e. something that has never been made before, or the process of creating 5. e. something that has never been made before, or the process of creating
• •-v n 1, rev a· lu:fnl CUQC each m«;mg
something that has never been made before something that has never been made before
.. ..II.!
II n l,m.a'vei.fanl Sl)' doi m6'i -- ·--~ -- ·--~

Robotics n lrau' butiksl hQC ngubi may

3. The use of living things, especially cells and bacteria, in industrial processes? 3. The use of living things, especially cells and bacteria, in industrial processes?

4. What is the act of fixing something that is damaged? 4. What is the act of fixing something that is damaged?

4. We
5. What in
adjective means "too important not to have, very necessary"? 5. What adjective means "too important not to have, very necessary"?
5.AII a _ _.

1. The idea is to +r.,;:u!'lie-F;!:loll' all the firm's operational business to the web.
keep support send hold

automated man-made natural complete

1. The Internet had become widely to households in the UK by 2000.

available unbelievable robotic digital
2. As robots do the household chores, we have more free time for ourselves.
indispensable automated isolated transformed
3. What this country needs is a long-term policy for investment in science and _ _ .
patent technology machine device
4. Radar _ _ is used to detect enemy aircraft.
innovation switch equipment transform
5. The experiments were conducted by in New York.
scientists roles softwares gadgets

lien: Do you think (1) and technology are necessary?

Manh: Well, yes. The fact is that at present most of the industries are related to science and (2)

lien: Is scientific progress always for the greater good?

Manh: Not really. After all, scientists developed the atom bomb and all the (3) new ways
that do lots of harm to humankind.
lien: Do you think it's important to keep developing science?
I definitely believe science plays an essential (4) in our life. It has laid the foundation
for almost all (5) and discoveries of humankind.

1. When something is able to operate independently of human control?

2. What technology allows something to be done in a way that is similar to the way a
human would do it?
22 Freedom n /'fri:dam/ Slf tl! do 22 Freedom n /'fri:dam/ Slf tl! do

23 Gap n /grep/ khoang each, chenh l~ch 23 Gap n /grep/ khoang each, chenh l~ch

24 Gender n /'d3en.dar/ gioi tfnh 24 Gender n /'d3en.dar/ gioi tfnh

25 Gender equality n I· d3endar i' kwnlati/ 25 Gender equality n I· d3endar i' kwnlati/
Gender equity n /' d3endar ·ek. wa. ti/ Gender equity n /' d3endar ·ek. wa. ti/

26 Hands-on adj /,hrendz 'nn/ thlfct~ngayt~ich6 26 Hands-on adj /,hrendz 'nn/ thlfct~ngayt~ich6

27 Imbalance n /,Im' trl)mat

Sl./ CQt can
gia dlnh,
bang 27 Imbalance n /,Im' Sl./ mat can bang
ngub'i lao d()ng chfnh
28 Independent adj I, md1 ·pendant/ d9cl~p 28 Independent adj I, md1 ·pendant/ d9cl~p
ganh n~ng

5 Burden n b3:.dan/ /

29 Influence n/ v /'m.flu.ans/ (Slf) anh hU'Ong 29 Influence n/ v /'m.flu.ans/ (Slf) anh hU'Ong
n /'tfaiidbearnJ/ sinh con
30 Individually-oriented adj /,mdi'VId3uali J:rient/ c6 xu hU'ong ca nhan 30 Individually-oriented adj /,mdi'VId3uali J:rient/ c6 xu hU'ong ca nhan
n /lknnfhkt! xung dQt
31 Leave n /li:v/ nghiphep 31 Leave n /li:v/ nghiphep
adv 1 knnsikwantli/
I vl v~y. do d6, h~u qua Ia
Maternity leave n /ma' ,li:v/ ky ngh i thai san (v6'i dan on g) Maternity leave n /ma' ,li:v/ ky ngh i thai san (v6'i dan on g)

Paternity leave adj

n knn.tra V3:.fal/
,li:v/ ky nghigay
thaitranh cai phl,l nO')
san (v6'i Paternity leave n /pa'h:.m.ti ,li:v/ ky nghi thai san (v6'i phl,l nO')
adj I di'beitabal/
32 Male-dominated adj /'meii dnmme1t/ nam gioi ap dao 32 Male-dominated adj /'meii dnmme1t/ nam gioi ap dao
10 Content n/ adj /lknntent/ (sl!) hai long
Misconception n I, m1s.kan ·sep.Jan/ tU' tU'ong, quan ni~m sai lam Misconception n I, m1s.kan ·sep.Jan/ tU' tU'ong, quan ni~m sai lam
11 Discriminate v I di'sknmmeit/ phan bi~t
34 Negate v 34 Negate v
Discrimination n I d1 sknm1 neifn/
I I sl)' phan bi~t
35 Norm n /nJ:m/ chuan mlfc 35 Norm n /nJ:m/ chuan mlfc
adj I d1 sknmmab: ri/
I CO St/ phan bi~t doi Xlr
36 Overwhelming adj I,/dalmestik/
auva 'welmiiJ/ apdao 36 Overwhelming adj I, auva 'welmiiJ/ apdao
1 adj (thu()c) gia dlnh, ben trong
37 Prejudice v/ n /' pred3.a.d1s/ (c6) dinh kien, 37 Prejudice v/ n /' pred3.a.d1s/ (c6) dinh kien,
13 Dominant adj /'dnmmant/ tr()i, c6 tfnh thong trj
Prejudge v /,pri: 'd3Ad3/ c6 thanh kien, phan xet Prejudge v /,pri: 'd3Ad3/ c6 thanh kien, phan xet
Dominated adj I dnmmeibd/
I apdao
Prejudgment n I, pri: 'd3Ad3.mant! thanh kien Prejudgment n I, pri: 'd3Ad3.mant! thanh kien
Dominance n /'dnmmans/ dia vi thong tr!
38 n/ v /praid/ kieu hanh, hanh di~n, 38 n/ v /praid/ kieu hanh, hanh di~n,
1 I d1' spretrati/ sl)' chenh l~ch
Real-life adj /,ri:al 'la1f/ 1 CUQC Real-life adj /,ri:al 'la1f/ CUQC
/di t3:mi neifn/ 1
sl)' quyet tam, kien dinh
Responsive adj In' spnnSIVI phan ung nhanh nh~y Responsive adj In' spnnSIVI phan ung nhanh nh~y
/'i:kwal/ cong bang
41 Right n /rait/
/i'kwnlati/ Sl)' quyen lqi
cong bang 41 Right n /rait/ quyen lqi

Role n /'i:kwali/
/raul/ mQt each
tro bang Role n /raul/ vai tro

43 Sector n /'i:kwalaiZ/
/' sekta(r)/ lam phan,
bang nhau,
mang,ngang nhau
ITnh Vl)'C 43 Sector n /' sekta(r)/ phan, mang, ITnh Vl)'C
144 Self-reliant I,!Iklst3:nali/
self n ·laiant/ bentl)'l~p
ngoai 44 Self-reliant I, self n ·laiant/ tl)'l~p

45 Sex n /fa sihteit! I t~o gioi ki~n

dieutfnh 45 Sex n gioi tfnh
/seks/ /seks/
19 Fairness
Sexism nn /'/'feanas/ sv sl)'
ph ancong
gioi tfnh Sexism n /' sv ph an bi~t gioi tfnh

46 Sole adj /fa I/saul!

nrenj1/ I (thUQCd9c
ve) nhat
tai chfnh 46 Sole adj /saul! d9c nhat

47 Stereotype n /' ster.i.a.ta1p/ bUQC

djnh kien, khuon mau 47 Stereotype n /' ster.i.a.ta1p/ djnh kien, khuon mau

48 Treat v /tri:t! doi xfr, doi dai 48 Treat v /tri:t! doi xfr, doi dai
Lan: Do you ever notice that there isv a(n) (1) _ _ ratio of women to men in a particular type of Lan: Do you ever notice that there is a(n) (1) _ _ ratio of women to men in a particular type of
job? job?
Mai: Yes, I guess that may be due to particularities of work. Mai: Yes, I guess that may be due to particularities of work.
Lan: Do you think that women should be able to do the same sorts of jobs that men do? Lan: Do you think that women should be able to do the same sorts of jobs that men do?
Mai: Of course. Apparently people should have (2) _ _ opportunities regardless of (3) _ _. Mai: Of course. Apparently people should have (2) _ _ opportunities regardless of (3) _ _.
Lan: That's true. Companies should be blind to gender when choosing employees. Lan: That's true. Companies should be blind to gender when choosing employees.
Mai: Yeah, it is not a good way to predict if someone will be competent or not based on their Mai: Yeah, it is not a good way to predict if someone will be competent or not based on their
biological (4) _ _ . biological (4) _ _ .
1. a. to treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in an
Lan: Do you think the role of way
offensive fathers will change in the future? Lan: Do you think the role of fathers will change in the future?
Mai: Well, maybe. The father will not necessarily be the (5) _ _ of the family. He can stay at Mai: Well, maybe. The father will not necessarily be the (5) _ _ of the family. He can stay at
2. b. earned by doing something, not by reading about it or by watching it done
home and take care of his children. home and take care of his children.
3. c. the right of different groups of people to have a similar social position
and receive the same treatment
1. What is an opinion about a situation or a person that is formed before knowing or considering 1. What is an opinion about a situation or a person that is formed before knowing or considering
all4. of the facts? d. actions based on the belief that the members of one sex are less intelligent, all of the facts?
able, skillful than the members of the other sex

e. the
2. Which word shares theprocess of givingwith
same meaning birthllgender
to a child
equality"? 2. Which word shares the same meaning with llgender equality"?

3. Which word shares the same meaning with /lsexism"? 3. Which word shares the same meaning with /lsexism"?

1. The Prime Minister shares his to narrow down gender gap with respect to employment.
4. What is an idea that is wrong because it has been based on a failure to understand a situation? 4. What is an idea that is wrong because it has been based on a failure to understand a situation?
2. Cooking classes for men have seen a remarkably increase in
3. Gender _ _ are blurring among young generations.
5. What is a lack of equality or similarity, especially in a way that is not fair? 5. What is a lack of equality or similarity, especially in a way that is not fair?
4. Nowadays, there is a widespread _ _ that men are better at science.
5. Buying a house often places a large financial on breadwinners.

1. in/ family/ the/ sole/ considered/ often/ in/ Men/ the/ were/ breadwinner/ as/ a/ past. 1. in/ family/ the/ sole/ considered/ often/ in/ Men/ the/ were/ breadwinner/ as/ a/ past.
1. Gender is an ideal that we have not yet achieved.
right equality role vision
2. of/ heavier/ coronavirus/ burden/ is/ time/ domestic/ in/ the/ getting/ Women's. 2. of/ heavier/ coronavirus/ burden/ is/ time/ domestic/ in/ the/ getting/ Women's.
2. He seems fairly with his life.
prejudge acknowledge content treat
3. people's! often/ difficult/ to/ attitudes/ it's/ change/ very. 3. people's! often/ difficult/ to/ attitudes/ it's/ change/ very.
3. Federal law bans on the basis of gender.
misconception stereotype social bias discrimination
4. have/ believed/ than/ men/ It/ is/ higher/ that/ financial/ literacy/ women. 4. have/ believed/ than/ men/ It/ is/ higher/ that/ financial/ literacy/ women.
4. There is evidence that women's talents are
5. particular/ it/ emerge/ to/ is/ how/ why/ and/ understand/ norms/ important. 5. particular/ it/ emerge/ to/ is/ how/ why/ and/ understand/ norms/ important.
5. He was on leave after the birth of his son.
Alex: Khong dU'Q'C dau. Giao vien cua mlnh khong cho phep Slr dt,.mg may tfnh. Alex: Khong dU'Q'C dau. Giao vien cua mlnh khong cho phep Slr dt,.mg may tfnh.
Katie: DU'Q'C roi. De mlnh hu6ng dan b9n. Katie: DU'Q'C roi. De mlnh hu6ng dan b9n.
Alex: B9n th~t tot bt,mg. Alex: B9n th~t tot bt,mg.
Katie: B9n da hieu chua? Hay ap dt,.mg nhfrng gl da hQc vao bai kiem tra toan ngay mai nhe. Katie: B9n da hieu chua? Hay ap dt,.mg nhfrng gl da hQc vao bai kiem tra toan ngay mai nhe.
Alex: Chac chan roi. Cam on, Katie. Alex: Chac chan roi. Cam on, Katie.
khong thfch tham vao
2. T~m djch: Ca v~t Ia m()t phan cua dong pht,Jc h<;>c sinh.
3. T~m djch: Joana da gtii con trai co ay t6'i m()t tnrb'ng 2 6 New York.
4. T~m djch: Toi thay rang m1nh da dU'Q'C hu6ng IQ'i rat nhieu tlr Sl,J' khan ngoan cua co ay.
1. T~m
5. T9m djch: An da
djch: Tro vang
tieu m~t
khien - 6 trub'ng
ho9t d(>ngbadU'Q'C
nay roi.
hi~n de giai trf, vui ve (giet thai gian) 1. T9m djch: Tro tieu khien - ho9t d(>ng dU'Q'C thl,J'c hi~n de giai trf, vui ve (giet thai gian)
2. T9m dich: Ch9y b9 - ch9y v6i toe d9 ch~m. deu d~n. nhu m9t hlnh thuc t~p the dl)c 2. T9m dich: Ch9y b9 - ch9y v6i toe d9 ch~m. deu d~n. nhu m9t hlnh thuc t~p the dl)c
3. T9m djch: V5 judo (Nhu d9o)- m(>t mon the thao ma hai nglfb'i chien dau bang each Slr dl,Jng 3. T9m djch: V5 judo (Nhu d9o)- m(>t mon the thao ma hai nglfb'i chien dau bang each Slr dl,Jng
canh tay, (v):
1. attend cang chan,
tham dl,J',ban tay,gia
tham ban:::check
chan vain co qu~t nga
gang dang
(phr.v): doi thu
ky vao canh tay, cang chan, ban tay, ban chan va co gang qu~t nga doi thu
4. T9m djch: Lam vui, thfch thu - khien ai d6 vui ve, d~c bi~t bang IO'i n6i! hanh d(>ng hai hu6c 4. T9m djch: Lam vui, thfch thu - khien ai d6 vui ve, d~c bi~t bang IO'i n6i! hanh d(>ng hai hu6c
2. expel (v) =eliminate (v): duoi (h<;>c), khai trLr
ho~c bang each lam cho hQ CU'Oi ho~c bang each lam cho hQ CU'Oi
5. T9m djch: Sl! nhanh nh~n - kha nang di chuyen co the cua b9n m9t each nhanh chong vade 5. T9m djch: Sl! nhanh nh~n - kha nang di chuyen co the cua b9n m9t each nhanh chong vade
dang dang
1. compulsory (adj): bat bu()c ><optional (adj): khong bat bu¢c, tuy ch<;>n
camping I 2. relaxed I 3. barbecue I
2. practical (adj): thl,J'c te ><theoretical (adj): (thu¢c) ly thuyet
11. 4. crafts I. 5. sightseeing . I 11. camping I 2. relaxed I 3. barbecue I 4. crafts I. 5. sightseeing . I
1. T9m djch: Ctia hang trong thi tran ban mQi thu b9n din de cam tr9i, va c6 leu cho thue v6i gia 1. T9m djch: Ctia hang trong thi tran ban mQi thu b9n din de cam tr9i, va c6 leu cho thue v6i gia
1 o bang m9t tuan.
c 1 o bang m9t tuan.
1. T~m djch: Tiet h<;>c dau tien trong thb'i kh6a
2. T9m djch: Sau gib' lam vi~c, co ay thlf gian v6i bieu cho
m(>t sang
tach trathu Haibao.
va to Ia man Ljch sti. 2. T9m djch: Sau gib' lam vi~c, co ay thlf gian v6i m(>t tach tra va to bao.
3. T~m
2. T9m djch:
djch: Giao
Chung vien
toi khuyen khfch
quay quan chung
quanh toi tham
chiec ban trong khuho~t
gia cac va tongo~i
VU'Ond¢ng chuc kh6a de phat
m9t bfra trien
ti~c nlf6ng 3. T9m djch: Chung toi quay quan quanh chiec ban trong khu VU'On va to chuc m9t bfra ti~c nlf6ng
vao ky nang
ngay hommem.
qua. vao ngay hom qua.
4. T~m
3. T9m dich:
djch: Nhfrng
Toi thfch ngub'i
lam da ca nghi~p
tattot cac lo9id~i h<;>c
vi~c thuc6c6ng
co h¢i
va kiem duqc vi~c lam tot han.
may va. 4. T9m djch: Toi thfch lam tat ca cac lo9i vi~c thu c6ng va may va.
5. T~m
4. T9m dich:
djch: Ellen dangcuoi
Vao ngay ky m¢t
cuadao t~o giao
chuyen vien ba
di, chung t6i nam 6 Luan
eta tham Don.
quan mQt so noi 6 Paris. 5. T9m djch: Vao ngay cuoi cung cua chuyen di, chung t6i eta tham quan mQt so noi 6 Paris.
5. T~m djch: Ty 1~ mu chfr 6 cac nu6'c kern phat trien cao han cac nu6'c phat trien.

1. English is an important part of the school curriculum.

1. T9m djch: Ty so cuoi cung cua tr~n dau b6ng ro Ia bao nhieu? Dem qua t6i bi 15' mat (tr~n dau). 1. T9m djch: Ty so cuoi cung cua tr~n dau b6ng ro Ia bao nhieu? Dem qua t6i bi 15' mat (tr~n dau).
T~m djch: Tieng Anh Ia m¢t phan quan tr<;>ng trong chuang trlnh hoc 6 trub'ng.
2. T9m djch: Mike thuong bat ctau mot ngay cua mlnh bang ho9t cl()ng lanh m9nh nhu cl9p xe. 2. T9m djch: Mike thuong bat ctau mot ngay cua mlnh bang ho9t cl()ng lanh m9nh nhu cl9p xe.
2. I am the first child in my family to attend college.
3. T9m djch: Co ay luon dQi mu bao hiem khi eli trlfqt patin. 3. T9m djch: Co ay luon dQi mu bao hiem khi eli trlfqt patin.
T~m dich: Toi Ia dua tre dau tien trong gia dlnh h<;>c d~i h<;>c.
4. T9m djch: T6i t~p the dl)C nhjp cli~u va t~p t9 t9i phong t~p the dl)C. 4. T9m djch: T6i t~p the dl)C nhjp cli~u va t~p t9 t9i phong t~p the dl)C.
3. There were very few students at his lecture that morning.
5. T9m djch: Anh ay Ia mQt nglfb'i clam me SU'U t~p tern quy hiem. 5. T9m djch: Anh ay Ia mQt nglfb'i clam me SU'U t~p tern quy hiem.
T~m djch: C6 rat ft sinh vien tham dl! bai giang cua 6ng ay vao sang hom d6.
4. Our three-week course will qualify you to teach English overseas.
T~m djch: Kh6a hoc ba tuan cua chung toi se giup b~n du dieu ki~n S.A
giang d~y tieng Anh 6 S.A
nu6'c ngoai.
1. Stia were -+ was 1. Stia were -+ was
Toi tCrngallowed
nhay duthe
haischool tothang
lan m9t hold akhi
festival last year.
con tre. T9m dich: Toi tCrng nhay du hai lan m9t thang khi con tre.
T~m dich:
2. Stia Hi~u tru6ng
climbing-+ truong chung toi da cho phep to chuc m¢t le h¢i vao nam ngoai.
climb 2. Stia climbing-+ climb
T9m djch: Nhfrng clieu t6i yeu thfch Ia trlfqt patin va treo cay. T9m djch: Nhfrng clieu t6i yeu thfch Ia trlfqt patin va treo cay.
3. Stia pastime-+ free time 3. Stia pastime-+ free time
T9m djch: Khi c6 thai gian ranh, t6i thub'ng eli mua sam v6i b9n be. T9m djch: Khi c6 thai gian ranh, t6i thub'ng eli mua sam v6i b9n be.
4. Stia watching -+watch 4. Stia watching -+watch
T9m djch: Toi tha eli xem trl,J'c tiep m9t tr~n eta bong con hon Ia xem 6 tren TV. T9m djch: Toi tha eli xem trl,J'c tiep m9t tr~n eta bong con hon Ia xem 6 tren TV.
giup mlnh
5. Stia plays -+ play 5. Stia plays -+ play
T9m djch: LG tre thub'ng choi 6 san choi va duong pho trong khu pho sau gib' hQc. T9m djch: LG tre thub'ng choi 6 san choi va duong pho trong khu pho sau gib' hQc.
1 . Khi b~n di den m9t noi nao d6 vi m~:~c dfch cong vi~c? 1 . Khi b~n di den m9t noi nao d6 vi m~:~c dfch cong vi~c?
-+(a) business
1. amuse (v) trip (n): chuyen
entertain (v): di cong tac thfch -+(a) business trip (n): chuyen di cong tac
2.2.M9t bim
relax (v)mota xac ve cong vi~c va cac trach nhi~m phai lam?
unwind 2. M9t bim mota chfnh xac ve cong vi~c va cac trach nhi~m phai lam?
-+job description (n): mo ta cong vi~c -+job description (n): mo ta cong vi~c
3. Ai lam vi~c trong van phong, lam nhO'ng cong vi~c yeu diu trf 6c hon Ia chan tay? 3. Ai lam vi~c trong van phong, lam nhO'ng cong vi~c yeu diu trf 6c hon Ia chan tay?
-+white-collar worker (n): nhan vien van phong -+white-collar worker (n): nhan vien van phong
4. Ai lam vi~c trong m9t Clra hang ban hoa va cay trong trong nha? 4. Ai lam vi~c trong m9t Clra hang ban hoa va cay trong trong nha?
-+ florist (n): ngU'oi ban hoa -+ florist (n): ngU'oi ban hoa
5. Ai chuyen tCr ngO' cua ngon ngO' nay thanh tCr ngO' cua ngon ngO' khac c6 cung nghTa? 5. Ai chuyen tCr ngO' cua ngon ngO' nay thanh tCr ngO' cua ngon ngO' khac c6 cung nghTa?
-+ translator (n): djch gia, bien djch vien -+ translator (n): djch gia, bien djch vien

2.A 3.0 4.C 5.0

When I grow up, I want to become a writer. I will work in online education. To be more specific, When I grow up, I want to become a writer. I will work in online education. To be more specific,
1. T9m dich: Co ay da U'ng tuyen sau cong vi~c va nh~n duqc ba IO'i mO'i
I will work for a big publishing company which produces different educational materials phong van. that are I will work for a big publishing company which produces different educational materials that are
2. T9m
used dich: Hi~n c6I will
internationally. bon tri~u
han write nguoi
lesson that
plans andnghi~p
materials nw1c
6 oatfor nay. to use in the classroom.
teachers used internationally. I will write lesson plans and materials for teachers to use in the classroom.
I 3. T9m djch:
believe it willCobeayaIavery
bac difficult
sl, nguO'iand
duachallenging choItb~nh
ra loi khuyenjob. nhan.
can be exhausting, but it's also very I believe it will be a very difficult and challenging job. It can be exhausting, but it's also very
4. T9m dich: Anh ay crien nghe nghi~p cua mlnh tren bieu
creative and satisfying, because I know people all around the world mau Ia "giaowillvien."
use the lessons which I creative and satisfying, because I know people all around the world will use the lessons which I
5. T9m djch: MU'c luang trung blnh hang nam cho nhfrng cong vi~c d61a $90,721.
write. write.
T~m dich: T~m dich:
Khi lon len, toi muon tr6 thanh m9t tac gia. Toi se lam vi~c trong ITnh VI!C giao 5. dvc
tri!C tuyen. Khi lon len, toi muon tr6 thanh m9t tac gia. Toi se lam vi~c trong ITnh VI!C giao dvc tri!C tuyen.
1. the
T9mhon, toiNguoi
djch: se lam vi~c
nay c6 cho m9tlen
the bay m~t
cong tytrang
xuat ban
- Phi lon, san xuat cac tai li~u giao dvc khac
noi gia
hanh cv the hon, toi se lam vi~c cho m9t cong ty xuat ban lon, noi san xuat cac tai li~u giao dvc khac
2. T9mdlfQ'C SlrNguoi
djch: dvng tren khap hi~n
nay phat the gioi. Toi se
ra thong tinso~n
ve t(>igiao
ph9m tai li~u
an -vaTham tlrde giao vien Slr dvng trong nhau dlfQ'C Slr dvng tren khap the gioi. Toi se so~n giao an va tai li~u de giao vien Slr dvng trong
lop hc;>c. djch:
3. T9m Toi tin rang nay
Nguoi d6 se Ia m9t
trong luangcong vi~c
thl!c, kh6 h9n
chang khannhu va ngo
day thlr danC6 these rat m~t m6i,
- Nong lop hc;>c. Toi tin rang d6 se Ia m9t cong vi~c kh6 khan va day thlr thach. C6 these rat m~t m6i,
4. T9mcOng
nhlfng djch:ratNguO'i t~o va
sang nay vi~cman,
lamth6a boi vi toi
t9i truong hqcbiet mc;>i nglfO'i
- Giao vien tren khap the gioi se Slr dvng nhfrng nhlfng cOng rat sang t~o va th6a man, boi vi toi biet mc;>i nglfO'i tren khap the gioi se Slr dvng nhfrng
bai hQC rna
5. T9m Viet. nay lam vi~c t9i thu vi~n Thu thu
dich: bai hQC rna toi Viet.

1. My job makes me feel very tired, either physically or mentally.

T9m djch: Cong vi~c cua toi khien toi cam thay rat m~t moi, cave the chat lan tinh than.
2. I'mappearance I 2. shoulder-length
looking for a job I
with a high salary. 3.I want
hospitality I
to make a lot 4. of
money. I 5. humble 11. appearance I 2. shoulder-length I 3. hospitality I 4. creative I 5. humble
T9m djch: Toi dang tim m(>t cong vi~c
1. T9m djch: D~c diem ngo~i hlnh noi b~t nhat cua anh ay Ia mai t6c dai.
v6'i mli'c luang cao. Toi muon kiem th$t nhieu tien. 1. T9m djch: D~c diem ngo~i hlnh noi b~t nhat cua anh ay Ia mai t6c dai.
2.3. T~m
I want to be
djch: Coaayscientist because
c6 mai t6c I'm good
dai ngang at Science.
vai mau nau sam va doi mat mau xanh. 2. T~m djch: Co ay c6 mai t6c dai ngang vai mau nau sam va doi mat mau xanh.
3.T9mT~m djch: Toi
djch: muondan
NglfO'i tr6thanh m(>t nha
dja phlfong khoa
da the hi~n
hc;>c v1 toi
long hieugioi hc;>c. nhi~t voi anh ay.
khach 3. T~m djch: NglfO'i dan dja phlfong da the hi~n long hieu khach nang nhi~t voi anh ay.
4.4. T~m
My ambition had
dich: Phuc been
luon c6to nhieu yatlfong
ratbecome chef in one
moi. of the
Anh sang t~o.
ay rat hotels. 4. T~m dich: Phuc luon c6 rat nhieu y tlfong moi. Anh ay rat sang t~o.
5. T~m djch: Tham
djch: vqng
Anh ay ratcua toi ton
khiem veth~mh
Ia tro thanhdaucongbepcua6 m(>t
mlnh. trong nhfrng khach s9n 16'n nhat. 5. T~m djch: Anh ay rat khiem ton ve thanh cong cua mlnh.
5. This job is so boring. I wish I could do something more creative.
T9m djch: vi~c nay th$t nham chan. Toi u6'c toi c6 the lam m(>t cai gl d6 hem.

1. T~m djch: Kate Ia m9t nglfO'i vui ve va hlfong ngo~i. Co ay luon clfO'i dua va pha tro. 1. T~m djch: Kate Ia m9t nglfO'i vui ve va hlfong ngo~i. Co ay luon clfO'i dua va pha tro.
2. T~m djch: Co ay luon bi ram nang vao mua he vl co ay boi ngoai trO'i moi ngay. 2. T~m djch: Co ay luon bi ram nang vao mua he vl co ay boi ngoai trO'i moi ngay.
1. T~m
3. T9m djch:
djch: MQt
Co ay cam trai
chang thayc6mlnh
khieu c6hai
It cO' h(>i c6
hlfoc thang
the tien
gay trong cong
an tlfqng voivi~c.
cac co gai. 3. T~m djch: MQt chang trai c6 khieu hai hlfoc c6 the gay an tlfqng voi cac co gai.
2. T~m
4. T9m djch:
djch: Co
Truong hc;>c
ay duy trl v6cphat
dang trien m9nh
manh maime cuadu6'i
lanh each t~p ba
090 cua theLucid.
dvc thlfO'ng xuyen. 4. T~m djch: Co ay duy trl v6c dang manh mai cua mlnh bang each t~p the dvc thlfO'ng xuyen.
3. T~m
5. T9m djch:
djch: Anh
nao ratchung ta c6 the
hao ph6ng. Anh ay dUQ'C Sl/mua
thlfO'ng din bang
do cho toi. cong vi~c va
gifra 5. T~m djch: Anh trai toi rat hao ph6ng. Anh ay thlfO'ng mua do cho toi.
4. T9m djch: Anh da 3. honesty International 4. trustworthy6 5. self-assured 3. honesty 4. trustworthy 5. self-assured
2. personality 2. personality
mlnh vi he;> phai lam
T~m djch: T~m djch:
Josh: B~n mota ve ban than nhlf the nao? Josh: B~n mota ve ban than nhlf the nao?
n6i vtoi Ia toi sl)'thfch ra chai voi
cuoi tuan toi c6 thai n3nh.
nghT (2) tfnh each nao ma
1. T~m nghiSl,f
Toidjch: d6bung
se Ia no
(3)dan so c6 the gay anh hU'6ng xau den mQi m~t cua CUQC song.
Sl/ trung 1. T~m djch: Sl,f bung no dan so c6 the gay anh hU'6ng xau den mQi m~t cua CUQC song.
2. T~mN6i djch:toi NhO'ng
nghe motngU'oi
vai song
vf pho dU'Q'C tiep c~n voi cac ca so giao di)C, djch VI) y te
6 2. T~m djch: NhO'ng ngU'oi song 6 th~mh pho dU'Q'C tiep c~n voi cac ca so giao di)C, djch VI) y te
tot han. tien, trung thl/c Ia ca tlnh thl)'C, tot han.
3. djch:
dang Co ay
tin c~y. Ngoai thl,J'C hi~n
dangra, em nenm9ttl/
tin vaClrU so sanh
(5) tin vao ve SlrC kh6e 6thanh pho va nong thon.
than, 3. T~m djch: Co ay dang thl,J'C hi~n m9t nghien ClrU so sanh ve SlrC kh6e 6thanh pho va nong thon.
giup T~m djch:rat
Chung Bao cao trong
nhieu cho bietCUOC35% sieu thj thUQC cac chuoi trong khu Vl,J'C do thj bi anh hU'6ng b6i 4. T~m djch: Bao cao cho biet 35% sieu thj thUQC cac chuoi trong khu Vl,J'C do thj bi anh hU'6ng b6i
5. T~m djch: Khu Vl,J'C nay da tr6 thanh nai tru an cua nhO'ng ngU'oi m~t m6i voi nhjp song hoi ha 5. T~m djch: Khu Vl,J'C nay da tr6 thanh nai tru an cua nhO'ng ngU'oi m~t m6i voi nhjp song hoi ha
1. Tam quan tr<;mg va gia trj ma mot nguoi c6, dieu d6 khien nguoi khac ton trc;mg h9 ho~c khien
cua thanh pho. cua thanh pho.
h9 ton trQng chfnh mlnh?
----+ (n):
2. Qua tl/ hao ve ban than va hanh dong I 3.cua
density I
mlnh Ia gl? 4. accomodation I 5. opportunities I I 3. density I 4. accomodation I 5. opportunities I
----+conceit (n):
cao T~mdich:
Danh ho~c Sl/ cham SOC doi v6'i ai ho~c dieu gl d6?
Nga: T~itlr
saonao mongU'oi
mQi ta long trung tll'
chuyen thanh
tlnh ra
thanh thi? Nga: T~i sao mQi ngU'oi chuyen tll' nong thon ra thanh thi?
Mai: Nguyen(n): nhan dan den do thj h6a Ia mong muon c6 dU'Q'C cong vi~c va muc IU'ang tot han. Mai: Nguyen nhan dan den do thj h6a Ia mong muon c6 dU'Q'C cong vi~c va muc IU'ang tot han.
4. d~c diem tieu bieu ho~c dang chu y cua mot nguoi ho~c mot cai gl d6?
Nga: c6 the giai thfch r5 han ve dieu nay khong? Nga: B~n c6 the giai thfch r5 han ve dieu nay khong?
Mai: Cha, cong vi~c
----7 (n):6net
nong thon thU'ong doi hoi nhieu no ll,J'c ve the chat, voi mLrc IU'Ong thap han Mai: Cha, cong vi~c 6 nong thon thU'ong doi hoi nhieu no ll,J'c ve the chat, voi mLrc IU'Ong thap han
5. Tu nao mota mot
so voi cong vi~c 6 thanh thi m~p
nguoi mot
ft m~t each
m6i chju va thu hut? so voi cong vi~c 6 thanh thi ft m~t m6i han.
Mark: Dieu nay c6 mummim
the gay ra nhfrng van de gl? Mark: Dieu nay c6 the gay ra nhfrng van de gl?
Sam: Van de chfnh gay ra b6i dieu nay Ia m~t d9 (dan cU') cua thanh pho ngay cang tang. Voi cang Sam: Van de chfnh gay ra b6i dieu nay Ia m~t d9 (dan cU') cua thanh pho ngay cang tang. Voi cang
2.A cac thanh pho, thU'ong thanh pho khong the cung cap cho hQ cho 6 ho~c
nhfeu ngU'oi chuyen den nhfeu ngU'oi chuyen den cac thanh pho, thU'ong thanh pho khong the cung cap cho hQ cho 6 ho~c
1. lam.
humorous (adj) =funny (adj): hai huoc, thu vi vi~c lam.
2. B~n(adj)
messy c6 nghT mQi ngU'oi
=disheveled nen bua
(adj): chuyen
bon den thanh pho bat ke nhO'ng van de nay khong? Mark: B~n c6 nghT mQi ngU'oi nen chuyen den thanh pho bat ke nhO'ng van de nay khong?
Sam: M~c du cac thanh pho cung cap (5) co h9i tuy~t voi cho nhfrng ngU'oi chuyen den d6, nhU'ng Sam: M~c du cac thanh pho cung cap (5) co h9i tuy~t voi cho nhfrng ngU'oi chuyen den d6, nhU'ng
theo toi, tot han het Ia nen chuyen den khi hQ da c6 san cac ll,J'a chQn (nha 6, vi~c lam) cho mlnh. theo toi, tot han het Ia nen chuyen den khi hQ da c6 san cac ll,J'a chQn (nha 6, vi~c lam) cho mlnh.
1. careful (adj): can th~n ><careless (adj): bat can
1. NhO'ng djch VI) nao do chfnh phu ho~c cac to ch(rc tU' nhan cung cap de giup do nhO'ng ngU'oi 1. NhO'ng djch VI) nao do chfnh phu ho~c cac to ch(rc tU' nhan cung cap de giup do nhO'ng ngU'oi
2. gentle (adj): ljch thi~p >< rude (adj): tho lo
ngheo, b~nh t~t ho~c ngU'oi gia? ngheo, b~nh t~t ho~c ngU'oi gia?
---+ social welfare (n): phuc IQ'i xa h()i ---+ social welfare (n): phuc IQ'i xa h()i
2. M9t day cac phong de sinh ho~t trong m9t toa nha Ion han va thU'ong nam tren cung m9t tang? 2. M9t day cac phong de sinh ho~t trong m9t toa nha Ion han va thU'ong nam tren cung m9t tang?
---+ flat (n): can hQ ---+ flat (n): can hQ
2. wealth 3. immigrant
3. M9t toa nha hi~n d~i rat cao, thuong nam 6 thanh pho? 3. M9t toa nha hi~n d~i rat cao, thuong nam 6 thanh pho?
1. T9m djch: cung
---+skyscraper (n):dip nha 6-
toa cho troicap cho ai d6 mot can phbng ho~c nai
chQc ---+skyscraper (n): toa nha chQc troi
4. T9mM9t djch: cua nh6,
ngoi nha cai- thU'ong
mot so tien
nam16'n ho~cthon?
6 nong tai san c6 gia tri rna ai d6 c6 4. M9t ngoi nha nh6, thU'ong nam 6 nong thon?
3. djch:(n):
cottage dannhadi CU'-
tranhmot nguoi den mot nU'OC khac song 6 lau ---+ cottage (n): nha tranh
4.5. T9m
nnh djch:
m9th6a- hanh dong
dia diem qua bilam
tac cho motho~c
nghen cai gl d6 hi~n
dong due, d9i
ra kh6 khan? 5. nnh huong rna m9t dia diem qua bi tac nghen ho~c dong due, gay ra kh6 khan?
5.---+T9m djch: CU'(n):
congestion dan-
qua nguoi
tai song trong thanh pho, thj tran, V.V. ---+ congestion (n): Sl! qua tai

11. monotonous I 2. fresh I 3. population I 4. address I 5. overcrowding 11. monotonous I 2. fresh I 3. population I 4. address I 5. overcrowding
djch: New York
Tll' nay Ia mot
dien thanh
ta tr~ng pho
thai rat da
khong d9ng
thay doivevavan
do h6a.
d6 nham chan- buon te 1. T~m djch: Tll' nay dien ta tr~ng thai khong thay doi va do d6 nham chan- buon te
Cailam vi~c
gl d6 trong
s~ch se, thanh
mat mepho, nhung
vade chjusong 6 vung
- trong lanh, ngo9i
tU'Oi 6.
mat 2. T~m djch: Cai gl d6 s~ch se, mat me vade chju - trong lanh, tU'Oi mat
djch: Chung
Tat ca ta c6 the
nhO'ng dua song
nguoi nguoi6 m9t ra khoigia,
quae o
khukhu chuot, tachdan
Vl,J'C ho~c dia diem Cl) the- h9 so
kh6i 3. T~m djch: Tat ca nhO'ng nguoi song 6 m9t quae gia, khu Vl,J'C ho~c dia diem Cl) the- dan so
4. T~m khu 0
songdjch: chuot".
Chu tam den ho~c giai quyet m9t van de - giai quyet, doi ph6 4. T~m djch: Chu tam den ho~c giai quyet m9t van de - giai quyet, doi ph6
dich:Thanh pho can
Tlnh huang khithu
diem chua qua nhi'eu nghi~p han.ho~c nhieu thu- Sl! qua tai
ngU'oi 5. T~m dich: Tlnh huang khi m9t dia diem chua qua nhi'eu ngU'oi ho~c nhieu thu- Sl! qua tai
5. Cac toa nha khu nam thanh
T~m djch: T~m djch:
Vinh H9 Long Ia m(>t trong bay ky quan thien nhien cua the gi6'i. N6 nam 6 phfa dong bac cua Vinh H9 Long Ia m(>t trong bay ky quan thien nhien cua the gi6'i. N6 nam 6 phfa dong bac cua
Vi~t Nam. Nam 1994 va 2000, Vjnh H9 Long da dl!Q'C UNESCO cong nh~n Ia Di san B The gi6'i. N6 Vi~t Nam. Nam 1994 va 2000, Vjnh H9 Long da dl!Q'C UNESCO cong nh~n Ia Di san The gi6'i. N6
c6 1969 dich:
hbn dao Hy nghln dao da voi v6'i nhieu kfch thl!6'c va hlnh d9ng khac nhau, t~p trung
va hang
Ng11oi c6 1969 hbn dao va hang nghln dao da voi v6'i nhieu kfch thl!6'c va hlnh d9ng khac nhau, t~p trung
6 2 khu Vl)'C Ky quan
dich:chlnh. Nhieu
thiendao Ia d~t ten Ia do hlnh dang khac thllb'ng cua chungdonhl!
nhien conhbn Voi, 6 2 khu Vl)'C chlnh. Nhieu dao dl!Q'C d~t ten Ia do hlnh dang khac thllb'ng cua chung nhl! hbn Voi,
hon Ga
ma do hon Mainhien
thien Nha, ...
banDen day, b9n c6 the c6 nhfrng trai nghi~m kh6 quen v6'i thien nhien hon Ga ChQi, hon Mai Nha, ... Den day, b9n c6 the c6 nhfrng trai nghi~m kh6 quen v6'i thien nhien
thanh blnh, trb'i
djch: HQxanh, cat trang,
da thanh cong co giup v~t chat
s6vjnh du ljch
H~ Long nhll khach
d11Q'c s9n,Ianha
nh~n di hang, ... nhien
thien v6'i chat
gi6'i. thanh blnh, trb'i xanh, cat trang, co s6 v~t chat du ljch nhll khach s9n, nha hang, ... v6'i chat lllqng
d9t tieu chuan.
djch: Nha tho xay dl)'ng 1 thang 3 nam 1805 rieng cho Thanh d9t tieu chuan.
5. T~m djch: TCr tren dlnh thap, tam nhln ra thanh pho ngo~n mvc.

2. treasure 3. stone 5. chambers

1. T~m djch: Nha tho nay Ia m(>t vf dv hoan hiw ve kien true thoi Trung co.
2. T9m dich: 6 nhiem c6 the gay ra tac d(>ng tai h9i den can bang h~ sinh thai.
T~m djch: Cuon sach nay Ia m(>t kho tang thong tin ve cac loai chim Bac Cl)'c.
1. T9m dich: 6 nhiem c6 the gay ra tac d(>ng tai h9i den can bang h~ sinh thai.
3. T9m djch: B9n c6 the giam IU'Q'ng rae thai sinh ho9t bang each mua san pham c6 ft bao b1 hon.
T~m djch: Bao tang di1Q'C xay dl)'ng tlr da.
2. T9m djch: B9n c6 the giam IU'Q'ng rae thai sinh ho9t bang each mua san pham c6 ft bao b1 hon.
4. T9m
T~m djch:
djch: Sau
Nha khi
16'n may
canhd(>c h9i hang
quan ra song,
d~mcachet het.
xung quanh. 3. T9m djch: Sau khi nha may xa chat thai d(>c h9i ra song, cachet het.
5. T9m djch: Nhfrng ngl1<1i xa rae c6 the bi ph9t 6 m(>t so thanh pho.
T~m dich: C6 hai vi~n trong Nghi vi~n Anh- H~ vi~n va Th11qng vi~n.
4. T9m djch: Nhfrng ngl1<1i xa rae c6 the bi ph9t 6 m(>t so thanh pho.
5. T9m djch: Toi muon bao v~ moi trl!b'ng. Toi muon gifr moi trllong s9ch se. 5. T9m djch: Toi muon bao v~ moi trl!b'ng. Toi muon gifr moi trllong s9ch se.

2. A
1. picturesque d~p nhll tranh ve =beautiful (adj): d~p
4. sort minimise 4. sort minimise
2. astounding
T~m djch: (adj) = astonishing (adj): dang kinh ng~c T~m djch:
Phong: B9n c6 biet rang ngay 22 thang 4 Ia Ngay Quae te M~ Trai dat khong? Phong: B9n c6 biet rang ngay 22 thang 4 Ia Ngay Quae te M~ Trai dat khong?
An: Minh biet chL'r, nhllng
2.C chung ta nen nghT ve (1) moi trllb'ng moi ngay, khong chi m(>t ngay An: Minh biet chL'r, nhllng chung ta nen nghT ve (1) moi trllb'ng moi ngay, khong chi m(>t ngay
trong nam. trong nam.
1. giant (adj): khong lo ><tiny (adj): tf hon
Phong: Minh dong y! Minh co gang lam m9t so vi~c nh6 giup lch cho moi trl!b'ng. Giang nhll gan Phong: Minh dong y! Minh co gang lam m9t so vi~c nh6 giup lch cho moi trl!b'ng. Giang nhll gan
2. ancient (adj): co x11a >< new (adj): m6'i
day, mlnh da CO gang giam thieu Vi~C Slr d~ng (2) san pham dung m(>t lan, chang h9n nhl! COC day, mlnh da CO gang giam thieu Vi~C Slr d~ng (2) san pham dung m(>t lan, chang h9n nhl! COC
giay va dTa giay. giay va dTa giay.
1. We looked down on the wide valley below.
An: Dung v~y. C6 rat nhieu each ma cac ca nhan c6 the lam de (3) bao v~ moi trllong. An: Dung v~y. C6 rat nhieu each ma cac ca nhan c6 the lam de (3) bao v~ moi trllong.
T~m dich: Chung toi nhln xuong thung lung r(>ng 16'n ben d116'i.
Phong: Chfnh xac. Chung ta c6 the tat cac thiet bj khi khong sli d~ng, (4) phan lo9i rae thai c6 Phong: Chfnh xac. Chung ta c6 the tat cac thiet bj khi khong sli d~ng, (4) phan lo9i rae thai c6
2. The forest was cut down to make way for housing.
the phan huy va rae thai khong the phan huy, ho~c (5) giam thieu lliQ'ng nl16'c va di~n ma chung the phan huy va rae thai khong the phan huy, ho~c (5) giam thieu lliQ'ng nl16'c va di~n ma chung
T~m djch: Rung bi ch~t de lay cho lam nha 6.
ta sli d~ng. ta sli d~ng.
3. In the summer, the beaches get very crowded.
An: Th~t tuy~t! An: Th~t tuy~t!
T~m djch: Vao mua he, cac bai bien tr6 nen rat dong due.
4. The park will be recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO next year.
T~m djch: Cong vien se d11Q'c UNESCO cong nh~n Ia Di san The gi6'i vao nam t6'i.
5. We
1. T9mshould joindan
djch: Cl! efforts to protect
da keu 99i m(>tthe beauty
chien djchof that
dQn citadel.
d~p de gifr cho dl!b'ng pho cua hQ khong con 1. T9m djch: Cl! dan da keu 99i m(>t chien djch dQn d~p de gifr cho dl!b'ng pho cua hQ khong con
rae. djch: Chung ta nen tham gia no 11/C debao v~ ve toa thanh d6. rae.
2. T9m djch: To cht1c Hoa b1nh xanh ho9t d(>ng nham thuc day nh~n tht1c ve nhfrng nguy co dang 2. T9m djch: To cht1c Hoa b1nh xanh ho9t d(>ng nham thuc day nh~n tht1c ve nhfrng nguy co dang
deHadQaLong hanh tinh is cua
one chung
of seven ta ngay nay.
natural wonders of the world. It's located in the northeast of Viet de dQa hanh tinh cua chung ta ngay nay.
3. T9m
Nam. In dich:
1994Hau and het
2000, nhien li~u da
Ha Long qua
Bay d~ng c6 thebydliQ'c
was UNESCOtai che.
as a World Heritage Site. It has 3. T9m dich: Hau het nhien li~u da qua sfr d~ng c6 the dliQ'c tai che.
4. T9m
1969 djch: Bang
islands each tang of
and thousands cl!ong slr d~ng
limestone nanginIU'Q'ng
karsts c6 the
various taiand
sizes t90, shapes,
chung taconcentrated
c6 the giam phat
in 2 4. T9m djch: Bang each tang cl!ong slr d~ng nang IU'Q'ng c6 the tai t90, chung ta c6 the giam phat
thai khf
main zones.nha kfnh Many c6ofh9i.them acquired their names as a result of interpretation of their unusual thai khf nha kfnh c6 h9i.
5. T9m djch: suchThi astran
Voi cua chung
Islet, Ga toi c6 m(>t
Choi Islet, keMai
Nham6'i de taiComing
Islet,... che chai here,
nhl)' can have an 5. T9m djch: Thi tran cua chung toi c6 m(>t ke ho9ch m6'i de tai che chai nhl)'a.
._...._L .... u."" .a•.rno.rtal,,...a with the blue white and tourist facilities
0. A I 2. c ~ -J 0. A I 2. c ~ -J

1. replenish (v) = refill (v): lam day l9i 1. replenish (v) = refill (v): lam day l9i
2. ban (v) =forbid (v): cam 2. ban (v) =forbid (v): cam
5. 8 5. 8
(adj): gi6'i
1. Sua to avoiding --+ to avoid 1. Sua to avoiding --+ to avoid
2.T~m pollution (n): Sl/
dich: B~n nen6 co nhh~m
gang tranh tht,rc pham cht.!a nhieu chat beo. T~m dich: B~n nen co gang tranh tht,rc pham cht.!a nhieu chat beo.
2. Sua surgery--+ surgeon 2. Sua surgery--+ surgeon
Va thi/Cdan ong c6 chiec xe thev6'i
T~m djch: NgLroi cond~u
thao trlf6'c
ngvoi, b~nh vi~n
thvong Ia Ia m(>t bac ki~n
sT tl!
phau thu~t
nhien. N6noi
Ia T~m djch: NgLroi dan ong c6 chiec xe the thao d~u trlf6'c b~nh vi~n Ia m(>t bac sT phau thu~t noi
gl? tieng. tieng.
Sua habitation --+ habit
----1- 3. Sua habitation --+ habit
2.T~m mvaTh~t
Lo9idjch: kh6 de
nao chua b6 lw;:mg
m(>t hut thuoc khi n6
16'n h6a chatdadoc
Ia m(>t
h9i th6i
c6 thequen
h9i lau
moi trw1ng? T~m djch: Th~t kh6 de b6 hut thuoc khi n6 da Ia m(>t th6i quen qua lau roi.
----1- injure --+mU'a
Sua rain injuring
axit 4. Sua injure --+ injuring
3.T~m eachdjch: giai
tuyenmot van lamho~c
bo rang vi~cdoi
damotlamtlnh h~i denkh6
ton huong st.!ckhan?
kh6e cua anh ay. T~m djch: Bob tuyen bo rang lam vi~c qua st.!c da lam ton h~i den st.!c kh6e cua anh ay.
5. Sua longtitude
----1- (n): --+ longevity 5. Sua longtitude --+ longevity
4.T~m Hanhdjch:
vi bat ho~c
Kayla cho rang
giet dongba v~t
ay song lau Ia
trai phep lay t~p
denho cacthe ph~nvac6che
b¢ dl)c giad(>
trj an
cuauong lanh
chung Ia m~nh.
g1? T~m djch: Kayla cho rang ba ay song lau Ia nho t~p the dl)c va che d(> an uong lanh m~nh.
----1- (v): san trai
5. Tll' nao dong nghTa v6'i "power"?
energy (n):
1. T~m dich: Vung bi dau tren be m~t co the, d~c bi~t Ia vung bi nhiem trung - cho dau 1. T~m dich: Vung bi dau tren be m~t co the, d~c bi~t Ia vung bi nhiem trung - cho dau
2. T~m djch: M(>t b~nh truyen nhiem t~o ra nhfrng not d6 nh6 khap co the- b~nh soi 2. T~m djch: M(>t b~nh truyen nhiem t~o ra nhfrng not d6 nh6 khap co the- b~nh soi
3. T~m dich: Xay ra trong m(>t thai gian dai (d~c bi~t Ia b~nh t~t ho~c dieu g1 d6 toi t~) - kinh nien 3. T~m dich: Xay ra trong m(>t thai gian dai (d~c bi~t Ia b~nh t~t ho~c dieu g1 d6 toi t~) - kinh nien
4. T~m djch: Hoan toan kh6e m~nh tr61~i sau m(>t con b~nh ho~c chan thLrong - hoi phl)c 4. T~m djch: Hoan toan kh6e m~nh tr61~i sau m(>t con b~nh ho~c chan thLrong - hoi phl)c
2. check-up 5. obesity
5. T~m djch: Noi c6 thiet bj rEm luy~n co the va tang Clfong st.!c kh6e - phong t~p the dl)c 5. T~m djch: Noi c6 thiet bj rEm luy~n co the va tang Clfong st.!c kh6e - phong t~p the dl)c
1. T9m djch: cap tlnh - rat nghiem trQng, nguy cap
2. T9m djch: kham tong the- kham sue khoe de kiem tra t1nh tr~mg sue khoe chung cua b9n
c c
3. T9m djch: thl) dong, ft v~n dong- ft t~p the dl)c ho~c ho9t dong the chat
1. nose bleed: chay mau mGi
4. T9m djch: d9i djch- mot can b~nh ton t9i 6 hau het mot khu VI/C ho~c 6 hau het mot nh6m 1. nose bleed: chay mau mGi
2. lifedong
ngU'oi, expectency: tuoi
v~t ho~c thQv~t
thi/C 2. life expectency: tuoi thQ
5.3.T9m pressure:
dich: sv beo huyet ap ky beo nen gay nguy hiem cho sue khoe
ph1- ct,rc 3. blood pressure: huyet ap
4. work out t~p the dl)c 4. work out t~p the dl)c
5. medical record: ho so b~nh an 5. medical record: ho so b~nh an
4. fever
1. T9m djch: Jack da mat mot thoi gian dai de hoi phl)C sau ca mo tim.
2. T9m djch: Anh ay c6 mot vet thl10'ng sau 6 canh tay va mat rat nhieu mau.
3. T9m dich: Toi da dvqc ke don thuoc giam aau. rescue rescue
4. T9m djch: Trong vong mot tuan, An bi dau dau va sau d6 Ia sot.
1. T~m djch: diec, khiem thfnh - khong nghe dLrqc 1. T~m djch: diec, khiem thfnh - khong nghe dLrqc
5. T?lm dich: Thuoc khang sinh dau tien dU'Q'c phat hi~n Ia penicillin.
2. T~m dich: st,r giup do, ho trq- giup do, d~c bi~t Ia tien ho~c tai nguyen dLrqc trao cho nglfoi dan, 2. T~m dich: st,r giup do, ho trq- giup do, d~c bi~t Ia tien ho~c tai nguyen dLrqc trao cho nglfoi dan,
quae gia, v.v. khi hQ g~p hoan canh kh6 khan quae gia, v.v. khi hQ g~p hoan canh kh6 khan
3. T~m djch: khuyet t~t- khong c6 kha nang ho~t d(>ng do di cht.!ng cua chan thLrong hay b~nh t~t 3. T~m djch: khuyet t~t- khong c6 kha nang ho~t d(>ng do di cht.!ng cua chan thLrong hay b~nh t~t
4. T~m djch: (vi~c) 2. 4.0 van de khac
LfUBtien - dtrQ'C coi Ia quan trQng hon nhfrng 4. T~m djch: (vi~c) LfU tien - dtrQ'C coi Ia quan trQng hon nhfrng van de khac
5. T~m djch: cU'u trq, giai cU'u- giup ai, cai gl thoat kh6i tlnh huang nguy hiem, c6 h~i ho~c khong 5. T~m djch: cU'u trq, giai cU'u- giup ai, cai gl thoat kh6i tlnh huang nguy hiem, c6 h~i ho~c khong
1. T9m djch: Toi nghT rang c6 mot so phl10'ng phap kha thi c6 the OU'Q'C ap dl)ng c6 mot CUQC
mong muon mong muon
song lanh m~nh.
2. T9m djch: Che do an kieng nay dl1Q'C khang djnh Ia c6 the IO?Ii bo doc to kh6i co the.
3. T9m djch: Chung ta nen thl)'c hi~n mot chien djch nang cao nh~n thuc ve sue khoe 5.A thuc day 5.A
St,r ki~n dtrqc tai trq b6i m(>t so doanh nghi~p dja phLrong. 1. T~m djch: St,r ki~n dtrqc tai trq b6i m(>t so doanh nghi~p dja phLrong.
4. 2.
T~mdjch: Thuoc
djch: B~n se c6hQc
san dLrQ'c
6 d9ng viendieu
nhieu nem.thong qua cong vi~c tlnh nguy~n trong dt,r an cham s6c 2. T~m djch: B~n se hQc dLrQ'c nhieu dieu thong qua cong vi~c tlnh nguy~n trong dt,r an cham s6c
5. tre
T9m djch: B~nh phat ban cua D?li Ia do di ung v6'i
em. phong (19c). tre em.
3. T~m djch: Gay quy tu thi~n Ia vi m(>t ml)c tieu tot d~p. 3. T~m djch: Gay quy tu thi~n Ia vi m(>t ml)c tieu tot d~p.
4. T~m dich: Chung toi da n(>p don cho m(>t to cht.!c tu thi~n de xin tai trq cho dt,r an. 4. T~m dich: Chung toi da n(>p don cho m(>t to cht.!c tu thi~n de xin tai trq cho dt,r an.
2. His songs are always strong melody. 6mtrc 2. His songs are always strong on melody.
T~m djch: Cac bai hat cua anh ay luon c6 giai di~u m~nh me. T~m djch: Cac bai hat cua anh ay luon c6 giai di~u m~nh me.
3. Tom sang the verses and everybody joined in the chorus. 3. Tom sang the verses and everybody joined in the chorus.
T~m djch: Tom hat nhfrng do~n phan khuc va mQi ngU'oi cung hoa giQng do~n di~p khuc. T~m djch: Tom hat nhfrng do~n phan khuc va mQi ngU'oi cung hoa giQng do~n di~p khuc.
4. Her poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion.che cho, t1nh 4. Her poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion.
T~m djch: Tho cua co ay truyen tai m(>t y nghTa tuy~t voi ve sl)' tfn ngU'O'ng ton giao. T~m djch: Tho cua co ay truyen tai m(>t y nghTa tuy~t voi ve sl)' tfn ngU'O'ng ton giao.
5. The painter brushed over the canvas to bring out a more vivid effect. 5. The painter brushed over the canvas to bring out a more vivid effect.
T~m djch: HQa sT ve len vai b~t de mang l~i hi~u L!ng song d(>ng han. T~m djch: HQa sT ve len vai b~t de mang l~i hi~u L!ng song d(>ng han.
1. remote (adj): xa xoi, heo lanh nearby (adj/ adv):
2. comfort (v): an ui upset (v): lam khong vui, buon

T~m dfch:
1. generosity 2. encourage T~m dfch:
Minh: B~n c6 thfch nghe nh~c khong? Minh: B~n c6 thfch nghe nh~c khong?
1. T~m djch: Pham chat hao ph6ng sl! hao ph6ng
f>U'c: Tat nhi€m. Cho den nay toi chU'a g~p ai khong thfch am nh~c ca. f>U'c: Tat nhi€m. Cho den nay toi chU'a g~p ai khong thfch am nh~c ca.
2. T~m djch: Khien ai d6 muon lam gl - co vG, khuyen khfch
Minh: B~n thfch the lo~i nh~c nao? Minh: B~n thfch the lo~i nh~c nao?
3. T~m djch: CI!C ky khong vui - kho sa
f>U'c: Toi khong hoan toan thfch bat ky lo~i nh~c nao. Neu toi thay vui, toi se b~t nh~c (1) EDM f>U'c: Toi khong hoan toan thfch bat ky lo~i nh~c nao. Neu toi thay vui, toi se b~t nh~c (1) EDM
4. T~m djch: Khong the nh1n thay- mu, khiem thi
ho~c cac bai hat c6 (2) tiet tau nhanh. Va neu toi buon, toi se chi nghe nh~c jazz. ho~c cac bai hat c6 (2) tiet tau nhanh. Va neu toi buon, toi se chi nghe nh~c jazz.
5. T~m djch: Khong c6 hi vc;mg - vo VQng
Minh: Con the lo~i am nh~c rna b~n khong thfch thl sao? Minh: Con the lo~i am nh~c rna b~n khong thfch thl sao?
DU'c: Toi kh6 c6 the nghe dU'Q'c nghe nh~c truyen thong, m9t so bai hat (3) dan gian va m9t so (4) DU'c: Toi kh6 c6 the nghe dU'Q'c nghe nh~c truyen thong, m9t so bai hat (3) dan gian va m9t so (4)
ban nh~c thu9c (5) the 2. elo~i co dien. a 4.c ban nh~c thu9c (5) the lo~i co dien.
1. nursing home: vi~n dU'ong lao
2. non-profit: phi IQ'i nhu~n
j1. B 1 2. A j1. B 1 2. A
3. kind-hearted: tot b1,.1ng, nhan h~u
1. contemporary (adj): dU'ong d~i = modern (adj): hi~n d~i 1. contemporary (adj): dU'ong d~i = modern (adj): hi~n d~i
4. life-saving: cU'u n~n, cl!u sinh
2. beautiful (adj): d~p =aesthetic (adj): c6 tfnh tham my 2. beautiful (adj): d~p =aesthetic (adj): c6 tfnh tham my
5. fund raising: gay quy

1. duo (n): b9 doi, song ca ><solo (n): don ca, d(>c tau 1. duo (n): b9 doi, song ca ><solo (n): don ca, d(>c tau
2. smash hit (n): born tan ><failure (n): that b~i, born xjt
2.8 8 2. smash hit (n): born tan ><failure (n): that b~i, born xjt

1. T~m djch: 8uoi hoa nh~c c6 Sl! g6p m~t cua cac vG cong va nh~c sT den tlr nhieu quoc gia.
2. T~m djch: 8ai hat hap dan den mU'c khien b~n phai nhun nhay khap phong khach ho~c d~m
chan (theo nhjp ).
3. T~m djch: Quoc ca cua cac doi dU'Q'C phat khi bat dau cac tr~n dau bong da quoc te.
4.1.T~m djch:Christopher
Toi chan anc6 khithe
phac thao can ho cua mlnh tren mot chiec khan an. 1. T~m djch: Toi chan an khi toi buon.
5.2.T~m djch:ToiBon vi co c6
khong bancam giac m~n,
Ia ngQt, di~u,
ve nhjp v~y toi Ia mot vG cong t~.
vavichua. 2. T~m djch: Bon vi co ban Ia ngQt, m~n, dang va chua.
3. T~m djch: Co ay Ia chu m9t quay ban trai cay va rau trong chq. 3. T~m djch: Co ay Ia chu m9t quay ban trai cay va rau trong chq.
4. T~m djch: B~n can tr(>n tat ca cac nguyen li~u kho voi nhau trU'6'c khi them sfra.
composer 4. T~m djch: B~n can tr(>n tat ca cac nguyen li~u kho voi nhau trU'6'c khi them sfra.
5. T~m dich: fle lam m6n trung trang, trU'6'c tien b~n phai danh trung. 5. T~m dich: fle lam m6n trung trang, trU'6'c tien b~n phai danh trung.
1. T~m djch: Co ay thoi trong dan nh~c cua tn.rong.
2. T~m djch: Chu tl! do tai dien xuyen suet tac pham cua co.
3. T~m djch: Nh~c sT nh~c Jazz noi tieng Duke Ellington Ia mot nha so~n nh~c, cai bien (ban nh~c)
tastesT(n) =flavor
dt.rong cam.(n): hU'O'ng vi, mui vi 1. taste (n) =flavor (n): hU'O'ng vi, mui vi
bland (adj)
djch: '86=tasteless ki~t nh~tmot
Gia' Ia mot(adj): nheo,
tacvo vi ngh~ thu~t.
pham 2. bland (adj) =tasteless (adj): nh~t nheo, vo vi
5. dich: c6 thai duy~t tn.roc khi bieu dien.
~ ~
I 1. c I 2. D J I 1. c I 2. D J
1.1.He writes the
fragrant lyrics
(adj): thornforph(rc
his songs.
(adj): boc mui, hoi thoi 1. fragrant (adj): thorn ph(rc >< stinking (adj): boc mui, hoi thoi
2. heavy meal
Anh (n): bfra loichfnh
cho >< light mealbai(n):
hatbfra an nh~, bfra phl)
mlnh. 2. heavy meal (n): bfra chfnh >< light meal (n): bfra an nh~, bfra phl)
5. T~m dich: tau ngam- m(>t con tau co the eli dU'oi m~t nU'oc 5. T~m dich: tau ngam- m(>t con tau co the eli dU'oi m~t nU'oc
c 3.0

1. T~m djch: Bien bao giao thong Ia bien ngonbao dU'Q'C

di! d~t gan dmJ'ng de chi dan ho~c cung cap thong 1. T~m djch: Bien bao giao thong Ia bien bao dU'Q'C d~t gan dmJ'ng de chi dan ho~c cung cap thong
tin cho lai xe. c6 muon m¢t ft xoai hay nu6'c cho mlnh tin cho lai xe.
2. T~m djch: Nhanh xoai se
h~n,Ianeu khongchc;m totta
chung v6'iset6'.
15' mat chuyen tau. 2. T~m djch: Nhanh h~n, neu khong chung ta se 15' mat chuyen tau.
h,ra chc;>n
3. T~m dich: tuy~t
Toi da n6ivoi
voi b~n rat nhieu dua t6'khong
!an Ia dTa t6' c6
dU'Q'C d~p via he. m()t ft ml Y.
xe trencho 3. T~m dich: Toi da n6i voi b~n rat nhieu !an Ia khong dU'Q'C d~p xe tren via he.
4. T~mDI1Q'C, HQY
djch: ml c6 mui
song trenthO'm
m(>t qua!
con dU'cmg dong due. Chac hfm se c6 nhieu tH~ng on tlr xe CQ. 4. T~m djch: HQ song tren m(>t con dU'cmg dong due. Chac hfm se c6 nhieu tH~ng on tlr xe CQ.
5. T~m C~u c6
(2) djch: Anhmuon
ay ghet m¢tdift chuyen
salad v6'i ml Y
bang khong?
may bay. 5. T~m djch: Anh ay ghet di chuyen bang may bay.
louis: T6' rat thfch an salad!
Ben: T6' cOng da chuan bi xuc xfch. (3) T6' cho c~u them m¢t ft xuc xfch nfra nhe?
I 1. seat belt I 2. motorcycles
louis: DU'Q'C ch(r, t6' thfch xuc xfch va ml Y.
~ i
I 3. transport I 4. roadside Is. l
roof I 1. seat belt ~
I 2. motorcycles
I 3. transport I 4. roadside Is. roof

1. T~m
Ben: dich:
Tuy~t B~n phai that day an toan khi lai xe.
voi! 1. T~m dich: B~n phai that day an toan khi lai xe.
2. T~m djch: Vi~c di chuyen CI,J'C ky kh6 khan ngay ca voi xe may. 2. T~m djch: Vi~c di chuyen CI,J'C ky kh6 khan ngay ca voi xe may.
3. T~m djch: Cong ty se thu xep phU'ong ti~n dU'a don tCr san bay. 3. T~m djch: Cong ty se thu xep phU'ong ti~n dU'a don tCr san bay.
1. The waiter came round with a tray of delicious cream cakes.
4. T~m djch: Chung toi dung l~i 6 m(>t quan ca phe ven dU'ong de an trU'a. 4. T~m djch: Chung toi dung l~i 6 m(>t quan ca phe ven dU'ong de an trU'a.
T9m djch: Nguoi phi,JC VI) den cung v6'i m()t khay banh kem ngon lanh.
5. T ~m dich: B~n co the de hanh ly len n6c xe. 5. T ~m dich: B~n co the de hanh ly len n6c xe.
2. I developed a habit of eating sandwiches for breakfast.
T9m dich: Toi da hlnh thanh th6i quen an banh ml k~p vao bfra sang.
3. A good diet keeps you healthy.
T9m djch:
1 . Sua withM()t
~ che
by d¢ an uong tot giup b9n khoe m9nh. 1 . Sua with ~ by
T~mYour meal
dich: mustelibeb(>booked
NgU'oi bang qua in advance and
nga tU' va batinclude
ngo bj ao main course.
to tong. T~m dich: NgU'oi eli b(> bang qua nga tU' va bat ngo bj o to tong.
2. Suadjch: cua b9n phai dll'Q'c d~t tru6'c va bao gom m()t m6n chfnh.
block 2. Sua block ~ blocked
T~m Thedich:
foodCon dU'ong bi ch~n
is home-cooked using
hoanfresh b6i m(>t chiec xe tai bi l~t.
toaningredients. T~m dich: Con dU'ong bi ch~n hoan toan b6i m(>t chiec xe tai bi l~t.
3. Sua of~
djch: Dofrom
an dl!'Q'C che bien t9i nha bang nguyen li~u tl!'O'i. 3. Sua of~ from
T~m djch: M<)t rao chan da OU'Q'C dl,fng len de ngan mQi ngU'oi roi vao cai o ga khong lo d6. T~m djch: M<)t rao chan da OU'Q'C dl,fng len de ngan mQi ngU'oi roi vao cai o ga khong lo d6.
4. Sua lucky ~ unlucky 4. Sua lucky ~ unlucky
~ ngonman voi anh ay khi vCra bi x~p lop vCra bi hong phanh tay.
djch: D6 Ia m(>t ngay kern may T~m djch: D6 Ia m(>t ngay kern may man voi anh ay khi vCra bi x~p lop vCra bi hong phanh tay.
2.5. Bfra
Suaan in ~
b9n ket hqp bfra sang va bfra tr11a gc;>i Ia gl? 5. Sua in ~ on
T~m djch:(n):
~brunch bfra toi nhln vao ban do de tim ga tau di~n ngam gan nhat.
Chung T~m djch: Chung toi nhln vao ban do de tim ga tau di~n ngam gan nhat.
3. M6n ngQt an Ide cuoi bfra gQi Ia gl?
~1. Van ban(n):chfnh tht.fc nao de cht1ng minh rang b~n au
dieu ki~n lai xe? 1. Van ban chfnh tht.fc nao de cht1ng minh rang b~n au dieu ki~n lai xe?
4.~driving licence
TLI' nao dong (n):v6'i
nghTa bang lai xe
··rt:!·~'i!'~~~~r~n.,··· ~driving licence (n): bang lai xe
~ (n): chfnhannao de eli quang dU'ong dai, d~c bi~t Ia ket noi va eli qua nhfrng thanh thj?
2. Con dU'ong 2. Con dU'ong chfnh nao de eli quang dU'ong dai, d~c bi~t Ia ket noi va eli qua nhfrng thanh thj?
Tlnh tr9ng (n): chrong
thieu Iuongcao
keo dai trong m()t khoang thai gian t9i m()t vung nao d6 Ia gl? ~highway (n): chrong cao toe
~ Tu nao dong
5. famine nghia
n~n d6i voi tlr "crash''? 5. Tu nao dong nghia voi tlr "crash''?
~accident (n): tai n~n (giao thong) ~accident (n): tai n~n (giao thong)
6. TCr nao dong nghia voi "ring road"? 6. TCr nao dong nghia voi "ring road"?
~ bypass/ beltway (n): dU'bng vimh dai ~ bypass/ beltway (n): dU'bng vimh dai
5. Thong bao gl OU'Q'C dan tren xe khi b~n do xe trai phep va cho b~n biet rang b~n phai n(>p ph~t?
commute 5. Thong bao gl OU'Q'C dan tren xe khi b~n do xe trai phep va cho b~n biet rang b~n phai n(>p ph~t?
~ parking ticket (n): phieu ph~t do xe sai cho ~ parking ticket (n): phieu ph~t do xe sai cho
1. T9m dich: phuong ti~n giao thong- m¢t thd' duqc sll' d1,.1ng de v~n chuyen ng11oi ho~c hang h6a
tLr nO'i nay den nO'i khac
has been fined ngay
di l9i hang for speeding
(gifra haitwice this week.
dia diem)- thuong xuyen di chuyen bang xe bu)ft, xe hia, o 1. Tom has been fined for speeding twice this week.
to, v.v.djch:
gifra Tom bj ph~t
da vi~c
nO'i lam va vi
b9ntoed(> hai !an trong tuan nay. T~m djch: Tom da bj ph~t vi ch~y qua toed(> hai !an trong tuan nay.
It seems
dich: like d11ong-
signposts m¢tathang
that T-junction
dai ph11ongare directing
ti~n tren m¢tuscon
to the wrong
d11ong way.
khong the di chuyen 2. It seems like signposts at that T-junction are directing us to the wrong way.
T~m djch:dichuyen
C6 ve nhU' bien chi dan 6 nga ba d6 dang hU'ong chung ta eli sai dU'ong. T~m djch: C6 ve nhU' bien chi dan 6 nga ba d6 dang hU'ong chung ta eli sai dU'ong.

mO mO va che va
3. can to Haiphong in just an hour thanks to
T9m djch: Moi
1. Hanh d()ng cho ho~cc6de l~ilai chi hon b~n, n6 dl1Q'c gQi Ia gl?
tht1 gl d6 cho ngw:ti tre cao 1. Hanh d()ng cho ho~c de l~i tht1 gl d6 cho ngw:ti tre hon b~n, n6 dl1Q'c gQi Ia gl?
---) hand down: luu truyen, truyen l~i ---) hand down: luu truyen, truyen l~i
near the
2. Cau true ho~c to a nha dl.J'Q'c xay dt!ng railway
de ton vinh station.
m()t ngl1<1i ho~c Sl! ki~n d~c bi~t Ia gl? 2. Cau true ho~c to a nha dl.J'Q'c xay dt!ng de ton vinh m()t ngl1<1i ho~c Sl! ki~n d~c bi~t Ia gl?
---)monument (n): di tich, dai tLrong ni~m nha ga. ---)monument (n): di tich, dai tLrong ni~m
3. Lo~i ban nao dl.J'Q'C Slr d~:~ng trong findlea ton
cac nghi waygiao?
out. 3. Lo~i ban nao dl.J'Q'C Slr d~:~ng trong cac nghi le ton giao?
---)altar (n): ban tho va khong tim thay loi ra. ---)altar (n): ban tho
4. Cau chuy~n truyen thong rna ngl.J'C1i dan cua m()t vung/ nh6m CI:J the ke dike l~i v6'i nhau Ia gl? 4. Cau chuy~n truyen thong rna ngl.J'C1i dan cua m()t vung/ nh6m CI:J the ke dike l~i v6'i nhau Ia gl?
---)folktale (n): truy~n dan gian ---)folktale (n): truy~n dan gian
5. T$p hgp cac hanh d()ng va lb'i n6i co djnh, d~c bi~t Ia m()t phan cua nghi le ton giao Ia gl? 5. T$p hgp cac hanh d()ng va lb'i n6i co djnh, d~c bi~t Ia m()t phan cua nghi le ton giao Ia gl?
---) ritual (n): le nghi, nghi thU'c ---) ritual (n): le nghi, nghi thU'c
1. T9m djch: Sl! trao doi- hanh dc)ng dU'a thlr gl d6 cho ai d6 va hQ cho b9n thlr khac
2. T9m djch: soc van h6a - cam giac boi roi khi ai d6 den tham dat nlf6'c ho~c dja diem rna hQ
khong biet
3.1.T9m I
dich: to mo -2.quan
reindeer I
tabootam, thfch tim3. Thanksgiv~ng .J 4.ho~c
hieu ve mQi nglfoi nhfrng thLr Ixung
chanting I
quanh b9n
5. celebrate 1. reindeer I 2. taboo I 3. Thanksgiv~ng .J 4. chanting I 5. celebrate I
1. T~m djch: Ong gia Noel CLJ'Oi m()t chiec xe tnrQ't tuyet do tuan IQC keo va tha quaho~c
4. T9m djch: Sl! bf an- mc)t cai g1 d6 19 ho~c chU'a biet rna van chlfa dU'Q'C giai thfch xuonghieu
ong 1. T~m djch: Ong gia Noel CLJ'Oi m()t chiec xe tnrQ't tuyet do tuan IQC keo va tha qua xuong ong
5. T9m
kh6i chodjch: ton giao- niem tin va Sl! tho ph1,mg mc)t ho~c cac vj than, ho~c bat ky h~ thong tfn
tre em. kh6i cho tre em.
T~m dich:va tho cung
Quet nhanao nhlfngay
trong Tet Ia dieu cam kY. vi n6 tl.J'Q'ng trl.J'ng cho vi~c quet s~ch nhfrng 2. T~m dich: Quet nha trong ngay Tet Ia dieu cam kY. vi n6 tl.J'Q'ng trl.J'ng cho vi~c quet s~ch nhfrng
dieu khong may man. dieu khong may man.
3. T~m djch: HQ c6 khoai tay nghien, dl1a chua, ga tay nl16'ng va xuc xich nhoi cho LeT~ on. 3. T~m djch: HQ c6 khoai tay nghien, dl1a chua, ga tay nl16'ng va xuc xich nhoi cho LeT~ on.
4.1. T~m
T9m djch:
djch:Dam dongdang
Van h6a dangchet
ho vang ngl.J'b'i
dan mon dochien
thieu thang
no ll,fctrong cu()c
bao ton vadua
hxu thuyen.
gifr. 4. T~m djch: Dam dong dang ho vang ngl.J'b'i chien thang trong cu()c dua thuyen.
5.2. T~m
T9m djch:
djch: Cach mQitc)c
Cac dan ngub'i anso
thieu ml.rng nam
6 Vi~t Nam m6'i bi~tvao
dong 6 cac nend9ng
Sl! da van h6a
van khac nhau.
h6a cua dat nu6'c. 5. T~m djch: Cach mQi ngub'i an ml.rng nam m6'i khac bi~t 6 cac nen van h6a khac nhau.
3. T9m djch: Nglfoi Vi~t Nam thuong di le chua de cau b1nh an, s(rc khoe, may man va thjnh VU'Q'ng.
4. T9m djch: Chfnh phu cua chung toi da danh mc)t phan 16'n chi th~u cong debao ton cac di san
1ljch sti.went --+ go
. Stia 1. Stia went --+ go
5. T9m
T~m djch: dich: Nhieu
Chung toinglfoi thfchchung
nghT rang toilesecU'6'i
to cht1c dentheo
ky nghi he cua chung toi. T~m djch: Chung toi nghT rang chung toi se den Phap vao ky nghi he cua chung toi.
2. Stia superstition --+ superstitious 2. Stia superstition --+ superstitious
T~m djch: M()t so ngub'i me tfn ve vi~c lam do muoi ra ban. T~m djch: M()t so ngub'i me tfn ve vi~c lam do muoi ra ban.
1. Stia
T9mscenic--+ scenery
djch: Truyen mi~ng Ia phlfong tht1c giao tiep dau th~n va van con pho bien nhat cua loai 3. Stia scenic--+ scenery
T~m djch: Khu Vl!C nay c6 m()t so phong canh d~p tuy~t vb'i. B~n nen danh ky nghi cua b~n 6 d6.
ngU'oi. T~m djch: Khu Vl!C nay c6 m()t so phong canh d~p tuy~t vb'i. B~n nen danh ky nghi cua b~n 6 d6.
2. Stia
T9mhas --+Co
djch: have
ay dlfQ'C thCra hU'6ng mc)t gia tai tCr ba cua m1nh. 4. Stia has --+ have
3. T9mdjch: Nam
dich: Moinay
giachung toi sinh
dlnh chi c6 lem9t
h9i con
am thl!c
chongdinh cao. tieu chuan 6 mc)t so quae
tr6thanh T~m djch: Nam nay chung toi c6 le h9i am thl!c Street Feast dinh cao.
5. Stia are --+ is
gia. 5. Stia are --+ is
4. T9mdjch: ChQi
djch: Cacga,nha
m9t hlnh
tho thuc
dlfQ'C xaygiai trf pho
dl,fng bienph1,mg
de tho lau db'i, dl.J'Q'c to chuc trong cac le h9i truyen
Chua. T~m djch: ChQi ga, m9t hlnh thuc giai trf pho bien lau db'i, dl.J'Q'c to chuc trong cac le h9i truyen
thong tren khap Vi~t Nam.
5. T9m dich: Nguon goc cua hanh dc)ng nay bat nguon tCr thoi ky £>9i Suy Thoai. thong tren khap Vi~t Nam.

1. T~m djch: Quang canh tl.r phong gian chung toi tuy~t
cua= mythology d~p. tho9i
(n): than 1. T~m djch: Quang canh tl.r phong cua chung toi tuy~t d~p.
2. T~m
2. derivedjch: =stem
fromThoi diemfrom:
moi nam c6 rattCr
bat nguon nhieu ngl.J'b'i di du ljch: Mua cao diem 2. T~m djch: Thoi diem moi nam c6 rat nhieu ngl.J'b'i di du ljch: Mua cao diem
3. T~m djch: f>~t m()t chuyen du ljch trQn g6i se giup toi tiet ki~m dl.J'Q'C m()t khoan tien rat 16'n vi 3. T~m djch: f>~t m()t chuyen du ljch trQn g6i se giup toi tiet ki~m dl.J'Q'C m()t khoan tien rat 16'n vi
mua do an tht1c uong ben D ngoai rat dat. mua do an tht1c uong ben ngoai rat dat.
4. T~m djch: M~:~c dfch cua Le h()i Dua bb nham ky ni~m ngay cuoi cung cua nam theo ljch Khmer. 4. T~m djch: M~:~c dfch cua Le h()i Dua bb nham ky ni~m ngay cuoi cung cua nam theo ljch Khmer.
1. tangible {adj) intangible (adj): phi v~t the
5. T~m djch: Khach du djch mua kfnh ram va kern dl16'ng da debao v~ mat va co the kh6i anh 5. T~m djch: Khach du djch mua kfnh ram va kern dl16'ng da debao v~ mat va co the kh6i anh
2. disagreement (n): Sl! bat dong harmony (n): sl,f hai hoa
nang m~t troi. nang m~t troi.
1. T9m djch: Nhieu xu hlf6'ng cOng dU'Q'C t90 ra tCr cac nen tang xa hoi. 1. T9m djch: Nhieu xu hlf6'ng cOng dU'Q'C t90 ra tCr cac nen tang xa hoi.
2. T9m djch: Jane da IU'6't Web ca buoi sang. 2. T9m djch: Jane da IU'6't Web ca buoi sang.
3. T9m djch: Dam bao thong tin Ia m6'iranhat trlf6'c khi xuat ban. 3. T9m djch: Dam bao thong tin Ia m6'i nhat trlf6'c khi xuat ban.
4. T9m djch: Mt,Jc dfch cua chung (v):
f"Oiahr~Ta toi ky
Ia ket noian
ni~m, cac thanh vien cua m1nh v6'i m9ng llf6'i toan cau
mCrng 4. T9m djch: Mt,Jc dfch cua chung toi Ia ket noi cac thanh vien cua m1nh v6'i m9ng llf6'i toan cau
gom cac doanh nghi~p va dong nghi~p trong nganh. gom cac doanh nghi~p va dong nghi~p trong nganh.
5. T9m djch: Co ay da mua mot ban ghi am Maria Callas hat Verdi. 5. T9m djch: Co ay da mua mot ban ghi am Maria Callas hat Verdi.

in: out: phong, thanh toan

12.. Ai
fascinating vi~c kham
lam cong (adj): thu vj,pha
dan tinboring Sl)' ki~n
ve cac(adj): nhamtin chan,
tlrC va sau d6 tU'Ong thu~t chung?
nh~t 1 . Ai lam cong vi~c kham pha thong tin ve cac Sl)' ki~n tin tlrC va sau d6 tU'Ong thu~t chung?
~ reporter (n): ph6ng vien ~ reporter (n): ph6ng vien
2. Ho9t dong ma ngay cang c6 nhieu nglfb'i tham gia Ia g1? 2. Ho9t dong ma ngay cang c6 nhieu nglfb'i tham gia Ia g1?
2.seasons tmosphere 5. scenic
~ bandwagon (n): phong trao, trao luu ~ bandwagon (n): phong trao, trao luu
3. TLr nao dU'Q'C Slr dt,Jng demo ta thlr g1 d6 nhanh chong tr6 nen rat pho bien? 3. TLr nao dU'Q'C Slr dt,Jng demo ta thlr g1 d6 nhanh chong tr6 nen rat pho bien?
Alan: B~n
~viral thfch
(adj): lamhanh,
thjnh cfi nghi?
gl khi lan r9ng ~viral (adj): thjnh hanh, lan r9ng
4. Ai Toi
du b¢
ljch. N6 thay
phim doikjch
hay v6 tamvatrfchi
cua b~n,
d90 caclam b~n
dien sang
vien bietkhoai
eachva cacb~n
dien quen
phan (1)
cuadihQ? 4. Ai pht,J trach mot b¢ phim hay v6 kjch va chi d90 cac dien vien biet each dien cac phan cua hQ?
ljch trlnh cong(n):vi~c
d~o b~n
dienron. ~director (n): d~o dien
5. MotB~n thfch trlnh
chU'O'ng di dumay
ljch tfnh
mot dU'Q'C
mlnh thiet
hay theo
ke chonh6m?
mot mt,JC dfch Ct,J the? 5. Mot chU'O'ng trlnh may tfnh dU'Q'C thiet ke cho mot mt,JC dfch Ct,J the?
~ app/Toi application
thfch di du ljch
(n): theo nh6m vi n6 luon an toan va vui ve.
U'ng d~:~ng ~ app/ application (n): U'ng d~:~ng
Alan: B~n thfch di du ljch vao (2) mua nao?
Toi thfch di du ljch vao mua dong hcrn v1 thai tiet va (3) bau khong khf luon mat me vade chju.
Alan: Nhfrng ncri b~n muon (4) den tham trong tU'O'ng lai?
1. face-to-face = direct trl)'c tiep 1. face-to-face = direct trl)'c tiep
Toi muon den tham New York va ca Th1,.1y ST. Day Ia nhfrng ncri toi yeu thfch nhat vi (5) canh
2. universal (adj): pho bien =common (adj): thong thlfb'ng, pho bien 2. universal (adj): pho bien =common (adj): thong thlfb'ng, pho bien
d~p va con ngLtO'i rat hao ph6ng va ngQt ngao.

1. emerge (v): noi len >< fall (v): xuong doc, sa sut 1. emerge (v): noi len >< fall (v): xuong doc, sa sut
2. viral (adj): noi tieng, lan rong >< unpopular (adj): khong noi tieng 2. viral (adj): noi tieng, lan rong >< unpopular (adj): khong noi tieng
1. T~m djch: ngU'O'i c6 tam anh hU'6ng- ai d6 anh hU'6ng ho~c thay doi each CU' Xlr cua ngU'oi khac
2. T~m djch: quyen rieng tU'- quyen cua ai d6 dU'Q'C gifr bf m~t ve cac van de ca nhan va cac moi
quan h~ cua hQ
3. T~m djch: toi ph~m m~ng- toi ph~m hay ho~t dong bat hqp phap dU'Q'C thl)'c hi~n bang each Slr
d1,.1ng internet
4. T~m djch: an danh- tr~ng thai van con chU'a biet doi v6'i hau het nhfrng ngU'O'i khac
1. T~m
5. T9m djch:
djch: phim
Sau d6,tai chung
lieu- mot
ta chuyen ho~c
bo phimsang chU'O'ng
mota trlnh kfnh
ve each truyen hlnh
thien ho~c
van nh1ndai
vaophat thanh
khong cung
gian. 1. T9m djch: Sau d6, chung ta chuyen sang mota ve each kfnh thien van nh1n vao khong gian.
2. T9mcac dich:
dfr kien
thong tin vequy
ket thuc motd9o
de elip quanh m~t troi v6'i chu ky 365 ngay. 2. T9m dich: Trai dat ket thuc quy d9o h1nh elip quanh m~t troi v6'i chu ky 365 ngay.
3. T9m dich: Elon Musk c6 tham VQng dlfa con nglfb'i len sao H6a. 3. T9m dich: Elon Musk c6 tham VQng dlfa con nglfb'i len sao H6a.
4. T9m djch: Khong khf c6 thanh phan chu yeu Ia nita va oxi. 4. T9m djch: Khong khf c6 thanh phan chu yeu Ia nita va oxi.
5. T~m
T9mdjch: M~t Trang Ia v~ tinh cua Trai Dat.
djch: Khi 5. T9m djch: M~t Trang Ia v~ tinh cua Trai Dat.
1. Tik Tok tr6 nen pho bien, tat ca mQi ngU'O'i deu ch~y theo trao IU'u.
2. T~m djch: Bat eli' khi nao toi c6 thai gian ranh rei, toi thfch IU'6't cac trang web nh~t
nhfrng tin tli'c m6'i nhat.
1. T~m
3. Stia djch: NgU'O'i
creatures ~hQC tren khap the gi6'i hien c6 the truy c~p vao cac lop hQC trl)'c tuyen tren
creature 1. Stia creatures ~ creature
T9m djch: Nglfb'i ngoai hanh tinh cOng Ia mot sinh v~t den tCr hanh tinh khac ngoai Trai dat. T9m djch: Nglfb'i ngoai hanh tinh cOng Ia mot sinh v~t den tCr hanh tinh khac ngoai Trai dat.
2. T~m
4. Stia djch:
occurCac to bao Ia cai thU'O'ng thu hut ngU'O'i dQc bang nhfrng tieu
~ occurs gi~t 2. Stia occur ~ occurs
5.T9m djch:Nguy~t
Anh thl)'c
da danh
xay rahang gio trang
khi M~t chinh baivao
di chuyen baovung
khi c6
dat.n6. T9m djch: Nguy~t thl)'c xay ra khi M~t trang di chuyen vao vung b6ng toi cua Trai dat.
3. Stia harvest ~ harvested 3. Stia harvest ~ harvested
c nong dan thu3.A
T9m djch: Trong qua khLr, ho9ch mua mang va c
cac thuy thu dieu hU'6'ng
D tren d9i T9m djch: Trong qua khLr, nong dan thu ho9ch mua mang va cac thuy thu dieu hU'6'ng tren d9i
dU'ong bang each sll' dt,Jng cac chom sao. dU'ong bang each sll' dt,Jng cac chom sao.
4. T9m djch: chuang trlnh- m(>t I09t cac l~nh duqc dua vao may tfnh de lam cho n6 thi/C hi~n 4. T9m djch: chuang trlnh- m(>t I09t cac l~nh duqc dua vao may tfnh de lam cho n6 thi/C hi~n
m(>t ho9t d(>ng CI/C va tn:li han bao m(>t ho9t d(>ng
5. T9m djch: (sl!) phat minh - thll' gl d6 chua tung duqc lam tru6'c day ho~c qua trlnh t9o ra thll' 5. T9m djch: (sl!) phat minh - thll' gl d6 chua tung duqc lam tru6'c day ho~c qua trlnh t9o ra thll'
gl d6 chua tung duqc lam tru6'c day gl d6 chua tung duqc lam tru6'c day
suy vCi song song.

11. modernise I 2. revolution I 3. advanced I 4. digital age I 5. switch 11. modernise I 2. revolution I 3. advanced I 4. digital age I 5. switch
1. T9m djch: Phan mem m6'i Ia m(>t phan cua no II!C keo dai hai th~p ky nham hi~n d9i h6a h~ 1. T9m djch: Phan mem m6'i Ia m(>t phan cua no II!C keo dai hai th~p ky nham hi~n d9i h6a h~
1. T~m
thong dich:
kiem Neilkhong
soat Armstrongluu cuaIa dat
ngwJ'i dau tien
nll'6'c. chan len thong kiem soat khong luu cua dat nll'6'c.
2.2.T9m Dem ngh~
djch:Cong ngU'Q'Cmay khi tfnh
ph6ng ten ILra
Ia goc se bat
re cua CUQC dau lucm9ng
each 9 gio thong tin. 2. T9m djch: Cong ngh~ may tfnh Ia goc re cua CUQC each m9ng thong tin.
T~m dich:
3.3. T9m dich: Cac
Tau nha
vCi tn,J
khoaIa m9t
h<;>cphU'ang ti~n ho~c
dang nghit~n cll'u may
tien ke bay
de thay trong
the nhienvCi li~u
tr1,1. h6a 3. T9m dich: Cac nha khoa h<;>c dang nghit~n cll'u cong ngh~ tien tien de thay the nhien li~u h6a
4. T~m djch: Cac nha khoa h9c tin rang cac thf nghi~m dU'Q'C thi/C hi~n trong moi trU'Ong kh6ng
th9ch. th9ch.
T9mllfc c6Chung
djch: the timtaradang
trongchfra d9ib~nh
thoi tri t~t. so, nai m<;>i thlr deu c6 the duqc tai xuong.
ky thu~t 4. T9m djch: Chung ta dang song trong thoi d9i ky thu~t so, nai m<;>i thlr deu c6 the duqc tai xuong.
T~m djch:
5.5.T9m djch:Tat
hanh maygia
daud(>ng lo~ibang
bang chi dau m(>t
g9i "kh6ng
cai g9tcan
tac. 5. T9m djch: Tat ca cac may nay ho9t d(>ng chi bang m(>t cai g9t cong tac.

1. The age of dinosaurs ended when asteroids hit the Earth.

T~m dich: Thoi d~i khung long cham dlrt khi cac tieu hanh tinh va vao Trai £>at.
1. transfer (v): chuyen doi = send (v): gfri di 1. transfer (v): chuyen doi = send (v): gfri di
2. Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are among the outermost planets in the solar system.
2. artificial (adj) =man-made (adj): nhan t9o 2. artificial (adj) =man-made (adj): nhan t9o
T~m djch: Sao Hai VU'ang, Sao Thien VU'ang va Sao Diem VU'ang nam trong so nhfrng hanh tinh
ngoai cung trong h~ m~t troi.
3. The Earth is divided into two similar halves called northern and southern hemispheres.
1. djch:
T9m Trai
djch: Dat dU'Q'C
Internet chia
da tr6 nenthanh
phohaibiennLra giong
r(>ng nhau,
rai cho dU'Q'C
cac g9i dlnh
h(> gia Ia ban cau Bac
6 Anh 2000.
va ban
vao nam cau Nam. 1. T9m djch: Internet da tr6 nen pho bien r(>ng rai cho cac h(> gia dlnh 6 Anh vao nam 2000.
4. T9m
2. Comets
Khioften known
ro-bot to be
tl! d(>ng lam vi~c of
a sign nha,bad luck ta
chung in many cultures.
c6 nhieu thoi gian ranh han cho ban than. 2. T9m djch: Khi ro-bot tl! d(>ng lam vi~c nha, chung ta c6 nhieu thoi gian ranh han cho ban than.
3. djch:
T9m Sao
djch: choi thlfong
Nhfrng dl.I'Q'C
gl rna dat xemnay
nu6'c Ia m{>t
can dau hi~u
Ia m(>t cua nhfrng
chfnh sach daudieutukhong
lau daimay
hQc va 3. T9m djch: Nhfrng gl rna dat nu6'c nay can Ia m(>t chfnh sach dau tu lau dai cho khoa hQc va
cong nen van h6a. cong ngh~.
5. T9m
NASA gives
djch: people
Thiet access
bj radar duqc to Slr
their stock
d1,mg deof hi~n may
phat of bay
djch. ring images. 4. T9m djch: Thiet bj radar duqc Slr d1,mg de phat hi~n may bay djch.
5. djch:
T9m djch:NASA chonghi~m
Cac thf phep m9i duqc ngl.l'oi
thl!C hi~n
truy c~pb6ivao
nha c6khoa
hang tramYork
6 New bl!c. anh cht,Jp vanh dai 5. T9m djch: Cac thf nghi~m duqc thl!C hi~n b6i cac nha khoa h<;>c 6 New York .
quanh hanh tinh tuy~t d~p cua hQ.

2. technology
2. B . efficient 2. technology . efficient
1. flying saucer (n): dTa bay= UFO (n): v~t the bay kh6ng xac dinh, dTa bay
T~m djch: T~m djch:
2. asteroid (n): tieu hanh tinh = planet (n): hanh tinh
Lien: Theo b9n (1) khoa hQC va cong ngh~ c6 can thiet khong? Lien: Theo b9n (1) khoa hQC va cong ngh~ c6 can thiet khong?
M~nh: C6. Thl!C te Ia hi~n nay hau het cac nganh deu lien quan den khoa h<;>c va (2) cong ngh~. M~nh: C6. Thl!C te Ia hi~n nay hau het cac nganh deu lien quan den khoa h<;>c va (2) cong ngh~.
Lien: C6 phai tien b(> 2.C
khoa h<;>c luon mang l9i lqi fch 16'n han khong? Lien: C6 phai tien b(> khoa h<;>c luon mang l9i lqi fch 16'n han khong?
M~nh: Khong
1. visible (adj):han
CO dau. Du sao
the nh1n thaythl, cac><
OU'Q'C nha khoa (adj):
hidden h<;>c da
bj phat
giau trien
di, anborn
di nguyen tlr va tat ca nhfrng M~nh: Khong han dau. Du sao thl, cac nha khoa h<;>c da phat trien born nguyen tlr va tat ca nhfrng
each m6'i (3) c6
2. poisonous thec6
(adj): gayd{>c, d9c h~i
ra nhieu tac h9i nguoi.vo h~i
cho loai (adj):
harmless each m6'i (3) c6 the gay ra nhieu tac h9i cho loai nguoi.
lien: B9n c6 nghT tiep tl)c ph at trien khoa h<;>c Ia dieu quan tr<;>ng khong? lien: B9n c6 nghT tiep tl)c ph at trien khoa h<;>c Ia dieu quan tr<;>ng khong?
M~nh: Toi tin rang khoa hQC d6ng m(>t (4) vai tro thiet yeu trong CUQC song cua chung ta. N6 da M~nh: Toi tin rang khoa hQC d6ng m(>t (4) vai tro thiet yeu trong CUQC song cua chung ta. N6 da
d~t nen m6ng cho hau het (5) phat minh va kham pha cua loai nguoi. d~t nen m6ng cho hau het (5) phat minh va kham pha cua loai nguoi.
4. program
1. Khi m(>t
1. T~m caikfch
dich: gl d6 c6 the
ho~t- lamho9t
chod(>ng d(>cgil~p
m9t cai d6rna
batkhong cand9ng
dau ho~t Sl/ kiem soat cua con
ho~c ra nguoi? 1. Khi m(>t cai gl d6 c6 the ho9t d(>ng d(>c l~p rna khong can Sl/ kiem soat cua con nguoi?
2. T~m djch: Slf (adj):
nang cao- Slf cai tien lien quan den m9t ho~t d9ng ho~c ITnh VI/C kien -+automatic (adj): tl}' d9ng
2. Cong ngh~ may tfnh nao cho phep thl!c hi~n dieu gl d6 theo each tuang tl! nhu con nguoi lam?
c1,1the 2. Cong ngh~ may tfnh nao cho phep thl!c hi~n dieu gl d6 theo each tuang tl! nhu con nguoi lam?
-+ artificial
3. T~m djch:intelligence:
d9t pha- m{>t tu~ nhan t~o (AI)
trfkham Slf ki~n quan tr9ng giup thi~n tlnh hlnh ho~c cung -+ artificial intelligence: trf tu~ nhan t~o (AI)
3. Vi~c Slr dl)ng cacm9t
loi cho v~t song, d~c bi~t Ia te bao va vi khuan, trong cac quy tr1nh cong nghi~p?
sinhvan 3. Vi~c Slr dl)ng cac sinh v~t song, d~c bi~t Ia te bao va vi khuan, trong cac quy tr1nh cong nghi~p?
-+biotechnology (n): cong ngh~ sinh hQc -+biotechnology (n): cong ngh~ sinh hQc

102 102
m9t khong
Mai: Cha, c6 the. Nguoi chase gl d6 nhat
bi huthiet phai
Ia Ia (5) tn,J cQt cua gia dlnh. Anh ay c6 the & Mai: Cha, c6 the. Nguoi chase khong nhat thiet phai Ia (5) tn,J cQt cua gia dlnh. Anh ay c6 the &
nha cham con. nha cham con.

1. y kien ve m9t tlnh huong ho~c m9t con nguoi dU'Q'C hlnh thanh trU'CJC khi biet ho~c xem xet tat 1. y kien ve m9t tlnh huong ho~c m9t con nguoi dU'Q'C hlnh thanh trU'CJC khi biet ho~c xem xet tat
ca cac SI,J' ki~n Ia gl? ca cac SI,J' ki~n Ia gl?
~ prejudgement (n): dinh kien/ thanh kien ~ prejudgement (n): dinh kien/ thanh kien
2. TCr nao c6 cung nghTa v6'i "gender equality"? 2. TCr nao c6 cung nghTa v6'i "gender equality"?
~ gender equity (n): blnh dang gi6'i ~ gender equity (n): blnh dang gi6'i
3. T~m
1. TCr naodich:
dongphannghTabi~tv6'i - doi xu khac bi~t voi m9t nguai ho~c m9t nh6m nguai c1:1 the,
doi"sexism"? 3. TCr nao dong nghTa v6'i "sexism"?
gender each xuc ph~m
Ia theodiscrimination (n): phan bi~t gi6'i tfnh ~ gender discrimination (n): phan bi~t gi6'i tfnh
4. T~m
2. Tu djch:sai
tu&ng thi/C hanh-Ian,
vi nham c6 dU'Q'C bang
hieu lam m9teach
huong hi~nIadieu
gl? gl d6, khong phai bang each dQC hay 4. Tu tu&ng sai vi nham Ian, hieu lam m9t tlnh huong Ia gl?
~ each xem
misconception (n): quan ni~m sai ram ~ misconception (n): quan ni~m sai ram
5. T~mnao
3. The djch: Sl/ blnh
Ia thieu dang
blnh dang - quyen cua cac
ho~c tuong nh6m
dong, d~cnguai
bi~t khac
Ia theonhau
vj trf xa hQibang?
cong giong nhau va 5. The nao Ia thieu blnh dang ho~c tuong dong, d~c bi~t Ia theo each khong cong bang?
~ doi xu(n):
disparity nhuSl! nhauchenh l~ch ~ disparity (n): Sl! chenh l~ch
4. T~m djch: phan bi~t gioi tfnh- hanh d{>ng dl/a tren niem tin rang cac thanh vien cua m{>t gioi
kern thong minh, kha nang, kheo leo hem cac thfmh vien cua gi6'i tfnh khac
1. In the past, men were often considered as the sole breadwinner in a family. 1. In the past, men were often considered as the sole breadwinner in a family.
5. T~m dich: sinh con- qua trlnh sinh ra m9t dli'a tre
T~m djch: Tru6'c day, dan ong thuong duqc coi Ia trl) c9t duy nhat trong gia din h. T~m djch: Tru6'c day, dan ong thuong duqc coi Ia trl) c9t duy nhat trong gia din h.
2. Women's domestic burden is getting heavier in the time of coronavirus. 2. Women's domestic burden is getting heavier in the time of coronavirus.
T~m djch: Ganh n~ng n9i trQ' cua phl) nfr ngay cang n~ng ne hon trong thai gian djch Covid. T~m djch: Ganh n~ng n9i trQ' cua phl) nfr ngay cang n~ng ne hon trong thai gian djch Covid.
3. T~m
1. It's often
Thudifficult to change
tU'6'ng chia se tampeople's
nhln ve thu h~p khoang each gioi trong van de vi~c lam.
attitudes. 3. It's often very difficult to change people's attitudes.
2. T~m djch: Thuong
djch: Cac lop rathQC
kh6nau de thay doi thai
an danh cho d9nam cua mQi
gi6'i danguoi.
c6 Sl/ gia tang dang ke. T~m djch: Thuong rat kh6 de thay doi thai d9 cua mQi nguoi.
4. T~m
3. It is believed
djch: Vaithat mendang
tro gi6'i have rna nh~t
higher financial
trong cac the h~than
literacy tre. women. 4. It is believed that men have higher financial literacy than women.
4. T~m djch: Nguoi
djch: C6 m{>t th~mh
ta tin rangkiennamr{>ng
gi6'i rai
c6 rang
hieu biet
dan ve ongtaigi6i
khoahon phl)
hQc nfr.
hon. T~m djch: Nguoi ta tin rang nam gi6'i c6 hieu biet ve tai chfnh hon phl) nfr.
5. It dich: Vi~cto
is important muaunderstand
nha thuang howct~t
and whyn~ng
ganh particular norms
tai chfnh lon emerge.
len nguai tr1:1 c9t trong gia ctlnh. 5. It is important to understand how and why particular norms emerge.
T~m djch: f)ieu quan ttrQng Ia phai hieu each thuc va ly do t~i sao cac tieu chuan Cl) the xuat hi~n. T~m djch: f)ieu quan ttrQng Ia phai hieu each thuc va ly do t~i sao cac tieu chuan Cl) the xuat hi~n.

2.C 3.0 A 5.C

1. T~m djch: Blnh dang gi6'i Ia m9t ly tuong rna chung ta chua d~t duqc.
2. T~m djch: Anh ay c6 ve kha bang long v6'i CUQC song cua mlnh.
3. T~m djch: Lu~t lien bang cam phan bi~t doi Xlr dl!a vao gioi tfnh.
4. T~m dich: C6 bang chli'ng cho thay tai nang cua phi:J ncr bj ctanh gia thap.
5. T~m djch: Anh ay dang trong thai gian nghi thai san sau khi con trai ra dai.


Lan: B~n c6 bao gia nh~n thay rang c6 m9t ty I~ (1) mat can bang gifra ncr gioi va nam gioi trong
mot so lo~i cong vi~c cv the khong?
Mai: Vang, toi doan ct6 c6 the Ia do d~c thu cong vi~c.
Lan: B~n c6 nghT rang phv nfr c6 the lam nhfrng cong vi~c giong nhu nhcrng cong vi~c rna nam
gi6'i lam khong?
Mai: Tat nhien. Ro rang mQi nguai nen c6 co hQi (2) blnh (3) gioi tfnh.
Lan: Dung v~y. Cac cong ty khong nen dl!a vao gioi tfnh khi 11/a chon nhan vien.
Mai: Dung v~y, dl/ doan rang ai d6 c6 du h/C hay khong tren (4) gioi tfnh sinh hQC
hQ khong phai Ia m{>t each hay.
Lan: B~n c6 nghT vai tro cua nguai cha se thay lai
./ La d~ng bai t~p ngfr Vl:mg yeu cau cac b~n t~o ra m(>t tlr cung gee nghTa v6'i m(>t tlr cho ./ La d~ng bai t~p ngfr Vl:mg yeu cau cac b~n t~o ra m(>t tlr cung gee nghTa v6'i m(>t tlr cho
san sao cho phu hqp (ve tlr lo~i va nghTa) de Slr dt,mg trong m(>t cau ho~c m(>t do~n van . san sao cho phu hqp (ve tlr lo~i va nghTa) de Slr dt,mg trong m(>t cau ho~c m(>t do~n van .
./ D~ng bai nay doi hoi chung ta phai biet phan lo~i tlr Vl!ng, bien doi d~ng tLr, ... va dien vao ./ D~ng bai nay doi hoi chung ta phai biet phan lo~i tlr Vl!ng, bien doi d~ng tLr, ... va dien vao
cho trong sao cho phu hqp v6'i cau true, ngfr phap va nghTa cua cau . cho trong sao cho phu hqp v6'i cau true, ngfr phap va nghTa cua cau .

./ D~ng bai nay thLrong kiem tra cac tlf' lo~i nhlf danh tlf', d(>ng tLr, tfnh tlf' va tr~ng tlf'. ./ D~ng bai nay thLrong kiem tra cac tlf' lo~i nhlf danh tlf', d(>ng tLr, tfnh tlf' va tr~ng tlf'.
./ Thlfong dlfQ'C ap dl)ng v6'i cac bai trac nghi~m ho~c dien tLr vao cho trong . ./ Thlfong dlfQ'C ap dl)ng v6'i cac bai trac nghi~m ho~c dien tLr vao cho trong .

./ Tfen to (prefix) Ia m(>t chfr cai ho~c m(>t nh6m chfr dLrqc them vao trLroc tlf' gee de lam ./ Tfen to (prefix) Ia m(>t chfr cai ho~c m(>t nh6m chfr dLrqc them vao trLroc tlf' gee de lam
thay doi nghTa cua tlf'. thay doi nghTa cua tlf'.
./ H~u to (suffix) Ia m(>t chfr cai ho~c m(>t nh6m chfr OlfQ'C them vao cuoi m(>t tlr de tht~c ./ H~u to (suffix) Ia m(>t chfr cai ho~c m(>t nh6m chfr OlfQ'C them vao cuoi m(>t tlr de tht~c
hi~n chuc nang ngfr phap. hi~n chuc nang ngfr phap.
Tien to chi thay doi ngfr nghTa, trong khi d6 h~u to con c6 tac d1,mg ve ngfr phap Ia bien doi tlf' Tien to chi thay doi ngfr nghTa, trong khi d6 h~u to con c6 tac d1,mg ve ngfr phap Ia bien doi tlf'
lo~i. Ngoai ra, suffix cung c6 the thay doi nghTa cua tlf'. lo~i. Ngoai ra, suffix cung c6 the thay doi nghTa cua tlf'.

./ Xac djnh tlf' lo~i can tim: danh tLr so ft hay so nhieu, chi ngLroi hay chi v~t; d(>ng tlf' chia a ./ Xac djnh tlf' lo~i can tim: danh tLr so ft hay so nhieu, chi ngLroi hay chi v~t; d(>ng tlf' chia a
thl nao, chi a thea chu ngfr so ft hay so nhieu . thl nao, chi a thea chu ngfr so ft hay so nhieu .
./ Dap an can tim mang nghTa khang djnh hay phu djnh, tfch Cl!C hay tieu Cl:J'C. Chu y den ./ Dap an can tim mang nghTa khang djnh hay phu djnh, tfch Cl!C hay tieu Cl:J'C. Chu y den
tien to cua tlr. tien to cua tlr.
./ Xem xet nghTa trong cau v6'i nhfrng tlf' c6 cung tlf' lo~i. ./ Xem xet nghTa trong cau v6'i nhfrng tlf' c6 cung tlf' lo~i.
STT Cong thli'c Vfdl;l STT Cong thli'c Vfdl;l

1 careful, hopeful, helpful, careless, useless, harmless, 1 careful, hopeful, helpful, careless, useless, harmless,
-full -less -full -less
homeless, peaceful, successful, ... homeless, peaceful, successful, ...
2 -ly manly, friendly,
-.:l'ti"L:.nri'.:lni" applicant, ...
cowardly, chilly, ... 2 -ly manly, friendly, cowardly, chilly, ...

3 -like/ -ish childlike, childish, selfish, boyish, manlike, ... 3 -like/ -ish childlike, childish, selfish, boyish, manlike, ...

4 development, appointment,religious,
dangerous, mountainous, refusal, arrival, approval,
poisonous, curious, 4 dangerous, mountainous, religious, poisonous, curious,
-ous/ -ious -ous/ -ious
suspicious, ... ... suspicious, ...

5 -y teaching, building,
healthy, rainy, training,
snowy, ... dirty, ...
windy, 5 -y healthy, rainy, snowy, windy, dirty, ...

6 employee,
alcoholic, interviewee, trainee,natural,
artistic, academic, ... national, cultural, 6 alcoholic, artistic, academic, natural, national, cultural,
-ic/ -al/ -ical -ic/ -al/ -ical
historical, comical, ... historical, comical, ...
6 Verb+ ure failure, closure, exposure, ...
7 respectable, knowledgeable, reasonable, resistible, 7 respectable, knowledgeable, reasonable, resistible,
-able/ -ible kindness, sadness, happiness, darkness, ... -able/ -ible
responsible, ... responsible, ...
safety, loyalty, honesty, cruelty, purity, majority, ...
8 -ive informative, attentive, responsive, explosive, massive, ... 8 -ive informative, attentive, responsive, explosive, massive, ...
freedom, wisdom, boredom, ...
9 -ed/ -ing interesting, excited, fascinating, delighted, ... 9 -ed/ -ing interesting, excited, fascinating, delighted, ...
warmth, truth, width, ...
10 Noun+ Adj homesick, lovesick, seasick, worldwide, nationwide, ... 10 Noun+ Adj homesick, lovesick, seasick, worldwide, nationwide, ...
guitarist, musician, artist, novelist, physician, magician, ...
11 Noun+ Vp2 home-made, sunburned, hand-made, ... 11 Noun+ Vp2 home-made, sunburned, hand-made, ...
capitalism, heroism, patriotism, ...
12 Noun + present heartbreaking, housekeeping, breathtaking, ... 12 Noun + present heartbreaking, housekeeping, breathtaking, ...
participle friendship, relationship, championship, leadership, ... participle

13 Adv + present motherhood, childhood,

hard-working, neighborhood,
well-being, everlasting, ...... 13 Adv + present hard-working, well-being, everlasting, ...
participle biography, photography, geography, ... participle

14 Adv+ Vp2 well-known,

biology, newly-launched,
zoology, well-prepared,
psychology, geology, ... ... 14 Adv+ Vp2 well-known, newly-launched, well-prepared, ...

15 Noun/ Adj + kind-hearted,

academy, left-handed,
apology, bravery, heart-shaped, lion-hearted,
century, machinery, ...
accuracy, 15 Noun/ Adj + kind-hearted, left-handed, heart-shaped, lion-hearted, ...
~y/Noun-ed Noun-ed
efficiency, bankruptcy, ...

1 marriage, damage, baggage, carriage, ...

importance, dependence, appearance, significance,

1STT Cong-ence
thU'c Vidl;l STT Cong thU'c Vidl;l
confidence, ...
1 -ly faithfully, happily, hardly, normally, actively, ... 1 -ly faithfully, happily, hardly, normally, actively, ...

2 -wise clockwise, otherwise, likewise, ... 2 -wise clockwise, otherwise, likewise, ...

3 -ward backward, homeward, eastward,

VI ... 3 -ward backward, homeward, eastward, ...

sharpen, tighten, shorten, loosen, ...

industrialize, modernize, socialize, memorize, economize,

ise Tien to ...
idolize, Vf dl;l Tien to Vf dl;l
incorrect, illegal, irresponsible, impossible, incorrect, illegal, irresponsible, impossible,
in-/ il-/ ir-/ im- in-/ il-/ ir-/ im-
immoral, ... immoral, ...
il- divoi tCr
- Tien ir- thU'O'ng di voi tCr bang R;
r;-- - - - Tien im- thU'O'ng di voi cac tCr
P. r;-- - - -~~~----~~~-~-~----~~-~

1Sau mao h!, tfnh tu va cac tu chi i 1Sau mao h!, tfnh tu va cac tu chi i
djnh (this, that, these, those): I
non-profit, non-fiction, ...
djnh (this, that, these, those): I '
~~beautiful ~; ~y boo~~!
un=his b~y -J unhappy, undo, unemployed, ... ~~beautiful ~; ~y boo~~! his b~y -J
rc~m~cfl-ti~r19~[--il1u&n9~Cffrn9~<i~u~~~~~~-~~ rc~m~cfl-ti~r19~[--il1u&n9~Cffrn9~<i~u~~~~~~-~~
dis= disappear, disconnect, disagree, disapproval, ...
mis= mistreat, mistake, miscarriage, ...
L~~~!l~~,!~~,~~~Yi~C1~0~~i~-!~~~-~~~"~'~~" sau...d()ng tLr tobe trong
L~~~!l~~,!~~,~~~Yi~C1~0~~i~-!~~~-~~~"~'~~" sau d()ng tLr tobe trong
anti= antivirus, antisocial,
Lam tan ngfr, dung sau d()ng tu: d()ng: Lam tan ngfr, dung sau d()ng tu: d()ng:
I like music. contra= contradict, contrary, contraflow, ... I like music.

Sau cac d~i tlr chi djnh ex-

this, that, ex-boss, ex-spouse, ... Sau cac d~i tlr chi djnh this, that,
these, those:
Cac postgraduate, posterior, ... these, those:
This movie is interesting. This movie is interesting.
pre- preschool, pre-war, precede, ...
Sau cac tlf' chi luqng: many, much, Sau cac tlf' chi luqng: many, much,
some, any, a few, a little,re=
... : repeat, recycle, reuse, ... some, any, a few, a little, ... :
some pencils, a few students
extra= extraordinary, extracurricular, ... some pencils, a few students

micro= microscope, microorganism, ...

semi= semi-final, semi-formal, ...

super- supervisor, superlative, superman, ...

uni- united, uniform, ...

cac decade, decimal, decimate, ...

century, cent
Sau d()ng tlf' tobe va d()ng tlr noi Sau d()ng tlf' tobe va d()ng tlr noi
(Linking Verb): He is/looks tired. kilowatts, millennium, ... (Linking Verb): He is/looks tired.

subtropical, suburb, subway, ...

Trong cau true cau so sanh, Trong cau true cau so sanh,
cam than cooperate, colleague, community, ... cam than
de- descend, depart, ...
Trong cau true too + adj +to V va gifra ...d()ng tLr tobe va tinh Trong cau true too + adj +to V va gifra d()ng tLr tobe va tinh
adj +enough export, exterior, exhale, adj +enough
She is very nice. She is very nice.
in- interior, inhale, ...

Trong cau true so/out=/

... that outnumber, outside, outweigh, overheat, Trong cau true so/ such ... that
overload, overtime, ...

re= return, report, ...

television, telepathy, ...

transform, transplant, TF<:>Inl:'r.,.,.FT

It is illegal to _ _ on the grounds of race, gender or religion. It is illegal to _ _ on the grounds of race, gender or religion.
discriminatory discriminating discrimination discriminate discriminatory discriminating discrimination discriminate
Is there always a conflict between science and _ _ ? Is there always a conflict between science and _ _ ?
religion religious religiously region religion religious religiously region
The battle was a turning point in human _ _ . The battle was a turning point in human _ _ .
historian history historic nrl"\,1'\loi'Y\e- now. historical
is one of the most serious historian history historic historical
She runs a _ _ for homeless people.
polluting pollution pollutant She runs a _ _ for homeless people.
Her charity
and enthusiasm charitable
have helped the charitably success.
group to achieve its international charities charity charitable charitably
persistent Hue is famous for its _ _ spots. persistence
persist persistently Hue is famous for its _ _ spots.
He's hoping to beautify beauty
in the London marathon. beautifully beautiful beautify beauty beautifully
competing The river has been _
competitor _ with toxic waste from
compete local factories.
competition The river has been _ _ with toxic waste from local factories.
polluteI'd always knownpollutant
Sam was not a blood pollution but still regarded him polluted
as a brother. pollute pollutant pollution polluted
energy resources can relation
help _ _ fossil fuelsrelationship
and reduce carbon Renewable energy resources can help _ _ fossil fuels and reduce carbon
emissions.The teacher made a deep _ _ by singing a beautiful song when he first came to emissions.
our class. conservator conserve conservation conservationist conservator conserve conservation
impress ~ The _ _ of the moon for the Earth impressed
impressive causes tides. impression ~ The _ _ of the moon for the Earth causes tides.
attractThe building wasattracted
completely _ _ by fire.attractive attraction attract attracted attractive attraction
demolish You need a passworddemolitionto get _ _ todemobilized the computer system. demolished You need a password to get _ _ to the computer system.
accessThe Sydney Opera accessible
House is Australia's most accessibility
building. accessorize access accessible accessibility accessorize
iconic They were unfamiliar
icon with local _ _ and culture.
iconical iconify They were unfamiliar with local _ _ and culture.
The vegetables were customsold but still looked _ customers
_. customize customary customs customers customize
edify There's a _edit _ in our family that weinedible have a party on New Year's edibleEve. There's a _ _ in our family that we have a party on New Year's Eve.
The children sang traditionallyduring the trip. traditional tradition traditionalist traditionally traditional tradition
happily Scientists are working on highly _ _
happiness technology to replace happy
unhappy fossil fuels. Scientists are working on highly _ _ technology to replace fossil fuels.
She tried to advance
on reading her book but advanced
couldn't. advancing advancement advance advanced advancing
concentrateThe employer has a duty to pay full _
concentration _ for injuries received
concentric at work.
concept The employer has a duty to pay full _ _ for injuries received at work.
She felt she hadcompensation
little chance incompensate
her job. compensating compensatory compensation compensate compensating
promoted The judge told him it was _ _ to drink
promotional promoteand drive and banned him for a year.
promotion The judge told him it was _ _ to drink and drive and banned him for a year.
I am proud to say irresponsible
that and friendlinessresponsibility irresponsibility
are features of Vietnamese people in responsible irresponsible responsibility irresponsibility
the eyes of many If you want to create the right _ _, I suggest you wear a suit.
foreigners. If you want to create the right _ _, I suggest you wear a suit.
hospitably impression
hospital impressive
hospitality hospitable
impressed impress impression impressive impressed
HerThe company has been developing
and strong-willed the _have
characteristics _ for years.
set a good example for me. The company has been developing the _ _ for years.
determination productive
determine product
determinable production
determinant productive product production
Lentil soup isare usually _and
highly _ on easyourtowebsite.
prepare. Vacancies are usually _ _ on our website.
nutritionist advertised
nutrient advertising
nutrition nutritious
advertisement advertiser advertised advertising advertisement
The company
Although is investing
it doesn't $9the
look like it, million
wholeto thing
_ _isits factories.
highly The company is investing $9 million to _ _ its factories.
organized modern
disorganize modernization
organization modernist
organic modernize modern modernization modernist
In the be
" I would Middle
very Ages,
nervous saltofwas veryinvaluable
riding an sovehicle
that slaves were think
and don't _ _that withthey
it. are In the Middle Ages, salt was very valuable so that slaves were _ _ with it.
safe. comparable comparison comparative incomparable comparable comparison comparative incomparable
autonomously The government has _ _ heavily inautonomy
autonomous public transport. autonomic The government has _ _ heavily in public transport.
invest In the investing invested were mothers
investment wives. invest investing invested investment
nature A number of people have been _ _ natural
to deal with the backlog naturalise
of work. A number of people have been _ _ to deal with the backlog of work.
employeeYou have to employed shock is inevitable
unemployed when living in another
employer employee employed unemployed employer
1. What system controls the way a computer He managed to find a job through a(n) 1. What system controls the way a computer He managed to find a job through a(n)
works and runs other programs? (OPERATE) _ _ .(AGENT) works and runs other programs? (OPERATE) _ _ .(AGENT)
In 1 the Nature to
What do wind and solar power have in Newspapers are often guilty of _ _ the What do wind and solar power have in Newspapers are often guilty of _ _ the
its activities. (ORGANIZE)
common? (NEW) truth. (DISTORT) common? (NEW) truth. (DISTORT)
media help increase the and games.
What is the verb form of the word _ _ found there was no evidence of an What is the verb form of the word _ _ found there was no evidence of an
I am writing to express my mssa1:1sract1on with my time at the Eden Hotel in
"construction"? increased risk of infection. (RESEARCH) "construction"? increased risk of infection. (RESEARCH)
London last (ENJOY)
The centre has a fifty per cent success Unscramble this noun: ADTEEIVJC The centre has a fifty per cent success Unscramble this noun: ADTEEIVJC
The company is investing 0 million to
rate of _ _ animals to the wild. rate of _ _ animals to the wild.
(INTRODUCE)The camp eventually in training more than five hundred special operatives. (INTRODUCE)
What adjective shares the same meaning What adjective shares the same meaning
You can
with "substitute"? taste some
(ALTER) of the local people sold right there at the open-air market. with "substitute"? (ALTER)
What adjective describes something that What adjective describes something that
She refused to accept the
is not true? (LEAD) of woman as man's subordinate. (DEFINE) is not true? (LEAD)
The school has flourished under the of Mr. Buxton. (LEAD)
My father is a _ _. He works very hard on the farm every day. (FARM)

Cho trong can m<)t danh tCr vl ph fa tnr6'c da c6 tfnh tCr sa hCfu Her. sa
Cho trong can m<)t danh tCr vl ph fa tnr6'c da c6 tfnh tCr hCfu Her.
T<;1m djch: Sl/ quyet tam va y chf m;;1nh me cua co ay Ia m<)t tam guong tot cho toi. T<;1m djch: Sl/ quyet tam va y chf m;;1nh me cua co ay Ia m<)t tam guong tot cho toi.
Cho trong can m<)t tfnh tCr. Cho trong can m<)t tfnh tCr.
T9m dich: Sup Lentil rat giau dinh duong va con de lam. T9m dich: Sup Lentil rat giau dinh duong va con de lam.
Cho trong can m<)t tfnh tCr. Cho trong can m<)t tfnh tCr.
Dl/a vao nghTa ta thay phuang an organized Ia phu hqp nhat. Dl/a vao nghTa ta thay phuang an organized Ia phu hqp nhat.
T<;1m djch: M~c du trong c6 ve khong nhu v~y, nhung mQi th(r rat ngan nap. T<;1m djch: M~c du trong c6 ve khong nhu v~y, nhung mQi th(r rat ngan nap.
Cho trong can m<)t tfnh tCr. Cho trong can m<)t tfnh tCr.
Dl/a vao nghTa, ta thay phuang an autonomous Ia phu hqp nhat. Dl/a vao nghTa, ta thay phuang an autonomous Ia phu hqp nhat.
T;;1m djch: Toi cam thay rat lo khi lai m<)t chiec xe tl/ d<)ng, va toi khong nghT rang chung an toan. T;;1m djch: Toi cam thay rat lo khi lai m<)t chiec xe tl/ d<)ng, va toi khong nghT rang chung an toan.
. Cau sa
Sau chi ahCfuthea thl hi~n
each t~i ho~m
con thieu m<)tthanh: S + have + Vpz.
tfnh tCr. Sausa hCfu each con thieu m<)t tfnh tCr.
T9m djch:Trang
Cac nha quakhoakh(r, hQC dataphan
nguO'i tfch vai
tin rang cactro
kettl/qua m()t
nhien cuaeach
phl) chi
nCf tiet
Ia lam Slrvadt)ng
nhom~ lam cac
VQ'. phan T9m djch: Trang qua kh(r, nguO'i ta tin rang vai tro tl/ nhien cua phl) nCf Ia lam m~ va lam VQ'.
mem chuyen Ct,Jm bi~t. culture shock Ia danh tCr ghep, nghTa Ia soc van hoa. Ct,Jm culture shock Ia danh tCr ghep, nghTa Ia soc van hoa.
T9m djch: B9n Cho trong
phai thCra nh~n
can dien m()tsoc
rang danh vantlrhoa
v1 phfa tnr6'cthe
Ia khong c6 tranh
tfnh tlrkh6i
bo nghTa a
khi song m<)t quoc gia a
T9m djch: B9n phai thCra nh~n rang soc van hoa Ia khong the tranh kh6i khi song m<)t quoc gia
T~m dich: 6 nhiem moi trtrb'ng Ia m()t trong nhfrng van de nghiem tr<;>ng hi~n nay.
khac. khac.
Cautrong can
true: It is +dien
adj m()t
+ to danh sa
v. tlr v1 phfa tru6'c da c6 tfnh tlr hfru 'Her'. Cau true: It is + adj + to v.
Cho djch: can
Sl! kien
m<)t tr1 va nhi~t
d<)ng tlnh cua
tCr nguyen ay da giup ca d()i d~t dLJ'Q'C thanh cong mang tam quoc Cho trong can m<)t d<)ng tCr nguyen the.
te. dich: Ph an bi~t chung t<)c, gi6'i tfnh hay ton giao Ia ph ;;1m phap .
T;;1m T;;1m dich: Ph an bi~t chung t<)c, gi6'i tfnh hay ton giao Ia ph ;;1m phap .
V: hy v<;>ng
danh tCr.lam gl. . Cho trong can m<)t danh tCr.
T~m djch:
T;;1m djch: C6
Anhphaiay dang
luon c6hi VQng
xung dLJ'Q'C thi dau
d<)t gifra khoatranh
hQc vatai ton
khong? Luan Don. T;;1m djch: C6 phai luon c6 xung d<)t gifra khoa hQc va ton giao hay khong?
human relative
history nghTa
Ia danhIa h9tCrhang
ghep,c6 quanIah~
nghTa mau
ljch slf' mu.
loai nguO'i/nhan lo;;1i. Ct,Jm human history Ia danh tCr ghep, nghTa Ia ljch slf' loai nguO'i/nhan lo;;1i.
T~m dich:
T;;1m djch: Tr~n
Toi da biet d6
chien Sam khong
Ia m<)t bu6'c ngo~th~
c6 quan mauljch
trong mu slf'
gl v6'i
nguO'i.nhung van coi anh ay nhu anh T;;1m dich: Tr~n chien d6 Ia m<)t bu6'c ngo~t trong ljch slf' loai nguO'i.
trai m1nh. Cho trong can m<)t danh tCr so ft. Cho trong can m<)t danh tCr so ft.
T<;lm djch: CoCho ma
ay trong can
m<)t dqtdien m()t danh
tCr thi~n tlr vi phngU'Oi
cho nhfrng fa tru6'c da c6
vo gia CU'.tfnh tlr deep de bo nghTa. T<;lm djch: Co ayma m<)t dqt tCr thi~n cho nhfrng ngU'Oi vo gia CU'.
make a deep Choimpression:
trong cangay an tlfQ'ng
dien m~nh
m<)t danh tCr de t<;lO thanh danh tCr ghep Cho trong can dien m<)t danh tCr de t<;lO thanh danh tCr ghep
T~m djch:
beauty spot Thay
danh giao
lamgay canh m~nh bang each hat m()t bai th~t hay vao buoi dau tien den
an tlfQ'ng
thang beauty spot danh lam thang canh
16'p chung
T;;1m toi. noi tieng v6'i rat nhieu danh lam thang canh.
djch: Hue T;;1m djch: Hue noi tieng v6'i rat nhieu danh lam thang canh.
theacaucautruetruecau bi d()ng:
bi d<)ng: S + Shas
+ wasbeen++V p2·
V p2· Cau chi a thea cau true bi d<)ng: S + has been + V p2·
Dl)'a vao
T;;1m djch:nghTa ta thay
Con song bi phuong
o nhieman baidemolished
rae thai d<)cIah9i phutCrhqp
nha may dia phuong. T;;1m djch: Con song bi o nhiem bai rae thai d<)c h9i tCr cac nha may dia phuong.
T~m djch: Toa nhatrue
cau d6 help+
da hoan V: toan
giup bi lam pha gl huy b6i tr~n hoa ho~n. cau true help+ V: giup lam gl
Cho trong
T;;1m djch: Nhfrng nguon cannangm()tluqng
tfnh tlrtaithea cauthe
t;;1o c6 truegiupso baa
sanh: most+
ton adj + N.
nang luqng hoa th;;1ch va giam T;;1m djch: Nhfrng nguon nang luqng tai t;;1o c6 the giup baa ton nang luqng hoa th;;1ch va giam
Df/a vao
luqng khfnghTa ta thay phuong an iconic Ia phu hQ'p nhat.
thai cac-bon. luqng khf thai cac-bon.
T~m dich: Nha Sauhatthe
can 6 Sydney
dien m<)t Ia danhtoatCr,nha mang tfnh bieu tLrQ'ng nhat cua Oc. Sau the can dien m<)t danh tCr,
T;;1m djch: Lt,rc haptlr noicua
dan lookM~t
theo sau tac
Trang Ia m()t
tlr.Trai Dat t;;10 nen thuy trieu. T;;1m djch: Lt,rc hap dan cua M~t Trang tac d<)ng len Trai Dat t;;10 nen thuy trieu.
Dl!a vao nghTaCl)m ta thay
get phuong
access to annghTa
edibleIaIatruy phuc~phQ'pvao.
nhat. Cl)m get access to nghTa Ia truy c~p vao.
T~m djch:
T;;1m djch: B9n
Cho can
rau cum~t d6khaude delautruyroic~p nhungvao h~trong
thongvan may
c6 ve an dlfQ'C.
tfnh. T;;1m djch: B9n can m~t khau de truy c~p vao h~ thong may tfnh.
Cho trong
Cho trong can m<)t tr~ng
can m()t danh tCr. tlr bo nghTa cho d()ng tCr 'sing'. Cho trong can m<)t danh tCr.
T~m djch:
T<;lm djch: HQ
LG tre vui ve
khong quenhatv6'i
suot chuyen
phong tt, van hoa dja phU'O'ng. T<;lm djch: HQ khong quen v6'i phong tt,Jc va van hoa dja phU'O'ng.
. Cho
Cau true:
trongtry canto m<)t
V: codanh lam tCr.g1 Cho trong can m<)t danh tCr.
T~m dich:
T;;1m djch: Gia
Co ay da toi
dlnh co c6
gang t~p trung
truyen ma
thong dQC ti~c sachvao nhungdemkhong the.
giao thCra. T;;1m dich: Gia dlnh toi c6 truyen thong ma ti~c vao dem giao thCra.
Ph fa trong
Cho sau gi6'i
of tatfnhcan tCrm()t
de bo danh tlr. cho danh tCr ph fa sau technology.
nghTa Cho trong can m<)t tfnh tCr de bo nghTa cho danh tCr ph fa sau technology.
Cau true
T;;1m djch:chance
Cac nha ofkhoa
sth: CO'
hQc h()i ve cai
dang gl c(ru cac cong ngh~ cao de thay the nhien li~u hoa th;;1ch.
nghien T;;1m djch: Cac nha khoa hQc dang nghien c(ru cac cong ngh~ cao de thay the nhien li~u hoa th;;1ch.
T~m djch: Co Cho ay camtrongthaycanmlnh
c6 co tCr.h()i thang tien trong cong vi~c. Cho trong can m<)t danh tCr.
T;;1m dich: Nguoi Choslf'
d<)ngdanhc6 tCr lam chuboi
trach nhi~m ngfr vl sautoan
thuong thatb¢
Ia cho m~nh tai m6'i.
m()t nhfrng n;;1n khi lam T;;1m dich: Nguoi slf' dt,Jng lao d<)ng c6 trach nhi~m boi thuong toan b¢ cho nhfrng tai n;;1n khi lam
T~m djch: Toi tl)' hao n6i rang long hieu khach va sl)' than thi~n Ia nhfrng diem noi b~t cua nguoi
vi~c. vi~c.
Viet Nam khach
vo trach khi lai ma nrqu

muon vet.
Cho trong m¢t
vao nghTa ta thay phuong an
T~m djch: ty da phat trien
Cau chia theo true bi S +are+ Vpz.
T~m djch: Cac vi trf tuyen dt,mg thuong duqc quimg cao tren trang web cua chung toi.
Cau true to+ V dung chi m~c dfch.
T~m djch: Cong ty dau tll' 9 tri~u do Ia de hi~n d~i hoa cac nha may.
Cho trong con thieu m¢t tfnh ter. 7 7
Dl,fa vao ngfr cimh, ta chQn tfnh tll' 'incomparable'. m n m n
T~m djch: Vao thoi Trung Co, muoi quy gia den mli'c no I~ khong the so sanh duqc vcri n6.
t n g t n g
Cau chi a theo thl hi~n t~i hoan thanh: S + has+ Vpz.
T~m djch: Chfnh phu da dau tll' m~mh tay vao phuong ti~n giao thongs cong c¢ng. s
t Cau true caue bi d¢ng. Dl)'a vao nghTa ta thay phuong an employed Ia phu hqp nhat. t e
9 djch: Nhieu nhan vien da dll'Q'C tuyen d~ng them giai quyet lll'qng cong vi~c ton dQng. 9
r e s e a r c r e s e a r c
u n dien m¢t danh tll'.
, Cho trong can u n
T~m djch: Toi gicri thi~u cuon sach nay de on t~p cho ky thi.
Cho trong can m¢t danh tlr vi ph fa trll'crc da c6 m~o tlr the.
T~m dich: Nam 1986, to chli'c da doi ten thanh World Wide Fund for Nature the hi~n dung
hon ve nhfrng ho~t d¢ng cua hQ.
Cho trong can m¢t danh tll'.
T~m djch: Truong hQc da phat trien m~nh me ducri Sl/ lanh d~o cua 6ng Buxton.
Cho trong can dien m¢t tfnh tll' bo nghTa cho danh tll' 'time'.
Dl,fa vao ngfr canh, ta can m¢t tfnh tlr mang nghTa tieu Cl)'C.
T~m djch: T6i viet thll' nay de bay to Sl/ kh6ng hai long vcri khoang thbi gian khong vui ve cua
mlnh t~iDQCkhach s~n Eden 6 London vao cuoi tuan trll'oc. HANG DQC
. OPERATINGCho trong can m¢t d¢ng tll'. . OPERATING
Cau dich: H~ thong
true: to+ V-inf naode chidieu
m~chanhdfcheach may tfnh ho~t d¢ng va cac chU'ang trlnh khac? T~m dich: H~ thong nao dieu hanh each may tfnh ho~t d¢ng va cac chU'ang trlnh khac?
~ Operating system: H~ dieu hanh
T~m djch: C6ng ty dang dau tll' 10 tri~u do Ia hi~n d~i h6a nha may cua mlnh. ~ Operating system: H~ dieu hanh
RENEWABLECho trong can dien m¢t d¢ng tll'. RENEWABLE
Cau djch: Nang llfqng
true: succeed in doing m~tthanh
gi6 vasth: troi c6 diem
cong chung
lam gl gl? T~m djch: Nang llfqng gi6 va m~t troi c6 diem chung gl?
~ Renewable:
T~m djch: Tr~ic6 tai t~o
(t~p cuoi cung da thanh c6ng trong vi$c dao t~o hon nam tram nhi$m. ~ Renewable: c6 the tai t~o
CONSTRUCTCho trong can dien m¢t danh tll'
° nhieu. CONSTRUCT
T~m dich: D~ng c6 dQng thetll'
tll' m¢t
"construction" Ia gl? dan ban ngay khu T~m dich: D~ng dQng tll' cua tll' "construction" Ia gl?
chq ngoai troi. REINTRODUCE
T~m djch: Trung Cho tam c6 50%
trong ti I~ thanh
can m¢t c6ng khi tra l~i d¢ng v~t ve m6i trU'ong hoang da.
danh tll'. T~m djch: Trung tam c6 50% ti I~ thanh c6ng khi tra l~i d¢ng v~t ve m6i trU'ong hoang da.
T~m djch: C6 ay kh6ng chap nh~n quan diem ph~ nfr Ia duoi dan ALTERNATIVE
T~m djch: TfnhCho tll' nao
m¢t danhv6'i "substitute"?
tlr vl phfa trll'OC da c6 m~o tlr a va tfnh tlr "'"'"'"'TO T~m djch: Tfnh tll' nao dong nghTa v6'i "substitute"?
~ Alternative:
djch: C6 thay
ay thue them¢t tham tu tll' li~u minh c6 ~ Alternative: thay the
MISLEADING Cho trong can m¢t danh tll'. MISLEADING
T~m djch: Tfnh tll' nao mieu ta mQt tht.f gl d6 khong dung st,r th~t? T~m djch: Tfnh tll' nao mieu ta mQt tht.f gl d6 khong dung st,r th~t?
toi Ia dan. lam 6
tim qua


nha khoa hQc phat hi~n ra khong chlt'ng nguy co

sv nhiem trung.
T~m djch: Sap xep l~i cac chfr cai cua danh tlr sau: ADTEEIVJC
C~ptir Vidl:l C~ptir Vidl:l

/a'fekt/ (v): anh hU'6'ng chfnhopinion will not affect my decision. /a'fekt/ (v): anh hU'6'ng opinion will not affect my decision.
/I'fekt/ (n): Sl/ anh hU'6'ng, tacFarms can have negative effects on the /I'fekt/ (n): Sl/ anh hU'6'ng, tac Farms can have negative effects on the
d(>ng an trongcommunity.
nhfrng bai tlr Vl/ng Anh, ta nam d(>ng community.

2 vfrng bim chat tlr ho~c Cl,lm

angel /' emd3l/ (n): thien than tlr, xem n6 thuoc tCr I09i nao,
She looks like an angel. each vie't, each phat am, 2 angel /' emd3l/ (n): thien than She looks like an angel.
nhan trc;mg ra sao, nghTa nhau nhtrthe nao, v.v.
angle/' cel)gl/ (n): g6c (hlnh hQc) Draw a 130 degrees angle in your notebooks. angle/' cel)gl/ (n): g6c (hlnh hQc) Draw a 130 degrees angle in your notebooks.
1 1

3 I beside /bi'Said/ (prep): ben c~nh He sat beside her all night. 3 I beside /bi'Said/ (prep): ben c~nh He sat beside her all night.
besides /bi'saidz/ (prep/adv): ben c~nh Besides working as a doctor, he also writes besides /bi'saidz/ (prep/adv): ben c~nh Besides working as a doctor, he also writes
d6, ngoai ra novels in his spare time. d6, ngoai ra novels in his spare time.

4 desert /' dezat/ (n): sa m~c The land loses its protective cover of I 4 desert /' dezat/ (n): sa m~c The land loses its protective cover of I
1 vegetation and soon turns into desert. I 1 vegetation and soon turns into desert. I
dessert /d1'Z3:t/ (n): m6n trang mi~ng ) The waiter asked us if we'd like to order a j dessert /d1'Z3:t/ (n): m6n trang mi~ng ) The waiter asked us if we'd like to order a j

J dessert. 1 J dessert. 1

5 \ everyday /'evridei/ (adj): hang ngay j Change is a part of everyday life in business. I 5 \ everyday /'evridei/ (adj): hang ngay j Change is a part of everyday life in business. I
1 every day (adv): moi ngay \'go to work every day. I 1 every day (adv): moi ngay \'go to work every day. I
r---6--+l-s_o_m_e-ti_m_e_s_/_'s_A_m_t_a-Im_z_/_(_a_dv_)_:t-h-in-h--+11_S_o_m_e-ti_m_e_s_l_g_o~by. car. ---,) r---6--+l-s_o_m_e-ti_m_e_s_/_'s_A_m_t_a-Im_z_/_(_a_dv_)_:t-h-in-h--+11_S_o_m_e-ti_m_e_s_l_g_o~by. car. ---,)

I thoan~ 1
I thoan~ 1

sometime /'sAmtaim/ (adv): mot luc I We must get together sometime. I sometime /'sAmtaim/ (adv): mot luc I We must get together sometime. I
I nao d6 l I I nao d6 l I
j some time: m<?t ft thOi gian j
-·- __ I will take some tirne to watch that comedy. j some time: m<?t ft thOi gian j
-·- __ I will take some tirne to watch that comedy.

7 I time !'taim/ (unc): thb'i gian I The main character is ~ble to travel through I
7 I time !'taim/ (unc): thb'i gian I The main character is ~ble to travel through I
1 time. 1 time.
time (n): (so) lan, thai d~i ! How many times do I have to tell you not to time (n): (so) lan, thai d~i ! How many times do I have to tell you not to
II 1
I do that? I do that?
8 advice /ad 'vais/ (n): lb'i khuyen Let me give you a piece of advice. ! 8 advice /ad 'vais/ (n): lb'i khuyen Let me give you a piece of advice. !
advise /ad'vaiz/ (v): khuyen bao Doctors advised the patient to have surgery. \ advise /ad'vaiz/ (v): khuyen bao Doctors advised the patient to have surgery. \
9 later/' leita(r)/ (adv): sau I will talk to her later. I
9 later/' leita(r)/ (adv): sau I will talk to her later. I
latter /'lceta(r)/ (adj): cai thlr 2, cai di sau He chose the latter option. _J latter /'lceta(r)/ (adj): cai thlr 2, cai di sau He chose the latter option. _J
10 cite /sait/ (v): trfch dan ' She cited a passage from the President's I 10 cite /sait/ (v): trfch dan ' She cited a passage from the President's I
speech. speech.
site (n): dja diem, khu dat He often visits historical sites. I site (n): dja diem, khu dat He often visits historical sites. I
sight (n/ v): quang canh, nhln thay Roadside stalls are a common sight in the I sight (n/ v): quang canh, nhln thay Roadside stalls are a common sight in the I
1 city. 1 city.
11 principle /'pnnsapl/ (n): nguyen tac, I refuse to lie about it; it's against my
I 11 principle /'pnnsapl/ (n): nguyen tac, I refuse to lie about it; it's against my
lu~t I~ principles. I lu~t I~ principles. I
principal (n/adj): chu yeu, hi~u trU'6'ng I The college is excited to announce the I principal (n/adj): chu yeu, hi~u trU'6'ng I The college is excited to announce the I
I appointment of a new principal. I
I I appointment of a new principal. I
1 I 1 I
22 /hi' stunk/
nlc>'f"n. ... " (adj):
/'kumphmant/ (n/v):quan
khen, She complimented him on his excellent 22 compliment /'kumphmant/ (n/v): khen, She complimented him on his excellent
trong ljch
lai khen historic
German. occasion. lai khen German.
complement/hi'sturikl! (adj): thu(>c
/' kumphment/ (n/v): l!ch
Sl/ YouThemust flavours inthese events
the dish in their each
complement complement /' kumphment/ (n/v): Sl/ The flavours in the dish complement each
bo(c6 the quan
sung/ bu vaotr<;>ng ho~c khong) ~ ......
otherr"" ... '"'""' context.
perfectly. bo sung/ bu vao other perfectly.

23 imaginary /I' rn!:l!~r1'7·Tn~·r•

price /praiS/ (n): gia ca,(adj): tU'6ng
gia tien We will have to raise ticket prices. 23 price /praiS/ (n): gia ca, gia tien We will have to raise ticket prices.
tU'Q'ng, khong c6 th~t
prize /praiZ/ (n): giai thl16'ng She has received numerous prizes for her prize /praiZ/ (n): giai thl16'ng She has received numerous prizes for her
imaginative /I'mred3mativ/ (adj): You will need to be a little more imaginative
work. work.
t;;1o, giau trl tU'6ng tU'Q'ng if you want to hold their attention.
24 current /'kArant/ (adj): hi~n t~i, hi~n thai Oil prices are expected to remain at current 24 current /'kArant/ (adj): hi~n t~i, hi~n thai Oil prices are expected to remain at current
1 continual /kan 'tmjual/ (adj): lien tvc, l~p Please
levels.stop your continual questions. levels.
di l~p I;;Ii (c6 tfnh ngat quang)
current (n): dong chay, Iuong He was swimming against the current. current (n): dong chay, Iuong He was swimming against the current.
continuous /kan 'tmjuas/ (adj): lien tvc The organization aims to create a culture of
25 (khong
effective /I'fektiv/
c6 tfnh (adj): c6 hi~u qua
ngat quang) Some people
continuous believe that violence is an
improvement. 25 effective /I'fektiv/ (adj): c6 hi~u qua Some people believe that violence is an
effective way of protesting. effective way of protesting.
optimistic /,upti'mistik/ (adj): l;;1c quan We are now taking a more optimistic view.
efficient /I'fifnt/ (adj): nang suat, tiet We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service. efficient /I'fifnt/ (adj): nang suat, tiet We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service.
ki~m /,pesi'mistik/ (adj): bi quan I am deeply pessimistic about the future. ki~m

1626 work /W3:k/pi:pl/

people/' (unc/v):
(pi): cong vi~c,
nglfai, mQilam vi~c
nglfai The
At kids
20 people were killed in the crash. 26 people/' pi:pl/ (pi): nglfai, mQi nglfai At least 20 people were killed in the crash.
work (n): tac pham
peoples (pi): dan t¢c Beethoven
We shouldcomposed
strive for his greatest
peace amongworks
the in peoples (pi): dan t¢c We should strive for peace among the
the latter part of his
peoples of the peoples of the world.
1 27 terrified /'tenfa1d/
especially (adj):(adv):
/I'spefali/ dangc~:~
d~c She
Thewas terrified
car is at theespecially
quite small, thought ifofyou
have 27 especially /I'spefali/ (adv): c~:~ the, d~c The car is quite small, especially if you have
sqbi~t Ia alone.
children. bi~t Ia children.
terrific /ta ·nf1k/
specially (adj):(adv):
/'spefali/ danhtuy~t
vui mung, rieng I feel
Thisabsolutely terrific
was specially today!
made for her. specially /'spefali/ (adv): danh rieng This was specially made for her.
voi(thlfang di sau Ia d¢ng tCr Vp2) (thlfang di sau Ia d¢ng tCr Vp2)
1 weather /'weoa(r)/ (n): thai
(adj): noi tieng tiet tlch Cl/C) What's
(nghTa Loch the
Nessweather like today?
is probably the most famous lake (adj): noi tieng (nghTa tlch Cl/C) Loch Ness is probably the most famous lake
Heinseemed undecided whether to go or
Scotland. in Scotland.
infamous (adj): noi tieng, tai tieng He's infamous for his bigoted sense of infamous (adj): noi tieng, tai tieng He's infamous for his bigoted sense of
19 (nghTa/'klresik/
classic tieu ct!c)(adj): chat IU'Q'ng cao, It'shumor.
a classic motorbike from the 1940s. (nghTa tieu ct!c) humor.

29 d~c trU'ng,/'fa:oa(r)/:
farther tieu bieu xa han (ve khoang We watched their ship moving gradually 29 farther /'fa:oa(r)/: xa han (ve khoang We watched their ship moving gradually
each khong ngh~
(n): vangian ho~csT/ thai
tac gian)
pham kinh Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is a classic.
farther away. each khong gian ho~c thai gian) farther away.
dien, IU'u danh
further /'f3:oa(r)/: xa han, them (ve For further details call this number. further /'f3:oa(r)/: xa han, them (ve For further details call this number.
classical /'klresikl/
thong tin, ... ) (adj): (the lo;;1i) co She has learned to dance both classical and thong tin, ... )
dien modern ballet since she was 5.
30 sensible /'sensabl/ (adj): c6 6c xet I think the sensible thing would be to take a 30 sensible /'sensabl/ (adj): c6 6c xet I think the sensible thing would be to take a
cloth /klu9/
doan, tht!c(n):
te mieng vai, khan lau Hetaxi
gently cleaned her face with a wet cloth.
home. doan, tht!c te taxi home.
clothes /klauoz/ (pi): quan
sensitive /'sensativ/ aonh~y cam,
(adj): I bought some new clothes
She is very sensitive for the
to other trip.
people's sensitive /'sensativ/ (adj): nh~y cam, She is very sensitive to other people's
clothing/' klaochl)/ (n): quan ao (m(>t
de ton thlfang Workers the factory wear protective de ton thlfang feeling.
lo;;Ii nhat dinh) clothing.
31 suit /su:t/ (n/v): phu hqp, b¢ vet He's wearing a grey business suit. 31 suit /su:t/ (n/v): phu hqp, b¢ vet He's wearing a grey business suit.
suite/reiz/ + 0:(n):
/swi:t/ gia(day)
len, diphong,
len (raise di n¢i
b¢ do Raise
havehand if yousuite
a whole knowofthe answer.
offices on the suite /swi:t/ (n): (day) phong, b¢ do n¢i They have a whole suite of offices on the
kernthatv6'i tan ngfr nen c6 the chi a theo 34th floor. that 34th floor.
the bi d9ng)
32 hard /ha:d/ (adj/ adv): cham chi, vat va It's hard to believe that she's only 9. 32 hard /ha:d/ (adj/ adv): cham chi, vat va It's hard to believe that she's only 9.
rise /raiz/ (v/n): tang len (rise khong di Costs are always rising.
kernhardly /'ha:dli!
v6'i tan ngfr) (adv): gan nhl1 khong, There's hardly any tea left. hardly /'ha:dli! (adv): gan nhl1 khong, There's hardly any tea left.
hiem khi hiem khi
I ---~lie - lay - lain (n):
/' hustl! (v): nha
niim Lie there for a bit until you feel better. I ---~lie - lay - lain (v): niim Lie there for a bit until you feel better.
lay - laid - laid (v): d~t, de, de trung She laid the baby on the bed. 1
lay - laid - laid (v): d~t, de, de trung She laid the baby on the bed.
1 1
I 44 (n): We're in f
I 44
heroin /' heramn/ (n): thuoc phi~n She died from a heroin overdose. heroin /' heramn/ (n): thuoc phi~n She died from a heroin overdose.
centre of the city.
heroine (n): nfr anh hung She is remembered as a heroine of the heroine (n): nfr anh hung She is remembered as a heroine of the
/haus/ (n): ngoi nha There
Frenchwas a
Resistance. French Resistance.
45 college /'kuhd3/ (n): d~i hQc She wanted to go to college to become a 45 college /'kuhd3/ (n): d~i hQc She wanted to go to college to become a
home /haum/ (n): nha, mai (thuong He had wanted a real home with a
nurse. nurse.
lien quan den tlnh cam) wife and children.
colleague /'kuli:g/ (n): dong nghi~p We were friends and colleagues for more colleague /'kuli:g/ (n): dong nghi~p We were friends and colleagues for more
hundred f' hAndrad/: mQt tram Four
20 years.people are expected to attend. than 20 years.
hundreds of: hang tram Hundreds of thousands of people are at risk.
46 exit /'eksit/ (n/v): thoat, loi thoat The emergency exit is at the back of the 46 exit /'eksit/ (n/v): thoat, loi thoat The emergency exit is at the back of the
(tuong tl,f voi thousand/ thousands, bus. bus.
million/ millions, ... )
exist /Ig'zist/ (v): ton t~i Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild. exist /Ig'zist/ (v): ton t~i Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild.
36 last /la:st/: cuoi cung, trl16'c We caught the last bus home
I 47 1 sensible /'sensabl/ (adj): c6 6c xet I think the sensible thing is to call and ask I 47 1 sensible /'sensabl/ (adj): c6 6c xet I think the sensible thing is to call and ask
doan, latest/' leitist/ (adj): moi nhat, moi
thl!c te She
for always wears the latest fashions.
directions. doan, thl!c te for directions.
insensible /In'sensabl/ (adj): mat cam We found her lying on the floor, drunk and insensible /In'sensabl/ (adj): mat cam We found her lying on the floor, drunk and
I 'loose
giac, /lu:s/
vo cam,(adj): ythuc
matr¢ng, long leo She usually wears her hair loose.
insensible. I ' giac, vo cam, mat ythuc insensible.

48 lose /lu:z/ (v):

immortal thua, (adj):
/I'm~:tl/ mat bat tli You
He will lose your
believed deposit
himself if you cancel the
immortal. 48 immortal /I'm~:tl/ (adj): bat tli He believed himself immortal.
immoral /I' mural/ (n): trai d~o due, xau I think this is an unjust and immoral war. immoral /I' mural/ (n): trai d~o due, xau I think this is an unjust and immoral war.
38 found /faund/ (qua kh(r cua find): tim I found my key under the sofa.
49 balance/' brelans/ (n): Sl/ can bang Part-time working is the best way to 49 balance/' brelans/ (n): Sl/ can bang Part-time working is the best way to
thay Her familyyour
improve founded 1895.
the college
work-life improve your work-life balance.
found (v): thzmh l~p
balance (n): so dlJ' tai khoan He asked the cashier for the balance of his balance (n): so dlJ' tai khoan He asked the cashier for the balance of his
39 basic/' beiSik/ (adj): co ban There is aaccount.
current basic fault in the design of the current account.
50 message/' mes1d3/ (n): tin nhan, thong We've had an urgent message saying that 50 message/' mes1d3/ (n): tin nhan, thong We've had an urgent message saying that
di~p f' beiSIS/ (n): nen tang, CO SO
baSiS Fatal
youraccidents occur on our roads on a
father is ill. di~p your father is ill.
daily basis.
massage /'mresa:3/ ho~c /ma'sa:3/ (v): Once a week I have a sauna and a massage. massage /'mresa:3/ ho~c /ma'sa:3/ (v): Once a week I have a sauna and a massage.
mat-xa /'tfaiidlaik/ (adj): (tfnh each)
childlike His eyes were light blue and childlike in their mat-xa
tre con, ngay tho (nghTa tfch eve) innocence.
childish /'tfaddif/ (adj): tre con, thieu She said we should be ashamed of our
STT tru6ng thanh (nghTa tieu eve)
C~ptir childish behavior- fighting
Vid~ over who got STT C~ptir Vid~
the last strawberry.
1 fit (v): vLJ'a v~n (theo so do) I tried the dress but it didn't fit. 1 fit (v): vLJ'a v~n (theo so do) I tried the dress but it didn't fit.
emigrant /'emigrant/ (n): nguoi di cu My grandparents were Italian emigrants
match (v): hqp, giong nhau, tlfong tl! The dark clouds matched her mood. match (v): hqp, giong nhau, tlfong tl! The dark clouds matched her mood.
who settled in New York in the 1920.
suit (v): phu hQ'p (v6'i ngo~i hlnh) Blue suits you. You should wear it more suit (v): phu hQ'p (v6'i ngo~i hlnh) Blue suits you. You should wear it more
immigrant /'Imigrant/ (n): nguoi nh~p She was the daughter of Chinese
often. often.
CU' immigrants to America.
2 used to+ V: da tLJ'ng I used to smoke. 2 used to+ V: da tLJ'ng I used to smoke.
quiet /' kwa1at/ (n/ adj): yen l~ng Could you keep the kids quiet while I'm on
get/be used to+ V-ing: quen v6'i I'm not used to driving on the left. get/be used to+ V-ing: quen v6'i I'm not used to driving on the left.
the phone?
3 between ... and: 6 gifra (2 nglJ'oi/ v~t) I sat down between Joe and Anna. 3 between ... and: 6 gifra (2 nglJ'oi/ v~t) I sat down between Joe and Anna.
quite /kwait/ (adv): kha Ia He plays the piano well.
among: trong so (dung cho 3 tro h~n) They strolled among the crowds. among: trong so (dung cho 3 tro h~n) They strolled among the crowds.
- lied (v): n6i doi lied about her age.
4 on time: dung gio The train arrived right on time. 4 on time: dung gio The train arrived right on time.
14 also (adv): cung I went to New York last year, and I also 14 also (adv): cung I went to New York last year, and I also
spent some time in Washington. spent some time in Washington.
too (adv): cung (dung trong van n6i) Can I come too? too (adv): cung (dung trong van n6i) Can I come too?
viewer (n):
as well: cung (khixem
them m¢t y phu djnh Youprogramme attracted
can have a burger, butmillions
you can't have as well: cung (khi them m¢t y phu djnh You can have a burger, but you can't have
m¢t y khang dinh)
cho Internet)
qua viewers.
fries as well. cho m¢t y khang dinh) fries as well.
•n•onl"'o (n): khan/ thlnh (th11ong Ia These artists remain unknown to

15 an amount of+ N(uncountable): nhieu A certain amount of time has already been 15 an amount of+ N(uncountable): nhieu A certain amount of time has already been
mon ngh~ thu~t) Western audiences.
spent on the project. spent on the project.
6 end (n/v): ket
a number of+thuc, cham
N(plural): d(rt, diem cuoi
nhieu He wantsnumber
A large the report by the have
of people end of the for
applied a number of+ N(plural): nhieu A large number of people have applied for
the job. the job.
finish (v): hoan
the number thanh,
of+ N: soxong
IU'Q'ng I The
haven't finished
number my homework
of homeless peopleyet.
has the number of+ N: so IU'Q'ng The number of homeless people has
ask (v): hoi Can I ask a dramatically.
increased question? increased dramatically.

16 question
another (n/v):
+ N: m(>t
van, ngU'oi
nghi another
He pen, another
questioned whethergirl
the accident was 16 another + N: m(>t cai khac, m(>t ngU'oi another pen, another girl
khac (chU'a xac djnh)
ngo solely the truck driver's fault. khac (chU'a xac djnh)

8 other
able to ++ N(uncountable!
V: c6 kha nang plural): ;enhfrng other
unablecai khac, You people,
must other
be able to water = somefor
speak (French more
this other + N(uncountable! plural): nhfrng cai khac, other people, other water ( = some more
m(>t chut nfra (chU'a xac djnh) water)
job. m(>t chut nfra (chU'a xac djnh) water)
the other
capable of++ N(uncountable;
V-ing: c6 kha singular):
nangcai con l9i Hethewas
other boy,capable
barely the other
writing his own the other + N(uncountable; singular): cai con l9i the other boy, the other water
;etrong so 2 cai, cai s6t 19i (da xac din h)
incapable name. trong so 2 cai, cai s6t 19i (da xac din h)
Khi danh tu so nhieu bi IU'Q'c b6t
This chemical is poisonous. Others are Khi danh tu so nhieu bi IU'Q'c b6t This chemical is poisonous. Others are
listen (v): lang nghe He was listening attentively to what she
do cau c6 cung chu ngfr, thl other/ thepoisonous, too. do cau c6 cung chu ngfr, thl other/ the poisonous, too.
was saying.
other tr6 th~mh others/ the others "I don't like this one." - "What about the other tr6 th~mh others/ the others "I don't like this one." - "What about the
hear (v): nghe
(nhfrng He heard a noise and went to investigate.
cai khac/ nhfrng cai con 19i) (nhfrng cai khac/ nhfrng cai con 19i)
others?" others?"
10 ensure (v): dam bao We are working to ensure the safety of
17 been (Vp2): da diva tr6 ve Have you ever been to Budapest? 17 been (Vp2): da diva tr6 ve Have you ever been to Budapest?
people in the city.
gone (Vp2): da diva chU'a tr6 ve Joan's just gone to the shop. She'll be back gone (Vp2): da diva chU'a tr6 ve Joan's just gone to the shop. She'll be back
assure (v): cam doan, dam bao She's perfectly safe, I can assure you.
in about 1 0 minutes. in about 1 0 minutes.
insure (v): mua/ban bao hiem Luckily he had insured himself against long-
18 hire (v): thue, tuyen (trongthoi gian We can
term hire bikes for a day to explore the
illness. 18 hire (v): thue, tuyen (trongthoi gian We can hire bikes for a day to explore the
ngan) town. ngan) town.
11 convince (v): thuyet pht,Jc {de ai d6 tin) He managed to convince the jury of his
rent (v): thue, cho thue (trong thai gian We're looking for a house to rent in the rent (v): thue, cho thue (trong thai gian We're looking for a house to rent in the
dai) area. dai) area.
persuade (v): thuyet pht,Jc (de ai lam gl) My friend persuaded me to go to the party.
lease (n): hqp dong cho thue (thU'ong Ia Under the terms of the lease, you have to lease (n): hqp dong cho thue (thU'ong Ia Under the terms of the lease, you have to
h9n) (adj): chac chan Hepaywas absolutely convinced
maintenance charges. that he was ngan h9n) pay maintenance charges.

19 bring (v): mang den (y tien ve phfa m(>t His writing brings him $10,000 a year. 19 bring (v): mang den (y tien ve phfa m(>t His writing brings him $10,000 a year.
1 tell o (phfavisau
dia+ diem/ trO di kern tan ngfr) I must tell her the truth. dia diem/ vi trO
take 0(v):
sb) (phdifa(ysau
di khong
xa kh6ic6m<)t
tan dja She
Candidn't say anything
you take my suit toabout her family.
the dry-cleaners? take (v): mang di (y di xa kh6i m<)t dja Can you take my suit to the dry-cleaners?
ngfr chi ng11oi)
diem/ vitrO diem/ vitrO

20 priceless (adj):
ability: kha nangvo gia (vec6gia
ai d6 thetrilam
tien)gl A People
priceless collection
with disease of vases
may losewas
their ability to 20 ability: kha nang ai d6 c6 the lam gl People with disease may lose their ability to
=valuable destroyed.
communicate communicate
invaluable (adj):
possibility: khavo gia xay
nang (ve tfnh hfru
ra cua Vi~C The
Slffch) book will is
Bankruptcy beainvaluable for students
real possibility if sales in
don't possibility: kha nang xay ra cua Slf Vi~C Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don't
higher education.
improve. improve.
(adj): vo trj, vo d~:~ng The plants are worthless to
21 extend (v): m6 r(>ng ve kfch co, quy mo, There are plans to extend the children's play 21 extend (v): m6 r(>ng ve kfch co, quy mo, There are plans to extend the children's play
khong gian area . khong gian area .
. .
1 1
~·~--~----~~--~-- ~·~--~----~~--~--

1 31 1 broad (adj): r(>ng ( He's got broad shoulders. 1 31 1 broad (adj): r(>ng ( He's got broad shoulders.
I I wide (adj): khoang each r(>ng (thuong \It's a wide, fast-flowing river. I I wide (adj): khoang each r(>ng (thuong \It's a wide, fast-flowing river.
dung chi khoang each dia ly) dung chi khoang each dia ly)
(a) little + N(uncountable): m()t ft (a little If you have any spare milk, you
I most/most of the + Ncuncountable/ plural): da I Most of the people I had invited turned up.
mang nghTa tfch eve, little mang nghTa me a little?
I most/most of the + Ncuncountable/ plural): da I Most of the people I had invited turned up.
I sO,tieu
h'au het I People
It was
mostly grew their own vegetables.
little room.
I sO, h'au het I People mostly grew their own vegetables.
mostly (adv): chu yeu Ia
J 1 Her handwriting is almost impossible to J mostly (adv): chu yeu Ia 1 Her handwriting is almost impossible to
, little (adj): nh6 I , I
\ almost (adv): gan nhtr, su}lt = nearly read.1 \ almost (adv): gan nhtr, su}lt = nearly 1 read.
look: nhln c6 chu y Come and look at the photo Carina sent me.
33 look for (v): tim =search for j I'm looking for my keys. 33 look for (v): tim =search for j I'm looking for my keys.

see: nhln khong c6 chu y I I saw Trevor at the shopping centre


·~ find (v): tim thay
I She found the remote control down the
yesterday. ·~ find (v): tim thay I She found the remote control down the
I back of the sofa. I back of the sofa.
watch: nhln/ xem cham chu cai gl d6 I We stayed up late to watch the football I
34 1 student (n): khoang
trong m()t hQc sinhthai
(trung hQc trolen), j He's
g ian. a third-year
match on TV laststudent
night. at the College of 34 1 student (n): hQc sinh (trung hQc trolen), j He's a third-year student at the College of
sinh vien 1 Art.
sinh vien 1 Art.
made of: lam tlr (con nhln thay va dean This table is made of wood. 1

I pupil (n): hQc sinh (nh6 tuoi

dU'Q'C chat li~u cua v~t) hon I Next year, he will be a primary-school pupil. I pupil (n): hQc sinh (nh6 tuoi hon I Next year, he will be a primary-school pupil.
I 1 student) I
made from: lam tLr (khong con nhln tha'y Wine is made from grapes.
1 I 1 student) I 1

1 35 va kh6 doan
[ allowance (n): dU'Q'C chat
tfen trQ' li~u
cilp, cua
phv v~t)
dip I They receive an invalid care allowance for-~ 1 35 [ allowance (n): tfen trQ' cilp, phv dip I They receive an invalid care allowance for-~
j 1 their disabled daughter. 1 j 1 their disabled daughter. 1
rob (v): CU'Op (t~p trung VaO nglfoi va The gang robbed 3 banks over a period of
j interest (n):thlfong
dia diem, tien lai c6 b9o lvc) j The
six Gold Account
months, paysfinally
but were monthly interest of
caught. I j interest (n): tien lai j The Gold Account pays monthly interest of I
1 I 5.5%. 1 I 5.5%.
steal (v): tr()m (t~p trung vao do v~t bi Our car was stolen from outside the house
I change
tr()m) (n): til'!n 1e told II
the taxi driver to keep the change.
last week. I change (n): til'!n 1e II told the taxi driver to keep the change.
I pocket money (n): tien tieu v(it 1 Did you parents give you pocket money pocket money (n): tien tieu v(it Did you parents give you pocket money
I burgle (v): tr()m d()t nh~p vao nha The house was burgled while they were all I I 1

I when you were little?

sleeping. I when you were little?

26 I garbage
36 think of:(n):
nghTraeve,(thtrO'ng Ia do thvc
tlfong tlfQ'ng (ai/cai g1) Someone justof
I often think
!' dumped
Jane. their garbage into 36 I garbage (n): rae (thtrO'ng Ia do thvc !' Someone just dumped their garbage into
ph am/ rae thai sinh ho9t! nhfrng v~t 1 my backyard. ph am/ rae thai sinh ho9t! nhfrng v~t 1 my backyard.
1 think about: suy nghT, xem xet Don't you ever think about other people? 1

'j' chat am tr6t) j he subway entrance was blocked with 'j' chat am tr6t) j he subway entrance was blocked with
27 damage
trash (n): rae gay thi~tIah9i,
(v): (thtrong giayhlfvah9i
nhfrng The church was badly damaged by the 1997
I trash. trash (n): rae (thtrong Ia giay va nhfrng I trash.
l- I
) 37·~+-j-ar-ri-ve~at-:
injure (v):
v(lt chat khO)
I earthquake.
ton thlfong, bi thlfong (ve The man was critically t_h_e_s-ta-t-io_n_2_0_m_in-u-te-s~
injured after falling
l- I v(lt chat khO) I
) 37·~+-j-ar-ri-ve~at-:_d_e_n-(n_h_fr_n_g_d-ia-d-ie_m_n_h_6_n_h_u~/c-T-h_e_t-ra_i_n_a_rr-iv_e_d_a_tt_h_e_s-ta-t-io_n_2_0_m_in-u-te-s~
the chat) from a ladder.
I san bay, nha, ...) !late. I san bay, nha, ...) !late.
wear (v): m~c, deo (tr9ng thai do dang She'll
1 arrive in: den (nhfrng dia diem 16'n nhtr
He was wearing
arrive in New a new
York suit.
at noon. 1 arrive in: den (nhfrng dia diem 16'n nhtr She'll arrive in New York at noon.
m~c tren
thanh pho, nglfoi)
oat ntr6'c, ... ) thanh pho, oat ntr6'c, ... )
1 ·--- 1 ·---
put on (v): m~c (hanh d()ng m~c, mang, I put on my socks because it's getting cold.
38 1 take on: dam nh~n trach nhi~m, cong 1can't take on any extra work. 38 take on: dam nh~n trach nhi~m, cong 1can't take on any extra work.
d()i, di, ... ) 1

VIE?kC l ·~'
learn (v): hoc hoi >(thong (
r--~a e over: t1ep quan ve quyen vc
qua·~ I )
"' kinh
The army is threatening to take over if civil
He's learning
unrest to play the trumpet.
r--~a e
l ·~' > ( ·~"' I )
over: t1ep quan ve quyen vc
The army is threatening to take over if civil
unrest continues.
nghi~m, dU'Q'C d9y, ... )
39 I certain: chac chan (biet Sl! thvc) I'm certain that he didn't steal it. 39 I certain: chac chan (biet Sl! thvc) I'm certain that he didn't steal it.
study (v): hc;>c, nghien cuu, tim hieu My brother studied photography at the 1 1

(thongtin qua
(theoVO,dm d9i tfnh,
hQC, ...khOng
) biet I'm sureCollege
Royal that sheof will
Art. understand. __l sure: tin riing (theo dm tfnh, khOng biet I'm sure that she will understand. __l
1 1

I chac) --·· I chac) --··

[-4o I discover (v): khiim phii (c8i chua biet) I
She's a well-known lawyer with many
Scientists around
famous clients. the world are working to [-4o I discover (v): khiim phii (c8i chua biet) I Scientists around the world are working to
l 1 ~iscover a cure for AIDS.
The company loyal customers with
l 1 ~iscover a cure for AIDS.
I don't think his comments were very appropriate this time.
> > I don't think his comments were very appropriate this time.
correct right exact suitable correct right exact suitable
/' (n): ban ghi l9i, ky ll)c She holds the world for 100
Today's scientists have overcome many of the challenges of the depth by using Today's scientists have overcome many of the challenges of the depth by using
sophisticated tools. sophisticated tools.
record /n' k:>:d/ (v):simple
complicated ghi l9i, thu l9i Her childhood is recordedaware
experienced in the diaries complicated simple experienced aware
those O'Brien
In the introduction to her fascinating book, years. explains how she first became In the introduction to her fascinating book, O'Brien explains how she first became
interested in music.
present /pn'zent/ (v): thuyet trlnh, tr1nh Are you presenting a paper at the show? interested in music.
bay involving appealing outgoing boring involving appealing outgoing
The /'politician
IJ' ~:s~nt tried tohi~n
preznt/ (n/adj): arouse
t9i the crowd,
I ambut notmost of them
satisfied with were indifferent
the present to his
situation. The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them were indifferent to his
argument. argument.
3 address /a'dres/ (n): dia chi I'll give you my address and phone number.
similar to sympathetic to uninterested in deaf to similar to sympathetic to uninterested in deaf to
address I am/a· dres/ (v):
thankful forgiai
wife, who vowed The to policy
be myfails to address
biggest fan onthe
theneeds of the
day we were I am thankful for my wife, who vowed to be my biggest fan on the day we were
married and has never once let me down. poor. married and has never once let me down.
content /' knntent/ passionate
(n): n9i dung, supportive
We plan to spend more onkindcreating content grateful passionate supportive kind
Although containing a large number of for
precious books, the library remains neglected
the website. Although containing a large number of precious books, the library remains neglected
on the outskirts
content of the city. (v/ adj): hai long
/kan'tent/ She seemed quite content with the idea. on the outskirts of the city.
unnoticed concerned outdated invested unnoticed concerned outdated invested
conduct /'knndAkt/ (n): (mg xfr, cu xfr The sport has a strict code of conduct.
The student service centre will try their best to assist students in finding a suitable The student service centre will try their best to assist students in finding a suitable
job. /kan ·dAkt/ (v): thl!c hi~n, lam They conducted a vigorous campaign for a part-time job.
help allow shorter
make working week. employ help allow make employ
invalid new laws(n):to conserve
nguoi tan wildlife
t~t in the area
Her will come
husband was into force next
an invalid and month.
couldn't The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
protect eliminate pollute
come to the door to open contaminate
it. protect eliminate pollute contaminate
invalid lost hikers(adj):
stayed alive
kh6ng c6by eating wild
hi~u berries
People withand drinking
invalid papersspring water. to
are deported The lost hikers stayed alive by eating wild berries and drinking spring water.
ll)'c, (nguoi) tan t~t survived surprised
another country. lively revived survived surprised lively
It was relatively easy for him to learn baseball because he had been a cricket player. It was relatively easy for him to learn baseball because he had been a cricket player.
7 object /'nbd3ekt/ (n): v~t, tan ngfr Glass and plastic objects lined the table.
essentially comparatively approximately essentially comparatively approximately
object /ab ·d3ekt/ (v): ph an doi Members of the council strongly objected to
plans to sell off the land.

8 refuse/'
> meeting (n):
was raevery
thai important, so he
had todump
arrivetheir refuse
there in the street.
on time. The meeting was very important, so he had to arrive there on time.

in time /n'fju:z/ (v): late

tCr choi She refused to accept early
punctual that there was a in time late punctual early
Later that evening, when I was almost problem.
asleep, the sound of a crowd brought me Later that evening, when I was almost asleep, the sound of a crowd brought me
back to desert
full consciousness.
/'dezat/ (n): sa m9c Somalia is mostly desert. back to full consciousness.
afraid awake tired aware afraid awake tired aware
desert /di'Z3:t/ (v): b6 m~c, b6 hoang She was deserted by her parents.
I think it's impossible to abolish school examinations. They are necessary to I think it's impossible to abolish school examinations. They are necessary to
progress. (n/adj): trai nguqc, In the US, you drive on the right-hand side of evaluate students' progress.
stopnguqc l9i extinguish the road, but in the UK the organize
continue converse applies. stop extinguish continue organize
converse /kan'V3:S/
Ships crossing(v):
then6i chuy~n
oceans Thesignals
can receive two men were
from conversing
satellites that on music
enable andto
them Ships crossing the oceans can receive signals from satellites that enable them to
calculate their position accurately. opera. calculate their position accurately.
carelessly imprecisely uneasily untruthfully carelessly imprecisely uneasily untruthfully
Species become extinct or endangerment for a number of reasons, but the primary Species become extinct or endangerment for a number of reasons, but the primary
cause is the destruction of habitat by human activities. cause is the destruction of habitat by human activities.
endangerment number destruction human activities endangerment number destruction human activities
Our principal is that everyone has to join hands to do the housework. Our principal is that everyone has to join hands to do the housework.
principal that has to to do principal that has to to do
Although ~~rru;~ with what we do.
He is _ _it'sfor saying that forcheating
us, we feel weway
is the are the game is played. He is _ _ for saying that cheating is the way the game is played.
infamous dissatisfied
famous excited
unknown shocked
normal infamous famous unknown normal
The number of tourists visiting has
Vietnamese women usually wear the aodai, especially on _ _ occasions.since the outbreak Vietnamese women usually wear the aodai, especially on _ _ occasions.
casual special natural additional casual special natural additional
sharply heavily remarkably slightly
Tet is a time for families to clean and _ _ their homes. Tet is a time for families to clean and _ _ their homes.
Pointing at someone is considered in communication.
decorate make celebrate receive decorate make celebrate receive
impolite humorous polite generous
The interviewer asked me if I could speak any _ _ languages. The interviewer asked me if I could speak any _ _ languages.
overseas abroad outside foreign overseas abroad outside foreign
The new football stadium will hold up to 75,000 _ _ . The new football stadium will hold up to 75,000 _ _ .
It was inconsiderable of him not to call home and let his parents know he wouldn't
spectators viewers witnesses audiences spectators viewers witnesses audiences
come back until the next day.
Children's lives are in _ _ every time they cross this road. Children's lives are in _ _ every time they cross this road.
inconsiderable not to call wouldn't until
safe endanger danger dangerous safe endanger danger dangerous
Someone has leaked confident government information to the press.
To win one of our _ _ prizes, answer these three questions. To win one of our _ _ prizes, answer these three questions.
has leaked confident information the press
terrify terrified terrible terrify terrified terrible
The rent for the apartment should be shared equally between the three of you.
It's important to _ _ the wonders of the world so that future generations can see It's important to _ _ the wonders of the world so that future generations can see
rent apartment shared between
them with their own eyes. them with their own eyes.
She complained that her husband never paid her any complement anymore.
ignore destroy preserve harm ignore destroy preserve harm
complained husband paid complement
He's never _ _ to me, so I have no reason to doubt his word. He's never _ _ to me, so I have no reason to doubt his word.
Woody Guthrie wrote thousand of songs during her lifetime, many of them became
lay laid lying lay laid lying
classic folk songs.
I never touch a lobster because I am _ _ to shellfish. I never touch a lobster because I am _ _ to shellfish.
wrote thousand during them
detrimental allergic infected detrimental allergic infected
The author's wife was a good editor, beside being a great writer herself.
Typhoons often _ _ in Viet Nam from June to November. Typhoons often _ _ in Viet Nam from June to November.
author's good beside herself
predict occur pass warn predict occur pass warn
The accident caused intensive damage to both cars, but fortunately no one died.
What I like best about my uncle is his _ _ of humor. What I like best about my uncle is his _ _ of humor.
accident intensive both fortunately
character feel sense character feel sense
The repayment period will be expanded from 20 years to 25 years.
At the present time, _ _ people can afford to travel abroad for their holidays. At the present time, _ _ people can afford to travel abroad for their holidays.
period expanded to
lesser fewer smaller lesser fewer smaller
The plans for the new development have risen angry protests from local residents.
Money you are paid for your work is money you _ _ . Money you are paid for your work is money you _ _ .
plans development risen local
earn win benefit gain earn win benefit gain
!::!£~!.£Si. his sickness, he didn't part in the English competition held last Sunday.
Vietnamese people are very _ _ and friendly. Vietnamese people are very _ _ and friendly.
Because in held
reserved official hospitable reserved official hospitable
" The company will some research on the domestic market and
proposal to promote
make on forward
The Earth is only with a number of oxygen in
the number oxygen its
birds can remain in the air for several minutes.
appropriate = suitable = phu hqp appropriate = suitable = phu hqp
correct= right= exact dung, chfnh xac correct= right= exact dung, chfnh xac
T~m djch: T6' khong nglii lai blnh lu$n cua anh ay Ia phu hqp vao thai diem d6. T~m djch: T6' khong nglii lai blnh lu$n cua anh ay Ia phu hqp vao thai diem d6.

sophisticated =complicated: ph(rc t~p, tinh vi >< simple: don gifm sophisticated =complicated: ph(rc t~p, tinh vi >< simple: don gifm
experienced: giau kinh nghi~m experienced: giau kinh nghi~m
aware: biet, nh$n thuc duqc aware: biet, nh$n thuc duqc
T~m dich: Nhfrng nha khoa hQC ngay nay da Vl1Q't qua rat nhieu thlr thach de kham pha d9 sau T~m dich: Nhfrng nha khoa hQC ngay nay da Vl1Q't qua rat nhieu thlr thach de kham pha d9 sau
bang each Slr d1,1ng nhieu cong Cl,, phUC t~p. bang each Slr d1,1ng nhieu cong Cl,, phUC t~p.

fascinating = appealing = loi cuon, thu hut, hap dan fascinating = appealing = loi cuon, thu hut, hap dan
boring: nham chan boring: nham chan
involving: lien quan involving: lien quan
appealing: thu hut appealing: thu hut
outgoing: thoai mai, c6i m6 outgoing: thoai mai, c6i m6
T~m djch: M9t ty I~ gay bat ngo cua dan so 6 vung xa xoi chfnh Ia ty I~ mu chfr. T~m djch: M9t ty I~ gay bat ngo cua dan so 6 vung xa xoi chfnh Ia ty I~ mu chfr.

indifferent = uninterested: lanh d~m, khong hung thu indifferent = uninterested: lanh d~m, khong hung thu
DOWN giong
similar: .ACROSS similar: giong
She has been
sympathetic: dongidentified as the
cam, thong cam chief _ _ . He seems to take a rather _ _ view of sympathetic: dong cam, thong cam
deaf: diec human nature. (optimistic/pessimistic) deaf: diec
T~m They _Chfnh
dich: _ that a passport
tri gia co gangbelamcarried
cho damwithdong soi Id¢ng,
don't nhung
know anything
da so hQabout this, but
deu khong I'm
hung T~m dich: Chfnh tri gia co gang lam cho dam dong soi d¢ng, nhung da so hQ deu khong hung
thu at all
man times.
lu$n cua ong ay. sure my _ _ here can help you. thu v6'i man tranh lu$n cua ong ay.
I think=soccer
thankful grateful:is the
on sport there He eventually managed to _ _ one of thankful = grateful: biet on
is. (audience/spectator)
passionate: say me, dam me the staff to let him in. (persuade/convince) passionate: say me, dam me
This technology
supportive: ung h9 is for pupils with Churchill made his about supportive: ung h9
poor tot
kind: sight. (invaluable/worthless)
b1,1ng the Iron Curtain in Missouri. kind: tot b1,1ng
T~m djch: Toi rat biet on VQ' toi, nguai da tung these(immoral/immortal)
Ia Ia nguoi ung h9 nong nhi~t cua toi vao T~m djch: Toi rat biet on VQ' toi, nguai da tung these Ia Ia nguoi ung h9 nong nhi~t cua toi vao
ngay We will va
CU'Oi, advise
CO aythechua baoon the
gia lambest
toi way
that to
VQng. Paper are trees. (made of/made ngay CU'Oi, va CO ay chua bao gia lam toi that VQng.
solve the problem. (customer/client) from)
neglected = unnoticed = khong duqc chu y, bi b6 be neglected = unnoticed = khong duqc chu y, bi b6 be
concerned: quan tam concerned: quan tam
outdated: loi thai outdated: loi thai
invested: c6 lai invested: c6 lai
T~m dich: Du chua nhieu cuon sach quy gia, thl1 vi~n van bi ng6 lo 6 vung ngo~i o cua thanh pho. T~m dich: Du chua nhieu cuon sach quy gia, thl1 vi~n van bi ng6 lo 6 vung ngo~i o cua thanh pho.
carelessly: bat can, khong can th~n carelessly: bat can, khong can th~n
de dang uneasily: khong de dang
allow: cho phep
untruthfully: khong chfnh xc:k, sai Slf th~t untruthfully: khong chfnh xc:k, sai Slf th~t
T~m djch: Nhfrng con tau vU'Qt d~i dlfong c6 the nh~n tfn hi~u tu v~ tinh cho phep hQ tfnh toan vj T~m djch: Nhfrng con tau vU'Qt d~i dlfong c6 the nh~n tfn hi~u tu v~ tinh cho phep hQ tfnh toan vj
trf cua mlnh m(>t each chfnh xac. trf cua mlnh m(>t each chfnh xac.
T~m dich: Trung tam djch vv ho sinh vien sue giup sinh vien tim
lam phu hC,Jp.
tuy chQn >< compulsory: bat bu(>c optional: tuy chQn >< compulsory: bat bu(>c
voluntary: tlnh nguy~n voluntary: tlnh nguy~n
conserve = protect:
uncomfortable: khong thoai maiton uncomfortable: khong thoai mai
the chap nh~n dlfqc acceptable: c6 the chap nh~n dlfqc
pollute = contaminate:
T~m djch: Vao thlr bay,lam ban,
dong lam khong
pht,Jc o nhiem
phai Ia bat bu(>c, v1 v~y toi thlf<1ng m~c ao phong va T~m djch: Vao thlr bay, dong pht,Jc khong phai Ia bat bu(>c, v1 v~y toi thlf<1ng m~c ao phong va
T~m bo. 8¢ lu~t m6'i ve bao V~ d¢ng V~t hoang da trong khu Vl)'C
quandjch: co hi~u ll)'c vao thang sau. quan bo.

stayed alive=
expensive: survived:
dat song><
do, ton kern sot
cheap: re expensive: dat do, ton kern >< cheap: re
revived: hoi sinh
wonderful: tuy~t voi wonderful: tuy~t voi
surprised: thungo
hut attractive: thu hut
gan d¢ng close: gan
djch:Nhung nguoi
Vi~c lap di b¢tam
d~t cac duong dai bi
pin m~t mat
troi tfch
tren danha
mai song
de sot
lay bang each
di~n Ia an qua
rat ton kern.dau rung va T~m djch: Vi~c lap d~t cac tam pin m~t troi tren mai nha de lay di~n Ia rat ton kern.
uong m.r6'c suoi.
cruelly= brutally: d9c ac, tan b9o ><gently: diu dang cruelly= brutally: d9c ac, tan b9o ><gently: diu dang
minh kha clerverly: thong minh
nearly: gan hqp ly
reasonably: reasonably: hqp ly
essentially: can khong
T~m djch: Toi thiet the chju dlfqc nhfrng nglfoi doi xti d9c ac v6'i d(>ng v~t. T~m djch: Toi khong the chju dlfqc nhfrng nglfoi doi xti d9c ac v6'i d(>ng v~t.
approximately: xap xi, khoang
T~m dich: Hoc
contented: haibong
long chay kha de v6'i khong
>< dissatisfied: anh ay hai longay tung Ia v~n d¢ng vien bong g~y.
vi anh contented: hai long >< dissatisfied: khong hai long
interested: c6 hung thu interested: c6 hung thu
excited: phan khlch excited: phan khlch
time: dung
socgib >< late: mu¢n shocked: soc
timely: dungM~c
T~m dich: luc du hom nay Ia m9t ngay dai, nhlfng chung toi hai long v6'i nhfrng g1 chung toi lam T~m dich: M~c du hom nay Ia m9t ngay dai, nhlfng chung toi hai long v6'i nhfrng g1 chung toi lam
dU'Q'C. dung gio dU'Q'C.
early: s6'm
T~m djch:=Cu¢c
sharply hop rat=quan
remarkably trQng,
greatly: v~y anh
m9tvieach ayke ><phai
dang den dung
slightly: gib. dang ke
nh~, khong sharply = remarkably = greatly: m9t each dang ke >< slightly: nh~, khong dang ke
heavily: m9t each n~ng ne. heavily: m9t each n~ng ne.
asleep: ngu So
T~m djch: awake:duthU'c
>< llfQ'ng khach den tham quan chau Au da giam m9t each dang ke tu khi bung phat T~m djch: So llfQ'ng du khach den tham quan chau Au da giam m9t each dang ke tu khi bung phat
afraid: sC,J hai 19.
djch COVID djch COVID 19.
tired: m~t m6i
rude =nh~n
aware: biet tho lo, bat lich sv >< polite: lich sv
impolite: rude = impolite: tho lo, bat lich sv >< polite: lich sv
T~m djch: Toi
humorous: hai hom do, khi toi gan nhu
hlf6'c ngu, am thanh cua m¢t dam dong khien toi tinh tao l~i. humorous: hai hlf6'c
generous: hao ph6ng generous: hao ph6ng
abolish: lo~i Chi
T~m djch: bo vaoremain:
m~t ai gifr
d6 bi xem Ia bat lich sl)' trong giao tiep. T~m djch: Chi vao m~t ai d6 bi xem Ia bat lich sl)' trong giao tiep.
stop: dung I?Ji
organize: to chU'c~ inconsiderate
inconsiderable inconsiderable ~ inconsiderate
djch: Toi nghT
inconsiderable bo nhfrng
(adj): khong dangbai a
kekiem tra truong h9c Ia khong the. Chung de inconsiderable (adj): khong dang ke
danh gia
inconsiderate lvc h9cvosinh.
(adj): tam, khinh suat inconsiderate (adj): vo tam, khinh suat
T9m djch: Anh ay th~t vo tam khi khong gQi di~n ve nha va bao cho bo m~ biet Ia anh ay se khong T9m djch: Anh ay th~t vo tam khi khong gQi di~n ve nha va bao cho bo m~ biet Ia anh ay se khong
quay l~i cho denxac
ngay hom sau. chfnh xacc quay l~i cho den ngay hom sau.
Because + S + V + 0: b6i v1, do Because + S + V + 0: b6i v1, do
Because of+ N: b6i vl, do Because of+ N: b6i vl, do
T~m djch: B6i vl bj om, anh ay da kh6ng tham gia CUQC thi tieng Anh vao chu nh~t tuan trlf6'c. T~m djch: B6i vl bj om, anh ay da kh6ng tham gia CUQC thi tieng Anh vao chu nh~t tuan trlf6'c.

make~do make~do
make (v): che t~o, san xuat make (v): che t~o, san xuat
do (v): lam,among
hanh d(>ng do (v): lam, hanh d(>ng
'between' dugclam dvng
do research: nghien khieCru nguai, v~t, quae bi~t, lugng c6 Ia hai, ba do research: lam nghien eCru
T~m hon.
djch: C6ng ty se thl)'c hi~n m(>t so nghien eCru ve thi trlfb'ng trong nu6'c va dlfa ra m(>t de T~m djch: C6ng ty se thl)'c hi~n m(>t so nghien eCru ve thi trlfb'ng trong nu6'c va dlfa ra m(>t de
xuat dedugc
thuc st!
doanh nguai hoc;lc v~t thu(>c cung m(>t nh6m, hay khong duqc gQi ten cv the,
khiso. xuat de thuc day doanh so.
lugng phai tCr ba tro len.
T~m djch:~
number Tien thue can hQ nen dU'Q'C chia deu cho ba nguai cac b~n.
amount number ~ amount
Oxi Ia danh tu kh6ng dem dt1Q'c. Oxi Ia danh tu kh6ng dem dt1Q'c.
complement __.,. compliment
T~m dich: Tn3i dat Ia hanh tinh duy nhat c6 luqng 6-xi cao trong khf quyen. T~m dich: Tn3i dat Ia hanh tinh duy nhat c6 luqng 6-xi cao trong khf quyen.
Cau true: pay sb a compliment == praise sb: khen ngQ'i ai
stationery ~ (n): phan bo sung
stationary stationery ~ stationary
T~m djch: Co(n):
stationery ayv~t phan nanvan
dl)ng rang chong
phong co ay khong con khen ngQ'i co ay nfra.
pham stationery (n): v~t dl)ng van phong pham
stationary (adj): dCrng yen, de m9t cho kh6ng thay doi stationary (adj): dCrng yen, de m9t cho kh6ng thay doi
thousand __.,.M(>t
T~m dich: thousands
soloai chim 16'n c6 the 6 yen trong kh6ng trung trong vai phut. T~m dich: M(>t soloai chim 16'n c6 the 6 yen trong kh6ng trung trong vai phut.
T~m djch: Woody Guthrie da viet hang ngan bai hat trong suet CUQC dai cua mlnh, nhieu bai da
tro thanh dan ca ~
endangerment batendangered
hu. endangerment ~ endangered
endangerment (n): sl)' gay nguy hi em endangerment (n): sl)' gay nguy hi em
beside __.,. besides
endangered (adj): nguy co bi tuy~t chung endangered (adj): nguy co bi tuy~t chung
beside Ia giOiCac
T~m djch: tCr, loai
st! dvng de ket
v~t tuy~t hQ'p 2
chung danhsap
ho~c tCr,tuy~t
"ben c~nh",
nhieu chi vjnhan,
nguyen trf dianhung
ly chu yeu T~m djch: Cac loai v~t tuy~t chung ho~c sap tuy~t chung do nhieu nguyen nhan, nhung chu yeu
Ia do m6i Ia tr~ngsong
khi trl1b'ng tCr c6binghTa
pha huy c~nh
"benb6i d6", ho~t
nhfrng dungd(>ng
dau cua
cau con gifra cau, duqc ngan each boi
hoc;lcngub'i. Ia do m6i trl1b'ng song bi pha huy b6i nhfrng ho~t d(>ng cua con ngub'i.
dau phay
T~m djch: VQ'
principal cua tac gia Ia m(Jt bien t~p vien gi6i, ben c~nh d6, co ay con Ia m(Jt nha van tuy~t
~ principle principal ~ principle
principal (n): ngt1b'i dCrng dau, hi~u trt16ng principal (n): ngt1b'i dCrng dau, hi~u trt16ng
principle (n): nguyen tac principle (n): nguyen tac
T~m djch:__.,. extensive
Nguyen tac cua chung t6i Ia mQi nglfb'i phai chung tay lam vi~c nha. T~m djch: Nguyen tac cua chung t6i Ia mQi nglfb'i phai chung tay lam vi~c nha.
intensive (adj): chuyen sau
extensive (adj): di~n r(>ng
infamous damage:
(adj): taithi$t h~inoi
tieng, to tieng
16'n/ nghiem tr<;>ng
vi scandal infamous (adj): tai tieng, noi tieng vi scandal
T~m dich: (adj):
famous Vv tainoi n~ntieng,
ca danh
hai xe hu hong nghiem tr<;>ng, nhung rat may khong c6 ai tU' vong. famous (adj): noi tieng, noi danh
unknown (adj): v6 danh unknown (adj): v6 danh
expanded __.,. extended
normal (adj): blnh thuong normal (adj): blnh thuong
T~m djch:m6
expand (v): Anhr(>ng (vetieng
ta noi kfch vi
co,n6i rang
lugng hoc;lc
gian l~ntam quanchoi
Ia each tr<;>ng)
cua tro choi nay. T~m djch: Anh ta noi tieng vi n6i rang gian l~n Ia each choi cua tro choi nay.
extend (v): mo rqng (ve thai gian)
T~m djch: (adj):
special Thai gian tra nQ' se dugc noi r(Jng tCr 20 nam len 25 nam.
d~c bi~t special (adj): d~c bi~t
casual (adj): ngau nhien, thoai mai, blnh tht1b'ng casual (adj): ngau nhien, thoai mai, blnh tht1b'ng
risen __.,. raised
natural (adj): tl! nhien natural (adj): tl! nhien
rise (v): di chuyen
additional (adj): cai gl tCr m¢t vj trf thap hon sang m(>t vi trf cao hon
bo sung additional (adj): bo sung
T~m+ 0: nang
djch: Phl)cai
Vi~t m(Jt
trf cao m~c
hon hoc;lc
ao dai,gia tang
d~c bi~t Ia trong cac dip d~c bi~t. T~m djch: Phl) nfr Vi~t Nam thub'ng m~c ao dai, d~c bi~t Ia trong cac dip d~c bi~t.
T~m djch: Cac ke ho~ch cho st,r phat trien m6'i da lam len ph~m doi dfr dQi tCr CU' dan
decorate (v): trang trf decorate (v): trang trf
celebrate (v): an mlr'ng celebrate (v): an mlr'ng
Because __.,. Because
make (v): lam make (v): lam
warn (v): canh bao warn (v): canh bao
T9m djch: Bao thtrong xay ra cac a
dlnh tLr thang 6 den thang 11.
Vi~t Nam T9m djch: Bao thtrong xay ra aVi~t Nam tLr thang 6 den thang 11.
sense of humour: khieu hai htr6'c sense of humour: khieu hai htr6'c
joke (n):(adj/adv)
tro dua, :truy~n
6 ben cuoi joke (n): tro dua, truy~n cuoi
character (adv):
nU'6'c ngoai
each character (n): tfnh each
overseas (adj/adv):
feel (n): cam giac 6 nU'6'c ngoai feel (n): cam giac
djch:Nglfoi phong
Dieu toi hoi toi
thfch nhat chulieu a
toi toi n6ihtr6'c.
Ia khieu hai nao khong. a
T9m djch: Dieu toi thfch nhat chu toi Ia khieu hai htr6'c.

people Ia (n):
danh ngU'O'i
tLJ' soxem tn,rcvitiep
nhieu, v~y (lien
phai quan
di v6'iden the(ft
fewer thao)
hem) people Ia danh tLJ' so nhieu, vi v~y phai di v6'i fewer (ft hem)
viewer 0 thaixem
(n): ngub'i
T9m dich: diem hi~n t9i,
truyen hlnhchi m¢t soft ngtroi c6 kha nang di du ljch ntr6'c ngoai. T9m dich: 0 thai diem hi~n t9i, chi m¢t soft ngtroi c6 kha nang di du ljch ntr6'c ngoai.
witness (n): nhan cht!ng
audience (n): khan
earn (money): kiem tiengia (chU'O'ng tr1nh nhU' kich, hoa nh~c)
thfnh earn (money): kiem tien
win dich: San v~n d¢ng moi c6 the chua den 75 nghln khan gia.
(v): thang win (v): thang
benefit (v): (dtrqc) lqi benefit (v): (dtrqc) lqi
danger (n):c6nguy
gain (v): hiem
dU'Q'C, d9t dU'Q'c gain (v): c6 dU'Q'C, d9t dU'Q'c
dich:an toan
Tfen b9n duqc tra cho cong vi~c Ia gQi Ia tien b9n kiem duqc. T9m dich: Tfen b9n duqc tra cho cong vi~c Ia gQi Ia tien b9n kiem duqc.
endanger (v): gay nguy hiem
khach hospitable (adj): hieu khach
reserved (adj): rvt re cua tre em g~p nguy hiem moi khi qua dU'O'ng.
dich: Tfnh m~ng reserved (adj): rvt re
official (adj): chfnh tht.Ic official (adj): chfnh tht.Ic
terrific (adj): yen
quiet (adj): tuyettTnh,
voi tram tfnh quiet (adj): yen tTnh, tram tfnh
T9m (v):
djch:lam (ai) hoang
Ngtroi sc;J rat hieu khach va than thi~n.
Vi~t Nam T9m djch: Ngtroi Vi~t Nam rat hieu khach va than thi~n.
terrified (adj): hoang sc;J
terrible ( adj): toi te
T~m dich: De chien thang giai thU'6ng tuyet vb'i cua chung toi, b~n phai tra IO'i ba cau hoi.

preserve (v): bao ton

ignore (v): lam nga
destroy (v): huy ho~i 4 4
harm (v): gay h~i e s s e s s
T~m djch: Dieu quan tr<;mg Ia phai bao ton cac ky quan tren the gioi de cac the he tuang lai c6 the
p p
t~n mat chiem nguong chung.
v s v s
lied (qua kh(r cua lie): n6i doi
lay (v): d~t nam - laid (qua kht1 cua lay)
e a g u e e a g u e
T~m djch: Anh ay chua bao gib' n6i doi toi, nen khong c6 ly nao toi nghi ngb' IO'i n6i cua anh ay

allergic (adj): di t1ng s u a s u a

sensible (v): hc;Jp ly t a t a
detrimental (v): bat lqi
infected (adj): lay nhiem o r o r
T~m djch: Toi khong bao gib' ch~m vao tom hum vi toi bi dj U'ng voi d(>ng v~t giap xac.
r r
Ia nghi

khuyen phai luon mang ben mlnh.

SPECTATOR: ngl!b'i xem tn,rc
djch: Toi nghT bong Ia mon hay nhat khi xem tn,rc
INVALUABLE: c6 gia trj, quy gia
T~m djch: Cong ngh~ nay quy gi<3 v6'i nhfrng hQc sinh thj.
CLIENT: khach hang
T~m djch: Chung ta se co van cho khach hang each toi l!U nhat giai quyet van nay.

T~m djch: Anh ta c6 ve c6 cai nhln kha bi quan ve tl!O'ng lai cua con ngl!b'i.
COLLEAGUE: dong nghiep
T~m djch: T6i kh6ng biet cai nay, nhl!ng t6i chac dong nghi~p cua t6i day c6 the giup b~n.
PERSUADE: thuyet pht)c ai lam gl
T~m djch: Anh ay cuoi cung cung thanh cong thuyet pht)c m<}t nhan vien cho anh ay di vao.
IMMORTAL: bat hu
T~m djch: Churchill c6 bai phat bieu bat hu ve buc man sat 6 Missouri.
MADE FROM: dl!Q'C lam tLr
T~m djch: Giay dl!Q'C lam tlr cay.
'\ '\
Ve~ l~cvm I~ Sl,f tlr voi tlr
(particle) I~ gioi tt1 (preposition), tt1- hay con gQi I~ tr~mg tlr (adverb).
Verb ch(rc nang nhu tt1 v~ thuO'ng ra lop nghTa rieng biet so voi nghTa
d¢ng tU' chfnh.
Phrasal Verb Phrasal Verb
'~~ '~~

Phrasal verb dU'Q'c sli dvng r¢ng rai boi nguO'i ibtm
l I
n6i tieng Anh trong cac tlnh huang giao
I l
tiep, tuy theo ho~n canh. Do) d6, c6 hai ly do chfnh m~ chung1 ta nen hQC phrasal verb: ",, ) 1 ",,
Nang cao kha nang thong hieu
IS Sli dvng tieng Anh giong nguO'i ban x(r hon
Verb+ Verb + Adverb Verb+ Verb + Adverb
Verb+ Adverb Verb+ Adverb
Preposition + Preposition Preposition + Preposition
~ ~ '~~ ~ ~ '~~

a) Phrasal Verb khong nh~n tan ngii' (Intransitive Phrasal Verbs) a) Phrasal Verb khong nh~n tan ngii' (Intransitive Phrasal Verbs)
- La ct,Jm d(>ng tLJ' c6 ch(rc nang nhu n(>i d(>ng tLJ', khong c6 tan ngfr theo sau. - La ct,Jm d(>ng tLJ' c6 ch(rc nang nhu n(>i d(>ng tLJ', khong c6 tan ngfr theo sau.
VD: The flight will take off earlier to avoid the bad weather. VD: The flight will take off earlier to avoid the bad weather.
- Cac phrasal verbs nay khong duqc dung 6 the bi d(>ng (passive). - Cac phrasal verbs nay khong duqc dung 6 the bi d(>ng (passive).
VD: That magazine comes out once a week. VD: That magazine comes out once a week.
b) Phrasal Verb c6 tan ngii'theo sau (Transitive Phrasal Verbs) b) Phrasal Verb c6 tan ngii'theo sau (Transitive Phrasal Verbs)
-La ct,Jm d(>ng tLJ' c6 ch(rc nang nhu ngo9i d(>ng tLJ', can c6 tan ngfr theo sau. -La ct,Jm d(>ng tLJ' c6 ch(rc nang nhu ngo9i d(>ng tLJ', can c6 tan ngfr theo sau.
VD: We could make out a figure in the distance. VD: We could make out a figure in the distance.
c) Neu tan ngii' trong cau Ia Danh tit (Noun), Phrasal Verb c6 the tiling tnrac ho~c sau tan ngii'. c) Neu tan ngii' trong cau Ia Danh tit (Noun), Phrasal Verb c6 the tiling tnrac ho~c sau tan ngii'.
VD: I picked up Jim on my way home. VD: I picked up Jim on my way home.
I picked Jim up on my way home. I picked Jim up on my way home.
d) Nflu tan ngii' trong cau Ia D¥i tit (Pronoun), Phrasal Verb phai tiling truac tan ngfr. d) Nflu tan ngii' trong cau Ia D¥i tit (Pronoun), Phrasal Verb phai tiling truac tan ngfr.
VD: She tied them away. VD: She tied them away.

- Lo9i ct,Jm d(>ng tLJ' nay luon luon Ia ngo9i d(>ng tlr - Lo9i ct,Jm d(>ng tLJ' nay luon luon Ia ngo9i d(>ng tlr
C6 tandengfr
thi theo
sau, do tieng
gi6'i Anh, luon
tll' luon phrasal verb
c6 tan thuO'ng xuat hien trong cac d~ng b~i sau:
ngfr. - C6 tan ngfr theo sau, do gi6'i tll' luon luon c6 tan ngfr.
Ho~n th~nh
VD: They referred to our cau
conversation. VD: They referred to our conversation.
- Doi khi
IS Timcau
trong tt1 se
c6 2tn3i
ngfr, bao gom tan ngfr cua d(>ng tLJ' va tan ngfr cua gi6'i tLJ'. - Doi khi trong cau se c6 2 tan ngfr, bao gom tan ngfr cua d(>ng tLJ' va tan ngfr cua gi6'i tLJ'.
VD: He•asked SU'atheloiwaiter
sai for the bill. VD: He asked the waiter for the bill.
• Bien tU' v~o do~n van

- Day Ia d9ng ket hqp cua hai d9ng tren, phrasal verb luon luon dung tru6'c tan ngfr. - Day Ia d9ng ket hqp cua hai d9ng tren, phrasal verb luon luon dung tru6'c tan ngfr.
VD: We are looking forward to our holiday. VD: We are looking forward to our holiday.

Phrasal Verb Nghia Vid\1 Phrasal Verb Nghia Vid\1

hand in n(>p The teacher wants us to hand in our hand in n(>p The teacher wants us to hand in our
homework before Saturday. homework before Saturday.
pass up tl.r b6 The class
I can't ""'"""~;r~...,. ... + will hand out
believe she passed up the chance of to you pass up tl.r b6 I can't believe she passed up the chance to
a worksheet.
become a student of Ivy League. become a student of Ivy League.
Lily, rub out what's written on

Phrasal Verb tim ra, lam

Nghia You need to work out the answer without
VI dl) Phrasal Verb Nghia VI dl)
using a calculator.
get ahead thimh cong, c6 lqi the To get ahead in a job interview, you need to get ahead thimh cong, c6 lqi the To get ahead in a job interview, you need to
cross out g~ch cong
han (trong vi~c)
b6, x6a Remember
leave a good to cross outfirst. wrong
impression han (trong cong vi~c) leave a good impression first.
take sb on thue When the boss took me on, he showed me take sb on thue When the boss took me on, he showed me
up what to do. what to do.
We'll break up on January 15 and go back on
de h~i vi trf quan He stood down
February aswe
2 - so Chairman and let holiday.
have a 2-week his son de h~i vi trf quan He stood down as Chairman and let his son
di hQC l~i
trQng cho ngU'b'i khac took over. trQng cho ngU'b'i khac took over.
dang lam
ky, ghi danh Don't forget to sign up for the Physics course lam

step down roi cong vi~c, vj trf I'm old, IMonday.

before think it's time for me to step down. step down roi cong vi~c, vj trf I'm old, I think it's time for me to step down.
brush up on de ngU'b'i khac Brush up on the things you learn 3 months de ngU'b'i khac
dam nh~n ago, or you'll forget it all. dam nh~n

take over vU'Qt nh~n

dam (cong
qua (thU'ong He stood down as Chairman and let his son take over dam nh~n (cong He stood down as Chairman and let his son
I might scrape through the exam if I'm lucky.
m¢t eachvi~c)
kh6 khan) took over. vi~c) took over.

out bo 16', bo qua She has carried
Please outnot
be careful at least 5 successful
to miss out on any carry out She has carried out at least 5 successful
hanh, thl)'c hi~n cong projects.
question on the exam. hanh, thl)'c hi~n cong projects.
vi~c vi~c
up CU' Xlr toi t~ Some students often play up when the
hand over cho ngU'b'i khac kiem teacher's new. handed over hand over cho ngU'b'i khac kiem handed over
soat, ban giao, truyen the business to her niece. soat, ban giao, truyen the business to her niece.
write out viet ra (1 each chi Do your essay in rough first before write it
l9i, nh~n trach nhi~m l9i, nh~n trach nhi~m
tiet) out.
fix up xep ljch Secretary Kim, can you fix up a board fix up xep ljch Secretary Kim, can you fix up a board
toe ky Jot down her information before she deletes
meeting at 10 for me? meeting at 10 for me?
pile up (cong vi~c) chat The work is piled up while he's away. pile up (cong vi~c) chat The work is piled up while he's away.
fill in dfen vao (thU'ong de
chong Please fill in the blank. chong
c$p den tung phan)
up b~n r(>n Have you been tied up at your work lately? up b~n r(>n Have you been tied up at your work lately?
out b6 (giCi'a chung) If you drop out before the lecture ends, it
khong g~p dU'qc ai) khong g~p dU'qc ai)
doesn't count.
currently snowed under deadlines and currently snowed under deadlines and
mug up hoc v¢i (thU'ong Ia Don't just mug up on the key points and hope
tasks. tasks.
trwS'c ky thi) that you'll pass the exam.
chase up nhac nh6 ngU'b'i khac I'd do a project by myself rather than chase chase up nhac nh6 ngU'b'i khac I'd do a project by myself rather than chase
1$t, gio (sach) Now, turn over page 32 and read it out loud.
lam nhfrng vi~c hQ up on people. lam nhfrng vi~c hQ up on people.
dU'qc giao (nhU'ng
doc (thanh tieng) Now, turn over page 32 and read it out loud. dU'qc giao (nhU'ng
chU'a lam) chU'a lam)
tvt l~i (phfa sau) He was ill for weeks so he fell behind with his
move along (cong vi~c) dien ra The project continues to move along.
schoolwork. move along (cong vi~c) dien ra The project continues to move along.
suon se suon se
up lam hong up my exam and got only 5/10.
hold you up/ hold- ho~m thanh
khien b~n trl hoankhi I can squeeze tomorrow hold you up/ hold- khien b~n trl hoan
Sorry, I'm late, but my train was held up.
morning Sorry, I'm late, but my train was held up.
ups (n) ups (n)

press on kien quyet de lam gl You shouldn't keep pressing sweets on press on kien quyet de lam gl You shouldn't keep pressing sweets on
people when they're working towards the
to diet. people when they're trying to diet.

hurry someone up gi~:JC ai (de khien hQ Mom tried to hurry me up so we wouldn't hurry someone up gi~:JC ai (de khien hQ Mom tried to hurry me up so we wouldn't
hon) miss the bus. finally finished at three this hon) miss the bus.
keep up with duoi kip, bat kip (toe It's hard to keep up with Tom at work. He's keep up with duoi kip, bat kip (toe It's hard to keep up with Tom at work. He's
branch kinhd9) doanh
cua ai them
d6 ITnh smart
We are branching
and out totoo.
hard-working, a new product line d9) cua ai d6 smart and hard-working, too.
vl)'a kh<:k, m6' r¢ng children clothes.
drag on chinhanh meeting dragged on for more than 20 drag on meeting dragged on for more than 20
minutes, which made everyone irritated. minutes, which made everyone irritated.
on Scientists are working on genetically
run on phat
tiep t~:Jctrien, cai thi~n
(I au hon Ia ky run on tiep t~:Jc (I au hon Ia ky
Sorry, crops
I'm late. Myand foods.
class ran on until 7. Sorry, I'm late. My class ran on until 7.
VQng) VQng)
tranh, lan tranh lam Don't try to wriggle out of the work at the last
pass by gltroi
(luonqual~o) Three
minute!months passed by since I went pass by troi qua Three months passed by since I went
studying abroad. studying abroad.
stick at tiep tl)C CO gang, no You'll never learn to play the piano if you're
lie ahead sap
ll)'c lam ra (trong
xay cfieu gl d6 not going to stick at lies
it. ahead in the future. lie ahead sap xay ra (trong
Nobody knows what Nobody knows what lies ahead in the future.
kh6 khanlai) tuong lai)

run outin sapket

vi~c het
gl v6'i ai When the visa
Let's pencil permit runs
a meeting out,
in for youThursday
next need to at run out ket thuc, het When the visa permit runs out, you need to
(biet tru6'c thai gian, go
11.back to Vietnam. go back to Vietnam.

hang out dia

giaodiem c6 the
luu, g~p go,thay
di I love hanging out with friends in my spare hang out giao luu, g~p go, di I love hanging out with friends in my spare
choi time. choi time.

knock around danh nhieu thai gian We have knocked out together for years knock around danh nhieu thai gian We have knocked out together for years
together v6'inhau since primary school. together v6'inhau since primary school.
Phrasal Verb Vf
latch onto danh nhieu thai gian She latched onto me as soon as she arrived, latch onto danh nhieu thai gian She latched onto me as soon as she arrived,
clock on ghi
v6'ichep thai khi
ai (trong gianh9t6'i Everyday
and he spend
I had to would the
9 o'clock
eveningin v6'i ai (trong khi h9 and I had to spend the rest of the evening
clock off ghi khong muon)
chep thai gian ve the morning
to her.and clock off at 5 o'clock in the khong muon) to her.
while away danh thai gian thu while away danh thai gian thu
take you back khien
gian b9n nh6'
(trong ve 1
khi dang gian (trong khi dang
The movie Reply 1988 takes many of us back
cho ho~c
dqi dieu cho dqi dieu gl, ho~c
to our childhood.
trong qua khu

free think back

up some nghT ve nhfrng thlJ' I've been trying to think
up some back
time by to my school
cancelling free up some up some time by cancelling
trong qua khlJ' year. classes. classes.

bring back doidaljch
c6/da ton t9i
len s6'm hon She has to bring her holiday forward because bring forward doi ljch len s6'm hon She has to bring her holiday forward because
A large number of paintings here date back
trong m¢t khoang of some booking problems. of some booking problems.
to the 1960s.
thai gian
be pressed for khong c6 du (tien I love my work but I hate to always be be pressed for khong c6 du (tien I love my work but I hate to always be
go ho~c troi qua
thoi gian) The last for
pressed week went by so fast.
time. ho~c thoi gian) pressed for time.

muck off
about nghi gia .... :.
Take some time offto muck y~LliiiY
about. to muck about to muck about.
nam quyen cfieu The firm has been taken over by one of its nam quyen cfieu The firm has been taken over by one of its
h~mh, kiem soat main competitors. h~mh, kiem soat main competitors.
············••····~- ......•...• ···-·····~·······~ ··~' ············••····~- ......•...• ···-·····~·······~ ··~'

dan dan ket thuc They're winding down their overseas dan dan ket thuc They're winding down their overseas
operation because it is losing money. operation because it is losing money.

down During my period of

companies were facing an lrY'ItV>O•FI•""'ra

Phrasal Verb Nghia down had to be vr

d~;~ Phrasal Verb Nghia vr d~;~
·····•···· ·····•····

back off dong
lui cLra, pha
19i, rut lui Thousands
Can you justof companies
back went
off and let under
us do thisduring
on back off lui 19i, rut lui Can you just back off and let us do this on
the recession.
our own? our own?

bank on out vao,l~i,

cho thue During the on
daytime, the studio is hired out in
dl!a tinnhU'Q'ng
rang Can I bank your support? bank on dl!a vao, tin rang Can I bank on your support?
l~i order to bring in extra revenue.
blend in hoa vao, lan vao We tried to blend into the crowd. blend in hoa vao, lan vao We tried to blend into the crowd.
up cai thi~n, phat trien When business picks up, he'll probably offer
call for doi hoi, yeu cau Members
to thefor his valued
most resignation. call for doi hoi, yeu cau Members have called for his resignation.

call (sth) off huy bo employees.

Sorry, I have to call off our plans tonight. call (sth) off huy bo Sorry, I have to call off our plans tonight.
! !
run intoupsth
crop I d~t denhi~n
xuat muc (gia ca,
{khong The name
Her company had
keeps debts running
cropping into millions
up in the crop up I xuat hi~n {khong Her name keeps cropping up in the
so IU'Q'ng)
Iuong tru6'c) of dollars.
conversation. Iuong tru6'c) conversation.
g~p rae roi, van de Thedressed
dress up an di~n He upran into
as a financial
cowboy difficulties.
for the party. dress up an di~n He dressed up as a cowboy for the party.
ban cong
de I've
get out of thoat Theygotarea negotiating
meeting on to
Friday evening,
sell up but I'm
for around get out of thoat kh6i, tron I've got a meeting on Friday evening, but I'm
chuyen sang lam cai trying
£ get out of it. trying to get out of it.
go with chap nh~n. dong y I think we can go with the advertising go with chap nh~n. dong y I think we can go with the advertising
off ban thao, h~ gia, A sell-off suggestions,
agency's would mark the second
don't you? time that agency's suggestions, don't you?
thanh ly the business has changed hands in two
l hot up (tr6' nen) ph(rc t9p, A few days before the elections, the pace l hot up (tr6' nen) ph(rc t9p, A few days before the elections, the pace
cang thang han began to hot up. cang thang han began to hot up.
,. for chap nh~n, th6a hi~p They asked for a 5% salary increase, but had ,.
mix sb/sth up I mix
to them
settle forup as they look so similar.
3%. mix sb/sth up I mix them up as they look so similar.
nham lan ai, nham nham lan ai, nham
muddle sb/sth up I've arranged the books alphabetically so muddle sb/sth up I've arranged the books alphabetically so
set up khoi nghi~p,
lan cai bat
gl dau She wants to repay the committee for the lan cai gl
don't muddle them up. don't muddle them up.
kinh doanh help she received when setting up in
pack (sth) out day tran, ch~t cung business.
Around 100,000 football fans packed out the pack (sth) out day tran, ch~t cung Around 100,000 football fans packed out the
stadium to see the game. stadium to see the game.
vung tien qua cLra so They splashed out by buying a famous brand
revolve around xoay quanh bag
The for over $20,000
conversation that could
revolved hold
around only one
childcare revolve around xoay quanh The conversation revolved around childcare
problems. problems.

rise aboveoff
(a bad t~o ra
khong dephan
nhfrngdU'vi~c The project
He rose hashis
above spun off many advantages.
difficulties. rise above (a bad khong de nhfrng vi~c He rose above his difficulties.
situation/ influence) xau
thanh l~p cong den
fmh huang ty The corporation will spin its maintenance situation/ influence) xau fmh huang den
rieng tCr thanty m~
cong department off as an independent business. ban than

up against
up doi m~t
khoi v6'i
nghi~p The plans
Lots for the
of young newstarted
people bridge up
up against
own run up against doi m~t v6'i The plans for the new bridge ran up against
strong local
business opposition
in the last year. of university. strong local opposition .
..•.. ..•..

send up
stock up bat chu6'c,
mua nh9i16'n
so IU'Q'ng l9i The show
There was veryreductions
are genuine funny - they were
to take send up bat chu6'c, nh9i l9i The show was very funny - they were
sending upof,
<:>r11\t':!llnT~riO sports
and itcommentators.
could worth t:'TJ"\,f"VIY\rl sending up sports commentators.
bowl over noi ng~c nhien I was~nJ\r~v~
bowledstands out
over by in magnificentbecause
the bowl over ng~c nhien I was bowled over by the magnificent
of her beauty.
landscape. landscape.

grow on ngay cang thfch thu As

I wasn't sure theabout
looked so when I alike
album bought grow on ngay cang thfch thu I wasn't sure about this album when I bought
(du trU'<1c day khong that
it, butI just couldn't
it's really tell them
grown on me. (du trU'<1c day khong it, but it's really grown on me.
thfch)(vo tlnh,
nhau thfch)

jump at sth do tlnh huong

m(>t each She jumped at the chance of a trip to Paris. jump at sth m(>t each She jumped at the chance of a trip to Paris.
hao hung, hao hue/ hao hung, hao hue/
tr6chop lay co
nen nhlf thehQi
nao, It turns out that she had known him when chop lay co hQi
h6a ra they were children.

Vid~ Vid~

bat dau m(>t moi He hasn't
She askedup
brightened me out yet.
considerably as she heard bat dau m(>t moi He hasn't asked me out yet.
quan h~) the good news. quan h~)

break up lam ai vui len Suzy

He and jokes
made Davidtobroke
cheer upher
week. break up Suzy and David broke up last week.
split up They split up after a year together. split up They split up after a year together.
s~:~p tay,
chia do (tam m9t I broke down as hearing she has lost the
ket thuc chia tay, ket thuc m9t
finish with moi kh6ch~
b~tquan She has finished with him.
baby. finish with moi quan h~ She has finished with him.
break off (with) She returned the ring and they broke off their break off (with) She returned the ring and they broke off their
cool Just try to cool down and think rationally.
engagement. engagement.
calm down blnh tTnh l?ti Calm down! Losing your temper doesn't solve
drift apart chia each, xa each He made no strong efforts to win her back to drift apart chia each, xa each He made no strong efforts to win her back to
the problem.
him, so they drifted apart again. him, so they drifted apart again.
bottle up kim nen, ki'em che
face up to doi m~t v6'i van de, She's bottled
She's going touphave
her to face up
feelings forto5the fact that
years. face up to doi m~t v6'i van de, She's going to have to face up to the fact that
cam xuc
Sl/ th~t he's not going to marry her. Sl/ th~t he's not going to marry her.
tear lam ton thlfong The fact that he cheated on her tore her
fall for "do", say me ai d6 He's fallen for her in a big way. fall for "do", say me ai d6 He's fallen for her in a big way.
fall out tranh cai He left home after falling out with his fall out tranh cai He left home after falling out with his
be carried away mat kiem soat vi qua
got a bit carried away in the final round. parents.
phan khfch
fit in than quen, phu hqp, fit in than quen, phu hqp,
dong cam I It's no feel
really surprise she's
for the onesleaving - she never
who suffer from really It's no surprise she's leaving - she never really
hoa nh~p, thUQC Ve (1 hoa nh~p, thUQC Ve (1
fitted in.
depression. fitted in.

khong thfch ai (vllf Tom's got something against his parents.

doc~:~ the)
a guy with short hair and big a guy with short hair and big
quan tam, thl!O'ng He's waited for her for 10 years. That proves
person/ person/
he really cares for her.
He hasn't gone out with anyone since he got He hasn't gone out with anyone since he got
snap out of thoat kh6i (thlfong Ia You cannot just tell depressed people to
divorced two years ago. divorced two years ago.
Sl)' tieu Cl/C) snap out of it. It's much more complicated.

kim nen Rose choked back tears as she described

hit James and Lily hit it off immediately. hit James and Lily hit it off immediately.
what had happened.

khang khang I don't know why you insist on talking about

pick at v<;>ng nho
an m¢t IU'qng You
It's better big meals- you
will beto havetomorrow let me
than just picking pick at an m¢t IU'qng nho It's better to have big meals than just picking
down, will all
at things you?days. at things all days.

gobble down an h3m

VQi, hoa
nuot VQi We
Gobbling it up
often down food will not do good to your gobble down an VQi, nuot VQi Gobbling down food will not do good to your
digestion. digestion.
send out bolo
gQi do an ngoai We
Youdidn't have yourself
can cook TV at home
or sendwhenout Ifor
wassome send out for gQi do an ngoai You can cook yourself or send out for some
young, and I felt
food instead of as though
going out. 1 rnlc-e>an food instead of going out.
dau m<)t moi All my friends seem to be pairing
quan h$ getting married.

Phrasal Verb on djnhNghia

CUQC song Phrasalsettled
She quickly Verb down in her new
family. Phrasal Verb Nghia Phrasal Verb Nghia

abide by = comply tuan

bo di,thu
roi di d<)t ng<)t lay can't
You downrun off (home) now,
ban hanh, h~ vOI khf
just when abide by = comply tuan thu lay down ban hanh, h~ vO khf
with = conform need you! with = conform

account for lay thong tin, giai let sb down lam ai that vQng account for lay thong tin, giai let sb down lam ai that vQng
thfch/ chiem, gifr bao thfch/ chiem, gifr bao
Phrasal Verb nhieu% VI nhieu%

attend go
to sb/sth m~t, quan
doi hong, tam toi
oi, thiu leave
The out
milk bo itquen,
smells bad. I think goesbo s6t, lo~i
off. attend to sb/sth doi m~t, quan tam toi leave out bo quen, bo s6t, lo~i
ai/cai g1 ra ai/cai g1 ra
thaw sth out ra dong Remove the fish from the freezer and thaw it
be up to sb to v ai d6 c6 trach nhi~m leave sb off = to
out. cho ai nghi vi~c be up to sb to v ai d6 c6 trach nhi~m leave sb off = to cho ai nghi vi~c
phai lam g1 dismiss sb phai lam g1 dismiss sb
on bat dau nau (m6n gl) I'll make sure to put the chicken on and make
bear out = confirm chung to, xac nh$n live up
some to
salad. song xung dang voi bear out = confirm chung to, xac nh$n live up to song xung dang voi

bear down on sb/sth

heat up di chuyen, x6ng ve
lam n6ng live on
Make song
sure to heat the pizza up dt)'a vao,you
before song
eat bear down on sb/sth di chuyen, x6ng ve live on song dt)'a vao, song
phfa ai/cai gl (m¢t it. sot (chi dap ung phfa ai/cai gl (m¢t sot (chi dap ung
each de dQa, uy hiep) dU'Q'C nhu diu an 0) each de dQa, uy hiep) dU'Q'C nhu diu an 0)
boil over tran (khi soi) Make sure not to let the soup boil over.
bear on phi) trach, c6 lien look after = take cham soc bear on phi) trach, c6 lien look after = take cham soc
hand around chia den
quan do an/thl!'c No one's
care of eating cookies. Shall I hand them quan den care of
uong around?
be fed up (with) chan, chan ngay look down on/upon coi thU'b'ng ai be fed up (with) chan, chan ngay look down on/upon coi thU'b'ng ai
pour out lam day coc/ chen When
sb the guest's here, I'll pour out the sb
bang chat long champagne.
be fond of = be thfch look into dieu tra be fond of = be thfch look into dieu tra
in= be lam day l!ili The bartender went round the room, topping interested in= be
keen on up glasses. keen on

be ongo with
duty hQ'plam
dang v6'i nhi~m
nhau VI)
You should try egg sandwiches
lookup tra tCr, with mayo,
tim kiem be on duty dang lam nhi~m VI) lookup tra tCr, tim kiem
they go really well together.
breakdown hong make allowance for chieu co, de mat den breakdown hong make allowance for chieu co, de mat den
be con thCra 11;li The customers really enjoyed the dinner.
break into d¢t nh$p make out
Nothing was= left
in = hieu break into d¢t nh$p make out = take in = hieu
understand understand
chi an duy nhat m<)t You cannot live on salad, eat some more
breakthrough~ d¢t
thl!c pham make and
protein room for
rice. dQn cho cho breakthrough~ d¢t pha make room for dQn cho cho

bring eat
about l~i, mang
demdian ngoai ve make
My updecided to eat out
family lamonhoa/
my trang
!Jal t:lll~
bring about dem l~i, mang ve make up lam hoa/ trang
1Oth anniversary. diem/ dt)'ng chuy~n diem/ dt)'ng chuy~n

bring up nu6i nang, d~y do make up for bu dap, den bu bring up nu6i nang, d~y do make up for bu dap, den bu
..... .....
get dressed up to an di~n seesb tien ai get dressed up to an di~n seesb tien ai

get off xuong xe see sb through thau hieu ai get off xuong xe see sb through thau hieu ai

get on lem xe/ c6 m{>t moi setup th~mh l~p get on lem xe/ c6 m{>t moi setup th~mh l~p
quan h~ tot/ thfch quan h~ tot/ thfch
ung/ tiep tl)c lam gl ung/ tiep tl)c lam gl
get in toi, den (tau, xe) get in toi, den (tau, xe)

get on well with sb = quan h~ tot voi ai shy away get on well with sb = quan h~ tot voi ai shy away
get along with sb gl VI SC/, cang thang get along with sb gl VI SC/, cang thang
catch on pho bien out of date
get over vuqt qua show off khoe khoang get over vuqt qua show off khoe khoang
catch of bat g~p hong
lo~i b6 up xuat hi~n lo~i b6 up xuat hi~n
catch up on lam cai ma b~n chua out bat ngo
d6 de lam in for thay the lam ai d6 in for thay the

catch up with = boc

bat kjpmui,
voi t6a ra mui stand
out up for
of the ho trq
khong the boc mui, t6a ra mui stand up for ho trq
pace with
tCr b6 take after = look giong tCr b6 take after = look giong
clear off tron ch~y alike that nghi~p alike

come across run = dong

tlnh y
co g~p take in nh~t.
ICra d6n, hieu dong y take in ICra
into run across nuot loi nuot loi
go beyond with mang
vuqttoi thong
qua, vuqttinlen take off hoic6i
phvc (sau phau
ra/ cat go beyond vuqt qua, vuqt len take off c6i ra/ cat
(something) thu~t)
thanh cong thanh cong
come in for
go by phai chju = be take on de danh, tiet ki~m = go by take on
subjected to save up
go off take over go off take over
come over vuc;rt qua (kh6 khan) dan ap

come round tinh l~i, hoi phvc (sau trl hoan/ huy
om) take to take to
come off
go over thanh
tra take up m~cvao go over kiem tra take up
come about
go through xaydiqua,hoanthanh
ra (khong theo ke tell apart d~p tat go through diqua,hoanthanh tell apart
(cong vi~c) (cong vi~c)
come up
go with ra, nhau
nayhqp nghT ra (do an, try out go with hqp nhau (do an, try out
count on quan ao,dl)'a
tin tU'6'ng, .. ) vao chiu d"l)'ng quan ao, .. )

cut down on cat giam turn back chfnh thU'c dua ra yeu turn back
cut luqc b6, lo~i trLr/ cau, dang ky cai gl
ngU'ng ho~t
trao tra d(>ng h,rc
quyen turn down bac b6, tCr choi, v~n trao tra quyen h,rc turn down bac b6, tCr choi, v~n
nh6 (am thanh) nh6 (am thanh)
dl)'a vao, trong c~y nguyen nhan do
turn into tr6 thanh, turn into tr6 thanh,
cainhau gay ra
h6a ra, tr6 nen h6a ra, tr6 nen

turn up =show up xuat hi~n

turn up =show up xuat hi~n
: They decided to _ _ their journey till the end of the month because of the pandemic. : They decided to _ _ their journey till the end of the month because of the pandemic.
take up turn round put off (gQi do
ai) with
thCrc take up turn round put off do with
Phillips was so angry, he went _ _ without saying a word - I haven't seen him Phillips was so angry, he went _ _ without saying a word - I haven't seen him
since. mat tac dt,mg, bien since.
in at off mat,tonh9t dan in at off to
The frighten horse began to _ _ away from the snake. The frighten horse began to _ _ away from the snake.
gifr l9i, duy trl workout tien trien thu~n lqi/
fear throw shy tip fear throw shy tip
tiep tt,JC lam Vi~C gl, luy~n t~p/ tlm ra dap
Vietnamese people are always proud _ _ Vietnam's traditions and customs. Vietnamese people are always proud _ _ Vietnam's traditions and customs.
n6i lien tvc gay ra an/ tfnh toan
ain on at of ain on at of
kh6 chju, ..
These shoes are made _ _ good leather. They are very strong. These shoes are made _ _ good leather. They are very strong.
from of by out from of by out
By the time they _ _ at the concert, the tickets were sold out. By the time they _ _ at the concert, the tickets were sold out.
got through turned up filled in applied to got through turned up filled in applied to
: Unless we _ _ the problem, many animals could become extinct. : Unless we _ _ the problem, many animals could become extinct.
faced up to looked up to turned up to got up to faced up to looked up to turned up to got up to
I always _ _ up all the new words in the dictionary. I always _ _ up all the new words in the dictionary.
search seek full search seek full
The nurse has to _ _ at the midnight. The nurse has to _ _ at the midnight.
take care take on take off take over take care take on take off take over
I don't think that this fashion will _ _ . I don't think that this fashion will _ _ .
catch on catch up catch out catch over catch on catch up catch out catch over
~ As a cab driver, I _ _ though I'd love a bigger pay check. ~ As a cab driver, I _ _ though I'd love a bigger pay check.

get by take on get on carry through get by take on get on carry through
Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have _ _ any Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have _ _ any
solutions. solutions.
come across got round to looked into come up with come across got round to looked into come up with
More people in cities should _ _ cycling instead of using cars. More people in cities should _ _ cycling instead of using cars.
rely on take up set up get round to rely on take up set up get round to
It's quite disappointing that some people still _ _ the blind eye to acts of justice It's quite disappointing that some people still _ _ the blind eye to acts of justice
they witness in the street. they witness in the street.
turn on take after go off get over turn on take after go off get over
Everyone is going to take _ _ in the game. Everyone is going to take _ _ in the game.
place part participation role place part participation role
I'm not going out yet. I'm waiting _ _ the rain to stop. I'm not going out yet. I'm waiting _ _ the rain to stop.
for away from up for away from up
~For me, the film didn't _ _ all the enthusiastic publicity it received. ~For me, the film didn't _ _ all the enthusiastic publicity it received.
come up live up to turn up to live up come up live up to turn up to live up
George decided to _ _ from his position as company chairman. George decided to _ _ from his position as company chairman.
step aside step down step back step out step aside step down step back step out
Feelings that had been for years came flooding out.
count on put on
Do you
When want to
having days off,inhe
this town,helps
always or shall
hiswe ___
wife . the house.
tidy up When having days off, he always helps his wife tidy up the house.
mess up go onup
clear turn out
short look
fall out mess up clear up short out fall out
Paula applied me for
the to
post but she wasoperation than I thought.
turned down. Paula applied for the post but she was turned down.
refused by
prepared over
dismissed from
accepted refused prepared dismissed accepted
readseems unhappy
the papers in hisup
to keep jobwith
doesn't in the outside
with his boss.
world. I read the papers to keep up with what's happening in the outside world.
up to up with
catch on for
fall behind on well
call for in up to
live catch up with fall behind call for live up to
Take thisnumber
jacket 7 bus and my trousers?
get off at Forest Road. Take the number 7 bus and get off at Forest Road.
go through
get by go with
get on go ahead
get to go off
get outside get by get on get to get outside
We had
The to turn concerns
government their about
invitation to lunch
the way manashaswedestroyed
had a previous engagement.
the environment. The government concerns about the way man has destroyed the environment.
visits out
ignores up
respects down
annoys visits ignores respects annoys
In the past, the study of space was mainly _ _ by astronomers using telescopes.
carried out searched for taken off put on
Sham in is a Muslim living in Birmingham. She married Ali two years ago when she was 23, Sham in is a Muslim living in Birmingham. She married Ali two years ago when she was 23,
six weeks after Who's looking
meeting him into
once.your children while you're at work? six weeks after meeting him once.
"I didn't _ _ oninto dates with boys. Although while my parents have adoptedwork some aspects "I didn't _ _ on dates with boys. Although my parents have adopted some aspects
of western culture, is one
and my of the
father oldest
wanted me forms of creative
to have a careerexpression, dating independent,
and be financially on to at least he of western culture, and my father wanted me to have a career and be financially independent, he
8000 BC. it his responsibility to find me a suitable husband. But he would never have arranged
considered considered it his responsibility to find me a suitable husband. But he would never have arranged
Tattooing _ _ myforms
my marriage back. My parents organised on the introductions, but the final decision
at least my marriage _ _ my back. My parents organised the introductions, but the final decision
was mine. Many people jump in the chance to work overseas, seeing it as a way of earning far was mine.
"I they
more than _could
_ onin someone
their own with a good family background, higher education, a sense of
country. "I _ _ on someone with a good family background, higher education, a sense of
humour in and the ability to communicate.
to work These thingsof last forever, while romance
than and physical humour and the ability to communicate. These things last forever, while romance and physical
attraction soon Thefade! My father
painting's valuethought I waseconomic
goes under being unrealistic! "This isn't
measurement; a fairy
11 also tale," he said.
has sentimental attraction soon fade! My father thought I was being unrealistic! "This isn't a fairy tale," he said.
"Mr Wonderful isn't going to drive
values. _ _ here in a white Mercedes." But I couldn't learn to "Mr Wonderful isn't going to drive _ _ here in a white Mercedes." But I couldn't learn to
care for anyone ordinary. under
value it sentimental care for anyone ordinary.
"I'd seen several
Rural men when
Americans Ali was
are often introduced
older than thoseto me. We parts_
in other of_ immediately
America andmay
and that I "I'd seen several men when Ali was introduced to me. We _ _ immediately and I
knew I wanted
account to share
at the slower my liferates
adoption with for
of us had ever been with anyone else, so we knew I wanted to share my life with him. Neither of us had ever been with anyone else, so we
need to feel jealous of
didn't are previous relationships.that
those Love grew as we gQt toatknow each other. I didn't need to feel jealous of previous relationships. Love grew as we gQt to know each other. I
definitely made the right choice when I picked Ali." definitely made the right choice when I picked Ali."
go out miss out look into break up go out miss out look into break up
in front behind under above in front behind under above
She's terribly upset because her father passed away last week.
took put insisted went took put insisted went
died required controlled shocked
on away at up on away at up
There were so many members of the company who had='-"-""--~== the boss's
decision. handed over went with split up got on handed over went with split up got on
handed in canceled out fixed up pressed on
My brother is pointing out my mistakes.
branch out work on MIND OVER MUSCLES go out interest in MIND OVER MUSCLES
If you'reI will
and not in good yourphysical shape,
bad attitude any then Dr Guang Vue, an exercise physiologist,
longer. If you're lazy and not in good physical shape, then Dr Guang Vue, an exercise physiologist,
has _ _ with a theory that might be of interest to you. His extraordinary discovery is that has _ _ with a theory that might be of interest to you. His extraordinary discovery is that
tolerate care like
the strength of our muscles can be improved without the need for physical activity. No longer do the strength of our muscles can be improved without the need for physical activity. No longer do
~"'=""--=-'"-"-until tomorrow what you can do today.
we have to _ _ for long swims or have hard workouts in the gym. It may seem improbable, we have to _ _ for long swims or have hard workouts in the gym. It may seem improbable,
hold off give off pair off
but he says we can _ _ up our muscles simply by thinking about exercise. but he says we can _ _ up our muscles simply by thinking about exercise.
DOWNIn Dr they were moving their little
and . It'sfound that the we've
a problem powernoticed
of mind before
was enough
and itto increase strength in those
Many businesses g_____finger muscles. Then
as a result . It's a problem we've noticed before and it Many businesses g_____ as a result
seems asked tovolunteers
c_____ to at random intervals. that they were
of failing moving
to cope withtheir arm downturn
a sudden in in
five seems to c_____ at random intervals. of failing to cope with a sudden downturn in
training sessions a week.
It's only when the vast mountains of these volunteers
revenues. increase in the It's only when the vast mountains of revenues.
""'~" .. """''"''~"""of
food's gonetheir
the party begins tow _ _ Being hermit-like, I tend to b_____ to food's gone that the party begins tow _ _ Being hermit-like, I tend to b_____ to
But psychologists say that, while thisthe surroundings is significant, muscle
more often thanstrength
I makeis only
an the surroundings more often than I make an
one The team eats, sleeps, andand
we breathes
shouldn't impression. activity. We still need to The team eats, sleeps, and breathes impression.
football. our hearts,
We canby taking
say their exercise
world r_that
__ raises
__ your Ms heart ratesaid
Ward to 70she had toofs_____
its maximumanfor football. We can say their world r_ _ _ __ Ms Ward said she had to s_____ an
20 minutes, three times a week. It would be worrying
football. outfitif people thoughtNichols
from Harvey that exercise
and a was useless,
bejewelled football. outfit from Harvey Nichols and a bejewelled
and The that project
they could
has keep fit while
stopped slumped on a sofa
due to just thinking
handbag by Dolce about
and exercise.
Gabanna. The project has stopped due to handbag by Dolce and Gabanna.
insufficient financial bear out
support. I hopekeen
thison come up
The pedestrian get along
zone is full of pickpocket. insufficient financial support. I hope this The pedestrian zone is full of pickpocket.
sponsorship willhold help it m _____ go . make
They will I_____ you, pretending speak
to ask sponsorship will help it m _____ . They will I_____ you, pretending to ask
build top for direction and then steal your stuff.
bring heat for direction and then steal your stuff.
take to cut out A further usedecision
up was taken choke to b_ _
back A further decision was taken to b_ _
do look _ _ the start
turn date for the tournament
put from _ _ the start date for the tournament from
June to May. June to May.
The robbers forced the cashier to open the The robbers forced the cashier to open the
till and h_____ an undisclosed amount till and h_____ an undisclosed amount
of cash. of cash.
T9m djch: Neu chung ta kh6ng doi m~t v6'i van de nay, nhieu loai d¢ng v~t c6 the bl tuy~t chung. T9m djch: Neu chung ta kh6ng doi m~t v6'i van de nay, nhieu loai d¢ng v~t c6 the bl tuy~t chung.

look up: tra tlf', tim kiem look up: tra tlf', tim kiem
search for: tim kiem search for: tim kiem
seek for: truy lung seek for: truy lung
T9m djch: T6i lu6n tra tlf' m6'i trong cuon tCr dien nay. T9m djch: T6i lu6n tra tlf' m6'i trong cuon tCr dien nay.

take over: dam nh~n (c6ng vi~c) take over: dam nh~n (c6ng vi~c)
take off: cat canh take off: cat canh
take on: tuyen dvng, ganh vac take on: tuyen dvng, ganh vac
put off: postpone: hoan, lui l~i
T9m dich: Y ta phai thay ca luc ntia dem. T9m dich: Y ta phai thay ca luc ntia dem.
take up: tiepwe
turn round: thay doi ho~m to~m (tCr xau sang tot)
catch on: noi tieng, pho bien catch on: noi tieng, pho bien
do with: lien quan den (ai)
catch up: thea kip catch up: thea kip
T~m djch: HQ quyet dinh lui chuyen di den cuoi thang vi dich b~nh.
catch sb out ICra dao, danh ICra ai/ d~t ai vao the kh6 catch sb out ICra dao, danh ICra ai/ d~t ai vao the kh6
T9m djch: T6i kh6ng nghT rang phong each thai trang nay se duqc mQi nguoi ua chu¢ng. T9m djch: T6i kh6ng nghT rang phong each thai trang nay se duqc mQi nguoi ua chu¢ng.
go off: ra di, roi di
go on: tiep tvc
get by: xoay s6 get by: xoay s6
go to somewhere: di t6'i dau
take on: dam nhi~m, gach vac take on: dam nhi~m, gach vac
go at sb: tan cong ai d6
get on: treo len, m~c, lam an get on: treo len, m~c, lam an
T~m djch: Phillips rat td'c gi~n, anh ay da b6 di rna kh6ng n6i m(>t loi nao- TCr d6, t6i kh6ng g~p
carry through: hoan thanh, thoat kh6i carry through: hoan thanh, thoat kh6i
anh ay nfra.
T9m djch: La m¢t tai xe taxi, t6i kiem au de xoay s6 cho mlnh nhung t6i muon kiem dU'Q'C nhieu T9m djch: La m¢t tai xe taxi, t6i kiem au de xoay s6 cho mlnh nhung t6i muon kiem dU'Q'C nhieu
hon nO'a. hon nO'a.
shy away from sth: tranh cai gill am gl vi sq, ding thlmg
throw sth away: vd't cai gl di
come up with: nay ra, nghT ra come up with: nay ra, nghT ra
fear sth away: lam cai gl d6 sq ch~y mat
come across: tlnh co g~p come across: tlnh co g~p
T~m djch: Con ngl)'a sq hai bat dau tranh xa con ran.
get round to: ICra phinh, tan tinh get round to: ICra phinh, tan tinh
look into: xem xet ky, nghien c(ru ky look into: xem xet ky, nghien c(ru ky
be proud of sb/sth (tl,l' hao ve ai/cai gl)
Djch nghTa MQi ngtrb'i deu biet ve nhO'ng van de 6 nhiem nhung kh6ng phai ai cling c6 the dua ra Djch nghTa MQi ngtrb'i deu biet ve nhO'ng van de 6 nhiem nhung kh6ng phai ai cling c6 the dua ra
T~m dich: NgU'Oi Vi~t Nam lu6n tl,f hao ve phong tvc va truyen thong cua Vi~t Nam.
giai phap. giai phap.

be made of sth: dLXqc lam tCr chat li~u gl (de c~p chat li~u lam nen v~t d6)
take up: bat aau s6 thfch moi take up: bat aau s6 thfch moi
be made from sth: dLXqc lam ra tCr (de c~p den vi~c chat li~u bi bien doi tr~ng thai ban dau lam
rely on: dl,(a vao rely on: dl,(a vao
ra v~t d6)
set up: thanh l~p, thiet l~p set up: thanh l~p, thiet l~p
make out: thanh c6ng
get round to: tan tinh ai get round to: tan tinh ai
T~m djch: D6i giay nay dlfqc lam tCr lo~i da tot. Chung rat chac chan.
T9m djch: Nhieu nguoi 6 cac thanh pho nen di xe d9p thay vi sti dvng 6 to. T9m djch: Nhieu nguoi 6 cac thanh pho nen di xe d9p thay vi sti dvng 6 to.
turn up: xuat hi~n, t6'i noi
turn on the blind eyes to: nham mat lam ngo turn on the blind eyes to: nham mat lam ngo
get through: lam tr<;>n, vU'qt qua
take after: giong take after: giong
fill in: lap cho trong, dien
go off: (diem) xu at phat, bat dau go off: (diem) xu at phat, bat dau
apply to: d~t. ap dvng, U'ng tuyen
get over: vuqt qua get over: vuqt qua
T~m djch: Luc hQ den buoi hoa nh~c thl veda ban het roi.
T9m djch: Th~t dang that VQng khi m¢t so nguoi van nham mat lam ngotnt6'c nhO'ng hanh vi c6ng T9m djch: Th~t dang that VQng khi m¢t so nguoi van nham mat lam ngotnt6'c nhO'ng hanh vi c6ng
ly rna hQ ch(rng kien tren duong pho. ly rna hQ ch(rng kien tren duong pho.
face up to: m~t v&i, dLXong dau
look up to: kfnh tr<;>ng
take part in (v): tham gia take part in (v): tham gia
turn up: hi~n
take place (v): dien ra take place (v): dien ra
up: thd'c
T9m djch: MQi nguoi chuan bi tham gia trb choi nay. T9m djch: MQi nguoi chuan bi tham gia trb choi nay.
T9m djch: Chung toi phai tll' choi lai mai an tnra cua hQ vi da c6 h~n tll' tnroc. T9m djch: Chung toi phai tll' choi lai mai an tnra cua hQ vi da c6 h~n tll' tnroc.
wait for: cha, v(}i djnh cho khi
carry nhtr
out: thl,fcnao)
hi~n carry out: thl,fc hi~n
wait up:for:
search thuc
tim kiem(ai) search for: tim kiem
dich: Toi
take off: h9 canh chtra v(}i ra T6i mua take off: h9 canh
put on: m~c put on: m~c
live up
T9m to: Truoc
dich: nhtrday,
nghien cLJ'u khong gian chu yeu do cac nha thien van hoc sti d1,1ng kfnh T9m dich: Truoc day, vi~c nghien cLJ'u khong gian chu yeu do cac nha thien van hoc sti d1,1ng kfnh
thien up:thl,fC
d9t t6'i,
hi~n.dtrgc ra thien van thl,fC hi~n.
turn up: xuat hi~n
T9m djch: f>oi v6i t6i, b(} phim kh6ng dang nh~n dtrqc Sl/ quan tam cua c6ng chung.
into~ after into~ after
step into
look down:
lui, tra
rai cai
vi trfgl look into sth: dieu tra cai gl
step after
look aside:sb:
trong sangnombenai look after sb: trong nom ai
step back: lui btr6c
T9m dich: Ai trong bQn tre trong khi b9n di lam? T9m dich: Ai trong bQn tre trong khi b9n di lam?
step out: btr6c ra ngoai
T9m djch: George quyet djnh rut kh6i vi trf chu tjch t~p doan.
on~ back on~ back
date back: ke tll' (duqc dung de m(>t Sl! vi~c gl d6 da ton t9i trong m9t khoang thai gian cv the date back: ke tll' (duqc dung de m(>t Sl! vi~c gl d6 da ton t9i trong m9t khoang thai gian cv the
bottle up: kim nen
ho~c ke tll' m(>t thai diem cv the trong qua khLJ') ho~c ke tll' m(>t thai diem cv the trong qua khLJ')
T9m djch: Cam xuc bi klm nen trong nhieu nam vo oa.
T9m djch: Xam mlnh Ia m9t trong nhfrng hlnh thLJ'c bieu d9t sang t9o lau dai nhat, c6 nien d9i It T9m djch: Xam mlnh Ia m9t trong nhfrng hlnh thLJ'c bieu d9t sang t9o lau dai nhat, c6 nien d9i It
nhat Ia 8000 nam truoc Cong nguyen. nhat Ia 8000 nam truoc Cong nguyen.
go on: tiep t1,1c
look for: tim kiem
in~at in~at
turn down: giam, v~n nho/ tll' choi (lai de nghi)
jump at chop lay co h(>i jump at chop lay co h(>i
look after: cham s6c
jump in: cat ngang, ngat lai jump in: cat ngang, ngat lai
T9m djch: B9n c6 muon dll'ng chan 6 thj tran nay kh6ng, hay chung ta di tiep?
T9m dich: Nhieu nguai chop lay co h9i lam vi~c 6 nuoc ngoai, coi d6 Ia m(>t each kiem tien nhieu T9m dich: Nhieu nguai chop lay co h9i lam vi~c 6 nuoc ngoai, coi d6 Ia m(>t each kiem tien nhieu
hon so voi khi 6 dat nuoc cua hQ. hon so voi khi 6 dat nuoc cua hQ.
get over: vtrgt qua
get through: (lien l9c) thanh c6ng
under ~ beyond under ~ beyond
get by: xoay s6
go beyond: VU'Q't xa go beyond: VU'Q't xa
get up: dung d~y/ thuc d~y
go under: pha san go under: pha san
T9m djch: T6i mat nhieu thai gian de VU'Qt qua ca phau thu~t hon t6i nghl.
T9m djch: Gia trj cua bLJ'c tranh VU'Q't xa gia trj ve kinh te; n6 bao gom ca gia trj ve tlnh cam. T9m djch: Gia trj cua bLJ'c tranh VU'Q't xa gia trj ve kinh te; n6 bao gom ca gia trj ve tlnh cam.

get on well with= hoa thu~n v6i (ai)

at~ for at~ for
get up to: = gay ra
account for: lay thong tin, giai thfch account for: lay thong tin, giai thfch
get on for: gan, sap den, xap xi (thai gian)
T9m djch: Nguai My 6 nong thon thuang gia hon nhfrng nguai 6 cac vung khac cua My va dieu T9m djch: Nguai My 6 nong thon thuang gia hon nhfrng nguai 6 cac vung khac cua My va dieu
get in with: (tr6 nen) than thi~n v6'i (ai)
nay c6 the giai thfch ty I~ tiep c~n Internet thap hon 6 khu Vl,fC nay. nay c6 the giai thfch ty I~ tiep c~n Internet thap hon 6 khu Vl,fC nay.
T9m djch: Bill tr6ng c6 ve kh6ng vui v6i cong vi~c cua mlnh vi anh ay kh6ng hoa thu~n v6i

go with: phu hqp

pass away= die (v): qua doi pass away= die (v): qua doi
go through: phe duy~t, thong qua, trai qua
require (v): yeu cau require (v): yeu cau
go ahead: bat dau, dien ra
control (v): kiem soat control (v): kiem soat
go off: phat no
shock (v): soc shock (v): soc
T9m djch: Ao khoac nay c6 hgp v6'i quan cua t6i khong?
T9m djch: Co ay vo cung buon ba khi bo co ay qua dai vao tuan truoc. T9m djch: Co ay vo cung buon ba khi bo co ay qua dai vao tuan truoc.
turn down: tl! choi
go against ph an doi = cancel out chong l9i, c6 tac d(>ng trai nguqc l9i go against ph an doi = cancel out chong l9i, c6 tac d(>ng trai nguqc l9i
turn up: xuat hi~n
handin:n9p handin:n9p
turn out: h6a ra
fix up: xep ljch fix up: xep ljch
press on:
annoy (v): kien
nhieu, lam phien annoy (v): quay nhieu, lam phien
djch: C6
T~m djch: Chfnh phu lo th~mh
nhieu vien
ng~i ve ty aa da
each rna con ngLroi ai pha huy m6i trLrong. chu. T~m djch: Chfnh phu lo ng~i ve each rna con ngLroi da pha huy m6i trLrong.

interst in: thfch

go out
out: di m6
h~n horong (chi go out: di h~n ho
work on:
Trfch bai: ph
I didn't go outthi~n
cit trien, on dates with boys. Trfch bai: I didn't go out on dates with boys.
go out ra ngm3i, eli
T~m dich: Trtr6'c kiachoi toi khong hay di h~n ho v6'i cac chang trai. T~m dich: Trtr6'c kia toi khong hay di h~n ho v6'i cac chang trai.
T9m dich: Anh trai toi thfch chi ra loi sai toi.
(do sth) behind someone's back: (len lut lam gl) sau ILrng (do sth) behind someone's back: (len lut lam gl) sau ILrng
stand bai:
Trfch But =
for sth tolerate
he would sth
havesth: chju dlfng
arranged cai g1 d6.behind my back.
my marriage Trfch bai: But he would never have arranged my marriage behind my back.
like (v):
T~m thfch
djch: NhLrng bose khong bao gio tt,r sap d~t m(>t CUQC hon nhan sau ltrng toi. T~m djch: NhLrng bose khong bao gio tt,r sap d~t m(>t CUQC hon nhan sau ltrng toi.
believe (v): tin tU'6ng
care (v): on
Insisted quan tam
sth: khang khang, kien quyet Insisted on sth: khang khang, kien quyet
T9m djch: Toi se khong
Trfch bai: I insisted chju dl)'ng
on someone thaia dQ
with good t~ cua background,
toi family b9n them nfra.
higher education, a sense of Trfch bai: I insisted on someone with a good family background, higher education, a sense of
humour and the ability to communicate. humour and the ability to communicate.
put off
T~m = hold
djch: Toi off:
hoanv6'i hlnh mau c6 boi cimh gia dlnh tot, hQc vj cao, hai hLr6'c va biet n6i T~m djch: Toi kien quyet v6'i hlnh mau c6 boi cimh gia dlnh tot, hQc vj cao, hai hLr6'c va biet n6i
show off: khoe khoang
chuy~n. chuy~n.
give off: boc mui
pair up bat dau
here: denmot cliaquan h~
t~nmoi drive up here: den t~n clia
Trfch dich: Vi~c hom
bai: "This nay
isn't a cho
fairy de ngay
tale,' mai.'Mr Wonderful isn't going to drive yg here in a white
he said. Trfch bai: "This isn't a fairy tale,' he said. 'Mr Wonderful isn't going to drive yg here in a white
Mercedes.' T~m dich: Ong n6i: "Cu(>c song kh6ng phai Ia truy~n co tich. Hlnh mau cua con se Mercedes.' T~m dich: Ong n6i: "Cu(>c song kh6ng phai Ia truy~n co tich. Hlnh mau cua con se
khong tt,r lai m(>t con Mercedes mau trang den t~n clia dau. khong tt,r lai m(>t con Mercedes mau trang den t~n clia dau.
tidy up: dqn dE;p >< mess up: bay bCra
clear up:hqp
got on: dqnnhau
dE;!p got on: hqp nhau
Trfch out ph an
bai: We gotlo9i
on immediately and I knew I wanted to share my life with him. Trfch bai: We got on immediately and I knew I wanted to share my life with him.
T~m out ngaChung toi ngay l~p t(rc hqp nhau va toi biet toi muon danh ca quang doi con l~i v6'i
djch: T~m djch: Chung toi ngay l~p t(rc hqp nhau va toi biet toi muon danh ca quang doi con l~i v6'i
T9m djch: Khi c6 ngay nghl, anh ay luon giup do vq dqn dE;!p nha clJ'a.
anh ay. anh ay.

turn down =refuse (v): tLr choi >< accept (v): chap nh~n
come up(v): chuan
with: nay bi
ra, nghT ra come up with: nay ra, nghT ra
dismiss (v): b6 qualazy and not in good physical shape, then Dr Guang Vue, an exercise
Trfch bai: If you're Trfch bai: If you're lazy and not in good physical shape, then Dr Guang Vue, an exercise
T9m djch: Paula
physiologist, hasnop
withkfa nhll'ng
theory co
cia bi be
tCr of
interest to you. physiologist, has come up with a theory that might be of interest to you.
T~m dich: Neu b~n ltroi v~n d(>ng va c6 than hlnh khong d~p, thl Tien sT Guang Vue, m(>t nha T~m dich: Neu b~n ltroi v~n d(>ng va c6 than hlnh khong d~p, thl Tien sT Guang Vue, m(>t nha
nghienup ClrU
withve =catch up with:
the chat, theo
da dLra kip, bat
ra m(>t kip rna
ly thuyet fall CO
behind: h~u, tam.
the b~n eli sau nghien ClrU ve the chat, da dLra ra m(>t ly thuyet rna CO the b~n quan tam.
call for: dbi hoi, yeu cau
live up to:
go for: chQntot/gi6i nhU' ngw1i khac mong dqi go for: chQn
bai: Toi dqc bao
No longer dodewec~p nh~t
have kjp for
to 9Q thailong
nhfrng g1 dang
swims xay hard
or have ra 6 the gioi ben
workouts in ngoai.
the gym. Trfch bai: No longer do we have to 9Q for long swims or have hard workouts in the gym.
T~m djch: Chung ta kh6ng con can phai di boi th~t lau hay t~p luy~n vat va trong phong the di,JC. T~m djch: Chung ta kh6ng con can phai di boi th~t lau hay t~p luy~n vat va trong phong the di,JC.
get off: xuong xe get on: len xe
get by:up:
build dli'O'ng dau, xoay
xay dt,rng, phats6trien build up: xay dt,rng, phat trien
get to: bai:
Trfch den It may seem improbable, but he says we can build up our muscles simply by thinking Trfch bai: It may seem improbable, but he says we can build up our muscles simply by thinking
get outside:
about ra ngoai
exercise. about exercise.
T9m djch: Bi
T~m djch: Dieu chuyen
d6 c6xeve
bu)ft 7 sau
Ia kh6ng the,d6 xuong
nhLrng 6 cill'ang
6ng ay n6i Forest Road.ta c6 the phat trien co bap
rang chung T~m djch: Dieu d6 c6 ve Ia kh6ng the, nhLrng 6ng ay n6i rang chung ta c6 the phat trien co bap
cua mlnh chi don gian bang each nghT den vi~c t~p the di,Jc. cua mlnh chi don gian bang each nghT den vi~c t~p the di,Jc.
concern about: quan tam, lo ng9i >< ignore: Ia eli
visit (v): den
cut out tham
b6, cat b6 cut out b6, cat b6
(v): ton
move along: (cong os\rcniOIOiQIS1ts
vi~c) dien ra say that,
suon se while this is significant, move along: (cong vi~c) dien ra suon se
T9mone dich: Dl,f an da t9m dCrngand do
we khong
du =""-=-"'= aerobic
tai chfnh. Toi hyactivity.
VQng khoan tai trq nay se giup n6 T9m dich: Dl,f an da t9m dCrng do khong du tai chfnh. Toi hy VQng khoan tai trq nay se giup n6
ph atdjch:
trien.NhU'ng cac nha tam ly du nghh~n ph at trien.
HANGsue m~mh co
NGANG chi Ia va chung ta nen HANG NGANG
h09tgo under: dong ctia, pha san go under: dong ctia, pha san
T9m djch: Nhieu doanh nghi~p pha san do khong doi ph6 dl.J'Q'C v6i Sl,f St,Jt giam doanh thu d(>t T9m djch: Nhieu doanh nghi~p pha san do khong doi ph6 dl.J'Q'C v6i Sl,f St,Jt giam doanh thu d(>t
ng(>t. cham ng(>t.
Trfch bai: We
blend still vao,
in: hoa needlanto vao after our hearts, by taking exercise that raises your rate to blend in: hoa vao, lan vao
dich: of
La its maximum
m(>t nguoi thfchfor an minutes,
20 d~t, three c6
toi thlfong times a week.hoa vao moi truong xung quanh hon
xu hu6ng T9m dich: La m(>t nguoi thfch an d~t, toi thlfong c6 xu hu6ng hoa vao moi truong xung quanh hon
Ia t9odjch: Chung. ta van can cham soc cho trai tim cua mlnh, bang each thl)'c hi~n cac bai t~p
an tuqng Ia t9o an tuqng .
the. dl)C
splashgiup tang
out: vungnhjp timqua
tien b~nso
CUactia len 70% mlrC toi da trong 20 ph(it, l~p l9i 3 lan m{)t tuan. . splash out: vung tien qua ctia so
T9m djch: Co Ward cho biet co da phai vung tien mua m(>t b(> trang pht,Jc cua Harvey Nichols va T9m djch: Co Ward cho biet co da phai vung tien mua m(>t b(> trang pht,Jc cua Harvey Nichols va
m(>t chiec tui xach n9m ngQc cua Dolce & Gabanna. m(>t chiec tui xach n9m ngQc cua Dolce & Gabanna.
latch onto: bam theo, bam lay latch onto: bam theo, bam lay
T9m djch: Khu pho di b(> day nhO'ng ke m6c tui. HQ se bam sat, gia vo hoi duong va roi lay tr(>m T9m djch: Khu pho di b(> day nhO'ng ke m6c tui. HQ se bam sat, gia vo hoi duong va roi lay tr(>m
do cua b9n. do cua b9n.
bring forward: doi l!ch len s6m hon bring forward: doi l!ch len s6m hon
T9m djch: M(>t quyet djnh khac da dU'Q'C dua ra de doi ngay bat dau giai dau tlr thang 6 sang T9m djch: M(>t quyet djnh khac da dU'Q'C dua ra de doi ngay bat dau giai dau tlr thang 6 sang
thang s. thang s.
hand over: cho nguoi khac kiem soat, nh$n trach nhi~m hand over: cho nguoi khac kiem soat, nh$n trach nhi~m
T9m dich: NhO'ng ten cu6p bu(>c nhan vi en thu ngan m6 ngan keo de tien va giao m(>t so tien m~t T9m dich: NhO'ng ten cu6p bu(>c nhan vi en thu ngan m6 ngan keo de tien va giao m(>t so tien m~t
chua ro gia trj. chua ro gia trj.

~crop up: xuat hi~n (khong IU'b'ng trw:tc)

T~m djch: Do Ia van de ma chung toi da nh~n thay tCr trU'Oc va dU'b'ng nhU' n6 xu at hi$n theo cac
khoang thai gian ngau nhien.
wind down: dan dan ket thuc
djch: khi nhfrng nui thlrc an lon th1 bfra moi thuc.
revolve around: xoay quanh
djch: Toan ngu va hft tho cung bong da. Co noi gioi hQ xoay
a peach (co gai) tuy~t voi sell!go like hot dat nhlftom a peach (co gai) tuy~t voi sell!go like hot dat nhlftom
cakes tU'O'i cakes tU'O'i

a piece of cake de nhlf an kf?O spill the beans tiet I(> bf m~t a piece of cake de nhlf an kf?O spill the beans tiet I(> bf m~t

apples and oranges rat khac nhau take sth with a kh6ng tin ai/ di'eu gl apples and oranges rat khac nhau take sth with a kh6ng tin ai/ di'eu gl
= chalk and cheese pinch of salt hoantoan = chalk and cheese pinch of salt hoantoan

bite off more than co lam vi~c gl qua the best thing since nglfb'i/ y tlf<J'ng/ bite off more than co lam vi~c gl qua the best thing since nglfb'i/ y tlf<J'ng/
one can chew meo
sere khen meo dai
mlnh sliced bread gayminh
phat themtot roi one can chew sere mlnh sliced bread phat minh tot
go bananas terc gi~n (two) peas in a pod (d~c bi~t go bananas terc gi~n (two) peas in a pod (d~c bi~t
cam thay bon chon Iacan dam va
ve ngo~i quyet
hlnh) Ia ve ngo~i hlnh)
horns li~t giai quyet m(>t
tlnh huang kh6 khan

out of the rat thoat kh6i cong

Nghia Idioms
mua tam ta
Nghia Nghia Idioms Nghia
Idioms Idioms
Vi~C/ CUQC song
a fair-weather m(>t
chen chi Ia let nature take its cer de mQi ther dien ra a fair-weather m(>t ngU'b'i chi Ia let nature take its cer de mQi ther dien ra
friend b~n khi mQi vi~c tot course m(>t each tl! nhien friend b~n khi mQi vi~c tot course m(>t each tl! nhien
qua lo lang, bj am smell a rat nghi ngo c6 chuy~n
df?p df?p
anh v1 chuy~n gl moam
beat about the bush n6i vong VO, I~C de once in a blue hQa hoan, rat hiem beat about the bush n6i vong VO, I~C de once in a blue hQa hoan, rat hiem
m(>t mOi ten trung many con nhieu llfa chc;m
moon moon
hai dfch fish in the sea khac nfra
come rain or shine chac chan, du the over the moon v6 cung vui slf<1ng come rain or shine chac chan, du the over the moon v6 cung vui slf<1ng
nao di nfra =on cloud nine nao di nfra =on cloud nine
down-to-earth 3 see the wood for thay cay ma kh6ng down-to-earth 3 see the wood for thay cay ma kh6ng
v6ng the trees thay rCrng v6ng the trees thay rCrng
thong cam v6'i ai
get into hot water g~p rae roi save sth for a rainy de danh phong get into hot water g~p rae roi save sth for a rainy de danh phong
kh6 khan kh6 khan
dieu kh6 chju, blfc lift a nhac m(>t ng6n tay
go downhill (vi~c
b(>i lam an, sere the tip of the : ...;~- ~ (lamIa m(>t
vi~c phan
g1) nh6 go downhill (vi~c lam an, sere the tip of the : ...;~- ~ Ia m(>t phan nh6
kh6e) xuong doc cua van de kh6e) xuong doc cua van de
behind one's back lam aieu g1 bf m~t, one's blood lam ai s6i mau, gi~n
have one's head in dau
sau 6c tren
lung ai may under the sun mQi
dfr ther tren doi have one's head in dau 6c tren may under the sun mQi ther tren doi
the cloud the cloud
bite the that an chao da bat money t90 ra/danh mat
a ull ••fist chien a ull •• .:;:o;;::.::~
hold you CO sere thuyet phl)C, hand over nhieuthang v6'iratso
tien va hold water CO sere thuyet phl)C, chien thang v6'i so
chlnh xac nhanhIon Ion
,, chlnh xac ,,

sat sao, rat sat off one's dien, lo9n trf

Idioms Nghia Idioms Nghia

dat cat co on the one's sap nh6' ra
a big fish in a small nglfb'i quan the cat out v6 tlnh tiet I(> m(>t a big fish in a small nglfb'i quan the cat out v6 tlnh tiet I(> m(>t
pond trong m(>t nh6m the bag dieu bf m~t pond trong m(>t nh6m the bag dieu bf m~t
nh6 nh6
chien dau ac li~t,
a/ the black sheep thanh ac bi~t
vien ca
danh nhau li~t like a fish out of nhU' ca mac c~n, a/ the black sheep thanh vien ca bi~t like a fish out of nhU' ca mac c~n,
of the family water long ng6ng, kh6ng of the family water long ng6ng, kh6ng
biet lam gl biet lam gl
coi Ia thanh ngfr cua van phuong
../ N6 thuO'ng Ia cac Cl)m tu,ho~c cung c6 the Ia mot cau l~i tlr cac tu
nhU'ng c6
y nghTa khac v6'i nghTa den cua cac d6. Nha v$y ma chung se the hi~n nhfrng m~t y
nghTa rh~ng va khac so v6'i tung tu dfu nen chung .
../ Idiom dugc hieu theo nghTa bong, chu khong phai Ia nghTa den.

Nhln chung, idiom giup cho cau van ho~c cau n6i tr6 nen ngan gc;m han nhung bao ham y nghTa
rong. Hieu r6 y nghTa cua idiom trong hoan canh nhat djnh se Ia each tot nhat de hQC mot thanh
ngfr. V6'i each hQC nay, b~n se de dang hieu dU'Q'C idiom va v$n dl)ng chung mot each phu hQ'p.

Cau hoi ve idiom thuO'ng xuat hi~n 6 3 d~ng bai sau:

e Hoan thanh cau
• Tim tu dong nghTa
• Tim tu trai nghTa


in black c6 tien, c6 lai

bat qua tang in dark khong biet, mu tit

cam thay buon in

ghen ti in mac nQ', dang
het tien

in and white r6 rang, giay trang out of the blue hoan toan bat nga
ml!c den

in 6 trong hoan canh

kh6 khan


mot vo dl)ng,
"kh6 nuot"
(thit) dai, kh6 nhai (thit) dai, kh6 nhai

as a sheet trang b~ch, as a sheet trang b~ch,

giup doIa
nhutau ngU'cri khac nhutau Ia
VOi hy VQng hQ se
giup l9i mlnh

I Idioms
I thfch diNghia
du ljch Idioms I
dong tlnh
Nghia I I Idioms
I Nghia Idioms I Nghia I
I d6 I I I
highs and lows nhfrnglucthang I highs and lows nhfrnglucthang I
(every) now and j thinh thoang, khong (every) now and j thinh thoang, khong
hit the nail on the n6i dieu gl d6 hoan sth to heart de bvng, de trong
tram tram
again/then thU<:tng xuyen = ups and downs again/then thU<:tng xuyen = ups and downs
1 1

head toan chlnh xac I long I I I

=on and off I I
=on and off I I
=off and on trong nhay mat the of one's ngU'cri rna mlnh yeu =off and on
I I eye quy I I
back and forth 1 di roi ve. di di l9i l9i I home and dry 1 chac chan thanh I back and forth 1 di roi ve. di di l9i l9i I home and dry 1 chac chan thanh I
I turn a eye
in two minds phan van I nham mat lam nga I
I cong
I _j II II I cong
I _j
! !
an pieces
bits and eye on I nhfrng
canh chung
th(r linh tinh, 1
turn and
part ear
a parcel gia diec,
I thiet yeu, lam
tr<;mg I bits and pieces I nhfrng th(r linh tinh, 1 part and parcel I thiet yeu, quan tr<;mg I
= oddsone's
and head
ends l~t
co v~t = odds and ends l~t v~t
I gang m(>t each I up in arms I chong doi kich li~t I 1
by and large I no1
,. ckhan
kh6 h ung I right and left I 6 mQi ph fa, 6 khap I by and large I no1,. chung
I right and left I 6 mQi ph fa, 6 khap I
I I noi I I noi
sb on their khien ai d6 phai t$p I up to my b$n toi mat toi mCii I I I
toesand dried
cut trung
khongvao vi~c
c6 gl hQme
m6'i j safe and sound I blnh an v6 so,r I
cut and dried khong c6 gl m6'i me j safe and sound I blnh an v6 so,r I
dang lamdao
hay doc hay doc dao

fair sthsquare
and like the (mot r5
nam nhU'trung
each) long spick-and-spanears mi~ngnap
ngan cong<;m
hoi gang
sfra, fair and square (mot each) trung spick-and-span ngan nap g<;m gang
j 1
I j 1
ban tay
thl!c, chan thanh II I
qua non n6t
... --J thl!c, chan thanh II I ... --J
few sb far dat
g~pai I through
bated breath
thick and nfn tho,
I bEm nhauhoi
c6 I few and far hiem g~p I through thick and I bEm nhau dU c6 I
between . thin 1 chuy~n gl xay ra between . thin 1 chuy~n gl xay ra

high and low j khap mQi noi wear and tear I Sl/ hao mon II high and low j khap mQi noi wear and tear I Sl/ hao mon II
=here and there =here and there
I Idioms
vo cung b$n r(>n as as a mouse im l~ng nhU' to, cam
Idioms Nghia Idioms I nhU' henNghia ---l Idioms Nghia Idioms I Nghia ---l
a breeze ranh rot, de
mot vi~c ratnghe
de vfrng nhU' ban th9ch a breeze mot vi~c rat de
blnh tTnh, khong he kh6e nhU' voi dang

a lost cause nao nung

nguoi ho~c vi~c a lost cause nguoi ho~c vi~c
khong c6 kha nang c(rng dau cfrng co, khong c6 kha nang
thanh cong U'O'ng bU'6'ng thanh cong

a man/woman of nglf<Ji
tU'O'i c6hoa
nhU' cua an cua 1 close call I rat an duqc
thoat nguy
y v6'i nhau, a man/woman of nglf<Ji c6 cua an cua 1 close call I thoat duqc nguy
means de, nguoi giau c6 =close shave Ithan
hiem trong gang tac means de, nguoi giau c6 =close shave I hiem trong gang tac
(tre em) ngoan = narrow escape 1~-~~-~-~
gay tra xU'ang = narrow escape 1~-~~-~-~
a raw deal vi~c doi xfr khong I the last straw I giQt nu6'c tran ly a raw deal vi~c doi xfr khong I the last straw I giQt nu6'c tran ly
~-~--~--~~~c~o_n_g__b_an_g--~~--~-l:__~ail in !he coffi~J~ .~~~-~ ~-~--~--~~~c~o_n_g__b_an_g--~~--~-l:__~ail in !he coffi~J~ .~~~-~
hit the books hQc t$p cham chi take sth into tfnh den cai gl, xem hit the books hQc t$p cham chi take sth into tfnh den cai gl, xem
account/ xet vi~c gl account/ xet vi~c gl
consideration consideration

go through the roof noi tr$n 16i dlnh, noi tie the knot ket hon go through the roof noi tr$n 16i dlnh, noi tie the knot ket hon
=hit the con tam b~mh nhln ai voi anh =hit the con tam b~mh
.I. !I!. .I. !I!.
IUUI/\,'CIIIII~ hlnh vien d9n IUUI/\,'CIIIII~

jump the traffic VU'Qt d€m d6 tighten one's belt that ll1ng bu(>c bt,mg jump the traffic VU'Qt d€m d6 tighten one's belt that ll1ng bu(>c bt,mg

make Idioms
time Nghia
hoim thanh nhanh Idioms Nghia

all at once on second thought chong

xem xetm(>t chuyen
19i y djnh all at once on second thought xem xet 19i y djnh
trw5'c day, nghT l9i trw5'c day, nghT l9i
thl thl

at heart tht,rc chat, CO' ban on the house mien phf at heart tht,rc chat, CO' ban on the house mien phf

at the cutting edge hon han, vl1Qt tr(>i on the level at the cutting edge hon han, vl1Qt tr(>i on the level

ngay l$p tt1c ngay l$p tt1c
hanh Xlr theo each
vao phut ch6t khong the chap vao phut ch6t

trong bf m$t on the verge of nh~n duqc

tren ba vl,fc trong bf m$t on the verge of tren ba vl,fc
come to duqc biet den, duqc = on the brink of lam hoa, han gan = on the brink of
phat hi~n = on the edge of = on the edge of
cut it thlnhsat gia, vera
thoang, khong out of no h,rc,ph9m
lam tron
vi quy thlnh thoang, khong out of ph9m vi quy
thl10'ng xuyen tn1ch nhi~m
djnh, cam vao thl10'ng xuyen djnh, cam vao
khong I~ thUQC
uong c6ng, vao
v6 fch without a shadow gia
lam b9
khong uong c6ng, v6 fch without a shadow chac chan, khong
ai (bo m~), song tl,f of a doubt nghi nga of a doubt nghi nga

c6 san theo y muon

cua ai, tuy y Slr d1,.1ng

lo lai, lo mi~ng tl,f giai quyet van de

cua mlnh

face music chju trach nhi~m ve ve ai d6

nhfrng g1 mlnh da vl chi thay khuyet
lam diem cua hQ

to nga mu than phvc ai

coi ai/ vi~c gila

hien nhien
-catch up with sb: thea kip ai d6 (b9n bi sa sut so v6'i nguoi khac) -catch up with sb: thea kip ai d6 (b9n bi sa sut so v6'i nguoi khac)
-keep up with sb: theo kip ai d6 (ngang bang nhll'ng van co gang duy trl tr9ng thai v6'i -keep up with sb: theo kip ai d6 (ngang bang nhll'ng van co gang duy trl tr9ng thai v6'i
nguoi khac, c6 the dung de chicac tlr duoiv6'i
vi~c kip ai d6 trong khoang c~:~m dia ly) th6i quen
eachtlr nguoi khac, c6 the dung de chi vi~c duoi kip ai d6 trong khoang each dia ly)

tieng Vi~t, chung n6i su chim chll' chim

E.g: -reality show: chuang trlnh thl!c te; wildlife program: chuang trlnh the gi6'i d(>ng v~t E.g: -reality show: chuang trlnh thl!c te; wildlife program: chuang trlnh the gi6'i d(>ng v~t
thl tieng Anh nhfrng c~:~m tU' djnh Ia lion roars,
- hair salon: ti~m lam t6c; flower shop: ctra hang hoa; ice cream parlor: quan kem - hair salon: ti~m lam t6c; flower shop: ctra hang hoa; ice cream parlor: quan kem
- a heavy fine: m(>t khoan tfen ph9t n~ng; death penalty: an tli hlnh - a heavy fine: m(>t khoan tfen ph9t n~ng; death penalty: an tli hlnh
Coi cac Cl)m tlr nhtJ m(>t tlr. 89 nao cua chung ta se
f< ghi nh6' va d~,Jng ngon
ngfr 6 d~ng c~:~m tU' hem Ia cac tU' don le. VI d~:~ hay h9c strong support, thay vi strongly
BIG thuong dung v6'i cac Sl! ki~n. BIG thuong dung v6'i cac Sl! ki~n.
Khi b~n hQC m(>t tlr m6'i, hay viet ra nhfrng tlr khac ttJO'ng dong v6'i n6 (vi d~,J: remember
Collocations Nghia
rightly, remember distinctly, Collocations
remember vaguely, remember vividly). Nghia Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia
H<;>c collocation
a big accomplish-
f< theo nh6m. B~n c6
I m(>t thanh tl!u Ion the h<;>c chung
a big failure theo chu de
m9t thatnumbec
(time, b9i Ion weather, a big accomplish- I m(>t thanh tl!u Ion a big failure m9t that b9i Ion
money, family) ho~c theo m9t tU' c~:~ the (take action, take a chance, take an exam).

I a b1g day m(>t ngay quan
a big improvement
at hi~n 6 3 d~ng bai sau:
Collocation c6 kha nang xutrong m(>t cai tien 16'n
I a b1g day m(>t ngay quan
a big improvement m(>t cai tien 16'n
I f< Hoan thanh cau I I I

a big decision
sua loi sai m(>t quyet djnh 16'n a big decision m(>t quyet djnh 16'n
a big mistake m(>t sai lam 16'n a big mistake m(>t sai lam 16'n
Bien tU' vao do~n van lao

a big disappoint- m9t sl! that vong a big surprise m(>t bat ngo 16'n a big disappoint- m9t sl! that vong a big surprise m(>t bat ngo 16'n
ment Ion ment Ion
1 I 1 I
E.g: - extreme sport the thao m~10 hi em; extreme weather: thai tiet khac nghi~t
-strong tea/coffee: tra/ca phe d~c;
-a warm
GREAT thuong di welcome: Sl/ chao
cung v6'i cac d6n
tCr dien ta nong nhi~t
cam xuc ho~c tfnh chat, pham chat. GREAT thuong di cung v6'i cac tCr dien ta cam xuc ho~c tfnh chat, pham chat.
-a sharp/strong constrast: mQt Slf ttJO'ng phan 16'n
Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia

-commit crime: ph~m t(>i; commit + feelings
murder: ph~m t9i giet nguai
GREAT + feelings

great- meet the need/requirement:

admiration nguong m9dap Ll'ng nhugreat
fun diu nfem vui 16'n great admiration nguong m9 great fun nfem vui 16'n
-draw someone's attention: thu hut Sl/ chu y cua ai
great anger gi~n dii great happiness h9nh phuc tuy~t voi great anger gi~n dii great happiness h9nh phuc tuy~t voi

enjoyment slf thfch
passes/flies/goes by:thu tuy~t
thai gian troi great
qua joy niem vui 16'n great enjoyment slf thfch thu tuy~t great joy niem vui 16'n
-the sun rises: m~tvoi
trai m<;>c; the sun sets: m~t trai l~n voi
-the plane takes off: may bay cat canh; the train leaves: tau rai ga
great excitement Sl! phan khfch l&n great trouble rae roi 16'n great excitement Sl! phan khfch l&n great trouble rae roi 16'n

- awfully sorry: vo cung xin loi GREAT + qualities GREAT + qualities

great utterly
- power devoted: cong hien het mlnh
nanglli'Q'ngl6'n great strength sue m9nh 16'n great power nanglli'Q'ngl6'n great strength sue m9nh 16'n
- completely exhausted: hoan toan ki~t sll'c
great pride niem tl! hao Ion great hieu biet sau r(>ng great pride niem tl! hao Ion great hieu biet sau r(>ng
understanding understanding
-rain heavily: mua to
great sensitivity
- go overseas: di raSl! nh9y cam tuy~t
nt16'c great wisdom kh6n ngoan tuy~t great sensitivity Sl! nh9y cam tuy~t great wisdom kh6n ngoan tuy~t
voi di
aste~eo: ngu thiep voi voi voi

great skill ky nang tuy~tvoi in great detail rat chi tiet great skill ky nang tuy~t voi in great detail rat chi tiet
th6i quen m6'i m6'i
DEEP thlfb'ng dung cho nhfrng cam xuc sau sac. DEEP thlfb'ng dung cho nhfrng cam xuc sau sac.
Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia Collocations Nghia

in a deep sleep trong m9t giac ngu deep depression tram cam sau in a deep sleep trong m9t giac ngu deep depression tram cam sau
say say

in deep thought t~p trung suy nghT -• ,. long sung kfnh sau in deep thought t~p trung suy nghT -• ,. long sung kfnh sau
sac sac

in deep trouble dan sau vao rae roi in deep trouble dan sau vao rae roi

a a course
commit= mot cam ket m<;mh criticism Sl! chi trfch do a course
do a crossword me me do a crossword
do a job contrast mot
lam 1Sl!cong
tU'Ong ph an
vi~c do housework Sl! vi$cnh~n
lamphu nha m;;mh do a job lam 1 cong vi~c do housework lam vi$c nha
ro rang, m;;mh me me
do an assignment lam 1 nhi$m vi.)/ bai do/ conduct/ carry lam nghien cuu do an assignment lam 1 nhi$m vi.)/ bai do/ conduct/ carry lam nghien cuu
mot cam giac
t~p dll'Q'C giao m~mh out research Sl! nhan m~nh t~p dll'Q'C giao out research
do an experiment lam thf nghi~m do sb a favour lam giup ai vi$c gl do an experiment lam thf nghi~m do sb a favour lam giup ai vi$c gl
mot y kien m~nh me
do business (with) kinhdieu
(ve doanh gl) do one's hair lam toe do business (with) kinh doanh do one's hair lam toe

do damage gay thi$t h~i do the shopping di mua do thie't yeu do damage gay thi$t h~i do the shopping di mua do thie't yeu
lu~n diem m~nh me Sl! khang Cl! m~nh
hang ngay, di chq hang ngay, di chq
STRONG + senses
good c61qi do without lam rna khong c6 good c61qi do without lam rna khong c6
a smell n~ng mui taste cai gl cai gl

do harm gay h~i mang l~i ket qua kl do harm gay h~i mang l~i ket qua kl

HEAVY thl1b'ng dung v6'i thai tiet, dung de m6 ngub'i c6 th6i quen xau ho~c nhfrng thU' khong
do/ nhl1
de chiu try one's best hayco
giao thong gang
thue. lam sai do/ try one's best co gang lam sai

make a choice make a choice

mlfa 16'n ngl!b'i nghien thuoc
make a comparison Ia n~ng make a comparison

tuyet roi day

make a complaint ph an nan, than thu xep m(>t CUQC make a complaint ph an nan, than thu xep m(>t CUQC
phien hE;m phien hE;m
ngl1b'i nghien rU'Q'u
make a contribution n~ng
d6ng g6p vao CO gang, no h/C make a contribution d6ng g6p vao CO gang, no h/C

make a decision quyet dinh make an effort no hJC make a decision quyet dinh make an effort no hJC
have a headache/ bi dau dau/ sot/ ho/ have a headache/ bi dau dau/ sot/ ho/
fever/ cough/ stuffy ngh~t mGi/ so mGi... fever/ cough/ stuffy ngh~t mGi/ so mGi...
nose, runny nose... nose, runny nose...
(have + tU' chi m9t (have + tU' chi m9t
so b~nh t~t) so b~nh t~t)
I • > I • >
have fun I VUI Ve have fun I VUI Ve

j have a gift . c6 tai nang bam I have a relationship I c? moi quan h~ v6'i j have a gift . c6 tai nang bam I have a relationship I c? moi quan h~ v6'i
I 1 sinh I Iamon
I 81
I 1 sinh I I 81
1 have a go/try I thti (lam gl) j have a reservation / d~t
cho 1 have a go/try I thti (lam gl) j have a reservation / d~t ban tn.r6'c
I have a look at I nhln viw J have a rest l nghi ngai-~-~ I have a look at I nhln viw J have a rest l nghi ngai-~-~
IQ'i nhu~n make progress
I have lunch/dinner/ thu
an trlta/tOi/s<lng I have/undergo an i lilm philu thu.;lt I have lunch/dinner/ an trlta/tOi/s<lng I have/undergo an i lilm philu thu.;lt
I breakfast 1
make room
operation ~-~~--~------~~--
nhw:Jng cho cho
I breakfast 1
J operation ~-~~--~------~~--
1 have a tendency to l c6 xu hU'6'ng (lam gl I make the bed (in) I d
have difficulty g~p
<;>n g iw1n
kh6 g khi
khan 1 have a tendency to l c6 xu hU'6'ng (lam gl I have difficulty (in) I g~p kh6 khan khi
j do something 1 ho~ch~mh
kh6i thlch gl) I make
doing up
something jlam vie~_
one's mind quyet djnh c_g_'~~- __j j do something 1 ho~c thlch gl) I doing something jlam vie~_c_g_'~~- __j

de nghi make use of t~n dt,mg

I Collocations 1 Nghia Collocations 1 Nghia I Collocations 1 Nghia Collocations 1 Nghia


\ pay a compliment J khen ngqi 1 pay attention to j chu y den \ pay a compliment J khen ngqi 1 pay attention to j chu y den
I pay a visit to sb \ den tham/ vi eng 1 pay tribute to I tam
bay to long kfnh
voi hoa sen
I pay a visit to sb \ den tham/ vi eng 1 pay tribute to I bay to long kfnh
I I tham/ ghe tham ai ~,1 I trong
I •
I I tham/ ghe tham ai ~,1 I trong
I •

thong cam cho ai chu y den cai gl

c6 quan diem/ thai take offence that vc;mg, ph~t y

~j__c_o_l_lo_c_at_io_n_s_ _+-----_ -~-~ghia~_J __c_o_l_lo_c._a_ti_o_n_s~--~1

____ N_g_h-_•a_ _ .~ ~j__c_o_l_lo_c_at_io_n_s_ _+-----_ -~-~ghia~_J __c_o_l_lo_c._a_ti_o_n_s~--~1 ____ N_g_h-_•a_ _ .~
I ask a favour thi,
hoi kiem tra
trQ' giup Itake
ask for sth Itham giayeu
hoi xin/ vaocau cai I ask a favour hoi trQ' giup I ask for sth I hoi xin/ yeu cau cai
t~n dt,mg cai gl i take 1 gl ra
xay i 1 gl

I ask a question 1 hoitac

c6 m<)t c§~oi
dt,mg, c6 hi~u /take
ask permission / chju
xin phep
trach nhi~m ve 1 I ask a question 1 hoi m<)t c§~oi / ask permission / xin phep 1
h,rc i-lo-,i_k_h_u-ye-An--·
,_..,a_s_k_f_o_r_a-dv_i_c_e_ _,_,J,__h_o_· ifor
sb out ·I ru aigld6 di~
vi~c co~i,~~~J ,_..,a_s_k_f_o_r_a-dv_i_c_e_ _,_,J,__h_o_·i-lo-,i_k_h_u-ye-An--· i ask sb out ·I ru ai d6 di~
take in quan tam den xem nhLIIaloih~n
thU'ong ho
khen thU'ong Ia h~n ho
ask for directions hoi chi dan dU'ong di
L .
1 t~ng
ask for directions hoi chi dan dU'ong di
L .

ap d~:~ng bi~n phap xem nhLI loi sf nh~:~c

I Collocations
I Nghia
J insult
I Nghia I Collocations
I Nghia
J Collocations
I Nghia

catch (on) fire bat Ilia I catch someone's thu hut Slf ch(J y CU8 catch (on) fire bat Ilia I catch someone's thu hut Slf ch(J y CU8
attention/eye ai attention/eye ai
catch a bus/ a train bat xe bus catch a bus/ a train bat xe bus

a cold bi cam lfiinh catch your breath nghi

c6 vande tho blnh a cold bi cam lfiinh catch your breath nghi de tho blnh
thU'ong tro l9i, lay thU'ong tro l9i, lay
sight of nhln thay, bat g~p sight of nhln thay, bat g~p
hoi hoi
~ The couple _ _ the knot two months after they met - it was indubitably a ~ The couple _ _ the knot two months after they met - it was indubitably a

tied brought fixed tied brought fixed

My father refused to eat meat that had been fired. He had _ _ in his bonnet My father refused to eat meat that had been fired. He had _ _ in his bonnet
about it causing cancer. about it causing cancer.
a bug: I want to move this a bee desk to the next room. Can you
a bull me an aunt a bug a bee a bull an aunt
hand With price increases on most necessities, bookmany people have to _ _ for fear of With price increases on most necessities, many people have to _ _ for fear of
getting into The car swerved
financial to avoid a cyclist and just missed hitting a
difficulties. by getting into financial difficulties.
slight their belt a narrow escape alook
cry for help laurels
to their tighten their belt look to their laurels
have aI know
big mouth you are upset about breaking up with Tom,pulse
set their but there
racingare plenty more have a big mouth set their pulse racing
horses inBetty the stable
_ _ about her future: Should she piggy in the
study to middle
be a teacher or an actress? Betty _ _ about her future: Should she study to be a teacher or an actress?
wasinofthe two sea minds tigers
had itchy in the jungle
feet was of two minds had itchy feet
was off If youher have
head a minor illness, it's usually better faced just thetomusic
let nature take its was off her head faced the music
course : Why did you time _ _ and mention the party path to Roger? It was supposed way to be a : Why did you _ _ and mention the party to Roger? It was supposed to be a
surprise. Parents are always willing to lend a sympathetic to their children when they surprise.
have problems.
keep your head above water let the cat out of the bag keep your head above water let the cat out of the bag
get butterflies in yourear stomach eye
make his blood boil hand get butterflies in your stomach make his blood boil
I thinkis it's
verytime If he
_goes to atold
_ and party where
him you thinkhe doesn't
shouldanyone, he finds it
be changed. I think it's time you _ _ and told him you think things should be changed.
very hard to break
killed two birds the _ _one
with . stone put the cat among the pigeons killed two birds with one stone put the cat among the pigeons
took the bull by the horns record news
got out of the rat race rule took the bull by the horns got out of the rat race
Tom Don'thanded
tell mein the
yourtest andagain.
name awaitedIt's the
__ result
. Don't tell me your name again. It's _ _.
from the bottom of my heart outon of breath lips
everyone's from the bottom of my heart on everyone's lips
at my fingertips under
on thehis tipbreath
of my tongue at my fingertips on the tip of my tongue
WeHe gotcriticised
him out her in the end,meeting
in the but it was
anda I'm
__ . she's really _ _ .
afraid He criticised her in the meeting and I'm afraid she's really _ _ .
taken itoftointerest
heart close
takenthing her hat off to him taken it to heart taken her hat off to him
takenbill of health
it for granted crying
takenshame it with a pinch of salt taken it for granted taken it with a pinch of salt
The Allrelationship
families have is on
_the and the
_, but strong spouse
families know seems
the unable to find
importance of ways to
sticking All families have _ _, but strong families know the importance of sticking
together their differences.
- especially during the tough times. together - especially during the tough times.
risk and benefits books level
bread and butter rocks risk and benefits bread and butter
highs andSome of these families are so poor thatsafe
lows Christmas
and sound presents are out of the _ _ . highs and lows safe and sound
John is so far question ordinaryclasses, he plays sports and
behind in his studies. Besides picture
works at John is so far behind in his studies. Besides classes, he plays sports and works at
a part-time :job.Alice It owes
seemsa he lot has
of money.
_ _ .The money she owes me is the tip of the _ _ . a part-time job. It seems he has _ _ .
bitten off more thanspear he can chew mountain
bitten the hand that feed hillhim bitten off more than he can chew bitten the hand that feed him
put hisWhenfoot in I suggested
his mouth he was mistaken, John pullgothishot own legs and stormed out of the put his foot in his mouth pull his own legs
room. Eighty-eight out of one hundred students chose Dan for student union president. Eighty-eight out of one hundred students chose Dan for student union president.
He _ under
_ . the collar midnight oil He _ _ .
won by a landslide chalk
raised and cheese
a hue and cry won by a landslide raised a hue and cry
I never have enough money to pay my bills.
went downhill fished I'mfor always in the _ _ .
compliments went downhill fished for compliments
You should _ white_ before you start telling blackme what to do. red You should _ _ before you start telling me what to do.
burn the Themidnight
new food oilmixer I bought was goand I'm going
through to take it back to the store
the roof burn the midnight oil go through the roof
for a new one.up the rear
bring put your own house in order bring up the rear put your own house in order
a watermelon After makinganseveral orangebad business deals, lemon the company was losing a peach money hand After making several bad business deals, the company was losing money hand
The news of the factory's closing came out of the No one was expecting it.
wrist pink
fist blue
thumb wrist fist thumb
I can't give is taken and _account
chapter _, but as wellbest
to the as exam of myresults.
knowledge, it's a line from a I can't give chapter and _ _, but to the best of my knowledge, it's a line from a
sonnet by William Shakespeare. out onto in sonnet by William Shakespeare.
verse rhyme note scene verse rhyme note scene
I tried to patch things up after the argument, but they wouldn't speak to me. I tried to patch things up after the argument, but they wouldn't speak to me.
make up with fall out with spice up straighten out make up with fall out with spice up straighten out
With price increases on most necessities, many people gave
havebirth to a their belt
to tighten With price increases on most necessities, many people have to tighten their belt
for fear of getting into financial difficulties. for fear of getting into financial difficulties.
dress in loose clothesrather angry spend money nervous
freely fairly bored dress in loose clothes spend money freely
save onHe found
daily himself~=~~'-!!.....~
expenses his put
on tighter about
beltsimmigration. save on daily expenses put on tighter belts
In the blink of an eye. his life support systems were frozen by temperatures get into trouble In the blink of an eye. his life support systems were frozen by temperatures
Everything in that fancy
beyond imagination. ~~~~~~~~· I can't afford to beyond imagination.
buy anything there, not evenvery
outstanding a pencil.
carefully very slowly outstanding outstanding very carefully very slowly outstanding
is half-price
She was too wet is very expensive
behind the ears to beisinon discount
charge of such demanding is confusing
tasks. She was too wet behind the ears to be in charge of such demanding tasks.
Drivers are advised to get enough petrol
full of sincerity because
without filling stations are ~-"--='-"-=--"-=-"-­
money full of sincerity without money
~~~on full of the highway.
experience lack of responsibility full of experience lack of responsibility
hard to find
Betty and Jennifer are like two peas ineasy a access
so it's no wonder people sometimes Betty and Jennifer are like two peas in a pod. so it's no wonder people sometimes
mistake them for sisters. impossible to reach mistake them for sisters.
=--==--===--::::=this weekend, are
look completely different I willalike
show you round the city.
in appearance look completely different are alike in appearance
are alike in interests occupied confident
have different interests reluctant are alike in interests have different interests
Because of the pandemic, football matches were played ~nmru~~~~~.
dangerously safely privately
She's really at baseball.
very clumsy very smart very skilful very awkward
Although what Henry want to convey is hard to explain in words, but I still
to elaborate on it.
left it unfinished try hard continue
Peter is ~~=~~~~~~~'-J.-1 so he is never welcomed there.
o n an embarrassing member
o n
the eldest child

in great trouble5 assuredly successful 5

completely free very honest

7 7
unoccupied deliberate exhausted
iru~~riD:l9-J~~ of new therapies for cancer.
very sharp
the most outdated
=~=-===---=-==-===· Just answer my question yes or no.
talk slowly
give a direct answer go off-topic
I ="-=-"-=#-=-"'-=-=to all those people who work hard to this contract.
disregard stimulate detest
Judy has just won a full scholarship to one of the most prestigious universities in
must be now.

was to believe the seller gave. The
car was like:new,
Theywithare only
__ tensome fascinating
thousand research
miles on it. She on the language
called it of dolphins. very : They are _ _ some fascinating research on the language of dolphins.
doing said she was taking
low price. really selling it for having making doing taking having making
thegot so much
of the spare
car time
was now
a I'm thinking of _ _ up Iajust
of cake. newturned
like stamp I've got so much spare time now I'm thinking of _ _ up a new hobby like stamp
problem. However, soon I was didn't work! The owner of the Cadillac collecting.
I hit went taking
when he saw the damage gettingto the front of his car. Hecatching fetching taking getting catching
at me Going on this stop.
and wouldn't diet has
Nowreally _to
I have _paymehimgood.
twoI've lost weight and I feel fantastic!
thousand to repair Going on this diet has really _ _ me good. I've lost weight and I feel fantastic!
his car. But my friend Nina was taken Shehad made dump so that
took my car to the garbage taken had made
I didn't have toAsee student must _ _ an entrance exam before they begin attending school here.
it again. A student must _ _ an entrance exam before they begin attending school here.
make write answer take make write answer take
Mozart composed music when he was still a child. He had a great _ _ . Mozart composed music when he was still a child. He had a great _ _ .
force ability skill force ability skill
The highest priority is tackling the debt, _ _ our best to avoid any more tax The highest priority is tackling the debt, _ _ our best to avoid any more tax
increases. increases.
making going doing putting making going doing putting
I wish people didn't _ _ a tendency to follow fashion without thinking about what I wish people didn't _ _ a tendency to follow fashion without thinking about what
suits them personally. suits them personally.
do make have get do make have get
Some producers _ _ mistake: they judge script without taking into consideration Some producers _ _ mistake: they judge script without taking into consideration
from which director is the script. from which director is the script.
get take give make get take give make
The government is _ _ little improvement in its fight to beat inflation. The government is _ _ little improvement in its fight to beat inflation.
doing taking putting making doing taking putting making
Technology changes so fast, it's hard to _ _ up with it. Technology changes so fast, it's hard to _ _ up with it.
keep hold work keep hold work
~ Do you mind if I just _ _ a quick phone call from here? ~ Do you mind if I just _ _ a quick phone call from here?
have make take have make take
I wish he'd let us _ _ some of the decisions instead of completely taking over all I wish he'd let us _ _ some of the decisions instead of completely taking over all

make pay do make pay do

If you want to leave early, _ _ the teacher's permission. If you want to leave early, _ _ the teacher's permission.
question inquire ask question inquire ask
They _ _ her from the hospital today after two months of back surgery and They _ _ her from the hospital today after two months of back surgery and
recovery. recovery.
released discharged loosed liberated released discharged loosed liberated
The _ _ rain lashed down continuously throughout the night without letting up. The _ _ rain lashed down continuously throughout the night without letting up.
serious large deep serious large deep
It seems that the thief took _ _ of the open window and got inside that way. It seems that the thief took _ _ of the open window and got inside that way.
advantage chance opportunity occasion advantage chance opportunity occasion
If you need to _ _ the teacher's attention, just put your hand up. If you need to _ _ the teacher's attention, just put your hand up.
capture attract draw capture attract draw
The nurse took his _ _ and checked that he was comfortable. The nurse took his _ _ and checked that he was comfortable.
fever temperature thermal fever temperature thermal
This tea is too _ _ for me. Could you bring me some hot water? This tea is too _ _ for me. Could you bring me some hot water?
thick hard heavy thick hard heavy
I 9.Q1 room for off course
a second and
computer on my desk by removing thecontrol. printer. I 9.Q1 room for a second computer on my desk by removing the printer.
room on remote
removing room on removing
The players' protests Q.Y1 no difference to the referee's decision eye. at all. The players' protests Q.Y1 no difference to the referee's decision at all.
players' put difference break
at all players' put difference at all
Carol asked me to give her favor and take the bags into the kitchen while she got Carol asked me to give her favor and take the bags into the kitchen while she got
the others from the car. the others from the car.
to give take the others the car in to give take the others the car
He thinks you are losing your time looking for a job in this town. There's not much He thinks you are losing your time looking for a job in this town. There's not much
to do here. reject commit to do here.
thinks I'd like to extend a
losing welcome to our visitors
looking for from abroad. much thinks losing looking for much
cozy warm comfortable
Let's have a at this map, we are losing our way.
sight view stare
Entering the SHUI -half
meeting POSITIVE
late, he tried to makeSTYLE
chairman of the the
Recently, board toldShui
Feng himbusiness
to leave the
been booming as more and more people Recently, the Feng Shui business has been booming as more and more people
an interest in Asian cultureidea and lifestyles. Whetherreason
people are consulting Feng excuse Shui experts or an interest in Asian culture and lifestyles. Whether people are consulting Feng Shui experts or
simply buyingIt books
is andimpossible to find a good
trying themselves, there educational
is no doubt computer
that, in theprogram
West, ininthe
of simply buying books and trying themselves, there is no doubt that, in the West, in the last few
years the idea of Feng Shui has really _ _ off. years the idea of Feng Shui has really _ _ off.
So what exactly is Feng hardlyart form that is concerned
Shui? Well, it is a Chinese merely with the way So what exactly is Feng Shui? Well, it is a Chinese art form that is concerned with the way
He rooms
you arrange the was particularly
and the furnituredressed in blackIt trousers
in your house. and
is believed waistcoat,
that white
organising shirt
these and
things you arrange the rooms and the furniture in your house. It is believed that organising these things
correctly will bring you happiness and good luck. correctly will bring you happiness and good luck.
smartly about 300 Feng Shui
In the UK there are currently clearly
consultants. They willfinely
come to your house In the UK there are currently about 300 Feng Shui consultants. They will come to your house
or office and The economic
_ _ yousituation makeson
advice based many
and dateto of
take theAccording
birth. andtoopen
one or office and _ _ you advice based on your lifestyle and date of birth. According to one
suchown business.
expert, I must install an aquarium with six black and one red goldfish in my living room in such expert, I must install an aquarium with six black and one red goldfish in my living room in
order plunge
to absorb bad vibes.initiative
He also told me to opportunity
_ _ attention to onebull of my windows. He order to absorb bad vibes. He also told me to _ _ attention to one of my windows. He
advised me toShe putwas worried
plants on thethat they would
window not
sill to prevent the the
lossdeadline andenergy.
of positive that penalties would
The real"weak advised me to put plants on the window sill to prevent the loss of positive energy. The real"weak
be imposed.
spot" in my house, however, was the cooker. He reassured me that hanging some dried spot" in my house, however, was the cooker. He reassured me that hanging some dried
reach above it would meet
vegetables solve the rush lose vegetables above it would solve the
Whether you believe in the power of Feng Shui or not, it is certainly having a major impact Whether you believe in the power of Feng Shui or not, it is certainly having a major impact
on the way thousands of people organise the homes. on the way thousands of people organise the homes.
council made discussions
do on issues such make as housing and living conditions give of take do make give
the poor people. made driven taken started made driven taken started
The made on housing carried
give put held give put held carried
givePowell provided paythe drama, Lewis simplyhave 9Q1 history on the fifth day of the
put give pay have put
Olympic Trials.
fault error mistake problem fault error mistake problem
While provided fifth
According to the latest news reports, special measures are being
the local water supplies.
According the latest COSMETIC SURGERY done supplies COSMETIC SURGERY
We should organise different activities
What makes someone decide on plastic surgery? to ................. , ..... awareness of~~== to
What makes someone decide on plastic surgery?
protect An
endangered animals.
actor explains: "I _ _ after my father in appearance. His nose is big but mine An actor explains: "I _ _ after my father in appearance. His nose is big but mine
was huge, rise I couldn't lead a normal
and it got me down. the need life. At school, the other children was huge, and it got me down. I couldn't lead a normal life. At school, the other children
_ _ jokes The coach
about makesand
my nose, -::~rh,~n-t~r•o everyone
I couldn't stand on -""-'-""'---"='"'-'-'-'-'
seeing myself in television plays. I thought left out I _ _ jokes about my nose, and I couldn't stand seeing myself in television plays. I thought I
lookeda like
game.a monster! The nose caused health problems as well: because of its shape, I couldn't looked like a monster! The nose caused health problems as well: because of its shape, I couldn't
breathe properly, and I had a permanent _ _ever throat." breathe properly, and I had a permanent _ _ throat."
"The doctor suggested I should to in_touch
_ an with my
operation. I was nervous but my wife "The doctor suggested I should _ _ an operation. I was nervous but my wife
encouraged me. The operation went well, but my whole face ached afterwards and I had two encouraged me. The operation went well, but my whole face ached afterwards and I had two
I enjoy Science class where I can do many Our restaurant takes whilegreat _
the_ in offering I enjoy Science class where I can do many Our restaurant takes great _ _ in offering
fun _ _ . the best service in town. fun _ _ . the best service in town.
It was a big _ _ for me to see my To do a _ _ is to solvel"l.a'!:lr.c.r~ up andbyI no
a word game It was a big _ _ for me to see my To do a _ _ is to solve a word game by
boyfriend jump out of the box and dance in writing the answers to questions in go into the boyfriend jump out of the box and dance in writing the answers to questions in
Pikachu costume. boxes. nose, but now I would
numberednr'!:l.r-"tll"'!:ll Pikachu costume. numbered boxes.
I felt that my friends were taking _ _ of Dr Matthew's schedule for the weekend is I felt that my friends were taking _ _ of Dr Matthew's schedule for the weekend is
me as a free babysitter. go already full,look
so you cannot make an _ _ me as a free babysitter. already full, so you cannot make an _ _
Joshua tends to ignore everything when
laughed until next week.
made Joshua tends to ignore everything when until next week.
he is in deep _ _ . ill sick he is in deep _ _ .
get take
feature part

Some people believe climate has r-h<:Jol"'iriiQ I have to a twice a day because
caused mprecllctablle such as
ni,..OI"Iir\nt"IOI"''•"I"''C' my skin is sensitive to not cleansing.
a of fly found throughout the In art, there is a strong when you
country. a vivid red next to a dull green, or a rough
texture next to
a close thing: suy-t so at a close thing: suy-t so at
conflict of interest xung d(>t lqi fch conflict of interest xung d(>t lqi fch
clean bill of health: chCrng nh~n sere kh6e tot clean bill of health: chCrng nh~n sere kh6e tot
crying shame: noi bat h<;1nh, Cl,I'C ky t~ crying shame: noi bat h<;1nh, Cl,I'C ky t~
T<;1m dich: Cuoi cung thl chung t6i cOng dU'a dU'qc anh ta ra ngoai, nhU'ng da suy-t thl that b<;1i. T<;1m dich: Cuoi cung thl chung t6i cOng dU'a dU'qc anh ta ra ngoai, nhU'ng da suy-t thl that b<;1i.

on the rocks: (g~p) trl)c tr~c on the rocks: (g~p) trl)c tr~c
on the spot ngay t<;1i cho, ngay l$p tCrc, ngay luc d6 on the spot ngay t<;1i cho, ngay l$p tCrc, ngay luc d6
on the books: (thanh vien) chfnh there on the books: (thanh vien) chfnh there
on the level: th~t tha, thang than on the level: th~t tha, thang than
T<;1m sb a Moi
= giup do ai
h~ dang tren da r<;1n nUt va ngU'oi vq (ho~c ngU'oi chong) dU'ong nhU' kh6ng T<;1m dich: Moi quan h~ dang tren da r<;1n nUt va ngU'oi vq (ho~c ngU'oi chong) dU'ong nhU' kh6ng
T9m djch: oi muon chuyen cai ban nay sang phong ben c9nh. Giup toi mot tay dU'Q'C khong?
the tim ra each giai quyet nhfrng khac bi~t cua hQ. the tim ra each giai quyet nhfrng khac bi~t cua hQ.

(by) a hair breadth: su)ft nfra, chi trong gang tac

out of the question: (m(>t dieu) kh6ng the dU'qc out of the question: (m(>t dieu) kh6ng the dU'qc
a slight edge: ranh gi6'i m6ng manh
OUt of the box: pha each, VU'Q't ra ngoai khu6n mau OUt of the box: pha each, VU'Q't ra ngoai khu6n mau
a cry for help: (loi) keu c(ru
out of the ordinary: bat thU'ong out of the ordinary: bat thU'ong
a narrow escape: tranh kh6i nguy hiem trong gang tac
out of the picture: kh6ng quan trQng out of the picture: kh6ng quan trQng
T9m djch: Chiec o to be lai de tranh mot ngl!O'i di xe d9p va su)ft chut nfra va vao mot ngl!O'i qua
T<;1m djch: M(>t so gia dlnh ngheo den noi ma qua Giang sinh Ia dieu kh6ng the. T<;1m djch: M(>t so gia dlnh ngheo den noi ma qua Giang sinh Ia dieu kh6ng the.
the tip of the iceberg: ph an noi cua tang bang, m(>t phan nh6 cua van de the tip of the iceberg: ph an noi cua tang bang, m(>t phan nh6 cua van de
(there are) more fish in the sea: con nhieu h,ra chQn khac (d~c bi~t khi n6i ve chuy~n h~n ho)
the tip of the spear: mOi nhQn, tien phong the tip of the spear: mOi nhQn, tien phong
piggy in the middle: tai bay V9 gi6
T<;1m djch: Alice nq rat nhieu tien. So tien c6 ay nq t6i chi Ia ph an noi cua tang bang ch1m. T<;1m djch: Alice nq rat nhieu tien. So tien c6 ay nq t6i chi Ia ph an noi cua tang bang ch1m.
horses in the stable: ngt,ra trong chuong
tigers in the jungle: ho trong rung
get hot under the collar: tCrc gi~n, gi~n tfm m~t may get hot under the collar: tCrc gi~n, gi~n tfm m~t may
T9m djch: T6i biet b9n rat buon ve vi~c chia tay v6'i Tom nhl!ng ngoai kia con c6 nhieu co gai khac
burn the midnight oil: thCrc dem hQc t~p, nghien eCru burn the midnight oil: thCrc dem hQc t~p, nghien eCru
nfra ma.
sliced bread: tuy~t voi, xuat sac sliced bread: tuy~t voi, xuat sac
chalk and cheese: khac bi~t hoan toan chalk and cheese: khac bi~t hoan toan
let nature take its course: de mQi chuy$n dien ra tt,r nhien
T<;1m djch: Khi t6i cho rang anh ay da nham, John gi~n tfm ca m~t may va x6ng ra kh6i phong. T<;1m djch: Khi t6i cho rang anh ay da nham, John gi~n tfm ca m~t may va x6ng ra kh6i phong.
T9m djch: Neu b9n bi b$nh nh~, tot han het Ia hay de n6 tt,r kh6i.
in the red: trong tlnh tr<;}ng nq nan, kh6ng c6 tien in the red: trong tlnh tr<;}ng nq nan, kh6ng c6 tien
lend a sympathetic ear (to sb): thong cam v6'i ai
in the pink: kh6e m<;1nh in the pink: kh6e m<;1nh
T9m djch: Cha m~ luon san long lang nghe va thong cam cho con cai khi chung g~p kh6 khan.
in the black: c6 tien, c6 loi, kh6ng nq nan gl in the black: c6 tien, c6 loi, kh6ng nq nan gl
T<;1m djch: T6i kh6ng bao gio c6 du tien de thanh toan cac h6a don cua min h. T6i lu6n chay tui. T<;1m djch: T6i kh6ng bao gio c6 du tien de thanh toan cac h6a don cua min h. T6i lu6n chay tui.
break the ice: bat dau CUOC n6i chuy$n v6'i mot ngU'Oi l9 nao d6
break the record: pha ky ll)c
a lemon: m(>t m6n do v6 dl)ng, kh6ng sti dt,mg dU'Q'c a lemon: m(>t m6n do v6 dl)ng, kh6ng sti dt,mg dU'Q'c
break the news: tiet lo thong tin (thl!O'ng Ia tin buon)
a peach: tuy~t voi, tot d~p a peach: tuy~t voi, tot d~p
break the rule: pha lu~t
T<;1m dich: Cai may xay t6i moi mua khong sti dl)ng dU'qc va t6i se mang n6 tro l9i ctia hang de T<;1m dich: Cai may xay t6i moi mua khong sti dl)ng dU'qc va t6i se mang n6 tro l9i ctia hang de
T9m djch: Cedric rat nhut nhat. Neu anh ayden mot bfra ti~c ma anh ay khong quen biet ai, anh
doi m(>t cai m6'i. doi m(>t cai m6'i.
ay se rat kh6 bat chuy~n v6'i ngl!O'i 19.
out of the blue: hoan toan bat ngo out of the blue: hoan toan bat ngo
with bated nfn th6, hoi hop
T<;1m djch: Tin tll'c ve vi~c dong CLJ'a cua nha may th~t bat ngo. Kh6ng ai ngo den dieu d6. T<;1m djch: Tin tll'c ve vi~c dong CLJ'a cua nha may th~t bat ngo. Kh6ng ai ngo den dieu d6.
in the same breath: vU'a n6i the nay, l9i the kia
under one's breath: thl tham
take something into account/consideration: xem xet, tfnh den cai gl take something into account/consideration: xem xet, tfnh den cai gl
out of breath: het hoi, th6 khong ra hoi
T<;1m dich: Bai t~p trong qua trlnh hQc dU'qc xem xet ngang bang v6'i ket qua kiem tra. T<;1m dich: Bai t~p trong qua trlnh hQc dU'qc xem xet ngang bang v6'i ket qua kiem tra.
T9m djch: Tom nop bai kiem tra va nfn th6 cho ket
tie the knot ket h6n tie the knot ket h6n
T~m dich: Anh ay hon co ay trongsau
da chi trfch CUQC Ia Sl,f decan
khihQp va toi e rang co ay da tht,rc locvi~c
bl,mg t1nh T~m dich: Anh ay da chi trfch co ay trong CUQC hQp va toi e rang co ay da tht,rc Sl,f de bl,mg vi~c
d6. d6.

highs and lows:in one's bonnet

nhO'ng luc thanglotram highs and lows: nhO'ng luc thang tram
bread and butter: toi cong vi~can thjt dayeu de lam ke sinh nhai cua m9t nguoi
thiet biam n6 bread and butter: cong vi~c thiet yeu de lam ke sinh nhai cua m9t nguoi
ung thlf.
safe and sound: an toan, blnh an vo st,r safe and sound: an toan, blnh an vo st,r
T~m dich: Gia dlnh nao cOng c6 luc thang luc tram, nhung nhO'ng gia dlnh m~nh me biet tam quan T~m dich: Gia dlnh nao cOng c6 luc thang luc tram, nhung nhO'ng gia dlnh m~nh me biet tam quan
trQng one's
ganthat llfng
b6 v6'i nhau- d~c bl)ngbi~t Ia trong thai ky kh6 khan. trQng cua vi~c gan b6 v6'i nhau- d~c bi~t Ia trong thai ky kh6 khan.
look to one's laurels: IU'u tam v~ vinh dl,f dU'Q'c, phong ngl.ra djch
bite a big
than khong gi6ichew:
one's can m~t qua sere mlnh
gifr bf lam bite off more than one's can chew: lam qua sere mlnh
set someone's
bite the hand that pulse racing:
feeds you: khien
an chaoai d6
daphan khlch
bat, lay oan bao an bite the hand that feeds you: an chao da bat, lay oan bao an
T~m djch: V6'i vi~c tang gia hau het cac m~t hang
put one's foot in one's mouth: n6i loi d~i d(>t, ngu ngoc, thiet yeu,
gay nhieu nglfb'i
kh6 chiu chophai that
nguoi IU'ng bu9c bl)ng
khac put one's foot in one's mouth: n6i loi d~i d(>t, ngu ngoc, gay kh6 chiu cho nguoi khac
Vi SQ' lam
T~m djch:VaO canhtfch
Thanh tung
t~p cua John bi ti,Jt l~i rat xa. Ngoai vi~c hQc, c~u ay con choi the thao T~m djch: Thanh tfch hQC t~p cua John bi ti,Jt l~i rat xa. Ngoai vi~c hQc, c~u ay con choi the thao
va di lam them. C6 ve nhlf c~u ay dang co lam qua nhieu. va di lam them. C6 ve nhlf c~u ay dang co lam qua nhieu.
(be) of two minds: phan van, gifra hai Iuong suy nghT
win byget itchy feetthang
a landslide: ngU'av6'ichan, muon 16'n,
so phieu di daym9tdichien
d6 thang long troi 16 dat win by a landslide: thang v6'i so phieu 16'n, m9t chien thang long troi 16 dat
raise a hue and cry: keu gQi ph an doi, chong doi uong
off one's head: phat dien, mat kiem soat (vi nhieu
l~i ai d6 haydodieuc6 gl
con) raise a hue and cry: keu gQi ph an doi, chong doi l~i ai d6 hay dieu gl
face the music:
go downhill giamnh~n
: suychap doanh chithu,trfch, trl.rng
chat luqngph~t vi loi cua mlnh go downhill : suy giam doanh thu, chat luqng
fish fordjch: Betty phan gia
compliments: van vove nhun
tlfO'ngmlnhlai cua Li~u co
minh: khac
de nguoi ay nen hc;>c de tr6 thanh m9t giao vien
khen fish for compliments: gia vo nhun mlnh de nguoi khac khen
hay m9t dien vien?
T~m djch: 88/100 sinh vien da chQn Dan lam chu tjch h9i sinh vien. Anh ay da chien thang m(>t T~m djch: 88/100 sinh vien da chQn Dan lam chu tjch h9i sinh vien. Anh ay da chien thang m(>t
tr~n long troi 16 dat. tr~n long troi 16 dat.
let the cat out of the bag: de 19 bf m~t
keep your own
put one's headhouse
order: CO tt,r cam Cl,f, CO gang m9t each kh6 khan de doi ph6 VOi nhfrng van
giai quyet van de cua ban than put one's own house in order: tt,r giai quyet van de cua ban than
de tai chfnh, vi~c lam, v.v ...
burn the midnight oil: thuc khuya hQc t~p, lam vi~c, nghien eCru burn the midnight oil: thuc khuya hQc t~p, lam vi~c, nghien eCru
go throughinthe your stomach:
roof: (gia ca lo hay lang,
conbonso) chon
qua cao, qua dat do/ rat tLrc gi~n go through the roof: (gia ca hay con so) qua cao, qua dat do/ rat tLrc gi~n
bring up the rear: di chuyen cuoi cungky
sb's blood boil: khien ai d6 cl,fc tU'c gi~n.
trong doan soi mau bring up the rear: di chuyen cuoi cung trong doan
T~m djch: T~i
T~m djch: B~nsaonenb~n l~i tiet
tt,r giai quyet19 bf m~t
van deva cuanhac den
mlnh ti~cbao
bua khi
trlf6'c v6'i toi
phai N6
gl. ra se Ia m9t bat T~m djch: B~n nen tt,r giai quyet van de cua mlnh trlf6'c khi bao toi phai lam gl.
lose money hand over fist mat rat nhieu tien va nhanh chong lose money hand over fist mat rat nhieu tien va nhanh chong
take the bull by the horns: can dam giai quyet m9t van de kh6 khan
T~m dich: Sau khi tht,rc hi~n m9t so thuong v1,1 lam an toi t~, cong ty thua lo trang tay. T~m dich: Sau khi tht,rc hi~n m9t so thuong v1,1 lam an toi t~, cong ty thua lo trang tay.
kill two birds with one stone: m9t mOi ten trung hai dlch, nhat eli llf5'ng ti~n
put/ set the
chapter andcat among
verse: duathe pigeons:
ra thong gay them
tin chfnh xac rae rei
chi tiet chapter and verse: dua ra thong tin chfnh xac chi tiet
get OUt Of the rat race: rOi khoi, thoat khoi guong quay CUa CU9C SOng.
T~m djch: Minh khong the dua ra thong tin chfnh xac chi tiet, nhung theo trf nh6' cua mlnh, n6 Ia T~m djch: Minh khong the dua ra thong tin chfnh xac chi tiet, nhung theo trf nh6' cua mlnh, n6 Ia
T~m djch: Toi nghT da den luc b~n can dam doi m~t v6'i van va n6i v6'i anh ay rang b~n nghT
m(>t cau trong bai tho 14 cau cua William Shakespeare. m(>t cau trong bai tho 14 cau cua William Shakespeare.
mc;>i thU' nen dU'Q'C thay doi.

on the tip
a dog withoftwo
one's tongue:
tails = very (ai) sap rat
happy: nh6'VUi
ra Slf6'ng
dieu gl a dog with two tails = very happy: rat VUi Slf6'ng
on everyone's lips: chu de ho~c tin don dU'Q'c mc;>i nglfoi bim tan nhieu, r9ng rai
T~m djch: John da rat h~nh phuc ke tlr khi VQ' anh ay sinh m9t be trai khoe m~nh. T~m djch: John da rat h~nh phuc ke tlr khi VQ' anh ay sinh m9t be trai khoe m~nh.
at one's fingertips: san c6, de tiep c~n (nhat Ia n6i ve thong tin)
from th~t long
(be) the bottom
in hot of get
water= one's heart:
into trouble: g~p rae roi (be) in hot water= get into trouble: g~p rae roi
T~m djch: DU'ng nhac l~i ten cua b~n. Toi sap nh6' ra roi.
T~m djch: Anh ay tt,r khien mlnh g~p rae roi v6'i nhO'ng blnh lu~n ve van de nh~p Clf cua mlnh. T~m djch: Anh ay tt,r khien mlnh g~p rae roi v6'i nhO'ng blnh lu~n ve van de nh~p Clf cua mlnh.

costs an arm andde bl)ng,

a leg trong
= is very long, canrat
expensive: dat nh~n
nhac xetcat
do, dat cuacoai costs an arm and a leg = is very expensive: rat dat do, dat cat co
take one's off to sb: mO than phl)c, chuc vinh danh ail dieu gl
T~m djch: Tat ca mQi th(r trong cLra hang bach h6a sang trQng d6 deu dat cat co. T6i kh6ng du T~m djch: Tat ca mQi th(r trong cLra hang bach h6a sang trQng d6 deu dat cat co. T6i kh6ng du
tien sth
Clr th(r coi
gl 6Iad6,
Ccl m(>t chiec but chi. tien mua bat Clr th(r gl 6 d6, ngay Ccl m(>t chiec but chi.
take sth with a pinch of salt ban tfn ban nghi, toan tin tw1ng
few and far between =hard to find: rat ft = kh6 tim few and far between =hard to find: rat ft = kh6 tim

200 200
dich: NhO'ng lai xe khuyen nen v1 c6 ft tr1;:1m tren d11ong cao
tighten their belt>< spend money freely: that lung bu(>c bl)ng >< th~u tien thoai mai tighten their belt>< spend money freely: that lung bu(>c bl)ng >< th~u tien thoai mai
T9m djch: V6'i Sl/ tang gia cua hau het cac m~t hang thiet yeu, nhieu ngub'i phai that lung bu(>c T9m djch: V6'i Sl/ tang gia cua hau het cac m~t hang thiet yeu, nhieu ngub'i phai that lung bu(>c
bl)ng vllo lang g~p phai kh6 khan ve tai chlnh. bl)ng vllo lang g~p phai kh6 khan ve tai chlnh.
toi se di thanh
in the blink of an eye>< very slowly: trong nhay mat>< rat ch~m ch9p in the blink of an eye>< very slowly: trong nhay mat>< rat ch~m ch9p
T9m closed
djch: Trongdoor n¢i ho trq Sl)' song cua c6
nhay mat, h~ thong anhSl/tham
ay da bj d6ng bang boi nhi~t d(> ngoai T9m djch: Trong nhay mat, h~ thong ho trq Sl)' song cua anh ay da bj d6ng bang boi nhi~t d(> ngoai
T1;:1m djch: Do
sue tuong tuqng. dich b~nh, cac tr$n dien ra ma khong c6 khan sue tuong tuqng.

wet hot stuff:: very><
the ears skillful:
full ofrat dieu luy~n,
experience: c6 nat
non tai >< giau kinh nghi~m wet behind the ears >< full of experience: non nat >< giau kinh nghi~m
T9m djch:Co
nonchay dieu
nat de c6 luy~n.
the dam duang nhfrng cong vi~c doi hoi cao nhu v~y. T9m dich: Co ay con qua non nat de c6 the dam duang nhfrng cong vi~c doi hoi cao nhu v~y.

like (great)
two peas pains (with/over/to
in a pod>< do sth) =try
look completely hard to
different: do sth:
giong nhaudon hetdue><
nhu vao vi~c
tam trftrong khacglnhau hoan like two peas in a pod>< look completely different: giong nhau nhu due>< trong khac nhau hoan
an djch: M~c du nhO'ng gl Henry muon truyen tai kh6 c6 the giai thfch bang loi, nh11ng toi van rat
toT1;:1m to an
co gang
T9m djch:de giai va
Betty thfch c~n kegiong
Jennifer ve n6.
nhau nhu due, vl v~y khong c6 gll9 khi m9i ngub'i doi khi nham T9m djch: Betty va Jennifer giong nhau nhu due, vl v~y khong c6 gll9 khi m9i ngub'i doi khi nham
hQia chi em. hQia chi em.
the black sheep of the family: thanh vien ca bi~t cda gia dlnh = an embarrassing member: m¢t
thanh vien dang xau ho
T1;:1m djch: Peter Ia thanh vien ca bi~t cua gia d1nh nen khong bao gio dU'Q'C chao d6n 6 d6.

h h
(be) home free = assuredly successful: chac chan thanh cong
o con
T1;:1m djch: Khi b1;:1n roi kh6i n d11ong chfnh va bang qua diu, b1;:1n chac chan da tlm dung cho roi o n
- chung toi chi song each d6 ba ng6i nha.
u u

up to my eyes >< unoccupied: b$n toi mat toi mGi >< ranh roi
p c e
T1;:1m dich: T6i xin loi vi t6i khong the di choi v6'i b1;:1n vao cuoi tuan nay. T6i b$n toi mat toi mGi voi
p c e
dong bai t$p ve nha. e a e a
at the cutting edge >< the most outdated: tien phong, c b¢hnhat >< l1;:1c h$unnhat
a tien a c h n
e li~u phap mai cho b~nh ung thl1.
T1;:1m dich: Nghien cll'u cda ong Ia tan tien nhat trong cac e
beat around the bush>< give a direct answer: vong vo >< tra loi trl!c tiep t t
T1;:1m dich: DCrng vong vo. Chi can tra loi cau hoi cua t6i Ia c6 ho~c kh6ng.
r s r s
take my hat off >< disregard: nga mG than ph1,.1c >< khinh th11ong
T1;:1m djch: Toi xin nga mG than ph1,.1c tat ca nhO'ng ngl1oi lam vi~c cham chi c6 dU'Q'C hQ'p dong

on cloud nine desperately sad: v6 cung vui mCrng rat buon ba

T1;:1m dich: Judy vera gianh dU'Q'c hQc bong toan phan cda m¢t trong nhfrng tr11ong d1;:1i hQc danh
gia nhat han Ia bay gio 6 tren chfn may.
M(;t m6n do vo d~:~ng M(;t m6n do vo d~:~ng
patch things
Chiec xeupcG toi
out with: han
v6'i gia 300 dolam hoam6ntranh
Ia m(>t do vo dl)ng. hoa
B9n be n6i rang toi th~t do hoi Chiec xe cG toi mua v6'i gia 300 do Ia m(>t m6n do vo dl)ng. B9n be n6i rang toi th~t do hoi
khi vao T6i da CO
nhfrng lb'i nhamhan
cuamQi thLrban.
ngub'i sau CUQC
ban cai, nh11ng
n6i xe nhu hQ vanm6'i
m6'i, kh6ng n6i chuy~n
di duqc voi
m(>t v9n khi tin vao nhfrng lb'i nham nhf cua ngub'i ban. Ngub'i ban n6i xe nhu m6'i, m6'i di duqc m(>t v9n
d~m. Co ta bao v6'i tam gia re the nay thl day Ia m(>t con xe dang mua. Co ta con n6i dang ban n6 d~m. Co ta bao v6'i tam gia re the nay thl day Ia m(>t con xe dang mua. Co ta con n6i dang ban n6
v6'i gia re hb'i. v6'i gia re hb'i.
xe xuat
T~m djch: M(>t so nha san nhu an sai lam:
mac chidanh v~n
Toi h9 kh6ama khong xem xet kjch ban
gia kjch ban gl. Tuy
cl6 T~m djch: M(>t so nha san xuat mac sai lam: h9 danh gia kjch ban ma khong xem xet kjch ban cl6
Ia cua cl~o dien nao.toi da roi: phanh khong an! Chu nhan toi dam Ia cua cl~o dien nao.
khi thay phan xe mlnh bi hu hong. Anh ta
make improvement: cai thi~n anh ta 2000 do Ia anh ta. Nhung Nina Ia make improvement: cai thi~n
D~ng collocation: verb+ noun toi ra nhln thay n6 nfra. D~ng collocation: verb+ noun
T~m djch: Chfnh phu clang c6 rat ft cai thi~n trong CUQC chien chong l~m phat. T~m djch: Chfnh phu clang c6 rat ft cai thi~n trong CUQC chien chong l~m phat.

keep up with sb/ sth: thea kip, bat kip ai/ cai gl keep up with sb/ sth: thea kip, bat kip ai/ cai gl
D~ng collocation: verb + preposition D~ng collocation: verb + preposition
T~m dich: Cong ngh~ thay cloi qua nhanh, th~t kh6 de thea kip n6. T~m dich: Cong ngh~ thay cloi qua nhanh, th~t kh6 de thea kip n6.

make a phone call: gQi cli~n tho~i make a phone call: gQi cli~n tho~i
D~ng collocation: verb + noun D~ng collocation: verb + noun
T~m djch: B~n c6 phien khong neu toi gQi nhanh m(>t CUQC cli~n tho~i? T~m djch: B~n c6 phien khong neu toi gQi nhanh m(>t CUQC cli~n tho~i?
do research: lam nghien c(ru
D~ng decisions: quyet
verb +clinh
noun make decisions: quyet clinh
T~m collocation:
HQ dangverb thl!C+hi~n
nounm¢t so nghien ClrU thu vi ve ngon ngfr cua ca heo. D~ng collocation: verb + noun
T~m djch: Toi U'OC anh ay de chung ta cltra ra m(>t so quyet cljnh thay vi clieu hanh hoan toan CUQC T~m djch: Toi U'OC anh ay de chung ta cltra ra m(>t so quyet cljnh thay vi clieu hanh hoan toan CUQC
hQp up
take cua(sth):
chungbatta.dau m¢t th6i quan ho~c cong vi~c moi hQp cua chung ta.
D~ng collocation: verb + preposition
ask permission: nhieu thoi gian n3nh roi nen gio toi dang nghT den vi~c c6 m¢t so thfch m6'i
rat phep
djch: Toi c6 xin ask permission: xin phep
nhu suu t~p tern. verb + noun
collocation: D~ng collocation: verb + noun
T~m djch: Neu b~n muon ve s6m, hay xin phep giao vit§n. T~m djch: Neu b~n muon ve s6m, hay xin phep giao vit§n.
do good: c6 lqi
discharge sb from
collocation: + nouncho ai xuat vi~n
verb discharge sb from hospital: cho ai xuat vi~n
D~ngdjch: Tht~c hi~n
collocation: verb d¢ an kieng nay da rat c6 lqi cho toi. Toi da giam can va cam thay th~t
che+noun D~ng collocation: verb +noun
T~m voi!
tuy~t djch: Hom nay h9 cho co ay xuat vi~n sau hai thang phau thu~t ltrng va hoi phl)c. T~m djch: Hom nay h9 cho co ay xuat vi~n sau hai thang phau thu~t ltrng va hoi phl)c.

take therain: thi,n~ng
exam: kiemh~t,
tra mU'a Ion heavy rain: mtra n~ng h~t, mU'a Ion
D~ng collocation:verb
adj ++ noun
noun D~ng collocation: adj + noun
T~m djch:HQC
mtraphai ~p xuong
16n lam lientra
bai kiem ti)Cdau
suet clem
vao khong
tru6'c dau di hQc t~i day.
khi bat T~m djch: Con mtra 16n ~p xuong lien ti)C suet clem khong ng6t.

take aadvantage
have gift of: t~n dl)ng, lqi dl)ng take advantage of: t~n dl)ng, lqi dl)ng
D~ng collocation:verb
noun D~ng collocation: verb + noun
T~m djch:Mozart
C6 ve nhU'
da sang tac nh~c
ten tr9m cla lqikhi
van so
conclang m&d(ra
Ia m{>t va vao
tre. ben
ay c6thea eachthien
tai nang d6. bam. T~m djch: C6 ve nhU' ten tr9m cla lqi dl)ng CLJ'a so clang m& va vao ben trong thea each d6.

do someone's
one's attention:
best: co gang thu hut Slf chu y cua ai
het sl1c draw someone's attention: thu hut Slf chu y cua ai
D~ng collocation:verb
noun D~ng collocation: verb + noun
T~m djch:U'u
nhat giaiSlf
thuIahut chu y
quyet cua
nq, cogiao het b~n
gangvien, SlrC chi tranh
can giO'
bi tay
thue. T~m djch: Neu b~n can thu hut Slf chu y cua giao vien, b~n chi can giO' tay len.

have tendency (to temperature: do nhi~t
do something): c6 xucl¢huang
cua ailam gl take someone's temperature: do nhi~t cl¢ cua ai
D~ng collocation:verb
verb+ +noun
noun D~ng collocation: verb + noun
T~m djch:Toi
Y ta domoi
u6'c than nhi~tkhong
nguoi cua anh
c6 ay
xu va ch~ytheo
hoi xem
huang anh aythoi
c6 thoai mai khong.suy nghTxem the
ma khong T~m djch: Y ta do than nhi~t cua anh ay va hoi xem anh ay c6 thoai mai khong.
nao Ia phu hQ'p v6'i ca nhan hQ.
strong tea: tra d~c strong tea: tra d~c
D~ng collocation: adj + noun sai D~ng collocation: adj + noun
T~m dich: Coc tra nay qua cl~c cloi voi toi. B~n c6 the mang cho toi m¢t ft nU'6c n6ng cltrqc khong? T~m dich: Coc tra nay qua cl~c cloi voi toi. B~n c6 the mang cho toi m¢t ft nU'6c n6ng cltrqc khong?
D9ng collocation: verb+ noun D9ng collocation: verb+ noun
T9m djch: Co ay lo lang rang h9 se khong hoan thanh dung thai h9n va se bj ph9t. T9m djch: Co ay lo lang rang h9 se khong hoan thanh dung thai h9n va se bj ph9t.

va bj tCr
made--+ had made--+ had
Ta fighta cai
c6 have nhau, (about):
discussion nhauthao lu$n Ta c6 have a discussion (about): thao lu$n
T9m djch: verb
H<)i dong + noun
da thao lu$n ve cac van de nhU' nha 6 va dieu ki~n song cua ngU'O'i dan ngheo. T9m djch: H<)i dong da thao lu$n ve cac van de nhU' nha 6 va dieu ki~n song cua ngU'O'i dan ngheo.
djch: Jack cia nhau voi va c6 con tham tfm.
got--+ made got--+ made
Ta up for:history:
c6 make bu daplam
cho nen lich sll' Ta c6 make history: lam nen lich sll'
T9m collocation:
Trong khi verb + preposition
Powell t9o de tai ban tan, Lewis da nh~ nhang lam nen ljch sll' vao ngay thCr T9m djch: Trong khi Powell t9o de tai ban tan, Lewis da nh~ nhang lam nen ljch sll' vao ngay thCr
T<;~m cua
nam djch:Thll'
Chung bu dap OU'Q'C thai gian cia mat neu chung ta tiep tt,Jc lam vi~c them vai gia.
ta seOlympic.
nghi~m nam cua Thll' nghi~m Olympic.

done murder: ph;;~m tQi giet ngU'ai
--+taken done --+taken
D;;~ng collocation: verb+ noun
Ta c6 ta~e measure: thlfc hi~n bi~n phap Ta c6 ta~e measure: thlfc hi~n bi~n phap
T;;~m dich:
T(,:)m djch: Theo
Bang chfrng
cac ban moi tinday
m6'ida dl1Q'c
nhat, cacdU'a ra phap
bi~n anh sang
d~c cho
bi~t thay
danganh ta khong
dU'qc thl!cde
thlfC hi~n ph;;~m
Sl.J'bao v~ T(,:)m dich: Theo cac ban tin m6'i nhat, cac bi~n phap d~c bi~t dang dU'qc thlfC hi~n de bao v~
tQi gietcung
nguon ngw)i.
cap nU'6'c t(,:)i dja phU'O'ng. nguon cung cap nU'6'c t(,:)i dja phU'O'ng.

rise--+ welcome: Sl.J' chElO d6n nang nhi~t

a warmraise rise--+ raise
D;;~ng collocation: adj + noun
Ta c6 raise someone's awareness: nang cao nh$n thCrc cua ai Ta c6 raise someone's awareness: nang cao nh$n thCrc cua ai
T;;~m djch: Toi muon gLri lai chao nang nhi~t den nhfrng vj khach den tCr nU'OC ngoai.
Ngoai ra, rise Ia n<)i d<)ng tt1 khong dung trong trU'O'ng hqp c6 tan ngfr theo sau. Ngoai ra, rise Ia n<)i d<)ng tt1 khong dung trong trU'O'ng hqp c6 tan ngfr theo sau.
T9m djch: Chung ta nen to chCrc cac ho9t d<)ng khac nhau de nang cao nh$n thCrc cua mQi ngU'O'i T9m djch: Chung ta nen to chCrc cac ho9t d<)ng khac nhau de nang cao nh$n thCrc cua mQi ngU'O'i
Ve Slfacan
look (at sth):
thiet nhln V~
phai bao vao cailoai
cac g1 d<)ng V$t CO nguy CO' tuy~t Chung. Ve Slf can thiet phai bao V~ cac loai d<)ng V$t CO nguy CO' tuy~t Chung.
D;;~ng collocation: verb + noun
T;;~m djch: Nhln vao ban do nay di, chung ta dang l;;~c dt1b'ng.
advantage --+ use advantage --+ use
Ta c6 make use (of) =take advantage (of): t$n dt,mg Ta c6 make use (of) =take advantage (of): t$n dt,mg
make an excuse: vi~n co
T9m djch: Huan luy~n vien t$n dt,mg tat ca mQi ngU'O'i trong d<)i, vi v$y khong ai cam thay bi b6 roi T9m djch: Huan luy~n vien t$n dt,mg tat ca mQi ngU'O'i trong d<)i, vi v$y khong ai cam thay bi b6 roi
D;;~ng collocation: verb + noun
trong m<)t tr$n dau. trong m<)t tr$n dau.
T;;~m djch: Vao hQp muon nll'a tieng, anh ta tim each vi~n co, tuy nhien chu tich h9i dong nghiem
to do bao
--+toanh ta ra kh6i phong.
make to do --+to make
Ta c6 make an effort (to do): co gang Ta c6 make an effort (to do): co gang
D9ng collocation: gan nhlf
impossible:verb+ nounkh6ng the D9ng collocation: verb+ noun
D~mg collocation: adv + adj
T9m dich: Toi dang co gang gifr lien l9c v6'i gia dlnh mlnh thU'O'ng xuyen han. T9m dich: Toi dang co gang gifr lien l9c v6'i gia dlnh mlnh thU'O'ng xuyen han.
T<;~m djch: Gan nhU' khong the tim thay chU'Ong trlnh may tfnh tot nao ve giao dt,Jc a vung nay cua
dat nU'Oc.
got--+ made got--+ made
Ta c6 make room for: nhU'O'ng cho cho Ta c6 make room for: nhU'O'ng cho cho
smartly m~c lich Sl.J'
T9m djch: Toi layan cho cho chiec may tfnh thCr hai tren ban lam vi~c bang each b6 may in ra. T9m djch: Toi lay cho cho chiec may tfnh thCr hai tren ban lam vi~c bang each b6 may in ra.
D;;~ng collocation: adv + adj
T<;~m djch: Anh ta an m~c d~c bi~t lich Sl.J' v6i quan tay den va ao ghi le, ao SO' mi trang va that no
put--+ make put--+ make
Ta c6 make difference: t9o Slf khac bi~t Ta c6 make difference: t9o Slf khac bi~t
T9m djch: Slf phan doi cua cac cau thu khong anh hU'6ng g1 den quyet djnh cua trQng tai. T9m djch: Slf phan doi cua cac cau thu khong anh hU'6ng g1 den quyet djnh cua trQng tai.
take the opportunity: t~n dt,Jng/IQ'i CO' hQi
D;;~ng collocation: verb + noun
to give--+ to do to give--+ to do
Ta c6dich: Tlnh
do sb hlnh kinh
a favour: khien
giup do nhi'eu ngU'ai khong muon nam
ai d6 CO' hQi va rna doanh nghi~p Ta c6 do sb a favour: giup do ai d6
T;;lm djch: Carol nha toi giup co ay va mang tui vao bep trong khi co ay lay nhfrng cai tui khac ra T;;lm djch: Carol nha toi giup co ay va mang tui vao bep trong khi co ay lay nhfrng cai tui khac ra
kh6i xe. kh6i xe.
meet the deadline: hoan thanh thai
Trfch bai: At school, the other children made jokes about my nose, and I couldn't stand seeing Trfch bai: At school, the other children made jokes about my nose, and I couldn't stand seeing
myself in television plays. myself in television plays.
T~m dich: 0 tnrb'ng, nhCrng dCra tre khck dua cqt ve cai mOi cua toi va toi khong the chju noi khi T~m dich: 0 tnrb'ng, nhCrng dCra tre khck dua cqt ve cai mOi cua toi va toi khong the chju noi khi
thai hlnh.tim
nhln thay ban than trong cac v6 kich tren truyen c6 nhln thay ban than trong cac v6 kich tren truyen hlnh.

sore throat dau hQng sore throat dau hQng

D~ng collocation: adj +noun D~ng collocation: adj +noun
take interest (in): quan
The nose thfch problems
caused health thu as well: because of its shape, I couldn't breathe Trfch bai: The nose caused health problems as well: because of its shape, I couldn't breathe
properly, and I hadverb
collocation: + noun sore throat.
a permanent properly, and I had a permanent sore throat.
Trlch bai: Recently,
T~m djch: Chiec mOi thecGng
ra business has
cac van de vebeen booming
sCrc khoe: as more
vi hlnh d~ng and
cua more
n6, toipeople an
khong the th6 T~m djch: Chiec mOi cGng gay ra cac van de ve sCrc khoe: vi hlnh d~ng cua n6, toi khong the th6
dung eachin Asian
va toi culture
bi dau and
m~n tfnh. dung each va toi bi dau hQng m~n tfnh.
T9m djch: Gan day, nganh kinh doanh phong thuy bung no khi ngay cang c6 nhieu ngU'O'i
have tam den van h6a
an operation: lamva thu~tcua ngU'O'i chau A.
loi song
phau have an operation: lam phau thu~t
D~ng collocation: verb+ noun D~ng collocation: verb+ noun
bai:thanh cong suggested I should have an operation.
The doctor Trfch bai: The doctor suggested I should have an operation.
D9ng collocation:
T~m djch: verb + preposition
Bac sT khuyen toi nen lam phau thu~t. T~m djch: Bac sT khuyen toi nen lam phau thu~t.
Trfch bai: ... there is no doubt that, in the West, in the last few years the idea of Feng Shui has really
off.detail: m(>t each chi tiet
in great in great detail: m(>t each chi tiet
D~ngdich: ... khong adj
collocation: nounngo gl nfra, 6 phU'O'ng Tay, trong vai nam gan day, y tU'6ng ve phong
con+nghi D~ng collocation: adj + noun
Trfchda thl)'C
bai: I only thanh cong.
Sl/ regret I didn't go into the design of my nose in greater detail. Trfch bai: I only regret I didn't go into the design of my nose in greater detail.
T~m dich: Toi chi tiec Ia toi da khong thiet ke cai mGi cua mlnh chi tiet hon. T~m dich: Toi chi tiec Ia toi da khong thiet ke cai mGi cua mlnh chi tiet hon.
give (sb) advice: cho ai IO'i khuyen
D9ng collocation: verb + noun
Trfch bai: They will come to your house or office and you advice based on your lifestyle and
date of birth.
T9m dich: H9 se den nha ho~c van phong cua3 b9n va cho b9n IO'i khuyen dl)'a tren loi song va ngay 3
sinh cua b9n.
w e r w e r
X u n X u n
5 chu y den vi~c gl
pay attention (to sth): 5
a t r a s t a t r a s t
D9ng collocation: verb + noun
Trfch bai: He also toldd me eto e of my windows.
attention to one p d e e p
T9m djch: 6ng ay cOng bao toi chu y den 8 mot trong nhfrng chiec CLJ'a so. 8
v c r 0 v c r 0

solve the problem: giai quyet van

D9ng collocation: verb+ noun
Trfch bai: He reassured me that hanging some dried above it would solve the nll"nll'lll<!:!~ll"n
djch: Ong ay trant an toi rang treo mot ft rau e van
e kho ben tren se giai quyet dU'Q'C t e e
n t n t

take after sb: giong aig t h g t h

D9ng collocation: verb + preposition
Trfch bai: I after my father in appearance.
djch: Toi giong bo ve hlnh.

dua treu
lt"\t""""i"'"·.,. verb + noun

D~c thu cua phan thi Tieng Anh Ia cac b<;:~n can c6 kien thCrc nen nhat dinh. Tl.r Vlfng Ia nen tEmg D~c thu cua phan thi Tieng Anh Ia cac b<;:~n can c6 kien thCrc nen nhat dinh. Tl.r Vlfng Ia nen tEmg
can thiet trong qua trlnh cac b<;:~n hQc Tieng An h. Ben c<;:~nh cac chuyen de ngfr phap, tl.r vvng chfnh can thiet trong qua trlnh cac b<;:~n hQc Tieng An h. Ben c<;:~nh cac chuyen de ngfr phap, tl.r vvng chfnh
Ia phan "von" khi lamverb
collocation: bai cua thf sinh.
+ noun Ia phan "von" khi lam bai cua thf sinh.
Trang thi,T6i
djch: ph an tl.r vl,fng
thfch d6ng
16'p hQc vaihQc,
Khoa tro clfc ky quan trQng,
noi t6i xu at hi~m
lam nhi'eu nhieu v6'i
thf nghi$m I~ kha cao trong
thutyvj. Trang bai thi, ph an tl.r vl,fng d6ng vai tro clfc ky quan trQng, xu at hi~m nhieu v6'i ty I~ kha cao trong
cac cau hoi
a big cua bai m(>t
surprise: thi. ngo 16'n cac cau hoi cua bai thi.
Chu D(;lng
de cuacollocation:
cac bai adj
dQC+hieunounse nam trong cac chu de quen thu(>c nhl1 c6ng ngh~, m6i truO'ng, Chu de cua cac bai dQC hieu se nam trong cac chu de quen thu(>c nhl1 c6ng ngh~, m6i truO'ng,
giaoTl;lm djch:
di,.IC, van£>6 Ia gia
h6a, m(>tdlnh,
bat SlrC
ngo khoe,
lon doi cho t6i khi nhln thay bl;ln trai toi nhay ra khoi h(>p va nhay
V.V. giao di,.IC, van h6a, gia dlnh, SlrC khoe, V.V.
Ngoai b(>dQC
do Pikachu.
hieu de phan h6a hQC sinh thl cac cau hoi de va kh6 nam rai rae 6 cac d<;:~ng bai, Ngoai bai dQC hieu de phan h6a hQC sinh thl cac cau hoi de va kh6 nam rai rae 6 cac d<;:~ng bai,
nghTatake Ia moiadvantage
m(>t d<;:~ng bait~n
(of): dt,mg,
deu lqi dt,mg
c6 the xuat hi~n cau hoi kh6 va thuO'ng Ia nhfrng cau kiem tra ve nghTa Ia moi m(>t d<;:~ng bai deu c6 the xuat hi~n cau hoi kh6 va thuO'ng Ia nhfrng cau kiem tra ve
vlfng.collocation: verb + noun tlr vlfng.
T(;lm djch: T6i cam thay rang b(;ln be cua t6i dang lqi dt,mg t6i nhl1 m(>t ngl1oi tr6ng tre mien phf.
(in) deep thought: t~p trung suy nghT
D(;lng collocation: adj + noun
Tl;lm nam djch:chac
Joshua c6 duqc
va bat nhfrng
xu hl16'ng thong
lo di mQi tin
khi thiet khit~p
anh ay lamtrung
bai hay
suykhi giao tiep thl tlr Vl,fng Ia
nghT. Muon nam chac va bat duqc nhfrng thong tin can thiet khi lam bai hay khi giao tiep thl tlr Vl,fng Ia
m(>t trongNGANG nhfrng yeu to ClfC ky quan trQng. Chi khi b<;:~n s6 hfru m(>t von tl.r doi dao va phong phu, m(>t trong nhfrng yeu to ClfC ky quan trQng. Chi khi b<;:~n s6 hfru m(>t von tl.r doi dao va phong phu,
b<;:~n m&i
take c6 the sti d1,.1ng
a shower: tam Tieng
(bang Anh m9tsen)
voi hoa each tl! nhien, thuan th1,.1c. b<;:~n m&i c6 the sti d1,.1ng Tieng Anh m9t each tl! nhien, thuan th1,.1c.
D9ng collocation: verb + noun
T(;lm djch: T6i ~ phai tamc6hai ranphap
motthl ngaykh6vida t6itruyen
nh(;ly cam khi kh6ng
thongdU'Q'C lam S(;lCh. ~
11 11
••• khong ngfr c6 the' cf9t cfLtQ'c tin, nhLtng khong c6 t& ••• khong c6 ngfr phap thl kh6 c6 the' truyen cf9t cfLtQ'c thong tin, nhLtng khong c6 t&
a strong constrast: m(>t
vlfng thisvth?mtl10'ng
chfph conankhong
16'n c6 thong tin cte truyen ct?t" vlfng thi th?m chf con khong c6 thong tin cte truyen ct?t"
D(;lng collocation: adj + noun (David Wilkins, Linguistics in Language Teaching, 7972) (David Wilkins, Linguistics in Language Teaching, 7972)
T9m dich: Trong ngh$ thu~t, c6 m(>t svtuong ph an m9nh me khi b9n d~t mau do s~c so bem c9nh
t{r Vlfng Ia can ban cua ngon ngfY' t{r Vlfng Ia can ban cua ngon ngfY'
11 11

mau xanh Ia cay buon te, ho~c dU'ong net go ghe ben C(;lnh dU'ong net tron nhan.
••• •••

take pride: tl,f hao - D~mg collocation: verb + noun (Lewis, 7993) (Lewis, 7993)
great he
Kh6ng pride:
qua niem tl,frang,
khi n6i hao 16'n - D9ng
tl.r Vl,fng Ia collocation: adj + khfa
m(>t trong nhfrng nounc<;:~nh thiet yeu nhat cua ng6n ngfr. Tl.r Kh6ng he qua khi n6i rang, tl.r Vl,fng Ia m(>t trong nhfrng khfa c<;:~nh thiet yeu nhat cua ng6n ngfr. Tl.r
vvng djch: Nha
thiet khihang
ta giaocuatiep
chung v6'i t6i rat tl,f
nguO'i haod6
khac, cOngvi~c
trong Ia lycung
do tacapboradjchphan
Vl.J tot
thai trong
gian hQc thi tran.
t~p vvng can thiet khi ta giao tiep v6'i nguO'i khac, d6 cOng Ia ly do ta bora phan 16'n thai gian hQc t~p
do a crossword: choi 6 chfr
tlr vvng. tlr vvng.
the n6i,collocation: verb
tl.r Vl,fng Ia n(>i+dung
nouncot 16i khi hQC t~p, Slr dl,.lng va nang cao trlnh d9 ng6n ngfr. C6 the n6i, tl.r Vl,fng Ia n(>i dung cot 16i khi hQC t~p, Slr dl,.lng va nang cao trlnh d9 ng6n ngfr.
T9m djch: Choi 6 chfr Ia giai m(>t tro choi cau do bang each viet cau tra loi cho cac cau hoi vao
cac 6 dU'Q'C danh SO.
Von make
tl.r phong phu, doi dao se
an appointment: d~tho ljch b<;:~n rat nhieu trong vi~c phat trien va hoan thi~n cac ky nang
trqh~n Von tl.r phong phu, doi dao se ho trq b<;:~n rat nhieu trong vi~c phat trien va hoan thi~n cac ky nang
D9ng m(>t each hi~u verb+
collocation: qua hon. noun Khi c6 duqc von tl.r da d<;:~ng, b<;:~n c6 the de dang hieu duqc n(>i dung khac m(>t each hi~u qua hon. Khi c6 duqc von tl.r da d<;:~ng, b<;:~n c6 the de dang hieu duqc n(>i dung
T9mtruyendjch: V1 d<;:~t ngay
ljch cuacabac khisTngfr phap kh6ng
Matthew vao cuoi quatuan
vfrng. kfn c<;:~nh
daBen nen tuand6, kha
sau nang phan
b9n m6'i cua
c6X<;:!the d~tb<;:~n
ljch duqc truyen d<;:~t ngay ca khi ngfr phap kh6ng qua vfrng. Ben c<;:~nh d6, kha nang phan X<;:! cua b<;:~n
h~n.duqc nang cao, c6 the ph an Crng va tra IO'i l<;:~i nhanh chong. Qua trlnh nghe, hieu va n6i tl.r d6
cung cung duqc nang cao, c6 the ph an Crng va tra IO'i l<;:~i nhanh chong. Qua trlnh nghe, hieu va n6i tl.r d6
cung se ngay cang thanh th<;:~o, tr6i chay. cung se ngay cang thanh th<;:~o, tr6i chay.
Ngoai cac van de lien quan den cac ky nang nghe, n6i hay dQC thl tl.r Vl,fng con giup phat trien kha Ngoai cac van de lien quan den cac ky nang nghe, n6i hay dQC thl tl.r Vl,fng con giup phat trien kha
nang viet, xac djnh duqc dung ngfr canh, dung each dung cua tl.r. Tl.r d6, b<;:~n hoan toan c6 the tl! nang viet, xac djnh duqc dung ngfr canh, dung each dung cua tl.r. Tl.r d6, b<;:~n hoan toan c6 the tl!
tin viet m(>t Ia thu hay trlnh bay m(>t van de nao d6 bang tieng Anh khong phai Ia lang dieu gl. tin viet m(>t Ia thu hay trlnh bay m(>t van de nao d6 bang tieng Anh khong phai Ia lang dieu gl.

M~c du ai cOng nh~n biet duqc tam quan trQng cua vi~c hQC tl.r Vl,fng tieng Anh va bo nhieu cong M~c du ai cOng nh~n biet duqc tam quan trQng cua vi~c hQC tl.r Vl,fng tieng Anh va bo nhieu cong
sere nhung ket qua mang l<;:~i thuO'ng khong cao. Dieu nay se khien chung ta roi vao tlnh tr<;:~ng chan sere nhung ket qua mang l<;:~i thuO'ng khong cao. Dieu nay se khien chung ta roi vao tlnh tr<;:~ng chan
nan va de bo CUQC. nan va de bo CUQC.
De khac phl)c duqc dieu nay cOng nhu tim ra duqc each h9c tl.r vl,fng tieng Anh hi~u qua nhat, b<;:~n De khac phl)c duqc dieu nay cOng nhu tim ra duqc each h9c tl.r vl,fng tieng Anh hi~u qua nhat, b<;:~n
phai tim ra van de nam 6 dau. Sau day Ia m(>t so loi cac b<;:~n thuO'ng hay mac phai. phai tim ra van de nam 6 dau. Sau day Ia m(>t so loi cac b<;:~n thuO'ng hay mac phai.
Flashcard Ia m¢t trong nhfrng cong c1,.1 hi~u qua de ghi nh6' thong tin. Chung thLrang Ia nhfrng tam Flashcard Ia m¢t trong nhfrng cong c1,.1 hi~u qua de ghi nh6' thong tin. Chung thLrang Ia nhfrng tam
the, mieng giay cLI'ng c6 ghi cac tU' kh6a va hlnh minh hQa dLrqc xau l~i v6'i nhau, t~o thanh m¢t the, mieng giay cLI'ng c6 ghi cac tU' kh6a va hlnh minh hQa dLrqc xau l~i v6'i nhau, t~o thanh m¢t
cuon "tlr dien mini" ve chu de cua n6. B~n c6 the de dang mua dlfQ'C nhfrng tam the hQC tLr vt,rng cuon "tlr dien mini" ve chu de cua n6. B~n c6 the de dang mua dlfQ'C nhfrng tam the hQC tLr vt,rng
nay 6 hi~u sach v6'i gia ca phai chang ho~c tt,r sang t~o theo phong each cua mlnh. Vi~c Slr d1,.1ng nay 6 hi~u sach v6'i gia ca phai chang ho~c tt,r sang t~o theo phong each cua mlnh. Vi~c Slr d1,.1ng
hlnh minh hQa v6'i nhfrng mau sac tlfOi tan xanh, do, vang, V.V. khong nhfrng giup ghi nh6' nhanh hlnh minh hQa v6'i nhfrng mau sac tlfOi tan xanh, do, vang, V.V. khong nhfrng giup ghi nh6' nhanh
rna con t~o hung thu cho nglfb'i hQC. rna con t~o hung thu cho nglfb'i hQC.
LQ'i the d~c bi~t cua flashcard so v6'i cac lo~i tai li~u khac chfnh Ia st,r nh6 gQn cua n6. B~n c6 the LQ'i the d~c bi~t cua flashcard so v6'i cac lo~i tai li~u khac chfnh Ia st,r nh6 gQn cua n6. B~n c6 the
mang theo flashcard de hQc 6 mQi luc mQi noi, vf d1,.1 Ia trong khi cha xe buyt ho~c dqi b~n be "sap mang theo flashcard de hQc 6 mQi luc mQi noi, vf d1,.1 Ia trong khi cha xe buyt ho~c dqi b~n be "sap
den roi" 6 quan ca phe. den roi" 6 quan ca phe.

Phlfong phap hQC nay se phu hqp hon v6'i nhfrng tlr ngfr kh6 nh6', phLJ'c t~p. NglfOi hQc khong nen Phlfong phap hQC nay se phu hqp hon v6'i nhfrng tlr ngfr kh6 nh6', phLJ'c t~p. NglfOi hQc khong nen
dan qua nhieu tlr dan den vi~c chan nan, khong t$p trung. dan qua nhieu tlr dan den vi~c chan nan, khong t$p trung.
MQt so dja diem gqi y trong nha c6 the Ia ngay chfnh ban hQc cua b~n, cua ra vao, tu l~nh, glfong, MQt so dja diem gqi y trong nha c6 the Ia ngay chfnh ban hQc cua b~n, cua ra vao, tu l~nh, glfong,
dau giLrang ho~c bat ky noi nao b~n hay lui t6'i nhat. dau giLrang ho~c bat ky noi nao b~n hay lui t6'i nhat.

Chung phlfongta deu phap
biet hQC mc)t tlr vt,rng
each cang
truyenngay cang tr6 nen tll' pho bien Ia hQC qua cac Lrng d~,Jng trt,rc MQt phlfong phap hQC tlr vt,rng cang ngay cang tr6 nen pho bien Ia hQC qua cac Lrng d~,Jng trt,rc
ly thuyet
tuyen vf d1,.1ket
hQ', ho~c Ia Duolingo,
thvc hanh Quizlet, hc;>c theo tieu tuyen vf d1,.1 nhtr, Quizlet, Duolingo, ..
bien va phap
PhlfOng mangnay lc;:~i hi~u
se thfch hqptuy
qua tot, cac b~n
v6'i nhien cacc6 tinh than tt,r giac cao ho~c khong c6 dieu ki~n tai PhlfOng phap nay se thfch hqp v6'i cac b~n c6 tinh than tt,r giac cao ho~c khong c6 dieu ki~n tai
trQ', tc;:~o
chfnh. lJuthem
cua cac d~,Jng nay c6 the ke den nhlf:
thu khi chfnh. lJu diem cua cac LJ'ng d~,Jng nay c6 the ke den nhlf:
• Do hQa dlfQ'C thiet ke bat mat • Do hQa dlfQ'C thiet ke bat mat
• Giao di~n tro choi gay hung thu • Giao di~n tro choi gay hung thu
• LQ trlnh hQC r6 rang • LQ trlnh hQC r6 rang
• Mien phf • Mien phf

HQC tLr vt,rng bang so tay se d~t hi~u qua cao khi b~n c6 kha nang trang trf va sap xep logic. B~n HQC tLr vt,rng bang so tay se d~t hi~u qua cao khi b~n c6 kha nang trang trf va sap xep logic. B~n
se dlfQ'C th6a SlrC sap xep va trlnh bay thong tin theo each rieng cua mlnh. PhlfOng phap nay se se dlfQ'C th6a SlrC sap xep va trlnh bay thong tin theo each rieng cua mlnh. PhlfOng phap nay se
Ia m(>t trq thu tuy~t vai cho cac b~n hQC sinh thfch sang t~o. Ia m(>t trq thu tuy~t vai cho cac b~n hQC sinh thfch sang t~o.
Cach hQC nay tuy ton chut thai gian de ghi chep nhlfng qua trlnh ghi chep cOng bo trq qua trlnh Cach hQC nay tuy ton chut thai gian de ghi chep nhlfng qua trlnh ghi chep cOng bo trq qua trlnh
ghi nh6' thong tin va cuon so c6 the gifr l~i de dung lau dai, do v$y lqi fch van rat xLJ'ng dang v6'i ghi nh6' thong tin va cuon so c6 the gifr l~i de dung lau dai, do v$y lqi fch van rat xLJ'ng dang v6'i
cong sLI'c b~n b6 ra. cong sLI'c b~n b6 ra.

Ngoai vi~c hQC tLr Vt,rng, each nay con giup chung ta nang cao kha nang nghe, dong thai hQC each Ngoai vi~c hQC tLr Vt,rng, each nay con giup chung ta nang cao kha nang nghe, dong thai hQC each
phat am cua nglfOi ban Xlr. phat am cua nglfOi ban Xlr.
De hQC theo phtrong phap nay, b~n can chQn IQC cac bai hat phu hqp ve ngfr phap va tLr vt,rng, neu De hQC theo phtrong phap nay, b~n can chQn IQC cac bai hat phu hqp ve ngfr phap va tLr vt,rng, neu
khong thl hi~u qua dem l~i se khong cao. MQt each hQc gqi y Ia b~n hay tim lyrics cua bai hat, x6a khong thl hi~u qua dem l~i se khong cao. MQt each hQc gqi y Ia b~n hay tim lyrics cua bai hat, x6a
di m¢t so tl1, sau d6 nghe nh~c va dien tU' vao cho trong. B~n c6 the lam vi~c nay theo nh6m, mQi di m¢t so tl1, sau d6 nghe nh~c va dien tU' vao cho trong. B~n c6 the lam vi~c nay theo nh6m, mQi
nglfai VLra chia se nhfrng bai hat hay VLra tranh dlfQ'C trlfang hqp b~n da 16' ghi nh6' cac tlr dien nglfai VLra chia se nhfrng bai hat hay VLra tranh dlfQ'C trlfang hqp b~n da 16' ghi nh6' cac tlr dien
khuyet tU' khi tim lyrics. khuyet tU' khi tim lyrics.

HQc tLr qua phim anh Ia phlfong phap phu hqp hon v6'i cac b~n da c6 nen tang tlfong doi vfrng HQc tLr qua phim anh Ia phlfong phap phu hqp hon v6'i cac b~n da c6 nen tang tlfong doi vfrng
vang. Ve LfU diem, phlfong phap nay c6 the giup nglfai hQC nh6' tlr vt,rng lau, biet each phat am vang. Ve LfU diem, phlfong phap nay c6 the giup nglfai hQC nh6' tlr vt,rng lau, biet each phat am
dung va ngfr canh toi da h6a lqi fch tU' mot b(> phim, nen xem hai
phim c6 va c6 phl) An h.

M(>t phU'ong hfru dl)ng khac cho vi~c h9c tU' Ia dl)ng mind map- so tU' duy.
so do tuy duy cho phep ghi chu m(>t IU'Q'ng 16'n tin chi mot to luon
thay chu ghi noi 6 gifra trang va moi quan h~ cua n6 v6'i nhfrng nhanh nh6 khac
U'u diem cua SO' do tU' duy Ia giup ta hQC tLr vt,rng theo chu nhanh chong. Mind map cCing Ia mot
hlnh thU'c hfru dl)ng ta on lr;:Ji tlr vt,rng cua mlnh ma khong gay nham chan.
ADJECTIVE (adj): Tfnh tlr
Tang 11, 029 Ph<:1m van B9ch, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay Ha N<)i. Tang 11, 029 Ph<:1m van B9ch, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay Ha N<)i.
ADVERB (adv): tLr
Bi$n tho<:1i: 024 2214 7815 (hotline 0969.803.959) Bi$n tho<:1i: 024 2214 7815 (hotline 0969.803.959)
VERB (v): D¢ng tlr
Chi nhanh: 143 Pasteur, Phuong 6, Qu~n 3, Thanh ph6 Ho Chf Minh Chi nhanh: 143 Pasteur, Phuong 6, Qu~n 3, Thanh ph6 Ho Chf Minh
NOUN (n): Danh tlr
NOUN PHRASE (NP): Ct..~m danh tlr BT: (08) 391 06962 BT: (08) 391 06962
N(uncountable): Danh tlr khong dem dtJqc
N(plural): Danh tLr so nhi'eu
N(singular): Danh tlr SO ft
IDIOM (id): Thanh ngfr
Chju trach nhi$m xuat ban:
PHRASAL VERB (phr.v): Ct..~m d¢ng tLJ'
Chju trach nhi$m xuat ban:
PHRASE (phr): Ct..~m tLJ'Giam doc- Tong bien t~p: LE THANH HA Giam doc- Tong bien t~p: LE THANH HA
PREPOSITION (prep): Gi6'i tlr
PRONOUN (pr.n): D9i tlr
Somebody (sb): Ai
Something (sth): Cai gl
Somewhere (sw): Noi naoChe ban: CONG TYTNHH GIAO Dl)C EDMICRO Che ban: CONG TYTNHH GIAO Dl)C EDMICRO

TrQng am chfnhTrinh bay bla: CONG TYTNHH GIAO Dl)C EDMICRO

GU'Q'C the' hi?n bang dau nhay tren va trQng am ph() GU'Q'C the hi?n bang dau
nhay adu6i. Cac da'u nhay auqc a?t phfa truac am tiet duqc nhan trQng am.

D6i tac lien ket xu at ban: Cong ty TNHH Giao d~c Ed micro D6i tac lien ket xu at ban: Cong ty TNHH Giao d~c Ed micro
D!a chi: Tang 4, nha 25T2, lo NOS, khu doth! Dong Nam, duang Tran Duy Hung, D!a chi: Tang 4, nha 25T2, lo NOS, khu doth! Dong Nam, duang Tran Duy Hung,
Phuong Trung Hoa, Qu~n Cau Giay, Thanh ph6 Ha N9i, Vi~t Nam Phuong Trung Hoa, Qu~n Cau Giay, Thanh ph6 Ha N9i, Vi~t Nam

GIAI CIJU MAT GOC TftV~NG TIENG ANH THCS (let's study hard Vocab) GIAI CIJU MAT GOC TftV~NG TIENG ANH THCS (let's study hard Vocab)

In 5.000 ban, kho 19x27 t9i C6ng ty co phan Sach va Phat trien giao dl)C Vi$t Nam. In 5.000 ban, kho 19x27 t9i C6ng ty co phan Sach va Phat trien giao dl)C Vi$t Nam.
Bia chi: s6 73- To 34 Hoang Van Thl)- Hoang Mai, Ha N9i. Bia chi: s6 73- To 34 Hoang Van Thl)- Hoang Mai, Ha N9i.
S6 xac nh~n dang ky xuat ban: 577-2022/CXBIPH/28-15/TN S6 xac nh~n dang ky xuat ban: 577-2022/CXBIPH/28-15/TN
Quyet djnh xuat ban s6: 414/QB-NXBTN ngay 04/03/2022. Quyet djnh xuat ban s6: 414/QB-NXBTN ngay 04/03/2022.
In xong va n9p lliu chieu nam 2022. ISBN: 978-604-358-296-3 In xong va n9p lliu chieu nam 2022. ISBN: 978-604-358-296-3

do an
D~c thu cua phan thi Tieng Anh Ia cac b<;m can c6 kien th(rc nen nhat djnh. TCr vl)'ng Ia nen tang D~c thu cua phan thi Tieng Anh Ia cac b<;m can c6 kien th(rc nen nhat djnh. TCr vl)'ng Ia nen tang
can thiet trong qua trlnh cac b9n hQC Tieng Anh. Ben C9nh cac chuyen de ngfr phap, tCr Vl)'ng chfnh can thiet trong qua trlnh cac b9n hQC Tieng Anh. Ben C9nh cac chuyen de ngfr phap, tCr Vl)'ng chfnh
Ia phan "von" khi lam bai cua thf sinh. Ia phan "von" khi lam bai cua thf sinh.
collocation: verb + noun
T~m dich:
Trong bai thi,
T6iph an tCr
thfch lopvl)'ng
hoc dong
Khoa vai tronoi
hoc, cl)'c
c6quan lam
tr<;>ng, hi~n
xu atthf
nhi'eu nghi~m
nhieuthu ty I~ kha cao trong
v6'i vi. Trong bai thi, ph an tCr vl)'ng dong vai tro cl)'c ky quan tr<;>ng, xu at hi~n nhieu v6'i ty I~ kha cao trong
caca cau hoi cua bai
big surprise: thi.
m(>t bat ngo 16'n cac cau hoi cua bai thi.
Chu collocation:
cua cac bai adjdQc hieu se nam trong cac chu de quen thu()c nhU' c6ng ngh~, m6i trU'O'ng,
+ noun Chu de cua cac bai dQc hieu se nam trong cac chu de quen thu()c nhU' c6ng ngh~, m6i trU'O'ng,
T~m dt,JC,
giao D6 h6a,
djch:van Ia m(>t
giabat ngo
dlnh, 16'nkhoe,
SlrC V.V. t6i khi nh1n thay b~n trai t6i nhay ra kh6i h(>p va nhay
doi cho giao dt,JC, van h6a, gia dlnh, SlrC khoe, V.V.
Ngoai b(> baido Pikachu.
dQC hieu de phan hoa hQC sinh thl cac cau hoi de va kho nam rai rae 6 cac d9ng bai, Ngoai bai dQC hieu de phan hoa hQC sinh thl cac cau hoi de va kho nam rai rae 6 cac d9ng bai,
nghTa (of): t$n
moi m()t d9ng bai dl)ng,
deu coIQ'ithedl)ng
xuat hi~n cau hoi kho va thuong Ia nhfrng cau kiem tra ve nghTa Ia moi m()t d9ng bai deu co the xuat hi~n cau hoi kho va thuong Ia nhfrng cau kiem tra ve
tCr collocation: verb+ noun
vl)'ng. tCr vl)'ng.
T~m djch: T6i cam thay rang b~n be cua t6i dang lqi dl)ng t6i nhlf m(>t nglfb'i tr6ng tre mien phi.
(in) deep thought: t$p trung suy nghT
D~ng collocation: adj +noun
T~m namJoshua
chac vac6bat xudU'Q'C nhfrng
hlf6'ng 10' di thong
moi thLrtinkhi
ay khi
t$p lam
trung baisuy
khi giao tiep th1 tCr Vl)'ng Ia Muon nam chac va bat dU'Q'C nhfrng thong tin can thiet khi lam bai hay khi giao tiep th1 tCr Vl)'ng Ia
m()t trong NGANGnhfrng yeu to Cl/C ky quan tr<;>ng. Chi khi b9n s6 hfru m()t von tCr doi dao va phong phu, m()t trong nhfrng yeu to Cl/C ky quan tr<;>ng. Chi khi b9n s6 hfru m()t von tCr doi dao va phong phu,
b9n m6'ia co
take the st1tam
shower: dt,Jng Tieng
(bang voiAnh
sen)each tl! nhien, thuan tht,Jc. b9n m6'i co the st1 dt,Jng Tieng Anh m()t each tl! nhien, thuan tht,Jc.
D~ng collocation: verb + noun
T~m djch: T6i phai tam hai
"... khong lan m(>t
c6 ngfr phapngay v1 da
thl kh6 thenh~y
c6t6i cam
truyen a~tkhi kh6ng
aU'Q'c dlfQ'C
thong tin lam s~ch.
nhLfng khong c6 t& "... khong c6 ngfr phap thl kh6 c6 the truyen a~t aU'Q'c thong tin nhLfng khong c6 t&
a strong constrast: v~:mg m(>t Sl/
thl tlfong
th?m chiph an khong c6 thong tin de truyen a~t"
conIon v~:mg thl th?m chi con khong c6 thong tin de truyen a~t"
D~ng collocation: adj + noun (David Wilkins, Linguistics in Language Teaching, 1972) (David Wilkins, Linguistics in Language Teaching, 1972)
T~m dich: Trong ngh~ thu$t, c6 m(>t sl)'tlfong ph an m~nh me khi b~n d~t mau do s~c so ben c~nh
t& Vlfng Ia can ban cua ngon nglf" t& Vlfng Ia can ban cua ngon nglf"
11 11

mau xanh Ia cay buon te, ho~c dlfb'ng net go ghe ben c~nh dlfb'ng net tron nhan.
••• •••

take pride: tl)' hao D~ng collocation: verb + noun (Lewis, 1993) (Lewis, 1993)
Kh6ngpride:he quaniem
noihao 16'n-
rang, tlr D~ng
Vl)'ng collocation:
Ia m()t trong adj +noun
nhfrng khfa c9nh thiet yeu nhat cua ng6n ngfr. TCr Kh6ng he qua khi noi rang, tlr Vl)'ng Ia m()t trong nhfrng khfa c9nh thiet yeu nhat cua ng6n ngfr. TCr
Vt,mgdjch: Nha hang
can thiet khi ta cua
giaochung t6inguoi
tiep v6'i rat tl)'khac,
hao trong vi~cIacung
do cGng ly docap djch Vl)
ta bora phantot 16'n
nhat trong
thai gianthjhQC
t~p Vt,mg can thiet khi ta giao tiep v6'i nguoi khac, do cGng Ia ly do ta bora phan 16'n thai gian hQC t~p
tCrdo a crossword: choi 6 chfr
vl)'ng. tCr vl)'ng.
Co the collocation: verb
noi, tCr Vl)'ng + noun
Ia n()i dung cot lei khi hQC t~p, Slr dt,Jng va nang cao trlnh d() ng6n ngfr. Co the noi, tCr Vl)'ng Ia n()i dung cot lei khi hQC t~p, Slr dt,Jng va nang cao trlnh d() ng6n ngfr.
T~m dich: Choi 6 chfr Ia giai m(>t tro choi cau do bang each viet cau tra lai cho cac cau hoi vao
cac 0 dU'Q'C danh SO.
VonmaketCr phong phu, doi dao
an appointment d~tseljch h~nb9n rat nhieu trong vi~c phat trien va hoan thi~n cac ky nang
ho trq Von tCr phong phu, doi dao se ho trq b9n rat nhieu trong vi~c phat trien va hoan thi~n cac ky nang
D~ng m()t each hi~u
khac collocation: qua
verb han. Khi co duqc von tCr da d9ng, b(:ln co the de dang hieu duqc n()i dung
+ noun khac m()t each hi~u qua han. Khi co duqc von tCr da d9ng, b(:ln co the de dang hieu duqc n()i dung
T~m truyen
V1 d9t
ljch ngay ca khi
cua bac ngfr phapvao
sT Matthew kh6ng
da kfnBen
nangm6'iphan X9 d~t
c6 the cua ljch
b9n duqc truyen d9t ngay ca khi ngfr phap kh6ng qua vfrng. Ben C9nh do, kha nang phan X9 cua b9n
cOng duqc nang cao, co the phan l1ng va tra loi l9i nhanh chong. Qua trlnh nghe, hieu va noi tCr do
h~n. cOng duqc nang cao, co the phan l1ng va tra loi l9i nhanh chong. Qua trlnh nghe, hieu va noi tCr do
cOng se ngay cang thanh th9o, tr6i chay. cOng se ngay cang thanh th9o, tr6i chay.
Ngoai cac van de lien quan den cac ky nang nghe, noi hay dQC thl tCr Vl)'ng con giup phat trien kha Ngoai cac van de lien quan den cac ky nang nghe, noi hay dQC thl tCr Vl)'ng con giup phat trien kha
nang viet, xac djnh duqc dung ngfr canh, dung each dung cua tCr. TCr do, b9n hoan toan co the tl! nang viet, xac djnh duqc dung ngfr canh, dung each dung cua tCr. TCr do, b9n hoan toan co the tl!
tin viet m()t Ia thu hay trlnh bay m()t van de nao do bang tieng Anh kh6ng phai lo lang dieu gl. tin viet m()t Ia thu hay trlnh bay m()t van de nao do bang tieng Anh kh6ng phai lo lang dieu gl.

M~c du ai cOng nh~n biet dU'Q'C tam quan tr<;>ng cua vi~c hQC tlr Vl)'ng tieng Anh va bo nhieu c6ng M~c du ai cOng nh~n biet dU'Q'C tam quan tr<;>ng cua vi~c hQC tlr Vl)'ng tieng Anh va bo nhieu c6ng
sue nhung ket qua mang l9i thuong kh6ng cao. Dieu nay se khien chung ta roi vao tlnh tr9ng chan sue nhung ket qua mang l9i thuong kh6ng cao. Dieu nay se khien chung ta roi vao tlnh tr9ng chan
nan Va de bo CUQC. nan Va de bo CUQC.
De khac phl)C dU'Q'C dieu nay cOng nhU' tim ra dU'Q'C each hQC tCr Vl)'ng tieng Anh hi~u qua nhat, b9n De khac phl)C dU'Q'C dieu nay cOng nhU' tim ra dU'Q'C each hQC tCr Vl)'ng tieng Anh hi~u qua nhat, b9n
phai tim ra van de nam 6 dau. Sau day Ia m()t so loi cac b9n thuong hay mac phai. phai tim ra van de nam 6 dau. Sau day Ia m()t so loi cac b9n thuong hay mac phai.
Flashcard Ia m¢t trong nhfrng cong cv hi~u qua de ghi nh6'thong tin. Chung thLrang Ia nhfrng Ui'm Flashcard Ia m¢t trong nhfrng cong cv hi~u qua de ghi nh6'thong tin. Chung thLrang Ia nhfrng Ui'm
the, mieng giay cl1ng c6 ghi cac tt1 kh6a va hlnh minh hQa dLrqc xau l9i v6'i nhau, t9o thanh m¢t the, mieng giay cl1ng c6 ghi cac tt1 kh6a va hlnh minh hQa dLrqc xau l9i v6'i nhau, t9o thanh m¢t
cuon "tt1 dien mini" ve chu de cua n6. B9n c6 the de dang mua dLJ'Q'C nhfrng tam the hQC tlr Vl)'ng cuon "tt1 dien mini" ve chu de cua n6. B9n c6 the de dang mua dLJ'Q'C nhfrng tam the hQC tlr Vl)'ng
nay 6 hi~u sach v6'i gia ca phai chang ho~c tl,.l' sang t90 theo phong each cua mlnh. Vi~c Slr d1,.1ng nay 6 hi~u sach v6'i gia ca phai chang ho~c tl,.l' sang t90 theo phong each cua mlnh. Vi~c Slr d1,.1ng
hlnh minh hQa v6'i nhfrng mau sac tlfOi tan xanh, do, vang, V.V. khong nhfrng gilip ghi nh6' nhanh hlnh minh hQa v6'i nhfrng mau sac tlfOi tan xanh, do, vang, V.V. khong nhfrng gilip ghi nh6' nhanh
rna con t90 hLrng thU cho ngLrai hQC. rna con t90 hLrng thU cho ngLrai hQC.
LQ'i the d~c bi~t cua flashcard so v6'i cac lo9i tai li~u khac chfnh Ia Sl,.l' nh6 gQn cua n6. B9n c6 the LQ'i the d~c bi~t cua flashcard so v6'i cac lo9i tai li~u khac chfnh Ia Sl,.l' nh6 gQn cua n6. B9n c6 the
Tieng Anh cung giong nhlf c6
mang theo flashcard de hQc 6 mQi Ilie mQi noi, vf d1,.1la trong khi cha xe buyt ho~c dqi b9n be "sap mang theo flashcard de hQc 6 mQi Ilie mQi noi, vf d1,.1la trong khi cha xe buyt ho~c dqi b9n be "sap
nhau, thlfb'ng thl cac thay co tren trlfb'ng chi
den roi" 6 quan ca phe. den roi" 6 quan ca phe.
b9n. Thong thlfb'ng, di'eu nay dan da se khien va
khi g~p n6 trong mQt ngfr canh Slr dl)ng hoan toan se
PhLrong d6, vi~c
C9nh phap hQchQC
nay tl.r
se Vl)'ng tieng
phu hqp honAnh
v6'i dl)'a
nhfrngtrentt1nghTa tieng
ngfr kh6 nh6', phLrc t9p. NgLraixem
hQc mot bi~n
Ia khong nen PhLrong phap hQc nay se phu hqp hon v6'i nhfrng tt1 ngfr kh6 nh6', phLrc t9p. NgLrai hQc khong nen
dan quahoc nhieu
dan danh
den vi~cgia cao
chanvinan,nghTa tiengt~p
khong Vi~t khong
trung. tl.r. dan qua nhieu tlr dan den vi~c chan nan, khong t~p trung.
M¢t dien
so chfnh Ia kho
dia diem gqitang
y trongkiennha
thedu, chi tiet
Ia ngay va chfnh
chfnh xaccua b9n,
ban hQC Va CLra
n6 se
ra giup
vao, b9n
tu 19nh, giai gLrong,
quyet M¢t so dia diem gqi y trong nha c6 the Ia ngay chfnh ban hQC cua b9n, CLra ra vao, tu 19nh, gLrong,
dau giLrang ca nhlfng
hao tat ho~c van
bat ky noidenao
da b9n
do9n tren. Tuy nhien thl)'c l9i chf ra rang, rat ft dau giLrang ho~c bat ky noi nao b9n hay lui t6'i nhat.
nglfdi chju danh thdi gian de tra ClrU tl.r dien, du dieu nay giup fch cho Vi~C hQC tl.r m6'i rat nhieu.

M<)t phLrong
Chung phap
ta deu biet hQC
mot sotLr Vl,.l'ng
each cangthong
truyen ngay cang
Ia bien Ia hQC quaon
cac Lrng dl,.lng
dinh ky, tn,rc M<)t phLrong phap hQC tLr Vl,.l'ng cang ngay cang tr6 nen pho bien Ia hQC qua cac Lrng dl,.lng tn,rc
d1,.1 hqp
nhLr thl)'c hanh ho~c, Quizlet,
Ia hocDuolingo,
theo mvc.. tieu tl.rng Ia nhfrng each pho tuyen vf d1,.1 nhLr, Quizlet, Duolingo, ..
bien va mang hi~u
phapl9inay sequa
tuy v6'i caccac
nhien b9nb9n c6 tl,.l' giac cao ho~c khong
c6 tinh than c6 dieu
phlfong phapki~n tai PhLrong phap nay se thfch hqp v6'i cac b9n c6 tinh than tl,.l' giac cao ho~c khong c6 dieu ki~n tai
chfnh. LJ'u diem
t9o them hungcua
hocdvngt$p. nay c6 the ke den nhlf: chfnh. LJ'u diem cua cac Lrng dvng nay c6 the ke den nhlf:
~ Do hQa dLrQ'C thiet ke bat mat ~ Do hQa dLrQ'C thiet ke bat mat
~ Giao di~n tro choi gay hl1ng thu ~ Giao di~n tro choi gay hl1ng thu
~ LQ trlnh hQC r5 rang ~ LQ trlnh hQC r5 rang
~ Mien phf ~ Mien phf

HQC tlr Vl,.l'ng bang so tay se d9t hi~u qua cao khi b9n c6 kha nang trang trf va sap xep logic. B9n HQC tlr Vl,.l'ng bang so tay se d9t hi~u qua cao khi b9n c6 kha nang trang trf va sap xep logic. B9n
se dLJ'Q'C th6a SlrC sap xep va trlnh bay thong tin theo each rieng cua mlnh. PhLJ'Ong phap nay se se dLJ'Q'C th6a SlrC sap xep va trlnh bay thong tin theo each rieng cua mlnh. PhLJ'Ong phap nay se
Ia m¢t trq thu tuy~t vai cho cac b9n hQC sinh thfch sang t90. Ia m¢t trq thu tuy~t vai cho cac b9n hQC sinh thfch sang t90.
Cach hQC nay tuy ton chlit thai gian de ghi chep nhLrng qua trlnh ghi chep cung bo trq qua trlnh Cach hQC nay tuy ton chlit thai gian de ghi chep nhLrng qua trlnh ghi chep cung bo trq qua trlnh
ghi nh6' thong tin va cuon so c6 the gifr 19i de dung lau dai, do v~y lqi fch van rat x(rng dang v6'i ghi nh6' thong tin va cuon so c6 the gifr 19i de dung lau dai, do v~y lqi fch van rat x(rng dang v6'i
cong s(rc b9n b6 ra. cong s(rc b9n b6 ra.

Ngoai vi~c hQC tlr Vl,.l'ng, each nay con giup chung ta nang cao kha nang nghe, dong thai hQC each Ngoai vi~c hQC tlr Vl,.l'ng, each nay con giup chung ta nang cao kha nang nghe, dong thai hQC each
phat am cua ngLrOi ban Xlr. phat am cua ngLrOi ban Xlr.
De hQC theo phLrong phap nay, b9n can chQn IQC cac bai hat phu hqp ve ngfr phap va tlr Vl,.l'ng, neu De hQC theo phLrong phap nay, b9n can chQn IQC cac bai hat phu hqp ve ngfr phap va tlr Vl,.l'ng, neu
khong th1 hi~u qua dem l9i se khong cao. M<)t each hQc gqi y Ia b9n hay tlm lyrics cua bai hat, x6a khong th1 hi~u qua dem l9i se khong cao. M<)t each hQc gqi y Ia b9n hay tlm lyrics cua bai hat, x6a
di m¢t so tt1, sau d6 nghe nh9c va dien tt1 vao cho trong. B9n c6 the lam vi~c nay theo nh6m, mQi di m¢t so tt1, sau d6 nghe nh9c va dien tt1 vao cho trong. B9n c6 the lam vi~c nay theo nh6m, mQi
ngLJ'Oi Vlra chia se nhfrng bai hat hay VLra tranh dLrQ'C trLrang hqp b9n da 15' ghi nh6' cac tLr dien ngLJ'Oi Vlra chia se nhfrng bai hat hay VLra tranh dLrQ'C trLrang hqp b9n da 15' ghi nh6' cac tLr dien
khuyet tt1 khi tim lyrics. khuyet tt1 khi tim lyrics.

HQc tt1 qua phim anh Ia phLrong phap phu hqp hon v6'i cac b9n da c6 nen tang tLrong doi vfrng HQc tt1 qua phim anh Ia phLrong phap phu hqp hon v6'i cac b9n da c6 nen tang tLrong doi vfrng
vang. Ve LJ'U diem, phLrong phap nay c6 the giup ngLrai hQC nh6' tLr Vl,.l'ng lau, biet each phat am vang. Ve LJ'U diem, phLrong phap nay c6 the giup ngLrai hQC nh6' tLr Vl,.l'ng lau, biet each phat am
toi da h6a lqi fch tCr m(>t b9 phim, b?tn nen xem hai
An h.

M9t phuang phap hfru dt.Jng khac cho vi~cNGUYEN hQc tCr IaAM dl)ng mind map- sa i tu duy. NGUYEN AM i
tuy duy cho phep
I Ky hi~ughi chu
ghi noi
I luqng Vld\1
quan h~ cua n6 v6'i nhfrng
16'n thong tin chi trong mot to luon
I Ky hi~u I Vld\1 I
I I 6Went,
gifra trang
moi letter i
nhanh nh6 khac I I Went, intend, send, letter i
LJ'u cua sa do tu duy Ia giup ta
I Cat, h-and, nap, flat, have
hQc ttl vl)'ng thea one,
chu Londo~
chong. Mind
I -l
I Cat, h-and, nap, flat, have I -l

I Fun, love, money, I map cung Ia m9t I Fun, love, money, one, Londo~ come I
hlnh thuc hfru dl)ng ta on l9i ttlj Vl,(ng CUa mlnh
Put, look, rnacook,
should, khong gay nham chan.
book j Put, look, should, cook, book
1 Rob, top, watch, squat, sausage 1 Rob, top, watch, squat, sausage

I Alive, again, mother I Alive, again, mother

i: 1 Need, beat, team i: 1 Need, beat, team

1 Nurse, heard, third, turn 1 Nurse, heard, third, turn

~! ~!
l l

I Talk, law, bored, yawn, jaw I Talk, law, bored, yawn, jaw
u· Boot, lose, gloomy, fruit, chew u· Boot, lose, gloomy, fruit, chew
-~I -~I

I u: 1 Fast, car, hard, bath

I u: 1 Fast, car, hard, bath

I Near, ear, clear, tear, beer, fear -i I Near, ear, clear, tear, beer, fear -i
~-- ~--
1a I 1a I
I Hair, there, care, stairs, pear I Hair, there, care, stairs, pear
I I Face, space, rain, case, eight J
I I Face, space, rain, case, eight J
I I Joy, employ, toy, coil, oyster
I I I Joy, employ, toy, coil, oyster
a1 My, sight, pride, kind, flight a1 My, sight, pride, kind, flight
-~ -~
1 1

I No, don't, stones, alone, hole I No, don't, stones, alone, hole
au II Mouth, house, brown, cow, out ~ au II Mouth, house, brown, cow, out ~
_j _j

. ~~~·~~---·--···~~~~
~~- ...j .l t--
. ~~~·~~---·--···~~~~
~~- ...j .l
I Ky_'~~-~~-u---tj-F_u_ll_,-Fr-id_a_y_,f~is.h, k~~:\! -1 I Ky_'~~-~~-u---tj-F_u_ll_,-Fr-id_a_y_,f~is.h, k~~:\! -1
/ ~est, village, view, cave - -~ / ~est, village, view, cave - -~
i I Thought, think, bath I i I Thought, think, bath I
a I There, those, brothers, others I r-1~---~-z~~~~-Z_o_o_,
a I There, those, brothers, others I


J i Shirt, rush, shop, cash ~ J i Shirt, rush, shop, cash ~

1 '<

High, help, hello

~~-· ·---~~
Television, delusion, casual
:I ;----~-

1 '<

High, help, hello

~~-· ·---~~
Television, delusion, casual
p Pin, cap, purpose, pause p Pin, cap, purpose, pause

Bag, bubEie,bUifd~e~~~-~~-1 I

Bag, bubEie,bUifd~e~~~-~~-1
~- I Time, train, tow, late I ~- I Time, train, tow, late I
1 d -)"DOor, day, drive, down, fe<:d~-~- -l 1 d -)"DOor, day, drive, down, fe<:d~-~- -l
, k Cash, quick, cricket, sock J , k Cash, quick, cricket, sock J
~-~~ Girl, green, grass, flag I ~-~~ Girl, green, grass, flag I
jtl-~ Choose, cheese, church, watch -~---~ jtl-~ Choose, cheese, church, watch -~---~
~ ·d3 -.-. -TJoy, juggle, juice, stag~~~------- I ~ ·d3 -.-. -TJoy, juggle, juice, stag~~~------- I
L I Room, mother, mad, more . _.-~~] L I Room, mother, mad, more . _.-~~]
L--~~-~ _l_ Now, -~obod_~_know, turn_______~-~--J L--~~-~ _l_ Now, -~obod_~_know, turn_______~-~--J
ADJECTIVE (adj): Tfnh tll'
Tang 11, 029 Ph~m Van B~ch, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay Ha N(>i. Tang 11, 029 Ph~m Van B~ch, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay Ha N(>i.
Di$n tho~i: 024 2214 7815 (hotline 0969.803.959) Di$n tho~i: 024 2214 7815 (hotline 0969.803.959)
VERB (v): D<)ng tll'
Chi nhanh: 143 Pasteur, PhuC1ng 6, Qu~n 3, Thanh pho Ho Chf Minh Chi nhanh: 143 Pasteur, PhuC1ng 6, Qu~n 3, Thanh pho Ho Chf Minh
NOUN (n): Danh tll'
NOUN PHRASE (NP): Cl)m danh tll' DT: (08) 39106962 DT: (08) 39106962
N(uncountable): Danh tlr kh6ng dem clU'Q'C
N(plural): Danh tll' so nhieu
N(singular): Danh tlr SO ft
IDIOM (id): Thanh ngfr
Chju trach nhi$m xuat ban:
PHRASAL VERB (phr.v): Cl)m d<)ng tll'
Chju trach nhi$m xuat ban:
PHRASE~h0:Cl)mtt1 Giam doc- Tong bien t~p: LE THANH HA Giam doc- Tong bien t~p: LE THANH HA
PREPOSITION (prep): Gi6'i tll'
PRONOUN (pr.n): D9i tll'
Somebody (sb): Ai
Bien t~p: NGUy NGUYEN HA Bien t~p: NGUy NGUYEN HA
Something (sth): Cai gl
Somewhere (sw): Noi nao Che ban: CONG TYTNHH GIAO Dl)C EDMICRO Che ban: CONG TYTNHH GIAO Dl)C EDMICRO

TrQng am chfnhTrinh bayhi~n

c1U'Q'C the bla:
dau nhay atren vaGIAOtrQngDl)C EDMICRO
am phi) c1U'Q'C the' hi~n bang dau Trinh bay bla: CONG TY TNHH GIAO Dl)C EDMICRO
nhay dm5'i. Cac da'u nhay c1U'Q'C c1?t phfa trlf6'C am tiet c1U'Q'C nhan trQng am.

f)oi tac lien ket xuat ban: Cong tyTNHH Giao d~c Ed micro f)oi tac lien ket xuat ban: Cong tyTNHH Giao d~c Ed micro
Bia chi: Tang 4, nha 25T2, lo NOS, khu do thi Bong Nam, duong Tran Duy Hung, Bia chi: Tang 4, nha 25T2, lo NOS, khu do thi Bong Nam, duong Tran Duy Hung,
Phuong Trung Hoa, Qu~n Cau Giay, Thanh pho Ha NQi, Vi~t Nam Phuong Trung Hoa, Qu~n Cau Giay, Thanh pho Ha NQi, Vi~t Nam

GIAI CO'U MAT GOC TQ'VI/NG TIENG ANH THCS (Let's study hard Vocab) GIAI CO'U MAT GOC TQ'VI/NG TIENG ANH THCS (Let's study hard Vocab)

In 5.000 ban, kh619x27 t9i Cong ty co phan Sach va Phat trien giao dt,Jc Vi$t Nam. In 5.000 ban, kh619x27 t9i Cong ty co phan Sach va Phat trien giao dt,Jc Vi$t Nam.
Bia chi: so 73- To 34 Hoang Van Tht,J- Hoang Mai, Ha N9i. Bia chi: so 73- To 34 Hoang Van Tht,J- Hoang Mai, Ha N9i.
So xac nh$n clang ky xuat ban: 577-2022/CXBIPH/28-15/TN So xac nh$n clang ky xuat ban: 577-2022/CXBIPH/28-15/TN
QuyEh clinh xuat ban so: 414/QB-NXBTN ngay 04/03/2022. QuyEh clinh xuat ban so: 414/QB-NXBTN ngay 04/03/2022.
In xong va n<)p lllu chieu nam 2022. ISBN: 978-604-358-296-3 In xong va n<)p lllu chieu nam 2022. ISBN: 978-604-358-296-3

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