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Student Worksheet

Student Worksheet
For 7th Grade

Learning Adjective Edition

Compiled by:

Indri Astuti, S.Pd.

SMP Negeri 2 Babahrot

Learning Objective I

Students understand the concept of adjective and some adjectives which are related to
people through a big-group discussion and small-group discussion activity, in writing
and orally. (Siswa mengetahui konsep adjective dan beberapa adjective yang berkaitan
dengan orang melalui kegiatan diskusi kelompok besar dan diskusi kelompok kecil,
secara lisan dan tulisan.)
_______________________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________________________

Task 1
;Match the words below with the correct picture











Task 2
Look at the pictures then fill the blanks with the correct traits below.

Polite Kind Friendly Arrogant

Naughty Funny Chatty Quiet Clever
Task 3
Find the name of these people by identify the description below.


He is a tall man.
He has medium weight.
He has fair skin and curly hair
He wears glasses.
He is a teacher.


She has moderate height.

She has fair skin and her face is
She has slim figure and she wears

Umi Rani Iwan

Umi is a middle-aged lady. Rani is a model. She is skinny and Iwan is a 50 year-old man who is
We call her aunt Umi. tall. tall and has voluminous body. He
She has voluminous body, short She has long wavy hair. has light brown skin and oval
hair, and round face. She has tan skin and she is really face. He has wrinkle under his
She loves shopping. stylish. eyes. But he is really nice.
Task 4
Vocabulary Enrichment: re-write the bolded words from the short text above then put
them to the correct classification as shown in the following table.
Adjective Meaning Noun Meaning
Tall Tinggi Man Laki-laki
Medium Sedang Weight Berat
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
Learning Objective II

Students knows some adjectives which are related to animal by observing flashcard
and making a mindmap, in writing and orally. (Siswa mengetahui beberapa adjective
yang berkaitan dengan hewan melalui kegiatan mengamati flashcard dan mindmapping,
secara lisan dan tulisan.)
_______________________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________________________

Task 1
Write down the adjectives based on the flashcard that your teacher showed then draw
and write one name of animal represent the adjectives. Make sure you don’t write any
animals repeatedly.

1 4

2 5

Task 2
Complete the mind map by filling in the bubble with the suitable adjective for the

CA Traits

O Physical

Task 3
Group-work: Prepare some colored paper, highlighter, and colored pen then make your own mind map poster!
Learning Objective III

Students knows some adjectives which are related to public places by making mind
maps and through a small-group discussion, in writing and orally. (Siswa mengetahui
beberapa adjective yang berkaitan dengan tempat melalui kegiatan mindmapping dan
diskusi dalam kelompok kecil, secara lisan dan tulisan.)

_______________________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________________

Task 1
Complete the mind maps about some public places below. Some words and phrases
have been provided as your guidance.

Wide A place to study

Scho Fun
Task 2
Group work: Complete this mind map with your group mate.

Task 3
Look at the mind map below then complete the sentences by using the words in the
mind map.
Crowded Stinky

Pricey Noisy

Cheap Selling

Bargain Buying

Market is a ____________ place where people do ____________ and _____________.

The situation is very ____________ there because sellers usually ___________ their
products by shouting to draw buyer’s attention. Yet, sometimes buyers also
____________ if they think the price is unreasonable. They do it to get ____________
prices for ___________ products. Since market is always crowded by people, it usually
really ___________ and ____________.
Learning Objective IV

Students understand the transactional interaction texts which are related to the
information of humans, animals, and places’ characteristic or traits by implementing
cooperative learning model type two stay two stray, in writing and orally. (Siswa
mampu memahami teks interaksi transaksional yang berkaitan dengan informasi sifat
orang, hewan, maupun tempat umum dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe two
stay-two stray, secara lisan dan tulisan.)

_______________________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________________

Task 1
Fill in the blank with the correct WH+H question words based on the description

A question word refers to a doer of an action.

A question word refers to a place.

A question word refers to the specific time.

A question word refers to a situation, job, or name.

A question word refers to a way of doing something.

A question word refers to a reason.

Task 2
Group work: discuss with your group mate about these transactional interaction text.
Then answer the questions below.
Ika : Mom, what is a dragonfly?
Mom : Dragonfly is a small insect which can fly.
Ika : It can fly?
Mom : Yes.
Ika : Does it have wings like a bird?
Mom : It does have wings, but they are not like bird’s wings sweetheart.
Ika : So how is it like?
Mom : They are small and symmetrical. They are made of vein and we can see
through it.
Ika : Wow. Where can we find it, mom?
Mom : It often flies around plants but sometimes it can stray and enter people’s
Ika : Does it come to find food?
Mom : No, sweetheart. It just strays. Nature has provided dragonfly with food.
Ika : What does it eat?
Mom : It loves smaller insects.

1. Draw a simple figure of Dragonfly.

2. What is dragonfly’s part of body that being described?

3. How do they look like?
4. Re-write any adjective related to the animal that you can find in the text.
5. Look your surrounding, have you ever seen dragonflies? What can you observe
from them?
Task 2
Group work: discuss with your group mate about these transactional interaction text.
Then answer the questions below.

1. Lidia knows the information from Miss Mira. In your opinion, who is Miss Mira?
2. What does Lidia feel about the new teacher? ________________________.
3. How does the new teacher’s look like? _______________________.
4. How is Haikal’s impression of the new teacher? _______________________.
5. In the last panel, do you think that the people they saw is truly the new teacher?
Why do you think so? ____________________________________________
Task 3
Group work: do a raffle with your teacher to determine the text you are going to
discuss. Answer the questions that are given to you. Send two of your group mate to
other group to find out what the group’s text is about while you stay in your group to
present the result of your discussion.

Sania : Mom, I’m meeting my pen pal for the first

time this week. Riko : Dad, look at that!
Mother : Oh, the one who lives in Medan? Father : Wow, it’s a huge eagle!
Sania : Yeah. I’m so excited. Riko : Eagle? What is that?
Mother : How is she? Father : It’s a carnivore birds. It usually makes its
Sania : She is really nice. She is so funny. She often nest on the tree or on a high cliff.
tells me funny story. She is also attentive. She listens to Riko : So why does it fly here?
my story well. Father : It looks for something to eat. It usually hunts
Mother : She sounds really nice. fish which swim on the surface of water. It has great
Sania : She does and she is also pretty. She has fair strong claws and great eyesight that makes it easy to see
skin, beautiful curly hair and dimples on both her its prey from above.
cheeks. Riko : Wow. It seems scary!
Father : Yeah, we better stay away from it.

Andre : Have you seen an orangutan before?

Ardi : No, I just see it through a picture or from the
internet. Why are you asking?
Lesti : I’m craving for sweets.
Andre : My family and I visited the zoo yesterday
Lisa : Would you like to order something?
and I was amazed. They were really clever.
Lesti : Good idea. What should we order?
Ardi : Oh, really? How?
Lisa : How about brownies?
Andre : They understand what we say.
Lesti : I don’t mind. Where can we order it?
Ardi : Don’t you feel afraid?
Lisa : There is a new bakery shop opened near by
Andre : A little. The orangutan that I saw was big
the convenient store.
and fast. Its body was really hairy and darker than
Lesti : The one which is painted pink and purple.
Lisa : Yeah, that one! They’ve just opened this
Ardi : I bet you had fun.
Lesti : Why don’t we just go there? I also heard it
has cozy interior and spacious outdoor area.
Lisa : Good idea. Let’s go!
Discuss the answer of these questions with you group mates.
1. Who are the people in the dialogue?
2. What is the text about?
3. Rewrite the description of the object being discussed in the text.
4. Draw a simple sketch of the object based on the description.
Learning Objective V

Students can write a simple dialogue about asking and giving description of someone,
an animal, or a place through ‘seeking a partner activity, in writing or orally. (Siswa
mampu menuliskan dialog sederhana terkait menanya dan menjawab deskripsi dari
seseorang, seekor hewan, maupun tempat umum melalui kegiatan mencari pasangan,
secara lisan dan tulisan.)

_______________________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______________________

Task 1
Complete the dialogue by using the words below.

My friend, Rijal
Andi : “Who is this boy, Farhan?”
Farhan : “Oh, that’s my team mate, Rijal. He was
our keeper back then.”
Andi : “Wow, he is ____________. How tall is he?”
Farhan : “He is the tallest among us. He is ____________
at that time. Besides, he also has a
____________ grip.”
Andi : “No wonder, he becomes the keeper. Does he
still play football?”
Farhan : “He has quitted. He got pneumonia and need
intensive care for months. He lost much
weight and became really ___________.”
Andi : “Aw, poor young man. How is he now?”
Farhan : “He’s much better now. But he still needs
some treatments to be fully recovered.”
Andi : “I hope he gets well really soon. He seems
pretty __________ as a keeper.”
Farhan : “Yes, he is.”

Good Tall Skinny 170 cm Strong

Task 2
Choose 1 of the topic to be described below then write a simple dialogue.
1. President Joko Widodo
2 A mouse
3. Pantai Jilbab


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