Space Transportation Unit

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Planning an Integrated Curriculum Unit of Work


Students will explore a wide range of space travel methods. The learning areas of Science, Design and Technology and Mathematics are integrated across the unit to help students develop their understanding of space travel. Students will participate in research, discussions, planning and creating to broaden their knowledge and understanding of space travel, how and why they are used. The ICTs to be utilised within the unit include computers and the internet. Students will be assessed using a variety of assessment strategies, including observation, self assessment and product analysis.

Essential Learnings Futures Identity Interdependence Thinking Communication

Equity Cross Curriculum Perspectives and Vocational Education Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples Multicultural Gender Socio-economic Disability Rural & isolated Enterprise education Career education Work-based learning Community-based learning Key ideas

Key Competencies Collecting, analysing, organising information Communicating ideas and information Planning and organising activities Working with others in teams Using mathematical ideas and techniques Solving problems Using technology Outcomes


Digital camera Computer/Printer Video camera Calculator Internet CD Player Clock Fax Scanner Email

Learning Area Science

Strand Matter


Writing: texts and contexts

Students pose questions to investigate ways in which physical and chemical processes can be altered in order to achieve desirable outcomes, such as food preservation. T C KC1 relating to Outcomes 3.8, 4.8 Students choose and compose a range of written texts which explore different perspectives about local and some global issues. They apply an understanding of context, purpose and audience to their own writing. In T C KC2 KC3 Students demonstrate skills in creating products, processes and systems that achieve consistent production outcomes. They apply these skills in enterprising and empowering ways to personal and group situations. In T KC4 KC6

3.8 Uses the changes in properties and uses of materials in product life cycles. T C KC1

3.4 Composes a range of texts that include ideas and information about familiar and some unfamiliar topics and applies an understanding of audience, purpose and context. Id T C KC2 3.4 Demonstrates skills and confidence in creating products, processes and systems which respect personal and collective identities. Id T KC6

Design and tech



Students apply their knowledge of the characteristics of materials and equipment when creating solutions and designing to meet criteria related to function, aesthetics, sustainability and production. F In C KC3 KC6 relating to Outcomes 3.5, 4.5 Students explore and analyse features in their immediate and extended environment in geometric terms. They compare perspectives of spatial sense and geometric reasoning in order to understand different human interactions with their environment. Id In T KC1 relating to Outcomes 3.12, 4.12

3.5 Investigates the characteristics of materials and equipment used in design and production in order to achieve sustainability. F In KC7


Special sense and geometric reasoning: Lines and angles

3.12 Describes and generalises spatial relationships within and between groups of 2-D and 3-D shapes and objects and appreciates their application in a range of cultural contexts. Id In KC2

LA & KEY IDEA Science 1

SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will discuss their prior knowledge and understanding of space travel. They will share ideas on the aspects of space travel they wish to study throughout the unit of work.

TEACHING/LEARNING ACTIVITIES Introduce: Introduce students to the topic of space travel. Conduct a class mind map on students knowledge of space travel. Ask questions, such as; what is space travel? What forms of space travel do you know of? Etc. Develop: Show students footage of different space travel forms. Discuss any of the different travel forms. OR Space travel quiz (as a class) Conclude: Find out what students are interested in/hope to find out about from the topic (take this into consideration and adapt lessons accordingly). Introduce: Focus: how rockets work. Balloon Rocket Experiment. On the interactive whiteboard have the process of how to build a balloon rocket. Explain to students that they will be conducting an experiment on balloon



Science 2

Students will demonstrate their understanding by completing the experiment and answering the given questions.

Materials to create the rockets. - Balloons - String/fishing line etc - Straws

rockets. Develop: Students will firstly create their balloon rocket using the method on the interactive whiteboard. Students will then think about, investigate and record answer to the following investigative questions: 1. Does the shape of the balloon affect how far (or fast) the rocket travels? 2. Does the length of the straw affect how far (or fast) the rocket travels? 3. Does the type of string affect how far (or fast) the rocket travels? (try fishing line, nylon string, cotton string, etc.) 4. Does the angle of the string affect how far (or fast) the rocket travels? Students will have 30-40 minutes to create, experiment with their rockets and record their observations. Conclude: The class will discuss what they have found and their answers to the investigative questions. A discussion about how the rockets work will also take place. Class experiments Science 3/ English (explanati on) 1) Teabag rockets 2) 3) 4) Students choose one of the experiments conducted and write and explanation about the experiment. Students will write what the experiment was and how it worked.

Science 4

Students will demonstrate their understanding of their chosen space travel form by producing a report which highlights the focus questions.

Introduce: Talk about the different forms of travel in space. Develop: Using the laptops, students will research a form of space travel. They will create a miniature report about their chosen space travel form. Students will need to answer the following questions: what is/ was the travel type? What is/was the name of the travel type? Who uses/used it? What is/was it used for? Conclude: To finish off the lesson, several students will present what they have found about their chosen space travel form. Introduce: Scenario: You are an Investigator looking into explosions which have occurred within NASA. Develop: Use the internet to find an explosion which has occurred during one of NASAs missions. Find research which suggests what happened during the explosion. Find the following aspects: What the mission was What went wrong

Example model rocket (to show where film canister needs to go)

Science 5

Conclusion: If students have completed the task, tell them they have until the next English task to do so.

Design and tech 1

Students will understand the criteria for the major assessment. They will create a design brief which highlights how they are going to go around the assessment task.

Introduce: Introduce the rocket building assessment to students. Explain that this is the main assessment for the unit of work on space travel. Develop: Go through the assessment task with students. Explain that they will be building a model rocket over the next three weeks. Explain that the fun aspect of the rocket is that a film canister will be attached and vinegar and bi-carb soda will be used as fuel for the rocket. Hand out the design brief and explain to students that firstly they will need to develop a design brief for their rocket. Go through the design brief with students. (The design brief outlines the chosen rocket name, a pretend mission in space, the materials used to create the rocket and a drawing of the rocket design). Encourage students to think about the materials they will be using. Talk about materials which may be too light or too heavy to use. Explain that the design brief will need to be handed in along with the rocket on Friday, November 6th. Conclude: To conclude the lesson, encourage students to bring in materials from home (toilet paper rolls, etc). Remind students that during next weeks design and technology lesson they will begin creating their rockets.

Design and Tech 2&3

Students will show their understanding of the assessment through the creation of their rockets.

Introduce: At the beginning of the second lesson, go over the assessment with students. Ask if they have any questions. Develop: Over the two lessons, students will create their rockets. Conclude: At the end of the third lesson, students are to hand in their model rocket, along with the design brief.

Various materials.

Design and Tech 4

Students will experiment with their rockets and by answering a self assessment product analysis they will demonstrate their understanding of ways in which they could improve their rockets.

Introduce: Explain that today, students will be taking their rockets outside and launching them. Develop: Students can experiment with their rockets and compare them to other peoples. After half an hour outside, students will be taken back inside and are to complete a self assessment of their rocket. Conclude: To conclude the lesson and end the unit. The class will discuss what they have enjoyed about the topic. Introduce: Students have been focusing on lines and angles. Revise previous learning. Questions to ask include: how do we find the angle of a triangle? Develop: Hand out the worksheet, which is based on measuring angles on different space travel forms. Ask if there are any questions about the task.

Mathemat ics

Students will demonstrate their understanding of lines and angles by completing the measuring worksheet.

English 1 (To be conducted after Science 5)

Students will show their understanding of explanation writing through creating an appropriate explanation writing piece.

Introduce: Students will be writing an explanation. Explain that they will be using the prior information they have found about a NASA space mission which has failed.. Question students about explanation writing. What is it? Etc. Develop: Students will be required to use the information to develop an explanation of the mission and what went wrong during the mission. The explanation needs to be of a page in length. Conclude: Students share work. Spelling words to be designed around space travel.

Literacy: Spelling words






Design and Tech

Product analysis


- Handed in on time with design brief. Grid assessment: - Appropriate design - Thought has been given into to the design process - What the model looks like -






Upon the completion of the unit, students will fill in a self evaluation of themselves throughout the unit, as well as an evaluation of their product which gets them to think about possible changes they would make to their rocket.

Make anecdotal notes on the students ability to stay on task through the unit of work. Checklist to show students have completed the tasks set.

Topic/Issue Brainstorm

Literacy Spelling related list words to space. Explanation how rockets work. Reading reading space related texts. Viewing view space footage and videos.

Science Chemical reactions (how it makes rocket fly). Space travel / transport How rockets work Materials rockets are made of. What else goes up in a rocket? Satellites

Space travel

Maths Lessons with a space theme eg, measure angles on rocket pictures.

Design and Tech Design rocket. (major assessment).

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