OnlineBidding System

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Table of Contents

Page No.

1. Introduction 1
1.1. Project Overview 1
1.2. Technology Overview 1
1.3. Project Organization 1
1.3.1. System Flow Chart 2
1.3.2. Software Process Model 3
2. System Analysis 4
2.1. Preliminary Investigation 4
2.1.1. Identification of need 4
2.1.2. Feasibility Study 4-5
3. Requirement Analysis 6
3.1. Existing System 6
3.2. Proposed System 6
3.3. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) 6-7
4. Software Design 8
4.1. Design Methodology / Technique 8
4.2. Database Design 8
4.2.1. ER Diagram 8
4.2.2. Table Structure 9-10
4.3. Input & Output Design 11-19
4.4. UML View 20
4.4.1. USECASE Diagram 20
4.4.2. Activity Diagram 21
4.4.3. Class Diagram 22
4.4.4. Sequence Diagram 23-26
5. Testing 27
5.1. Testing Methodologies 27
5.2. Quality Attributes 27-28
6. Implementation 29
6.1. Characteristics of Language used 29
6.2. Validation Checks 29
6.3. Installation Requirements 29
6.4. User Training Requirement 29
7. Conclusion & Discussion 30
7.1. Limitations of Project 30
7.2. Difficulties Encountered 30
7.3. Future Enhancements 30
8. References 31
8.1. Reference Books 31
8.2. Other Documentation & Resources 31

Annexure I : Data Dictionary

Bidding is an offer of setting a price one is willing to pay for something. A price offer is
called a bid.
The reason of making of this project is to provide the facility of online bidding. Online
bidding is being developed so as to provide the supplier to get best deal on its material.

On-line bidding is known by several names, including electronic reverse bid auctions’,
‘reverse auctions’ or simply ‘e-Auctions’. An auction is a process of buying and selling
goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the
highest bidder.

1.1. Project Overview

This project gives the complete information about the Bidder and Supplier. Online
Bidding performs the following functions-
 Make the registration for Bidder and Supplier.
 Add the material by the Supplier.
 Show the complete details about the material.
 Make bid on the particular material by the Bidder.
 Show the Bid Status and Bid result.
 Update the price of the material after Bidding once by the Bidder, if needed.
 Make payment by the winner.

1.2. Technology Overview

To develop our system need some technology as front-end and back-end. Front-end for
design the application and back-end for design the data.

Front End: Java

Back End: MySql

1.3. Project Organization

It shows organization of our project. It consist of two thing flow-chart and software
process model that shows the flow of our system and what model we are used in our

1.3.1. System Flow Chart

1.3.2. Software Process Model
To develop our system we need a process model. With the help of process model
we can define a process for each phase and check the status of our system. We use
the spiral model to develop Online Bidding. Because the spiral model provides the
huge reliability when we have to fulfill more requirements in the previous phase.
In spiral model we can jump in the previous phase from the current phase
according to requirement. This is the advantage of spiral model.

2. System Analysis
It is techniques that help in design a new system or improving an existing system. There are
many steps to analyze the system . In this section we discuss each step one by one.

2.1. Preliminary Investigation

The process involved in on-line bidding varies depending upon the products and services
procured. The process is as follows:
 The Bidder and Supplier both get the authority to enter into the system through
the registration.
 After the registration Bidder and Supplier both have username, password and
registration number. Using these username and password, Bidder and Supplier
enter into the system.
 The Supplier can add the material details, view the material details, view the Bid
status and view the Bid result.
 The Bidder can make Bid, view the material details, update their Bid price, view
the Bid result, view the highest value of bid and pay the amount for Bid material
after winning.
 All bidders will be notified of their results.
 The bidding exercise will have a specified opening and closing date. The bidding
will close when no new bids are received and the closing date has expired.

2.1.1. Identification of need

Provide an online market mechanism by which Bidders make bids and suppliers
place offers; characterized by the competitive and dynamic nature by which the
final price is reached.

2.1.2. Feasibility Study

Feasibility is the determination of whether or not a project is worth
doing. The process followed in making this determination is called a feasibility
study. Feasibility study determines if a project can be done.

1. Technical Feasibility
All projects are feasible, given unlimited resources and infinite time.
Unfortunately, the development of a computer based system or product is more
likely suffered by a scarcity of resources and difficult delivery dates. It is both
necessary and prudent to evaluate the feasibility of a project at the earliest
possible time. However during the development of our project we concentrate
on the following feasibility:

2. Economical Feasibility
Economic justification is “bottom – line “consideration for most system.
Economic justification includes a broad range of concern that includes cost-
benefit analysis, long term corporate income strategies, and cost of resources
needed for development. As far as monetary matters are concerned we need
hard disk space of 2GB and a Pentium processor. These are only requirements,
which can be easily met.

3. Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility is mainly concerned with issues like whether the system
will be used if it is developed and implemented. Whether there will be
resistance from users that will affect the possible application benefits?

3. Requirement Analysis
This is very important phase to develop a system. In this phase we are find the
requirement of the user. We are collecting some information by the user to use some method
such as questioner, interview. Based on this information we can start to develop our system.

3.1. Existing System

The existing system was dependent on the paper work such as postage, photography. It
was very time consuming. In this system, the Supplier and Bidder both had to come on
the particular place then the bidding process was done face to face. So overcome this
problem we need online bidding system.

3.2. Proposed System

The proposed system solves all the problem of the existing system. In this system there
is no need of paper work and no need to go on the particular place for bidding. Bidders
can make bid from anywhere through this system. The work is so fast and takes less
time. Any no. of Bidder and Supplier can involve in this system.

3.3. Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through
an information system.
A data flow diagram, also known as a “bubble chart” has the purpose of clarification
system requirement and identifying major transformation that will be become programs
in system design.

Fig.3.1: Context Level DFD

Fig.3.2: First Level DFD

4. Software Design

In this phase we are focused on the system design. It is very important part of our system.
We tried to make form is a very attractive. Designing is very user friendly because it helps to
easy accessing and understandable by the user.

4.1. Design Methodology / Technique

A design methodology is a systematic way of creation a design by applying a set of
techniques and guidelines. Most design methodologies concentrate on the system design
also, most currently used of them, essentially offer a set of guidelines that help the
developer for designing a system.

4.2. Database Design

Database Design is the process of determining an appropriate database structure, i.e.
deciding on the appropriate tables, attributes and relationships, to satisfy a given set of
requirements. This is a two-part process: 1) Information-level design and 2) physical-
level design. The set of requirements are split into user views, i.e. the requirements for a
particular user.

4.2.1. ER Diagram
E-R Diagram stands for Entity-Relationship Diagram. It is a graphical
representation of entities and their relationships to each other, typically used
in computing in regard to the organization of data within databases or
information systems. An entity is a piece of data—an object or concept about
which data is stored. A relationship is how the data is shared between entities.

4.2.2. Table Structure

Fig.4.1: Bid Table

Fig.4.2: Add Material Table

Fig.4.3: Registration Table

Fig.4.4: Payment Table

4.3. Input & Output Design
Input Design- once the output requirements have been finalized, the next step is to find
out what data need to be made available to the system to produce the desired outputs.
Output Design-The starting point of the design process is the proper knowledge of
system requirements, which will normally be converted in terms of output.

Fig.4.5: Login Page

Fig.4.6: Login Error Page

Fig.4.7: Registration Page

Fig.5.8: Registration output page

Fig.4.9: Home Page

Fig.4.10: Material Details

Fig.4.11: Bid Status

Fig.4.12: Current highest bid value

Fig.4.13: Current highest bid value Output

Fig.4.14: Make Bid

Fig.4.15: Make Bid Output

Fig.4.16: Update Bid Value

Fig.4.17: Update Bid Value Output

Fig.4.18: Bid Result

Fig.4.18: Bid Result Output

Fig.4.18: Payment Bid Value

Fig.4.18: Payment Bid Value Output

4.4. UML View
4.4.1. USECASE Diagram

4.4.2. Activity Diagram

4.4.3. Class Diagram

4.4.4. Sequence Diagram

Fig.4.1: Sequence diagram for Bidder Registration

Fig.4.2: Sequence diagram for bidder operation


Fig.4.3: Sequence diagram for supplier Registration

Fig.4.4: Sequence diagram for supplier operation

5. Testing
While performing a software development, errors can be injected at any stage during
development. No technique is perfect and it is expected that some of the error of earlier phase

will finally manifest themselves in the code. Testing perform a critical role for software
quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of software.

5.1. Testing Methodologies

(a) In our testing procedure we used unit testing.
(b) At some position we used validation and verification test also.
(c) In the unit testing we examined our system as small module or components.
(d) In our unit testing only the unit or module is tested instead of whole system. It is
done by the programmer itself.

5.2. Quality Attributes

Quality attributes are the overall factors that affect run-time behavior, system design,
and user experience. Quality attributes are-

Measure if product is reliable enough to sustain in any condition. Should give
consistently correct results.
Product reliability is measured in terms of working of project under different working
environment and different conditions.

Different versions of the product should be easy to maintain. For development its should
be easy to add code to existing system, should be easy to upgrade for new features and
new technologies time to time. Maintenance should be cost effective and easy. System be
easy to maintain and correcting defects or making a change in the software.

This can be measured in terms of ease of use. Application should be user friendly. Should
be easy to learn. Navigation should be simple.
The system must be:

 Easy to use for input preparation, operation, and interpretation of output.

 Provide consistent user interface standards or conventions with our other frequently
used systems.
 Easy for new or infrequent users to learn to use the system.

This can be measured in terms of Costing issues related to porting, Technical issues related
to porting, Behavioral issues related to porting.

Application should be correct in terms of its functionality, calculations used internally and the

navigation should be correct. This means application should adhere to functional

To Major system quality attribute. Measured in terms of time required to complete any task
given to the system. For example system should utilize processor capacity, disk space and
memory efficiently. If system is using all the available resources then user will get degraded
performance failing the system for efficiency. If system is not efficient then it can not be used
in real time applications.

Integrity or security
Integrity comes with security. System integrity or security should be sufficient to prevent
unauthorized access to system functions, preventing information loss, ensure that the software
is protected from virus infection, and protecting the privacy of data entered into the system.

System should be easy to test and find defects. If required should be easy to divide in different
modules for testing.

Should be flexible enough to modify. Adaptable to other products with which it needs
interaction. Should be easy to interface with other standard 3rd party components.

Software reuse is a good cost efficient and time saving development way. Different code
libraries classes should be generic enough to use easily in different application modules.
Dividing application into different modules so that modules can be reused across the

Interoperability of one system to another should be easy for product to exchange data or
services with other systems. Different system modules should work on different operating
system platforms, different databases and protocols conditions.

Applying above quality attributes standards we can determine whether system meets the
requirements of quality or not.

6. Implementation

Implementation phase is less creative than system design. It is primarily concerned with
user training, site preparation and file conversion.

6.1. Characteristics of Language used

The main features of Java which makes it such a widely used language across the globe
are as follows-
o Java Is Object Oriented
o Java Is Small and Simple
o Java Is Safe
o Java Is Platform Independent
o Java is Architecture-Neutral
o Java is distributed
o Java is Dynamic

6.2. Validation Checks

A validation check ascertains that the value (or data) input into a computer is valid.
Validation checks are performed automatically by a computer to ensure that entered data
is correct and reasonable.

6.3. Installation Requirements

The requirement of installing for this project is as follows-
 Windows7 operating system.
 Apache Tomcat 6.0
 MySql
 Jdk 1.6
 Net beans 6.1

6.4. User Training Requirement

o How to do login process.
o During login password and username should be correct.
o The password and username should follow the data types.
o The password and username is not case sensitive.
o What action will be performing clicking on the particular button or link?
o How will be store the data in database.
o How will be retrieving the data from the database.

7. Conclusion & Discussion

The conclusion of this project is that any number of Bidders can make bid from anywhere
through online. The bidding process will be fast and take less time.

7.1. Limitations of Project

 The amount should be paid only in rupees.
 The Bidding process should be done according to the given date by the Supplier.
If the date expired the Bidder cannot make Bid.

7.2. Difficulties Encountered

There are so many difficulties encountered-
o During connectivity
o During coding
o During analysis of system
o During designing of system

7.3. Future Enhancements

In future, whatever the difficulties will occur with this system we will improve that and
there will be adding some new features.

8. References

The following reference material was consulted during all phases of analysis, design and
implementation of the project

8.1. Reference Books

1. “Complete Reference”, Herbert, Tata McGraw-Hill, Fifth Edition.
2. “Software Engineering” Pankaj Jalote, Narosa Publications.
3. “Mastering UML with Rational Rose”, (Wendy Boggs, Michael Boggs).

8.2. Other Documentation & Resources


Annexure I : Data Dictionary

A data dictionary metadata repository is a "centralized repository of
information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and
format .The term may have one of several closely related meanings pertaining to databases and
database management systems.

Data Dictionary used in Data Flow Diagram.

Source/Destination: Source and Destination of the system are:

Bidder or Supplier /Bidder or Supplier.

Processes: Processes are used to transform the data flow. There are many processes in this
system. They are:
In the Fig 3.1,Fig 3.2
Online Bidding
1.0 Registration, 2.0 Login , 3.0 Viewing Material details
4.0 Bid Status , 5.0 Current Highest Value 6.0 Updating , 7.0 Bidding,
8.0 Material Add , 9.0 Bid Result

Data Flow: Data Flow lines are used to show the flow of data from source to destination,
form source to process, from process to process, or from process to destination. Data flow lines
used in this system are:

Registration info, Registration data, login request, login info , Viewing material , material list
Bid status ,Bid status info ,Current highest value , material value info, Request for
bidding ,bidding info., Request for bid result , Bid result info.
Data Store: Data store is used to store the data.


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