73rd&74th Amendment Act

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1248) roPC Polikical Process, in lnciaae.

Introduction:773rd 74th AmndmentAct

The 73 r and 74h Amendmenls to the Indian
Constilulioh, enacked in I992, are lancl mark
Conskitutional amehclments that aimed to elecentra
ze gouernahce ahd formale local selt- governahte
In YuYal and uyban areas, respectively These
amene)ments have hacl a signi<icant impact an
the functioning ot local goveYhment insititutions
in Indlia. commanly ve<erecl to as fanhayats
CFor rural areas) anci Mlunicipallties (For Urban
yeas). In this comparehensive explanation,
we will. elelve in to the details of both
amenolmehts, their histor ical content þromiss0h
an the mþacE they hoave hod on India' s
governance StrucBure
Historieal Content
1o understancd the
signiicance of the 13 and 14th Amendments
scrucial to consider the historial content.
n cohich they were introcluced. BeFore these
amencments, Local goveYnance in Inclia as
largely contvollec by state goveynments docal
badfcs, 4ike fanchayet and Muncipalitíes,
were otten weak ahd had limitecl Power ond
re soures This centralizel approch to goveYnance
yesultedin sevexal issues, Ihclucl>ng corrulptioh.
nlciey and the nealect ol loal clevclopment
The need for clecentralisation and
empowering l9cal qovernments woas vecognisec
as early as the T9sos but. it Look several

clecacds tor concyete sebs to be taken in thís

direchion The 73vd ahd T4th AmendmentS
were a cumination of attorts to address
these iSsUes and empouwey local Self-qovemance

3rd Amencment:pecentralization in
Rurol Areas CPonchoyat )
The 3yel Amendments to the Indian
LConskitukion, also knouw_ as the Panchayat
Raf (Entension to the Scheduled Areas)'Act
496 pyimarily focuSes on decenkyalizing
POwer and athority n ruyal aveas
he establishment of Panchyqt lere ave the
key torcuisions ot the 3i Amendment:
4stablishment o Panchayats i This amen
ments mandated the establishment Ot a
thvee -lier structure o} Fanchayaks at the
village înterrmeciate Cblock]. ahd clistyct
levelz. each Panchayat Loas to hare electe
re presenkatives
2 Reservation ot Seatsi
Tt inlerpcuceda
system of reservations or Scheduled laskee
Csce, Scheduled tribes (Sts) Ond wonmen in
Panchayats to ensure their ke þresentaBion in
local overnance

zevlutÉon of Power
The amendment celegae
la set o power and unctions to Þarnchayats,
including rural clevelopmnent, local economic
ldeyelophent and the pyoviston ot hasic services
ke education, health, and Sonitakion
4 Finance Commissfon :
State Einannce Commiss
ons were established to ehsure a 4air dishibuc
on of 4inancial resources to Panchayats, thee by.
theiv 4inancial au~onomy
5Flection Process.
The cleined the process
oY the election o Panchayat members includin
he resevvation ot one-Hhirc) af the seats tor

b Skate degislation States were require to

enact laws to shecity the pouers ahd
Ancions o anchayats ahd ensure their
þroper tunchioning
The 93Yd Amendment aimed to bring clecisi
making and clevelobment closer to the feaple..
emþouder marginalized comnunities ancenhane
Loca) accounbabli ty t marked a aigniicand
Shi4t4rom centralid governane to gtssVDots
clemocray Ural Ihoa.

Ah Amencment: Decentraligotionin Urban

Areas CMunicipalies):
The 4th Amendment
to the Indlian Constitutioh. clso known as the
Conskitution SeVenty- Fourth Amencdment) Act
A92 4ocuses on clecentralization in urban artac
thvauh the establishment o Municipalihesflere
lare the Key promisions o the z4th Amendment
Three ypes of Municipalities
This omencment
nbvaoluced thyee kybes oh Municipalities- Nagor
bnchayab tor Smaller urban aveas anc Moniupal
Corpora hions Yor large ihes

2evolufons of PoLoers
Similar to the 3r
lAmendment, the Ath Amehclment deyalved
Seyeval þoweys anc resþonsibPLties to Municipa
Cties. incudina urban planhing,inhrastructure
clevelopment, and local taxaon

3 Reservaion of Seats
Just ike in fanchayats
this amendment mandated Hhe reseYva honot
Seats toar Scs, STS, and women in
Municipaliies to ensure inclusive represen

4 Finance Commission
Bira State fnane

commissÉons were also eshablished for Munici

palíties b ensure a tair allocabon aHinancial
yesou rces

5lection Process
The amenclment clekned
the process for Ehe electian of Municipal
repre sentatve, inclucing the reseryation of ohe
Lthird o the seabs toy wDMen
6Glavd Commitbecs
Muniipaliies weye yequired to
conskitute ewavcl comnittees to lacititate local
arkicipafon in decisibn -- making
2Drbah Planning
TE emphasized the importance.
of urban planning ahcl development contol and
encouragecd the hveparakoh of development plans
or Cie Ond toLhs .

The 4h Amendment aimes

Lo addvess the chall enges af ubanizahon by
pomabng plannecclevelapment atfcient Urban
ovexnaneand itzen þarticipalion in decisioh:
naking forcesses ITt recogniged the grousing
recognixed Ehe
iportake o urban Qreas in IRalo' eonomt
and social landscape

Tnpact oF the Amendments:

he 23xd and 4h
Amencments tave had
several Siniicant imþat on Tndian governane
empowerment of docal Badfes
Both amenclmen
Lempowevec) hnchyats and Municipaities by
dato devolving powe responsibilties, and inane
to the qrassYoots level enabling them to make
dedsiona on local clevelopmnt issves i
2 Inclusive Rebresentation
The reseYvatien o
Lseaks for marginaliged qrovþs such as scs,
STS, anel women, has YesSulked in mare
inclusive and representative local badies
3 Increased Accounkability
decal rehre sentaives
QYe now moYe accDuntable to ther Cohsikuent
as hey cllrecly elected by people thes

A Parkicipation
These amelments have
ehcouxaged greater citizn haricipalion ln
the decslon- maing þxocecs thraugh mechanigms
ike eard cQmmitees and Publie consultalione

omprovecService Delfvery
The 4ocus on
ncal_development has led to improuement
m essentHal services such as educaion heath
Iare, watey supply, and sanitabon in both ruva
Cind ur ban a s

aeconomic Develoþment'
Local sel-qovernanE
has faci litated eeononic developmen at he
grassracts level by pxomoing lacal entrepre
Keurship and inzas bructur development

Challenges FluoeaeY there have also been

challenges, Such as capacity building at the Loca
level, emsuring efechve ulligation o ke sources
and addre ssig fssues of cOYrehtion and
qureaucratic ved tape
Ih conlusion, the 3rd
and tth Amendments t the Ihlian Cohstitutior
were piyotal in decentxalking governqne
promatira local sel-goverkment and empawring
råra) cand urban conmanities. These amendment
have con tributed to the strengthehing of hd'a
dermocralic Jabric by involing ciizet in the
dedsion- making pocess and
odaressing the
Speiic needs a} cterent regions ahdeommu
Hes.while challerges remain, ese amendments
yebre sent a sigxiicant steh towards morc e}ec
ye bt accountable goyerrane in the world's
lovqest olemocra cy RUDRA S1NGH

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