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Submitted to the Teacher Education Department

Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College


June 9, 2023
Table of Contents

Background of the Study ……………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………………...2
Objectives of the Study ……………………………………………………………….….3
Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………………. .4
Scope and Limitations of the Study ……………………………………………………...5
Definition of Terms……………… ……………………………………………………...6
Review of Related Literature …………………………………………………………7
Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………………………… 8
Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………………… 9
Methodology of the Study ………………………………………………………………10
Research Design ………………. ……………………………………………………... 11
Study Area ……………………………………………………………………………... 13
Respondents of the Study………………………………………………………………. …14
Sample Size and Sample Techniques………………………………………………….…. 15
Research Instruments……………………………………………………………………. 16
Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………………… 17
Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………………... 18

Background of the Study

Background to the study pregnancy is a wonderful gift in the life of a woman as she

enjoys every moment of holding her own child. In addition, it brings joyful feeling and positive

atmosphere among her close relatives. However, pregnancy is considered as a pandemic and a

burden to the underage child, her family and the world. Girl child have been treated and

protected as a fragile species and all measures have taken to protect girl child and danger like

equal opportunity in education have been provided not for getting jobs. Apart from pregnancy

that have provide itself unpreventable since most college girls are falling victims of it at college


Pregnancy has become a block or an obstacle to education success of most girls in

college in Capiz State University Pilar. Pregnancy is 18 disruptive to the learning process of

women and leads to poor academic performance of girls, abortion and others leave school. Girls

who completed their studies without getting pregnant have become successful because education

equip them for decant jobs, improve their status and self-esteem in the community and improve

their livelihood. Re-entry policy was stated to give the young mothers a second chance

correcting their mistakes and preparing their future and the future of the child but this re-entry

has met a lot of negativity and stigma that the girls face. This study looks at the effects of

pregnancy on the academic performance in college students in Capiz State University Pilar and

how the young mothers should be treated with respect and not seen as morally ill.
Academic performance is the outcome of students’ effort in examinations. Students’

academic performance is determined by a number of factors (Eze et al. 2016). Academic

performance is measured by the average marks of the previous semesters and the total average

marks. The determining factors of student performance have attracted the attention of academic

researchers from many areas. They have tried to determine which variables impact student

performance in positive and negative direction. The importance of students’ performance is not

only evident to the students but also to the universities as it is a measure the success of their

education process. Education plays a pivotal role in producing qualified human power that

accelerates economic development and solves the real problems of a community. Students are

also expected to spend much of their time on their education and need to graduate with good

academic results. However, the trend of graduating students is not proportional to the trend of

enrolled students and an increasing number of students commit readmission, suggesting that they

did not perform well in their academics. Thus, the study aimed to identify the determinants of

academic performance among university students in Southern Ethiopia

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the effects of pregnancy on the academic performance in college

students in Capiz State University Pilar. Specifically, the study focused on answering the

following questions:

1. What are the challenges of pregnant student?

2. What is the academic performance of pregnant student?

3. Is there any relationship between challenges of pregnancy and academic performance

among college students?

Objectives of the study

This study was conducted to answer the following objectives:

1. To determine the challenges of pregnant student.

2. To establish the academic performance of pregnant student.

3. To determine the relationship between challenges of pregnancy and academic performance

among college students.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial the following:

Students. It will help raise the self-esteem of student mothers at home school.

Parents. This study can help parents in guiding their children.

Teachers. It will provide ways how teachers can handle pregnant student in school.

Parents. This study will be beneficial for parents to be aware about their children and to guide

them to the right path.

Future Researcher. These findings will help the future researchers in conducting their studies.
Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study was conducted to find out the Effects of Pregnancy in College Students in Capiz State

University Pilar Campus. The data were gathered to determine the profile of the respondents.

Definition of terms

Pregnancy is the term used to describe the period in which a fetus develops inside a woman's

womb or uterus. Pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, or just over 9 months, as measured

from the last menstrual period to delivery. Health care providers refer to three segments of

pregnancy, called trimesters.

Academic Performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic

subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom

performance, graduation rates, and results from standardized tests.

Students is an individual who is enrolled in a university or college for a particular course. They

are a part of the institution while they pursue the course and then become the part of the alumni

association once they complete the course.



Causes of Pregnancy

According to the World Health Organization, adolescent pregnancies are a global problem for

both developed and developing countries. Although the global teenage birth rate has decreased,

there are regional differences in the rates of change. Adolescent pregnancies have decreased

globally, from 64.5 per 1000 women in 2000 to 42.5 per 1000 women in 2021. However, there

are huge differences in levels between and within countries. While the estimated global teenage

birth rate has decreased, the actual number of childbirths to teenagers continues to be high.

Pregnancy in girls under the age of 19 is severe in every aspect and requires very complex and

long-term solutions. The decreasing age at menarche is one of the factors that can affect a

woman’s fertility. Since the 19th century, the age at menarche has been decreasing at a rate of 2–

3 months per decade in many European countries, resulting in an overall decrease of about 3

years. Most of the decrease in menarche age is related to better nutrition and health. The onset of

first sexual activity occurs at a significantly younger age, which is another contributing element.

Young maternal age is more likely a marker for one or more other maternal risk factors

associated with poor birth outcomes. Poverty, low education, and inadequate family support are

also problems. These factors increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections, unsafe

abortions, and birth complications, all of which are exacerbated by inadequate prenatal care.

In addition, children born to parents who cannot care for them face additional dangers. In the

first few years of a child’s life, the mother–child relationship declines. This is primarily due to
the mother’s immaturity. When teenage mothers are victims of sexual assault, the situation is

even worse. Apart from their mothers, these children tend to be brought up by their grandparents

and relatives, with frequent changes in caregivers. Children have a higher risk of being abused or

neglected and a higher risk of failing in school and are more likely to engage in criminal

behavior later on.

Childbirth experiences

One of challenges that a mother will face is Poverty. According to the statement of Juan Antonio

Perez “For minors who start to have a family at a young age, it is most likely going to lead to a

situation we call intergenerational poverty. This means the family will pass on poverty from

generation to generation,” (Crisostomo, 2019). Indeed, the adolescent mothers are more

vulnerable towards their emotions and mental health, it increases the stimulation by education

setting, and need proper guidance to achieve their full potential (Gatbonton, 2021).

“Pregnancy perpetuates the cycle of poverty and inequality, as it does not only negatively

impact the lives of young parents and their children, but also disenfranchises them

from economic opportunities as adolescent pregnancy forces a majority of parents to abandon

their education,” said Aragones (Porcalla & Crisostomo, 2019). It is also stated that drop-out

students are prey to pregnancy (maemaeko, 2018). Cecilia Villa, a sexual and reproductive

health and rights specialist stated“As a result, women had less access to sexual and reproductive

health services. Some womenhad to deliver at home because there weren’t any facilities to

take them.” (Garcia, 2022). Reminding the adolescents who stopped and drop from

their Schools ended with Poverty-stricken and lack of knowledge, it contributes to hardships

of adolescents for living.

Importance of Academic Performance

Academic performance/ achievement is the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has

attained their short or long-term educational goals and is measured either by continuous

assessment or cumulative grade point average (CGPA) . A correlational study among vocational

high school students in Indonesia found that students who had good academic achievements have

higher income, better employment benefits, and more advancement opportunities. Besides,

academically successful students have higher self-esteem and self-confidence, low levels of

anxiety and depression, are socially inclined, and are less likely to engage in substance abuse,

i.e., alcohol and khat. However, a cross-sectional study in Malaysia in higher learning

institutions reported that an increasing number of students still do not graduate on time,

suggesting that they did not perform well in their studies.

Despite excessive government investment in education, most students fail to achieve good

academic performance at all levels of education. A correlational study in Arba Minch University,

South Ethiopia, reported that the trend of graduating students is not proportional to the trend of

enrolled students and more students commit readmission due to poor academic performance.

This resulted in unemployment, poverty, drugs elicit, promiscuity, homelessness, illegal

activities, social isolation, insufficient health insurance, and dependence. Additionally, a

systematic review in India concluded that poor academic achievement causes significant stress to

the parents and low self-esteem to the students. It is also significantly associated with high

anxiety scores among university students in Pakistan. Further, in public schools in Pakistan,

academic failure affects self-concept and leads to a feeling of disturbance and shock. In this way,

students finally drop out of the education system at all.

Beyond the quality of schools, various personal and family factors, including socioeconomic

factors, English ability, class attendance, employment, high school grades, and academic self-

efficacy have been proposed to influence academic performance. Besides, other factors, i.e.,

teaching skills, study hours, family size, and parental involvement have an association with

academic performance as well.



This chapter deals with the respondents with the design, locale of the study, respondents of the

study, sample size and sampling techniques, research instruments, data gathering procedure,

scoring and categorization of variables, analysis and presentation of data.

Research Design

This study used the qualitative research design. Qualitative research is an inquiry in which

researchers collect data in face-to-face situations by interacting with selected persons in their

settings, describing and analyzing peoples individual and collective social actions, beliefs

thoughts and perceptions McMillan & Schumacher (14)

Study Area

This study was conducted at Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College during 2023-2024.

Capiz State University Pilar Satellite located at Natividad Pilar Capiz with total land area 4.8

hectares. This campus is one of the nine (9) Campuses. At present it has a total population of

1283 students who were officially enrolled as of second semester of the year 2022 -2023. The

university offers the following courses: Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED), Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology (BSIT), Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW),

Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management (BSHM), Bachelor of Science in Business

Management (BSBA) and Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSA).

Respondents of the Study

CapSU Pilar students were the respondents of the study. Out of the 1283 total number of students

population only selected students from different courses were select as respondents. The

respondents were from BEED, BSIT, BSSW, BSHM, BSBA and BSA.

Sample Size and Sample Techniques

This study included 30 respondents taking up BEED, BSIT, BSSW, BSHM, BSBA and BSA.

The respondents were selected trough random sampling technique:

This table the distribution of the number of samples selected according to their courses.

Courses Population Sample

BEED 194 5
BSIT 192 5
BSSW 220 5
BSHM 326 5
BSBA 233 5
BSA 118 5

TOTAL 1283 30

Research Instruments
This study used in-depth interviews. This instrument gave the researchers the platform to ask

open ended questions about pregnancy so that the participants will be able to explain issues

concerning this problem being researched.

Data Gathering Procedure

The unstructured one-to-one in-depth interviews was conducted through visiting the

respective school and making personal contact with the selected participants, preferably in a

quiet place such as an office in order to avoid disturbances. Interviews carried out after working

hours at the school. In order to ensure completeness and reliability of information, interview

sessions will be recorded on a provided paper.

Data Analysis

After collecting the data, we used discovery and interim analyses strategies to analyze and code

the data (McMillan & Schumacher [14]). The obtained results were then analyzed and

interpreted. The discovery analysis strategy was also used to develop tentative and preliminary

ideas about the issues under investigation during data collection. This was done by writing

summaries and comments on interviews to identify possible themes focus on the study.

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