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Lesson Plan in Macro Skill (Receptive-Writing)

I: Objectives

A. Analyze a three-paragraph informative essay;

B. Compose an informative essay; and
C. Consider making an outline before composing your final three-paragraph informative essay.

II: Subject Matter: Compose an informative essay

Materials: Projector, PowerPoint, Laptop, Tape, Manila paper, Marker, Printed Worksheets, Printed
Reading Materials
Competency: EN8WC-IIId-2.2.16 and EN8WC-IIIi-2.2.16: Compose an informative essay.

III: Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Pre-Writing Activities
1. Motivation (Brain Storming)
These past few years, tremendous changes happened
due to COVID-19. I experienced lockdown and
quarantine. How about you, class? Did you also
experience those? Yes / No, ma’am

Today, you will be group into 2. 1st group would be the

left column, and the 2nd group would be the right column.

All you need to do is to write a 3-5 sentences about your

assigned topic on the provided manila paper. Group 1
would be sharing some benefits of implementing
lockdown and quarantine during the peak of COVID-19.
On the other hand, Group 2 would be sharing about the
free vaccination. Both groups will only be given 5
minutes. Afterward, you will choose a group
representative to present your output in front.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Group 1, can you give us your insights about the benefits Way back during the peak of COVID-19, our
of implementing lockdown and quarantine during the government have implemented some practices
peak of COVID-19? that can help us lessen the continuous growth of
COVID-19 cases. Lockdowns on selected areas
and quarantine for those local or international
travellers who wants to get back to their
hometowns were one of these. Because of
lockdowns, spreading of the virus from the
family or areas that have cases of COVID-19 was
being prevented. Lastly, due to quarantines, we
started to see that the curves were slowly

Very informative, Group 1!

Group 2, will you please share with us your output about Implementing or giving free vaccine for all was
free vaccination? also one way of our government to end this
deadly virus. This vaccine has the power to keep
our immune system stronger in order to fight
the COVID-19 virus. Also, different dosages were
also given for seniors and children, as well as for
young adults. Lastly, different brands of vaccines
were also advice or prescribed to different ages
with different health status.
Great information, Group 2!
I am pleased with everyone’s information and

3. Presenting the Objectives

In today’s lesson you are expected to:
A. Define an informative essay;
B. Compose an informative essay; and
C. Consider making an outline before
composing your final three-paragraph
informative essay.

B. During Writing

Let’s take a look on your answers in our activity.

Group 1
Way back during the peak of COVID-19,
our government have implemented some
practices that can help us lessen the continuous
growth of COVID-19 cases. Lockdowns on
selected areas and quarantine for those who
local or international travellers who wants to
get back to their hometowns were one of these.
Because of lockdowns, spreading of the virus
from the family or areas that have cases of
COVID-19 was being prevented. Lastly, due to
quarantines, we started to see that the curves
were slowly flattening.

Group 2
Implementing or giving free vaccine for all was
also one way of our government to end this deadly
virus. This vaccine has the power to keep our
immune system stronger in order to fight the
COVID-19 virus. Also, different dosages were also
given for seniors and children, as well as for young
adults. Lastly, different brands of vaccines were
also advice or prescribed to different ages with I noticed that you let us brainstorm ideas and
different health status. construct an essay about giving information on a
Anybody, what have you noticed while doing the specific topic.
activity? Yes, Loved.

Great observation, Loved!

What you did earlier is one of the type and purpose of
writing essay. What do you think is the name of that
essay? Informative essay because we give information.

That is correct! It is called an Informative essay.

Carla, what do you think is an Informative essay? I think informative essay educates your reader
on a specific topic. Meaning, the writer must
give credible information to his reader.
That is correct, Carla!
An informative essay can define a term, compare and
contrast, analyze, a data, or provide a steps or procedure
to do something.

From the given definition, does the purpose of

informative essay is to persuade? No, ma’am

Indeed, class. The main goal of an informative essay is

simply to provide information or educate the readers.
However, if your informative essay is interesting enough,
it may move readers to learn more about the subject, but
they'll have to come to that on their own, thanks to the
wealth of interesting information you present.

In writing an essay, it should be composed of the 3

fundamental parts. Who can name the first part? Introduction which is the first paragraph
How about the second? Body which starts from the second paragraph
And lastly? Conclusion which is the last paragraph
That is all correct, class!

At this juncture, let us all read this example:

“Language learning materials to use or develop:
Teaching listening in the 21st century classroom”

The world is changing in the blink of an eye.

Learning, teaching, and measuring learning are all
evolving. Students are as eager to be guided,
properly trained, and supervised as they have
always been. Their curiosity about the things
around them is maintained and intensified.
Nowadays, we must evaluate cost, practicality,
quality, and, finally, relevance to our learning
objectives when selecting our learning resources.
Regarding my chosen material, I considered that it
was vital for me to examine it in order to create an
appropriate tool that may assist in improving my
teaching abilities and further explaining the
themes. In my opinion, audio-visual technologies
such as pre-recorded video and PowerPoint
presentations are the best materials for teaching
listening in the 21st century classroom.
Audio-visual learning materials are quite
intricate, but they are also very practical in many
ways, such as in terms of our time, money, and
effort. Aside from that, it is practical in that we may
store this content once we have used it for future
uses. For example, if we ever run into the same
issues and absolutely need an appropriate material,
all we need to do is download this file and modify it
based on our kids' ages and interests. Furthermore,
it is not expensive because all we need to do is edit,
download, and combine a specific video or audio
into one final product. Aside from that, it can't be
destroyed until you or someone else deletes it.
However, if we back up our materials, we can
ensure that we can continue to access and utilize
them for as long as we desire. Finally, this
equipment is similar to a bowl in which you may
add a lot of things and mix them until you get the
desired result. You have complete control over how
you add and adjust your audio-visual presentation.
It is an extremely relevant language learning
resource to utilize in teaching listening in the
twenty-first century classroom since it not only
helps us to pique our students' interests but also
allows us educators to ease the load of our
obligations. A philosopher once stated, "Work
smart, not hard." This remark is highly appropriate
for my selected tool, since when we utilize audio-
visual in teaching listening; we can no longer repeat
what we have just said for ourselves. We can simply
replay our materials till they have thoroughly
absorbed the content of the teachings because we
have previously filmed ourselves discussing the
topics. All we need to do as educators is elaborate
and provide additional examples connected to the
themes. Furthermore, there is a case to be made for
a redefined discipline that's far more learner-
centered, interactive, and digitally driven. Language
learning trends are propelling forward together in
such a manner that our kids will be able to speak
with people all over the world in real time.
From the given example, who can tell me their
observation? Yes, Rissa The introductory part introduces the main idea
or the thesis statement, and provides pertinent
Indeed, Rissa! But, it does not mean that we can only definitions, and briefly describes what will be
found the main ideas at the end of the paragraph. We can discovered by the reader as they go along
also found it at the beginning, or in the middle of the reading. The main idea here is: “Audio-visual
introductory part of the essay. technologies such as pre-recorded video and
PowerPoint presentations are the best materials
for teaching listening in the 21st century
classroom.” This can be found at the end of the

How about on the second paragraph, Chloe? The second paragraph or the body is where the
Very good! writer provides further details about the main
idea or the thesis statement that was being
introduced in his/her introductory part of the
essay. The supporting details here are: 1. Audio-
visual learning materials are quite intricate, but
they are also very practical in many ways, such
as in terms of our time, money, and effort; 2.
Aside from that, it can't be destroyed until you
or someone else deletes it; and 3. You have
complete control over how you add and adjust
your audio-visual presentation.

Julie Fe, can you share with us your insights about the The end, otherwise known as the conclusion, is
last paragraph? where the writer summarized his/her essay.
Excellent! He/she also reiterate the main idea or the thesis
statement of his/her essay. After that, the writer
offer up a few closing remarks that gloss over
the most important elements. The restatement
of the main idea here is: “It is an extremely
relevant language learning resource to utilize in
teaching listening in the twenty-first century
classroom since it does not only helps us to
pique our students' interests but also allows us
educators to ease the load of our obligations.”

Moving on, as what you’ve encountered on your Making an outline first ma’am before you
previous years, what do you think you should do first proceed writing your essay.
before writing your essay?

Very good, class!

Now, who can tell me the format in making an outline of I: Introduction

your essay?  Thesis Statement
II: Body
A: Supporting Details
 Evidence
 Evidence
 Evidence
III: Conclusion
 Restatement of Thesis statement
 Insightful sentence to end your essay

That is correct, John!

1. First, you need to select an appropriate
Aside from making an outline, what do you think are the or a topic that is in line with your
steps in writing an essay? Yes, Loved interest.
2. Next, research and gather ideas about
the subject. See what you already know
about the subject as you uncover other
areas you still need to research.
3. Make a list of these important facts. Be
sure all the facts are accurate.
4. Then, create an outline that will organize
your facts in a logical way. After this,
you'll be ready to make your first draft.
5. Afterwards, write your essay based on
the outline you've created. Ensure that
one section naturally flows into the next.
6. Lastly, proofread and finalize your work.

Outstanding, Loved! Just like any other essay writing,

informative essay also follows those steps.

4. Post-Writing Activity

Activity 1: Spot what I got! (Students do post-writing activities)

Instruction: I have here a different introductory part of
an essay. Read carefully and underline the main idea/s,
encircle the supporting details, and enclosed the
restatement of main idea/s with bracket [ ].

“The most embarrassing moment in my life”

I've had a great many embarrassing
moments in my life. Some of the most
embarrassing have occurred while I was attending
school. One of these moments happened in high
school during my junior year. I remember it well
because it concerned an event that I deeply feared I
would encounter during my formative years: a high
school dance. Not that I was a poor dancer. Nothing
of the sort! It was just that I had to do it with girls.
Later in life, I found out that if I had to do it, doing it
with girls had its advantages. But that's another
The scene was the high school cafeteria. The
red-faced moment occurred during a Sadie
Hawkin's Day auction. There was, you see, a
particular girl attending said school who was very
ugly. She was so ugly, in fact, that we--my school
compadres and I--used the word "ooglay" to refer
to her: a word that connotes outright, without-a-
doubt nastiness in the looks department. Anyway,
lucky me, old "parrot-beak" (as we sometimes
called her), with a great deal of fanfare and flourish,
picked me as the slob of the hour and plunked
down good money to confirm her choice.
Embarrassed isn't really the word I want here.
Mortified is more like it. I was mortified,
horrified, embarrassed, and downright shocked
at the prospect of attending a school dance with
the Beast of Babcock High.
[Looking back at this event with an aged
eye, an eye steeped in a broth of maturity and
experience, I find that I am still embarrassed.]
My embarrassment today, however, stems from the
realization that never was I so cruel and heartless
as I was at that auction some thirty years ago. Often
do I wonder how that girl must have felt as the jeers
and catcalls of an undisciplined mob cascaded
around her. I fervently hope that I shall never meet
this girl face to face in the present. That would
surely be the most embarrassing moment of my life.

Activity 2: Outline it, Make it, and Finalize it!

Direction: Compose a 3 paragraph-long informative
essay considering the format for making an outline we
discussed earlier. Each paragraph should have a
minimum of 5 sentences. This would be a group activity.
All groups should be composed of 3 members. You are
given the freedom to choose a topic according to your
group’s interest. Pass both your outline and final output.
Write it on a separate 1 whole sheet of paper. This
should be done in 15 minutes.

Time is up, everyone! Now, pass your papers.

Job well-done class!

IV. Assessment

Instruction: Compose a 3 paragraph Informative Essay

with a minimum of 3-5 sentences in each paragraph
about, “The Benefits of Blended Learning” considering
the proper techniques in writing an essay. Use the given
rubrics as your basis for creating your manuscript. You
will pass this one after 15 minutes.

V. Assignment
Instruction: Research and study in advance on how to
acknowledge sources by creating a Bibliography. Then,
answer the following question:
1. Explain in your own words on how to
create a bibliography.
2. What is the format in writi ng a

Traits Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Organization The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no clear
inviting, states the includes the goal or includes the main introduction,
goal or thesis, and thesis and provides goal or thesis. Most structure, or
provides an an overview of the information is conclusion.
overview of the issue. Information is presented in a
issue. Information is presented in a logical order. A
presented in a logical order but conclusion is
logical order and does not maintain included, but it
maintains the the interest of the does not state a
interest of the reader. A conclusion personal opinion.
reader. The states a personal
conclusion strongly opinion.
states a personal
Goals or Thesis There is one goal or There is one goal or A personal opinion The personal
thesis that strongly thesis that states a is not clearly opinion is not
and clearly states a personal opinion stated. There is easily understood.
personal opinion and identifies the little reference to There is little or
and identifies the issue. the issue. no reference to
issue. the issue.
Reasons and Three or more Three or more Two reasons are Arguments are
Support excellent reasons reasons are stated, made but with weak or missing.
are stated with good but the arguments weak arguments. Less than two
support. It is evident are somewhat weak reasons are made.
that a lot of thought in places.
and research was
put into his work.
Word Choice Word choice is Word choice There is evidence Word choice is
creative and enhances the of attention to limited.
enhances the argument. word choice.
Grammar, There are no errors There are few There are several There are
Mechanics, and in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in grammar, numerous errors
Spelling mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or in grammar,
spelling. spelling, but they do spelling. mechanics,
not interfere with and/or spelling.

Jenelyn N. Estrada

Ramelyn Amahit

Janelle Lara Makinta

BSED Eng 16 - A

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