Core Maths PLC

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Core Maths PLC (AQA Level 3 certificate in Mathematical Studies)

Topic R A G
Able to substitute numerical values into a spreadsheet
Able to add a formula into a spreadsheet using + - * /
Able to use more complex operations in a formula such as square and
Use AUTOSUM, averages and percentages on a spreadsheet

Data presentation and interpretation

Able to appreciate the difference between qualitative and quantitative
data and difference between primary and secondary data
Able to infer properties of populations or distributions from a sample,
whilst knowing the limitations of sampling
Able to appreciate the strengths and limitations of random, cluster,
stratified and quota sampling methods
Able to calculate/identify mean, median, mode, quartiles, percentiles,
range, interquartile range, standard deviation.
Able to construct and interpret histograms with equal and unequal class
intervals, cumulative frequency graphs, box and whisker plots, stem-and-
leaf diagrams (including back-to-back).

Maths for personal Finance

Using conventional notation for priority of operations, including
brackets, powers, roots and reciprocals
Able to apply and interpret limits of accuracy, specifying simple error
intervals due to truncation or rounding.
Finding approximate solutions to problems in financial contexts.
Calculating percentages and percentage changes as a fraction or decimal
and interpreting these multiplicatively.
Express one quantity as a percentage of another
Compare two quantities using percentages
Solve problems involving percentage change, including simple and
compound interest.
Calculate Annual Equivalent Rate (AER)
Understand students loans and mortgages and calculate Annual
Percentage Rate (APR)
Be able to calculate income tax, National Insurance, Value Added Tax
Understand the effect of inflation
Setting up, solving and interpreting the solutions to financial problems,
including those that involve compound interest using iterative methods.
Carry out calculations involving currency exchange rates including
Representing a situation mathematically, making assumptions and
Interpreting results in the context of a given problem
Evaluating methods and solutions including how they may have been
affected by assumptions made
Making fast, rough estimates of quantities which are either difficult or
impossible to measure directly (Fermi estimations)

Analysing Critically
Use maths to criticise the arguments of others
Comparing results from a model with real data
Critical analysis of data quoted in media, political campaigns, marketing,
adverts etc. (eg: scams)

Critical Path Analysis

Understand precedence and represent projects by activity networks
(Activity on node diagrams)
Calculate and use early time and late time algorithms to identify critical
activities and find the critical path(s)
Use Gantt charts (cascade diagrams) to present project activities

Probability and Expectation

Understand that uncertain outcomes can be modelled as random events
with estimated probabilities.
Able to apply ideas of randomness, fairness and equally likely events to
calculate expected outcomes.
Understanding and applying Venn diagrams and simple tree diagrams.
Understanding that P (A ∪ B) means the probability of event A or B or
Understanding that P ( A ∩ B) means the probability of event A and B
Able to calculate the probability of combined events:
•• both A and B; •• neither A nor B; •• either A or B (or both)
Calculating the expected value of quantities such as financial loss or gain

Cost Benefit Analysis

Understanding that many decisions have to be made when outcomes
cannot be predicted with certainty
Understanding that the actions that can be taken to reduce or prevent
specific risks may have their own costs.
Using probabilities to calculate expected values of costs and benefits of
Understanding that calculating an expected value is an important part of
such decision making.

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