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Đề chính thức
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
(Đề thi gồm 12 trang)

Điểm bài thi Giám khảo chấm thi Số phách

Bằng số Bằng chữ (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (Do Hội đồng chấm
thi ghi)

Giám khảo 1: ........................

Giám khảo 2: ........................

Part 1: Compelete the following notes by using A NUMBER OR NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS for each answer (2pts)

Which three things does Cesar recommend bringing for question 8, 9 and 10? Choose

1. Water plan. 2. 8a.m. 3. 2.5 hours. 4. Visit the dam. 5. Youngth hotel
6. breakfast 7. 600

8. camera. 9raincoat. 10mobile phone

Part 2. You will hear a manager in a company talking to an employee about

volunteer charity work. Circle the best answer (A, B or C) for each question (1pt)
11. How much time for volunteering does the company allow per employee?
A. two hours per week B. one day per month C. 8 hour per years
12. In feedback almost all imployees said that volunteering improved their __________.
A. chance of promotion
B. job satisfaction
C. relationships with colleagues
13. Last year some staff helped unemployed people with their __________.
A. literacy skills B. jobs applications C. communication skills
14. This year the company will start a new volunteering project with a local ________.
A. school B. park C. charity
15. Where will the Digital Inclusion Day be held?
A. at the company's training facility B. at a college C. in a community centre
Part 3: Listen to Dawn and Will talking about their plans for next week and mark the
statements as true (T) or false (F). (1pt)
16. __F__ Sandra Bullock is Dawns favourite actress.
17. _T___ Dawn and Will are going to party on Friday.
18. __T__ Will has to study on Saturday afternoon.
19. _T___ Dawn is going out with Chris on Saturday night.
20. __T__ They are meeting for lunch on Sunday
Part 4: Listen to the recording twice. Do some tasks as directed. (1pt)

Oakham Surgery
New Patient Form

Example: Answer
New patient’s road: Dawson Road

Full name: Mike (21) ………Jacobs…………………….

Wife’s first name: Janet

Childrens’ first names: 1st (22) …………Rod………………….




Address: 52 Dawson Road (23) ………………


Health card number: (24) …………NH871812C………………….

Wife’s health card number: will give later

Preferred doctor selected: (25) Dr ……Kevin……………………….


Part 1: Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2,5pts)
1. We are a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus
A. affording B. indicating C. conducting D. considering
2. He attempted to _________the painting from the gallery but he was caught.
A. rob B. steal C. thief D. kidnap
3. The ________ items in the cake are flour, sugar and shortening.
A. alternative B. enviable C. commecial D. essential
4. Unless you can exchange this shirt for one that the same size and colour, I would like
to have my money ___________.
A. is refunded B. refunded C. refunds D. refunding
5. By the time you finish your job, the baby ________ for 20 minutes.
A. has slept B. will have sleep C. had slept D. will have been
6. “ You broke my window, Tom” Mrs Mary said
A. Mrs Mary accused Tom of breaking her B. Mrs Mary blamed Tom of breaking her
window window
C. Tom denied breaking Mrs Mary’s D. Tom admitted breaking Mrs Mary’s
window window
7. “You’d better not wear T – shirt and shorts when you visit Mount Everest.” The
instructor said.
A. The instructor warned us not to wear T – shirt and shorts when we visit Mount
B. The instructor reminded us not to wear T – shirt and shorts when we visit Mount
C. The instructor told us not to wear T – shirt and shorts when we visit Mount Everest.
D. The instructor advised us not to wear T – shirt and shorts when we visit Mount
8. Tony has never ________ himself ________ the disabled’s shoes, so you can’t
understand them.
A. put - in B. put – off C. put - out D. put- up
9. Did you really pay £2,000 for that painting? I think you were _________.

A. ripped on B. ripped off C. ripped of D. ripped out

10. ______ of the committee, I’d like to thank you for your generous donation.
A. According B. On behalf C. Together D. In addition
11. The problem is difficult to ___________ under control.
A. hold B. keep C. do D. make
12. If something _______ your attention or your eye, you notice it or become interested
in it.
A. pays B. allow C. catches D. wave
13. “Do you mind if I open the window?” ~ _______.
A. Well, yes B. Well, it’s a bit C. Well, I can D. Well, I’m busy
cold manage
14. The faster we finish, _______ .
A. the sooner we can leave B. we can leave sooner and sooner
C. the sooner can we leave D. we can leave the sooner
15. I was afraid that it would be cold to have a picnic outside, but luckily it was _____.
A. a bit colder B. much colder C. a bit warmer D. the far warmest
16. But for your help, we _______ the project in time. That’s very kind of you to help us.
A. won’t finish B. wouldn’t finish C. would finish D. wouldn’t have
17. ______ here, we would hang out and have some coffee.
A. Were you not to B. Should not you C. Had not you D. Were not you
work work worked work
18. 'We used to live very near the motorway.' 'Did you? It ______ noisy.'
A. can have been B. should have been C. must have been D. may have been
19. The police is searching for ________ LA car. It has been stolen from a garage for 2
A. a B. an C. the D. -
20. You will spend at least one year working abroad ______you can find out how things
operate overseas.
A. because B. so as to C. so that D. as long as
21. He pretends ______ poor, but he has a lot of saving money in the band and villas in
Ha Noi.
A. being B. to be C. is D. has been
22. Jack admitted _______ the car last night.
A. steal B. stole C. stealing D. having stolen.
23. I am afraid of _____ such a silly question like this.
A. asked B. be asked C. being asked D. will be ask
24. He was the last person who left the party last night.
A. He was the last person left the party last night.
B. He was the last person who to leave the party last night.
C. He was the last person to leave the party last night.
D. He was the last person leaving the party last night.
25. Scarely had he found the car key ________ .
A. when his car run out of petrol. B.when his car ran out of petrol.
C. than his car run out of petrol. D. than his car ran out of petrol.
Part 2. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to fill in the gaps. (1pt)
We went to a really (1.INTEREST) ___interesting___ little restaurant the other night, just
off the main square. It’s a (2. FRIEND) __friendly____ little place, with soft music that
makes you feel (3. RELAX) __relaxed_____ as soon as you sit down. It’s decorated in a
really tasteful way, and it’s the perfect place for a (4. ROMANCE) __romantic____
evening out. The food isn’t cheap, but it isn’t (5. EXPENSE) __expensive____ either,
which is just as well as I don’t have much spare cash at the moment. To start with, I
ordered the prawns in garlic, which were (6. AMAZE) __amazing____, while my friend
had smoked fish. It was a bit (7. CHEW) __chewful____, but tasted great.

Then I had (8. FRY) ___fried___ chicken with vegetables, and my friend had what he said
was the (9. SPICE)___spiciest___ curry he’d ever tasted. After that we both had ice-cream
and then coffee, to finish an (10. EXTREME) ___extremently___ pleasing meal.
* Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3: Read the passage below which contains 5 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and
write the corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes. (0.5 pt)
Less than 40 years ago, tourism has been encouraged as an unquestionable good. 0
With the arrival of pack holidays and charter flights, tourism could at last be 1
enjoyable by the masses. Yet one day, it seems feasible that there will be no more 2
tourists. There will be ‘adventurers’, ‘fieldwork assistants’, ‘volunteers’ and, of 3
course, ‘travelers’. But the term ‘tourist’ will extinct. There might be those who 4
quietly slip away to foreign lands for nothing other than pure pleasure, but it will be 5
a secretive and frowned at activity. No one will want to own up to being one of 6
those. In fact, there are already a few countries prohibiting tourists from entering 7
certain areas where the adverse effects of tourism have already struck. Tourists 8
have charged with bringing nothing with them but their money and wreaking havoc 9
with the local environment. 10
* Your answer
No. Line Mistakes Corrections
Exampl 0 has been Was
1. 1 pack package
2. 4 Will Will not
3. 6 secretive secret
4. 7 from to
5. 8 adverse adversal


Part 1. You are going to read a magazine article in which three actors talk about
their profession. For Questions 1-10 choose from the actors A-C. The people may be
chosen more than once. There is an example at the beginning (0). (1 pt)
Which of the actors
0__ B __ has become successful at a young age?
1. ___A___ was strongly influenced by their upbringing?
2. ____C__ had little warning before going on stage?
3. ____A__ comments on different acting techniques?
4 ____B__ was picked without having spoken?
5. _____B_ used to worry about being unemployed?
6. ___A___ is not interested in reading scripts?
7. ___C___ had a difficult time before becoming famous?
8. ____B__ tried to change their appearance?
9. ____C__ had to fight for parental support?
10. _A____ I thinks the acting process is quite charming and attractive?
A Jake Armstrong
I have a terrible problem reading through scripts,’ admits Jake Armstrong. ‘I find most of
them very boring, although once in a while a script will really appeal to me and I am
immediately attracted to the character the director has asked me to consider.’ Jake
Armstrong was always going to end up doing something dramatic. His father and mother
are both actors, and although neither of them pushed him into the profession, he feels his
career path was inevitable as he saw so much theatre when he was a child. ‘I would wait
backstage until it was time to go home al the end of an evening performance. I met the
most fantastic people. As a child you don’t appreciate fame and I thought all these
extraordinary people were really normal. But there was something fascinating about the
whole business, why people dress up as different people and pretend to be other
personalities. Unlike my parents, however, I am more interested in film work. The thing
about filming is that you hang around for hours chatting away to people, then suddenly
you’ve got to turn it on. I had to learn very quickly how to tone down for the camera, not
to overact, whereas on stage in the theatre it’s the exact opposite.’
B Laura Dyson
‘I think I'm very lucky to have been noticed so early in my career. When I was at drama
school I used to feel quite desperate meeting up with friends who had already graduated
and who were out of work. I would listen to them talking about the temporary jobs they
had, working in restaurants, supermarkets — whatever they could find, and going to one
audition after the other. And they were only auditioning for really small parts in theatre or
film and getting absolutely nowhere.’
Laura Dyson is just 21 and already a box office name. She was spotted whilst on stage in
London and offered a film role by one of Hollywood’s leading directors. ‘It was
unbelievable, rd had hardly any experience and the play I was in was a wralk-on role only.
I didn’t have to say a single word! Apparently the director was looking for someone who
could play a 16-year-old schoolgirl, so I suppose I'm fortunate in that I don’t look my age.
The irony is that I used to spend hours making up my face so that I’d look older. I used to
get so fed up with people refusing me entry to adult films because nobody believed me
when I said I was over 18.’
C Emmy Mason
‘My parents have always been interested in the arts and I remember being taken to the
cinema and the theatre at a very early age. When I said I wanted to go to drama school they
were horrified. In fact, my father refused to agree but he eventually gave in because I
threatened to go off around the world on my own at 17 doing any old job just to pay my
Emmy Mason was determined to succeed and although it has not been an easy ride to
stardom she has finally achieved the kind of recognition that most actors can only dream
about. ‘My big break came quite by accident. 1 was an understudy at the National Theatre
for months on end. It was such hard work, learning the lines and yet knowing that you
were unlikely ever to say them in front of an audience. Don’t get me wrong, though. I was
glad to be earning some money and at least I got to see the famous names each night.
Anyway, one day the leading lady went down with flu and ỉn the afternoon I was told J.
would be on stage that evening. There wasn’t time to be frightened. I had sat through all
the rehearsals so I knew the moves by heart. And that was it. The critics loved my
performance and I’ve never been out of work since.’
Part 2. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
correct word or phrase for each of the blanks. (1 pt)

Schools in the United States have not always had a large number of libraries. As (1)
________ as 1958 about half of the public schools in the United States had no libraries at
all. The number of public school libraries increased dramatically (2) ________ the federal
government passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, (3) ________
provided funds for school districts to improve their education programs and facilities,
including their libraries. (4) ________, many educators claim that since the legislation was
passed federal spending has not increased sufficiently to meet the rising (5) ________ of
new library technologies such as computer databases and Internet access.
Because the federal government provides only limited funds to schools, individual
school districts (6) ________ on funds from local property taxes to meet the vast majority
of public school expenses. Therefore, the libraries of the public schools tend to reflect the
(7) ________ capabilities of the communities in which they are located. Districts in
wealthy suburbs often have fully staffed libraries (8) ________ abundant resources,
spacious facilities, and curricular and instructional support. In (9) ________, school
districts in many poor areas house their libraries in ordinary classrooms or in small rooms.
The libraries in such areas are generally staffed by volunteers, who organize and (10)
________ books that are often out-of-date, irrelevant, or damaged.
1. A. freshly B. frequently C. recently D. newly
2. A. though B. with C. during D. when
3. A. that B. which C. who D. this
4. A. Nevertheless B. Consequently C. Therefore D. Otherwise
5. A. fine B. fee C. cost D. sum
6. A. go B. rely C. come D. stay
7. A. educational B. economical C. political D. financial
8. A. with B. for C. on D. by
9. A. country B. converse C. contrast D. conflict
10. A. attain B. obtain C. contain D. maintain

Part 3: Fill in the gap with a suitable word to complete the passage. (1pt)
Everyone loves a sunny room. But do you know that a bright room can
(1) ___make____ you healthier, happier (2) ____and____ more hard-working? Amazing
new research is teaching us (3) ____about___ the effects of natural light.
Daylight is important in schools. Canadian research suggests that students (4) ___do____
better on tests in sunny, bright schools. Students are absent (5) __less_____ often in these
schools, too. Even more surprisingly, children (6) ___seem____ to grow taller in schools
with lots of natural light.
Sunlight is also good for business. The use of natural light instead of electric light makes
customers (7) __spend_____ more money in stores. One popular American store put in
skylines (windows in the roof or ceiling) and, as a (8) ____result___, business is up 40
percent. In offices, workers who have windows near their desks work harder than those
who don’t. They also miss fewer days of work.
Sunlight is good for your health. In his book, Sunlight, Dr. Zane Kime advises readers to
get plenty of it. (9) __according _____ to Kime, the sun’s light gives you more energy and
causes your heart rate to go down. And with more windows, you use less electricity, which
is good for Mother Earth. So open (10) ___up____ your curtains and let the sun shine in!
* Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 4. Read the following passage and decide that the following statements are True,
False, or Not Given. Put (T), (F), or (NG) preceding the statement.(2pts)

The Bristol International Balloon Fiesta is held annually in England. Teams from the UK
and other parts of the world bring their hot air balloons to the site and participate in mass
ascents where as many as 100 balloons may launch at a time.
The event was first held in 1979 and is now one of the largest in Europe. It is common to
have crowds of over 100,000 on each of the four days of the festival. It takes place in a
large country estate Ashton Court. Mass launches are made twice a day, at 6 am and 6 pm,
subject to weather conditions.
One popular attraction is the night glow, when balloons are inflated and glow to music
after dark. These are held on the opening Thursday night at approximately 9:30 pm,
followed by a spectacular fireworks display. There is another night glow at the same time
followed by the fireworks on Saturday night. Some people see these as the highlight of the
The balloon makers Cameron Balloons are near the fiesta site, in Bedminster, and make
many of the special-shaped balloons, which have included Rupert the Bear, The Scottish
Piper, Bertie Bassett, the Tesco Trolley, Stuart the Minion, and the BBC One Balloon.
Many interestingly shaped balloons have also attended the fiesta from abroad, over the
years a UFO and a beaver have travelled from the USA, a kiwi bird from New Zealand,
and an upside down balloon from the Netherlands.
In the past, the fiesta used to be held in the second week of September, but due to
cancellations of flights and the muddy ground because of bad weather, it has been moved
in the start of August. This has had a great effect as more flights manage to fly;
cancellations are now normally due to high winds.
In 2003, the weight of crowds returning from the Balloon Fiesta and Ashton Court
festival put such a great strain on the Clifton Suspension Bridge that it was decided to
close the bridge to all traffic, including pedestrians, during these events from 2004
In recent years, the event has diversified to include small scale air displays, attracting the
likes of The Blades, Typhoon display team and the Red Arrows.
On 10 August 2013 the festival broke a balloon fiesta record after 74 balloons landed in
one field near the former Somerdale Factory in Keynsham. The record was then broken a
year later, when 90 balloons again landed in the former Cadbury’s chocolate factory on 9
1_F__. The largest mass balloon ascent ever occurred at the Bristol International
Balloon Fiesta.
2__T_. If the meteorological situation is acceptable, then more than one mass launch
of balloons can occur per day.
3_F__. A night glow event takes place on each evening of the festival.
4__NG_. One company is responsible for all of the balloons at the festival.
5_T__. The festival benefits from being moved to an earlier time in the year.
6__F_. In the past, the fiesta usually was held in the first week of September
7_F__. Due to cancellations of flights and the muddy ground because of bad
weather, the fiesta has been moved at the end of August
8_NG__. The decision to close the Clifton suspension bridge in 2003 was made by
the local traffic police.
9__T_. Different kinds of events have been introduced at the festival in recent years.
10 NG_. Since 2013 the festival has broken records every year.

Part 5: Read the passage then circle the best answer A, B, C or D (1pt)
As Christmas evolved in the United States, new customs were adopted and many old ones
were reworked. The legend of Santa Claus, for example, had origins in Europe and was
brought by Dutch settlers to New York in the early 18th century. Traditionally, Santa
Claus – from the Dutch Sinter Klaas – was depicted as a tall, dignified, religious figure
riding a white horse through the air. Known as Saint Nicholas in Germany, he was usually
accompanied by Black Peter, an elf who punished disobedient children. In North America
he eventually developed into a fat, jolly old gentleman who had neither the religious
attributes of Saint Nicholas nor the strict disciplinarian character of Black Peter.
Santa’s transformation began in 1823, when a New York newspaper published the poem A
Visit from Saint Nicholas, which Clement Clark Moore had written to amuse his daughter.
The poem introduced many Americans to the story of a kindly saint who flew over
housetops in a reindeer-drawn sleigh. Portraits and drawings of Santa Claus by American
illustrator Thomas Nast further strengthened the legend during the second half of the 19th
century. Living at the North Pole and assisted by elves, the modern Santa produced and
delivered toys to all good children. By the late 19th century he had become such a
prominent figure of American folklore that in 1897, when Virginia O’Hanlon wrote to the
New York Sun newspaper asking if Santa was real, she received a direct answer: “Yes,
Virginia, there is a Santa Claus”.
1. Who brought the legend of Santa Claus to the USA according to the passage?
A. Sinter Klaas B. Saint Nicholas C. A German D. Dutch settlers
2. Santa Claus in North America was depicted as
A. a man with the strict disciplinarian character of Black Peter
B. a jolly man on horseback
C. a good old man with less religious character
D. one with religious attributes of Saint Nicholas
3. What word is closest in meaning to attributes?
A. outer appearanceB. natural qualities C. effects D. symbols of a person
4. 1823 was mentioned as a year when

A. Clement Clark Moore wrote his first poem B. Clement Clark Moore’s poem made
him popular
C. Saint Nicholas visited New York D. the image of Santa Claus was
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Santa Claus was an imaginary old man created by artists based on traditional figures
B. Living in the North Pole, Santa Claus visited children at Christmas
C. Santa Claus was a real figure living in northern America
D. Santa Claus was a story based on Saint Nicholas and Black Peter
Part 1: Your friend has helped you to take note all the lessons when you were in the
hospital. Write a thank you letter (about 80 - 100 words) to thank your friend. (2pts)
Dear Hoa,
I am writing this letter to express my sincere thank for your help.
Last week, I had such a bad cold that I had to go to the hospital and can not attend
school for a long time. I was worry that I would lose track with the lessons. Fortunately,
you helped me to take note all the lessons I missed. I felt very grateful.
Once again, thank you for your help. I am fully recovered now and I promise to
send you a present to thank you later.
Your best friend,

Part 2: Studying in groups brings students a lot of benefits. About 130- 150 words,
write a paragraph to support this idea. (3pts)
Nowadays, more and more school encourage student to study in groups. This trend
brings a lot of benefits. First and foremost, it help student finish the work faster and more
effective. When working in group, student can disscuss with each other to find the best
way to solve the problems. Moreover, they can break the task into small parts and work
together. This helps finish the task much faster than doing alone. Next, working in group
also help student make more friend. Since they have to work with other people, they will
start understand each other. This may lead to beneficial relationship in the future. Last but
not least, it help students reduce stress. it is a fact that working in group is much more fun
than doing alone. For instance, while working with others, you can share opinion or may
be have some small chat which bring laughter. This helps release stress while working. In
a nutshell, working in group brings students many advantages and teacher should take
measures to organize more cooperative works.


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