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Learning languages

The importance of learning foreign languages :

. Nowadays language knowledge and language learning are important because foreign
languages appear everywhere in people’s lives. For example, work, study, travel,
Foreign languages are already taught to children in many kindergartens.

. Anyone who wants to work abroad should at least learn English. At the moment, it is not
mandatory for students to obtain a language exam certificate, but it is possible that it will be
at some point. The most useful languages in Hungary is English.

Learning languages in the classroom:

. There are also schools where the students learn two languages at the same time.
. In schools, students are taught grammar first, then communication and vocabulary are
developed. It is properly taught in both public and private school.
Small group education is better because there the teacher can better deal with the
students or even separately.

. A good English teacher has a large vocabulary and good pronunciation. The quality of
language education in Hungary is exceptionally good. Thousands of students already have
some kind of language exam certificate.

Learning and practising languages outside the classroom:

. There are also private teachers and native language teachers. Many students choose
private teachers because it is easier to study in a group.
Internet-based language learning is definitely useful because it helps with word learning and
pronunciation. For example, watching movies on Neflix, chatting, reading news or
communicating with friends.

. Many smartphone applicatons can be used to learn a foreign language. (dictionaries,


. Sometimes foreign schools and Hungarian schools exchange students, making language
learning abroad more efficient.

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