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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : VII ( Tujuh )

Hari / tanggal : Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00


1. Jim : Hi, Lili. How are you?
Lili : …..And you?
Jim : I’m OK
a. How do you do? c. Goodbye
b. Fine, thanks d. Yes, I am
2. Dina : It’s 9 o’clock. It’s time to go to bed.
Mother: Good night, darling.
Dina : ……mother.
a. I love you, too c. I’m very well
b. Good evening d. Good night
3. Ary : Thanks for coming.
Nola : ……..
a. Coming soon c. Let’s do it
b. My pleasure d. Thanks
4. Father : Can you get me the newspaper?
Dion :…….
Father : Thanks
a. It’s not here c. Here, it is
b. No, thanks d. I’m busy.
5. Roni : I’m sorry for losing your pencil, Ana.
Ana : …just, don’t do it again.
Rudy : I promise I will not.
a. You are right c. I’m sad
b. It’s all right d. Never
6. Rara : Hello, Ian. Are you coming to the English Club this afternoon?
Ian : Yes, I’m coming to the club this afternoon.
Rara : Ok, then. See you there. Bye.
Ian : …..
a. OK c. Hello
b. Bye d. Good morning
7. Look at the picture.

The correct greeting based on the picture is …

a. Good afternoon c. Good evening
b. Good morning d. Good night
8. When we meet somebody at 5 pm, we greet him by saying…
a. Good afternoon c. Good evening
b. Good morning d. Good night
9. Koko : Can I borrow your sharpener?
Cici : Sure. Here it is.
Koko : Thank you.
Cici : …….
a. Don’t mention it b. Yes, I do

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c. I’m sorry d. OK

10. Ika : Good morning, ma’am

Teacher : Good morning, Ika
Ika : I’m sorry for being late, ma’am
Teacher : …. But don’t do it again.
a. You are lazy c. I can’t believe it
b. That’s all right d. Don’t mention it
11. Adi : Please forgive me
Tia : …….
a. Thank you c. That’s okay
b. I don’t know d. You are welcome
12. Teacher : Ivan, here is your book
Ivan :…’am
a. It’s all right c. No problem
b. Thank you d. My pleasure
13. Ria : Pass me the salt, please.
Bima : Here you are
Ria :…
a. Thanks c. My pleasure
b. Never mind d. You’re welcome
14. Rio : Hey, you step on my toes!
Ari : ….
a. I’m so sorry c. Hey, look at me!
b. Yes, I can do it d. I don’t understand

Complete the following dialogue with the correct answer.

Shella is in the school library.
Sheila : (15)… ma’am.
Librarian : Good morning. What can I do for you?
Sheila : I want to borrow these books.
Librarian : Sure. Wait a minute. Here you are.
Sheila : (16)… Have a great weekend, ma’am.
Librarian : Thanks. ( 17)…
Sheila : Bye
15. The correct answer is …
a. Good afternoon c. Good evening
b. Good morning d. Good night
16. The correct answer is …
a. Here c. Here it is
b. You are d. Thank you
17. The correct answer is …
a. Hey c. You, too
b. You’re kind d. Wow

Complete the following dialogue with the correct answer.

One night, at Vina’s house.
Mommy : Vina, why are you still awake?
Vina : I’m working on my assignment, Mom.
Mommy : All right, but (18)…
Vina : Ok, Mom. Good night.
Mommy : ( 19)… sweetheart.
18. The correct answer is ….
a. Go to bed late c. Don’t go to bed too late
b. Go to bed tomorrow d. You can go to bed later
19. The correct answer is …..
a. Good evening c. Good night
b. Good morning d. Goodbye
20. Arrange the following utterances into a good dialogue.
1. Very well, ma’am. What about you?
2. Good morning, ma’am
3. Morning, Willy. How’s everything?
4. I’m fine. Thanks.
a. 2-3-4-1 c. 2-1-4-3
b. 2-3-1-4 d. 2-4-3-1

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II. FILL IN THE BLANK (Isilah titik-titik berikut!)

1) Choose either one “ am, are, is ” to fill the blank.

(Pilihlah diantara am, are, is untuk melengkapi titik-titik berikut)
a. Clara a good girl. is
b. I a new student here. am
c. Mr Alloy and Mrs Velien my parents. are
d. My cat very active. It likes to run everywhere. is
e. Dito and Atan are my best friends. They very nice to everyone. are

2) Choose either one “They, We, I, You, He, She, It” to fill the blank. SCORE: 20
(Pilihlah diantara They, We, I, You, He, She, It untuk melengkapi titik-titik berikut)
a. You are a good student. always study every day. You
b. James, Luke, and Dion are playing basketball. are my friends. They
c. The dog is very sleepy. always sleeps on my bed. It
d. My name is ma’am Neta. teach you in English Class. I
e. Sieni, Thea and I like shopping. go to Artoz Mall every weekend. We


1) Read the following dialogue and answer the questions below!

(Bacalah dialog berikut dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawahnya)
Teacher : Good morning students. How are you today?
Students : Good morning, Ma’am. We are fine. Thanks. And you?
Teacher : I’m very well. Thank you for asking. How about you, Lili?
Why did you not answer my greeting?
Lili : I’m sorry, ma’am. I feel dizzy now.
Teacher : Oh, I see. If you are sick, you may have a rest at the school health unit.
Lili : May I, ma’am?
Teacher : Yes, of course.
Lili : Thank you, Ma’am.
Teacher : You’re welcome.

1. Who are in the dialogue? Teacher and Students

2. Where does the dialogue take place? In the classroom
3. Is Lili a student? Yes, she is
4. “I’m sorry, Ma’am”. The bold words are to show an expression of…apologizing
5. “Thank you, Ma’am”. The underlined words are to show an expression of …thanking

2) Read the text and answer the questions below!

(Bacalah dialog berikut dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawahnya)
Hi, my name is Johannes Indrayana Maleakhi. My nick name is Johan. I live in Jl Jenderal Sudirman
154, Ambarawa. I am 13 years old. I like hiking and camping. My favorite color is black.
My father is Rudy Maleakhi. He is forty eight years old. He is tall and handsome. He is a teacher. My
father likes riding a bike.
My mother is Rosiana Susanti. She is forty two years old. She is beautiful. My mother is a nurse. I have
a brother. His name is Alan Kusuma Maleakhi. He is four years old. He is fat and cute. His hair is curly. I
love my brother very much.
a. What is Johan’s full name? Johannes Indrayana Maleakhi
b. Where does he live? Jl Jenderal Sudirman 154, Ambarawa
c. What is Johan’s favorite color? black.
d. What is Johan’s mother profession? nurse
e. How old is Johan’s father? forty eight years old

3) Write down your complete personal data and give a self-introduction by using your
personal data, include the greeting and leave taking expression
Tuliskan data pribadimu secara lengkap dan perkenalkanlah dirimu dengan menggunakan data pribadi
termasuk pernyataan salam dan perpisahan!

---Good luck and God Bless You-

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