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"ShopNow" is an e-commerce web application built using the power of the MERN stack - MongoDB, Express, React, and

Node.js. It's
not just a theoretical exercise; it's a functional and dynamic platform that has all the features you'd expect from a modern e-
commerce site like CRUD operations on data , making it ready to be seamlessly deployed into the real world.

Tech Stack that Powers ShopNow:

The frontend of ShopNow is constructed using React, a popular and efficient JavaScript library. The state management is handled
with Redux Toolkit, ensuring smooth interactions and updates across various components without unnecessary re-renders.

On the backend, we've chosen the robust and versatile Node.js runtime along with Express.js, a flexible web application framework.
This combination allows for efficient server-side operations and smooth API handling, crucial for the real-time interactions that e-
commerce demands.

The data layer is supported by MongoDB, a NoSQL database, ensuring a flexible and scalable approach to storing user data, product
information, and order history. The flexibility of MongoDB makes it possible to handle varying data structures inherent to e-
commerce, making it an ideal choice.

To secure and streamline payments, ShopNow integrates Stripe, a widely trusted payment gateway. This ensures that users' payment
information is handled securely and that transactions are carried out seamlessly.

Styling and responsiveness are addressed using Tailwind CSS, making the user interface clean, modern, and adaptable across

For email communication, Node Mailer is implemented. This enables automated email notifications for order confirmations, invoices,
and password resets, adding an essential layer of user interaction and engagement.

Navigating ShopNow:

Let's delve into the core pages and features of ShopNow:

1. Login/Signup Page: Users are provided with a secure and straightforward registration and login process, establishing a
personalized connection to the platform.
2. Main Panel (Home Page): The heart of the application, where products are showcased. Here, users can sort products by rating,
price, and more. Dynamic filtering by category and brand empowers users to find what they're looking for quickly. Pagination
ensures a smooth experience, even with an extensive product catalog.
3. Product Page: Detailed product information is displayed here, including images, descriptions, and price. Users can make purchasing
decisions directly from this page by adding items to their cart.
4. Cart Page: The cart page enables users to review their selected items, adjust quantities, and remove products. This dynamic
interaction streamlines the shopping process.
5. Checkout Page: The checkout page provides a seamless transition from shopping to payment. Users can input their shipping details
and select saved addresses, making the process efficient. Stripe integration guarantees secure and convenient payment processing.
6. Profile Page: Users can manage their profiles, including personal information and profile pictures, fostering a sense of ownership
and personalization.
7. My Orders: A comprehensive order history is available, complete with status updates. Users receive email notifications confirming
their orders and containing detailed invoices.
8. Admin Panel: For administrators, the admin panel is a hub of control. Product and user management, including payment and
shipping status updates, can be carried out seamlessly. It also empowers admins to add, edit, and manage products.

Email Engagement and Security:

ShopNow maintains a robust emailing system using Node Mailer, ensuring users are promptly informed about order confirmations,
invoices, and even password resets. The latter feature enhances security and convenience for users.
In Conclusion:

"ShopNow" isn't just a concept; it's a fully functional e-commerce platform built on the MERN stack. With its responsive and
engaging user interface, seamless payment processing, comprehensive order tracking, and efficient admin controls, it's primed for
deployment in the real world. By skillfully integrating technologies like React, Redux Toolkit, MongoDB, Stripe, and Node Mailer,
ShopNow embodies the potential of modern web development for enriching the e-commerce experience.

Vidhyut Vitaran:

It is a website built for our college under Prof. YK Prajapati, ECED.

Earlier, the Electricity bill distribution of MNNIT Campus residents was done manually and took a lot of
man hours. The problem statement was to automate this and build a user friendly portal to let the
residents easily download their electricity bill by just inputting month and year.

The website supported two different interfaces for super users and residents. The super user was given
access to modify the database, add/remove user accounts, upload bills.

The most fascinating feature is that the bill database could easily be updated by just uploading an excel
sheet by the super user.

The other basic features involved account creation / verification. CRUD operations performed for both
user and bill database by super user, view and download monthly and annual bills by residents.

The techstack used are:

Backend: Django Web Framework
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JS, KendoUI Library (for pdf generation)
Database: SQLite3 (as database was not huge we used SQLite only)

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