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American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (9) Article 7014.

A Call to Action to Transform Pharmacy Education and Practice in the
Arab World
Abeer M. Al-Ghananeem, PhD,a Daniel R. Malcom, PharmD,b,e Samira Shammas, BSPharm,c
Talal Aburjai, PhDd
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
Sullivan University College of Pharmacy, Louisville, Kentucky
Jordan Pharmacists Association, Good Pharmacy Practice Committee, Amman, Jordan
Middle East University, Amman, Jordan
Associate Editor, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, Arlington, Virginia
Submitted February 12, 2018; accepted April 22, 2018; published November 2018.

Globally, pharmacy education is evolving to reflect a more patient-centered, interprofessional approach

to clinical practice. In the 22 countries of the Arab world, advancements in regulatory support for
pharmacy practice and changes to the health care system have been slower than in Europe, Asia, and
the Americas. Significant cultural, logistical, and legal barriers exist in many countries, and a consensus
approach to accreditation, educational outcomes, and curricula design is lacking. This commentary
briefly examines the current state of both pharmacy education and practice in the Arab world, and it
highlights recent reports of curricular reform and innovation. Additionally, it provides potential strat-
egies for improving the quality of education and for expanding pharmacy practice to ensure graduates
and practitioners have adequate experiential opportunities and institutional support.
Keywords: international education, Arab world, curricula reform, clinical pharmacy

INTRODUCTION and other public health issues.8,9 Certainly, the countries

Around the world, pharmacy education is undergo- that make up the Arab world are all at different stages of
ing significant transformation to advance the practice of growth, have different governmental systems, and often
pharmacy and improve patient outcomes.1,2 Pharmacists different local problems that need addressing. However,
are moving beyond dispensing medications toward more as geographic neighbors sharing a similar climate, history,
advanced services such as comprehensive medication culture, economy, and even population, the commonalities
safety systems, collaborative drug therapy management, between these countries are significant, as well as the chal-
and improving transitions of care.3,4 However, transform- lenges and opportunities they face.
ing patient care services require educated and qualified
clinical pharmacists as well as trained educators to sup- Health Care and Pharmacy Education in the
port their deployment and maintenance.5 The educational Arab World
system and governmental regulatory structures in place Demographic Changes
should match both the health care needs of the people in a Unlike many countries in the developed world, the
particular country or area and the capabilities and training Arab world has shifted demographically toward younger
of the members of the health care team.6 This need is people, with some countries having up to 50% of the
especially prominent in the Arab world, which consists population below age 30.10 Improvements in infant mor-
of 22 countries in Asia and Africa that share a common tality rates coupled with increased access to health care and
history, language, and culture.7 In the Arab world, the other resources (particularly in urban areas) have largely
burdens of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovas- contributed to this shift. Immigration is also a significant
cular disease, and obesity are growing in addition to pov- factor in the population makeup of the Arab world, with
erty, population growth, increasing numbers of refugees, some countries having upward of 50% to 70% expatriates
Corresponding Author: Abeer M. Al-Ghananeem, Jordan as residents.11 Of the six countries in the Gulf Cooperation
University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Council (GCC), which include Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman,
PO Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan. Tel: 011962790979255. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE),
E-mail: the UAE has the highest percentage of expatriates as
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (9) Article 7014.

residents at nearly 90%.12 The governments of these coun- Only 3.9% of the pharmacists had a doctor of pharmacy
tries have increased spending on health care infrastructure (PharmD) degree, while 90.7% had a bachelor of science
dramatically in the past 20-25 years by building hospitals, in pharmacy (BPharm). Eighty-one percent of pharma-
clinics, and new educational centers to train health care cists scored ,35% on a scoring sheet quantifying the
professionals in efforts to improve the quality of life of type and amount of information provided in the counsel-
their citizens and minimize their dependence on expatri- ing session. Information most likely missed in the coun-
ates for labor in health care.9 seling included drug contraindications, information
regarding missed doses, and refill information. In Qatar,
Pharmacy Practice in the Arab World
as in other countries of the Arab world, it is not required by
Comprehensive reviews of the scope and depth of
law for pharmacists to counsel patients, and it is uncom-
pharmacy practice across the Arab world are lacking.
mon for community pharmacies to keep patient records of
However, several recent articles and book chapters cite
any type or use any type of computerized database to
experiences in select countries.13-19 Employment oppor-
check for potential pharmacy drug interactions. A 2017
tunities for pharmacists in the Arab world are similar to
study in Lebanon found that the general public had a very
those in other parts of the world, including community
poor understanding of the pharmacist’s role and only few
and institutional practice, as well as in the regulatory,
perceived the pharmacist as significantly knowledgeable
academia, and industry fields.20 Some countries, includ-
to answer their questions.22 A 2014 study in Egypt showed
ing Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan have placed restrictions
that only 60% of physicians surveyed were aware of the
on licensing and practicing expatriates. In many cases,
discipline of clinical pharmacy, and slightly over 50% of
these countries train pharmacists to work in other coun-
physicians surveyed believed that the clinical pharmacist
tries (as well as within their own borders), which serves as
could be a good source of drug information.23 Pharmacists
a type of “exporting” of labor. Other smaller countries
across the Arab world have significant barriers in terms of
such as the UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain then “import” these
public image to overcome, as well as perception of ser-
trained pharmacists. A 2016 report cited Saudi Arabia as
vices among health care providers.
having 22,241 pharmacists, of which only 20.6% were
Saudis.13 Generally, changes and developments in phar-
Evolution of Pharmacy Programs
macy practice in the Arab world have been slower when
According to data from the International Pharmaceu-
compared with other places.16,19,20 Most pharmacists
tical Federation (FIP), there are 126 pharmacy programs
work in the community setting, and most community
in the 22 countries of the Arab world.24 Most of these
pharmacies are privately owned. Chain pharmacies have
pharmacy programs have been established within the last
begun to show growth in certain countries (particularly in
20 to 30 years.20,25,26 For example, in Kuwait, no phar-
urban areas and malls), but they have not taken over the
macy program existed prior to 1996, and most phar-
majority of pharmacies in most places. Like in other parts
macists working in Kuwait were trained outside the
of the world, hospital pharmacy practice is generally more
country.20 The significant costs involved in training phar-
advanced than community practice, and pharmacists in
macists in other countries led the government to establish
those settings are more likely to have an advanced degree
the Faculty of Pharmacy at Kuwait University in 1996.27
or residency training.16,19,20
In 2000, the Faculty of Pharmacy at Jordan University of
Barriers to Clinical Pharmacy Practice Science and Technology was the first to offer a PharmD
Multiple barriers exist in the Arab world that hinder program, which was six years in length.28 In Saudi Arabia,
the full implementation of clinical pharmacy education which only had one pharmacy school until 2001 (King
and practice, including lack of sufficient experiential Saud University in Riyadh), a 2018 study reported that 23
training within pharmacy curricula and regulatory restric- government-run and seven private colleges had opened
tions on new graduates (and expatriates) opening or man- since 2001.29 Most of these newer programs offer a five-
aging community pharmacies.16,19,20 These barriers are or six-year PharmD and other undergraduate and graduate
multi-factorial in nature; however, their impact on clini- degrees in pharmacy-related disciplines. Unlike other
cal practice and patient outcomes is evident. Paravattil Middle Eastern countries, Lebanon has had a long his-
and colleagues used simulated patients in the community tory of pharmacy education.30 Université Saint Joseph
pharmacy setting in Qatar to explore characteristics af- founded the first pharmacy program in Lebanon in 1912,
fecting the quality of counseling received.21 In their with another private program that opened in 1987 at Beirut
study, 129 of 136 pharmacists (94%) consented to partic- Arab University.30 Lebanese American University (LAU)
ipate, with the majority being male (65.9%), aged 40 or opened in Byblos, Lebanon in 1993 and its PharmD pro-
younger (84.5%), and trained in India or Egypt (73.7%). gram has been accredited by the Accreditation Council of
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (9) Article 7014.

Pharmacy Education (ACPE) since 2002 (and remains the Recent Developments
only international program to hold that accreditation).31 While pharmacy education in the Middle East con-
LAU offers a five-year BPharm degree and a six-year tinues to evolve, advancement toward more clinically ori-
PharmD, with only the PharmD program holding ACPE ented and patient-centered educational outcomes is
accreditation.31 critical to keep pace with health care demands in the re-
gion. This need is particularly noticeable in areas of high
Lack of Preceptors and Practice Sites
population density and poverty such as refugee camps, the
Multiple reports cite lack of sufficient educators
need for which has grown recently due to the Syrian civil
with the appropriate training in clinical disciplines such
war and other conflicts.40,41 Nearly six million Syrians
as patient assessment, communication skills, and thera-
have left the country to-date, while an additional 10 mil-
peutics as well as clinical preceptors with advanced
lion have been displaced from their homes within the
training in the Arab world.13,19,20,25,29,30 A 2009 review
country. While some refugees have relocated to Europe
of pharmacy programs in 12 Middle Eastern countries
or even North and South America or Asia, many have fled
also showed significant variability in experiential require-
to neighboring Middle Eastern countries.42,43 In these
ments, with no structured mentorship or clear expectations
areas, the additional influx of people has increased the
of contact time during experiences.20 Often, these experi-
strain on resources including schools, food and health
ences lack sufficient organization and specific learning
care.44,45 Despite these challenges, pharmacy is uniquely
objectives and outcomes.20 Practice sites, whether com-
positioned to make a difference. In many countries of the
munity, institutional, or other setting, do not have consis-
Arab world, medications are classified as “prescription”
tent standards for services provided or standardized
drugs but are often available for sale in pharmacies with-
educational outcomes to which learning activities can be
out a prescription.46-49 Where legal and authorized, this
mapped and tracked for quality assurance and perfor-
practice provides an opportunity for pharmacists to en-
mance improvement.
hance the level of care provided to patients, particularly in
Curricular Reform areas where infrastructure and comprehensive medical
Several recent reports highlight curricular innova- services are either unavailable or disrupted by ongoing
tion and transformation efforts at pharmacy programs conflicts.
in the Arab world. Sobh and colleagues described the
implementation and validation of cumulative objective Recommendations
structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) at a pharmacy To meet the patient care and educational needs of
program in Qatar.32 Shahiwala described a project-driven countries in the Arab world and overcome key barriers,
activity implemented at a pharmacy school in Dubai, the authors have identified six key strategies. These can
UAE with a purpose of building entrepreneurship skills apply to other regions of the world as well.
in students.33 However, a review by Bajis and colleagues Develop and implement competency-based phar-
described the lack of literature on competency-based macy education to better prepare pharmacists for their
education in the Eastern Mediterranean region, which role as a part of the health care system. One of the areas
includes many countries of the Arab world.34 While cur- needing improvement is developing and implementing
ricular transformation is beginning and ongoing, many quality assurance metrics to assess clinical skills compe-
programs continue to offer a traditional pharmacy edu- tencies throughout the didactic and experiential curricu-
cation with emphasis on drug preparation and compound- lum. This will require recruiting and training qualified
ing.20,25 Several organizations are working to enhance faculty, as well as seeking more guidance from the in-
pharmacy education globally including the FIP, the World ternational pharmacy education and accreditation com-
Health Organization (WHO), ACPE, the Association of munities. ACPE established the International Services
Pharmacy Colleges in the Arab world, and the American Program in 2011 to provide consultation and training re-
Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP).35-37 The lated to quality assurance and improving pharmacy edu-
global vision developed by these groups is designed to cation worldwide.50 In August 2017, a memorandum of
promote workforce development in the context of phar- affiliation (MoA) was signed between ACPE and the
maceutical education and training.38,39 Additionally, this Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) In-
vision will assist professional leadership bodies, educa- ternational Quality Group (CIQC). This MoA and other
tors, and regulators in developing a national or regional international outreach efforts will offer exchange of ex-
vision based on the priorities and resources of the country perience, enhance standardized training of local educa-
or region, with the aim of improving their performance tors, and develop metrics that are aligned with the local
for better health. culture and practice, and regional standards.51 Sharing
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (9) Article 7014.

those metrics will help build a firm foundation upon nonexistent simulation laboratories, and informal stan-
which future growth can happen. dardized participant programs.60
Define new, improved learning outcomes for clin- Develop and implement quality continuous profes-
ical pharmacy education and reassess the teaching sional development (CPD) programs as part of licensure
methods and learning environment. This would require renewal. In the Arab world, as in the rest of the world, CPD
using innovative teaching techniques to enrich students’ is of vital importance to augment knowledge and patient-
problem-solving skills, critical thinking, reflection and centered practice for all pharmacists. CPD is especially
self-awareness, personal learning skills, and communica- important for BPharm graduates who represent majority
tion skills. While reports of efforts to incorporate these of practicing pharmacists. In many jurisdictions, CPD is
concepts into pharmacy curricula within institutions in the recommended, but not required for license renewal.63-65
Arab world have recently been published, systematic Even within some countries, requirements can differ. In
adoption of shared learning outcomes across the region the UAE, for example, Abu Dhabi, the largest emirate, in-
is still lacking.52-54 Transforming delivery of content in stituted a requirement for 20 hours of annual CPD credit in
pharmacy curricula is also crucial to standardizing edu- 2009.64 Other emirates have not had such a requirement.15
cation in the Arab world. In their 2017 study, Nasr and Improving the quality of CPD would require identifying
Wilby described incorporating problem-based learning disease burdens and public health issues in each country
into a pharmacy curriculum in Qatar.54 They identified and the region, compiling a list of experts in the region who
an additional educational challenge related to using or can provide CPD, identifying best practices in CPD, and
attempting to use Western cultural norms in other con- providing purposeful programming to address both identi-
texts.54 In the Arab world, differences related to collectiv- fied as well as future needs. Collaboration with academia is
ism vs. individualism, gender roles, and power-distance critical to make such efforts successful.
may introduce different issues with using active learning Develop accreditation standards and quality assur-
techniques than in other areas of the world. Nasr and Wilby ance guidelines locally and regionally to address and
recommend that educational designers examine local cul- standardize pharmacy education and practice. This
tural practices as a part of the process and adapt techniques must be accomplished by engaging all stakeholders in-
to maximize engagement while respecting beliefs and cul- cluding pharmacy educators, practitioners, government,
tural norms.54 educational and practice organizations, and health sys-
Strengthen experiential and interprofessional edu- tems in establishing accreditation standards that meet
cation (IPE) through strategic planning and leveraging the needs of the region. The Association of Pharmacy
resources. Pharmacy programs should seek advanced Colleges in the Arab World has the potential to take the
training opportunities for current and future educators lead in establishing such accreditation standards or guide-
and preceptors, work with relevant governmental bodies lines. Involving key stakeholders such as ACPE and the
to credential educators as appropriate, and provide IPE FIP Global Pharmacy Education Taskforce could also
opportunities. By identifying current advanced training help pharmacy programs in the Middle East learn from
opportunities in each country and in the region, it is the experience of other countries and recommendations
possible to better collaborate among schools to provide from global organizations. This recommendation does not
quality experiential experiences. Recent reports cite a purport that specific curricula should be prescribed; how-
significant gap in new pharmacy graduates’ preparation ever, much like ACPE Standards in the US, creating a
to practice.55,56 Quality experiential and IPE opportuni- specific set of standards would provide a common “lan-
ties are vital to prepare pharmacists who will be ready guage” that faculty, administrators, students, and stake-
to work as effective members of the healthcare team. holders could use to establish clear expectations for both
The 2010 WHO Framework for Action on Interprofes- didactic and experiential learning. Given the prominent
sional Education and Collaborative Practice highlights place of immigration and the large proportion of expatriates
the vital role of incorporating IPE into health care to pre- working as pharmacists and attending pharmacy school out-
pare a workforce best able to face complex health chal- side of their home country, common accreditation standards
lenges.57 For an IPE model to be effective, it should be could also be very helpful in creating a uniform picture of
carefully tailored to the special needs of patients without the role and expectations of a pharmacist, allowing a more
compromising care standards. Recent efforts highlight concerted and focused approach to advancing practice.10-12
successes in incorporating IPE into both clinical and Create job opportunities for new graduates aligned
educational practice, but significant improvement is with their new knowledge and skills sets. Accomplishing
still needed.58-62 Some challenges are a lack of standard- this goal will require constructive dialogue between acade-
ized educational outcomes related to IPE, limited or mia, practice, and government to create such opportunities
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82 (9) Article 7014.

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