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Unit-I Applications of Transducers

1. Define transducers. Give two examples.

2. List four electric pressure transducer.

3. State the necessity of transducer.

4. What is piezoelectric effect? Name two piezoelectric materials.

5. Draw block diagram of instrumentation system.

6. Draw construction diagram of LVDT with label. Also state the

application of LVDT.

7. Compare active & passive transducer.

8. Define primary & secondary transducer.

9. Give two examples of each of the following:

i) Active transducer

ii) Digital transducer

iii) Analog transducer

iv) Electrical transducer

10. Describe any four selection criterion of transducers.

11. Draw the construction and explain the working of piezoelectric

Unit– II Pressure Measurement

1. List the four different units of pressure.

2. Draw the constructional details of C type bourdon tube and explain its


3. What is pressure calibration? State stepwise procedure to test the

accuracy of a pressure gauge with dead weight tester.

4. What is capsule? How it is used for pressure measurement?

5. Draw the diagram of inclined tube manometer. State any two of its

advantages over U-tube manometer.

6. Draw the diagram of well type manometer.

7. Explain the measurements of pressure by using diaphragm.

8. Draw bourdon tube with LVDT setup for pressure measurement.

9. How strain gauge is used for pressure measurement?

10. Explain bellows with the help of construction, material used, working

Unit– III Flow Measurement

1. State different types of flow.

2. What is Reynolds number?

3. List different flow measurement methods.

4. State the working principle of head type flow meter.

5. Describe the working of venture meter with a neat sketch.

6. Explain orifice plate flow meter.

7. Explain flow measurements using Rotameter.

8. Explain the construction and working of electromagnetic type

flow meter.

9. Explain ultrasonic flow meter.

Unit– IV Level Measurement

1. Describe the need of level transducer.

2. Give the classification of transducers.

3. Explain with the help of neat sketch floate type level


4. Describe capacitive level measurement.

5. Explain with neat sketch ultrasonic level gauge.

6. State the use of radar level measurement.

Unit– V Temperature Measurement

1. Define Temperature and list its unit.

2. Give the classification of temperature measurement.

3. Describe the construction of bimetallic thermometer.

4. Explain the vapour pressure thermometer.

5. With neat sketch thermistor.

6. State seeback and peltier effect.

7. Describe the working of thermocouple.

8. Explain types of thermocouple.

9. What is pyrometer?

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