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Info [22:41:44.

3227] : Program: Initialized Logger :

Info [22:41:44.3326] : Program: System info :
Info [22:41:44.3326] : Program: Model : iPhone
Info [22:41:44.3326] : Program: Name : iPhone
Info [22:41:44.3326] : Program: LocalizedModel : iPhone
Info [22:41:44.3326] : Program: SystemName : iOS
Info [22:41:44.3326] : Program: SystemVersion : 17.2.1
Info [22:41:44.3341] : Program: IdentifierForVendor : 1AA9A081-4FE9-
Info [22:41:44.3341] : Program: UserInterfaceIdiom : Phone
Info [22:41:44.3358] : Program: Description : <UIDevice:
Info [22:41:44.3358] : Program: Reading mlaunch arguments
Info [22:41:44.3431] : Program: Launch parameters
Info [22:41:44.3431] : Program:
game : true
Info [22:41:44.3431] : Program: Testing logger output from console :
Info [22:41:44.3434] : System Console: Testing OUT WRITELINE
Error [22:41:44.3434] : System Console: Testing ERR WRITELINE
Info [22:41:44.3434] : Program: Testing logger output done
Info [22:41:44.3434] : Program: IOS Native Manager set
Info [22:41:44.3434] : NativeManager: Get Language
Info [22:41:44.3434] : Program: Native language : pt
Info [22:41:44.3434] : Program: Native time : 1707615704343
Info [22:41:44.3434] : Program: Is Phone : True
Info [22:41:44.3434] : Program: Is Tablet : False
Info [22:41:44.3434] : Program: Is TV : False
Info [22:41:44.3434] : IOSStorageManager: Initializing IOS storage
Info [22:41:44.3434] : IOSStorageManager: -app dir :
Info [22:41:44.3445] : IOSStorageManager: saves folder not existing - creating
Info [22:41:44.3445] : SettingsManager: Initialize default locale : pt
Info [22:41:44.3445] : SettingsManager: Initialize default locale sys : pt-
Info [22:41:44.3445] : SettingsManager: Initialize default locale sys : pt-
Info [22:41:44.3453] : SettingsManager: Initialize default locale sys : pt
Info [22:41:44.3453] : SettingsManager: Initialize default locale sys : pt
Info [22:41:44.3453] : SettingsManager: - Forced default language to en
before the settings are read
Info [22:41:44.3453] : SettingsManager: Initialize default locale : pt
Info [22:41:44.3453] : SettingsManager: Initialize default locale sys : pt-
Info [22:41:44.3453] : SettingsManager: Initialize default locale sys : pt-
Info [22:41:44.3453] : SettingsManager: Initialize default locale sys : pt
Info [22:41:44.3453] : SettingsManager: Initialize default locale sys : pt
Info [22:41:44.3453] : SettingsManager: - Forced default language to en
before the settings are read
Debug [22:41:44.3453] : SettingsManager: Reading settings ...
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: Parsing settings
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > graphics.resolution=0x0
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > graphics.windowed=false
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > graphics.borderless=false
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > graphics.vsync=true
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > graphics.max_fps=144
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > music.volume=70
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > sound.volume=90
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > language=pt_BR
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > gamma=120
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > accessibility.flash.limit=false
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > text.reveal=true
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: > first.launch=true
Debug [22:41:44.3469] : SettingsManager: Read settings - applying
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: Binding keys to input manager
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding key
game.input.InputComponent+Key to code W
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding key
game.input.InputComponent+Key to code S
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding key
game.input.InputComponent+Key to code A
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding key
game.input.InputComponent+Key to code D
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding key
game.input.InputComponent+Key to code LeftShift
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding key
game.input.InputComponent+Key to code RightShift
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding key
game.input.InputComponent+Key to code E
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding key
game.input.InputComponent+Key to code I
Warn [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: Seems that binding #0 for key
[input.keyboard.menu] evnt has a bad key code :
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding key
game.input.InputComponent+Key to code T
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding key
game.input.InputComponent+Key to code Y
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: Binding buttons to input manager :
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key input.gamepad.up
to button Up
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.down to button Down
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.left to button Left
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.right to button Right
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.run to button X
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.activate to button A
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.inventory to button Y
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #2 for key
input.gamepad.inventory to button Select
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.menu to button Start
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.next to button RB
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #2 for key
input.gamepad.next to button RT
Debug [22:41:44.3473] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.previous to button LB
Debug [22:41:44.3483] : SettingsManager: -Binding #2 for key
input.gamepad.previous to button LT
Debug [22:41:44.3483] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.ui.select to button A
Debug [22:41:44.3483] : SettingsManager: -Binding #1 for key
input.gamepad.ui.back to button B
Info [22:41:44.3483] : SoundMusicComponent: Initializing Sound Player...
Info [22:41:44.3503] : FMODPlayer: Initializing FMOD player
Info [22:41:44.4727] : FMODPlayer: Initializing FMOD player :
FMODManager Initialized
Info [22:41:44.4861] : FMODPlayer: Initialized FMOD player
Info [22:41:44.4861] : SoundMusicComponent: Initialized Sound Player of type :
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.381 - [Info] Game : STARTING
GAME (v2.7.3b26 b26)
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.382 - [Info] Game :
Parameters :
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.382 - [Info] Game : - width :
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.382 - [Info] Game : - height :
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.382 - [Info] Game : - windowed
: False
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.382 - [Info] Game : - vsync :
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.382 - [Info] Game : - msaa :
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.382 - [Info] Game : - maxFPS :
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.382 - [Info] Game : - level :
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.382 - [Info] Game : - x : 0
Info [22:41:44.5517] : System Console: 0:00.382 - [Info] Game : - y : 0
Info [22:41:44.5517] : DisplayManager: Listing Screens resolutions
Info [22:41:44.5526] : DisplayManager: Screen #0 (default:True)
Info [22:41:44.5526] : DisplayManager: > Current display mode : 2688x1242
Info [22:41:44.5526] : DisplayManager: - 2688x1242
Info [22:41:44.5526] : DisplayManager: Finding closest compatible display
mode for fullscreen 0x0
Info [22:41:44.5533] : DisplayManager: - Testing mode 2688x1242 (False) -
result : False
Info [22:41:44.5533] : DisplayManager: > No compatible display mode found
- using default settings
Info [22:41:44.5533] : DisplayManager: > Fullscreen mode : defaulting to
the current mode : {Width:2688 Height:1242 Format:Color AspectRatio:2,164251}
Info [22:41:44.5533] : System Console: 0:00.384 - [Info] Game : Display
mode after validation : 2688x1242
Info [22:41:44.5533] : System Console: 0:00.384 - [Info] Game : Graphics
init : msaa = False vsync = True fixed = False forced =
Info [22:41:44.5533] : System Console: 0:00.384 - [Info] Game : Graphics
applied : msaa = False vsync = True fixed = False forced =
Info [22:41:44.5533] : System Console: 0:00.384 - [Info] Game : DONE
Info [22:41:44.5629] : System Console: 0:00.393 - [Info] Game : INITIALIZE
Info [22:41:44.5644] : System Console: 0:00.394 - [Info] Game : INITIALIZE
Info [22:41:44.5644] : CommonGame: Initializing 1 COMPONENTS :
Debug [22:41:44.5835] : DisplayManager: Computing best zoom for height 255
for resolution 2688x1242
Debug [22:41:44.5835] : DisplayManager: Accurate zoom for height is
Debug [22:41:44.5835] : DisplayManager: Computing best zoom for width 408
for resolution 2688x1242
Debug [22:41:44.5835] : DisplayManager: Accurate zoom for width is 6,5882354
Info [22:41:44.5835] : DisplayManager: Computed scale : 5
Info [22:41:44.5845] : CommonGame: Initialized components
Info [22:41:44.6171] : TouchManager: Touch Panel detected successfully
Debug [22:41:44.6191] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound computerstartup.mp3 in
Info [22:41:44.8105] : TextureManager: Loading textures content...
Info [22:41:44.8217] : TextureAtlasContentReader: Loading textures...
Info [22:41:44.8388] : TextureAtlasContentReader: Loaded 160 atlases
Info [22:41:44.8427] : SoundMusicComponent: Loading sounds content ...
Info [22:41:44.8427] : SoundMusicParser: - descriptor path :
Info [22:41:44.8434] : XmlManager: getting xml : Content/data/media
Info [22:41:44.8434] : XmlManager: - putting xml in cache
Info [22:41:44.8457] : XmlContentReader: Loading xml
Info [22:41:44.8457] : TextureManager: Sorting textures...
Debug [22:41:44.8492] : Cache`1: Flushing cache xml : not enough data
Info [22:41:44.8506] : SoundMusicComponent: Loading sounds content ...
Info [22:41:44.8562] : TextureManager: Sorting textures - done
Info [22:41:44.8562] : TextureManager: Loading textures content done
Info [22:41:44.8644] : StoryManager: Parsing ninepatches descriptor
Info [22:41:44.8644] : StoryManager: - descriptor path :
Info [22:41:44.8644] : XmlManager: getting xml : Content/data/stories
Info [22:41:44.8644] : XmlManager: - putting xml in cache
Info [22:41:44.8656] : XmlContentReader: Loading xml
Debug [22:41:44.8656] : Cache`1: Flushing cache xml : not enough data
Info [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: Initializing text bundles.
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - 1stDlc_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - filename : 1stDlc_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - Achievements_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - GameUiResources_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - ItemResources_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - MapResources_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - QuestResources_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - TextResources_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - CR_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - filename : CR_en.properties
Info [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: Found 8 text bundles
Info [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: Default english text bundles loading
Info [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: Getting bundle 1stDlc with locale en
Info [22:41:44.8663] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.8728] : TextManager: - created bundle of 1290 lines
Info [22:41:44.8728] : TextManager: - 1stDlc
Info [22:41:44.8728] : TextManager: Getting bundle Achievements with
locale en
Info [22:41:44.8728] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.8749] : TextManager: - created bundle of 97 lines
Info [22:41:44.8749] : TextManager: - Achievements
Info [22:41:44.8749] : TextManager: Getting bundle GameUiResources with
locale en
Info [22:41:44.8749] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.8761] : TextManager: - created bundle of 203 lines
Info [22:41:44.8761] : TextManager: - GameUiResources
Info [22:41:44.8761] : TextManager: Getting bundle ItemResources with
locale en
Info [22:41:44.8761] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.8777] : TextManager: - created bundle of 172 lines
Info [22:41:44.8777] : TextManager: - ItemResources
Info [22:41:44.8777] : TextManager: Getting bundle MapResources with
locale en
Info [22:41:44.8777] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.8791] : TextManager: - created bundle of 13 lines
Info [22:41:44.8791] : TextManager: - MapResources
Info [22:41:44.8791] : TextManager: Getting bundle QuestResources with
locale en
Info [22:41:44.8791] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.8804] : TextManager: - created bundle of 1 lines
Info [22:41:44.8804] : TextManager: - QuestResources
Info [22:41:44.8804] : TextManager: Getting bundle TextResources with
locale en
Info [22:41:44.8804] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Debug [22:41:44.8804] : InteractionMacro: Parsing global macros
Info [22:41:44.8817] : LevelParser: - descriptor path :
Info [22:41:44.8817] : XmlManager: getting xml : Content/level/global
Info [22:41:44.8817] : XmlManager: - putting xml in cache
Info [22:41:44.8844] : XmlContentReader: Loading xml
Debug [22:41:44.8868] : Cache`1: Flushing cache xml : not enough data
Info [22:41:44.8895] : TextManager: - created bundle of 4046 lines
Info [22:41:44.8895] : TextManager: - TextResources
Info [22:41:44.8895] : TextManager: Getting bundle CR with locale en
Info [22:41:44.8895] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Debug [22:41:44.8904] : CustomMap: Searching for custom map :Map_global
Info [22:41:44.8904] : TextManager: - created bundle of 4 lines
Info [22:41:44.8904] : TextManager: - CR
Info [22:41:44.8904] : TextManager: Default english text bundles loaded
Info [22:41:44.8904] : TextManager: Localized text bundles loading :
Info [22:41:44.8904] : TextManager: Getting bundle 1stDlc with locale
Info [22:41:44.8904] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.8954] : TextManager: - created bundle of 1290 lines
Info [22:41:44.8965] : TextManager: - User locale pt_BR text bundle
pt_BR loaded
Info [22:41:44.8965] : TextManager: Getting bundle Achievements with
locale pt_BR
Info [22:41:44.8965] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.9008] : TextManager: - created bundle of 97 lines
Info [22:41:44.9008] : TextManager: - User locale pt_BR text bundle
pt_BR loaded
Info [22:41:44.9008] : TextManager: Getting bundle GameUiResources with
locale pt_BR
Info [22:41:44.9008] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.9043] : TextManager: - created bundle of 156 lines
Info [22:41:44.9043] : TextManager: - User locale pt_BR text bundle
pt_BR loaded
Info [22:41:44.9043] : TextManager: Getting bundle ItemResources with
locale pt_BR
Info [22:41:44.9043] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.9060] : TextManager: - created bundle of 172 lines
Info [22:41:44.9060] : TextManager: - User locale pt_BR text bundle
pt_BR loaded
Info [22:41:44.9060] : TextManager: Getting bundle MapResources with
locale pt_BR
Info [22:41:44.9060] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.9073] : TextManager: - created bundle of 13 lines
Info [22:41:44.9073] : TextManager: - User locale pt_BR text bundle
pt_BR loaded
Info [22:41:44.9073] : TextManager: Getting bundle QuestResources with
locale pt_BR
Info [22:41:44.9073] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Debug [22:41:44.9085] : FMODPlayer: Loading sounds :
Debug [22:41:44.9085] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound 61078_elevator_open.mp3
in cache
Info [22:41:44.9085] : TextManager: - created bundle of 1 lines
Info [22:41:44.9085] : TextManager: - User locale pt_BR text bundle
pt_BR loaded
Info [22:41:44.9085] : TextManager: Getting bundle TextResources with
locale pt_BR
Info [22:41:44.9085] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.9156] : TextManager: - created bundle of 4046 lines
Info [22:41:44.9156] : TextManager: - User locale pt_BR text bundle
pt_BR loaded
Info [22:41:44.9156] : TextManager: Getting bundle CR with locale pt_BR
Info [22:41:44.9156] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Info [22:41:44.9173] : TextManager: - created bundle of 4 lines
Info [22:41:44.9173] : TextManager: - User locale pt_BR text bundle
pt_BR loaded
Info [22:41:44.9173] : TextManager: Localized fallback text bundles
loading :
Info [22:41:44.9173] : TextManager: - Fallback locale is pt
Info [22:41:44.9173] : TextManager: Getting bundle 1stDlc with locale pt
Info [22:41:44.9173] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Error [22:41:44.9173] : TextManager: Error while parsing bundle
Exception => System.IO.FileNotFoundException IO_FileNotFound_FileName,
Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle Open(System.String, OpenFlags, Int32,
Boolean, Boolean ByRef,
n]) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , OpenFlags ,
Int32 , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , UnixFileMode , Int64& ,
UnixFileMode& , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 , Func`4 )
at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategyCore(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream , String ,
FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32 , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String , FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32
, FileOptions , Int64 )
at System.IO.File.OpenRead(String )
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name)
at game.text.TextManager.GetTextBundle(String locale, String bundleName)
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: - User fallback locale pt text
bundle pt loaded
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: Getting bundle Achievements with
locale pt
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Error [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: Error while parsing bundle
Exception => System.IO.FileNotFoundException IO_FileNotFound_FileName,
Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle Open(System.String, OpenFlags, Int32,
Boolean, Boolean ByRef,
n]) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , OpenFlags ,
Int32 , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , UnixFileMode , Int64& ,
UnixFileMode& , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 , Func`4 )
at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategyCore(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream , String ,
FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32 , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String , FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32
, FileOptions , Int64 )
at System.IO.File.OpenRead(String )
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name)
at game.text.TextManager.GetTextBundle(String locale, String bundleName)
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: - User fallback locale pt text
bundle pt loaded
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: Getting bundle GameUiResources with
locale pt
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Error [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: Error while parsing bundle
Exception => System.IO.FileNotFoundException IO_FileNotFound_FileName,
Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle Open(System.String, OpenFlags, Int32,
Boolean, Boolean ByRef,
n]) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , OpenFlags ,
Int32 , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , UnixFileMode , Int64& ,
UnixFileMode& , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 , Func`4 )
at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategyCore(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream , String ,
FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32 , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String , FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32
, FileOptions , Int64 )
at System.IO.File.OpenRead(String )
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name)
at game.text.TextManager.GetTextBundle(String locale, String bundleName)
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: - User fallback locale pt text
bundle pt loaded
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: Getting bundle ItemResources with
locale pt
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Error [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: Error while parsing bundle
Exception => System.IO.FileNotFoundException IO_FileNotFound_FileName,
Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle Open(System.String, OpenFlags, Int32,
Boolean, Boolean ByRef,
n]) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , OpenFlags ,
Int32 , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , UnixFileMode , Int64& ,
UnixFileMode& , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 , Func`4 )
at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategyCore(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream , String ,
FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32 , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String , FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32
, FileOptions , Int64 )
at System.IO.File.OpenRead(String )
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name)
at game.text.TextManager.GetTextBundle(String locale, String bundleName)
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: - User fallback locale pt text
bundle pt loaded
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: Getting bundle MapResources with
locale pt
Info [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Error [22:41:44.9193] : TextManager: Error while parsing bundle
Exception => System.IO.FileNotFoundException IO_FileNotFound_FileName,
Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle Open(System.String, OpenFlags, Int32,
Boolean, Boolean ByRef,
n]) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , OpenFlags ,
Int32 , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , UnixFileMode , Int64& ,
UnixFileMode& , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 , Func`4 )
at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategyCore(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream , String ,
FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32 , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String , FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32
, FileOptions , Int64 )
at System.IO.File.OpenRead(String )
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name)
at game.text.TextManager.GetTextBundle(String locale, String bundleName)
Info [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: - User fallback locale pt text
bundle pt loaded
Info [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: Getting bundle QuestResources with
locale pt
Info [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Error [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: Error while parsing bundle
Exception => System.IO.FileNotFoundException IO_FileNotFound_FileName,
Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle Open(System.String, OpenFlags, Int32,
Boolean, Boolean ByRef,
n]) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , OpenFlags ,
Int32 , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , UnixFileMode , Int64& ,
UnixFileMode& , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 , Func`4 )
at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategyCore(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream , String ,
FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32 , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String , FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32
, FileOptions , Int64 )
at System.IO.File.OpenRead(String )
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name)
at game.text.TextManager.GetTextBundle(String locale, String bundleName)
Info [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: - User fallback locale pt text
bundle pt loaded
Info [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: Getting bundle TextResources with
locale pt
Info [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Error [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: Error while parsing bundle
Exception => System.IO.FileNotFoundException IO_FileNotFound_FileName,
Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle Open(System.String, OpenFlags, Int32,
Boolean, Boolean ByRef,
n]) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , OpenFlags ,
Int32 , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , UnixFileMode , Int64& ,
UnixFileMode& , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 , Func`4 )
at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategyCore(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream , String ,
FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32 , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String , FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32
, FileOptions , Int64 )
at System.IO.File.OpenRead(String )
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name)
at game.text.TextManager.GetTextBundle(String locale, String bundleName)
Info [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: - User fallback locale pt text
bundle pt loaded
Info [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: Getting bundle CR with locale pt
Info [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: - creating bundle
Error [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: Error while parsing bundle
Exception => System.IO.FileNotFoundException IO_FileNotFound_FileName,
game.app/Content/string/CR_pt.properties Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle
Open(System.String, OpenFlags, Int32, Boolean, Boolean ByRef,
n]) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , OpenFlags ,
Int32 , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , UnixFileMode , Int64& ,
UnixFileMode& , Boolean , Boolean& , Func`4 )
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 , Func`4 )
at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategyCore(String , FileMode ,
FileAccess , FileShare , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream , String ,
FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32 , FileOptions , Int64 , Nullable`1 )
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String , FileMode , FileAccess , FileShare , Int32
, FileOptions , Int64 )
at System.IO.File.OpenRead(String )
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name)
at game.text.TextManager.GetTextBundle(String locale, String bundleName)
Info [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: - User fallback locale pt text
bundle pt loaded
Debug [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: text not found in localized bundles
- looking in fallback bundles
Debug [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: text not found in localized and
fallback bundles - looking in default bundles
Debug [22:41:44.9204] : TextManager: text not found, default is null,
using key - story.lobby
Info [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: Initializing text bundles.
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - 1stDlc_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - filename : 1stDlc_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - Achievements_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - GameUiResources_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - ItemResources_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - MapResources_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - QuestResources_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - TextResources_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - filename :
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - CR_en.properties
Debug [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: - filename : CR_en.properties
Info [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: Found 8 text bundles
Info [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: Default english text bundles loading
Info [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: Default english text bundles already
Info [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: Localized text bundles loading :
Info [22:41:44.9307] : TextManager: Localized text bundles and fallback
already loaded
Info [22:41:44.9477] : BitmapFontsManager: Loading font content fairfax...
Info [22:41:44.9497] : BitmapFontContentReader: Loading font...
Info [22:41:44.9497] : BitmapFontContentReader: - font : Fairfax
Debug [22:41:44.9497] : BitmapFontContentReader: - reading 1023 chardatas
Debug [22:41:44.9520] : BitmapFontContentReader: - reading 65375 indices
Info [22:41:44.9555] : BitmapFontsManager: Loading font content fairfax done
Info [22:41:44.9555] : BitmapFontsManager: Loading font content fairfax_bold...
Info [22:41:44.9569] : BitmapFontContentReader: Loading font...
Info [22:41:44.9569] : BitmapFontContentReader: - font : Fairfax Bold
Debug [22:41:44.9569] : BitmapFontContentReader: - reading 1023 chardatas
Debug [22:41:44.9580] : BitmapFontContentReader: - reading 65375 indices
Info [22:41:44.9615] : BitmapFontsManager: Loading font content fairfax_bold
Info [22:41:44.9615] : BitmapFontsManager: Loading font content indienova...
Info [22:41:44.9615] : BitmapFontContentReader: Loading font...
Info [22:41:44.9623] : BitmapFontContentReader: - font : indienova Bitmap Chinese
Debug [22:41:44.9623] : BitmapFontContentReader: - reading 3490 chardatas
Debug [22:41:44.9623] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound fx_use_item.mp3 in
Debug [22:41:44.9665] : BitmapFontContentReader: - reading 65375 indices
Info [22:41:44.9701] : BitmapFontsManager: Loading font content indienova done
Info [22:41:44.9701] : BitmapFontsManager: Loading font content Gulim...
Info [22:41:44.9710] : BitmapFontContentReader: Loading font...
Info [22:41:44.9710] : BitmapFontContentReader: - font : Gulim
Debug [22:41:44.9710] : BitmapFontContentReader: - reading 3690 chardatas
Debug [22:41:44.9752] : BitmapFontContentReader: - reading 65375 indices
Info [22:41:44.9787] : BitmapFontsManager: Loading font content Gulim done
Info [22:41:44.9808] : System Console: 0:00.811 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Total Loading 54 tasks
Info [22:41:44.9808] : System Console: 0:00.811 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:44.9808] : ZoneManager: Loading zones content...
Info [22:41:44.9808] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:44.9821] : ZoneContentReader: Loading texture zones...
Info [22:41:44.9853] : ZoneContentReader: Loaded 320 texture zones
Debug [22:41:44.9853] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
344687__korground__error-sound_01.mp3 in cache
Info [22:41:44.9853] : ZoneManager: Loading zones content done
Info [22:41:44.9976] : System Console: 0:00.828 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:44.9976] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Debug [22:41:44.9976] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound photocopier_01.mp3 in
Info [22:41:44.9976] : TexturePackManager: Loading texture packs content...
Info [22:41:45.0006] : TexturePackContentReader: Loading texture packs...
Info [22:41:45.0857] : TexturePackContentReader: Loaded 369 texture packs
Info [22:41:45.0864] : TexturePackManager: Loading textures content done
Info [22:41:45.1118] : System Console: 0:00.942 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 1/54
Info [22:41:45.1137] : System Console: 0:00.944 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.1137] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:45.1137] : NinepatchManager: Parsing ninepatches descriptor
Info [22:41:45.1143] : NinepatchManager: - descriptor path :
Info [22:41:45.1143] : XmlManager: getting xml : Content/data/ninepatch
Info [22:41:45.1143] : XmlManager: - putting xml in cache
Info [22:41:45.1242] : XmlContentReader: Loading xml
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : Cache`1: Flushing cache xml : not enough data
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_lifebar_container]
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_lifebar_gauge]
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_box_blue] starting
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_box_blue2] starting
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_box_pink] starting
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_box_white] starting
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_box_black] starting
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_container_blue]
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_dialog2_main]
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_dialog2_tab]
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_inventory2_content]
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch
[ui_inventory2_container1] starting
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch
[ui_inventory2_container2] starting
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch [ui_inventory2_menu]
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch
[ui_inventory2_menu_button_off] starting
Debug [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: - ninepatch
[ui_inventory2_menu_button_on] starting
Info [22:41:45.1244] : NinepatchManager: Parsing ninepatches descriptor -
Debug [22:41:45.1451] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound open_photocopy.mp3 in
Info [22:41:45.1594] : System Console: 0:00.989 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 2/54
Info [22:41:45.1606] : System Console: 0:00.991 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.1606] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:45.1617] : ItemManager: Parsing items descriptor
Debug [22:41:45.1617] : ItemManager: - descriptor path :
Info [22:41:45.1617] : XmlManager: getting xml : Content/data/items
Info [22:41:45.1617] : XmlManager: - putting xml in cache
Info [22:41:45.1639] : XmlContentReader: Loading xml
Debug [22:41:45.1643] : Cache`1: Flushing cache xml : not enough data
Debug [22:41:45.1657] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:41:45.1657] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : walk
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : crawl
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : swim
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : Flashlight: Set flashlight to a power of 0%
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : walk
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : crawl
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : swim
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : Flashlight: Set flashlight to a power of 0%
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : walk
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : crawl
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : swim
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:41:45.1666] : Flashlight: Set flashlight to a power of 0%
Warn [22:41:45.1676] : TextureManager: Texture not found :
Warn [22:41:45.1676] : TextureManager: Texture not found :
Warn [22:41:45.1676] : TextureManager: Texture not found :
Warn [22:41:45.1676] : TextureManager: Texture not found :
Info [22:41:45.1695] : ItemManager: Created 129 items
Debug [22:41:45.1720] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
127874__stephensaldanha__household-water-cooler-pour-cup.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:41:45.1812] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1812] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1812] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1812] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1812] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1812] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1813] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1813] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1813] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1813] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1813] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1813] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1813] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1813] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1813] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1813] : NinepatchData: Computing textures for ninepatch
Debug [22:41:45.1982] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound fx_get_item.mp3 in
Debug [22:41:45.2243] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
269678__jaimage__vendingmachine.mp3 in cache
Info [22:41:45.2364] : System Console: 0:01.066 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 3/54
Info [22:41:45.2503] : System Console: 0:01.080 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 4/54
Info [22:41:45.2503] : System Console: 0:01.081 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.2513] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Debug [22:41:45.2524] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
250194__emma7073__vending-machine.mp3 in cache
Info [22:41:45.2644] : System Console: 0:01.094 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.2644] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/water_02_0
Info [22:41:45.2762] : FMODPointerLinker: Sounds : Dict contains 10 objects
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro ele_open
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro copy_mch
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro copy_mch_map
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro watdis_mch
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro watdis_mch_map
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro vencoff_mch
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro vendsnack_mch
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro vendsoda_mch
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro blur_status
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro cigarette
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro devil_ellipsis
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro unequip_light
Debug [22:41:45.2763] : InteractionMacro: - loaded global macro save soul
Info [22:41:45.3361] : System Console: 0:01.166 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 5/54
Info [22:41:45.3374] : System Console: 0:01.167 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.3374] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/water_0
Info [22:41:45.3393] : System Console: 0:01.169 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 6/54
Info [22:41:45.3643] : System Console: 0:01.194 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.3643] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/water_1
Info [22:41:45.4164] : System Console: 0:01.246 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 7/54
Info [22:41:45.4175] : System Console: 0:01.247 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.4175] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/ui_2
Info [22:41:45.4513] : System Console: 0:01.281 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 8/54
Info [22:41:45.4513] : System Console: 0:01.282 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.4513] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/ui_0
Info [22:41:45.4848] : System Console: 0:01.315 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 9/54
Info [22:41:45.5280] : System Console: 0:01.358 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 10/54
Info [22:41:45.5290] : System Console: 0:01.359 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.5290] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/ui_1
Info [22:41:45.5478] : System Console: 0:01.378 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.5478] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/masks_0
Info [22:41:45.6122] : System Console: 0:01.442 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 11/54
Info [22:41:45.6127] : System Console: 0:01.443 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.6127] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/light_1
Info [22:41:45.6319] : System Console: 0:01.462 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 12/54
Info [22:41:45.6325] : System Console: 0:01.463 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.6325] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/light_0
Info [22:41:45.6759] : System Console: 0:01.506 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 13/54
Info [22:41:45.6764] : System Console: 0:01.506 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.6764] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:45.7239] : System Console: 0:01.554 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 14/54
Info [22:41:45.7247] : System Console: 0:01.555 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.7247] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:45.7813] : System Console: 0:01.611 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 15/54
Info [22:41:45.7813] : System Console: 0:01.612 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.7813] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:45.8323] : System Console: 0:01.662 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 16/54
Info [22:41:45.8323] : System Console: 0:01.663 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.8323] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:45.8955] : System Console: 0:01.725 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 17/54
Info [22:41:45.8955] : System Console: 0:01.726 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.8955] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:45.9520] : System Console: 0:01.782 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 18/54
Info [22:41:45.9524] : System Console: 0:01.782 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:45.9524] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:46.0261] : System Console: 0:01.856 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 19/54
Info [22:41:46.0265] : System Console: 0:01.857 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.0265] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/hero_0
Info [22:41:46.0771] : System Console: 0:01.907 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 20/54
Info [22:41:46.0777] : System Console: 0:01.908 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.0777] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_10_0
Info [22:41:46.1247] : System Console: 0:01.955 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 21/54
Info [22:41:46.1253] : System Console: 0:01.955 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.1253] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_09_0
Info [22:41:46.1538] : System Console: 0:01.984 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 22/54
Info [22:41:46.1543] : System Console: 0:01.984 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.1543] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_08_1
Info [22:41:46.2104] : System Console: 0:02.040 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 23/54
Info [22:41:46.2410] : System Console: 0:02.071 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 24/54
Info [22:41:46.2422] : System Console: 0:02.072 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.2422] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_08_0
Info [22:41:46.2646] : System Console: 0:02.095 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.2646] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_07_0
Info [22:41:46.3151] : System Console: 0:02.145 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 25/54
Info [22:41:46.3162] : System Console: 0:02.146 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.3163] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_05_0
Info [22:41:46.3524] : System Console: 0:02.182 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 26/54
Info [22:41:46.3534] : System Console: 0:02.183 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.3534] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_05_3
Info [22:41:46.4269] : System Console: 0:02.257 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 27/54
Info [22:41:46.4575] : System Console: 0:02.287 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 28/54
Info [22:41:46.4587] : System Console: 0:02.289 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.4587] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_05_2
Info [22:41:46.4824] : System Console: 0:02.312 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.4824] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_05_1
Info [22:41:46.5323] : System Console: 0:02.362 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 29/54
Info [22:41:46.5333] : System Console: 0:02.363 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.5333] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_04_0
Info [22:41:46.5654] : System Console: 0:02.395 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 30/54
Info [22:41:46.5666] : System Console: 0:02.397 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.5666] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_03_0
Info [22:41:46.6139] : System Console: 0:02.444 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 31/54
Info [22:41:46.6147] : System Console: 0:02.445 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.6147] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_03_1
Info [22:41:46.6534] : System Console: 0:02.483 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 32/54
Info [22:41:46.6543] : System Console: 0:02.484 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.6543] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_02_2
Info [22:41:46.7106] : System Console: 0:02.540 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 33/54
Info [22:41:46.7457] : System Console: 0:02.576 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 34/54
Info [22:41:46.7467] : System Console: 0:02.577 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.7467] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_02_1
Info [22:41:46.7650] : System Console: 0:02.595 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.7650] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_02_0
Info [22:41:46.8166] : System Console: 0:02.647 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 35/54
Info [22:41:46.8176] : System Console: 0:02.648 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.8176] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_01_0
Info [22:41:46.8601] : System Console: 0:02.690 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 36/54
Info [22:41:46.8611] : System Console: 0:02.691 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.8611] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/floor_00_0
Info [22:41:46.9132] : System Console: 0:02.743 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 37/54
Info [22:41:46.9426] : System Console: 0:02.773 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 38/54
Info [22:41:46.9434] : System Console: 0:02.773 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.9434] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/fire_1
Info [22:41:46.9651] : System Console: 0:02.795 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:46.9651] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/fire_0
Info [22:41:47.0140] : System Console: 0:02.844 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 39/54
Info [22:41:47.0149] : System Console: 0:02.845 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:47.0149] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/elevator_0
Info [22:41:47.0518] : System Console: 0:02.882 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 40/54
Info [22:41:47.0525] : System Console: 0:02.883 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:47.0525] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/elevator_1
Info [22:41:47.1170] : System Console: 0:02.947 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 41/54
Info [22:41:47.1498] : System Console: 0:02.980 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 42/54
Info [22:41:47.1510] : System Console: 0:02.981 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:47.1510] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/elevator_2
Info [22:41:47.1652] : System Console: 0:02.995 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:47.1652] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:47.1831] : System Console: 0:03.013 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 43/54
Info [22:41:47.2114] : System Console: 0:03.041 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 44/54
Info [22:41:47.2114] : System Console: 0:03.042 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:47.2114] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:47.2165] : System Console: 0:03.046 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:47.2165] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:47.2637] : System Console: 0:03.094 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 45/54
Info [22:41:47.2647] : System Console: 0:03.095 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:47.2647] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:47.3045] : System Console: 0:03.134 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 46/54
Info [22:41:47.3045] : System Console: 0:03.135 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:47.3053] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:47.3644] : System Console: 0:03.194 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 47/54
Info [22:41:47.4019] : System Console: 0:03.232 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 48/54
Info [22:41:47.4026] : System Console: 0:03.233 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:47.4026] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:47.4153] : System Console: 0:03.245 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Textures loading
Info [22:41:47.4153] : TextureManager: Loading texture : atlas/art_0
Info [22:41:47.4650] : System Console: 0:03.295 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 49/54
Info [22:41:47.4659] : System Console: 0:03.296 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Bitmap fonts texture load
Info [22:41:47.4664] : System Console: 0:03.296 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
adding font texture to load : fonts/_fairfax
Info [22:41:47.4664] : TextureManager: Loading texture : fonts/_fairfax
Info [22:41:47.5230] : System Console: 0:03.353 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 50/54
Info [22:41:47.5238] : System Console: 0:03.354 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Bitmap fonts texture load
Info [22:41:47.5238] : System Console: 0:03.354 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
adding font texture to load : fonts/_fairfax_bold
Info [22:41:47.5238] : TextureManager: Loading texture :
Info [22:41:47.5508] : System Console: 0:03.381 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 51/54
Info [22:41:47.5653] : System Console: 0:03.395 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Bitmap fonts texture load
Info [22:41:47.5653] : System Console: 0:03.395 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
adding font texture to load : fonts/_indienova
Info [22:41:47.5653] : TextureManager: Loading texture : fonts/_indienova
Info [22:41:47.5678] : System Console: 0:03.398 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 52/54
Info [22:41:47.5821] : System Console: 0:03.412 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Invoking load task : Bitmap fonts texture load
Info [22:41:47.5821] : System Console: 0:03.412 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
adding font texture to load : fonts/_Gulim
Info [22:41:47.5821] : TextureManager: Loading texture : fonts/_Gulim
Info [22:41:47.6101] : System Console: 0:03.440 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 53/54
Info [22:41:47.6264] : System Console: 0:03.456 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Texture loaded 54/54
Debug [22:41:47.6331] : FMODPlayer: Stopping all sounds :
Info [22:41:47.6345] : System Console: 0:03.464 - [Info] LoaderComponent :
Finished loading, invoking start action
Info [22:41:47.6387] : System Console: 0:03.469 - [Info] MemUtil : Memory
Info [22:41:47.6677] : System Console: 0:03.498 - [Info]
MemUtil : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Info [22:41:47.6677] : System Console: 0:03.498 - [Info] MemUtil : //
Current managed mem = 110MB / 0MB
Info [22:41:47.6677] : FMODPointerLinker: Sounds : Dict contains 10 objects
Info [22:41:47.6677] : System Console: 0:03.498 - [Info] PoolManager :
Listing existing NON batch pools :
Info [22:41:47.6689] : System Console: 0:03.499 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ai.PathFindingAction with id PathFinderComponent_PathActions. Stack :
4/4 ( init 4 )
Info [22:41:47.6695] : System Console: 0:03.499 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ai.AStarPathFinder with id PathFinderComponent_Pathfinders. Stack :
4/4 ( init 4 )
Info [22:41:47.6695] : System Console: 0:03.500 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ui.BitmapChar with id BitmapText. Stack : 12288/12288 ( init 12288 )
Info [22:41:47.6695] : System Console: 0:03.500 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_0. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:41:47.6695] : System Console: 0:03.500 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_1. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:41:47.6695] : System Console: 0:03.500 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_2. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:41:47.6695] : System Console: 0:03.500 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_3. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:41:47.6695] : System Console: 0:03.500 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of System.Collections.Generic.List`1[game.zone.Zones] with id
InteractivesComponent_TmpZoneList. Stack : 64/64 ( init 64 )
Info [22:41:47.6695] : System Console: 0:03.500 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.zone.Zones with id InteractivesComponent_TmpZones. Stack : 64/64
( init 64 )
Info [22:41:47.6695] : System Console: 0:03.500 - [Info] MemUtil : Skipping
GC : deactivated
Info [22:41:47.6695] : System Console: 0:03.500 - [Info]
MemUtil : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Info [22:41:47.6695] : GamepadManager: Listing Gamepads :
Info [22:41:47.6850] : GamepadManager: Listing Gamepads done
Info [22:41:47.6850] : GamepadManager: No Gamepad detected
Info [22:41:47.6872] : SoundMusicComponent: Sound player already initialized
Info [22:41:47.7196] : EffectManager: Loading shader
Info [22:41:47.7240] : VideoParser: - descriptor path :
Info [22:41:47.7240] : XmlManager: getting xml : Content/data/media
Info [22:41:47.7240] : XmlManager: - loading xml from cache
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : cutscene_01
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : cutscene_02
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : cutscene_03_atia
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : cutscene_04_cave
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : cutscene_05_awakes
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video :
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : cutscene_07_back
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video :
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video :
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : cutscene_08_dream
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : cutscene_09_poison
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : cutscene_10_reborn
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video :
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : cutscene_12_boss
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video :
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_01
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_02
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_03
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_04
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_05
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_06
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_07
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_08
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_09
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_10
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_losttape1
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_losttape2
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : tape_losttape3
Debug [22:41:47.7243] : VideoParser: - listed video : mirror_crests
Debug [22:41:47.7301] : UiComponent: Force showing hud
Info [22:41:47.7301] : ACamera: - Initializing component :
Info [22:41:47.7301] : ACamera: - Initialized component :
Info [22:41:47.7306] : System Console: 0:03.561 - [Info] Game : Resizing
Debug [22:41:47.7306] : DisplayManager: Computing best zoom for height 255
for resolution 2688x1242
Debug [22:41:47.7306] : DisplayManager: Accurate zoom for height is
Debug [22:41:47.7306] : DisplayManager: Computing best zoom for width 408
for resolution 2688x1242
Debug [22:41:47.7306] : DisplayManager: Accurate zoom for width is 6,5882354
Info [22:41:47.7306] : DisplayManager: Computed scale : 5
Debug [22:41:47.7306] : SceneComponent: reshape to size 2688x1242
Debug [22:41:47.7306] : BlendComponent: reshape to size 2688x1242
Debug [22:41:47.7306] : BloodBorderComponent: reshape to size 537x248
Debug [22:41:47.7306] : VirtualGamepadComponent: reshape to size 537x248
Debug [22:41:47.7306] : ScreenFaderComponent: reshape to size 2688x1242
Info [22:41:47.7315] : Program: After Init Start :
Info [22:41:47.7315] : Program: Initializing Persistence
Info [22:41:47.7374] : CompactPersistenceManager: Existing states
Info [22:41:47.7374] : CompactPersistenceManager: -#0 save_1707299390282 -
10_Management of date 07/02/2024 06:49:50
Info [22:41:47.7374] : CompactPersistenceManager: -#1 save_1707299923089 -
05_Office_Door_E of date 07/02/2024 06:58:43
Info [22:41:47.7374] : CompactPersistenceManager: -#2 savea - 05_Office_Door_D of
date 07/02/2024 07:10:34
Info [22:41:47.7374] : CompactPersistenceManager: Checking consistency ...
Debug [22:41:47.7374] : CompactPersistenceManager: Checking for missing records :
Debug [22:41:47.7374] : CompactPersistenceManager: - record savea exists : True
Debug [22:41:47.7374] : CompactPersistenceManager: - record save_1707299923089
exists : True
Debug [22:41:47.7374] : CompactPersistenceManager: - record save_1707299390282
exists : True
Debug [22:41:47.7374] : CompactPersistenceManager: Checking for extra records :
Debug [22:41:47.7386] : CompactPersistenceManager: - record save_1707299390282
should be added : False
Debug [22:41:47.7386] : CompactPersistenceManager: - record save_1707299923089
should be added : False
Debug [22:41:47.7386] : CompactPersistenceManager: - record save.dbx should be
added : False
Debug [22:41:47.7386] : CompactPersistenceManager: - record settings.txt should
be added : False
Debug [22:41:47.7386] : CompactPersistenceManager: - record a.dbx should be added
: False
Debug [22:41:47.7386] : CompactPersistenceManager: - record v.dbx should be added
: False
Debug [22:41:47.7386] : CompactPersistenceManager: - record savea should be added
: False
Debug [22:41:47.7386] : CompactPersistenceManager: Checking for auto save
Info [22:41:47.7386] : CompactPersistenceManager: Autosave file consistency -
autosave info present in data and file existing, checking ...
Debug [22:41:47.7399] : CompactPersistenceManager: - Autosave consistency ok
Info [22:41:47.7399] : CompactPersistenceManager: Checked consistency : 0 to add
- 0 to remove
Info [22:41:47.7399] : Program: Initializing Native Manager
Info [22:41:47.7399] : NativeManager: Initializing Native Manager
Info [22:41:47.7399] : NativeManager: Native Manager initialized : True
Info [22:41:47.7399] : Program: Setting Achievement manager
Info [22:41:47.7399] : LocalAchievementManager: Initializing Default Achievement
Info [22:41:47.7399] : AchievementManager: Creating default achievement list
Info [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: Listing 48 achievements
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_00
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_01
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_02
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_03
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_04
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_05
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_06
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_07
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_08
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_09
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_10
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_11
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_12
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_13
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_14
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_15
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_16
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_17
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_18
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_19
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_20
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_21
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_22
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_23
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_24
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_25
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_26
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_27
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_28
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_29
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_30
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_31
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_32
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_33
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_34
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_35
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_36
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_37
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_38
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_39
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_40
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_41
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_42
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_43
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_44
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_45
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_46
Debug [22:41:47.7444] : AchievementManager: - achievement_47
Debug [22:41:47.7965] : UiComponent: Showing epilepsy warning screen
Debug [22:41:47.7990] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:41:47.8155] : UiComponent: Freeze game
Debug [22:41:47.8155] : FMODPlayer: Pausing stop all sounds
Debug [22:41:47.8155] : UiComponent: showUiComponent epilepsy-container
Debug [22:41:47.8155] : Batches: Increasing batch for UiItem_warning-
text from 512 to 768
Debug [22:41:47.8163] : Batches: Increasing batch for UiItem_warning-
text from 768 to 1152
Debug [22:41:52.8014] : UiComponent: Showing splash screen
Debug [22:41:52.8334] : UiComponent: swapUiComponent splash-container
Debug [22:41:52.8338] : UiComponent: hideUiComponent
Debug [22:41:52.8338] : UiComponent: request showing hud
Debug [22:41:52.8338] : UiComponent: Force showing hud
Debug [22:41:52.8338] : UiComponent: Freeze game
Debug [22:41:52.8338] : FMODPlayer: Pausing stop all sounds
Debug [22:41:52.8338] : UiComponent: showUiComponent splash-container
Debug [22:41:54.8052] : UiComponent: Showing start menu
Debug [22:41:54.8614] : UiComponent: swapUiComponent start-menu-container
Debug [22:41:54.8614] : UiComponent: hideUiComponent
Debug [22:41:54.8614] : UiComponent: request showing hud
Debug [22:41:54.8614] : UiComponent: Force showing hud
Debug [22:41:54.8614] : UiComponent: Freeze game
Debug [22:41:54.8614] : FMODPlayer: Pausing stop all sounds
Debug [22:41:54.8614] : UiComponent: showUiComponent start-menu-container
Info [22:41:54.8614] : GamepadManager: Listing Gamepads :
Info [22:41:54.8620] : GamepadManager: Listing Gamepads done
Info [22:41:54.8620] : GamepadManager: No Gamepad detected
Debug [22:41:58.9281] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
fx_ui_switch_options.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:41:58.9922] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound fx_ui_accept.mp3 in
Debug [22:41:59.0079] : UiComponent: Showing load menu
Debug [22:41:59.0117] : UiComponent: swapUiComponent credits-container
Debug [22:41:59.0117] : UiComponent: hideUiComponent
Debug [22:41:59.0124] : UiComponent: request showing hud
Debug [22:41:59.0124] : UiComponent: Force showing hud
Debug [22:41:59.0124] : UiComponent: Freeze game
Debug [22:41:59.0124] : FMODPlayer: Pausing stop all sounds
Debug [22:41:59.0124] : UiComponent: showUiComponent credits-container
Debug [22:41:59.0134] : CompactPersistenceManager: Checking for auto save
Info [22:41:59.0134] : CompactPersistenceManager: Autosave file consistency -
autosave info present in data and file existing, checking ...
Debug [22:41:59.0147] : CompactPersistenceManager: - Autosave consistency ok
Debug [22:41:59.0147] : TextManager: text not found in localized bundles
- looking in fallback bundles
Debug [22:41:59.0147] : TextManager: text not found in localized and
fallback bundles - looking in default bundles
Debug [22:41:59.0147] : TextManager: text not found, default is null,
using key - text.save.automatic
Debug [22:41:59.0155] : TextManager: text not found in localized bundles
- looking in fallback bundles
Debug [22:41:59.0155] : TextManager: text not found in localized and
fallback bundles - looking in default bundles
Debug [22:41:59.0155] : TextManager: text not found, default is null,
using key -
Debug [22:42:10.2515] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound fx_ui_switch.mp3 in
Info [22:42:10.3169] : LoadMenu: Selected save item : savea
Info [22:42:10.3169] : LoadMenu: - Map : 05_Office_Door_D
Info [22:42:10.3179] : LoadMenu: - Time : quarta-feira, 7 de
fevereiro de 2024 07:10:34
Debug [22:42:10.3179] : ScreenFaderComponent: Start fading from current {R:0 G:0
B:0 A:0} to target {R:0 G:0 B:0 A:255} during 1ms
Debug [22:42:10.3186] : UiComponent: hideCurrentComponent
Debug [22:42:10.3186] : UiComponent: Freeze game
Debug [22:42:10.3186] : FMODPlayer: Pausing stop all sounds
Debug [22:42:10.3509] : UiComponent: hideUiComponent
Debug [22:42:10.5513] : UiComponent: request showing hud
Debug [22:42:10.5517] : UiComponent: Force showing hud
Debug [22:42:10.5517] : UiComponent: Unfreeze game
Debug [22:42:10.5529] : FMODPlayer: Pausing continue all sounds
Debug [22:42:10.5675] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:10.5828] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:10.5997] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:10.6162] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:10.6341] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:10.6502] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:10.6664] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Info [22:42:10.7510] : UiComponent: Quitting game
Debug [22:42:10.7510] : ScreenFaderComponent: Start fading from current {R:0 G:0
B:0 A:255} to target {R:0 G:0 B:0 A:255} during 0ms
Debug [22:42:10.7670] : UiComponent: Executing quit queued action
Debug [22:42:10.7738] : FMODPlayer: Stopping all sounds :
Debug [22:42:10.7738] : FMODPlayer: Stopping all sounds :
Debug [22:42:10.7738] : TimerComponent: Resetting : removing local callbacks
Debug [22:42:10.7738] : TimerComponent: - removed 0 normal callbacks,
remaining 0
Debug [22:42:10.7738] : TimerComponent: - removed 0 important callbacks,
remaining 0
Debug [22:42:10.7747] : ScreenFaderComponent: Resetting color
Info [22:42:10.7747] : System Console: 0:26.603 - [Info] MemUtil : Memory
Info [22:42:10.7939] : System Console: 0:26.623 - [Info]
MemUtil : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Info [22:42:10.7939] : System Console: 0:26.623 - [Info] MemUtil : //
Current managed mem = 114MB / 0MB
Info [22:42:10.7939] : FMODPointerLinker: Sounds : Dict contains 13 objects
Info [22:42:10.7939] : System Console: 0:26.623 - [Info] PoolManager :
Listing existing NON batch pools :
Info [22:42:10.7939] : System Console: 0:26.623 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ai.PathFindingAction with id PathFinderComponent_PathActions. Stack :
4/4 ( init 4 )
Info [22:42:10.7939] : System Console: 0:26.623 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ai.AStarPathFinder with id PathFinderComponent_Pathfinders. Stack :
4/4 ( init 4 )
Info [22:42:10.7939] : System Console: 0:26.623 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ui.BitmapChar with id BitmapText. Stack : 11783/12288 ( init 12288 )
Info [22:42:10.7939] : System Console: 0:26.623 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.component.VisualDebugComponent+DebugText with id DebugText. Stack :
16/16 ( init 16 )
Info [22:42:10.7939] : System Console: 0:26.623 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ui.Dialog with id Dialog. Stack : 2/2 ( init 2 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.623 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ui.Prompt with id Prompt. Stack : 2/2 ( init 2 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.623 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ui.SubtitleDialog with id Subtitle. Stack : 2/2 ( init 2 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.624 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_0. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.624 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_1. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.624 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_2. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.624 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_3. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.624 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of System.Collections.Generic.List`1[game.zone.Zones] with id
InteractivesComponent_TmpZoneList. Stack : 64/64 ( init 64 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.624 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.zone.Zones with id InteractivesComponent_TmpZones. Stack : 64/64
( init 64 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.624 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.util.ListArrayPoints with id SectorManager_ListArrayPoints. Stack :
16/16 ( init 16 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.624 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of System.Collections.Generic.List`1[game.zone.Zones] with id
SectorManager_ListZones. Stack : 16/16 ( init 16 )
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.624 - [Info] MemUtil : Skipping
GC : deactivated
Info [22:42:10.7946] : System Console: 0:26.624 - [Info]
MemUtil : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Debug [22:42:10.7956] : PersistenceRecordsManager: Preparing restore state
Debug [22:42:10.7956] : FMODPlayer: Stopping all sounds :
Debug [22:42:10.7956] : CompactPersistenceManager: Reading Save data
Debug [22:42:10.7956] : CompactPersistenceManager: Reading Actors data
Debug [22:42:10.8040] : CompactPersistenceManager: Reading Inventory data
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : walk
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : crawl
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : swim
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : Flashlight: Set flashlight to a power of 0%
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : walk
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : crawl
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : swim
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : Flashlight: Set flashlight to a power of 0%
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8047] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : walk
Debug [22:42:10.8061] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8061] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : crawl
Debug [22:42:10.8061] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8061] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : swim
Debug [22:42:10.8061] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8061] : Flashlight: Set flashlight to a power of 0%
Debug [22:42:10.8068] : CompactPersistenceManager: Reading Vars data
Debug [22:42:10.8068] : PersistenceRecordsManager: Restoring state : savea
Info [22:42:10.8068] : LoadMenu: Requesting loading of save item :
Info [22:42:10.8068] : LoadMenu: - Map : 05_Office_Door_D
Info [22:42:10.8068] : LoadMenu: - Time : quarta-feira, 7 de
fevereiro de 2024 07:10:34
Debug [22:42:10.8068] : ScreenFaderComponent: Set To Black
Debug [22:42:10.8068] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8068] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8068] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_stand_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_stand_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_stand_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_stand_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8076] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_stand_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_stand_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_stand_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_stand_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_stand_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8086] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8096] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_walk_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_walk_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_walk_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_walk_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_walk_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_walk_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_walk_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_walk_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_walk_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_walk_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_walk_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_walk_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_walk_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_walk_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_walk_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_walk_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_walk_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_walk_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_walk_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8107] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_walk_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_walk_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_walk_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_walk_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_walk_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_walk_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_walk_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_walk_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_walk_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_walk_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_walk_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_walk_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_walk_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_walk_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_walk_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_walk_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_run_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8116] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_run_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_run_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_run_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_run_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_run_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8126] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_run_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8136] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_run_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_run_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_run_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_run_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_hit NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack : hero_nosuitcase_hit
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack : hero_cocoon_hit NOT
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_death NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_death NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack : hero_cocoon_death
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_crawl_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_crawl_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_crawl_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_crawl_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_crawl_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_crawl_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_crawl_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8146] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_crawl_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_crawl_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_crawl_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_crawl_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_crawl_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_crawl_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_crawl_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_crawl_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_crawl_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_crawl_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_crawl_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_crawl_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_crawl_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8156] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_swim_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_swim_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_swim_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_swim_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_swim_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_swim_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_swim_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_swim_move_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8171] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_swim_wait_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack : hero_swim_hit
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_healthy_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_healthy_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_normal_injured_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_healthy_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_injured_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8176] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_healthy_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_injured_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_healthy_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_injured_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_healthy_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_injured_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-healthy-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_healthy_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-plain
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_pick_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-glowstick
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_pick_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-flashlight_01
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_pick_flashlight_01 NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori-injured-lantern
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_injured_pick_lantern NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_push_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_push_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8186] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_push_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_push_plain NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: Adding texture packs to library :
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : normal
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - added texture pack :
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : noinventory
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_noinventory_place_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : nosuitcase
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_nosuitcase_place_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : devil
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_devil_place_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : cocoon
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_cocoon_place_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - adding texture pack with
parameters : domori
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackManager: No texture pack found for
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : TexturePackLibrary: - texture pack :
hero_domori_place_glowstick NOT FOUND
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : LevelComponent: Fade to load : no fade - loading now
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : LevelComponent: loading level 05_Office_Door_D
Debug [22:42:10.8196] : LevelComponent: stopping clockwork
Debug [22:42:10.8206] : FMODPlayer: Stopping all sounds :
Debug [22:42:10.8206] : LevelComponent: cleaning dust under furniture
Debug [22:42:10.8206] : TimerComponent: Resetting : removing local callbacks
Debug [22:42:10.8206] : TimerComponent: - removed 0 normal callbacks,
remaining 0
Debug [22:42:10.8206] : TimerComponent: - removed 0 important callbacks,
remaining 0
Debug [22:42:10.8206] : LevelComponent: parsing level
Info [22:42:10.8206] : LevelParser: - descriptor path :
Info [22:42:10.8206] : XmlManager: getting xml :
Info [22:42:10.8206] : XmlManager: - putting xml in cache
Info [22:42:10.8325] : XmlContentReader: Loading xml
Debug [22:42:10.8494] : Cache`1: Flushing cache xml : not enough data
Debug [22:42:10.8494] : CustomMap: Searching for custom
map :Map_05_Office_Door_D
Info [22:42:10.8494] : CustomMap: Loaded custom
map :Map_05_Office_Door_D
Debug [22:42:10.8516] : LevelParser: - read Layer default
Debug [22:42:10.8518] : LevelParser: - read Grid script
Debug [22:42:10.8575] : LevelParser: - read Grid light
Debug [22:42:10.8586] : LevelParser: - read Grid sound
Debug [22:42:10.8586] : LevelParser: - read Grid over_wall2
Debug [22:42:10.8586] : LevelParser: - read Grid over_wall
Debug [22:42:10.8586] : LevelParser: - read Grid over
Debug [22:42:10.8599] : LevelParser: - read Grid cma03
Debug [22:42:10.8599] : LevelParser: - read Grid cma02
Debug [22:42:10.8599] : LevelParser: - read Grid cma01
Debug [22:42:10.8599] : LevelParser: - read Grid mon03
Debug [22:42:10.8599] : LevelParser: - read Grid mon02
Debug [22:42:10.8599] : LevelParser: - read Grid mon01
Debug [22:42:10.8599] : LevelParser: - read Grid actor_details
Debug [22:42:10.8599] : LevelParser: - read Grid actor
Debug [22:42:10.8628] : LevelParser: - read Grid people
Debug [22:42:10.8628] : LevelParser: - read Grid w_details_01
Debug [22:42:10.8628] : LevelParser: - read Grid w_details_sh
Debug [22:42:10.8636] : LevelParser: - read Grid wall
Debug [22:42:10.8636] : LevelParser: - read Grid g_details_02
Debug [22:42:10.8636] : LevelParser: - read Grid g_details_01
Debug [22:42:10.8636] : LevelParser: - read Grid g_details_sh
Debug [22:42:10.8636] : LevelParser: - read Grid ground
Debug [22:42:10.8646] : LevelParser: - read Grid mask
Debug [22:42:10.8646] : FMODPlayer: Loading sounds :
Debug [22:42:10.8646] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound scary_moment_small.mp3
in cache
Debug [22:42:11.3497] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound cocoons_sound.mp3 in
Debug [22:42:11.8654] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound close_door_trap_01.mp3
in cache
Debug [22:42:11.9348] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound static_02.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:12.5448] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
344266__inspectorj__glass-smash-bottle-c_01.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:12.5868] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound flying_objects_01.mp3
in cache
Debug [22:42:12.6705] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound flying_objects_02.mp3
in cache
Debug [22:42:12.7207] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound 131222__sound-
ims__shaking-out-clothes2.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:12.7369] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
267305__viznoman__breathing_01woman.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:12.7849] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound knife_tear.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:12.9662] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound fx_heart.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:12.9980] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound 121677__halleck__metal-
screech-and-scraping.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:13.0583] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
office_chair_rolling_01.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:13.2856] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound 346694__adam-n__body-
fall-02.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:13.3144] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
337833__newagesoup__med-metal-hit-01.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:13.3477] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
337838__newagesoup__med-metal-hit-02.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:13.4033] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
40158__sagetyrtle__crash.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:13.5070] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
346373__denao270__throwing-whip-effect.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:13.5311] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
344271__inspectorj__glass-smash-bottle-f_01.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:13.5553] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound 346692__adam-n__body-
fall-04.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:13.5711] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
85297__smokeyvw__file0544-metal-cabinet-door.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:13.5957] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
172497__nothayama__metal-pan-crashes.mp3 in cache
Info [22:42:13.6441] : FMODPointerLinker: Sounds : Dict contains 35 objects
Debug [22:42:13.6441] : LevelComponent: init level
Debug [22:42:13.6448] : TileLayerComponent: init tile grids
Debug [22:42:13.6495] : TileLayerComponent: 1064 tiles created
Debug [22:42:13.6495] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive furn_info_01
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foe_cam
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mask_barr02
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foerail05
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foerail04
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foerail03
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foerail01
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foerail02
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foetrig
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive chairguyfirst
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foe_stop
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive hero_dissapear
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foe_cabinet_solid
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive chairguyfirst02
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive corridor_lt_02_tg
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive corridor_lt_03_tg
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive corridor_lt_01_tg
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive continue_trig
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foe_st02
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive barrier_crash
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive push_chguy_st
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mask01
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon03_sound
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon03_sh
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma03_sh
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive kidn_barr
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma03_tr
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon03_tr
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive kidn_warn
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma03_fr
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon03_fr
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon03_light_trig
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive colli03
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive false_wall_01
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive exit_block_end
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive zone_chair
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma02_sound
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon02_sound
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma02_sh
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon02_sh
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma02_tr
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon02_tr
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma02_fr
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon02_fr
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive colli02
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon01_sound
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive solid02
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma01_sound
Debug [22:42:13.6508] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma01_sh
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon01_sh
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma01_tr
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon01_tr
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma01_fr
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon01_fr
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive block_zone
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive colli01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive exit_hall
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive corridor_lt_02
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive monster_lt
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive corridor_lt_01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive corridor_lt_03
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive lamp01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive barrier_crash_lt
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon03_light
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive airduct_grid
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive lamp02
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive monlt_C
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive monlt_B
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive monlt_A
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive entry_L_05
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive entry_L_04
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive entry_L_03
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive entry_L_02
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive entry_L_01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive heart
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive furn_crash_anim
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive smoke_crash_01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive smoke_crash_02
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive airduct
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive block_exit
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma03
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma02
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cma01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon03
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon02
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive mon01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive shelf01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cabinet08
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive box03
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive furn_corridor_01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cabinet04
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive furn_corridor_02
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive barrier02
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive new_barrier
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive furn_empty
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive barrier
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive crash_anim_01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cabinet_03
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive hero_jump
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive box01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive chair01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cabinet_04
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive box02
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cabinet01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive chair_guy
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive boxone
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive brian_up_exit
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive desk05
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive desk06
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive desk03
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive chair_push
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive desk04
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive desk02
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive desk01
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cocoon
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cocoon : textures
Debug [22:42:13.6517] : BeingDefault: > forcing texture name to default :
Debug [22:42:13.6540] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cocoon : behaviour
Debug [22:42:13.6540] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive foe
Debug [22:42:13.6540] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive cocoon_break
Debug [22:42:13.6540] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive dead_02_corridor
Debug [22:42:13.6553] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive dead_01_corridor
Debug [22:42:13.6553] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive dead_03_corridor
Debug [22:42:13.6553] : InteractivesComponent: Init Interactive blood_letters_01
Debug [22:42:13.6553] : InteractivesComponent: Init Hero with position tile : 41:8
and offset 0:0
Debug [22:42:13.6553] : InteractivesComponent: Trying to reuse existing hero :
Debug [22:42:13.6553] : InteractivesComponent: Init Hero state machine
Debug [22:42:13.6561] : BeingStateMachine: Changing walking sound for actor
Id : hero // Sprite hero_stand_up_frame1 - [0;0] - Quad 0, 0, 0
Debug [22:42:13.6561] : HeroStateMachine: Stop walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_stand_up_frame1 - [0;0] - Quad 0, 0, 0
Debug [22:42:13.6561] : BeingStateMachine: Changing walking sound for actor
Id : hero // Sprite hero_stand_up_frame1 - [0;0] - Quad 0, 0, 0
Debug [22:42:13.6561] : HeroStateMachine: Stop walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_stand_up_frame1 - [0;0] - Quad 0, 0, 0
Debug [22:42:13.6561] : InteractivesComponent: Init Hero position
Debug [22:42:13.6568] : InteractivesComponent: Init Hero state machine state
Debug [22:42:13.6568] : LevelComponent: restoring actor states
Debug [22:42:13.6568] : ActorRecordsManager: Restoring actors for map
Debug [22:42:13.6568] : SectorsManager: 158 zones to add to sectors
Debug [22:42:13.6582] : LevelComponent: lighting
Debug [22:42:13.6582] : LevelComponent: preparing cam
Info [22:42:13.6582] : System Console: 0:29.487 - [Info] MemUtil : Memory
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.494 - [Info]
MemUtil : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.494 - [Info] MemUtil : //
Current managed mem = 130MB / 0MB
Info [22:42:13.6658] : FMODPointerLinker: Sounds : Dict contains 35 objects
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
Listing existing NON batch pools :
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ai.PathFindingAction with id PathFinderComponent_PathActions. Stack :
4/4 ( init 4 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ai.AStarPathFinder with id PathFinderComponent_Pathfinders. Stack :
4/4 ( init 4 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ui.BitmapChar with id BitmapText. Stack : 11783/12288 ( init 12288 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.component.VisualDebugComponent+DebugText with id DebugText. Stack :
16/16 ( init 16 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ui.Dialog with id Dialog. Stack : 2/2 ( init 2 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ui.Prompt with id Prompt. Stack : 2/2 ( init 2 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolQ of game.ui.SubtitleDialog with id Subtitle. Stack : 2/2 ( init 2 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_0. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_1. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_2. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.ai.PathNode with id AStarPathfinder_PathNodes_3. Stack : 8192/8192
( init 8192 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of System.Collections.Generic.List`1[game.zone.Zones] with id
InteractivesComponent_TmpZoneList. Stack : 64/64 ( init 64 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.zone.Zones with id InteractivesComponent_TmpZones. Stack : 64/64
( init 64 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of game.util.ListArrayPoints with id SectorManager_ListArrayPoints. Stack :
16/16 ( init 16 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] PoolManager :
PoolA of System.Collections.Generic.List`1[game.zone.Zones] with id
SectorManager_ListZones. Stack : 16/16 ( init 16 )
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info] MemUtil : Skipping
GC : deactivated
Info [22:42:13.6658] : System Console: 0:29.495 - [Info]
MemUtil : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : LevelComponent: restarting clockwork
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : LevelComponent: Looking for stories on before start
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : LevelComponent: No stories on before start event
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : LevelComponent: Launching map OnBeforeStart
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of MAP EVENT -
ON_BEFORE_START mapevent [expanded=true type=on_before_start ]
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : InteractionContainer: #0/2 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : ConditionContainer: Test is TRUE for condition CONDITION
- GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE condition [expanded=true name=GAMEST
type=GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE value=idcard ]
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of CONDITION -
GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE condition [expanded=true name=GAMEST
type=GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE value=idcard ]
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : group group
[enabled=true expanded=true id=first time in office D ]
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of group group
[enabled=true expanded=true id=first time in office D ]
Debug [22:42:13.6658] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_FREEZE_INPUT action [expanded=true type=general_freeze_input value=999999 ]
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=1 ]
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : InteractionContainer: #1/2 : Resolving child : group group
[enabled=true expanded=true id=actor change texture ]
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of group group
[enabled=true expanded=true id=actor change texture ]
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_TEXTURE action [animated=false expanded=true id=airduct offset_x=0
offset_y=-86 texture=anim_air_conduct_break_frame1 type=actor_change_texture ]
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_TEXTURE action [animated=false expanded=true id=airduct offset_x=0
offset_y=-86 texture=anim_air_conduct_break_frame1 type=actor_change_texture ]
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : InteractionContainer: #2/2 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE condition [expanded=true name=BUILDING
type=GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE value=damned ]
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : LevelComponent: Fade after load : Request start
fadeout for 500
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : ScreenFaderComponent: Start fading from current {R:0 G:0
B:0 A:255} to target {R:0 G:0 B:0 A:0} during 500ms
Info [22:42:13.6667] : LevelComponent: Done loading level 05_Office_Door_D
- map events will be resolved
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : PersistenceRecordsManager: Restoring map state
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : PersistenceRecordsManager: Restoring map settings
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : PersistenceRecordsManager: Restoring map music
Debug [22:42:13.6667] : PersistenceRecordsManager: Restoring map ambient
Debug [22:42:13.6881] : PersistenceRecordsManager: Restoring state done with data
from savea
Debug [22:42:13.6881] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:13.6881] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=1 ]
Debug [22:42:13.6881] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
CAMERA_FOLLOW action [expanded=true id=entry_L instant=false type=camera_follow ]
Debug [22:42:13.6881] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
CAMERA_FOLLOW action [expanded=true id=entry_L instant=false type=camera_follow ]
Debug [22:42:13.6881] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ENABLED action [enabled=false expanded=true id=exit_hall
type=actor_change_enabled ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeEnabled]
Debug [22:42:13.6881] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ENABLED action [enabled=false expanded=true id=exit_hall
type=actor_change_enabled ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeEnabled]
Debug [22:42:13.6887] : BlendComponent: resetting color effect
Debug [22:42:14.1692] : LevelComponent: Looking for stories start event
Debug [22:42:14.1701] : LevelComponent: No stories start event
Debug [22:42:14.1701] : LevelComponent: Launching map OnStart
Debug [22:42:14.1701] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of MAP EVENT -
ON_START mapevent [expanded=true type=on_start ]
Debug [22:42:14.1701] : InteractionContainer: #0/4 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:14.1701] : ConditionContainer: Test is TRUE for condition CONDITION
- GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE condition [expanded=true name=GAMEST
type=GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE value=idcard ]
Debug [22:42:14.1701] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of CONDITION -
GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE condition [expanded=true name=GAMEST
type=GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE value=idcard ]
Debug [22:42:14.1701] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : group group
[enabled=true expanded=true id=first time in office D ]
Debug [22:42:14.1708] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of group group
[enabled=true expanded=true id=first time in office D ]
Debug [22:42:14.1708] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=500 ]
Debug [22:42:14.1708] : InteractionContainer: #1/4 : Resolving child : group group
[enabled=true expanded=false id=miniboss movement ]
Debug [22:42:14.1708] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of group group
[enabled=true expanded=false id=miniboss movement ]
Debug [22:42:14.1708] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:14.1718] : InteractionContainer: #2/4 : Resolving child : group group
[enabled=true expanded=false id=monitor03 safety condition ]
Debug [22:42:14.1718] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of group group
[enabled=true expanded=false id=monitor03 safety condition ]
Debug [22:42:14.1718] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=false time=5000 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:14.1718] : InteractionContainer: #3/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_AMBIENT action [channel=Ambient1 expanded=true id=ambient_lobby loop=-1
maxradius=0 maxvol=40 minradius=0 source=0 type=media_play_ambient ]
Debug [22:42:14.1953] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_AMBIENT action [channel=Ambient1 expanded=true id=ambient_lobby loop=-1
maxradius=0 maxvol=40 minradius=0 source=0 type=media_play_ambient ]
Debug [22:42:14.1953] : InteractionContainer: #4/4 : Resolving child : group group
[enabled=true expanded=true id=briand_airduct_ani ]
Debug [22:42:14.1953] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of group group
[enabled=true expanded=true id=briand_airduct_ani ]
Debug [22:42:14.1953] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:14.1957] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE condition [expanded=true name=BUILDING
type=GENERAL_TEST_VARIABLE value=damned ]
Debug [22:42:14.1957] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:14.1957] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:14.6681] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=500 ]
Debug [22:42:14.6688] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_INPUT_MOVE_ACTION action [direction=WALK_UP duration=1500 expanded=true
id=hero type=actor_input_move_action ]
Debug [22:42:14.6728] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [move -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:14.6728] : HeroStateMachine: Play walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_stand_up_frame1 - [41;8] - Quad 1328, 264, 0
Debug [22:42:14.6728] : FMODPlayer: Adding sound
footsteps_normal_mix.mp3 in cache
Debug [22:42:15.3153] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:15.3157] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:15.3157] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:15.3157] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:15.3157] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:15.3157] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:16.1158] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:16.1158] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:16.1168] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:16.1168] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:16.1168] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:16.1168] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:16.5160] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [stop -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:16.5168] : HeroStateMachine: Stop walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_walk_up_frame5 - [41;11] - Quad 1328, 354,5391, 0
Debug [22:42:16.5993] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_INPUT_MOVE_ACTION action [direction=WALK_UP duration=1500 expanded=true
id=hero type=actor_input_move_action ]
Debug [22:42:16.5993] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=500 ]
Debug [22:42:16.9160] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:16.9160] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:16.9160] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:16.9160] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:16.9160] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:16.9167] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:17.0829] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=500 ]
Debug [22:42:17.0829] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_PACK_ANIMATE action [expanded=true id=hero pack=hero_normal_scratch_plain
type=actor_pack_animate ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorPackAnimate]
Debug [22:42:17.0842] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering change state
[PlayAnimationChange with state INIT - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange] for
state machine [game.fsm.move.hero.HeroStateMachine]
Debug [22:42:17.0842] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition
[play_animation - game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:17.0849] : ChangeCallback: Success callback for Change
Debug [22:42:17.0849] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: Playing an animation for hero -
Debug [22:42:17.0849] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: Setting automatic animation
callback for sprite hero
Debug [22:42:17.0849] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: > The played animation callback
has #id -613406307
Debug [22:42:17.0859] : AnimatedSprite: Setting new animation callback with
id #-40723146. No previous callback
Debug [22:42:17.0859] : Change: Start on Change PlayAnimationChange
with state INIT - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange
Debug [22:42:17.0859] : Change: Changing state to RUNNING from INIT
for PlayAnimationChange with state INIT - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange
Debug [22:42:17.0859] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_SOLID action [expanded=true id=block_exit type=actor_change_solid
value=15 ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeSolid]
Debug [22:42:17.0859] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_SOLID action [expanded=true id=block_exit type=actor_change_solid
value=15 ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeSolid]
Debug [22:42:17.7163] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:17.7172] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:17.7172] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:17.7172] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:17.7172] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:17.7172] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:18.2672] : AnimatedSprite: Playing animation callback #-
40723146 for hero
Debug [22:42:18.2672] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: Playing animation callback with id
Debug [22:42:18.2678] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: Playing an animation for hero -
Debug [22:42:18.2678] : AnimatedSprite: Resetting animation callback to
null. A previous callback was existing ( #-40723146 )
Debug [22:42:18.2678] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: Playing animation callback #-
613406307 for hero
Debug [22:42:18.2678] : Change: Triggering end transition for Change
PlayAnimationChange with state RUNNING - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange
Debug [22:42:18.2678] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering change state end
[PlayAnimationChange with state RUNNING - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange]
for state machine [game.fsm.move.hero.HeroStateMachine]
Debug [22:42:18.2678] : Change: End on Change PlayAnimationChange
with state RUNNING - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange
Debug [22:42:18.2678] : Change: Changing state to DONE from RUNNING
for PlayAnimationChange with state RUNNING -
Debug [22:42:18.2678] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [stop -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:18.2690] : ChangeCallback: Success callback for Change
Debug [22:42:18.2690] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_PACK_ANIMATE action [expanded=true id=hero pack=hero_normal_scratch_plain
type=actor_pack_animate ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorPackAnimate]
Debug [22:42:18.2690] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=500 ]
Debug [22:42:18.5165] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:18.5168] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:18.5168] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:18.5168] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:18.5168] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:18.5168] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:18.7835] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=500 ]
Debug [22:42:18.7844] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
OUTPUT_DIALOG action [expanded=true icon=people_brian_surprised_c iconside=left
id=actor.OFF.OfD.Entrace.01 image= imageOffsetX=0 imageOffsetY=0 speed=40
theme=DEFAULT timer=0 title=name.Brian type=output_dialog ]
Debug [22:42:18.7849] : UiComponent: Showing dialog
Debug [22:42:18.7849] : Dialog: setup message with text : Uau, está
muito escuro aqui. for dialog dialog_1707615738785
Debug [22:42:18.7849] : UiComponent: Showing dialog
Debug [22:42:18.8007] : UiComponent: Freeze game
Debug [22:42:18.8031] : UiComponent: showUiComponent dialog-container
Debug [22:42:19.3169] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:19.3169] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:19.3169] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:19.3169] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:19.3169] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:19.3169] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:19.5172] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=false time=5000 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:19.5172] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:19.5178] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon03 state=fire
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:19.5178] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon03 state=crash
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:19.5178] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:19.5178] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:20.1172] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:20.1181] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:20.1181] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:20.1181] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:20.1181] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:20.1181] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:20.6508] : Dialog: executing callback of dialog (3)
with id dialog_1707615738785
Debug [22:42:20.6508] : UiComponent: hideCurrentComponent
Debug [22:42:20.6508] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
OUTPUT_DIALOG action [expanded=true icon=people_brian_surprised_c iconside=left
id=actor.OFF.OfD.Entrace.01 image= imageOffsetX=0 imageOffsetY=0 speed=40
theme=DEFAULT timer=0 title=name.Brian type=output_dialog ]
Debug [22:42:20.6508] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
OUTPUT_DIALOG action [expanded=true icon=people_brian_confused_o2 iconside=left
id=actor.OFF.OfD.Entrace.02 image= imageOffsetX=0 imageOffsetY=0 speed=40
theme=DEFAULT timer=0 title=name.Brian type=output_dialog ]
Debug [22:42:20.6508] : UiComponent: Showing dialog
Debug [22:42:20.6508] : Dialog: setup message with text : Olá? for
dialog dialog_1707615740651
Debug [22:42:20.6508] : UiComponent: Showing dialog
Debug [22:42:20.6682] : UiComponent: swapUiComponent dialog-container
Debug [22:42:20.6682] : UiComponent: hideUiComponent
Debug [22:42:20.6693] : UiComponent: request showing hud
Debug [22:42:20.6693] : UiComponent: Force showing hud
Debug [22:42:20.6693] : UiComponent: Freeze game
Debug [22:42:20.6693] : UiComponent: showUiComponent dialog-container
Debug [22:42:20.9173] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:20.9173] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:20.9173] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:20.9179] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:20.9179] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:20.9179] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:21.6191] : Dialog: executing callback of dialog (3)
with id dialog_1707615740651
Debug [22:42:21.6198] : UiComponent: hideCurrentComponent
Debug [22:42:21.6198] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
OUTPUT_DIALOG action [expanded=true icon=people_brian_confused_o2 iconside=left
id=actor.OFF.OfD.Entrace.02 image= imageOffsetX=0 imageOffsetY=0 speed=40
theme=DEFAULT timer=0 title=name.Brian type=output_dialog ]
Debug [22:42:21.6198] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=400 ]
Debug [22:42:21.6517] : UiComponent: hideUiComponent
Debug [22:42:21.7176] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:21.7179] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:21.7179] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:21.7179] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:21.7179] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:21.7179] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:21.8526] : UiComponent: request showing hud
Debug [22:42:21.8531] : UiComponent: Force showing hud
Debug [22:42:21.8531] : UiComponent: Unfreeze game
Debug [22:42:21.8531] : FMODPlayer: Pausing continue all sounds
Debug [22:42:21.8676] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:21.8846] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:21.9010] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:21.9181] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:21.9343] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:21.9517] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:22.0344] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=400 ]
Debug [22:42:22.0344] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_INPUT_MOVE_ACTION action [direction=WALK_UP duration=1000 expanded=true
id=hero type=actor_input_move_action ]
Debug [22:42:22.0349] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [move -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:22.0349] : HeroStateMachine: Play walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_stand_up_frame1 - [41;11] - Quad 1328, 354,5391, 0
Debug [22:42:22.5180] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:22.5180] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:22.5180] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:22.5180] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:22.5180] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:22.5180] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:23.0357] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [stop -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:23.0367] : HeroStateMachine: Stop walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_walk_up_frame1 - [41;12] - Quad 1328, 414,59848, 0
Debug [22:42:23.1181] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_INPUT_MOVE_ACTION action [direction=WALK_UP duration=1000 expanded=true
id=hero type=actor_input_move_action ]
Debug [22:42:23.1181] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
OUTPUT_DIALOG action [expanded=true icon=people_brian_normal_c iconside=left
id=actor.OFF.OfD.Entrace.03 image= imageOffsetX=0 imageOffsetY=0 speed=40
theme=DEFAULT timer=0 title=name.Brian type=output_dialog ]
Debug [22:42:23.1181] : UiComponent: Showing dialog
Debug [22:42:23.1188] : Dialog: setup message with text : Tem algo
escrito no chão… for dialog dialog_1707615743118
Debug [22:42:23.1188] : UiComponent: Showing dialog
Debug [22:42:23.1354] : UiComponent: Freeze game
Debug [22:42:23.1358] : UiComponent: showUiComponent dialog-container
Debug [22:42:23.3182] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:23.3182] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:23.3182] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:23.3182] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:23.3189] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:23.3189] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:24.1185] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:24.1191] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:24.1191] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:24.1191] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:24.1191] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:24.1191] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:24.3027] : Dialog: executing callback of dialog (3)
with id dialog_1707615743118
Debug [22:42:24.3034] : UiComponent: hideCurrentComponent
Debug [22:42:24.3034] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
OUTPUT_DIALOG action [expanded=true icon=people_brian_normal_c iconside=left
id=actor.OFF.OfD.Entrace.03 image= imageOffsetX=0 imageOffsetY=0 speed=40
theme=DEFAULT timer=0 title=name.Brian type=output_dialog ]
Debug [22:42:24.3034] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=400 ]
Debug [22:42:24.3360] : UiComponent: hideUiComponent
Debug [22:42:24.5187] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=false time=5000 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:24.5191] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:24.5191] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon03 state=fire
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:24.5191] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon03 state=crash
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:24.5191] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:24.5191] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:24.5363] : UiComponent: request showing hud
Debug [22:42:24.5363] : UiComponent: Force showing hud
Debug [22:42:24.5363] : UiComponent: Unfreeze game
Debug [22:42:24.5363] : FMODPlayer: Pausing continue all sounds
Debug [22:42:24.5520] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:24.5686] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:24.5853] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:24.6036] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:24.6185] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:24.6355] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:24.7023] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=400 ]
Debug [22:42:24.7023] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_PACK_ANIMATE action [expanded=true id=hero pack=hero_normal_bend_floor
type=actor_pack_animate ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorPackAnimate]
Debug [22:42:24.7029] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering change state
[PlayAnimationChange with state INIT - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange] for
state machine [game.fsm.move.hero.HeroStateMachine]
Debug [22:42:24.7029] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition
[play_animation - game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:24.7029] : ChangeCallback: Success callback for Change
Debug [22:42:24.7029] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: Playing an animation for hero -
Debug [22:42:24.7029] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: Setting automatic animation
callback for sprite hero
Debug [22:42:24.7087] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: > The played animation callback
has #id -407836164
Debug [22:42:24.7089] : AnimatedSprite: Setting new animation callback with
id #-880019706. No previous callback
Debug [22:42:24.7089] : Change: Start on Change PlayAnimationChange
with state INIT - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange
Debug [22:42:24.7089] : Change: Changing state to RUNNING from INIT
for PlayAnimationChange with state INIT - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange
Debug [22:42:24.7089] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_AMBIENT action [channel=Ambient2 expanded=true id=tied guy loop=-1
maxradius=50 maxvol=80 minradius=180 source=chair_guy type=media_play_ambient ]
Debug [22:42:24.7386] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_AMBIENT action [channel=Ambient2 expanded=true id=tied guy loop=-1
maxradius=50 maxvol=80 minradius=180 source=chair_guy type=media_play_ambient ]
Debug [22:42:24.9187] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:24.9191] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:24.9191] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:24.9191] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:24.9191] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:24.9191] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:25.0355] : AnimatedSprite: Playing animation callback #-
880019706 for hero
Debug [22:42:25.0359] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: Playing animation callback with id
Debug [22:42:25.0359] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: Playing an animation for hero -
Debug [22:42:25.0359] : AnimatedSprite: Resetting animation callback to
null. A previous callback was existing ( #-880019706 )
Debug [22:42:25.0359] : AnimatedOrientedSprite: Playing animation callback #-
407836164 for hero
Debug [22:42:25.0359] : Change: Triggering end transition for Change
PlayAnimationChange with state RUNNING - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange
Debug [22:42:25.0359] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering change state end
[PlayAnimationChange with state RUNNING - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange]
for state machine [game.fsm.move.hero.HeroStateMachine]
Debug [22:42:25.0359] : Change: End on Change PlayAnimationChange
with state RUNNING - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayAnimationChange
Debug [22:42:25.0359] : Change: Changing state to DONE from RUNNING
for PlayAnimationChange with state RUNNING -
Debug [22:42:25.0359] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [stop -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:25.0370] : ChangeCallback: Success callback for Change
Debug [22:42:25.0370] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_PACK_ANIMATE action [expanded=true id=hero pack=hero_normal_bend_floor
type=actor_pack_animate ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorPackAnimate]
Debug [22:42:25.0370] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_PACK_TEXTURE action [expanded=true frame=3 id=hero
pack=hero_normal_bend_floor timer=999999 type=actor_pack_texture ]
Debug [22:42:25.0370] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering change state
[PlayTextureChange with state INIT - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayTextureChange] for
state machine [game.fsm.move.hero.HeroStateMachine]
Debug [22:42:25.0379] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition
[play_animation - game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:25.0379] : ChangeCallback: Success callback for Change
Debug [22:42:25.0379] : Change: Start on Change PlayTextureChange
with state INIT - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayTextureChange
Debug [22:42:25.0379] : Change: Changing state to RUNNING from INIT
for PlayTextureChange with state INIT - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayTextureChange
Debug [22:42:25.0379] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
OUTPUT_DIALOG action [expanded=true icon=people_brian_shocked_o iconside=left
id=actor.OFF.OfD.Entrace.04 image= imageOffsetX=0 imageOffsetY=0 speed=40
theme=DEFAULT timer=0 title=name.Brian type=output_dialog ]
Debug [22:42:25.0379] : UiComponent: Showing dialog
Debug [22:42:25.0379] : Dialog: setup message with text : "É uma
armadilha!" for dialog dialog_1707615745038
Debug [22:42:25.0379] : UiComponent: Showing dialog
Debug [22:42:25.0546] : UiComponent: Freeze game
Debug [22:42:25.0551] : UiComponent: showUiComponent dialog-container
Debug [22:42:25.7190] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:25.7199] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:25.7199] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:25.7199] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:25.7199] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:25.7199] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:26.2200] : Dialog: executing callback of dialog (3)
with id dialog_1707615745038
Debug [22:42:26.2200] : UiComponent: hideCurrentComponent
Debug [22:42:26.2200] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
OUTPUT_DIALOG action [expanded=true icon=people_brian_shocked_o iconside=left
id=actor.OFF.OfD.Entrace.04 image= imageOffsetX=0 imageOffsetY=0 speed=40
theme=DEFAULT timer=0 title=name.Brian type=output_dialog ]
Debug [22:42:26.2200] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_PACK_RESET action [expanded=true id=hero type=actor_pack_reset ]
Debug [22:42:26.2200] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [stop -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:26.2200] : Change: Interrupting Change
PlayTextureChange with state RUNNING - game.fsm.move.actor.PlayTextureChange won't
be done, not valid
Debug [22:42:26.2200] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_PACK_RESET action [expanded=true id=hero type=actor_pack_reset ]
Debug [22:42:26.2209] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=200 ]
Debug [22:42:26.2534] : UiComponent: hideUiComponent
Debug [22:42:26.4194] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=200 ]
Debug [22:42:26.4194] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=400 ]
Debug [22:42:26.4194] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_MUSIC action [channel=Music1 expanded=true fadeIn=true fadeInTime=2000
id=Please, Help me 1 loop=true type=media_play_music volume=50 ]
Debug [22:42:26.4536] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_MUSIC action [channel=Music1 expanded=true fadeIn=true fadeInTime=2000
id=Please, Help me 1 loop=true type=media_play_music volume=50 ]
Debug [22:42:26.4574] : UiComponent: request showing hud
Debug [22:42:26.4574] : UiComponent: Force showing hud
Debug [22:42:26.4574] : UiComponent: Unfreeze game
Debug [22:42:26.4574] : FMODPlayer: Pausing continue all sounds
Debug [22:42:26.4858] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:26.5025] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:26.5192] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:26.5192] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:26.5192] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:26.5192] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:26.5192] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:26.5192] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:26.5192] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:26.5358] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:26.5526] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:26.5694] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:26.8027] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=400 ]
Debug [22:42:26.8036] : InteractionContainer: #0/2 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ORIENTATION action [expanded=true id=hero orientation=down
type=actor_change_orientation ]
Debug [22:42:26.8036] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ORIENTATION action [expanded=true id=hero orientation=down
type=actor_change_orientation ]
Debug [22:42:26.8040] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ICON action [activate_icon=SURPRISE expanded=true id=hero
type=actor_change_icon ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeIcon]
Debug [22:42:26.8040] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ICON action [activate_icon=SURPRISE expanded=true id=hero
type=actor_change_icon ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeIcon]
Debug [22:42:26.8040] : InteractionContainer: #1/2 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=close_door_trap_01 loop=1
source=exit_hall type=media_play_sound ] [game.interaction.action.media.PlaySound]
Debug [22:42:26.8040] : InteractionContainer: #2/2 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_01 state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:26.8053] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_01 state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:26.8053] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_02 state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:26.8053] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_02 state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:26.8053] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=150 ]
Debug [22:42:26.9360] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=150 ]
Debug [22:42:26.9360] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_02 state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:26.9360] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_02 state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:26.9360] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_03 state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:26.9360] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_03 state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:26.9360] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=150 ]
Debug [22:42:27.0704] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=150 ]
Debug [22:42:27.0704] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_03 state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.0710] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_03 state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.0710] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_04 state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.0710] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_04 state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.0710] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=150 ]
Debug [22:42:27.2027] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=150 ]
Debug [22:42:27.2031] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_04 state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.2031] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_04 state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.2031] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_05 state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.2031] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_05 state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.2031] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=150 ]
Debug [22:42:27.3194] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:27.3194] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:27.3199] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:27.3199] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:27.3199] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:27.3199] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:27.3363] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=150 ]
Debug [22:42:27.3363] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_05 state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.3363] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=entry_light_05 state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.3369] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=monlt_A state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.3369] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=monlt_A state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:27.3369] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ORIENTATION action [expanded=true id=hero orientation=up
type=actor_change_orientation ]
Debug [22:42:27.3369] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ORIENTATION action [expanded=true id=hero orientation=up
type=actor_change_orientation ]
Debug [22:42:27.3369] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
OUTPUT_DIALOG action [expanded=true icon=people_brian_stress3_o iconside=left
id=actor.OFF.OfD.Entrace.05 image= imageOffsetX=0 imageOffsetY=0 speed=40
theme=DEFAULT timer=0 title=name.Brian type=output_dialog ]
Debug [22:42:27.3369] : UiComponent: Showing dialog
Debug [22:42:27.3369] : Dialog: setup message with text : Is-isso…
Isso não tem graça! Liguem a luz! for dialog dialog_1707615747337
Debug [22:42:27.3369] : UiComponent: Showing dialog
Debug [22:42:27.3541] : UiComponent: Freeze game
Debug [22:42:27.3541] : UiComponent: showUiComponent dialog-container
Debug [22:42:28.1195] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:28.1205] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:28.1205] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:28.1205] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:28.1205] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:28.1213] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:28.9194] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:28.9194] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:28.9199] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:28.9199] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:28.9199] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:28.9199] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:29.2195] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=close_door_trap_01 loop=1
source=exit_hall type=media_play_sound ] [game.interaction.action.media.PlaySound]
Debug [22:42:29.5194] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=false time=5000 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:29.5194] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:29.5199] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon03 state=fire
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:29.5199] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon03 state=crash
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:29.5199] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:29.5199] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:29.7193] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:29.7193] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:29.7193] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:29.7199] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:29.7199] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:29.7199] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:30.5196] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:30.5203] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:30.5203] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:30.5203] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:30.5203] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:30.5203] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:30.7208] : Dialog: executing callback of dialog (3)
with id dialog_1707615747337
Debug [22:42:30.7212] : UiComponent: hideCurrentComponent
Debug [22:42:30.7212] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
OUTPUT_DIALOG action [expanded=true icon=people_brian_stress3_o iconside=left
id=actor.OFF.OfD.Entrace.05 image= imageOffsetX=0 imageOffsetY=0 speed=40
theme=DEFAULT timer=0 title=name.Brian type=output_dialog ]
Debug [22:42:30.7212] : InteractionContainer: #0/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_FREEZE_INPUT action [expanded=true type=general_freeze_input value=-1 ]
Debug [22:42:30.7212] : InteractionContainer: #1/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
CAMERA_FOLLOW action [expanded=true id=hero instant=false type=camera_follow ]
Debug [22:42:30.7212] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
CAMERA_FOLLOW action [expanded=true id=hero instant=false type=camera_follow ]
Debug [22:42:30.7212] : InteractionContainer: #2/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01_lt state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:30.7212] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01_lt state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_FX_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01_bl light_id=mon01_lt
state=true type=light_fx_change_state ]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
LIGHT_FX_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01_bl light_id=mon01_lt
state=true type=light_fx_change_state ]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon02_lt state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon02_lt state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_FX_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon02_bl light_id=mon02_lt
state=false type=light_fx_change_state ]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
LIGHT_FX_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon02_bl light_id=mon02_lt
state=false type=light_fx_change_state ]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon03_lt state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon03_lt state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_FX_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon03_bl light_id=mon03_lt
state=false type=light_fx_change_state ]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
LIGHT_FX_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon03_bl light_id=mon03_lt
state=false type=light_fx_change_state ]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ICON action [activate_icon=NO_EXPRESSION expanded=true id=hero
type=actor_change_icon ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeIcon]
Debug [22:42:30.7220] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ICON action [activate_icon=NO_EXPRESSION expanded=true id=hero
type=actor_change_icon ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeIcon]
Debug [22:42:30.7230] : InteractionContainer: #3/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ENABLED action [enabled=true expanded=true id=exit_hall
type=actor_change_enabled ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeEnabled]
Debug [22:42:30.7230] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ENABLED action [enabled=true expanded=true id=exit_hall
type=actor_change_enabled ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeEnabled]
Debug [22:42:30.7230] : InteractionContainer: #4/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=Static_02 loop=-1 source=mon01
type=media_play_sound ] [game.interaction.action.media.PlaySound]
Debug [22:42:30.7230] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=Static_02 loop=-1 source=mon01
type=media_play_sound ] [game.interaction.action.media.PlaySound]
Debug [22:42:30.7363] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
GENERAL_FREEZE_INPUT action [expanded=true type=general_freeze_input value=-1 ]
Debug [22:42:30.7538] : UiComponent: hideUiComponent
Debug [22:42:30.9529] : UiComponent: request showing hud
Debug [22:42:30.9530] : UiComponent: Force showing hud
Debug [22:42:30.9530] : UiComponent: Unfreeze game
Debug [22:42:30.9530] : FMODPlayer: Pausing continue all sounds
Debug [22:42:30.9698] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:30.9866] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:31.0035] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:31.0198] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:31.0368] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:31.0531] : InputComponent: Time's up for blocking inputable
Debug [22:42:31.3200] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:31.3200] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:31.3200] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:31.3200] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:31.3200] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:31.3200] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:32.1204] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:32.1213] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:32.1213] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:32.1213] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:32.1213] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:32.1213] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:32.1557] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [move -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:32.1561] : HeroStateMachine: Play walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_stand_up_frame1 - [41;12] - Quad 1328, 414,59848, 0
Debug [22:42:32.9256] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:32.9261] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:32.9261] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:32.9261] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:32.9261] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:32.9261] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:33.7217] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:33.7223] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:33.7223] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:33.7223] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:33.7223] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:33.7223] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:34.5246] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:34.5246] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:34.5251] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:34.5251] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:34.5251] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:34.5251] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:34.5251] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=false time=5000 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:34.5251] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:34.5251] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon03 state=fire
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:34.5251] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon03 state=crash
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:34.5251] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:34.5251] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:35.2095] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for mon01_sh by Id : hero // Sprite hero_walk_up_frame3 - [38;16] - Quad 1235,9003,
512,39764, 0
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for
mon01_sh by Id : hero // Sprite hero_walk_up_frame3 - [38;16] - Quad 1235,9003,
512,39764, 0
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : ConditionContainer: Test is TRUE for condition CONDITION
- GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_HERO condition [expanded=true
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of CONDITION -
GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_HERO condition [expanded=true
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : ConditionContainer: Test is TRUE for condition CONDITION
- ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon01 state=off type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of CONDITION -
ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon01 state=off type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 state=on
type=actor_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeState]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 state=on
type=actor_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeState]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_TEXTURE action [animated=true expanded=true id=mon01 offset_x=-4
offset_y=0 texture=anim_screen_shake_frame1 type=actor_change_texture ]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_TEXTURE action [animated=true expanded=true id=mon01 offset_x=-4
offset_y=0 texture=anim_screen_shake_frame1 type=actor_change_texture ]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_ANIMATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 loop=-1 reverse=false time_frame=60
type=actor_animate ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorAnimate]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_ANIMATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 loop=-1 reverse=false time_frame=60
type=actor_animate ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorAnimate]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=shake objects 01 loop=-1
source=mon01_sound type=media_play_sound ]
Debug [22:42:35.2101] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=shake objects 01 loop=-1
source=mon01_sound type=media_play_sound ]
Debug [22:42:35.3087] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:35.3092] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:35.3092] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:35.3092] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:35.3092] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:35.3092] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:35.7576] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [stop -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:35.7580] : HeroStateMachine: Stop walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_walk_up_frame1 - [38;17] - Quad 1235,9003, 544,6183, 0
Debug [22:42:36.1098] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:36.1102] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:36.1102] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:36.1102] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:36.1102] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:36.1102] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:36.4252] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [move -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:36.4252] : HeroStateMachine: Play walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_stand_up_frame1 - [38;17] - Quad 1235,9003, 544,6183, 0
Debug [22:42:36.4794] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for mon01_tr by Id : hero // Sprite hero_walk_right_frame1 - [38;17] - Quad
1239,9802, 544,6183, 0
Debug [22:42:36.4794] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for
mon01_tr by Id : hero // Sprite hero_walk_right_frame1 - [38;17] - Quad 1239,9802,
544,6183, 0
Debug [22:42:36.4794] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:36.4794] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:36.4794] : ConditionContainer: Test is TRUE for condition CONDITION
- GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_HERO condition [expanded=true
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:36.4800] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of CONDITION -
GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_HERO condition [expanded=true
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:36.4800] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:36.4800] : ConditionContainer: Test is TRUE for condition CONDITION
- ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon01 state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:36.4800] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of CONDITION -
ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon01 state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:36.4800] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 state=fire
type=actor_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeState]
Debug [22:42:36.4800] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 state=fire
type=actor_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeState]
Debug [22:42:36.4800] : InteractionContainer: #0/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_ANIMATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 loop=-1 reverse=false time_frame=30
type=actor_animate ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorAnimate]
Debug [22:42:36.4800] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_ANIMATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 loop=-1 reverse=false time_frame=30
type=actor_animate ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorAnimate]
Debug [22:42:36.4800] : InteractionContainer: #1/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=shake objects 01 loop=0
source=mon01_sound type=media_play_sound ]
Debug [22:42:36.4811] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=shake objects 01 loop=0
source=mon01_sound type=media_play_sound ]
Debug [22:42:36.4811] : InteractionContainer: #2/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=shake objects 02 loop=-1
source=mon01_sound type=media_play_sound ]
Debug [22:42:36.4811] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=shake objects 02 loop=-1
source=mon01_sound type=media_play_sound ]
Debug [22:42:36.4811] : InteractionContainer: #3/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=1200 ]
Debug [22:42:36.4811] : InteractionContainer: #4/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_COLOR action [color=141-0-0-255 expanded=true id=mon01_lt
type=light_change_color ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeColor]
Debug [22:42:36.4820] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_COLOR action [color=141-0-0-255 expanded=true id=mon01_lt
type=light_change_color ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeColor]
Debug [22:42:36.5258] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [stop -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:36.5262] : HeroStateMachine: Stop walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_walk_right_frame1 - [38;17] - Quad 1242,0203, 544,6183, 0
Debug [22:42:36.9105] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:36.9110] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:36.9110] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:36.9110] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:36.9110] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:36.9110] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.6973] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=1200 ]
Debug [22:42:37.6982] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:37.6982] : ConditionContainer: Test is TRUE for condition CONDITION
- ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon01 state=fire type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:37.6982] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of CONDITION -
ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon01 state=fire type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:37.6982] : InteractionContainer: #0/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
VECTOR_DIRECTION action [direction=WALK_DOWN duration=4000 expanded=true id=mon01
slow=0 speed=250 type=vector_direction ]
Debug [22:42:37.6992] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
VECTOR_DIRECTION action [direction=WALK_DOWN duration=4000 expanded=true id=mon01
slow=0 speed=250 type=vector_direction ]
Debug [22:42:37.6992] : InteractionContainer: #1/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ENABLED action [enabled=false expanded=true id=mon01_sh
type=actor_change_enabled ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeEnabled]
Debug [22:42:37.6992] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ENABLED action [enabled=false expanded=true id=mon01_sh
type=actor_change_enabled ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeEnabled]
Debug [22:42:37.6992] : InteractionContainer: #2/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ENABLED action [enabled=false expanded=true id=mon01_tr
type=actor_change_enabled ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeEnabled]
Debug [22:42:37.6992] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ENABLED action [enabled=false expanded=true id=mon01_tr
type=actor_change_enabled ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeEnabled]
Debug [22:42:37.6992] : InteractionContainer: #3/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ENABLED action [enabled=false expanded=true id=mon01_fr
type=actor_change_enabled ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeEnabled]
Debug [22:42:37.6992] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_ENABLED action [enabled=false expanded=true id=mon01_fr
type=actor_change_enabled ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeEnabled]
Debug [22:42:37.6992] : InteractionContainer: #4/4 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=throw fx loop=1 source=mon01_sound
type=media_play_sound ] [game.interaction.action.media.PlaySound]
Debug [22:42:37.7004] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for mon01 by Id : desk03 // Sprite furn_desk_off_d_04 - [38;18] - Quad 1216, 589, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7004] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for mon01
by Id : desk03 // Sprite furn_desk_off_d_04 - [38;18] - Quad 1216, 589, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7004] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:37.7004] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:37.7004] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:37.7004] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7004] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7004] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for mon01 by Id : cma02_tr // Sprite icon_script_default - [39;20] - Quad 1277,
656, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for mon01
by Id : cma02_tr // Sprite icon_script_default - [39;20] - Quad 1277, 656, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for mon01 by Id : cma02_fr // Sprite icon_script_default - [39;20] - Quad 1277,
649, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for mon01
by Id : cma02_fr // Sprite icon_script_default - [39;20] - Quad 1277, 649, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7010] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7102] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:37.7102] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:37.7102] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:37.7102] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:37.7102] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7102] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7102] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [move -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:37.7102] : HeroStateMachine: Play walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_stand_right_frame1 - [38;17] - Quad 1242,0203, 544,6183, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7116] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for cma02_tr by Id : mon01 // Sprite anim_screen_shake_frame6 - [40;19] - Quad
1270, 609, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7116] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for
cma02_tr by Id : mon01 // Sprite anim_screen_shake_frame6 - [40;19] - Quad 1270,
609, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7116] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:37.7116] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:37.7116] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:37.7116] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7120] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7120] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for cma02_fr by Id : mon01 // Sprite anim_screen_shake_frame6 - [40;19] - Quad
1270, 609, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7120] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for
cma02_fr by Id : mon01 // Sprite anim_screen_shake_frame6 - [40;19] - Quad 1270,
609, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7120] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:37.7120] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:37.7120] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:37.7120] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7120] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7279] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_LEAVE event [expanded=true type=on_leave ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnLeave]
for cma02_tr by Id : mon01 // Sprite anim_screen_shake_frame6 - [40;19] - Quad
1270, 605,75, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7283] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_LEAVE event
[expanded=true type=on_leave ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnLeave] event for
cma02_tr by Id : mon01 // Sprite anim_screen_shake_frame6 - [40;19] - Quad 1270,
605,75, 0
Debug [22:42:37.7283] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_LEAVE event [expanded=true type=on_leave ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnLeave]
Debug [22:42:37.7283] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:37.7283] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:37.7283] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.7283] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.9281] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for colli01 by Id : hero // Sprite hero_walk_down_frame3 - [38;16] - Quad
1242,0203, 530,818, 0
Debug [22:42:37.9281] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for
colli01 by Id : hero // Sprite hero_walk_down_frame3 - [38;16] - Quad 1242,0203,
530,818, 0
Debug [22:42:37.9281] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:37.9281] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:37.9281] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_ID condition [expanded=true id=mon01
type=general_test_activator_id ]
Debug [22:42:37.9281] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.9281] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.9281] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:37.9281] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_ID condition [expanded=true id=cma01
type=general_test_activator_id ]
Debug [22:42:37.9290] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:37.9290] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:38.0284] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=throw fx loop=1 source=mon01_sound
type=media_play_sound ] [game.interaction.action.media.PlaySound]
Debug [22:42:38.0291] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for mon01 by Id : colli01 // Sprite icon_script_default - [42;15] - Quad 1344, 480,
Debug [22:42:38.0291] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for mon01
by Id : colli01 // Sprite icon_script_default - [42;15] - Quad 1344, 480, 0
Debug [22:42:38.0291] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:38.0291] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:38.0291] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
type=general_test_activator_hero ]
Debug [22:42:38.0291] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:38.0291] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:38.0467] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for colli01 by Id : mon01 // Sprite anim_screen_shake_frame8 - [40;16] - Quad 1270,
526,25, 0
Debug [22:42:38.0467] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for
colli01 by Id : mon01 // Sprite anim_screen_shake_frame8 - [40;16] - Quad 1270,
526,25, 0
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : ConditionContainer: Test is TRUE for condition CONDITION
- GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_ID condition [expanded=true id=mon01
type=general_test_activator_id ]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of CONDITION -
GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_ID condition [expanded=true id=mon01
type=general_test_activator_id ]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon01 state=crash
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of CONDITION -
CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: #0/3 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_TEXTURE action [animated=true expanded=true id=mon01 offset_x=-20
offset_y=0 texture=anim_screen_crash_frame1 type=actor_change_texture ]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_TEXTURE action [animated=true expanded=true id=mon01 offset_x=-20
offset_y=0 texture=anim_screen_crash_frame1 type=actor_change_texture ]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: #0/3 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_ANIMATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 loop=1 reverse=false time_frame=120
type=actor_animate ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorAnimate]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : AnimatedSprite: Setting new animation callback with
id #110443653. No previous callback
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: #1/3 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_FX_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01_cc light_id=mon01_lt
state=true type=light_fx_change_state ]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
LIGHT_FX_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01_cc light_id=mon01_lt
state=true type=light_fx_change_state ]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=1300 ]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: #2/3 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=crash screen loop=1 source=mon01_sound
type=media_play_sound ] [game.interaction.action.media.PlaySound]
Debug [22:42:38.0470] : InteractionContainer: #3/3 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=Static_02 loop=0 source=mon01
type=media_play_sound ] [game.interaction.action.media.PlaySound]
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=Static_02 loop=0 source=mon01
type=media_play_sound ] [game.interaction.action.media.PlaySound]
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : InteractionContainer: #1/3 : Resolving child : ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 state=crash
type=actor_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeState]
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
ACTOR_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 state=crash
type=actor_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorChangeState]
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : InteractionContainer: #2/3 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=shake objects 01 loop=0
source=mon01_sound type=media_play_sound ]
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=shake objects 01 loop=0
source=mon01_sound type=media_play_sound ]
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : InteractionContainer: #3/3 : Resolving child : ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=shake objects 02 loop=0
source=mon01_sound type=media_play_sound ]
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=shake objects 02 loop=0
source=mon01_sound type=media_play_sound ]
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_ID condition [expanded=true id=cma01
type=general_test_activator_id ]
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:38.0481] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:38.2273] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [stop -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:38.2273] : HeroStateMachine: Stop walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_walk_down_frame5 - [38;16] - Quad 1242,0203, 521,9378, 0
Debug [22:42:38.3955] : AnimatedSprite: Playing animation callback
#110443653 for mon01
Debug [22:42:38.3955] : AnimatedSprite: Resetting animation callback to
null. A previous callback was existing ( #110443653 )
Debug [22:42:38.3955] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
ACTOR_ANIMATE action [expanded=true id=mon01 loop=1 reverse=false time_frame=120
type=actor_animate ] [game.interaction.action.actor.ActorAnimate]
Debug [22:42:38.3961] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
GRID_CHANGE_DRAW_ORDER action [expanded=true id=default-mon01
type=grid_change_draw_order value=3 ]
Debug [22:42:38.3961] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GRID_CHANGE_DRAW_ORDER action [expanded=true id=default-mon01
type=grid_change_draw_order value=3 ]
Debug [22:42:38.3961] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=monlt_B state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:38.3961] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=monlt_B state=on
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:38.5112] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:38.5112] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:38.5112] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:38.5152] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:38.5152] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:38.5152] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:39.2280] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
MEDIA_PLAY_SOUND action [expanded=true id=crash screen loop=1 source=mon01_sound
type=media_play_sound ] [game.interaction.action.media.PlaySound]
Debug [22:42:39.3119] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:39.3123] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:39.3123] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:39.3123] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:39.3123] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:39.3123] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:39.3615] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_WAIT action [expanded=true type=general_wait value=1300 ]
Debug [22:42:39.3615] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01_lt state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:39.3615] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for ACTION -
LIGHT_CHANGE_STATE action [expanded=true id=mon01_lt state=off
type=light_change_state ] [game.interaction.action.light.LightChangeState]
Debug [22:42:39.5117] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=false time=5000 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:39.5121] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:39.5121] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon03 state=fire
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:39.5121] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=mon03 state=crash
type=actor_state ] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:39.5121] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:39.5121] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:39.5121] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [move -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:39.5121] : HeroStateMachine: Play walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_stand_down_frame1 - [38;16] - Quad 1242,0203, 521,9378, 0
Debug [22:42:39.6280] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [stop -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:39.6280] : HeroStateMachine: Stop walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_walk_left_frame2 - [38;16] - Quad 1235,0604, 521,9378, 0
Debug [22:42:40.1126] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:40.1126] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:40.1131] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:40.1131] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:40.1131] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:40.1131] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:40.9132] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:40.9132] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:40.9140] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:40.9140] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:40.9140] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:40.9140] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:41.6455] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [move -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:41.6455] : HeroStateMachine: Play walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_stand_left_frame1 - [38;16] - Quad 1235,0604, 521,9378, 0
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : InteractiveObject: Checking to resolve event EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
for colli01 by Id : hero // Sprite hero_walk_right_frame1 - [38;16] - Quad
1236,2365, 523,11383, 0
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : InteractiveObject: Resolving EVENT - ON_ENTER event
[expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter] event for
colli01 by Id : hero // Sprite hero_walk_right_frame1 - [38;16] - Quad 1236,2365,
523,11383, 0
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of EVENT -
ON_ENTER event [expanded=true type=on_enter ] [game.interaction.evnt.tile.OnEnter]
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : InteractionContainer: #0/1 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_ID condition [expanded=true id=mon01
type=general_test_activator_id ]
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : InteractionContainer: #1/1 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - GENERAL_TEST_ACTIVATOR_ID condition [expanded=true id=cma01
type=general_test_activator_id ]
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:41.6620] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:41.7151] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:41.7151] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:41.7151] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:41.7151] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:41.7151] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:41.7151] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:42.4971] : BehaviourStateMachine: Triggering transition [stop -
game.fsm.move.actor.ActorTransition] for state machine
Debug [22:42:42.4971] : HeroStateMachine: Stop walking sound for Id : hero //
Sprite hero_walk_right_frame6 - [39;17] - Quad 1270,76, 557,63745, 0
Debug [22:42:42.5143] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:42.5143] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:42.5143] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:42.5143] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:42.5143] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:42.5143] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:43.3157] : InteractionContainer: Resolving children of ACTION -
GENERAL_LOOP action [count=-1 expanded=true time=800 type=general_loop ]
Debug [22:42:43.3157] : InteractionContainer: #0/0 : Resolving child : CONDITIONS
- conditions
Debug [22:42:43.3161] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=on type=actor_state ]
Debug [22:42:43.3161] : ConditionContainer: Test is FALSE for condition
CONDITION - ACTOR_STATE condition [expanded=true id=foe state=done type=actor_state
] [game.interaction.condition.actor.ActorState]
Debug [22:42:43.3161] : ConditionContainer: Resolving ELSE condition : CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Debug [22:42:43.3161] : InteractionContainer: No children to resolve for CONDITION
- CONDITION_ELSE condition [expanded=true type=condition_else ]
Info [22:42:44.9830] : VideoCutscenePlayerIOS: Notification:
NSConcreteNotification 0x283ae5e60 {name =
UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification; object = <UIApplication: 0x106506090>}
Info [22:42:44.9841] : VideoCutscenePlayerIOS: Requesting pause

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