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Will AI become the ruler of the world?

Good evening everyone, and welcome to the 6 o'clock news. I'm Niko, and I'm
here to bring you the latest news updates on this day about deep learning models
have significantly advanced AI capabilities in recent years.

As you can see from these images, AI from recently it has become a trending
topic. However AI now are in everywhere. Now AI become Chat GPT, and now
AI can be used to create images, text, audio, even video just one click away. It’s
the simple way to create a work without needing experience in that field.

NVIDIA, one of the world's largest computing chip companies, says it

dominates the AI chip market. AI ChatGPT is trained using ten thousand
graphics processing units from NVIDIA collected together in Microsoft's

Not only that, chip companies like Qualcomm also produce smartphone chipsets
that already support AI. At the Snapdragon Summit on Tuesday, October 24,
2023, Qualcomm unveiled its latest chipset with generative AI integrated into
premium smartphones. Qualcomm Technologies’ latest processor will be adopted
for flagship devices by global OEMs and smartphone brands.

With the increasing implementation of AI around us, can AI become a

threat to humans?

According to Prof. Dr. Ir. Ridi Ferdiana, a professor at UGM, the presence of AI
makes human work easier, helps to be more creative and productive. However,
AI can pose a significant threat when there are parties developing new AI
variants that violate ethics.

"AI becomes dangerous when there are smart individuals who understand AI
and create new AI variants that violate ethics, such as privacy violations like
facial manipulation and so on. That’s the most frightening danger," he explained
during a presentation on OpenAI and Chat GPT at the Journalism School on
Monday (26/6).
The lecturer from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information
Technology at UGM mentioned that such conditions cannot be prevented.
Therefore, there must be countermeasures to address this issue. For example,
there should be AI researchers capable of identifying deviations and
incorporating them into responsible AI regulations. This way, when deviations
occur, legal enforcement can be carried out.

Ridi stated that the development of AI is progressing rapidly, and it is difficult

to prevent. This is because some AI concepts are already open and developed by
anyone. However, access to AI can be restricted, such as AI face recognition.

When asked about the use of AI in the world of education, Ridi said that the
emergence of AI is actually a point of transformation for educators, and this
cannot be avoided anymore. According to him, AI brings progress, especially in
productivity-related matters. However, the main issue is that the current
education system can no longer rely on conventional assessment approaches.
Assessment needs to be changed to a system that cannot be learned by

In conclusion, AI is a technology that can assist humans in achieving greater

progress and opens new opportunities for innovation and success in various
fields. AI becomes beneficial when humans use it wisely, but it becomes a threat
if humans misuse it for criminal activities. However, we need to ensure that the
use of AI is conducted with high ethics and responsibility, and its development
is carried out for the overall benefit of humanity. That’s the last new today.

Thank you for joining us for the 6 o'clock news. Stay safe and stay informed.
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