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APP001: Empowerment Technologies

Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Lesson Title: Materials:

Student Module
Getting Started with LibreOffice-Calc References:
Lesson Objectives: Empowerment technologies module
1. Familiarize oneself with LibreOffice-Calc’s interface workbook-3124111
and key features.
2. Perform formatting such as inserting borders, style,
color, background and text orientation chat/excel-tutorial/active-cell/how-to-select-



Hi! This is Asuna again at your service!

How are you today? Start your day with a prayer. Smile and spread Love.

Your previous lesson was about the application of Watermark, Page number,

Header and Footer, and Hyperlinks that gave you the knowledge in improving

your documents. It was an amazing exploration with the functionalities of word

processor. Now, you will be introduced to this new interface that will help you

in calculation or correlating data. Are you ready? Do you have some hints of

what interface you will be exploring today? Well, let’s not hold this excitement

any longer, get ready cause portal will be open in 3...2…1! Let’s Go!

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________


You can highlight the ideas that will help you in understanding the concept notes.
Note-taking and outlining is also advisable.

 Formula Bar -->

Active cell
Columns headers(vertical)

Rows headers

. Sheet tab/s
Click [+] for additional worksheet

LibreOffice Calc version 6.4.5 Interface

Columns - runs vertically in the grid layout of a worksheet. Vertical columns are numbered with
alphabetic values such as A, B, C.

Rows - Horizontal rows are numbered with numeric values such 1, 2, 3.

Active cell - is simply a rectangular box that highlights the cell in a spreadsheet. It helps us to
identify the cell that we are currently working on, where data is being entered. An active cell is
also referred to as cell pointer, current cell or selected cell.

Merging - is the process of taking two or more groups of data and combining them into a single
unified set.

Merging cells - is a cell with one more cell that is combined into one cell. When cells with
multiple values are merged, the upper-left most cell will be the data of the merged cell.

Text orientation - which allows text to be oriented 90 degrees in either direction up or down.

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Worksheet -is a single page in a file created with an electronic spreadsheet program such as
Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc or Google Sheets

Workbook is the name given to an Excel file and contains one or more worksheets

Formula bar -is the toolbar at the top of the spreadsheet that lets you enter or view information in
a cell. To use the formula bar to view information, click on a cell and look at the formula bar to
see what it written in it.

Sheet tabs -is used to display the worksheet that a user is currently editing.

Cell - A LibreOffice Calc component that holds individual element such as text, numbers, and

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

The Active Cell

Row Number
Name of the active cell
It is called as B2,
since it is located
at column B row 2 B2
Column Name

On this lesson you will be using a lot on Format cells dialog and any ways to access just to
create borders, colors, line style on your cells.

Introducing to you first, the Formatting toolbar of LibreOffice Calc, it includes the direct
access of inserting border, style, and color of your cell.

1 2 3 1

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Second, the Format Cells dialog box:

This lesson will focus on using tabs:
Alignment, Borders and Background

How to access?

Click on cell/s you want to insert changes on

You can use the shortcut key Ctrl+1

to open Format cells:


Or Right click on cell/s > Select Format cells

Ctrl+1 is the shortcut key of

Format cells

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Creating Border on cell: Tab Border

Right click on active cell then select Format Cells > go to tab borders > select
sides of borders > select style and/or color > click OK


Click on the cell > Ctrl+1 >go to tab borders > select sides of borders > select
style and/or color > click OK

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Creating Border on cell: Tab Border [cont’d…]


Result on
cell with
border Drop down list for style

Click the side of

border that you want
to create style



You may change the line style and color

of your border by choosing options on
Line dropdown list and color palette

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Adding background color on cell: Background

You can insert background color by
following this process:

Select the cell>right click >select Format

cells>On Format Cells dialog box, select
tab background >
Then select “color” button > Choose your
desired color > click OK
select the cell> Ctrl+1>go to tab
background>select “color” button >choose
Cell with desired color> click OK
background color

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Width Adjustment on cell:

If the text inside the cell

exceeds, put your mouse in
between of the two columns
then click and drag to adjust its
column width. See the arrow on
the image


You can click and drag also the rows to adjust its height. Just put
your mouse in between of the rows that you want to adjust with.

Text Orientation

Enter degree value

for its adjustment
then click OK


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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Merging cells

To merge cells:

Highlight cells > right click the

highlighted cells > select Merge

Notice that the two cells are

merged as one, so its cell name
will also change and will consider
the first cell as its new name.

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Content and Skill-building

You are given 5 items of either situations or sample output. Answer what is
asked and for with choices, just encircle the letter of your answer.

Situation 1: What is the cell name of the merged cells as shown below:

a. F1 c. E1
b. G1 d. E4

Situation 2: Love Jean wants to use the shortcut key to access the format cells dialog, Use any
coloring material for you to shade the keys that she needs to use.

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Situation 3: Mjay struggled where to find cell D5. Kindly help Mjay spot the said cell by shading the cell
with any coloring material (highlighter, pen, crayoned.) you have.

Situation 4: Franky wants to have an output as the image shown below. Help him in choosing what
border he needs to select.

a. c.
b. d.

Situation 5: Spot the direct access of inserting border color on cell/s. Kindly encircle the icon on the
image below.

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Check for Understanding

Instruction: Write the letter of your answer on the space provided. Write your answer in

_______1. What is the name of a cell that is being selected?

a. Cell c. Activate cell

b. Action Cell d. Active cell

_______2. What tab is to select to change the border color of your cell through format cells dialog?

a. Font Effects c. Background

b. Alignment d. Borders

_______3. What tab is to select to change the background color of your cell through format cells

a. Font Effects c. Background

b. Alignment d. Borders

_______4. It is a functionality to combine two or more cells?

a. Split cell c. Active cell

b. Merge cells d. none of the above

______5. How to create background color on your cell?

a. Format Cells dialog box, select tab background >Then select “color” button >
Choose your desired color > click OK
b. Right click the cell >select Format cells >select tab background > select “color” button
c. Right click the cell >select Format cells >select tab background > select “color” button >
Choose your desired color >click OK
d. Right click the cell >select Format cells > select “color” button > Choose your desired color
>click OK
_______6. What icon is the image below?

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

a. Format cells c. Clear Direct Formatting

b. Merge cells d. Clone Formatting

_______7. What icon is the image below?

a. Format cells c. Clear Direct Formatting

b. Merge cells d. Clone Formatting

_______8. Shortcut key to access Format cells?

a. Ctrl + I c. Ctrl + 1
b. Ctrl + L d. Ctrl + T

_______9. What is the column name of cell C11?

a. C c. C11
b. 11 d. 1

______10. What is the name of the cell shown in the image below?

a. B5 c. AA3
b. 3A d. A3

Check your answers against

the Key to Corrections found
at the end of this SAS. Write
your score on your paper.

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________


Summary / Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the file extension of LibreOffice Calc?

The Libre Office Calc file extension is .ods (Open Document Spreadsheet)

2. Are gridlines will be visible on your printed file of Calc?

Gridlines will not be visible in your printed file unless you have inserted
borders on it.

Think about your Learning

1. How to insert border on your cell? ?
2. Identify the parts of LibreOffice Calc?

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________


Content and Skill Building

Situation 1:

the correct answer is letter C. E1. It is located at column E row 1, E1. It is understood that merged cells
name will be based on the starting point of merging. If your answer is letter a. F1, you are wrong
because it is located at column F row 1. If your answer is letter B. G1, you are wrong because it is
located at column G row 1. If your answer is letter D. E4, you are wrong, because it is located at
column E row 4.

Situation 2: the correct answer is shown below (Ctrl+1)


Situation 3: The answer cell D5 is shown below: column D row 5

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Situation 4: The correct answer is letter B. the result among the other choices are shown

a. c.

b. d.

Situation 5:

Check for Understanding

1. The correct answer is letter D. Active cell. If your answer is either from the choices letter A. Cell,
B. Action Cell, C. Activate cell, you are wrong because they are NOT the exact name of the

Borders consist of settings for your cell border: line
arrangements, Line (Style, Color, Width)
Font Effects this is for your text setting such as: font color,
text decoration, and effects.
Alignment this is only for text alignment, text orientation,
and properties
Background this tab is for background color of your cell/s.

2. The correct answer is letter D. Borders. Tab border. If your answer is either from letter
a. Font Effects, b. Alignment, or c. Background, you are wrong, see the table above for the
description of the rest of the choices.

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________

3. The correct answer is letter C. Background. If your answer is either from choices letter
a. Font Effects, b. Alignment, or d. Borders, you are wrong, see the table above for the
description of the rest of the choices.
4. The correct answer is letter B. Merge cells. Merging cells is like combining two or more cells in
worksheet. If your answer is letter a. Split cell, you are wrong because it is the opposite of
merge cells: it is use for dividing cell. If your answer is letter c. Active cell, you are wrong
because active cell is the name of a cell that is currently selected. If your answer is letter d.
none of the above, you are wrong because there is an answer from the choices and that is letter

5. The correct answer is letter C. Right click the cell >select Format cells >select tab background >
select “color” button > Choose your desired color >click OK.
If your answer is letter a. Format Cells dialog box, select tab background >Then select
“color” button > Choose your desired color > click OK, you are wrong because this is lacking in
first process of” right click the cell”.
If your answer is letter b. Right click the cell >select Format cells >select tab background >
select “color” button >, you are wrong because you have to click OK button to close dialog after
the selection.
If your answer is letter d. Right click the cell >select Format cells > select “color” button >
Choose your desired color >click OK, you are wrong because you have to select the tab
background first to choose color.

6. The correct answer is letter A. Format cells. If your answer is letter b. Merge cells

7. The correct answer is letter B. Merge cells, see icons above for the rest of the choices.

8. The correct answer is letter C. Ctrl+1. If your answer is either of the choices letter a, Ctrl + I,
letter b. Ctrl + L, letter d. Ctrl + T, you are wrong because these are not shortcut keys to access
Format cells.

9. The correct answer is letter A. C. It is understood that a cell name is preceded with letter and
this is the column name. If your answer is letter b.11, you are wrong because it is the row number
of the given cell. If your answer is c. C11, you are wrong because it is the name of the given cell as
a whole. If your answer is letter d. 1, you are wrong because it is undefined in the given.

10. The correct answer is letter D. A3. The selected is located at Column A row 3, so it is called as
A3. If your answer is a B5, you are wrong because it is located at column B row 5. If your answer is
c.AA3, you are wrong because it is located at Column AA row 3.

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APP001: Empowerment Technologies
Module #8 Student Activity Sheet

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class number: ______________

Section: ____________ Schedule: __________________________ Date: _____________________


Your teacher will give some announcements on how and when will be the schedule of your
submission. This will be posted through your class group chat or will be given to you
through phone call or text. Make sure your phone number is still active.

Feel free to ask questions and keep in touch to your teacher.

Stay connected, Stay safe!

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