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Explain how the organs of each organ system work together

Name:________________________ Grade&Section:_____________ Date_________
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in your answer sheet.

1. Skeletal muscles are attached to the bones by means of __________.

a. nerves b. cartilage c. blood vessels d. tendons
2. Muscular contraction means the muscle _____________________.
a. tighten and shorten in size c.loosen and shorten in size
b. tighten and longer in size d.loosen and longer in size
3. Which of the following bones protects the spinal cord?
a. femur c. vertebral column
b. sternum d. radius
4. Which part of the hearts is the receiving chamber?
a. ventricles c. mitral valve
b. atriums d. aortic valve
5. Which of the following is not the function of the integument or skin?
a. Prevents dehydration.
b. Protection against ultraviolet light.
c. Filters blood and eliminate toxic cellular wastes.
d.Serves as barrier against entry of microorganisms

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