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3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science1


3.0. Indented Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, it is expected that you already able to:

1. Identify the different strategies in teaching science

2. Examine the elements of an effective instruction in science classes

3. Formulate an instructional plan using at least one identified instructional strategies

3.1. Introduction

This unit explores the different strategies that you could utilize when you are going to teach science
classes. The success of learning science will depend greatly on how the teacher facilitates the process.
Sometimes, when instruction is mismanaged, students find the subject as boring and useless. However,
when instruction is done appropriately, it will make students realize the very nature and importance of
it to their lives, even to the whole world when expanded.

Thus, the role of the teacher to make learnings in science a successful one is imperative. Not only you
have the mastery of the teaching strategy but make sure that you are also have the master of the
subject matter for you to be able to identify appropriate instructional strategies.

This unit will help you guide how to teach science appropriately in the elementary grades.

3.2. Topics and Discussion

3.2.1. Inquiry Methods and its Elements

Inquiry Method is very effective in science class when done appropriately. It’s the guiding principle of
the K-12 curriculum. This method requires both the learning process and the learners to have an higher
degree of interactions with the guidance of the teacher. This method does not provide ready-made
answers to the students. Instead, you let the students explore every possible way they can cover. By
doing this, the teacher, the instructional material, the content, the people (classmates) and the
surroundings can contribute to the attainment of answers from the inquiring minds of the youth.

The goal of science is to solve problems for a better life. This method is very helpful in instilling the
minds of the young learners the habit of an

3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science2

inquisitive mind and informed problem solver attitude. This is also challenging not only to students, but
also to the facilitator of learning- the teachers. This is because, both the teacher and the learners both
grow cognitively. The teacher learns from the students what works in the learning process and what
doesn’t while students develop the competencies of a scientific thinking and reasoning. By using this
method, it will develop learners and students that are persistent seekers, interrogators, questioners
and ponderers.

It is through inquiry that new knowledge is being discovered. At the end of the day, unrealizing the
effects of the strategy, the young minds of your students and the Nober Prize winners will have
something in common… “I wonder what would happen if…” “why does it happened? How does it

Lastly, it is by becoming involved in the process of inquiry that students become historians, economists,
scientists, engineers, poets, business persons, artists, writers, researchers- even only for one hour or
two in your class.

Basic Tenets in Inquiry Teaching (Orlich et al., 2007)

1. Inquiry methods require students to develop different scientific process involved in inquiry learning

2. Both teachers and administrative personnel must support the concept of inquiry instruction and
develop their own concept of doing such method

3. All students, regardless of age, have the desire to learn and discover something new and are eager to
provide solutions to an unsolved problems and questions

4. The students answer and responses are not found in textbooks. The students use references during
the inquiry instruction just as the professionals are using books and articles as their references

5. The main objective of inquiry teaching is often a process. In most cases, the end result may not be
necessary compared to the process being done in arriving at such results.
6. All conclusions must be treated as tentative or relative, not final. The students must learn to modify
their new conclusions as new data are discovered

7. Inquiry learning cannot be judged by the clock. In the real world setting, creating solutions and
solving problems requires much more time than 50 minutes.

3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science3

8. The learners are responsible for planning, conducting and evaluating their own effort. It is important
to take note that the teacher must play an supportive role rather than an active role.

9. Learners must be taught with the process in in inquiry method in a systematic way.

10. Inquiry learning is complicated and expands the teacher’s work. This is the result of the different
experiences of the students as they go along the teaching and learning process.

Basic Inquiry Process

Observing making operational definitions

Classifying Formulating Hypothesis

Inferring interpreting data

Using numbers controlling variables

Measuring experimenting

Using space-time relationship



Remember that these competencies and scientific skills requires to be developed gradually. They
cannot be attained one time (commonly). It should also be noted that there are skills that could be
developed because of using other skills. For example, by using observing, classifying and measuring
skills, it could lead to developing inferring skills faster.

Furthermore, inquiry is not only about how to ask questions. It also considers the investigation process
to arrive with reliable answers. Take note that each inquiry skills must be carefully developed and
systematically practiced. Thus, the teacher must carefully plan the allotment given to cognitive aspect
and to developing the scientific competencies and skills.

a. Observation

Observing is one of the most important scientific skills because it provides the most accurate
information about people, their tasks, and their needs to scientists and other experts. Without
observation, only few questions would be asked. Observation is the core foundation, principle and
rationale for the existence of science. Finding patterns and making people aware is one of the powers
brought about by observing. Inquiry depends greatly on observation to provide data such as predicting,
hypothesizing and inferring.

Through observation, conclusions could be derived as well as principles and laws. Without this basic
skill, science would have a little development through time.
3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science4

By observing your student’s behavior, their responses to motivations and reactions through your body
language, their transfer of learnings from the learned lessons, much knowledge could be derived by just
using this skill.

What is observation?

It is act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrences often involving measurements with instruments
(Meriam-Webster Dictionary). It involves not only one skill, but it includes two or more.

Basic science concepts such as classification, ordering, and seriation are learned through sight and
touch but in some cases, can be learned through the use of other sense as well. Science ideas such as
ecology, black holes, and energy were based from observations and abstractions. In some cases, a
scientist can formulate hypothesis based on what the data presents. Example is the famous physicist,
Albert Einstein. He can perform calculations beyond what an average person can see. This ability of him
is done through the so called “thought experiment” were higher form of logic and analysis are being

As Bonowksi (1981) had mentioned:

“Science is not only rational; it is also empirical. Science is experiment, that is orderly and reasoned
activity. It does not watch the world, it tackles it.”

Observation may not be so understood as a tool in problem solving other than those scientific people.
Maybe, through the eyes of a common person, this is just another a common skill used for granted.
However, when trained how to used it for solving problem, teachers can unlock its higher purpose and
could engaged students to use it for problem solving critical thinking abilities.
Activity 1. Teaching and Learning Through Observation

1. Identify in which part of the teaching and learning process observation skills must be use:

A. For the teacher

B. For the students

2. What is observation important to scientist and teachers?

3. How can we verify if our observations are facts?

3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science5

3.2.2. Experimentation

Anotherinstructional strategy that you could employ in your science class is the use of experimentation.
Experiments are another way of introducing a new idea to stimulate their engagement in class. The use
of experiments allows the teachers to transform the class into an active learning environment that
fosters involvement of the students and stimulates their mental, affective and physical activities.

The use of experimentation is very helpful in aiding the teaching and learning process in a more
student-centered way. The traditional paper and pen test such as board work could be reinforced with
experimentations and practical problem-solving techniques.
As per SERC (2019), experiments could be done in class to:

a. Experiments can be used to introduce new ideas or to clarify puzzling aspects of topics which the
students typically struggle;

b. If the result of an experiment is surprising yet convincing, the students are in position to build
ownership of ideas and use to scaffold learning

c. Further experiments can be performed if previous experiments were not finished. This would serve as
follow up activity to establish the idea being experimented.

Experiments may be highly technical or simple depending on the complexity of idea you would want to
explore. However, before performing an experiment, make sure that every safety precautionary
measure had been taken into consideration to avoid accidents and minimize mishaps.

3.2.3. Inductive Guided Inquiry

In this type of strategy, the key word is “guided student-scientist”. For example, a teacher could use a
picture of deforestation on the board and ask students why it happened. Or what causes such an
activity. Basically, there are two types of inductive inquiry. A) guided; and B) unguided.

Guided strategy is when your provide specific facts and you let the students draw the generalization
and conclusions. Unguided the idea if you let students discover the specific data necessary for drawing
the conclusions. Both conclusion and specific data are in the students role of finding. However, in this
case, we are going to explore more on guided inquiry.

3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science6


a problem• being aware of



statement of resesarch


• proposong



Collecting data

• gathering

• conducting an experiment

• suirveying a


Interpreting data




supported by





How to Use Guided Inquiry Inductive Inquiry in Teaching Strategy

The use of pictures is usually the easiest way to use this method. You could have series of similar
pictures say for example, five pictures of polluted areas. You ask the children what is the general idea
that the picture is trying to convey. You ask questions that generalize such as “what could be the cause
of this event?” or where have you seen these sceneries before?”

However, you must be careful in distinguishing the differences between inference and observation. To
do this, make sure that you have demonstrated and explained the difference between observation and

General Model of Inquiry (Orlich et al., 2007)

This model can be adapted to suit for the teacher’s specific need. This could also be used in problem
solving method. These steps form the basis of the scientific method.

3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science7

Role of Questioning Within Guided Inductive Inquiry

The teacher’s questioning technique is very essential in using this technique. Teachers who are masters
of this method are question askers but provide little answers.

Below are the questions that are useful in guiding students through questioning technique.

Questions Stems: Dynamic Subjects

- What is happening?

- What has happened?

- What do you think will happen now?

- How did this happen?

- What caused this to happen?

- What took place before it happened?

- Where have you seen this happened?

- Why this happened?

And many more…

Question stems: Static Object

- What kind of object is it?

- What is it called?

- Where it is found?

- What does it look like?

- What does it made of?

- How does it work?

Remember that questioning technique that should help them discover the idea. You should not provide
answers to them as far as possible.

3.2.4. Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning had been discussed from your previous lessons in EED 4. Kindly refer to it for more

For a short guide when to use and not to use cooperative learning strategies…kindly refer to the table
below. The table below is based from Killen (2009)

Use Cooperative Learning if:

Do not Use Cooperative Learning if:

You want to encourage the learners to develop their social skills while learning academic content

The students do not have the basic skills required for collaboration and


3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science8

You want the students to use their prior knowledge as foundation for examining issues in depth

The students lack the prior knowledge to guide their collaborative learning

You want students to explore issues from multiple perspectives

There is insufficient time fir the students to collaboratively investigate, discuss and think about the
things you want to learn

You want the students to develop their ability and learn collaboratively

The learning task is too big for an individual student to undertake

3.2.5. Research

Research is the act of investigating a specific a problem thoroughly. Basically, there are two purpose of

a. Inquiry that is carried out purposefully and systematically

b. Inquiry that focuses on revealing some new knowledge

Some may be frightened of the term “research”. However, this method is relatively easy and quite
interesting and fulfilling when used more often when performing investigation. For a guided view of
when to use and not to use research in class, refer to the table below.

Use student Research if:

Do not use student research if:

The outcomes you want the students to achieve are readily related to issues beyond the classroom

The students lack the basic skills to work independently on small groups

The students have sufficiently high prior knowledge to guide their own learning
The students have very poor literacy skills

Students are self-motivated and can learn with minimal assistance

The students do not have access to the equipment or information they need to produce worthwhile
data from their research

You want the students to take deep approach to learning

If you they not have sufficient time to do the task

You want students to learn how to enjoy learning

You want to encourage the students to be independent learners

You want learning to be driven by students’ curiosity

3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science9

Research formats and structure may depend on the subject teacher or the implemented format by the
school. To be certain, better ask the administration if they have, if none, you can pattern the format on
the online. There are a lot of sources you can surf to find the format which suits the to your students’

3.2.6. Case Study

Case study can provide teachers the very natural way of helping students to learn by exploiting the
basic human capacity to learn from stories (Hazel and Zulian, 1996). Cases offer students the
opportunities to cope with issues, problems, dilemmas and puzzles and productive in a reasonably safe
but not entirely risk free environment (Boehrer, 1994).

Cases encourage students to reach a deeper understanding of the concepts and issues than they would
from just listening or viewing a lecture (Volpe, 2002). The table below shows a generic reference when
to use case study.

Use case study if;

Do not use case study if:

The outcomes you want to achieve are readily related to issues beyond the classroom

The students lack the basic skill to work independently or in group

The learner has sufficient prior knowledge to guide their analysis of complex materials

The students have poor literacy skills

The students are self-motivated and can learn with minimal assistance
There is no enough time for the case study to be finished

You want the students to build their confidence by showing the value of their individual solutions to

The students lack background knowledge necessary for interpreting and resolving the case

You want to encourage students to be independent learners

You want to foster critical thinking

For the format, same with research if the school have prescribed format. 3.2.7. Role Play

Role playing is a learning structure that allows students to immediately apply content as they are put in
the role of a decision maker who must plan regarding a policy, resource allocation, or some other
outcome. This method is very common in schools. You may even have your own experience of a role

For the quick guide when to use role play, refer to the table below.

3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science10

Use case role play if;

Do not use case role-play if:

- The outcomes you want the students to achieve are best demonstrated through some type of

- The students lack the confidence and basic skills to take on roles

- The students have confidence to perform in front of peers

- Direct instruction will be more effective and less time consuming

- You want student to explores ways of dealing with a situation

- The student who are observing lack the skills to analyze and learn from the activities they are

- You want students to learn how to enjoy learning

- You want to elaborate the critical role of human decisions in real life situation
3.2.8. Gamification

Gamification is about transforming the classroom environment and regular activities into a game. It
requires creativity, collaboration and play. There are numerous ways to bring games and game playing
into the classroom to promote learning and deepen student understanding of subject matter.

How to use gamification strategy?

A. Cognitive- challenges and trains the brain

B. Emotional- challenges and trains the emotional aspect of the students C. Social- challenges the
behavior and interaction of students in a group

According to Loayza (2019) here are the top 10 best educational apps that could be done using
gamification. You may explore these apps and see what is applicable your settings

1. TedEd

2. Khan Academy

3. Coursera

4. Udemy

5. TinyCards
6. Blinklist

7. Memrise

8. SoloLearn

9. Yousician

10. Doulingo

3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science11

Take not that games should be done to enhance learning. It should not be use as punishment your just
because it is the common trend.

Activity 2. Formulate a lesson plan. Select one instructional design mentioned in this unit.

1. What are some basic concepts teachers can introduce to younger children to help them in science?

A. Waves, atoms, magnetism

B. Names of shapes, names of fluids, names of construction materials (scissors, tape, etc)
C. Krebs cycle, electricity, quantum mechanics

D. Molecular structures, atoms, theory of relativity

2. Why should educators teach science skills to younger students?

A. It's required by law and most state standards

B. Our society needs more scientists, starting them early may encourage them to choose a career in

C. It can help them form a foundation of knowledge that's useful in higher classes. D. Younger students
should NOT be taught science concepts, as that is advanced teaching they are not ready for.

3. Teaching _____ allows even younger students to ask questions, investigate them, and make
observations to draw conclusions.

A. Communication skills

B. Collaboration and determination

C. Literacy skills

D. Critical thinking and problem-solving

4. Which is true about reading in content areas, like science?

A. It is not important to able to read well in science class.

B. If students struggle in reading they may not be able to learn in content areas. C. Students can make
sense of topics on their own in science even if they struggle with reading.

D. Reading strategies don't work in content area classes.

5. Which is an example of differentiated instruction?

A. modifying homework

B. having students work in a group

C. adding time to a test

D. all of these answers

3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science12

6. What three areas should teachers keep in mind when differentiating? A. product, process and

B. content, product and procedures

C. content, process and product

D. product, procedures and context

3Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades:

Physics, Earth Science & Space Science13

3.3. References:

Alata, E. J. (2020). Teaching Science in the ELementary Grades. Manila: Rex Bookstore.

Cecilio, J. (202). Kto12 Science Curriculum Guide. Retrieved from

Llego, M. A. (2020). Teacher Ph. Retrieved from

Stanadard, N. S. (n.d.). Science Content Standards. Retrieved from

3.4. Acknowledgment
The images, tables, figures and information contained in this module were taken from the references
cited above.


This module is solely for educational purposes only. Some vocabularies and uses were remained as is,
however, the author/s was/were cited accordingly as respect to their intellectual property. Photos,
figures, images, and tables included in here that were gathered from internet and websites belongs to
their respective owners and their copyrights.

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