Lab Manual Petroleum Chemistry-102 Experiment No 1: Theory:: "To Determine The Surface Tension of Provided Liquid Fuel"

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EXPERIMENT NO 1: “To determine the surface tension of provided liquid fuel”.
The molecules of a liquid interact through forces of cohesion, which become weaker with
distance, and at distances of around 0.1 µm they are effectively zero. Therefore, a molecule of a
liquid interacts only with molecules that are within its field of cohesion. When the molecule is in
a liquid the cohesive force is zero, because the surrounding molecules are symmetrically
distributed in relation to it. However, a molecule on the free surface of the liquid is subject to the
prevailing attraction of the underlying molecules of the liquid (see figure 1), so that the surface
acts as a membrane that tends to compress the liquid. The free surface of a liquid is the Centre of
a system of forces directed both downwards and tangential to the surface to keep it intact. Model
of the forces of cohesion acting on an internal molecule and a surface molecule. the free surface
of a liquid by an infinitesimal amount dS, keeping the general volume constant and operating
isothermally, it is necessary to complete an infinitesimal amount of work equal to dL, to
constantly balance the system of tangential forces that tends to maintain the same united surface.
This work is surface tension, τ:
Considering that the necessary work to increase the surface of an infinitesimal quantity dS=ldx,
where the length of the contour of the surface is labelled l (see figure 2), this can be written as
τ=Fdx/dS=Fdx/ldx=F/l (2)

That is, the surface tension represents the force per meter acting on the edge of the surface. The
strength of surface tension of a liquid depends on the impurities present in the liquid and the
temperature. Surface tension normally decreases with increasing temperature, as shown in table
1, and with the presence of dissolved substances that have a lower density than water and which
tend to spread on the free surface. Soaps, for example, dissolved in water, lower the surface
tension and increase their cleansing action.
Substances that decrease surface tension are said to be tensioactive; they allow the water to
adhere better onto the surfaces to be cleansed, organizing the particles of dirt in a simpler way.

In the drop method, we take two liquids of equal volumes and put it into stalagmometer. The first
liquid is a reference liquid generally distilled water. Then we count the number of drops formed
by the liquid. Let’s say that the number of drops formed by the first liquid is n1 and the number
of drops formed by the second liquid is n2. We also find the density of both liquids using
specific gravity bottles. After this we can find the surface tension of water at the lab temperature
using the above table. After finding all these things we can find the surface tension of provided
liquid fuel by using the formula,
¥1/¥2= (d1/d2) *(n2/n1)

1. Proper estimation of the surface tension of oil-gas systems is important in several reservoir
engineering calculations. The surface tension is required to predict the capillary pressure of
the oil in a porous solid. The surface tension also influences the relative gas/liquid phase
2. It is well accepted that no single biomarker will be effective in clinical diagnosis. The surface
tension measurement combined with routine lab tests may be a novel non-invasive method
which can not only facilitate the discovery of diagnostic models for various diseases and its
severity, but also be a useful tool for monitoring treatment efficacy. We therefore expect that
studies of surface tension behavior of human biological fluids will provide additional useful
information in medical practice.
3. Automobiles and Parts, Precision Machineries, Business Machines, Printing Machines
Lubricating oils used in this machinery must spread into small joint gaps. In order to achieve
this goal, the surface tension of the lubricants is controlled by adding additives.
4. In recent years dynamic surface tension has become increasingly used in industrial
laboratories. For a wide range of applications, it can be used to improve surfactant selection.
Dynamic surface tension is a non-linear function of surface age and concentration. This must
be considered when comparing surfactants.
5. A surface tension-guided process is also used to print the gate electrode on the fluoropolymer
dielectric. Printing on fluoropolymer is particularly challenging because of its

1. Sensitivity to Environmental Factors:
The method can be sensitive to environmental conditions such as air currents, temperature, and
humidity. These factors can affect the size and stability of the drops, leading to variations in the
2. Subjectivity in Drop Counting:
Counting drops accurately can be subjective and depend on the observer's judgment. Different
individuals may count drops differently, introducing potential variability in the results.
3. Influence of Liquid Properties:
The accuracy of the method can be influenced by the properties of the liquid being tested. For
example, if the liquid is highly viscous or has low surface tension, drop formation may be
irregular, affecting the reliability of the measurements.
4. Evaporation Effects:
Evaporation of the liquid drops between the dropper and the container can occur, especially for
volatile liquids. This evaporation can affect the size and stability of the drops and, consequently,
the accuracy of the results.
5. Dropper Size Variation:
Variability in the size of the dropper tip or capillary tube can affect the volume of liquid
dispensed and, consequently, the calculated surface tension. Ensuring uniformity in dropper size
is essential for accurate measurements.
6. Limited Precision:
The drop counting method provides a rough estimation of surface tension but may lack the
precision required for certain applications. For more accurate measurements, researchers may
need to consider alternative methods with higher precision.
7. Limited to Low Surface Tension Range:
The drop counting method is more suitable for liquids with relatively low surface tension. For
liquids with very high surface tension, alternative methods that can handle a broader range may
be more appropriate.
8. Assumption of Spherical Drops:
The method assumes that the drops are spherical, which may not always be the case, especially
for highly viscous liquids or liquids with unusual properties.
To further improve the measurements, elimination of the evaporation and hydrodynamic effects
is important. Various mathematical models of correction factors were proposed by several

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