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Phrasal Verbs:

Hold back - powstrzymywać coś

He could no longer hold back his tears.
Hold back - trzymać coś w sekrecie
I know you are holding something back.
Hold back - wstrzymywać się
She regrets having kids because she thinks they hold her back from spreading her wings.
Hold in - powstrzymywać
Don't hold your feelings in. Let them out.
Hold off - odraczać
The case was held off due to the lack of evidence.
Hold on - zaczekać
Hold on a minute. I forgot about something.
Hold on to - trzymać się czegoś np. wiary
I always held on to the belief that one day he would succeed.
Hold out - wystarczyć
These stores will hold out for winter.
Hold out - nie ustępować
Erivan surrendered, but Shusha continued to hold out.
Hold up - opóźniać
She wants to hold up the ceremony.
Hold up - okraść kogoś
The man who has been holding old ladies up was caught yesterday.
Hold up - trzymać się
My grandmother's health holds up great.
Keep away from – trzymać się z daleka
You can’t keep the kids away from the computer.
Keep back – ukrywać
He said he was fine, but I knew he was keeping something back.
Keep down – utrzymywać na niskim poziomie
The company wants to keep down labour costs.
Keep in – trzymać w czymś
They can't keep him in jail forever.
Keep off – trzymać się z daleka
Keep off the edge!
Keep off – unikać
My brother doesn't keep off alcohol.
Keep on – kontynuować
You have to keep on trying.
Keep on – trwać
The rain kept on for the rest of the day.
Keep out – nie wpuszczać kogoś
You have to keep out everyone.
Keep out of – trzymać się z daleka
He was careful to keep out of sight.
Keep up with – utrzymać ten sam poziom
Jack hasn't been able to keep up with the rest of his team.
Keep up with – być na bieżąco
I find it hard to keep up with the news.
Look after - opiekować się
Do you have any experience in looking after small children?
Look back on - wspomnieć, spojrzeć wstecz (czasowo)
When they looked back on their many years together, they realized that their marriage had
been very happy one.
Look down on - traktować kogoś z pogardą
He seems to look down on anyone who doesn’t like the same things that he does.
Look for - szukać czegoś
I've been looking for you everywhere.
Look forward to - oczekiwać
I’m really looking forward to vacation.
Look in on - odwiedzać kogoś (bez zaproszenia)
I plan to look in on him today after I finish work.
Look into - zajmować się czymś, badać jakaś sprawę
I will look into your application.
Look on - przyglądać się, rozglądać się
I always say, look on the bright side.
Look out - uważać, rozglądać się, być ostrożnym
You should look out, it's a dangerous neighbourhood.
Look out for - szukać kogoś, wypatrywać kogoś
We looked out for you everywhere. Where have you been?
Look over – przeglądać coś, sprawdzać coś
The boss was looking our project proposal over.
Look over - sprawdzić coś szybko
The existing legislation needs to be looked over to take into account developments in
Look round – rozejrzeć się wokół siebie
He looked round to see a car in front of him.
Look through – spojrzeć na coś szybko
I've looked through some catalogues.
Look through - przeszukiwać coś
She looked through her bag and couldn't find her wallet.
Look up – znajdować coś, wyszukiwać coś
I don't know what this word means. I will look it up in a dictionary.
Look up – odwiedzić kogoś po dłuższym czasie
Look me up next time you're in Los Angeles.

Be made for – być stworzonym do czegoś

Paul and Ann were made for each other.
Make for – kierować się do
The coach was heading for Warsaw.
Make over – przekazywać własność
They moved on to a larger farm and in time made it over to Francis.
Make out – dostrzegać coś
I can't make out anything in this fog.
Make out – zrozumieć coś
If you don't leave this place, you might never make out the meaning of life.
Make out – wypełnić druk, pismo
I'm going to make out a receipt for you.
Make sth up to sb – wynagrodzić komuś
I promise that I will make up to you for what I've done.
Make up - tworzyć
Can you make up a salad from these ingredients?
Make up – robić makijaż
She spent too much time making herself up.
Make up – pogodzić się z przyjacielem
I can't make up with her. I'm still mad at her.
Make up – składać się z czegoś
Insects are made up of tens of thousands of proteins.
Make up one’s mind – podjąć decyzję
I'm going to give you five minutes to make up your mind.
Make up for – zrekompensować coś
I was absent last week and I have to make up for it.

Put across – przekazać, wyjaśnić

He has taken out a half-page advertisement in his local paper to put his point across.
Put aside – odkładać, oszczędzać
She took up a slice of bread, broke it nervously, then put it aside.
Put away – umieścić w więzieniu, w szpitalu psychiatrycznym
He's an animal! He should be put away.
Put down – zanotować coś
I put the date in my diary.
Put down – wpłacić zaliczkę
He bought an investment property for $100,000 and put down $20,000.
Put down to - przypisywać
You may be a sceptic and put it down to life's inequalities.
Put forward – proponować coś
I would like to put a solution forward.
Put off – przełożyć coś
He put off writing the essay until the last minute.
Put on - zakładać
He put on a sweater and trousers.
Put on - przytyć
You should put on weight, because you're too thin.
Put on - włączać
He pulled a beer out of the fridge and put on TV.
Put on – przygotowywać sztukę
The children put on a beautiful Nativity.
Be put out – być poirytowanym
I was put out because of his silly behaviour.
Put out – zgasić ogień
The firefighters put out the fire.
Put out – przysparzać komuś kłopotu
It is a very sociable diet to follow because you don't have to put anyone out.
Put through – łączyć się telefonicznie
I can't put you through to the manager, he is busy at the moment.
Put through – doświadczać czegoś ciężkiego
School has put her through a lot of stress.
Put up - wybudować
The company will put the building up in a year.
Put up – zatrzymywać się gdzieś
We put up at some small but pleasant inn.
Put up – wysunąć kandydaturę
He’s new party is putting up 15 candidates for 22 seats.
Put up with – tolerować
I can't put up with his behaviour anymore!

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