Classroom Management

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Ikram Lazrak
Fatima Ezzahra Fayz
Fatima Ben Brighite
What is classroom management?
-Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and
techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly,
focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a
-Classroom management is the process teachers use to ensure that
classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive behavior from
students compromising the delivery of instruction.
-Classroom management is the art and science of creating a positive
and productive learning environment in a classroom.
What does a well-managed
classroom looks like?
A well-managed classroom isn't just about silence and order;
it's a vibrant space where learning thrives. Now we will have a
look at some of the important characteristics:
Clear Expectations and
Creating consistent Rules Creating a positive
and Procedures: Learning Environment:
Students know what's The atmosphere is
expected of them and how respectful, inclusive, and
things flow, from entering supportive. Students feel
the classroom to handing in safe to learn, ask
assignments. Consistent questions, and make
enforcement builds trust mistakes.
and prevents confusion.
Effective Instruction and
Variety of Teaching Organized Space:
Strategies: The classroom is clean,
Teachers use a mix of well-maintained, and
methods, including conducive to learning.
lectures, discussions, group Materials are readily
work, technology, and available, and furniture is
hands-on activities. This arranged to facilitate
keeps students motivated collaboration and active
and engaged. learning.
Positive Relationships and
Teacher-Student Collaborative Learning:
Teachers build positive Students work together in
rapport with their students, groups, fostering
showing genuine interest teamwork, communication,
and offering support. and problem-solving skills.
Students feel comfortable
learning from them and
seeking help when needed.
Why classroom
management is
Academic Success:
Increased focus and engagement: A well-managed classroom minimizes distractions and
encourages attentiveness, leading to better understanding and knowledge retention.
Reduced stress and anxiety: Clear expectations and predictable routines create a sense
of security and comfort, allowing students to focus on learning without worrying about
Improved time management: Organized routines and efficient use of classroom time allow
students to complete tasks effectively and have more time for deeper learning.
Positive Social and Emotional Development:

Promotes respect and empathy: Clear expectations and consistent

enforcement of rules foster a sense of fairness and consideration
for others, building positive social interactions.
Develops self-discipline and responsibility: Following routines and
rules helps students learn self-control and accountability,
valuable skills for lifelong success.
Builds positive relationships: A welcoming and inclusive classroom
environment allows students to feel safe and supported, fostering
strong relationships with peers and teachers.
Increased participation and collaboration: A positive and
focused environment encourages students to ask
questions, contribute ideas, and participate actively in
their learning.
Develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills:
Students learn to navigate challenges and adapt to
different situations within established boundaries,
honing their critical thinking and problem-solving
For Teachers:
Effective Instruction and Delivery:
Increased productivity and efficiency: A well-managed classroom with
minimal disruptions allows teachers to maximize instructional time and
deliver lessons effectively.
Reduced stress and frustration: Maintaining control of the classroom
environment helps teachers remain calm and focused, leading to better
teaching practices and positive interactions with students.
Improved job satisfaction and morale: Feeling successful in managing the
classroom and facilitating learning can enhance teacher satisfaction and
Greater Job Security and Professional Development:
Stronger relationships with students, parents, and colleagues:
Effective classroom management fosters positive relationships and
trust, leading to smoother professional interactions and better
Provides opportunities for leadership and growth: Mastering classroom
management skills enables teachers to take on leadership roles and
engage in professional development activities to further hone their
Contributes to overall school success: Well-managed classrooms
contribute to a positive school climate and improved academic outcomes
for the entire school community.
8 General Principles of
Effective Classroom

1. Demonstrate caring. 5. Hold high expectations for students.

2. Take charge – be in control of yourself. 6. Persistently deal with unproductive
3. Communicate regularly and clearly with behavior.
students. 7. Model desirable behavior.
4. Establish enforceable rules and enforce 8. Teach students to make appropriate
them. choices.
Tips for Creating a Positive
Classroom Environment

1- Use Consistent Procedures and Routines: 2- Notice Specific Positive Behaviors:

Develop good and effective classroom Spend more time noticing good
procedures behaviors than acknowledging bad
Use consistently to help students feel secure behaviors.
in your classroom. Use positive phrases that recognize the
Use of consistent classroom procedures helps specific good behavior of the student.
students know which behaviors are appropriate
and which are not.
Tips for Creating a Positive
Classroom Environment

3- Use Instructional Design for Success : 4- Develop an Empathetic Classroom

Be aware of the different needs of your Culture:
students. Make your students have empathy for
Make appropriate adjustments in your class each other.
lessons and work. Make sure your students know you care
Students work and learn better when the and have empathy for them.
teacher sets high expectations of them.
Tips for Creating a Positive
Classroom Environment

5- Neutralize Arguments: 6- Build Connections with Families :

Avoid arguing with students. Send home good news to parents as
Learn to respond with empathy and not anger much/or more than bad news.
when students try to start arguments with Build connections with parents.
you. Make sure students know that school and
home should be connected.
Be both kind and firm.
Focus on being respected rather than
being liked.
See yourself as your students’ mentor,
not their friend.
Be consistent.
Build rapport.
Keep your students engaged.
Be organized.
Dress professionally.
Move around the classroom.
Get to know your students..
Types of classroom management:

Authoritarian: Authoritative:
This style is characterized by This style combines clear
strict rules and expectations with warmth
consequences, with little and support. Authoritative
room for student input. teachers set high standards
Teachers in authoritarian for their students, but they
classrooms often rely on also provide guidance and
punishments to deter feedback to help students
misbehavior. meet those standards.
Types of classroom management:

Permissive: Indulgent:
This style is characterized This style is similar to the
by few rules and little permissive style, but it also
structure. Permissive includes a high level of
teachers often allow emotional support. Indulgent
students to make their own teachers often focus on
choices, even if those choices meeting students' needs,
lead to disruptive behavior. even if it means overlooking
The ro l e o f t h e The Controller
t e a c h e r i n The Prompter

c l a s s r o o m The Resource

m an a g e m e n t : The Assessor

The Organizer
The Tutor
The Participant
Remember, effective classroom management is a continuous process
of adapting and adjusting your strategies based on your students'
needs and your teaching style. By prioritizing these key elements and
fostering a positive and engaging learning environment, you can
create a classroom where students thrive and reach their full
Thank you!

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