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Calder Mobile and Static Equilibrium

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Inquiry Lab

We will combine Physics and Art this time!

(This activity is inspired by the great Alexander Calder)


 Design and construct an art mobile using phsyics to calculate the mobile’s translational
and rotational equilibrium.
 Solve simple algebraic manipulations.
 Apply graphing techniques.
 Learn to make predictions and draw conclusions.


1. Wood sticks 3 per team.

2. Coins or similar objects of uniform weight, four per mobile.
3. Sewing thread or light string.
4. Material on which to mount the coins: e.g. cardboard, paper, etc.
5. Marking pen.
6. Double tip or glue.
7. Scissors.
8. Ruler marked in centimeres.


Step One : Prepare The Materials

Make each weight from a paper or cardboar cutout. Tape or glue a coin on each side. Use
lightweight string or thread to suspen the cutouts from the horizontal members.

Step Two : Designing and Prediction

1. Sketch the general plan of your mobile. Keep this sketch and all of your work in your
Lab Raport. (Minimum there will be three levels on your sketch. You can make more
than three level)

SMA Unggul Del/XI PMIA/2023-2024/Divisi Fisika

Calder Mobile and Static Equilibrium
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2. Find the mass of each element in the mobile, including the sticks (You can use Mc for
coin and Ms for stick)
3. Make a prediction about the position of each support string. Strings may not be
attached at the center of a mass of a support.
4. Complete the mobile “blueprint” indicating the actual lengths, positions of all strings,
pivots and elements with the forces clearly labeled.
5. Demonstrate by neat calculations that translational and rotational equilibrium exists
( 𝑭=𝟎; 𝑟 = 𝟎).

Example : (You can make a mobile design like this or you can improve the design,

SMA Unggul Del/XI PMIA/2023-2024/Divisi Fisika

Calder Mobile and Static Equilibrium
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(Write down the result of you calculation of x and y for each level (bottom is level 1)
also the weight of every element in each level).

Step Three : Build Your Mobile

Build the mobile and adjust the points of suspension until the mobile is balanced.

Step Four : Record Your Actual Result

Measured and record in the table the actual values of dimensions X1, X2, X3, X1, Y2, Y3 (or


1. Compare the actual to the predicted values of dimensions X1, X2, X3, X1, Y2, Y3 (or
more). Calculate the differences, expressed in percentages of the predicted values,
between the predicted and actual measured dimensions X1, X2, X3, X1, Y2, Y3 (or
2. Explain the differences. Why?

Data and Result

SMA Unggul Del/XI PMIA/2023-2024/Divisi Fisika

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