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Name: _______________________________________________ Date: __________________

1. Complete these sentences. Use the verbs below.

clean - die - enjoy - end - happen - live - open - play - rain - repair - start - stay - want - watch
1. Yesterday evening I __________________ TV.
2. I only __________________ my teeth four times last week.
3. Bruce ________________________ his mountain bike yesterday evening.
4. The concert last night _____________________ at 7.30 and at 10 o'clock.
5. The accident ____________________ last Sunday afternoon.
6. When I was a child, I _____________________ to be a lawyer.
7. Mozart __________________ from 1756 to 1791.
8. We ________________ our holiday last week.
9. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it _________________.
10. It was hot in the room, so I _________________ the window.
11. The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we ___________________ tennis.
12. William Shakespeare ___________________ in 1616.

2. Tell the story – fill in the past simple tense

On Friday, the children _________________ (talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning, they
_____________ (go) to the country with their two dogs and ___________ (play) together. Ben and Dave ___________
(have) some kites. Some time later the dogs ____________ (be) not there. So they __________ (call) them and
__________ (look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children __________ (find) them and ___________
(take) them back. Charlie _____________ (be) very happy to see them again. At lunch time Nick ___________ (go) to the
bikes and ____________ (fetch) the basket with some meat sandwiches. Then they ___________ (play) football. Nick
and Dave ___________ (win). In the evening they _____________ (ride) home.

3. Answer the crossword using the clues.

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