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Title: "The Journey of Success" - L.

In the silence of dawn's gentle rise,

Success unfurls beneath azure skies.
A path winding through valleys deep,
Where dreams take flight from slumber's keep.

In the forge of effort, where passions burn,

Success awaits, with lessons to learn.
A tapestry woven with sweat and toil,
In perseverance, we till the soil.

In the echo of setbacks, resilience sings,

Success blooms from life's humble springs.
A journey marked by peaks and falls,
In every stumble, opportunity calls.

In the symphony of triumph, voices raise,

Success whispers secrets of its maze.
A dance with failure, a waltz with fear,
In resilience, success draws near.

So let us embrace the journey's test,

In the pursuit of success, we find our best.
For in the striving, in the quest,
Success reveals its sweetest zest.

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