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Electrolysis: The breakdown of an ionic compound (molten or in aqueous solution) by

of electricity.

Electrolyte: Liquids that conducts electricity by the movement of ions are called
Eg: molten salts,
Solution of salt in water
Solutions of acids
Solutions of alkalis

Electrodes: Metallic or graphite rods which carry the current in to and out of the
are called electrodes.
Positive electrode is called anode and negative electrode is called cathode.
During electrolysis positive ions (metal ions or H+ ion) moves towards the cathode,
they are called cations.
Negative ions(nonmetal ions) move towards the anode, they are called anions.
Oxidation occurs at anode and reduction at cathode.

Types of electrodes:
Inert electrodes: do not take part in reaction eg: graphite, platinum
Active electrode: takes part in the reaction. Eg: copper zinc,etc.

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