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Requirements for this paper/Benodighede vir hierdie vraestel: Resources/Hulpmiddels:

Answer Scripts/ Multi-choice cards (A4)/

Antwoordskrifte: Multikeusekaarte (A4)
Attendance Slips (Fill-in Paper)/ Graph Paper/
Presensiestrokies (Invulvraestel): X GrafiekPapier
Scrap Paper/ Calculators/
Rofwerkpapier X Sakrekenaars X
Multi-choice cards (A5)/ Laptop (Power not provided)/
Multikeusekaarte (A5) Skootrekenaar (Krag word nie voorsien nie)

Type of Assessment/ Exam Opportunity:1 Duration/ 3 Hrs 00 Min

Tipe Assessering: Tydsduur:

Paper Number/ Maximum Marks/ 100

Vraestel Nommer: Maksimum Punte:

Module Code/ Module Description/

Modulekode: Module Beskrywing:

Examiner(s)/ Rudi Serfontein-PC;

Date/ 2022/06/15
Eksaminator(e): Datum:

Moderator(s): Hope Mogale-VC;
External Moderator(s)/
Eksterne Moderator(s):

Submission of answer scripts/Inhandiging van antwoordskrifte:

Details of student / Besonderhede van student:

Title/ Initials/ Surname/

Titel: Voorletters: Van:
University Number/ Contact Number/
Universiteitsnommer: Kontaknommer:


Examination Instructions / Eksamenvoorskrifte

1. Students are allowed into the venue in the first half hour of a 1. Studente mag in die eerste halfuur van ‘n sessie tot die lokaal
session, but no extra time is granted. toegelaat word, maar geen ekstra tyd word toegestaan nie.
2. No student is allowed to leave the venue before half an hour of 2. Geen student word toegelaat om die lokaal te verlaat binne die
the examination session has elapsed. eerste halfuur van die eksamensessie nie.
3. Students bring bags to the venue at own risk, and must put them 3. Student bring sake na lokaal op eie risiko, en moet dit voor in die
in front of the room. lokaal neersit.
4. Students may not have cell phones/electronic devices with them 4. Studente mag nie selfone/elektroniese toestelle by hulle hê en/of
and/or handle them. hanteer nie.
5. No refreshments are allowed in the examination venue. 5. Geen verversings word in ‘n eksamenlokaal toegelaat nie.
6. Students may not leave the room for a smoke break. 6. Studente mag nie die lokaal verlaat om te gaan rook nie.
7. Write on both sides of each page. 7. Skryf op beide kante van die bladsye.
8. Write in black or blue ink only. 8. Skryf slegs in swart of blou ink.
9. No pages may be removed from the answer scripts. 9. Geen bladsye mag uit die antwoordskrif verwyder word nie.
10. Students may not have unauthorised material with them during a 10. Student mag nie ontoelaatbare materiaal by hulle hê tydens ‘n
session, e.g. notes and/or objects that contain notes. sessie nie, bv. Notas en/of objekte wat notas bevat nie.
11. No items may be borrowed during the session. 11. Geen items mag tydens die sessie geleen word nie.
12. Students may not attempt to assist another student, or attempt to 12. Studente mag nie ‘n ander student probeer help or probeer om
obtain assistance. hulp te kry nie.
13. Students must hand in their answer scripts to invigilators before 13. Studente moet hul antwoordskrifte aan toesighouers oorhandig
they leave the venue. voordat hulle die lokaal verlaat.
14. The attendance slip on the back cover that also serves as an 14. Die presensiestrokie op die agterblad, wat ook as onderneming
undertaking, must be completed and handed in. geld, moet voltooi en ingegee word.
Vraag 2: Die fisiese laag / Question 2: The Physical Layer [16]

Beskou die volgende diagram:

Consider the following diagram:

2.1 Vergelyk, met behulp van die tabel hieronder, vier soorte transmissiemedia, spesifiek: gedraaide pare,
koaksiale kabel en twee soorte optiese vesel. Kyk na die fisiese struktuur van elke media en dui
duidelik die afstande aan wat elkeen kan aflê.

Using the table below, briefly compare 4 types of transmission media, specifically: twisted pairs,
coaxial cable, and two types of optical fibre. Consider the physical structure of each media, and
clearly indicate the distances each can cover. (8)

Transmission media Physical Structure Distance Covered

Gedraaide Pare
Twisted Pairs

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Vesel: Enkel Modus

Fibre: Single Mode

Vesel: Multi-Modus
Fibre: Multi-Mode

2.2 Hierdie netwerk gebruik geleide transmissiemedia in die vorm van kabels. Vergelyk vier
modulasietegnieke met behulp van sketse wat gebruik kan word om data oor hierdie kabels oor te
dra. Gebruik die bisstroom 10000101111.

This network uses guided transmission media in the form of cables. Compare four modulation
techniques, using sketches, that could be used to transmit data over these cables. Use the bit-stream
10000101111. (8)

Modulasie Tegniek / Skets / Sketch

Modulation Technique

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Vraag 3: Die dataskakeling Laag / Question 3: The Data-Link Layer [16]

3.1 Bespreek die “Selective repeat” protokol (4). Noem ook die voordele (1) en nadele (1) daarvan.

Discuss the “Selective repeat” protocol (4). Also mention its advantages (1) and disadvantages (1). (6)

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3.2 Gebruik 'n vloeidiagram om 'n simpleks stop-en-wag protokol vir 'n perfekte kanaal sonder ruis te

Use a flow diagram to describe a simplex stop-and-wait protocol for a perfect channel without
noise. (10)


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Onvanger/ Receiver

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Vraag 4: Die MAC-sublaag / Question 4: The MAC Sub-layer [10]

4.1 Beskryf die drie CMSA-protokolle.

Describe the three CMSA protocols. (6)

Protokol / Protocol Beskrywing / Description

Beskou die volgende diagram:

Consider the following diagram:

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4.2 In watter OSI-vlakke funksioneer elk van die netwerktoestelle in die bostaande diagram?

In which OSI levels do each of the network devices in the above diagram function? (4)

Toestel/ Device Laag / Layer

Vraag 5: Die netwerklaag / Question 5: The Network Layer [17]

5.1 Afstandsvektor roetering is in 1979 vervang deur Verbindingtoestand roetering. Verduidelik waarom.

Distance vector routing was replaced by Link state routing in 1979. Explain why. (2)

5.2 Beskryf hoe Verbindingtoestand Roetering werk.

Describe how Link State Routing works. (5)

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5.3 U het die taak gekry om 'n LAN-subnet op te stel. Ongelukkig, as gevolg van sekere logistieke
probleme, het een van die toestelle wat aan hierdie subnet gekoppel moet word, 'n statiese IP-adres
wat nie verander kan word nie. Hierdie IP-adres is Die netwerk moet genoeg adresse
hê vir 845 toestelle. Hierdie netwerk is nuut genoeg sodat al die toestelle klaslose adresse kan hê.
Oorweeg hierdie inligting en bepaal die volgende:

 Subnet masker;
 Netwerkadres;
 Uitsaaiadres;
 Kleinste toesteladres; en
 Grootste toesteladres.

You have been assigned the task to set up a LAN subnet. Unfortunately, due to certain logistical
problems, one of the devices that has to be connected to this subnet has a static IP address that
cannot be changed. This IP address is The network has to have enough addresses for
845 devices. This network is new enough that all of the devices can have classless addresses.
Considering this information, determine the:

 Subnet mask;
 Network address;
 Broadcast address;
 Smallest device address; and
 Largest device address. (5)

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Subnet Mask: . . .

Network address: . . .

Broadcast address: . . .

Smallest device address: . . .

Largest device address: . . .

5.4 Dit is 'n geruime tyd sedert die opstel van die subnet, en een van die netwerktoestelle het gebreek.
Die enigste plaasvervanger-toestel is te oud vir klaslose adressering. Al die toestelle in die subnet
moet dus nou klasvolle adresse gebruik. Bepaal 'n klasvolle subnetmasker en klasvolle IP-adresse
vir die netwerk wat die adres bevat. Die netwerk benodig nou adresse vir slegs 713

It has been some time since the subnet has been set up, and one of the network devices has failed.
The only substitute device is too old for classless addressing. All of the devices in the subnet therefore
now have to use classful addresses. Determine a classful subnet mask and classful IP addresses
for the network that contains the address The network now needs addresses for only
713 devices. (5)

Subnet Mask: . . .

Network address: . . .

Broadcast address: . . .

Smallest device address: . . .

Largest device address: . . .

Vraag 6: Die transportlaag / Question 6: The Transport Layer [10]

Beskou die volgende scenario:

U het onlangs by die sagteware-ontwikkelingspan van 'n indie speletjieontwikkelingsmaatskappy aangesluit.

U is toegewys aan 'n projek wat die ontwikkeling van 'n pasgemaakte speletjienjin vir 'n intydse strategie-
speletjie bevat. U is toegewys aan die span wat die netwerkkomponent vir die speletjienjin moet ontwikkel.

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Consider the following scenario:

You have recently joined the software development team of an indie game development company. You
have been assigned to a project that features the development of a custom gaming engine for a real-time
strategy game. You have been assigned to the team that has to develop the network component for the
game engine.

6.1 U span oorweeg dit om een van twee transportprotokolle te gebruik, maar dit lyk asof daar verwarring
is. Vergelyk hierdie twee protokolle met mekaar met behulp van 'n tabel.

Your team is considering using one of two transport protocols, but there seems to be some confusion
surrounding them. Compare these two protocols with one another using a table. (8)


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6.2 Die span moet 'n transportprotokol kies om te gebruik. Stel 'n geskikte protokol voor om in hierdie
situasie te gebruik en motiveer u antwoord.

The team has to select a transport protocol to use. Propose a suitable protocol to use in this situation
and motivate your answer. (2)

Vraag 7: Die toepassingslaag / Question 7: The Application Layer [21]

7.1 Gebruik 'n diagram om die proses te beskryf wat gebruik word om 'n webblad te besoek. Dui aan
watter transportprotokolle by elke stap gebruik word. Neem aan dat die toestel pas aan die netwerk
gekoppel is en nog nie 'n IP-adres het nie.

Use a diagram to describe the process used to visit a web page. Indicate which transport protocols are
used at each step. Assume that the device has just been connected to the network, and does not yet
have an IP address. (8)

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Beskou die volgende scenario:

U is genader om 'n maatskappy se e-posdiens op te stel. Die maatskappy hanteer vertroulike inligting en het
daarop aangedring dat hulle hul eie e-posbediener moet hê.

Consider the following scenario:

You have been approached to set up a company’s email service. The company deals with confidential
information and has insisted that they have their own email server.

7.2 Vergelyk vier e-posprotokolle met behulp van 'n tabel.

Compare four email protocols using a table. (8)

Protokol / Protocol Bespreking / Discussion

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7.3 Maak 'n voorstel rakende die e-posprotokol wat die maatskappy moet gebruik (1). Motiveer u
antwoord (2) en steun u motivering deur 'n scenario te gebruik om te beskryf hoe die stelsel sou werk
(2). Toon duidelik aan hoe die onderneming se behoeftes in hierdie scenario hanteer sal word.

Make a suggestion regarding the email protocol the company should use (1). Motivate your answer (2)
and substantiate your motivation by using a scenario to describe how the system would work (2).
Clearly indicate how the company’s needs will be addressed in this scenario. (5)

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File reference:

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