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I had never heard of contrastive analysis before, but from what I

understand, it is a method that compares two languages or dialects to find their
similarities and differences. This week's session covered it in detail. According to
what I recall, this subject's main objective is to show students how to distinguish
between their home language and the target language to assist them in
comprehending and overcoming the difficulties involved in learning a second
language. This method is prevalent in translation studies and language instruction.

The two concepts of comparative and contrastive linguistics, nevertheless,

continue to baffle me. In contrast, the field of comparative linguistics is concerned
with examining the historical connections and shared ancestry of languages.
To track language evolution and group languages into families, it entails analyzing
linguistic traits shared by several languages. On the other hand, contrastive
linguistics focuses more on the usefulness of contrasting languages to help
language learners recognize and solve challenges they could face while picking up
a new language. I suppose I need to read more about contrastive linguistics ideas
and methods and how they relate to language development in order to try to gain
insight into this subject.

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