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Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering


3.1 Prestressed Concrete

Prestressing is the application of a predetermined force to a

structural member in such a manner that the combined internal
stresses resulting from the Prestressing force and the external loads
will be confined within specific limits. It is a method of applying pre-
compression to control the stresses resulting due to external loads at
the tension zone of the beam. Reinforced concrete becomes
Prestressed concrete when permanently loaded in such a way so as to
built-up initial stresses opposite to those which later will be developed
by service loads.

3.2 Why Do We Need to Prestress?

- Concrete is strong in compression and weak in tension.

– Tensile strength of concrete is 8 to 14 % of compressive strength.

– Flexural cracks develop early.

– Can be counteracted by application of compressive stresses.

– Prestressing allows optimal utilization of compressive stresses.

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

 Some Examples

3.3 Advantages of Prestressing:-

1) Prevents tension cracks under working loads to be used for water

and oil tanks and members subjected to corrosion conditions.

2) Smaller sections will be required for design (the entire section

remains effective for stresses)

3) Larger span will be possible because of reduction in weight.

4) Deflection under working load will be reduced (cambering of


5) Prestress reduces diagonal tension stresses at working loads. This

led to use of modified I and T sections.

tension crack 60
Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.4 Procedure of Prestressing

1. High Steel strands (or tendons) are placed in the lower part of the
beam form.

2. The strands are tensioned to a very high stress by jacking force.

3. Concrete is placed in the form and allowed to harden after gaining

sufficient strength, and jacks will be released.

4. The strands are cut. Strands tends to contract to its original length
which is prevented by the concrete so it will remain in tension. This
tension is equilibrated by corresponding compression in concrete.

Also, compressing the lower part of the beam will cause negative
bending moment. The positive moment caused by the beam weight and
any superimposed loads is directly opposed by the negative moment.

(a) Cables stretched and concrete


(b) Cable cut after concrete gains sufficient


(c) Negative moment

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.5 Types of Prestress Tendons

Three types of steel tendons are used in prestressed concrete: wires,

strands (or cables) made with several wires, and bars. Typical shapes
and commonly available diameters are shown in the table below.

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.6 Design of Prestressed Members

3.6.1 Stages of Loading

1- Transfer (Initial) Stage:

Refer to the stage where the prestressing force is transferred to
the concrete and no external loads are present except the weight of
the member. Because of elastic shortening in concrete, slip at
anchorages and frictional losses along tendons, an immediate
reduction in prestress occur from jacking force to initial prestress
force . (Compression is negative and tension is considered positive)
Initial prestress force Jacking force

Concrete Centroid

. .

Stresses in concrete immediately after prestress transfer (before

time dependent losses) called Stage of Transfer.

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

2- Service (Working) Stage:

Refer to the final loading (total load) under service conditions where
all prestress losses have occurred

Effective prestress : reduction factor due to time dependent

force losses 12 20% ( 88 80%

. . .

. . .

Concrete Centroid

. .

Stresses in Concrete after time dependent losses at service loads

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.6.2 Flexural Analysis based on Permissible Stresses

Based on permissible stresses in concrete (at stage of transfer and

service load stage), the following basic equations are used: -

……. 1

. ….….. 2

. ……... 3

…….. 4


& are section modulus with respect to bottom fiber

, ,

, 12
: moment due to member weight only

: moment due to S.D. L L.L ( ℓ)

: total moment ( )

Pse = Pi * R (Effective Prestress Force)

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

Permissible stresses in concrete flexural members

-Allowable stresses in concrete immediately after prestress

transfer (ACI Code 18.4.1)
a) Extreme fiber stress in compression 0.6
b) Extreme fiber stress in tension except as 1
permitted in (c) 4
c) Extreme fiber stress in tension at ends of simply 1
supported members 2

: Compressive strength of concrete at time of initial prestress

-Allowable stresses in concrete at service loads (After Allowance

for all prestress losses) (ACI Code 18.4.1)

a) Extreme fiber stress in compression due to

prestress sustained loads
b) Extreme fiber stress in compression due to
prestress total loads
c) Extreme fiber stress in tension in precompressed 1
tensile zone 2

: Specified Compressive strength of concrete

Prestressing tendons (Permissible stresses) (ACI Code 18.5)

a) Due to jacking force 0.94 0.8

b) Immediately after prestress transfer 0.82 0.74
c) Post-tensioning tendons, at anchorages
and couplers, immediately after tendon 0.70
: Permissible tensile stress of reinforcement
: Yield strength of prestressing tendons
: Tensile strength of prestressing tendons

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.6.3 Design of Beams with Variable Eccentricity

To find section modulus

1 ℓ
→→ . 1 . 3

1 ℓ
→→ . 4 . 2

Concrete stresses under initial condition at the centroid, . is


| .|

∴ .

The required eccentricity at max. moment section based on top fiber


. →→ . 1

Alternatively, based on bottom fiber requirements:

. →→ . 2

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.6.4 Design of Beams with Constant Eccentricity

To find section modulus

The required eccentricity based on top fiber requirements

. →→ . 1

The required eccentricity based on bottom fiber requirements

. →→ . 2


1) If tension stresses are not allowed at both stages (initial and

service load stages), and shall be equal to zero

2) Values of and are negative and

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.6.5 Spacing Limit of Reinforcements

Section 7.6.7 of ACI code prescribes a clear distance between

pretensioning tendons at each end of a member not less than four
times the diameter for wires and three times the diameter for

Another requirement can be derived from section 3.3.3 of the

code where it is stated that the clear spacing between prestressing
tendons shall not be less than one and one-third times the maximum
size of the coarse aggregate used in the concrete.

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

Example 3.1

A prestressed simply supported uniformly loaded beam has the

following mid-span moments:- 172.8 . , ℓ
515.6 . . The following design data is given: -

span 12.19 , 16.56 / (comp.), 1.31 /

(tension), 15.53 / (comp.) , 2.93 / (tension),
losses = 20% . 0.8 , variable eccentricity, initial permissible
tensile stress of reinforcement 1207 / ( use 12.7 7 wire
stands, area 92.9 ). Determine the required concrete
dimension, magnitude of prestress force, and eccentricity of the steel

1 ℓ 1 0.8 172.8 10 515.6 10
0.8 1.31 15.53
33.19 10

1 1 0.8 172.8 10 515.6 10

2.93 0.8 16.56
34.01 10
Say we choose a rectangular section with 510

12 510
34.01 10 ∴ 633
6 6
A more practical value could be used for h (say 640 ). However, use
633 (for sake of comparsion)
. 1.31 1.31 16.56
. 7.625 /

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

510 633
| .| | 7.625| 2460
1207 /
2460 1000
. 21.98 22 12.7 7
Based on top fiber requirement

34.01 10 172.8 10
1.31 7.625 193.77
2.46 10 2.46 10
Based on bott. Fiber requirement

34.01 10 172.8 10
7.625 16.56 193.77
2.46 10 2.46 10

Concrete centroid 633/2

150 150
150 150



Concrete centroid

Section a-a steel centroid

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

Example 3.2

Design the beam given in the previous example using the strands at
constant eccentricity throughout the simple span.

ℓ 172.8 10 515.6 10
41.52 10
0.8 1.31 15.53

ℓ 172.8 10 515.6 10
42.55 10
2.93 0.8 16.56

Say we choose a rectangular section with 510

42.55 10 ∴ 708
6 6

A more practical value could be used for h (say 640 ). However, use
633 (for sake of comparsion)

. 1.31 1.31 16.56
. 7.625 /

510 708
| .| | 7.625| 2753
2753 10
. 24.55 25 12.7 7

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

Based on top fiber requirement

42.55 10
. 1.31 7.625 137.48
2.753 10

Based on bott. Fiber requirement

42.55 10
. 7.625 16.56 137.48
2.753 10





Concrete centroid

steel centroid

Section b-b

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.7 Systems of Prestressing

a) Pre-tensioning:

In Pre-tensioned system, the tendons are tensioned against some

abutments before the concrete is placed. After the concrete
hardened, the tension force is released. The tendon tries to shrink
back to the initial length but the concrete resists it through the bond
between them, thus, compression force is induced in concrete.
Pretension is usually done with precast members and is well suited for
mass production since long beams can be cast for the desired lengths.

abutment Applying tension to tendons

Casting of concrete

Cutting of tendon
Transferring of prestress

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

b) Post-tensioning:

In post-tensioned system, the tendons are tensioned after the

concrete is placed and has built its strength. Hollow plastic conduits
(ducts) or sleeves with unstressed tendons inside (or later inserted)
are located in the form and the concrete is placed. After the concrete
hardened and had enough strength, the tendons are stretched and
mechanically attached to the end anchorage devices to keep the
tendons in their stretched positions. Grout may be injected into the
duct later. This can be done either as precast or cast-in-place.

1) Install duct and tendons

Dead end Stressing
Hollow Duct tendons
Anchor Anchor

2) Cast concrete

3) Stress tendons

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering


Dead end

Post tensioning
Hollow Duct



Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.8 Shape selection

To improve material economy, several common shapes such as I, T or

Box section are usually used.

Double T Single T I-Girder

A flat surface is provided, It is more appropriate for It is more widely used for
1.2-2.4m wide, span up to longer spans, up to 36m, bridges and roof girders
18m is usually used and heavier loads up to about 36m

Channel Slab Box Girder Inverted T

It is suitable for floors in It is usually used for It provides a bearing ledge

the intermediate span bridges of intermediate to carry the ends of
range and major spans precast members

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.9 Losses of Prestress

a) Immediate losses

1- Slip at the anchorages: The transfer of load to the anchorage

device in the post-tensioned construction causes a slight inward
movement of tendon. The stress loss will be large for short tendons.

2- Elastic shortening of the concrete: In a pretensioned beam, the

elastic compression strain which takes place in concrete tends to
reduce the stress in the bonded prestressing steel.

3- Frictional losses: Losses due to friction, as the tendon is stressed

in post-tensioned members, are the curvature friction due to
intentional bends in the tendon profile and the wobble friction due to
the unintentional variation of the tendons

b) Long Term losses

1- Creep of concrete: It is the decrease in the member length due to

the shortening of concrete under sustained loads.

2- Shrinkage of concrete: It is the decrease in the length of the

member due to the shrinkage of concrete.

3- Relaxation of steel: Loss in stress due to relaxation, which is the

stress loss under constant strain, depends upon stress level in the

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

Example 3.3
A symmetrical I section post-tensioned prestressed concrete beam is
simply supported over a 13 span. The beam is required to curry a
S.D.L of 4.4 / and a L.L of 14.6 / . Design the beam for the
following data:

28 / , 35 / , variable eccentricity , 0.84, No

tension is allowed . The specified tensile strength of reinforcement
1724 / (use 12.7 , 7 wire strand, area 92.9 ) . All
L.L are sustained loads.



400 200
2 200 400 250
12 200
200 300
10983 10
10983 10
31.38 10
2 200 400 300 200 220 10
220 10
24 5.28 /
5.28 13
111.6 .
. . . 4.4 14.6 19 /
19 13
401.4 .

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

Initial stage

0.6 0.6 28 16.8 / (comp.)

0 (No tension is allowed)

Service load stage

0.45 0.45 35 15.75 / (comp.)

0 (No tension is allowed)

1 1 0.84 111.6 10 401.4 10

0.84 0 15.75
26.62 10 31.38 10 →→

1 1 0.84 111.6 10 401.4 10

0 0.84 16.8
29.71 10 31.38 10 →→

. 0 0 16.8 8.4 /

220 10 | 8.4|
| .| 1848

0.7 0.7 1724 1207 /

1848 10

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

. 16.48 17

Based on top fiber requirements

31.38 10 111.6 10
0 8.4 203
1848 10 1848 10

Based on bott. Fiber requirement

. 203

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

Example 3.4

Check the simply supported beam shown in the figure with respect to
the permissible concrete stresses. The following data is given: -

36 / , 30 / , 1200 , 0.8 ,
325 , span 18 , S.D.L 4 / , . 4 / (assume that
75% of . are sustained loads).


. .


2 400 200 350 150 212.5 10
400 200 150 350
2 200 400 275
12 12
13169 10
13169 10
35.12 10
212.5 10
24 5.1 /
ℓ 5.1 18
206.55 .
8 8
Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

. . . 4 4 8 /
. . 0.75 . 4 0.75 4 7 /

ℓ 8 18
324 .
8 8
206.55 324 530.55 . total loads

ℓ 7 18
283.5 . ,
8 8
206.55 283.5 490.05 . sustained loads

Allowable stresses:

Initial stage (transfer):

1 1
√30 1.37 /
4 4
0.6 0.6 30 18 / comp.

Service load stage:

√36 3 / tension

For prestress sustained loads

0.45 0.45 36 16.2 / comp.

For prestress total load

0.6 0.6 36 21.6 / comp.

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

a) Stage of transfer, stresses at mid-span

1200 10 1200 10 325 206.55 10

212.5 10 35.12 10 35.12 10

0.423 / comp. →→ limit is 1.37 / tension →→

1200 10 1200 10 325 206.55 10

212.5 10 35.12 10 35.12 10

10.871 / comp. →→ limit is 18 / comp. →→

b)Service load stage

0.8 1200 960

960 10 960 10 325 530.55 10

212.5 10 35.12 10 35.12 10

10.74 / comp. →→ limit is 21.6 / comp. →→

960 10 960 10 325 490.05 10

212.5 10 35.12 10 35.12 10

9.59 / comp. →→ limit is 16.2 / comp. →→

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

960 10 960 10 325 530.55 10

212.5 10 35.12 10 35.12 10

1.705 / tension →→ limit is 21.6 / tension →→

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

Example 3.5

The roof framing simply supported pre-tensioned double –tee beam

shown in the figure has the following properties: -

Section properties
116.1 10 , 1192 10
102 , . 254

Material properties

24 / , 38 / , simple span 9.75 , prestress

stress at transfer 1207 / , losses 15% , constant
eccentricity, self-weight 2.25 / , Live load roofing
1.915 / (Assume all live loads are sustained loads).


. .
. . . .
63.5 63.5


1- Concrete permissible stresses

a) At initial stage (transfer):

- √24 1.22 / tension

- √24 2.45 / tension at ends of simple

- 0.6 0.6 24 14.4 / comp.

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

b) At service load stage:

- √38 3.08 / tension

- 0.45 0.45 38 17.1 / comp.

2- Moments at midspan
2.25 1.22 2.745 /
1.915 1.22 2.336 /

ℓ 2.745 9.75
32.62 .
8 8
ℓ 2.336 9.75
27.76 .
8 8
32.62 27.76 60.38 .

3- Prestress force and eccentricity

1207 206.44
0.85 249.2 211.8
76 254 76 178

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

4) stresses at initial stage ( / )

support midspan

top fiber bott. fiber top fiber bott. fiber

/ 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15
/ 3.8 9.45 3.8 9.45
/ 2.79 6.95

total 1.65 11.6 1.14 4.65

permissible 2.45 14.4 1.22 14.4

(tension) (comp.) (tension) (comp.)

ok ok ok ok

5) Stresses at service load stage ( / )

support midspan

top fiber bott. fiber top fiber bott. fiber

/ 1.82 1.82 1.82 1.82
/ 3.23 8.03 3.23 8.03
/ 5.17 12.87

total 1.41 9.85 3.76 3.02

permissible 3.08 17.1 17.1 3.08

(tension) (comp.) (comp.) (tension)

ok ok ok ok

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

3.10 Cracking moment

It is the moment that causing the first hair cracks in a prestressed

concrete beam and is computed by elastic theory. Cracking is assumed
to start when the tensile stress in the extreme fiber of concrete
reaches its modulus of rupture ( )

If the concrete has been previously cracked by overloading,

shrinkage or other causes, cracks may reappear at a slightest tensile
stress. (extreme fiber tension stress may be assumed equal to zero
in this case).

If the beam is made of concrete blocks, the cracking strength

will depend on the tensile strength of the joining material.

To determine the cracking moment, the extreme fiber tensile

stress is assumed to reach the modulus of rupture ( 0.62 ) .
Thus, for a simply supported beam, (Eq. 4) becomes:

0.62 Tension

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

Example 3.6

A post-tensioned simple beam has a span of 12 , carries a S.D.L. of

4 / . The prestress stress after deducting all the losses is 830
/ . The parabolic cable has an area of 1600 . Compute the
uniformly distributed live load ℓ that can be carried by the beam,

1- For zero tensile stress in the bottom fiber

2- For cracking in the bottom fiber at the modulus of rupture .
Assume 46 /

. . . .


. . 130

. .


Considering the critical mid-span section

830 1600
1328 , 300 600 180 10

300 600 54 10
54 10 , 18 10
12 300

1) For zero tensile stress in the bottom fiber

Reinforced Concrete Design IV Fourth Year- Civil Engineering

1328 10 18 10
1328 10 130 10
180 10
305.4 .


305.4 8
16.97 /
0.3 0.6 24 4.32 /
∴ ℓ 16.97 4 4.32 8.65 /

2) For cracking in the bottom fiber

0.62 0.62√46 4.2 /

1328 10 18 10
∴ 4.2 18 10 1328 10 130
180 10
381 .

381 8
21.17 /

∴ ℓ 21.17 4 4.32 12.85 /


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