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License Management

Managing License

Select Settings > Licensing

1) Change License group

2) Add License
3) Check license violations if any and
4) View stack
5) Edit and Add pools
6) Designate License roll

Types of splunk licenses?

1. Enterprise License - Standard splunk license

Allows you to use all splunk Enterprise features as below:
Deployed Management
Scheduling of Alerts
Role-based Access controls

Enterprise Trial License:

500 MB/day upon initial registry
Expires 60 days after start of using splunk
After expiration, must switch to Free License

2.Free License
Includes 500 MB/day of indexing volume, is free, and has no expiration date
Cannot Add more roles or create user accounts
Searches are run against all public indexes, “index=*’ and restrictions on search such as user
quotas, maximum per-search time ranges, search filters are not supported
The capability system is disabled,, all capabilities are enabled for users accessing

3.Forwarder License.
License allows forwarding (but not indexing) of
unlimited data
Forwarder licenses are included with splunk enterprise license
How to configure splunk license? |How to install splunklicense ?

License Server Type:

You can install splunk license on any server which ac as License server (as licensing is based
upon volume of logs indexed by indexer).Splunk licensing installation have two components
as below:
1. Licensing master - controls one or more license slaves. From the license master, you can
define stacks, pools, add licensing capacity, and manage license slaves.
2. Licensing Slave - A license slave is a Splunk indexer which is a member of one or more
license pools. The access a license slave has to license volume is controlled by its license

How to add/install splunk license?

1. Navigate to Settings > Licensing

2. Click “Add license”

3. select licensing file provided by splunk and click on install to install the license

Licensing master and slave connection:

When you configure a license master instance and add license slaves to it, the license slaves
communicate their usage to the license master every minute
If the license master is down or unreachable for any reason, the license slave starts a 72-
hour timer ,If the license slave cannot reach the license master for 72 hours, search is
blocked on the license slave (although indexing continues).Users will not be able to search
data in the indexes on the license
slave until that slave can reach the master again

How to add/configure licensing slave?

1. On the indexer (or search head) you want to configure

as a license slave, log into splunk> Web and navigate to
Settings > Licensing
2. Click “Change to slave”

3. Switch the radio button from Designate this splunk> instance, <this
indexer/searchhead>, as the master license server to Designate a
different Splunk instance as the master license server
4. Specify the license master to which this license slave should report

What is licensing pool?

A group of Splunk indexers configured to share a designated quantity of licensing volume. A
pool of indexers is managed by a license master instance. The allocated quantity of licensing
volume itself is also sometimes referred to as the pool.

How to create a licensing pool?

1. Goto settings>>licensing>> Create new license pool

2. Specify a name and optionally, a description for the pool
3. Set the allocation for this pool
4. Specify how indexers are to access this pool. The options
• Any indexer in your environment that is configured as license slave can connect to this
license pool and use the license allocation within it
• Only indexers that you specify can connect to this pool and use the license allocation

Once installation and configuration is complete managing license is easy by using splunk
license managing app ( Settings > License).splunklicense usage app provides a new
dashboard which has several widgets that query to help you determine your Splunk license
usage total over the past 24 hours as well as usage by host, source, and sourcetype. It
contains timecharts to help you understand usage over time and see usage spikes as well as
pie charts to help you to figure out which log files, sourcetypes, and hosts.


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