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Dojos of the Agate Palace

From here one may observe the workings of the Thousand Schools of
Rokugan Project. It is my hope that one day 1000 schools will be
referenced here.

● Philosophy
● Schools of Rokugan - a listing of terms
● Crab Schools
● Crane Schools
● Dragon Schools
● Lion Schools
● Phoenix Schools
● Scorpion Schools
● Unicorn Schools
● Minor Clan Schools
● The Yellow Dojo (Great Clan School Details)
● The Orange Dojo (Minor Clan School Details)
● The Red Dojo (Vassal Clan School Details)


I am of the opinion “the more good schools the better”. Each school adds
to the richness of the setting. PCs can only make use of so many, but the
GM gains a whole new pool of ideas from each one. No longer will a
samurai faced with a bushi in Crane-colors automatically assume his
opponent is a duelist. Variety of schools helps break down stereotypes.
Game balance (both positive and negative) must be observed, or you will
never persuade a GM to allow an optional or “home-brewed” school into

My thoughts on writing new schools may be found in the Meditation

Chamber. The revalation that the Mantis school exists without a named
family to support it opens the door wide for a whole series of ronin
schools. Exciting times ahead!

For ease of reference, my schools are divided into Great Clan, Minor
Clan, and Vassal dojos.

Schools of Rokugan - A list of Terms

“Bushi Schools”

Bushi: A warrior. One who studies the arts of war broadly.

Kenshi: A “swordsman”. Another type of warrior, but one who
specializes in the sword.
Kenshinzo: “Swordmaster”. In Rokugan, the duelists of the Kakita
Sagasu: A hunter.
Yojimbo: A bodyguard. A warrior who specializes in defending another.
Berserkers, Scouts, Bounty Hunters, & Battlemaidens are also considered

“Shugenja Schools”

Shugenja: A holyman. One who may speak to the spirits to produce

magical effects.
Sodan-senzo: A spirit-medium. One who chanels the spirits.

Other Schools

Butei: An actor. A type of artisan.

Ise Zumi: A tattooed man. An Order of monks within the Dragon Clan.
Kodo: A drummer. A type of artisan.
Omoidoso: A bard. A type of artisan.
Tsukai-sagasau: A witch-hunter.

CRAB CLAN (7 Great, 2 Vassal)

Hida Berserker (WotCb)

Hida Bushi (L5R)
Hiruma Scout (WotCb)
Kaiu Battlemaster AP
Kuni Shugenja (L5R)
Kuni Tsukai-sagasu (WotCb)
Yasuki Dealer AP
Aiburo Kenshi AP
Wadori Enforcer AP

CRANE CLAN (6 Great, 2 Vassal)

Asahina Shugenja (L5R)

Daidoji Yojimbo (WotCn)
Doji Bushi AP
Doji Courtier (WotCn)
Kakita Artisan (WotCn)
Kakita Kenshinzo (L5R)
Iwase Scout AP
Tsume Kenshi AP

DRAGON CLAN (5 Great, 3 Vassal)

Agasha Craftsman AP
Agasha Shugenja (L5R)
Kitsuki Magistrate (WotD)
Mirumoto Bushi (L5R)
Togashi Ise Zumi (WotD)
Hayato Kenshi AP
Itou Yojimbo AP
Usami Bushi AP

LION CLAN (6 Great, 2 Vassal)

Akodo Bushi (L5R)

Akodo Tactician AP
Ikoma Omoidasu AP
Kitsu Shugenja (L5R)
Kitsu Sodan-senzo (WotL)
Matsu Beast Master AP
Matsu Bushi AP/(WotL)
Goseki Bushi AP
Shimada Bushi AP
PHOENIX CLAN (5 Great, 2 Vassal)

Asako Healer (WotP)

Asako Magistrate AP
Isawa Shugenja (L5R)
Isawa Elementalist (WotP)
Shiba Bushi (L5R)
Koike Bushi AP
Yumeno Kodo AP

SCORPION CLAN (7 Great, 2 Vassal)

Bayushi Bushi (L5R)

Bayushi Courtier (WotS)
Shosuro Butei (WotS)
Shosuro Assassin AP
Shosuro Shinobi (WotS)
Soshi Shugenja (L5R)
Yogo Shugenja (WotS)
Iioka Gambler AP
Kochako Bushi AP

UNICORN CLAN (6 Great, 2 Vassal)

Ide Emmisary (WotU)

Iuchi Shugenja (L5R)
Moto Bushi (WotU)
Otaku Battlemaiden (WotU)
Shinjo Bushi (L5R)
Shinjo Magistrate (IH#10)
Horiuchi Shugenja AP
Tanji Scouts AP



Ichiro Bushi AP

Moshi Bushi AP
Moshi Shugenja AP


Tombo Bushi AP
Tombo Shugenja AP


Falcon Sagasu AP


Kitsune Bushi AP
Kitsune Shugenja AP


Usagi Bushi AP


Mantis Bushi (CoB)


Suzume Bushi AP


Kasuga Advisor AP


Wasp Bounty Hunter (S#48)

● The Agate Palace
● The Dojo

● The Orange Dojo

● The Red Dojo

The Yellow Dojo

Schools of the Great Clans
Taught within are the various schools of the Great Clans.

● Philosophy
● Crab Clan
❍ Kaiu Battlemaster School

● Crane Clan
❍ Doji Bushi School

● Dragon Clan
● Lion Clan
❍ Akodo Tactician School

❍ Ikoma Omoidasu School

❍ Matsu Beastmaster School

❍ Matsu Bushi School

● Phoenix Clan
❍ Asako Magistrate School

● Scorpion Clan
❍ Shosuro Assassin School

● Unicorn Clan

My schools for the families of the Great Clans tend to arise from two sources. First are those schools
which replace or greatly expand those schools that have been officially published. These come from my
own opinions of what such a school's students should be capable of based on the lore of the Legends of
the Five Rings settings. I have done this to all of the schools which are described as having only one
technique (except for the berserkers). My hope is that my versions are more appealing to players
considering their role in society without making the school unbalanced once in play. The second source
of inspiration is again the lore of L5R. Some families have acquired a reputation for certain knowledge
or behavior based on personalities published in the CCG. For example Matsu Imura is only one man,
but the idea of the Lion Beastmaster is so intriguing that I created a school that others may follow the
path he took. Because these ideas arise spontaneously from the setting, no effort has been made to do an
equal number for each clan. Where only slight changes to existing techniques were required to bring a
school into accordance with my vision of Rokugan, those changes can be found in the Third Scroll in
the library.

Kaiu Battlemaster School

The Kaiu Battlemaster is a variation on the Kaiu Engineer from WotCb.

Benefit: +1 Intelligence

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 1 box

Skills: Armorer, Battle, Engineering, Siege, Traps, Weaponsmith, and pick one craft skill.


Rank 1: Foot of the Mountain

The young student begins at the mountain's base, learning the intricacies of the skills. However, this
study is only the understanding of technique, the beginning of understanding the Do, or Way. At this
rank and each rank hereafter the samurai may study one of the school's seven skills, keeping an extra
die when using that skill. The same skill may be chosen up to three times (keeping multiple dice).

Rank 2: Climbing the Cliffs

At this rank the student begins to show the simplicity of effort that comes with mastery of the forms. He
receives a free raise when using any skill studied with the rank one technique. Only one free raise is
granted by this technique even if the character has studied the skill more than once.

Rank 3: The Shrouded Heights

At this rank the student begins to see the freedom of the Way and not the limits of forms. When using
any skill the character has studied with the rank one technique, the character is not limited to his Void
Ring when deciding how many raises to make.

Rank 4: Above the Clouds

At this rank the Way fills the student's every effort. When using any skill studied twice with the rank
one technique, the character may spend any number of his void points.

Rank 5: At the Peak You See Other Mountains

While others may see the student as a master, at this rank he has learned that he will never know more
than the smallest part of the Way. Even so, the battlemaster may automatically succeed at the use of any
skill he has studied three times with the rank one technique. This does not apply to opposed rolls. He is
entitled to any free raises, but must roll if he wishes to make any other raises.

Your Outfit


Same as Kaiu Engineer (WotCb pg. 51)

I am working on an expanded school for Yasuki Dealers.

Doji Bushi School

The Personalities of the CCG show many brave Doji warriors, whose methods speak of training outside
of that of the duelist or the yojimbo.

Benefit: +1 Reflexes

Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Archery, Bo-jutsu, Courtier or Poetry, Defense, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, and Pick one High Skill


Rank 1: The Refinement of Wisdom

The bushi has started on a life long path of duty and self-mastery. His integrity reveals itself in every
word and deed. Add the bushi's honor rank to the total of all high skill rolls. The bushi also receives an
extra point of insight for each skill that he possesses at rank 5.

Rank 2: The First Shout

By uttering the first shout (which takes two full rounds during which the character may do nothing else)
the bushi is able to gather up and focus his courage. For a number of minutes equal to the character's
school rank his Void Ring is increased by one. This does not give the bushi an additional void point or
insight but does increase the number of focuses and raises he may perform.

Rank 3: The Second Shout

The second shout is made just before striking (in a skirmish or duel) to rattle the opponent. At the
beginning of the round (or along with a focus in a duel) the bushi declares that he is making the second
shout, spends a void point, and rolls Void + School Rank with a TN of 5 x (opponent's Void +
Meditation). If the roll succeeds the next void point the opponent spends is canceled (lost without
effect). The second shout does not interfere with the bushi's focusing or action that round.

Rank 4: The Final Shout

At this rank the bushi masters the final shout. After winning a battle, skirmish, or duel the Crane may
call out his victory yell (taking two actions). The shout allows the bushi to recover all his void points.
The shout may only be performed after combat ends and the Crane is victorious.

Rank 5: To Do What We Must

The bushi learns the power of letting go of life and surrendering entirely to the demands of destiny.
Before rolling initiative, the bushi may spend a void point to do what he must. That round he will make
a number of attacks equal to his Honor Rank. The attacks are all-out attacks and the bushi automatically
loses initiative. The bushi ignores the effects (including death) of any wounds taken that round until
after his attacks are resolved.

Your Outfit


(All items are of fine quality) Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows, Light Armor, Helm, Traveling
Pack, 2 Kimonos, any 2 weapons, 8 Koku.
The Agasha Craftsman School (mentioned on pg. 33 of WotD) will be forthcoming.

Akodo Tactician School

Benefit: +1 Perception

Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Battle, Bushido Lore, History, Kenjutsu, Leadership, Siege, and Tessen


Rank 1: Way of the Lion

Same as the Akodo bushi school's first rank technique.

Rank 2: The Soul of Akodo

"A great man's heart can pump the life's blood of a thousand men." Where the Akodo bushi learns to
enter the thick of battle and destroy the enemy, the Akodo tactician must learn that upon his life
depends the lives of others. The tactician adds his honor rank to his TN to be hit and subtracts it from
the damage taken each turn on the battle table.

Rank 3: Tactics of Mistake

No one seizes upon an enemy's error like an Akodo. The tactician may spend a void point to force an
opponent to discard his highest die (therefore keeping less than his best) during a Battle, Siege, or bugei
skill roll. This may only be done once per roll.

Rank 4: With the Strength of My Ancestors

Same as the Akodo bushi school's third rank technique.

Rank 5: The Art of War

Few Akodo rise to this level of the War College. At this rank the bushi has devoted his life to the way
of bushido and mastery of the Art of War. The bushi receives a number of free raises equal to his Honor
Rank in all rolls using the school's seven skills.

Your Outfit


(One item is of fine quality, the rest of average quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Tessen, Light or Heavy
Armor, Helm, Banner, Traveling Pack, Maps, Kimono, Commander's chair, 4 Koku.

Ikoma Omoidasu (Bard) School

Benefit: +1 Awareness

Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes

Note: because this school is considered to embody the very spirit of a warrior, it is considered a bushi
school for the purpose of the Multiple Schools advantage.

Skills: Ancestor Lore, Bard, Bushido Lore, Calligraphy, Heraldry, History, and Law


Rank 1: Tell the Tale

All of the abilities described in Way of the Lion for Ikoma bards represents the first rank for this school.
The bard may also use his tales to reduce a samurai's glory, vilifying his deeds instead of exalting them.
Tales of misconduct do not count for gaining rank in the bard school.

Rank 2: The Code of Bushido

By his mere presence the omoidasu inspires proper behavior. All those who know an Ikoma bard is
present roll but not keep an additional number of dice equal to half the bard's glory rank (round down)
when making tests of honor. However, characters do not gain an honor point from such tests.

Rank 3: Forgiveness of the Ancestors

At this rank the bard has learned how to restore a samurai's faith in himself and the code of bushido.
The bard may lead (must be present throughout) the samurai through a ritual of penance and
purification. The bard must make an Awareness + Bushido Lore roll with a TN of 10 x the target's
Honor Rank to construct the ritual. If he succeeds and the target is willing, the samurai will recover all
the honor lost in his single most recent honor lose. This ritual takes a number of days equal to the
number of honor points recovered, and usually takes the form of vigils spent in prayer before the shrine
of an ancestor mixed with periods of brutal physical strain. The subject also loses an amount of glory
equal to half of the honor recovered.

Rank 4: Salute of the Samurai

When the bard succeeds in using his first rank technique upon a hero, the hero of the tale receives
experience points equal to the bard's school rank in addition to the glory bonus.

Rank 5: Rallying Cry

The omoidasu is a source of inspiration to all warriors who fight with honor. By entering battle himself
the bard may whip his comrades to into a frenzy of heroic zeal. If the bard declares himself to be fully
engaged on the battle chart, he may change the tide of battle one place in his side's favor for one turn,
from losing to even, or from even to winning. The bard himself rolls as if facing the original condition
(losing or even). This may only be done once per day.



(One item is of fine quality, the rest of average quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Writing Set, Scroll Satchel,
Traveling Pack, 2 Kimonos, 6 Koku, Light Armor or Mount .

Matsu Beastmaster School

Benefit: +1 Awareness

Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Animal Husbandry, Animal Training 2, Hunting, Meditation, Mimic, and pick one bugei skill


Rank 1: Brother to Lions

The beastmaster shares a special kinship with the animals of Rokugan. No animal untouched by the
taint will ever attack the beastmaster. The beastmaster also may "bond" a number of animals equal to
his school rank. A bonded animal will stay in the character's vicinity at all times, roaming only to feed.
Rank 2: Friends need no Words

The beastmaster may determine the general intent or desires of any animal by observing it for several
rounds and making a simple Air roll with a TN set by the GM. The beastmaster does not need to roll to
understand animals he has bonded.

Rank 3: Eyes in the Night

At this rank the beastmaster may view the world through the senses of one of his bonded friends. The
beastmaster must spend a void point to do so, and the sharing lasts for a number of minutes equal to the
beastmaster's school rank.

Rank 4: King of the Beasts

At this rank the beastmaster's presence is so potent amongst animals that he may command them. This
requires an opposes willpower roll. If the animal is under the direct control of another person, use the
controller's willpower instead. Bonded animals will agree to any command without the opposed roll.

Rank 5: Walk with Me, Brother

At this rank the beastmaster may move his soul into one of his bonded friends, "riding" in the body and
sharing in the control. It takes five minutes of preparation to do so, and the bonded animal must be
within line of sight. The beastmaster's own body remains in a trance during these travels. This may be
done safely for one hour per rank of meditation skill. For every hour beyond this he must make a test of
honor, starting at TN 5, and increasing by 5 each time, or lose his soul to the animals. Forever. A most
shameful demise.



(One item is of fine quality, the rest of average quality): Wakizashi, Traveling Pack, Kimono, 4 Koku,
Light Armor or Mount.

Matsu Bushi School

Benefit: +1 Reflexes

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Archery, Battle, History, Kenjutsu 2, Yadome-jutsu and pick one bugei skill


Rank 1: Fury of the Lion

At this rank the bushi learns the aggressive strategies of the Matsu. The bushi adds her school rank to
every die she keeps to hit and for damage during a full attack. When rolling on the battle table, if the
bushi is heavily engaged, add her school rank to the roll.

Rank 2: Right Hand of the Emperor

The Lions are the Emperor's right hand, his mighty sword arm. Starting at this rank, while making full
attacks, the bushi learns to strike twice per round. One blow is for herself, and one for the Emperor she

Rank 3: Duty to the Clan

At this level the bushi's devotion to the Lion Clan and the Emperor is as integral as breathing. The bushi
may spend a void point to automatically succeed at any test of honor. The bushi cannot gain an honor
point as a result of using this technique.

Rank 4: Roar of 10,000 Lions

At this rank the bushi learns the tremendous battle cry of a Lion samurai. The bushi spends a void point
as she unleashes a great bellow. All enemies that can both see and hear the Lion are subject to a fear
effect equal to half the Lion's glory rank (round up).

Rank 5: The Fury that Consumes

The battle fury of the Lion has become an almost living thing, able to drive her to great feats of battle
prowess. If the bushi kills an opponent with a single blow (has not attacked that opponent before) it
does not count as one of her actions that round.

Your Outfit


(One item is of fine quality, the rest of average quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows, Light or
Heavy Armor, Helm, Traveling Pack, Kimono, any 2 weapons, 3 Koku.
Asako Magistrate School

Benefit: +1 Perception

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: History, Investigation, Law, Maho Lore, Meditation, Shintao, and Shugenja Lore


Rank 1: On the Banks of the River

The magistrate has developed a sense for the flow of magic in the world. By briefly (two rounds)
touching a person or item and concentrating completely, the magistrate may make a Perception +
Meditation roll vs. a TN of 25 to determine if the target is under the effects of a spell. Nemuranai may
be detected with this method with a TN of 30. Raises grant additional knowledge.

Rank 2: Calm as the Waters

At this rank the magistrate masters the calm demeanor and develops the serene presence of the true
Asako magistrate. The character automatically recovers all of his void points with the return of
Amaterasu at dawn each day.

Rank 3: The Celestial Pattern

The magistrate has worked to hone his understanding of the world. He may re-roll any Intelligence or
Lore skill roll, keeping the higher result. This technique may be used a number of times per day equal to
the magistrate's Void ring (but only once on any single roll).

Rank 4: Tracing the Flow

Each time the Magistrate clearly sees the entire successful casting of a spell he may spend a void point
to attempt to "understand" the spell. Roll Void + Shugenja Lore with the same TN as the spell
(including any raises). Void points may not be spent on this roll. Each success gives the character a
"clue" about that spell. When the magistrate has gathered a number of "clues" equal to the spell's
mastery level he may create a scroll of that spell.

Rank 5: In the Hidden Heart

By briefly questioning a character (five minutes per school rank of the subject) and making a contested
roll of Void + Investigation vs. the target's Void the inquisitor can discover the guilt or innocence of the
target. The questions need not relate to the crime as the magistrate is examining the soul, not the

Your Outfit


(One item is of fine quality, the rest are considered to be of average quality):Katana, Wakizashi, Jitte,
Scroll case, Traveling Pack, 2 Kimonos, 5 Koku.

Shosuro Assassin School

While I was very pleased with the Shosuro "Shinobi" school, I had envisioned something quite different
when I first heard the Scorpions were to get an "assassin" school. This school is a model of the courtly,
suave assassins I had imagined.

Benefit: +1 Perception

Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Acting, Conversation or Seduction, Herbalism, Investigation, Poison, Sleight of Hand, Stealth


Rank 1: The Underhand

The assassin's first task is to be the eyes and ears of the Emperor. To see and deal with those threats
others will not. The Scorpion receives a free raise when using any low skill.

Rank 2: Sting not the Scorpion

At this rank the assassin has worked diligently to build up a tolerance for the tools of his craft. He gets
to pick one specific poison that he is immune to. If the poison is particularly strong it may make him
dizzy or nauseous, but nothing like what it should do. At each rank here after the character may pick
another poison to which he becomes immune.
Rank 3: I Can Swim

The assassin is the master of unseen skills and hidden advantages. Once per adventure the assassin may
"reveal" a skill he possess. He may spend un-spent experience points to increase a skill one rank. This
may also be used to purchase a new skill at rank 1. Use of this technique does not require an action and
may be done at any time.

Rank 4: My Only Virtue

The loyalty of the Scorpion is a thing few can fathom. Even fewer recognize it's intensity. While
performing a task for his lord (or on behalf of those on his loyalty list) the Assassin may make a test of
honor using his loyalty (his honor + 2) with a TN of 5 x the number of wound ranks he has filled. If the
test succeeds he may ignore all wounds (even death) for a number of rounds equal to twice his loyalty
rank. This may be done only once per day.

Rank 5: "Simplify, Simplify, Simplify"

At this rank the assassin has achieved the greatest mastery in the craft of poisons. He no longer needs to
roll to succeed when using the poison or herbalism skills. The character is entitled to any free raises, but
may not make raises while using this technique. If the assassin wishes to raise he must roll.



Same as Bayushi Courtier (which they generally claim to be when not in disguise).

I have no further Unicorn schools to add at this time.

back to top
● The Agate Palace
● The Dojo

● The Red Dojo

● The Yellow Dojo

The Orange Dojo

Here one may observe the ways and methods of the Minor Clans that dot Rokugan.

● Philosophy
● Badger Clan
● Boar Clan
● Centipede Clan
● Dragonfly clan
● Falcon Clan
● Fox Clan
● Hare Clan
● Mantis Clan
● Snake Clan
● Sparrow Clan
● Tortoise Clan
● Wasp Clan

Again, this is presented with the basic premise that a school must be both balanced and interesting to
have value. The schools of the minor clans that have been published so far have been remarkably
powerful, making the reduced number of techniques almost an advantage. The Minor Clan schools
presented here follow the three technique limit. Shugenja Schools of the minor clans also end at the
third rank.

Note: All characters from Minor Clans begin play with zero Glory.
One hundred seventy-three years ago the Emperor decided to attend the festival at Chrysanthemum
Petal Lake. This was to be a sign of great favor to the newly returned Unicorn Clan, the first time the
Emperor had moved his winter court to their lands. It was also an opportunity the hordes of the
Shadowlands could not pass up. Lead by a contingent of corrupt Moto, a swarm of goblins and other
foul creatures attacked the festival and the imperial party. The Unicorns fought back with a vigor, but
the sight of their own ancestors making war upon the Son of Heaven froze many with fear. The critical
battle took place on the banks of an unnamed river, where a peasant farmer took up his staff and rallied
the Unicorns. His bravery, wading into a band of ogres with nothing more than a stick, earned him the
praise of the Emperor himself. "Ichiro" (which means first son) was elevated to samurai status and
granted the lands around the lake as his fief. Ichiro took the Badger as his clan's symbol, to remind his
descendants of the virtue of tenacity.

The Badger Clan have been staunch allies of the Unicorns and have an ongoing rivalry with their
neighbors, the Centipede clan.

The Ichiro

Since their elevation to samurai status, the Ichiro have been and always will be a family of fighters.
They haven't the wealth of the Crane or the glorious traditions of the Lion, only the unshakable belief
that what is theirs is theirs, and any who would take it away from them will pay with their lives. It is
said that if you begin a fight with a Badger, you had best be prepared to win every time you meet one
from that day on.

Benefit: +1 Stamina. Members of the Ichiro family may buy the Resist Magic advantage for one less

Ichiro Bushi School

Benefit: +1 Willpower

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Athletics, Bo-stick, Hunting, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu, and pick one Bugei Skill.


Rank 1: The Way of the Badger

The hallmark of the badger is sheer, unbridled tenacity. It will fight an opponent many times it's own
size without hesitation. The bushi gains an additional -0 wound rank, and his jiujutsu attacks do 0k2

Rank 2: Startling Ferocity

A badger's ferocity is startling, out of all proportion with it's size. The TN to strike the bushi while he is
making full attacks is equal to 5 + his initiative roll.

Rank 3: Indomitable Spirit

The Badger never yields and never breaks. The bushi no longer needs to roll to succeed at willpower
rolls. He gains no raises from using this effect. If he wants to raise, he must still roll.

Your Outfit


(One item of poor quality, all other items are considered to be of average quality): Katana, Wakizashi,
Traveling Pack, Kimono, any 2 weapons, 1 Koku.

The Boar Clan was recently destroyed in an act of rebellion against the Emperor. While several Boars
remain (those who rejected their champion and swore allegiance to the Emperor) their school is lost to
the winds of time.

The Centipede find there roots in an ill-fated love between a Scorpion and a Crab. The child of the two
lovers was hidden away at the temple of Osano-Wo. She grew to woman-hood studying the ways of the
holy men and became a powerful shugenja, much favored by the Crab fortune of thunder. While
visiting the city of Ryoko Owari, the young woman uncovered a plot against the Scorpion Champion by
a band of his samurai who had fallen for the honeyed words of an oni. Moshi dispatched the oni with
her magics and quietly brought the news of the matter to the Champion. In gratitude for her aid and
discretion, Bayushi Oyashi (aware of the girl's heritage) arranged for her to receive the lands north of
her temple home and recognition by the Emperor. His plan to then annex those lands and add them to
the Scorpion's own went terribly awry. Moshi's new Centipede Clan, named for the little messenger of
the north wind, received the firm backing of the Crab Champion. Whether he knew of the girl's Crab
blood or just wished to spite the Scorpion is a matter of speculation for the playwrights. By carefully
balancing the rivalry between these two Great Clans, Moshi and her descendants have managed to
remained independent ever since.

The Centipede have grown to have close ties to both of their large neighbors, but have had nothing but
trouble with the upstart peasants of the Badger Clan to the west.

Moshi Shugenja School

Benefit: +1 Awareness

Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes

Moshi shugenja receive a free raise to increase the range of all spells

Skills: Archery, Calligraphy, Dance, Meditation, Shintao, Theology, and pick one high skill Beginning
Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, 3 Air, and 3 Fire

Your Outfit


(All items are of average quality): Wakizashi, Scroll Satchel, Traveling Pack, Kimono, 4 Koku.

The origins of the Dragonfly Clan are described in the WotD and WotL sourcebooks. It was revealed in
Code of Bushido that this small Clan has only a single school.

The Tombo
The Tombo family was born of the mixture of Phoenix and Dragon blood. Since their founding, they
have been in a state of constant undeclared war with the Lion Clan. They must remain ever alert to the
flows of politics that allow the Lions to strike without angering their Dragon patrons...

Benefit: +1 Awareness

Tombo Bushi School

Benefit: +1 Reflexes

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Archery, Courtier, Defense, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Shintao, and pick 1 Bugei skill


Rank 1: Way of the Dragonfly

The dragonfly flits about, drifting on the air currents, but when it strikes it is merciless. The bushi adds
his Air Ring to the total of attack and damage rolls. When the bushi declares full defense add the results
of his initiative roll to his TN to be hit in addition to the normal defense roll.

Rank 2: Stand on a Reed

The dragonfly alights upon the leaf with perfect stillness, without disturbing the plant or the world in
the slightest. The bushi learns to draw upon that stillness, recovering his void points in half the time if
he rolls against a TN of 25 when meditating.

Rank 3: Dance on the Wind

It is not surprising that that a family born of Dragon and Phoenix embraced the principles of "peaceful
fighting" embodied in Kaze-do. The bushi may make two attacks per round so long as at least one of
them is made with Kaze-do.

Your Outfit


Basic outfit
The Koji family was once the vassals of the Crab clan. Their loyal service of nine generations inspired
the Crab champion to award Hiruma Koji his own fief in the northwestern corner of Crab lands. Koji
had always been moved by the tales of Osano-Wo's falcon. Gekido was the very symbol of loyalty to
the Crab Fortune. In honor of Gekido and symbolic of his family's devotion, Koji named his new clan
Falcon. The lands of the Falcon are to the northwest of the Crab territories.

The Koji

The Koji family is characterized by one word: devotion. When a falcon makes a claim or gives his
word, it is so, forever. There are two noteworthy hunters from the Falcon Clan. Koji Genzo is a
dedicated young samurai who has turned his skill for survival towards scouting the Shadowlands.
Genzo's maps, notes, and daring have brought him much glory along the Crab's southern borders.
Mikaru is a sad disappointment to his clan. He has abandoned rank and post to become a ronin and
pursue his obsession with the mythical Nagas.

Benefit: +1 Intelligence, and Koji characters may purchase the irreproachable advantage for one less

Koji Sagashi (Hunter) School

Benefit: +1 Perception

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Archery, Athletics, Hunting 2, Kenjutsu, Stealth, and pick one lore skill


Rank 1: The Way of the Falcon

The falcon is a keen observer. When making any Perception or Awareness roll the bushi may re-roll any
dice less than his trait.

Rank 2: Gekido's Example

At this level the bushi is completely committed to the service of his lord. When making a test of honor
the Falcon rolls Honor Rank + School Rank (keeping Honor). This ability is lost during any period that
the Falcon is a ronin.

Rank 3: Falcon's Wing

The bushi now masters the Falcon Wing Cut. He may make one attack roll but hit two opponents. The
one roll is compared with each target's TN to be hit. Damage is rolled separately for each opponent.
Both targets must be close enough to the bushi be attacked but do not have to be near each other. The
Falcon Wing Cut may be performed as a normal attack or an all out attack.

Your Outfit


(All items are considered to be of average quality):Katana, Wakizashi, Traveling Pack, Kimono, any 2
weapons, 3 Koku.

The Clan of the Fox is made up of the families of Ki-rin who did not choose to follow Lady Shinjo over
the mountains. Traveling south from the original Ki-rin lands they sheltered with the Lion Clan for a
time. After a falling out with the Lions they established a new castle in the forests south of Beidan pass
in what is now recognized as Namide province.

Always close to the land, the many forest spirits guided the remaining Ki-rin. When the advice of a Fox
spirit saved the small clan from Scorpion manipulations in court, they took the fox as their symbol. To
avoid being trampled by the other great clans Kitsune Ryu, Champion of the Fox, has joined with the
Wasp and Swallow clans as partners in the Three Man Alliance.

The Kitsune

The Kitsune were chief among the families of the Ki-rin clan that stayed behind. After the Scorpion
affair they changed their name along with the name of the clan to Fox.

Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Kitsune Scout School

Benefit: +1 Agility

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Acrobatics, Animal Lore, Defense, Herbalism, Hunting, Kenjutsu, and Stealth


Rank 1: Way of the Fox

The fox is a wily, crafty opponent. Their fighting style is sinuous and fluid, ducking and twisting out of
harm's way. Fox scouts use their Agility instead of Reflexes to determine the TN to be hit by melee
attacks. Also, the Fox adds her acrobatics skill to attack rolls, striking unexpectedly from the odd
positions she takes.

Rank 2: Desperate Wager

A Fox knows no limits when it comes to reckless bravado and daring-do. The scout may make any
number of raises on a roll. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the scout's Void

Rank 3: Lay of the Land

The Fox learns to use every feature of her surroundings to give herself advantage. While in any natural
setting the scout keeps an additional die when using the seven school skills. This represents the
combination of the Fox's superior woodsmanship and cunning use of terrain.

Kitsune Shugenja School

Benefit: +1 Perception

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Kitsune shugenja receive a free raise to reduce casting time on all spells

Skills: Calligraphy, Herbalism, Hunting, Medicine, Meditation, Yari, and pick one high skill
Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, 3 Water, and 2 Air

Your Outfit


(All items are of average quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Light Armor, Helm, Traveling Pack, Several
Maps, Kimono, 2 Koku.


(All items are of average quality): Yari, Wakizashi, Scroll Satchel, Traveling Pack, Kimono, 2 Koku.

When the empire was young and men not so numerous there were many spirits that wandered the land
openly. Many were curious about these new people that had replaced the Naga in the world. Two such
spirits came to study the third Emperor in his home. They were two great rabbit spirits, Husband and
Wife. They stayed in the court almost unnoticed (save by a single Isawa child) the whole of one fall and
saw the leader of men in his wisdom, guiding the fate of the empire with a firm hand. At that time there
was a mighty oni gathering her power in the south. This oni was to be feared beyond measure for she
possessed one attribute most uncommon among that twisted race: she knew the power of patience.
When her horde of goblins could have rushed the Crab garrisons, they instead trained. With the first
chilling of the weather she did work mighty maho and called down sickly gray snows upon the whole of
the Crab's lands. Thus at the turning of the seasons the Emperor was called to the south to see this new
blight and share his wisdom and insight. The Emperor gathered his Shintao advisors and shugenja of
both Phoenix and Scorpion extraction. In the wilds to the north of the Crab lands (an area now quite
civilized) the oni lay her trap. She would not battle the stalwart Crabs who held her kind at bay, but
would strike down the Emperor himself and there by remove the head of the human lands.

The ambush was a terrible thing to behold. Goblins devoured the flesh of courtier and samurai alike.
Four ogres who fought together like wolves cornered the Emperor's guard. The Emerald Champion was
slain by the oni herself. While the oni paused to consume his noble carcass, a dying monk beseeched the
spirits to save the Emperor. The two hare spirits had accompanied the entourage to see more of this
human. Seeing the horror of the oni and moved by the monk's pleas they choose to act. Knowing the
Emperor would die if the oni were to catch him before dawn they harried the Emperor's horse and lent it
their speed. The Emperor clutched at the mane of his bedeviled horse as it rode from the battle. Now the
oni realized her prize was about to escape and she set out in pursuit. The Emperor and two hares came
to a river. It was wide enough to halt the small horse entirely so the two rabbits gathered on either side
of the horse and leap across the river carrying horse and Emperor both. The oni came after them so
swiftly that she hooked one talon through the Emperor's shoulder as he escaped over the river. Now this
oni was mighty and clever but she could not set foot in running water. Husband Rabbit saw the oni's
frustration and concern. If not stopped she would find a narrow place and leap the river. He became
visible to the Emperor and begged for a weapon. The startled Emperor gave this spirit his wakizashi as
Wife Rabbit drove his horse on. Husband Rabbit was never to see his wife again, but the oni did not
cross the stream before dawn. At first light, Wife Rabbit realized the Emperor was dying of the
poisoned claw of the oni and she had only one way to save him. She mixed herbs and jade dust to make
an antidote. At last she tore her own liver from her breast to complete the cure. She appeared before the
dying Emperor and fed him the cure before she herself died.

The Emperor awoke surrounded by the survivors of his guard. They told him of the mighty oni's body,
found with his wakizashi in it's eye, and of the strange rabbits found dead by the oni and at his side. The
wise Emperor remembered the hares from his ordeal and recognized their loyalty and sacrifice. Deeply
moved, he said a blessing over the two rabbits who had died for him and proclaimed that all creatures of
horror should fear the awesome certainty of purpose with which Hare would fight them.

The Usagi

The Usagi family and history is described in the Game Master's Pack.

Benefit: +1 awareness.

Usagi Bushi School

Benefit: +1 Agility

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Athletics, Craftsman (jade), Defense, Herbalism, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Theology.


Rank 1: The Leap of the Hare

The bushi has studied his guide closely. The TN for all leaps is reduced by 5 x his school rank, and the
bushi adds his Honor Rank to his initiative rolls.

Rank 2: The Jade Elixir

The Usagi guard the secret of using jade in herbalism. Using a single piece of ground jade (1 koku
worth) they may reduce the TN of any herbalism roll by 10, and double the rate of recovery of a patient
in their care.

Rank 3: The Emperor's Blessing

This bushi may never receive Shadowlands Taint points except by his own actions. Being in the
Shadowlands or being targeted by maho offers no threat of corruption. Using the taint for a bonus
would increase his taint one point as usual.

Your Outfit


(All items are considered to be of average quality):Katana, Wakizashi, 2 Pieces of jade, Traveling Pack,
Kimono, Formal Robes, any 2 weapons, 1 Koku.

The Mantis Clan is described in the module Code of Bushido

The Snake Clan was wiped out entirely during the Five Nights of Shame. Their school is preserved by
the Hayato family of the Dragon Clan.

The origins of the Sparrow Clan are well documented in the sidebars of WotCn (pg. 36-39)

The Suzume family and their bushi school will be forthcoming.

The Tortoise Clan arose from humble beginnings. Kasuga was a ronin warrior whose footsteps had lead
him to a quiet life beside the sea. When the gaijin stormed the ports at Otosan Uchi, Kasuga studied
their ships from the cliffs atop the Peninsula of Dawn. Seeing that the mighty ships were swift under
sail, but lacking in ors, he lead a daring raid with some of the fishing boats of the village he resided in.
He and his peasant crew were able to set fire to several of the ships at the rear of the fleet. While this
did not significantly weaken the fighting strength of the vessels bombarding the shore, the sight of the
burning vessels gave new hope to the samurai of the Emerald Empire. When the invaders were at last
repulsed, the Emperor gave Kasuga leave to form a new clan and granted him a portion of the Peninsula
of Dawn as his fief, that his clan may watch the seas for the foreign barbarian's vessels.

The Kasuga

Kasuga was always more scholar than warrior, and his descendants continue in that mold. The Tortoise
clan has amassed a considerable library, through their sea trade with the Phoenix Clan to the north.
Kasuga Kyoji is keeper of the library while his nephew Hyobe, a young bushi trained in the Mantis
school, is champion of the clan.

Benefit: +1 Stamina, Kasuga characters may purchase the Luck advantage for one less point.

Kasuga Advisor School

Benefit: +1 Intelligence

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Calligraphy, Courtier, Etiquette, Law, Manipulation, Shintao, and pick one lore skill


Rank 1: Tortoise Lends His Shell

By offering sage advice and the wisdom of the Tao, the advisor brings prosperity to any action.
Whenever the advisor aids in a cooperative roll, the roll receives a number of free raises equal to the
school rank of the advisor.
Rank 2: The Way of the World

The advisor has learned to connect the esoteric to the immediate. The advisor may substitute his Shintao
skill for any other skill for one roll. This may be done a number of times per day equal to the advisor's

Rank 3: From One Thing Know 10,000 Things

The Tortoise has learned to see the connections between all the different bodies of lore. The cost to
improve any lore skill that the advisor has is reduced by one experience point (Rank 1 still costs one

Your Outfit


(all items are considered to be of average quality) Wakizashi, Scroll Satchel, 5 Blank Scrolls, Fine
Kimono, Copy of the Tao, Traveling Pack, 3 Koku.

The Wasp Clan are described in Shadis Magazine #48

back to top
● The Agate Palace
● The Dojo

● The Orange Dojo

● The Yellow Dojo

The Red Dojo

Schools of the Vassal Houses

● Introduction
● Crab Clan
● Crane Clan
● Dragon Clan
● Lion Clan
● Phoenix Clan
● Scorpion
● Unicorn

Within are the names of the lesser families and the schools that they have created in the service of their

The basic premise and requirements for creating characters from these families or schools are located in
the Meditation Room under "Vassal Houses".

Crab Clan
Aiburo Family (Hida Vassals)
This family was born of the courage of Hida Aiburo, a general in the armies of the Crab. Aiburo's skill
at single combat played a critical part in the Crab's expansion northwards after the loss of the Hiruma
castle. Unlike many Crabs he disdained the use of the tetsubo, focusing exclusively on the sword.

Benefit: +1 Stamina

Wadori Family (Yasuki Vassals)

The Yasuki have long needed strong backs in their shops and caravans. The Wadori, once only
peasants, stepped forward. They have proven discrete and loyal, becoming trusted servants. A Wadori
never flinches, serving the Yasuki in both legal and criminal capacities.

Benefit +1 Strength

Aiburo Kenshi School

Benefit: +1 Willpower

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Penalty: Learning rank one of any weapon skill not included as part of the 7 school skills costs an
additional character point or experience point.

Skills: Archery, Defense, Iaijutsu, Intimidation, Kenjutsu, Shadowlands Lore, Weaponsmith


Rank 1: Path of the Sword

It is said that an Aiburo sword-master will practice until his hands bleed… and then practice with a
slippery grip. When ever the bushi uses his Kenjutsu skill he may keep a number of dice equal to his
Kenjutsu instead of the attribute. Void points still add +1k1 to these rolls.

Rank 2: Armored in Spirit

The kenshi's dedication allows him to ignore lesser blows. The character is considered to have monster
type armor equal to his Earth Ring plus school rank (damage dice less than the armor are reduced to

Rank 3: Inner Fire

The Kenshi's powerful spirit may wring extra effort from an exhausted body. If the kenshi is reduced to
down or out in combat, he may spend all of his void points (minimum of three) to temporarily recover
wounds equal to 6 x his Earth Ring (three full wound ranks). At the end of the skirmish or after the next
battle turn, the kenshi has his current wounds or his previous total, which ever is worse.

Wadori Hitoden School

This school is best describe as a finishing school for thugs and gangsters. Those Wadori who work with
more respectable Yasuki act as bodyguards and crew bosses.

Benefit: +1 Strength

Beginning Honor: 1, plus 1 box

Penalty: Must buy the Noble Birth advantage or be part of the merchant class.

Skills: Commerce, Intimidation 2, Jiujutsu, Streetwise, pick one bugei skill and one low skill


Rank 1: Look at Me

The character oozes menace. The hitoden may cause one person who meets her gaze to face a fear
check with a fear rating equal to his Intimidation skill. Those who fail are visibly shaken. This may be
done a number of times per day equal to his Intimidation + Void. This does not require an action.

Rank 2: Friends in Low Places

The thug is connected to the flow of goods and favors that takes place out of sight of the samurai class.
Use the first two levels of the Doji courtier favor tables for ideas on what he can acquire, but give
everything a darker, seedier aspect (introduction to a gambling den, a fine but stolen item, minor
blackmail, etc.). The character may call upon such favors once per adventure, but will always be called
upon to scratch someone else's back later.

Rank 3: Within an Inch of Your Life

Sometimes a sound beating is required when communicating with others. The hitoden may make two
attacks per round so long as one of them is made using jiujutsu. He is also able to pull his attacks so that
a killing blow instead leaves a human target with exactly one wound if he wishes.

Your Outfit

Aiburo Kenshi

Advanced Outfit (pg. 62).

Wadori Hitoden

(One item of poor quality, one item of fine quality, the rest are of average quality) Wakizashi (if
samurai), distinctive tattoo, kimono, pick one weapon, 3 koku.

Crane Clan
Iwase Family (Daidoji Vassals)
The Iwase serve as the scouts and spearmen within the Crane armies.

Benefit: +1 Perception

Tsume Family (Doji Vassals)

Perhaps the most aggressive of the Doji vassals, the Tsume are more noted as warriors than poets.

Benefit: +1 Agility
Iwase Scout School
These spearmen of the Crane have a great rivalry with the Shimada-ryu, the Lion's school of the spear.
The Iwase hold the spear overhead, thrusting downward like the sharp beak of the crane, and balance on
one foot when striking.

Benefit: +1 Reflexes

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Athletics, Defense, Horsemanship, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Yari, and Stealth


Rank 1: Stance of the Crane

At this rank the bushi learns to emulate the motions of the crane: wings that batter and a beak that
strikes instantly. Instead of a normal attack the bushi may sweep an opponent (as the Kaze-do
maneuver) using the butt end of a yari, naginata, or bo-staff. Use the appropriate weapon skill in place
of Kaze-do. Also, if the bushi gets an extra initiative die for using a pole-arm, he keeps an extra die as

Rank 2: Wading in the Reeds

From observing the crane, the bushi learns to watch for opportunities before committing to battle. The
scout may declare the degree to which he is engaged in a battle after advantage has been determined and
after he has rolled to determine which row of the battle table he will read from this turn.

Rank 3: Fishing for Men

As the crane hunts fish, so the bushi learns to hunt men: killing with a single stroke. The bushi may use
raises to strike a fatal blow. Each raise allows the bushi to keep one extra die of damage. If the damage
does not kill the target it instead does exactly one wound. This is not considered a reduction of damage.

Tsume Kenshi School

Benefit: +1 Reflexes

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Battle, Defense, Etiquette, Iaijutsu, Intimidation, Kenjutsu, and pick one high skill


Rank 1: Talons of the Crane

Like the Kakita, the Tsume also fight returning the sword to the sheath after every stroke, striking with
blinding speed. The kenshi may substitute his iaijutsu skill for Kenjutsu when attacking with a katana.
The kenshi also adds his reflexes to the total of his rolls to hit.

Rank 2: Know Your Place!

The Tsume are masters of intimidation through swordplay. They receive a number of free raises to
called shots that do no damage (disarms, trimming mustaches, cropping topknots) equal to their school
rank. Normal intimidation rolls should be suitably modified after a successful maneuver (GMs
discretion, but commonly a number of free raises).

Rank 3: Strike Without Striking

The kenshi is so swift in his motions that he can strike, return his blade to the sheath, and still have time
to dodge. The character can make a roll for a normal attack (never a full attack) but his TN to be hit this
round is as if using full defense. The character may not combine this technique with any technique that
gives two attacks in one round.

Your Outfit

Iwase Scout

(Three items are of fine quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Yari, Traveling Pack, Dried Food, Drab-colored
Kimono, 1 Koku, Mount.

Tsume Kenshi

(All items are of fine quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Traveling Pack, 3 Kimono, 6 Koku. May choose light
armor or mount.

Dragon Clan
Hayato Family (Mirumoto Vassals)
The Hayato are a small family within the Dragon Clan, and the keepers of a sad, but sacred trust.
Mirumoto Hayato was the Dragon's emissary to the Snake Clan, a minor Clan that split from the
Dragon generations before. When the much respected Snake Clan was obliterated, Hayato was the only
man left alive who had been declared a master in their school. Mirumoto Raizo, daimyo of the
Mirumoto (with the Champion's approval) gave Hayato permission to found his own Family within the
Dragon. Hayato was charged with keeping the teachings of the Snake alive, that the memory of such
honored cousins should not pass away completely. It is a task to which they have dedicated themselves
to. (Characters from this family MUST attend the Hayato school if they are bushi.)

Benefit: +1 Awareness

Itou Family (Agasha Vassals)

Once, when the magics of an Agasha shugenja saved the life of her only child, Itou Saemi swore that,
"so long as one Itou draws breath there will be a samurai to stand guard before the Agasha." Her
children have served the Dragon ever since.

Benefit: +1 Perception

Usami Family (Mirumoto Vassals)

The Usami are battle-philosophers who aid in the planing of the Dragons defenses.

Benefit: +1 Perception

Hayato Kenshi School

From the Blood of the Dragon it arose, and to the Dragon it has returned. The Snake Clan, born of the
Mirumoto, fought with two swords as well. The Hayato preserve their ways exactly, as a living tribute
to memory of their extinct kin. All of these techniques may only be performed with swords, and the
second and third require the student to have two swords in hand to perform them.

Benefit: +1 Reflexes

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Archery, Defense, Etiquette, History, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Meditation


Rank 1: Way of the Snake

The snake strikes with such speed and precision that only the sharpest eye may observe the stroke. A
student of the Snake school learns to strike with the same abruptness. When attacking with a sword (or
any Kenjutsu-based weapon) the bushi rolls Reflexes + Kenjutsu instead of using Agility. When
attacking an opponent with a lower initiative roll the kenshi adds the difference between their initiatives
to his attack roll.

Rank 2: Sun and Moon Cut

The fangs of a serpent strike together, as do the blades of the snake school. During a full attack, if the
bushi is armed with two sword, he strikes with both. The combined damage is equal to the more
damaging weapon +1k1.

Rank 3: The Coils of Enticement

By luring an opponent off guard with one blade, the bushi may set him up for a devastating riposte with
the other. The bushi must select one opponent who has already declared an attack against him (and
therefore must have a lower initiative this round). Instead of attacking, the Hayato then rolls his
Reflexes + Kenjutsu. This result becomes the targeted opponent's TN to hit the bushi (others use the TN
for a normal attack). If the opponent misses, the Hayato -automatically- hits the targeted opponent with
one sword. The target then loses any other attack(s) he was entitled to this round. The Hayato may not
raise while attempting this maneuver. If the opponent does hit, the Hayato makes no attacks this round.

Itou Yojimbo School

Those who carry out the eternal oath of the Itou learn the ways of the yojimbo, ready to give their lives
to preserve those of Agasha blood.
Benefit: +1 Reflexes

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Defense 2, Etiquette, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Shugenja lore, and pick one bugei skill


Rank 1: Guiding the Blow

At this rank the yojimbo has learned to fight using the sword-and-saya techniques of the Itou style. If
the bushi has his saya in his off-hand he keeps two dice when declaring full defense. The bushi is also
trained to strike in any direction. He may attack overhead, at his feet, or even directly behind himself at
no penalty.

Rank 2: Bearing the Blow

At this rank the bushi learns to place himself between danger and that which he guards. He may redirect
a number of attacks aimed at one other person to himself equal to his school rank each round. This does
not take an action on the part of the bodyguard, and must be declared before the attack is rolled.

Rank 3: Breaking the Blow

Instead of using her saya to defend, the bodyguard may now use it to foul other's attacks. The yojimbo
may choose one opponent within melee range who must drop his highest die to hit and damage that
round. The opponent does not have to be attacking the bodyguard. If the yojimbo has declared full
defense that round she only keeps one die.

Usami Bushi School

Like the Mirumoto-ryu, this school is based upon the words of Mirumoto Hojatsu. While the students of
the Usami-ryu fight with katana and wakizashi drawn, they gain no benefit from it until the third rank.

Benefit: +1 Strength
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Archery, Battle, Defense, Engineering, Kenjutsu, Nazodo, and Shintao


Rank 1: Let Him Go By

Studying the words of Hojatsu, students of the Usami-ryu learn to meet aggression with… [emptiness].
Opponents making full attacks do not receive two extra dice when attacking this character. The
maximum number of raises (not including free raises) an opponent may declare against the bushi is
reduced to the opponent's Void Ring minus the (Usami) bushi's School Rank.

Rank 2: Strike from the Spirit

At this rank the bushi learns to "leave the mind behind" and to act only from the spirit. Unencumbered
by thought and artifice the blade strikes swiftly and freely. The bushi may choose to roll (School
Rank)k1 + Reflexes as his base for initiative (pole arms and quick would further modify the roll), but if
he does so he may make no raises of any sort that round.

Rank 3: The River Sword

At this rank the bushi learns to be flowing in his attacks. If the bushi is armed with katana and
wakizashi, and hits with the katana, he automatically hits the same opponent with the wakizashi as well.
This does a flat 4k2, dropping the highest die (do not add strength dice to this roll). Raises cannot effect
this second roll. This technique may not be combined with any other that gives multiple attacks per

Your outfit

Hayato Kenshi

Basic Bushi Outfit (pg. 62).

Itou Yojimbo

Basic Bushi Outfit (pg. 62).

Usami Bushi

Same as Mirumoto bushi (pg. 83).

Lion Clan
Goseki Family (Matsu Vassals)
Those of the loyal Goseki family are often the yojimbo of important Lion clansmen.

Benefit: +1 Strength

Shimada Family (Ikoma Vassals)

The warriors of the Shimada family will press an attack long after any other samurai would have
paused for rest. They are often involved in the sieges fought by the Lion.

Benefit: +1 Stamina

Goseki Bushi School

Often called the Lion berserkers, a student of the Goseki-ryu's eyes frequently burn with the inner fire
of bushido.

Benefit: +1 Willpower

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Archery, Battle, Bushido Lore, History, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu, and Yadomejutsu

Rank 1: The Way of Anger

The attacks of the Goseki-ryu are based on crushing power more than graceful swordplay. While
making an attack the bushi may substitute his Strength for Agility, rolling Strength + Weapon Skill
keeping Strength.

Rank 2: Three-Cuts Kata

At this rank the Bushi begins to learn the Goseki's most powerful technique: the Three-Cuts Kata. If the
character succeeds in hitting with a normal attack, he may immediately make another (normal) attack on
the same opponent using the previous TN +10. The maximum, total number of attacks the character can
make in a round is equal to his school rank. This may not be combined with the effects of ANY other
technique (including the Goseki rank 1).

Rank 3: Blade of Rage

The bushi's physical strength and robust, aggressive chi are overwhelming. If the bushi succeeds in
hitting with a full attack, the opponent must make a simple Water + Athletics roll with a TN equal to the
damage or be knocked from his feet. If the target has not taken an action this round he may switch his
action to standing up. The TN to hit a prone character is 5.

Shimada Bushi School

The Shimada have a saying: "War is Run!", and they are tireless runners. They fight holding the spear
to the hip, and their charges only end when the point is seen coming out the other side of a foe. They
despise the effete spear-work of their rival school, the Iwase-ryu.

Benefit: +1 Agility

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Athletics 2, Battle, Defense, Kenjutsu, Siege, and Yari

Rank 1: Onslaught of the Lion

The persistence of the Shimada-ryu is tested from the very first day. If the bushi misses with a normal
attack he may try again, targeting the same opponent and rolling at -2k-1. The maximum number of
extra attempts equals the bushi's school rank. The die penalties from multiple attempts are cumulative (-
2k-1, then -4k-2, finally -6k-3). Each attack is separate (dice from void points do not roll over to the
next try), and once an attack succeeds no further attempts are allowed. This technique may not be
combined with any technique that gives multiple attacks per round.

Rank 2: Charge!!!

The bushi may employ a tactic similar to that used by mounted lancers. For each full round the bushi
has run towards his enemy before striking, he may roll an additional die for damage (maximum extra
dice equal to his school rank).

Rank 3: Roar of 10,000 Lions

At this rank the bushi learns the tremendous battle cry of a Lion samurai. The bushi spends a void point
as she unleashes a great snarl. All enemies that can both see and hear the Lion are subject to a fear
effect equal to half the Lion's glory rank (round up).

Your Outfit

Goseki Bushi

Advanced Outfit (pg. 62)

Shimada Bushi

Advanced Outfit (pg. 62)

Phoenix Clan
Koike Family (Shiba Vassals)
The Koike learn to observe their surroundings, their enemies, and themselves. They are wary, cautious
warriors. Less contemplative than the Shiba, they spend much time patrolling the lands of the Phoenix.

Benefit: +1 Perception

Yumeno Family (Asako Vassals)

The Yumeno are poets, artists, and musicians. They are welcome guests at the long winter courts of the
Phoenix lands.

Benefit: +1 Awareness

Koike Bushi School

Koike trained bushi roam the back-county of the Phoenix provinces hunting bakemono and bandit alike.
They sometimes spend weeks isolated and alone in the wilderness.

Benefit: +1 Stamina

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Archery, Defense, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Mountaineering, Naginata, and Shintao


Rank 1: Those Who Stand Alone

The Koike bushi must remain supremely alert, for no one else guards their backs. For purposes of
determining surprise add the bushi's school rank to his Air Ring. The bushi is equally alert to sudden
danger awake or asleep.

Rank 2: Unfettered Attack

The bushi's has learned to face those that rely on numbers to succeed. If the bushi has attacks declared
on her by two or more opponents, she may make a number of attacks per round equal to her school
rank, with the following restrictions: she may not attack the same opponent twice (in one round) and all
the attacks must be directed against opponents who are attacking her.

Rank 3: One with the World

The bushi's spirit blends seamlessly into the chi of the world. She no longer leaves tracks of any kind
and is rarely recalled by anyone who has not directly interacted with or deliberately watched her.

Yumeno Kodo (Drummer) School

This school is an artisan school. Because of it's usefulness, drummers are often found on the battlefield.
The maya of this school are very fast. Once the drummer has begun the effects occur in nine rounds
minus the drummer's school rank. None of these maya may be held. Drumming is a demanding art. A
drummer may only perform for a number of minutes equal to his stamina x school rank, before resting
for a third of that time.

Benefit: +1 Stamina

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Athletics, Defense, Music (Drums) 2, Shintao, Tessen and pick one high skill


Rank 1: Lure of the Heart

The music of the heartbeat commands the attention of the spirits. This can make it very difficult for
shugenja to call upon the kami. By making a Void + Music roll with a TN of 20, the drummer may
increase the TN of all spellcasting in his area by 5. For every two raises the drummer makes the TN is
increased by an additional 5.

Rank 2: Filling the Heart

The sound of the drums can fill a warrior's spirit with steel. While drumming, all friendly samurai who
can hear the sound automatically succeed on any fear check and may keep one extra die on one roll per

Rank 3: Beating the Heart

The Drummer may use the sounds of his drums to drive evil spirits away. Once the drumming takes
effect, any creature with the Shadowlands taint, and any malevolent spirits are driven from the area until
the drumming stops. The radius of this effect is 10 yards per point of void the drummer has.

Your Outfit

Koike Bushi School

(All items of average quality except the traveling pack) Katana, Wakizashi, Naginata, Bow, 20 Arrows
of any type(s), Light Armor, Fine traveling pack, Heavy Kimono, and 1 Koku

Yumeno Artisan

(all items are of average quality) Wakizashi, Tessen, 2 Drums, Drumsticks, Kimono, Traveling pack, 4

Scorpion Clan
Iioka Family (Bayushi Vassals)
Within the Scorpion Clan, there are those study Kyudo, the way of the bow. One of these, Bayushi
Nogoten, saved the life of the Emperor by killing a crazed tiger that had escaped the Imperial
Menagerie. It died instantly after being struck with a single arrow. When it was discovered that poison
had saved the life of Hantei the 31st, no public recognition was possible. The Scorpion Champion
commanded Nogoten to change his name... before forming a new family. There are those who say more
than a little Iioka blood flows in the veins of the Wasp daimyo Tsuruchi...

Benefit: +1 Perception
Kochako Family (Shosuro Vassals)
The slim and frail looking members of this minor Scorpion family rely more on words than blows.
Those that do take up the sword must respect their own weaknesses before mastering the weaknesses of

Benefit: +1 Agility

Iioka Bushi School

The Iioka are one of the many tools in the Scorpion arsenal. When an opponent must simply be
removed, the Iioka stand ready to send the unworthy on to the Void.

Benefit: +1 Reflexes

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Archery, Defense, Fletchery, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Poison, and Stealth


Rank 1: Strike from the Heavens

The Scorpion has learned to sting swiftly and from a great distance. While shooting a bow he may roll
but not keep an extra die for initiative and is unaffected by range penalties.

Rank 2: Seize the Moment

The bushi may take two actions per round (including attacks) on any round where he himself is not
being attacked.

Rank 3: The Hand of Fate

The Iioka have always focused on the idea of the single attack that fulfills destiny. They strive for the
perfect killing blow: where it is destiny, not the hand of man, that lays the target low. By spending a
void point the bushi may keep two extra dice for one damage roll. This technique will not effect any
character with the Great Destiny advantage.

Kochako Bushi School

Benefit: +1 Intelligence

Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes

Penalty: Students of this school may not use any of their techniques while wearing armor

Skills: Archery, Dance, Defense, Kenjutsu, Lore (bushi schools), Oration, and pick one low skill


Rank 1: The Way of Grace

The bushi learns to control his body and weapons with subtlety rather than muscle. When rolling
damage for any weapon he has a skill of 3 or better with the character may roll Agility + Damage
Rating instead of Strength + DR. While so armed, the Scorpion also adds his Fire Ring to initiative

Rank 2: Learning to Learn

At this rank the Bushi is expected to begin mastering a variety of weapons. This constant training
teaches the bushi the most important lesson: how to learn. The experience point cost to improve any
bugei skill the character has (already at rank 1 or better) is reduced by one point.

Rank 3: My Enemy's Weakness

At this rank the bushi has learned to counter or evade the multiple-attacks-per-round techniques of other
schools. Opponents must spend a void point to make more than one attack per round on the bushi. If an
opponent directs a second attack against the bushi without doing so it is lost without effect. This
technique may never be used in combination with a technique that grants multiple attacks.

Your Outfit
Iioka Bushi

Same as Bayushi Bushi (pg. 89)

Kochako Bushi

Same as Bayushi Bushi (pg. 89)

Unicorn Clan
Horiuchi Family (Iuchi Vassals)
While the lady Horiuchi Shoan has yet to have children of her own, their are many stalwart souls who
have asked to join her family and honor her name. While not the largest of the vassal families by any
stretch, it is the fastest growing.

Benefit: +1 Awareness

Tanji Family (Ide Vassals)

The Tanji make up the groups of mounted infantry and scouts who support the more showy cavalry
tactics of the Shinjo and Otaku. The Tanji are a very carefree and easy going bunch, but they can
become as grim as a Moto when the Unicorn ways area slighted.

Benefit: +1 Stamina

Horiuchi Shugenja School

The followers of Horiuchi have committed themselves to the mastery of the meishodo form of magic.
They have at long last made a breakthrough in shaping the energies released be speaking the words of
creation. They have discovered a secret way of singing the words that modulates the effect.

Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Penalty: The Horiuchi school only has three ranks. The student may not advance beyond this limit. As
practitioners of meishodo, they may not learn Sense, Commune, or Summon spells, and all normal
spells have their TN increased by 5.

Skills: Horiuchi shugenja may make exactly one normal raise while using meishodo. Calligraphy, Craft
(jewelry), Herbalism, Horsemanship, Meditation, Singing, and pick one high skill

Beginning Spells

3 Water meishodo, 2 Fire meishodo, 1 Earth meishodo, and 2 Water spells.

Tanji Scout School

Tanji "Striders" are a familiar sight on the battlefields of Rokugan where Unicorn force is hampered by
uneven terrain.

Benefit: +1 Agility

Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes

Skills: Athletics, Battle, Defense, Horsemanship, Hunting, Kenjutsu, and pick one bugei skill


Rank 1: Race the Winds

The striders are a powerful runners. Add the character's school rank to his initiative rolls and to Agility
for the purpose of determining foot speed.

Rank 2: Glimpse the Unicorn

To see the Unicorn is said to be a sign of great fortune. But to see one you must be very alert, or very
lucky. The Tanji might be both. The scout may re-roll perception rolls a number of times per day equal
to his school rank.
Rank 3: Dance of the Unicorn

The scout learns to apply the grace of the Unicorn to the deeds of a warrior. The character gets an extra
non-attack action each round.

Your Outfit

Horiuchi Shugenja

Same as Iuchi Shugenja (pg. 91)

Tanji Scout

(Two items are considered fine, the rest are of average quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Light Armor,
Traveling Pack, Kimono, Steed, one weapon, 6 koku.

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