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list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the factors to be considered in cluster analysis?
correct answer limited number of clusters due to limitation of market potential , clusters are not
water tight compartment , evaluating the quality of cluster is difficult
your answer limited number of clusters due to limitation of market potential , clusters are not
water tight compartment , evaluating the quality of cluster is difficult

multiple choice single answer

question clarity of questions and instructions for filling the form is essential in :-
correct answer mail survey
your answer data analysis

multiple choice single answer

question the technique through which objects/ cases are classified into relative homogeneous
groups or clusters is known as :-
correct answer cluster analysis
your answer cluster analysis

multiple choice single answer

question mean or average value is used to estimate when data have been collected using :-
correct answer interval or ratio scale
your answer interval or ratio scale

select the blank

question in ________ method the research analyst is not concerned with cause and research
correct answer diagnostic
your answer diagnostic

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the new delhi based research institutions?
correct answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india
your answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question "consumer panel" is a specialized market research technique.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

"what might this be ?" inkblot test inkblot test

aided recall depth research depth research

doesn’t intend to tell projective techniques projective techniques

ease of construction likert scale likert scale

question in regression analysis, dependent variables can be expressed as a linear function of
impendent variables.
correct answer true
your answer true

question when company prepares a long range plan it is unpublished internal source of
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question association technique is a type of ________.
correct answer projective technique
your answer projective technique

multiple choice single answer

question the impact of promotional slogans on the consumers can be studied with
correct answer association technique
your answer association technique

question brand image building is not important in case of industrial product for quality.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications are used for research on chemical industry?
correct answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals
your answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals

multiple choice single answer

question spreading the sample through the entire population following a regular pattern is
known as :-
correct answer systematic sampling
your answer systematic sampling

select the blank

question in absence of proper________ the market research becomes a data collection
correct answer problem definition
your answer analysis

multiple choice multiple answer

question which institutions should be contacted for research on paint chemicals?
correct answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development center ,
building research institute
your answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development center ,
building research institute

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice single answer

question ultra violet ink is used to disguise customer coding. this activity is :-
correct answer a disapproved method
your answer a disapproved method

select the blank

question through cluster analysis objects/cases are classified into relatively________ group
called cluster.
correct answer homogeneous
your answer homogeneous

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethical issues to be observed while writing a report are :-
correct answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be designed to
suit hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data
your answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be designed to suit
hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data

select the blank

question multiple choice is a ________type of question.
correct answer close ended
your answer close ended

multiple choice single answer

question the conjoint analysis helps to enable company's to :-
correct answer conduct brand swot analysis
your answer conduct brand swot analysis

multiple choice single answer

question in the internet era, qualitative research is possible through :-
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

select the blank

question ________is an important communication medium that helps recall advertising.
correct answer point of purchase(pop)items
your answer point of purchase(pop)items
question in the funnel approach, specific questions come first and general questions later.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion
of research

select the blank

question convenience sampling is used for ________.
correct answer exploratory research
your answer exploratory research

question the person conducting pharma research should be well qualified so that not to waste
doctors time.
correct answer true
your answer true

question the limitations with regression forecasting is that independent variables must be
forecasted before forecasting the dependent variables.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question main features of technical report are :-
correct answer minute details of planning data collection , analysis , interpretation
your answer minute details of planning data collection , analysis , interpretation

multiple choice single answer

question how people allocate their time and money to certain products and factors is depicted
correct answer psychographic variable
your answer psychographic variable

question question phrasing and structure are eliminated in semantic differential scale.
correct answer true
your answer true

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the export promotion councils?
correct answer cashew export promotion council , handloom export promotion council , gem &
jewellery export promotion council
your answer cashew export promotion council , handloom export promotion council , gem &
jewellery export promotion council
question the written contract of a research should cover the penalty clause covering deficits
such as delays, inadequate data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on the
market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

multiple choice single answer

question scale intervals can be used for
correct answer age
your answer age

select the blank

question bibliography contains ________.
correct answer information of references and secondary data
your answer information of references and secondary data

multiple choice multiple answer

question online survey methods include :-
correct answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys
your answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys

multiple choice single answer

question data of market research cannot be maintained :-
correct answer without experienced and educated research staff
your answer without experienced and educated research staff

multiple choice multiple answer

question pretesting of questionnaire includes testing of :-
correct answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation
your answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation

multiple choice multiple answer

question identification of target population is facilitated by :-
correct answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target population
definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population
your answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target population
definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population

select the blank

question ________are used for national panel studies.
correct answer quota controls
your answer quota controls

select the blank

question finding out the number of vehicles at a given junction is a ________ method.
correct answer direct observation
your answer direct observation
list of attempted questions and answers

question use of data analysis programme is the analysis strategy .
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question district gazetteer giving the information about population, public enterprises,
development etc. is an example of :-
correct answer government publications
your answer government publications

select the blank

question taking the responses on which political party will win the upcoming election is
known as ________.
correct answer opinion poll
your answer opinion poll

question when target respondents are intercepted and shopping areas, it is called mall
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question spontaneous response from respondent is possible in :-
correct answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions
your answer free response questions , unstructured questions

multiple choice single answer

question in report writing, letter of transmission indicates :-
correct answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official
your answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official authorization

multiple choice single answer

question scale intervals can be used for
correct answer age
your answer family life style

multiple choice single answer

question the test which consists of a series of pictures about which the subject is asked to
tell a story is called :-
correct answer thematic apperception test
your answer thematic apperception test
question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question transcribing data is involved :-
correct answer coding sheet on the disk , transferring the coded data from the
questionnaires , coding sheet on to magnetic tapes or directly into computers
your answer coding sheet on the disk , transferring the coded data from the questionnaires ,
coding sheet on to magnetic tapes or directly into computers

select the blank

question in conjoint analysis it may be difficult to ascribe or describe ________ for certain
correct answer attributes
your answer attributes

multiple choice single answer

question which is the institution specialising in pharma research?
correct answer central drug research institute, lucknow
your answer central drug research institute, lucknow

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer probing

select the blank

question interpretation of results is highly subjective in ________.
correct answer projective techniques
your answer projective techniques

multiple choice multiple answer

question stimulated test marketing can be used in :-
correct answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging
your answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer downloadable interactive surveys
question technical jargon should be used when unavoidable.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be used for research on automobile industry?
correct answer auto spark , automobile reporter , auto age
your answer auto spark , auto age

multiple choice multiple answer

question cluster analysis is used in :-
correct answer market segment , understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets
for various marketing strategies
your answer selecting test markets for various marketing strategies , market segment ,
understanding buyer behavior

question range is the simplest measure of calculation of mean.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

automotive research association of india pune mumbai

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

multiple choice single answer

question descriptors describing the selection criteria of the individuals needed for the
study are known as:
correct answer respondent descriptors
your answer respondent descriptors

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethical issues to be observed while writing a report are :-
correct answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be
designed to suit hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data
your answer no deliberate misinterpretations , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data

select the blank

question in two mode, two way data of mds, the products can be compared on the basis of
________ .
correct answer objective and perceived attributes
your answer objective and perceived attributes

multiple choice single answer

question utilities of conjoint analysis are arrived through :-
correct answer iterative technique
your answer iterative technique

multiple choice multiple answer

question semantic differential scale can be used for :-
correct answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj ,
rating the success of a new software
your answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj , rating
the success of a new software

match the following

question correct answer your answer

getting the feel of possibility of a candidate winning in an election telephonic observation

exploring the conversion rate at a retail outlet observation telephonic

getting the feedback of demonstration of a food processor experimental direct interviews

getting the responses from experts regarding a new chemical postal survey questionnaire

multiple choice single answer

question validation is fundamental step in research because :-
correct answer it ensures that data has accurately measured
your answer it ensures that data has accurately measured

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethics in marketing research underline the three basic responsibilities that
includes :-
correct answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the
researcher , responsibility towards the client
your answer responsibility towards the research process , responsibility towards the
respondent , responsibility towards the client

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the research obligations to the client?
correct answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation ,
explanation of report conclusions and aiding client's application
your answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation

select the blank

question in absence of proper________ the market research becomes a data collection
correct answer problem definition
your answer problem definition

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objective of questionnaire design is to seek consistency with :-
correct answer method of data collection , research objective , respondent's willingness
to answer questions on the subject
your answer research objective , respondent's willingness to answer questions on the subject

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation
your answer texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice single answer

question what is the source of information to know the technical details of norms for using
construction chemicals?
correct answer indian concrete journal
your answer chemical manufacturers directory

select the blank

question kurtosis is measure of ________ or flatness of curve defined by the frequency
correct answer relative peakedness
your answer relative peakedness

multiple choice single answer

question ultra violet ink is used to disguise customer coding. this activity is :-
correct answer a disapproved method
your answer to protect the identity of the respondent

multiple choice single answer

question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated
with each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

select the blank

question in mds the impact of pricing can be studied for the comparison of ________.
correct answer spatial maps
your answer spatial maps

multiple choice single answer

question report presentation methodology deals with :-
correct answer research design, technique employees and justification
your answer research design, technique employees and justification

multiple choice multiple answer

question online survey methods include :-
correct answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys
your answer email survey , downloadable interactive surveys

question the person conducting pharma research should be well qualified so that not to
waste doctors time.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question data cleaning is done through extensive checks for________.
correct answer consistency and treatment of missing responses
your answer consistency and treatment of missing responses

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question position bias is a possibility in ________questions.
correct answer multiple choice
your answer checklist
multiple choice single answer
question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer response

select the blank

question respondent's imagination is tested in ________.
correct answer rorschach test
your answer rorschach test

multiple choice single answer

question in the internet era, qualitative research is possible through :-
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling

multiple choice multiple answer

question constant sum scale can be used for :-
correct answer how different household would spend a fixed amount in a month , how
different household would spend a fixed amount on entertainment , how different respondents
spend their sunday
your answer how different households would spend their monthly income , how different
household would spend a fixed amount in a month , how different household would spend a fixed
amount on entertainment

multiple choice single answer

question which scale can be best used for rural surveys?
correct answer diagrammatic rating scale
your answer diagrammatic rating scale

multiple choice single answer

question in cluster technique when the difference in rating of each attribute is added, this
method is called as :-
correct answer single linkage
your answer average linkage

multiple choice multiple answer

question barometric methods of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer historical analogy , product like cycle concept , survey methods
your answer historical analogy , product like cycle concept , survey methods

multiple choice single answer

question in data analysis, cross tabulation shows the relationship between :-
correct answer two or more variables
your answer two or more variables

multiple choice multiple answer

question in simple regression yc = a +byz where :-
correct answer yc = sales forecast for given value of x , a= expected values of sales at x
= 0 , byz =average change in sales per unit changes in advertising expenditure
your answer a= expected values of sales at x = 0 , byz =average change in sales per unit
changes in advertising expenditure

question in conjoint analysis ranking involves complex trade offs.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer opinion

select the blank

question the ________ has set up districts and boundaries based on homogeneity of
socio-cultural parameters.
correct answer state re-organization commission
your answer state re-organization commission

question most of the organizations hire outside agencies to carry out extensive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question bibliography contains ________.
correct answer information of references and secondary data
your answer information of references and secondary data

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagnostic methods of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer delphi method , munshi forecasts , last horse method
your answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method

multiple choice single answer

question identify the close ended question type :-
correct answer scales
your answer probing questions

multiple choice single answer

question which scale uses numbers as labels only?
correct answer nominal scale
your answer nominal scale

multiple choice single answer

question the preference of sunsilk shampoo to clinic plus shampoo can be judged with :-
correct answer ordinal scale
your answer ordinal scale

match the following

question correct answer your answer

cluster analysis relatively homogeneous group relatively homogeneous group

regression analysis relationship between given variable and no. of other variables
relationship between given variable and no. of other variables

cojoint analysis optimum product design application optimum product design application

factor analysis a class of procedures for data reduction and summarization a class of
procedures for data reduction and summarization

question question phrasing and structure are eliminated in semantic differential scale.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question informal interview is a ________ format of data collection.
correct answer unstructured
your answer unstructured

multiple choice multiple answer

question specialized techniques of market research include :-
correct answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels
your answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels

multiple choice multiple answer

question this question is based on the case study of "research on consumer products".
what are the highlights of the study?
correct answer competition from major players well entrenched in the market ,
inferences about socio-economic status of consumer was to be found , company wanted to
manufacture watches
your answer competition from major players well entrenched in the market , inferences about
socio-economic status of consumer was to be found , company wanted to manufacture watches

multiple choice single answer

question mean or average value is used to estimate when data have been collected using
correct answer interval or ratio scale
your answer interval or ratio scale

match the following

question correct answer your answer

ranking several alternatives compared with each other at same time several alternatives
compared with each other at same time

scaling technique quantify a qualitative data projective technique

double barreled questions several responses at once several responses at once

checklist check one or more of the responses listed for answers check one or more of
the responses listed for answers

multiple choice single answer

question the unit about which information is collected for analysis is called:-
correct answer element
your answer element

question in exploratory research, the sample is very large and represents a class.
correct answer false
your answer false

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the clients or organization should do the comparison of defined research problem
with ________.
correct answer other problems that need to be studied
your answer budget

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

multiple choice multiple answer

question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically
your answer accurately , timely

question a specific change in lifestyle is indicated through demography
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the advantages of secondary data?
correct answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research
your answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research

question the starting point of the semantic differential scale is neutral.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer children , illiterate respondents

select the blank

question the ________ uses a cartoon format in which one of the characters is
represented as saying something.
correct answer roseinweig test
your answer roseinweig test

select the blank

question searching & developing alternatives is done in ________.
correct answer exploratory research
your answer conclusive research

question attitudes are measured through scaling and projective techniques.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question clarity of questions and instructions for filling the form is essential in :-
correct answer mail survey
your answer mail survey

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

question ratio scale does not have a zero point.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________ is the final step of data acquisition plan.
correct answer data collection
your answer data collection

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer indian cotton mills federation journal , texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin
your answer indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false
question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion
of research

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is ment by the value of research information?
correct answer cost benefit analysis of the data
your answer how valuable the data is for the client

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer regression analysis

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer information

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice single answer

question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated with
each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price

multiple choice multiple answer

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
correct answer price , reliability , credit
your answer price , reliability , credit

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer
question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer opinion

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor analysis.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market characteristics study , establishment of quota and territories , market
share analysis study
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

multiple choice multiple answer

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-
correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
your answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice single answer

question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
your answer degree of formality
multiple choice multiple answer
question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

match the following

question correct answer your answer

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

automotive research association of india pune pune

select the blank

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer checklist

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer budget of research

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most important?
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , objective and fundamental
principal should always be dealt first , averages are merely tendency and generalization

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer research methodology

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities
question simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer illiterate , literate without formal schooling

question motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in human
beings who are dynamic.
correct answer false
your answer false

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be filled through different means like :-
correct answer observation , personal interview , telephone interview
your answer personal interview , telephone interview

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

multiple choice single answer

question the respondent marks on a continnum between extremes his/her feelings
towards an object. this represents
correct answer scaling techniques
your answer ranking

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer maximum

select the blank

question interpretation of results is highly subjective in ________.
correct answer projective techniques
your answer projective techniques

multiple choice multiple answer

question market & sales analysis helps management in :-
correct answer developing company's sales plan (short and long term) , setting
standards of sales performance , estimating total sales force needed in future
your answer developing company's sales plan (short and long term) , setting standards of
sales performance , estimating total sales force needed in future

question smaller companies or individual consultants do not have any role to play in
market research field.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

multiple choice single answer

question what is the responsibility of client in problem determination?
correct answer monitor competitive and market environment
your answer giving proper information to respondent

multiple choice single answer

question in cluster analysis, a linkage method based on average distance between all
pairs of objects where one member of the pair is from each of the cluster, it is called as :-
correct answer average linkage
your answer complete linkage

multiple choice multiple answer

question according to lipstein, rules for minimizing non-sampling errors include :-
correct answer use the smallest sample consistent with research objective , sample
survey should be as easy to execute as possible , restrict the questionnaire to data essential to
the study
your answer use the smallest sample consistent with research objective , sample survey
should be as easy to execute as possible , restrict the questionnaire to data essential to the study

multiple choice single answer

question in pharma research sampling procedure preferred is :
correct answer area sampling
your answer quota sampling
select the blank
question in industrial product research, newer raw materials are studied for ________ and
functional advantages.
correct answer pricing
your answer market condition

select the blank

question taking the responses on which political party will win the upcoming election is
known as ________.
correct answer opinion poll
your answer opinion poll

multiple choice multiple answer

question constant sum scale can be used for :-
correct answer how different household would spend a fixed amount in a month , how
different household would spend a fixed amount on entertainment , how different respondents
spend their sunday
your answer how different households would spend their monthly income , how different
household would spend a fixed amount in a month

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the research obligations to the client?
correct answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation ,
explanation of report conclusions and aiding client's application
your answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation , explanation of
report conclusions and aiding client's application

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be used for research on automobile industry?
correct answer auto spark , automobile reporter , auto age
your answer auto spark , auto age

select the blank

question national bureau of economic research publishes data for lagging, coincidental
and leading indicators based on ________.
correct answer 350 times series
your answer 200 times series

multiple choice single answer

question the respondent is shown clippings of advertisements in which brand names are
deleted. he is then asked to identify the brand and the media where it appeared. this is known as
correct answer recognition test
your answer recognition test

select the blank

question this question is based on the case study of "revival of three star hotel". the
management was considering attracting business executives, before that, it ________.
correct answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel
your answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel

multiple choice single answer

question the physical characteristics of the questionnaire are important in motivating the
respondent to participate and complete the form. this is true in case of
correct answer mail survey
your answer personal interview

question cluster sampling is non-probability sampling
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to understand the effect of cable tv industry on hindi cinema causal research secondary

to find out the preference of movie theaters for the youth descriptive research causal research

to ascertain the possibility of developing solar car exploratory research consumer panel

to understand the buying pattern of grocery items for a group of housewives over six months
consumer panel survey exploratory research

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

skewness symmetric distribution about mean symmetric distribution about mean

array numerical sequence either ascending or descending numerical sequence either

ascending or descending

simple tabulation one variable distribution one variable distribution

cross tabulation relationship between two or more variables relationship between two or
more variables

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer profit to non profit

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

select the blank

question the retail store audits and prescription audits carried out by org are like ________
at all chemists .
correct answer fmcg products
your answer fmcg products

question the written contract of a research should cover the penalty clause covering
deficits such as delays, inadequate data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question in report writing, letter of transmission indicates :-
correct answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official
your answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official authorization

multiple choice single answer

question the first step in data acquisition plan is :-
correct answer formulating data objectives
your answer formulating data objectives

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor
correct answer true
your answer false

select the blank

question the data must be obtained quickly enough at ________.
correct answer reasonable costs
your answer appropriate costs

question in mds, when input data is ratio scaled, it is called as non-metric mds.
correct answer false
your answer false
select the blank
question in ________ forecast, he collects all information in his mind and based on his
vast experience he makes forecast.
correct answer munshi
your answer judgment

question when company prepares a long range plan it is unpublished internal source of
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question close ended questionnaires are structured and closed. they
correct answer are easy to tabulate and analyze
your answer are easy to tabulate and analyze

select the blank

question a factor's eigne value is the sum of________ of factor loading.
correct answer square
your answer square root

multiple choice single answer

question the respondent may refuse to answer a question if he feels it is invading his
privacy or has no legitimate purpose. the researcher considers such issues at which stage of the
questionnaire design?
correct answer evaluating the question content
your answer determining the wordings of the question

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study ,
establishment of quota and territories
your answer product mix studies , market share analysis study , market characteristics study

multiple choice multiple answer

question projective techniques draw inferences about :-
correct answer personality structure , marketing situation , deep seated biases
your answer marketing situation , deep seated biases

select the blank

question for the semantic differential scale the central point of the scale is a ________.
correct answer neutral point
your answer neutral point

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on
the market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer there is cut throught competition

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

question in mds, two-way modes, products can be compared on objective and perceived
correct answer true
your answer true

list of attempted questions and answers

question sales quotas are set before estimation of market potential and sales territories.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer regression analysis

question "consumer panel" is a specialized market research technique.
correct answer false
your answer false

question close ended questions are time consuming and costly exercise.
correct answer false
your answer false

question sales representative work load depends on average order size.
correct answer true
your answer true

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
question postal surveys fail because the apparent low cost turns out to be very high due to non
correct answer true
your answer true

question question phrasing and structure are eliminated in semantic differential scale.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question "care should be taken to prevent respondent fatigue and disinterest." this is taken into
account in which step of the questionnaire design ?
correct answer determining the interviewing process
your answer determining the interviewing process

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be used for research on automobile industry?
correct answer auto spark , automobile reporter , auto age
your answer auto spark , automobile reporter , auto age

match the following

question correct answer your answer

executive report report for decision maker miniature report containing major facts, findings, and

pictographs graphical depiction graphical depiction

histograph vertical bar chart vertical bar chart

report for publication report for general public report for general public

multiple choice single answer

question a factor's eigen value is the :-
correct answer sum of squares of its factor loading
your answer sum of squares of its factor loading

multiple choice single answer

question the responsibility of the research organization towards the respondent is :-
correct answer to protect anonymity if agreed
your answer to protect anonymity if agreed

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question market research is a ________ industry in india.
correct answer growing
your answer growing
multiple choice single answer
question the situation of "don't know" cannot be recorded in :-
correct answer dichotomous questions
your answer dichotomous questions

select the blank

question the ________ uses a cartoon format in which one of the characters is represented as
saying something.
correct answer roseinweig test
your answer roseinweig test

multiple choice single answer

question how people allocate their time and money to certain products and factors is depicted
correct answer psychographic variable
your answer psychographic variable

multiple choice single answer

question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

question a specific change in lifestyle is indicated through demography
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most important?
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first

multiple choice multiple answer

question economic indicators in survey method of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer leading , co-incident , lagging
your answer leading , co-incident , lagging

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

select the blank

question manual or personal method is for________.
correct answer selecting and analysis strategy
your answer selecting and analysis strategy

select the blank

question through cluster analysis objects/cases are classified into relatively________ group
called cluster.
correct answer homogeneous
your answer homogeneous
select the blank
question ________ research describes some aspects of market characteristics.
correct answer descriptive
your answer descriptive

multiple choice multiple answer

question factors affecting consumer decision process include :-
correct answer economic factors , intrinsic factors , external factors
your answer economic factors , intrinsic factors , external factors

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

select the blank

question in ________ method the research analyst is not concerned with cause and research
correct answer diagnostic
your answer diagnostic

select the blank

question ________ loading is the corelation between a factor and variable.
correct answer factor
your answer factor

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer findings and implementation

multiple choice single answer

question factor loading is the corelation between :-
correct answer a factor & a variable
your answer a factor & a variable

select the blank

question finding out the number of vehicles at a given junction is a ________ method.
correct answer direct observation
your answer direct observation

multiple choice single answer

question several alternatives have to be compared with each other at the same time in :-
correct answer ranking questions
your answer ranking questions

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

low responses inaccessibility inaccessibility

sampling error not representative of population not representative of population

non-sampling error recording error recording error

sampling information about population information about population

multiple choice single answer

question what is the ideal source to find out the information on who are the manufacturers of
paper chemicals in india?
correct answer indian chemical directory
your answer catalogue of indian chemical plant manufacturers

multiple choice multiple answer

question following are the characteristics of factor analysis :-
correct answer uses an advance forms of co-relation analysis to the responses , variables that
are interrelated and similar are reduced to smaller numbers of uncorrelated factors. , the model is
primarily based on liner relationship through which factor loading is derived.
your answer uses an advance forms of co-relation analysis to the responses , variables that
are interrelated and similar are reduced to smaller numbers of uncorrelated factors. , the model is
primarily based on liner relationship through which factor loading is derived.

multiple choice single answer

question the retail store audit does not measure:-
correct answer brand loyalty
your answer brand loyalty

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the international / national mr players?
correct answer imrb , gallup/mba , nfo
your answer imrb , gallup/mba , nfo

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be :-
correct answer structured , disguised , informal
your answer structured , disguised , a booklet containing information

multiple choice multiple answer

question stimulated test marketing can be used in :-
correct answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging
your answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging

multiple choice multiple answer

question the national readership survey(nrs) investigates :-
correct answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication , readership per copy of
your answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication , readership per copy of
multiple choice multiple answer
question multidimensional scaling consist of :-
correct answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference
your answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference

select the blank

question multiple choice is a ________type of question.
correct answer close ended
your answer close ended

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethical issues to be observed while writing a report are :-
correct answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be
designed to suit hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data
your answer complete confidentiality and secrecy of data , no deliberate misinterpretations ,
marketing problems should be designed to suit hidden agenda

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the advantages of secondary data?
correct answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research
your answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research

multiple choice single answer

question checklists are useful for :-
correct answer factual data
your answer factual data

multiple choice single answer

question evaluating the question content is the :-
correct answer 4th step
your answer 3rd step

multiple choice multiple answer

question multidimensional scaling consist of :-
correct answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference
your answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

select the blank

question ________are used for national panel studies.
correct answer quota controls
your answer quota controls

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new
markets , to analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice single answer

question the long form of imrb is :-
correct answer indian market research bureau
your answer indian market research bureau

question determining the questionnaire structure is the first step of process of
questionnaire design.
correct answer false
your answer false

question brand image building is not important in case of industrial product for quality.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question economic indicators in survey method of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer leading , co-incident , lagging
your answer leading , co-incident , lagging

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate statistical technique that uses a class of procedures for data
reduction & summarization is known as :-
correct answer factor analysis
your answer factor analysis

question rural sec grid is based on education and monthly household income
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question factor analysis is based on linear relationship through which ________ is derived.
correct answer factor loading
your answer factor loading
multiple choice single answer
question district gazetteer giving the information about population, public enterprises,
development etc. is an example of :-
correct answer government publications
your answer government publications

select the blank

question the responsibility of a client towards a research firm include ________.
correct answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data
your answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data

multiple choice single answer

question in delphi method experts or knowledgeable people are invited to give their
forecast :-
correct answer without giving reasons
your answer without giving reasons

select the blank

question data interpretation requires ________ and logical skills.
correct answer qualitative
your answer quantitative

select the blank

question interpretation of results is highly subjective in ________.
correct answer projective techniques
your answer projective techniques

multiple choice single answer

question short range forecast is done for the duration of :-
correct answer upto 1 year
your answer upto 1 year

select the blank

question in mds the impact of pricing can be studied for the comparison of ________.
correct answer spatial maps
your answer spatial maps

multiple choice multiple answer

question cluster analysis is used in :-
correct answer market segment , understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets
for various marketing strategies
your answer market segment , understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets for
various marketing strategies

select the blank

question the ________ uses a cartoon format in which one of the characters is
represented as saying something.
correct answer roseinweig test
your answer roseinweig test

multiple choice multiple answer

question pretesting of questionnaire includes testing of :-
correct answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation
your answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

multiple choice single answer

question top of mind recall is observed in :-
correct answer attitude research
your answer attitude research

question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is incapable of ranking
options on basis of some criterion.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________ is the final step of data acquisition plan.
correct answer data collection
your answer data collection

match the following

question correct answer your answer

post launch research usage and attitude usage and attitude

target respondents doctors dealers

sampling procedure area sampling area sampling

pre launch research clinical trials and formulations clinical trials and formulations

question sample size tends to be inversely proportional to cost of sampling.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question ________ can be used for the diagrammatic rating scale.
correct answer pictures
your answer pictures

question the technique in which respondents are provided with incomplete sentences
which they can complete as they choose to do so, is known as construction technique.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question while formulating the research purpose the following points should be taken into
consideration :-
correct answer what are the problems or opportunities? , what are the decision
alternatives? , who are the users of the research?
your answer what is the cost of the research? , what are the problems or opportunities? , who
are the users of the research?

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question a list of population members used to obtain a sample is known as the:-
correct answer sampling frame
your answer sampling frame

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question sales forecast helps to decide the :-
correct answer purchase of inventory
your answer market potential

multiple choice multiple answer

question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically
your answer accurately , timely , economically

question in regression analysis, dependent variables can be expressed as a linear
function of impendent variables.
correct answer true
your answer true
multiple choice single answer
question the conjoint analysis helps to enable company's to :-
correct answer conduct brand swot analysis
your answer conduct brand swot analysis

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in industrial product research, newer raw materials are studied for ________ and
functional advantages.
correct answer pricing
your answer pricing

multiple choice single answer

question what is executive report?
correct answer report for decision makers
your answer report for decision makers

match the following

question correct answer your answer

automotive research association of india pune pune

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

multiple choice multiple answer

question issues which a doctors seeks regarding a product are :-
correct answer amount of drugs required , indications for prescription , efficiency over all
time needed for drug concentration in the body
your answer amount of drugs required , indications for prescription , efficiency over all time
needed for drug concentration in the body

select the blank

question market research is a ________ industry in india.
correct answer growing
your answer growing

list of attempted questions and answers

question use of data analysis programme is the analysis strategy .
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question district gazetteer giving the information about population, public enterprises,
development etc. is an example of :-
correct answer government publications
your answer government publications

select the blank

question taking the responses on which political party will win the upcoming election is
known as ________.
correct answer opinion poll
your answer opinion poll

question when target respondents are intercepted and shopping areas, it is called mall
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question spontaneous response from respondent is possible in :-
correct answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions
your answer free response questions , unstructured questions

multiple choice single answer

question in report writing, letter of transmission indicates :-
correct answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official
your answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official authorization

multiple choice single answer

question scale intervals can be used for
correct answer age
your answer family life style

multiple choice single answer

question the test which consists of a series of pictures about which the subject is asked to
tell a story is called :-
correct answer thematic apperception test
your answer thematic apperception test

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question transcribing data is involved :-
correct answer coding sheet on the disk , transferring the coded data from the
questionnaires , coding sheet on to magnetic tapes or directly into computers
your answer coding sheet on the disk , transferring the coded data from the questionnaires ,
coding sheet on to magnetic tapes or directly into computers

select the blank

question in conjoint analysis it may be difficult to ascribe or describe ________ for certain
correct answer attributes
your answer attributes

multiple choice single answer

question which is the institution specialising in pharma research?
correct answer central drug research institute, lucknow
your answer central drug research institute, lucknow

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer probing

select the blank

question interpretation of results is highly subjective in ________.
correct answer projective techniques
your answer projective techniques

multiple choice multiple answer

question stimulated test marketing can be used in :-
correct answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging
your answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer downloadable interactive surveys
question technical jargon should be used when unavoidable.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be used for research on automobile industry?
correct answer auto spark , automobile reporter , auto age
your answer auto spark , auto age

multiple choice multiple answer

question cluster analysis is used in :-
correct answer market segment , understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets
for various marketing strategies
your answer selecting test markets for various marketing strategies , market segment ,
understanding buyer behavior

question range is the simplest measure of calculation of mean.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

automotive research association of india pune mumbai

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

multiple choice single answer

question descriptors describing the selection criteria of the individuals needed for the
study are known as:
correct answer respondent descriptors
your answer respondent descriptors

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethical issues to be observed while writing a report are :-
correct answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be
designed to suit hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data
your answer no deliberate misinterpretations , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data

select the blank

question in two mode, two way data of mds, the products can be compared on the basis of
________ .
correct answer objective and perceived attributes
your answer objective and perceived attributes

multiple choice single answer

question utilities of conjoint analysis are arrived through :-
correct answer iterative technique
your answer iterative technique

multiple choice multiple answer

question semantic differential scale can be used for :-
correct answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj ,
rating the success of a new software
your answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj , rating
the success of a new software

match the following

question correct answer your answer

getting the feel of possibility of a candidate winning in an election telephonic observation

exploring the conversion rate at a retail outlet observation telephonic

getting the feedback of demonstration of a food processor experimental direct interviews

getting the responses from experts regarding a new chemical postal survey questionnaire

multiple choice single answer

question validation is fundamental step in research because :-
correct answer it ensures that data has accurately measured
your answer it ensures that data has accurately measured

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethics in marketing research underline the three basic responsibilities that
includes :-
correct answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the
researcher , responsibility towards the client
your answer responsibility towards the research process , responsibility towards the
respondent , responsibility towards the client

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the research obligations to the client?
correct answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation ,
explanation of report conclusions and aiding client's application
your answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation

select the blank

question in absence of proper________ the market research becomes a data collection
correct answer problem definition
your answer problem definition

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objective of questionnaire design is to seek consistency with :-
correct answer method of data collection , research objective , respondent's willingness
to answer questions on the subject
your answer research objective , respondent's willingness to answer questions on the subject

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation
your answer texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice single answer

question what is the source of information to know the technical details of norms for using
construction chemicals?
correct answer indian concrete journal
your answer chemical manufacturers directory

select the blank

question kurtosis is measure of ________ or flatness of curve defined by the frequency
correct answer relative peakedness
your answer relative peakedness

multiple choice single answer

question ultra violet ink is used to disguise customer coding. this activity is :-
correct answer a disapproved method
your answer to protect the identity of the respondent
multiple choice single answer
question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated
with each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

select the blank

question in mds the impact of pricing can be studied for the comparison of ________.
correct answer spatial maps
your answer spatial maps

multiple choice single answer

question report presentation methodology deals with :-
correct answer research design, technique employees and justification
your answer research design, technique employees and justification

multiple choice multiple answer

question online survey methods include :-
correct answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys
your answer email survey , downloadable interactive surveys

question the person conducting pharma research should be well qualified so that not to
waste doctors time.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question data cleaning is done through extensive checks for________.
correct answer consistency and treatment of missing responses
your answer consistency and treatment of missing responses

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer branching questions

multiple choice single answer

question ultra violet ink is used to disguise customer coding. this activity is :-
correct answer a disapproved method
your answer to protect the identity of the respondent

multiple choice single answer

question this question is based on the case study of "revival of three star hotel". the hotel
was experiencing a decline in business. the management decided to attract business executives
as :-
correct answer there was a decline in occupancy in the hotel
your answer there was a decline in occupancy in the hotel

select the blank

question a specific change in lifestyle is indicated by ________
correct answer psychographics
your answer socio-economic class

match the following

question correct answer your answer

mother-tongue assamese assamese

food habits demographic demographic

town classification metro metro

household structure joint family village

multiple choice single answer

question market research involves
correct answer collection and analysis of data
your answer collection and analysis of data

question protection against unqualified researchers is a responsibility of the client.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question dichotomous form of questions can be observed in :-
correct answer branching questions , qualifying questions , opening questions
your answer branching questions , qualifying questions , opening questions

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethics in marketing research underline the three basic responsibilities that
includes :-
correct answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the client ,
responsibility towards the researcher
your answer responsibility towards the research process , responsibility towards the
respondent , responsibility towards the client

question question phrasing and structure are eliminated in semantic differential scale.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers
should not go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be filled through different means like :-
correct answer observation , personal interview , telephone interview
your answer observation , personal interview , telephone interview

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

question telephonic surveys can be used to identify the acceptability of the food processor
after demonstration.
correct answer false
your answer true

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer opinion

multiple choice multiple answer

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
correct answer price , reliability , credit
your answer reliability , credit , longer relationship

multiple choice single answer

question where the railways, research, designs & standards organisation is based?
correct answer lucknow
your answer lucknow

question regression analysis can be used in sales forecasting to measure the relationship
between company's sales and other economic variables.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the unit about which information is collected for analysis is called:-
correct answer element
your answer respondent

multiple choice multiple answer

question non hierarchical procedure of cluster analysis further has other subtypes like:-
correct answer sequential threshold , parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning
your answer parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning

multiple choice single answer

question what is the first step in the research design process?
correct answer problem identification
your answer problem identification

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer average

question technical jargon should be used when unavoidable.
correct answer true
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question industrial product research was earlier restricted to :-
correct answer demand forecasting
your answer demand forecasting

multiple choice single answer

question which scale can be best used for rural surveys?
correct answer diagrammatic rating scale
your answer diagrammatic rating scale

select the blank

question in ________ forecast, he collects all information in his mind and based on his
vast experience he makes forecast.
correct answer munshi
your answer munshi

multiple choice single answer

question a nonhierarchical clustering procedure determines a cluster centre & then groups
all objects within a prespecified threshold value from centre is known as :-
correct answer segmental threshold method
your answer segmental threshold method

question sales quotas are set before estimation of market potential and sales territories.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________ type of question allow response in affirmative or negative.
correct answer dichotomous
your answer dichotomous

question a show card is the identity of the researcher conducting the interview
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question stimulated test marketing can be used in :-
correct answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging
your answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer timely completion of research , maintaining data , dealing with different
situation and problems
your answer dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion of research ,
defining major problems

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer illiterate , literate without formal schooling , student

select the blank

question ________ research describes some aspects of market characteristics.
correct answer descriptive
your answer causal

multiple choice single answer

question in pre launch research of pharmaceutical products, it is conducted for
correct answer clinical trials under controlled parameters for efficiency and side effects
your answer clinical trials under controlled parameters for efficiency and side effects
select the blank
question searching & developing alternatives is done in ________.
correct answer exploratory research
your answer exploratory research

multiple choice multiple answer

question market & sales analysis helps management in :-
correct answer developing company's sales plan (short and long term) , setting
standards of sales performance , estimating total sales force needed in future
your answer developing company's sales plan (short and long term) , setting standards of
sales performance , estimating total sales force needed in future

question in mds, when input data is ratio scaled, it is called as non-metric mds.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question report presentation methodology deals with :-
correct answer research design, technique employees and justification
your answer research design, technique employees and justification

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice single answer

question while determining the interviewing process, the researcher is confronted with :-
correct answer ascertaining the communication media
your answer issue of content of the question

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study ,
establishment of quota and territories
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

select the blank

question spontaneous responses are obtained in ________ questions.
correct answer open ended
your answer open ended

match the following

question correct answer your answer

wording of the question step 5 step 1

question response format step 4 step 3

typography step 7 step 4

interviewing process step2 step2

select the blank

question ________ are the internalized factors that cause people to behave the way they
correct answer motives
your answer motives

multiple choice multiple answer

question projective techniques draw inferences about :-
correct answer personality structure , marketing situation , deep seated biases
your answer personality structure , deep seated biases

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question position bias is a possibility in ________questions.
correct answer multiple choice
your answer checklist

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer response

select the blank

question respondent's imagination is tested in ________.
correct answer rorschach test
your answer rorschach test

multiple choice single answer

question in the internet era, qualitative research is possible through :-
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling

multiple choice multiple answer

question constant sum scale can be used for :-
correct answer how different household would spend a fixed amount in a month , how
different household would spend a fixed amount on entertainment , how different respondents
spend their sunday
your answer how different households would spend their monthly income , how different
household would spend a fixed amount in a month , how different household would spend a fixed
amount on entertainment

multiple choice single answer

question which scale can be best used for rural surveys?
correct answer diagrammatic rating scale
your answer diagrammatic rating scale

multiple choice single answer

question in cluster technique when the difference in rating of each attribute is added, this
method is called as :-
correct answer single linkage
your answer average linkage

multiple choice multiple answer

question barometric methods of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer historical analogy , product like cycle concept , survey methods
your answer historical analogy , product like cycle concept , survey methods

multiple choice single answer

question in data analysis, cross tabulation shows the relationship between :-
correct answer two or more variables
your answer two or more variables

multiple choice multiple answer

question in simple regression yc = a +byz where :-
correct answer yc = sales forecast for given value of x , a= expected values of sales at x
= 0 , byz =average change in sales per unit changes in advertising expenditure
your answer a= expected values of sales at x = 0 , byz =average change in sales per unit
changes in advertising expenditure

question in conjoint analysis ranking involves complex trade offs.
correct answer true
your answer true
select the blank
question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer opinion

select the blank

question the ________ has set up districts and boundaries based on homogeneity of
socio-cultural parameters.
correct answer state re-organization commission
your answer state re-organization commission

question most of the organizations hire outside agencies to carry out extensive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question bibliography contains ________.
correct answer information of references and secondary data
your answer information of references and secondary data

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagnostic methods of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer delphi method , munshi forecasts , last horse method
your answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method

multiple choice single answer

question identify the close ended question type :-
correct answer scales
your answer probing questions

multiple choice single answer

question which scale uses numbers as labels only?
correct answer nominal scale
your answer nominal scale

multiple choice single answer

question the preference of sunsilk shampoo to clinic plus shampoo can be judged with :-
correct answer ordinal scale
your answer ordinal scale

match the following

question correct answer your answer

cluster analysis relatively homogeneous group relatively homogeneous group

regression analysis relationship between given variable and no. of other variables
relationship between given variable and no. of other variables

cojoint analysis optimum product design application optimum product design application

factor analysis a class of procedures for data reduction and summarization a class of
procedures for data reduction and summarization

question question phrasing and structure are eliminated in semantic differential scale.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question informal interview is a ________ format of data collection.
correct answer unstructured
your answer unstructured

multiple choice multiple answer

question specialized techniques of market research include :-
correct answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels
your answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels

multiple choice multiple answer

question this question is based on the case study of "research on consumer products".
what are the highlights of the study?
correct answer competition from major players well entrenched in the market ,
inferences about socio-economic status of consumer was to be found , company wanted to
manufacture watches
your answer competition from major players well entrenched in the market , inferences about
socio-economic status of consumer was to be found , company wanted to manufacture watches

multiple choice single answer

question mean or average value is used to estimate when data have been collected using
correct answer interval or ratio scale
your answer interval or ratio scale

match the following

question correct answer your answer

ranking several alternatives compared with each other at same time several alternatives
compared with each other at same time

scaling technique quantify a qualitative data projective technique

double barreled questions several responses at once several responses at once

checklist check one or more of the responses listed for answers check one or more of
the responses listed for answers

multiple choice single answer

question the unit about which information is collected for analysis is called:-
correct answer element
your answer element

question in exploratory research, the sample is very large and represents a class.
correct answer false
your answer false

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the clients or organization should do the comparison of defined research problem
with ________.
correct answer other problems that need to be studied
your answer budget

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
multiple choice multiple answer
question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically
your answer accurately , timely

question a specific change in lifestyle is indicated through demography
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the advantages of secondary data?
correct answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research
your answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research

question the starting point of the semantic differential scale is neutral.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer children , illiterate respondents

select the blank

question the ________ uses a cartoon format in which one of the characters is
represented as saying something.
correct answer roseinweig test
your answer roseinweig test

select the blank

question searching & developing alternatives is done in ________.
correct answer exploratory research
your answer conclusive research

question attitudes are measured through scaling and projective techniques.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question clarity of questions and instructions for filling the form is essential in :-
correct answer mail survey
your answer mail survey

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

question ratio scale does not have a zero point.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________ is the final step of data acquisition plan.
correct answer data collection
your answer data collection

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer indian cotton mills federation journal , texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin
your answer indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion
of research

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is ment by the value of research information?
correct answer cost benefit analysis of the data
your answer how valuable the data is for the client

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer regression analysis

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer information

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice single answer

question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated with
each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price

multiple choice multiple answer

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
correct answer price , reliability , credit
your answer price , reliability , credit

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer opinion

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor analysis.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
multiple choice multiple answer
question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market characteristics study , establishment of quota and territories , market
share analysis study
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

multiple choice multiple answer

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-
correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
your answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice single answer

question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
your answer degree of formality

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

match the following

question correct answer your answer

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

automotive research association of india pune pune

select the blank

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer checklist

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer budget of research

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most important?
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , objective and fundamental
principal should always be dealt first , averages are merely tendency and generalization

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer research methodology

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer illiterate , literate without formal schooling

question motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in human
beings who are dynamic.
correct answer false
your answer false
list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer indian cotton mills federation journal , texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin
your answer indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion
of research

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is ment by the value of research information?
correct answer cost benefit analysis of the data
your answer how valuable the data is for the client

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer regression analysis

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer information

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice single answer

question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated with
each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price

multiple choice multiple answer

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
correct answer price , reliability , credit
your answer price , reliability , credit

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer opinion

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor analysis.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market characteristics study , establishment of quota and territories , market
share analysis study
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

multiple choice multiple answer

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-
correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
your answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice single answer

question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
your answer degree of formality

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

match the following

question correct answer your answer

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

automotive research association of india pune pune

select the blank

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer checklist

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer budget of research

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered
multiple choice multiple answer
question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most important?
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , objective and fundamental
principal should always be dealt first , averages are merely tendency and generalization

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer research methodology

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer illiterate , literate without formal schooling

question motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in human
beings who are dynamic.
correct answer false
your answer false

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer indian cotton mills federation journal , texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin
your answer indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true
question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion
of research

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is ment by the value of research information?
correct answer cost benefit analysis of the data
your answer how valuable the data is for the client

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer regression analysis

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false
multiple choice single answer
question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer information

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice single answer

question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated with
each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price

multiple choice multiple answer

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
correct answer price , reliability , credit
your answer price , reliability , credit

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer opinion

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor analysis.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market characteristics study , establishment of quota and territories , market
share analysis study
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

multiple choice multiple answer

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-
correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
your answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales
multiple choice single answer
question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
your answer degree of formality

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

match the following

question correct answer your answer

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

automotive research association of india pune pune

select the blank

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer checklist

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer budget of research

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most important?
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , objective and fundamental
principal should always be dealt first , averages are merely tendency and generalization

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer research methodology
multiple choice single answer
question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer illiterate , literate without formal schooling

question motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in human
beings who are dynamic.
correct answer false
your answer false

list of attempted questions and answers

match the following

correct answer
your answer

determine the specific data to be sought

statement of research purpose
statement of research purpose

questionnaire structure
funnel approach
funnel approach

physical characteristic of questionnaire


eliminate flaws
eliminate flaws

select the blank

a factor's eigne value is the sum of________ of factor loading.
correct answer
your answer

select the blank

retail store audit is a quantitative feedback on________.
correct answer
consumer buying patterns
your answer
consumer buying patterns

rural sec grid is based on education and monthly household income
correct answer
your answer

multiple choice single answer

a nonhierarchical clustering procedure determines a cluster centre & then groups all objects
within a prespecified threshold value from centre is known as :-
correct answer
segmental threshold method
your answer
segmental threshold method

select the blank

in ________ forecast, he collects all information in his mind and based on his vast experience he
makes forecast.
correct answer
your answer

select the blank

in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer
your answer

multiple choice multiple answer

a town can be classified on the basis of population as
correct answer
class i , classiii , metro
your answer
class i , classiii , metro

multiple choice multiple answer

a questionnaire can be termed as "good" when :-
correct answer
the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the necessary information to
answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the necessary information
your answer
the respondent can understand the question , if the respondent is willing to provide the necessary
information , it is visually attractive with good layout

simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer
your answer

multiple choice single answer

the respondent is shown clippings of advertisements in which brand names are deleted. he is
then asked to identify the brand and the media where it appeared. this is known as :-
correct answer
recognition test
your answer
recognition test

balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer
your answer

select the blank

descriptive research requires the ________ analysis.
correct answer
your answer

market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer
your answer

multiple choice single answer

district gazetteer giving the information about population, public enterprises, development etc. is
an example of :-
correct answer
government publications
your answer
government publications

the client or organization should answer the queries of cost v/s benefits of research.
correct answer
your answer

multiple choice single answer

retail store audit uses :-
correct answer
random multistratified sampling
your answer
random multistratified sampling

multiple choice multiple answer

non hierarchical procedure of cluster analysis further has other subtypes like:-
correct answer
sequential threshold , parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning
your answer
parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning

multiple choice single answer

subscribers to retail store audit(rsa) receive the report :-
correct answer
your answer

select the blank

the assumption that the respondents externalization is the process of his internalization is
observed in ________.
correct answer
thematic apperception test
your answer
thematic apperception test

multiple choice single answer

variables such as age, number of customers scales, costs, heights etc. can be measured by
correct answer
ratio scale
your answer
ratio scale

multiple choice single answer

the arrangement of data items in a numerical sequence either ascending or descending order is :-
correct answer
an array
your answer
an array

multiple choice single answer

point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer
forced exposure test
your answer
forced exposure test

select the blank

the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________ competition.
correct answer
price to non price
your answer
price to non price

select the blank

factor analysis is based on linear relationship through which ________ is derived.
correct answer
factor loading
your answer
factor loading

multiple choice single answer

informal interview is also known as :-
correct answer
in-depth interview
your answer
in-depth interview

multiple choice multiple answer

specialized techniques of market research include :-
correct answer
national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels
your answer
national readership survey , consumer panels

select the blank

the responsibility of a client towards a research firm include ________.
correct answer
disclosure of relevant proprietary data
your answer
disclosure of relevant proprietary data

multiple choice single answer

what is the publication report?
correct answer
a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer
a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

semantic differential scale can be used for :-
correct answer
rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj , rating the success of a
new software
your answer
rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj , rating the success of a
new software

select the blank

data interpretation requires ________ and logical skills.
correct answer
your answer

the starting point of the semantic differential scale is neutral.
correct answer
your answer

multiple choice single answer

the result of exploratory research is :-
correct answer
development of hypotheses
your answer
development of hypotheses

reports printed by the professional bodies are external unpublished data.
correct answer
your answer

match the following

correct answer
your answer

several alternatives compared with each other at same time
quantify a qualitative data

scaling technique
quantify a qualitative data
several alternatives compared with each other at same time

double barreled questions

several responses at once
several responses at once

check one or more of the responses listed for answers
check one or more of the responses listed for answers

select the blank

association technique is a type of ________.
correct answer
projective technique
your answer
projective technique

clarity in report writing should be there to avoid vagueness and misinterpretation.
correct answer
your answer

multiple choice multiple answer

transcribing data is involved :-
correct answer
coding sheet on the disk , transferring the coded data from the questionnaires , coding sheet on
to magnetic tapes or directly into computers
your answer
transferring the coded data from the questionnaires , coding sheet on to magnetic tapes or
directly into computers

multiple choice multiple answer

what are the factors to be considered in cluster analysis?
correct answer
limited number of clusters due to limitation of market potential , clusters are not water tight
compartment , evaluating the quality of cluster is difficult
your answer
limited number of clusters due to limitation of market potential , clusters are not water tight
compartment , evaluating the quality of cluster is difficult

select the blank

for the semantic differential scale the central point of the scale is a ________.
correct answer
neutral point
your answer
neutral point

multiple choice single answer

a multivariate statistical technique that uses a class of procedures for data reduction &
summarization is known as :-
correct answer
factor analysis
your answer
factor analysis

multiple choice multiple answer

issues which a doctors seeks regarding a product are :-
correct answer
amount of drugs required , indications for prescription , efficiency over all time needed for drug
concentration in the body
your answer
amount of drugs required , indications for prescription , efficiency over all time needed for drug
concentration in the body
ratio scale does not have a zero point.
correct answer
your answer

multiple choice single answer

spreading the sample through the entire population following a regular pattern is known as :-
correct answer
systematic sampling
your answer
systematic sampling

this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". the bookshop had a strong position in
the textbook market.
correct answer
your answer

multiple choice multiple answer

pretesting of questionnaire includes testing of :-
correct answer
question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation
your answer
question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation

select the blank

in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer
chat sessions
your answer
chat sessions

question in mds, when input data is ratio scaled, it is called as non-metric mds.
correct answer false
question projective techniques draw inferences about :-
correct answer personality structure , marketing situation , deep seated biases
question dichotomous form of questions can be observed in :-
correct answer branching questions , qualifying questions , opening questions
question industrial product research was earlier restricted to :-
correct answer demand forecasting
question a questionnaire can be filled through different means like :-
correct answer observation , personal interview , telephone interview
question mean or average value is used to estimate when data have been collected using
correct answer interval or ratio scale
question the respondent may refuse to answer a question if he feels it is invading his
privacy or has no legitimate purpose. the researcher considers such issues at which stage of the
questionnaire design?
correct answer evaluating the question content
question the national readership survey(nrs) investigates :-
correct answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication , readership per
copy of publication
question factor analysis is based on linear relationship through which ________ is derived.
correct answer factor loading
question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
question this question is based on the case study of "book jacket". the publishers found
that the market ________.
correct answer was biased towards higher socio-economic group
question which of the following are the research obligations to the client?
correct answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation ,
explanation of report conclusions and aiding client's application
question stimulated test marketing can be used in :-
correct answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging
question "consumer panel" is a specialized market research technique.
correct answer false
question retail store audit is a quantitative feedback on________.
correct answer consumer buying patterns
question cluster sampling is non-probability sampling
correct answer false
question while determining the interviewing process, the researcher is confronted with :-
correct answer ascertaining the communication media
question the retail store audit does not measure:-
correct answer brand loyalty
question correct answer your answer

determine the specific data to be sought statement of research purpose statement of research

questionnaire structure funnel approachfunnel approach

physical characteristic of questionnaire typography typography

pretesting eliminate flaws final draft

question retail store audit(rsa) divides india into 4 zones and 22 states.
correct answer true
question market & sales analysis helps management in :-
correct answer developing company's sales plan (short and long term) , setting
standards of sales performance , estimating total sales force needed in future
question sales representative work load depends on average order size.
correct answer true
question in mds, when the input data is in nominal form, it is called as non-metric mds.
correct answer true
question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
question the ________ objectives are derived from research objectives.
correct answer data
question a nonhierarchical clustering procedure determines a cluster centre & then groups
all objects within a prespecified threshold value from centre is known as :-
correct answer segmental threshold method
question what are the disadvantages of secondary data?
correct answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement
question interpretation of results is highly subjective in ________.
correct answer projective techniques
question the responsibility of a client towards a research firm include ________.
correct answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data
question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
question non hierarchical procedure of cluster analysis further has other subtypes like:-
correct answer sequential threshold , parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning
question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically
question data of market research cannot be maintained :-
correct answer without experienced and educated research staff
question most of the organizations hire outside agencies to carry out extensive research.
correct answer true
question checklists are useful for :-
correct answer factual data
question subscribers to retail store audit(rsa) receive the report :-
correct answer monthly
question spices export promotion world trade center is based at
correct answer cochin
question data cleaning is done through extensive checks for________.
correct answer consistency and treatment of missing responses
question the over counter drugs are those which the consumers buy their own with doctors
correct answer false
question ________ loading is the corelation between a factor and variable.
correct answer factor
question correct answer your answer

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

automotive research association of india pune pune

question in pre launch research of pharmaceutical products, it is conducted for

correct answer clinical trials under controlled parameters for efficiency and side effects
question ________ type of question allow response in affirmative or negative.
correct answer dichotomous
question the retail store audits and prescription audits carried out by org are like ________
at all chemists .
correct answer fmcg products
question technical jargon should be used when unavoidable.
correct answer true
question specialized techniques of market research include :-
correct answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels
question this question is based on the case study of "research on consumer products".
what are the highlights of the study?
correct answer competition from major players well entrenched in the market ,
inferences about socio-economic status of consumer was to be found , company wanted to
manufacture watches

question constant sum scale (assigning points) can be used for :-

correct answer how different household would spend a fixed amount in a
month , how different household would spend a fixed amount on entertainment , how different
respondents spend their sunday
question through cluster analysis objects/cases are classified into
relatively________ group called cluster. homogeneous
question in mds, when input data is ratio scaled, it is called as
non-metric mds. correct answer false
select the blank
question in snowball sampling, (samples selected based on the initial set of samples) initial
sample sizes selected using probability methods but additional units are obtained through
information supplied by initial units called________. correct answer referrals
question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on the
market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
question complete________ of respondent and secrecy of data should be maintained. correct
answer confidentiality
question sirdo is the abbreviation of?
correct answer small industries research & development organization
question main features of technical report are :-
correct answer minute details of planning data collection, analysis
question ________ can be used for the diagrammatic rating scale. correct answer pictures
question mean or average value is used to estimate when data have been
collected using :- correct answer interval or ratio scale
question ________ type of question allow response in affirmative or
negative. correct answer dichotomous [yes / no]
question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is
incapable of ranking options on basis of some criterion. correct answer false
question which of the following is the source of internal published data?
correct answer chairman's statement
question the impact of promotional slogans on the consumers can be studied with correct
answer association technique
question in hierarchical method of cluster analysis is again divided into
correct answer centrioid method, linkage, variance
question market research is a ________ industry in india. correct answer growing
question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an
important role in :- correct answer maintaining data, dealing with different situation and
problems, timely completion of research
question specialized techniques of market research include :-
correct answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels
question a questionnaire can be filled through different means like :-
correct answer observation, personal interview , telephone interview
question position bias is a possibility in ________questions. correct answer multiple choice
question national bureau of economic research publishes data for lagging, coincidental and
leading indicators based on ________. correct answer 350 time’s series
question multidimensional scaling, does not explain:- correct answer perception about the
question the objective of questionnaire design is to seek consistency with
correct answer method of data collection , research objective ,
respondent's willingness to answer questions on the subject
question in conjoint analysis ranking involves complex trade offs.
correct answer true
question in absence of proper________ the market research becomes a data collection
exercise. correct answer problem definition
question quota controls are used for national panel studies. correct answer true
question which of the following represents a sampling error ?
correct answer selected sample not representative of the population
question close ended questions are time consuming and costly exercise. correct answer false
question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically
question in pre launch research of pharmaceutical products, it is conducted
for correct answer clinical trials under controlled parameters for efficiency and side effects

question reports printed by the professional bodies are external

unpublished data. correct answer false

question bibliography contains ________.

correct answer information of references and secondary data

question dichotomous form of questions can be observed in :-

correct answer branching questions , qualifying questions , opening
question identify the close ended question type :-
correct answer scales
question the ________ has set up districts and boundaries based on homogeneity of socio-
cultural parameters.
correct answer state re-organization commission
question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification
based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
question in data analysis simple tabulation shows the distribution of :-
correct answer one variable at a time
question the questionnaire design is a process involving :-
correct answer 10 steps
question mean or average value is used to estimate when data have been collected using :-
correct answer interval or ratio scale
question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question diagnostic methods of sales forecasting are :-

correct answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method

question top of mind recall is observed in :-

correct answer attitude research

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only

correct answer manufacturers
question sales representative work load depends on average order size.
correct answer true

question specialized techniques of market research include :-

correct answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.

correct answer branching questions

question in exploratory research, the sample is very large and represents a

class. correct answer false

question this question is based on the case study of "revival of three star hotel". the hotel was
experiencing a decline in business. the management decided to attract business executives as :-
correct answer there was a decline in occupancy in the hotel
question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal

question semantic differential scale is only three point rating scale.

correct answer false

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.

correct answer false
question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". what
facilitated the idea of starting a copy service ?
correct answer availability of the shop next door on lease

question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically

question ethics in marketing research underline the three basic

responsibilities that includes :- responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards
the client , responsibility towards the researcher

question range is the simplest measure of calculation of mean.

correct answer false

question while determining the interviewing process, the researcher is

confronted with :- correct answer ascertaining the communication media

select the blank

question long form of nddb is ________.
correct answer national dairy development board

question a specific change in lifestyle is indicated through demography
correct answer false

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or

neighbor rule correct answer minimum
question the person conducting pharma research should be well qualified so
that not to waste doctors time.
correct answer true

question taking the responses on which political party will win the
upcoming election is known as ________.
correct answer opinion poll
question in regression analysis, dependent variables must be measured on
nominal scale. correct answer false

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable

in a factor analysis. correct answer true

question a list of population members used to obtain a sample is known as

the:- correct answer sampling frame

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term

movement, seasonal and cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false

question while formulating the research purpose the following points should
be taken into consideration :-
correct answer what are the problems or opportunities? , what are the
decision alternatives? , who are the users of the research?
select the blank
question respondent's imagination is tested in ________.
correct answer rorschach test inkblot

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the export promotion councils?
correct answer cashew export promotion council , handloom export promotion
council , gem & jewellery export promotion council

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take
decisions based on the market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce

question what are the various subparts of research objectives?

correct answer research questions , hypothesis development , research

question correct answer your answer

• determine the specific data to be sought statement of research purpose

• questionnaire structure funnel approach
• physical characteristic of questionnaire typography
• pretesting eliminate flaws

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the new delhi based research institutions?
correct answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india

question the national readership survey(nrs) investigates :-

correct answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication ,
readership per copy of publication

question a specific change in lifestyle is indicated by ________

correct answer psychographics

question correct answer your answer

• cluster analysis relatively homogeneous group

• regression analysis relationship between given variable and no. of
other variables
• co joint analysis optimum product design application

• factor analysis a class of procedures for data reduction and


question report presentation methodology deals with :-

correct answer research design, technique employees and justification
your answer research design, technique employees and justification

question what is the significance of report?

correct answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to
appropriate actionable policies and decisions. , for future references as secondary

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study ,
establishment of quota and territories

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-

correct answer price , reliability , credit

question following are the characteristics of factor analysis :-

correct answer uses an advance forms of co-relation analysis to the
responses , variables that are interrelated and similar are reduced to smaller numbers
of uncorrelated factors. , the model is primarily based on liner relationship
through which factor loading is derived.

question market research is done to

correct answer explore the opportunities

question the objectives of marketing research are

correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the
new markets , to analyze the competitors

question in the funnel approach, specific questions come first and general
questions later.
correct answer false
question the client or organization should answer the queries of cost v/s
benefits of research.
correct answer true

question correct answer your answer

• post launch research usage and attitude

• target respondents doctors
• sampling procedure area sampling
• pre launch research clinical trials and formulations

question for the semantic differential scale the central point of the scale
is a ________.
correct answer neutral point
question getting the response for television viewership from a group of
respondents over the period of six months is an example of consumer panel survey.
correct answer true

question this question is based on the case study of "book jacket". the
publishers found that the market ________.
correct answer was biased towards higher socio-economic group

question market research involves

correct answer collection and analysis of data

question corollary data in market analysis research is :-

correct answer data related to the product but not about the product

question report should be terse and concise.

correct answer false
multiple choice multiple answer
question a questionnaire :-
correct answer is an instrument for seeking and recording data , motivates
a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing

match the following

question correct answer your answer

skewness symmetric distribution about mean

array numerical sequence either ascending or descending

simple tabulation one variable distribution

cross tabulation relationship between two or more variables

multiple choice single answer

question top of mind recall is observed in :-
correct answer attitude research

question projective technique is a subtype of open ended question.

correct answer true

question sampling in which each element has known chance for inclusion in
the study is known as probability sampling correct answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question factors affecting consumer decision process include :-
correct answer economic factors , intrinsic factors , external factors

select the blank

question kurtosis is measure of ________ or flatness of curve defined by
the frequency distribution. correct answer relative peaked ness

multiple choice multiple answer

question multidimensional scaling consist of :-
correct answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and
question the respondent is shown clippings of advertisements in which brand
names are deleted. he is then asked to identify the brand and the media where
it appeared. this is known as :- correct answer recognition test

question in data analysis simple tabulation shows the distribution of :-

correct answer one variable at a time

question questionnaire design is the integral part of research design.

correct answer true
your answer true

question which of the following are the research obligations to the client?
correct answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study
limitation , explanation of report conclusions and aiding client's application

question informal interview is a ________ format of data collection.

correct answer unstructured

question which are the export promotion councils?

correct answer cashew export promotion council , handloom export promotion
council , gem & jewellery export promotion council

question the respondent marks on a continnum between extremes his/her

feelings towards an object. this represents
correct answer scaling techniques

question which is the journal available for footware?

correct answer journal of leather technologists association

question this question is based on the case study of "research on consumer products ". the
company did not have any major threat from competition in the indian market.
correct answer false

question factor loading is the corelation between :-

correct answer a factor & a variable

question identification of target population is facilitated by :-

correct answer well defined research objectives , alternative,
reasonable/target population definitions , specifications for exclusion in target
multiple choice single answer
question "self administered" personal interviews are those in which :-
correct answer the respondent fills the questionnaire

question ________ translates information needs into a set of questions that

a respondent can answer. correct answer a questionnaire

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________
associated with each value. correct answer percentage

question in industrial product research the research methodologies adopted

are :- correct answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research

question in ________ method the research analyst is not concerned with

cause and research relationship. correct answer diagnostic

question recall level of niram advertisement can be found out by doing :-

correct answer advertisement effectiveness study

question when company prepares a long range plan it is unpublished internal

source of information. correct answer true

question which publications can be used for research on automobile

industry? correct answer auto spark , automobile reporter , auto age

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.

correct answer self administered

question the ________ uses a cartoon format in which one of the characters
is represented as saying something. correct answer roseinweig test

select the blank

question a factor's eigne value is the sum of________ of factor loading.
correct answer square

question ________ research describes some aspects of market

characteristics. correct answer descriptive

? marketing research is not a substitute but an aid to judgement.

steps involved in market research: -
1. define research purpose / problem
2. define the research objective
3. estimate the value of information
4. select the research approach
5. apply research tactics
6. compare cost and timings
7. collect data
8. analyze and interpret collected data
9. make recommendations and conclusions

exploratory research: - general overview of the situation but don’t have any data available.
a. personal interviews
b. industry expert views
c. existing secondary data
d. qualitative research
e. pilot survey

descriptive – need to obtain very specific picture of the market. methods used:
secondary data

casual – one variable causes or determines the value of the other variables.
similar like lab experimentation.

motives – are internalized factors that cause people to behave the way they do.

secondary sources –
• consumer inputs
• industrial users
• research reports
ratio scales:

1) respondents to indicate their choice by selecting from the options provided –itemised
rating scale
2) respondents to rate the set of items according to their importance – rank order scale
3) assign points according to their importance – constant sum scale
4) how much they agree or disagree with the set of statements – likert scale
5) indicate their attitude towards an organization – semantic differential scale

? nominal scales – variables such as age, sex, occupation, religion, brand awareness.
? ordinal scales – percentile, median and rank order co relation. customer asked to show
his preference for a product. page 46
? interval scales – attitude, opinions, index numbers.
? ratio scales –unlike interval scale doesn’t have a zero value

types of questions: -
open-ended close ended
• free response dichotomous
• probing ranking
• projective techniques: checklist
like showing objects multiple choices
scaling page 70

probability sampling | non probability sampling
? simple random | convenience sampling
? systematic | snow ball sampling
? area sampling | quota sampling
? stratified sampling | judgement sampling

1. systematic – samples selected by applying a regular pattern across the entire population.
2. snowball – additional set of samples selected based on the initial set of samples
3. convenience – easily accessible samples are selected
4. quota – samples selected including the minimum number from each subgroup in the
population. like age, sex, location subgroups
5. stratified – samples selected randomly from the strata’s in the population
6. area – samples selected as entire subgroups within the population.

7. simple random – simple random number tables select samples or computer generated
8. judgement – respondents are chosen on basis of convenience or accessibility.

steps in data analysis

select appropriate method

data analysis method

multi linear regression – relationship between a specific variable and the number of other
variables. ex: dollar sales value of showroom
co-joint - relative importance of the combination of attributes as viewed by the customer. ex:
coffee combination with cappuccino with or without cinnamon.
factor – reduce and summarize data.
cluster – sorting data into clusters that exhibit similar characteristics. helps identify new product
opportunity and makes data manageable.
multi dimensional scaling – represents perceptions and preferences of respondents as data
points in geometric space. it identifies attributes and dimensions.

in delphi method experts or knowledgeable people are invited to give their forecast: -
without giving reasons
question spontaneous response from respondent is possible in :-
correct answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions
ranking several alternatives compared with each other at same time

scaling technique quantify a qualitative data

double barreled questions several responses at once

checklist check one or more of the responses listed for answers

question barometric methods of sales forecasting are :-

correct answer historical analogy , product like cycle concept , survey methods
question top of mind recall is observed in :-
correct answer attitude research
________represents a close ended question.
question how people allocate their time and money to certain products and factors is
depicted by
correct answer psychographic variable
question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". what facilitated the
idea of starting a copy service ?
correct answer availability of the shop next door on lease
question in regression analysis, dependent variables can be expressed as a linear
function of impendent variables.
correct answer true
question according to lipstein, rules for minimizing non-sampling errors include :-
correct answer restrict the questionnaire to data essential to the study , use the smallest
sample consistent with research objective , sample survey should be as easy to execute as
question economic indicators in survey method of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer leading , co-incident , lagging
multiple choice single answer
question retail store audit uses :-
correct answer random multistratified sampling
question in industrial product research the research methodologies adopted are :-
correct answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research
question the limitations with regression forecasting is that independent variables must be
forecasted before forecasting the dependent variables.
correct answer true
consumer panels especially brand loyalty of customers

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer

question household structure' is a term used to indicate
correct answer nuclear family/joint family/nuclear with elders
your answer nuclear family/joint family/nuclear with elders

multiple choice multiple answer

question in simple regression yc = a +byz where :-
correct answer yc = sales forecast for given value of x , a= expected values of sales at x
= 0 , byz =average change in sales per unit changes in advertising expenditure

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price

multiple choice single answer

question which scale indicates the difference in two or more entities?
correct answer nominal scale
multiple choice single answer
question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
correct answer
correct answer
multiple choice multiple answer
question cluster analysis is used in :-
correct answer market segment , understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets
for various marketing strategies
question a questionnaire can be :-
correct answer structured , disguised , informal
question sales quotas are set before estimation of market potential and sales territories.
correct answer false
question for the semantic differential scale the central point of the scale is a ________.
correct answer neutral point
question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question main features of technical report are :-
correct answer minute details of planning data collection , analysis , interpretation
multiple choice multiple answer
question in industrial product research the research methodologies adopted are :-
correct answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research
question report should be terse and concise.
correct answer false
multiple choice multiple answer
question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
question economic indicators in survey method of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer leading , co-incident , lagging
multiple choice single answer
question retail store audit uses :-
correct answer random multistratified sampling
multiple choice multiple answer
question which institutions should be contacted for research on paint chemicals?
correct answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development
center , building research institute
question the interviewing process is determined after evaluating the question content.
correct answer false
multiple choice multiple answer
question according to lipstein, rules for minimizing non-sampling errors include :-
correct answer restrict the questionnaire to data essential to the study , use the smallest
sample consistent with research objective , sample survey should be as easy to execute as

multiple choice single answer

question "self administered" personal interviews are those in which :-
correct answer the respondent fills the questionnaire
question in regression analysis, dependent variables can be expressed as a linear
function of impendent variables.
correct answer true
multiple choice single answer
question the respondent is shown clippings of advertisements in which brand names are
deleted. he is then asked to identify the brand and the media where it appeared. this is known as
correct answer recognition test
your answer recall test

multiple choice single answer

question what is ment by the value of research information?
correct answer cost benefit analysis of the data
your answer actual cost of research

multiple choice single answer

question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". what facilitated the
idea of starting a copy service ?
correct answer availability of the shop next door on lease
your answer significant market demand

multiple choice single answer

question how people allocate their time and money to certain products and factors is
depicted by
correct answer psychographic variable
your answer psychographic variable

multiple choice single answer

question measurement of the existing data or information is known as :-
correct answer facts
your answer facts

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice single answer

your answer projective techniques

select the blank

question convenience sampling is used for ________.
correct answer exploratory research
multiple choice single answer
question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
question the person conducting pharma research should be well qualified so that not to
waste doctors time.
correct answer true
question association technique is a type of ________.
correct answer projective technique
multiple choice multiple answer

match the following

question correct answer your answer

ranking several alternatives compared with each other at same time several alternatives
compared with each other at same time

scaling technique quantify a qualitative data quantify a qualitative data

double barreled questions several responses at once several responses at once

checklist check one or more of the responses listed for answers check one or more of
the responses listed for answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new
markets , to analyze the competitors
multiple choice multiple answer

multiple choice single answer

question the factor analysis is designed to :-
correct answer reduce many variables to fewer underlying factors
multiple choice single answer
question the test which consists of a series of pictures about which the subject is asked to
tell a story is called :-
correct answer thematic apperception test
question telephonic surveys can be used to identify the acceptability of the food processor
after demonstration.
correct answer false
question ________ can be used for the diagrammatic rating scale.
correct answer pictures
multiple choice single answer
question in delphi method experts or knowledgeable people are invited to give their
forecast: -
correct answer without giving reasons
question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the factors to be considered in cluster analysis?
correct answer limited number of clusters due to limitation of market potential , clusters are not
water tight compartment , evaluating the quality of cluster is difficult
your answer limited number of clusters due to limitation of market potential , clusters are not
water tight compartment , evaluating the quality of cluster is difficult

multiple choice single answer

question clarity of questions and instructions for filling the form is essential in :-
correct answer mail survey
your answer data analysis

multiple choice single answer

question the technique through which objects/ cases are classified into relative homogeneous
groups or clusters is known as :-
correct answer cluster analysis
your answer cluster analysis

multiple choice single answer

question mean or average value is used to estimate when data have been collected using :-
correct answer interval or ratio scale
your answer interval or ratio scale

select the blank

question in ________ method the research analyst is not concerned with cause and research
correct answer diagnostic
your answer diagnostic

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the new delhi based research institutions?
correct answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india
your answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question "consumer panel" is a specialized market research technique.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

"what might this be ?" inkblot test inkblot test

aided recall depth research depth research

doesn’t intend to tell projective techniques projective techniques

ease of construction likert scale likert scale

question in regression analysis, dependent variables can be expressed as a linear function of
impendent variables.
correct answer true
your answer true

question when company prepares a long range plan it is unpublished internal source of
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question association technique is a type of ________.
correct answer projective technique
your answer projective technique

multiple choice single answer

question the impact of promotional slogans on the consumers can be studied with
correct answer association technique
your answer association technique

question brand image building is not important in case of industrial product for quality.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications are used for research on chemical industry?
correct answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals
your answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals

multiple choice single answer

question spreading the sample through the entire population following a regular pattern is
known as :-
correct answer systematic sampling
your answer systematic sampling

select the blank

question in absence of proper________ the market research becomes a data collection
correct answer problem definition
your answer analysis

multiple choice multiple answer

question which institutions should be contacted for research on paint chemicals?
correct answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development center ,
building research institute
your answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development center ,
building research institute

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice single answer

question ultra violet ink is used to disguise customer coding. this activity is :-
correct answer a disapproved method
your answer a disapproved method

select the blank

question through cluster analysis objects/cases are classified into relatively________ group
called cluster.
correct answer homogeneous
your answer homogeneous

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethical issues to be observed while writing a report are :-
correct answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be designed to
suit hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data
your answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be designed to suit
hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data

select the blank

question multiple choice is a ________type of question.
correct answer close ended
your answer close ended

multiple choice single answer

question the conjoint analysis helps to enable company's to :-
correct answer conduct brand swot analysis
your answer conduct brand swot analysis

multiple choice single answer

question in the internet era, qualitative research is possible through :-
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

select the blank

question ________is an important communication medium that helps recall advertising.
correct answer point of purchase(pop)items
your answer point of purchase(pop)items

question in the funnel approach, specific questions come first and general questions later.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion
of research

select the blank

question convenience sampling is used for ________.
correct answer exploratory research
your answer exploratory research

question the person conducting pharma research should be well qualified so that not to waste
doctors time.
correct answer true
your answer true

question the limitations with regression forecasting is that independent variables must be
forecasted before forecasting the dependent variables.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question main features of technical report are :-
correct answer minute details of planning data collection , analysis , interpretation
your answer minute details of planning data collection , analysis , interpretation

multiple choice single answer

question how people allocate their time and money to certain products and factors is depicted
correct answer psychographic variable
your answer psychographic variable

question question phrasing and structure are eliminated in semantic differential scale.
correct answer true
your answer true

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the export promotion councils?
correct answer cashew export promotion council , handloom export promotion council , gem &
jewellery export promotion council
your answer cashew export promotion council , handloom export promotion council , gem &
jewellery export promotion council

question the written contract of a research should cover the penalty clause covering deficits
such as delays, inadequate data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on the
market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

multiple choice single answer

question scale intervals can be used for
correct answer age
your answer age

select the blank

question bibliography contains ________.
correct answer information of references and secondary data
your answer information of references and secondary data

multiple choice multiple answer

question online survey methods include :-
correct answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys
your answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys

multiple choice single answer

question data of market research cannot be maintained :-
correct answer without experienced and educated research staff
your answer without experienced and educated research staff
multiple choice multiple answer
question pretesting of questionnaire includes testing of :-
correct answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation
your answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation

multiple choice multiple answer

question identification of target population is facilitated by :-
correct answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target population
definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population
your answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target population
definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population

select the blank

question ________are used for national panel studies.
correct answer quota controls
your answer quota controls

select the blank

question finding out the number of vehicles at a given junction is a ________ method.
correct answer direct observation
your answer direct observation

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer indian cotton mills federation journal , texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin
your answer indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion
of research

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is ment by the value of research information?
correct answer cost benefit analysis of the data
your answer how valuable the data is for the client

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer regression analysis

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer information

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice single answer

question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated with
each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price

multiple choice multiple answer

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
correct answer price , reliability , credit
your answer price , reliability , credit

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer opinion

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor analysis.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market characteristics study , establishment of quota and territories , market
share analysis study
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

multiple choice multiple answer

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-
correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
your answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice single answer

question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
your answer degree of formality

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

match the following

question correct answer your answer
bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

automotive research association of india pune pune

select the blank

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer checklist

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer budget of research

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most important?
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , objective and fundamental
principal should always be dealt first , averages are merely tendency and generalization

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer research methodology

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer illiterate , literate without formal schooling
question motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in human
beings who are dynamic.
correct answer false
your answer false

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question spontaneous response from respondent is possible in :-
correct answer unstructured questions , free response questions , probing questions
your answer unstructured questions , free response questions , probing questions

multiple choice multiple answer

question while formulating the research purpose the following points should be taken into
consideration :-
correct answer what are the problems or opportunities? , what are the decision
alternatives? , who are the users of the research?
your answer what are the problems or opportunities? , what are the decision alternatives? ,
who are the users of the research?

match the following

question correct answer your answer

pretesting eliminate flaws sampling

determine the specific data to be sought statement of research purpose statement of research

questionnaire structure funnel approachfunnel approach

physical characteristic of questionnaire typography typography

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following have low usage frequency?
correct answer consumer panel study
your answer consumer panel study

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question non hierarchical procedure of cluster analysis further has other subtypes like:-
correct answer sequential threshold , parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning
your answer sequential threshold , parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning
multiple choice single answer
question for understanding who are the promoters of constructions of high-rise buildings
are going on in a particular city, who should be contacted?
correct answer builders / architects association
your answer builders / architects association

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

select the blank

question searching & developing alternatives is done in ________.
correct answer exploratory research
your answer exploratory research

multiple choice single answer

question data interpretation requires :-
correct answer logical skills
your answer logical skills

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objective of questionnaire design is to seek consistency with :-
correct answer method of data collection , research objective , respondent's willingness
to answer questions on the subject
your answer method of data collection , research objective , respondent's willingness to
answer questions on the subject

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

select the blank

question the data must be obtained quickly enough at ________.
correct answer reasonable costs
your answer appropriate costs

select the blank

question complete________ of respondent and secrecy of data should be maintained.
correct answer confidentiality
your answer confidentiality

multiple choice single answer

question editing is the process of review of questionnaires with objective of :-
correct answer increasing accuracy and precision
your answer increasing accuracy and precision
question smaller companies or individual consultants do not have any role to play in
market research field.
correct answer false
your answer false

question close ended questions are time consuming and costly exercise.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on
the market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following methods is not used for descriptive research?
correct answer experiments
your answer experiments

question in conjoint analysis ranking involves complex trade offs.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question a town can be classified on the basis of population as
correct answer class i , classiii , metro
your answer class i , classiii , metro

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation
your answer texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice multiple answer

question which institutions should be contacted for research on paint chemicals?
correct answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development
center , building research institute
your answer research institute for paint tech. , national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial
research & development center

multiple choice single answer

question a factor's eigen value is the :-
correct answer sum of squares of its factor loading
your answer sum of squares of its factor loading

multiple choice single answer

question subscribers to retail store audit(rsa) receive the report :-
correct answer monthly
your answer monthly

multiple choice single answer

question what is coding?
correct answer assigning a code number to each possible response to the question
your answer assigning a code number to each possible response to the question

match the following

question correct answer your answer

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

automotive research association of india pune pune

question in regression analysis, dependent variables can be expressed as a linear
function of impendent variables.
correct answer true
your answer true

question in mds, two-way modes, products can be compared on objective and perceived
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the factor analysis is designed to :-
correct answer reduce many variables to fewer underlying factors
your answer reduce many variables to fewer underlying factors

select the blank

question ________ type of question allow response in affirmative or negative.
correct answer dichotomous
your answer dichotomous
multiple choice single answer
question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer regression analysis

question the limitations with regression forecasting is that independent variables must be
forecasted before forecasting the dependent variables.
correct answer true
your answer false

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

question likert scale allows the respondents to either agree or disagree with the statement.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in absence of proper________ the market research becomes a data collection
correct answer problem definition
your answer information

select the blank

question ________ can be used for the diagrammatic rating scale.
correct answer pictures
your answer pictures

multiple choice single answer

question which scale indicates the difference in two or more entities?
correct answer nominal scale
your answer ordinal scale

question determining the questionnaire structure is the first step of process of
questionnaire design.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question corollary data in market analysis research is :-
correct answer data related to the product but not about the product
your answer data related to the product but not about the product
multiple choice single answer
question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

multiple choice multiple answer

question this question is based on the case study of "research on consumer products".
what are the highlights of the study?
correct answer competition from major players well entrenched in the market ,
inferences about socio-economic status of consumer was to be found , company wanted to
manufacture watches
your answer competition from major players well entrenched in the market , inferences about
socio-economic status of consumer was to be found , company wanted to manufacture watches

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be :-
correct answer structured , disguised , informal
your answer structured , disguised , informal

select the blank

question factor analysis is based on linear relationship through which ________ is derived.
correct answer factor loading
your answer factor loading

select the blank

question finding out the number of vehicles at a given junction is a ________ method.
correct answer direct observation
your answer direct observation

select the blank

question data cleaning is done through extensive checks for________.
correct answer consistency and treatment of missing responses
your answer consistency and treatment of missing responses

select the blank

question the clients or organization should do the comparison of defined research problem
with ________.
correct answer other problems that need to be studied
your answer affordable cost

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question the clients or organization should do the comparison of defined research problem
with ________.
correct answer other problems that need to be studied
your answer other problems that need to be studied

multiple choice single answer

question the respondent is shown clippings of advertisements in which brand names are
deleted. he is then asked to identify the brand and the media where it appeared. this is known as
correct answer recognition test
your answer recognition test

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically
your answer accurately , timely , economically

multiple choice multiple answer

question projective techniques draw inferences about :-
correct answer personality structure , marketing situation , deep seated biases
your answer personality structure , marketing situation , deep seated biases

select the blank

question the assumption that the respondents externalization is the process of his
internalization is observed in ________.
correct answer thematic apperception test
your answer thematic apperception test

select the blank

question the ________ uses a cartoon format in which one of the characters is
represented as saying something.
correct answer roseinweig test
your answer roseinweig test

multiple choice single answer

question qualifying questions are :-
correct answer used to find whether the person is the right type to provide information
your answer used to find whether the person is the right type to provide information

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

multiple choice single answer

question evaluating the question content is the :-
correct answer 4th step
your answer 3rd step

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on
the market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

select the blank

question leading indicators are also known as ________.
correct answer advanced indicators
your answer advanced indicators

select the blank

question finding out the number of vehicles at a given junction is a ________ method.
correct answer direct observation
your answer direct observation

multiple choice single answer

question the physical characteristics of the questionnaire are important in motivating the
respondent to participate and complete the form. this is true in case of
correct answer mail survey
your answer mail survey

multiple choice single answer

question scale intervals can be used for
correct answer age
your answer age

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new
markets , to analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice multiple answer

question scale intervals can be used for the following
correct answer age , land holdings , income
your answer occupation , age , income

match the following

question correct answer your answer

sales analysis preparing sales expenses budget territory and product

direct data method of market potential measurement data on actual product data on actual

corollary data data related to product data related to product

sales forecast cash flow need cash flow need

question question phrasing and structure are eliminated in semantic differential scale.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the response format is determined in the
correct answer 4th step
your answer 4th step

multiple choice single answer

question identify the close ended question type :-
correct answer scales
your answer scales

select the blank

question respondent's imagination is tested in ________.
correct answer rorschach test
your answer rorschach test

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

multiple choice single answer

question corollary data in market analysis research is :-
correct answer data related to the product but not about the product
your answer data related to the product but not about the product

question technical jargon should be used when unavoidable.
correct answer true
your answer true
select the blank
question ________ translates information needs into a set of questions that a respondent
can answer.
correct answer a questionnaire
your answer a questionnaire

multiple choice multiple answer

question the methods to decide the number of clusters are :-
correct answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. ,
relative size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest
same number.
your answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. , relative
size of cluster should be meaningful. , optimizing partitioning method.

question rural sec grid is based on education and monthly household income
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question which institutions should be contacted for research on paint chemicals?
correct answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development
center , building research institute
your answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development center ,
building research institute

select the blank

question research carried out based on the existing data is ________
correct answer secondary research
your answer secondary research

question use of data analysis programme is the analysis strategy .
correct answer true
your answer true

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study ,
establishment of quota and territories
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

question in exploratory research, the sample is very large and represents a class.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question association technique is a type of ________.
correct answer projective technique
your answer projective technique

question the written contract of a research should cover the penalty clause covering
deficits such as delays, inadequate data.
correct answer true
your answer true

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question data cleaning is done through extensive checks for________.
correct answer consistency and treatment of missing responses
your answer consistency and treatment of missing responses

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the research obligations to the client?
correct answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation ,
explanation of report conclusions and aiding client's application
your answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation , explanation of
report conclusions and aiding client's application

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate statistical technique that uses a class of procedures for data
reduction & summarization is known as :-
correct answer factor analysis
your answer factor analysis

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the various subparts of research objectives?
correct answer research questions , hypothesis development , research boundaries
your answer research questions , hypothesis development , research boundaries

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

select the blank

question descriptive research requires the ________ analysis.
correct answer quantitative
your answer quantitative

multiple choice multiple answer

question specialized techniques of market research include :-
correct answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels
your answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to understand the effect of cable tv industry on hindi cinema causal research causal research

to find out the preference of movie theaters for the youth descriptive research descriptive

to ascertain the possibility of developing solar car exploratory research exploratory


to understand the buying pattern of grocery items for a group of housewives over six months
consumer panel survey consumer panel survey

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer indian cotton mills federation journal , texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin
your answer indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion
of research

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is ment by the value of research information?
correct answer cost benefit analysis of the data
your answer how valuable the data is for the client

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer regression analysis

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer information

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice single answer

question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated with
each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price

multiple choice multiple answer

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
correct answer price , reliability , credit
your answer price , reliability , credit

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer opinion

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor analysis.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market characteristics study , establishment of quota and territories , market
share analysis study
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

multiple choice multiple answer

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-
correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
your answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice single answer

question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
your answer degree of formality

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

match the following

question correct answer your answer

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

automotive research association of india pune pune

select the blank

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer checklist

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer budget of research

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most important?
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , objective and fundamental
principal should always be dealt first , averages are merely tendency and generalization

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer research methodology

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer illiterate , literate without formal schooling

question motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in human
beings who are dynamic.
correct answer false
your answer false

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question spontaneous responses are obtained in ________ questions.
correct answer open ended
your answer open ended

multiple choice multiple answer

question cluster analysis is used in :-
correct answer market segment , understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets
for various marketing strategies
your answer understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets for various marketing
strategies , market segment

select the blank

question through cluster analysis objects/cases are classified into relatively________
group called cluster.
correct answer homogeneous
your answer homogeneous

select the blank

question the retail store audits and prescription audits carried out by org are like ________
at all chemists .
correct answer fmcg products
your answer fmcg products

question sampling in which each element has known chance for inclusion in the study is
known as probability sampling
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question in delphi method experts or knowledgeable people are invited to give their
forecast :-
correct answer without giving reasons
your answer without giving reasons

multiple choice single answer

question in cluster analysis, a linkage method based on average distance between all
pairs of objects where one member of the pair is from each of the cluster, it is called as :-
correct answer average linkage
your answer ward method

multiple choice multiple answer

question the types of report are
correct answer technical report , publication report , executive report
your answer technical report , publication report , executive report

multiple choice single answer

question while determining the interviewing process, the researcher is confronted with :-
correct answer ascertaining the communication media
your answer type of questions to use

question likert scale allows the respondents to either agree or disagree with the statement.
correct answer true
your answer true

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question the ________ has set up districts and boundaries based on homogeneity of
socio-cultural parameters.
correct answer state re-organization commission
your answer national research association

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

multiple choice single answer

question lost horse method is also called as :-
correct answer value judgment
your answer value judgment

select the blank

question research carried out based on the existing data is ________
correct answer secondary research
your answer secondary research

question the starting point of the semantic differential scale is neutral.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new
markets , to analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice single answer

question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer true

question telephonic surveys can be used to identify the acceptability of the food processor
after demonstration.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the impact of promotional slogans on the consumers can be studied with
correct answer association technique
your answer association technique

multiple choice multiple answer

question issues which a doctors seeks regarding a product are :-
correct answer amount of drugs required , indications for prescription , efficiency over all
time needed for drug concentration in the body
your answer amount of drugs required , indications for prescription , efficiency over all time
needed for drug concentration in the body
multiple choice multiple answer
question scale intervals can be used for the following
correct answer age , land holdings , income
your answer age , income , occupation

multiple choice multiple answer

question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically
your answer accurately , timely , economically

multiple choice multiple answer

question a town can be classified on the basis of population as
correct answer class i , classiii , metro
your answer class i , metro , rural

multiple choice single answer

question the respondent is shown clippings of advertisements in which brand names are
deleted. he is then asked to identify the brand and the media where it appeared. this is known as
correct answer recognition test
your answer recognition test

multiple choice single answer

question the technique through which objects/ cases are classified into relative
homogeneous groups or clusters is known as :-
correct answer cluster analysis
your answer cluster analysis

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate statistical technique that uses a class of procedures for data
reduction & summarization is known as :-
correct answer factor analysis
your answer factor analysis

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagnostic methods of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method
your answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method

select the blank

question market research is a ________ industry in india.
correct answer growing
your answer growing

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethics in marketing research underline the three basic responsibilities that
includes :-
correct answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the client ,
responsibility towards the researcher
your answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the client ,
responsibility towards the researcher

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following represents a sampling error ?
correct answer selected sample not representative of the population
your answer selected sample not representative of the population

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the international / national mr players?
correct answer imrb , gallup/mba , nfo
your answer imf , imrb , nfo

question a show card is the identity of the researcher conducting the interview
correct answer false
your answer false

question in mds, two-way modes, products can be compared on objective and perceived
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question taking the responses on which political party will win the upcoming election is
known as ________.
correct answer opinion poll
your answer opinion poll

match the following

question correct answer your answer

low responses inaccessibility inaccessibility

sampling error not representative of population not representative of population

non-sampling error recording error recording error

sampling information about population information about population

multiple choice multiple answer
question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

multiple choice multiple answer

question the methods to decide the number of clusters are :-
correct answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. ,
relative size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest
same number.
your answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. , relative
size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest same

multiple choice multiple answer

question pretesting of questionnaire includes testing of :-
correct answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation
your answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation

match the following

question correct answer your answer

conjoint analysis brand swot analysis dependent variables and variance

regression analysis standard deviation = 6y= standard deviation = 6y=

cluster analysis hierarchical and non hierarchical methods hierarchical and non hierarchical

factor analysis eigen value & communality variance and factor loading

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price

select the blank

question the variable ________indicates the religion of the respondent.
correct answer sikh
your answer sikh

question attitudes are measured through scaling and projective techniques.
correct answer true
your answer false
multiple choice single answer
question the respondent may refuse to answer a question if he feels it is invading his
privacy or has no legitimate purpose. the researcher considers such issues at which stage of the
questionnaire design?
correct answer evaluating the question content
your answer determining the wordings of the question

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer indian cotton mills federation journal , texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin
your answer indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion
of research

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is ment by the value of research information?
correct answer cost benefit analysis of the data
your answer how valuable the data is for the client

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer regression analysis

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer information

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice single answer

question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated with
each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price

multiple choice multiple answer

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
correct answer price , reliability , credit
your answer price , reliability , credit

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer opinion

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor analysis.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
multiple choice multiple answer
question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market characteristics study , establishment of quota and territories , market
share analysis study
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

multiple choice multiple answer

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-
correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
your answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice single answer

question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
your answer degree of formality

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

match the following

question correct answer your answer

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

automotive research association of india pune pune

select the blank
question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer checklist

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer budget of research

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most important?
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , objective and fundamental
principal should always be dealt first , averages are merely tendency and generalization

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer research methodology

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer illiterate , literate without formal schooling

question motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in human
beings who are dynamic.
correct answer false
your answer false

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer
question descriptors describing the selection criteria of the individuals needed for the study are
known as:
correct answer respondent descriptors
your answer respondent descriptors

multiple choice single answer

question lost horse method is also called as :-
correct answer value judgment
your answer value judgment

select the blank

question the assumption that the respondents externalization is the process of his
internalization is observed in ________.
correct answer thematic apperception test
your answer thematic apperception test

multiple choice multiple answer

question in industrial product research the research methodologies adopted are :-
correct answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research
your answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to understand the effect of cable tv industry on hindi cinema causal research causal research

to find out the preference of movie theaters for the youth descriptive research descriptive

to ascertain the possibility of developing solar car exploratory research consumer panel survey

to understand the buying pattern of grocery items for a group of housewives over six months
consumer panel survey causal research

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

select the blank

question the clients or organization should do the comparison of defined research problem with
correct answer other problems that need to be studied
your answer other problems that need to be studied

question range is the simplest measure of calculation of mean.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question what is the significance of report?
correct answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable policies
and decisions. , for future references as secondary data
your answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable policies
and decisions. , for future references as secondary data

select the blank

question a factor's eigne value is the sum of________ of factor loading.
correct answer square
your answer square

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following represents a sampling error ?
correct answer selected sample not representative of the population
your answer selected sample not representative of the population

select the blank

question kurtosis is measure of ________ or flatness of curve defined by the frequency
correct answer relative peakedness
your answer relative peakedness

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question use of data analysis programme is the analysis strategy .
correct answer true
your answer true

question telephonic surveys can be used to identify the acceptability of the food processor after
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question measurement of the existing data or information is known as :-
correct answer facts
your answer facts

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice multiple answer

question multidimensional scaling consist of :-
correct answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference
your answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference

select the blank

question data cleaning is done through extensive checks for________.
correct answer consistency and treatment of missing responses
your answer consistency and treatment of missing responses

multiple choice single answer

question utilities of conjoint analysis are arrived through :-
correct answer iterative technique
your answer iterative technique

question determining the questionnaire structure is the first step of process of questionnaire
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the disadvantages of secondary data?
correct answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement
your answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer

question what is executive report?
correct answer report for decision makers
your answer report for scientific or technically trend people.

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer is an instrument for seeking and recording data , motivates a respondent to
respond , facilitates data processing
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

multiple choice single answer

question demographic information and identification information is :-
correct answer towards the end of the interview
your answer at the beginning of the interview

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

question a show card is the identity of the researcher conducting the interview
correct answer false
your answer false
question semantic differential scale is only three point rating scale.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question leading indicators are also known as ________.
correct answer advanced indicators
your answer advanced indicators

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

multiple choice multiple answer

question in hierarchical method of cluster analysis is again divided into :-
correct answer linkage , variance , centrioid method
your answer linkage , variance , centrioid method

select the blank

question research carried out based on the existing data is ________
correct answer secondary research
your answer secondary research

question when target respondents are intercepted and shopping areas, it is called mall
correct answer true
your answer true

question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is incapable of ranking
options on basis of some criterion.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the long form of imrb is :-
correct answer indian market research bureau
your answer indian market research bureau

multiple choice single answer

question what is the first step in the research design process?
correct answer problem identification
your answer problem identification

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the new delhi based research institutions?
correct answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india
your answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india

multiple choice multiple answer

question online survey methods include :-
correct answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys
your answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on the
market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

select the blank

question the responsibility of a client towards a research firm include ________.
correct answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data
your answer not subjecting to unwanted research

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications are used for research on chemical industry?
correct answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals
your answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals

select the blank

question market research is a ________ industry in india.
correct answer growing
your answer growing

question the technique in which respondents are provided with incomplete sentences which
they can complete as they choose to do so, is known as construction technique.
correct answer false
your answer false

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be termed as "good" when :-
correct answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the
necessary information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the
necessary information
your answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the necessary
information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the necessary

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer knowledge

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer

question descriptors describing the selection criteria of the individuals needed for the study are
known as:
correct answer respondent descriptors
your answer respondent descriptors

multiple choice single answer

question lost horse method is also called as :-
correct answer value judgment
your answer value judgment

select the blank

question the assumption that the respondents externalization is the process of his
internalization is observed in ________.
correct answer thematic apperception test
your answer thematic apperception test

multiple choice multiple answer

question in industrial product research the research methodologies adopted are :-
correct answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research
your answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to understand the effect of cable tv industry on hindi cinema causal research causal research

to find out the preference of movie theaters for the youth descriptive research descriptive

to ascertain the possibility of developing solar car exploratory research consumer panel survey

to understand the buying pattern of grocery items for a group of housewives over six months
consumer panel survey causal research

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

select the blank

question the clients or organization should do the comparison of defined research problem with
correct answer other problems that need to be studied
your answer other problems that need to be studied

question range is the simplest measure of calculation of mean.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question what is the significance of report?
correct answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable policies
and decisions. , for future references as secondary data
your answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable policies
and decisions. , for future references as secondary data

select the blank

question a factor's eigne value is the sum of________ of factor loading.
correct answer square
your answer square

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following represents a sampling error ?
correct answer selected sample not representative of the population
your answer selected sample not representative of the population

select the blank

question kurtosis is measure of ________ or flatness of curve defined by the frequency
correct answer relative peakedness
your answer relative peakedness

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question use of data analysis programme is the analysis strategy .
correct answer true
your answer true

question telephonic surveys can be used to identify the acceptability of the food processor after
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question measurement of the existing data or information is known as :-
correct answer facts
your answer facts

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice multiple answer

question multidimensional scaling consist of :-
correct answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference
your answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference

select the blank

question data cleaning is done through extensive checks for________.
correct answer consistency and treatment of missing responses
your answer consistency and treatment of missing responses

multiple choice single answer

question utilities of conjoint analysis are arrived through :-
correct answer iterative technique
your answer iterative technique

question determining the questionnaire structure is the first step of process of questionnaire
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the disadvantages of secondary data?
correct answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement
your answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer

question what is executive report?
correct answer report for decision makers
your answer report for scientific or technically trend people.

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer is an instrument for seeking and recording data , motivates a respondent to
respond , facilitates data processing
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

multiple choice single answer

question demographic information and identification information is :-
correct answer towards the end of the interview
your answer at the beginning of the interview

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

question a show card is the identity of the researcher conducting the interview
correct answer false
your answer false

question semantic differential scale is only three point rating scale.
correct answer false
your answer false
select the blank
question leading indicators are also known as ________.
correct answer advanced indicators
your answer advanced indicators

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

multiple choice multiple answer

question in hierarchical method of cluster analysis is again divided into :-
correct answer linkage , variance , centrioid method
your answer linkage , variance , centrioid method

select the blank

question research carried out based on the existing data is ________
correct answer secondary research
your answer secondary research

question when target respondents are intercepted and shopping areas, it is called mall
correct answer true
your answer true

question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is incapable of ranking
options on basis of some criterion.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the long form of imrb is :-
correct answer indian market research bureau
your answer indian market research bureau

multiple choice single answer

question what is the first step in the research design process?
correct answer problem identification
your answer problem identification

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the new delhi based research institutions?
correct answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india
your answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india

multiple choice multiple answer

question online survey methods include :-
correct answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys
your answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on the
market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

select the blank

question the responsibility of a client towards a research firm include ________.
correct answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data
your answer not subjecting to unwanted research

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications are used for research on chemical industry?
correct answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals
your answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals

select the blank

question market research is a ________ industry in india.
correct answer growing
your answer growing

question the technique in which respondents are provided with incomplete sentences which
they can complete as they choose to do so, is known as construction technique.
correct answer false
your answer false

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be termed as "good" when :-
correct answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the
necessary information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the
necessary information
your answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the necessary
information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the necessary

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer knowledge

list of attempted questions and answers

question exporting is the only avenue of entry into foreign market
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________ related to a number of products
correct answer length
your answer length

multiple choice single answer

question what does promotion encompass?
correct answer advertising
your answer advertising

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the advantages of personal selling?
correct answer to provide technical information to the buyers , to know the buyer's
reaction instantaneously
your answer to make public aware about the products , to know the buyer's reaction

multiple choice single answer

question what is the avenue of entry into foreign markets?
correct answer contract manufacturing
your answer contract manufacturing

question in international marketing, cultural dimensions include customs, traditions
correct answer true
your answer true

question this question is based on the case study "chow flowers co. ltd.". the largest
importer was the united states, absorbing over 40% of all exports.
correct answer true
your answer true

question a research proposal describes a plan for conducting & controlling research
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question under what circumstance is unified advertising policy possible?
correct answer custom, culture and demand are same
your answer custom, culture and demand are same

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following is not investment entry?
correct answer joint venture:11-89
your answer joint venture:11-89
multiple choice single answer
question which of the following is not included in foreign environment?
correct answer local dimension
your answer local dimension

multiple choice multiple answer

question how does the customer know about the product & is influenced to buy it?
correct answer advertising , publicity , sales promotion
your answer publicity , advertising

question in ethnocentric orientation, local and foreign market are same
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in export pricing, ________ used for billing
correct answer currency of the purchaser's country
your answer currency of the purchaser's country

match the following

question correct answer your answer

trade fairs knowing new technological trends knowing new technological trends

direct mailing target audience target audience

sales literature price list general audience

personal selling industrial market industrial market

multiple choice single answer

question when a manufacturer exports indirectly, what does he do?
correct answer he transfers the responsibility for the selling job to some other
your answer he sells goods to the customers through official distributors in foreign markets

multiple choice single answer

question what marketing technique is used to know international marketing need?
correct answer marketing information & research
your answer marketing information & research

select the blank

question the main elements of ________dimensions include per capita gdp
correct answer economic
your answer economic
select the blank
question this question is based on the case study "oriental silk pvt. ltd.". oriental silk
private limited, is a ________ unit, was one of the leading indian manufacturers & exporters of
silk fabrics & made-ups
correct answer 100% export oriented
your answer 100% export oriented

multiple choice multiple answer

question what does "currency used for billing" stand for?
correct answer currency of the purchaser's currency , leading international currency
your answer currency of the purchaser's currency , leading international currency

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are among the top ten suppliers together accounting for
over 60% of total imports?
correct answer china , germany
your answer china , germany

question as regards imports into india, germany is among the top ten suppliers accounting
for over 60% of total imports.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the techniques used to collect information regarding market need?
correct answer marketing information , research
your answer marketing information , research

multiple choice single answer

question this question is based on the case study 'ab enterprises'. what was the initial
problem faced by the importers?
correct answer defect in packaging material
your answer defect in packaging material

select the blank

question ________ is important aspect of international physical distribution.
correct answer warehousing
your answer warehousing

select the blank

question this question is based on the case study "oriental silk pvt. ltd.". oriental preferred
to conduct sales in the us market through ________
correct answer an agent
your answer distributor

multiple choice single answer

question what is not included in social environment?
correct answer growth rates
your answer growth rates

multiple choice single answer

question what does product-mix decision include?
correct answer packaging
your answer packaging

question in polycentric approach, each country is treated as separate entity
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what does political environment include?
correct answer legal dimension
your answer legal dimension

select the blank

question ________ banks also have good deal of information on commercial agents in
various countries.
correct answer international merchant
your answer international merchant

select the blank

question this question is based on the case study "oriental silk pvt. ltd.". by 1983, the
company's sales were of the order of ________ .
correct answer rs.600 million
your answer rs.600 million

multiple choice single answer

question in which year did india became the world's 13th largest exporter?
correct answer 1950
your answer 1950

question buyers of general equipments prefer to deal directly with the manufacturers.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question in product planning for export, length is related to
correct answer number of products
your answer number of products

multiple choice single answer

question what is the advantage of direct exporting?
correct answer greater control over distribution
your answer lesser start up cost

multiple choice multiple answer

question this question is based on the case study "oriental silk pvt. ltd.". which products
did help usa to become the largest importer?
correct answer silk fabrics , made-ups
your answer silk fabrics , made-ups

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the roles of price in the overall export marketing strategies?
correct answer creating competitive market , export enhancing , affecting profit
your answer export enhancing , affecting profit

select the blank

question ________ can affect the competitiveness of researcher's product against
products made within the market.
correct answer tariffs
your answer tariffs

multiple choice multiple answer

question what is correct according to geocentric orientation?
correct answer companies view the entire world as a single market , uniform inventory
management & training
your answer companies view the entire world as a single market , uniform inventory
management & training

match the following

question correct answer your answer

indirect exporting home-based merchant home-based merchant

business dimensions channel network channel network

legal dimensions copyright copyright

licensing arrangement use of patent use of patent

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the special schemes of ecgc?
correct answer packing credit guarantee , post-shipment credit guarantee
your answer packing credit guarantee , post-shipment credit guarantee

multiple choice multiple answer

question how does the product reach to the buyer?
correct answer distribution , transportation
your answer distribution , transportation
question bargaining styles differ greatly across nations.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is important to take pricing decision?
correct answer competition
your answer competition

multiple choice multiple answer

question people enter export markets for a variety of reasons like :-
correct answer recession in domestic market , higher profitability , utilization of export
your answer recession in domestic market , higher profitability , utilization of export incentives

multiple choice single answer

question what does channel-mix decision include?
correct answer intermediaries
your answer intermediaries

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question according to lipstein, rules for minimizing non-sampling errors include :-
correct answer use the smallest sample consistent with research objective , sample survey
should be as easy to execute as possible , restrict the questionnaire to data essential to the study
your answer restrict the questionnaire to data essential to the study , use the smallest sample
consistent with research objective , sample survey should be as easy to execute as possible

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated with
each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

multiple choice multiple answer

question stimulated test marketing can be used in :-
correct answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging
your answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging

multiple choice single answer

question factor loading is the corelation between :-
correct answer a factor & a variable
your answer a factor & a variable

multiple choice single answer

question causal research design is also known as :-
correct answer experimental research design
your answer experimental research design

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

match the following

question correct answer your answer

post launch research usage and attitude usage and attitude

target respondents doctors doctors

sampling procedure area sampling area sampling

pre launch research clinical trials and formulations clinical trials and formulations

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question bibliography contains ________.
correct answer information of references and secondary data
your answer information of references and secondary data

select the blank

question informal interview is a ________ format of data collection.
correct answer unstructured
your answer unstructured

multiple choice multiple answer

question identification of target population is facilitated by :-
correct answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target population
definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population
your answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target population
definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer knowledge

multiple choice multiple answer

question the methods to decide the number of clusters are :-
correct answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. , relative
size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest same
your answer theoretical or practical consideration may suggest same number. , the distance at
which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. , relative size of cluster should be

multiple choice single answer

question this question is based on the case study of "revival of three star hotel". the hotel was
experiencing a decline in business. the management decided to attract business executives as :-
correct answer there was a decline in occupancy in the hotel
your answer it had adequate facilities for conducting conferences, workshops etc

question smaller companies or individual consultants do not have any role to play in market
research field.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question in ________ method the research analyst is not concerned with cause and research
correct answer diagnostic
your answer diagnostic

multiple choice multiple answer

question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". who were the major
correct answer university departmental machines , university library , tinko's
your answer university departmental machines , university library , tinko's

multiple choice single answer

question what is the first step in the research design process?
correct answer problem identification
your answer problem identification

select the blank

question retail store audit is a quantitative feedback on________.
correct answer consumer buying patterns
your answer consumer buying patterns

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on the
market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

question the interviewing process is determined after evaluating the question content.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question in hierarchical method of cluster analysis is again divided into :-
correct answer linkage , variance , centrioid method
your answer linkage , variance , centrioid method
multiple choice single answer
question information on subjects not approachable through questioning can be obtained
through :-
correct answer projective techniques
your answer projective techniques

multiple choice single answer

question sales forecast helps to decide the :-
correct answer purchase of inventory
your answer purchase of inventory

question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is incapable of ranking
options on basis of some criterion.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question a town can be classified on the basis of population as
correct answer class i , classiii , metro
your answer class i , classiii , metro

match the following

question correct answer your answer

skewness symmetric distribution about mean symmetric distribution about mean

array numerical sequence either ascending or descending numerical sequence either ascending
or descending

simple tabulation one variable distribution one variable distribution

cross tabulation relationship between two or more variables relationship between two or more

multiple choice single answer

question the amount of variance a variable shares with all other variables included in the
analysis is called as:-
correct answer communality
your answer communality

multiple choice single answer

question the respondent marks on a continnum between extremes his/her feelings towards an
object. this represents
correct answer scaling techniques
your answer scaling techniques

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the factors to be considered in cluster analysis?
correct answer limited number of clusters due to limitation of market potential , clusters are not
water tight compartment , evaluating the quality of cluster is difficult
your answer limited number of clusters due to limitation of market potential , clusters are not
water tight compartment , evaluating the quality of cluster is difficult

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which institutions should be contacted for research on paint chemicals?
correct answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development center ,
building research institute
your answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development center ,
building research institute

question market research is an inexact science.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question validation is fundamental step in research because :-
correct answer it ensures that data has accurately measured
your answer it ensures that data has accurately measured

multiple choice multiple answer

question dichotomous form of questions can be observed in :-
correct answer branching questions , qualifying questions , opening questions
your answer branching questions , qualifying questions , opening questions

select the blank

question data interpretation requires ________ and logical skills.
correct answer qualitative
your answer quantitative

question simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question the data must be obtained quickly enough at ________.
correct answer reasonable costs
your answer reasonable costs

multiple choice single answer

question what is the source of information to know the technical details of norms for using
construction chemicals?
correct answer indian concrete journal
your answer indian concrete journal

multiple choice single answer

question "care should be taken to prevent respondent fatigue and disinterest." this is taken into
account in which step of the questionnaire design ?
correct answer determining the interviewing process
your answer determining the interviewing process

select the blank

question this question is based on the case study of "revival of three star hotel". the
management was considering attracting business executives, before that, it ________.
correct answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel
your answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel

question range is the simplest measure of calculation of mean.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question kurtosis is measure of ________ or flatness of curve defined by the frequency
correct answer relative peakedness
your answer relative peakedness

question cluster sampling is non-probability sampling
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question factors affecting consumer decision process include :-
correct answer economic factors , intrinsic factors , external factors
your answer economic factors , intrinsic factors , external factors

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer

question measurement of attitudes is done through :-
correct answer scaling techniques
your answer scaling techniques

multiple choice single answer

question the retail store audit does not measure:-
correct answer brand loyalty
your answer brand loyalty

select the blank

question ________ are the internalized factors that cause people to behave the way they
correct answer motives
your answer motives

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethical issues to be observed while writing a report are :-
correct answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be
designed to suit hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data
your answer no deliberate misinterpretations , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data

multiple choice single answer

question the questionnaire design is a process involving :-
correct answer 10 steps
your answer 10 steps

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the advantages of secondary data?
correct answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research
your answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research

multiple choice multiple answer

question transcribing data is involved :-
correct answer coding sheet on the disk , transferring the coded data from the
questionnaires , coding sheet on to magnetic tapes or directly into computers
your answer coding sheet on the disk , transferring the coded data from the questionnaires ,
coding sheet on to magnetic tapes or directly into computers

question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is incapable of ranking
options on basis of some criterion.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question in data analysis simple tabulation shows the distribution of :-
correct answer one variable at a time
your answer one variable at a time

multiple choice multiple answer

question factors affecting consumer decision process include :-
correct answer economic factors , intrinsic factors , external factors
your answer economic factors , intrinsic factors , external factors

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer children , illiterate respondents

multiple choice single answer

question information pertaining to the population is which type of data?
correct answer demographic data
your answer demographic data

question motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in
human beings who are dynamic.
correct answer false
your answer false

question open ended questions create potential interviewer bias.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question in data analysis, cross tabulation shows the relationship between :-
correct answer two or more variables
your answer two or more variables

multiple choice multiple answer

question spontaneous response from respondent is possible in :-
correct answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions
your answer free response questions , probing questions

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

question question phrasing and structure are eliminated in semantic differential scale.
correct answer true
your answer true

question "consumer panel" is a specialized market research technique.
correct answer false
your answer true

question a show card is the identity of the researcher conducting the interview
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question which is the institution specialising in pharma research?
correct answer central drug research institute, lucknow
your answer central drug research institute, lucknow

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

question retail store audit(rsa) divides india into 4 zones and 22 states.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer multiple choice

multiple choice single answer

question marketing techniques may be studied through the :-
correct answer roseinweig test
your answer depth research

match the following

question correct answer your answer

low responses inaccessibility inaccessibility

sampling error not representative of population not representative of population

non-sampling error recording error recording error

sampling information about population information about population

multiple choice multiple answer

question barometric methods of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer historical analogy , product like cycle concept , survey methods
your answer historical analogy , product like cycle concept , survey methods

select the blank

question ________ is the final step of data acquisition plan.
correct answer data collection
your answer data collection

multiple choice single answer

question retail store audit uses :-
correct answer random multistratified sampling
your answer random multistratified sampling
multiple choice single answer
question "self administered" personal interviews are those in which :-
correct answer the respondent fills the questionnaire
your answer the respondent fills the questionnaire

question a manufacturer is able to know the real off take of the product at a retail level
through retail store audit.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the export promotion councils?
correct answer cashew export promotion council , handloom export promotion council ,
gem & jewellery export promotion council
your answer cashew export promotion council , handloom export promotion council , gem &
jewellery export promotion council , trade development authority

multiple choice multiple answer

question semantic differential scale can be used for :-
correct answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj ,
rating the success of a new software
your answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj , rating
the success of a new software

multiple choice single answer

question subscribers to retail store audit(rsa) receive the report :-
correct answer monthly
your answer monthly

multiple choice single answer

question in multidimensional scaling, pricing analysis can be done through :-
correct answer comparison of spatial maps with and without pricing information
your answer comparison of spatial maps with and without pricing information

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following have low usage frequency?
correct answer consumer panel study
your answer consumer panel study

multiple choice multiple answer

question cluster analysis is used in :-
correct answer market segment , understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets
for various marketing strategies
your answer market segment , understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets for
various marketing strategies
multiple choice single answer
question validation is fundamental step in research because :-
correct answer it ensures that data has accurately measured
your answer it ensures that data has accurately measured

select the blank

question in ________, members are required to maintain diary recording all purchases.
correct answer consumer panels
your answer consumer panels

question in regression analysis, dependent variables can be expressed as a linear
function of impendent variables.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the assumption that the respondents externalization is the process of his
internalization is observed in ________.
correct answer thematic apperception test
your answer thematic apperception test

multiple choice multiple answer

question the national readership survey(nrs) investigates :-
correct answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication , readership per
copy of publication
your answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication , readership per copy of

match the following

question correct answer your answer

housewifes field staff field staff

mba entry level market research executive entry level market research executive

post graduate in applied statistics statistical analyst statistical analyst

pg in psychology/sociology qualitative / social researcher qualitative / social researcher

select the blank

question in two mode, two way data of mds, the products can be compared on the basis of
________ .
correct answer objective and perceived attributes
your answer objective and perceived attributes

question html formats uses graphics, grids, sequencing and skip patterns.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question ________ research describes some aspects of market characteristics.
correct answer descriptive
your answer descriptive

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question long form of nddb is ________.
correct answer national dairy development board
your answer national derivatives dealing board

question this question is based on the case study of "research on consumer products". the
company did not have any major threat from competition in the indian market.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question in snowball sampling, initial sample sizes selected using probability methods but
additional units are obtained through information supplied by initial units called________.
correct answer refferals
your answer refferals

multiple choice multiple answer

question dichotomous form of questions can be observed in :-
correct answer branching questions , qualifying questions , opening questions
your answer branching questions , qualifying questions

multiple choice single answer

question causal research design is also known as :-
correct answer experimental research design
your answer experimental research design

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following is the source of internal published data?
correct answer chairman's statement
your answer invoices

multiple choice single answer

question the technique through which objects/ cases are classified into relative
homogeneous groups or clusters is known as :-
correct answer cluster analysis
your answer cluster analysis

select the blank

question association technique is a type of ________.
correct answer projective technique
your answer projective technique

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the various subparts of research objectives?
correct answer research questions , hypothesis development , research boundaries
your answer research questions , research boundaries , timeframe

question in conjoint analysis ranking involves complex trade offs.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question a list of population members used to obtain a sample is known as the:-
correct answer sampling frame
your answer sampling frame

question in exploratory research, the sample is very large and represents a class.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question variables such as age, number of customers scales, costs, heights etc. can be
measured by
correct answer ratio scale
your answer ratio scale

multiple choice single answer

question how people allocate their time and money to certain products and factors is
depicted by
correct answer psychographic variable
your answer psychographic variable

select the blank

question finding out the number of vehicles at a given junction is a ________ method.
correct answer direct observation
your answer direct observation

multiple choice single answer

question which is the institution specialising in pharma research?
correct answer central drug research institute, lucknow
your answer central drug research institute, lucknow

match the following

question correct answer your answer

executive reportreport for decision maker

pictographs graphical depiction graphical depiction

histograph vertical bar chart report for general public

report for publication report for general public report for decision maker

select the blank

question leading indicators are also known as ________.
correct answer advanced indicators
your answer advanced indicators

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation
your answer indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagnostic methods of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method
your answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method

question in mds, when input data is ratio scaled, it is called as non-metric mds.
correct answer false
your answer false

question clarity in report writing should be there to avoid vagueness and misinterpretation.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question where the railways, research, designs & standards organisation is based?
correct answer lucknow
your answer lucknow

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

select the blank

question research carried out based on the existing data is ________
correct answer secondary research
your answer secondary research

question the interviewing process is determined after evaluating the question content.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question according to lipstein, rules for minimizing non-sampling errors include :-
correct answer restrict the questionnaire to data essential to the study , use the smallest
sample consistent with research objective , sample survey should be as easy to execute as
your answer use the smallest sample consistent with research objective , sample survey
should be as easy to execute as possible , restrict the questionnaire to data essential to the study

question response is unstructured and spontaneous in close ended question.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question validation is fundamental step in research because :-
correct answer it ensures that data has accurately measured
your answer it ensures that data has accurately measured

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in industrial product research, newer raw materials are studied for ________ and
functional advantages.
correct answer pricing
your answer durability

select the blank

question the clients or organization should do the comparison of defined research problem
with ________.
correct answer other problems that need to be studied
your answer budget
multiple choice multiple answer
question spontaneous response from respondent is possible in :-
correct answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions
your answer free response questions , probing questions

match the following

question correct answer your answer

automotive research association of india pune pune

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer illiterate , literate without formal schooling , student

select the blank

question in two mode, two way data of mds, the products can be compared on the basis of
________ .
correct answer objective and perceived attributes
your answer objective and perceived attributes

multiple choice multiple answer

question the national readership survey(nrs) investigates :-
correct answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication , readership per
copy of publication
your answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication , readership per copy of

multiple choice multiple answer

question pretesting gives an advanced view of :-
correct answer interview limitations , data gathering task , outcome with reference to
your answer interview limitations , data gathering task , likely expenditure

multiple choice single answer

question in geometric space, multidimensional scaling is a statistical technique that
represents :-
correct answer perceptions and preferences of respondents as points
your answer perceptions and preferences of respondents as points

multiple choice single answer

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on farthest neighbor, which is known as :-
correct answer complete linkage
your answer complete linkage

multiple choice single answer

question multi dimension scaling method has been used to :-
correct answer measure image of the company
your answer measure image of the company

multiple choice multiple answer

question economic indicators in survey method of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer leading , co-incident , lagging
your answer leading , co-incident , lagging

select the blank

question this question is based on the case study of "revival of three star hotel". the
management was considering attracting business executives, before that, it ________.
correct answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel
your answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel

question brand image building is not important in case of industrial product for quality.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question what is the significance of report?
correct answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable
policies and decisions. , for future references as secondary data
your answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable policies
and decisions. , for future references as secondary data

multiple choice multiple answer

question specialized techniques of market research include :-
correct answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels
your answer national readership survey , consumer panels , brand loyalty

select the blank

question interpretation of results is highly subjective in ________.
correct answer projective techniques
your answer multiple choice

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question national bureau of economic research publishes data for lagging, coincidental
and leading indicators based on ________.
correct answer 350 times series
your answer 350 times series

question the over counter drugs are those which the consumers buy their own with doctors
correct answer false
your answer true

question semantic differential scale is only three point rating scale.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers
should not go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first

multiple choice single answer

question in sales analysis research a sales representative's work load depend on :-
correct answer number of clients, distributors or dealers
your answer number of clients, distributors or dealers

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question market research is an inexact science.
correct answer true
your answer true
select the blank
question informal interview is a ________ format of data collection.
correct answer unstructured
your answer unstructured

multiple choice single answer

question the result of exploratory research is :-
correct answer development of hypotheses
your answer development of hypotheses

multiple choice single answer

question the accuracy and reliability of sampling data is affected by two different types of
errors :-
correct answer sampling errors and non-sampling errors
your answer sampling errors and non-sampling errors

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the disadvantages of secondary data?
correct answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement
your answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

select the blank

question ________ loading is the corelation between a factor and variable.
correct answer factor
your answer cluster
select the blank
question the retail store audits and prescription audits carried out by org are like ________
at all chemists .
correct answer fmcg products
your answer fmcg products

multiple choice multiple answer

question limitations of motivation research include :-
correct answer uses borrowed techniques , subjectivity , validation not possible
your answer uses borrowed techniques , subjectivity , validation not possible

multiple choice single answer

question corollary data in market analysis research is :-
correct answer data related to the product but not about the product
your answer data related to the product but not about the product

select the blank

question data cleaning is done through extensive checks for________.
correct answer consistency and treatment of missing responses
your answer consistency and treatment of missing responses

multiple choice single answer

question what is the source of information to know the technical details of norms for using
construction chemicals?
correct answer indian concrete journal
your answer indian concrete journal

question when target respondents are intercepted and shopping areas, it is called mall
correct answer true
your answer true

question "consumer panel" is a specialized market research technique.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

low responses inaccessibility inaccessibility

sampling error not representative of population not representative of population

non-sampling error recording error recording error

sampling information about population information about population

select the blank

question spontaneous responses are obtained in ________ questions.
correct answer open ended
your answer open ended

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on
the market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

select the blank

question the responsibility of a client towards a research firm include ________.
correct answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data
your answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data

select the blank

question data interpretation requires ________ and logical skills.
correct answer qualitative
your answer quantitative

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

multiple choice multiple answer

question according to lipstein, rules for minimizing non-sampling errors include :-
correct answer use the smallest sample consistent with research objective , sample
survey should be as easy to execute as possible , restrict the questionnaire to data essential to
the study
your answer use the smallest sample consistent with research objective , sample survey
should be as easy to execute as possible , restrict the questionnaire to data essential to the study

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

select the blank
question measuring what it is supposed to measure refers to ________.
correct answer validity
your answer validity

multiple choice single answer

question industrial product research was earlier restricted to :-
correct answer demand forecasting
your answer demand forecasting

multiple choice single answer

question while determining the interviewing process, the researcher is confronted with :-
correct answer ascertaining the communication media
your answer ascertaining the communication media

multiple choice single answer

question in cluster analysis, a linkage method based on average distance between all
pairs of objects where one member of the pair is from each of the cluster, it is called as :-
correct answer average linkage
your answer average linkage

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objective of questionnaire design is to seek consistency with :-
correct answer method of data collection , research objective , respondent's willingness
to answer questions on the subject
your answer method of data collection , research objective , respondent's willingness to
answer questions on the subject

multiple choice multiple answer

question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". who were the major
correct answer university departmental machines , university library , tinko's
your answer university departmental machines , university library , tinko's

multiple choice multiple answer

question multidimensional scaling consist of :-
correct answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference
your answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference

select the blank

question the ________ has set up districts and boundaries based on homogeneity of
socio-cultural parameters.
correct answer state re-organization commission
your answer state re-organization commission

question a show card is the identity of the researcher conducting the interview
correct answer false
your answer false

question open ended questions create potential interviewer bias.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer execution of research at each stage

question in mds, when the input data is in nominal form, it is called as non-metric mds.
correct answer true
your answer true

question attitudes are measured through scaling and projective techniques.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question multi dimension scaling method has been used to :-
correct answer measure image of the company
your answer measure image of the company

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question ________ are the internalized factors that cause people to behave the way they
correct answer motives
your answer motives

multiple choice single answer

question which is the institution specialising in pharma research?
correct answer central drug research institute, lucknow
your answer national chemical laboratory, pune

question semantic differential scale is only three point rating scale.
correct answer false
your answer true
question sales quotas are set before estimation of market potential and sales territories.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question the ________ uses a cartoon format in which one of the characters is
represented as saying something.
correct answer roseinweig test
your answer roseinweig test

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new
markets , to analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice single answer

question identify the close ended question type :-
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice single answer

question the accuracy and reliability of sampling data is affected by two different types of
errors :-
correct answer sampling errors and non-sampling errors
your answer sampling errors and non-sampling errors

multiple choice single answer

question data of market research cannot be maintained :-
correct answer without experienced and educated research staff
your answer without experienced and educated research staff

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications are used for research on chemical industry?
correct answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro
chemicals journal
your answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the research obligations to the client?
correct answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation ,
explanation of report conclusions and aiding client's application
your answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation , explanation of
report conclusions and aiding client's application

multiple choice single answer

question what is the source of information to know the technical details of norms for using
construction chemicals?
correct answer indian concrete journal
your answer chemical manufacturers directory

multiple choice single answer

question district gazetteer giving the information about population, public enterprises,
development etc. is an example of :-
correct answer government publications
your answer government publications

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question leading indicators are also known as ________.
correct answer advanced indicators
your answer advanced indicators

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer manpower required
multiple choice single answer
question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

multiple choice multiple answer

question while formulating the research purpose the following points should be taken into
consideration :-
correct answer what are the problems or opportunities? , what are the decision
alternatives? , who are the users of the research?
your answer what are the problems or opportunities? , what are the decision alternatives? ,
who are the users of the research?

select the blank

question ________ type of question allow response in affirmative or negative.
correct answer dichotomous
your answer dichotomous

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the disadvantages of secondary data?
correct answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement
your answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement

multiple choice single answer

question lost horse method is also called as :-
correct answer value judgment
your answer value judgment

select the blank

question in industrial product research, newer raw materials are studied for ________ and
functional advantages.
correct answer pricing
your answer pricing

question telephonic surveys can be used to identify the acceptability of the food processor
after demonstration.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question rating questions must be avoided in :-
correct answer telephone interview
your answer telephone interview

multiple choice multiple answer

question this question is based on the case study of "research on consumer products".
what are the highlights of the study?
correct answer competition from major players well entrenched in the market ,
inferences about socio-economic status of consumer was to be found , company wanted to
manufacture watches
your answer competition from major players well entrenched in the market , inferences about
socio-economic status of consumer was to be found

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to understand the effect of cable tv industry on hindi cinema causal research causal research

to find out the preference of movie theaters for the youth descriptive research descriptive

to ascertain the possibility of developing solar car exploratory research exploratory


to understand the buying pattern of grocery items for a group of housewives over six months
consumer panel survey consumer panel survey

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethical issues to be observed while writing a report are :-
correct answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be
designed to suit hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data
your answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be designed to suit
hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data

select the blank

question in ________ method the research analyst is not concerned with cause and
research relationship.
correct answer diagnostic
your answer diagnostic

multiple choice single answer

question the response format is determined in the
correct answer 4th step
your answer 4th step

question providing response categories instead of specific figures eg income rs 10000/- is
often used to obtain information on sensitive issues.
correct answer true
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

low responses inaccessibility inaccessibility

sampling error not representative of population not representative of population

non-sampling error recording error recording error

sampling information about population information about population

select the blank

question the assumption that the respondents externalization is the process of his
internalization is observed in ________.
correct answer thematic apperception test
your answer thematic apperception test

multiple choice multiple answer

question the methods to decide the number of clusters are :-
correct answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. ,
relative size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest
same number.
your answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. , relative
size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest same

multiple choice multiple answer

question pretesting gives an advanced view of :-
correct answer interview limitations , data gathering task , outcome with reference to
your answer interview limitations , data gathering task , outcome with reference to objective

multiple choice multiple answer

question semantic differential scale can be used for :-
correct answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj ,
rating the success of a new software
your answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj , rating
the success of a new software

question when company prepares a long range plan it is unpublished internal source of
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question short range forecast is done for the duration of :-
correct answer upto 1 year
your answer upto 1 year

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on
the market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

select the blank

question the ________ has set up districts and boundaries based on homogeneity of
socio-cultural parameters.
correct answer state re-organization commission
your answer market research society of india

multiple choice single answer

question the first step in data acquisition plan is :-
correct answer formulating data objectives
your answer formulating data objectives

question ratio scale does not have a zero point.
correct answer false
your answer false

question determining the questionnaire structure is the first step of process of
questionnaire design.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question bibliography contains ________.
correct answer information of references and secondary data
your answer information of references and secondary data

1. food habits
1. assamese 2. town classification
2. pucca house 3. household structure
3. joint family 4. mother-tongue
4. village 5. demographic 6. metro

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new
markets , to analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question limitations of motivation research include :-
correct answer uses borrowed techniques , subjectivity , validation not possible
your answer uses borrowed techniques , subjectivity , validation not possible

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

question question phrasing and structure are eliminated in semantic differential scale.
correct answer true
your answer true

question the over counter drugs are those which the consumers buy their own with doctors
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question the retail store audits and prescription audits carried out by org are like ________
at all chemists .
correct answer fmcg products
your answer fmcg products

select the blank

question in industrial product research, newer raw materials are studied for ________ and
functional advantages.
correct answer pricing
your answer pricing

question brand image building is not important in case of industrial product for quality.
correct answer false
your answer false
multiple choice single answer
question corollary data in market analysis research is :-
correct answer data related to the product but not about the product
your answer data related to the product but not about the product

select the blank

question in ________ method the research analyst is not concerned with cause and
research relationship.
correct answer diagnostic
your answer diagnostic

multiple choice multiple answer

question transcribing data is involved :-
correct answer coding sheet on the disk , transferring the coded data from the
questionnaires , coding sheet on to magnetic tapes or directly into computers
your answer coding sheet on the disk , transferring the coded data from the questionnaires ,
coding sheet on to magnetic tapes or directly into computers

question use of data analysis programme is the analysis strategy .
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question a factor's eigen value is the :-
correct answer sum of squares of its factor loading
your answer sum of squares of its factor loading

multiple choice single answer

question the factor analysis is designed to :-
correct answer reduce many variables to fewer underlying factors
your answer reduce many variables to fewer underlying factors

multiple choice multiple answer

question following are the characteristics of factor analysis :-
correct answer uses an advance forms of co-relation analysis to the responses ,
variables that are interrelated and similar are reduced to smaller numbers of uncorrelated factors.
, the model is primarily based on liner relationship through which factor loading is derived.
your answer uses an advance forms of co-relation analysis to the responses , variables that
are interrelated and similar are reduced to smaller numbers of uncorrelated factors. , the model is
primarily based on liner relationship through which factor loading is derived.

select the blank

question in conjoint analysis it may be difficult to ascribe or describe ________ for certain
correct answer attributes
your answer attributes
question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is incapable of ranking
options on basis of some criterion.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question in geometric space, multidimensional scaling is a statistical technique that
represents :-
correct answer perceptions and preferences of respondents as points
your answer perceptions and preferences of respondents as points

select the blank

question in two mode, two way data of mds, the products can be compared on the basis of
________ .
correct answer objective and perceived attributes
your answer objective and perceived attributes

multiple choice multiple answer

question what is the significance of report?
correct answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable
policies and decisions. , for future references as secondary data
your answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable policies
and decisions. , for future references as secondary data

multiple choice multiple answer

question the types of report are
correct answer technical report , publication report , executive report
your answer technical report , publication report , executive report

match the following

question correct answer your answer

pictographs graphical depiction graphical depiction

histograph vertical bar chart vertical bar chart

report for publication report for general public report for general public

executive reportreport for decision maker report for decision maker

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer execution of research at each stage

multiple choice single answer

question what is the responsibility of client in problem determination?
correct answer monitor competitive and market environment
your answer giving proper information to respondent

multiple choice single answer

question ultra violet ink is used to disguise customer coding. this activity is :-
correct answer a disapproved method
your answer a disapproved method

multiple choice single answer

question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". what did the partners
decided about the copy service?
correct answer to estimate the market demand and market share
your answer to go ahead with the idea of copy service

multiple choice multiple answer

question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically
your answer accurately , timely , economically

select the blank

question ________ research describes some aspects of market characteristics.
correct answer descriptive
your answer descriptive

select the blank

question descriptive research requires the ________ analysis.
correct answer quantitative
your answer quantitative

select the blank

question research carried out based on the existing data is ________
correct answer secondary research
your answer secondary research

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to find out the preference of movie theaters for the youth descriptive research descriptive

to ascertain the possibility of developing solar car exploratory research exploratory


to understand the buying pattern of grocery items for a group of housewives over six months
consumer panel survey consumer panel survey

to understand the effect of cable tv industry on hindi cinema causal research causal research
multiple choice single answer
question where the railways, research, designs & standards organisation is based?
correct answer lucknow
your answer lucknow

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the advantages of secondary data?
correct answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research
your answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question ________ can be used for the diagrammatic rating scale.
correct answer pictures
your answer pictures

select the blank

question a specific change in lifestyle is indicated by ________
correct answer psychographics
your answer psychographics

multiple choice single answer

question clarity of questions and instructions for filling the form is essential in :-
correct answer mail survey
your answer mail survey

multiple choice multiple answer

question spontaneous response from respondent is possible in :-
correct answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions
your answer free response questions

multiple choice multiple answer

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-
correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory
research , unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
your answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be termed as "good" when :-
correct answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the
necessary information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the
necessary information
your answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the necessary
information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the necessary

question projective technique is a subtype of open ended question.
correct answer true
your answer true

question response is unstructured and spontaneous in close ended question.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________ are highly interactive executable files.
correct answer downloadable survey applications
your answer downloadable survey applications

multiple choice single answer

question what is the effect of a long survey (more then 10 minutes)?
correct answer reduces respondent co-operation
your answer reduces respondent co-operation

question cluster sampling is non-probability sampling
correct answer false
your answer true

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer

question while determining the interviewing process, the researcher is confronted with :-
correct answer ascertaining the communication media
your answer type of questions to use

multiple choice single answer

question measurement of the existing data or information is known as :-
correct answer facts
your answer facts

question the client or organization should answer the queries of cost v/s benefits of
correct answer true
your answer true
question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the factors to be considered in cluster analysis?
correct answer limited number of clusters due to limitation of market potential , clusters
are not water tight compartment , evaluating the quality of cluster is difficult
your answer limited number of clusters due to limitation of market potential , clusters are not
water tight compartment , evaluating the quality of cluster is difficult

multiple choice single answer

question if a five star hotel needs to select the appropriate magazine for placing the
advertisements it should carry out :-
correct answer readership survey
your answer advertising effectiveness study

multiple choice multiple answer

question in industrial product research the research methodologies adopted are :-
correct answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research
your answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research

select the blank

question data interpretation requires ________ and logical skills.
correct answer qualitative
your answer qualitative

select the blank

question through cluster analysis objects/cases are classified into relatively________
group called cluster.
correct answer homogeneous
your answer homogeneous

multiple choice multiple answer

question scale intervals can be used for the following
correct answer age , land holdings , income
your answer age , land holdings , income

select the blank

question association technique is a type of ________.
correct answer projective technique
your answer projective technique

question semantic differential scale is only three point rating scale.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question multidimensional scaling consist of :-
correct answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference
your answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

question in mds, when input data is ratio scaled, it is called as non-metric mds.
correct answer false
your answer false

question the technique in which respondents are provided with incomplete sentences
which they can complete as they choose to do so, is known as construction technique.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question taking the responses on which political party will win the upcoming election is
known as ________.
correct answer opinion poll
your answer opinion poll

multiple choice single answer

question market research involves
correct answer collection and analysis of data
your answer collection and analysis of data

select the blank

question the ________ has set up districts and boundaries based on homogeneity of
socio-cultural parameters.
correct answer state re-organization commission
your answer state re-organization commission

question reports printed by the professional bodies are external unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the unit about which information is collected for analysis is called:-
correct answer element
your answer element

multiple choice single answer

question the preference of sunsilk shampoo to clinic plus shampoo can be judged with :-
correct answer ordinal scale
your answer ratio scale

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be :-
correct answer structured , disguised , informal
your answer structured , informal , a booklet containing information

multiple choice multiple answer

question in hierarchical method of cluster analysis is again divided into :-
correct answer linkage , variance , centrioid method
your answer linkage , variance , centrioid method

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the new delhi based research institutions?
correct answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india
your answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india

question protection against unqualified researchers is a responsibility of the client.
correct answer false
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

sales analysis preparing sales expenses budget primary data

direct data method of market potential measurement data on actual product territory and

corollary data data related to product data related to product

sales forecast cash flow need cash flow need

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new
markets , to analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on
the market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer there is cut throught competition

select the blank

question retail store audit is a quantitative feedback on________.
correct answer consumer buying patterns
your answer consumer buying patterns

select the blank

question bibliography contains ________.
correct answer information of references and secondary data
your answer information of references and secondary data

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

select the blank

question a specific change in lifestyle is indicated by ________
correct answer psychographics
your answer socio-economic class

multiple choice multiple answer

question the types of report are
correct answer technical report , publication report , executive report
your answer technical report , publication report , miniature report

multiple choice single answer

question rating questions must be avoided in :-
correct answer telephone interview
your answer telephone interview
multiple choice single answer
question what is executive report?
correct answer report for decision makers
your answer report for decision makers

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the advantages of secondary data?
correct answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research
your answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research

multiple choice single answer

question the technique through which objects/ cases are classified into relative
homogeneous groups or clusters is known as :-
correct answer cluster analysis
your answer cluster analysis

match the following

question correct answer your answer

mother-tongue assamese assamese

food habits demographic demographic

town classification metro village

household structure joint family joint family

question clarity in report writing should be there to avoid vagueness and misinterpretation.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the long form of imrb is :-
correct answer indian market research bureau
your answer indian market research bureau

multiple choice multiple answer

question the national readership survey(nrs) investigates :-
correct answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication , readership per
copy of publication
your answer readership by income levels , readership per copy of publication , brand recall

question question phrasing and structure are eliminated in semantic differential scale.
correct answer true
your answer true
question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer profit to non profit

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question ________ loading is the corelation between a factor and variable.
correct answer factor
your answer factor

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

multiple choice single answer

question which is the magazine for information on tea industry?
correct answer assam review and tea news
your answer tea bulletin

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation
your answer texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer findings and implementation

question projective technique is a subtype of open ended question.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question non hierarchical procedure of cluster analysis further has other subtypes like:-
correct answer sequential threshold , parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning
your answer sequential threshold , parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning

multiple choice single answer

question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
your answer degree of formality

question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". the bookshop had a
strong position in the textbook market.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question according to lipstein, rules for minimizing non-sampling errors include :-
correct answer use the smallest sample consistent with research objective , sample
survey should be as easy to execute as possible , restrict the questionnaire to data essential to
the study
your answer use the smallest sample consistent with research objective , sample survey
should be as easy to execute as possible , restrict the questionnaire to data essential to the study

multiple choice multiple answer

question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". who were the major
correct answer university departmental machines , university library , tinko's
your answer university departmental machines , university library , tinko's

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following have low usage frequency?
correct answer consumer panel study
your answer consumer panel study

multiple choice single answer

question in pharma research sampling procedure preferred is :
correct answer area sampling
your answer area sampling

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

multiple choice single answer

question in sales analysis research a sales representative's work load depend on :-
correct answer number of clients, distributors or dealers
your answer number of clients, distributors or dealers
question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

question sampling in which each element has known chance for inclusion in the study is
known as probability sampling
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question household structure' is a term used to indicate
correct answer nuclear family/joint family/nuclear with elders
your answer nuclear family/joint family/nuclear with elders

match the following

question correct answer your answer

"what might this be ?" inkblot test inkblot test

aided recall depth research recognition test

doesn’t intend to tell projective techniques depth research

ease of construction likert scale likert scale

multiple choice multiple answer

question pretesting gives an advanced view of :-
correct answer interview limitations , data gathering task , outcome with reference to
your answer interview limitations , data gathering task , outcome with reference to objective

multiple choice single answer

question in cluster analysis, a linkage method based on average distance between all
pairs of objects where one member of the pair is from each of the cluster, it is called as :-
correct answer average linkage
your answer average linkage

select the blank

question national bureau of economic research publishes data for lagging, coincidental
and leading indicators based on ________.
correct answer 350 times series
your answer 350 times series

multiple choice multiple answer

question pretesting of questionnaire includes testing of :-
correct answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation
your answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation

select the blank

question ________ translates information needs into a set of questions that a respondent
can answer.
correct answer a questionnaire
your answer a questionnaire

select the blank

question the data must be obtained quickly enough at ________.
correct answer reasonable costs
your answer reasonable costs

question regression analysis can be used in sales forecasting to measure the relationship
between company's sales and other economic variables.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated
with each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

multiple choice multiple answer

question factors affecting consumer decision process include :-
correct answer economic factors , intrinsic factors , external factors
your answer economic factors , intrinsic factors , external factors

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer conjoint analysis

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following methods is not used for descriptive research?
correct answer experiments
your answer experiments

select the blank

question the responsibility of a client towards a research firm include ________.
correct answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data
your answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data
select the blank
question the variable ________indicates the religion of the respondent.
correct answer sikh
your answer sikh

match the following

question correct answer your answer

question response format step 4 step 1

typography step 7 step 7

interviewing process step2 step2

wording of the question step 5 step 5

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate statistical technique that uses a class of procedures for data
reduction & summarization is known as :-
correct answer factor analysis
your answer factor analysis

select the blank

question in mds the impact of pricing can be studied for the comparison of ________.
correct answer spatial maps
your answer spatial maps

question technical jargon should be used when unavoidable.
correct answer true
your answer true

question brand image building is not important in case of industrial product for quality.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be used for research on automobile industry?
correct answer auto spark , automobile reporter , auto age
your answer auto spark , automobile reporter , auto age

question likert scale allows the respondents to either agree or disagree with the statement.
correct answer true
your answer false
question most of the organizations hire outside agencies to carry out extensive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question long form of nddb is ________.
correct answer national dairy development board
your answer national dairy development board

select the blank

question in ________, members are required to maintain diary recording all purchases.
correct answer consumer panels
your answer retail store audit

multiple choice single answer

question how people allocate their time and money to certain products and factors is
depicted by
correct answer psychographic variable
your answer psychographic variable

multiple choice multiple answer

question market & sales analysis helps management in :-
correct answer developing company's sales plan (short and long term) , setting
standards of sales performance , estimating total sales force needed in future
your answer developing company's sales plan (short and long term) , setting standards of
sales performance , estimating total sales force needed in future

multiple choice multiple answer

question identification of target population is facilitated by :-
correct answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target
population definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population
your answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target population
definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population

multiple choice multiple answer

question barometric methods of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer historical analogy , product like cycle concept , survey methods
your answer historical analogy , product like cycle concept , survey methods

question rural sec grid is based on education and monthly household income
correct answer false
your answer false

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank
question ________are used for national panel studies.
correct answer quota controls
your answer quota controls

select the blank

question complete________ of respondent and secrecy of data should be maintained.
correct answer confidentiality
your answer confidentiality

multiple choice single answer

question district gazetteer giving the information about population, public enterprises,
development etc. is an example of :-
correct answer government publications
your answer government publications

select the blank

question ________ type of question allow response in affirmative or negative.
correct answer dichotomous
your answer dichotomous

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer opinion

question simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the disadvantages of secondary data?
correct answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement
your answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement

multiple choice multiple answer

question spontaneous response from respondent is possible in :-
correct answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions
your answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers
should not go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , averages are merely tendency and generalization

select the blank

question for the semantic differential scale the central point of the scale is a ________.
correct answer neutral point
your answer neutral point

multiple choice single answer

question sales forecast helps to decide the :-
correct answer purchase of inventory
your answer purchase of inventory

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents

match the following

question correct answer your answer

skewness symmetric distribution about mean symmetric distribution about mean

array numerical sequence either ascending or descending numerical sequence either

ascending or descending

simple tabulation one variable distribution one variable distribution

cross tabulation relationship between two or more variables relationship between two or
more variables

select the blank

question in conjoint analysis it may be difficult to ascribe or describe ________ for certain
correct answer attributes
your answer attributes

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

question the over counter drugs are those which the consumers buy their own with doctors
correct answer false
your answer false
select the blank
question kurtosis is measure of ________ or flatness of curve defined by the frequency
correct answer relative peakedness
your answer relative peakedness

multiple choice single answer

question the impact of promotional slogans on the consumers can be studied with
correct answer association technique
your answer free response questions

select the blank

question the ________ objectives are derived from research objectives.
correct answer data
your answer qualitative

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethics in marketing research underline the three basic responsibilities that
includes :-
correct answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the client ,
responsibility towards the researcher
your answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the client ,
responsibility towards the researcher

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study ,
establishment of quota and territories
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

select the blank

question searching & developing alternatives is done in ________.
correct answer exploratory research
your answer exploratory research

question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is incapable of ranking
options on basis of some criterion.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question constant sum scale can be used for :-
correct answer how different household would spend a fixed amount in a month , how
different household would spend a fixed amount on entertainment , how different respondents
spend their sunday
your answer how different households would spend their monthly income , how different
household would spend a fixed amount in a month , how different household would spend a fixed
amount on entertainment

select the blank

question in snowball sampling, initial sample sizes selected using probability methods but
additional units are obtained through information supplied by initial units called________.
correct answer refferals
your answer refferals

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to understand the effect of cable tv industry on hindi cinema causal research causal research

to find out the preference of movie theaters for the youth descriptive research descriptive

to ascertain the possibility of developing solar car exploratory research exploratory


to understand the buying pattern of grocery items for a group of housewives over six months
consumer panel survey consumer panel survey

multiple choice single answer

question subscribers to retail store audit(rsa) receive the report :-
correct answer monthly
your answer monthly

select the blank

question position bias is a possibility in ________questions.
correct answer multiple choice
your answer open ended questions

question use of data analysis programme is the analysis strategy .
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question munshi forecasts are based on :-
correct answer his vast experience
your answer his vast experience

question in mds, two-way modes, products can be compared on objective and perceived
correct answer true
your answer true
multiple choice single answer
question informal interview is also known as :-
correct answer in-depth interview
your answer in-depth interview

multiple choice multiple answer

question while formulating the research purpose the following points should be taken into
consideration :-
correct answer what are the decision alternatives? , who are the users of the research? ,
what are the problems or opportunities?
your answer what is the cost of the research? , what are the problems or opportunities? , who
are the users of the research?

multiple choice single answer

question factor loading is the corelation between :-
correct answer a factor & a variable
your answer a factor & a variable

question questionnaire design is the integral part of research design.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on farthest neighbor, which is known as :-
correct answer complete linkage
your answer complete linkage

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the various subparts of research objectives?
correct answer research questions , hypothesis development , research boundaries
your answer research questions , hypothesis development , research boundaries

question html formats uses graphics, grids, sequencing and skip patterns.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling

multiple choice single answer

question the conjoint analysis helps to enable company's to :-
correct answer conduct brand swot analysis
your answer conduct brand swot analysis

select the blank

question the retail store audits and prescription audits carried out by org are like ________
at all chemists .
correct answer fmcg products
your answer fmcg products

multiple choice single answer

question evaluating the question content is the :-
correct answer 4th step
your answer 4th step

question histogram is a graphical depiction that uses pictures and symbols to display data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagnostic methods of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method
your answer last horse method , delphi method , experimental method

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be termed as "good" when :-
correct answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the
necessary information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the
necessary information
your answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the necessary
information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the necessary

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question industrial product research was earlier restricted to :-
correct answer demand forecasting
your answer demand forecasting

list of attempted questions and answers

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question semantic differential scale can be used for :-
correct answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj ,
rating the success of a new software
your answer rating the service at hotel taj , rating the success of a new software ,
understanding the differences in two types of cars

multiple choice multiple answer

question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". who were the major
correct answer university departmental machines , university library , tinko's
your answer university library , tinko's

question histogram is a graphical depiction that uses pictures and symbols to display data.
correct answer false
your answer false

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the methods to decide the number of clusters are :-
correct answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. ,
relative size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest
same number.
your answer relative size of cluster should be meaningful. , optimizing partitioning method.

multiple choice single answer

question in report writing, letter of transmission indicates :-
correct answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official
your answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official authorization

multiple choice multiple answer

question a town can be classified on the basis of population as
correct answer class i , classiii , metro
your answer class i , classiii , metro

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethics in marketing research underline the three basic responsibilities that
includes :-
correct answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the client ,
responsibility towards the researcher
your answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the client ,
responsibility towards the researcher

select the blank

question descriptive research requires the ________ analysis.
correct answer quantitative
your answer quantitative

multiple choice multiple answer

question transcribing data is involved :-
correct answer transferring the coded data from the questionnaires , coding sheet on to
magnetic tapes or directly into computers , coding sheet on the disk
your answer coding sheet on the disk , transferring the coded data from the questionnaires ,
coding sheet on to magnetic tapes or directly into computers

multiple choice single answer

question multi dimension scaling method has been used to :-
correct answer measure image of the company
your answer measure image of the company

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new
markets , to analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

select the blank

question in ________ forecast, he collects all information in his mind and based on his
vast experience he makes forecast.
correct answer munshi
your answer munshi

multiple choice multiple answer

question what is the significance of report?
correct answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable
policies and decisions. , for future references as secondary data
your answer lead to appropriate actionable policies and decisions. , for future references as
secondary data

question in conjoint analysis ranking involves complex trade offs.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer motive

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

multiple choice single answer

question which scale places different entities in relative position?
correct answer ordinal scale
your answer ordinal scale

multiple choice single answer

question spices export promotion world trade center is based at
correct answer cochin
your answer chennai

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

match the following

question correct answer your answer

skewness symmetric distribution about mean symmetric distribution about mean

array numerical sequence either ascending or descending relationship between mean and

simple tabulation one variable distribution one variable distribution

cross tabulation relationship between two or more variables relationship between two or
more variables

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the research obligations to the client?
correct answer explanation of report conclusions and aiding client's application , honest
and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation
your answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation , explanation of
report conclusions and aiding client's application

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer false
multiple choice single answer
question the first step in data acquisition plan is :-
correct answer formulating data objectives
your answer formulating data objectives

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer children , illiterate respondents

question determining the questionnaire structure is the first step of process of
questionnaire design.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question multidimensional scaling consist of :-
correct answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference
your answer attribute data , non attribute data

select the blank

question ________ is the final step of data acquisition plan.
correct answer data collection
your answer data planning

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question research carried out based on the existing data is ________
correct answer secondary research
your answer secondary research

select the blank

question the data must be obtained quickly enough at ________.
correct answer reasonable costs
your answer appropriate costs

select the blank

question multiple choice is a ________type of question.
correct answer close ended
your answer close ended
multiple choice single answer
question close ended questionnaires are structured and closed. they
correct answer are easy to tabulate and analyze
your answer are easy to tabulate and analyze

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the export promotion councils?
correct answer cashew export promotion council , handloom export promotion council ,
gem & jewellery export promotion council
your answer handloom export promotion council , gem & jewellery export promotion council ,
trade development authority

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on
the market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer there is cut throught competition

question the starting point of the semantic differential scale is neutral.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question in the internet era, qualitative research is possible through :-
correct answer chat sessions
your answer focus group discussion

match the following

question correct answer your answer

question response format step 4 step 4

typography step 7 step 1

interviewing process step2 step2

wording of the question step 5 step 5

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________are used for national panel studies.
correct answer quota controls
your answer quota controls

select the blank

question complete________ of respondent and secrecy of data should be maintained.
correct answer confidentiality
your answer privacy

question the written contract of a research should cover the penalty clause covering
deficits such as delays, inadequate data.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question spontaneous responses are obtained in ________ questions.
correct answer open ended
your answer open ended

multiple choice single answer

question where the railways, research, designs & standards organisation is based?
correct answer lucknow
your answer lucknow

question in mds, when the input data is in nominal form, it is called as non-metric mds.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question data of market research cannot be maintained :-
correct answer without experienced and educated research staff
your answer without experienced and educated research staff

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question multiple choice is a ________type of question.
correct answer close ended
your answer close ended

select the blank

question this question is based on the case study of "revival of three star hotel". the
management was considering attracting business executives, before that, it ________.
correct answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel
your answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel

question technical jargon should be used when unavoidable.
correct answer true
your answer true

question postal surveys fail because the apparent low cost turns out to be very high due to
non response.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". what facilitated the
idea of starting a copy service ?
correct answer availability of the shop next door on lease
your answer availability of the shop next door on lease

select the blank

question spontaneous responses are obtained in ________ questions.
correct answer open ended
your answer open ended

select the blank

question association technique is a type of ________.
correct answer projective technique
your answer projective technique

multiple choice single answer

question scale intervals can be used for
correct answer age
your answer age

question getting the response for television viewership from a group of respondents over
the period of six months is an example of consumer panel survey.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question while formulating the research purpose the following points should be taken into
consideration :-
correct answer what are the problems or opportunities? , what are the decision
alternatives? , who are the users of the research?
your answer what are the problems or opportunities? , what are the decision alternatives? ,
who are the users of the research?
question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is incapable of ranking
options on basis of some criterion.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the technique used to determine the relative importance, consumers attach to
salient attributes & the utilities they attach to the levels of attribution is known as :-
correct answer conjoint analysis
your answer conjoint analysis

multiple choice single answer

question top of mind recall is observed in :-
correct answer attitude research
your answer attitude research

multiple choice single answer

question munshi forecasts are based on :-
correct answer his vast experience
your answer his vast experience

multiple choice single answer

question in multidimensional scaling, pricing analysis can be done through :-
correct answer comparison of spatial maps with and without pricing information
your answer comparison of spatial maps with and without pricing information

question in mds, two-way modes, products can be compared on objective and perceived
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question spontaneous response from respondent is possible in :-
correct answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions
your answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the advantages of secondary data?
correct answer a basis for further research , easy accessibility , economy
your answer easy accessibility , economy , a basis for further research

multiple choice multiple answer

question scale intervals can be used for the following
correct answer age , land holdings , income
your answer age , land holdings , income

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethical issues to be observed while writing a report are :-
correct answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be
designed to suit hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data
your answer no deliberate misinterpretations , marketing problems should be designed to suit
hidden agenda , complete confidentiality and secrecy of data

multiple choice single answer

question recall level of niram advertisement can be found out by doing :-
correct answer advertisement effectiveness study
your answer advertisement effectiveness study

multiple choice single answer

question the impact of promotional slogans on the consumers can be studied with
correct answer association technique
your answer association technique

multiple choice multiple answer

question the methods to decide the number of clusters are :-
correct answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. ,
relative size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest
same number.
your answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. , relative
size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest same

select the blank

question leading indicators are also known as ________.
correct answer advanced indicators
your answer advanced indicators

match the following

question correct answer your answer

post launch research usage and attitude usage and attitude

target respondents doctors doctors

sampling procedure area sampling area sampling

pre launch research clinical trials and formulations clinical trials and formulations

select the blank

question in two mode, two way data of mds, the products can be compared on the basis of
________ .
correct answer objective and perceived attributes
your answer objective and perceived attributes

question response is unstructured and spontaneous in close ended question.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question the clients or organization should do the comparison of defined research problem
with ________.
correct answer other problems that need to be studied
your answer other problems that need to be studied

multiple choice single answer

question sampling in which each element has equal probability of being selected is known
correct answer simple random sampling
your answer simple random sampling

select the blank

question the responsibility of a client towards a research firm include ________.
correct answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data
your answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data

select the blank

question through cluster analysis objects/cases are classified into relatively________
group called cluster.
correct answer homogeneous
your answer homogeneous

select the blank

question factor analysis is based on linear relationship through which ________ is derived.
correct answer factor loading
your answer factor loading

multiple choice single answer

question which is the institution specialising in pharma research?
correct answer central drug research institute, lucknow
your answer central drug research institute, lucknow

multiple choice multiple answer

question multidimensional scaling consist of :-
correct answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference
your answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference

multiple choice single answer

question what is coding?
correct answer assigning a code number to each possible response to the question
your answer assigning a code number to each possible response to the question

multiple choice multiple answer

question in hierarchical method of cluster analysis is again divided into :-
correct answer linkage , variance , centrioid method
your answer linkage , variance , centrioid method

multiple choice multiple answer

question projective techniques draw inferences about :-
correct answer personality structure , marketing situation , deep seated biases
your answer personality structure , marketing situation , deep seated biases

multiple choice multiple answer

question identification of target population is facilitated by :-
correct answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target
population definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population
your answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target population
definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population

question market research is an inexact science.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question descriptive research requires the ________ analysis.
correct answer quantitative
your answer quantitative

question brand image building is not important in case of industrial product for quality.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer
"what might this be ?" inkblot test inkblot test

aided recall depth research depth research

doesn’t intend to tell projective techniques projective techniques

ease of construction likert scale likert scale

multiple choice single answer

question qualifying questions are :-
correct answer used to find whether the person is the right type to provide information
your answer used to find whether the person is the right type to provide information

question the client or organization should answer the queries of cost v/s benefits of
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question economic indicators in survey method of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer leading , co-incident , lagging
your answer leading , co-incident , lagging

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question in ________ method the research analyst is not concerned with cause and
research relationship.
correct answer diagnostic
your answer diagnostic

multiple choice single answer

question spreading the sample through the entire population following a regular pattern is
known as :-
correct answer systematic sampling
your answer systematic sampling

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications are used for research on chemical industry?
correct answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro
chemicals journal
your answer pharma news , indian chemical directory , chemical industry news

question sales representative work load depends on average order size.
correct answer true
your answer false

select the blank

question in mds the impact of pricing can be studied for the comparison of ________.
correct answer spatial maps
your answer spatial maps

multiple choice single answer

question the conjoint analysis helps to enable company's to :-
correct answer conduct brand swot analysis
your answer conduct brand swot analysis

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on
the market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer telephone survey

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer improve the production process

multiple choice multiple answer

question a town can be classified on the basis of population as
correct answer metro , class i , classiii
your answer metro , rural

multiple choice multiple answer

question in hierarchical method of cluster analysis is again divided into :-
correct answer linkage , variance , centrioid method
your answer linkage , variance , centrioid method

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer opinion

multiple choice single answer

question over the counter drugs (otc) are those :
correct answer which consumers buy on their own without doctor's prescription
your answer which consumers buy on their own without doctor's prescription
question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is the source of information to know the technical details of norms for using
construction chemicals?
correct answer indian concrete journal
your answer chemical manufacturers directory

question brand image building is not important in case of industrial product for quality.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

question semantic differential scale is only three point rating scale.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question data cleaning is done through extensive checks for________.
correct answer consistency and treatment of missing responses
your answer final reports

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer profit to non profit

question smaller companies or individual consultants do not have any role to play in
market research field.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer multiple choice

multiple choice multiple answer

question stimulated test marketing can be used in :-
correct answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging
your answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging

multiple choice single answer

question the arrangement of data items in a numerical sequence either ascending or
descending order is :-
correct answer an array
your answer an array

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer survey conducted

select the blank

question for the semantic differential scale the central point of the scale is a ________.
correct answer neutral point
your answer neutral point

question likert scale allows the respondents to either agree or disagree with the statement.
correct answer true
your answer true
multiple choice multiple answer
question identification of target population is facilitated by :-
correct answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target
population definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population
your answer well defined research objectives , alternative, reasonable/target population
definitions , specifications for exclusion in target population

multiple choice multiple answer

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
correct answer price , reliability , credit
your answer price , reliability , credit

question "consumer panel" is a specialized market research technique.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question these interviews depend on the verbal clues only in :-
correct answer telephone interview
your answer telephone interview

multiple choice single answer

question lost horse method is also called as :-
correct answer value judgment
your answer value judgment

question ratio scale does not have a zero point.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , defining major

select the blank

question ________ can be used for the diagrammatic rating scale.
correct answer pictures
your answer pictures

multiple choice single answer

question information pertaining to the population is which type of data?
correct answer demographic data
your answer census data

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the disadvantages of secondary data?
correct answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement
your answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement

question cluster sampling is non-probability sampling
correct answer false
your answer false

question providing response categories instead of specific figures eg income rs 10000/- is
often used to obtain information on sensitive issues.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question descriptive research requires the ________ analysis.
correct answer quantitative
your answer quantitative

select the blank

question the responsibility of a client towards a research firm include ________.
correct answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data
your answer right to safety

match the following

question correct answer your answer

mother-tongue assamese demographic

food habits demographic assamese

town classification metro metro

household structure joint family joint family

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new
markets , to analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice single answer

question user's needs and competitive machinery are studied in depth for new product in :-
correct answer product specifications studies
your answer buying influences

question the popularity of likert scale is due to its ease of construction and administration.
correct answer true
your answer true

list of attempted questions and answers –market research-3

multiple choice single answer

question the questionnaire design is a process involving :-
correct answer 10 steps
your answer 10 steps

question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is incapable of ranking
options on basis of some criterion.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the research obligations to the client?
correct answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation ,
explanation of report conclusions and aiding client's application
your answer honest and clear reporting , briefing regarding study limitation , explanation of
report conclusions and aiding client's application

multiple choice multiple answer

question online survey methods include :-
correct answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys
your answer telephone survey , email survey , downloadable interactive surveys

multiple choice single answer

question data of market research cannot be maintained :-
correct answer without experienced and educated research staff
your answer without experienced and educated research staff

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethics in marketing research underline the three basic responsibilities that
includes :-
correct answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the client ,
responsibility towards the researcher
your answer responsibility towards the research process , responsibility towards the
respondent , responsibility towards the client

multiple choice single answer

question checklists are useful for :-
correct answer factual data
your answer factual data

select the blank

question ________ is the final step of data acquisition plan.
correct answer data collection
your answer selection of data collection method

multiple choice single answer

question short range forecast is done for the duration of :-
correct answer upto 1 year
your answer more than 5 years

select the blank

question in two mode, two way data of mds, the products can be compared on the basis of
________ .
correct answer objective and perceived attributes
your answer performance

question in regression analysis, dependent variables can be expressed as a linear
function of impendent variables.
correct answer true
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the various subparts of research objectives?
correct answer research questions , hypothesis development , research boundaries
your answer research questions , hypothesis development , research boundaries

multiple choice single answer

question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
your answer research objective

question rural sec grid is based on education and monthly household income
correct answer false
your answer false
multiple choice multiple answer
question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study ,
establishment of quota and territories
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , product mix studies

select the blank

question retail store audit is a quantitative feedback on________.
correct answer consumer buying patterns
your answer consumer buying patterns

select the blank

question leading indicators are also known as ________.
correct answer advanced indicators
your answer advanced indicators

question in mds, when input data is ratio scaled, it is called as non-metric mds.
correct answer false
your answer false

question reports printed by the professional bodies are external unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________is an important communication medium that helps recall advertising.
correct answer point of purchase(pop)items
your answer television

multiple choice single answer

question measurement of the existing data or information is known as :-
correct answer facts
your answer facts

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be termed as "good" when :-
correct answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the
necessary information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the
necessary information
your answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the necessary
information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the necessary

select the blank

question ________ research describes some aspects of market characteristics.
correct answer descriptive
your answer descriptive

question report should be terse and concise.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be used for research on automobile industry?
correct answer auto spark , automobile reporter , auto age
your answer automobile reporter , auto age , auto rider

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objective of questionnaire design is to seek consistency with :-
correct answer method of data collection , research objective , respondent's willingness
to answer questions on the subject
your answer method of data collection , research objective , data outcome

match the following

question correct answer your answer

post launch research usage and attitude price effects

target respondents doctors doctors

sampling procedure area sampling usage and attitude

pre launch research clinical trials and formulations clinical trials and formulations

select the blank

question respondent's imagination is tested in ________.
correct answer rorschach test
your answer depth research

multiple choice single answer

question multidimensional scaling, does not explain:-
correct answer perception about the brands
your answer preference about the products

multiple choice single answer

question the physical characteristics of the questionnaire are important in motivating the
respondent to participate and complete the form. this is true in case of
correct answer mail survey
your answer mail survey

multiple choice single answer

question descriptors describing the selection criteria of the individuals needed for the
study are known as:
correct answer respondent descriptors
your answer demographic descriptors

multiple choice multiple answer

question semantic differential scale can be used for :-
correct answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj ,
rating the success of a new software
your answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj , rating
the success of a new software

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

multiple choice single answer

question in pre launch research of pharmaceutical products, it is conducted for
correct answer clinical trials under controlled parameters for efficiency and side effects
your answer clinical trials under controlled parameters for efficiency and side effects

question the written contract of a research should cover the penalty clause covering
deficits such as delays, inadequate data.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question finding out the number of vehicles at a given junction is a ________ method.
correct answer direct observation
your answer direct observation

question close ended questions are time consuming and costly exercise.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer probing

multiple choice multiple answer

question scale intervals can be used for the following
correct answer age , land holdings , income
your answer age , income , occupation
multiple choice single answer
question which of the following is the source of internal published data?
correct answer chairman's statement
your answer chairman's statement

select the blank

question ________ type of question allow response in affirmative or negative.
correct answer dichotomous
your answer dichotomous

question clarity in report writing should be there to avoid vagueness and misinterpretation.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question association technique is a type of ________.
correct answer projective technique
your answer close ended question

question retail store audit(rsa) divides india into 4 zones and 22 states.
correct answer true
your answer true

match the following

question correct answer your answer

getting the feel of possibility of a candidate winning in an election telephonic telephonic

exploring the conversion rate at a retail outlet observation direct interviews

getting the feedback of demonstration of a food processor experimental postal survey

getting the responses from experts regarding a new chemical postal survey experimental

multiple choice multiple answer

question market & sales analysis helps management in :-
correct answer developing company's sales plan (short and long term) , setting
standards of sales performance , estimating total sales force needed in future
your answer developing company's sales plan (short and long term) , setting standards of
sales performance , preparing executive reports

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications can be refered for the research on cotton & textile industry?
correct answer indian cotton mills federation journal , texprocil bulletin , indian textile bulletin
your answer indian textile bulletin , indian cotton mills federation journal

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-
correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents
your answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false
your answer true

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research
your answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely completion
of research

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question quota controls are used for national panel studies.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question what is ment by the value of research information?
correct answer cost benefit analysis of the data
your answer how valuable the data is for the client

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis
your answer regression analysis

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

multiple choice single answer

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-
correct answer data warehousing
your answer data warehousing

question balance sheet is an internal unpublished data.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer information

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.
correct answer chat sessions
your answer chat sessions

multiple choice single answer

question a process of recognizing and noting people is known as :-
correct answer direct observation method
your answer direct observation method

select the blank

question pie chart is a round chart divided into sections denoting ________ associated with
each value.
correct answer percentage
your answer percentage

select the blank

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule
correct answer minimum
your answer minimum

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price
multiple choice multiple answer
question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-
correct answer price , reliability , credit
your answer price , reliability , credit

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer false

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer

question verbalization of attitude is known as :-
correct answer opinion
your answer opinion

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor analysis.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market characteristics study , establishment of quota and territories , market
share analysis study
your answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

multiple choice multiple answer

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-
correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
your answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

question data published by the audit bureau of circulation is an external published data.
correct answer true
your answer true
multiple choice single answer
question what is the publication report?
correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.
your answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice single answer

question "structured"/ "unstructured" questionnaire is a classification based on the :-
correct answer degree of formality
your answer degree of formality

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

match the following

question correct answer your answer

bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra agra

cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin cochin

cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi new delhi

automotive research association of india pune pune

select the blank

question ________must cover all possible contingencies.
correct answer branching questions
your answer checklist

multiple choice single answer

question in market research, research director must oversees :-
correct answer execution of research at each stage
your answer budget of research

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

multiple choice multiple answer

question for logical concrete and helpful interpretation which things are the most important?
correct answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , infrequent answers should not
go unnoticed , objective and fundamental principal should always be dealt first
your answer interpretation should be honest and undistorted , objective and fundamental
principal should always be dealt first , averages are merely tendency and generalization

multiple choice multiple answer

question in data analysis, the analysis methods are :-
correct answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association
your answer examine difference , analyze experimental data , investigate association

select the blank

question in marketing research, written contract should contain feedback on ________.
correct answer findings and implementation
your answer research methodology

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question simple tabulation is the relationship between two or more variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the responses for the 'education' of a respondent can include
correct answer not disclosed , illiterate , literate without formal schooling
your answer illiterate , literate without formal schooling

question motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in human
beings who are dynamic.
correct answer false
your answer false

marketing research

total set –2

dangler pop
pop communication medium
opinion polls daily basis
corporate image study advertising research

rating the views regarding the product or a service itemized rating scale
ranking the attributes as per the preferences rank order scale
indication of two or more entities being different from each other nominal scale
placing different entities in relative position ordinal scale

"what might this be ?" inkblot test

aided recall depth research
doesn’t intend to tell projective techniques
ease of construction likert scale
automotive research association of india pune
bharat leather corpn. ltd. agra
cashew corporation of india ltd. cochin
cement corporation of india ltd. new delhi

set 1
question measurement of attitudes is done through :-
correct answer scaling techniques

question the variable ________indicates the religion of the respondent.

correct answer sikh

question what is the source of information to know the technical details of norms for using
construction chemicals?
correct answer indian concrete journal

question stimulated test marketing can be used in :-

correct answer product concept testing , pilot study before national launch , packaging

question what is the publication report?

correct answer a report with style, content according to the magazine and journals.

question in regression analysis, dependent variables must be measured on nominal scale.

correct answer false

question ________ is the final step of data acquisition plan.

correct answer data collection

question which are the new delhi based research institutions?

correct answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india

question brand image building is not important in case of industrial product for quality.
correct answer false

question in mds the impact of pricing can be studied for the comparison of ________.
correct answer spatial maps

question what are the disadvantages of secondary data?

correct answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement

question in conjoint analysis ranking of total utility is done from highest to lowest.
correct answer true

question the technique in which respondents are provided with incomplete sentences which
they can complete as they choose to do so, is known as construction technique.
correct answer false

question following are the characteristics of factor analysis :-

correct answer uses an advance forms of co-relation analysis to the responses , variables that
are interrelated and similar are reduced to smaller numbers of uncorrelated factors. , the model is
primarily based on liner relationship through which factor loading is derived.

question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". what facilitated the idea of
starting a copy service ?
correct answer availability of the shop next door on lease

question retail store audit(rsa) divides india into 4 zones and 22 states.
correct answer true

question spontaneous response from respondent is possible in :-

correct answer free response questions , probing questions , unstructured questions

question in online surveys,________ works like focus groups.

correct answer chat sessions

question the methods to decide the number of clusters are :-

correct answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. , relative
size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest same

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price

question market & sales analysis helps management in :-

correct answer developing company's sales plan (short and long term) , setting standards of
sales performance , estimating total sales force needed in future

question the ________ uses a cartoon format in which one of the characters is represented as
saying something.
correct answer roseinweig test

question market research is done to

correct answer explore the opportunities

question the objectives of marketing research are

correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-

correct answer forced exposure test

question the accuracy and reliability of sampling data is affected by two different types of errors
correct answer sampling errors and non-sampling errors

question complete________ of respondent and secrecy of data should be maintained.

correct answer confidentiality

question causal research design is also known as :-

correct answer experimental research design

question the client or organization should answer the queries of cost v/s benefits of research.
correct answer true

question while formulating the research purpose the following points should be taken into
consideration :-
correct answer what are the problems or opportunities? , what are the decision alternatives? ,
who are the users of the research?

question dichotomous form of questions can be observed in :-

correct answer branching questions , qualifying questions , opening questions

question kurtosis is measure of ________ or flatness of curve defined by the frequency

correct answer relative peakedness

question which of the following are the types of sales and market research?
correct answer market share analysis study , market characteristics study , establishment of
quota and territories

question checklists are useful for :-

correct answer factual data

question technical jargon should be used when unavoidable.

correct answer true

question getting the response for television viewership from a group of respondents over the
period of six months is an example of consumer panel survey.
correct answer true

question which of the following methods is not used for descriptive research?
correct answer experiments

question in mds, two-way modes, products can be compared on objective and perceived
correct answer true

question taking the responses on which political party will win the upcoming election is known
as ________.
correct answer opinion poll

question research carried out based on the existing data is ________

correct answer secondary research

question munshi forecasts are based on :-

correct answer his vast experience

question a multivariate technique which attempts to ascertain the relation between a given
variable & a no of other variables is known as :-
correct answer regression analysis

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-

correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

question which scale uses numbers as labels only?

correct answer nominal scale

question in cluster analysis linkage is based on ________distance or neighbour rule

correct answer minimum

set 2
question when target respondents are intercepted and shopping areas, it is called mall
correct answer true

question in resources for marketing research skilled staff plays an important role in :-
correct answer maintaining data , dealing with different situation and problems , timely
completion of research

question pretesting gives an advanced view of :-

correct answer interview limitations , data gathering task , outcome with reference to objective

question attitudes are measured through scaling and projective techniques.

correct answer true

question in two mode, two way data of mds, the products can be compared on the basis of
________ .
correct answer objective and perceived attributes

question sales forecast helps to decide the :-

correct answer purchase of inventory

question the respondent is shown clippings of advertisements in which brand names are
deleted. he is then asked to identify the brand and the media where it appeared. this is known as
correct answer recognition test

question clarity in report writing should be there to avoid vagueness and misinterpretation.
correct answer true

question the retail store audits and prescription audits carried out by org are like ________ at
all chemists .
correct answer fmcg products

question what is coding?

correct answer assigning a code number to each possible response to the question

question this question is based on the case study of "research on consumer products". the
company did not have any major threat from competition in the indian market.
correct answer false

question identify the close ended question type :-

correct answer scales

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only

correct answer manufacturers

question motivation research is easy to handle as it deals with qualitative variables in human
beings who are dynamic.
correct answer false

question information pertaining to the population is which type of data?

correct answer demographic data

question a town can be classified on the basis of population as

correct answer class i , classiii , metro

question the assumption that the respondents externalization is the process of his
internalization is observed in ________.
correct answer thematic apperception test

question the response format is determined in the

correct answer 4th step

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.

correct answer false

question retail store audit uses :-

correct answer random multistratified sampling

question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically

question in report writing, letter of transmission indicates :-

correct answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official authorization

question in snowball sampling, initial sample sizes selected using probability methods but
additional units are obtained through information supplied by initial units called________.
correct answer refferals

question scale intervals can be used for the following

correct answer age , land holdings , income

question handling large amounts of data is possible through :-

correct answer data warehousing

question diagrammatic rating scale is best used for :-

correct answer rural respondents , children , illiterate respondents

question diagnostic methods of sales forecasting are :-

correct answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method

question descriptors describing the selection criteria of the individuals needed for the study are
known as:
correct answer respondent descriptors

question likert scale allows the respondents to either agree or disagree with the statement.
correct answer true

question ________ are the internalized factors that cause people to behave the way they do.
correct answer motives

question in ________ forecast, he collects all information in his mind and based on his vast
experience he makes forecast.
correct answer munshi

question through cluster analysis objects/cases are classified into relatively________ group
called cluster.
correct answer homogeneous

question the researcher must work according to the client's biases, prejudices and
correct answer false
question pretesting is one of the stages of questionnaire design.
correct answer true

question this question is based on the case study of "revival of three star hotel". the
management was considering attracting business executives, before that, it ________.
correct answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel

question the arrangement of data items in a numerical sequence either ascending or

descending order is :-
correct answer an array

question in hierarchical method of cluster analysis is again divided into :-

correct answer linkage , variance , centrioid method

question vendor evaluation has to be done to select best vendor for :-

correct answer price , reliability , credit

question report should be terse and concise.

correct answer false

question in sales analysis research a sales representative's work load depend on :-

correct answer number of clients, distributors or dealers

question semantic differential scale can be used for :-

correct answer rating the program " jassi jaisi koi nahin" , rating the service at hotel taj , rating
the success of a new software

question measuring what it is supposed to measure refers to ________.

correct answer validity

question which institutions should be contacted for research on paint chemicals?

correct answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development center ,
building research institute

question in simple regression yc = a +byz where :-

correct answer yc = sales forecast for given value of x , a= expected values of sales at x = 0 ,
byz =average change in sales per unit changes in advertising expenditure

question in trend analysis y= l x s x c x i where time = long term movement, seasonal and
cyclical and irregular.
correct answer false

unsolved/skipped questions

implanting rumors in the market is a form of corporate espionage.


the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on the market
information because
the resources are scarce
there is cut throught competition
due to the government regulations
to cut the costs

factors affecting consumer decision process include :-

economic factors
intrinsic factors
external factors
communication medium

market research is an inexact science.


what is the responsibility of client in problem determination?

monitor competitive and market environment
giving proper information to respondent
adapting strategy for analysis
transferring data

in absence of proper planning/ analysis /problem definition/ information the market research
becomes a data collection exercise.

list of attempted questions and answers

select the blank

question spontaneous responses are obtained in ________ questions.
correct answer open ended
your answer open ended

multiple choice multiple answer

question cluster analysis is used in :-
correct answer market segment , understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets
for various marketing strategies
your answer understanding buyer behavior , selecting test markets for various marketing
strategies , market segment

select the blank

question through cluster analysis objects/cases are classified into relatively________
group called cluster.
correct answer homogeneous
your answer homogeneous

select the blank

question the retail store audits and prescription audits carried out by org are like ________
at all chemists .
correct answer fmcg products
your answer fmcg products

question sampling in which each element has known chance for inclusion in the study is
known as probability sampling
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question in delphi method experts or knowledgeable people are invited to give their
forecast :-
correct answer without giving reasons
your answer without giving reasons

multiple choice single answer

question in cluster analysis, a linkage method based on average distance between all
pairs of objects where one member of the pair is from each of the cluster, it is called as :-
correct answer average linkage
your answer ward method

multiple choice multiple answer

question the types of report are
correct answer technical report , publication report , executive report
your answer technical report , publication report , executive report

multiple choice single answer

question while determining the interviewing process, the researcher is confronted with :-
correct answer ascertaining the communication media
your answer type of questions to use

question likert scale allows the respondents to either agree or disagree with the statement.
correct answer true
your answer true

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question the ________ has set up districts and boundaries based on homogeneity of
socio-cultural parameters.
correct answer state re-organization commission
your answer national research association

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

multiple choice single answer

question lost horse method is also called as :-
correct answer value judgment
your answer value judgment

select the blank

question research carried out based on the existing data is ________
correct answer secondary research
your answer secondary research

question the starting point of the semantic differential scale is neutral.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new
markets , to analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice single answer

question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

question market research & marketing research can be used interchangeably.
correct answer false
your answer true

question telephonic surveys can be used to identify the acceptability of the food processor
after demonstration.
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice single answer

question the impact of promotional slogans on the consumers can be studied with
correct answer association technique
your answer association technique

multiple choice multiple answer

question issues which a doctors seeks regarding a product are :-
correct answer amount of drugs required , indications for prescription , efficiency over all
time needed for drug concentration in the body
your answer amount of drugs required , indications for prescription , efficiency over all time
needed for drug concentration in the body
multiple choice multiple answer
question scale intervals can be used for the following
correct answer age , land holdings , income
your answer age , income , occupation

multiple choice multiple answer

question a good research design should ensure that the data is gathered :-
correct answer accurately , timely , economically
your answer accurately , timely , economically

multiple choice multiple answer

question a town can be classified on the basis of population as
correct answer class i , classiii , metro
your answer class i , metro , rural

multiple choice single answer

question the respondent is shown clippings of advertisements in which brand names are
deleted. he is then asked to identify the brand and the media where it appeared. this is known as
correct answer recognition test
your answer recognition test

multiple choice single answer

question the technique through which objects/ cases are classified into relative
homogeneous groups or clusters is known as :-
correct answer cluster analysis
your answer cluster analysis

multiple choice single answer

question a multivariate statistical technique that uses a class of procedures for data
reduction & summarization is known as :-
correct answer factor analysis
your answer factor analysis

select the blank

question ________represents a close ended question.
correct answer scales
your answer scales

multiple choice multiple answer

question diagnostic methods of sales forecasting are :-
correct answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method
your answer munshi forecasts , last horse method , delphi method

select the blank

question market research is a ________ industry in india.
correct answer growing
your answer growing

multiple choice multiple answer

question ethics in marketing research underline the three basic responsibilities that
includes :-
correct answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the client ,
responsibility towards the researcher
your answer responsibility towards the respondent , responsibility towards the client ,
responsibility towards the researcher

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following represents a sampling error ?
correct answer selected sample not representative of the population
your answer selected sample not representative of the population

multiple choice multiple answer

question which of the following are the international / national mr players?
correct answer imrb , gallup/mba , nfo
your answer imf , imrb , nfo

question a show card is the identity of the researcher conducting the interview
correct answer false
your answer false

question in mds, two-way modes, products can be compared on objective and perceived
correct answer true
your answer true

select the blank

question taking the responses on which political party will win the upcoming election is
known as ________.
correct answer opinion poll
your answer opinion poll

match the following

question correct answer your answer

low responses inaccessibility inaccessibility

sampling error not representative of population not representative of population

non-sampling error recording error recording error

sampling information about population information about population

multiple choice multiple answer
question a questionnaire :-
correct answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an
instrument for seeking and recording data
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

multiple choice multiple answer

question the methods to decide the number of clusters are :-
correct answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. ,
relative size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest
same number.
your answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. , relative
size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest same

multiple choice multiple answer

question pretesting of questionnaire includes testing of :-
correct answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation
your answer question content , time taken to answer questions , categorisation

match the following

question correct answer your answer

conjoint analysis brand swot analysis dependent variables and variance

regression analysis standard deviation = 6y= standard deviation = 6y=

cluster analysis hierarchical and non hierarchical methods hierarchical and non hierarchical

factor analysis eigen value & communality variance and factor loading

select the blank

question the significance of market research is increasing due to shift from ________
correct answer price to non price
your answer price to non price

select the blank

question the variable ________indicates the religion of the respondent.
correct answer sikh
your answer sikh

question attitudes are measured through scaling and projective techniques.
correct answer true
your answer false
multiple choice single answer
question the respondent may refuse to answer a question if he feels it is invading his
privacy or has no legitimate purpose. the researcher considers such issues at which stage of the
questionnaire design?
correct answer evaluating the question content
your answer determining the wordings of the question

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

list of attempted questions and answers

multiple choice single answer

question descriptors describing the selection criteria of the individuals needed for the study are
known as:
correct answer respondent descriptors
your answer respondent descriptors

multiple choice single answer

question lost horse method is also called as :-
correct answer value judgment
your answer value judgment

select the blank

question the assumption that the respondents externalization is the process of his
internalization is observed in ________.
correct answer thematic apperception test
your answer thematic apperception test

multiple choice multiple answer

question in industrial product research the research methodologies adopted are :-
correct answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research
your answer in-depth interviews , surveys , application research

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to understand the effect of cable tv industry on hindi cinema causal research causal research

to find out the preference of movie theaters for the youth descriptive research descriptive

to ascertain the possibility of developing solar car exploratory research consumer panel survey

to understand the buying pattern of grocery items for a group of housewives over six months
consumer panel survey causal research

multiple choice multiple answer

question adhoc methods for determining sample size are :-
correct answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies
your answer rules of thumb , budget constraint , comparable studies

select the blank

question the clients or organization should do the comparison of defined research problem with
correct answer other problems that need to be studied
your answer other problems that need to be studied

question range is the simplest measure of calculation of mean.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question what is the significance of report?
correct answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable policies
and decisions. , for future references as secondary data
your answer quality of report is adjudged by a report , lead to appropriate actionable policies
and decisions. , for future references as secondary data

select the blank

question a factor's eigne value is the sum of________ of factor loading.
correct answer square
your answer square

multiple choice single answer

question which of the following represents a sampling error ?
correct answer selected sample not representative of the population
your answer selected sample not representative of the population

select the blank

question kurtosis is measure of ________ or flatness of curve defined by the frequency
correct answer relative peakedness
your answer relative peakedness

multiple choice single answer

question market research is done to
correct answer explore the opportunities
your answer explore the opportunities

question use of data analysis programme is the analysis strategy .
correct answer true
your answer true

question telephonic surveys can be used to identify the acceptability of the food processor after
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question measurement of the existing data or information is known as :-
correct answer facts
your answer facts

multiple choice multiple answer

question the objectives of marketing research are
correct answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors
your answer to understand the consumer needs and wants , to explore the new markets , to
analyze the competitors

multiple choice multiple answer

question multidimensional scaling consist of :-
correct answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference
your answer attribute data , non attribute data , similarity and preference

select the blank

question data cleaning is done through extensive checks for________.
correct answer consistency and treatment of missing responses
your answer consistency and treatment of missing responses

multiple choice single answer

question utilities of conjoint analysis are arrived through :-
correct answer iterative technique
your answer iterative technique

question determining the questionnaire structure is the first step of process of questionnaire
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question what are the disadvantages of secondary data?
correct answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement
your answer inaccuracy , incompleteness , unit of measurement

match the following

question correct answer your answer

dangler pop pop

pop communication medium communication medium

opinion polls daily basis daily basis

corporate image study advertising research advertising research

multiple choice single answer

question what is executive report?
correct answer report for decision makers
your answer report for scientific or technically trend people.

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire :-
correct answer is an instrument for seeking and recording data , motivates a respondent to
respond , facilitates data processing
your answer motivates a respondent to respond , facilitates data processing , is an instrument
for seeking and recording data

multiple choice single answer

question demographic information and identification information is :-
correct answer towards the end of the interview
your answer at the beginning of the interview

select the blank

question the efficiency of otc products is checked by ________ only
correct answer manufacturers
your answer manufacturers

question a show card is the identity of the researcher conducting the interview
correct answer false
your answer false

question semantic differential scale is only three point rating scale.
correct answer false
your answer false

select the blank

question leading indicators are also known as ________.
correct answer advanced indicators
your answer advanced indicators

multiple choice multiple answer

question the respondents in the research of pharma companies are :-
correct answer doctors , patients , pharmacists
your answer doctors , patients , pharmacists

multiple choice multiple answer

question in hierarchical method of cluster analysis is again divided into :-
correct answer linkage , variance , centrioid method
your answer linkage , variance , centrioid method

select the blank

question research carried out based on the existing data is ________
correct answer secondary research
your answer secondary research

question when target respondents are intercepted and shopping areas, it is called mall
correct answer true
your answer true

question in conjoint analysis, the assumption is that an individual is incapable of ranking
options on basis of some criterion.
correct answer false
your answer false
multiple choice single answer
question the long form of imrb is :-
correct answer indian market research bureau
your answer indian market research bureau

multiple choice single answer

question what is the first step in the research design process?
correct answer problem identification
your answer problem identification

multiple choice multiple answer

question which are the new delhi based research institutions?
correct answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india
your answer nrdc , csir , cement research institute of india

multiple choice multiple answer

question online survey methods include :-
correct answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys
your answer email survey , html survey , downloadable interactive surveys

multiple choice single answer

question the producers in the sellers' market are also forced to take decisions based on the
market information because
correct answer the resources are scarce
your answer the resources are scarce

select the blank

question the responsibility of a client towards a research firm include ________.
correct answer disclosure of relevant proprietary data
your answer not subjecting to unwanted research

multiple choice multiple answer

question which publications are used for research on chemical industry?
correct answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals
your answer indian chemical directory , chemical industry news , chemical & petro chemicals

select the blank

question market research is a ________ industry in india.
correct answer growing
your answer growing

question the technique in which respondents are provided with incomplete sentences which
they can complete as they choose to do so, is known as construction technique.
correct answer false
your answer false

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be termed as "good" when :-
correct answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the
necessary information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the
necessary information
your answer the respondent can understand the question , the respondent has the necessary
information to answer the questions , if the respondent is willing to provide the necessary

select the blank

question ________ is the determinant of how people act.
correct answer knowledge
your answer knowledge

list of attempted questions and answers –market research 2

multiple choice single answer

question validation is fundamental step in research because :-
correct answer it ensures that data has accurately measured
your answer it ensures that data has accurately measured

multiple choice multiple answer

question which institutions should be contacted for research on paint chemicals?
correct answer national chemical laboratory, pune , industrial research & development
center , building research institute
your answer industrial research & development center , building research institute , national
chemical laboratory, pune

select the blank

question ________are used for national panel studies.
correct answer quota controls
your answer refferals

multiple choice multiple answer

question the national readership survey(nrs) investigates :-
correct answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication , readership per
copy of publication
your answer readership by income levels , readership by duplication , readership per copy of

multiple choice multiple answer

question characteristics of open ended questions include :-
correct answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory
research , unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained
your answer they develop rapport with the respondent , they help in exploratory research ,
unanticipated views of the respondent are obtained

multiple choice single answer

question in data analysis simple tabulation shows the distribution of :-
correct answer one variable at a time
your answer one variable at a time
multiple choice single answer
question point of purchase(pop) is researched through :-
correct answer forced exposure test
your answer forced exposure test

multiple choice single answer

question sirdo is the abbreviation of ?
correct answer small industries research & development organization
your answer small industries research & development organization

match the following

question correct answer your answer

low responses inaccessibility respondent

sampling error not representative of population not representative of population

non-sampling error recording error recording error

sampling information about population sampling unit

multiple choice multiple answer

question a questionnaire can be filled through different means like :-
correct answer personal interview , telephone interview , observation
your answer personal interview , telephone interview , information from secondary sources

multiple choice multiple answer

question this question is based on the case study of "the bookshop". who were the major
correct answer university departmental machines , university library , tinko's
your answer university departmental machines

question descriptive research is a type of conclusive research.
correct answer true
your answer true

question response is unstructured and spontaneous in close ended question.
correct answer false
your answer true

select the blank

question the data must be obtained quickly enough at ________.
correct answer reasonable costs
your answer appropriate costs
multiple choice single answer
question evaluating the question content is the :-
correct answer 4th step
your answer 5th step

multiple choice single answer

question retail store audit uses :-
correct answer random multistratified sampling
your answer cluster sampling

select the blank

question ________ are the internalized factors that cause people to behave the way they
correct answer motives
your answer influencers

match the following

question correct answer your answer

to understand the effect of cable tv industry on hindi cinema causal research secondary

to find out the preference of movie theaters for the youth descriptive research descriptive

to ascertain the possibility of developing solar car exploratory research exploratory


to understand the buying pattern of grocery items for a group of housewives over six months
consumer panel survey consumer panel survey

question sampling in which each element has known chance for inclusion in the study is
known as probability sampling
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question ultra violet ink is used to disguise customer coding. this activity is :-
correct answer a disapproved method
your answer to facilitate coding

multiple choice single answer

question what is ment by the value of research information?
correct answer cost benefit analysis of the data
your answer how valuable the data is for the client
multiple choice multiple answer
question non hierarchical procedure of cluster analysis further has other subtypes like:-
correct answer sequential threshold , parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning
your answer sequential threshold , parallel threshold , optimizing partitioning

question factor loading is the correlation between a factor and a variable in a factor
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the retail store audit does not measure:-
correct answer brand loyalty
your answer brand loyalty

select the blank

question in mail survey, the questionnaire is ________.
correct answer self administered
your answer self administered

multiple choice multiple answer

question the types of report are
correct answer technical report , publication report , executive report
your answer technical report , publication report , executive report

multiple choice single answer

question in report writing, letter of transmission indicates :-
correct answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official
your answer to whom the report is submitted, reason for research and official authorization

multiple choice multiple answer

question an ideal questionnaire :-
correct answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout
your answer is short and concise , has specific questions , has uncluttered layout

question in conjoint analysis ranking involves complex trade offs.
correct answer true
your answer true

question likert scale is relatively easy to construct and administer.
correct answer true
your answer true
multiple choice single answer
question informal interview is also known as :-
correct answer in-depth interview
your answer structured interview

question in data interpretation, cross tabulation is the distribution of one variables.
correct answer false
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question which is the journal available for footware?
correct answer journal of leather technologists association
your answer journal of footwear manufacturers association

question a show card is the identity of the researcher conducting the interview
correct answer false
your answer false

multiple choice multiple answer

question specialized techniques of market research include :-
correct answer national readership survey , forced exposure test , consumer panels
your answer national readership survey , consumer panels , brand loyalty

select the blank

question in snowball sampling, initial sample sizes selected using probability methods but
additional units are obtained through information supplied by initial units called________.
correct answer refferals
your answer individuals

multiple choice single answer

question in geometric space, multidimensional scaling is a statistical technique that
represents :-
correct answer perceptions and preferences of respondents as points
your answer behavioral pattern of respondents

multiple choice multiple answer

question the methods to decide the number of clusters are :-
correct answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. ,
relative size of cluster should be meaningful. , theoretical or practical consideration may suggest
same number.
your answer the distance at which clusters are combined can be used as a criteria. , relative
size of cluster should be meaningful.

select the blank

question this question is based on the case study of "revival of three star hotel". the
management was considering attracting business executives, before that, it ________.
correct answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel
your answer wanted to study the data of guests already available with the hotel

question technical jargon should be used when unavoidable.
correct answer true
your answer true

multiple choice single answer

question the respondent is shown clippings of advertisements in which brand names are
deleted. he is then asked to identify the brand and the media where it appeared. this is known as
correct answer recognition test
your answer media research

select the blank

question informal interview is a ________ format of data collection.
correct answer unstructured
your answer structured

select the blank

question bibliography contains ________.
correct answer information of references and secondary data
your answer information of sampling

select the blank

question the variable ________indicates the religion of the respondent.
correct answer sikh
your answer sikh

multiple choice single answer

question the factor analysis is designed to :-
correct answer reduce many variables to fewer underlying factors
your answer to reduce the many variables to one or less variable

question in the funnel approach, specific questions come first and general questions later.
correct answer false
your answer true

select the blank

question ________ loading is the corelation between a factor and variable.
correct answer factor
your answer factor

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