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Q: “Social media has transformed the world we live in.

” To what extent do you agree with this


Did you know, most people aged 12/18 in the UK use the app “Instagram” 3 hours a day? Social
media has changed our lives and in this essay I am going to tell you to what extent it has done
FIRSTLY,there is no doubt that technology enables us to communicate faster. For example, skyp
e and zoom means that we can immediately connect with friends on the other side of the world.
This is a huge change from sending letters and making telephone calls as happened in the
past. Another example of how technology has transformed society is the democratization of
voice. In real life, power and your voice’s loudness affects your voice in small or big groups, but i
n social media, power becomes followers/subscribers and there is no “loudness” of voice. This
means that now more people can share and view opinions.

Another example is that

Social media isn’t a newspaper - they don't get checked. Posts are visible to everyone using th
at social media app in an instant, and false information can spread very fast. An example is
the idea that Covid vaccines were ineffective and this idea spread quickly on the internet. This
is a change from the past where information was shared slowly and to very few people.
Furthermore, All of this
his contributes to anxiety and a constant need to check your phone, leading to addiction. For
example, meeting for regular gaming with friends can cause you to want to do more of it. There
was no social in the past so there was no addiction to them.

However, in some aspects the world has stayed the same. For example, despite online meeting
rooms most people still interact in real life situations. An example of this is that in my own life my
family and I interact by going out. This is the same as the time before social media when
interactions were not carried out online, but face to face in the real world.

Also, Reallife interactions are used in education. Think about it: How would you do a science exp
eriment at home while in an online meeting? It's not possible! There are still many more reaso
ns why real
life interactions are used in education, and social media hasn't changed this yet.

In conclusion, although technology have transformed our society in many ways, in my opinion
it has not totally changed it for the reasons discussed above. Are we on the same page?

“Retreat!” Tom said. “It’s not worth it for both of you, just go!”
Swarms of soldiers stormed the door, because someone had
launched an attack around the mysterious room. “I know a
location where we might be safe. Follow me.” The group of
THREE went into the laboratory near the mysterious room,
and breathed a sigh of relief. But how did they get there?
Four months ago, the richest person in the world, Stanley
(who was also a kid) put a mysterious object in a mysterious
room, behind a locked door. He announced, “I put an object
behind a secure room. There are a few ways to get the object:
Find the password, Guess what the object is, or successfully
break into the room. I will give a clue for each of the ways
every month, and after a year, the object will self-destruct.
Your first clue for unlocking the door is ‘111’.”
“117? What even is he talking about…” says Jack. “I don't
know, but let’s get to the door and start trying out different
passwords”, says Tom. Tom and Jack went to the room, and
started to try out different combinations, but there were too
many combinations. The only clue they got is that “11” was
the start of the password.
Time has passed quickly. Tom and Jack have tried many
childish and random combinations starting with “11”. They met
Professor Smith, who shared a bit of skills about decoding
with them, and they figured out that the second clue and third
clue points out the fact that apple juice is better than orange
juice in morse code and ciphers, but it isn’t useful either.
In a basement far away, Sara saw the fourth clue
announcement. The fourth clue was a huge help for those
who are guessing the object, because the clue says that the
object in the room was powerful. Sara wanted to take over the
world, so Sara and her soldiers took over the room, and tried
directly breaking into the walls. With the help of a magical
blade, Sara broke halfway into the wall, and is in the lead!
Professor Smith agreed to team up with Jack and Tom, and
Stanley convinced Sara to let the group of THREE back near
the room. However, they lost a lot of time, and only one month
is left. On the last day, Stanley announced the solution for all
the ways of breaking in, and it was a race to see who can
solve their puzzle first. Professor Smith needed to find the
solution in a big tree, Jack and Tom needed to find a way to
rearrange the password, and Sara had to find different tools to
break different materials.

At last, Jack and Tom rearranged the fastest and they got the
object! It was a mini black hole that can fit in a pocket, and
can be turned on and off. However, Jack and Tom thought it
was too powerful, so they closed the door and headed out,
making it self-destruct.

“That may have been the smartest decision I have ever seen
in my life!” says Stanley.

I love it .

But please decide what tense you are writing in as it jumps around!

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