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Name: _________________________ Date: _________________________


Follow along with the powerpoint and record the necessary information.

1. Define the following:

Holocaust The annihilation of the Jews and other groups of people of Europe under the
Nazi regime during WW2.

Genocide It is the systematic extermination of a nationality or group.

2. The name of the most notorious concentration camp during the Holocaust, located in Poland.

3. Record the four stages of isolation:

i. Stripping of Right

ii. Segregation

iii. Concentration

iv. Extermination
4. The Nuremberg Laws stripped Jewish people of their rights. List THREE points from this slide:

i. Forced to pay reparations and a special income tax

ii. Banned from German schools and universities

iii. forced to wear the armband of the Yellow ``Star of David.``

5. What was the purpose of the ghettoization of the Jews?

Jews were forced to live in designated areas called “ghettos” to isolate them from the rest of

6. What was the purpose of the concentration camps?

Its purpose was slave labor, “annihilation by work” and prisoners faced undernourishment
and starvation.

7. Upon entry into the camps, what happened to each new prisoner?

They’re possessions would be confiscated, heads were shaved, arms were tattooed, and they
were forced to wear prison uniforms.

8. What is the Final Solution? What chemical was used to achieve this goal?
The Final Solution called for the extermination, complete, and mass annihilation of Jews as
well as other groups. Zyklon B gas became the agent in the mass extermination.

9. What are the Nuremberg Trials?

They are 1945-1949 trials for war crimes of Nazi officials (174 war criminals were tried).
10. Why doesn’t Palestine appear on this

Palestine wasn’t approved as a country

back then.

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