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Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038

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Quaternary environmental evolution in the South Carpathians

reconstructed from glaciokarst geomorphology and
sedimentary archives
Laura Tîrlă a,b,⁎, Virgil Drăgușin c, Petra Bajo d,e, Silviu Covaliov f, Nicolae Cruceru c, Vasile Ersek g,
Diana Hanganu h, John Hellstrom e, Dirk Hoffmann i, Ionuț Mirea c,j, Tiberiu Sava k,
Gabriela Sava k, Ionuț Şandric a,b,l
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, N. Bălcescu 1, Bucharest, Romania
Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB), M. Kogălniceanu 36-46, Bucharest, Romania
Emil Racoviță Institute of Speleology, Romanian Academy, Frumoasă St. 31, Bucharest, Romania
Croatian Geological Survey, Milana Sachsa 2, Zagreb, Croatia
School of Earth Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 2010, Australia
Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, Babadag St. 165, Tulcea, Romania
Northumbria University, Department of Geography, Ellison Building, NE1 8ST Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
ArchaeoScience#RO Platform, Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB), M. Kogălniceanu 36-46, Bucharest, Romania
Georg-August-Universität, Faculty of Geoscience and Geography, Department of Isotope Geology, Goldschmidtstraße 3, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany
Babeș-Bolyai University, Department of Geology, M. Kogălniceanu 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, IFIN-HH, 30 Reactorului St., Măgurele, Romania
ESRI Romania, Washington St. 25, Bucharest, Romania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Carpathian island-type glaciokarst has a great potential of preserving signals of past environments, archived
Received 22 May 2019 in cave deposits like speleothems and clastic infills. We present here the geomorphology and structural control of
Received in revised form 7 January 2020 several relict alpine caves and the surrounding glaciated marble karst in the Făgăraș Mountains. Four truncated
Accepted 9 January 2020
and partially unroofed caves remained on the ridge-top of Mușeteica Mountain, above the glacial cirque, while
Available online 10 January 2020
a ponor cave that developed on the cirque bottom could be related to the Last Glacial Period. Structural measure-
ments and cave morphology showed that the conduits formed at the intersection of foliation planes and tectonic
Carpathians fractures on the NE-SW and NW-SE directions. Cave development reflects three speleogenetic stages: 1) texture-
Speleothem and fabric-controlled dissolution and distension; 2) structurally-controlled breakdown; and 3) truncation,
Glaciated karst unroofing, and cave infilling with sediments. Slow diffuse dissolution was typical for the ridge-top caves, whereas
High-altitude cave M1 Cave developed by pressure flow.
Further, we report the first U\\Th speleothem ages, related to the evolution of alpine caves and island
glaciokarst in the South Carpathians during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. Dating results show a mini-
mum estimated age of ~560 ka for the ridge-top caves, and that speleothem deposition met optimal condi-
tions only during warmer periods, largely corresponding to interglacials. Stable carbon isotope values in
speleothems range between −9.96‰ and −4.11‰, indicating the presence of plant and soil organic activity
at the time of deposition. In total, five speleothem growth phases were distinguished during the last
~560 ka.
We excavated the sediment infill of a ridge-top doline down to a 2-m depth. Radiocarbon dating revealed that it
was deposited during the Late Holocene, and preliminary pollen analysis identified a plant assemblage domi-
nated by grasses.
Using the relationships between karst development, glaciation, and cave sedimentary archives, we present a time
slice chronology of alpine landscape evolution at N560 ka, ~400 ka, ~330 ka, the Last Glacial Period (70–12 ka),
and the Late Holocene. Our geomorphological, isotopic, and geochronological results also support the existing

⁎ Corresponding author at: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, N. Bălcescu 1,

Bucharest, Romania.
E-mail address: (L. Tîrlă).
0169-555X/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
4 L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038

hypothesis that the South Carpathians may have experienced at least two glacial phases during the Pleistocene.
Glacial erosion rate during the Last Glacial Period, and most likely during the penultimate glaciation, averages
around 0.6 mm yr−1.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction in the frontal part to 12.6 ± 2.0 ka in the glacial cirque (Kuhlemann
et al., 2013).
Glacial activity leaves geomorphological imprints on carbonate rock This study focuses on the geological conditioning of karst and glacial
bodies isolated at high altitudes, resulting in what is known as the is- relief development on the marble stripes of the central Făgăraș Moun-
land type glaciokarst (Veress et al., 2019). Glaciated karst is a complex tains in the high-altitude South Carpathians (N2000 m), defined by
landscape, sensitive to climate change and capable of preserving unique present-day average uplift rates of about 2–3 mm yr−1 (Zugrăvescu
evidence of past environmental change in alpine regions (Žebre and et al., 1998). We investigated tectonic features at different scales, as
Stepišnik, 2015). The presence of speleothems, the most used well as geomorphological traits based on a high-resolution digital eleva-
paleoenvironmental archive found in karst, often indicate the existence tion model (DEM).
of periods with optimal environmental conditions for their deposition, We present uranium‑thorium ages and carbon stable isotope data
which at mid- and high-latitudes are restricted mostly to warm periods from several speleothems retrieved from caves from around 2400 m al-
(McDermott, 2004). The initiation of cave formation itself, as resulting titude, and radiocarbon dates of a doline's sedimentary infill.
from a complex feedback between geology, geomorphology, climate, In addition to bringing new data on the morphology and genesis of
hydrology, and organic activity, is difficult to date but can be the Carpathian glaciokarst, our study also evaluates the reliability of
constrained using speleothem or clastic sediment deposition events karst sedimentary archives for future paleoenvironmental studies.
(Polyak et al., 1998; Sasowsky, 1998; Stock et al., 2006; Häuselmann
et al., 2015). The most common dating technique uses uranium series 2. Geological and geomorphological framework
in speleothems (Richards and Dorale, 2003; Dorale et al., 2004; White,
2007; Scholz and Hoffmann, 2008), but trapped charge techniques The central Făgăraș Mountains host an isolated marble karst with
such as OSL have also been used (Constantin et al., 2014). superimposed glacial features in the Mușeteica-Buda area, where
In a glaciated environment, caves can be either truncated or dolomitic-calcitic marbles outcrop on an area of about 3 km2 (Fig. 1).
completely removed by glaciation (Mais, 1999; Klimchouk et al., 2006), The karst morphology of the Mușeteica glacial valley was preliminarily
or be buried and preserved by infilling with glacial till (Cooper and investigated by Mihai and Moldoveanu (2006). These karst landforms
Mylroie, 2015). They can also preserve morphological traits and sedi- developed under particularly high-alpine climate conditions, typical
ments that could offer information useful for the reconstruction of moun- for the South Carpathians. Currently, mean annual temperatures are
tain uplift (Meyer et al., 2011). Alpine caves and their associated 0.8 °C at Bâlea Lake weather station, located at 2060 m elevation in a
sedimentary deposits brought more light onto the Quaternary evolution north-facing glacial cirque (National Meteorological Administration,
of the Alps (Spötl et al., 2002, 2007; Häuselmann et al., 2015), Apennines 2017), and 2.5 °C on the south-facing ridge crest at ~2400 m
(Columbu et al., 2015), Norwegian Alps (e.g., Lauritzen, 1995; Berstad (Drăgușin et al., 2019). Average precipitation amount is ~1300 mm/y,
et al., 2002), or the Cantabrian Mountains (Ballesteros et al., 2015, 2019). and snow cover usually persists from November until June. The marble
In Romania, glaciokarst does not reach a significant extent (Telbisz bedrock is covered by a thin, discontinuous soil layer.
et al., 2019), but a handful of glaciokarst islands developed on carbonate
rocks in the Rodnei and Parâng massifs (Teodorescu and Mitrofan, 2.1. Lithology, tectonics, and structure
1999), as well as Făgăraș (Mihai and Moldoveanu, 2006; Nedelea,
2006), and Piule-Iorgovanu (Ardelean, 2010) Mountains. However, es- The Mușeteica-Buda area is defined by NE-SW-oriented marble
pecially owing to its scarcity, the Carpathian glaciokarst is significant stripes of the Făgăraș terrane in the South Carpathian orogen, com-
due to the fact that it may preserve unique information about its tec- prised of a polymetamorphic sequence of sedimentary origin
tonic and climatic history. (Balintoni and Pană, 1993) of late Neoproterozoic-early Paleozoic
Late exhumation episodes during the Pleistocene favored a significant age (Giușcă et al., 1977; Kräutner, 1980; Balintoni, 1986; Gheuca,
extent of glaciations in the Carpathians (Urdea, 2004). Glacial geomor- 1988; Pană, 1990; Balintoni et al., 2014). Up to four metamorphic
phology of the Făgăraș Mountains supports the notion of at least two events affected the Făgăraș unit and were recognized in rock struc-
Pleistocene glacial phases (Florea, 1998; Mîndrescu and Evans, 2014). ture and texture (Stelea, 1992). The 40 Ar/39 Ar ages obtained by
Results of tectonic and thermochronological studies have shown that Dallmeyer et al. (1998) fall mostly within the 320–300 Ma range,
the paleoaltitudes were high since the latest Sarmatian (e.g., Răbăgia and showing the Variscan metamorphic imprint. The low-grade meta-
Maţenco, 1999; Merten, 2011), but equilibrium line altitude (ELA) lower- morphism was related to contraction and crustal thickening during
ing earlier than the Middle Pleistocene was unlikely. The first evidence of the Aptian emplacement of Supragetic Nappes and Maastrichtian
two distinct glacial phases in the Bucegi Mountains were inferred by overthrust of the Getic-Supragetic nappe stack over the Danubian
Micalevich (1959) from cave deposits in the Ialomiţa Cave. nappe complex (Iancu et al., 2005, and references therein).
Moreover, the inner-outer cirque pairs identified in several The lithology of the central part of Făgăraș Mts consists of gneiss,
Carpathian massifs represent evidence of glaciations older than 130 ka micaschists, amphibolitic schists, amphibolites, and marbles. The latter
(Mîndrescu, 2016). Nonetheless, the best-preserved glacial deposits are arranged in stripes and lenses ranging from 30 to 250 m in thickness,
date only since the Last Glacial Period (Reuther et al., 2007; Urdea and up to 5 km in length. The marble sequence hosting the karst of
et al., 2011; Kuhlemann et al., 2013; Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger et al., 2016). Mușeteica is the thickest (850 m) and longest of all (10 km). It consists
The last deglaciation has significantly contributed to the development of dolomite and calcite across a perpendicular NW-SE transect. The
of present-day alpine landscape in the central Făgăraș Mountains caves formed exclusively in calcite marbles, rich in quartz (0.72% to
(Kuhlemann et al., 2013; Popescu et al., 2017). 10Be analysis of the gla- 18.57%) and micas (C. Marin, pers. comm.). Orientation of the stress
cial moraines from Capra Valley indicated exposure ages of 17 ± 3.1 ka field during metamorphism determined a banded texture of marbles,
L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038 5

Fig. 1. A. Geographic setting of the Făgăraș Mountains (terrain map created from SRTM3 data, courtesy of USGS); Inset showing the location of the South Carpathians (SC) in Europe; B.
Geological map of the Făgăraș Mountains modified from Dessila-Codarcea et al. (1968) and location of marble caves (Silvășanu, 1982; Giurgiu, 1990; Drăgușin et al., 2019); C. Geological
and topographic setting of Mușeteica marble karst in the Făgăraș Mountains – modified from Schuster (1977); CNES/Airbus satellite image courtesy of Environmental Systems Research
Institute (ESRI).

similar to the general structural assemblage of the Făgăraș terrane. The infilled with sediments (M6 Cave). All the ridge-top caves and dolines
average dip of foliation planes ranges between 30° and 45°, locally ex- are clustered within a 5540-sqm area of triangular shape. They all host
ceeding 50°. It corresponds to the S2 foliation, which is the major struc- flowstones and stalagmites, some of which were progressively exposed
tural feature of the entire polymetamorphic sequence of the Făgăraș by slope retreat. In contrast, speleothems are absent in M1 Cave.
Unit (Stelea, 1992).
Faults and related fracture systems generally fall within two major
3. Methodology
structural sets, oriented NE-SW, and NW-SE, respectively. The first set
could be attributed to Late Cretaceous to Early Burdigalian
3.1. Aerial photogrammetry
transtension-extension and the clockwise rotation of the South
Carpathians (Maţenco et al., 1997; Schmid et al., 1998), whereas orien-
We surveyed a 1-km2 area of the Mușeteica glacial cirque using a DJI
tation of the second set suggests the effect of strike-slip movements
Phantom4 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A total of 1314 aerial images
during the Sarmatian tectogenetic events (Gheuca, 1988; Mațenco and
were collected at a speed of 5 m/s, with a vertical angle of 90°, and a side
Schmid, 1999).
and forward overlap of 70%. To increase the horizontal and vertical ac-
curacy, four ground control points were positioned using a Trimble
2.2. Cave setting
GeoXH 2008 DGPS. The root mean square error for all the points was
0.21 m. A high-resolution digital surface model (DSM) and digital eleva-
The Făgăraș Mountains host several small caves developed in mar-
tion model (DEM) of 50 cm/pixel, and an orthoimage of 10 cm/pixel
bles at elevations of 1200 m (five caves in the Capra Valley at Piscu
were generated by using the Drone2Map™ software.
Negru), and 2080–2430 m (one cave near Budislavu Lake, five caves in
the Ciortea Mt., and six caves in the Mușeteica Mt). To the east, four
caves developed in the Prislop-Coți area, at 1500–1600 m (Silvășanu, 3.2. Geomorphological mapping and morphometry
The presence of ridge-top caves and cave remnants on the A detailed geomorphological map was created on a 1:5000 scale to
Mușeteica-Râiosu crest is a typical feature of glaciokarst landscapes identify different genetic types of landforms: structural, petrographic,
(Smart, 2004). M1 Cave is a former ponor (Giurgiu, 2006) developed glacial, periglacial, and gravitational. Contour lines were automatically
in the glacial cirque bottom at ~2100 m, whilst M3-R2, M4, and M5 generated from the DSM at different scales to match the mapping pur-
caves are found on the ridge top, at 2400–2430 m a.s.l. (Fig. 2). One of pose. The 5-m contour interval served as a mapping support of all
the collapse dolines (D2) is an unroofed cave remnant, a former passage other geomorphic features on the 1:5000 scale.
6 L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038

Fig. 2. Location of ridge-top caves and dolines (cave remnants) in the Mușeteica area on the UAV oblique aerial photograph. Elevation of summits (m a.s.l.) are given in meters. The white
rectangle is about 30 m in width, and the dolines in the inset are ~7 m in width.

The glacial morphometry of Mușeteica cirque was used in order to to explore the regional and local controls of structural assemblages on
determine data on the average glacial erosion rate during the Last cave development. Over 500 fault and fracture segments were extracted
Glacial Period, the event which left the only physical markers with in the central Făgăraș Mts from CNES/Airbus satellite images (courtesy
this respect. In the lack of other evidence, we presumed that the cirque of Digital Globe). Documented faults (Dessila-Codarcea et al., 1968;
started forming at the beginning of MIS 4 (~70 ka). Five topographic Schuster, 1977) were plotted against the manually-extracted fault set.
transects were extracted across the cirque, perpendicular to its longest A supplemental set of fractures and fault segments was extracted from
axis at approximately equal intervals, and used to calculate the height the high-resolution DSM of Mușeteica glacial cirque, and compared to
range. The cirque height (H) is the difference between the lowest those mentioned above.
(Hmin) and the highest (Hmax) altitude within a glacial cirque Orientation data of underground and surface karst features were
(e.g., Federici and Spagnolo, 2004). We calculated the cirque height as either collected during field survey or extracted from the DSM. Cave
the maximum difference in altitude on each profile, then we used the passages, ridge-top dolines, and shaft entrances were analyzed to-
average of these values and the time lapse between the beginning and gether, to better constrain the cave system's structural arrangement.
the end of the Last Glacial Period (LGP) to estimate the maximum glacial The lengths of cave passages rather than frequencies were considered
erosion rate (Eg) within the cirque, according to the formula below. meaningful for analysis, allowing for better highlighting the cave devel-
! opment on preferential orientations.

Eg ¼ Hi ;
n T 3.4. Cave morphology

where n is the number of calculated height range values (here, n = 5), We surveyed the M1, M3-R2, M4, and M5 caves using a modified
Hi is the value of each calculated item (i.e., the cirque height), and T is Leica™ Disto X310 range finder. The processed data were used to ex-
the estimated LGP time lapse. The duration of the LGP was estimated tract segments of cave passages, and calculate their morphometry
at ~59 ka, according to Lisiecki and Raymo's (2005) MIS 5–4 age bound- and orientations. We then calculated the pattern morphometric indi-
ary of ~71 ka, and the deglaciation age for the Făgăraș Mountains of ces (Table 1), synthesized by Piccini (2011), suitable for characteriz-
~12 ka provided by Kuhlemann et al. (2013). The maximum glacial ero- ing the geometry and morphometry of short alpine caves typical to
sion rate is assumed to have occurred along the lowermost points on the
cirque floor, and gradually decreased up the headwall towards the crest.
Table 1
Morphometric parameters and indices calculated for Mușeteica caves.
3.3. Structural measurements and orientation analysis
No. Parameter Abbr. Description/Formula (from Piccini, 2011)

We performed a comparative orientation analysis of cave passages 1 Real length Lr Real development of the cave, cumulating all the
and structural features (joints, faults and fractures). Results were plot- passages, including branches and pits.
2 Plan length Lp Total length of the plan view of all the cave
ted on rose diagrams with a bin width of 10° and on equal-area projec- passages.
tion spheres on Schmidt stereonet. 3 Vertical range Rv Sum of negative and positive drops.
Three sites ranging in size from 50 to 100 m2 were selected for 4 Extension Ex Horizontal distance of the most far-away points of
microtectonic measurements on marble outcrops in the vicinity of the cave.
5 Verticality index Vi Rv/Lr
caves. We sampled 50\\60 joints/site and measured the joint azimuth
6 Horizontality Hi Lp/Lr
and dip. The best fit great circles of joint families were compared to ste- index
reographic projections of cave passages in order to compare each joint 7 Linearity index Li (Ex2-Rv2)1/2/Lr
family with cave conduit data. 8 Horizontal Hci Lp/Ex
Fault and fracture sets were digitized from various sources at differ- complexity
ent scales, and plotted against each other on rose diagrams (half circles)
L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038 7

stripe karst (Lauritzen, 2001). The focus was placed on indices' reli- were not initially added (Tîrlă et al., 2016). However, for analytical pur-
ability for highlighting the most important morphometric features poses these branches will be considered in this study and their lengths
of a cave, and that they should be selected according to cave geomet- cumulated to that of the cave itself. Vertical range coincides with nega-
ric properties and spatial complexity (Piccini, 2011). We therefore tive drop, since no cave in the Mușeteica system has positive altitude
avoided to use indices that would be better fit for maze or horizontal difference.
caves. Cave morphology was analyzed in relation to the three main genetic
The length of M3-R2 Cave was conventionally calculated as the sum groups of erosive features and deposits considered relevant for cave de-
of all its passage segments (n = 10), although the lengths of ridge-top velopment: erosive, chemical, and breakdown forms (Ballesteros et al.,
branches (n = 3), accessible only via the D1 collapse doline (Fig. 6), 2015). These were illustrated on the geomorphological maps scale 1:300.

Fig. 3. Karst and glacial landforms with cave deposits in the Mușeteica area. A. Ridge-top dolines and M6 Cave; B. Stalactites and flowstones discovered in the unroofed M6 Cave; C. The
entrance of M5 Cave, yellow square indicates the extent of flowstone in Fig. 3D; D. Exposed flowstones near M5 Cave (GPS receiver is 10 cm in length); E, F. Glaciokarst landforms in the
Mușeteica cirque (Dn – dolines; Rm – roches moutonnées); G. Kluftkarren formed on roches moutonnées (the size of rock hammer is 40 cm).
8 L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038

3.5. Speleothem U\\Th dating and stable isotope analysis All flowstone U\\Th samples were prepared and analyzed at the
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Leipzig,
Three flowstone samples and a stalagmite were collected from Germany) following the procedures of Hoffmann et al. (2007) and
M3-R2, M5 and M6 caves for U\\Th dating. Stalagmite M3-R2-1 Hoffmann (2008), and at the University of Melbourne (Australia) ac-
was collected from the main chamber of the M3-R2 Cave, at 15 m cording to the procedure of Hellstrom (2003).
from the entrance. It is 5-cm long and composed of densely Samples for low resolution isotope profiles were hand-drilled at
compacted, white translucent calcite and presents a thin outer 5 mm distance for M3-R2–3 (n = 12) and M5–1 (n = 27). Powder sam-
clayey crust. Seven samples for U\\Th dating, averaging 100 mg, ples were also taken by hand drilling from three host rock samples from
have been hand drilled at equal intervals along the growth axis and near the ridge-top caves, labeled M5–3, M3-R2–1, and M3-R2–2
measured at CENIEH (Burgos, Spain). A total of 197 samples were (should not be confused with speleothem labeling). They were analyzed
micro-milled along the growth axis and their stable isotope compo- at Northumbria University, using a Thermo Delta V Advantage coupled
sition (δ13C and δ18O) was measured on a Thermo Delta V Advantage with a GasBench II sample preparation device.
mass spectrometer coupled with a Kiel IV carbonate device, at the
University of Oxford. 3.6. Sediment infill of doline D2 – stratigraphy, C dating and pollen
Flowstone M3-R2-3 was collected from the middle of the main content
chamber of M3-R2 Cave. Its basal 3 cm are composed of dark brown cal-
cite with two thin moonmilk layers and two clayey detrital layers. The The clastic sediment infill of the D2 doline was excavated to a depth
next 1.7 cm are composed of lighter, more amorphous calcite with dis- of ~2 m, without reaching the bottom. Stratigraphy was described based
tinct light brown lamina and is finally followed by 1.2 cm of moonmilk. on field observations. Bulk samples were taken at 10-cm intervals, on
Four U\\Th sub-samples were hand-drilled: one from the base, two thicknesses of around 2–4 cm, and kept refrigerated in plastic bags.
bracketing the petrographic transition at 3 cm and one from the top of Grain size content of seven global samples was analyzed at the
the second section, just below a thick moonmilk layer that forms its top. Geotechnics Laboratory of the University of Bucharest, following the
Flowstone M5-1 is 13-cm thick and composed of a succession of standard procedure STAS 1913/5–85. First the samples were weighed
light and dark calcite, with two thin moonmilk layers in its upper part. and introduced into the oven at 105 °C for 24 h, to remove the organic
Several oxide-rich layers can also be distinguished in the section. matter. Water and lithium carbonate were added in the dry samples
Three U\\Th samples were retrieved from base, top, and above a transi- and left for 24 h, then the cement was separated using the 0.063 mm
tion from light to brown calcite, at 8 cm from the base. sieve. The mass of the cement resulting from washing exceeded 10%
Flowstone M6–1 (Fig. 3B) was collected from the western wall of the of the sample and was further analyzed by applying the sedimentation
M6 collapse doline, after the excavation of ~1 m of infilling material. and Sieve-pipette methods for the fine fractions and sieving only for
Two U\\Th samples were taken from its base and top. the coarse fractions (Gee and Bauder, 1986). Based on the data obtained,

Fig. 4. Topographic profiles across the Mușeteica glacial cirque. Double arrows indicate the cirque height for each profile.
L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038 9

Table 2 Since no macrofossils were identified, we decided to separate the or-

Morphometric parameters of the Mușeteica glacial cirque, calculated from DEM-derived ganic carbon fraction by leaching the inorganic carbon from the bulk
sample. This operation was done by dissolving the carbonate with
Profile Max. elevation (m a.s.l.) Min. elevation (m a.s.l.) Cirque height (m) 0.5 M HCl during three days of treatment, with ultrapure water rinsing
A 2295 2255 40 in between the acid steps. At the end of the procedure, the pH was set to
B 2235 2175 60 neutral adding ultrapure water, followed by sample drying at 60 °C. The
C 2240 2154 86 organic carbon was then collected for the graphitization step. The 14C
D 2220 2128 92
ages were calibrated using the Oxcal online program (Bronk Ramsey,
E 2175 2094 83
2009), based on the IntCal13 calibration curve of Reimer et al. (2013).
One random 2-cm3 sediment sample (M6-16, from ~140 cm deep)
particle size and percentage were determined for each of the following was selected and prepared in order to extract and assess the quality of
Udden-Wentworth classes: a) larger than 2 mm; 2–0.063 mm; preservation of pollen and spores, following the procedure described
c) 0.063–0.004 mm; d) smaller than 0.004 mm (Wentworth, 1922). in Moore et al. (1991). Pollen and microspore identifications were
Three samples for optically stimulated luminescence dating were made under 400× magnification using the descriptions and identifica-
taken by hammering a 20 cm long plastic tube into the sediment and tion keys in Moore et al. (1991) and Beug (2004), and by comparison
were analyzed at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, to reference collections.
Romania. No age estimation could be obtained, possibly due to a very
young age of the deposition (A. Gabor, pers. comm.). 4. Results
Following the indication of a very young age and in order to obtain a
preliminary chronology for the sediment infill, we performed radiocar- 4.1. Glaciokarst landforms
bon measurements on three bulk samples (M6-4, M6-10, and M6-19)
taken from depths of 37–40 cm, 98–100 cm, and 188–192 cm respec- 4.1.1. Alpine karst
tively. Samples were prepared and measured at the Horia Hulubei Na- Apart from caves, the most common karst landforms are dolines,
tional Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (RoAMS) in karren, ponors, and dry valleys. Three dolines (D1-D3) lined up on the
Măgurele, Romania, following the procedures described in Sava et al. NNW-SSE-oriented fracture that dissects the Mușeteica Mt. formed by
(2019). The samples were first observed under optical microscope to the collapse of cave passages, thus being genetically different from the
check for the presence of macrofossils (i.e., seeds, twigs, plant remains). rest of twenty-two dolines (Fig. 4A). These dolines formed by

Fig. 5. Geomorphological map of the Mușeteica glaciokarst (scale 1:5000). The average strike and dip of marble bedrock is indicated to the upper-left corner of the map. Truncated and
unroofed ridge-top caves are shown to the right-up corner.
10 L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038

dissolution, and twelve formed partially by the subsidence of glacial till. which matches the lithologic contact between marbles and the
Such dolines are typical to covered karst morphology (Veress, 2016). more friable actinolite schists.
Their position indicates a possible origin of subglacial streamflow Morphometric parameters of the Mușeteica glacial cirque reflect a
subsapping, the cuvettes evolving into dolines during postglacial disso- pronounced allometry, which is typical for the cirques of the Făgăraș
lution. Seven additional dolines have developed by dissolution, atop or Mountains (Mîndrescu and Evans, 2014): 1 km in length, 524 m in
amongst the roches moutonnées. The largest solution doline (D20, width, and an amplitude of 280 m, resulting a length/width ratio of
Fig. 4F) preserves a functional ponor and suggests that an important 1.9. The height range is 2100 to 2380 m, and the headwall height is
karst conduit developed underground, to the north of M1 Cave, on the 120 m. It is a valley-head cirque with an area of 0.49 km2, comparably
same N-S direction. Both doline D20 and M1 Cave close the valley line larger than the Râiosu cirque to the east (0.12 km2), and the small,
right above the plucking slope face which marks the threshold between nested cirques (0.02–0.08 km2) hanging on the western and northern
the cirque and the glacial valley. Karren are best developed on the slopes of Mușeteica Mountain at ~2000 and ~2200 m a.s.l.
western-facing side of the glacial cirque, cutting perpendicularly on fo- The values used for calculating the average glacial erosion rate are
liation, on the lee sides of roches moutonnées (Fig. 4G). given in Table 2. The five topographic profiles across the Mușeteica
glacial cirque along which we calculated the cirque height are illus-
4.1.2. Glacial and periglacial landforms trated in Fig. 4.
Inherited glacial features include the Mușeteica cirque, the The cirque height varies in thickness from 40 m in the vicinity of upper
Mesteacănu, Robița, Mușeteica, and Râiosu pyramidal peaks, and crest to N90 m near the threshold, resulting in an average height of 72.2 m.
the interconnecting crests. Mușeteica and Râiosu glacial cirques de- Roches moutonnées have distinct morphologies in the upper cirque
veloped entirely on marbles. The boundary between the cirque and compared to those in the lower cirque. The former features are smaller,
the glacial valley consists in a 15-meter high plucking slope face, more discrete (1–2 m in height) and generally subsequent to marble

Fig. 6. The geomorphological map of the Mușeteica caves and cave remnants. Arrows indicate speleothem sampling sites (sample names in black framed text). Sample M3-R2–1 was
analyzed and discussed by Drăgușin (2013). Rose diagrams show orientations of passage ways (black arrays) and joint sets (grey) for each site.
L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038 11

foliation. The latter group comprises well-developed features (5–10 m The glaciokarst is divided into two areas: a) the area above the
in height), with well-preserved lee side facets due to ice flowing in trimline containing the ridge-top caves and collapse dolines; b) the relict
the same direction as the dip of marble foliation. Glacial till is preserved glacial cirque with solution and subsidence dolines, ponors, karren-
only on the western side of the cirque bottom. Lateral moraines reach incised roches moutonnées, and dry valleys.
between 5 and 20 m in height and host subsidence dolines. Avalanche
channels are well developed on the steep, eastern-facing side of the 4.2. Cave geometry, morphometry and geomorphology
cirque headwall. These channels end with imbricated triangular marble
scree cones, which partly cover the lateral moraines. The caves have a single level, are very short and have a simple or-
thogonal pattern, imposed by the structural control of joint and fault
network (Fig. 6). The highest caves (M3-R2, M4, and M5) developed
4.1.3. Gravitational landforms perpendicularly to the marble foliation dip, along a NE-SW direction
A large, meter-deep mass movement breaks the continuity of the (40–50°). Only the upper part of the M3-R2 Cave, the M6 unroofed
glacial rim to the NW. Field observations show that it is a massive con- cave and the ridge-crest collapse dolines are oriented NNW-SSE, con-
sequent rockslide, seeming to have been driven parallel to the marble formably to foliation dip. Cave passages usually developed along frac-
foliation dip plane. A rockslide deposit is superimposed on the lateral tures and were widened along foliation planes.
moraines accumulated on the right side of the cirque bottom. Another M1 Cave developed preferentially at the contact between marbles
distinctive linear feature was observed at the glacial headwall base, and an amphibolite stripe (more easily weathered), with subsequent
striking on a NW-SE direction, perpendicularly to the direction of cirque thin actinolite- and biotite-rich sheets interlayered within the marble.
development. It has a sackung-like morphology, more similar to a The cave has the steepest profile of all the caves in the area, about 45–
smoothed slope break along an inherited fracture. Sackungs 53° on the foliation planes and 70–90° on the fault cross-cuts (Fig. 7).
(sackungen) are upslope-facing scarps formed in (but not restricted It is nearly a subvertical cave with limited development, a feature
to) glaciated mountains near the ridge crest in postglacial time intervals which is typical for stripe karst (Lauritzen, 2001). In the first section,
due to gravitational spreading (e.g., Gutiérrez-Santolalla et al., 2005). In large chambers are filled with breakdown deposits, which often form
Mușeteica Mt., both gravitationally developed landforms are deep- the walls and even ceiling of adjoining passages. The walls of the pri-
seated gravitational slope deformations, an evidence of postglacial mary tube, covered by scallops, were only partially preserved. A very
unloading. These can be observed on the digital surface model as low and narrow tube (W = 1 m, H = 0.3 m) links the upper chambers
smooth terrain discontinuities. to the lower passage of the deepest section (Fig. 8). This last passage also
The geomorphological map of the area that hosts the caves has a tube morphology with an ellipsoidal profile evidencing the struc-
(Mușeteica ridge crest and the cirque from the SW slope) shows the va- tural control of foliation planes upon the cave passage enlargement
riety of genetic types of landforms which could have influenced the under pressure flow. Consequently, the passage is very wide (~7 m)
conduit development and cave deposit formation to some extent compared to its height (0.3 to 1 m) and no breakdown evidence was ob-
(Fig. 5). Surface deposits like talus scree, glacial till and rockslide de- served along this part. Overall, tube morphology is pervasive in the M1
posits increase the landscape complexity, but these also cover, destruct Cave, except for the frontal part, recently collapsed and filled with
or hinder surface karst development. Triangular talus scree deposits breakdown. Unlike the ridge-top caves, where they are abundant,
with angular marble fragments fringe at the base of snow avalanche speleothems are absent in the M1 Cave, indicating different environ-
channels, developed only on the eastern-facing cirque headwall. mental conditions which inhibited their growth.

Fig. 7. Unfolded longitudinal profiles of the M1, M3-R2 and M4 caves. Passage inclination is displayed below the profiles, and cave depth at the ends.
12 L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038

M3-R2 Cave is very wide and deep, in contrast to its shortness with breakdown, mostly unstable, preserving only a thin (1–2 cm)
(Table 2), showing a preferential development along the marble foliation flowstone fragment on the outer wall, at the base of the entrance. M5
plane. A detailed description was made by Tîrlă et al. (2016). Its main pas- is the shortest remnant cave (16 m in length) consisting in a simple pas-
sages intersect at 90° angle and are separated only by breakdown walls. sage opened upwards through a 2.7-m shaft. Flowstone sample M5–1
The passage ends with a large breakdown blocks accumulation, which was retrieved just outside the cave entrance – indicating a past larger
may indicate a possible continuation. The morphology and orientation extent of this cave, since speleothems of this kind could have formed
of exposed cave remnants are somehow different, controlled by the only underground.
NW-SE fracture that crosses through the Mușeteica north-western nested M6 is an unroofed cave passage found after excavating into the D2
cirques and the ridge crest. ridge-top doline. The doline is filled with N2 m of sediment and seems
M4 and M5 are truncated caves located next to each other (~15 m to continue with a small passage, although exploration work is still
apart), and very close to M3-R2 Cave. M4 Cave (25 m in length) is filled needed to access it. The walls at the western end host well-preserved

Fig. 8. Morphological features of the M1 (A-G) and M3-R2 caves (H). A. Passage ways developed along foliation planes; B. Weakness planes along the marbles - amphibolitic schists
contact; C-D. Pressure tube morphology; E-F. Wall and ceiling pockets formed in the frontal cave sector by late-stage condensation corrosion due to invasion of warm air during the sum-
mer season; G. The lowermost point of M1 Cave (−70 m); H. Speleothem decorations in M3-R2 Cave.
L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038 13

speleothems, while many speleothem fragments can also be found Table 4

within the clastic infill. Main orientations of joints, faults, fractures, and cave passages.

Morphometric indices are typical for alpine small caves (e.g., Piccini, Structural / karst features (lettered a-e in Sample Orientations
2011) and have comparable values influenced mostly by the geological Fig. 9D) size
conditions (Table 3). a. Major faults (Făgăraș Mts) 36 NE-SW, W-E, NW-SE
The highest contrast is shown by the value of Li, which is much NE-SW to ENE-WSW, and
b. Faults and fractures (Făgăraș Mts) 540
higher for M1 Cave than for the ridge-top caves (0.36 vs N0.15, respec- WNW-ESE to NW-SE
c. Local faults and fractures (Mușeteica
tively). Hi should be similar considering the dip of the main passages 137 NE-SW, NW-SE, WNW-ESE
(42–45°), which is conformable to the dip of marble foliation. However, d. Local joint sets, cumulated
the Hi value of M3-R2 Cave is high (0.87) due to low-dipping branches (Mușeteica caves)
and upper passages. The cave has the highest Hci (1.92) and a low Li e. Cave passages (length distribution) 40 NE-SW, NW-SE
(0.11) due to its complex areal development, which could be an evi-
dence of a formerly longer conduit network.
joints developed on preferred detachment planes of the minerals
4.3. Orientations of structural and karst features and have sub-decimetric to sub-centimetric densities. They distin-
guishable by their high density compared to that of schistosity and
4.3.1. Fault and fracture system shear joints, the latter being strictly controlled by tectonics. The
Three main orientations of the major faults were distinguished: joint sets measured near the caves fall into four families (Fig. 10),
NW-SE, W-E, and NE-SW (Table 4). With small differences, this of which only one (J1) seems to be common to the entire study
pattern matches orientations of the medium-scale fault and frac- area. Another three joint groups were identified, two on the ridge-
ture set extracted from the CNES/Airbus imagery (Fig. 9A). (See top (J2, J3) and one on the valley bottom (J4). Results show that
Table 4.) the J1 joint family is responsible for the development of Mușeteica
The NE-SW and N-S oriented fractures are the most frequent, in caves. The main passages of M1, M3-R2, M4, and M5 caves developed
contrast to the regional tectonic system. Several NNW-SSE- along NW-SE-oriented joints and fractures.
oriented faults and fractures cross the upper part of the Mușeteica
glacial cirque and the Mușeteica-Robița ridge. The latter partially 4.4. Speleothem U\\Th ages
controlled the development of the M3-R2 Cave and the passages
which were subsequently unroofed and infilled with sediments Results of U\\Th dating are given in Table 5 and plotted in Fig. 11. A
(e.g., M6 Cave). This major fracture crosses the Mușeteica Peak and low concentration of uranium can be seen across all sub-samples of the
is visible on the NW-facing slope. Recent dissolution and collapse oc- four speleothems, with an average value below 20 ng/g, a maximum of
curred along it between the M3-R2 and M6 caves, where it intersects ~50 ng/g (sample M6–1) and a minimum of ~10 ng/g (sample M3-R2-
the main fracture of M4 Cave (Fig. 9B). Two NW-SE oriented main 3). Stalagmite M3-R2-1 seems to have formed during a short, 2000-
fractures cross the upper part of the glacial cirque transversally. year period, roughly between 125 ka and 123 ka.
The easternmost one forms the boundary between the cirque floor Flowstone M3-R2–3 has a base age of 329.8 ± 11.1 ka and a top age
and the headwall, and favored the opening of a shallow trench of of 97.6 ± 26.6 ka. The middle samples taken across the petrographic
0.5–1 m in depth (Fig. 5). transition at 3 cm are within the error bars of each other. The base
The preferred orientations for development of underground karst and top ages of the M5–1 flowstone are 440.2 ± 36.8 ka and 398.8 ±
conduits in the Mușeteica area were NE-SW and NW-SE. The two pas- 29.8 ka, respectively, with high uncertainties, of about 8%. The sample
sage sets normally intersect under 90° angles, forming orthogonal net- in the middle returned a 31% uncertainty (542.9 ± 168.7 ka), being nev-
works. Cave passages having a cumulative length of 114 m out of a ertheless within the uncertainty of the other two. The base age of M6-1
total of 236 m are NE-SW oriented, while those oriented NW-SE are flowstone is older than 560 ka, beyond the limit of U\\Th dating
55 m in length. The WNW-ESE and NNE-SSW passages sum 22 m and method, and its top age is 526 (+97/−52) ka.
18 m, respectively.
4.5. Stable isotope results
4.3.2. Types of joints and the joint families
The joints generally form two systematic sets forming an orthog- In stalagmite M3-R2–1, δ13C values range between a minimum of
onal network (Fig. 9B), close-fitting a tension joint system (Passchier −8.51‰ and a maximum of −6.05‰. In flowstone M3-R2–3 values
and Trouw, 2005). Shear joints form conjugate sets that intersect the range between −9.96‰ and −4.11‰, with an exceptional value of
former under a sharp angle (30–60°). This pattern is better observed −2.70‰ measured within a moonmilk layer. Flowstone M5–1 has
on the ridge, near the entrance of M3-R2 Cave. Frost-weathering values between −9.30‰ and −4.49‰. The values of δ13C in the host

Table 3
Morphometric parameters and indices of Mușeteica marble caves. Dimension values are given in meters and angles in degrees.

Cave name Geographic coordinates Elevation No. of passage segments Lr Lp Rv Ex Vi Hi Li Hci Strike Dip
(m asl)

M1b 45°34′0.68″N 2106 15 132 104 −70.6 85.4 0.53 0.78 0.36 1.22 18.3 43
M3-R2 45°34′25.11″N 2430 13 55 48 −18.2 25 0.36 0.87 0.11 1.92 40 45
M4b 45°34′22.95″N 2401 4 25 14 −11.5 23.5 0.46 0.56 0.15 0.90 37 45
M5b 45°34′22.18″N 2396 5 16 14 −3.7 11.3 0.23 0.88 0.08 1.24 52 42
M6 45°34′23.15″N 2417 1 13 13 5? 13 – – – – 152 –
Tîrlă et al., 2016.
This study.
14 L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038

Fig. 9. Structural framework of the central Făgăraș Mountains (A), and Mușeteica cirque (B). Orientation rose diagrams of faults, fractures, joints, and cave passages (C). Data source: A.
Documented major faults and fault segments extracted from medium-resolution DEM (courtesy of Digital Globe); C. Large-scale fault segments and fractures extracted from high-
resolution DSM (hillshade); D. Explanation of letters (a-e) in Table 3.

rock are positive, around 1‰: 1.15 ± 0.04‰ in M5–3, 0.87 ± 0.03‰ in are angular or subangular, whereas the marble clasts are either
M3-R2–1, and 1.49 ± 0.07‰ in M3-R2–2. subangular or subrounded. A 15-cm regosol is developing atop of the
sedimentary deposit.
Radiocarbon dating of the three samples returned 14C age esti-
4.6. Age and pollen content of D2 doline (M6 Cave) infill mates that are in stratigraphic order: 2589 ± 28 years BP, 1221 ±
26 years BP, and 1069 ± 26 years BP. The calibrated ages, reported
The sedimentary infill of ridge-top doline D2 down to the depth of at 95.4% probability level, are as follows: between 2.77 and 2.55 ka
2.10 m consists in three distinct layers (I-III) separated by brownish- for M6–19, between 1.26 and 1.07 ka for M6–10, and between 1.05
black clayey horizons (Fig. 12). Three global samples analyzed for and 0.93 ka for M6–4.
grain size, one from each layer (M6.a, M6.b, and M6.c), were plotted In sample M6–14, a total of 250 pollen grains were counted
on pie charts. Grain size analysis shows a slight increase in clay content and identified (excluding spores) along with 42 coniferous frag-
(11% to 15%) and decrease of sand (53% to 43%) downwards. The lower ments (Pinus/Picea). The pollen is dominated by alpine steppe
layer III (cm 210–110 on the profile) is a 1-m thick, fine-grained massive taxa: Asteraceae (44%), Poaceae (20%), Cyperaceae (18%), and
sediment with very loose rock fragments. The middle layer II (cm 110– Apiaceae (4%). The arboreal taxa are represented by Alnus
75) contains denser and larger lithoclasts of 5–20 cm in size, and is over- (14%), Tilia (2%), and the coniferous fragments. As well, the
lain by a 5-cm thick black clayey layer. The upper layer I (cm 70–15) Ericaceae family taxa represent 4% of the total identified pollen
contains more sand compared to lower layers. The greenschist clasts grains.
L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038 15

\Th measurements. Letters a,b, and c in the column Sample ID indicate the place of analysis: a - CENIEH, Burgos, Spain, b - University of Melbourne, Australia and c - Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. 5. Discussion

1.729 ± 0.007
1.743 ± 0.032
1.743 ± 0.010
1.682 ± 0.007
1.699 ± 0.008
1.747 ± 0.009
1.763 ± 0.008
1.131 ± 0.009
1.179 ± 0.013

1.412 ± 0.031

1.109 ± 0.009
1.150 ± 0.010



5.1. Relations between karst, glacial and periglacial processes




The last glaciation left recognizable geomorphic evidence in the

Făgăraș Mountains (Urdea et al., 2011; Kuhlemann et al., 2013;
Corrected age

440.2 ± 36.8
398.8 ± 29.8
97.4 ± 25.9
124.9 ± 1.7
128.0 ± 5.5
123.2 ± 2.5
124.2 ± 1.5
122.4 ± 2.0
126.6 ± 2.1
123.6 ± 1.7
204.0 ± 5.6
199.5 ± 8.0
Mîndrescu, 2016). The crest, headwall and bottom of the Mușeteica rel-

ict cirque, like elsewhere, are well-defined features which evolved little


since the last deglaciation, affected only by erosion and local gravita-

tional unloading.
The higher occurrence of dolines and ponors on the cirque bottom
1.5122 ± 0.0056
1.5174 ± 0.0290
1.5246 ± 0.0084
1.4802 ± 0.0057
1.4944 ± 0.0060
1.5220 ± 0.0071
1.5382 ± 0.0072
1.0739 ± 0.0054
1.1017 ± 0.0088

1.3126 ± 0.0088

1.0313 ± 0.0031
1.0487 ± 0.0039
delineates an important area of dissolution and water infiltration in a
concentrated flow, and the probable existence of an organized subterra-

nean network. The glacial infill of covered paleodolines would have

been subsequently affected by subsidence due to underground drain-
age, a process often seen in glaciokarst landscapes (Veress, 2016;
Veress et al., 2019). During the last glacial period, the fossil ridge-top
1.0860 ± 0.0076
1.1056 ± 0.0145
1.0874 ± 0.0110
1.0576 ± 0.0062
1.0594 ± 0.0090
1.1027 ± 0.0086
1.0999 ± 0.0069
0.9231 ± 0.0069
0.9446 ± 0.0105

0.9789 ± 0.0268

1.0248 ± 0.0050
1.0388 ± 0.0062

caves (M3-R2, M4, M5, and M6), located in the area above the trimline,

were not directly influenced by glaciers, being subjected only to


periglacial processes.
Such caves most probably formed during interglacials, when waters
were more aggressive and able to enlarge cave passages (Häuselmann
et al., 2007). Glaciers do not have a significant impact on dissolution
441.3 ± 36.7
399.4 ± 29.7
125.0 ± 1.7
128.2 ± 5.5
123.4 ± 2.5
124.4 ± 1.5
122.6 ± 2.0
126.8 ± 2.0
124.5 ± 1.6
212.9 ± 4.3
211.3 ± 6.2

137.4 ± 7.3

speleogenesis (Audra, 2001; Häuselmann et al., 2002), due to the satu-

age (ka)

ration in Ca2+ ions of the subglacial waters via incorporation of finely





ground calcite eroded by the glacier (Bini et al., 1998), and due to a
smaller CO2 concentration that should have originated only from the at-
mosphere, in the absence of soil.
1.5106 ± 0.0055
1.5155 ± 0.0289
1.5230 ± 0.0084
1.4787 ± 0.0056
1.4927 ± 0.0059
1.5204 ± 0.0071
1.5302 ± 0.0059
1.0674 ± 0.0033
1.0896 ± 0.0042

1.3125 ± 0.0088

1.0310 ± 0.0031
1.0484 ± 0.0039

Under the influence of cold surface temperatures, ice could have


formed in the frontal parts of the caves, contributing to passage enlarge-




ment during freeze-thaw cycles. This might explain for example the



morphological differences between the front and the back of the M1

1.0857 ± 0.0075
1.1052 ± 0.0145
1.0871 ± 0.0110
1.0574 ± 0.0062
1.0592 ± 0.0090
1.1023 ± 0.0085
1.0984 ± 0.0067
0.9299 ± 0.0051
0.9512 ± 0.0083

0.9788 ± 0.0267

1.0245 ± 0.0049
1.0386 ± 0.0061

5.2. Structural control






The cirque distribution in the Mușeteica-Buda area is highly con-

trolled by geological structure. Nested cirques are aligned at 2000
and 2250 m a.s.l. on the northern slope, leaning against interlayered
0.00381 ± 0.00004
0.00466 ± 0.00010
0.00381 ± 0.00013
0.00397 ± 0.00004
0.00423 ± 0.00008
0.00402 ± 0.00006
0.01851 ± 0.00015
0.11009 ± 0.00020
0.14908 ± 0.00029

0.0135 ± 0.00006
0.0076 ± 0.00003

marbles and schists. Mușeteica cirque is subsequent in relation to

marble structure (NE-SW strike, Fig. 5), whereas Râiosu cirque is

consequent, with direct implications on their comparably different








shapes and sizes.

Arrangement and shape of dolines and roches moutonnées, the
plan shape of the dry valley, and kluftkarren development on the
284.96 ± 2.54
236.83 ± 2.47
285.14 ± 3.28
266.18 ± 2.17
250.23 ± 2.64
274.19 ± 3.37

137.23 ± 0.93

lower cirque bottom corresponds to orientations of local faults and


59.33 ± 0.46

76.15 ± 0.47
8.47 ± 0.04
6.40 ± 0.05

2.30 ± 0.07

fractures (Fig. 5). Dry valleys developed subsequently on foliation




at the contact between marbles and silicate rock bands. The stepped


profile of the main dry valley is due to numerous swallow-holes

formed on the foliation planes, favoring the access of stream water
Age uncertainties are reported at 2σ confidence interval.

into the underground.

12.81 ± 1.02
Th (ng/g)

0.23 ± 0.00
0.29 ± 0.00
0.23 ± 0.01
0.24 ± 0.00
0.25 ± 0.00
0.22 ± 0.00
1.14 ± 0.01
7.78 ± 0.03
5.15 ± 0.02

0.59 ± 0.00
0.34 ± 0.00

Some faults and fractures fitting the major NE-SW and NW-SE
orientations, which define the structural framework of the Făgăraș

Mountains, were crucial for underground karst development. The

frontal part of M3-R2 Cave and the former ridge-top cave rem-
19.77 ± 0.12
20.48 ± 0.26
19.80 ± 0.13
19.92 ± 0.11
19.14 ± 0.10
18.03 ± 0.10
20.12 ± 0.10
23.21 ± 0.08
11.34 ± 0.04

14.33 ± 0.05
14.76 ± 0.06

nants (one of which is M6 Cave) are aligned on the NW-SE fault

9.66 ± 0.73
U (ng/g)

which crosses through the Mușeteica peak (2442 m). Further




two NW-SE-oriented fractures which cross perpendicularly on


the Mușeteica cirque are tension fractures formed due to postgla-

cial rebound and gravitational spreading, as suggested by the
M3-R2–1 - VII
Results of the U\

M3-R2–1 - IV

M3-R2–1 - VI

presence of a discrete sackung-like feature and the position of

M3-R2–1 - III

M3-R2–1 - V
M3-R2–1 - II

M3-R2–3 IV
M3-R2–1 - I

M3-R2–3 III

these fractures within the glacial cirque (Gutiérrez-Santolalla

Sample ID



et al., 2005). However, the unloading fractures inherited some

Table 4

older dextral transpression faults formed during the Late Miocene



(Mațenco and Schmid, 1999). Subsidiary fracture sets (WNW-ESE

16 L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038

Fig. 10. Stereograms of joint and foliation planes combined with cave passages (best-fit great circles and poles to planes). Contour levels show the density of points representing polar
projections of cave passages.

and NNE-SSW) are less abundant, but perceptible at regional and 5.3. Speleogenetic stages
local scales.
Still, not all fractures have a tectonic trigger at the origin. Locally, The observed speleogenesis in this area consists of three develop-
where slope disequilibrium was reached due to glacial lateral sapping, ment stages: 1) texture- and fabric-controlled dissolution on foliation
followed by glacier retreat, it prompted massive rockslides oriented planes and tension fractures; 2) structurally-controlled breakdown;
conformably to marble foliation. 3) cave unroofing and sediment infilling.

Fig. 11. Sampling of speleothem calcite for U\

\Th dating and stable isotope analysis. Sample names are bolded, and the ages with corresponding uncertainties are given in ka.
L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038 17

Fig. 12. Sediment profile showing position of the analyzed samples and basic stratigraphy. The sediment is sloping from left to right, towards the flat bottom of the doline. Black dots
represent the sub-samples collected for grain size analysis, and the white rectangles indicate the three most representative global samples with their grain size percentage plotted on
the charts to the right.

5.3.1. Texture- and fabric-controlled dissolution (M1 Cave) and distension 5.3.2. Structurally-controlled breakdown
(ridge-top caves) In a later stage, enlargement of karst conduits caused breakdown
The importance of contact planes between banded minerals with due to decreasing stability of the ceiling, as described by White and
different physical and chemical properties in metamorphic rocks as White (2000). Breakdown, comparable to rock dissolution, occurred
speleoinception horizons plays a similar role with that of bedding preferentially along the marble-schist contacts. Schist bands on the
planes in sedimentary rocks (Lowe and Gunn, 1997). Mineral segre- cave ceilings or ceiling edges were found in M3-R2 and M1 caves,
gation and recrystallization followed the direction imposed by the which are larger and their morphology is better highlighted. The pro-
tectonic stress during metamorphism on the penetrative S2 foliation. cess is active and contributes to enlargement of chambers and passages
The caves developed in schistose impure marbles containing thin sil- and even to passage unroofing (surface breakdown).
icate bands which have controlled the spatial development of fissure Development of M1 Cave progressed along two main directions:
aquifers inside the bedrock. The banded fabric determined primary cal- NW-SE and NE-SW, intersecting in a 90° angle, conformably to local
cite dissolution preferentially along the silicate‑carbonate contact fractures geometry. The NW-SE passage depicts mostly a breakdown
planes, intersected by faults or pinnate fractures. The weakness of min- morphology, which is abruptly replaced by a pressure tube morphology
eral cohesion resulted in the development of plane-parallel systematic in case of the NE-SW passage (Fig. 4A). This change in cave morphology
joints (J3), related to the S2 foliation. Exhumation of the metamorphic could be attributed to tectonics: distension caused breakdown, whereas
rocks, followed by erosion, gradually released the pressure from the compression (or transpression) favored pressure tubes forming.
overburden, and probably caused the formation of J3 plane-parallel The breakdown-dissolution couple has gradually determined sub-
distension joints. surface karst development along the marble foliation planes, whereas
Thereafter, the central role on conduit development seems to have the surface components are mostly represented by dolines with ponors.
been played by the tension fractures that cross marbles perpendicularly M1 Cave is an exception, because it opens out on a roche moutonnée,
on the S2 foliation. These fractures correspond to the J1 joint family, partially collapsed due to subsurface breakdown.
which is the dominant joint system in the regional tectonic system
(Fig. 9). Evidence of pressure flow can only be observed in the M1 5.3.3. Truncation, unroofing, and sediment infilling
Cave, but none in the ridge-top caves. These caves could have developed The entrance of the M3-R2 Cave hangs above the Râiosu cirque on
by diffuse water infiltration along the joint network, although organized the eastern slope of Mușeteica Mt., indicating it was truncated by
water flow at low discharge could have played a role. Where fissure slope retreat, which generated the present-day shape of the Râiosu
aquifers were intersected by faults or fractures, these evolved into upper basin. As well, morphology of the D2 doline is evidence that for-
karst conduits as pressure tubes (M1 Cave). mer cave passages (M6 Cave) collapsed and were filled with sediment
18 L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038

\Th dates and their respective error bars from speleothems and the benthic δ18O record of Lisiecki and Raymo (2005) in black. Marine isotope stages representing interglacials
Fig. 13. U\
and their warming peaks are indicated by odd numbers and accompanying letters below the age plots. For the M6–1 flowstone, only the top age is shown, as the bottom age was out of
U\\Th dating range.

washed in from the surrounding slopes. The sediment infill has pre- sample M3-R2–3, at 330 ± 11 ka. Also, in flowstone M3-R2-3, we can
served the collapse morphology and in situ speleothems. identify the fourth phase around 200 ka. Here, a change in petrography
All the studied caves except M1 are arranged into a very small, 5500- from dark brown to white, opaque calcite is defined by two age esti-
m2 area on the mountain ridge top (Fig. 5). M4 and M5 caves, located mates of 204 ± 6 ka and 200 ± 8 ka, during MIS 7a-7c. Taking into ac-
very close to each other (~15 m), were undoubtedly truncated as in- count the error estimates, there could have been no hiatus at all
ferred from the existence of in situ flowstones outside their entrance. between them, or a hiatus of at most 14 ka. One could speculate that
Given their close position, we propose that these caves are remnant seg- it might have been caused by detrimental environmental conditions
ments of a single network, whose interconnecting passages are proba- for speleothem formation during MIS 7b. A fifth phase is clearly defined
bly obstructed by breakdown and sediment infill. Dissolution by by stalagmite M3-R2–1, which grew only during the warmest part of
percolating water was favored by the local tension fracture system the last interglacial (MIS 5e), between 124.9 ± 1.7 ka and 123.6 ±
and slowly modeled the cave walls under lithologic control, producing 1.7 ka (Drăgușin, 2013). Moreover, the top of flowstone M3-R2–3 was
alternating sharp edges on the silicate sheets and corrosion grooves dated at 97.6 ± 26.0 ka, restricting its deposition to sometimes during
on the marble bands. No scallops were observed on the passage walls, MIS 5.
indicating the lack of pressure flow. During cold periods (both The U\\Th ages fall mostly within interglacials (MIS 9, 7, and 5), ex-
periglacial and glacial conditions), cryoclastic phenomena would have cept for M6-1 and possibly M5-1, where large age uncertainties hamper
played a role in developing the joint network. Some dissolution of a good chronological control (Fig. 13). M3-R2-3 seems to even span sev-
weathering and breakdown material during warmer and wetter climate eral glacial cycles and we suspect that there should be hiatuses within
phases might have contributed to cave development, a process which the sample that cover the intervening glacial periods.
can be observed today. On the contrary, there is no evidence for an old This might be due to the fact that mid-latitude speleothems form
age or truncation of the M1 Cave. generally during interglacials, whereas formation ceases during glacials
(Gordon et al., 1989; Baker et al., 1993; Lauritzen, 1995; Hercman, 2000;
5.4. Speleothem growth phases Spötl et al., 2007). Continuous deposition throughout glacial periods is
characteristic only at circum–Mediterranean and sub–tropical sites
Overall, the chronology of speleothem growth is generally well (McDermott, 2004).
constrained given the limitations of the U\\Th dating method. The largest At sites similar to ours, for example at high elevation in the Alps, Spötl
age errors given by flowstones M6-1 and M5-1 are due on the one hand et al. (2002) and Holzkämper et al. (2005) showed that speleothems
to the very low uranium content (between 14 and 51 ng/g), and on the formed only during interglacials. Similarly, Norwegian speleothems
other to the closeness of the U\\Th dating limit, of ~500,000 years. were found to have formed during interglacials (Lauritzen et al., 1990;
Speleothem formation seems to have occurred during at least five Lauritzen, 1995; Berstad et al., 2002; Lauritzen and Lundberg, 2004). In
distinct phases (or episodes). The first phase was recorded by flowstone Søylegrotta (N Norway), the formation of stalagmite SG92-2 was re-
M6–1, which started growing before 560 ka, although this age estimate stricted to MIS 15, 13, 11, and 9 (Berstad et al., 2002). Also in N
does not benefit from error assessment. The top of this flowstone has an Norway, flowstone LP6 from Laphullet Cave grew mostly during the
age of 526 ka with an error defined as +97/−52 ka, which is not un- MIS 11 interglacial (Lauritzen et al., 1990; Lauritzen and Lundberg,
usual for samples of similar age and with such low uranium content. A 2004). This speleothem is very similar with our sample M3-R2–3 with
second phase is identified in flowstone M5–1, which appears to have respect to its geomorphological and climatic setting. Laphullet Cave de-
grown between 440 ± 37 ka and 399 ± 30 ka, roughly overlapping ma- veloped on a ridge-top in marble bedrock in an area with mean annual
rine isotope stages 10 to 13 if uncertainties are considered in full. The temperature of 2.8 °C, near the Arctic Circle, and was repeatedly affected
third phase took place during MIS 9 and is identified at the base of by glacier advance and retreat.
L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038 19

Stable carbon isotope values (δ13C) from these speleothems can help during the penultimate glaciation, MIS 6 (191–130 ka), and the Last Gla-
in discerning if calcite was deposited during warm periods, when soil cial Period, MIS 4–2 (70–12 ka).
plant and microbial activity were high, for example during interglacials. The exact time of ice formation during the LGP is unknown. Based on
In our speleothems the lowest values are close to −10‰. They can be the widely accepted fact that speleothems grow mostly during the in-
the result of a mixing between organically derived CO2 which usually terglacials/warm periods, and that our youngest speleothem age is
has a δ13C value of about −23‰ (in a C3 dominated plant association), 97.6 ± 26.0 ka, we presume that local glaciation should have initiated
and carbonate host rock (around 1‰ in our case), which usually gives a sometimes between 115 and 70 ka. However, isotopic studies have
δ13C speleothem value of around −11‰ (see for example the review shown that conditions for ice formation or advance were met mostly to-
work of McDermott, 2004). The highest values that we measured can wards ~70 ka, given that the last warming peak of the MIS 5 interglacial
be given by a wide range of processes intervening between host rock (5a) was at 82 ka (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005). The approximate age of
dissolution and speleothem deposition, but is not the aim of this work deglaciation in the nearby cirques was around 12 ka (Kuhlemann
to discuss them. The most important information we want to convey et al., 2013). We can estimate that, over the cumulated intervals of the
is that values of −10‰ cannot be produced in the absence of plant penultimate and last glaciations (~120 ka), glacial erosion could have
and soil microbial activity specific to warm periods. removed a maximum of 72 m of bedrock, resulting in an average erosion
rate of 0.6 ± 0.02 mm yr−1. If the Mușeteica glacier melted earlier than
5.5. Significance of clastic sediment infill 12 ka, then we may allow for a slightly higher value of the glacial erosion
rate, probably no N0.65 mm yr−1. Temperate glaciers are able to erode
The young age of the sediment infill, inferred both from the direct ra- the bedrock at rates between 0.1 and 10 mm yr−1 (Swift et al., 2015,
diocarbon dating of bulk organic matter but also from the failure of and references therein). In the European Alps, Valla et al. (2011) have
obtaining OSL ages, implies that the collapse of the M6 Cave ceiling took shown a minimum mean erosion rate of 1 mm yr−1. Yet, the Alpine
place very recently, during the Holocene or, in any case not during the glaciers are better developed and more aggressive compared to former
last glaciation. If the collapse doline generated by ceiling collapse would Carpathian glaciers, considering the cirque size of the latter (Mîndrescu
have been exposed to intense periglacial conditions during a glacial pe- and Evans, 2014).
riod, it would have been filled with cryoclasts and largely expanded out-
wards, whereas what we see at the moment are vertical walls, some of 5.6.2. Estimation of dissolution rates
them even retaining flowstones. The angular to subangular shape of sili- During periods with no glacier presence, the dominant processes
cate rock clasts found in the sediment indicates little or no transport, and which might have lowered the topographic surface were karst dissolu-
therefore an in situ gravitational infill following the cave ceiling collapse. tion and fluvial erosion. These processes must have contributed consid-
Further excavation of the sediment in order to reach the bottom of the de- erably less than the glaciers to surface erosion.
posit will shed more light onto the collapse and sedimentation processes. Regarding dissolution rates, Bögli (1971) reported values be-
At the moment we see no explanation for the infill provenance in such tween 0.014 and 0.071 mm yr−1 for the bare karst in Muotatal
high quantities in such a short time interval. (Switzerland), while Lauritzen (1990) found values between 0.013
Pollen preservation is rather poor given the presence of many and 0.023 mm yr−1 for Norway karst. For a moderate climate with ef-
degraded and unidentified degraded grains (15%), and a rather low fective precipitation of 1000 mm yr−1 and bare karst area, Gabrovšek
number of taxa. Nevertheless, the sediment infill of the M6 Cave (doline (2007) has calculated a limestone dissolution rate of 0.04 mm yr−1. At
D2) provides a good opportunity for future studies on vegetation recon- Innerbergli in the Swiss Alps, under climatic and karst conditions simi-
structions considering the abundance of grains. The availability of large lar to those in the Făgăraș Mountains, the average value is 0.014 ±
sample amounts that could be analyzed for a wide range of biogeo- 0.007 mm yr−1 (Häuselmann, 2008). According to these studies, marble
chemical proxies offers an opportunity that is not available for the dissolution rates do not exceed 0.1 mm yr−1 in such conditions, much
study of lake sediments, that relies on coring, and could be a welcomed lower than our calculated glacial erosion rate of ~0.6 mm yr−1.
addition to such type of Holocene archives from high elevation.
Further improvements in pollen and spore retrieval could be 5.6.3. Mountain uplift estimates
achieved by changes in the preparation protocol (e.g., removing the Mountain uplift rates covering the Pleistocene epoch were not
acetolysis step and reducing the HF treatment). reported to date. Significant uplift events during the Upper
Badenian, Upper Sarmatian, and uppermost Pannonian were re-
5.6. Regional landscape evolution and reconstruction of cave assemblage corded in the sediments of southern Transylvanian Basin, as shown
by the sequence stratigraphy results (Mațenco et al., 2010), and
The U\\Th ages of our speleothems indicate that underground voids show average uplift rates of 1, 0.8, and 1.88 mm yr−1, respectively.
developed in the Mușeteica area before ~560 ka. As the sample yielding Modern geophysical measurements indicate higher uplift rates of
this age was retrieved from a wall, it also shows that this section of M6 2–3 mm yr−1 (Zugrăvescu et al., 1998). Despite the apparent in-
Cave did not suffer from breakdown processes since its formation. crease of the uplift rates since the Upper Miocene until present,
Evolution of the Mușeteica caves in a cold, glaciated environ- such a large time gap confines the arguments on paleoaltimetry
ment was most likely dependent on surface erosion (via cirques only to rough estimations, and therefore we excluded it from the
development and increased lateral migration of the crests under proposed scenario below.
the ice dynamics), coupled with water availability and soil devel-
opment. The most important effect on surface topography was 5.6.4. Sequence chronology of cave development and landscape evolution
glacial and periglacial modeling, counterbalanced by mountain tec- The scenario proposed below is based on speleothem ages, and the
tonic uplift, and to a lesser extent by fluvial erosion and marble assumption that the caves must be older than the deposits within. We
dissolution. describe six time periods in the evolution of this landscape during the
past N560 ka, illustrated in Fig. 14:
5.6.1. Glacial erosion
The morphology of the Mușeteica glacial cirque itself is likely the re- I) Before ~560 ka. The minimum estimated age of M6 Cave is pro-
sult of several glacial phases during the Pleistocene. Studies have shown vided by the U\\Th dates of M6–1 sample, falling roughly within
that the necessary time for cirques to form may be between 125 ka and the MIS 15-13 interglacial. At this point, there is no evidence
beyond 400 ka (Barr and Spagnolo, 2015, and references therein). about the existence of any other cave nearby.
Therefore, it is likely that the glaciers have eroded the bedrock at least II) At ~400 ka. Most probably during the MIS 11 interglacial, M5
20 L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038

Fig. 14. Evolution scenario of the Mușeteica glaciokarst: 1 – surface topography; 2 – hypothetical paleotopography; 3 – cave section; 4 – truncated cave; 5 – speleothem; 6 – mountain
glacier; 7 – slope erosion; 8 – marble; 9 – greenschist; 10 – amphibolitic schist; 11 – strike and dip of rock foliation.
L. Tîrlă et al. / Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107038 21

Cave was already formed and was probably longer, allowing for The Mușeteica glaciokarst contains two distinct zones: a) the level
the deposition of flowstone M5-1. No datable cave deposit from above the trimline comprises collapse dolines and cave remnants with
the M4 Cave could provide insights into its age. speleothems; b) the glacial cirque hosts solution dolines, dry valleys,
III) At ~330 ka. The first evidence for the existence of M3-R2 Cave ponors, kluftkarren, a valley-bottom cave lacking speleothems (M1
during MIS 9 was the commencement of M3-R2-3 speleothem Cave), roches moutonnées, and plucked slope facets. Morphological ev-
growth. Meanwhile, the intervening surface erosion, enhanced idence and lack of speleothems suggest that the M1 Cave is younger
during the cold periods by glacial/periglacial conditions, should than the caves above the trimline and developed under the glacier dur-
have thinned the overburden of M6 and M5 caves. ing the last glaciation (MIS 4–2).
IV) At ~70 ka. Speleothems grew during the last interglacial perhaps The ridge-top caves and former passages were truncated due to
only in the M3-R2 Cave. So far, we found no evidence of slope retreat under glacial and periglacial erosion, throughout the Mid-
speleothem formation at this stage in the other ridge-top caves dle and Late Pleistocene. We discovered a cave remnant (M6) by exca-
(M4, M5, or M6); therefore, we may assume that these caves vating the siliciclastic sediment infill of a ridge-top doline.
had already been strongly truncated by erosion at that time, Three speleogenetic stages were outlined: 1) texture- and fabric-
and speleothem growth was not possible anymore in the nearly controlled dissolution and distension; 2) structurally-controlled break-
exposed passages or chambers. down; 3) cave truncation, unroofing, and sediment infilling.
V) Last Glacial Period (~70 ka – 12 ka). The area above the trimline We reported the first speleothem U\\Th dates from the alpine karst
was subjected to periglacial processes, being close to erasing all in the Romanian Carpathians, that range between ~70 ka and N560 ka,
the cave passages from the ridge. The Mușeteica glacier has re- spanning the Middle and Late Pleistocene. U\\Th dating shows that
moved a large amount of bedrock and dropped the altitude of speleothem deposition was limited mostly to interglacial periods. Stable
land surface by a maximum of ~70 m. M1 Cave was probably in- carbon isotope values of these speleothems have a minimum around
vaded by ice in its frontal part, causing extensive breakdown, and −10‰, indicating the presence of sustained activity from plant and
received periodically a water influx from the glacier above, which soil microorganisms, consistent with environmental conditions of
subsequently modeled the tube in the back section. warm periods.
VI) Late Holocene. Mountain uplift and erosion resulted in the Based on speleothem ages and glaciokarst geomorphology, we pro-
present-day morphology and altitudes. The landscape should posed a landscape reconstruction scenario comprising six time slices,
not have changed too much since the last deglaciation, except at N560 ka, 400 ka, 330 ka, 70 ka, 70 to 12 ka, and at present. Each chro-
for gravitational spreading and partial modeling of karst land- nological sequence illustrates changes that occurred in cave develop-
forms and glacial deposits. The ridge-top caves are subjected to ment, speleothem growth, and glacial/periglacial erosion.
slow dissolution, and passage enlargement by breakdown. M1 The sediment accumulation we identified in the ridge-top dolines
Cave is no longer enlarged by water flow under pressure, but has a late Holocene age, preliminary radiocarbon dating showing it
shows multiple evidence of wall modeling by condensation cor- started depositing before ~3 ka. We showed that it preserved pollen
rosion in its frontal part. The roof of M6 Cave probably collapsed from a mostly herbaceous plant association. Combined with other bio-
during the Holocene and was filled with clastic sediments geochemical proxies and a possibility for large sample availability,
washed from the nearby slopes, and is capped by active soil these sedimentary archives can be a welcome complement to lake sed-
layers. iment cored from the region.

Declaration of competing interest

The interpretation regarding the progress of glacial erosion illus-
trated in Fig. 14 is based on a geomorphological foundation. Morphom- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
etry of the glacial cirques suggests that erosion progressed rather interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
headward in the Mușeteica cirque, whereas in the smaller cirques ence the work reported in this paper.
around it (including the Râiosu cirque to the east) it acted mostly down-
ward at least during the last glacial period. The hosted ice could not have Acknowledgements
removed enough material from the bedrock of these small cirques to
force a significant headwall erosion compared to Mușeteica cirque. This work was supported by the ICUB (University of Bucharest
Here, the former glacier seems to have described a clockwise 70°–90° Research Institute) grant no. 13055/2017 (to L.T.), and SEE 126/2019 -
rotation from south towards the east, imposed by the geological struc- KARSTHIVES 2 (to S. Constantin). V. D. would like to thank CENIEH
ture of marbles. (Burgos, Spain) for supporting a research stay during which some of the
U\\Th work presented here was undertaken. We would like to thank A.
6. Conclusions Gabor and A. Giurgea for preliminary OSL measurements on sediments,
as well as L. Faur and C. Ungureanu for measuring their grain size content.
This study provides new geomorphological and geochronological in- The local authorities of Arefu and the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority
formation on the evolution of the Făgăraș Mountains (Romania) marble are acknowledged for providing the drone flight approval. We thank M.
karst and gives new insights into the relationship between Stoica and A. Nedelea for providing documenting materials and logistics,
karstification and Pleistocene environmental changes in the central D. Putici, A. Domozină, T. Cojocaru, and students involved in the field-
South Carpathians. Our results show how the alpine karst and sedimen- work, as well as M. Dinoiu and B. Dinoiu for providing accommodation
tary archives such as speleothems and clastic infills have recorded these during fieldwork. We are grateful to J. de Waele and O. Pop for providing
changes in an isolated high-altitude setting. constructive remarks and suggestions, which helped improve the quality
Geological structure seems to have controlled the spatial develop- of this manuscript.
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