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words cannot explain

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fashion & Models, Model Kim Taehyung | V,
Photographer Jeon Jungkook, 5 Times, Marriage Proposal, Fluff,
Sequel to cut out all the ropes (let me fall)
Series: Part 2 of love is patient, love is kind
Stats: Published: 2017-05-15 Completed: 2017-05-16 Chapters: 2/2 Words:

words cannot explain

by aeterisks


The four times Jeongguk tries and fails at asking Taehyung to marry him and the one time
he actually succeeds.


i can't let go of this au because i am attached to the characters so yeah here we are now...
enjoy this tooth-rotting fluff that is also weak af and i could have DEFINITELY kept
also this could be read on its own but if you read the first part i'm sure it will be a lot more
gratifying and it will make more sense!! after all this i'll shut up now

edit: ao3 has shoved this fic to the second page of the tag minutes after i posted, so in order
for it to show up i added a second chapter that literally is an author note and will be deleted
in a few hours so... don't bother checking the second chapter [sighs]

edit 2: since a lot of people commented on the second chapter i decided to not delete it as i
didn't want to lose your comments!! sorry this is a mess lmao

Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


Realistically, Jeongguk knows that proposing is harder than it looks in movies. He knows that
getting the right ring size can be tricky sometimes, although that won’t be a problem in his case—
Taehyung has a lot of tailored rings, so he can just get one and take it to the jewelry store with him.
Finding the right moment can also be complicated, but with their lifestyle, dinner in expensive
restaurants and trips to faraway places are not uncommon, so he has plenty of moments. No, what
Jeongguk is more worried about is the fact that it takes a lot of courage to propose. Courage he’s
not sure he’ll find in him when the moment comes.

He and Taehyung have been through thick and thin. They started hating each other with a passion,
and from there their relationship slowly turned into a love and affection that seemed a little scary at
first. There were even times when they thought they had lost each other for forever, when
Jeongguk almost left South Korea because he was too heartbroken to think straight—luckily for
both their relationship and Jeongguk’s career, Taehyung managed to make him stay. It’s been
almost three years since then and he knows Taehyung loves him, just like he knows he loves
Taehyung. But does Taehyung want to spend the rest of his life with Jeongguk?

Jimin told him that all that it would take was a little liquid confidence, but Jeongguk refuses to
propose drunk. Not only because he wants to remember it or because if he tried to propose drunk
he would probably make a fool of himself, but also because Taehyung deserves better than that.
Taehyung deserves someone who will have the guts to propose while sober, and fuck Jeongguk if
he’s not going to be that guy.

Naturally, Jeongguk knows that they can’t get married just yet—or at least not in their country—
but he just wants to be engaged. Being fiancés is bigger than being boyfriends, after all, and an
engagement implies a commitment and a promise of staying together that their current relationship
seems to lack.

(And maybe a lot of Jeongguk’s friends are getting engaged and married, and he’s a little jealous.
They can go get married in America or Europe if that’s what it will take, but he needs this. Even if
it won’t be valid in their country, the emotional significance still remains, right?)

So Jeongguk has a plan. It’s not a foolproof one and is the coward’s route, but at least he’s doing it.
He takes Taehyung to their favorite restaurant, talks to the chef beforehand and convinces him to
slip the ring in the middle of Taehyung’s absolute favorite cake, the one he knows he’ll order for
dessert. And really, everything looks like it’s going to be alright, like it will work out and by the
end of the night Jeongguk will be able to call Taehyung his fiancé. He can already imagine
Taehyung’s Instagram post, its caption predictable yet absurd, something that will make Jeongguk
grin every time he thinks of it.

That’s how it’s supposed to go, but it, of course, doesn’t happen that way. Jeongguk sits on the
edge of his seat, watching Taehyung eat his dessert while nervously taking bites of his own. But
then, when the ring can’t be more than two bites away, Taehyung stops eating.

“God, I’m so full,” he groans, lying back on his chair. Jeongguk freezes.
“Aren’t you gonna eat the rest of that?” he asks, Taehyung shaking his head as he pats his own

“No way, I feel like I’m going to explode,” Taehyung replies. “Besides, I have a shoot tomorrow
morning so I can’t be bloated.”

“That’s—that’s so stupid, love,” Jeongguk insists, Taehyung narrowing his eyes at the use of the
pet name. Not that Jeongguk holds back with the pet names, but it’s true that he’s not one for
public displays of affection—not even verbal ones. “Just eat as much as you want, you know
you’re not bloated.”

“Yet,” Taehyung says. Jeongguk gives him a pointed look. They both know Taehyung is not
bloated. He often says that despite the fact that he didn’t exercise and go on diets as much as he
does now. He used to have a soft, little tummy, and honestly Jeongguk cannot wait for the day it
comes back. “Anyway, I’m full. If I eat more my tummy will hurt, and if my tummy hurts, I’ll
make you take care of me all night. Is that what you want? To stay up all night looking after your

“You know I would gladly spend all night taking care of you, if that’s what you needed,” Jeongguk
replies, giving Taehyung’s hand a squeeze over the table.

Taehyung’s gaze softens at that, and when he speaks all joke and mockery are gone from his voice.
“I know, Guk-ah.” He stays silent for a moment, smiling warmly at Jeongguk, and then adds, “I
love you.”

“I love you, too,” Jeongguk replies, the words now falling easily from his lips—it doesn’t mean he
means them any less, or that they have lost their significance with years. It’s just that letting
Taehyung know how much he means to him is something he’s used to by now, and vice versa.

In the end, Taehyung doesn’t eat the rest of the cake. When he goes to the bathroom before they
leave, Jeongguk stays behind and gets the ring from the cake, wrapping it in his napkin before
shoving it in the pocket of his blazer. There will be another chance for him to propose, obviously.
Either way, this was way too unoriginal and overdone for Taehyung, right?


The second time Jeongguk decides—more like finds it in himself—to propose, he decides to, again,
go for their favorite restaurant. But this time, he’ll do it the traditional way: he’ll kneel before
Taehyung, open the box and just ask him to marry me. Jeongguk has never been a fan of proposals
in public since he understands that there’s a sense of obligation to save your partner from being
rejected and making a fool of themselves in public (although Jeongguk hopes that wouldn’t be a
problem for him), so he makes a reservation for a private area.

Taehyung, obviously, is delighted.

“We came here just two weeks ago,” he observes while they wait for their food, a smile painted on
his face. “Are we celebrating something? I know for a fact I’m not forgetting any dates.”

Jeongguk bites his tongue, holding back from saying that if everything goes according to plan,
today’s date will indeed be one to remember. Instead, he just shrugs and says, “You know I like it
here. And I know you like it too, so I thought we should come.”

Taehyung smiles, taking a sip of his wine without questioning it any further.

Jeongguk decides that the right moment to do it is after dessert, when they’re able to just pay and
leave quickly—and most likely have some celebratory sex back at home. He watches with a little
bitterness at how Taehyung finishes off his dessert, but quickly shakes those thoughts away.
Tonight, he’s asking for real, so he has no reason to feel apprehensive.

By the time Taehyung finishes, he feels like he’s about to throw up. He’s more nervous now than
he was the previous time, since this time he’s the one who has to trigger the action. Still, he’s
determined to be Taehyung’s fiancé by the time they leave the restaurant, so he takes a deep breath,
gets down on one knee, and—

“Uh? You didn’t have to pick up that for me, Guk-ah,” Taehyung says as Jeongguk reaches for his
pocket, hand freezing midway. He frowns. “You’re such a babe.”

Jeongguk looks down at the floor, and sure enough, right there before him is a napkin, one that
seems to stare back at him mockingly. Does it make sense for him to be offended? He swears the
existence of that piece of cloth is making him mad. It’s just a napkin—but Taehyung’s comment
caught him so off guard that he doesn’t feel like proposing anymore. Did Jeongguk getting on one
knee before him really make him think he was going to pick up a napkin? Jeongguk doesn’t know
whether he should feel offended or flattered, but as of right now, he feels like he could cry.

He only then realizes that his little life crisis over the napkin has gone on for far too long, and
when he looks up it’s only to find Taehyung looking down at him with a raised eyebrow and a
questioning look on his face. Jeongguk blushes, picking up the napkin and quickly getting back to
his seat. God, he’s so grateful he made a reservation in the private area. He’s sure that, had he got
in that position in the middle of the restaurant, everyone but Taehyung would have realized what
his intentions actually were. Maybe then he would have grown some balls and actually went
through with it, he wonders. But still—he’s not going to propose so publicly and with an audience
at that..

“You okay?” Taehyung asks, reaching over the table to wrap his fingers lightly around Jeongguk’s
wrist. Jeongguk nods. “Are you sure? We can go home if you’re not feeling well.”

“I’m good,” Jeongguk replies, giving him what he intends to be a reassuring smile. It must come
more like a grimace, because Taehyung still looks unconvinced as he pouts a little. Of course,
Jeongguk is good—he’s just a little disappointed, maybe. Both at himself and at the fact
Taehyung’s first thought when he gets down on one knee before him is about a fucking napkin, but
he’s good.

Later, when they’re coming back home and Taehyung is driving while humming softly along with
whatever song from his playlist is playing, Jeongguk realizes how much he wants it. He closes his
eyes, resting his forehead on the car window while listening to Taehyung’s voice, letting it lull him
to sleep. He lets himself imagine that he actually asked, that Taehyung said yes, and now the silver
band with Jeongguk’s initials engraved on it is wrapped around Taehyung’s ring finger, and isn’t
that nice to think about. Taehyung, his fiancé.

Jeongguk wants that. He wants it so bad he’s willing to try as many times as it takes.


Taehyung loves theme parks. Taehyung loves Jeongguk. So, Taehyung would probably love for
Jeongguk to ask him to marry him at a theme park, right?

In all honestly, they’ve been to every single theme park in South Korea, always in the winter and
during weekdays when it’s guaranteed there will be less people around. So Jeongguk talks to
Namjoon, makes sure Taehyung has a free week, and drives him all the way down to Busan, to his
favorite theme park—the one he knows like the back of his hand.

Taehyung is more than delighted that Jeongguk has prepared a surprise for him, and goes along
with it easily and without asking many questions. The first day, they just traveled and spent the rest
of the evening in their hotel room, because long car rides, for some reason, always leave Taehyung
sleepier than airplanes do. The second day, they go to see Jeongguk’s family, because if his mom
were to find out he was down in Busan and didn’t visit, she would hunt him down—besides,
there’s this feeling that he gets when he watches Taehyung interact with his family; Jeongguk can’t
exactly name it, but it makes him feel warm. Today, on the third day, they’re going to the theme
park. And this time Jeongguk is determined to make it work.

Taehyung has a bright pink beanie on, one Namjoon got him for his last birthday because he
thought it suited Taehyung, and a scarf wrapped all the way to his reddened nose. It’s late
November and it’s Busan, and it’s definitely colder in Seoul, but Jeongguk loves to see Taehyung
all wrapped up in layers and layers of clothes. He looks so, well—so cuddly. So soft. And that’s
enough reason to make Jeongguk soft as well. When Jeongguk gently blindfolds Taehyung, the
elder lets out a giggle that tells Jeongguk he’s thinking about their previous occasions using
blindfolds—for not very innocent actions, really—which makes Jeongguk flush a little, making
him grateful Taehyung is blindfolded in the passenger seat.

Jeongguk buckles both his seat belt and Taehyung’s, making sure he really doesn’t see anything
before he starts driving. Taehyung asks questions about their destination this time around—more
like he tries to guess where Jeongguk is taking him too, but he doesn’t get it right, and Jeongguk is
happy to keep it that way.

Most of Busan’s theme parks include water rides, so it’s not like Taehyung will get to fully enjoy
the park today, but Jeongguk can’t wait until summer to do this. When they get to the park he
guides Taehyung to the gate, having him step on his toes more than once in his temporary state of
blindness, but Jeongguk just giggles against his temple and keeps clumsily guiding him. Only when
they’re right before the gate does he stop, taking off Taehyung’s blindfold, and—

“A theme park?” Taehyung asks, and Jeongguk can’t help but smile a little at the excited edge to
his tone. He doesn’t really sound like a man nearing his thirties now, more like a kid, and that
makes Jeongguk smile even wider. “God, you drove me all the way down to Busan just to take me
to a theme park, you’re literally the best, Jeonggukie, I—”

“It’s not just a theme park,” Jeongguk interrupts his rambling, giving a small squeeze to
Taehyung’s hip. “It’s my favorite theme park.”

Taehyung smiles, wide and so blindingly sincere it makes Jeongguk’s heart ache a little. They
spend the whole morning trying out the rides (and really, Taehyung loves all of them; from the
roller coasters to the carousels) before they get lunch at one of the themed restaurants in the park.
They get stopped for pictures and autographs every once in a while—more Taehyung than him,
even if now that he’s been with Taehyung for some years, he’s getting more and more used to
being on the other side of the camera—but since the park is mostly empty, it’s not too much of a

There’s one of those rides for couples where they just sit in a cheesy boat shaped as a heart and go
through a tunnel, and that’s where Jeongguk plans to propose. He tells Taehyung there’s one
specific ride he wants to show him, and Taehyung looks at him with curious eyes since he’s been
letting him choose the rides so far. When he sees where Jeongguk takes him, he coos and wraps his
arms tightly around his middle.

“This is so cute, Jeongguk,” he says, pressing a noisy kiss to Jeongguk’s cheek. “So unbelievably
cheesy and cute, God, I cannot believe we never been on one of these.”

Taehyung’s reaction has him smiling like an idiot, a little too pleased that Taehyung likes the idea
of going on the ride with him. Truth to be told, neither he nor Taehyung run away from the typical,
sometimes cheesy stuff couples do, so it’s almost a miracle that, with the amount of theme parks
they have gone to, they haven’t gone on one of these yet.

They get in there, and all of it—the scenery, the lightening, the music—is so terribly cliché that it
has Jeongguk a little enamored. Taehyung is laughing by his side, eyes crinkling at the corners as
he looks around himself in wonder, and Jeongguk never thought the weight of a hand on his could
feel so reassuring—could make him feel so at home no matter their current surroundings.

“Tae, baby,” he starts, Taehyung’s questioning eyes focusing on him again. He’s reaching into his
pocket, the speech he has memorized for what now feels like forever on the tip of his tongue, and
he knows he has to do it now if he wants to make it on time. So he starts, “After all these—”

But he’s interrupted by the annoyingly bright flash of a camera, and really. He’s left confused for a
few seconds, mostly because it was so unexpected that he feels a little disoriented. Then one of the
park’s security guards appears, and only in that moment does Jeongguk notice the man standing at
the side of the tunnel, on the shore of the river, with a camera that looks painfully expensive.

“How did you even get in here?” the guard asks, sounding a little angry.

Jeongguk’s chest hurts, both because the man borderline starts running and he can practically see
the camera and all the expensive equipment falling to the ground, and also because again, he
hasn’t been able to propose. Taehyung laughs at his side, posing for the camera when the man
calls Taehyung-ssi!

Everything is a little too surreal, and Jeongguk still has trouble wrapping his mind around it even
hours later when they’re back in their hotel room. They’ve just had dinner and showered—together,
because saving water is good for the environment and fucking Taehyung against the wall during a
shower never gets old—and Taehyung is looking at the pictures on his phone. Jeongguk snuggles
close to him, taking a look at the headline, and he cringes a little.

“Kim Taehyung and his longtime boyfriend, photographer Jeon Jeongguk, caught on a romantic
getaway in Busan,” he reads out loud, Taehyung snorting a little when he hears it from his
boyfriend’s lips. “That’s ridiculous.”

“Just a couple more years of ridiculous headlines, and then we’re free, you know,” Taehyung says,
locking his phone as he cuddles against Jeongguk’s side.

“What do you mean by that?” Jeongguk asks, a little confused.

Taehyung shrugs. “I’m almost thirty. You know how fashion is with people in their thirties. I
should probably start thinking of a back-up occupation now. Do you think I’d make a good actor? I
received a little training in acting, too. Maybe I should look into it.”

“Shut up,” Jeongguk mumbles against his shoulder. “You’re a legend in the Korean fashion
industry, and the industry doesn’t let go of legends just like that. Besides, you know the expiry
dates come later for male models.”

Jeongguk can’t see Taehyung’s face, but he still can hear the smile on his lips when he says,
“What’s up? Don’t you want me to be your trophy husband?”

And really, Jeongguk knows that Taehyung didn’t mean it—the husband part. He knows that’s
how the fixed expression is, but that doesn’t change the fact that Jeongguk is blushing furiously at
the mention of it. Husband.

“Your income is twice mine,” Jeongguk reminds him, Taehyung humming pleased. “And you save
a lot of money, I’m sure that even if you stopped working altogether—which we both know won’t
happen even if you stop modelling all of sudden—you could sustain a living for some years.”

Taehyung laughs, his body trembling under Jeongguk’s cheek. “I’m so rich. Fuck, I could be your
sugar daddy.”

Jeongguk just snorts, poking Taehyung’s sides with his forefinger. “Just stick to trophy husband for
now, you asshat.”

His trophy husband. Trophy or not, Jeongguk just wants Taehyung to be his husband.


Jeongguk figures out after three failed attempts that the best place to ask Taehyung to marry me
would be their home. He plans everything for the night of December 29th, one day before
Taehyung’s birthday—not only because of the date, but because December is a busy month for the
both of them. Taehyung has a photo shoot the day Jeongguk is planning to propose, but that doesn’t
weaken his determination.

He’s a little disappointed when, earlier in the day, Taehyung tells him he won’t be getting home
until past dinner time, but Jeongguk doesn’t let the news bring him down. Proposing after a
romantic dinner would be great, but it’s awfully conventional—Jeongguk is already getting used to
life meddling with their plans because of their professions, so it doesn’t bother him. He’ll just wait
until Taehyung gets home.

When he does it’s a little past eleven, and Jeongguk’s already starting to feel sleepy. However, he
feels suddenly awake as soon as he hears the door open after Taehyung puts the passcode in.

“Guk?” the other calls softly, as if he were afraid to wake him up. Taehyung should have known
Jeongguk would wait up for him. He then steps into the living room, finding Jeongguk stretching
his limbs over his head on the couch. “Were you sleeping, baby?”

“Almost,” Jeongguk replies, curling his fingers around Taehyung’s wrist and tugging down when
he leans in to give him a kiss. Taehyung makes a surprised noise, but still lets himself fall into
Jeongguk’s lap, legs on each side of Jeongguk’s. “How did the shoot go?”

“It was good, Hoseok said hi,” replies Taehyung, distractedly running his palms down Jeongguk’s
shirt. “Why are you still wearing nice clothes?”

The answer to that is because he has a proposal to do and he’s not about to do that while wearing
PJs—he needs to keep it decent to a minimum, as unconventional as he has already assumed this
whole thing will be.

“All of my clothes are nice,” he ends up saying, pinching Taehyung’s thighs. Taehyung giggles
before he leans forward and steals another kiss, this time a little longer than the other. It’s obvious
just by the languid, lazy kisses that Taehyung presses against his mouth that Taehyung is tired, but
still nice nevertheless. “Come on,” he urges, slipping his hands on the back pockets of Taehyung’s
jeans and giving his ass a squeeze, “let’s take these off.”

“What are your intentions, mister?” Taehyung teases as he locks his legs around Jeongguk’s waist.
Jeongguk lifts him up, hands holding tightly to Taehyung’s thighs as he makes his way to their

“My intentions are pure,” he says, making Taehyung laugh as he drops him on the mattress.
“You’re cute.”

“Thank you,” Taehyung replies, biting his lip as he curls his arms around Jeongguk’s neck, trying
to pull him down for a kiss.

But it’s then that Jeongguk realizes the box with the ring isn’t here, in his pocket, but somewhere
in their walk-in wardrobe, in the jacket he wore to the theme park that one time.

“Wait a minute,” he replies then, pulling away and making Taehyung pout. “I’ll be right back, I

“I’ll be waiting,” Taehyung replies, resigned.

Realistically, it can’t be that long before Jeongguk comes back with the velvety box behind his
back. Sure, he had to check a few jackets because he doesn’t remember exactly which one he wore
that day, but it took him five minutes, tops. Yet, when he makes his way back to their bedroom, it’s
only to find Taehyung still lying on his back but this time fast asleep.

Jeongguk sighs, leaning against the doorframe to take a look at his sleeping boyfriend. Jeongguk
really, really wants to change that boyfriend for a fiancé, but he doesn’t have the heart to wake him
up after a long day, especially for something like this. Deciding it’s not the right moment,
Jeongguk walks to his bedside table and puts the ring in the first drawer, closing it softly in order to
not wake Taehyung up.

He undresses Taehyung and puts him in one of his own t-shirts because he likes to indulge in the
sight of Taehyung wearing his clothes. After he brushes his teeth and slips into his own pajamas he
slips under the covers beside Taehyung, who immediately curls himself around him.

“Gukkie?” he asks, rather sleepily.

“Happy birthday, babe,” Jeongguk whispers against his hair, slipping his arm around Taehyung.

“Thank you,” Taehyung replies. “I love you.”

Taehyung tells him he loves him every night, no matter if they’re sharing the same bed or not, but
it never fails to make Jeongguk’s heart beat faster.

“I love you, too,” he says back, kissing the crown of Taehyung’s head. “Now go back to sleep.”


The way it happens is, well—quite comical. They’re coming back from the New Year’s party
Yoongi and Jimin had at their house, kissing in the elevator as Taehyung’s hands are everywhere
under his clothes. It’s quite frantic, the way in which Taehyung tries to touch every inch of skin
possible, almost as if he thought Jeongguk would vanish right under his hands.

They stumble into their home after Jeongguk very clumsily manages to get the code in, Taehyung
pressing into him closer and closer as they blindly make their way to the bedroom. For some
reason, Taehyung decided that touching himself over his clothes while Jeongguk was driving was a
smart and safe thing to do on their way back home. Now they’re both unbelievably horny, and
Taehyung doesn’t hesitate before pressing Jeongguk against the mattress and straddling his hips.
“Fuck, let me get the lube,” he says, voice breathy as he speaks.

At any other moment, Jeongguk would have realized and would have been quicker to move and
prevent Taehyung from moving to Jeongguk’s drawer where they keep the lube. But right now all
he can think about is Taehyung’s raspy moans as he touched himself in the car, and about how
much he wants to hear those again—but this time loud and clear.

Taehyung is taking too long, but Jeongguk doesn’t realize until he hears a shriek. When he looks at
Taehyung and his boyfriend turns around, velvet box open in his hands—well, it’s too late to do
something by then.

“Jeon Jeongguk,” he starts, tone accusatory. “What is—were you gonna ask me to marry you?”

If Jeongguk wasn’t as mortified as he is in this very moment, he would have probably made a
snarky remark. Taehyung is asking the obvious, because why else would he have an engagement
ring in his drawer? Who else would he propose to?

“I, uh,” he clumsily says, scratching the back of his head under Taehyung’s expectant eyes. “Yes?”

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” Taehyung says, cupping one of his reddened cheeks with
his hand as he looks down at the ring in utter disbelief. Then, he looks back at Jeongguk and asks,
“And why haven’t you yet?”

There’s this tint of excitement in Taehyung’s voice that makes Jeongguk feel a little better. A lot
better, actually; so much better he’s smiling and reaching forward to take the box from his hand.
Taehyung looks very much shocked, but his eyes widen even more when Jeongguk stands up only
to kneel before him, still sitting on the bed.

“I’ve tried to propose four times and have failed miserably during every single one of them,” he
starts, making Taehyung smile a little. He can’t remember anything of the speech he had actually
prepared but fuck it. “You weren’t supposed to find out like this and this was supposed to be way
more romantic than you finding the ring next to a bottle of lube but here we are. Even if we
couldn’t stand each other when we first met, even if we acted like we were kids and hurt each
other because of our pride, you make me happier than anyone else ever could.

“The last three years by your side have been without a doubt the best of my life, and you’re every
reason why. As unconventional as we are, with all the little quirks that our relationship might have,
you know I wouldn’t change a day spent by your side, not even the bad ones. I once made the
mistake of giving you up, and every day I’m thankful you had courage for both of us by finding me
and making me stay. Not to be a cliché, but nothing would make me happier than to be your
husband, and I want you to stay by my side for every single day we have left. So, Kim Taehyung,
will you marry me?”

Taehyung, for what might be one of the first times ever since Jeongguk met him, is speechless, and
he can’t help but feel a little proud. He did that—he got Taehyung’s eyes glassy with what he hopes
—knows—are happy tears, he got his lips parted in surprise. Taehyung doesn’t answer
immediately, and contrary to what Jeongguk would have expected, it doesn’t make him nervous.

He knows Taehyung is going to say yes, after all.

“Oh, Jeongguk,” is what he says, and suddenly there are arms around his neck and Taehyung’s
face is in the crook of his neck. “Why do you make me cry? You know I hate crying.”

Jeongguk laughs, wrapping his arms around Taehyung, careful to not drop the ring. “I’m sorry,
babe.” Taehyung laughs, tightening his arms around Jeongguk’s neck. “Is that a yes?”

“Yes, yes, yes and a million times yes, fuck,” he replies, pulling away from Jeongguk’s arms to sit
across from him to look at his face. “Do you even have to ask? You could have slipped that ring on
my finger overnight and changed your Facebook status to engaged and I would have gone along
with it, Jesus.”

“You’re just—you’re impossible,” says Jeongguk, unable to keep the smile away from his face.
“Give me your hand, we need to do this part right, at least.”

Taehyung laughs, stretching his arm so Jeongguk can take his hand on his. He takes the band,
sliding it on Taehyung’s ring finger deliberately slowly. He takes a look at Taehyung’s hand, at the
ring he bought so many months ago just for him—the ring that fits so beautifully and perfectly on
his finger. It feels definite, to finally see it where it belongs after all this time. It still feels too much
like a dream, but Jeongguk is starting to believe this is real.

It’s stupid, now they’re both sitting on the carpet of their bedroom floor and Taehyung’s smile is
ridiculously big. Taehyung, his fiancé.

Yep, still feels like a dream.

“Come here,” Taehyung mutters, cupping Jeongguk’s face with his two hands. The ring feels oddly
cold against Jeongguk’s face when Taehyung leans forward to kiss him, but it’s not unwelcome at
all. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” he says, punctuating it with a peck to Jeongguk’s mouth
each time. “And nothing would made me happier than marrying you, even if you’re still the most
awkward person on the planet.”

“Hey!” Jeongguk complains with a whine. “It’s not my fault you found it when you weren’t
supposed to. If only you had let me propose when I actually intended to.”

Taehyung smirks, shrugging a little. “Improvisation is better in my opinion,” he replies. “Fuck,

wait until I show this to Jimin. He’s gonna get so jealous.”

“We’ve just gotten engaged and you’re already thinking about Jimin? I’m hurt.”

“Jimin can wait,” Taehyung says, pressing closer to Jeongguk as he kisses him again, this time
deeper. “Now I’m gonna fuck the hell out of my fiancé.”

Chapter End Notes

come talk to me on twitter or tumblr (preferably twitter) if you miss them too because i
Surely do
edit: i said this on the initial author note but nobody reads those so!! ao3 has shoved
this fic to the second page of the tag minutes after i posted, so in order for it to show
up i added a second chapter that literally is an author note and will be deleted in a few
hours so... don't bother checking the second chapter [sighs]


ao3 has shoved this fic to the second page of the tag minutes after i posted, so in order for it to
show up i added a second chapter that literally is... just this. it will be deleted so if you want to
comment in the fic make sure to comment on the first chapter, not this one. all comments here
will be deleted with the chapters, and i wouldn't like for your comments to be deleted and left
unreplied :( sorry about this reallyy

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