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12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.

01-84 *

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SNiP 2.03.01-84 *


DEVELOPED by the NIIZhB Gosstroy of the USSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. A.A.
Gvozdev - topic leader; doctor tech. Sciences A. S. Zalesov, Yu. P. Gushcha; d-
p tech. sciences, prof. V. A. Klevtsov ; technical candidates Sciences EA Chistyakov, RL
Serykh, N.M. Mulin and L.K. Rull ) and the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings of the USSR State Construction Committee ( I.K.
Nikitin ⎯ topic leader; B.F.Vasiliev ).


PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Office of Standardization and

technical standards in the construction of the USSR State Construction Committee (V.M.Skubko) .

SNiP 2.03.01-84 * is a re-edition of SNiP 2.03.01-84 with changes,

approved by resolutions of the USSR State Construction Committee of July 8, 1988 No. 132 and of
August 25, 1988 No. 169.
Sections, paragraphs, tables, formulas, appendices and captions to figures, in
which have been modified are noted in these building codes and
rules with an asterisk.

When using a regulatory document, you should take into account

approved changes in building codes and regulations and state
standards published in the journal "Bulletin of Construction Equipment",
"Collection of changes to building codes and regulations" Gosstroy of the USSR and
information pointer „State standards THE USSR"
Gosstandart of the USSR.

Building regulations SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

Gosstroy of the USSR
Concrete and reinforced concrete Instead
constructions SNiP II-21-75 and SN 511-78

These standards apply to the design of concrete and

reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures of various
purposes working with systematic exposure to temperatures
not higher than 50 ° С and not lower than minus 70 ° С.
The standards establish requirements for the design of concrete and
reinforced concrete designs, manufactured of heavy,
fine-grained, lightweight, cellular and porous concrete, as well
from tensioning concrete.
The provisions of these norms correspond to ST SEV 384-76.
The requirements of these standards do not apply to concrete and
reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures, bridges,
transport tunnels, pipes under embankments, car coatings
roads and airfields, reinforced cement structures, as well as
structures made of loaves with an average density of less than 500
and over 2500 kg / m 3 , concrete polymers and polymer concretes, concretes for
lime, slag and mixed binders (except for their use in
cellular concrete), on gypsum and special binders, concretes on 1/127
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Page 2

special and organic aggregates, large-porous concrete

When designing concrete and reinforced concrete structures,
designed to work in special operating conditions (with
seismic influences, in an environment with an aggressive degree
impact on concrete and reinforced concrete structures, in conditions
high humidity, etc.), additional
the requirements for such structures by appropriate
regulatory documents.
According to concrete strength indicators, concrete classes are accepted
in accordance with ST SEV 1406-78.
Basic lettering used in these standards
according to ST SEV 1565-79, are given in reference Appendix 5.
* Reprinted as of January 1, 1989



1.1. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures, according to ST SEV

1406-78, must be provided with the required reliability from
occurrence of all types of limit states by calculation, choice
materials, dimensioning and design.
1.2. The choice of design solutions should be based on
from the technical and economic feasibility of their use in
specific construction conditions, taking into account the maximum reduction
material consumption, energy consumption, labor intensity and cost
construction, achieved by:
the use of effective building materials and structures;
reducing the weight of structures;
the most complete use of physical and mechanical properties
using local building materials;
compliance with the requirements for economical use of basic
building materials.
1.3. When designing buildings and structures,
structural schemes that provide the necessary strength,
stability and spatial immutability of buildings and
structures in general, as well as individual structures at all stages
construction and operation.
1.4. Prefabricated elements must meet the conditions
mechanized making on specialized

Approved Term
Submitted by decree introduction
NIZH Gosstroy of the USSR into action
Gosstroy of the USSR dated August 20, 1984 No. 136 January 1, 1986

When choice elements prefabricated structures must

predominantly pre-stressed
structures made of high-strength concrete and reinforcement, as well as
structures made of lightweight and aerated concrete where their use is not
limited by the requirements of other regulatory documents.

Page 3

It is advisable to enlarge the elements of prefabricated structures,

as far as the carrying capacity of the mounting mechanisms allows,
conditions of manufacture and transportation.
1.5. For monolithic structures, it should be provided 2/127
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unified dimensions allowing the use of inventory
formwork, as well as enlarged spatial reinforcement cages.
1.6. In prefabricated structures, special attention should be paid to
drawn to the strength and durability of the connections.
The designs of nodes and connections of elements should provide with
using various constructive and technological measures
reliable transfer of forces, the strength of the elements themselves in the joint zone, and
also the connection of additionally laid concrete at the junction with concrete
1.7. Concrete elements are used:
a) mainly in structures operating in compression at
small eccentricities of the longitudinal force, not exceeding values,
specified in clause 3.3;
b) in some cases in structures working in compression with
large eccentricities, as well as in bending structures,
when their destruction does not pose an immediate danger to
life of people and safety of equipment (elements lying on
solid base, etc.).

Note. Structures are considered concrete if they are

strength during operation is provided by concrete alone.

1.8. The estimated winter outdoor temperature is taken

as the average air temperature of the coldest five-day period in
depending on the construction area according to SNiP 2.01.01-82.
Design process temperatures are set by a task for
Ambient air humidity is defined as average
relative humidity of the outside air of the hottest month
depending on the construction area according to SNiP 2.01.01-82 or
as the relative humidity of indoor air
heated buildings.
1.9. In these standards, the letter designations of the main
quantities to be used in the design of construction
designs, as well as indices to letter designations,
installed ST SEV 1565-79.


1.10. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures must

meet the requirements of the bearing capacity design
(limit states of the first group) and suitability for normal
operation (limiting states of the second group).
a) The calculation for the limit states of the first group should
providing designs from:
fragile, ductile or other nature of destruction (calculation by
strength, taking into account, if necessary, the deflection of the structure before
loss of stability of the shape of the structure (calculation for stability
thin-walled structures, etc.) or its position (calculation for

Page 4

overturning and sliding of retaining walls; floating calculation

buried or underground reservoirs, pumping stations, etc.);
fatigue failure (calculation of the endurance of structures,
under the influence of a repetitive load
- movable or pulsating: crane beams, sleepers, frame
foundations and floor slabs some unbalanced machines
destruction under the combined influence of force factors and
adverse effects of the external environment (periodic or
constant exposure to an aggressive environment, the action of alternating
freezing and thawing, exposure to fire, etc.).
b) The calculation for the limiting states of the second group should
providing designs from:
cracking and excessive or prolonged cracking
disclosure (if, according to the operating conditions, education or
prolonged opening of cracks is unacceptable); 3/127
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excessive movements (deflections, angles of skew and rotation,
1.11. Calculation for the limiting states of the structure as a whole, and
also its individual elements should, as a rule, be made for
all stages - manufacturing, transportation, erection and
operation, while the design schemes must meet the accepted
constructive solutions.
Calculation for crack opening and deformation is not allowed
produce if based on experience or practice
the use of reinforced concrete structures found that the disclosure
cracks in them do not exceed permissible values and rigidity
structures in operation are sufficient.
1.12 *. Values of loads and influences, safety factors
by load, combination factors, as well as subdivision of loads
for permanent and temporary should be taken in accordance with
requirements of SNiP 2.01.07-85.
The load values must be multiplied by the factors
reliability for the intended purpose, taken in accordance with the "Accounting Rules
the degree of responsibility of buildings and structures in the design
structures "approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.
Loads taken into account when calculating the limit states
the second group (operational) should be taken according to
the instructions of pp. 1.16 and 1.20. In this case, long-term loads include
also part of the total value of the short-term loads specified
in SNiP 2.01.07-85, and the short-term load introduced into the calculation
should be taken reduced by the amount taken into account in the long-term
load. Combination factors and reduction factors
loads refer to the full value of short-term loads.
For structures not protected from solar radiation,
intended for work in the climatic subarea IVA according to
SNiP 2.01.01-82, the calculation should take into account temperature
climatic influences.
For concrete and reinforced concrete structures, there must also be
ensured their fire resistance in accordance with the requirements of SNiP
1.13. When calculating elements of prefabricated structures for impact
efforts arising from their lifting, transportation and installation,
the load from the element weight should be entered with the coefficient
dynamism equal to:

Page 5

during transportation ........... 1.60

„Lifting and mounting .......... 1.40

For the specified dynamic factors, it is allowed

take lower values justified in the established
order, but not less than 1.25.
1.14. Prefabricated monolithic structures, as well as monolithic
structures with supporting reinforcement should be calculated according to
strength, formation and opening of cracks and deformations for
the following two stages of construction work:
a) before the purchase of concrete laid at the place of use
structures of a given strength - on the effect of the weight of this concrete and
other loads acting at this stage of construction
6) after purchase with concrete placed at the place of use
a structure with a given strength ⎯ for loads acting on
at this stage of construction and during operation of the structure.
1.15. Efforts in statically indeterminate reinforced concrete
structures from loads and forced displacement (due to
changes in temperature, humidity of concrete, mixing of supports, etc.), and
also forces in statically definable structures when calculating them
according to the deformed scheme, as a rule, it should be determined taking into account
inelastic deformations of concrete and reinforcement and the presence of cracks.
For structures, the calculation method of which, taking into account inelastic
properties of reinforced concrete are not developed, as well as for intermediate
stages of calculation taking into account the inelastic properties of reinforced concrete forces in
statically indeterminate constructions are allowed to be defined in
the assumption of their linear elasticity. 4/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
1.16. Crack resistance of structures (or parts thereof)
the requirements of the corresponding categories are imposed depending on
on the conditions in which they work, and on the type of fittings used:
a) 1st category - cracking is not allowed;
b) 2nd category - limited in width is allowed
short crack opening a crc 1 , provided that they
subsequent reliable closing (clamping);
c) 3rd category - limited in width is allowed
short a crc 1 and long a crc 2 crack opening.
The short opening of cracks is understood as their
disclosure with the joint action of permanent, long-term and
short-term loads, and under long-term - only
constant and long-term loads.
Categories of requirements for crack resistance of reinforced concrete
structures, as well as values of the maximum permissible width
crack opening in a non-aggressive environment are given: for
limiting the permeability of structures - in table. 1, to ensure
safety of reinforcement - in table. 2 *.
Operational load, accounted for at calculation
reinforced concrete structures for the formation of cracks, their opening
or closing, should be taken according to table. 3.
If in structures or their parts, the crack resistance of which
the requirements of the 2nd and 3rd categories are imposed, no cracks are formed
with the corresponding loads indicated in table. 3, their calculation by
short-term opening and closing of cracks (for the 2nd


Page 6

category) or for a short and long

crack opening (for category 3) is not performed.
These categories requirements to crack resistance
reinforced concrete structures are classified as cracks, normal and
inclined to the longitudinal axis of the element.

Table 1
Category of requirements for
Working conditions crack resistance
structures reinforced concrete structures and
maximum permissible width a crc 1
and a crc 1 crack opening, mm,
permeability of structures

1. Perceiving elements
pressure of liquids and gases at
section: 1st category 1
fully stretched
partially compressed 3rd category;
a crc 1 = 0.3;
a crc 2 = 0.2

2. Elements perceiving 3rd category;

bulk pressure a crc 1 = 0.3;
a crc 2 = 0.2

Constructions must predominantly performed preliminarily
tense. With a special justification, it is allowed to perform these structures
without prestressing, in this case, their crack resistance is presented
requirements of the 3rd category.

To avoid the opening of longitudinal cracks, you should take

constructive measures (install appropriate lateral
reinforcement), and for prestressed members, in addition,
limit the values of compressive stresses in concrete at the stage
pre-compression (see p. 1.29).
1.17. At the end sections of prestressed elements
with reinforcement without anchors within the length of the stress transfer zone
(see clause 2.29) no cracking is allowed during action 5/127
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constant, long-term and short-term loads introduced into
calculation by the coefficient γ f = 1.0.
In this case, the prestresses in the reinforcement along the length of the zone
transmission voltages are taken linearly increasing from zero to
maximum calculated values.
This requirement may be disregarded for a part of the section,
located along its height from the level of the center of gravity of the reduced
section to stretched from the action of the pre-compression force
faces, if there is no stress reinforcement in this part without anchors.
1.18. In the event that a zone compressed under operational loads
prestressed elements, according to the calculation, in stages
manufacturing, transportation and erection cracks are formed,
normal to the longitudinal axis. the decrease
crack resistance of the zone of elements extended during operation, and

Page 7

also an increase in their curvature. For items calculated for

exposure to repetitive loads, the formation of such
cracks are not allowed. 6/127
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Page 8

Category of requirements for crack resistance of reinforced concrete structures and maximum permissible
width a crc 1 and a crc 2 , mm, crack openings, ensuring the safety of reinforcement
terms of Use
structures pivot classes rod classes A-V and AVI; wire grades
A-I, A-II, A-III, A-IIIc and A-IV; wire grades B-II, Bp-II and K-7
weeding classes B-II, Vr-II, K-7 and K-19 with a wire diameter of 3 mm and
B-I and Bp-I with a wire diameter of 3.5 mm or more less, core class At-VII

1. Indoors 3rd category; 3rd category; 3rd category;

a crc 1 = 0.4; a crc 1 = 0.3; a crc 1 = 0.2;
a crc 2 = 0.3 a crc 2 = 0.2 a crc 2 = 0.1

2. Outdoors as well as in 3rd category; 3rd category; 2nd category;

ground above or below level a crc 1 = 0.4; a crc 1 = 0.2; a crc 1 = 0.2
groundwater a crc 2 = 0.3 a crc 2 = 0.1

3. In the ground at a variable level 3rd category; 2nd category; 2nd category;
groundwater a crc 1 = 0.3; a crc 1 = 0.2 a crc 1 = 0.1
a crc 2 = 0.2

Notes: 1. Designation of reinforcement classes - in accordance with clause 2.24a.

2. In ropes, the wire of the outer layer is meant.
3. For structures with bar reinforcement of class A-V, operated indoors or outdoors, if there is experience in the design and operation of such
structures, the values of a crc 1 and a crc 2 may be increased by 0.1 mm in relation to those given in this table.

Page 9

1.19. For reinforced concrete weakly reinforced elements,

characterized by the fact that their bearing capacity is exhausted
simultaneously with the formation of cracks in the concrete of the tension zone (see p.
4.9), the cross-sectional area of the longitudinal tensile reinforcement should be
increased in comparison with the required one based on strength by less
than 15%.
1.20 *. Deflections and displacements of structural elements should not
exceed the limit established by SNiP 2.01.07-85.
1.21. When calculating the strength of concrete and reinforced concrete
elements on the action of a compressive longitudinal force must
take into account the accidental eccentricity e and due
factors not taken into account in the calculation. Eccentricity e a anyway
taken at least 1/600 of the length of the element or the distance between it 7/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
cross-sections fixed against offset, and 1/30 of the cross-section height. Besides
Moreover, for structures formed from prefabricated elements, it follows
take into account the possible mutual displacement of elements, depending on the type
structures, installation method, etc.
For elements of statically undefined structures, the value
eccentricity of longitudinal force relative to the center of gravity
reduced section e 0 taken equal to the eccentricity,
obtained from a static analysis of the structure, but not less than f and . IN
elements of statically definable structures eccentricity e 0
is found as the sum of eccentricities ⎯ determined from
static calculation of the structure and random.
1.22. Distances between temperature shrinkage joints, as
as a rule, should be established by calculation.


1.23. The prestresses σ sp and σ ' sp , respectively

and prestressed reinforcement S and S ' should be assigned taking into account the permissible
deviations p of the prestressing value thus
so that for bar and wire reinforcement the following conditions are met:

σ sp
+ ≤p R s ser
; σ sp
- ≥p 0 ,3 R s ,ser
... (1)

P value for mechanical tensioning of reinforcement

taken equal to 0.05 σ sp , and with electrothermal and
electrothermomechanical methods is determined by the formula

p = thirty
+ , (2)

where p ⎯ in MPa;
l ⎯ length of the tensioned bar (distance between outer
edges of stops), m.
With automated rebar tension, the numerator value
360 in formula (2) is replaced by 90.
1.24. Stress values σ con 1 and σ ' con 1 respectively in
prestressing reinforcement S and S ', controlled at the end of tension


Page 10

on the stops are taken equal to σ sp and σ ' sp (see Section 1.23) minus
losses from deformation of anchors and friction of reinforcement (see section 1.25).
Stress values in prestressing reinforcement S and S ' ,
controlled at the point of application of the tension force under tension
fittings on hardened concrete, accepted equal
respectively σ con 2 and σ ' con 2 , determined from the provision condition in
design cross-section of stresses σ sp and σ ' sp according to the formulas:

⎜ P
Pe 0 p y ⎞

σ = σ α- ⎜

con 2 sp
⎝ red red I ⎠

⎛ Pe 0 p y 'sp ⎞
⎜ P -
σ' = σ 'α - ⎜

⎝ A red I red
con 2 sp

In formulas (3) and (4):

σ sp , σ ' sp - are determined without taking into account the losses of the preliminary
voltage; 8/127
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Page 11

Table 3

Category Loads and safety factors for load γ f , taken in the calculation
requirements for
crack resistance by cracking crack opening to close cracks
reinforced concrete short long

1 Permanent, long-term and short-term ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

for γ f > 1.0 *

2 Constant, long-term and short-term at γ f > Permanent, long-lasting and ⎯ Permanent and long lasting
1.0 * (payment produced for clarification short-term at for γ f = 1.0
the need to check for a short γ f = 1.0
opening and closing cracks)

3 Constant, long-term and short-term at γ f = Also Permanent and long lasting ⎯

1.0 (payment produced for clarification for γ f = 1.0
the need to check for crack opening)

* Coefficient γ f is taken as in strength analysis.

Notes: 1. Long-term and short-term loads are accepted subject to the instructions in clause 1.12 *.
2. Special loads are taken into account in the calculation of the formation of cracks in cases where the presence of cracks leads to a catastrophic situation (explosion, fire, etc.). 9/127
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Page 12

P , e 0 p - are determined by formulas (8) and (9) at the values of σ sp and σ ' sp
taking into account the first losses of prestressing;
y sp , y ' sp - designations are the same as in item 1.28;
Voltage in fittings self-stressed structures
calculated of conditions equilibrium from stresses
(self-tensioning) in concrete.
Self-stress of concrete in the structure is determined based on
self-stress concrete grade S p taking into account the coefficient
reinforcement, the location of reinforcement in concrete (one-, two- and
triaxial reinforcement), as well as, if necessary, losses from
shrinkage and creep of concrete when the structure is loaded.

Note. In the structures of their lightweight concrete of classes B7.5 - B12.5

the values of σ con 1 and σ con 2 must exceed 400 and 550 MPa, respectively.

1.25. When calculating prestressed elements, one should

take into account the prestressing losses of the reinforcement.
When pulling the reinforcement onto the stops , consider:
a) the first losses - from deformation of anchors, friction of reinforcement about
enveloping devices, from stress relaxation in reinforcement,
temperature difference, deformation of forms (when tensioning reinforcement
on forms), from the fast-flowing creep of concrete;
b) the second losses are from shrinkage and creep of concrete.
When tensioning reinforcement onto concrete , consider:
c) first losses - from deformation of anchors, friction of reinforcement about
channel walls or concrete surface of the structure;
d) second losses - from stress relaxation in reinforcement, shrinkage and
creep of concrete, crushing of concrete under turns of reinforcement, deformation
joints between blocks (for structures consisting of blocks).
Losses of prestressing reinforcement should be determined
according to table 5, while the total value of design losses
structures must be taken at least 100 MPa.
When calculating self-stressed elements, only
losses of prestress from shrinkage and creep of concrete in
depending on the grade of concrete for self-tension and humidity.
For self-stressed structures operated under conditions
excess moisture, losses from shrinkage are not taken into account.
1.26. When determining prestressing losses from
shrinkage and creep of concrete according to pos. 8 and 9 tab. 5 must be considered
following directions:
a) with a predetermined loading time of the structure, losses
should be multiplied by the coefficient ϕ l , determined by the formula

ϕ= , (five)
100 3+ t

where t is the time, days, counted when determining losses from

creep from the day of concrete compression, from shrinkage - from the day of completion


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Table 5

Values of prestressing losses, MPa,

Factors causing losses when tensioning the reinforcement
prestressing reinforcement on the stops on concrete

A. First losses

1. Reinforcement stress relaxation:

with the mechanical method of tensioning the reinforcement:
a) wire ⎛ σ ⎞ ⎯
⎜0 ,22 - 0 ,1⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ R s ser
, ⎠

b) pivot 0.1σ sp - 20 ⎯
with electrothermal and electrothermomechanical
reinforcement tensioning methods:
a) wire 0.05σ sp ⎯
b) pivot 0.03σ sp ⎯
Here σ sp taken without taking into account losses, MPa. If a
the calculated loss values will be negative,
they should be taken equal to zero

2. Temperature difference (temperature difference For concrete of classes B15-B40 1.25∆ t ⎯

tensioned fittings in the heating zone and devices, For concrete of class B45 and above 1.0∆ t , ⎯
perceiving tension force during concrete heating) where ∆ t is the difference between the temperature of the heated
fittings and fixed stops (outside the heating zone),
perceiving tension force, ° С. With absence
the exact data is taken ∆ t = 65 ° С.

When tightening prestressing reinforcement in the process

heat treatment by an amount that compensates for losses from
temperature difference, the latter are accepted
equal to zero

3. Deformations of anchors located at tension ∆ l1 + ∆ l2

devices Es,


Page 14

∆l where ∆ l 1 - compression of washers or spacers located

Es, between the anchors and the concrete of the element, taken
equal to 1 mm;
where ∆ l - compression of pressed washers, crushing
∆ l 2 - deformation of glass-type anchors, shoes with
planted heads, etc., taken equal to 2 mm;
plugs, anchor nuts and grips, taken equal to
displacement of the rods in inventory clamps, determined
1 mm;
according to the formula
l - the length of the tensioned rod (element), mm
∆ l = 125,015
, + ,; d
d ⎯ rod diameter, mm;
l is the length of the tensioned bar (distance between
outer edges of mold or stand stops), mm.

With the electrothermal tensioning method, losses from

deformations of anchors are not taken into account in the calculation, since
they are taken into account when determining the value of the total elongation

4. Friction of reinforcement: ⎛ 1 ⎞
a) on the walls of channels or on the surface of concrete ⎯ σ ⎜1 -
⎜ ωχ δθ+

⎝ ⎠
where e is the base of natural logarithms;
ω, δ - coefficients determined according to table. 6;
χ - the length of the section from the tensioner to the calculated
section, m;
θ is the total angle of rotation of the reinforcement axis, rad;
σ sp ⎯ is taken without taking into account losses
6) About envelope fixtures ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎯
σ ⎜
⎜1 - ⎟
δθ ⎟,

⎝ ⎠
where e is the base of natural logarithms;
δ - coefficient taken equal to 0.25;
θ is the total angle of rotation of the reinforcement axis, rad;
σ sp - taken without taking into account losses 11/127
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5. Deformation of the steel mold during manufacturing ∆l ⎯
preliminarily tense reinforced concrete η Es,
where η is a coefficient determined by the formulas:
when tensioning the reinforcement with a jack


Page 15

n −1
η ;
when tensioning the reinforcement with a winding machine
electrothermomechanical method (50% force
created by cargo)
n −1
η ,
n - the number of groups of rods tensioned
at the same time;
∆ l - convergence of stops along the line of action of force P,
determined from the calculation of the deformation of the form;
l is the distance between the outer edges of the stops.

In the absence of data on the manufacturing technology and

shape loss from deformation
taken equal to 30 MPa.

With the electrothermal tensioning method, losses from

form deformations are not taken into account in the calculation, since they
taken into account when determining the total elongation of the reinforcement

6. Fast creep for concrete: σ bp σ bp

a) natural hardening 40 nR
and ≤ α; ⎯
R bp R bp
⎛σ bp ⎞ σ bp
40 α + 85 β ⎜
⎜ - α⎟
⎟ nR
and >α,
⎝R bp ⎠ R bp
where α and β are the coefficients taken:
α = 0.25 + 0.025 R bp , but not more than 0.8;
β = 5.25 - 0.185 R bp , but not more than 2.5 and not less than 1.1;
σ bp - determined at the level of the centers of gravity
longitudinal reinforcement S and S ' taking into account losses according to pos. 1-5
of this table.

For lightweight concrete with a transfer strength of 11 MPa and

below, instead of a factor of 40, a factor of 60 is taken

b) heat-treated Losses are calculated using the formulas pos. 6a present ⎯


Page 16

tables with multiplying the result by

coefficient equal to 0.85

B. Second losses

7. Reinforcement stress relaxation:

a) wire ⎯ ⎛ σ sp ⎞
⎜0 ,22 - 0 ,1 ⎟σ sp
⎝ R s ser
, ⎠
b) pivot ⎯ 0 ,1σ sp - 20
(see explanations for item 1 of this table)

8. Shrinkage of concrete (see p. 1.26): Concrete Concrete exposed Regardless of the conditions 12/127
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natural heat treatment hardening of concrete
hardening at atmospheric pressure

heavy classes:
a) B35 and below 40 35 thirty
b) B40 50 40 35
c) B45 and higher 60 50 40

fine-grained groups:
d) A Losses are determined by pos. 8a, b of this table c 40
multiplying by a factor equal to 1.3

e) B Losses are determined by pos. 8a of this table with 50

multiplication by a factor equal to 1.5

f) B Losses are determined by pos. 8a - in this table 40

as for naturally hardened heavy concrete

easy with fine aggregate:

g) dense 50 45 40
h) porous 70 60 50

9. Creep of concrete (see p. 1.26):

a) heavy and light with dense fine aggregate


Page 17

150 ασ bp
/ R bp andσ bp / R bp ≤ 0 ,;75

300 α σ ( bp / R bp - 0,375 ) andσ bp / R bp > 0 ,,75

where σ sp ⎯ is the same as in pos. 6, but taking into account the losses in pos. 1-6 of this table;
α ⎯ coefficient taken equal for concrete:
natural hardening ⎯ 1.00;
heat treated at atmospheric pressure ⎯ 0.85

b) fine-grained groups:
AND Losses are calculated using the formulas pos. 9a of this table with the multiplication of the result obtained by the coefficient,
equal to 1.3

B Losses are calculated using the formulas pos. 9a of this table with the multiplication of the result obtained by the coefficient,
equal to 1.5

IN Losses are calculated using the formulas pos. 9a of this table at α = 0.85

c) light with porous fine aggregate Losses are calculated using the formulas pos. 9a of this table with the multiplication of the result obtained by the coefficient,
equal to 1.2

10. Crushing of concrete under turns of a spiral or circular ⎯ 70 0-, 22 d ext ,

reinforcement (with a structure diameter up to 3 m) where d ext is the outer diameter of the structure, cm

11. Deformation of compression of joints between blocks (for ⎯ nl∆

E s,
structures consisting of blocks) l
where n is the number of seams of the structure and equipment along the length
tensioned reinforcement;
∆ l - joint reduction, taken equal for joints,
filled with concrete - 0.3 mm; when docked dry
- 0.5 mm;
l - the length of the tensioned reinforcement, mm

Notes: 1. prestressing losses of prestressing reinforcement S ' are defined the same as in the armature S .
2. For self-stressed structures, the shrinkage and creep losses of concrete are determined from experimental data.


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Table 6

Coefficients for determining friction loss

fittings (see item 4 of table 5)
Channel δ with reinforcement in the form
or surface ω bundles, rods
ropes periodic

1. Channel:
from metal 0.0030 0.35 0.40

from concrete over- 0 0.55 0.65

ness, educated
tough channel

then same, flexible 0.0015 0.55 0.65


2. Concrete surface 0 0.55 0.65

b) for structures intended for operation at

humidity below 40%, losses should be increased by 25%,
except for structures made of heavy and fine-grained concrete,
intended for operation in the climatic subarea IVА
according to SNiP 2.01.01-82 and not protected from solar radiation,
for which the indicated losses increase by 50%;
c) it is allowed to use more accurate methods to determine
losses justified in the prescribed manner, if the variety is known
cement, concrete composition, manufacturing and operating conditions
constructions, etc.
1.27. The prestressing value in the reinforcement is entered in
calculation with the coefficient of accuracy of the tension of the reinforcement γ sp ,
determined by the formula

γ sp
= ±1 ∆ γ sp
... (6)

The plus sign is taken in case of an adverse effect

prestressing (i.e. at this stage of work
constructions or on under consideration plot element
prestressing reduces the bearing capacity,
promotes the formation of cracks, etc.), the minus sign - at
The values of ∆γ sp with the mechanical method of tensioning the reinforcement
are taken equal to 0.1, and with electrothermal and
electrothermomechanical tensioning methods are determined by

p ⎛ 1 ⎞
∆ γ = 0 ,5 ⎜1 + ⎟, (7)
sp σ ⎜
sp ⎝
np ⎟

but not less than 0.1 are accepted;


Page 19

here p, σ sp - see item 1.23;

n p ⎯ number of prestressing steel bars in element section.
When determining the prestressing losses of reinforcement, and
also when calculating by crack opening and deformation, the value
∆γ sp is allowed to be taken equal to zero.
1.28. Stresses in concrete and reinforcement, as well as forces 14/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
pre-compression of concrete, introduced into the calculation in advance
stressed structures are determined taking into account the following
Stresses in sections normal to the longitudinal axis of the element,
are determined according to the rules for calculating elastic materials. Wherein
take the reduced section, including the section of concrete, taking into account
weakening it by channels, manholes, etc., as well as the section of the entire
longitudinal (tension and non-tension) reinforcement, multiplied by
the ratio α of the moduli of elasticity of reinforcement and concrete. If parts
concrete section are made of concrete of different classes or types, their
lead to one class or kind, based on the ratio of modules
elasticity of concrete.
The pre-compression force P and its eccentricity
application e 0 p relative to the center of gravity of the reduced section
(Fig. 1) are determined by the formulas:

P = σ sp A sp + σ ''sp A sp
- σ ss A - σ '';s A s

σ sp A spysp + σ ''s ''A'' ys s

-σ sp
A ysp sp
- σ sssAy
e0 p = , (nine)

where σ s , σ ' s are stresses in non-stressed reinforcement, respectively S and

S ' caused by shrinkage and creep of concrete;
y sp , y ' sp , y s , y' s - distances from the center of gravity of the reduced section
to the points of application of the resultant forces, respectively, in
tensioned and non-stressed reinforcement S and S ' (see drawing 1).

Heck. 1. Scheme of prestressing forces in reinforcement

in the cross section of a reinforced concrete element

For curved prestressing reinforcement, the values of σ sp and σ ' sp

multiplied respectively by cos θ and cos θ ' , wherein θ and θ ' ⎯ angles
axis of reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the element (for the considered


Page 20

Stresses σ sp and σ ' sp take:

a) at the stage of concrete compression - taking into account the first losses;
b) at the stage of operation of the element - taking into account the first and second
Stresses σ s and σ ' s are taken numerically equal:
at the stage of concrete reduction - stress losses from
fast-flowing creep along pos. 6 tab. five;
at the stage of operation of the element - the sum of voltage losses from
shrinkage and creep of concrete according to pos. 6, 8 and 9 tab. five.
1.29. Compressive stresses in concrete at the stage of preliminary
compression σ bp should not exceed values (in fractions of the gear
concrete strength R bp ) specified in table. 7. 15/127
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Page 21

Table 7

Compressive stresses in concrete at the stage of preliminary reduction in fractions

Way from the transfer strength of concrete σ bp / R bp , no more
Stress state of the section tension at the design winter outside air temperature, ° С
fittings minus 40 and above below minus 40
at compression
central eccentric central eccentric

1. Voltages decrease or do not change On the stops 0.85 0.95 * 0.70 0.85
under the action of external loads On concrete 0.70 0.85 0.60 0.70

2. Stresses increase with action On the stops 0.65 0.70 0.50 0.60
external loads On concrete 0.60 0.65 0.45 0.50

* For elements manufactured with a gradual transfer of the compression force, in the presence of steel support parts and indirect reinforcement with a volumetric reinforcement coefficient µ v ≥ 0.5% (see p.
5.15) over a length not less than the length of the stress transfer zone l p (see clause 2.29), it is allowed to take the value σ bp / R bp = 1.00.

Notes: 1. The values of σ bp / R bp indicated in this table for a loaf in a water-saturated state at a design air temperature below minus 40 ° С should be
take 0.05 less.
2. Estimated winter temperatures of outdoor air are taken according to the instructions in clause 1.8.
3. For lightweight concrete of classes B7.5 ⎯ B12.5 the values of σ bp / R bp should be taken no more than 0.30. 16/127
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Page 22

Stresses σ bp are determined at the level of the most compressed fiber

loaf, taking into account the pre-stress losses according to pos 1⎯6
tab. 5 and with the coefficient of accuracy of the tension of the reinforcement γ sp equal to
1.30. For prestressed structures in which
provides for the regulation of the compression stress of concrete in
during their operation (for example, in reactors, tanks,
TV towers), prestressing reinforcement is used without
adhesion to concrete, while it is necessary to provide
effective measures to protect reinforcement from corrosion. TO
prestressed structures without adhesion of reinforcement to
concrete must be presented requirements of the 1st categories
crack resistance.



1.31. Calculation of plane structures (such as beams-walls, slabs

floors) and massive structures for limit states
the first and second groups should be made according to stresses (efforts),
deformations and displacements calculated taking into account the physical
nonlinearity, anisotropy, and, if necessary, creep,
accumulation of damage (in long-term processes) and geometric
nonlinearity (mainly for thin-walled structures).

Note. Anisotropy is the dissimilarity of properties {here -

mechanical) in different directions. Orthotropy is a type of anisotropy, when
which has three mutually perpendicular planes of symmetry

1.32. Physical nonlinearity, anisotropy and creep follow

take into account in the constitutive relations linking
stress and strain, as well as in conditions of strength and
crack resistance of the material. In this case, two stages should be distinguished
deformation of elements - before and after cracking.
1.33. Before cracking concrete, it should generally
use a nonlinear orthotropic model that allows
take into account the directional development of the dilatation effect and heterogeneity
deformation in compression and tension. It is allowed to use
quasi-isotropic concrete model, taking into account the manifestation of the indicated
factors and on average by volume. For reinforced concrete at this stage,
proceed from the compatibility of axial deformations of the reinforcement and
surrounding concrete, excluding the end sections of the reinforcement, not
equipped with special anchors.
If there is a danger of buckling, the reinforcement should be limited
limiting compressive stresses.

Note. Dilation ⎯ increase in body volume during compression,

due to the development of many microcracks, as well as cracks of greater

1.34. In terms of concrete strength, the combination

stress on sites of different directions, due to which, in
in particular, its resistance to biaxial and triaxial compression exceeds

22 17/127
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Page 23

strength in uniaxial compression, and in combinations of compression and

stretching can be less than with the action of one of them. IN
necessary cases should take into account the duration
action of stress.
The condition for the strength of reinforced concrete without cracks should be
based on the strength conditions of the constituent materials as
two-component environment.
1.35. As a condition for cracking, one should use
condition of strength of concrete elements of a two-component medium.
1.36. After cracking, use the model
anisotropic body of general form with nonlinear expressions
dependences of efforts or stresses on displacements, taking into account
the following factors:
angles of inclination of cracks to reinforcement and patterns of intersection of cracks;
opening of cracks and displacement of their banks;
reinforcement stiffness: axial - taking into account adhesion to strips or
blocks of concrete between cracks; tangential - taking into account
the flexibility of the concrete base near the crack banks and, accordingly
axial and tangential stresses in reinforcement in cracks;
stiffness of concrete: between cracks - for axial forces and shear
{decreases for intersecting fracture pattern); in the cracks - on
axial forces and shear due to the engagement of the crack edges with sufficient
their small width;
partial violation of the compatibility of axial deformations of the reinforcement
and concrete between cracks.
In the model of deformation of unreinforced elements with cracks
only the stiffness of the concrete between cracks is taken into account.
In cases of oblique cracks, consider
features of concrete deformation over inclined cracks.
1.37. Width of crack opening and mutual displacement of their banks
should be determined based on the displacement of the rods of various
directions relative to the crack edges they cross, taking into account
distances between cracks and subject to the compatibility condition
these offsets.
1.38. Strength conditions for flat and volumetric elements with
cracks should be based on the following prerequisites:
it is assumed that destruction occurs due to significant
elongation of reinforcement along the most dangerous cracks, in general
located obliquely to the reinforcement bars, and crushing concrete
stripes or blocks between cracks or behind cracks (for example, in
the compressed zone of the plates above the cracks);
resistance of concrete to compression is reduced due to the occurrence
stretching in the perpendicular direction created by forces
adhesion to stretched reinforcement, as well as due to lateral displacements
reinforcement at crack banks;
when determining the strength of concrete, formation schemes are taken into account
cracks and angles of inclination of cracks to reinforcement;
in reinforcement bars, as a rule, normal
stresses directed along their axis; allowed to take into account
shear stresses in the reinforcement at cracks (dowel
effect), assuming that the rods do not change their orientation:
it is assumed that in a fracture crack all intersecting
rods reach the design tensile strength (for
reinforcement that does not have a yield strength, the stresses must
controlled during the deformation calculation).


Page 24

The strength of concrete in its various zones should be assessed by

stresses in it as in a component of a two-component medium (for 18/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
deducting the reduced stress in the reinforcement between cracks,
determined taking into account stress in cracks, adhesion and
partial violation of the compatibility of axial deformations of the reinforcement with
1.39. Bearing capacity of reinforced concrete structures,
capable of undergoing sufficient plastic deformation,
allowed to be determined by the method of limiting equilibrium.
1.40. When calculating structures for strength, deformation,
formation and opening of cracks by the finite element method
the conditions of strength and crack resistance must be checked for
all finite elements that make up the structure, as well as the conditions
excessive movement of the structure. When evaluating
limiting state in terms of strength it is allowed to lie down separate
finite elements destroyed, unless this entails
progressive destruction of the structure and after the expiration
the load under consideration the serviceability of the structure
will be preserved or can be restored.




2.1. For concrete and reinforced concrete structures designed in

conformity from requirements real norms, should
provide for structural concrete that meets GOST
heavy medium density over 2200 to 2500 kg / m 3 inclusive;
fine-grained average density over 1800 kg / m 3 ;
lightweight dense and porous structure;
cellular autoclave and non-autoclave hardening;
special concrete - stressing.
2.2. When designing concrete and reinforced concrete structures
depending on their purpose and working conditions,
establish concrete quality indicators, the main of which are
a) compressive strength class B;
b) axial tensile strength class B t (assigned in cases where
when this characteristic is of paramount importance and
controlled in production);
c) frost resistance grade F (should be assigned for
structures exposed in a wet state to the action
alternating freezing and thawing);
d) water resistance mark W (should be assigned for
structures to which the requirements of the limitation are imposed
e) medium density grade D (should be assigned for
structures to which in addition to structural
thermal insulation requirements);
f) self-stress grade of stressing concrete S p (must
assigned to self-stressed structures when this
the characteristic is taken into account in the calculation and is controlled for


Page 25

Notes: 1. Classes of concrete for compressive strength and axial tension

correspond to the value of the guaranteed concrete strength, MPa, s
security 0.95.
2. The self-stressing concrete grade represents the value
prestressing in concrete, MPa, created as a result of its
expansion with a coefficient of longitudinal reinforcement µ = 0.01.

2.3. For concrete and reinforced concrete structures,

provide for concretes of the following classes and grades:
a) classes of compressive strength
heavy concrete ⎯ B3.5; AT 5; B7.5; AT 10 O'CLOCK; B12.5; B15; IN 20; B25; B30;
B35; B40; B45; B50; B55; B60;
stressing ⎯ B20; B25; B30; B35; B40; B45; B50; B55; B60;
concrete 19/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

fine-grained concrete of groups:

A ⎯ naturally hardened or subjected to heat
processing at atmospheric pressure on sand with a module
size over 2.0 ⎯ B3.5; AT 5; B7.5; AT 10 O'CLOCK; B12.5; B15; IN 20;
B25; B30; B35; B40;
B - the same, with a fineness modulus of 2.0 and less ⎯ B3.5; AT 5; B7.5; AT 10 O'CLOCK;
B12.5; B15; IN 20; B25; B30;
B - autoclaved ⎯ B15; IN 20; B25; B30;
B35; B40; B45; B50; B55; B60;

lightweight concrete with medium density grades:

D800, D900 ⎯ B2.5; B3.5; AT 5; B7.5;
D1000, D1100 ⎯ B2.5; B3.5; AT 5; B7.5; AT 10 O'CLOCK; B12.5;
D1200, D1300 ⎯ B2.5; B3.5; B5; B7.5; AT 10 O'CLOCK; B12.5; B15;
D1400, D1500 ⎯ B3.5; B5; B7.5; B10; B12.5; B15; B20; B25; B30;
D1600, D1700 ⎯ B5; B7.5; B10; B12.5; B15; IN 20; B25; B30; B35;
D1800, D1900 ⎯ B10; B12.5; B15; IN 20; B25; B30; B35; B40;
D2000 ⎯ B20; B25; B30; B35; B40;

aerated concrete with average density grades:

autoclave: non-autoclave:
D500 ⎯ B1; B1.5; ⎯
D600 ⎯ B1; B1.5; B2; B1; B1.5;
D700 ⎯ B1.5; B2; B2.5; B1.5; AT 2;
B3.5; B2.5;
D800 ⎯ B2.5; B3.5; AT 5; B2; B2.5;
D900 ⎯ B3.5; B5; B7.5; B3.5; B5;
D1000 ⎯ B5; B7.5; AT 10 O'CLOCK; B5; B7.5;
D1100 ⎯ B7.5; B10; B12.5; B7.5; AT 10 O'CLOCK;
D1200 ⎯ B10; B12.5; B15; B10; B12.5;

porous concrete with average density grades:

D800, D900, D1000, ⎯ B2.5; B3.5; B5;
D1100, D1200, D1300 B7.5;
D1400 ⎯ B3.5; B5; B7.5.


Page 26

The use of concrete of intermediate classes is allowed.

compressive strengths B22.5 and B27.5, provided that this leads to
savings in cement compared to the use of concrete, respectively
classes B25 and B30 and will not reduce other technical and economic
design indicators;
b) axial tensile strength classes
heavy, ⎯ B t 0 , 8; B t 1.2; B t 1.6; B t 2; B t 2.4; B t 2.8; B t 3.2;
and lightweight concrete
c) grades for frost resistance
heavy, ⎯ F50; F75; F100; F150; F200; F300; F400; F500;
and fine-grained
lightweight concrete ⎯ F25; F35; F50; F75; F100; F150; F200; F300;
F400; F500;
cellular and ⎯ F15; F25; F35; F50; F75; F100;
d) grades for water resistance
heavy, ⎯ W2; W4; W6; W8; W10; W12;
and lightweight concrete
for prestressing concrete water resistance grade 20/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
provided at least W12 and may not be specified in projects;
e) grades by average density
lightweight concrete ⎯ D800; D900; D1000; D1100; D1200; D1300;
D1400; D1500; D1600; D1700; D1800; D1900;
cellular ⎯ D500; D600; D700; D800; D900; D1000; D1100;
concrete D1200;
porous ⎯ D800; D900; D1000; D1100; D1200; D1300;
concrete D1400;

f) self-voltage grades
stressing ⎯ S p 0.6; S p 0.8; S p 1; S p 1.2; S p 1.5; S p 2; S p 3; S p 4.

Notes: 1. In these standards, the terms "lightweight concrete" and

"Porous concrete" are used accordingly to denote light
concrete with a dense structure and lightweight concrete with a porous structure (with
the degree of porosity over 6%).
2. The group of fine-grained concrete (A, B, C) should be indicated in the working
drawings of structures.

2.4. Age of concrete corresponding to its compressive strength class

and axial tension, assigned during design based on
possible real terms of loading the structure by design
loads, construction method, concrete hardening conditions. When
in the absence of these data, the class of concrete is established at the age of 28 days.
The value of the tempering strength of concrete in prefabricated elements
structures should be assigned in accordance with GOST 13015.0-83 and
standards for specific designs.


Page 27

2.5. For reinforced concrete structures it is not allowed to use:

heavy and fine-grained concrete of compressive strength class
below B7.5;
lightweight concrete of compressive strength class below B3.5 - for
single-layer and below B2.5 - for two-layer structures.
It is recommended to take the concrete compressive strength class:
for reinforced concrete elements made of heavy and lightweight concrete,
calculated for the effect of a repetitive load,
- not lower than B15;
for reinforced concrete compressed rods made of heavy,
fine-grained and lightweight concrete - not lower than B15;
for highly loaded reinforced concrete compressed rods
elements (for example, for columns that perceive significant
crane loads, and for the columns of the lower floors of multi-storey buildings)
⎯ not lower than B25.
2.6 *. For prestressed elements made of heavy,
fine-grained and lightweight concrete class of concrete in which
tension reinforcement is located, should be taken depending on
on the type and class of prestressing reinforcement, its diameter and availability
anchor devices not lower than indicated in table. eight*.

Table 8 *
Type and class Concrete class,
prestressing reinforcement not less

1. Wire reinforcement grades:

В-II (with anchors) IN 20
Вр-II (without anchors) with a diameter, mm:
up to 5 incl. IN 20
6 and more B30
K-7 and K-19 B30

2. Rod reinforcement (without anchors) with a diameter,

from 10 to 18 incl., classes: B15
A-V IN 20
A-VI and At-VII B30
20 and more, classes: 21/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
A-IV IN 20
A-V B25
A-VI and At-VII B30

Note. Reinforcement class designations - in accordance with clause 2.24a *.

Concrete transfer strength R bp (concrete strength to the moment

its compression, controlled similarly to the strength class of concrete
for compression) is assigned at least 11 MPa, and with bar reinforcement
classes A-VI, At-VI, At-VIK and At-VII, high-strength reinforcement
wire without anchors and reinforcing ropes - not less than 15.5 MPa.
The transfer strength must also be at least 50%
the accepted class of concrete for compressive strength.
For structures designed for impacts repeatedly
repetitive load, minimum values for concrete class,


Page 28

given in table. 8 *, with wire prestressing reinforcement and

bar prestressing reinforcement of class A-IV regardless of diameter,
as well as class A-V with a diameter of 10-18 mm should be increased by
one step, i.e. 5 MPa, with a corresponding increase
transfer strength of concrete.
When designing certain types of structures, it is allowed
duly justified reduction of the minimum class
concrete by one step equal to 5 MPa, against that given in table. 8 * s
a corresponding decrease in the transfer strength of concrete.

Notes: 1. When calculating reinforced concrete structures at the stage

pre-compression design characteristics of concrete are taken as
for a class of concrete, numerically equal to the transfer strength of concrete (by linear
2. When designing enclosing single-layer solid structures,
performing the functions of thermal insulation, it is allowed with a relative
the value of concrete compression σ bp / R bp not more than 0.30 use pre-stressed
reinforcement of class A-IV with a diameter of more than 14 mm for classes of lightweight concrete
B7.5 - B12.5, while the transfer strength of concrete R bp should be
not less than 80% of the concrete class.

2.7. Fine-grained concrete without special experimental

justification is not allowed to apply for reinforced concrete
designs, undergoing impact multiple times
repetitive load as well as for prestressed
structures with a span of over 12 m when reinforced with wire
fittings of classes B-II, Bp-II, K-7 and K-19.
Compressive strength class of fine-grained concrete,
used to protect against corrosion and provide adhesion to
concrete of prestressing reinforcement located in the grooves and on
the surface of the structure must be at least B12.5, and for injection
channels - not lower than B25.
2.8. For monolithings joints elements prefabricated
reinforced concrete structures, the class of concrete should be set in
depending on the working conditions of the connected elements, but take
not lower than B7.5.
2.9. Concrete grades for frost resistance and water resistance
concrete and reinforced concrete structures, depending on their mode
operation and the values of the calculated winter temperatures of outdoor
air in the construction area should be taken:
for structures of buildings and structures (except for external walls
heated buildings) ⎯ not lower than those indicated in table. nine;
for external walls of heated buildings ⎯ not lower than specified in
tab. ten.
2.10. For embedding joints of prefabricated elements,
which during operation or installation may be subject to
exposure to negative outdoor temperatures, you should
apply concrete of design grades for frost resistance and
water tightness is not lower than that adopted for abutting elements.

Regulatory and estimated 22/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
concrete characteristics
2.11. Regulatory resistances concrete are
resistance to axial compression of prisms (prism strength) R bn and
axial tensile strength R btn .


Page 29

Design concrete resistance for the limiting states of the first

R b , R bt and the second R b, ser , R bt, ser groups are determined by dividing the normative
resistances to the corresponding reliability factors
concrete under compression γ bc or tension γ bt , taken for the main
types of concrete according to table. eleven.
2.12. Specific concrete resistance R bn (rounded) in
depending on the class of concrete for compressive strength are given in
tab. 12.
Specific tensile strength of concrete R btn in cases

when the tensile strength of concrete is not controlled, it is assumed

depending on the class of concrete for compressive strength according to table.
Specific axial tensile strength of concrete R btn in

cases where the tensile strength of concrete is controlled

production is taken equal to its guaranteed strength
(class) for axial tension.
2.13. Design concrete resistances R b , R bt , R b, ser , R bt, ser (from
rounding) depending on the compressive strength class of concrete and
axial tension are given: for the limiting states of the first
groups - respectively in table. 13 and 14, the second group - in table. 12.
Design concrete resistance for the limiting states of the first
the groups R b and R bt decrease (or increase) by multiplying by
coefficients of concrete operation conditions γ bi , taking into account the features
properties of concrete, duration of action, repeatability
loads, conditions and stage of work of the structure, the way it
manufacturing, cross-sectional dimensions, etc. Values of the coefficients of conditions
works γ bi are given in table. fifteen.
Design concrete resistance for limiting states of the second
the groups R b, ser and R bt, ser are included in the calculation with the operating conditions factor
concrete γ bi = 1.0, except for the cases specified in paragraphs. 4.10-4.12.
For certain types of lightweight concrete, other
the values of the design resistances, agreed in the established

Note. When used in the calculations of intermediate concrete classes

in terms of compressive strength according to clause 2.3, the values of the characteristics given in
tab. 12, 13 and 18 are taken by linear interpolation.

2.14. The values of the initial modulus of elasticity of concrete E b , in compression and
tension are taken according to Table 18. For not protected from the sun
radiation of structures intended for work in climatic
subarea IVA according to SNiP 2.01.01-82, the values of E b specified in
tab. 18 should be multiplied by a factor of 0.85.

29 23/127
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Page 30

Table 9

Working conditions of structures Concrete grade, not lower

estimated winter frost resistance on water resistance
mode characteristic temperature for structures (except for external walls of heated buildings)
outside air, ° С buildings and structures of the class according to the degree of responsibility

1. Alternating freezing and

a) in a water-saturated state Below minus 40 F300 F200 F150 W6 W4 W2
(eg, constructions, located Below minus 20 to F200 F150 F100 W4 W2 Not standardized
laid in the seasonally thawing layer minus 40 incl.
soil in permafrost areas) Below minus 5 to F150 F100 F75 W2 Not standardized
minus 20 incl.
Minus 5 and above F100 F75 F50 Not standardized

b) in conditions of episodic water supply - Below minus 40 F200 F150 F100 W4 W2 Not standardized
schenia (eg, overground Below minus 20 to F100 F75 F50 W2 Not standardized
constructions constantly exposed minus 40 incl.
Xia weathering) Below minus 5 to F75 F50 F35 * Not standardized
minus 20 incl.
Minus 5 and above F50 F35 * F25 * Also

c) in conditions of air-humidity Below minus 40 F150 F100 F75 W4 W2 Not standardized

fortunes at absence Below minus 20 to F75 F50 F35 * Not standardized
episodic water saturation minus 40 incl.
(for example, constructions, constantly Below minus 5 to F50 F35 * F25 * Also
exposed to the environment minus 20 incl.
air, but protected from Minus 5 and above F35 * F25 * F15 ** „
exposure to precipitation)

2. Possible episodic impact

temperatures below 0 ° C:
a) in a water-saturated state (for example - Below minus 40 F150 F100 F75 „
measures, structures in the ground Below minus 20 to F75 F50 F35 * „
or under water) minus 40 incl.
Below minus 5 to F50 F35 * F25 * „
minus 20 incl.
Minus 5 and above F35 * F25 * Not standardized „


Page 31

b) in conditions of air-humidity Below minus 40 F75 F50 F35 * „

fortunes (eg, internal Below minus 20 to F50 F35 * F25 * „
construction of heated buildings in minus 40 incl.
construction and installation period) Below minus 5 to F35 * F25 * F15 ** „
minus 20 incl.
Minus 5 and above F25 * F15 ** Not standardized „

* For heavy and fine-grained loaves, frost resistance brands are not standardized.
** For heavy, fine-grained and light concrete, frost resistance grades are not standardized.

Notes: 1. Grades of concrete for frost resistance and water resistance for structures of water supply and sewerage facilities, as well as for piles and shell piles should be
appoint in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents.
2. Estimated winter temperatures of outdoor air are taken according to the instructions in clause 1.8.

Table 10
Working conditions of structures The minimum grade of concrete for frost resistance of external walls
heated concrete buildings
relative humidity estimated winter lung, cellular, porous heavy, fine-grained
indoor air outdoor temperature for class buildings by degree of responsibility
premises ϕ int ,% air, ° С I II III I II III

ϕ int > 75 Below minus 40 F100 F75 F50 F200 F150 F100
Below minus 20 to F75 F50 F35 F100 F75 F50
minus 40 incl.
Below minus 5 to F50 F35 F25 F75 F50 Not standardized 24/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
minus 20 incl.
Minus 5 and above F35 F25 F15 * F50 Not standardized Also

60 <ϕ int ≤ 75 Below minus 40 F75 F50 F35 F100 F75 F50
Below minus 20 F50 F35 F25 F50 Not standardized
up to minus 40 incl.
Below minus 5 F35 F25 F15 * Not standardized Also
up to minus 20 incl.
Minus 5 and above F25 F15 * Not standardized „

ϕ int ≤ 60 Below minus 40 F50 F35 F25 F75 F50 Not standardized
Below minus 20 R35 F25 F15 * Not standardized


Page 32

up to minus 40 vkpuch.
Below minus 5 F25 F15 * Not standardized Also
up to minus 20 incl.
Minus 5 and above F15 * Not standardized „

* For lightweight concrete, frost resistance measurements are not standardized.

Notes: 1. In the presence of steam and waterproofing structures made of heavy, fine-grained and lightweight concrete, their frost resistance grades indicated in this table,
decrease by one level.
2. The design winter outdoor air temperature is taken according to the instructions in clause 1.8.


Page 33

For concretes subject to alternate freezing and

defrosting, the values of E b indicated in table. 18 should be multiplied by
coefficient of operating conditions γ b 6 , taken according to table. 17.
If there is data on the type of cement, concrete composition, conditions 25/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
it is allowed(e.g. centrifuged
to take concrete),
other values of E b etc.
, agreed in
established order.
2.15. Linear thermal deformation coefficient α bt at
temperature change from minus 40 to plus 50 ° С, depending on
the type of concrete is taken equal to:
for heavy, fine-grained concrete and lightweight concrete at
fine dense aggregate - 1 · 10 –5 ° С –1 ;
for lightweight concrete with fine porous aggregate ⎯ 0.7 · 10 –5
° С –1 ;
for aerated and porous concrete - 0.8 · 10 –5 ° С –1 .
If there is data on the mineralogical composition of aggregates,
consumption of cement, degree of water saturation of concrete, frost resistance, etc.
it is allowed to take other values of α bt , justified in
established order. For a design temperature below minus 50 ° С
the α bt values are taken from experimental data.

Table 11
Compression safety factors for concrete
and tensile γ bc and γ bt for structural analysis
limit states
Concrete type first group second
γ bt when assigning a class the groups γ bc and γ bt
γ bc concrete strength
for compression tensile

Heavy, stressful 1,3 1.5 1,3 1.0

fine-grained, light
and porous
Cellular 1.5 2,3 ⎯ 1.0

2.16. Initial coefficient of transverse deformation of concrete v

(Poisson's ratio) is taken equal to 0.2 for all types
concrete, and the concrete shear modulus G is equal to 0.4 corresponding
values of E b indicated in table. 18.


Page 34

Table 12
Specific concrete resistance R bn , R btn and design concrete resistance for limit states
View Concrete the second group R b, ser and R bt, ser with the class of concrete in compressive strength
IN 1 B1.5 AT 2 B2.5 B3.5 AT 5 B7.5 AT 10 O'CLOCK
B12.5 B15 IN 20 B25 B30 B35 B40 B45 B50 B55 B60

Compression axial Heavy and ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 2.7 3.6 5.5 7.5 9.5 11.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 25.5 29.0 32.0 36.0 39.5 43.0
(prismatic strength) fine-grained 27.5 35,7 56.1 76.5 96.9 112 153 189 224 260 296 326 367 403 438
R bn and R b, ser

Easy ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 1.9 2.7 3.5 5.5 7.5 9.5 11.0 15.0 18.5 22.0 25.5 29.0 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
19.4 27.5 35,7 56.1 76.5 96.9 112 153 189 224 260 296

Cellular 0.95 1.4 1.9 2.4 3.3 4.6 6.9 9.0 10.5 11.5 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
9.69 14.3 19.4 24.5 33,7 46.9 70.4 91.8 107 117

Axial tension Heavy ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.39 0.55 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.40 1.60 1.80 1.95 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50
R btn and R bt, ser 4,00 5.61 7.14 8.67 10.2 11.7 14.3 16.3 18.4 19.9 21.4 22.4 23.5 24.5 25.5

Fine-grained 26/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
AND ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.39 0.55 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.40 1.60 1.80 1.95 2.10 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
4,00 5.61 7.14 8.67 10.2 11.7 14.3 16.3 18.4 19.9 21.4

B ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.26 0.40 0.60 0.70 0.85 0.95 1.15 1.35 1.50 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

2.65 4.08 6.12 7.14 8.67 9.69 11.7 13.8 15.3

IN ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 1.15 1.40 1.60 1.80 1.95 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50
11.7 14.3 16.3 18.4 19.9 21.4 22.4 23.5 24.5 25.5

Lightweight with small

dense ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.29 0.39 0.55 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.40 1.60 1.80 1.95 2.10 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
2.96 4,00 5.61 7.14 8.67 10.2 11.7 14.3 16.3 18.4 19.9 21.4

porous ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.29 0.39 0.55 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
2.96 4,00 5.61 7.14 8.67 10.2 11.2 12.2 13.8 15.3 16.8 18.4


Page 35

Cellular 0.14 0.21 0.26 0.31 0.41 0.55 0.63 0.89 1.00 1.05 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
1.43 2.24 2.65 3.16 4.18 5.61 6.42 9.08 10.2 10,7

Notes: 1. Above the line are the values in MPa, below the line ⎯ in kgf / cm 2 .
2. Groups of fine-grained concrete are given in clause 2.3.
3. Resistance values are given for aerated concrete with an average moisture content of 10%.
4. For expanded clay perlite concrete on expanded perlite sand, the values R btn and R bt, ser are taken as for lightweight concrete on porous sand, multiplied by a factor of 0.85.
5. For porous concrete, the values of R bn and R b, ser are taken the same as for lightweight concrete, and the values of R btn and R bt, ser are multiplied by a factor of 0.7.
6. For stress concrete, the values of R bn and R b, ser are assumed to be the same as for heavy concrete, and the values of R btn and R bt, ser are multiplied by a factor of 1.2.

Table 13
Design concrete resistance for limiting states of the first group R b and R bt
View Concrete with concrete compressive strength class
IN 1 B1.5 AT 2 B2.5 B3.5 AT 5 B7.5 AT 10 O'CLOCK
B12.5 B15 IN 20 B25 B30 B35 B40 B45 B50 B55 B60

Axial compression (prize Heavy and ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 2.1 2.8 4.5 6.0 7.5 8.5 11.5 14.5 17.0 19.5 22.0 25.0 27.5 30.0 33.0
changeable strength) fine-grained 21.4 28.6 45.9 61.2 76.5 86.7 117 148 173 199 224 255 280 306 336

Easy ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 1.5 2.1 2.8 4.5 6.0 7.5 8.5 11.5 14.5 17.0 19.5 22.0 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
15.3 21.4 28.6 45.9 61.2 76.5 86.7 117 148 173 199 224

Cellular 0.63 0.95 1,3 1.6 2.2 3.1 4.6 6.0 7.0 7,7 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
6.42 9.69 13.3 16.3 22.4 31.6 46.9 61.2 71.4 78.5

Axial tension Heavy ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.26 0.37 0.48 0.57 0.66 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.45 1.55 1.60 1.65
R bt 2.65 3.77 4.89 5.81 6.73 7.65 9.18 10,7 12.2 13.3 14.3 14.8 15,8 16.3 16.8

AND ⎯ ⎯ - - 0.26 0.37 0.48 0.57 0.66 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.40 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
2.65 3.77 4.89 5.81 6.73 7.65 9.18 10,7 12.2 13.3 14.3

B ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.17 0.27 0.40 0.45 0.51 0.64 0.77 0.90 1.00 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯


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1.73 2.75 4.08 4.59 5.81 6.53 7.85 9.18 10.2

IN ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.45 1.55 1.60 1.65
7.65 9.18 10,7 12.2 13.3 14.3 14.8 15,8 16.3 16.8

Lightweight with small

dense - - ⎯ 0.20 0.26 0.37 0.48 0.57 0.66 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.40 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
2.04 2.65 3.77 4.89 5.81 6.73 7.65 9.18 10,7 12.2 13.3 14.3

porous ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.20 0.26 0.37 0.48 0.57 0.66 0.74 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
2.04 2.65 3.77 4.89 5.81 6.73 7.55 8.16 9.18 10.2 11.2 12.2

Cellular 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.24 0.28 0.39 0.44 0.46 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
0.613 0.918 1.22 1.43 1.84 2.45 2.86 4,00 4.49 4.69

Notes: 1. Above the line are the values in MPa, below the line - in kgf / cm 2 .
2. Groups of fine-grained concrete are given in clause 2.3.
3. The values of the design resistances are given for aerated concrete with an average moisture content of 10%.
4. For expanded clay perlite concrete on expanded perlite sand, the R bt values are taken as for lightweight concrete on porous sand, multiplied by a factor of 0.85.
5. For porous concrete, the R b values are assumed to be the same as for lightweight concrete, and the R bt value is multiplied by a factor of 0.7.
6. For stress concrete, the R b value is assumed to be the same as for heavy concrete, and the R bt values are multiplied by a factor of 1.2.


Page 37

Table 14
Design concrete resistance
View Concrete for the limiting states of the first group R bt at
resistance class of concrete for axial tensile strength
B t 0.8 B t 1.2 B t 1.6 B t 2.0 B t 2.4 B t 2.8 B t 3.2

Stretching Heavy, 0.62 0.93 1.25 1.55 1.85 2.15 2.45

axial stressful, 6.32 9.49 12.7 15,8 18.9 21.9 25.0
fine-grained and

Note. Above the line, the values are in MPa, below the line - in kgf / cm 2 . 28/127
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Table 15

Factors causing the introduction of the coefficient concrete working conditions
concrete working conditions conditional numerical
designation value

1. Repetitive loading γ b1 See table. sixteen

2. The duration of the load:

a) taking into account constant, long-term and short-term loads, except for short-term loads, the total γ b2
the duration of which during the period of operation is small (for example, crane loads; loads from vehicles;
wind loads; loads arising during manufacture, transportation and erection, etc.), as well as when taking into account special
loads caused by deformations of subsidence, swelling, permafrost and similar soils
for hard, fine-grained and light concrete of natural hardening and heat-treated:
under operating conditions of structures favorable for the growth of concrete strength (for example, under water, in wet 1.00
ground or with ambient air humidity over 75%)
in other cases 0.90
for aerated and porous concrete regardless of operating conditions 0.85
b) when taking into account in the considered combination of short-term loads (short-term action) or special loads 1 , not 1.10
indicated in pos. 2a, for all types of concrete

3. Vertical concreting (concreting layer height over 1.5 m) for concrete: γ b3

heavy, fine-grained, light 0.85
cellular and porous 0.80

4. Influence of a biaxial complex stress state "compression - tension" on the strength of concrete γ b4 See item 4.11

5. Concreting of monolithic concrete pillars and reinforced concrete columns with the largest cross-sectional area less than 30 cm γ b5 0.85

6. Alternate freezing and thawing γ b6 See table. 17

7. Operation on structures protected from solar radiation in climatic subarea IVA according to SNiP 2.01.01-82 γ b7 0.85

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Page 39

8. Stage of preliminary compression of structures: γ b8

a) with wire reinforcement:
for lightweight concrete 1.25
„Other types of concrete 1.10
b) with bar reinforcement:
for lightweight concrete 1.35
„Other types of concrete 1.20

9. Concrete structures γ b9 0.90

10. Concrete structures made of high-strength concrete, taking into account the coefficient γ b 9 γ b 10 0.3 + ω ≤ 1
(for the value of ω see section 3.12

11. Moisture content of aerated concrete,%: γ b 11

10 or less 1.00
St. 25 0.85
St. 10 but less than 25 By interpolation

12. Concrete for monopitching the joints of prefabricated elements with a seam thickness less than 1/5 of the smallest size of the element section or less γ b 12 1.15
10 cm

1 When introducing an additional coefficient of working conditions associated with taking into account special loads in accordance with the instructions of the relevant regulatory documents (for example, when taking into account
seismic loads), γ b 2 = 1.0 is taken .

Notes: 1. Coefficients of concrete working conditions according to pos. 1, 2, 6, 7, 9 and 11 should be taken into account when determining the design resistances R b and R bt , according to pos. 4 - at
definition of R bt, ser , and for other positions only when determining R b .
2. For structures under the action of a repetitive load, the coefficient γ b 2 is taken into account when calculating the strength, and γ b 1 - when calculating
endurance and crack formation.
3. When calculating structures at the stage of preliminary reduction, the coefficient γ b 2 is not taken into account.
4. Coefficients of concrete working conditions are entered independently of each other, but their product must be at least 0.45.


Page 40

Table 16
Coefficient of concrete working conditions γ b 1 at
Concrete Concrete condition repetitive load and
by humidity the cycle asymmetry coefficient ρ b , equal to
0-0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

1. Heavy natural moisture 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.00
Water saturated 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00

2. Lightweight Natural moisture 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
Water saturated 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.00

σ b min,
Table sixteen ρ b= , where σ b, min , σ b, max are respectively the smallest and
σ b max,
the highest stress in concrete within the load cycle,
determined according to the instructions in clause 3.47.

Table 17
Working condition factor
Conditions Estimated winter concrete γ b 6 with alternating
operation of the structure temperature freeze and thaw
outdoor for concrete
air, ° С heavy and lung and
fine-grained porous 30/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

Alternate freezing
and thawing:
a) in water-saturated Below minus 40 0.70 0.80
condition Below minus 20 to 0.85 0.90
minus 40 incl.
Below minus 5 to 0.90 1.00
minus 20 incl.
Minus 5 and above 0.95 1.00

b) under episodic conditions Below minus 40 0.90 1.00

water saturation Minus 40 and above 1.00 1.00

Notes: 1. Estimated winter outdoor temperature

is taken according to the instructions in clause 1.8.
2. When the grade of concrete is exceeded in terms of frost resistance compared to
required according to table. 9 the coefficients of this table can be
increased by 0.05, respectively, for each step of excess, but not
may be more than one.


2.17 *. For reinforcing reinforced concrete structures,

use fittings that meet the requirements of the relevant
state standards or approved in the established
order of technical conditions and belonging to one of
of the following types:
bar reinforcing steel:


Page 41

a) hot-rolled - smooth class A-I, periodic profile

classes A-II and Ac-II, A-III, A-IV, A-V, A-VI;
b) thermally and thermomechanically hardened - periodic
profile of classes At-IIIC, At-IV, At-IVC, At-IVK, At-V, At-VK, At-
VSC, At-VI, At-VIK and At-VII;
wire reinforcement steel:
c) cold-drawn reinforcing wire:
ordinary - periodic profile of class Bp-I;
high strength - smooth class B-II, periodic profile
class Вр-II;
d) reinforcing ropes - spiral seven-wire class K-7,
nineteen-wire class K-19.
For embedded parts and connecting plates, it is accepted,
usually rolled carbon steel of the corresponding grades
according to the mandatory attachment 2.
In reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to use
hardened hood in the construction industry
rod reinforcement class A-IIIb (with control of elongations and
tension or with only elongation control). 31/127
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Page 42

Table 18
The initial moduli of elasticity of concrete in compression and tension E b · 10 –3 for the class of concrete in terms of compressive strength
IN 1 B1.5 AT 2 B2.5 B3.5 AT 5 B7.5 AT 10 O'CLOCK
B12.5 B15 IN 20 B25 B30 B35 B40 B45 B50 B55 B60

natural hardening ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 9.5 13.0 16.0 18.0 21.0 23.0 27.0 30.0 32.5 34.5 36.0 37.5 39.0 39.5 403 40.0
96.9 133 163 184 214 235 275 306 331 352 367 382 398 408

heat-treated ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 8.5 11.5 14.5 16.0 19.0 20.5 24.0 27.0 29.0 31.0 32.5 34.0 35.0 35.5 362 36.0
at atmospheric pressure 86.7 117 148 163 194 209 245 275 296 316 332 347 357 367

exposed autoclave ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 7.0 9.88 12.0 13.5 16.0 17.0 20.0 22.5 24.5 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 29.5 301 30.0
processing 71.4 99.5 122 138 163 173 204 230 250 265 275 286 296 306

Fine-grained groups:
A - natural hardening ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 7.0 10.0 13.5 15.5 17.5 19.5 22.0 24.0 26.0 27.5 28.5 - ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
71.4 102 138 158 178 199 224 245 265 280 291

heat-treated ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 6.5 9.0 12.5 14.0 15.5 17.0 20.0 21.5 23.0 24.0 24.5 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
at atmospheric pressure 66.3 91.8 127 143 158 173 204 219 235 245 250

B - natural hardening ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 6.5 9.0 12.5 14.0 15.5 17.0 20.0 21.5 23.0 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
66.3 91.8 127 143 158 173 204 219 235

heat-treated ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 5.5 8.0 11.5 13.0 14.5 15.5 17.5 19.0 20.5 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
at atmospheric pressure 56.1 81.6 117 133 148 158 178 194 209

B - autoclave hardening ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 16.5 18.0 19.5 21.0 22.0 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0
168 184 199 214 224 235 240 245 250 255

Lightweight and porous

medium density D:
800 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
40.8 45.9 51.0 56.1

1000 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 5.0 5.5 6,3 7.2 8.0 8.4 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

51.0 66.1 64.2 73.4 81.6 85.7

1200 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 6.0 6,7 7.6 8.7 9.5 10.0 10.5 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

61.2 68.3 77.5 88.7 96.9 102 107


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12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
1400 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 7.0 7.8 8.8 10.0 11.0 11.7 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
71.4 79.5 89.7 102 112 119 127 138 148 158

1600 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 9.0 10.0 11.5 12.5 13.2 14.0 15.5 16.5 17.5 18.0 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
91.8 102 117 127 135 143 158 168 178 184

1800 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 11.2 13.0 14.0 14.7 15.5 17.0 18.5 19.5 20.5 21.0 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
114 133 143 150 158 173 189 199 209 214

2000 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 14.5 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.5 21.0 22.0 23.0 23.5 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
148 163 173 184 199 214 224 235 240

Cellular autoclave hardening

average density grades D:
500 1.1 1.4 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
11.2 14.3

600 1.4 1.7 1.8 2.1 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

14.3 17.3 18.4 21.4

700 ⎯ 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.9 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

19.4 22.4 25.5 29.6

800 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 2.9 3.4 4.0 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

29.6 34,7 40.8

900 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 3.8 4.5 5.5 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

38.8 45.9 56.1

1000 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 5.0 6.0 7.0 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

51.0 61.2 71.4

1100 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 6.8 7.9 8.3 8.6 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

69.3 80.6 84.6 87.7

1200 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 8.4 8.8 9.3 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯

85.7 89.7 94.8

Notes: 1. Above the line are the values in MPa, below the line - in kgf / cm 2 .
2. Groups of fine-grained concrete are given in clause 2.3.
3. For lightweight, cellular and porous concrete at intermediate values of concrete density, the initial elastic moduli are taken by linear interpolation.
4. For aerated concrete of non-autoclave hardening, the E b values are taken as for autoclaved concrete, multiplied by a factor of 0.8.


Page 44

5. For stressing concrete, the E b values are taken as for heavy concrete, multiplied by the coefficient α = 0.56 + 0.006V. 33/127
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Page 45

Application fittings new species, mastered

industry, must be agreed in the prescribed manner.

Notes: 1. In these standards, the designations of the classes of reinforcement

adopted in accordance with the current state standards for reinforcement
steel and will be specified when revising ST SEV 1406-78.
2. In the designation of classes thermally and thermomechanically hardened
bar reinforcement with increased resistance to corrosion
stress cracking is added the letter K (for example, At-IVK);
welded ⎯ letter C (for example, At-IVC); weldable and increased
resistance to stress corrosion cracking - letters SK
(for example, At-VSC).
3. In the designation of hot-rolled bar reinforcement, the letter "v"
used for reinforcement, strengthened by hood, A-IIIv, and the letter "c" - for
fittings for special purposes Ac-II.
4. In these standards, the following terms are used for brevity:
"Bar" - to designate reinforcement of any diameter, type and profile
regardless of whether it is supplied in bars or coils (bundles); "diameter"
( d ) unless otherwise noted means the nominal diameter of the bar.

2.18 *. The choice of reinforcing steel should be made depending on

from the type of construction, the presence of prestressing, as well as from
conditions for the construction and operation of a building or structure in
in accordance with the instructions of paragraphs. 2.19 * - 2.22 *, 2.23, 2.24 * and taking into account
the necessary unification of structural fittings by classes,
diameters, etc.
2.19 *. As stress-free reinforcement for reinforced concrete
structures should be used:
a) bar reinforcement of class Аt-IVС - for longitudinal
b) bar reinforcement of classes A-III and At-IIIC - for longitudinal and
transverse reinforcement;
c) reinforcing wire of class Вр-I - for transverse and
longitudinal reinforcement;
d) bar reinforcement of classes A-I, A-II and Ac-II - for transverse
reinforcement, as well as for longitudinal reinforcement, if other types
non-tensioning fittings cannot be used;
e) bar reinforcement of classes A-IV, At-IV and At-IVK - for
longitudinal reinforcement in knitted frames and meshes (see clause 5.32 *);
f) bar reinforcement of classes A-V, At-V, At-VK, At-VSK, A-VI,
At-VI, At-VIK, At-VII ⎯ for longitudinal compressed reinforcement, as well as for
longitudinal compressed and stretched reinforcement with mixed
reinforcement of the structure (the presence of tension and
non-tensioning reinforcement) in knitted frames and nets.
As stress-free reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures
it is allowed to use fittings of class A-IIIb for longitudinal
stretched reinforcement in knitted frames and nets.
Armature of classes A-III, At-IIIC, At-IVC, BP-I, A-I, A-II and Ac-II
recommended for use in the form of welded frames and meshes.
It is allowed to use reinforcement in welded meshes and frames
classes A-IIIv, At-IVK (from steel grades 10GS2 and 08G2S) and At-V (from
steel grade 20GS) when performing cruciform connections
contact spot welding (see clause 5.32 *).
2.20 *. In structures with stress-free reinforcement under
pressure of gases, liquids and bulk solids, should be applied

45 34/127
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Page 46

bar reinforcement of classes A-II, A-I, A-III and At-IIIC and reinforcement
wire of class Вр-I.
2.21 *. As prestressing reinforcement, prestressed
structures should be used:
a) bar reinforcement of classes A-V, At-V, At-VK, At-VSK, A-VI,
At-VI, At-VIK and At-VII;
6) reinforcing wire of classes B-II, Br-II and reinforcing ropes
classes K-7 and K-19.
As prestressing reinforcement, it is allowed to use
bar reinforcement of classes A-IV, At-IV, At-IVC, At-IVK and A-IIIv.
In constructions up to 12 m incl. should mainly
use bar reinforcement of classes At-VII, At-VI and At-V dimensional

Note. For reinforcing prestressed structures

from lightweight concrete of classes B7.5 ⎯ B12.5, a rod should be used
fittings of classes A-IV, At-IV, At-IVC, At-IVK and A-IIIv.

2.22 *. As prestressing reinforcement,

tense reinforced concrete elements, located under
exposure to gases, liquids and bulk solids, you should apply:
a) reinforcing wire of classes B-II, Bp-II and reinforcing ropes
classes K-7 and K-19;
6) bar reinforcement of classes A-V, At-V, At-VK, At-VSC, A-VI,
At-VI, At-VIK and At-VII;
c) bar reinforcement of classes A-IV, At-IV, At-IVK and At-IVC.
In such structures, it is also allowed to use fittings of the class
As prestressing reinforcement of structures intended
for operation in an aggressive environment, it should be
use fittings of class A-IV, as well as classes At-VIK, At-VK, At-
VSC, At-IVK and fittings of other types in accordance with SNiP 2.03.11-
2.23. When choosing the type and grades of steel for reinforcement,
installed by calculation, as well as rolled steel for embedded
parts must take into account the temperature conditions of operation
structures and the nature of their loading in accordance with the mandatory
applications 1 * and 2.
In climatic zones with an estimated winter temperature below
minus 40 ° С during construction and installation work in a cold
seasons of the year bearing capacity at the stage of construction of structures with
fittings allowed for use only in heated buildings,
must be provided based on the design resistance of the reinforcement
with a derating factor of 0.7 and a design load with
the safety factor for the load γ f = 1.0.
2.24 *. For assembly (lifting) loops of prefabricated elements
reinforced concrete and concrete structures should be applied
hot-rolled reinforcing steel of class Ac-II, grade 10GT and class A-I
grades VSt3sp2 and VSt3ps2, as well as class A-I according to TU 14-2-736-87
(especially for structures intended for use in
areas with a design temperature below minus 30 ° C).
If it is possible to install structures at the calculated winter
temperature below minus 40 ° С, not allowed for mounting hinges
use steel grade VSt3ps2.


Page 47

2.24a *. In these standards in the future in cases where there is

the need to specify a specific type of bar reinforcement
(hot-rolled, thermomechanically hardened), with its designation
the designation of the corresponding class of hot-rolled 35/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
reinforcing steel (for example, class A-V means
fittings of classes AV, At-V, At-VK and At-VKK).

Regulatory and estimated

reinforcement characteristics

2.25 *. For standard resistances of reinforcement R sn are taken

smallest monitored values:
for rebar, high-strength wire and rebar
ropes - yield strength, physical or conditional (equal
the value of stresses corresponding to the residual relative
elongation 0.2%);
for ordinary reinforcing wire - voltage equal to
0.75 ultimate tensile strength, defined as the ratio
breaking force to the nominal cross-sectional area.
The specified controlled characteristics of the reinforcement are taken
in accordance with national standards or technical
conditions for reinforcing steel and are guaranteed with a probability not
less than 0.95.
Standard resistances R sn for the main types of rod and
wire reinforcement are given, respectively, in table. 19 * and 20.

Table 19 *
Standard tensile strength R sn
Rod fittings and calculated tensile strength
classes for the limiting states of the second group R s, ser ,
MPa (kgf / cm 2 )

A-I 235 (2400)

A-II 295 (3000)
A-III 390 (4000)
A-IV 590 (6000)
A-V 788 (8000)
A-VI 980 (10,000)
At-VII 1,175 (12,000)
A-IIIb 540 (5500)

Note. Reinforcement class designations - in accordance with clause 2.24a *.

2.26 *. Design tensile strength of reinforcement R s for

limit states of the first and second groups are determined by

RR= sn
γ s

where γ s is the coefficient of reliability for reinforcement, taken according to table.

21 *.
Design tensile strengths of reinforcement (rounded)
for the main types of bar and wire reinforcement in the calculation


Page 48

structures for the limiting states of the first group are given
respectively in table. 22 * and 23, and when calculating the limit
states of the second group - in table. 19 * and 20.

Table 20
Normative resistance
Wire Rebar diameter, tensile R sn and calculated
armature classes mm tensile strength for
limit states of the second
groups R s, ser , MPa (kgf / cm 2 )

BP-I 3 410 (4200)

4 405 (4150)
five 395 (4050)

B-II 3 1490 (15 200) 36/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
4 1410 (14,400)
five 1335 (13 600)
6 1255 (12 800)
7 1,175 (12,000)
eight 1100 (11 200)

BP-II 3 1460 (14,900)

4 1,370 (14,000)
five 1255 (12 800)
6 1,175 (12,000)
7 1100 (11 200)
eight 1020 (10 400)

TO-7 6 1450 (14 800)

nine 1,370 (14,000)
12 1335 (13 600)
fifteen 1295 (13 200)

Outdoor furniture-19 fourteen 1410 (14,400)

Table 21 *
Reliability factor
Armature by reinforcement γ s in structural analysis
limit states
first group second group

Pivot classes:
A-I, A-II 1.05 1.00
А-III diameter, mm:
6⎯8 1.10 1.00
10 ⎯ 40 1.07 1.00
А-IV, А-V 1.15 1.00
A-VI, At-VII 1.20 1.00
А-IIIв with control:
elongations and stresses 1.10 1.00
only extensions 1.20 1.00

Wirewound grades:
BP-I 1.10 1.00


Page 49

B-II, Bp-II 1.20 1.00

K-7, K-19 1.20 1.00

Note. Reinforcement class designations - in accordance with clause 2.24a *.

Table 22 *
Design resistance of reinforcement for limiting states
Rod the first group, MPa (kgf / cm 2 )
armature classes stretching
transverse compression R sc
longitudinal R s (clamps and
rods) R sw

A-I 225 (2300) 175 (1800) 225 (2300)

A-II 280 (2850) 225 (2300) 280 (2850)
А-III diameter, mm:
6⎯8 355 (3600) 285 * (2900) 355 (3600)
10-40 365 (3750) 290 * (3000) 365 (3750)
A-IV 510 (5200) 405 (4150) 450 (4600) **
A-V 680 (6950) 545 (5550) 500 (5100) **
A-VI 815 (8300) 650 (6650) 500 (5100) **
A T -VII 980 (10,000) 785 (8000) 500 (5100) **
А-IIIв with control:
lengthening and 490 (5000) 390 (4000) 200 (2000)
only extensions 450 (4600) 360 (3700) 200 (2000)

_____________ 37/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
* In welded cages for clamps made of class A-III reinforcement, the diameter of which is smaller
1/3 of the diameter of the longitudinal bars, the R sw values are taken equal to 255 MPa (2600
kgf / cm 2 ).
** Indicated R sc values are accepted for their heavy designs,
fine-grained and lightweight concrete when taken into account in the calculation of the loads specified in pos. 2a table.
fifteen; taking into account the loads specified in pos. 2b table. 15, the value R sc = 400 MPa is taken .
For the structures of their cellular and porous concrete, in all cases,
take the value R sc = 400 MPa (4100 kgf / cm 2 ).

Notes: 1. In cases where for any reason

stress-free reinforcement of classes above A-III is used as a design
transverse reinforcement (stirrups and bent bars), its design
resistances R sw are accepted as for fittings of class A-III.
2. Designation of reinforcement classes - in accordance with clause 2.24a *.

2.27 *. Estimated resistance fittings squeezing R sc ,

used in the design of structures for limit states
of the first group, in the presence of adhesion of reinforcement to concrete,
take according to the table. 22 * and 23.
When calculating at the stage of compression of structures, the value of R sc follows
take no more than 330 MPa, and for fittings of class A-IIIb ⎯ equal
170 MPa.
In the absence of adhesion of reinforcement to concrete,
value R sc = 0.
2.28. Design resistance of reinforcement for limiting states
the first group decreases (or increases) by multiplying by
corresponding coefficients of operating conditions γ si , taking into account
or danger fatigue destruction, uneven
stress distribution in the section, anchorage conditions, low


Page 50

the strength of the surrounding concrete, etc., or the work of the reinforcement at
stresses above the conventional yield stress, change in properties
steel due to manufacturing conditions, etc.
Design resistance of reinforcement for limiting states
the second group R s, ser is taken into account with γ s = 1.0.
Design resistance of transverse reinforcement (stirrups and
bent rods) R sw decrease in comparison with R s by
multiplication by the operating conditions γ s 1 and γ s 2 coefficients :
a) regardless of the type and class of reinforcement - by the coefficient γ s 1 =
0.8, taking into account the uneven distribution of stresses in
reinforcement along the length of the section under consideration;
b) for bar reinforcement of class A-III with a diameter less than 1/3
diameter of longitudinal bars and for wire reinforcement class
Вр-I in welded cages ⎯ by coefficient γ s 2 = 0.9, taking into account
the possibility of brittle fracture of the welded joint.

Table 23
Design resistance of reinforcement for limiting
Wire Diameter states of the first group, MPa (kgf / cm 2 )
fittings fittings, stretching
classes mm longitudinal transverse (clamps and compression R sc
Rs bent rods) R sw

BP-I 3 375 (3850) 270 (2750); 300 * (3050) 375 (3850)

4 365 (3750) 265 (2700); 295 * (3000) 365 (3750)
five 360 (3700) 260 (2650); 290 * (2950) 360 (3700)

B-II 3 1240 (12 650) 990 (10 100) 400 (4000)

4 1,180 (12,000) 940 (9600) 400 (4000)
five 1110 (11 300) 890 (9000) 400 (4000)
6 1050 (10 600) 835 (8550) 400 (4000)
7 980 (10,000) 785 (8000) 400 (4000)
eight 915 (9300) 730 (7450) 400 (4000)

BP-II 3 1215 (12 400) 970 (9900) 400 (4000)

4 1145 (11 700) 915 (9350) 400 (4000)
five 1045 (10,700) 835 (8500) 400 (4000)
6 980 (10,000) 785 (8000) 400 (4000)
7 915 (9300) 730 (7450) 400 (4000)
eight 850 (8700) 680 (6950) 400 (4000) 38/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
TO-7 6 1210 (12 300) 965 (9850) 400 (4000)
nine 1145 (11 650) 915 (9350) 400 (4000)
12 1110 (11 300) 890 (9050) 400 (4000)
fifteen 1080 (11,000) 865 (8800) 400 (4000)

Outdoor furniture-19 fourteen 1,175 (12,000) 940 (9600) 400 (4000)

* For use in knitted frames.

Design tensile strength of transverse reinforcement

(clamps and bent bars) R sw with light of these
coefficients of working conditions γ s 1 and γ s 2 are given in table. 22 * and 23.


Page 51

In addition, the design resistances R s , R sc , R sw corresponding

cases should be multiplied by the operating conditions of the valve
according to table. 24 * ⎯26 * and 27.
2.29. The length of the stress transfer zone l p for prestressing reinforcement
without anchors should be determined by the formula

⎛ σ ⎞
=⎜ λ ⎟ ,d (eleven)

l ⎜

p p p

⎝ bp ⎠

where ω p and λ p are taken from table. 28.

To the value of R bp, if necessary, enter the coefficients of the conditions
concrete work, except for γ s 2 .
The value of σ sp in formula (11) is taken equal to:
when calculating the strength of elements - the larger of the values of R s and
σ sp ;
when calculating elements for crack resistance ⎯ value σ sp . Here
σ sp is taken taking into account the first losses in pos. 1-5 tab. five.
In elements from fine-grained concrete of group B and from lightweight
concrete with porous fine aggregate (except for classes B7.5-B12.5)
the values of ω p and λ p increase by 1.2 times against those given in table.
28. 39/127
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Page 52

Table 24 *
Factors leading to the introduction Characteristic Class Valve working condition factor
valve operating conditions factor fittings fittings symbol numerical value

1. Work of reinforcement on the action of transverse Transverse Regardless of class γ s1 See paragraph 2.28 *

2. Availability of welded joints of reinforcement „ A-III and BP-I γ s2 Also

under the action of transverse forces

3. Repetitive loading Longitudinal and transverse Regardless of class γ s3 See table. 25 *

4. The presence of swivel joints when Longitudinal and transverse at A-I, A-II, A-III, A-IV, A-V γ s4 See table. 26 *
multiple repetition of the load stock welded connections

5. Stress transfer zone for reinforcement Longitudinal stress Regardless of class γ s5 llx / p
without anchors and stress-free anchorage zone
fittings Longitudinal stress-free Also llx / an

In the formulas pos. five:

l x - distance from the beginning of the transmission zone
stresses up to the considered section;
l p , l an ⎯ respectively the length of the zone
stress transfer and anchorage zones
fittings (see clauses 2.29 and 5.14)

6. Operation of high-strength reinforcement at Longitudinal stretched A-IV; A-V; A-VI; At-VII; B-II; BP-II; γ s6 According to the instructions in clause 3.13 *
voltages above the conventional limit K-7; Outdoor furniture-19

7. Elements made of lightweight concrete of class B7.5 and Transverse A-I; BP-I γ s7 0.8

8. Elements from aerated concrete class B7.5 Longitudinal compressed Regardless of class γ s8
and below


Page 53

190 + 40 B
Transverse Also
R sc
25 B
R sw

9. Protective coating of reinforcement in elements Longitudinal compressed „ γ s9 See table. 27

aerated concrete

Notes: 1. Coefficients γ s 3 and γ s 4 according to pos. 3 and 4 of this table are taken into account only when calculating the endurance; for fittings with welded joints,
these coefficients are taken into account simultaneously.
2. Coefficient γ s 5 according to pos. 5 of this table is introduced in addition to the design resistances R s and to the prestressing of the reinforcement σ sp .
3. In the formulas pos. 8 of this table, the values of R sc and R sw are given in MPa; for B В see point 2.2. 40/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

Table 25 *
Coefficient of operating conditions of the reinforcement γ s 3 with multiple repetition of the load
Reinforcement class with the cycle asymmetry coefficient ρ s equal to
-1.0 –0.2 0 0.2 0,4 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

A-I 0.41 0.63 0.70 0.77 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
A-II 0.42 0.51 0.55 0.60 0.69 0.93 1.00 1.00 1.00
А-III diameter, mm:
6⎯8 0.33 0.38 0.42 0.47 0.57 0.85 0.95 1.00 1.00
10 ⎯ 40 0.31 0.36 0.40 0.45 0.55 0.81 0.91 0.95 1.00
A-IV ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.38 0.72 0.91 0.96 1.00
A-V ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.27 0.55 0.69 0.87 1.00
A-VI ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.19 0.53 0.67 0.87 1.00
At-VII ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.15 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
BP-II ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ - ⎯ 0.67 0.82 0.91 1.00
B-II ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.77 0.97 1.00 1.00
K-7 with a diameter, mm:
6 and 9 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.77 0.92 1.00 1.00
12 and 15 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.68 0.84 1.00 1.00
K-19 with a diameter of 14 mm ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ - 0.63 0.77 0.96 1.00
BP-I ⎯ ⎯ 0.56 0.71 0.85 0.94 1.00 1.00 1.00
А-IIIв with control:


Page 54

elongations and stresses ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.41 0.66 0.84 1.00 1.00

only extensions ⎯ - ⎯ ⎯ 0.46 0.73 0.93 1.00 1.00

σ s min,
The designations adopted in table. 25 *: ρ s= ,
σ s max,

where σ s, min , σ s, max are respectively the lowest and highest stresses in the reinforcement within the cycle of load change, determined in accordance with clause 3.47.

Note. When calculating bending elements made of heavy concrete with non-tensioned reinforcement for longitudinal reinforcement, it is assumed:

at 0≤ min
≤ 20.0 ρ s = ; 30.0
M max
M min ρ = 8,015,0 M min
20.0 " < ≤ 75.0 s
+ ;
M max
M max
" min
> 75.0 ρs = min
M max M max

where M min , M max are respectively the smallest and largest bending moments in the design section of the element within the load change cycle.


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Table 26 *
Valve working condition factor
Class Group γ s 4 with multiple repetition of the load
fittings welded and the cycle asymmetry coefficient ρ s equal to
connections 0 0.2 0,4 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

A-I; A-II 1 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

2 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00
3 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.50 0.65 0.85 1.00
4 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.45 0.65 1.00

A-III 1 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

2 0.60 0.65 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.85 1.00
3 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.80 1.00
4 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.60 1.00

A-IV 1 ⎯ - 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00

2 ⎯ - 0.75 0.75 0.80 0.90 1.00
3 ⎯ ⎯ 0.30 0.35 0.55 0.70 1.00

A-V 1 - ⎯ 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00

hot rolled 2 ⎯ - 0.75 0.75 0.80 0.90 1.00
3 ⎯ ⎯ 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.70 1.00

Notes: 1. Groups of welded joints given in this

table, include the following types of welded joints in accordance with GOST 14098-85,
allowed for structures designed for endurance:
1st group - butt types C3-Km, S4-Kp;
2nd „⎯ cruciform type K1-Kt; butt types C1-KO, S5-Mf,
С6-Мп, С7-Рв, С8-Мф, С9-Мп, С10-Рв and С20-Рм ⎯ all connections at
the ratio of the diameters of the rods equal to 1.0;
3rd „- cruciform type К2-Кт; butt types S11-Mf, S12-Mp,
С13-Рв, С14-Мп, С15-Рс, С16-Мo, С17-Мп, С18-Мо, С19-Рm, С21-Рн and С22-Рн;
tee types T6-Ks, T7-Ko;
4th „overlapping types Н1-Рш, Н2-Кр and Н3-Кп; T-type types T1-
Mf, T2-Rf and T12-Rz.

2. The table gives the values of γ s 4 for reinforcement with a diameter of up to 20 mm.
3. The values of the coefficient γ s 4 should be reduced by 5% with a diameter
rods 22 - 32 mm and 10% with a diameter of over 32 mm.

Table 27
Service factors γ s 9
Protective covering with reinforcement
smooth periodic

1. Cement-polystyrene, latex 1.0 1.0


2. Cement-bitumen (cold) at
reinforcement diameter, mm:
6 and more 0.7 1.0
less than 6 0.7 0.7


Page 56

3. Bitumen-silicate (hot) 0.7 0.7

4. Bituminous clay 0.5 0.7

5. Shale bituminous, cement 0.5 0.5 42/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

Table 28
Coefficients for
Type and class Diameter determining the length of the zone
fittings fittings, voltage transfer l p
mm prestressing reinforcement,
used without anchors
ωp λp

1. Rod periodic Whatever 0.25 ten

profile regardless of class from diameter

2. High-strength reinforcement five 1.40 40

ribbed wire 4 1.40 50
class Bp-II 3 1.40 60

3. Reinforcing ropes of classes:

TO-7 fifteen 1.00 25
12 1.10 25
nine 1.25 thirty
6 1.40 40
Outdoor furniture-19 fourteen 1.00 25

Note. For elements made of lightweight concrete of classes B7.5-B12.5

the values of ω p and λ p increase 1.4 times against those given in this

With an instant transfer of the compression force to the concrete for the core
reinforcement of periodic profile, the values of ω p and λ p increase in
1.25 times. With bar diameters over 18 mm, instant transfer
no effort is allowed.
For rebars of periodic profile of all classes
l p value is taken not less than 15 d .
The beginning of the stress transfer zone with instantaneous transfer of force
compression on concrete for wire reinforcement (excluding
high-strength wire of class Вр-II with internal anchors
embedment length) is taken at a distance of 0.25 l p from the end of the element.
2.30. The values of the modulus of elasticity of the reinforcement E s are taken according to table.
29 *.

Table 29 *
Reinforcement modulus
Reinforcement class E s · 10 –4 , MPa (kgf / cm 2 )

A-I, A-II 21 (210)

A-III 20 (200)
А-IV, А-V, А-VI and At-VII 19 (190)
A-IIIb 18 (180)


Page 57

B-II, Bp-II 20 (200)

K-7, K-19 18 (180)
BP-I 17 (170)





3.1. Strength design of concrete elements must be carried out

for sections normal to their longitudinal axis. Depending on the
operating conditions of the elements, they are calculated without taking into account, as well as with
taking into account the concrete resistance of the tension zone.
Without taking into account the concrete resistance of the tensile zone,
calculation of eccentrically compressed elements specified in clause 1.7a, assuming, 43/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
that reaching the limiting state is characterized by the destruction
compressed concrete. The compressive strength of concrete is conventionally represented
stresses equal to R b , evenly distributed over the part
compression zone of the section - conditional compression zone (Fig. 2), abbreviated
hereinafter referred to as the compressed zone of concrete.

Heck. 2. Diagram of efforts and stress diagram in a section normal to

the longitudinal axis of an eccentrically compressed concrete element calculated by
strength without taking into account the resistance of concrete in the tension zone

Taking into account the resistance of concrete in the tensioned zone,

calculation of the elements specified in clause 1.76, as well as elements in which not
cracks are allowed according to the operating conditions of structures
(elements subject to water pressure, cornices, parapets and
etc.). In this case, it is assumed that the achievement of the limiting state
characterized by the destruction of concrete in the tensioned zone (the appearance
cracks). Limiting efforts are determined based on the following
prerequisites (Fig. 3):


Page 58

Heck. 3. Diagram of efforts and stress diagram in a section normal to

longitudinal axis of a bent (eccentrically compressed) concrete element,
calculated by strength taking into account the resistance of concrete
the extended zone.

sections after deformations remain flat;

the greatest elongation of the extreme stretched fiber
concrete is equal to 2 R bt / E b ;
stresses in the concrete of the compressed zone are determined taking into account the elastic (a
in some cases and inelastic) concrete deformations;
stresses in the concrete of the tensile zone are evenly distributed and
are equal to R bt .
In cases where oblique cracks are likely to form
(for example, elements of I-sections and T-sections if
transverse forces), the calculation of concrete elements from
conditions (141) and (142) with the replacement of the design concrete resistance for
limit states of the second group R b, ser and R bt, ser corresponding
values of design concrete resistance for limiting
states of the first group R b and R bt .
In addition, the elements must be calculated for local 44/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
load action (crushing) according to the instructions in p. 3.39.

Off-center compressed elements

3.2. When calculating eccentrically compressed concrete elements,

take into account the random eccentricity of the longitudinal
effort e a , determined according to the instructions in p. 1.21.
3.3. With the flexibility of the elements l 0 / i > 14, it is necessary to take into account the influence
on their bearing capacity of deflections in the eccentricity plane
longitudinal force and in the plane normal to it by multiplying
values of e 0 by the coefficient η (see section 3.6). In case of calculation from
plane of eccentricity of longitudinal force value e 0
taken equal to the value of the random eccentricity.
Application of concrete eccentrically compressed elements (for
except for the cases provided for in clause 1.7b) is not allowed when
the eccentricities of the application of the longitudinal force, taking into account the deflections e 0 η,
a) depending on the combination of loads:
with the main combination ....................... 0.9 y
"Special" ....................... 0.95 y
b) depending on the type and class of concrete:
for heavy, fine-grained
and lightweight concrete of class above B7.5 .... y - 1
for other types and classes of concrete ... for ⎯2


Page 59

(here y is the distance from the center of gravity of the section to the most
compressed concrete fiber, cm).
3.4. In eccentrically compressed concrete elements in cases where
specified in clause 5.48. a constructive
3.5. Calculation of eccentrically compressed concrete elements (see drawing 2)
must be made from the condition

N α≤ AR
, (12)

where A b is the area of the compressed concrete zone, determined from the condition that its
the center of gravity coincides with the point of application of the resultant
external forces.
For elements of rectangular section A b is determined by the formula

⎛ 2e0 η ⎞
A b = bh ⎜1 - ⎟... (13)
⎝ h ⎠

Off-center concrete elements in which the appearance

cracks are not allowed under operating conditions, regardless of
calculations from condition (12) should be checked taking into account
concrete resistance of the tensioned zone (see clause 3.1 and Fig. 3) from the condition

α WR
bt pl
N ≤ ... (fourteen)
e0 η - r

For elements of rectangular section, condition (14) has the form

75.1 α bhR
N ≤
... (fifteen)
6e0 η
- ϕ

Calculation of eccentrically compressed concrete elements specified in p.

1.7b, must be made from conditions (14) and (15).
In formulas (12) ⎯ (15):
η is the coefficient determined by the formula (19);
α is the coefficient taken equal for concrete:
heavy, fine-grained, light
and porous ....................................... 1,00 45/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
cellular autoclave ........................... 0.85
„Non-autoclave ....................... 0.75
W pl is the moment of resistance of the section for the extreme tension
fibers taking into account inelastic deformations of tensile concrete,
determined under the assumption that there is no longitudinal force along

W pl = + Sb0; (sixteen)

r is the distance from the center of gravity of the section to the core point,
farthest from the stretched zone, determined by the formula


Page 60

r ϕ= ; (17)

ϕ - see item 4.5.

The position of the zero line is determined from the condition

- )
S ' b0 =
... (18)

3.6. The value of the coefficient η, which takes into account the influence of the deflection on
the value of the eccentricity of the longitudinal force e 0 , should be determined
according to the formula

1 (nineteen)
η = ,
N cr

where N cr is the conditional critical force determined by the formula

4.6 IEb ⎛ 11.0 ⎞

N cr = ⎜ + .1.0⎟ (20)
ϕ l l 02 ⎜
⎝1.0 + δ e

In formula (20):
ϕ l - coefficient taking into account the effect of long-term action
load on deflection of an element in the limiting state, equal to:

ϕ l =1 + β , (21)

but not more than 1 + β,

here β is the coefficient taken depending on the type of concrete
according to table thirty;
M ⎯ moment about the least stretched or compressed faces
sections from the action of permanent, long-term and short-term
M l - the same, from the action of constant and prolonged loads;
l 0 - determined by table. 31;
δ e - coefficient taken equal to e 0 / h , but not less

δ e min, = 01.05.0
- 0 - 01.0 R b ; (22)

here R b - in MPa.

Table 30
Coefficient β
Concrete in formula (21)

1. Severe 1.0 46/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *


Page 61

2. Fine-grained groups:
AND 1,3
B 1.5
IN 1.0

3. Lightweight:
with artificial large aggregates and
fine aggregate:
dense 1.0
porous 1.5
with natural aggregates 2.5

4. Porous 2.0

5. Cellular:
autoclave 1,3
non-autoclave 1.5

Note. Groups of fine-grained concrete are given in clause 2.3.

Table 31
Design length l 0
The nature of the support of walls and pillars eccentrically compressed
concrete elements

1.With supports at the top and bottom:

a) with hinges at two ends, regardless of H
support displacement values

b) when pinching one of the ends and

possible displacement of supports for buildings:
multi-span 1.25 N
single-span 1.50 N

2. Free standing 2.00 N

The designation adopted in table. 31: H is the height of the pillar (wall) within
floor minus floor slab thickness or free-standing height

If bending moments (or eccentricities) from full

loads and from the sum of permanent and long-term loads have different
signs, then at the absolute value of the full load eccentricity
e 0 exceeding 0.1 h , take ϕ l = 1.0; if this condition is not
satisfied, value ϕl accept equal
e 0 where ϕ l 1 is determined by formula (21), took M
ϕ l = ϕ l 1 + 1 (10 - ϕ l 1 ,)
equal to the product of the longitudinal force N from the action of constants,
long-term and short-term loads at a distance from the center

61 47/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
Page 62

gravity to stretched or least compressed from the action of constant and

long-term loads of the section face.
3.7. Local Compression Analysis of Concrete Structures
(crushing) must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of paragraphs. 3.39 and 3.40.

Bending elements

3.8. The calculation of bending concrete elements (see drawing 3) should

be made from the condition

M α≤ WR
, pl (23)

where α is the coefficient taken according to the instructions in clause 3.5;

W pl - is determined by the formula (16); for rectangular elements
section W pl is taken equal to:

W pl = ... (24)



3.9. Strength design of reinforced concrete elements must

be made for sections normal to their longitudinal axis, and
for sections of the most dangerous direction inclined to it. When
the presence of torques, check the strength
spatial sections limited in the stretched zone
spiral crack of the most dangerous possible direction.
In addition, the elements should be calculated for local
load action (crushing, punching, separation).

Strength analysis of sections,

normal to the longitudinal axis of the element

3.10. Limiting forces in the section normal to the longitudinal axis

element should be determined based on the following prerequisites:
tensile strength of concrete is taken to be zero;
the compressive resistance of concrete is represented by stresses,
equal to R b and evenly distributed over the compressed zone of concrete;
strains (stresses) in the reinforcement are determined depending on
on the height of the compressed zone of concrete, taking into account deformations (stresses) from
prestressing (see clause 3.28 *);
tensile stresses in the reinforcement are taken no more than
design tensile strength R s ;
compressive stresses in the reinforcement are taken no more than
design resistance to compression R sc .
3.11. Calculation of sections normal to the longitudinal axis of the element when
external force acts in the plane of the symmetry axis of the section and reinforcement
concentrated at the faces perpendicular to the specified plane
element, should be done depending on the ratio between
the value of the relative height of the compressed concrete zone ξ = x / h 0 ,
determined from the corresponding equilibrium conditions, and the value


Page 63

the relative height of the compressed zone of concrete ξ R (see item 3.12 *), at
which the limiting state of the element occurs simultaneously with
achievement of tension in the tensile reinforcement equal to the design
resistance R s taking into account the corresponding coefficients of the conditions 48/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
work of reinforcement, except for the coefficient γ s 6 (see clause 3.13 *).
3.12 *. The value of ξ R is determined by the formula

ω (25)
ξR = ,
σ ⎛ ω ⎞
1+ ⎜1 -

σ usc, ⎝ 1.1 ⎠

where ω is the characteristic of the compressed concrete zone, determined by the formula

ω = α - 008.0 bR , (26)

here α is the coefficient taken equal for concrete:

heavy ....................................... 0.85
fine-grained (see p. 2.3)
AND................................................. .... 0.80
B and C .............................................. 0 , 75
lung, honeycomb and
porous .............................. 0.80
For heavy, light and porous concrete exposed to
autoclaving, the coefficient α decreases by 0.05;
R b ⎯ in MPa;
σ sR - stress in reinforcement, MPa, taken for reinforcement
A-I, A-II, A-III, A-IIIv, σ sR = R s - σ sp ;
А-IV, А-V, А-VI and At-VII σ sR = R s + 400 - σ sp - ∆ σ sp ;
B-II, Bp-II, K-7 and K-19 σ sR = R s + 400 - σ sp ,
here R s is the design tensile strength of the reinforcement, taking into account
the corresponding coefficients of the operating conditions of the reinforcement γ si , for
excluding γ s 6 (see item 3.13 *);
σ sp ⎯ is taken when the coefficient γ sp <1.0.
∆ σ sp ⎯ see item 3.28 *;
σ sc, u ⎯ ultimate stress in the reinforcement of the compression zone,
accepted for structures made of heavy, fine-grained and light
concrete depending on the loads taken into account in the calculation according to table. fifteen*:
by pos. 2a ⎯ equal to 500 MPa, according to pos. 2b ⎯ equal to 400 MPa. For
structures from aerated and porous concrete in all cases
the value is taken equal to 400 MPa. When calculating elements in
the compression stage the value of σ sc, u = 330 MPa.
The values ξ R , determined by formula (25), for elements from
cellular concrete should be taken no more than 0.6.
3.13 *. When calculating the strength of reinforced concrete elements with
high-strength fittings of classes А-IV, А-V, А-VI, At-VII, В-II, Вр-II,
К-7 and К-19 subject to the condition ξ < ξ R design resistance
reinforcement R s must be multiplied by the factor γ s 6 (see pos. 6 table.
24 *), determined by the formula


Page 64

⎛ ξ ⎞
γ s 6 = η - (η - 21) ⎜
⎜ - 1⎟ η
⎟≤ ,
⎝ ξR ⎠

where η is a coefficient taken equal for reinforcement of classes:

А-IV ............................................. 1, 20
AV, B-II, Bp-II, K-7 and K-19 ....... 1.15
A-VI and At-VII .............................. 1.10
For the case of central stretching as well as eccentric
stretching longitudinal by force, located between
resultant forces in the reinforcement, the value of γ s 6 is taken
equal to η.
In the presence of welded joints in the area of an element with bending
moments exceeding 0.9 M max (where M max ⎯ maximum
design moment), the value of the coefficient γ s 6 for reinforcement of classes
A-IV and A-V are accepted no more than 1.10, and classes A-VI and At-VII ⎯ not 49/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
more than 1.05.
The coefficient γ s 6 should not be taken into account for the elements:
calculated for the action of a repetitive load;
reinforced high-strength wire located
close (no gaps);
operated in an aggressive environment.
3.14. For prestressing reinforcement located in the compressed zone at
the action of external forces or in the stage of compression and having adhesion with
concrete, design compressive strength R sc (see clauses 3.15, 3.16, 3.20,
3.27) must be replaced by stress σ sc equal to ( σ sc, u - σ ' sp ),
MPa, but not more than R sc , where σ ' sp is determined when the coefficient γ sp > 1.0,
σ sc, u ⎯ see item 3.12 *.

Bending elements of rectangular, tee,

I-beams and annular sections

3.15. Calculation of rectangular sections of bending elements,

specified in clause 3.11 (Fig. 4), with ξ = x ≤ ξ R should be made from

M ≤ hbxR
( 0
)+ sc
- 5.0 ahARx 's ( 0
- ) ,' (28)

in this case, the height of the compressed zone x is determined from the formula

s s
- sc
' s = bxR
... (29)


Page 65

Heck. 4. Diagram of efforts and stress diagram in the section normal to

the longitudinal axis of the bending reinforced concrete element,
when calculating it by strength

3.16. Calculation of sections with a flange in the compressed zone at ξ = х / h 0 ≤

ξ R should be performed depending on the position of the boundary of the compressed
a) if the border passes in the shelf (Fig. 5, a ), that is, it is observed

s s
≤ hbR
''f f
+ AR
,s ' (thirty)

the calculation is performed as for a rectangular section with a width b ' f

according to the instructions in clause 3.15;
b) if the boundary passes in an edge (Fig. 5, b ), i.e. condition (30) does not
is observed, the calculation is based on the condition 50/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
M ≤ hbxR
b ( 0 )+ b
- 5.0 hhbbRx
( 'f -
'f 0 - 5.0 h f
+ ahAR
sc 's ( 0 - ) , ' (31)

in this case, the height of the compressed zone of concrete x is determined from the formula

- sc
' s = bxR
+ hbbR
'f - ( ) .'f

Heck. 5. Position of the boundary of the compressed zone in the section

flexible reinforced concrete element
a - in the shelf; b - in the rib


Page 66

B ' f value entered into the calculation is taken from the condition that
the width of the overhang of the shelf on each side of the rib should be no more
1/6 element span and no more:
a) in the presence of transverse ribs or for h ' f ≥ 0.1 h - 1/2
clear distance between longitudinal ribs;
b) in the absence of transverse ribs or at distances between
them larger than the distance between the longitudinal ribs, h ' f <0.1 h
c) with cantilever overhangs of the shelf:
with h ' f ≥ 0.1 h ......................................... ..... 6 h ' f ;
„0,05 h ≤ h ' f <0,1 h ................................. 3 h' f
„ H ' f <0,05 h .............. overhangs are not taken into account
3.17. When calculating the strength of bending elements
it is recommended to observe the condition х ≤ ξ R h 0 . In the case when the area
sections of tensile reinforcement for structural reasons or from
the calculation for the limiting states of the second group is assumed to be larger,
than is required to comply with the condition x ≤ ξ R h 0 , the calculation follows
produce by the formulas for the general case {see. p. 3.28 *).
If the value obtained from the calculation by formulas (29) or (32) x >
ξ R h 0 , it is allowed to calculate from conditions (28) and (31), determining
the height of the compressed zone, respectively, from the formulas:

σ ss ARA
- sc
= bxR
b ; (33)

σ ss ARA- sc
= bxR
+ hbbR
- ( ), f
' (34)

2.0 + ξ R
Where σs = Rs , (35)
σ sp ⎛ ξ ⎞
2.0 + ξ + 35.0 ⎜1 -
⎜ ⎟

Rs ⎝ ξ R ⎠

here ξ = x / h 0 ( x is calculated for values R s taking into account

corresponding coefficients of valve operating conditions);
σ sp ⎯ is determined when the coefficient γ sp > 1.0.

For concrete elements of class B30 and below with a stress-free

reinforcement of classes А-I, А-II, А-III and Вр-I at x > ξ R h 0 is also allowed
calculate from conditions (28) and (31), substituting in them the value x 51/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
= ξ R3.18.
h 0 . Calculation of bending elements of an annular section at
the ratio of the inner and outer radii r 1 / r 2 ≥ 0.5 with reinforcement,
evenly distributed along the circumference (with the number
longitudinal rods not less than 6), should be made as for
eccentrically compressed elements according to the instructions in clause 3.21 *, taking
in formulas (41) and (42) the value of the longitudinal force N = 0 and substituting in
formula (40) instead of Ne 0 the value of the bending moment M.

Off-center compressed elements

rectangular and annular sections

3.19. When calculating eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete elements

it is necessary to take into account the random initial eccentricity according to


Page 67

the instructions in p. 1.21, as well as the effect of deflection on their bearing capacity
according to the instructions in clause 3.24.
3.20. Calculation of rectangular sections eccentrically compressed
the elements specified in clause 3.11 should be performed:
a) for ξ = x / h 0 ≤ ξ R (Fig. 6) from the condition

Ne ≤ hbxR
( 0
)+ sc
- 5.0 ahARx '
( 0
- ) ,' (36)

the height of the compressed zone is determined from the formula

+ ss
ARARN - sc
= bxR
; (37)

Heck. 6. Diagram of efforts and stress diagram in the section, normal

to the longitudinal axis of the eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete element,
when calculating it by strength

b) for ξ = x / h 0 > ξ R - also from condition (36), but the height

the compressed zone is defined:
for concrete elements of class B30 and below with stress-free
fittings of classes A-I, A-II, A-III - from the formula

N + σ ss ARA sc
= bxR
, (38)

⎛ 1 - hx/ ⎞
Where σ = ⎜2 0
- 1 ⎟R s ; (39)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 1- ξR

for elements made of concrete of a class above B30, as well as for elements with
fittings of class higher than A-III (non-tensioned and pre-stressed) - from
formulas (66) and (67) or (68).
3.21 *. Calculation of eccentrically compressed elements of an annular section
when the ratio of the inner and outer radii r 1 / r 2 ≥ 0.5 s
reinforcement uniformly distributed along the circumference (with
number of longitudinal rods at least 6), must be made from

Ne 0 ≤ (ArR + rAR ) sin π ξ cir

+ AR ϕ ss z , (40)
b m sc tots
, s
π s tots
, 52/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
while the value of the relative area of the compressed zone of concrete
determined by the formula


Page 68

N+ σ ( + ω 1 ARs )
ξ cir = sp tots
... (41)
+( sc
+ ω 2 ARs ) tots

If ξ cir <0.15 obtained from the calculation by formula (41) , the condition
(40) the value ξ cir , determined by the formula

N + σ sp + ϕ ssAR )
ξ cir = tots
, (42)
b sc tots

in this case, the values of ϕ s and z s are determined by formulas (43) and (44),
taking ξ cir = 0.15.
In formulas (40) ⎯ (42):
r m ⎯ half-sum of inner and outer radii;
r s - radius of a circle passing through the centers of gravity
reinforcement bars;
A s, tot - cross-sectional area of all longitudinal reinforcement;
ϕ s - coefficient determined by the formula

ϕ s = ω 1 - ω 2 ξ cir ; (43)

z s - distance from the tensile zone resultant in the reinforcement

to the center of gravity of the section, determined by the formula

z s = (3.12.0
+ ξ cir ) r, s

but received no more than r s ;

σ sp - is determined when the coefficient γ sp > 1.0;
ω 1 - coefficient determined by the formula

ω1 =ηr - sp
, (45)

here η r is the coefficient taken equal for reinforcement

А-I, А-II, А-III ................................ 1,0
А-IV, А-V, А-VI, At-VII, B-II,
Bp-II, K-7 and K-19 ............................. 1,1

ω 2 - coefficient determined by the formula

ω 2= ω 1δ , (46)

where the value of δ is taken equal to:

δ = 65.1+ R s ⋅,ten- 4 (47)

here R s ⎯ in MPa.

68 53/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
Page 69

If the value ϕ s ≤ 0 calculated by formula (43) , then in condition (40)

substituted ϕ s = 0 and the value ξ cir obtained by formula (41) for
ω 1 = ω 2 = 0.
3.22 *. Calculation of solid section members from heavy and
fine-grained concrete with indirect reinforcement should
produce in accordance with the instructions in paragraphs. 3.20 and 3.28 *, taking into account only
part of the concrete section area A ef , limited by the axes of the extreme
bars of the mesh or spiral, and substituting in the calculation formulas
(36) ⎯ (38), (65) and (66) instead of R b the reduced prism strength
concrete R b, red , and with high-strength reinforcement instead of R sc ⎯ the value
R sc, red .
The flexibility l 0 / i ef of elements with indirect reinforcement should not
exceed with indirect reinforcement with meshes - 55, spiral - 35,
where i ef is the radius of gyration of the part of the cross-section included in the calculation.
The R b, red values are determined by the formulas:
a) when reinforcing with welded transverse meshes

R redb
= R b + ϕµ xy
R xys, , (48)

where R s, xy ⎯ design resistance of mesh reinforcement;

lAnlAn +
µ xy = x xsx y ysy
, (49)

here n x , A sx , l x ⎯, respectively, the number of rods, the area of the transverse

cross-sections and length of the mesh bar (counting in the axes of the outer bars) in one
nom direction;
n y , A sy , l y - the same, in the other direction;
And ef is the cross-sectional area of the concrete enclosed within the mesh contour;
s is the distance between the grids;
ϕ - coefficient of efficiency of indirect reinforcement,
determined by the formula

ϕ = , (50)
23.0 + ψ

µ xy R xys,
Where ψ = ; (51)
R b + ten

R s, xy , R b ⎯ in MPa.

For elements made of fine-grained concrete, the value of the coefficient ϕ

should take no more than one.
Cross-sectional areas of mesh bars from a unit of length in one and
the other direction should not differ by more than 1.5 times;
61 when reinforced with spiral or circular reinforcement

⎛ 5.7 e ⎞
R b , red = R b + 2 µ cir R cirs, ⎜ - ⎟, (52)

⎜1 d ef ⎟
⎝ ⎠


Page 70

where R s, cir is the design resistance of the spiral reinforcement;

µ cir - reinforcement coefficient equal to: 54/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
µ 4A,
, (53)
cir = sdef

here A s, cir ⎯ cross sectional area of the spiral reinforcement;

d ef ⎯ section diameter inside the spiral;
s - spiral pitch;
e 0 - eccentricity of application of longitudinal force (excluding
deflection influence).
The values of the reinforcement coefficients determined by the formulas
(49) and (53), for elements made of fine-grained concrete,
take no more than 0.04.
Design compressive strength R sc, red longitudinal high strength
fittings of classes A-IV, A-V, A-VI and At-VII for elements made of heavy
concrete with indirect reinforcement with welded meshes is determined by

⎡⎛ ⎞ ⎤
1 + δ 1 ⎢⎜ ⎜
⎟ - 1⎥

⎢⎣ ⎝R sc ⎠ ⎥⎦
R sc , red = R sc (54)

Rs ⎞
1+δ1 ⎜
⎜ - 1⎟

⎝R sc ⎠

and no more than R s is accepted .

In formula (54):

5.8 E sψθ
δ1 = 3
, (55)
R s ⋅ ten

A tots, ⎛ Rb ⎞
Where θ = 8.0 + η ⎜1 - ⎟...
A ef ⎝ 100 ⎠

here η is a coefficient taken equal for reinforcement of classes:

A-IV .. ................................ 10
AV, A-VI and At-VII ............ 15

A s, tot - cross-sectional area of all longitudinal high-strength reinforcement;

A ef - designation is the same as in formula (49);
R b ⎯ in MPa.
The value of θ is taken not less than 1.0 and not more:
1.2 ...... with fittings of class A-IV
1.6 ...... „„ of classes AV, A-VI and At-VII
When determining the boundary value of the relative height
compressed zone for sections with indirect reinforcement into the formula (25)

ω = α - 008.0 R b + δ .9.0 (56)

2 ≤

where α is the coefficient taken according to the instructions in clause 3.12 *;


Page 71

δ 2 - coefficient equal to 10 µ , but taken no more than 0.15,

here µ is the reinforcement coefficient µ xy or µ cir , determined by
formulas (49) and (53), respectively, for grids and spirals.
The value of σ sc, u in formula (25) for elements with high strength
reinforcement is taken equal to:

σ = (5.82 ψθ ) E, 10 - 3
+ s
⋅ (57)

but not more than 900 MPa for fittings of class A-IV, 1200 MPa ⎯ for
fittings of classes A-V, A-VI and At-VII.
Taking into account the influence of deflection on the bearing capacity of elements with
indirect reinforcement should use the instructions in clause 3.24,
determining the moment of inertia along the part of the section bounded by the rods
nets or a spiral enclosed inside. The value of N cr obtained from
formula (58), must be multiplied on coefficient 55/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
ϕ 1 = 05.025.0
+ 0 ≤ , 0.1 where with ef equal to height or diameter
c ef
of the taken into account part of the concrete section, and when determining δ e, min the second
the term on the right-hand side of formula (22) is replaced by l
01.0 0 ϕ 2 , Where
c ef
ϕ 2 = 1.0 0 - .0.11

c ef

Indirect reinforcement is taken into account in the calculation, provided that

load-bearing capacity of an element, determined according to instructions
of this paragraph (taking into account A ef and R b, red ), exceeds its carrier
capacity determined by full section A and value
design concrete resistance R b excluding indirect reinforcement.
In addition, the indirect reinforcement must satisfy
design requirements of clause 5.24.
3.23 . When calculating eccentrically compressed members with indirect
reinforcement along with the strength calculation according to the instructions of p.
3.22 * calculation should be made to ensure crack resistance
protective concrete layer.
The calculation is made in accordance with the instructions in paragraphs. 3.20 or 3.28 * by
operational values of the design loads (γ f = 1.0), taking into account
the entire cross-sectional area of concrete and taking the design resistances R b, ser
and R s, ser for the limiting states of the second group and the calculated
compression resistance of the reinforcement equal to the value of R s, ser , but not more
400 MPa.
When determining the boundary value of the relative height
the compressed zone in formulas (25) and (69) take σ sc, u = 400 MPa, and in
formula (26), the coefficient 0.008 is replaced by 0.006.
When taking into account the influence of flexibility, the instructions in p.
3.24, determining the values of δ e according to formula (22) with the replacement of 0.010 R b by 0.008
R b, ser .
3.24. When calculating eccentrically compressed elements, one should
take into account the effect of deflection on their bearing capacity, as a rule,
by calculating structures according to a deformed scheme (see paragraph 1.15).
Allowed produce payment structures by
undeformed scheme, taking into account with flexibility l 0 / i > 14 the influence
deflection of an element for its strength determined from conditions (36), (40)
and (65), by multiplying e 0 by the coefficient η. Moreover, the conditional


Page 72

the critical force in formula (19) for calculating η is taken

equal to:

⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤
⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
4.6 E b ⎢ I ⎜ 11.0 ⎟ (58)
N cr = + 1.0 + α I s ⎥ ,
⎢ϕl ⎜ δe ⎟ ⎥
⎢ ⎜1.0 + ⎟ ⎥
⎜ ϕp ⎟
⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦

where l 0 - is taken according to the instructions in clause 3.25;

δ e - coefficient taken according to the instructions in clause 3.6;
ϕ l is a coefficient determined by formula (21), while
moments M and M l are determined relative to an axis parallel to the line,
limiting the compressed zone and passing through the center of the most
stretched or least compressed (with fully compressed section)
reinforcement bar, respectively, from the action of the full load and from
actions of constant and long-term loads. If bending
moments (or eccentricities) from the action of the full load and from
the actions of constant and long-term loads have different signs, then
the instructions in clause 3.6 should be taken into account;
ϕ p - coefficient taking into account the influence of preliminary
reinforcement stresses on element stiffness; with uniform
section compression with prestressing reinforcement ϕ p is determined by the formula

σ e0
ϕ p
= 121
, (59)
Rb h 56/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

here σ bp - is determined with the coefficient γ sp <1.0;

R b - is taken without taking into account the coefficients of concrete working conditions;
in the formula (59) the value of e 0 / h is taken no more than 1.5;
For elements made of fine-grained concrete of group B in the formula (58)
instead of 6.4, the value 5.6 is substituted.
When calculated from the plane of action of the bending moment
the eccentricity of the longitudinal force e 0 is taken equal to the value
random eccentricity (see item 1.21).
3.25. Estimated length l 0 eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete
elements are recommended to be defined as for frame elements
structure, taking into account its deformed state at the most
location of the load unfavorable for this element, taking
attention to inelastic deformation of materials and the presence of cracks.
For elements of the most common structures
it is allowed to take the calculated length l 0 equal to:
a) for columns of multi-storey buildings with the number of spans at least
two and connections of girders and columns, calculated as rigid,
with floor structures:
national teams ............................. N
monolithic ................. 0.7 N
where H is the height of the floor (the distance between the centers of the nodes);
b) for columns of one-story buildings with hinged support
bearing structures of coatings, rigid in their plane
(capable of transmitting horizontal forces), as well as for overpasses -
according to table 32;


Page 73

c) for elements of trusses and arches - according to table. 33.

Center Stretched Elements

3.26. When calculating the sections of centrally stretched reinforced concrete

elements the condition must be met

ARN totss ,
, (60)

where A s, tot is the cross-sectional area of the entire longitudinal reinforcement.

Off-center stretched elements

rectangular section

3.27. Calculation of rectangular sections, eccentrically stretched

elements specified in clause 3.11 should be made depending on
position of the longitudinal force N :
a) if the longitudinal force N is applied between the resultants
efforts in reinforcement S and S ' (Fig. 7, a) - from the conditions:

Ne ≤ ahAR
( 0
- ) ,' (61)

Ne ' ≤ ahAR
( 0
- ) ;' (62)

b) if the longitudinal force N is applied outside the distance

between the resultant forces in the reinforcement S and S ' (Fig. 7, b ) - from

Ne ≤ hbxR
( 0
) + sc
- 5.0 ahARx '
( 0
- ) ,' (63)

in this case, the height of the compressed zone x is determined by the formula

- sc
- = b
... (64) 57/127
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Page 74

Table 33
Estimated length l 0 of columns of one-story buildings
when calculating them in the plane
Characteristic perpendicular transverse frame
transverse frame or or parallel to the overpass axis
perpendicular in the presence of with absence
to the axis of the overpassties in the plane of the longitudinal row
columns or anchor supports

Crane (lower) part Cut 1.5 N 1 0.8 H 1 1.2 H 1

Taking into account the load columns with crane beams Uncut 1.2 H 1 0.8 H 1 0.8 H 1
from cranes Above the crane (top) part Cut 2.0 H 2 1.5 H 2 2.0 H 2
columns with crane beams Uncut 2.0 H 2 1.5 H 2 1.5 H 2
With bridge cranes
Under the crane (lower) part Single-span 1.5 N 0.8 H 1 1.2 N
Without taking into account thecolumns
load of buildings Multi-span 1.2 N 0.8 H 1 1.2 N
from cranes Above the crane (top) part Cut 2.5 N 2 1.5 H 2 2.0 H 2
columns with crane beams Uncut 2.0 H 2 1.5 H 2 1.5 H 2
The lower part of the columns of buildings Single-span 1.5 N 0.8 N 1.2 N
Columns are stepped Multi-span 1.2 N 0.8 N 1.2 N
The top of the columns 2.5 N 2 2.0 H 2 2.5 N 2
Without bridge cranes
Columns of constant cross-section of buildings Single-span 1.5 N 0.8 N 1.2 N
Multi-span 1.2 N 0.8 N 1.2 N

Crane With crane beams Cut 2.0 N 1 0.8 H 1 1.5 N 1

Uncut 1.5 N 1 0.8 H 1 H1
Under pipelines When connecting columns with a superstructure Articulated 2.0 N H 2.0 N
Hard 1.5 N 0.7 N 1.5 N

The designations adopted in table. 32:

H is the full height of the column from the top of the foundation to the horizontal structure (rafter or rafter strut) in the corresponding plane;
H 1 - the height of the crane part of the column from the top of the foundation to the bottom of the crane girder;
Н 2 - the height of the above-crane part of the column from the column step to the horizontal structure in the corresponding plane.


Page 75

Note. In the presence of ties to the top of the columns in buildings with bridge cranes, the calculated length of the above-crane part of the columns in the plane of the axis of the longitudinal row of columns 58/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
taken equal to H 2 .


Page 76

If the value x > ξ R h 0 obtained from the calculation by formula (64) , in

condition (63) is substituted x = ξ R h 0 , where ξ R is determined according to
the instructions in clause 3.12 *.

General case of calculation

(for any sections, external forces
and any reinforcement)

3.28 *. The calculation of cross-sections in the general case (Fig. 8) should

be made from the condition

M ≤ ± SRbb - ∑σ si
S si ), (65)

the plus sign in front of the parenthesis is taken for an eccentric

compression and bending, minus sign ⎯ for stretching.
In formula (65):
M ⎯ in bending elements - the projection of the moment of external forces on
plane perpendicular to the straight line limiting the compression zone
in eccentrically compressed and stretched elements - moment
longitudinal force N about an axis parallel to a straight line,
limiting the compression zone, and passing:
in eccentrically compressed elements - through the center of gravity of the section
most stretched or least compressed longitudinal bar
in eccentrically stretched elements - through the point of the compressed zone,
the most distant from the specified line;

Table 33
Design length l 0
Name of elements elements of trusses and arches 59/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
1. Elements of trusses:
a) the upper chord when calculating:
in the plane of the truss:
for e 0 <1/8 h 1 0.9 l
„ E 0 ≥ 1/8 h 1 0.8 l

from the plane of the truss:

for the area under the lantern (with a width 0.8 l
lantern 12 m and more)

in other cases 0.9 l

b) braces and racks in the calculation:

in the plane of the truss 0.8 l
from the plane of the truss:
when b 1 / b 2 <1.5 0.9 l
„ B 1 / b 2 ≥ 1.5 0.8 l

2. Arches:
a) when calculating in the plane of the arch:
three-articulated 0,580 L
double-hinged 0.540 L


Page 77

hingeless 0,365 L

b) when calculating from the plane of the arch (any) L

The designations adopted in table. 33:

l ⎯ element length between the centers of adjacent nodes, and for
the upper chord of the truss when calculating from the plane of the truss - distance
between the points of its attachment;
L is the length of the arch along its geometric axis; when calculating from
arch plane - the length of the arch between the points of its fixation from
arch plane;
h 1 - the height of the section of the upper belt;
b 1 , b 2 ⎯ section width of the upper chord and strut, respectively
(brace) truss.

Heck. 7. Diagram of efforts and stress diagram in the section, normal

to the longitudinal axis of the eccentrically stretched reinforced concrete element,
when calculating it by strength 60/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
a ⎯ longitudinal force N is applied between the resultant forces
in fittings S and S '; b ⎯ the same, outside the distance between
resultant forces in reinforcement S and S '


Page 78

Heck. 8. Diagram of forces and stress diagram in the section normal to the
longitudinal axis of a reinforced concrete element, in the general case of strength calculation
II ⎯ plane parallel to the plane of action of the bending moment, or
plane passing through the points of application of the longitudinal force and
resultant internal compressive and tensile forces;
1 - point of application of the resultant forces in compressed reinforcement and in concrete
compressed zone; 2 ⎯ point of application of resultant forces in tension

S b - static moment of the sectional area of the compressed zone of concrete

relative to the corresponding of the indicated axes, while in
bending elements, the position of the axis is taken as follows. as in
eccentrically compressed;
S si - static moment of the cross-sectional area of the i- th longitudinal bar
reinforcement relative to the corresponding of the specified axes;
σ si - stress in the i- th bar of longitudinal reinforcement, determined
according to the instructions of this paragraph.
Compressed zone height x and stress σ si determined from
joint solution of equations:

ARbb - ∑σ si A si ± N = ; 0 (66)

σ usc,
⎛ω ⎞
σ si = ⎜ - 1 ⎟+ σ ... (67)
ω ⎜ξ
⎝ i



In equation (66), the minus sign before N is taken for

eccentrically compressed elements, plus sign - for eccentrically
In addition, to determine the position of the boundary of the compressed zone at
oblique bend requires an additional condition
parallelism of the plane of action of the moments of external and internal
forces, and under oblique eccentric compression or tension - the conditions that
points of application of the external longitudinal force, the resultant
compressive forces in concrete and reinforcement and resultant forces in
stretched fittings (or external longitudinal strength,
resultant compressive forces in concrete and resultant
forces in the entire reinforcement) must lie on one straight line (see Fig. 8). 61/127
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Page 79

If the value of σ si , obtained from formula (67), for reinforcement

classes А-IV, А-V, А-VI, At-VII, В-П, Вр-II, К-7 and К-19 exceeds β R si ,
then the stress σ si should be determined by the formula

⎡ ξ eli - ξ i ⎤
σ si = ⎢ β + (1 - β ) ⎥ R si ... (68)
⎣ ξ eli - ξ Ri ⎦

In the case when the stress in the reinforcement found by formula (68)
exceeds R si without taking into account the coefficient γ s 6 , in conditions (65) and (66)
the value σ si equal to R si is substituted taking into account the corresponding
operating conditions coefficients, including γ s 6 (see clause 3.13 *).
The stress σ si is entered into the calculation formulas with its own sign,
obtained in the calculation by formulas (67) and (68), while it is necessary
comply with the following conditions:
in all cases R si ≥ σ si ≥ R sci ;
for prestressed members σ si ≥ σ sci , here σ sci ⎯
stress in reinforcement equal to prestress σ ' spi ,
reduced by the value of σ sc, u (see paragraphs 3.12 * and 3.22 *).
In formulas (66) ⎯ (68):
A si - cross-sectional area of the i- th bar of longitudinal reinforcement;
σ spi - prestress in the i- th bar of the longitudinal
reinforcement, taken at the coefficient γ sp , assigned in
depending on the location of the rod;
ξ i is the relative height of the compressed concrete zone, equal to ξ i = x , Where
h0 i
h 0 i ⎯ distance from the axis passing through the center of gravity of the section
of the considered i- th reinforcement bar and parallel straight line,
limiting the compressed zone, to the most distant point of the compressed
section zones (see Fig. 8);
ω - characteristic of the compressed zone of concrete, determined by
formulas (26) or (56);
ξ Ri , ξ eli ⎯ the relative height of the compressed zone. responding
achievement of stresses in the considered rod, respectively
equal to R si and β R si ; the values ξ Ri and ξ eli are determined by the formula

ω (69)
ξ Ri ( eli ) = ,
σ Ris
(, eli ) ⎛ ω ⎞
1+ ⎜1 - ⎟
σ usc , ⎝ 1.1 ⎠

here σ sRi
= R si + 400 - σ spi
- ∆σ spi
, MPa, ⎯ when determining ξ Ri ;
σ elis
= β R si - σ spi
, MPa, - when determining ξ eli ;
σ sc, u ⎯ see pp. 3.12 * and 3.22 *.
The values of ∆ σ spi and coefficient β are determined:
at mechanical, and also automated
electrothermal and electrothermomechanical ways
prestressing reinforcement of classes A-IV, AV, A-VI and At-
VII by the formulas:

∆σ spi
= 1500 spi
- 1200 ≥ ; 0 (70)
R si


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β = 5.0 spi
+ ; 8.04.0
≥ (71)
R si
with other methods of prestressing reinforcement of classes
А-IV, А-V, А-VI and At-VII, as well as for fittings of classes В-II, Вр-II, К-7
and K-19 for any prestressing methods the values
∆ σ spi = 0, coefficient β = 0.8.
In formulas (70) and (71) σ spi is taken with the coefficient γ sp <1.0 s
taking into account the losses in pos. 3-5 tab. five.

Note. Index i means the serial number of the reinforcement bar.

Strength analysis of inclined sections

to the longitudinal axis of the element

3.29. Calculation of reinforced concrete elements for inclined sections

must be produced to ensure strength:
on the action of a lateral force on an inclined strip between
oblique cracks (see paragraph 3.30);
on the action of the shear force along an inclined crack (see pp.
3.31 * ⎯3.33);
on the action of the shear force on an inclined compressed strip between
load and support (for short cantilevers of columns; see clause 3.34);
on the action of a bending moment along an inclined crack (see p.
3.30. Calculation of reinforced concrete elements for the action of the transverse
forces to ensure strength along the inclined strip between
oblique cracks should be made from the condition
Q ≤ 3.0 ϕ bhR ... (72)
w ϕ
1 b1 b 0

Coefficient ϕ w 1 , taking into account the influence of clamps normal to

the longitudinal axis of the element is determined by the formula
ϕ w1
= 51+ α µ w , (73)
but not more than 1.3,
α =
Where , µ = A sw ...
Eb bs

The coefficient ϕ b 1 is determined by the formula

ϕ b1 = 1 - β R b , (74)

where β is the coefficient taken equal for concrete:

heavy, fine-grained and

cellular ......................................... 0,01
lung ............................................ 0.02

R b ⎯ in MPa.
3.31. Calculation of reinforced concrete elements with transverse reinforcement
(Fig. 9) on the action of the shear force to ensure the strength
an inclined crack should be made according to the most dangerous
inclined section from the condition
QQ≤ b
+ Q sw + Q , incs
... (75)


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Heck. 9. Diagram of efforts in a section inclined to the longitudinal axis of reinforced concrete
element, when calculating its strength for the action of a transverse force

The transverse force Q in condition (75) is determined from the external

load located on one side of the considered
inclined section.
The transverse force Q b perceived by concrete is determined by

ϕ b 2 (1 + ϕ f
+ ϕ n bhR
) 2
Qb = , (76)

where c is the length of the projection of the most dangerous inclined section on
the longitudinal axis of the element.
The coefficient ϕ b 2 , taking into account the effect of the type of concrete, is taken
equal for concrete:

heavy and honeycomb ................. 2.00

fine-grained ......................... 1.70
light with medium grade
D 1900 and more .................... 1.90
D 1800 and less with small
dense .................... 1.75
porous ................... 1.50

Coefficient ϕ f , taking into account the influence of compressed flanges in T and

I-beams, determined by the formula

(hbb- )

ϕ f
= 75.0 f
, (77)
hb 0

but not more than 0.5.

In this case, b ' f is taken no more than b + 3 h' f , and transverse reinforcement
must be anchored in the shelf.
Coefficient ϕ n , taking into account the influence of longitudinal forces,
determined by the formulas:
under the action of longitudinal compressive forces

ϕ 1.0 , (78)
n = bhR
bt 0


Page 82

but not more than 0.5;

for prestressed elements into formula (78) instead of
N the pre-compression force P is substituted ; positive
the influence of longitudinal compressive forces is not taken into account if they create
bending moments, the same sign with moments from action
lateral load;
under the action of longitudinal tensile forces

ϕ n = - 2.0 , (79)
bt 0

but not more than 0.8 in absolute value.

The value 1 + ϕ f + ϕ n in all cases is taken no more than 1.5.
The value of Q b calculated by formula (76) is taken at least
ϕ b 3 1 + ϕ f + ϕ n bhR)
bt 0
Coefficient ϕ b 3 is taken equal for concrete:

heavy and cellular ..................................... 0,6

fine-grained ............................................. 0.5 64/127
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light with a medium density brand:
D 1900 and more .......................................... 0,5
D 1800 and less .......................................... 0,4

When calculating reinforced concrete elements with transverse reinforcement

strength along the inclined section in
within the area between the clamps, between the support and the bend and between
The transverse forces Q sw and Q s, inc are defined as the sum of the projections on
normal to the longitudinal axis of the limiting force element, respectively
in clamps and bends crossing a dangerous inclined crack.
Length from 0 of the projection of a dangerous inclined crack on the longitudinal axis
element is determined from the minimum of the expression Q b + Q sw + Q s, inc , where in
value Q b instead of c, it is substituted with 0 ; received value from 0
taken no more than 2 h 0 and no more than the value of c , as well as no less than h 0 ,
if c > h 0 .
For elements with transverse reinforcement in the form of clamps, normal
to the longitudinal axis of the element and having a constant pitch within
of the considered inclined section, the value from 0 corresponds
the minimum of the expression Q b + Q sw , determined by the formula

ϕ b 2 (1 + ϕ n + ϕ f
) bhR bt 0

c0 = , (80)
q sw

where q sw is the force in the clamps per unit length of the element, determined
according to the formula

q sw
... (81)
sw = s

For such elements, the transverse force Q sw is determined by



Page 83

Q cqsw ... 0 (82)

sw =
In this case, for clamps installed by calculation, it must
satisfy a condition

ϕ b 3 (1 + ϕ n + ϕ f
) bR bt
q sw ≥ ... (83)

In addition, the transverse reinforcement must satisfy

the requirements of paragraphs. 5.26-5.28.
When calculating structures in which, as an unstressed
longitudinal tensile reinforcement bar reinforcement is applied
classes A-IV and A-IIIb or fittings of classes A-V, A-VI and At-VII (with
mixed reinforcement), the coefficients ϕ b 2 , ϕ b 3 , as well as ϕ b 4 , (p. 3.32)
must be multiplied by 0.8.
3.32 . Calculation of reinforced concrete members without transverse reinforcement
on the action of the shear force to ensure the strength along the slope
the crack should be made along the most dangerous inclined
section from the condition

ϕ b 4 (1 + ϕ n ) hbR 2

Q ≤ bt 0
, (84)

where the right-hand side of condition (84) is taken no more than 2.5 R bt bh 0 and no less
ϕ b 3 (1 + ϕ n ) bhR
bt 0 ...
The coefficient ϕ b 4 is assumed to be equal for concrete:

heavy and cellular ........... 1.5

fine-grained ................... 1,2
lung with brand
by average density: 65/127
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D 1900 and more ............. 1.2
D 1800 and less ............. 1.0

The coefficients ϕ b 3 and ϕ n , as well as the values of Q and с in condition (84}

are determined according to the instructions in clause 3.31 *.
In the absence in the considered zone of action of transverse forces
normal cracks, i.e., if condition (124) is satisfied with the replacement
R bt, ser by R bt , it is allowed to take into account the increase in the strength of the element by
calculation from condition (141) with the replacement of R bt, ser and R b, ser, respectively, by R bt and
3.33 . Calculation of reinforced concrete members with inclined compressed
edges (Fig. 10) on the action of a transverse force to ensure
the strength on an inclined crack is made according to the instructions of paragraphs.
3.31 * and 3.32. Moreover, as a working height within
of the considered inclined section into the calculation are entered: for elements
with transverse reinforcement - the largest value of h 0 , for elements without
transverse reinforcement - average value h 0 .


Page 84

Heck. 10. Scheme for calculating reinforced concrete beams with inclined
compressed edges

3.34. Calculation of reinforced concrete short cantilevers of columns ( l ≤ 0.9 h 0 ;

heck. 11) on the action of a lateral force to ensure strength along
an inclined compressed strip between the load and the support should
be made from the condition

Q ≤ 8.0 ϕ2 .sin θ (85)

w blRb b

where the right-hand side of condition (85) is taken no more than 3.5 R bt bh 0 and no less
the right side of condition (84); θ is the angle of inclination of the calculated compressed strip
to the horizontal.

Heck. 11. Scheme for calculating short consoles

The width of the inclined compressed strip l b is determined by the formula

ll sup
sin θ , (86)
b =

where l sup is the length of the load transfer area along the console overhang.
In determining the length l sup should take into account the features
load transfer with various schemes of supporting structures on
consoles (freely supported or restrained beams located
along the console departure; beams located across the console overhang,
etc.). 66/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
Coefficient ϕ b 2 , taking into account the influence of clamps located
by console height, determined by the formula

κ w 2 = 51+ α µ w1 , (87)

Es Asw
Whereα = ; µw1 = ;
Eb bs w

A sw ⎯ cross-sectional area of the clamps in one plane;


Page 85

s w - the distance between the clamps, measured along the normal to them.
In this case, horizontal and inclined clamps are taken into account.
an angle of no more than 45 ° to the horizontal.
The transverse reinforcement of short cantilevers of columns should
meet the requirements of clause 5.30.
3.35. Calculation of reinforced concrete elements for bending action
moment (Fig. 12) to ensure the strength along an inclined crack
must be carried out on a dangerous inclined section according to the condition

M ≤Ms +M sw
+M , incs
... (88)

The moment M in condition (88) is determined from the external load,

located on one side of the considered oblique
section, relative to an axis perpendicular to the plane of action
moment and the resultant passing through the point of application
efforts N b in the compressed zone.

Heck. 12. Diagram of efforts in a section inclined to the longitudinal axis

reinforced concrete element, when calculating its strength
bending moment

Moments M s , M sw and M s, inc are defined as the sum of moments

relative to the same axis from the forces, respectively, in the longitudinal
fittings, clamps and bends crossing the tension zone
inclined section.
When determining the forces in the reinforcement crossing the inclined
section, you should take into account its anchorage behind the inclined section.
The height of the compressed zone of the inclined section is determined from the condition
equilibrium of force projections in the concrete of the compressed zone and in the reinforcement,
crossing the stretched zone of the inclined section, on the longitudinal
element axis.
The calculation of inclined sections for the action of the moment is carried out in
places of breakage or bending of longitudinal reinforcement, as well as in the support
the area of the beams and at the free edge of the consoles. Also, the calculation
of inclined sections for the action of the moment is made in places of sharp
changes in the configuration of the element (trimming, etc.). 67/127
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Page 86

On the support sections of the elements, the moment M s perceived

longitudinal reinforcement crossing the tension zone of the inclined
section, is determined by the formula

, (89)

where А s Is the cross-sectional area of the longitudinal reinforcement crossing

inclined section;
z s - distance from the resultant forces in the longitudinal
reinforcement to the resultant forces in the compressed zone.
In the absence of anchoring for longitudinal reinforcement, the calculated
tensile strength of reinforcement R s where it crosses
the inclined section is taken reduced according to pos. 5 tab.
24 *.
For structures made of aerated concrete, forces in longitudinal reinforcement
should be determined by calculation only taking into account the work of the transverse
anchors on the support areas.
Moment М sw perceived by clamps normal to
longitudinal axis of the element, with a uniform step within the stretched
the zone of the considered inclined section is determined by the formula

M q sw , (90)
sw = 2

where q sw is the force in the clamps per unit length of the element, determined
according to the formula (81);
с - the length of the projection of the most dangerous inclined section on
the longitudinal axis of the element.

Strength analysis of spatial sections

(torsion-bending elements)

3.36. When calculating spatial sections, the forces are determined

based on the following prerequisites:
tensile strength of concrete is taken to be zero;
the compressed zone of the spatial section is conventionally represented
plane located at an angle θ to the longitudinal axis of the element, and
compressive strength of concrete - stresses R b sin 2 θ , uniformly
distributed over the compressed area;
tensile stresses in longitudinal and transverse reinforcement,
crossing the extended zone of the considered spatial
section, accepted equal calculated resistances
respectively R s and R sw ;
stress in the reinforcement located in the compressed zone is taken
for non-tensioned reinforcement - equal to R sc , for prestressing -
according to the instructions in clause 3.14.

Elements of rectangular section

3.37. When calculating elements for torsion with bending,

the condition

T ≤ 1.0 hbR
b , (91)


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where b , h - respectively smaller and larger sizes of the faces

In this case, the value of R b for concrete of classes above B30 is taken as
for class B30 concrete.
3.38 . Strength analysis of spatial sections (Fig. 13)
must be made from the condition

1 + ϕ wδ λ

ART (h - .5.0 x ) (92)
ϕq λ + x 0

Heck. 13. Diagram of efforts in the spatial section of a reinforced concrete element,
working in bending with torsion, when calculating its strength

The height of the compressed zone x is determined from the condition

- sc
= bxR
... (93)

The calculation should be made for three calculation schemes

the location of the compressed zone of the spatial section:
1st scheme - at the edge of the element compressed from bending (Fig. 14, a );
2nd scheme - at the element edge parallel to the action plane
bending moment (Fig. 14, b );
3rd scheme ⎯ at the face of the element stretched from bending (Fig. 14, c ).

Heck. 14. Layouts of the compressed zone of the spatial section

a ⎯ at the element face compressed from bending; b - at the edge of the element,
parallel to the plane of action of the bending moment;
c - at the face of the element stretched from bending


Page 88

In formulas (92) and (93):

A s , A ' s - cross-sectional areas of longitudinal reinforcement,
located in this design scheme, respectively
stretched and compressed zones;
b , h ⎯ dimensions of element edges, respectively parallel and
perpendicular to the line defining the compressed zone; 69/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
δ = ; (94)
2 bh+

λ = ; (95)

here c is the length of the projection of the line bounding the compressed zone on
longitudinal axis of the element; calculation is made for the most dangerous
the value of c determined by successive approximation and
accepted no more than 2 h + b .
In formula (92), the values of χ and ϕ q characterizing the relation
between the acting efforts T , M and Q , are taken:

in the absence of bending χ=0 ϕ q = 1;

when calculating according to the 1st scheme M ϕ q = 1;
χ =

χ=0 Qh
„„ „2nd„ ϕ q =1+ ;
„„ „3rd„ M ϕ q = 1.
χ = -

Torque T , bending moment M and shear force Q

taken in a section normal to the longitudinal axis of the element and
passing through the center of gravity of the compressed zone of the spatial
The values of the coefficient ϕ w characterizing the ratio between
transverse and longitudinal reinforcement, determined by the formula

ARsw b
ϕ sw
, (96)
w = ARss s

where A sw is the cross-sectional area of one rods of the clamp located at

a face that is stretched for the considered design scheme;
s is the distance between the above clamps.
In this case, the values of ϕ w are taken:
not less

ϕ w min,
= (97)
1 + M ϕ2 / w
M u

and no more

⎛ M ⎞
ϕ w , max = 15.1⎜

⎝ Mu ⎠


Page 89

where M is the bending moment taken for the 2nd scheme equal to
zero, for the 3rd scheme - with a minus sign;
Mu ⎯ ultimate bending moment perceived
normal section of the element.
If the value ϕ w calculated by formula (96) is less than ϕ w, min , then
the value of the force R s A s entered in formulas (92) and (93) is reduced by
the ratio ϕ w / ϕ w, min .
In the case when the condition is satisfied

T ≤ , 5.0Qb (99)

instead of calculation according to the 2nd scheme, the calculation is made from the condition

QQ≤ sw
+ Qb - ... (100)

In formulas (99) and (100): 70/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
b is the width of the section face perpendicular to the bending plane;
Q sw , Q b ⎯ are determined according to the instructions in clause 3.31 *.

Calculation of reinforced concrete elements

on local action of loads

Local compression calculation

3.39. When calculating for local compression (crushing) of elements without

transverse reinforcement must satisfy the condition

N ψ≤ R ,1 (101)
locb A loc

where N - longitudinal compressive force from local load;

A loc 1 - crumple area (Fig. 15);
ψ is a coefficient depending on the nature of the distribution of the local
load on the area of crushing and taken equal to:

evenly distributed
load ................................................. .......... 1.0
with uneven distribution
loads (under the ends of beams, girders,
for heavy, fine-grained
and lightweight concrete .................................. 0.75
for aerated concrete ........................... 0.50

R b, loc - design resistance of concrete to crushing, determined by


R locb
= α ϕ b Rb , (102)

here α ϕ b ≥ 1.0;

α = 1.0 for concrete of class below B25;


Page 90

R bt for concrete of classes B25 and above;

α = 5.13

ϕ b = 3 A loc 2 / Aloc 1 ,

but not more than the following values:

with a load application scheme according to the devil. 15, a ,

c , d , f, and for concrete:
heavy, fine-grained and light
above B7.5 .............................................. ..... 2.5
B3.5; AT 5; B7.5 ............................................. 1, five
honeycomb and light grades
B2.5 and below ............................................. ............. 1,2
with a load application scheme
heck. 15, b , e , g, regardless of the type
and class of concrete ............................................... .............. 1.0

R b , R bt - accepted as for concrete structures (see pos. 9

tab. fifteen);
A loc 2 ⎯ calculated crumple area determined according to instructions
p. 3.40.
3.40. The calculated area A loc 2 includes a section symmetrical
in relation to the area of the collapse (see Fig. 15).
In this case, the following rules must be observed:
with local load over the entire width of the element b into the design
the area includes a section of length no more than b in each side from
local load limits (see drawing 15, a ); 71/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

Heck. 15. Schemes for the calculation of reinforced concrete elements for local compression


Page 91

a - at local load over the entire width of the element; b - at the local regional
load across the entire width of the element; c , d - with local load in places
supporting the ends of girders and beams; d - at local edge load on the corner
element; f ⎯ with local load applied to parts of length and width
element; with local edge load located within the ledge
walls or pier; f ⎯ at local edge load located in
within the wall protrusion (pilasters); and - sections of complex shape; 1 - area
crumples; 2 - calculated area of the collapse; 3 - minimum reinforcement zone
meshes, in which indirect reinforcement is taken into account in the calculation
by the formula (104)

at local edge load over the entire width of the element, the calculated
the area of A loc 2 is equal to the area of collapse of A loc 1 (see Fig. 15, b );
at local load in places of support of ends of purlins and beams in
the calculated area includes a section with a width equal to the depth
embedding a purlin or a beam, and no longer than the distance between
the middle of the spans adjacent to the beam (see drawing 15, c );
if the distance between the beams is more than double the width
element, the length of the calculated area is determined as the sum of the width
beams and doubled width of the element (see drawing 15, d );
with a local edge load on the element's recess (see drawing 15, d )
the calculated area A loc 2 is equal to the area of collapse A loc 1 ;
with local load applied on a part of length and width
element, the calculated area is taken according to the drawing. 15, e . When
the presence of several loads of the specified type calculated areas
bounded by lines through the middle of the distances
between the points of application of two adjacent loads;
with local edge load located within the ledge
walls (pilasters) or T-section wall, estimated area
A loc 2 is equal to the area of the collapse of A loc 1 (see Fig. 15, g );
when determining the calculated area for sections of complex shape
sections should not be taken into account, the connection of which with the loaded
the site is not provided with the necessary reliability (see Fig. 15, and ).

Note. Under local loading from beams, girders, lintels and others
elements working in bending, taken into account in the calculation of the support depth at
in the definition of A loc 1 and A loc 2 , no more than 20 cm is taken.

3.41 . When calculating for local compression of elements made of heavy concrete
with indirect reinforcement in the form of welded transverse meshes should
satisfy a condition

RN≤ ,1 (103)
redb A loc 72/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
where A loc 1 is the area of the collapse;
R b, red - reduced prismatic strength of concrete calculated for
local compression determined by the formula

R redb
= R b ϕ b+ ϕ µ xy R xys, ϕ s , (104)

here R s, xy , ϕ , µ xy ⎯ the notation is the same as in Section 3.22 *;

ϕ b = 3 A loc 2 / Aloc 1 , (105)


Page 92

but not more than 3.5;

ϕ s - coefficient taking into account the influence of indirect reinforcement

in the area of local compression; for schematics 15, b , e , g , ϕ s = 1.0,
in this case, indirect reinforcement is taken into account in the calculation provided that
that the cross grids are installed in an area of at least
dotted lines on the corresponding drawing diagrams. fifteen; for schemes
heck. 15, a , c , d , f , and the coefficient ϕ s is determined by the formula

A loc 1
ϕ s = 5.35.4
- , (106)
A ef

here A ef - area of concrete enclosed within the mesh contour

indirect reinforcement, counting along their extreme rods, for which
the condition A loc 1 <A ef ≤ A loc 2 must be satisfied .

Punching shear design

3.42. Punching shear design for slab structures (without

transverse reinforcement) from the action of forces evenly distributed on
limited area, must be made from the condition

F ≤ α huR
bt m
,0 (107)

where F is the pushing force;

α is the coefficient taken equal for concrete:

heavy ....................... 1.00

fine-grained .......... 0.85
lung .......................... 0.80

u m Is the arithmetic mean of the perimeters of the upper and

the lower bases of the pyramid formed when pushed into
the working height of the section.
When determining u m and F it is assumed that punching
occurring along the lateral surface of the pyramid, the smaller base
which is the area of action of the punching force, and the lateral
the faces are inclined at an angle of 45 ° to the horizontal (Fig. 16, a ).
The pushing force F is taken equal to the force acting on
punching pyramid. minus the loads applied to
the larger base of the punching shear pyramid (counting along the plane
location stretched fittings) and resisting
If the support pattern is such that punching can occur
only on the surface of the pyramid with an angle of inclination of the side faces
more than 45 ° (for example, in pile grillages, Fig. 16, b ), right side
conditions (107) is determined for the actual punching shear pyramid
with multiplication by h 0 / c . In this case, the value of the bearing capacity
taken no more than the value corresponding to the pyramid with c =
0,4 h 0 , where c is the length of the horizontal projection of the side face
punching pyramids. 73/127
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Page 93

Heck. 16. Schemes for calculating reinforced concrete elements for punching
a - when the lateral faces of the punching pyramid are tilted at an angle of 45 °;
b ⎯ the same, more than 45 °

When installed within the shear pyramid of clamps,

normal to the plane of the slab, the calculation should be made from

FF≤+ b
8.0 swF , (108)

but not more than 2 F b . Force F b is taken equal to the right side
inequality (107), and F sw is defined as the sum of all transverse
forces perceived by clamps crossing lateral edges
punching shear design pyramid, according to the formula

F sw = ∑ AR sw
, sw (109)

where R sw should not exceed the value corresponding to the reinforcement

class A-I.
Taking into account transverse reinforcement, the F sw value must be at least
0.5 F b .
When the clamps are located in a limited area near
concentrated cargo, an additional calculation is made for
pushing through the pyramid with the upper base located along
the contour of a section with transverse reinforcement, according to condition (107).
Transverse reinforcement shall meet the requirements of clause 5.29.

Calculation for separation

3.43. Calculation of reinforced concrete elements for separation from action

load applied to its lower face or within its height
section (Fig. 17), should be made from the condition

Heck. 17. Scheme for the calculation of reinforced concrete elements for separation


Page 94 74/127
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where F is the tearing force;

h s - distance from the level of transfer of the tearing force to the element
to the center of gravity of the longitudinal reinforcement section;
∑ R sw A sw ⎯ the sum of the shear forces absorbed by the clamps,
additionally installed along the length of the separation zone, equal to:

a = 2 bh , (111)

here b is the width of the area for transferring the tearing force.
The values of h s and b are set depending on the nature and
conditions for the application of the pulling load on the element (through the console,
adjoining elements, etc.).

Calculation of embedded parts

3.44. Calculation of anchors welded to flat elements

steel embedded parts, on the action of bending moments,
normal and shear forces from static load,
located in the same plane of symmetry of the embedded part (Fig.
18), should be made according to the formula

⎛Q an ⎞
1.1 N an + ⎜
⎜λ δ

⎝ ⎠
A an = , (112)

Heck. 18. Diagram of the forces acting on the embedded part

wherein A an ⎯ total cross sectional area of most anchors

tense series;
N an ⎯ the largest tensile force in one row of anchors,

N an = + ; (113)
z n an

Q an - shear force per row of anchors,


Q - 3.0 N
Q an =
; (114)
n an


Page 95

N ' an - the greatest compressive strength in one row of anchors,

determined by the formula

N an' = - ... (115)
z n an 75/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

Shaped varnish (112) ⎯ (115):

М , N , Q ⎯ respectively moment, normal and shear forces,
acting on the embedded part; the moment is determined relative
axis located in the plane of the outer face of the plate and
passing through the center of gravity of all anchors;
n an - the number of rows of anchors along the direction of the shear force;
if the uniform transfer of the shear force Q to
all rows of anchors, then when determining the shear force Q an
no more than four rows are taken into account;
z is the distance between the extreme rows of anchors;
λ - coefficient determined for anchor rods
with a diameter of 8-25 mm for heavy and fine-grained concrete of classes
B12.5 ⎯ B50 and lightweight concrete of classes B12.5 - B30 according to the formula

75.4 3
λ = β ... (116)
+ A an 1 ) Rs

but taken no more than 0.7; for heavy and fine-grained

for concrete of classes above B50, the coefficient λ is taken as for the class
B50, and for lightweight concrete of classes above B30 - as for class B30;
here R b , R s ⎯ in MPa;
A an 1 - the area of the anchor rod of the most stressed row,
cm 2 ;
β is the coefficient taken equal for concrete:

heavy ................................ 1,0

fine-grained groups:
A ....................................... 0.8
B and C .................................. 0.7
lung .......................... ρ m / 2300
(ρ m is the average density of concrete, kg / m 3 );

δ ⎯ coefficient determined by the formula

δ = , (117)

but taken not less than 0.15;

N an
here ω = 3.0 at
N an > 0 (there is a pressure) ;
Q an


Page 96

N (no pressing); if in anchors

ω = 6.0 at N an ≤ 0

there are no tensile forces, the coefficient δ is taken
equal to one.
The cross-sectional area of the anchors of the remaining rows should be taken
torn cross-sectional area of the anchors of the most stressed row.
In formulas (113) and (115), the normal force N is considered
positive, if directed away from the embedded part (see Fig. 18), and
negative - if directed towards it. In cases where normal
forces N an and N ' an , as well as the shear force Q an when calculated by
formulas (113) - (115) receive negative values, in formulas
(112) - (114) and (117) they are taken equal to zero. Moreover, if
N an gets a negative value, then in formula (114) it is taken
N ' an = N .
When the embedded part is located on the top (when
concreting) of the surface of the product, the coefficient λ decreases by
20%, and the value N ' an is assumed to be zero. 76/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
3.45. In an embedded part with overlapped anchors
angle from 15 to 30 °, inclined anchors are designed for action
shear force (for Q > N , where N is the tearing force) according to the formula

Q - 3.0 'N an
A an , inc = , (118)

where A an, inc is the total cross-sectional area of the inclined

N ' an ⎯ see section 3.44.
In this case, normal anchors should be installed,
calculated by formula (112) at δ = 1.0 and at values of Q an ,
equal to 0.1 of the shear force determined by the formula (114).
3.46. Construction of cheese embedded parts with welded to them
elements that transfer the load to the embedded parts must
ensure the inclusion of anchor rods in operation in accordance with
the accepted design scheme. External elements of embedded parts and their
welded joints are calculated according to SNiP II-23-81 *. When
calculation of plates and structural shapes for tearing force
it is assumed that they are pivotally connected to the normal anchor
rods. In addition, the plate thickness t of the calculated embedded
the parts to which the anchor is welded must be checked from

t ≥ 25.0 d , (119)
an R sq

where d an ⎯ diameter of the anchor rod required for the calculation;

R sq ⎯ design shear resistance of steel, taken
according to SNiP II-23-81 *.
When using types of welded joints that provide
a large area of inclusion of the plate in work when pulling out of it
anchor rod, and the corresponding justification is possible
correction of condition (119) for these welded joints.
The plate thickness must also satisfy the technological
welding requirements.


Page 97



3.47. Endurance analysis of reinforced concrete elements

produced by comparing stresses in concrete and reinforcement with
corresponding design resistances multiplied by
operating conditions coefficients γ b 1 and γ s 3 , taken respectively
according to table 16 and 25 *, and in the presence of pig fittings, also
on the operating conditions factor γ s 4 (see table 26 *).
Stresses in concrete and reinforcement are calculated as for an elastic body
(according to the given sections) from the action of external forces and efforts
preliminary deformation F .
Inelastic deformations in the compressed zone of concrete are taken into account
a decrease in the modulus of elasticity of concrete, taking the coefficients
reduction of reinforcement to concrete α 'equal to 25, 20, 15 and 10 for concrete
grades B15, B25, B30, B40 and higher, respectively.
If condition (140) is not met when replacing in it
values of R bt, ser on R bt , the area of the reduced section is determined without
taking into account the stretched zone of concrete.
3.48. Fatigue analysis of sections normal to longitudinal
element axis, must be made from the conditions:
for compressed concrete
σ b max, ≤ R b ; (120)

for tensile reinforcement

σ s max,
≤ Rs , (121)

where σ b, max , σ s, max ⎯ maximum normal stresses 77/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
in compressed concrete and tensile reinforcement, respectively.
In the area tested for compressed concrete, repeated exposure
recurring load should to avoid emergence
tensile stresses. Compressed endurance reinforcement is not
3.49. Fatigue analysis of sections inclined to the longitudinal axis
element must be made from the condition that the resultant
main tensile stresses acting at the center level
the gravity of the reduced section, along the length of the element, must be
fully absorbed by transverse reinforcement under stresses in it,
equal to the resistance R s multiplied by the coefficients of the conditions
works γ s 3 and γ s 4 (see tables 25 * and 26 *).
For elements, in which transverse fittings not
provided, the requirements of clause 4.11 must be met when
replacement under conditions (141) and (142) of the design concrete resistances R b, ser and
R bt, ser respectively design resistances R b and R bt ,
multiplied by the operating conditions factor γ b 1 (see table 16).






Page 98

4.1. Reinforced concrete elements are calculated by education

normal to the longitudinal axis of the element;
inclined to the longitudinal axis of the element.

Cracking calculation,
normal to the longitudinal axis of the element

4.2. For bending, stretched and eccentrically compressed

reinforced concrete elements forces perceived normal to
the longitudinal axis of the sections during the formation of cracks are determined
based on the following provisions:
sections after deformation remain flat;
the greatest elongation of the extreme stretched fiber
concrete is equal to 2 R bt, ser / E b ;
stresses in concrete of the compressed zone (if any) are determined
taking into account elastic or inelastic deformations of concrete, while the presence
inelastic deformations are taken into account by a decrease in the core distance
r (see p. 4.5);
stresses in the concrete of the tensile zone are evenly distributed and
equal in value R bt, ser ;
stresses in non-stressed reinforcement are equal to the algebraic sum
stresses corresponding to the increment of deformations of the surrounding
concrete, and stresses caused by concrete shrinkage and creep;
stresses in prestressing reinforcement are equal to the algebraic sum of its
prestressing (taking into account all losses) and stress,
corresponding to the increment of deformations of the surrounding concrete.
The instructions in this paragraph do not apply to elements
designed for the effect of repetitive loads
(see p. 4.10).
4.3. When determining the forces perceived by the sections
elements with prestressed reinforcement without anchors, on
the length of the voltage transfer zone I p (see clause 2.29) when calculating according to
reduction of the preliminary
stresses in reinforcement σ sp and σ ' sp by multiplying by coefficient γ s 5
according to pos. 5 tab. 24 *.
4.4. Calculation of prestressed center-swaged
reinforced concrete elements under central tension by force N
must be made from the condition

NN≤ crc
, (122) 78/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

where N crc ⎯ force perceived by the section normal to

longitudinal axis of the element, with the formation of cracks and determined by

N crc = R bt , ser (A + 2 α A s )+. P (123)

4.5. Calculation of bending, eccentrically compressed, and eccentric

cracked elements are made from the condition

M ≤r M crc , (124)


Page 99

where M r ⎯ moment of external forces, located on one side of

of the section under consideration, relative to an axis parallel to zero
line and passing through the nucleus point farthest from
the stretched zone, the cracking of which is checked;
M crc ⎯ moment perceived by the section. normal to
longitudinal axis of the element, with the formation of cracks and determined by

M crc = R bt , ser W pl
±M rp
, (125)

here M rp is the moment of effort P about the same axis as for

determining M r ; the sign of the moment is determined by the direction of rotation
("Plus" - when the directions of rotation of the moments M rp and M r
are opposite; "Minus" - when the directions coincide).
Force P is considered:
for prestressed elements - as external
compressive force;
for elements made without prestressing -
as an external tensile force determined by the formula (8),
taking stresses σ s and σ ' s in non-stressed reinforcement numerically
equal to the values of losses from concrete shrinkage according to pos. 8 tab. 5 (as for
reinforcement pulled on the stops).
The value of M r is determined by the formulas:
for bending elements (Fig. 19, a )

Mr= M; (126)

for eccentrically compressed elements (Fig. 19, b )

M r = reN( 0
- ); (127)

for eccentrically stretched elements (Fig. 19, c )

M r = reN( 0
+ ). (128)

The M rp values are determined:

when calculating the formation of cracks in the section zone stretched from
the action of external loads, but compressed from the action of the force
preliminary compression (see drawing 19), according to the formula

M rp
= eP 0p
+r ); (129)

when calculating the formation of cracks in the section zone stretched from
action of the force of preliminary reduction (Fig. 20), according to the formula

M rp
= eP ( 0p
- r ). (130) 79/127
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Page 100

Heck. 19. Diagrams of forces and stress diagrams in the cross section of an element
when calculating it by the formation of cracks normal to the longitudinal axis
element, in the section zone, stretched from the action of external loads, but compressed
from the action of the pre-compression force
a - when bending; b - with eccentric compression; c - with eccentric
stretching; 1 - core point; 2 - center of gravity of the reduced section

In formulas (127) ⎯ (130):

r is the distance from the center of gravity of the reduced section to the sound
point furthest from the stretched zone, cracking
which is being checked.
The r value is defined for elements:
eccentrically compressed, bending prestressed, and
also for eccentrically stretched, if the condition is satisfied

PN≥ , (131)

according to the formula

W red
r ϕ= ; (132)

eccentrically stretched, if condition (131) is not satisfied, by


W pl
r= (133)
A + 2α As + As
bendable, performed without pre-stress
reinforcement, according to the formula

W red
r= ... (134)
A red

In formulas (132) and (133):

100 80/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
Page 101

ϕ = 6.1 - b
, (135)
R b , ser

but it is accepted not less than 0.7 and not more than 1.0;

Heck. 20. Diagram of forces and stress diagram in the cross section of an element
when calculating it by the formation of cracks normal to the longitudinal axis
element, in the sectional zone, stretched from the action of force
1 ⎯ heart point; 2 - center of gravity of the reduced section

here σ b is the maximum stress in compressed concrete from the external

loads and prestressing forces calculated as for
elastic body according to the reduced section;
W pl - is determined according to the instructions in clause 4.7;

α = ...

For butt sections of composite and block structures,

performed without the use of glue in the seams, when calculating them according to
crack formation (beginning of joint opening) R value bt, ser in
formulas (123) and (125) is taken to be zero.
4.6 *. When calculating the formation of cracks in elements in areas with
initial cracks in the compressed zone (see paragraph 1.18) the value of M crc for
zone stretched from the action of an external load, determined by
formula (125) must be reduced by ∆ M crc = λ M crc .
The coefficient λ is determined by the formula

λ = ⎜5.1 - 9.0 ⎟(1 - ϕ m

⎛ ⎞
), (136)
⎝ δ ⎠

moreover, when negative values are obtained, it is taken

equal to zero.
In the formula (136):
ϕ m ⎯ is determined by formula (168) for the zone with initial
cracks, but taken at least 0.45;

y As
δ = , (137)
yh- A s + A s'

but not more than 1.4;


Page 102

here y is the distance from the center of gravity of the reduced section to
extreme concrete fiber, tensioned by external load.
For structures reinforced with wire reinforcement and
bar reinforcement of class A-VI and At-VII, δ value obtained from 81/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
formula (137) decreases by 15%.
4.7. The moment of resistance of the reduced section for the extreme
stretched fiber (taking into account the inelastic deformations of the stretched
concrete) W pl is determined on the assumption that there is no longitudinal force
N and prestressing forces P according to the formula

2 I b0 + α I s 0 + α I s 0
W pl
S b 0 ... (138)

The position of the zero line is determined from the condition

- )
Sb 0 + α S s0 - α S s 0 =
' ' bt
... (139)

4.8. In pre-stressed structures

elements (for example, bars), when determining the efforts,
perceived by sections during the formation of cracks in the preliminary
stressed elements, the sectional area of the tensioned zone of concrete, not
pre-stressed, not calculated
taken into account.
4.9. When checking the possibility of depletion of the bearing capacity
simultaneously with the formation of cracks (see p. 1.19) the force,
perceived by the section during the formation of cracks, is determined by
formulas (123) and (125) with the replacement of R bt, ser by 1.2 R bt, ser for
coefficient γ sp = 1.0 (see item 1.27).
4.10. Calculation of cracking under multiple action
repetitive load is made from the condition

σ bt ≤ R bt , ser , (fourteen)

where σ bt ⎯ maximum normal tensile stress in the

concrete, determined according to the instructions in clause 3.47.
Design tensile strength of concrete R bt, ser in the formula (140)
is introduced with the coefficient of operating conditions γ b 1 , taken according to table.

Cracking calculation,
inclined to the longitudinal axis of the element

4.11. Calculation based on the formation of cracks inclined to the longitudinal axis
element must be made from the condition

σ ≤mt γ b 4 R bt , ser , (141)

where γ b 4 ~ - coefficient of concrete working conditions (see table 15),

determined by the formula


Page 103

1- σ / R bser,
γ b4 = mc
, (142)
2.0 + α B

but not more than 1.0;

here α is the coefficient taken equal for concrete:

heavy ............................... 0.01

fine-grained, light
and cellular ............................ 0.02

B - concrete compressive strength class, MPa.

The value of α B should be taken at least 0.3.
The values of the main tensile and main compressive
stress in concrete σ mt and σ mc are determined by the formula

⎜ ⎞ 82/127
⎝ ⎠
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
σ mt ) mc
= σ x +σ y
± ⎛

σx -σ y
⎟ + τ xy ,

⎟ 2
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠

where σ x ⎯ normal stress in concrete at the site,

perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the element, from the external load and
pre-compression forces;
σ y - normal stress in concrete on a site parallel to
the longitudinal axis of the element, from the local action of the support reactions,
concentrated forces and distributed load, as well as efforts
crimps due to prestressing of the clamps and
bent rods;
τ xy - shear stress in concrete from external load and
compression forces due to prestressing of bent
The stresses σ x , σ y and τ xy are determined both for an elastic body, for
exclusion of shear stresses from the action of a torque,
determined by the formulas for the length of the plastic state of the element.
Stresses σ x and σ y are substituted into formula (143) with the sign
"Plus", if they are stretching. And with a "minus" sign, if
compressing. Stress σ mc in formula (142) is taken by
absolute value.
Condition (141) is checked at the center of gravity
reduced section and in the places of abutment of compressed shelves to the wall
element of T-section and I-section.
When calculating elements with prestressed reinforcement
without anchors, the reduction of the preliminary
stresses σ sp and σ ' sp along the length of the stress transfer zone I p (see p.
2.29) by multiplying by the coefficient γ s 5 according to pos. 5 tab. 24 *.
4.12. Under the action of a repetitive load, the calculation by
the formation of cracks must be carried out in accordance with the instructions in clause 4.11,
in this case, the design concrete resistance R bt, ser and R b, ser are introduced with
coefficient of operating conditions γ b 1 taken according to table. sixteen.




Page 104

4.13. Reinforced concrete elements are calculated by opening

normal to the longitudinal axis of the element;
inclined to the longitudinal axis of the element.

Crack opening calculation,

normal to the longitudinal axis of the element

4.14. Width of crack opening normal to the longitudinal axis

element a crc , mm * should be determined by the formula

a crc = δ ϕ l η s (
5,320 - 100 µ )3 ,d (144)

where δ is the coefficient taken equal for the elements:

bendable and eccentrically

compressed ..................................... 1,0
stretched ............................... 1,2

ϕ l ⎯ coefficient taken equal when taking into account:

short-term loads and

short acting
permanent and long-term
loads ................................................. ..... 1.00
loads as well
long acting 83/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
permanent and long-term
loads for structures made of
humidity ....................... ϕ l = 1.60 - 15µ
in water-saturated
condition .......................................... 1,20
with alternating
water saturation and drying ..... 1.75
fine-grained groups:
AND ................................................. ........ 1.75
B ................................................. ........ 2.00
IN ................................................. ........ 1.50
light and porous ........ not less than 1.50
honeycomb ................................................. .2.50

the value ϕ l for fine-grained, light, porous and

cellular concrete in a water-saturated state is multiplied by
coefficient 0.8, and with alternating water saturation and drying
- by a factor of 1.2;
η - coefficient taken equal to:

with bar reinforcement

periodic profile ................. 1.0
„Rod reinforcement smooth ......... 1.3
„Wire reinforcement
periodic profile and


Page 105

ropes ............................................. 1,2

„Smooth reinforcement ............................ 1.4

σ s - stress in the bars of the outermost row of reinforcement S or (at

presence of prestress) stress increment from
the action of the external load, determined in accordance with the instructions in clause 4.15;
µ - coefficient of reinforcement of the section, taken equal to
the ratio of the sectional area of reinforcement S to the sectional area of concrete
(at a working height h 0 and without taking into account the compressed overhangs of the shelves), but not more
d - reinforcement diameter, mm.
For elements for which crack resistance is required
requirements of the 2nd category, the crack opening width is determined from
the total action of permanent, long-term and short-term
loads with a coefficient ϕ l = 1.0.
For elements for which crack resistance is required
Category 3 requirements, continuous opening width
cracks are determined from the action of constant and long-term loads
with a coefficient ϕ l > 1.0. Short opening width
cracks are defined as the sum of the continuous opening width
and the increment of the opening width from the action of short-term
loads determined with the coefficient ϕ l = 1.0.
The crack opening width, determined by the formula (144),
corrected in the following cases:
a) if the center of gravity of the section of the bars of the outermost row of reinforcement S
bendable, eccentrically compressed, eccentrically stretched at e 0, tot ≥
0.8 h 0 elements are spaced from the most stretched fiber at a distance
a 2 > 0.2 h , the value of a crc must be increased by multiplying by
coefficient δ a , equal to:

20 2 - 1
δa = h (145)

and accepted no more than 3;

b) for bent and eccentrically compressed elements made of heavy and
lightweight concrete at µ ≤ . 0.008 and M r 2 < M 0 crack opening width from
short-term action of all loads is allowed to be determined by
linear interpolation between the value a crc = 0 at the moment M crc and
value a crc calculated according to the instructions of this clause at 84/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
moment M 0 = M crc + ψ bh 2 R bt, ser , where ψ = 15 µ α / η , but not more than 0.6. When
this is the width of the continuous crack opening from the action
constant and continuous loads is determined by multiplying
of the found value a crc on the action of all loads on the ratio

ϕ l 1 (M r 1 - M rp )/ (M r 2 - M rp ),
M crc
8.1ϕ l , but not less than ϕ l .
M r2

Here µ , η is the same as in formula (144);

M r 1 , M r 2 are the moments M r, respectively, from the action of constants and
long-term and from all loads (see p. 4.5);


Page 106

c) for elements made of lightweight and porous concrete of classes B7.5 and
below a crc value must be increased by 20%.
4.15 . Stresses in tensile reinforcement (or increment
stresses) σ s should be determined by the formulas for the elements:
centrally stretched

σs = ; (146)


M - ezP - ( )
σs = sp
; (147)

eccentrically compressed, as well as eccentrically stretched at e 0, tot ≥

0.8 h 0

ezPzeN )- ( - )
σs = sp
... (148)

For eccentrically stretched elements at e 0, tot <0.8 h 0 the value of σ s

is determined by formula (148), taking z = z s (where z s is the distance
between the centers of gravity of the reinforcement S and S ' ).
For elements made without prestressing
reinforcement, prestressing force P is allowed
taken equal to zero.
In formula (148), the plus sign is taken with an eccentric
tension, and the "minus" sign - for eccentric compression.
the location of the tensile longitudinal force N between the centers
the gravity of reinforcement S and S 'the value of e s is taken with a minus sign.
In formulas (147) and (148):
z is the distance from the center of gravity of the sectional area of the reinforcement S to
points of application of the resultant forces in the compressed zone of the section
above the crack, determined according to the instructions in clause 4.28.
When tensile reinforcement is located in several rows along
section height in bending, eccentrically compressed, and
eccentrically tensioned elements at e 0, tot ≥ 0.8 h 0 stresses σ s ,
calculated by formulas (147) and (148), must be multiplied by
coefficient δ n , equal to:

- -
δn = 2
, (149)
- -
axh 1

where x = ξ h 0 ; the value of ξ is determined by the formula (161);

a1,a2 - distance from the center of gravity of the sectional area
respectively, of the entire reinforcement S and the extreme row of bars to the most
stretched concrete fiber.
The stress value is σ s + σ sp , and for a multi-row tension 85/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
reinforcement δ n σ s + σ sp should not exceed R s, ser .


Page 107

In the areas of elements with initial cracks in the compressed zone

(see p. 1.18), the value of the pre-compression force P follows
reduce by the value ∆ P , determined by the formula

∆ P λ= ,P (150)

where λ is determined by formula (136).

4.16. Depth of initial cracks h crc in the compressed zone (see item 1.18)
should be no more than 0.5 h 0 .
The h crc value is determined by the formula

h crc = h - (2.1 + ϕ m )ξ. h 0 (151)

The value of ξ is determined by the formula (161), ϕ m - by the formula (168)

for the zone with initial cracks.

Crack opening calculation,

inclined to the longitudinal axis of the element

4.17. Opening width of cracks inclined to the longitudinal axis

element, when reinforced with clamps normal to the longitudinal axis,
should be determined by the formula

6.0 σ sw d w η (152)
a crc = ϕ l ,
Es + 15.0 E b (21+ α µ w )

where φ l ⎯ coefficient taken at equal account:

short-term loads and

short acting
permanent and long-term
loads ................................................. ........ 1.00
load, as well as long
actions of permanent and long-term
loads for concrete structures:
natural humidity ....................... 1.50
in a water-saturated state .............. 1.20
with alternating water saturation
and drying ....................................... 1,75
fine-grained, light, porous,
cellular - the same as in formula (144);

η ⎯ is the same as in formula (144);

d w - diameter of the clamps;

Es A sw
α = ; µw = ...
Eb bs

The tension in the clamps is determined by the formula

107 86/127
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Page 108

σ sw = b
1 s ; (153)
hAsw 0

the stress value σ sw should not exceed R s, ser ;

here Q and Q b 1 ⎯, respectively, the left and right sides of condition (84) for
replacing the value of R bt with R bt, ser , and the coefficient γ b 4 is multiplied by
In the absence in the considered zone of action of transverse forces
normal cracks, i.e., if condition (124) is satisfied,
take into account the increase in the lateral force Q b 1 perceived
element according to the calculation from condition (141).
Design resistance R bt, ser and R b, ser should not exceed
values corresponding to concrete of class B30.
For elements made of lightweight concrete of class B7.5 and below the value of a crc ,
calculated by the formula (152) must be increased by 30%.
When determining the width of a short and long
disclosure of inclined cracks should be taken into account the instructions of clause 4.14 on
taking into account the duration of the loads.



4.18. Reinforced concrete elements must be calculated according to

closing (clamping) cracks: normal to the longitudinal axis of the element;
inclined to the longitudinal axis of the element.

Crack closure calculation,

normal to the longitudinal axis of the element

4.19. To ensure reliable closure of cracks normal to

the longitudinal axis of the element, under the action of constant and long-term
loads, the following requirements must be met:
a) in prestressing reinforcement S from the action of permanent, long-term and
short-term loads should not be irreversible
deformation, which is ensured by compliance with the condition

σ sp
+ σ s ≤ 8.0 ,Rsers , (154)

where σ s is the stress increment in the prestressing reinforcement S from

the action of external loads, determined by formulas (146) - (148);
b) section of an element with a crack in the tensile zone from the action
constant, long-term and short-term loads should
remain compressed under the action of constant and prolonged loads with
normal compressive stresses σ b on a tensile external
loads of the element face not less than 0.5 MPa, while the value of σ b
is defined as for an elastic body from the action of external loads and
pre-compression forces.
4.20. For sections of elements with initial cracks in
the compressed zone (see Section 1.18), the value of σ sp in formula (154) is multiplied by
coefficient equal to 1 - λ, and the value of P when determining the voltage
value of σ b is multiplied by a coefficient equal to 1.1 (1 - λ), but not more
1,0, where the λ values are determined according to the instructions in clause 4.6 *.


Page 109

Crack closure calculation,

inclined to the longitudinal axis of the element 87/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
4.21. To ensure reliable closure of cracks inclined to
the longitudinal axis of the element, both principal stresses in concrete,
determined according to the instructions in clause 4.11 at the level of the center of gravity
reduced section under the action of constant and long-term
loads must be compressive and at least 0.6 MPa.
This requirement is met by means of a preliminary
stressed transverse reinforcement (stirrups or bent bars).



4.22. Deformations (deflections, angles of rotation) of elements

reinforced concrete structures should be calculated using the formulas
structural mechanics, defining the curvature values included in them
according to the instructions in paragraphs. 4.23 - 4.30.
The amount of curvature and deformation of reinforced concrete elements
is counted from their initial state, if
prestressing - from condition to compression.
The initial curvature of self-stressed elements is determined from
taking into account the content and position of the longitudinal reinforcement relative
concrete section and the amount of concrete compression.
4.23. The curvature is determined:
a) for sections of the element, where in the stretched zone are not formed
cracks normal to the longitudinal axis of the element - as for
solid body;
b) for sections of the element where there are cracks in the stretched zone,
normal to the longitudinal axis, - as the ratio of the difference in mean
deformations of the extreme fiber of the compressed zone of concrete and the longitudinal
stretched reinforcement to the working height of the element section.
Elements or sections of elements are considered without cracks in
extended zone, if cracks do not form during the action
constant, long-term and short-term loads or if they
closed under the action of constant and long-term loads, while
loads are included in the calculation with the load safety factor γ f
= 1.0.

Determination of the curvature of reinforced concrete elements

in areas without cracks in the extended zone

4.24 . In areas where normal to the longitudinal axis are not formed
cracks, full curvature of bent, eccentrically compressed
and eccentrically stretched elements should be determined by

1 ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ - ⎜ ⎟ - ⎜ ⎟, (155)
r ⎝r ⎠1 ⎝r ⎠2 ⎝r ⎠3 ⎝r ⎠4

Where⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞ - curvature, respectively, from short-term

⎜ ⎟, ⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠1 ⎝r ⎠2
(determined according to the instructions in clause 1.12 *) and from constant and


Page 110

long temporary loads (without taking into account the effort P ), determined by

⎛1 ⎞ M ⎫
⎜ ⎟= ;⎪
⎝r ⎠1 ϕ b 1 IEb red ⎪ (156)

⎛1 ⎞ M ϕb2 ⎪
⎜ ⎟ = ,
⎝r ⎠2 ϕ b 1 IEb red ⎪

here M is the moment from the corresponding external load

(short-term, long-term) relative to the axis normal to
plane of action of the bending moment and passing through the center
the severity of the reduced section;
ϕ b 1 - coefficient taking into account the effect of short-term 88/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
creep of concrete and taken for concrete:
heavy, fine-grained, light
with dense fine aggregate,
as well as cellular (for two-layer
structures made of honeycomb and
heavy concrete) ...................................... 0.85
lung with porous fine
filler, porous ..................... 0.70

ϕ b 2 - coefficient taking into account the effect of long-term creep

concrete on the deformation of the element without cracks and taken according to table. 34;
⎛1 ⎞ - curvature due to the bending of the element from
⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠3
short-term action of the pre-compression force P and
determined by the formula

⎛1 ⎞ eP 0 p
⎜ ⎟ = ; (157)
⎝r ⎠3 ϕ b 1 IEb red

⎛1 ⎞ - curvature due to the bending of the element due to

⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠4
shrinkage and creep of concrete from pre-compression force and
determined by the formula

⎛1 ⎞ ε b- ε b

⎜ ⎟ = , (158)
⎝r ⎠4 h0

here ε b , ε ' b - relative deformations of concrete caused by its

shrinkage and creep from the pre-compression force and
determined respectively at the level of the center of gravity of the stretched
longitudinal reinforcement and extreme compressed concrete fibers according to the formulas:

σb σ b'
εb = ; ε b' = ... (159)
Es Es


Page 111

The value of σ b taken numerically equal to the sum of losses

prestressing from shrinkage and creep of concrete according to pos. 6,
8 and 9 tab. 5 for the reinforcement of the tensile zone, and σ ' b - also for
prestressing reinforcement, if it were not at the level of the extreme
compressed fiber concrete.

Table 34
Coefficient ϕ b 2 , taking into account the effect of long-term
creep of concrete on deformation of an element without cracks,
Duration for concrete structures
load actions heavy, light, fine-grained
porous, cellular (for groups
double layer pre
stressed structures from AND B IN
aerated and heavy concrete)

1. Short 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0


2. Long-term action
vie with air humidity
a) 40 ⎯ 75 2.0 2.6 3.0 2.0
b) below 40 3.0 3.9 4.5 3.0

Notes: 1. Ambient air humidity is adopted

according to the instructions in clause 1.8.
2. Groups of fine-grained concrete are given in clause 2.3.
3. With alternating water saturation and drying of concrete, the value of ϕ b 2 89/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
with continuous load action, multiply by the factor
4. At ambient air humidity over 75% and at
loading concrete in a water-saturated state, the values of ϕ b 2 according to pos. 2a
of this table should be multiplied by a factor of 0.8.

eP ϕ
Moreover, the sum ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞ accepted at least 0 bp 2
⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ ...For
⎝r ⎠3 ⎝r ⎠4 ϕ b 1 IEb red

elements without prestressing curvature values ⎛1 ⎞ and

⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠3

⎛1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ allowed to be taken equal to zero.
⎝r ⎠4
4.25. When determining the curvature of elements with initial
cracks in the compressed zone (see paragraph 1.18) values ⎛1 ⎞ , ⎛1 ⎞ and ⎛1 ⎞ ,
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠1 ⎝r ⎠2 ⎝r ⎠3
defined by formulas (156) and (157) must be increased by
15%, and the value ⎛1 ⎞ , determined by formula (158), by 25%.
⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠4
4.26. In areas where normal cracks form in
stretched zone, but under the action of the considered load
their closure is ensured, curvature values ⎛1 ⎞ , ⎛1 ⎞ and ⎛1 ⎞ entering-
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠1 ⎝r ⎠2 ⎝r ⎠3
in formula (155) are increased by 20%.

Determination of the curvature of reinforced concrete elements


Page 112

in areas with cracks in the tension zone

4.27. In areas where normal to

longitudinal axis of the crack element, curvature of bending,
eccentrically compressed, as well as eccentrically stretched at е 0 , tot ≥ 0.8 h 0
elements of rectangular, tee and I-beams (box-shaped)
sections should be determined by the formula

1 M ⎡ ψ ψ ⎤ N ψ
= s
+ b
⎥- tot s
, (160)
r AEzh

⎢⎣ s s
(ϕ f
+ ξ vEbh
0 b ⎥⎦ h0 AEs s

where M is the moment about the axis normal to the plane of action
moment and passing through the center of gravity of the cross-sectional area of the reinforcement
S , from all external forces located on one side of
the section under consideration, and from the pre-compression force P ;
z ⎯ distance from the center of gravity of the valve cross-sectional area S to
points of application of the resultant forces in the compressed zone of the section
above the crack, determined according to the instructions in clause 4.28;
ψ s - coefficient taking into account the work of tensile concrete on
an area with cracks and determined according to the instructions in clause 4.29;
ψ b , - coefficient taking into account the uneven distribution
deformations of the extreme compressed concrete fiber along the length of the section with
cracks and taken equal to:

for heavy, fine-grained

and lightweight concrete class
above B7.5 .............................................. .. 0.9
for light, porous
and aerated concrete class
B7.5 and below ............................................. 0.7
for structures calculated
to act repeatedly
repetitive load,
regardless of type and class
concrete ................................................. .... 1.0

ϕ f - coefficient determined by the formula (164);

ξ is the relative height of the compressed zone of concrete, determined
according to the instructions in clause 4.28; 90/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
v is the coefficient characterizing the elastoplastic state
concrete of the compressed zone and taken according to table. 35;
N tot ⎯ resultant longitudinal force N and force
pre-compression P (with eccentric tension force N
is accepted with a minus sign).
For elements made without prestressing
reinforcement, force P is allowed to be taken equal to zero.
When determining the curvature of elements in sections with initial
cracks in the compressed zone (see paragraph 1.18), the P value decreases by
the value of ∆ P , determined by the formula (150).

Table 35
The coefficient v characterizing the elastoplastic
Duration condition of concrete in the compressed zone, for concrete structures
load actions heavy, porous- fine-grained
lung leg groups honeycomb


Page 113


1. Short 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45


2. Continuous
wet action
air surrounding
a) 40 ⎯ 75 0.15 0.07 0.10 0.08 0.15 0.20
b) below 40 0.10 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.10 0.10

Notes: 1. Ambient air humidity is adopted

according to the instructions in clause 1.8.
2. types of fine-grained concrete are given in clause 2.3.
3. With alternating water saturation and drying of concrete in the compressed zone
the v values for continuous loading should be divided by
coefficient 1.2.
4. At ambient air humidity above 75% and when loading
concrete in a water-saturated state of the v value according to pos. 2a of this table
should be divided by a factor of 0.8.

For bending and eccentrically compressed elements made of heavy

concrete at M crc < M r 2 < ( M crc + ψ bh 2 R bt, ser ) curvature from the moment M r 2
allowed to be determined by linear interpolation between values
curvature determined at the moment M crc as for solid
elastic body according to the instructions of paragraphs. 4.24, 4.25, 4.26 and at the moment M crc
+ ψ bh 2 R bt, ser according to the instructions of this paragraph. Coefficient ψ
is taken according to the instructions in clause 4.14b with a decrease in its value and
twice, taking into account the long-term action of permanent and
long-term loads.
4.28. The value of ξ is calculated by the formula

1 5.1 + ϕ
ξ = ± f
, (161)
51+ (δ +λ ) e tots
β + 5.11
m five
ten µ α h0

but no more than 1.0 is accepted.

For the second term on the right-hand side of formula (161), the upper signs
are taken with a compressive force, and the lower ones - with a tensile force
N tot (see clause 4.27).
In formula (161):
β is the coefficient taken equal for concrete:

heavy and light ................... 1,8

fine-grained ....................... 1,6
cellular and porous ... 1.4

δ = ; (162)
Rbh02 serb
, 91/127
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Page 114

⎛ h 'f ⎞
λ = ϕ f ⎜1 - ⎟; (163)
⎜ 2 h0 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

(hbb- )
+ '
ϕ f
= ; (164)
bh 0

е s, tot ⎯ eccentricity of force N tot relative to the center of gravity

cross-sectional area of reinforcement S ; corresponds to the moment М (see item 4.27) and
determined by the formula

e tots
= ... (165)
N tot

The z value is calculated using the formula

⎡ hf ⎤
⎢ ϕ f +ξ 2

⎢ - h0 ⎥ (166)
hz= 1
⎢ (
2 ϕf +ξ ) ⎥.
⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎦⎥

For eccentrically compressed members, the z value should

accepted no more than 0.97 e s, tot .
For elements of rectangular section and T-section with a shelf in
extended zone in formulas (163) and (166) instead of h ' f are substituted
values 2 a ' or h' f = 0, respectively, in the presence or absence
fittings S ' .
Calculation of sections with a flange in the compressed zone, at ξ <
produced as rectangular widths b ' f .
The design width of the shelf b ' f is determined according to the instructions in p.
4.29. Coefficient ψ s for elements from heavy, fine-grained,
lightweight concrete and two-layer prestressed
structures made of cellular and heavy concrete is determined by the formula

1- ϕ m

ψ s = 25.1 - ϕ ls ϕ m - , (167)
- ϕ m )e tots
, / h0

but not more than 1.0, while you should take

e tots, / h0 ≥ ./2,1 ϕ ls

For bending elements made without prior

reinforcement stress, the last term on the right side of formula (167)
allowed to be taken equal to zero.
In the formula (167):

114 92/127
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Page 115

ϕ ls ⎯ coefficient taking into account the effect of the duration of action

load and taken according to table. 36;
e s, tot ⎯ see formula (165);

R bt , ser W pl
ϕm = , (168)
± M r mM rp

but not more than 1.0;

here W pl ⎯ see formula (138);
M r , M rp - see section 4.5, in this case,
moments that cause stretching in the armature S .

Table 36
The coefficient ϕ ls for the class
Duration of action concrete
load above B7.5 B7.5 and below

1. Short action on fittings:

a) pivot:
smooth 1.0 0.7
periodic profile 1.1 0.8
b) wire 1.0 0.7

2. Long-term action (regardless of 0.8 0.6

type of reinforcement)

For single-layer structures made of aerated concrete (without

prestressing) the value of ψ s is calculated by the formula

ψ s
= 5.0 + ϕ l , (169)
M ser

where M ser is the moment taken by the section of the element based on
strength at design resistances of reinforcement and concrete for
limit states of the second group;
ϕ l is a coefficient taken equal to:

with short action

loads for reinforcement of periodic
profile ................................................. ............ 0.6
the same for smooth reinforcement ........................... 0.7
with prolonged action
loads regardless of profile
fittings ................................................. ......... 0.8

For structures designed for endurance. value

coefficient ψ s is taken in all cases equal to 1.0.
4.30. Full curvature ⎛1 for
⎞ an area with cracks in a tensioned
⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠
zone should be determined by the formula


Page 116

1 ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ - ⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ - ⎜ ⎟, (170)

⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ 93/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
r ⎝r ⎠1 ⎝r ⎠2 ⎝r ⎠3 ⎝r ⎠4

⎜ ⎟ - curvature from the short action of the entire load,
⎝r ⎠1
which is calculated for deformations according to the instructions in cl.
⎛1 ⎞ - curvature from short-term action of permanent and
⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠2
long-term loads;
⎛1 ⎞ - curvature from prolonged action of constant and
⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠3
long-term loads;
⎛1 ⎞ - curvature due to the bending of the element due to
⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠4
shrinkage and creep of concrete from pre-compression force and
determined by the formula (158) according to the instructions in clause 4.25.
Curvature ⎛1 ⎞ , ⎛1 ⎞ and⎛1 ⎞ is determined by formula (160), at
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠1 ⎝r ⎠2 ⎝r ⎠3

this ⎛1 ⎞ and ⎛1 ⎞ are calculated for the values of ψ s and v corresponding to

⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠1 ⎝r ⎠2

short-term load, and ⎛1 ⎞ ⎯ for ψ s and v ,

⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠3
corresponding to the continuous action of the load. If the values
⎛1 ⎞ and ⎛1⎞ turn out to be negative, then they are accepted
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠2 ⎝r ⎠3
equal to zero.

Defining deflections

4.31. The deflection f m due to bending deformation is determined

according to the formula

⎛1 ⎞
fm = ∫M x ⎜ ⎟ dx ,
⎝r ⎠x

WhereM isx the bending moment in the section x from the action of a unit
force applied in the direction of the desired movement of the element in
section x along the length of the span for which the deflection is determined;
⎛1 ⎞ - full curvature of the element in the section x from the load, at
⎜ ⎟
⎝r ⎠x
which deflection is determined; meaning are determined by the formulas
(155) and (170), respectively, for areas without cracks and with cracks;
sign taken in accordance with the curvature diagram.
For flexible elements permanent cross-sections without
prestressing reinforcement with cracks on
each section, within which the bending moment does not change


Page 117

sign, the curvature is allowed to be calculated for the most intense

section, taking it for the remaining sections of such a section
varying in proportion to the values of the bending moment
(Fig. 21).

Heck. 21. Diagrams of bending moments and curvature for reinforced concrete 94/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
elements of constant section
a ⎯ load location diagram; b ⎯ diagram of bending moments;
c - curvature diagram

4.32. For bending elements with <10 must be considered
the influence of shear forces on their deflection. In this case, the total deflection f tot
is equal to the sum of deflections due to deformation, respectively
bending f m and shear strain f q .
4.33. The deflection f q due to shear deformation is determined
according to the formula

fq ∫ Q= x
γ x dx , (172)

Where Q x- shear force in section x from action in direction

the desired displacement of the unit force applied in the section, where
deflection is determined;
γ x - shear deformation, determined by the formula

γ x= 5.1 Q x b 2 ϕ crc , (173)
hbG 0

here Q x - transverse force in section x from the action of external load;

G - concrete shear modulus (see p. 2.16);
ϕ b 2 ⎯ coefficient taking into account the effect of long-term creep
concrete and taken according to table. 34;
ϕ crc ⎯ coefficient taking into account the effect of cracks on deformations
shift and taken equal: in sections along the length of the element, where
there are no normal and inclined to the longitudinal axis of the element
cracks, -1.0; in areas where there are only sloping
the longitudinal axis of the crack element - 4.8; in areas where there are
only normal or normal and oblique to the longitudinal axis
crack element, - according to the formula

ϕ crc = 3 IEb
⎛1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟, (174)
M x
⎝r ⎠x


Page 118

WhereM , ⎛ 1⎞
⎜ ⎟ —Respectively, the torque from the external load and the total
⎝r ⎠x
curvature in section x from the load at which the deflection is determined.
4.34. For solid slabs less than 25 cm thick (except those supported on
contour), reinforced with flat meshes, with cracks in the stretched
zone, the deflection values calculated by the formula (171) are multiplied
⎛ h0 ⎞
by factor ⎜ ⎟ taken no more than 1.5, where h 0 - in cm.
⎜ - ⎟,
⎝h 0 7.0 ⎠
4.35. When calculating elements with single-row reinforcement (Fig. 22)
finite element method (or other mathematical
methods) instead of equation (160) it is allowed to use
symmetrized system of physical dependencies in the form:

1 ⎫
= MB
+ NB
; ⎪
r ⎬ (175)
ε 0 = MB + NB , ⎪
12 22 ⎭

Where M =M act
m Pe 0 p ; (176)

N = mN ;P (177)
act -

1 ⎡ ψb ψ ⎤

⎢⎢ ⎥⎥ 95/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
Beleven= (zz + + ξ AEvEhb ~ + ⎥⎦⎥ ;
)( ⎢⎣⎢ ϕ
s b f 0 b s s

1 ⎡ψ z ψ b zs ⎤
B12 = ⎢ bs - ; ~⎥
(zz s
+ b
⎢⎣ AEs s ϕ ( f
+ ξ )vEhb
0 b ⎥⎦

1 ⎡ ψ b z s2 ψ bs z 2 ⎤
B 22 = + ⎥;
+ ξ )vEhb
⎢ ~ (180)
(zz + ) (
s b
⎣⎢ ϕ f 0 b
AEs s ⎦⎥

v; 2=~ v (181)

ε 0 - lengthening or shortening along the y- axis ;

M act - moment of external forces located on one side
the section under consideration, relative to the y- axis ;
N act ⎯ external longitudinal force applied at the level of the y- axis and
taken when stretched with a plus sign;
zs,zb - distances from the y- axis to the point of application
resultant forces, respectively, in tensioned reinforcement and in
compressed concrete;
ξ - is determined according to the instructions in clause 4.28;
v is the coefficient taken from the table. 35;
ϕ f is the coefficient determined by formula (164) without taking into account
reinforcement located in the compressed zone of the section;
ψ s - is determined according to the instructions in clause 4.29;
ψ b ⎯ is determined according to the instructions in clause 4.27.


Page 119

The y- axis is located within the working height of the section based on
convenience of the design scheme. If the y- axis is above the center
the gravity of the sectional area of the compressed zone, then the value z b should
take negative.

Heck. 22. Diagram of efforts and stress diagram in the section, normal
to the longitudinal axis of the element, with single-row reinforcement in the calculation
by deformations

For the second term in formula (176), the minus sign is taken,
if force P is applied below the y- axis , if force P is applied above
the y- axis , the plus sign should be taken.
For the first term in formula (177), the plus sign is taken
when tensile, and the minus sign - when compressing force N act .
4.36. When calculating elements with multiple rows
fittings (Fig. 23) it is recommended to use a common system
physical dependencies of the form:

1 ⎫
M = D eleven + D12 ε 0 ;⎪
r ⎪
⎬ (182)
DN= + D 22 ε 0 , ⎪
12 ⎪
r ⎭


E si k

Deleven= Σ zAsi 2
+ Σ zAE ' 2
i =1
ψ si si
sj sj sj

+ (ϕ f
+ ξ1 )vEbh 0 b
z b2 ; 96/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
E si k
D12 = Σ ψ
zAsi si
+ Σ zAE
sj sj
i =1 si j =1

~ (184)
+ (ϕ +ξ 1 )vEbh 0 b
zb ;
ψ b

E si k
D 22 = Σ ψ si
A si + Σ AEsj '
i =1 j =1

~ (185)
+ (ϕ + ξ1 )vEbh 0 b
ψ b

i - serial number of the longitudinal tensile reinforcement bar;


Page 120

j - the same, compressed reinforcement;

ξ 1 - the relative height of the compressed zone of the section, equal to x
ξ1 = ;
h 01
ϕ f - is calculated by the formula (164) excluding reinforcement S ' ;
z si , z sj - distances from the center of gravity of the i- th and j- th reinforcement to the y- axis .
In formula (184), the values z si , z sj , z b , are taken positive,
if plotted below the y- axis . Otherwise they should be
accept with a negative sign.

Heck. 23. Diagram of efforts and stress diagram in the section, normal
to the longitudinal axis of the element, with multi-row reinforcement in the calculation
by deformations

The values ξ 1 and ψ si for dependences (183) - (185) are allowed

determine in accordance with the instructions of paragraphs. 4.28 and 4.29, replacing in the calculated
formulas h 0 on h 01 , F a on h - 3.1 x (in the definition of μ ), ϕ m on
Σ F ai 0 i
h 01 - 3.1 x
h 01
ϕ m=1 ϕm ...
h0 i


5.1. When designing concrete and reinforced concrete structures

to ensure the conditions for their manufacture, the required durability and
joint work of reinforcement and concrete should be performed
the design requirements in this section.


5.2. The minimum dimensions of the section of concrete and reinforced concrete
elements determined from the calculation of the acting forces and
the corresponding groups of limit states must be assigned
taking into account economic requirements, the need for unification
formwork forms and reinforcement, as well as the conditions adopted
technology of manufacturing structures.
In addition, the dimensions of the section of reinforced concrete elements
structures should be taken so that
requirements in terms of the location of reinforcement in the section (thickness
concrete cover layers, bar spacing, etc.) and 97/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
anchoring reinforcement.
5.3. The thickness of monolithic slabs should be taken, mm, not less:

for coatings ................................................ ...... 40

„Between floors of residential


Page 121

and public buildings ..................................... 50

for intermediate floors
industrial buildings ................................. 60
for lightweight concrete slabs of class B7.5
and below in all cases ...................................... 70

The minimum thickness of precast panels shall be determined from

conditions for ensuring the required thickness of the concrete cover and
conditions for the location of reinforcement along the thickness of the slab (see clauses 5.4 -
The dimensions of the sections of eccentrically compressed elements must
taken such that their flexibility l 0 / i in any direction, as
as a rule, did not exceed:

for reinforced concrete elements

heavy, fine-grained
and lightweight concrete ......................................... 200
for columns that are
elements of buildings ........................................ 120
for concrete elements made of heavy,
fine-grained, light
and porous concrete ............................... 90
for concrete and reinforced concrete
elements of aerated concrete ...................... 70


5.4. The concrete cover for the working reinforcement must

ensure the joint operation of reinforcement with concrete at all stages
work of the structure, as well as protection of reinforcement from external
atmospheric, temperature and similar influences.
5.5. For longitudinal working fittings (tension-free and
tensioned, tensioned on the stops) thickness of the protective layer, mm,
should be, as a rule, not less than the diameter of the rod or rope and not

in slabs and walls with a thickness, mm:

up to 100 incl. ..............................................ten
St. 100 ................................................. .........fifteen
in beams and ribs with a height, mm:
less than 250 ................................................ .....fifteen
250 and more ............................................... ...20
in the columns ................................................ .........20
in foundation beams .................................... 30
in foundations:
national teams ................................................. .......thirty
monolithic in the presence of concrete
preparation ................................................. .35
monolithic in the absence of concrete
preparation ................................................. ..70

In single-layer structures made of lightweight and porous concrete

class B7.5 and below, the thickness of the protective layer should not be
less than 20 mm, and for external wall panels (without textured layer)
- not less than 25 mm.
In single-layer aerated concrete structures, the thickness
of the protective layer in all cases is taken at least 25 mm.

121 98/127
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Page 122

5.6. Cover thickness for cross-section,

distribution and structural fittings should not be accepted
less than the diameter of the specified reinforcement and not less, mm:

with a section height of the element less than 250 mm ....... 10

„„ „ „Equal to 250 mm
and more ................................................ .....................fifteen

In elements made of lightweight and porous concrete of class B7.5 and below,
made of aerated concrete, regardless of the section height, the thickness of the protective
a layer of concrete for transverse reinforcement is taken at least 15 mm.
5.7 *. The thickness of the concrete cover at the ends is preliminary
of stressed elements along the length of the voltage transmission zone (see p.
2.29) must be at least:

for bar reinforcement of classes А-IV,

А-IIIв ............................................... .................. 2 d
for bar reinforcement of classes А-V,
A-VI, At-VII ........................................... ........... 3 d
for reinforcing ropes ................................. 2 d
(where d is in mm).

In addition, the thickness of the concrete cover in the specified area

element length must be at least 40 mm - for a rod
reinforcement of all classes and at least 20 mm - for reinforcing ropes.
A protective layer of concrete of the section at the support is allowed for
prestressing reinforcement with and without anchors shall be taken the same as
for cross-section in span, in the following cases:
a) for prestressed elements with concentrated
transmission of support forces in the presence of a steel support piece and
indirect reinforcement (welded transverse meshes or covering
longitudinal reinforcement of clamps) in accordance with the instructions in clause 5.61;
b) in plates, panels, flooring and power transmission line supports, provided
placement at the ends of additional transverse reinforcement
(trough-shaped welded nets or closed clamps),
provided for in clause 5.61.
5.8. In elements with tensioned longitudinal reinforcement,
stretched on concrete and located in channels, the distance from
the surface of the element to the surface of the channel should not be taken
less than 40 mm and not less than the channel width; specified distance to
the side faces of the element must, in addition, be at least half
channel height.
When prestressing reinforcement is located in grooves or outside
section of the element thickness of the protective layer of the loaf formed
subsequent gunning or otherwise, should
taken at least 20 mm.
5.9. For the possibility of free laying in the form of solid
full length reinforcing bars, meshes or cages, or
width of the product, the ends of these rods should be spaced from the edge
element with the corresponding product size up to 9 m ⎯ by 10 mm, up to
12 m ⎯ by 15 mm, over 12 m ⎯ by 20 mm.
5.10. In hollow elements with an annular or box section
distance from longitudinal reinforcement bars to internal
concrete surface must meet the requirements of paragraphs. 5.5 and 5.6.



Page 123 99/127
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5.11. The clearances between the reinforcement bars (or
channel shells) along the height and width of the section should
ensure the joint operation of reinforcement with concrete and be assigned with
taking into account the convenience of laying and compacting the concrete mixture; for pre-
Variationally stressed structures should also be considered
the degree of local reduction of concrete and dimensions of the tensioning equipment
(jacks, clamps, etc.). In items made with
vibration stamping machines or bayonet vibrators should be
free passage between reinforcing bars is ensured
elements of these machines or vibrator tips that seal
concrete mix.
5.12. Distances in light between individual longitudinal rods
non-tensioned reinforcement or prestressing reinforcement tensioned on
stops, as well as between the longitudinal rods of adjacent flat
welded frames should be taken not less than the largest diameter
rods, as well as:
a) if the rods during concreting occupy a horizontal or
inclined position - not less: for lower reinforcement - 25 mm, for
top - 30 mm; when the bottom reinforcement is located more than two
rows in height the distance between the rods in the horizontal
direction (except for the rods of the two bottom rows) should not be
less than 50 mm;
b) if the rods during concreting occupy a vertical
position - not less than 50 mm; under systematic control
fractionation of concrete aggregates this distance can be
reduced to 35 mm, but at the same time there should be at least
one and a half times the largest size of coarse aggregate.
Under cramped conditions, it is allowed to spread the rods
fittings in pairs (no gap between them).
In elements with prestressing reinforcement tensioned on concrete (for
excluding continuously reinforced structures), the distance in
light between the channels for reinforcement should, as a rule, not
less than the channel diameter and in any case not less than 50 mm.

Note. Clear distance between bars of periodic profile

taken by the nominal diameter, excluding protrusions and ribs.


5.13. Bars of periodic profile, as well as smooth rods,

used in welded frames and meshes are made without hooks.
The stretched smooth rods of knitted frames and nets should
end with hooks, paws or loops.
5.14. Longitudinal bars of tensile and compressed reinforcement should
be brought over the section normal to the longitudinal axis of the element, in
where they are taken into account with the total design resistance, at
length at least l an , determined by the formula

⎛ Rs ⎞
l an = ⎜ω + ∆ λ an ⎟ ,d (186)
⎜ an ⎟
⎝ Rb ⎠

but at least l an = λ an d ,


Page 124

where the values ω an , ∆ λ an, and λ an , as well as the admissible minimum

l an values are determined according to table. 37. In this case, smooth reinforcement
rods must end with hooks or have a welded
transverse reinforcement along the embedment length. The value of R b is allowed
to introduce coefficients of concrete working conditions, except for γ b 2 .
For elements made of fine-grained concrete of group B, the values of l an ,
determined by formula (186) must be increased by 10 d for
tensile concrete and 5 d ⎯ for compressed concrete .
In the case when anchored rods are supplied with a margin of
cross-sectional area against the required strength calculation with full
design resistance, calculated by the formula (186) length
anchoring l an can be reduced by multiplying by the ratio 100/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
required by calculation
If, according to the and the actual
calculation, cross-sectional
cracks are formedareas
from concrete tension, then the rods must be embedded in the compressed zone
concrete for the length l an , determined by the formula (186).
If it is impossible to meet these requirements,
measures should be taken to anchor the longitudinal bars to
ensuring their operation with the total design resistance in
considered section (setting of indirect reinforcement, welding to
the ends of the rods of anchoring plates or embedded parts, bend
anchoring rods). In this case, the value of l an must be at least 10
For embedded parts, the following should be considered
features. The length of the stretched anchor rods of the embedded parts,
embedded in cracked or compressed concrete, when bc
> 75.0 or
σ bc
< 25.0 should be determined by formula (186) using the values
ω an , ∆ λ an , λ an by pos. 1a table. 37. In other cases, the
values should be taken according to pos. 1b table. 37. Here σ bc ⎯
compressive stresses in concrete acting perpendicular
anchor rod and defined as for an elastic material by
the reduced cross-section from permanent loads at
safety factor for load γ f = 1.0.
When acting on anchor rods of an embedded part
tensile and shear forces the right side of formula (186)
multiplied by the coefficient δ, determined by the formula

δ = + .7.0 (187)
1 + Q an 1 / N an 1

Table 37
Coefficients for determining anchoring
Working conditions stress-free reinforcement
unstrained periodic profile smooth
fittings λ an l an , mm λ an l an , mm
ω an ∆ λ an ω an ∆ λ an
not less not less

1. Embedding of fittings:
and) stretched in 0.70 eleven 20 250 1.20 eleven 20 250
stretched concrete
b) condensed or 0.50 eight 12 200 0.80 eight fifteen 200
stretched compressed


Page 125


2. Joints fittings
a) in tensioned concrete 0.90 eleven 20 250 1.55 eleven 20 250
b) in compressed concrete 0.65 eight fifteen 200 1.00 eight fifteen 200

wherein N an 1 , Q an 1 ⎯ respectively tensile and shear force in

anchor rod.
In this case, the length of the anchor rods must be at least
minimum values l an in accordance with the requirements of this clause.
Class A-I smooth reinforcement anchors should only be used
in the presence of reinforcements at their ends in the form of plates planted
heads and transverse short ones. The length of these anchors is determined
calculated for gouging and crushing concrete. Application is allowed
anchors of the specified steel with hooks at the ends for structural
5.15. To ensure anchoring of all longitudinal bars
reinforcement rolled over the edge of the support, on the extreme free supports
bending elements must meet the following requirements:
a) if the conditions of clause 3.32 are met, the length of the launch of the extended
bars for the inner face of the free support should not be
less than 5 d ;
b) if the conditions of clause 3.32 are not met, the length of the launch of the rods for
the inner edge of the free support must be at least 10 d . 101/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
The length of the anchorage zone l an on the extreme free support, on which
the design resistance of the reinforcement decreases (see paragraph 2.28 * and table.
24 *), is determined according to the instructions in clause 5.14 and pos. 1b table. 37.
In the presence of indirect reinforcement, the length of the anchorage zone is reduced
dividing the coefficient ω an by 1 + 12 μ v and decreasing
coefficient ∆ λ an by 10 σ b / R b .
Here µ v is the volumetric reinforcement coefficient determined by:

when welded
grids ....................... according to the formula (49)
(see clause 3.22 *);
with envelopes
clamps .................... according to the formula
A sw
µ ,
v = 2 as

where A sw is the sectional area of the envelope clamp located at

element faces; in any case, the value of μ v is taken at most
The compressive stress of concrete on the support σ b is determined by dividing
support reaction to the bearing area of the element and is not accepted
pain 0.5 R b .
Indirect reinforcement is distributed along the length of the anchorage zone from
the element end to the nearest normal crack to the support.
The length of the launch of the rods beyond the inner face of the support decreases
against that required by this paragraph, if the value l an < 10 d , and
taken equal to l an , but not less than 5 d . In this case, as well as for
welding rod ends to securely anchored steel


Page 126

embedded parts reduction in the design resistance of the longitudinal

reinforcement at the support section is not produced.


5.16. Sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement in reinforced concrete

elements must be taken not less than indicated in table. 38.

Table 38
Minimum cross-sectional area
Valve operating conditions longitudinal reinforcement in
reinforced concrete elements,
% of concrete sectional area

1. Reinforcement S in bending, as well as in 0.05

eccentrically stretched elements at
location of the longitudinal force outside
working section height

2. Reinforcement S , S ' in eccentrically extended 0.06

elements at the location of the longitudinal force
between fittings S and S '

3. Reinforcement S , S ' in eccentrically compressed

elements with:
l 0 / i <17 0.05
17 ≤ l 0 / i ≤ 35 0.10
35 < l 0 / i ≤ 83 0.20
l 0 / i > 83 0.25

Note. The minimum cross-sectional area of reinforcement given in

this table refers to the cross-sectional area of concrete equal to the product
the width of the rectangular section or the width of the T-rib (I-beam)
section to the working height of the section h 0 . In elements with longitudinal reinforcement,
located evenly along the contour of the section, as well as in the central
tensile elements specified minimum reinforcement
refers to the total cross-sectional area of the concrete.

In members with evenly spaced longitudinal reinforcement 102/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
along the contour of the section, as well as in centrally tensioned elements
the minimum cross-sectional area of all longitudinal reinforcement must
taken twice the values indicated in table. 38.
Minimum percentage of reinforcement S and S ' in eccentric
compressed elements, the bearing capacity of which at the design
eccentricity is used less than 50%, regardless of
the flexibility of the elements is assumed to be 0.05.
Table requirements 38 do not apply to reinforcement,
determined by the design of the element for the stages of transportation and
erection; in this case, the cross-sectional area of the reinforcement is determined
only by strength calculation. If it is established by calculation that
the load-bearing capacity of the element is exhausted simultaneously with
the formation of cracks in the concrete of the tension zone, then must
take into account the requirements of paragraph 1.19 for weakly reinforced elements.
The requirements of this paragraph are not taken into account when assigning
sectional area of reinforcement installed along the contour of the slabs or
panels based on bending in the plane of the slab (panel).


Page 127

5.17. Diameter, mm, of longitudinal rods of compressed elements

must exceed for concrete:

heavy and fine-grained class

below B25 ................................................ ...... 40
light and porous classes:
B12.5 and below ....................................... 16
B15 ⎯ B25. ......................................... 25
B30 and above ......................................... 40
mesh classes:
В10 and below ......................................... 16
B12.5 ⎯ B15 ...................................... 20

In bent lightweight concrete elements with class A-IV reinforcement

and below the diameter, mm, of longitudinal rods should not exceed for
concrete classes:

B12.5 and below .............................. 16

В15 ⎯ В25 ................................. 25
B30 and above ................................ 32

For fittings of higher classes the limiting diameters

rods must be matched in the prescribed manner.
In bending elements made of aerated concrete class B10 and below
the diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement should be no more than 16 mm.
Diameter of longitudinal rods of eccentrically compressed elements
monolithic structures must be at least 12 mm.
5.18. In linear eccentrically compressed elements, the distances between
axes of longitudinal reinforcement bars should be taken in
direction perpendicular to the bending plane, not more than 400 mm, and in
direction of the bending plane ⎯ not more than 500 mm.
5.19. In eccentrically compressed members, bearing capacity
which at a given eccentricity of the longitudinal force is used
by less than 50%, as well as in elements with flexibility l 0 / i <17 (for example,
pillars), where, according to the calculation, compressed reinforcement is not required, but
the amount of stretched reinforcement does not exceed 0.3%, not allowed
install the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement required
according to the instructions in paragraphs. 5.18, 5.22 and 5.23, along edges parallel
bending plane. In this case, reinforcement along the faces perpendicular
bending plane, produced by welded frames and meshes with
a protective layer of concrete with a thickness of at least 50 mm and at least two
diameters of longitudinal reinforcement.
5.20. In beams with a width of more than 150 mm, the number of longitudinal workers
there should be at least two rods brought over the edge of the support. IN
ribs of prefabricated panels, decks, floor slabs, etc.
with a width of 150 mm and less, it is allowed to bring one to the support
longitudinal working rod.
In the slabs, the distances between the rods pulled over the edge of the support are
should not exceed 400 mm, and the cross-sectional area of these rods
1 m of the slab width must be at least 1/3 of the cross-sectional area 103/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
rods in the span, determined by the calculation for the largest
bending moment.
In prestressed hollow-core (with round
voids) slabs made of heavy concrete, 300 mm high
and less distance between prestressing reinforcement, led over the edge
supports, it is allowed to increase up to 600 mm, if for sections,


Page 128

normal to the longitudinal axis of the slab, the magnitude of the moment
crack formation M crc determined by the formula (125) is
not less than 80% of the value of the moment from the external load, taken from
the safety factor for the load γ f = 1.0.
When reinforcing continuous slabs with welded rolled mesh
all lower rods are allowed near intermediate supports
transfer to the upper zone.
Distances between the axes of the working rods in the middle of the span
slabs and above the support (top) should be no more than 200 mm at
plate thickness up to 150 mm and no more than 1.5 h with a plate thickness over
150 mm where h ⎯ slab thickness.
5.21. In bending elements with a section height over 700 mm at
lateral faces should be placed constructive longitudinal rods
with distances between them in height no more than 400 mm and an area
section of at least 0.1% of the sectional area of concrete of a size
equal in element height to the distance between these rods, by
width - half the width of the element edge, but not more than 200 mm.


5.22. All surfaces of reinforced concrete elements, close to

which the longitudinal reinforcement is installed should be provided
also transverse reinforcement covering the extreme longitudinal
rods. In this case, the distance between the transverse rods y
each surface of the element should be no more than 600 mm and no more
twice the width of the element's face.
In eccentrically compressed elements with centrally located
prestressed longitudinal reinforcement (for example, in piles)
transverse reinforcement is not required if the resistance to action
shear forces are provided by concrete alone.
Transverse reinforcement is allowed not to be placed at the edges of thin edges
bending elements (150 mm wide and less), along the width of which
there is only one longitudinal bar or welded frame.
In eccentrically compressed linear elements, as well as in compressed
zone of bending elements in the presence of compressed
longitudinal reinforcement clamps should be placed at a distance:
in structures made of heavy, fine-grained, light and
porous concrete:

at R sc ≤ 400 MPa ⎯ no more than 500 mm and no more:

with knitted frames - 15 d , welded - 20 d ;
at R sc ≥ 450 MPa ⎯ no more than 400 mm and no more:
with knitted frames - 12 d , welded - 15 d ;

in structures made of aerated concrete with welded frames - not

more than 500 mm and not more than 40 d (where d is the smallest diameter of compressed
longitudinal rods, mm).
In this case, the design of the transverse reinforcement should ensure
securing compressed rods from their lateral bulging in any
Distances between clamps of eccentrically compressed elements in
the joints of the overlapping working fittings without reconciliation should
be no more than 10 d .
If the saturation of the element with the required compressed longitudinal
reinforcement S ' is more than 1.5%, and also if the entire section

128 104/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

Page 129

element is compressed and total saturation with reinforcement S and S 'is over 3%,
the distance between the clamps should be no more than 10 d and no more than 300 mm.
When checking compliance with the requirements of this paragraph
longitudinal compressed rods, not taken into account in the calculation, should not
taken into account if the diameter of these rods does not exceed
12 mm and half the concrete cover.
5.23. Design of knitted collars in eccentrically compressed
elements must be such that the longitudinal bars (at least
at least one) were located at the bend of the clamps, and these
bends - at a distance of no more than 400 mm along the width of the element edge.
With a facet width of not more than 400 mm and the number of longitudinal bars at
this face no more than four, it is allowed to cover all longitudinal rods
her with one clamp.
When reinforcing eccentrically compressed elements with flat
welded frames, two extreme frames (located at
opposite faces) must be connected to each other to
the formation of a space frame. To do this, at the edges of the element,
frames normal to the plane, transverse
rods welded by resistance welding to angular longitudinal
rods of frames, or pins connecting these rods, on the same
distances as the transverse rods of flat frames.
If the extreme flat frames have intermediate longitudinal
rods, then they are not less often than one and not less than 400 mm along
the width of the element face should be connected by pins with longitudinal
rods located on the opposite face. Hairpins
it is allowed not to set when the width of this element edge is not more than 500
mm and the number of longitudinal bars on this face is no more than four.
5.24. In eccentrically compressed elements with taken into account in the calculation
indirect reinforcement in the form of welded meshes (from reinforcement classes
А-I, A-II and А-III with a diameter of not more than 14 mm and class Вр-I) or in the form
non-tensioned spiral or annular reinforcement should be
mesh mesh size - not less than 45 mm. but not more than 1/4 less
the sides of the section of the element and not more than 100 mm;
spiral winding diameter or ring diameter - at least 200 mm;
mesh spacing - not less than 60 mm, but not more than 1/3 of the smaller side
section of the element and not more than 150 mm;
spiral winding pitch or ring pitch - not less than 40 mm, but not more
1/5 of the diameter of the element section and no more than 100 mm.
Meshes and spirals (rings) must cover the entire working
longitudinal reinforcement.
When strengthening the end sections of eccentrically compressed elements
welded mesh of indirect reinforcement should be installed at
of the end in the amount of at least four meshes along the length (counting from the end
element) not less than 20 d if longitudinal reinforcement is made from
smooth rods, and at least 10 d - from rods of periodic
5.25. Diameter of clamps in knitted frames, eccentrically compressed
linear elements should be taken at least 0.25 d and at least 5
mm, where d is the largest diameter of the longitudinal bars.
The diameter of the clamps in knitted frames of bending elements must
accepted, mm, not less:

with a section height of the element equal to

or less than 800 mm ......................................... 5


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12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
the same, over 800 mm .................................... 8

The ratio of the diameters of the transverse and longitudinal bars in

welded frames and welded mesh was installed from the welding condition
according to the relevant regulatory documents.
5.26. In girder structures with a height of over 150 mm, as well as in
hollow slabs (or similar often ribbed
structures) with a height over 300 mm must be installed
transverse reinforcement.
In solid slabs regardless of height, in hollow-core
slabs (or similar often ribbed structures) height
at least 300 mm and in beam structures with a height of less than 150 mm
it is allowed not to install transverse reinforcement. Moreover, they should
the calculation requirements must be met in accordance with the instructions in clause 3.32.

5.27. Transverse reinforcement in girder and slab structures,

specified in clause 5.26, it is established:
on the support areas equal to the uniformly distributed
load of 1/4 span, and with concentrated loads - distance
from the support to the nearest load, but not less than 1/4 of the span, with a step:

at the height of the section of the element h ,

equal to or less than 450 mm .................. no more h / 2
and no more than 150 mm
the same, over 450 mm .......................... no more h / 3
and no more than 500 mm

on the rest of the span with an element section height h over

300 mm, transverse reinforcement is installed with a step of not more than 3/4 h and
no more than 500 mm.
5.28. Transverse reinforcement designed for sensing
transverse forces, must have reliable anchoring at the ends by
welding or covering longitudinal reinforcement, providing
equal strength of joints and clamps.
5.29. Transverse reinforcement in slabs in the punching shear zone
installed in increments of no more than 1/3 h and no more than 200 mm, while
the width of the transverse reinforcement zone must be at least
1.5 h (where h is the thickness of the slab).
The anchoring of the specified reinforcement must meet the requirements
p. 5.28.
5.30. Transverse reinforcement of short cantilevers of columns
perform "horizontal or inclined at an angle of 45 °
clamps. The step of the clamps should be no more than h / 4 and no more than 150 mm
(where h is the height of the console).
5.31. In elements working in bending with torsion, knitted
the clamps should be closed with reliable anchoring at the ends, and
for welded cages, all transverse bars in both directions
must be welded to the angled longitudinal rods, forming
closed loop. In this case, equal strength should be ensured
connections and clamps.




Page 131

5.32 *. Rebar made of hot rolled steel smooth and intermittent

profile, heat-hardened steel of classes At-IIIС and At-IVС and
ordinary reinforcing wire, as well as embedded parts
should, as a rule, be manufactured using for connection
rods between themselves and with flat rolled elements of contact
welding - spot and butt. The use of arc is allowed
welding - automatic and semi-automatic, as well as manual
according to the instructions in clause 5.36 *.
Butt joints of draw-hardened reinforcement class A-
IIIv should be welded before it hardens.
Welded joints of hot-rolled bar grades 106/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
А-IV (made
hardened of steel grade
reinforcement of 20ХГ2Ц),
the classesА-V and А-VII,
At-IIIC, At-IVC,thermomechanically
At-IVK (from steel
grades 10GS2 and 08G2S), At-V (from steel grade 20GS) and At-VSC should
use only the types established by GOST 14098-85.
Welded joints of rod hot-rolled reinforcement class A-
IV (from steel grade 80C) and thermomechanically hardened fittings
classes At-IV, At-IVK (from steel grade 25S2R), At-V (except for steel
grade 20GS), At-VK, AtVI, At-VIK and At-VII, high-strength
reinforcing wire and reinforcing ropes are not allowed.
5.33 *. Types of welded joints and methods of welding reinforcement and
embedded parts should be assigned taking into account the operating conditions
construction, weldability of steel, technical and economic indicators
connections and technological opportunities enterprises-
manufacturer in accordance with GOST 14098-85.
Carried out by resistance spot welding or arc welding
tacks cruciform connections, which must
ensure that the reinforcement meshes and frames are not stressed
less than its design resistances (connections „with the rated
strength "), must be indicated in the working drawings of the reinforcement
Welded cruciform connections with non-standard strength
used to ensure the relative position of the rods
reinforcement products in the process of their transportation, concreting
and fabrication of the structure.
5.34. In the factory, in the manufacture of welded reinforcement
meshes, frames and connections along the length of individual rods should
use mainly contact spot and butt welding,
and in the manufacture of embedded parts - automatic welding under
flux for tee and resistance projection welding for
overlap joints.
5.35. When installing reinforcement products and precast concrete
structures in first turn must apply
semi-automatic welding methods that provide the ability
quality control of connections.
5.36 *. In the absence of the necessary welding equipment
it is allowed to perform in the factory and installation conditions
cruciform, butt, lap and tee connections
fittings and embedded parts, use the ones given in GOST 14098—
85 and in the normative documents for welded fittings and embedded
details arc methods, including manual, welding. Not allowed
use tack welding in cruciform joints
rods of working reinforcement class A-III, grade 35GS.
By using manual arc welding when performing welded
joints calculated by strength in meshes and frames,


Page 132

additional structural elements should be installed in

places of connection of bars of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement
(pads, kerchiefs, hooks, etc.).



5.37. Overlapped joints of non-stressed working reinforcement

used for joining welded and knitted frames and meshes, when
the diameter of the working reinforcement should be no more than 36 mm.
Lap joints of working reinforcement bars are not recommended
to be located in the stretched zone of bending and eccentrically stretched
elements in places of full use of fittings. Such joints are not
allowed in linear elements, the section of which is completely
stretched (for example, in puffs of arches), as well as in all cases
use of bar reinforcement of class A-IV and higher.
5.38. Joints of tensioned or compressed working reinforcement, as well as
welded nets and frames in the working direction must have a length
bypass (overlap) l is not less than the value l an , determined by
formula (186) and table. 37.
5.39. Joints of welded meshes and frameworks, as well as tension bars
knitted frames and overlapping nets without welding should, as a rule,
be located at random. In this case, the sectional area of the working rods, 107/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
should in
beone place than
no more or at50%
a distance
of the less
totalthan the bypass length
cross-sectional area ofl the
, stretched
reinforcement - with rebars of periodic profile and not more than 25% -
with smooth rods.
Docking of individual bars, welded meshes and frames without
runaways are allowed with structural reinforcement (without calculation), and
also in those areas where the fittings are used no more than 50%.
5.40. Welded mesh joints in the direction of the working reinforcement from
smooth hot-rolled steel of class A-I should be performed in such a way
in such a way that in each of the meshes joined in the stretched zone on
the length of the overlap was located at least two transverse rods,
welded to all longitudinal rods of the meshes (Fig. 24). The same
types of joints are also used for overlapping welded
frameworks with one-sided arrangement of working rods from all
types of fittings.
Joints of welded mesh in the direction of working reinforcement of classes A-II
and A-III are made without transverse bars within the joint at
one or both abutting grids (Fig. 25).
5.41. Welded mesh joints in the non-working direction are performed
overlapping with a bypass (counting between the extreme working rods

with the diameter of the distribution (transverse)

reinforcement up to 4 mm incl. ................................................. on 50 mm
(Fig. 26, a , b )
the same, over 4 mm ............................................ ................ 100 mm
(Fig. 26, a , b )


Page 133

Heck. 24. Joints of welded mesh overlap (without welding) in the direction of the working
reinforcement made of smooth bars
a - with transverse rods located in the same plane;
b , c - the same, in different planes

Heck. 25. Joints of welded mesh overlap (without welding) in the direction of the working
reinforcement made from rebars
a - without transverse bars within the joint in one of the abutting meshes;
b - the same, in both abutting grids

With a working reinforcement diameter of 16 mm and more, welded mesh in

in a non-working direction, it is allowed to lay close to each other,
overlapping the joint with special butt nets laid with
bypass in each direction of at least 15 d distribution 108/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
reinforcement and not less than 100 mm (Fig. 26, c ).
Welded mesh in non-working direction is allowed to be laid
end-to-end without overlap and without additional butt nets in
in the following cases:
when laying welded strip nets in two mutually
perpendicular directions;
in the presence of additional structural
reinforcement in the direction of distribution fittings.


Page 134

Heck. 26. Joints of welded mesh in the direction of distribution reinforcement

a - an overlapping joint with the arrangement of the working rods in one plane;
b - the same, with the arrangement of the working rods in different planes;
in ⎯ butt joint with the imposition of an additional butt mesh


5.42. When joining reinforced concrete prefabricated elements

forces from one element to another are transmitted through
butted working fittings, steel embedded parts,
concrete filled joints, concrete dowels or (for compressed
elements) directly through the concrete surfaces of the abutting
Docking of prestressed elements, and
designs, to which are presented demands
waterproofing, should be carried out, as a rule, with concrete
on stress cement.
5.43. Rigid joints in prefabricated structures should, as a rule,
to be monolithic by filling the joints between the elements with concrete.
If a tight fit is ensured in the manufacture of elements
surfaces to each other {for example, when using the end of one
from abutting elements as formwork for the end of another),
allowed when only compressive force is transmitted through the joint
making joints dry.
5.44. Joints of elements that perceive tensile forces,
must be performed:
a) welding of steel embedded parts;
b) welding of reinforcement outlets;
c) passing through the channels or grooves of the abutting elements of the rods
reinforcing ropes or bolts with their subsequent tension and
filling seams and channels with cement mortar or
fine-grained concrete;
d) gluing the elements with structural polymer solutions with
using fittings made of bar reinforcement.
When designing joints of prefabricated elements
such connections of embedded parts should be provided, when
which would not extend their parts, as well as punctures
5.45. Embedded parts must be anchored in concrete with
using anchor rods or welded to working reinforcement
Embedded parts with anchors should generally consist of
individual plates (angles or shaped steel) with welded to
nim with T-bar or overlapping anchor rods mainly from
fittings of classes A-II, A-III. Length of embedded anchor rods
detailed under the action of tensile forces on them must be at least
the value l an , determined according to the instructions in clause 5.14. 109/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
The length of the anchor rods can be reduced if
welding at the ends of the rods of anchor plates or device
hot hatched anchor heads with a diameter of at least
2 d - for fittings of classes А-I and А-II and at least 3 d ⎯ for fittings
class A-III. In these cases, the length of the anchor rod is determined
calculated for gouging and crushing of concrete and is taken at least 10 d
(where d is the anchor diameter, mm).


Page 135

If tension anchors are positioned normally

to the element axis and along them cracks can form from the main
forces acting on the element, the ends of the anchors must be reinforced
welded plates or upset heads.
Stamped embedded parts must consist of strip
anchors with reinforcements (for example, in the form of spherical protrusions),
and sections that serve as plates (similar to welded
details). Stamped embedded parts should generally be
design from strip steel with a thickness of 4-8 mm in such a way
so that waste when cutting the strip is minimal. Detail
it is necessary to calculate the strength of the strip anchors and plates.
The strength of the anchorage of the part will be rotated based on the concrete
splitting, gouging and crushing.
The thickness of the insert plates is determined according to
the instructions in clause 3.48 and in accordance with the welding requirements. IN
depending on the welding technology, the ratio of the plate thickness to
the diameter of the anchor rod is taken in accordance with
the requirements of GOST 14098-85.
5.46. On the end parts of abutting eccentrically compressed
elements (for example, at the ends of precast columns) must
install indirect fittings according to the instructions in clause 5.24.


5.47. Sedimentary seams should, as a rule, be provided in

cases of construction of a building (structure) on heterogeneous soils
foundations (subsidence, etc.), in places of sharp changes in loads and
If in these cases, sedimentary seams are not provided,
foundations must be of sufficient strength and rigidity,
preventing damage to overlying structures, or have
a special design that serves to achieve the same goal.
Settlement seams, as well as temperature-shrinkage seams in continuous
concrete and reinforced concrete structures should be carried out
through, cutting the structure to the bottom of the foundation.
Temperature shrinkage seams in reinforced concrete frameworks
are carried out through the use of double columns with
bringing the seam to the top of the foundation.
Distances between expansion joints in concrete
foundations and basement walls are allowed to be taken in accordance
with the distances between the seams taken for the overlying
5.48. Concrete structures must provide
structural reinforcement:
a) in places of a sharp change in the dimensions of the section of elements;
b) in places where the height of the walls changes (on an area of at least 1 m);
c) in concrete walls under and above the openings of each floor;
d) in structures exposed to dynamic
e) at a less stressed face of eccentrically compressed elements, if
the highest stress in the section, defined as for elastic
body, exceeds 0.8 R b , and the smallest is less than 1 MPa, or
turns out to be tensile, while the reinforcement coefficient µ
not less than 0.025% is accepted.

135 110/127
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Page 136

The requirements of this clause do not apply to elements

prefabricated structures, checked during the stages of transportation and
installation, in this case the required reinforcement is determined
strength calculation.
If by calculation it is established that the strength of the element is exhausted
simultaneously with the formation of cracks in the concrete of the tension zone, then
the requirements of paragraph 1.19 for weakly reinforced
elements (excluding the work of tensioned concrete). If, according to
calculation taking into account the resistance of the tensile zone of concrete, the reinforcement is not
required and experience has proven the possibility of transportation and
installation of such elements without reinforcement, structural reinforcement is not
5.49. Compliance of the arrangement of the reinforcement with its design
regulation should be provided with special measures
(by installing plastic clips, washers made of fine-grained
concrete, etc.).
5.50. Large holes in reinforced concrete slabs,
panels, etc. should be edged with additional reinforcement
a section of at least the section of the working reinforcement (of the same direction),
which is required for the calculation of the slab as solid.
5.51. When designing prefabricated floor elements, you should
provide for the device of joints between them, filled with concrete.
The width of the seams is assigned from the condition of ensuring their high quality
filling and should be at least 20 mm for elements with a height
sections up to 250 mm and at least 30 mm - for elements of greater height.
5.52. The elements of prefabricated structures must provide
devices for capturing them when lifting: inventory mounting
screw-down hinges, lashing holes with steel
pipes, stationary reinforcing bar mounting loops, etc.
n. Hinges for lifting should be made of hot-rolled steel
according to the requirements of clause 2.24 *.


5.53. In prestressed elements, it is necessary as

as a rule, to ensure reliable adhesion of reinforcement to concrete by
application of steel of periodic profile, filling of channels, grooves
and excavation with cement mortar or fine-grained concrete.
5.54. Schemes and methods of constructing statically indeterminate
prestressed structures are recommended to choose
so that when prestressing is created,
the possibility of additional efforts in the structure,
deteriorating their work. The device of temporary seams or
hinges, cast after tensioning the reinforcement.
5.55. In precast monolithic reinforced concrete structures,
ensure the adhesion of prestressed elements with
concrete placed at the site of use of the structure, as well as
anchoring their end sections. Collaboration of elements in
transverse direction, in addition, must be ensured
appropriate measures (installation of transverse reinforcement
or prestressing elements in the transverse


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5.56. Part of the longitudinal bar reinforcement of the element is allowed

apply without prestressing if at the same time
the requirements of the calculation for crack resistance are met and
5.57. Local reinforcement of prestressed areas
elements under the anchors of prestressing reinforcement, as well as in places
supporting the tensioning devices, it is recommended to install
embedded parts or additional transverse reinforcement, as well as
an increase in the dimensions of the section of the element in these areas.
5.58. Have ends element necessary provide for
additional tensioned or non-tensioned transverse
reinforcement, if the tensioned longitudinal reinforcement is located
concentrated at the top and bottom edges.
Tensioned transverse reinforcement must be tensioned earlier
tension of longitudinal reinforcement with a force of at least 15% of the force
tension of the entire longitudinal reinforcement of the tensioned zone of the support
Non-stress transverse reinforcement must be secure
anchored at the ends by welding to embedded parts. Section of this
reinforcement in structures that are not designed for endurance should
be able to perceive at least 20%, and in structures,
calculated for endurance, ⎯ not less than 30% of the effort in
longitudinal prestressing reinforcement of the lower zone of the support section,
determined by strength calculation.
5.59. With the wire reinforcement arranged in a bundle,
gaps must be provided between the individual wires
or groups of wires (by installing spirals inside the bundle, short
in anchors, etc.) with dimensions sufficient to pass between
wires of a bundle of grout or fine-grained concrete
when filling the channels.
5.60. Strained reinforcement (rods or ropes) in hollow and
ribbed elements should be located, as a rule, along the axis
each edge of the element. An exception to this rule is specified in cl.
5.61. At the ends of prestressed elements,
additional transverse or indirect reinforcement be installed
(welded meshes covering all longitudinal reinforcement bars,
clamps, etc. with a step of 5-10 cm) over the length of the section at least 0.6 l p , and in
elements made of lightweight concrete of classes B7.5 - B12.5 - with a step of 5 cm on
the length of the section is not less than l p (see clause 2.29) and not less than 20 cm for elements with
reinforcement that does not have anchors, and in the presence of anchor devices -
on an area equal to two lengths of these devices. Installation of anchors at
the ends of the reinforcement are required for reinforcement tensioned on concrete, and
also for reinforcement tensioned on stops if it is insufficient
adhesion to concrete (smooth wire, multi-strand ropes), with
this anchor devices must provide a reliable seal
reinforcement in concrete at all stages of its operation.
When used as prestressing working armature
high-strength reinforcing wire of periodic profile,
single lay reinforcing ropes, hot-rolled and thermally
hardened bar reinforcement with a periodic profile,
tensioned on the stops, installation of anchors at the ends of the tensioned
rods are generally not required.



Page 138




6.1. This clause specifies design requirements

previously operated concrete and reinforced concrete structures,
stored (without reinforcement or with reinforcement) as part of buildings and
structures after reconstruction or major repairs.
The section establishes the rules for calculating existing structures 112/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
(verification calculation), as well as calculation and design of amplified
6.2. Calculation of existing structures is necessary
produce when changing the loads acting on them, volumetric
planning solutions and operating conditions, as well as
detection of defects and damage in structures in order to
determining whether the load-bearing capacity and suitability for
normal operation of structures in the changed conditions of their
6.3. Structures that do not meet the requirements of verification calculation,
to be strengthened.
When designing reinforced structures, one should proceed from
the need to perform work without or with a short-term
stopping production.
6.4. Verification calculations of existing structures, as well as
calculation and design of reinforced structures is necessary
produce based on design materials, manufacturing data
and the construction of these structures and their field surveys.
6.5. In the absence of defects and damage in the structure,
reducing their bearing capacity, as well as in the absence
unacceptable deflections of structures and the opening of cracks in them
verification calculations are allowed to be performed based on the design
data on the geometric dimensions of sections of structures, class
(grade) of concrete in terms of strength, class of reinforcing steel, reinforcement and
design scheme of the structure.
6.6. In cases where the requirements for calculations for design materials
are not satisfied either in the absence of design materials, and
also in the presence of defects and damage that reduce the load-bearing
the ability of the structure, unacceptable deflections of the structure or
opening cracks in them, verification calculations should be made with
taking into account the data of field inspections of structures.
6.7. Based on field surveys, there should be
installed: geometric dimensions of the section, reinforcement
structures, concrete strength and type of reinforcement, structural deflections
and crack opening width, defects and damage, loads
static structure diagram.
6.8. Strengthening of structures should be provided only in
cases where existing designs do not satisfy
verification calculations for bearing capacity or requirements
normal operation. Existing
constructions if:
their actual deflections exceed the maximum permissible in
in accordance with paragraph 1.20. but do not interfere with normal operation
structures and do not change their design scheme;


Page 139

there are deviations from the requirements of Sec. 5, but the design
operated for a long time, and its examination did not reveal
damage caused by these deviations.
6.9. Calculation and design of reinforced structures should
carry out taking into account the data of field surveys specified in clause 6.7.


6.10. Verification calculations of concrete and reinforced concrete structures

should be performed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 1-4 and
of this subsection.
6.11. The calculation for the limiting states of the second group is not
is performed if the displacement and crack opening width
existing structures are less than the maximum permissible, and the efforts
in sections of elements from new loads do not exceed values
efforts from actually acting loads.
6.12. When calculating, sections of structures must be checked,
having defects and damage, as well as sections in which, when
field examinations revealed concrete zones, the strength of which
less than average by 20% or more. Accounting for defects and damages
is made by reducing the input and the calculation of the cross-sectional area
concrete or reinforcement. It is also necessary to consider the effects of the 113/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
or damage to strength and deformation characteristics
concrete, for the eccentricity of the longitudinal force, for the adhesion of reinforcement with
concrete, etc. in accordance with the approved in the established
order documents.
6.13. The design characteristics of concrete are determined in accordance with Sec.
2 depending on the conditional class of concrete in terms of compressive strength
existing designs.
6.14. When performing verification calculations for design
materials, in the event that in the project of an existing structure
the standardized characteristic of concrete is its brand, the value
conditional class of concrete for compressive strength should be taken
equal to:
80% cube strength of concrete corresponding to the grade
strength for heavy, fine-grained and lightweight concrete;
70% - for aerated concrete.
For intermediate values of the conditional concrete class by
compressive strength differing from the parametric values
series (see clause 2.3), the design concrete resistances are determined
linear interpolation.
6.15. When performing verification calculations based on the results
field surveys the value of the conditional class of concrete
compressive strength is determined in accordance with clause 6.14, assumed
instead of the concrete grade, the actual strength of the concrete in the group
structures, structure or its separate area, obtained from
non-destructive test or test results
concrete samples taken from structures.
6.16. Depending on the condition of the concrete, the type of structures and
conditions of their work, as well as the methods used to determine
concrete strength with special justification can be
used other methods for determining the class of concrete. When
using statistical methods coefficient of variation
concrete strength is determined according to GOST 18105-86.


Page 140

6.17. The design characteristics of the reinforcement are determined in

dependencies from class reinforcement become existing
reinforced concrete structures according to sect. 2 taking into account the requirements of paragraphs.
6.18 and 6.19.
6.18. When performing verification calculations according to design data
existing designs, projected by earlier
current regulatory documents, regulatory resistance
fittings R sn are determined according to Sec. 2. Moreover, the regulatory
resistance of class B-I reinforcing wire is taken equal to
390 MPa (400 kg / cm 2 ).
Design tensile strength of reinforcement R s should
determine by formula

R sn
Rs = ,

where γ s is the coefficient of reliability for reinforcement, taken equal to

for the calculation of the limit states of the first group:
for bar reinforcement of classes:
AI, A-II and A-III ...................................... 1.15
A-IV, AV and A-VI .................................... 1.25
for wire reinforcement classes:
B-I, B-II, Bp-II, K-7 and K-19 ................... 1.25
Bp-I ............................................... .......... 1.15
When calculating the limiting states of the second group
the safety factor for reinforcement γ s is taken equal to 1.0.
Design tensile strength of transverse reinforcement
(clamps and bent bars) R sw are determined by multiplication
received settlement resistance fittings Rs on
the corresponding operating conditions γ si given in
sect. 2.
Design compressive strength of reinforcement R sc (except reinforcement
class A-IIIb) should be taken equal to the calculated 114/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
tensile strength of reinforcement R s , but not more than values,
specified in sect. 2. For fittings of class А-IIIв, the calculated
compression resistance of the reinforcement R sc should be taken in accordance with
with the requirements of Sec. 2.
In addition, it is necessary to enter additional
the coefficients of the operating conditions of the valves according to clause 2.28.
The design values of the reinforcement resistance are taken from
rounding to three significant figures.
6.19. When performing verification calculations based on test data
samples of reinforcement taken from the inspected structures,
standard reinforcement resistances are taken equal to the average
the values of the yield point (or conditional yield point),
obtained when testing samples of reinforcement and divided by

1.1 - for fittings of classes A-I, A-II, A-III,

1.2 ⎯ for reinforcement of other classes.

The design resistance of the reinforcement must be taken in

in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.18.


Page 141

6.20. Depending on the number of samples taken for testing and

state of reinforcement with special justification can be
used other methods for determining the design resistance
6.21. Design tensile strength of reinforcement R s at
lack of design data and impossibility of sampling
it is allowed to assign, depending on the profile of the reinforcement:
for smooth reinforcement R s = 155 MPa (1600 kgf / cm 2 );
for reinforcement of a periodic profile with protrusions:
with the same approach on both sides of the profile ("screw")
R s = 245 MPa (2500 kgf / cm 2 );
on the one hand the right approach, and on the other - the left ("herringbone")
R s = 295 MPa (3000 kgf / cm 2 ).
In this case, the value of the design resistance of compressed reinforcement
is taken equal to R s , and the design resistance of the transverse
reinforcement R sw - equal to 0.8 R s .



6.22. The requirements of this subsection apply to

design and calculation of reinforced concrete structures, reinforced
rolled steel, concrete and reinforced concrete.
Reinforced concrete structures should be designed in
in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 1-5, SNiP II-23-81 * (when increasing
rolled steel) and this subsection.
6.23. When designing reinforced reinforced concrete
structures, it is necessary to ensure the inclusion of elements
strengthening and their joint work with the reinforced structure.
6.24. Reinforced structures should be calculated for
two stages of work:
a) before switching on the amplification - for loads including
load from reinforcement elements (only for limit states
the first group);
b) after switching on the amplification elements - to full
operational loads (according to the limit states of the first and
second group). The calculation for the limiting states of the second group can
not carried out if the operating loads do not increase,
rigidity and crack resistance structures satisfy
operating requirements, and the gain is a consequence of the presence
defects and damage.
6.25. For severely damaged structures (with a destruction of 50%
and more of the concrete section or 50% or more of the sectional area of the working
reinforcement) reinforcement elements should be reckoned on full
acting load, while the reinforced structure in the calculation
not taken into account. 115/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
6.26. Cross-sectional
structures area oftaking
should be determined reinforced reinforcement
into account the actual reduction in
as a result of corrosion. High-strength wire reinforcement in calculations
not taken into account in the presence of ulcerative or pitting (hidden)
corrosion, and also if corrosion is caused by chlorides.
6.27. Standard and design resistance of steel elements
gains must be assigned in accordance with the instructions of SNiP II-
23-81 *.


Page 142

Standard and design resistance of concrete and reinforcement

reinforced concrete structures and reinforcement elements
should be prescribed in accordance with the instructions of Sec. 2 and p. 6.13-6.21.
6.28. When designing reinforced structures, one should, as
as a rule, provide that the load during amplification is not
exceeded 65% of the calculated value. With difficulty or
impossibility of achieving the required degree of unloading allowed
perform reinforcement under greater load. In this case, the calculated
the characteristics of concrete and reinforcement are multiplied by
coefficients of concrete working conditions γ br 1 = 0.9; reinforcement ⎯ γ sr 1 = 0.9.
In any case, the degree of unloading of structures should be chosen from
the condition of ensuring the safe conduct of work.
6.29. In cases where, when reinforced, the structure turns into
statically indeterminate, it is necessary to take into account the factors listed
in p. 1.15.
6.30. The prestressing σ sp and σ ' sp in
prestressing reinforcement S and S ' reinforcement should be assigned in accordance
with pp. 1.23 and 1.24.
In this case, the maximum prestressing value
reinforcement should not exceed: for bar reinforcement 0.9 R s, ser ; days
wire ⎯ 0.7 R s, ser .
The minimum value of the prestressing of the reinforcement
should take at least 0.49 R s, ser .
6.31. When calculating elements pre-reinforced
stressed bars, prestressing losses
must be determined in accordance with paragraphs. 1.25 and 1.26.
When determining the losses from deformations of anchors located at
tensioning devices, it is necessary to take into account the compression of the thrust devices,
which in the absence of experimental data is taken
equal to 4 mm.
6.32. The tension accuracy coefficient must be determined in
in accordance with Section 1.27, the introduction of additional coefficients γ sp ,
depending on the design features of the reinforcement:
γ sp = 0.85 - for horizontal and truss ties;
γ sp = 0.75 - for clamps and inclined straps.
6.33. Bending and eccentrically compressed elements, reinforced
concrete and reinforced concrete, calculated as elements of solid
section, subject to the design and design
requirements for ensuring the collaboration of old and new
concrete. In this case, unrecoverable damage and defects
reinforced elements (corrosion or breakage of reinforcement, corrosion,
delamination and damage to concrete, etc.), reducing their load-bearing
ability, should be taken into account in the calculation to the same extent as in
verification calculations of structures before strengthening.
6.34. In the presence in structures reinforced with a loaf or
reinforced concrete, concrete and reinforcement of different classes, located in
section concrete and reinforcement of each class are included in the calculation by
strength with its design resistance.
6.35. Calculation of reinforced concrete elements reinforced with concrete,
reinforcement and reinforced concrete, should be made according to strength for
sections normal to the longitudinal axis of the element, inclined and
spatial (under the action of torques), as well as on
local action of the load (compression, punching, separation) in

142 116/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

Page 143

in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 3 and taking into account the presence in the amplified
element of concrete and reinforcement of different classes.
6.36. Calculation of reinforced concrete elements reinforced with concrete,
reinforcement or reinforced concrete. should be produced by education,
opening and closing cracks, by deformations in accordance with
requirements of Sec. 4 and additional requirements related to
the presence in the reinforced concrete element of deformations and stresses up to
inclusion in the work of amplification, as well as with the presence in the reinforced
element of concrete and reinforcement of different classes.
6.37. Calculation of reinforced concrete elements reinforced by stress
reinforcement that does not adhere to concrete should be made for
limit states of the first and second groups in accordance with
requirements of Sec. 4 and 5 and additional requirements,
associated with a lack of adhesion between reinforcement and concrete.
6.38. The minimum dimensions of the elements of reinforcement of sections with concrete and
reinforced concrete must be taken on the basis of existing
efforts taking into account technological requirements and not less than sizes,
necessary to fulfill the requirements of Sec. 5 in terms of location
reinforcement and concrete layer thickness.
6.39. The compressive strength class of concrete reinforcement follows
taken, as a rule, equal to the class of concrete reinforced
structures and at least B15 for ground structures and B12.5 - for
6.40. In cases where reinforcement is planned to produce
after unloading the reinforced structure, loading follows
produce after the concrete reaches the design strength.
6.41. When reinforced with monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete
it is necessary to provide for the implementation of measures (cleaning,
notch, device of keys on the surface of the reinforced structure
etc.), ensuring the strength of the contact area and joint
work of strengthening with a reinforced structure.
6.42. With the device of local amplification only on the length
the damaged area, the reinforcement must be extended to
undamaged parts, as a rule, to a length of at least 500 mm and not
fivefold concrete reinforcement thickness;
length of anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement reinforcement;
double width of the large face of the reinforced element (for
bar structures).
6.43. Reinforcement of elements with non-stress reinforcement under load
it is allowed to weld additional fittings to
existing. if with the load acting during the amplification in
this section provides the strength of the reinforced element without taking into account
work of additional fittings.
Butt welded joints should be spaced apart from
the distance between them along the rods is not less than 20 d .


Page 144 117/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *




Operating conditions of the structure under load

Rebar type Class Brand Diameter static dynamic and repetitive
and documents, fittings become fittings, in heating outdoors and in unheated buildings in heating outdoors and in unheated buildings
governing mm we are X at design temperature, ° С we are X at design temperature, ° С
its quality buildings below below below buildings below below below
to minus 30 minus 30 minus 40 minus 55 to minus 30 minus 30 minus 40 minus 55
incl. to minus 40 to minus 55 to minus 70 incl. to minus 40 to minus 55 to minus 70
incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl.

Rod hot A-I St3sp3 6⎯40 + + + + +1 + + - - -

rolled smooth, St3ps3 6⎯40 + + + - - + + - - -
GOST 5781-82 and St3kp3 6-40 + + - - - + + - - -
GOST 380-71 VSt3sp2 6-40 + + + + + + + + + +
VSt3ps2 6⎯40 + + + - - + + + - -
VSt3kp2 6⎯40 + + - - - + + - - -
VSt3Gps2 6⎯18 + + + + +1 + + + + +1

Also, St3sp 5.5 + + + + + + + + + +

TU 14-15-154-86

Rod hot A-II VSt5sp2 10-40 + + + +1 +1 + + +1 - -

rolled periodic VSt5ps2 10⎯16 + + + +1 - + + +1 - -
whose profile 18-40 + + - - - + +1 - - -
GOST 5781-82 18G2S 40⎯80 + + + + +1 + + + + +1

Ac-II 10GT 10⎯32 + + + + + + + + + +

A-III 35GS 6-40 + + + +1 - + + +1 - -

25G2S 6⎯8 + + + + + + + + + -
10-40 + + + + +1 + + + +1 -
32G2Rps 6⎯22 + + + +1 - + + +1 - -


Page 145

A-IV 80C 10⎯18 + + - - - + - - - -

20ХГ2Ц 10⎯32 + + + +2 +2 + + + +2 -

A-V 23X2G2T 10⎯32 + + + + +2 + + + + +2

A-VI 20Х2Г2СР 10⎯22 + + + +2 +2 + + + +2 -

22Х2Г2ТАЮ 10⎯22 + + + +2 +2 + + + +2 -
22X2G2R 10⎯22 + + + +2 +2 + + + +2 -

Also, 22X2G2S 10-40 + + + +2 +2 + + + +2 -

TU 14-1-4235-87

Rod thermo- At-IIIС BSt5ps 10⎯32 + + + +1 - + + +1 - -

mechanically hardened BSt5sp
unnatural periodically VSt5ps
sky profile, VSt5sp
GOST 10884-81

Rod At-IV 20GS 10⎯32 + + + + - + + + + -

periodic AT-IVC 25G2S 10⎯32 + + + +2 +2 + + + +2 -
profile, 28S, 35GS 12⎯32 + + + + - + + + + -
GOST 10884-81

At-IVK 10GS2, 10⎯32 + + + + - + + + + -


At-V 20GS,
20GS2, 118/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
10GS2, 10⎯32
08G2S, 28S,
+ + + + - + + + + -


Page 146

25S2R, 18⎯32

At-VK 20GS, 18⎯32 + + + + - + + + + -


At-VSC 20HGS2 10⎯28 + + + +2 - + + + +2 -

At-VI 20GS2, 10⎯32 + + + + - + + + + -


Ag-VIK 20HGS2 10⎯16 + + + + - + + + + -

At-VII 30ХС2 10⎯28 + + + - - + + + - -

Ordinary BP-I ⎯ 3⎯5 + + + + + + + + + +

GOST 6727-80

High strength B-II; ⎯ 3⎯8 + + + + + + + + + +

reinforcing BP-II
GOST 7348-81

Reinforcing ropes, TO-7 ⎯ 6⎯15 + + + + + + + + + +

GOST 13840-68

Reinforcing ropes, Outdoor furniture-19⎯ fourteen + + + + + + + + + +

TU 14-4-22 -71


Page 147

Rod, hardened A-IIIb 25G2S 6⎯40 + + + - - + + - - -

not new hood, 35GS 6⎯40 + + - - - + - - - -

1 It is allowed to use only in knitted frames and nets.
2 Should be used only in the form of complete rods of measured length.

Notes: 1. In the table, the "+" sign means allowed, the "-" sign - not allowed.
2. The design temperature is taken according to the instructions in clause 1.8.
3. In this table, loads should be classified as dynamic, if the proportion of these loads in the strength analysis of structures exceeds 0.1 of the static load; to
repetitive loads - loads at which the coefficient of operating conditions of the reinforcement γ s 3 <1.0 (see Table 25 *).
4. The scope of application of hot-rolled and thermomechanically hardened reinforcement with diameters larger than indicated in the table should be taken with appropriate 119/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
justification similar to that established in this table for reinforcing steel of the corresponding classes and grades.
5. Welded connections of fittings ⎯ in accordance with the instructions in clause 5.32 *.


Page 148




Design temperature, ° С
Characteristic up to minus 30 incl. below minus 30
embedded parts up to minus 40 incl.
steel grade by thickness steel grade by thickness
GOST 380-71 rolled, mm GOST 380-71 rolled, mm

1. Calculated on
efforts from loads:
a) static VSt3kp2 4⎯30 VSt3ps6 4⎯25
b) dynamic and VSt3ps6 4⎯10 VSt3ps6 4⎯10
I repeat - VSt3Gps5 11⎯30 VSt3Gps5 11⎯30
shy VSt3sp5 11⎯25 VSt3sp5 11⎯25

2. Constructive BST3kp2 4⎯10 BST3kp2 4⎯10

(not calculated on VSt3kp2 4⎯30 VSt3kp2 4⎯30
force effects)

Notes: 1. The design temperature is taken according to the instructions in p.

2. When using low-alloy steel, for example, grades 10G2S1,
09G2S, 15HSND, as well as at a design temperature below minus 40 ° C selection
steel grades and electrodes for embedded parts should be produced both for
welded steel structures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-23-81 *.
3. Design resistances of steel of the indicated grades are taken according
SNiP II-23-81 *.
Appendices 3 and 4 are excluded.



Efforts from external loads and influences

in the cross section of the element

M - bending moment; 120/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
Q -- longitudinal
lateral force;force;
T ⎯ torque.

prestressed element


Page 149

P - pre-compression force, determined by the formula

(8), taking into account the prestressing losses in the reinforcement,
corresponding to the considered stage of the element;
σ sp , σ ' sp - prestressing respectively in
prestressing reinforcement S and S ' before concrete compression (under tension
reinforcement on stops) or at the time of decreasing the value
prestressing in concrete to zero by acting on
element of external actual or conditional forces, determined
according to the instructions in paragraphs. 1.23 and 1.28 taking into account the losses of the preliminary
stresses in the reinforcement corresponding to the stage under consideration
work item:
σ bp - compressive stresses in concrete at the stage of preliminary
compression, determined according to the instructions of paragraphs. 1.28 and 1.29 taking into account
prestressing losses in reinforcement, corresponding
the considered stage of the element:
γ sp - the coefficient of accuracy of the tension of the reinforcement, determined
according to the instructions in clause 1.27.

Material characteristics

R b , R b, ser ⎯ the design resistance of concrete to axial compression for

limit states of the first and second groups, respectively;
R bt , R bt, ser - design axial tensile strength of concrete
for limiting states, respectively, of the first and second groups;
R b, loc - design resistance of concrete to crushing, determined by
formula (102);
R bp - transfer strength of concrete, assigned according to
the instructions in clause 2.6 *;
R s , R s, ser ⎯ design tensile strength of reinforcement for
limit states of the first and second groups, respectively;
R sw - design tensile strength of transverse reinforcement,
determined according to the instructions in clause 2.28 *;
R sc - design compressive strength of reinforcement for ultimate
states of the first group;
E b - the initial modulus of elasticity of concrete in compression and tension;
E s is the modulus of elasticity of the reinforcement.

Longitudinal reinforcement position characteristics

in the cross section of the element

S - designation of longitudinal reinforcement:

a) in the presence of compressed and stretched from the action of an external load
section zones - located in the stretched zone;
b) with the section fully compressed from the action of the external load -
located at the less compressed face of the section;
c) when fully stretched from the action of an external load
for eccentrically stretched elements - located at
more stretched face of the section;
for centrally stretched elements - all crosswise
section of the element;
S ' - designation of longitudinal reinforcement:
a) in the presence of compressed and stretched from the action of an external load
section zones - located in the compressed zone;

149 121/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

Page 150

b) with the section fully compressed from the action of the external load -
located at a more compressed face of the section;
c) with a section fully stretched from the action of an external load
eccentrically stretched elements - located at less
stretched face of the section.

Geometric characteristics

b - the width of the rectangular section; width of T-rib and

bf,b'f - the width of the flange of T and I-sections
in stretched and compressed zones, respectively;
h - the height of the rectangular, tee and I-sections;
hf,h'f ⎯ the height of the T-section and I-section flange
respectively, in the stretched and compressed zones;
a , a '- distances from the resultant forces in the reinforcement
respectively S and S ' to the nearest face of the section;
h 0 , h ' 0 ⎯ the working height of the section equal to h – a and h – a' , respectively ;
x is the height of the compressed concrete zone;
ξ is the relative height of the compressed concrete zone, equal to; x
s is the distance between the clamps, measured along the length of the element;
e 0 - eccentricity of the longitudinal force N relative to the center
the severity of the reduced section, determined according to the instructions in p.
e 0 p - eccentricity of the pre-compression force P
relative to the center of gravity of the reduced section, determined
according to the instructions in clause 1.28;
e 0 , tot ⎯ the eccentricity of the resultant longitudinal force N and
pre-compression forces P relative to the center of gravity
reduced section;
e , e '- the distance from the point of application of the longitudinal force N to
resultant forces in the reinforcement, respectively S and S ' ;
e s , e sp - distances respectively from the point of application
longitudinal force N and pre-compression force P to the center
the gravity of the sectional area of the reinforcement S ;
l - element span;
l 0 - estimated length of the element exposed to
compressive longitudinal force; the value l 0 is taken according to table. 32 and p.
i - radius of gyration of the element cross-section relative to
the center of gravity of the section;
d - nominal diameter of reinforcing steel rods;
А s , A ' s ⎯ cross-sectional areas of non-tensioned and tensioned reinforcement
respectively S and S ' ; when determining the effort of the preliminary
compression P ⎯ sectional area of non-stressed part of reinforcement
respectively S and S ' ;
A sp , A ' sp ⎯ sectional area of the prestressed part of the reinforcement
respectively S and S ' ;
A sw ⎯ cross-sectional area of clamps located in one
normal to the longitudinal axis of the element of the plane intersecting
inclined section;


Page 151 122/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

A s, inc - sectional area of the bent rods. located in

one plane inclined to the longitudinal axis of the element, intersecting
inclined section;
µ - coefficient of reinforcement, defined as the ratio
cross-sectional area of reinforcement S to the cross-sectional area of the element
bh 0 excluding overhangs of compressed and extended flanges;
A is the area of all concrete in cross section;
And b - cross-sectional area of the compressed zone of concrete;
A bt - sectional area of the tensioned concrete zone;
A red - the area of the reduced section of the element, determined
according to the instructions in clause 1.28;
And loc 1 is the area of concrete crushing;
S ' b o , S b 0 ⎯ static moments of cross-sectional areas, respectively
compressed and stretched zones of concrete relative to the zero line;
S s 0 , S ' s 0 - static moments of reinforcement cross-sectional areas
respectively S and S ' relative to the zero line;
I - moment of inertia of the concrete section relative to the center of gravity
section of the element;
I red ⎯ moment of inertia of the reduced section of the element
relative to its center of gravity, determined according to the instructions in cl.
I s - moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area of the reinforcement relative to
the center of gravity of the element section;
I b 0 ⎯ moment of inertia of the sectional area of the compressed zone of concrete
relative to the zero line;
I s0 , I ' s0 ⎯ moments of inertia of the cross-sectional areas of reinforcement
respectively S and S ' relative to the zero line;
W red is the moment of resistance of the reduced section of the element for
extreme stretched fiber, defined as for elastic
material according to the instructions in clause 1.28.


(Gosstroy USSR)


of November 12, 1991 No. 11

About changes in SNiP 2.03.01-84 "Concrete and reinforced concrete

constructions "

USSR State Committee for Construction and Investment

To approve and put into effect from January 1, 1992 the developed
NIIZhBom Gosstroy USSR attached amendment No. 2 SNiP 2.03.01-
84 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures" approved
Resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee of August 20, 1984 No. 136.

Gosstroy of the USSR V.P. Mardashov


Page 152

CHANGE No. 2 SNiP 2.03.01-84 "Concrete and reinforced concrete

constructions "

By the decree of the USSR State Committee

on construction and investment of November 12, 1991 No. 11
the effective date is set
since January 1, 1992 123/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
Introductory part. Replace reference: ST SEV 384-76 with GOST 27751-88
(ST SEV 384-87).
Clause 2.17 *. In the tenth paragraph, the words "rolled carbon steel"
replace with the words "ordinary carbon steel
quality ".
Clause 2.23. In the first paragraph, the words "rolled steels" shall be replaced
the word "rental";
add the following paragraph:
"For structures designed to work with the design
temperatures below minus 40 ° С (clause 1.8), as well as when using rolled products
made of low-alloy steel (for example, С345 and С375 ⎯ grades 09G2S,
15KHSND, 10G2S1) selection of rolled products for embedded parts and electrodes
for their welded joints should be done as for steel
welded structures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-23-81 *.
The design resistance of this rental must be taken according to
SNiP II-23-81 *.
Clause 2.24 *. Replace steel grades VSt3sp2 and VSt3ps2
respectively on St3sp and St3ps (twice).
Clause 2.25 *. Paragraphs one and three shall be reworded:
"2.25 *. The standard resistance of the reinforcement R sn is taken
the lowest controlled values of the yield strength, physical
or conventional (equal to the voltage value corresponding to
residual relative elongation 0.2%). ";
Table 20 shall be stated in a new edition:
Table 20

Normative resistance
Wire Class Diameter tensile R sn and calculated
fittings strength reinforcement, mm tensile resistance
classes for the limiting states of the second
groups R s, ser , MPa (kgf / cm 2 )
BP-I ⎯ 3⎯5 490 (5000)
1500 3 1500 (15300)
1400 4⎯5 1400 (14250)
B-II 1300 6 1300 (13250)
1200 7 1200 (12200)
1100 eight 1100 (11200)
1500 3 1500 (15300)
1400 4⎯5 1400 (14250)
BP-II 1200 6 1200 (12200)
1100 7 1100 (11200)
1000 eight 1000 (10200)
TO-7 1500 6⎯12 1500 (15300)
1400 fifteen 1400 (14250)
Outdoor furniture-19 1500 fourteen 1500 (15300)

1. Strength class of wire reinforcement ⎯ established
standards, the value of its conditional yield stress in N / mm 2 .


Page 153

2. In the designation of wire reinforcement of classes B-II, Bp-II, K-7 and

K-19 in accordance with state standards indicate it
strength class (for example, designation of wire class B-II
with a diameter of 3 mm ⎯ φ3В1500, class Вр-II with a diameter of 5 mm ⎯ φ5Вр1400,
ropes of class K-7 with a diameter of 12 mm ⎯ φ12K7-1500).

Clause 2.26. Table 21 * for reinforcing wire of class Вр-I

the γ s value equal to 1.1 shall be replaced by 1.2;
Table 23 shall be stated in a new edition:
Table 23

Design resistance of reinforcement for limiting

Wire Diameter states of the first group, MPa (kgf / cm 2 )
fittings fittings, stretching
mm transverse (clamps squeezing
longitudinal R s and bent R sc
rods) R sw
BP-I 3⎯5 410 (4200) 290 (3000) * 375 (3850) **
B-II in class
1500 3 1250 (12750) 1000 (10200)
1400 4⎯5 1170 (11900) 940 (9600) 124/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
1300 6 1050 (10700) 835 (8500)
1200 7 1000 (10200) 785 (8000)
1100 eight 915 (9300) 730 (7450)
VR-II in class 500 (5100) **
1500 3 1250 (12750) 1000 (10200)
1400 4⎯5 1170 (11900) 940 (9600)
1200 6 1000 (10200) 785 (8000)
1100 7 915 (9300) 730 (7450)
1000 eight 850 (8700) 680 (6950)
K-7 in class
1500 6⎯12 1250 (12750) 1000 (10200)
1400 fifteen 1160 (12050) 945 (9600)
Outdoor furniture-19 fourteen 1250 (12750) 1000 (10200)

* When using wire in knitted frames, the value of R sw

should be equal to 325 MPa (3300 kgf / cm 2 ).
** These values R sc are taken when calculating structures from
heavy, fine-grained and light concrete for loads specified in
pos. 2a table. 15. When calculating structures made of concrete of these types for
loads specified in pos. 2b Table 15, as well as when calculating structures
from cellular and porous concrete for loads of all types value
R sc should be taken for reinforcement of classes:
Bp-I ⎯ 340 MPa (3500 kgf / cm 2 );
B-II, Bp-II, K-7 and K-19 ⎯ 400 MPa (4100 kgf / cm 2 ).

Appendix 1. For class A-I fittings, replace steel grades:

St3kp3 and VSt3kp2 ⎯ on St3kp,
St3ps3 and VSt3ps2 ⎯ for St3ps,
St3sp3, VSt3sp2 and VSt3Gps2 ⎯ on St3sp;
for reinforcement of class A-II, replace steel grade ВСт5ДС2 by Ст5ДС,
steel grade ВСт5сп2 ⎯ for Ст5сп;
for reinforcement of class At-IIIS, replace steel grades BSt5ps and VSt5ps
for St5ps, steel grades BSt5sp and VSt5sp ⎯ for St5sp.


Page 154

Appendix 2 shall be stated in a new edition.



Hire for embedded parts of structures,

Characteristic designed for operation at design temperature, ° С
embedded parts up to minus 30 incl. below minus 30 to
minus 40 incl.
Rental by Thickness Rental by Thickness
GOST 535-88 rolled, mm GOST 535-88 rolled, mm
1. Calculated on
efforts from loads:
a) static St3kp2-1 4⎯30 St3ps5-1 4⎯30
b) dynamic and multi-
multiple repetitive St3ps5-1 4⎯10 St3ps5-1 4⎯10

St3sp5-1 11⎯30 St3sp5-1 11⎯30

2. Constructive (not
calculated on
force effects) St3kp2-1 4⎯30 St3kp2-1 4⎯30

Notes: 1. The design temperature is taken according to

the instructions in clause 1.8.
2. For sheet metal, the rental group is not set
(St3kp2, St3ps5 to St3sp5).
3. Instead of the rental specified in the table according to GOST 535-88
use of shaped and sheet metal for
building steel structures in accordance with GOST 27772-88:
S235 ⎯ together St3kp2-1, 125/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *
S245 ⎯ "St3ps5-1,
S255 ⎯ "St3sp5-1.
4. With the appropriate feasibility study
it is allowed to use rolled products from semi-calm to calm steel
instead of the boiling and semi-calm indicated in the table, respectively,
as well as the use of rolled products of groups II and III.


About changes in SNpP 2.03.01-84

"Concrete and reinforced concrete
constructions "

NIIZhBom Gosstroy of the USSR developed and introduced a draft change No.
2 SNiP 2.03.01-84 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures".
The data change SNiP 2.03.01-84 are established
increased design resistances of wire reinforcement classes
Vr-I, V-II, Vr-II, K-7 and K-19 based on approved by Gosstandart
USSR changes in state standards for wire
reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures (GOST 6727-80, GOST
7348-81 and GOST 13840-68), which, in particular, increase


Page 155

strength characteristics of reinforcing wire with diameters 3 - 5

mm and ropes with diameters of 6⎯15 mm (up to the level of the best foreign
Implementation of these increased design resistances in projects
wire reinforcement according to NIIZhB data will allow achieving
annual savings of 70 thousand tons of steel (based on the annual volume
production of the specified wire reinforcement and taking into account that
a significant part of the Bp-I class wire is used as
structural reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures).
Simultaneously with this change SNiP 2.03.01-84 of the brand of rolled products from
carbon steel used for the manufacture of embedded products
concrete and reinforced concrete structures, brought in line with
introduced into force GOST 535-88 "Rolled sections and shaped from
carbon steel of ordinary quality. General technical
conditions "and GOST 380-88" Carbon steel of ordinary quality.
Stamps ".
the main thing control construction norms, standards and
resource saving considered the project submitted by NIIZhB
of the specified change SNiP, prepared it in the final
edition and asks to approve the attached amendment No. 2 SNiP
2.03.01-84 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures" with the term
effective from January 1, 1992

V. I. Baiko 126/127
12/3/2020 SNiP 2.03.01-84 *

155 127/127

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